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K TO 12 SPED TRANSITION CURRICULUM Enrichment Skills and Competencies

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K TO 12 SPED TRANSITION CURRICULUM Enrichment Skills and Competencies

Enrichment Skills and Competencies, August 2017 Page 1 of 32


Enrichment Skills and Competencies aims to provide access to a diverse range of educational and recreational opportunities that cater
to the interest and inclination of learners with disabilities. This is DepEd’s response to the necessity of offering an enrichment curriculum that
addresses the interests of the transition learners for them to live not only a functional and productive but also a happy life. It is also an
expression of DepEd’s commitment of providing LSENs with equal opportunities by harnessing their innate abilities and talents specifically in
Music, Movements, Arts, and Sports.


This curriculum is recommended to learners enrolled under the Transition Curriculum, who have shown interest in any one of the four areas
under the Transition Program Enrichment Curriculum, namely: Music, Movements, Arts, and Sports.
Likewise, since the thrust is moving towards inclusion, the enrichment skills program will benefit learners 12 years old and above who did not
undergo each grade level in the elementary and acquired disabilities later in life who would like to pursue their interest, talent and skills in
Music, Movements, Arts and Sports.

The learner has the option of which component to take. Before the learner gets into this transition program curriculum, he/she should be
given diagnostic/aptitude test. The result of the diagnostic test done will be the basis for the placement of the learners in specific area of the
enrichment program. Assessment of LSENs’ enrichment skills and competencies should be done continuously and whenever a significant
finding on this area is observed by the teacher. This program has no specific time duration or required number of hours. It can be done
anytime the learner is ready and can be modified when the need arises based on his Individualized Educational Plan. Post assessment will be
the basis to assist the learner to when to proceed further or make other options in the program for her/his best interest.

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K TO 12 SPED TRANSITION CURRICULUM Enrichment Skills and Competencies
Enrichment Skills and Competencies

MUSIC The learner demonstrates the basic and fundamental processes through performing, creating, listening,
observing and responding, towards the development of appreciation of music and acquisition of basic
knowledge and skill.
Note: This may also include knowledge on how to play specific musical instruments (ie, piano).
VISUAL ARTS The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and process in art through appreciation,
analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and
expansion of his/her world vision.
MOVEMENT The learner demonstrates understanding of body and space awareness, quality of effort, and movement
relationships through participation in enjoyable physical activities.
SPORTS The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of physical fitness through assessment and
participation in physical activities.


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I. Elements of Music  Rhythm A. Creates rhythmic activities 1. Identifies the difference
Demonstrates basic they enjoy between sound and silence
understanding of sound, silence accurately (for HI, the aid of
and rhythm pulse or vibrations is advised)

2. Performs echo clapping

3. Relates images to sound and

silence within a rhythmic pattern

4. Claps, taps, chants, walks and

plays percussion instruments with
accurate rhythm in response to
 in groupings of 2s
 in groupings of 3s
 in groupings of 4s

5.Performs the different rhythmic

activities using different medium
or with technology

 Melody B. Responds accurately to high 1. Identifies the pitch of a tone as

Demonstrates basic and low tones through body high or low
understanding of pitch and movements, singing, and playing
simple melodic patterns other sources of sounds 2. Sings/plays musical instrument
to produce simple melodic
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3. Matches the melody of a song
with the correct pitch vocally and
with body movements
 greeting songs
 counting songs
 action songs
4. Sings in pitch
 Rote singing, counting songs
 Echo singing, greeting songs

5.Sings in pitch individually or

with the group

5.Enjoy singing /playing musical

instrument with appropriate

6.Create music for enjoyment

with correct melody

7. Performs individually or as a
group in different activities
 Form C. Responds with precision to 1. Identifies with body
Demonstrates basic changes in musical lines with movements the
understanding of the concepts body movements  Beginnings
of musical lines beginnings,  Endings
endings and repeats in music  Repeats of a recorded music

2. Identifies similar or dissimilar

musical lines with the use of:
 Body movements
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 Geometric shapes or
3. Relates basic concepts of
musical forms to geometric
shapes to indicate understanding
 Same patterns
 Different patterns

4. Chooses the exact geometric

shapes that correspond to
musical form

5. Shows changes in musical lines

through body movements

6. Shows the parts of a song

through body movements

7.Creates music with concepts

learned on forms of music
 Timbre D. Distinguishes accurately the 1. Identifies the source of sounds
Demonstrates understanding of different sources of sounds wind, wave, swaying of the trees,
the basic concepts of timbre. heard and be able to produce a animal sounds, sounds produced
variety of timbres by machines, transportation,
through body movements

2. Responds appropriately to
differences in sounds heard
through body movement

3. Replicates the sounds heard

from different sources

4. Uses voice and other sources

of sound to produce a variety of
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5.Creates music with variety of

 Dynamics E. Creatively interprets with 1. Demonstrates dynamic
Demonstrates understanding of body movements the dynamic changes with movements
the basic concepts of dynamics levels to enhance poetry, chants,
drama, and musical stories 2. Uses the terms loud and soft to
identify volume changes

3. Relates the concepts of

dynamics to the movements of
 elephant walk – loud
 tiny steps of a mouse – soft

4. Interprets with body

movements the dynamics of a
 small movement –soft
 big movement – loud

5. Creates/produce sounds using

different dynamics
 Tempo F. Performs with accuracy varied 1. Mimic animals movements
Demonstrates understanding of tempo through movements or  horse – fast
the basic concepts of tempo dance steps to enhance poetry,  carabao – slow
chants, drama, and musical
stories 2. Demonstrates the basic
concepts of tempo through
 fast – slow- faster –slower
 gradually getting fast
 gradually getting slow
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3. Responds to varied tempo with
accurate movements or dance
 slow movement with slow
 fast movement with fast
4.Performs activities using
different medium with accurate

5. Create music demonstrating

basic concepts of tempo

 Texture G. Sings or plays songs to 1. Identifies unison sounds

Demonstrates understanding of involve oneself and experience (monophonic), vocal with
the basic concept of texture the concept of texture accompaniment (homophonic),
rounds and partner songs

2. Demonstrates awareness of
texture by using visual images

3. Distinguishes accurately single

musical line and multiple musical
lines, which occur simultaneously
in a given song.

4. Demonstrates the concept of

texture by singing two-part round
like the following:
 Are You Sleeping Brother
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 Row, Row Your Boat
Partner Songs:
 He’s Got the Whole World
In His Hands and Ten Little
 Pamulinawen and Leron-
leron Sinta
II. Music Appreciation A. Performs efficiently the 1. Listens to different types of
different types of music that music.
relates to visual arts and
emotion. 2. Associates music with the
Realistic – mellow, slow
Abstract- rock music
Local – Folk songs (makabayan

3. Uses music to calm down one’s


4. Watches different musical


5. Enjoys and choose their own

music/music icon
III. Music Performance A. Takes part in a musical Musical Instrument
ensemble: (Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, Lyres,
1. Choir Ukelele, Beat Box, Flute, Violin
2. Rondalla etc.
3. Band 1. Familiarizes oneself to the
musical instrument of his/her

2. Practices skills in playing the

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instrument of his/her interest

3. Applies skills in playing

different musical pieces.
4. Develop self- esteem by taking
part in group performance

5. Performs in program/activities
 classrooms
 school
 others
6. Participates in competitions
 District
 Division & other level

7.Pursue a hobby and interest in


1. Identifies the different vocal

2. Applies the different vocal

techniques in singing familiar
songs and other musical pieces.
 class programs
 school programs and other

3. Expresses own feelings

through singing to boost self-
confidence and self-esteem

4. Enhances opportunity in music

as a hobby or source of living

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MOVEMENTS I. Awareness of body parts in A. Performs with coordination 1. Describes the different parts of
preparation for participation in enjoyable movements the body and their movements
physical activities. through enjoyable physical

2. Distinguishes body directions

e.g. Left and right, up and down,
forward, sideward and backward.

3. Creates shapes by using

different body parts.

4. Shows balance on one, two,

three, four and five body parts

5. Exhibits transfer of weight

6. Recognizes the importance of

participating in fun and enjoyable
physical activities

7. Engages in fun and enjoyable

physical activities with
Suggested learning activities:
 Action songs
 Singing games
 Simple games
 Chasing and fleeing game

8.Observe safety in doing

different physical activities
II. Understanding of body A. Performs body shapes and 1. Describes body shapes and
shapes and body actions in actions properly. actions
preparation for various
movement 2. Demonstrates body shapes and
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3. Creates body shapes and

4. Demonstrates momentary
stillness in symmetrical and
asymmetrical shapes using body
parts other than both feet as a
base of support

5. Demonstrates appropriate
movement in response to sound,
cues, prompt and music

6. Exhibits correct body posture

7. Assesses body posture

8. Engages in fun and enjoyable

physical activities

 Suggested learning
Show videos to demonstrate
movements of sound for Hearing
III. Movement activities relating A. Performs correctly movement 1. Familiarizes in various
to person, objects, music and activities involving person, movement activities involving
environment objects, music and environment person, objects, music and

2. Moves:
 individual, with partner,
and with group
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 with ribbon, hoop, balls,
and any available
indigenous/ improvised
 with sound
 in indoor and outdoor

3. Demonstrates movement skills

in response to sound

4. Engages in fun and enjoyable

physical activities

5. Observes correct body posture

and body mechanics while
performing movement activities
Suggested learning activities
 Movement skills activities
(locomotor, non-locomotor and
manipulative skills)
 Action songs – Magtanim
Ay Di Biro
 Basic dance steps (step
close, step swing, waltz,
 Folk dances (Manang
 Rhythmic routines (ribbon,
hoop, balls, and any available
 relays and races

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6. Performs in a stage, theatre,
drama and similar activities with
correct expression & movements
IV. Space awareness in A. Performs movement skills in a 1. Identifies locomotor skills
preparation for participation in given space with coordination
physical activities 2. Moves within a group activity
without bumping or falling using
locomotors skills

3. Executes locomotor skills in

different directions at different
spatial levels
4. Engages in fun and enjoyable
physical activities with

5. Illustrates/demonstrates
acceptable responses to
challenges, successes, and
failures during participation in
motor fitness activities

6. Demonstrates acceptable
responses to challenges,
successes, and failures during
participation in physical activities

Suggested learning activities

 Action songs
 Singing games
 Simple games
 Chasing and fleeing games
 Mimetic

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7. Participate in different
activities/competitions using
appropriate movements;
 classrooms
 School Programs
 Community activities
V. Qualities of effort in A. Performs movements of 1. Describes the difference
preparation for participation in varying qualities of effort with between slow and fast, heavy and
physical activities coordination light, free and bound movements

2. Demonstrates contrast
between slow and fast speeds
while using locomotor skills
3. Demonstrates the difference
between heavy and light

4. Demonstrates the difference

between free and bound

5. Engages in fun and enjoyable

physical activities

6. Identifies the characteristics of

a good team player
VI. Relationships of movement A. Performs movements in 1. Identifies movement
skills in preparation for relation to a stationary or relationship
participation in physical activities moving object/person with
coordination. 2. Demonstrates relationship of

3. Follows simple instructions and

safety rules in performing
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different movements

4. Performs jumping over a

stationary object several times in
succession, using forward- and-
back and side-to-side movement

4. Enjoys participating in physical

Suggested learning activities
 action songs
 singing games
 simple games
 chasing and fleeing games
 mimetics
5. Shows interest in participating
in physical activities

6.Expresses ideas and feelings

through body movements
7. Engages in fun and enjoyable
physical activities individually or
in a group

8.Performs different movements

learned in creative activities such
as; cultural dance, folk dance and
modern dance

9.Create movements and dance

for self-expression and social
VISUAL ARTS Demonstrates understanding of A. Creates artworks using the 1. Identifies the different lines,
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the different art concepts such different art elements/concepts, shapes and texture seen in the
as elements, principles and principles and processes. surrounding.
I. Elements 2. Identifies colors, both in
Demonstrates understanding of natural and man-made objects,
the different art elements such seen in the surrounding.
 lines
 shapes
 texture 3. Identifies the art principles
 colors such as proportion, balance and
II. Principles variety and emphasis in an art
Demonstrates understanding of work.
the different art principles such
as such as : 4. Apply learned concepts in art in
 Balance different activities( flower
 Proportion arrangement, dish gardening,
 Variety landscaping )
 Emphasis
5.Use different art concepts for
personal and daily activities
III. Processes 6. Identifies different visual art
Demonstrates understanding of works.
the different art processes such
as : 7. Distinguishes between 2-
 Drawing dimensional and 3-dimensional
 Painting artworks.
 Printmaking
Sculpture/3D/2D 8.Observe and learn from the
actual artists the different

7.Integrate ICT and other

technology in the understanding
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of art processes

8.Enjoy and develop self -esteem

through the different art activities
IV. Art Appreciation A. Identifies creatively artistic 1. Identifies artistically designed
designs drawings, paintings, prints,
sculpture/3d/2d in his artworks
and in the artworks of others.

2. Expresses feeling of
satisfaction in creating his own

3. Observe different forms of arts

in different activities, exhibits and
V. Art Performance A. Takes part in art related 1. Applies techniques in creating
activities different kinds of artworks

2. Creates an artwork using

available materials found at
home, school and environment.

3.Creates artwork using ICT and


3. Participates in art related

activities in the school and the

4. Engages in Art exhibits,

showcase and other art activities

5.Uses art to express oneself.

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SPORTS I. Demonstrates understanding A. Familiarizes with the Philippine Physical Activity
of participation and assessment Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid
of physical activities and Pyramid Guide 1. Describes the physical activity
physical fitness. pyramid
(with appropriate physical/verbal

2. Explains/Tells the indicators for

(with appropriate verbal
3. Assesses regular participation
in physical activities based on
physical activity pyramid
(with appropriate verbal
4. Apply the concepts and
principles of PAPPG in choosing
different physical activities
without verbal assistance
5. Choose different physical
activities they enjoy
B. Assesses physical fitness Larong Pinoy and Paragames
1. Explains/Tells the nature/
background of the games
(with appropriate verbal
 Target games
o Tumbang-preso
o Tamaang-tao
o Tatsing

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 Striking/fielding games
o Syato
o Basagang palayok
o Sipa
o Mataya-taya
o Patintero

o Bocce
o Athletics
o Shotput
o Standing Long Jump
o Running Long Jump
o Sprint
o Goalball
o Swimming

 Ball Games
o Basketball
o Soccer
o Volleyball
o others

Note: Games are not limited to

the above listed activities

2. Describes the skills involved in

the games
(with appropriate verbal

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3. Observes safety precautions
(with appropriate verbal

4. Executes the different skills

involved in the game
(independently/competitively or
with appropriate physical

5. Displays joy of effort, respect

for others and fair play during
participation in physical activities
(with appropriate verbal

6. Recognizes the value of

participation in physical activities
(with appropriate verbal
7.Choose different physical
activities they enjoy

8.Make a hobby of the different

physical activities of their choice

9.Develop self-esteem in joining

different sports competition and
10.Apply learned values from
sports activities in daily living
(discipline etc..)

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C. Participates and assesses 1.Explains/Tells health and skill
performance in physical related fitness components
activities. (independently or with
appropriate verbal assistance)

3. Explains the indicators for

fitness (with appropriate verbal

2. Identifies areas for

improvement (independently or
with appropriate verbal

4.Uses different physical fitness

assessment result in choosing
sports and activities they enjoy
(independently or with




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