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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 6

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 6

Prepared by: Mary Mel I. Garcia

Kristel Rose S. Pasaol

Sara Mae Tom

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lessons, the students should be able to:
a. distinguish the different types of texture of a given musical piece;
b. perform accurately to a given song using the monophonic, homophonic,
and polyphonic type of music textures; and
c. demonstrate awareness of the importance of the concepts of textures.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Variations in Texture
Reference: MU6TX-IVc-d 1, EASE MUSIC module6
Materials: Pictures, realias, audio and recorded musical accompaniment
Content Standard: demonstrates the concept of texture as: 1.
monophonic (one voice) 2. homophonic (voice and accompaniment) 3.
polyphonic (many voices)
Performance Standard: performs accurately a given song with monophonic,
homophonic, and polyphonic textures
Values: Self-confidence and creativity

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
-Everybody stand up for the opening prayer.
-Sara, please lead the prayer. -In the name of the
Father of the son
and the holy spirit
Amen. Lord, Thank
you for the
blessings that we
receive each day.
Guide us in our
lesson for today
and help us to be a
good-listener. In
Jesus name we
pray, Amen. In the
name of the Father
of the son and the
holy spirit, Amen.
2. Greetings
-Good morning class! Good morning
teacher. Good
classmates, Good

3.Classroom Management

-Before you sit down, kindly pick up the pieces of (The pupils will
papers under your chair and arrange your chair arrange the chair
properly. and pick up the
-Okay everybody sit down. pieces of paper)

-Thank you

4. Attendance
-Mary Mel, who are the absent for today? -None teacher.
-Very Good!

5. Review
-Let us have a short recap in our lesson yesterday.
What was our topic yesterday? -Our topic
-Yes, Rey! yesterday is all
about variations of
-Very Good! tempo.
-Now, what are the variations of tempo?
-Yes, Kristel! -The variations of
tempo are allegro -
andante -
accelerando, largo,
-Very Good! presto and vivace.
-What is the importance of tempo in studying music?
-Yes, Charis? -Tempo helps to
understand the
way music
elements work
together to create
-Excellent! feelings and

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

-The Samals are Muslims who live in Tawi-Tawi, the

southernmost part of the Philippines. Among their
native traditions is the weaving of mats or banig.
They use the leaves of the pandanus, a plant that
grows abundantly in the area. Samal mats have four
general patterns: 1) stripes; 2) multi-coloured
squares;3) a checkered pattern of white and other
colors; and 4) a zigzag pattern.

(The teacher will bring a real woven mat or banig in

the class)

What is this class? A woven mat!

Very good!

It has vibrant colors

How do you describe this woven mat? Yes, Claire.
and is detailed.
Very good! Thank you, Claire.
It has different
Now, can someone touch this banig? Yes, John.
kinds of texture.
What can you feel?
And now class, I will play a popular Ilonggo lullaby
titled “Ili Ili Tulog Anay” performed in three different

(the teacher will play the song after song in different

versions, respectively.)

Class, take note of the differences in their textures.

Which version of “Ili Ili Tulog Anay” did you like best?
You may have noticed that as more instruments
were added to the performance, the texture of the
music became thicker. (the students will
listen attentively to
the songs)
Because our topic for today is all about Variations of

2. Discussion

Just like mats, fabrics, and many different kinds of

cloths, music is made up of one or more “threads” of
sounds that are woven together to produce various
textures. Refers to the relationships between one or
more melodies and other accompanying musical
sounds. This interweaving of melody and harmony
can produce a wide variety of textures, from a
relatively light, thin sound of a voice and flute duet to
the heavier, thick sound of an orchestra playing a
Beethoven symphony.

- But first, you will look at the simplest kind of texture

wherein one melody stands alone, without harmony
or accompaniment. This is called monophony.

Monophonic texture is made up of only one

melody, and this melody does not have a harmonic
accompaniment. In monophonic music, it does not
matter how many performers there are, as long as
they are all singing one and the same melodic line.
Example, a group of singers or instruments, in this
case, is performing in unison.

(the teacher will play a song the students

“Bulaklakan,” a song of the Iraya Mangyan as an

The other kind of texture is called homophonic.

Music that has homophonic texture is made up of
one melody backed up by harmonic accompaniment
(chords). For example, students during a flag
ceremony sing the National Anthem in unison with
piano accompaniment. An orchestra could also play
the National Anthem, and it would still be

Bedouin design (Saudi Arabia)

(the teacher will again play a song “Ili Ili Tulog Anay”
as an example)

While the third and last texture of music is called

polyphony, the combination of two or more melodic
lines sung or played at the same time. In
polyphonic texture, each melodic line can stand
alone and does not need the accompaniment of

T’boli weave (Mindanao)

(the teacher will play “Magtanim ay Di Biro” in the
class as an example)

Do you understand class? -Yes teacher.

3.Group Activity

At this point, we will be having our group activity: “A

Melody in Many ways.”

(the teacher will divide the class in three groups

according to the three types of texture- Monophonic,
Homophonic, and Polyphonic texture)

Okay, class. You may now go to your group.

What you are going to do is to perform the different

variations of texture based on the assign texture of
your group.

In rating your performance I have here a rubric that

will be the bases of your performance.

(1) (2-3) (4-5)
Appropriateness The assign The assign The assign
variation of variation of variation of Group 1-
texture was texture was texture was Monophonic
not observed observed a highly
in the little in the observed in Group 2-
performance. performance. the Homophonic
Melody Couldn’t sing Sings entire Sings entire Group 3-
most of the song with song with Polyphonic
melody only 1-2 appropriate
lapses in melody.
Performance Couldn’t sing Sings with Sings with
Delivery little enthusiasm
enthusiasm and energy
and energy during the
during entire entire song.
Teamwork Does not Usually helps Works to
work well with to complete complete all
others and group goals, group goals.
shows no usually has a Always has a
interest in positive positive
completing attitude about attitude about
group task. the task and the task and
Often makes work of works of
fun of the others. others.
work of
others and
has a


Okay class what is texture?

Yes, Micah!

It is the weaving
together of the
Very Good! melodic and
Texture may be described as thin and light, or thick harmonic elements
and heavy. It is determined by the timbre or tone of a musical
color of the voice(s) or instrument(s) used to perform composition.
the music, the number or size of performers, and the
manner by which one or more melodies are

Always remember class that, musical texture can be

monophonic (one melody without accompaniment);
this is what happens in unison singing. It can be
homophonic (one melody with accompaniment), as
in most choral and instrumental performances of
well-loved songs. It can also be polyphonic (two or
more melodies), like in the case of partner songs,
rounds, canons, and music that make use of
counterpoint and descants.

Now class, why it is important that we need to study

the variations of texture?

Yes, Jolina!

It is important
teacher because it
will help us to
Very Good. determined what
the timbre or tone
Always bear in your mind class that, color of the voice.
In music, texture is the overall quality of sound of a
piece, most often indicated by the number
of voices in the music

Do you understand class?

Yes teacher.

5. Application

Direction: Distinguish the different types of texture of

a given musical piece and listen attentively in the
music being played. Write your answer in your

1. Unsquare Dance by: Dave Brubeck

2. Someone Like You By: Adele 1. Monophonic
3. Leron-Leron Sinta Texture
4. Sitsiritsit Alibangbang 2. Homophonic
5. Mary had a little Lamb Texture
3. Polyphonic
4. Polyphonic
5. Monophonic

IV. Evaluation

Test I

Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the

statement is false.

____ 1. Texture is the weaving together of melody

and harmony in music.
____ 2. Mixed texture combines monophony,
homophony, and polyphony.
____3. Mixed texture is made up of more than one
melody plus a harmonic accompaniment.
____ 4. In heterophonic texture, two or more voices
or instruments elaborate or improvise on the same
melody at the same time.
____ 5.The performance of the National Anthem by
a solo soprano has a thinner texture than that of the
Philippine Madrigal Singers.

Test II

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Music with one melody and harmonic

accompaniment is ____________.
a. monophonic b. homophonic
c. polyphonic d. heterophonic
2. Music with one melody and no harmonic
accompaniment is ____________.
a. monophonic b. polyphonic
c. homophonic d. heterophonic
3. Music with more than one melody without
harmonic accompaniment is called _____________.
a. monophonic b. polyphonic
c. homophonic d. heterophonic
4. Music with a melody and two or more
simultaneous elaborations or improvisations of it is
called _____________.
a. monophonic b. polyphonic
c. homophonic d. heterophonic
5. An example of monophonic music is
_____________ singing.
a. round b. canon
c. unison d. partner

V. Assignment

Okay class, get your assignment notebook and copy


Direction: Listen to five different versions of the

familiar French round “Frere Jacques.” Identify the
texture of each version by choosing the correct
answer from the boxes below. Write the letters of
your answers on the blanks.
1. ____ Version 1
2. ____ Version 2
3. ____ Version 3
4. ____ Version 4
5. ____ Version 5
Everybody stand up and let us pray.

Goodbye class! -(Pupils stand and

-Goodbye and
thank you teacher.
Goodbye. See you
tomorrow morning.

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