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Ecological status and diversity indices of Panchaule

(Dactylorhiza hatagirea) and its associates in Lete village

of Mustang district, Nepal
C. B. Khadka1, A. L. Hammet2, A. Singh3, M. K. Balla3 and Y. P. Timilsina3

This paper focuses on the ecological status and diversity indices: Simson’s Index (C),
Simson’s Index of Dominance (D) and Shannon-Weaver Index (H) of Dactylorhiza
hatagirea and its associates- Rheum australe and Rumex nepalensis in Lete village of
Mustang District within the Annapurna Conservation Area. The study was conducted
during the monsoon season (June/July) of 2013 in the Lete VDC of Mustang District.
The study site possessed an area of 4.5 ha. Altogether, 100 circular plots, each with
25 m2 area, were laid out purposively within the study area; the sampling intensity
being 5.55%. The relative frequency, the relative density, the abundance, the relative
coverage and the Important Value Index of the species were found to be 61.11, 53.91,
1,061.54, 72.2 and 187.24 respectively. Similarly, the Simson’s Index (C), the Simson’s
Index of Dominance (D) and the Shannon-Weaver Index of the species were found to
be 0.41, 0.59 and 3.27 respectively, indicating relatively even and relatively diverse
community. The study showed relatively higher values of all the parameters of D.
hatagirea as compared to its associates indicating good ecological value. However,
threats remain due to the illegal harvesting of this valuable orchid and overgrazing in
the study site.

K e y w or d s : Biodiversity, community, conservation, medicinal plants

N epal constitutes a unique and enormous

diversity of flora and fauna within a relatively
small geographical area due to variations in
the development and commercialisation of
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) as a
priority programme for poverty alleviation.
topography, altitude and climate. In spite of being This shows the commitment of the government
a small country, it possesses around 7,000 species for conservation and management of medicinal
of vascular plants with 2,000 species of medicinal plants in the nation. Rare and high-priced
plants (Shrestha and Shrestha, 1999). Baral and medicinal herbs are on the top priority for
Kurmi (2006) have compiled and described 1,792 their domestication, research and cultivation,
medicinal plants. According to Bhattarai and processing and marketing.
Ghimire (2006), 49% of the traded medicinal
plants are herbs, 29% trees, 14% shrubs and 8% MAPs of high altitudes are invaluable resources
climbers. So, Nepal is a veritable treasure trove of not only to the local communities and the nation,
medicinal plants (Phoboo et al., 2008). but also to the global community at large. They
have high ecological as well as economical
During the last 10 years, a great interest has been values, and so the poor rural communities are
given for the promotion of Non-Timber Forest highly dependent on them for their livelihoods.
Products (NTFPs) throughout the world. Huge
sums have been invested in exploring the potential Out of many MAPs, Dactylorhiza hatagirea
of NTFPs (Wollenberg, 1999). Nepal is also not (D. Don) Soo under the family of Orchidaceae
far from this condition. The Master Plan for commonly known as “Panchaunle” in Nepali
Forestry Sector (1988), Forest Policy (2015) and has been listed in Appendix II by the Convention
the Thirteenth Plan (2013–2016) had emphasized on International Trade in Endangered Species

Chitwan National Park, Chitwan, Nepal. Email :
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia, USA
Institute of Forestry, Pokhara, Nepal

Banko Janakari, Vol. 26, No. 1 Khadka et al.
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), vulnerable hatagirea is one of them (DPR, 2006). According
species listed by the Conservation Assessment to Forest Act 1993 and Forest Regulation
and Management Plan (CAMP) and threatened 1995, the Government of Nepal has banned the
species by the International Union for collection, trade and processing of the rhizome of
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (Samant et al., D. hatagirea.
2001). This Himalayan endemic medicinal orchid
is found in Hindu Kush Himalaya range (IUCN, As with many other terrestrial orchids, the
2004). It occurs in the sub-alpine and the alpine populations of D. hatagirea have decreased
zones between 2,800 m – 4,200 m altitude above due to their habitat loss. Another threat to D.
the mean sea level (IUCN, 2004). Other than hatagirea is the collection of their tubers to make
Nepal Himalayas, it occurs in the same altitudinal salep (paste made to cure wounds), used as food
ranges of India, Pakistan, Bhutan and China too. and medicine. This is a particularly important
threat in the Himalayas (Srivastava and Mainera,
It is a terrestrial-ground-dwelling perennial 1994), where D. hatagirea is judged critically
herb. Its stem is erect, hollow and obtuse, and endangered (CAMP, 1998) due to their over-
bears palmately lobed and lanceolate leaves with collection. Thus, several species of D. hatagirea
sheathing leaf-base. The cylindrical and terminal are declining, and some are already protected at
spike bears rosy purple flowers with green bracts a national scale, e.g., in Belgium, Luxembourg,
(Fig. 1). Flowers are 1.7–1.9 cm long with curved Nepal, and the United Kingdom (Pillon et al.,
spur. The inflorescence consists of a compact 2005).
raceme with 25 to 50 flowers developed from
axillary buds. The dark purple spotted lip of the The concept of diversity, including biodiversity
flower is rounded and lobed (1 to 5). The plants itself as well as the narrower concept of species
store a large amount of water in their tuberous diversity, is a human reflection without any
roots to survive in arid conditions (Chaurasia et unique mathematical meaning. The simplest
al., 2007). measure of species diversity is species richness,
but a good case can be made for giving some
weight to evenness as well. Diversity indices are
mathematical functions that combine richness
and evenness in a single measure, although
usually not explicitly. Although there are many
others, the most commonly used diversity indices
in ecology are Shannon Diversity, Simpson
Diversity, and Fisher’s Alpha. Both Shannon and
Simpson diversities increase as richness increases,
for a given pattern of evenness, and increase
as evenness increases, for a given richness, but
they do not always rank communities in the
same order. Simpson Diversity is less sensitive
to richness and more sensitive to evenness as
compared to Shannon Diversity, which, in turn, is
more sensitive to evenness than is a simple count
of species richness (S) (Colwell, 2009).

There are very few studies conducted especially

regarding ecological status and diversity of D.
hatagirea. There is a lack of management and
conservation plan from the government side.
Fig. 1: D. hatagirea plant Similarly, lack of awareness of importance
regarding D. hatagirea among the rural villagers
The Government of Nepal has prioritized 30 is leading towards the extinction of this valuable
important medicinal plants for the purpose of species. Although it is a banned species, its unwise
their research and management. Among those, 12 harvesting, unscientific use and illegal trading
plants have been selected for agro-technology. D. are in practice which in turn is resulting in the

Khadka et al. Banko Janakari, Vol. 26, No. 1
reduction of net income of the primary collectors Sampling Design
and the government revenue. The objectives of
the research study were: The inventory was carried out in 4.5 ha during the
monsoon season (June/July) in 2013. A 21 m x 21
i) to document the ecological status of D. m grid (plot to plot distance) was laid on the map
hatagirea and its associates in the study site, and, altogether, 100 plots were established using
and the Arc Map Geographical Information System
ii) to calculate diversity indices of D. hatagirea (GIS) Software of version 10; the sampling
and its associates in the study site. intensity being 5.55% (the greater intensity was
due to the small area of the study site). Among the
100 plots, the plants of D. hatagirea were found
Materials and methods in 34 plots only. The sample plots were chosen
Study area purposively so that the plots where the plants
of D. hatagirea and its associates were found
The study was conducted in Paplekharka, a grass would not be left during the field inventory as the
land situated in the Lete Village Development topography in some plots was either rocky or stiff
Committee (VDC) of Mustang District (Fig. 2) or with dense forest cover or barren (Fig. 3).
which lies in the Annapurna Conservation Area
o o
Mustang District lies between 28 24’ N to 29 20’
o o
N latitude and 83 30’ E to 84 15’ E longitude. The
altitudinal range varies from 1,372 m to 8,167
m above the mean sea level representing sub-
tropical, temperate and alpine types of climate
(Ranapal, 2009). The Lete VDC lies within the
Jomsom Unit Conservation Office (UCO) of the
Lower Mustang which is a transition between
the Trans-Himalaya and the Inner Himalaya. The
Fig. 3: Google Image (20-11-2014) of the Lete
VDC receives 1,545 mm annum rainfall (ACAP,
VDC showing the location of the sample plots
2009). It consists of deep gorges made by the
for the inventory of D. hatagirea
Kaligandaki River.
All the plants of D. hatagirea found in 26 plots
were measured. The number of plots in which
D. hatagirea was absent was 15 (in which other
herbs were also present) excluding the plots
with barren, forest, rocky and stiff topography.
Similarly, out of the total 100 plots, 20 plots
included barren area, 16 plots forest area and 23
plots rocky and stiff area in which inventory was
not possible.

Study methods
Primary data collection

The primary data was collected through

reconnaissance survey and herb inventory. First
of all, a reconnaissance survey was carried out for
general field observation, rapport building with
the local people and the ACAP personnel about
the trail of the location where D. hatagirea w as
found. Besides, a sketch map was also prepared
Fig. 2: Landuse map of the study site for carrying out the field inventory smoothly.

Banko Janakari, Vol. 26, No. 1 Khadka et al.
Generally, 1 m × 1 m sample plots are used for No. of species in all plots x 100
inventory of herbs. However, as D. hatagirea D) Relative Density =
Total no. of individuals of all species
is a low abundant herb, circular sample plots
of 25 m2 were established as recommended No. of species in all plots x 10,000 m2
E) Abundance =
by Ravindranath and Premnath (1997). All the No. of plots in which a species occurs x area of a plot
plants of D. hatagirea and its associate species
were counted and their mean height, mean collar Area occupied by a species x 100
F) Coverage (%) =
diameter (5 cm above the ground) and mean age Area of a sample plot
were measured within the sample plots. The mean
Coverage of a species x 100
age of D. hatagirea was calculated by summing up G) Relative Coverage (%) =
all the ages of D. hatagirea plants and dividing by Total coverage of all species
the number of plots where D. hatagirea occurred. H) Important Value Index (IVI)=Relative Frequency+Relative
Similar process was repeated to calculate the Density+Relative Coverage
mean height and the mean collar diameter of I) Simson’s (1949) Index (C) = ∑ (Pi)2 and
the species. A Global Positioning System (GPS)
J) Simson’s Index of Dominance (D) = 1 - ∑ (Pi)2,
set was used to locate the plots, and a 20–meter
Reel Tape was used to measure the radius of the Where, Pi is the proportion of the important value
plot. Similarly, Vernier Calliper was used to find of the ith species (Pi = ni/N, ni being the IVI of the
out the collar diameter of the herb whereas a 5– ith species and N being the Important Value of all
feet Steel Tape was used to detect the height of species)
the herb. An Inventory Sheet was developed to
record the details for calculating the ecological The Simpson’s Index values range from 0 to 1.
status and the diversity indices of the species. The closer the value of Simpson’s Index to 0, the
more diverse the plot will be. A plot with only one
Secondary data collection species would have a Simpson’s Index value of 1.
Trends are opposite to those found for Shannon-
The secondary data were obtained with the help Weaver values since Simpson’s Index values
of the annual reports, newsletters, bulletins, decrease with increased diversity (Reich et al.,
journals, dissertations, publications, maps and so 2001). In practice, the values below 0.5 indicate a
on available in the ACAP Libraries as well as at relatively even community, while high values are
the Department of Forest Research and Survey indicative of communities dominated by one or a
(DFRS), the Institute of Forestry (IoF) and the few species.
International Centre for Integrated Mountain
Development (ICIMOD). Additional information K) Shannon-Weaver (1949) Index (H) = – ∑(i=1)(pi) x ln (pi),
were also acquired through internet. Where, H = index of species diversity, and
Data analysis and interpretation Pi = the proportion of the important value of ith
species (Pi = ni/N, ni is the important value index
The information obtained from the herb inventory of the ith species and N is the important value of
was analyzed using the Statistical Package for all species)
Social Science (SPSS) Software version 19. The
results were then presented in the form of tables, Due to its logarithmic nature, the Shannon-
graphs and charts. The quantitative data was Weaver Index is sensitive to uncommon plant
analyzed as follows: species and less sensitive to very common species
(Krebs, 1989). The Shannon-Weaver Index can,
No. of plots where species occcurs x 100
A) Frequency = theoretically, range from zero (a community
Total no. of plots with only one species, which is technically just
a “population”) to infinity. In practice though, a
Frequency of species x 100
B) Relative Frequency = value of 7 indicates an extremely rich community
Sum of all frequency
while values under 1 suggest a community with
No. of species in all plots x 10,000 m2 low diversity. Often, values above 1.7 are taken
C) Density = to indicate a relatively diverse community. The
Total no. of plots x area of a plot
qualitative data was analyzed descriptively.

Khadka et al. Banko Janakari, Vol. 26, No. 1

Results and discussion has indicated the occurrence of D. hatagirea in

Paplekharka as 71%. Similarly, Rheum australe
Distribution of D. hatagirea was found to have an occurrence of 8% as
compared to 65% found by Ranapal (2009).
A total of two scientifically identified herbs viz. On the other hand, Rumex nepalensis had an
Himalayan rhubarb (Rheum australe) and Nepal occurrence of 20% (Fig. 4).
dock (Rumex nepalensis) were found in the project
site with dominance of D. hatagirea (Table 1).
The altitudinal range of habitat distribution of
D. hatagirea in the study site was from 3,200 m
to 3,600 m above sea level, which was similar to
the study done by Ranapal (2009). The aspect of
habitat distribution of D. hatagirea in the study
site was South-West.

Mean height, collar diameter, number of

leaves and age of D. hatagirea

The height, collar diameter and age of each D.

hatagirea plant were measured in each plot in
which a total of 69 D. hatagirea plants were
found in 26 measured plots. Fig. 4: Frequency of D. hatagirea and its
From the inventory, it was found out that the mean
height of D. hatagirea was 91.08 cm which was Relative frequency of D. hatagirea and its
greater than 41.97 cm found by Ranapal (2009) associates
and 60 cm by Dutta (2007). Ranapal (2009) used
three individual plants (tall, medium and short) Relative frequency is the frequency of a species
to calculate the mean height of D. hatagirea. in relation to other species. The relative frequency
Similarly, the diameters (at 5 cm above the of D. hatagirea was high (69%) as compared to
ground) of D. hatagirea plants were measured, its two associates. However, according to Ranapal
and the mean diameter was calculated. The mean (2009), it was 17%. The species having the lowest
frequency were Rumex nepalensis (22%) and the
collar diameter at 5 cm above the ground was
Rheum australe (9%).
found to be 1.63 while the mean age was found
to be of 2 years and the mean number of leaves Density of D. hatagirea and its associates
was found to be 5. The difference in height might
be due to the methodology used as well as the This study showed the highest density of 276
age/topographic/soil/climate factors. The greater per ha of the Himalayan orchid (D. hatagirea)
number of D. hatagirea was found in the South- as compared to its associates (Table 2). This
west aspect. was comparatively far lower than the one (1,671
per ha) indicated by Ranapal (2009). The big
Frequency of D. hatagirea and its associates difference might be due to the smaller area (4.5
ha) of the project site taken during the research
The study shows 72% occurrence of D. hatagirea period. The least number was that of Nepal dock
in the sample plots. However, Ranapal (2009) with 80 per ha which might be due to the least
Table 1: List of identified herbs in the sample plots
S.N. Local name English name Scientific name Family Nature of plant
1. Panchaunle Himalayan Orchid Dactylorhiza hatagirea Orchidaceae Herb
(D. Don) Soo
2. Padamchal Himalayan Rhubarb Rheum australe D. Polygonaceae Herb
3. Halhale Nepal Dock Rumex nepalensis Polygonaceae Herb

Banko Janakari, Vol. 26, No. 1 Khadka et al.
distribution of this species in the plot and heavy Coverage and relative coverage of D. hatagirea
grazing pressure. The density of D. hatagirea w as and its associates
reported to be 0.2 individuals per m2 in Samar
Lek of the Upper Mustang (Chhetri and Gupta, D. hatagirea was found to have the highest
2006). The next reported density of D. hatagirea coverage (26%) and highest relative coverage
was 2.66 per m2 in the grazed sites and 3.2 per m2 (72.2%) as compared to those of Rheum australe
in the ungrazed sites at Tungnath, India (Nautiyal and Rumex nepalensis (Table 4). The highest
et al., 2004). The low density in the unprotected coverage of D. hatagirea was due to the highest
areas might be due to heavy grazing pressure. number of plots in which it occurred as compared
to its associates.
Table 2: Density of D. hatagirea along with its
associates Table 4: Coverage and relative coverage of D.
hatagirea along with its associates
S.N. Species Density per ha
S.N. Species Coverage Relative
1. D. hatagirea 276
(%) Coverage (%)
2. Rheum australe 156 1. D. hatagirea 26.00 72.22
3. Rumex nepalensis 80 2. Rheum australe 7.00 19.45
3. Rumex 3.00 8.33
Relative density of D. hatagirea and its nepalensis
associates Total 36.00 100.00
Relative density is the density of a species with
respect to the total density of all species (Ranapal, Important Value Index of D. hatagirea and its
2009). In the study site, D. hatagirea was found associates
to have the highest relative density (53.91%) as
compared to those of its associates (Table 3). D. hatagirea was found to have the highest IVI
However, the study conducted by Ranapal (2009) (187.24) as compared to its two associates (Table
indicated the relative density of D. hatagirea to 5), indicating its dominance in the study site.
be quite low, only 9% or 0.09. The big difference
Table 5: Important Value Index of D. hatagirea
in the relative density of this species might be
along with its associates
because of the smaller area (4.5 ha) of the project
site taken during the research period. S.N. Species IVI
1. D. hatagirea 187.24
Table 3: Relative density of D. hatagirea along
with its associates 2. Rheum australe 69.35
3. Rumex nepalensis 32.29
S.N. Species Density per ha
Total 288.88
1. D. hatagirea 53.91
2. Rheum australe 30.47
Diversity indices for D. hatagirea and its
3. Rumex nepalensis 15.62 associates
Total 100.00
The Simson’s Index (C) and the Simson’s Index
of Dominance (D) were found to be 0.41 and 0.59,
Abundance of D. hatagirea and its associates respectively (Table 6), indicating relatively even
Rumex nepalensis was found to have the highest community and higher dominance of one species
abundance of 2,666.67 per ha followed by Rheum i.e. D. hatagirea in the study site. Similarly, the
australe with 2,228.57 per ha with the Himalayan Shannon-Weaver Index (H) was found to be 3.27,
orchid having the least abundance of 1,061.54 per indicating relatively diverse community in the
ha. However, the abundance of D. hatagirea as study site. The difference was due to the presence
reported by Ranapal (2009) was higher (2,367 per of the greater number of D. hatagirea individuals
ha) than the one found in this study; the difference as compared to its two associates. The diversity
might be due to the least number of Himalayan of the species in the study site was, therefore, not
orchid plants found in the study area. satisfactory.

Khadka et al. Banko Janakari, Vol. 26, No. 1
Table 6: Simson’s index of dominance and for their necessary support, and Department of
Shannon-Weaver Index for D. hatagirea and National Parks and Wildlife Conservation for
its associates allowing permission to conduct the research in
the study area.
Diversity Index Value Remarks
Simsons' Index 0.41 Relatively even References
(C) community
Simsons' Index 0.59 Higher dominance ACAP. 2009. Management Plan of Annapurna
of Dominance of one species i.e. Conservation Area (2009–2012). Annapurna
(D) D. hatagirea Conservation Area Project, Pokhara, Nepal.
Shanon-Weaver 3.27 Relatively diverse Baral, S. R. and Kurmi, P. P. 2006. A Compendium
Index (H) community of Medicinal Plants in Nepal. Kathmandu,

Conclusion Bhattarai, K. R. and Ghimire, M. D. 2006.

Commercially important medicinal and
The study revealed that frequency, relative aromatic plants of Nepal and their distribution
frequency, relative density, relative abundance pattern and conservation measure along the
and relative coverage of D. hatagirea w e re elevation gradient of the Himalayas. Banko
higher as compared to its two associates- Rhuem Janakari 16 (1): 3–13.
australe and Rumex nepalensis. This indicated CAMP. 1998. Executive Summary Report
the good ecological status of D. hatagirea in the of the Conservation Assessment and
study area. However, the value of Simson’s Index Management Plan (CAMP) of the
(C) indicated the relatively even community and Biodiverity Conservation Prioritisation
the Simson’s Index of Dominance (D) indicated Project on Selected Medicinal Plants of
the dominance of one species i.e. D. hatagirea Northern, North-eastern and Central
while the value of the Shannon-Weaver Index (H) India. [
indicated relatively diverse community i.e. the pillon2006.pdf accessed on 29 March, 2014.
plant diversity was found to be not satisfactory,
suggesting for necessary actions for the Chaurasia, O. P., Ahmed, Z. and Ballabh, B.
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the study area. Further research is recommended Himalaya. Satish Serial Publishing House,
on an annual basis so as to maintain database Delhi, India.
on the population dynamics and the harvesting Chhetri, H. B. and Gupta, V. N. P. 2006. NTFP
level of this valuable medicinal plant. Research potential of Upper Mustang, a Trans-
on genetic diversity using Molecular Marker Himalayan region in western Nepal. Scientific
Technique is also recommended to compare the World 4 (4): 38–43.
genetic diversities of the populations of this orchid
at different locations of Nepal. Although the Colwell, R. K. 2009. “Biodiversity: Concepts,
occurrence of D. hatagirea was found to be higher Patterns and Measurement”. In The Princeton
than its two associates, the illegal harvesting of Guide to Ecology (ed) Levin, S.A. Princeton
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Foundation, United Kingdom for financial Ethnic Uses and Cultivation. Hill Side
support to conduct the study. We are grateful to Press, Kathmandu, Nepal.
the research assistants, the community people of
IUCN. 2004. National Register of Medicinal
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and Aromatic Plants. International Union

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