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Fast Track Troubleshooting: Model: WF461ABP/XAA WF461ABW/XAA

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Fast Track Troubleshooting

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE – “For Technicians Only” This service data sheet is
Model: intended for use by persons having electrical, electronic, and mechanical experience
and knowledge at a level generally considered acceptable in the appliance repair trade.
WF461ABP/XAA Any attempt to repair a major appliance may result in personal injury and property
WF461ABW/XAA damage. The manufacturer or seller cannot be responsible, nor assume any liability for
injury or damage of any kind arising from the use of this data sheet.
Revision Date 4-30-2012

Quick Test Mode Service Mode:

To enter press Spin, Soil, & Power simultane- This mode allows more detailed operation tests and
ously with the power off. troubleshooting, to enter press Signal & Extra Rinse
simultaneously with the power on.
1. All LED’s light up and the washer beeps as it While in Service Mode the following tests can be per-
enters the Quick Test Mode. formed:
2. After the displaying the software version, LCD Quick Spin Test = Delay Start & Extra Rinse: This accel-
will display Model information. If EEEE is displayed erates the drum motor from 0 to maximum RPM over a
the PCB ass’y is defective. few minutes. Note: Stay with the washer during this test,
4. When the version is displayed, turn the Jog-Dial out of balance detection may be bypassed. Press the Start/
CCW so that the “TST” is displayed. Press the fol- Pause button during the test to hold its spinning speed for 10
lowing keys to test the various components: minutes before going back to Quick Spin Test Mode. Press
and hold the Delay Start & Extra Rinse button to continue.
Cycle Count = Press the Signal button to see how many
Press Temp Key to cycle through the Water Valves times
circuit test (lock the door first) in this order: Pre-Wash, the unit was used
Bleach, Cold Main, Hot, & Steam, then off. Soft Ware # = Press the Soil button to see the software ver-
Press Spin Key to test Door Lock/Unlock circuit information
Fault Code Test = Press the Spin button to view the stored
Press Steam Level Key to test Circulation/Drain Pump. fault codes – then turn Jog Dial to view error codes (Push
Start/Pause while the code is displayed to view the number of
cycles since the error occurred, Push Start/Pause to go back
Press Soil Key to test the Water/Steam Heater. to faults)
Peripheral (Main PCB) input Tests:
Press My Cycle to test the Blower motor 1. Select Extra Wash. Then turn the Jog-Dial so that the
Heavy Duty LED is turned on. Next, press the Start/Pause
When either Test or Spin is displayed on the LCD, Key. The Water Temperature will be displayed in Fahrenheit.
press Start/Pause key to conduct the motor test. 2. Select Extra Wash. Then turn the Jog-Dial so that the
Permanent Press LED is turned on. The door status will be
displayed (OP if open, CL if closed).
EEPROM Clear Check 3. Select Extra Wash. Then turn the Jog-Dial so that the Sani-
Power off, Press Delay Start, Signal and Power Key at tize LED is turned on. The door lock Switch status will be dis-
played (UL if unlocked, Lo if locked).
the same time. Good = Good Fail = FAiL 4. Select Extra Wash. Then turn the Jog-Dial so that the Bed-
All memory will be cleared, including Fault Codes ding Plus is turned on. The Water Frequency will be dis-
6-2. Connector and Relay Port Part Detailed Manual (Main PCB)

► CN10
1. AC Power Port 3. DRAIN_PUMP 8. COOL VALVE
2. Door Detection Sensor(LOCK, UNLOCK) 4. DOOR_UNLOCK 9. HOT VALVE

3 1

► CN7 1 10
1. Reactor Connection Port
2. Reactor Connection Port
2 1 5 6

► CN2
► CN5 3 2. NC
1. Motor Power (W Phase)
2. Motor Power (V Phase) 1 5
1 4. NC
3. Motor Power (U Phase)

► CN3
1 4
1. 5V
2. Hole Sensor Signal
3. Hole Sensor Signal
1 9 4. GND
1 9

► CN4 ► CN10
1. 5V 6. DRST 1. TXD 6. 15V
2. NC 7. FLMD0 2. RXD 7. NC
5. DMS 5. GND

62 _ PCB Diagram
4. Troubleshooting

4-1. Error modes

► This is a washer integrated error mode. For detailed information, refer to the general repair scripts.

Error Type Causes Remarks
- The part of the hose where the water level sensor is
located is damaged (punctured).
- The hose is clogged with foreign material.
- The hose is folded.
Water Level - Too much lubricant has been applied to the insertion
461 1E
Sensor part of the air hose.
- Hose engagement error (disengaged)
- Part fault (Faulty internal soldering)
- The water level sensor terminal is disengaged.
- Main PBA fault.
- The PBA connector terminal is not connected. This error
- The motor spin net is not engaged. occurs because
- The motor’s internal coil is damaged (short-circuited of restrained
or cut) revolutions
- The hall sensor terminal is not connected. This error
- Foreign material (a screw) has entered the motor. occurs when an
- Motor overloaded due to too much laundry (Non- interference is
sensing) generated due
- The motor hall sensor terminal is not connected. to too much
Motor Driving laundry, etc.
Error and Hall 3E - PBA fault
Sensor Error - The motor driving error from the PBA is weak.
: Unstable relay operation, etc.
- This occurs due to erroneous operating signals from
the motor hall sensor.
- The IPM terminal of the main PBA is not connected.
- The DD motor cover is out of place.
- The PCB housing terminal is not connected.
- PBA fault
- DD motor fault
- Foreign material is entering the water supply valve.
- The water supply valve terminal is not connected.
(Wire disconnected)
If this error
- The warm water and rinse connectors are wrongly
occurs in the
connected to each other.
Wool course
- This occurs if the PCB terminal from the drain hose
nF to the detergent drawer is not connected. Check
Water Supply whether the transparent hose is folded or torn.
The water
supplied for 1
- The cold and warm water supply hoses are wrongly
minute drying
engaged into each other.
the drying cycle
is 0.3 ~ 0.4 L.
- The water temperature is sensed as higher than 50 ˚C
in the Wool or Lingerie or Delicates courses.
- The pump motor impeller is damaged internally.
- The wrong voltage (220 V → 110 V) is supplied to the
- Part fault
- This occurs due to freezing in the winter season
Drain Error nd - The drain hose is clogged. (Injection error, foreign
- Clogged with foreign material
- The water pump terminal is not connected: rubber
band, bills, cotton, hair pins, coins have collected
inside the drain pump ASSY.

Troubleshooting _ 25
Error Type Causes Remarks
- Check the consumer’s power conditions.
: Make sure to check the operating voltage. Connect
a tester to the internal power terminals during the
Boil or Dry operations and observe the washing
machine’s operation carefully.
Power Error - : Check the voltages. (An error occurs when under
or over voltage is supplied.)
: Check whether a plug receptacle is used. When
the connecting wire is 1m, a momentary low
voltage may drop up to 10 V
- Main PBA fault (sometimes)

- The signals between the sub and main PBAs are not
sensed because of commuication error.
- Check the connector connections between the sub
- and main PBAs carefully.
→ Check for incorrect or loose connections, etc.
- Remove the sub PBA C/Panel and check for any
faulty soldering.

- The Power button is pressed continually (for more

than 30 Seconds).
- A switch is jammed or stuck due to be pressed
unevenly due to deformation of the control panel or
- This error may occur when the screws that hold the
sub PBA in place are tightened too much.
- A button other than the Power button is continually
pressed (for more than 30 seconds).
- Deformation of an internal plastic injection part
Switch Error - A screw for assembling the sub PBA is tightened too
(Main Relay much.

- The main relay of the PBA is short-circuited. When the

PBA motor
Sr - The main relay terminal is connected incorrectly. relay does not
(The terminal is bent and contact cannot be made.) operate

26 _ Troubleshooting
Error Type Causes Remarks

dS - A switch contact error because of a deformation of the When the door

door hook is not opened
(Before after the door
operation) - When the door is pulled by force open operation

dL When the door

- This occurs in the Boil wash because the door is is not locked
(During pushed due to a pressure difference from internal after the door
operation) temperature changes close operation

Door Error

(Unlock Fail)

- The door lock switch terminal is connected incorrectly.

- The door lock switch terminal is broken.
- This occurs intermittently because of an electric wire
- Main PCB fault

(Lock Fail)

Troubleshooting _ 27
Error Type Causes Remarks
- The washing heater is short-circuited or has a wire
- The washing heater in the tub has an error. (Contact If the heater has
error, temperature sensor fault) no error, this
- If the water level sensor operates without water occurs because
because water is frozen or for any other reason and of a PBA relay
the temperature sensor engaged at the bottom to malfunction.
prevent overheating for the washing heater detects a
temperature of 100 to 150 ˚C, the washing machine
turns the input power off.
Heater Error (Heater - This error occurs when the red temperature sensor
Relay) at the center of the dry heater operates (at a
temperature higher than 145 ˚C)
: Corrective action – Press the button at the center
lightly. The washing machine will operate normally.
Alternatively, replace the temperature sensor if the
temperature sensing is unstable because of functional
- This occurs when the steam function does not
operate normally.
- This error does not occur in existing drum products.
Check whether the product is a steam model
- Heater engagement fault (out of place)
- The air hose is out of place and water leakage occurs
during the spin cycle.
- The tub back at the safety bolts fixing part is broken.
- Water leakage occurs at the front with foaming
because of too much detergent
- Water leakage occurs because the connecting hose
to the detergent drawer is connected incorrectly.
LE - The drain pump filter cover is engaged incorrectly.
Leakage Error
- Water leakage occurs at the drain hose.
- The duct condensing holding screws are worn.
- The nozzle-diaphragm is engaged in the opposite
direction or the rubber packaging is omitted.
- Water leakage occurs because the screws that
hold the tub back and front in place are fastened
- The leakage sensor is faulty.

- Water is supplied continually because the water level

detection does not work.
- Because the drain hose is clogged and there is
an injection error (at a narrow section), the water This error
level detection does not work and water is supplied occurs because
OE continually. the water level
- Water is supplied continually because of freezing or sensor terminal
because there is foreign material in the water supply is out of place.
- This error may occur when the water level sensor is

- The washing heater in the tub has an error. (Contact

Heater sensor
error, temperature sensor fault)
- The connector is connected incorrectly or is
: When the
connector is
Temperature - If the water level sensor operates without water
tE connected
Sensor Error because the water is frozen or for any other reason
incorrectly or
and the temperature sensor engaged at the bottom to
has a wire
prevent overheating for the washing heater detects a
disconnected or
temperature of 100 to 150 ˚C, the washing machine
contact error
turns the input power off.

28 _ Troubleshooting
Error Type Causes Remarks

- As laundry causes this error, check the laundry.

dc - Find the reason for the unbalance and solve it as
directed in the user manual.

- This occurs when too much foaming is detected. It is

also displayed while foaming is removed. When the
removal is finished, the normal cycle proceeds. “Sud”
Foaming or “SUdS” is displayed when too much foaming is
Detected detected and “End” is displayed when the removal of
the foaming is finished.
(This is one of the normal operations. It is an error for
preventing non-sensing faults.)

Troubleshooting _ 29
Water valve connections for the Detergent Drawer Items Packed With Washer
BOLT-SPANER (10-13mm Wrench) DC60-40146A
ASSY HOSE WATER DC97-15691A and DC97-15692A

Stacking Kit : (Model No : SK-5A/XAA)

Samsung washers and dryers can be stacked to maximize usable space.
An optional stacking kit is available for purchase from your Samsung retailer

When using non-HE

detergents, or using
too much detergent
for the water hard-
ness and soil level of
the clothing, over
sudsing will occur.
When this happens
there will be leaks out
of the detergent
drawer and door.
Please advise con-
sumer of proper de-
tergent usage.

Location considerations
Do not install your
washer in areas where
It is normal for some water to remain in water may freeze, since
the Detergent Drawer after it completes your washer will
washing. Bleach is usually flushed out always maintain some
into the tub at the beginning of the wash- water in its water valve,
ing. Also, its compartment is washed
pump, and hose areas.
again during the following rinse cycle,
removing any remnants. This can cause
damage the belts, the
Laundry Touch Up Paints pump, hoses and other
TOUCH UP PAINT, BLUE ONYX DH81-11980A components. Operating
TOUCH UP PAINT, IMPERIAL SILVER DH81-11981A temperature should be
TOUCH UP PAINT, NEAT WHITE DH81-11982A above 60°F/16°C.

Training — Plus One
Help — GSPN

The unit sometimes will pause during Sanitize, or Pure Cycle, wash modes and appear not to be functional. The Sani-
tize and Pure Cycle wash cycles have target temperatures to assure washer performance. If the water temperature
doesn't meet the target temperature during the wash cycle, the washer will automatically add extra time to allow the
heater to bring the water up to the programmed, or target temperature. In this stage, the displayed time will pause and
hold until the heating operation has been completed. It is at this point that the customer may feel that operation has
stopped. (The maximum added programmed time is 30 minutes)

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