Design of Multi-Storey Tree Building: Project Report (Synopsis) On
Design of Multi-Storey Tree Building: Project Report (Synopsis) On
Design of Multi-Storey Tree Building: Project Report (Synopsis) On
Degree in
Civil Engineering
Name of Guide
Civil Engineering
The purpose for taking in this project is to design a whole building rest on single column looking
like a tree and how the different components are designed as per IS 456:2000 are given below in
The type of foundation suitable for this multi- storey building is adopted based on the soil
bearing capacity value determined by standard penetration test & plate load test and it is
designed by using standards of Indian codes and others.
To provide symmetry in building we are to provide mat footing in the structure to transmit the
load to the soil below coming from whole building.
One of the important task in this is design of Column because only mono column is assumed.
The Column is designed by taking required dimensions as suggested by IS 456:2000.
As the whole load coming from the building is to be beared by only one column , so we will try
to use the enlarged size of column.
Design of Beam:
The desired specifications of the beams are assumed according to Code Provisions and the
checks are made according to that.
The required slab is assumed and it is designed with required specifications. The walls are
construct in English bond .The specifications are lintel for various works .The limit state of
design is adopted for designing all the RCC members.
Design of staircase:
Stairs consist of steps arranged in a series for purpose of giving access to different floors of a
building. Since a stair is often the only means of communication between the various floors of a
building, the location of the stair requires good and careful consideration.
In India the implementation of this type of project is done by L&T Constructions in Chennai.
This is an usually shaper five storey building that was completed in two stages.
The owner who also happened to be the contractor preferred use of precast concrete to the
maximum extent possible.
Typical floor is a two way grid with precast concrete waffles and cast in-situ concrete.
The five storey building is supported by pre-stressed hollow inverted pyramid support.
The aim of the project is to analyze and design of multi-storey building resting on the single
column by using different code provisions.
Carrying out a complete analysis and design of the main structural elements of a multi-storey
building including slabs, columns, shear walls and foundations.
The design of column, wind resisting system, and type of foundations will be determined taking
into consideration the architectural drawings.
The building plans are included for 3,5& 10 storeys & comparative results will be analyzed.
In this project we study the number of floor which is favorable for this tree building project ,
Analyzing which we would be able to decide the exact limitation about the number of storeys
which it can withstand.
The soil structure below the earth surface near at the site should be of high bearing capacity to
bear the load coming upon the footing.
Water table below surface should not be very near to the surface , which also reduces the soil
bearing capacity because it may cause immediate settlement of the footing with whole
The building would not sustain in the high seismic areas because it may create high amplitude
vibration which may cause failure of building.
Literature Review
A multi-storey building must resist the combined effects of horizontal and vertical loads; it is
composed of foundations, frameworks and floor slabs.
The framework comprises columns and beams together with horizontal and vertical bracings,
which stabilize the building by resisting horizontal actions (wind and seismic loads).
Floor slabs are supported by beams so that their vertical loads are transmitted to the columns.
They are made of reinforced concrete or composite slabs using profiled steel sheets.
Structure materials
The principal modern building materials are masonry, concrete (mass, reinforced and pre-
stressed), structural steel and timber. All materials listed have particular advantages in given
situations, and construction of a particular building type can be in various materials, e.g. a multi-
storey building can be loadbearing masonry, concrete shear wall or frame or steel frame. One
duty of the designer is to find the best solution which takes account of all requirements
economic, aesthetic and utilitarian.
The principal uses, types of construction and advantages of the main structural materials are as
Load bearing walls or columns in compression and walls taking in plane or transverse loads.
Construction is very durable, fire resistant and aesthetically pleasing. Building height is
moderate, say to 20 stories.
Framed or shear wall construction in reinforced concrete is very durable and fire resistant and is
used for the tallest buildings. Concrete, reinforced or prestressed, is used for floor construction in
all buildings, and concrete foundations are required for all buildings.
Structural steel
Load bearing frames in buildings, where the main advantages are strength and speed of erection.
Steel requires protection from corrosion and fire.
Structural steels are alloys of iron, with carefully controlled amounts of carbon and various other
metals such as manganese, chromium, aluminum, vanadium, molybdenum, niobium and copper.
The carbon content is less than 0.25%, manganese less than 1.5% and the other elements are in
trace amounts. The alloying elements control grain size and hence steel properties, giving high
strengths, increased ductility and fracture toughness. The inclusion of copper gives the corrosion
resistant steel Corten. High-carbon steel is used to manufacture hard drawn wires for cables and
Stability of Tall Buildings:
David Gustafsson & Joseph Hehir Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Master’s Thesis 2005:12 Division of Structural Engineering Concrete Structures Chalmers
University of Technology Goteborg, Sweden 2005 David Gustafsson mentioned about the
methods used for stability calculations of columns, solid shear walls, pierced shear walls,
coupled and uncoupled components, cores, single storey structures and multi-storey structures
and examined. The examination performed in order to ascertain advantages for different
stabilizing components and systems. Analyses are made for deflection and buckling
combining bending and shear for columns, solid shear walls and pierced shear walls.
Calculation methods for single and multi storey structures concerning deflection and buckling
due to translation, rotation or a combination of the two are analyzed and the results are
compared with finite element analyses results.
Structural Stability:
The method we are design the entire structure is limit state method.
Limit states are the acceptable limits for the safety and serviceability requirements of the
structure before failure occurs. The design of structures by this method will thus ensure that
they will not reach limit states and will not become unfit for the use for which they are
intended. It is worth mentioning that structures will not just fail or collapse by violating
(exceeding) the limit states. Failure, therefore, implies that clearly defined limit states of
structural usefulness has been exceeded.
The stresses are obtained from design loads and compared with design strength.
In this method, it follows linear strain relationship but not linear stress relationship (one of
major difference between the two methods of design).
The ultimate stresses of materials itself are used as allowable stresses.
The material capabilities are not under estimated as much as they are in working stress
method. Partial safety factors are used in limit state method.
A foundation system in which essentially the entire building is placed on a large continuous
It is a flat concrete slab, heavily reinforced with steel, which carries the downward loads of
the individual columns or walls.
Mat Foundation often considered to be used when dealing with the following conditions:
The spread footings cover over 50% of the foundation area because of large column
5. Design the structural component of the mat foundation using the stress distribution.
Settlement of foundation:
Mat rigidity.
ah 3
' '
E I b =E I F+ ∑ I b + ∑
• After obtaining (i) Vertical load, (ii) Moments due to horizontal loads on either axis &
(iii) Moments due to vertical loads on either axis, acting on each column, at all floor levels
of the building,
• Design of each column is carried out from the top of foundation to the roof, varying the
amount of steel reinforcement for suitable groups for ease in design. Slenderness effects in
A compression member, the effective length > three times the least lateral dimension.
• Slender Columns are designed for Additional Moments as per Clause 39.7 of IS456
In beam-slab construction, it is the clear distance between the floor & under side of shallower
beam framing into columns in each direction at next higher floor level.
The unsupported length between end restraints shall not exceed 60 times the least lateral
dimension of a column.
(iv) Minimum Eccentricity – All columns shall be designed for emin ≥ l/500+ D/30 ≥ 20 mm
• The design of column is complex as it is subjected to axial loads & moments which may very
– Transverse steel.
• The maximum axial load & moments acting along the length of column are considered for
design of the column section.
• The transverse reinforcement is provided to impart effective lateral support against buckling to
every longitudinal bar.
A. Longitudinal reinforcement
• Area of longitudinal reinforcement shall be not less than 0.8% nor more than 6% of cross
sectional area of the column.
• However maximum area of steel should not exceed 4% to avoid practical difficulties in placing
& compacting concrete.
• In pedestals, in which the longitudinal reinf. is not taken into account in strength calculations,
nominal reinforcement should be not be less than 0.15% of cross sectional area.
A. Longitudinal reinforcement
• The minimum number of bars shall be four in rectangular columns & six in circular columns.
Transverse reinforcement (STIRRUPS)
• Diameter of lateral ties should not be less than 1/4th of diameter of the
• Cantilever
• The design of floor slab is carried out as per – Clause 24.4 & Clause 37.1.2 & Annexure D of
IS : 456-2000 .
The Bending moment coefficients are taken from Table- 26 or Table – 27 of BIS code
• Bending moment is calculated & reinforcement steel is obtained from charts given in SP-16.
• Excluding thickness of finishing material not placed monolithically with member and the
thickness of any concrete provided to allow for wear.
The deflection shall generally be limited to following:
• Final deflection < span/250 (Due to all loads & measured from as-cast level of supports of
floors, roofs and all other horizontal members.)
• Final deflection < span/350 or 20mm whichever is less (Including effects of temperature, creep
& shrinkage occurring after erection of partitions & application of finishes.).Clause 23.2
• For beams, vertical deflection limits may generally be assumed to be satisfied provided that
span/depth ratio are not greater then the value obtained as below –
Cantilever 7
Simply supported 20
Continuous 26
• Based on area & type of steel for tension reinforcement (As per Fig. 4 of IS456)
• For slabs spanning in two directions shorter of the two spans to be used for span/effective depth
• For two-way slabs of shorter spans ( ≤3.5 m) with mild steel reinforcement, span/depth ratios
given below may generally be assumed to satisfy vertical deflection limits for loading class up to
3 kN/m
For HYSD bars grade Fe 415 & Fe500, values given above to be multiplied by 0.8.
• For high strength deformed bars ≥ 0.12 % of total (Fe415/Fe500 bars) cross sectional area.
Tension reinforcement
a) Minimum reinforcement - As = 0.85 bd fy
b) Maximum reinforcement - The maximum area of tension reinforcement not to exceed 0.04 bD
Compression reinforcement
• The maximum area of compression reinforcement not to exceed 0.04 bD
•Where depth of web in a beam >750 mm, side face reinf is to be provided along the two faces.
•The total area of such reinf. should not < 0.1 percent of web area
•It shall be distributed equally on two faces at a spacing not > 300 mm or web thickness
whichever is less.
•Also to be provided in beams having torsion & with width or depth >450mm
• Minimum shear reinforcement in the form of stirrups shall be provided such that:
Asv = 0.4
bsv 0.87fy
• The maximum spacing of shear reinforcement measured along axis of member shall be < 0.75 d
for vertical stirrups and d for inclined stirrups at 45 degrees.
• Step 3: Determination/checking of the effective and total depths of beam/ Revise if necessary.
In a public building, the stairs must be from the main entrance itself and located centrally, to
provide quick accessibility to the principal apartments.
Straight stairs
Dog-legged stairs
Open newel stair
Geometrical stair
In this type of staircase, the succeeding flights rise in opposite directions. The two flights in plan
are not separated by a well. A landing is provided corresponding to the level at which the
direction of the flight changes.
Based on the direction along which a stair slab span, the stairs maybe classified into the
following two types.
These stairs are supported at each side by walls. Stringer beams or at one side by wall or at the
other side by a beam.
Dead load of a step = ½ x T x R x 25
In this, stairs spanning longitudinally, the beam is supported ay top and at the bottom of flights.
Self weight of a step = 1 x R/2 x 25
For the efficient design of an RCC stair, we have to first analyse the various loads that are going
to be imposed on the stair.
The load calculations will help us determine, how much strength is required to carry the load.
The strength bearing capacity of a staircase is determined on the amount of steel and concrete
The ratio of steel to concrete has to be as per standards. Steel in the staircase will take the tension
imposed on it and the concrete takes up the compression.
The space below the structure may be utilized for other purposes like greenery, parking
Best suited for the areas where large area is not available, the space below building may
be used as roadways for light vehicles also.