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L-3/T-,2/EEE Date: 09/06/2014: To Obtain A PAM Signal, Where, Is The Width of Pulse. What Is The

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, Date: 09/06/2014
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
, The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.


1. (a) Consider the message signal, m(t) = lOcos2000JZt + 1Ocos4000JZt . The message
signal is sampled and then passed through a flat-top filter having impulse response

h(t ) ~ rr(~) to obtain a PAM signal, where , is the width of ~ pulse. What is the
minimum sampling rate to recover the message signal from the PAM signal? Assuming
the sampling'rate of the message signal is 8000 Hz, draw the frequency spectra of the
PAM signal for (i) 't = 0.5 ms, (ii) 't = O.l' ms and (iii) 't = 0.05 ms. If there is no
equalizer at the receiver then which value of 't will you choose for Jransmission and
reception of the message signal using PAM technique? Write down the expressions of
the transfer functions of the equalizers for three valuys of't. Which flaHop filter and
equalizer will you choose and why? (18)
(b) What are the differences between multiplexing and ~ultiple access? Twenty voice
source need to be multiplexed using TDM. The bandwidth of each source is 4 kHz.
What should be the sampling rate of the commutator of the TDM circuit? What is the

bandwidth of, the TDM signal if instantaneous sampling' with pulse width r ~ 0 is
considered? How the bandwidth of the TDM signal can be reduced? What is the
required bandwidth ifFDM is used instead ofTDM? (10)
(c) Compare among the unipolar NRZ, polar NRZ, unipolar RZ, AMI and Manchester
line coding techniques in terms of their merits and demerits. (7)

2. (a) What are the limitations of delta modulation? How the limitations can be minimized? , (7)
(b) A communication system with delta modulation can support maximum data rate of 5
'kbps. The message signal to be transmitted is shown in Fig. for Q. 2(b). Determine the
value of the' level height I:i for which both the slope-overloading and granular noises are

minimized and the system have the maximum data rate. (10)


Contd P/2

EEE 309
Contd ... Q. NO.2

(c) The message signal m(t)=IOcos2000m is sampled at 300% higher rate than the

Nyquist rate for DPCM. The maximum value of the error signal of DPCM is found to be
2. Determine the bit rate of DPCM to achieve signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR)
of30 dB. What will be the SQNR ifPCM is used instead ofDPCM with the same no. of

levels in quantization? (18)

3. (a) Draw the block diagrams of QPSK modulator and demodulator. Draw the typical
waveshapes of all the signals that exist at different points of mod,ulCl:torand demodulator

for an input data stream x = [10011100]. (20)

(b) The symbol duration and the received energy per ~ymbol of ASK,. BPSK and QPSK
modulation and demodulation (coherent) schemes are taken to be 1 Jls and 1O-18J. The
energy of noise per bit is 10-19J. Determine the data transmission rate and bit error rate
(BER) for each of the modulati<?n schemes. If the duration of symbols are doubled for
QPSK modulation keeping the same received power, what will be the data transmission

rate and BER for this modulation? The Q-function can be approximated as . (15)

1 ( 0.7) e _x;{
Q(x ) ~ & 1- -2 2: Also comment on the results. "
. x 27£ X

4. (a) Compare among the TD¥A, FDMA and CDMA systems in terms of their merits

and demerits. (12)

(b) There are two transmitter-receiver pairs in a DS-CDMA system. The transmitters
and receivers use 4 chip Walsh Codes. For bit sequences Xl = {101} and x2 = {110} of
the transmitters, draw the waveshapes of the transmitted signal of each transmitter and "

the received signal, decoded signal and decoded bit sequence at each receiver. (18)
(c) Write down the advantages and disadvantagesofDSSS and FHSS techniques." (5)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define modulation index for an AM signal. Comment on the limitations of DSB-SC
modulation and the ways to overcome them. Draw- an AM waveform for tone
modulation when fc = 10KHz, fro= 100 Hz, carrier amplitude is 3 V, arid Jl = 1.1. Here,
the symbols denote their usual meaning. The figure must be clearly labeled and drawn
approximately in scale. How can you recover the modulating signal from this waveform

using envelope detection? (20)

, ..... Contd P/3
• -" to

EEE 309
Contd ... Q. No.5

(b) A general communication channel supports 60 users, is able to allocate a bandwidth

of 4 KHz to each user, and has a channel SNR of 9 dB. If suddenly the number of users
is quadrupled, and as a result, chann~l noise power is tripled, how cariyou keep the
channel capacity from beiqg affected? Assume that signal power for the scheme can not
be changed. (15)

6. (a) What are the benefits of using switching modulators in an AM system? Explain the
differences between diode-bridge and ring modulators with diagrams. (14)
(b) Give real-life examples of different types channel (media) available to a general
communication system. (6)
(c) Explain the role of and the relationship between vestigial and equalizer filters in
VSB modulation. For a VSB modulator, the vestigial filter Hj(ro) has a transfer function
which is shown in the figure below. The baseband signal bandwidth is 4 KHz and
carrier frequency is 10KHz. Find the corresponding transfer function of the equalizer
filter Ho(ro) needed in a VSB receiver for distortionless reception. The figures must be
clearly labeled and drawn in scale. (15)

- -- -- -- .- -_ .. _._.-

._v _ ~.... ~ .. ~ ~ 'oH, "l- 14''''.''L6

p.. , e. -90 --r tQ. b (~.)

7. (a) Derive the expression of a narrowband FM signal and compare it with the expression
of an AM signal. Discuss how a narrowband FM signal can be generated with AM
transmitter components. ..Also, explain why the concept of 'complex envelope' is
necessary to define a wideband FM system. (18)
(b) A carrier wave of frequency 100 MHz is frequency-modulated by a sinusoidal wave
of amplitude 20 V and frequency 100 KHz. The frequency sensitivity of the modulator
is 25 KHz per volt. (17)
(i) Determine the approximate bandwidth of the FM signal using Carson's rule.
(ii) Determine the bandwidth -by transmitting only those side frequencies whose
amplitudes exceed 1 percent of unmodulated carrier amplitude.
Contd P/4



EEE 309
Contd •.• Q. No. 7(b)

(iii) Is there any other way to estimate the FM signal bandwidth?

(iv) Repeat the calculations if modulating signal amplitude is doubled.
(v). Repeat the calculations if modulation freq!1ency is doubled.
Necessary curves for this question is attached.

8. (a) Explain the operation of a Foster-Seeley detector with circuit and phasor diagrams. (12)
(b) (i) A sinusoidal signal, with an amplitude of 3.25 V,. is applied to a uniform
quantizer of the midtread type whose output takes on the values of 0, :tI, ::t2,::t3
volts. Sketch the waveform of the resulting quantizer output for one complete
. cycle of the input. If other parameters are needed, assume suitable values for

them. (9)
(ii) Repeat the evaluation when the quantizer output takes on. the values of ::to.5,

:t1.5, :t2.5, ::t3.5 volts. What will be the type of this form of uniform quantizer?

(c) The signal m(t) = 6 sin(27lt) volts is transmitted using a 4-bit binary PCM system. It .
. .
uses a midrise quantizer with I volt step size. Sketch the resulting PCM wave for one
complete cycle of the input. Assume a sampling rate of four samples per second, with

samples taken at t = ::tl/g,::t3/g,::ts/g, seconds. (14)




2 ----~--------------------~-------~---.--

O .... J - 1 , t I .1 I i I I I ; J-1 ,f 1 I
0.1 _ 0.2 0:4 .6.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40

~,:j-Cb) .


L-3ff -2/EEE Date: 19/05/2014

L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: EEE 315 (Microprocessor and Interfacing)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
___ ..__ _H_. ._ _ ..__ - ..-.- ---- ..--.- ---.--.-.-------

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume reasonable data if necessary. Symbols used have their usual meanings.
Provide necessary comments in assembly language codes.

1. (a) Explain how does an 8086 microprocessor read data from or write data to an odd

addressed m~mory location. Provide suitable examples. (10)

(b) Design an 8086 based system to implement interrupts of type 47 and 93. Choose
suitable base address(es) from the range FEFOH - FEFFH. Show the system connection.
Design the address decoder using basic logic gates. Write an appropriate assembly code

snippet for initialization of this system. (20)

(c) Why is it necessary to send an End ofInterrupt (EOI) command to an 8259A at some

time in an interrupt-service routine? (5)

2. (a) Design a display board containing 8 common cathode (CC) seven segment displays
(SSD), which are to be operated using multiplexing technique. Use only PORTB of an
825.5 A PPI (with base address 9A59H) for multiplexing and transmitting data from an
8086 microprocessor based system to the display board. Assume that each segment
consumes 25 rnA at 1.5 V. Show the connection between the board and PORTB of the

8255A. (15)
(b) Write an interrupt service routine in 8086 assembly hmguage which will refresh the
display board. Assume that the procedure will be called every 2 ms by an interrupt
- signal to IR3 of an 8259A. Also assume that data to be displayed is taken from an 8

element byte array named DISPLA Y_DATA. (10)

(c) Describe the procedure that an 8086 microprocessor will follow when it responds to

an interrupt. (l0)

3. (a) Suppose that an 8254A timer/counter IC is to be connected and programmed in such

a way that it produces an interrupt in every 20 ms. This interrupt signal has interrupt
type 47 and is to be connected to one of the IR inputs of an 8259A PIC. Assume the
base address for the 8254A is FEFIH and that for 8259A is FEFOH. The input clock

frequency for 8254A is 4.9152 MHz. (20)

Contd P/2
Contd ••• Q. No. 3(a)

(i) Show the system connection between 8254A and 8259A with appropriate
address decoding for both.
(ii) Which IR input of 8259A is to be connected with this interrupt signal?
(iii) Write an assembly code snippet to initialize the 8254A IC for this desired
(b) Explain why it is necessary to initialize an 8251A USART with a worst-case

initialization sequence. (8)

(c) How can you step through the instructjons of an interrupt seryiceroutine? Explain. (7)

4. Suppose that two computers are to be connected to each other through two 8251A
USARTs. The base address for the USART of system-I is FOEOH and that for system-II
is FCFOH. The input clock frequency for both USARTs is 614.4 kHz.
(a) Show the connection diagram between 8086 microprocessor-buses and USART for

both systems (Address decoder circuit is not required) and between the USARTs.(12)

(b) A serial communication is to be established with 9600 bauds ,per sec~nd, 7 bit'
character length, one stop bit, even parity, enabled error reset, disabled hunt mode
and no break character. Choose other options as the situation demands. Construct

the mode and command words that must be sent for the USART of system-I. (8)
(c) Write an assembly language procedure for system-II to receive a ten character
string from system-I using polling method. Keep provision for checking parity,
framing and overrun error (assume that another procedure RESEND_DATA will
be called if any error occurs; you need not write this procedure, just use it
whenever it is necessary.) (10)

(d) Assume that an 8254 IC is to be used to generate the desired USART clock
frequency from a source clock frequency of 1-1.0592 MHz. Write an assembly
language code snippet to initialize the 8254 for this purpose. Assume the 8254 has

the base address FBOOH. (5)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) "8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor" - Explain. (10)

(b) Explain using example, how 20-bit physical address is accessed by 16 bit registers. (10)

(c) Determine the values of CF, Sf, ZF, PF and OF for the following instructions.

Assume that the flags are initially 0 for each part. (15)

Contd P/3

'" .


eouid ... Q. No. S(c)

(i) NEG AX; where AX contains 8000H

(ii) SUB AX, BX; where AX contains 800H and BX contains OOOlH
(iii) RCR AX, 1: where AX contains A055H
(iv) MUL BL; where AL contains 80h and BL contains FFH
. (v) TEST AX, OFFFFH; where AX contains OOOOH.

6. (a) Point out the errors in the following code segment and explain the reasons: (10)
MUL 10
(b) Write an assembly code to test whether the number stored in AX is a perfect square

or not. If it is a perfect square, put 1 in DX, otherwise make it O. (10)

(c) Write an assembly code, that will insert STRING2 into STRINGl at a point
specified by CX. For example, STRING 1 = PRAM, STRING2 = RaG, CX = 1. After

execution, STRING 1 = PROGRAM. (15)

7. (a) Determine the addressing modes of each operand of the following instruction. (5)
(i) MOV BX, [BX]
(ii) ADD AX, 5
(iii) MOV AX, 2 + [SI]
(iv) MOV AX, W + [BX]; W is a word variable
(v) ADD AX, 5 [W+BX + SI]; W is a word variable
(b) Assume that CT is a byte type array which contains 4 class test numbers of a student.
Write an assembly code to find the average number of the best three class tests, which
will be stored in AL. If the average is a fraction numb€r, then the result should be

rounded version of the average. (15)

Contd P/4
Contd •••Q. No.7

(c) Assume that A and B are two word type array which contain two 2x2 matrices.
Write an assembly code to check whether B is inverse matrix of A. If yes, make ex = 1
and 0, otherwise. Remember that, AA-1 = I, where I is an identity matrix of same order. (15)

8. (a) What are the differences between a microprocessor and a microcontroller? (5)
(b) Assume, we have a microcontroller (e.g. ATMega 32) and four sevt:n segments and
two push buttons. We want to design a manual car counter display for a parking lot. The
seven segment displays will show the number of cars in the parking lot. If the operator
presses button "one", the display will show increase in the number of car. If any car
leaves, the operator will press button "two" and the display will be changed accordingly.
If the count reaches 1000, which is the limit for parked car, the display will show
(i) Draw the connection diagram to implement the design. (10)
(ii) Write the algorithm which you want to use. (10)
.(iii) Write a e code which will perform the desired operation. (10)

8259A PIC Control Words:

AO D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO
leWl 0 A7 A6 AS 1 LTIM ADI 8NGL IC4
ICW2 1 AISff7 A14ff6 A13ffS A12ff4 Allff3 AlO A9 A8
1 87 • 86 8S 84 83
Master S2 SI SO
I 0 0 0 0 0 ID2
ICW4 1 0 0 0 SFNM BUF
OCWl 1 M7 M6 MS M4 M3/ M2 Ml MO
OCW2 0 R SL EOI 0 0
L2 Ll LO

8255A PPI Mode Set Control Word-

D7 D6 D5 D4
/ D3 D2 D1 DO
Flag I/O . (U) I/O MODE I/O (L) I/O
_L-3ff-2/EEE Date: 26/05/2014
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: EEE 331 (Random Signals and Processes)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Symbols have their usual meanings.

_---_ _._._-'--- ------_._ _ _----_.
._-_ __ --

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE Questions.

1. (a) A random process' X(t) is given by X(t)= Aej(wot+B) where'A andwo are arbitrary

constants and Bisa uniform random variable over 0 to 21r. Find (i) pAt), (ii) Rxx(t1,!z)

and (iii) Cxx(tl;tZ)' Is the process wide-sense-stationary (WSS)?


(b) A WSS process, X(t) has an average power of 11. Give reasons why the following

functions can or cannot be its auto correlation function:


(i) (ii) Rxx(r) = z' (iii)

2. (a) A zero mean. random process, r(t) has the following autocorrelation function.

Ryy('l") = BCos«(Oo'l")
Where B and Wo are arbitrary constants. Find if r(t) is mean-ergodic and correlation

ergodic in the mean square sense.


(b) Consider the following two random processes (i) X(t) = At+Bwhere A and Bare

uniform and independent random variables over (-1, 1); and r(t )= e -at X I(t) where

Xl (t) is a zero mean Gaussian process and covariance of Xl (t) is eat .

Find whether the processes Xl (t) and r(t) are stationary in strict sense. (15)

3. (a) The signa:l received at the receiver of a RADAR is X(t) = S(t) + n(t) where n(t) is a

WSS white noise process with S NN«(O) = 10 andS(t)is a deterministic quantity and shown

in Fig. for Q. No. 3(a).


Contd P/2
Contd ••. Q. No. 3(a)

Find the impulse response of a filter that may be used to detect the presence of S(t) in

X(t )by maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at t = to' Also, give the condition for
the filter to be causal.

If SNN (m) = 4 + m: ' then derive the impulse response of the pre-whitening filter. The
l+m ..
filter has to be causal and stable.
. . (20)
(b) X(n)is a WSS discrete random process. Find Ryy(n) where Y(n) = X(n) + c; c being

an arbitrary constant. Also, determine if X and Y are independent, orthogonal and

\..uncorrelated. (15)

4. (a) A WSS r~dom process X(t) is input to the linear-time-invariant (LTI) filters hI{t)
and h2 (t) shown in Fig. for Q. No. 4(a):

X (rG) XL~

R- ...
Given that Sxx (m) = 10; hI (t) = 1 for 0 $; t < 1 and zero otherwise, and
h2{t)=2e- u(t), find (i) ~l\l\(1') (ii) Ry2y2(1')andRy1y2(t, t+1'). Also, calculate the

average power of YI and Y2. (20)

(b) A system consists of two independent components X and Y that are connected in
parallel. The component X is built using 48 similar electronic chips, where Y is comprised
of 64 similar electronic chips. The life time (in hours) of a chip is a uniform random
variable distributed over 1 to 4. Assume that the chips are all independent in terms of life
time. Find the mean life times of X and Y. Next, determine the probability that the system

has not failed after 135 hours of operation. (15)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) A box containing 20 light bulbs has 4 of them to be defective. Two bulbs are removed
at random without replacement. (17)
(i) What is the probability that the first one is good and second one defective?
(ii) Determine whether the events
GI = "first bulb is good", and
D2 = "second bulb is defective" are independent.

eontd P/3

' ..


Contd H. Q. No.5
(b) A manufacturing process produces a mix of good and.bad products. The fraction of
good products is (1 - p) and that of bad products p. The life time of both good products

and bad products follow exponential law with rates ~ffailure a and JOOOa, respectively. , (18)
(i) Find the probability thaCa ~andomly selected product is still' fu~ctioning after t

(ii) In order to control the shipment of bad products, every product is tested for t
seconds prior to leaving the factory.' The products that fail are discarded, and the
remaining products are sent' out to the customers. Find the value of t for which 99%

of the products sent out to customers are good.

6. (a) A student needs 10 chips of a certain type to build a circuit. It is known that the
.probability for a chip to be non-defective is only 95%. How many chips should the
, .
student buy for there to be a greater than 90% probability of having enough chips for the

circuit? (18)
(b) The number N for requests of telephone connection is a Poisson random variable with
A, the average rate of requests for connections, as 30 requests/minute. Find the

probability of the following events: (17)

(i) More th~ 5 requests for connection in 10 seconds.

(ii) Fewer than 3 requests for connection in 2 seconds.

7. (a) The probability distributi"n function of a random variable X is shown in the Fig. for

Q. No. 7(a). Find the following probabilities. Fi-i)" (17)

(i) p[X ~ 0]

(ii) P[0.25 ~ X < 1]

(iii) P[0.25 ~ X ~ 1]
(iv) p[X > 0.5]
(v) p[X ~ 0:5]
1. NO I 2.
(vi) P[X < 5] , H~\, fur e.;.. =r(&.) 4
_ M

(b) A random variable X has the following probability density function: (18) .

Ix (x) = {CX(I-X), 0~x ~1

o ,otherwise

(i) Find c and sketch Ix (x)

(ii) Find and sketch the corresponding Fx (x)

(iii) Find
p[..!.2 ~ X ~ 4 iJ
Contd .; P/4



8. (a) The joint probability density function of two random variables X and Yis given by

!xr(X,y)={6X, x>O, ~>O, O<x+y~l

, 0, otherwIse
Define the random variable Z = X - Y. (17)
(i) Find the probability density function of Z.
(ii) Find the conditional probability density function of Y given X
(iii) DetelVline Var {X + Y}
(b) Let X and Y independent exponential random variables with common parameterA..

. Define U = X + Y, V = X - Y. (18)
(i) Find the marginal probability density function of U and V given that
" 1
!xr(X'Y)=-2e-(x+y)/,t, x>O, y>O
. A. .
(ii) Verify if random variables U and Vare independent.
(iii) Verify if U and V are uncorrelated random variables.


Fourier Transform Table

_. ----_._.- --_ ... _----------
............... _-_ ..
•••• ~w" _ ••••••• ___

x(t) ..... , ..__ ... -..~'._._---

X(f) _.__ ._-------_
X(w) .

J(t) 1 1
._-_.--_._._-_ ..,~-_.. _._---
_.-.~.._-"- .. - ,-,--'-'
1 - _ .._'
----~._--_._-- o..jwto
J.<t .. to) C.. j21tfto
._" .. _-----
cj21rfot J(f - fo) 21l'J(w - coo)
..~--.---_._._--_._--- _.
cos(271IOt) 1 1l'[8(co'" wo) -I- o(w -I- WO)]

'.'~-"-' -,.
-. ,,-~-_. •... _-_.- --_ ....
-fo)+J(f +fO)J
_-_._._ _._._---_.-
.. ----_.__ ..,------_._----_._~ .•.. -_._ _- ...

sin(21rfot) 1 .j1l"[ 0«(0'" wo) -. o(co + wo) ]

2/[ J(f .. fo)'"
--_. __ ._---_ _ .._ ..•_-_.
o(f -I- fo) ]
........ - ....... _.-- _. _._ .._--- ...

myt(t) sinc(f)
SinC(;: )
---,,,,'-"-- --------_ .._._-------- ---_.~-_..._.------ -_..-._-_._._ ... -_._._-- --- ~-- -.

sinc(t) rcct(f)
-_.-_ _-_._-_
.. .

i\(t) sinc2(f) Sinc2U:) .

---.' ... ... --_._._ ---- ... _--------
--- -_._-_ _---_.-._~-_._ _-' .. - -- _._._--_ ...
._.-_.-_.- ------------------_. __ ._-- .. .... _._ ..
1 1
--- --
a+ jw
a-l- j21l"f
1 1
(a -I- j21l'f)2 (~;jW)2

2a 2a

(a2 + (21l"f)2 (a2 -I- (w)2


_ ..

_ _---. __ _- -
.. ...

G._---_. ____ 0--.- -_._--- ..._----.-. __


._.- .... _._- _.-. __ .... __ ..


-- j(O
.. .•..... _ .... _-_ .-------------_._--
. j1l"f --_._--_. _ .._~_._._---_..__ ..... -. M. ___ ••• __ ~ ••••• _ •

u(t) 1 1 1
-8(f)+- 1l"o(w) + --;--
2 j21l"f jW
__ .__ .~._.--
_____ •.
_._ •••___ .___ ••_,,,,, C._ .•••••_. ____ .
-------------- jw
d j21l"f
_ ..'_ .. .- .----.- .._._._---_._-- - ._---_ .... .._ .... ---_._---_._.- __ ._--_ .... -._._---_._ ..
' .

i= (
.... "

L J(t ...nT

O) -..!..
To n~-O'J
f O(f -~)
o n~-<f)
0 21l'n)

(able Z: Areas under the standard normal curve (positive Z)
Second decimal lace in z 0.09
0.05 . 0.06 0.07 0.08
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
z 0.00 0.5239 0.5279 0.5319 0.5359
0.5080 0.5120 0.5160 0.5199
0.0 0.5000 0.5040 0.5636 0.5675 0.5714 0.5753
0.5478 0.5517 0.5557 0.5596
0.1 0.5398 0.5438 0.6026 0.6064 0.6103 0.6141
0.5871 0.5910 0.5948 0.5987
0.2 0.5793 0.5832 0.6406 0.6443 0:6480 0.6517
0.6255 0.6293 0.6331 0.6368
0.3 0.6179 0.6217 0.6772 0.6808 0.6844 0.6879
0.6664 . 0.6700 0.6736
0:4 0.6554 0.6591 0.6628
0.7123 0.7157 0.7190 0.7224
0.6985 0.7019 0.7054 0.7088
0.5 0.6915 0.6950 0.7454 0.7486 0.7517 0.7549
0.7357 0.7389 0.7422
0.6 0.7257 0.7291 0.7324 0.7794 0.7823 0.7852
0.7704 0.7734 0.7764
0.7611 0.7642 0.7673 0.8106 0.8133
07 0.7580 0.8023 0.8051 0.8078
0.7939 0.7967 0.7995 0.8389
0.8 0.7881 0.7910 0.8315 0.8340 0.8365
0.8212 0.8238 0.8264 0.8289
0.9 0.8159 0.8186 0.8621
0.8531 0.8554 0.8577 0.8599
0.8461 0.8485 0.8508 0.8830
1.0 0.8413 0.8438 0.8770 0.8790 0.8810
0.8708 0.8729 0.8749
1.1 0.8643 0.8665 0.8686 0.8980 0.8997 0.9015
0.8907 0.8925 0.8944 0.8962
1.2 0.8849 0.8869 0.8888 0.9147 0.9162 0.9177
0.909.9 0.9115 0.9131
0.9049 0.9066 0.9082 0.9306 0.9319
1.3 0.9032 0.9265 0.9279 0.9292
0.9222 0.9236 0.9251
1.4 0.9192 0.9207 0.9441
0.9406 0.9418 0.9429
0.9357 0.9370 0.9382 0.9394
1.5 0.9332 0.9345 0.9515 0.9525 0.9535 0.9545
0.9484 0.9495 0.9505
1.6 0.9452 0.9463 0.9474 0.9616 0.9625 0.9633
0.9591 0.9599 0.9608
0.9564 0.9573 0.9582 0.9699 0.9706
1.7 0.9554 0.9678 0.9686 0.9693
0.9656 0.9664 0.9671 0.9767
1.8 0.9641 0.9649 0.9750 0.9756 0.9761
0.9732 0.9738 0.9744
1.9 0.9713 0.9719 0.9726
0.9808 0.9812 0.9817
0.9788 0.9793 0.9798 0.9803
20 0.9772 0.9778 0.9783 0.9850 0.9854 0.9857
0.9834 0.9838 0.9842 0.9846
2.1 0.9821 0.9826 0.9830 0.9884 0.9887 0.9890
0.9871 0.9875 0.9878 .0.9881
2.2 0.9861 0.9864 0.9868 0.9911 0.9913 0.9916
0.9901 0.9904 0.9906 0.9909
2.3 0.9893 0.9896 0.9898 0.9932 0.9934 0.9936
0.9925 0.9927 0.9929 0.9931
2.4 0.9918 0.9920 0.9922
0.9948 0.9949 0.9951 0.9952
0.9941 0.9943 0.9945 0.9946
2.5 0.9938 0.9940 0.9962 0.9963 0.9964
0.9957 0.9959 0.9960 0.9961
2.6 0.9953 0.9955 0.9956 0.9972 0.9973 0.9974
0.9968 0.9969 0.9970 0.9971
2.7 0.9965 0.9966 0.9967 0.9979 0.9980 0.9981
0.9977 0.9977 0.9978 0.9979
2.8 0.9974 0.9975 0.9976 0.9985 0.9986 0.9986
0.9983 0.9984 0.9984 0.9985
2.9 0.9981 0.9982 0.9982
0.9989 0.9989 0.9990 0.9990
0.9988 0.9988 0.9989
3.0 0.9987 0.9987 0.9987 0.9992 0.9993 0.9993
0.9992 ,0.9992
3.1 0.9990 0.9991
. 0.9991
0.9994 0.9994 0.9994 0.9995 0.9995 0.9995
3-2 0.9993 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996
0.9995 0.9995 0.9996 0.9996 0.9998
3.3 0.9995 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997
0.9997 0.9997 0.9997
3.4 0.9997 0.9997 0.9998
0.9998 0.9998 0.9998
0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998
3.5 0.9998 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
3.6 0.9998 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
3.7 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999. 0.9999 0.9999
0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
3.8 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
3.9 * 1.0000
* For values of z ~.3.90, the areas are 1.0000 to four decimal places
L-3ff-2/EEE Date: 26/05/2014
L-3ff-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012
Sub: EEE 351 (Analog Integrated CircUits)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
-------_ ..... ~..~----
.•..._._---------- .-----:-'"',-.. -
..,' SECTION - A
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE Questions.

1. (a) Can different types of internal noises which corrupt signals processed by integrated
circuits (ICs) be treated as white noise? Explain the origins of these internal noises and
draw their spectrum. What is the significance of the comer frequency of this spectrum?
Draw layouts of MOSFET showing the techniques of reducing gate resistance. (12)
(b) Describe various methods for the representation of internal noise in a circuit. (11)
(c) Determine the input-referred noise voltage for the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. No.

.. l(c). (12)

2. (a) Illustratively explain how to define the currents of a supply-independent biasing

circuit. Referring Fig. for Q. No. 2(a) derive the expression for lout. (10)
(b) Explain how the start-up circuit shown in Fig. for Q. No. 2(b) operates. Derive a
relationship that guarantees Vx < VTH after the circuit turns on. (10)
(c) What is a band-gap reference? Consider the self-biased cascode shown in Fig. for Q.

No. 2(c). Determine the minimum and maximum values of RlREF such that M1 and M2
remain in saturation. (15)

3. (a) Draw necessary circuits and explain how the charge is transferred between the
'sampling' and 'amplifying' modes of a switched-capacitor amplifier. (10)
(b) Discuss various disadvantages/ problems related to. precision MOS switches and
suggest remedies for those problems. (15)
(c) Discuss the problems ora discrete-time integrator. Draw and explain the operation of
a parasitic-insensitive integrator both in the sampling mode and in the integration mode. (10)

4. (a) Explain the conceptual operation of the phase/frequency detector (PED) shown in the
Fig. for Q. No. 4(a), by drawing the sequence diagrams showing phase mismatch and
frequency mismatch. (8)
(b) Explain the operation of a charge-pump PLL. Why 'zero' is required to be 8ddedto
this CP-PLL? (8)
(c) Address the following non-ideal effects in a PLL while impleIDenting ~e charge

pump by MOSFETs: (i) effect of skew between Q A and QB (ii) suppression of skew. (12)

(d) What is a DLL? Write short note on (i) skew reduction (ii) jitter reduction. (7)
Contd P/2

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define transconductance of a MOSFET. Show variation of transconductance as a

function of overdrive voltage and drain current with necessary equations and figures. (15)
(b) What is channel length. modulation? How do drain current and transconductance are
.. ;-
affected by this? (10)

(c) l?raw the complete MOS small signal equivalent circuit. Derive expressions for ro and

~b •

. 6. (a) Show that the gain for common source stage with diode connected load is given by


where the symbols have their usual meaning. (18)

(b) In the cascade stage of Fig. for Q. No. 6{b) assume {WIL)l = 50/0.5~ (WIL)2 = 1010.5~
lOt ="Io~ :d-0.5 rnA and Ro = '1 k n, Vt = 0.7 V, ')..= Y = O~J.ln = 350 cm N-S,tOx == 9 inn,

Eox = 3.9. Find the value of Vb such that MI is 50 mV away from triode region.

~- "

7. (a) For the differential pair shown in Fig.' for Q. No. 7(a) and 7(b), derive expression for

GM, using large signal analysis. (18)


Contd P/3

Rc I
Contd .•• Q. No.7


'VIol.. .


(b) If the differential pair shown in Fig. for Q. No. 7(a) and 7(b), uses a resistor instead
of current source to define a tail current of 1.5 rnA,

(i) WhaHs the required input CM for which the tail resistor Rss sustaining 0.75 V?
(ii) C~lculate RD for a differential gain of 10.
(iii) What happens at the o/p if the i/p eM level is 50 mV higher than the value
calculated in (i)?

Assume, (WIL)1,2 = 50/0.5, J,lnCox= 50 Jj.A/V2,VTH = 0.7V, A = Y = 0 and Von = 5 V. (17)

8. (a) For the active current minor shown in Fig. for Q. No.8(a), show that the gain can be




.. &' No.
Fi\~.f.c1' ~ A5(c..,
« l

(b) In Fig. for Q. No. 8(b) find lout. ifall the transistor are in saturation. Assume A = 0,

(WIL)l = 50/0.4, (WIL)2 = 100/0.5, (W/L)3 = 50/0.5 and (W/L)4 = 100/4. (15)
'(: :.rt,


Fig. for Q. No. lee)

Fig. for Q. No. 2(b)

Fig. for Q. No. 2(a)


Fig. for Q. No. 2(e)

:::{ PFO F~
1]8. for Q. No. 4(a)

,,"'., .


L-3/T-2/EEE Date: 26/05/2014

L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: EEE 371 (Power System II)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.


There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Derive an expression for the inductance of three phase lines with unsymmetrical

spacmg. (14)
(b) Derive an expression for the inductance of three phase lines with equilateral spacing. (8)
(c) A three phase line is designed with equilateral spacing of 16 ft. It is decided to build
the line with horizontal spacing(D13 = 2D12 = 2D23). The conductors are transposed.
What should be the spacing between adjacent conductors in order to obtain the same

inductance as in the original design? (13)

2. (a) Derive an expression for the capacitance of three phase transmission lilies

considering the effect of earth. (13)

(b) A three-phase 50-Hz transmission line has its conductors arranged in a triangular
formation so that two of the distances between conductors are 25 ft and the third is 42 ft.
The conductors are' ACSR Osprey. Determine the capacitance to neutral in microfarads
per mile and the capacitive reactance to neutral in ohm-miles. If the line is 150 mile
long, find the capacitance to neutral and capacitive reactance of the line. Consider GMR

= 0.0284 ft and the outside diameter of the conductor as 0.879 in. (12)
(c) Calculate the capacitive reactance in ohm-kilometers ofa bundled 50-Hz three phase
line having three ACSR Rail conductors per bundle with 45 cm between conductors of
the bundle. The spacing between bundle centers is 9, '9 and 18 m. Consider the outside

diameter of the conductor as 1.165 inch. (10)

3. (a) Derive an expression for the magnetic flux linkage of one conductor in a group. (10)
(b) Derive an expression for the capacitance of a three phase line with unsymmetrical

spacing. (13)
(c) Six conductors of ACSRPartridge constitute a 50-Hz double circuit three phase line
arranged as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 3(c). Find-
(i) The inductance per phase (in H/mi) and the inductive reactance (in Q/mi).

Contd P/2

Contd ... Q. No. 3(c)

(ii) The capacitive reactance to neutral (in n.mi) and the charging current in A/mi
per phase and per conductor at 132 kV. Consider GMR - 0.0217 ft and the
outside diameter of the conductor as 0.642 in.

. f
e> Co -------'f
b O.-----5of!-t---_~.e br-f-

4. (a) A 250-kcmil, single conductor, synthetic rubber, belted cable has a conductor
diameter of 0.575 in and inside diameter of sheath of 1.235 in. The cable has a length of

6000 ft and is going to be used at 50 Hz and 132 kV. Calculate'the following: (11)
(i) Total insulation resistance in MO.
(ii) Power loss due to leakage current flowing through insulation resistance. :
The insulation resistli!lce of synthetic rubber is 2000 MO/IOOO ft.
(b) Assume that a three-conductor b~1ted cable '4 mi long is used as a three-phase
underground feeder and connected to a ll-kV, 50 Hz substation bus. The load at the
receiving end, draws 40 A at 0.85 lagging power factor. The capacitance between any
two conductors connecting the third co~ductor to the sheath is measured to be 0.45
J-lF/mi. Ignoring the power loss due to leakage current and also the line voltage drop,

calculate the following: (14)

(i) charging current of feeder
(ii) sending-end current
(iii) sending-end power factor.
(c) Explain how location of fault in an underground cable is determined by using Varley

loop test. (10)

Contd P/3

EEE 371

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

. 5. (a) Consider the single line diagram shown in Fig. for Q; No. 5(a). All impedances are

in per unit. (12)

The machine is delivering 1.0 p.u. power and both the terminal voltage and the infinite
bus voltage are 1.0 p.u. Determine (i) the power angle equation of the system, (ii) swing
equation ifp =0.9 p.u.

(b) The power angle equations of a generator are: (12)

Before the fault: ~ = Proax sin 8

During the fault: Pe = lJ. sin 8

After the fault :~ = P2 sin 8
Determine the critical clearing angle for the fault. ;,.
(c) What is the effect of increasing transient reactance of a generator on stability?

Explain. (11) ,

6. (a) Show the typical circuit arrangement of high voltage DC transmission for . (10)
(i) monopolar arrangement and
(ii) bipolar arrangement.
(b) The total power transmission capability ofa bipolar DC system and a 3-phase 3-wire
AC system are same. The two systems have same thermal limit, crest voltage, length

and conductor size. Determine the power factor of the AC system. (15)
(c) Write the major advantages and disadvantages of DC transmission over AC

transmission. (10)

Contd P/4



7. (a) Describe the principles of series capacitor compensation with necessary figures and

vector diagrams. (10)

(b) Draw the VAR compensation topology implemented with a voltage source converter
in STATCOM. Draw the associated vector diagrams in leading and lagging power

factor. (15)
(c) Draw the topology of unified power flow controller (UPFC). Describe its main

features. (10)

8. (a) Describe briefly the solution techniques for reducing harmonic in the design stage

and for existing facilities. (10)

(b) Explain what happens to allowable percentage of individual harmonics and total

demand distortion (TDD) ifIsclIL at PCC is increased and why? (8)

(c) Determine the magnitude of voltage sag if the fault is at 33 kV and the PCC is at 132

kV. Use the following table. (8)

Voltage level Fault level

400 V 20MVA

11 kV 200MVA

33 kV 900MVA

132 kV 3000MVA

400 kV 17,000 MVA

(d) Derive an equation to obtain the critical distance at whibha fault will. lead to a sag of

certain magnitude. (9)

L-3ff -2/EEE Date: 02/06/2014
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: IPE 493 (Industrial Management)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Ther,e are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Describe four basic management functions that managers perform in an organization. .' (12)
(b) Discuss tMatrix'-typeorganizational structure along with it's advantages and
disadvantages. Also give an example of a matrix-type organization and explain why it is

matrix type. (12)


(c) Consider a worker, who is working in a shoe factory, has to produce 360 pieces. The
standard task is 80 pieces, where the low task is 75% of the standard task. If the wage
rate is $30 per hour ang the worker takes 4 hrs to complete the job, then calculate his

earning per hour, under Rowan Plan. (11)

2. (a) Describe 'different organization design approaches. (13)

(b) Discuss five sources of 'Power' with necessary examples. (10)
(c) Discuss and describe the steps of delegation of power. (12)

3. (a) Discuss Hemner's rules for behavioral modification. (13) ,

(b) Describe different stages of team development. (10)
(c) If you want to withdraw the following amounts over next five years from a savings
account that earns 7% interest compounded annually, how much do you need to deposit

now? (12)
Year Amount
2 $2000
3 -$3000
4 $6000
5 $8000

4. (a) Voltar Company manufactures and sells a telephone answering machine. The

company's contribution format income statement for the most recent year is as follows: (23)
Contd P/2

Contd ... Q. No. 2(a)

Total Per Unit Percent of Sales

Sales (20,000 units) - . $1,200,000 $60 100%
less variable expenses . 900,000 45 ?%
Contribution margin . 300,000 $15 ?%
Less fixed expenses . 240,000
Net operating income . $ 60,000

Management is anxious to improve the company's profit performance and has asked for
an analysis of a number of items.
(i) Compute company's CM. ratio and variable expense ratio.
(ii) Compute company's break even point in both units and sales dollars.
(iii) Assume that sales increases by $400,000 next year. If cost behavior patterns
remain unchanged, then by how much will the company's net operating income
increase? Use the eM ratio to determine your answer.
(iv) Refer t<? the original data. Suppose management want to sell high quality
speaker. The higher quality causes an increase in variable cost by $3 per unit.
Manager has, also eliminated one quality inspector who was paid $30,000 per
year. If he assumes it will increase the annual sale by 4000 units, then determine
whether he should make these changes.
(b) Memofax, Inc., produces memory enhancement kits for fax machines. Sides have
been very erratic, with SOlVemonths showing a profit and some months showing a loss.

The company's income statement for the most recent month is given below: (12)

Sales (13,500 units at $20 per unit) . $270,000

Less variable expenses . 189,000
Contribution margin . 81,000
Less fixed expenses . .90,000

Net operating loss . $ (9,000)

(i) Compute CM ratio and break even point in both units and dollars.
(ii) The sales manager feels that an $8,000 increase in the monthly advertising
budget, combined with intense effort by sales staff, will result in a $70,000
increase in monthly sales. How this change will affect the monthly net
operating income or loss?

Contd P/3

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Do you agree that EOQ model is a robust model? Justify your answer by providing
mathematical proof. (10)
(b) Briefly explain the "Power of two" policy. (10)
(c) An item sells for $25 a unit, but a 10% discount is offered for lots of 150 units or
more. A company uses this item at the rate of 20 units per day. Setup cost is $50 and
holding cost per unit per day is $0.30. The lead time is 12 days. Determine the optimal
inventory policy. (15)

6. (a) Briefly discuss the term "System nervousness" in MRP. State-and explain the ways
of overcoming this problem. (10)
(b) An end item A has a planned lead time of two weeks. There are currently 120 units
on hand scheduled receipts. Setup cost is $400 and holding cost $2 per unit per
week. Master production schedule for the next 10 weeks is given below. (17)
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Demand: 41 44 84 42 84 86 7 18 49 30

Now compute the planned order releases and total cost using
(i) 'EOQ'
(ii) 'PPB' policy
(c) Briefly discuss different types of production systems with suitable examples. (8)

7. (a) A manager is trying to determine which forecasting method to use. He gathered the
following historical data (25)
Month Actual demand

I 62

2 65
3 67

4 68

5 71

6 73

Based on above data, please calculate the following:

(i) Single exponential smoothing forecast for periods 2-6 using an initial forecast
of61 and an a of 0.30
(ii) Exponential smoothing with trend adjustment forecast for periods 2-6 using
initial trend forecast of 1.8, an initial exponential smoothing forecast of 60, an
a of 0.30 and ~ of 0.30
(iii) Calculate MAD for the forecast made by above (i) and (ii) technique in periods
4-6. Which forecasting method do you prefer and why?
(b) Discuss about different demand options in aggregate planning. (10)
Contd P/4

8.. (a) Suppose you have the alternative of receiving either $10,000 at the end of five years
or 'P' dollars today. Currently, you have no need for the money, so you deposit the 'P'
dollars into a bank account that pays 6% compound interest annually. What value of 'P'
would make you indifferent in your choice between 'P' dollars today and promise of

$10,000 at the end of five years? (3)

(b) How would you conduct a marketing research? (12)
(c) For the information shown below:

(i) prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured. (7)

(ii) computethe cost of goods sold (6)
(iii) prepare an Income statement. . (7)
The following information has been taken from the accounting records of Klear-Seal
Company for five years:

selling expenses ••••••••••.••..••....•...••..•.... $ 140,000

Raw matenals inventory, January 1 .•••••••••••••...... 90,000
Raw matenals inventory, December 31 ..••••.••.......• 60,000
Utilities, factory; •....•.•.•.•.............•......... 36.000
Direct labor cosl ....................•....•....•...• 150,000
Depreciation, factory : , •.....••••..•..••. 162,000
Purchases of raw malenals . 750,000
Sales " : . 2,500,000
Insurance, factory ........•••••..•...•.............. 40,000
Suppli~, factory •••.•. ~•..••• : .•.......•.•..••...•• 15,000
Administrative expenses ..••.....•......•.••.•.....•. 27Q,Ooo
Indirecllabor .••••.......•..•..•••.•...•••••.••••••• 300,000
Maintenance, factory ...••.•.....••.•.•••••••.•.•... 87,000
Work in process inventory, January 1. ................•. 180,000
Work in process inventory, December 31 .•••.••••••••.•. 100,000
Rnished goods inventory, January 1 •.......••.•••...•. 260.000
Finished goods inventory, December 31 .....•.......... 210,000
L-3/T-2/EEE Date: 12/05/2014
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2OJ2

. Sub: EEE 311 (Digital Signal Processing I)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks .
.._ _ __ ._ __ _ , __ _ _ _.,,_.,..,.._ ._M __ . .._~. ._ ..
m •••• _ •••• " ••• ' •• __ ••••• _ •••••••••• _ ••••••• -_ ••••••• __ ••••••••••• _-_._ .•••••••••••••••• __ •••

'" ;~.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a)A continuous time signal xe(t)==COS(2ITFJt)+COS(27TFi) is sampled at Fs

samples/sec and resulting discrete-time signal is x[n] == A cos(27if1'z).Find the value of Fs

that will provide f corresponding to F I and in this case also find the value of A. Consider

FI == 2000 Hz and F2 == 8000 Hz. (10)

(b) Consider the discrete-time system as shown in ~ig. for Q. No. 1(b). (10)


The first system is described by

I (l) 1< 0.5 IT
0.5 IT :::;1w 1< IT.

The second system is described by y[n]=~{n]-v[n-2]. The input to this system is

x[n] = cos(O.8nn)+o(n -3]+ 5. Determine the output y[n].

(c) Derive the condition of causality of an LTI system. (7)
(d) Determine whether the system T {x(n]} == ex[n"3] is (i) causal, (ii) stable, and (iii) LTI. :(8)

2. (a) (12)


"" ..-
-••.......... ~ ,

Contd P/2

EEE 311
Contd ... Q. No. 2(a).

y[n]. (10)

a.,,~ [H (eiw) J


Contd P/3

.' ..,:

EEE 311
Contd ... Q. No. 2(c)

Consider the Z-transform shown in Fig. for Q. No. 2(c) corresponding to a system
function H(z). (i) Mention all possible ROCs, (ii) For each ROC, comment on causality
and stability (iii) Write the expression of causal-stable h(n] (if any).

3. (a) Consider the following system (Fig. for Q. No. 3(a» (18)


,., 0" .~ ••• ,_ ••••• _ •••• _~;

T': 2.T
__ ., ",.'_ ~,_ •• ,.

In the. above system,

and IXcCjn~ 1s shown in the figure. Given that the original sampling rate Os

(corresponding to T in the .figure) is three times of ON (Le. Os = 30N)' Sketch

. (i) Ix(e jOJ

1, (ii) IW(e 1, (iii) IV(e 1, and (iv) 1';; (jn)

(b) When the input to an LTI system is (17)

the corresponding output is

yIn] = sGJ uln]-s(~ J uln]

Using Z-transform method, find the impulse response h(n] of the system and determine

whether or not the system is stable and/or causal.

Contd P/4

EEE 311

4. (a) Draw the signal flow graph for a causal FIR system with impulse response (10)

h[n] = ~ 1 - 2 5 -2 1 2 J

Note that your design must ensure minimum number of multiplier.

(b) In a decimator systerh what type of filter" is generally used and why? With a
simplified block diagram explain the process of changing the sampling rate of a signal

x[n] from Fs to 0.8 Fs. (10)
(c) Find the step response of an initially-relaxed causal LTI system described by
following difference equation using time-domain technique . (15)
y[n] = 5y[n -1]- 6y[n - 2]+ 2x[n -1].

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) The transfer function H(z) of a causal LTI system has the pole-zero configuration
shown in Fig. fpr Q. 5(a). It is also known that H(z) = 6 when z = 1. (12)

Determine the response of the system to the input signal x(n), obtained from sampling
the continuous signal .
x(t) = 50 + lOcos (2 0tlt )+ 30cos (407lt )
at a sampling frequency Fs = 40 Hz.
(b) Consider a causal sequence x(n) with the z-transform (11)

Find the values of a so that anx(n) .be a real, minimum-phase sequence.

Contd P/5

EEE 311
Contd •.. Q. No.5

(c) Suppose that a stable nonminimum-phase LTI system, H(z) is cascaded with a

compensating system Hc(z) as shown in Fig. for Q. S(c) . (12)

..,,-----(;;jZ} - .
xf--n)---:-7\ \-Ie~\ w(-<i) fc(2) 1:
'1_.:- - - - -l.

r~.-jo ~ sec)
(i) How should Hc(z) be chosen so that it is stable and causal, and the magnitude
of the'ovenin effective frequency response is unity?
(ii) Assume that
H(z) = (1- O.8ejO,31l' z,-l )(1- O.8e-jO,31l' z-l Xl-1.2e jO,71l' Z-l )(1_1.2e-jo. 7
1l' z-l )

Find Hc(z) and G(z) for this case.

6. (a) Fig. for Q. 6(a) shows a sequence x(n) for which the value of x(3) is an unknown

constant c. Let (11)

Xl (k)= X(k )ej21l'3k/5,

where X(k) is the five-point, DFT ofx(n). The sequence xl(n) plotted in Fig. for Q. 6(a)
is the inverse DFT OfXl(k). What is the value ofc?

2 "~1'~2. z.,C-r\) ..~

_._'1.L\'~'~' ...•
~ -' ,. -.... .. _
.,.- " - _ .

-, 0 1 s~6.,..---n-*
2.-,..1-_ ..•;•....... ..

tb) Consider the finite-length sequence (13)

x(n) = 2o(n)+o(n-l)+o(~-3).
(i) Compute the four-pointDFT X(k)

(ii) Compute the four-point inverse DFT of Y(k)= X2 (k) to obtain a sequence yen)

(iii) If N-point DFTs are used in the previous two steps, how should you choose N

so that y(n) = x(n)* x(n) for 0 $ n $ N -1 ?

Contd : P/6

EEE 311
Contd •.. Q. No.6

(c) An input signal x(n) has been distorted by an FIR system with the impulse response (11)

h(n) = o(n)-.lo(n - no)

-; 2
where no is a positive integer. We wish to recover the original signal x(n) by processing

the distorted output. Suppose that we use an FIR filter of length N in an attempt to
implement the inverse filter, and let the N-point DFT of the FIR filter be
G(k) = H(k)' k = 0, 1, ..., N-1.

It might appear that the FIR filter d(k) = ~(k) implements the inverse filte~ perfectly.

Briefly explain the fallacy in this argument.

7. (a) Derive the necessary conditions for a realizable digital filter to have a linear phase

characteristic. Also explain the advantages of filters with such a characteristic. (12)
(b) A highpass linear phase FIR filter is characterized by the following impulse response

coefficients: (8)
h(n) = {0.0575,-0.0544,-02955,0.5673,-02955,-0.0554,0.0575}
Determine the coefficients of an equivalent lowpass filter.

(c) A linear phase bandpass digital filter is required to meet the following specification: (15)
passband 12-16 kHz
transition width 3 kHz
sampling frequency 48 kHz
passband ripple 0.01 dB
stopband attenuation >50 dB
Assume that the coefficients of the filter are to be calculated using window method.
Determine the following issues for the filter:
(i) type of window
(ii) the number of filter coefficients
(iii) the expression of ideal bandpass filter hD(n) for -a:::<n<oc

(iv) the coefficients of the required bandpass filter h(n) = hD(n)a>(n) for -3 ~ n~3
(v) the necessary modification for causal -implementation of the obtained filter

Contd P17


EEE 311

8. (a) An analog signal is contaminated by a 50 Hz signal and its harmonic at 150 Hz.
Assume that the contaminated signal is sampled at 1 kHz. Find the transfer fUnction of a

simple digital filter to remove the interference and its harmonic.

(b) A requirement exists to simulate, in a digital computer, an analog filter with the

following transfer functiob:


H(s) = 0.5
s(s + 0.5)
Obtain the transfer function 'of the digital filter using the impulse i~variant method .

. Assume a sampling frequency of 1 (normalized).

(c) The specification of a certain highpass filter is given below: (15)

passband' 125-250 Hz
stopband 0-50 Hz
passband ripple 3 dB
stopband attenuation 20 dB
sampling frequency 500 Hz
Assuming that the filter has a Butterworth response, determine the transfer function H(z)

, of the filter using the bilinear z-transform.


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