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EEE309 Term

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L-3/T-2/EEE Date: 18/02/2018


L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Answer in brief and to the point.

1. (a) Name and define the distortions caused by a communication channel to a signal.
Comment on how they are mitigate in a practical communication system. (4+6=10)
(b) What is noise? Distinguish between noise and interference. . (5+5=10)
Define signal to noise ratio (SNR) and mention its significance in analog
communication system. What is the acceptable level of SNR for voice communication
through a telephone channel?
(c)Write down the equation for thermal noise in an electrical circuit and from there,
derive an expression for the maximum noise power transferred to a resistive
termination. (8+7=15)
Calculate the maximum available thermal noise (in watt) that a resistive termination in
a standard band-limited telephone channel (300 Hz - 3400 Hz) will produce at an
ambient temperature of 17° C. Also, express it in dBm.

2. (a) Define telecommunication and describe the fundamental limitations of

telecommunication in brief. (8+4=12)
Using a concise statement, mention, why is long-distance communication difficult to
achieve using analog signal transmission?
(b) What do you understand by the terms, information content and system capacity

(information rate) of a communication system? (5+10=15)

A discrete memoryless source consists of an alphabet set of four letters,
s = {A, B, C, D}. For transmission, each letter is encoded into a sequence of two binary
(on-off) pulses. The A is represented by 00, the B by 01, the C by 10, the D by II.
Each individual pulse interval is 5 ms.
(i) Calculate the average rate of transmission of information in bits/s, if the
different letters are equally likely to occur,
(ii) Find the average rate of transmission of information in bits/s,
when the probability of occurrence of each letter is respectively,

(c) Write down the Shannon's maximum capacity theorem and explain each term in it.
Also, explain how SNR can be interchanged with the signal band width to achieve the
same capacity as proposed by A. H. Reeves of Bell laboratory .

Contd P/2

.EEE 309

3. (a) Define modulation and mention three purposes of modulation. (5+8=13)

Define modulation index, rna, for AM and comment on its maximum value. Referring
to the basic block diagram of an amplitude modulator, draw a single-tone modulating
signal, the carrier wave and the AM wave for modulation index of rna = 1 and rna = 1.5.
(b) Suppose that an AM wave IS represented by

s(t) = Ac[l + 0.3 cos(2;if;t) + 0.4cos(27ifi )]cos(27ifJ}, (3+6=9)

where, the symbols have their usual meanings.
Calculate the overall modulation index, rna. Also, calculate the power efficiency of the
(c) Why the radio broadcast stations transmit the total amplitude modulated wave
(DSB - TC) in AM radio transmission compared to other power and bandwidth
efficient methods? (4+9=13)
With suitable sketch( es) briefly describe the operation of an envelope detector for AM.
Also, comment on the choice ofRC values of such a detector.

4. (a) Define FM and comment on its relative merits and demerits over AM. (4+8=12)
Show, with suitable equations and diagrams, the relationship between PM and FM.
(b) Find the FM and PM waves for the modulating signal, met), as shown in Fig. for Q.
NO.4 (b). (8)


2T 3T

.-...:..0 ~ .• _~ ~ Fig: for Q. N.o. 4(b) I

__ .. _._J

(c) Consider an FM system with a single tone message with amplitude Am = 2 volts and
frequency fm = 10kHz. The carrier has an amplitude Ae = 4 volts and frequency fe= 8
MHz. Using the Bessel function plot shown in Fig. for Q. NO.4 (c),
(i) Determine the modulation index p for which, the component inFM signal with
frequency (fe + fm), has 25% of the total transmitted power. (4)
(ii) Calculate the bandwidth using Carson's rule. (3)
(iii) Draw the FM amplitude spectrum. (4)
(iv) how many significant sidebands are contained within the bandwidth calculated in

~~ W
(v) Now, using the FM amplitude spectrum, calculate the bandwidth using the 1% rule. (2)

Contd P/3
, .


EEE 309
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
Answer in brief and to the point. Make reasonable assumptions on any missing information.

5. (a) With necessary diagrams, explain a technique for achieving non-uniform

quantization using a uniform quantizer. (7)
(b) A 4-bit PCM system uses non-uniform quantization with A-law (A = 100)
compression. Sampling rate of the system is 10kHz and the first sample is taken at
t = 0.2 ms. The quantizer is truncation based symmetric mid-rise type. Message signal
of the PCM system is m(t) = mJ(t)m2(t), where m](t) = 5cos(2000nt) and
m2(t) = 4cos(10000nt). Signal range is [-20, 20] and quantizer range is [-16, 16].
Assume that the maximum value of the compressor output is same as the message
peak. Calculate the- (18)
(i) decision thresholds and the quantization levels of the quantizer.
(ii) quantized values and the quantization errors for the first for samples.
(iii) bit rate of the system.
(c) Now assume that for the system in question 5(b), a 4-bit uniform quantizer is used
instead of the non-uniform quantizer (other features are same). (10)
(i) Calculate the bit rate and the SQNR of the system.
(ii) If sampling frequency is doubled, calculate the new bit rate and the SQNR of
the system.
(iii) For the new sampling frequency as in part (ii), draw the amplitude spectrum
of the sampled signal.

6. (a) Consider a system with 500 user pairs (transmitter-receiver). Design and draw the
transmitter side of aT-carrier based communication system by accommodating all the
users. (10)
(b) Consider a TDMA based communication system with 8 source-destination pairs.
Each source has a signal bandwidth of 8 kHz. Source signals are sampled at a rate of
150% above the Nyquist frequency and encoded using sequences of7 bits length. If the
interleaved unit of a TDMA frame is one sample and 2 synchronizing bits are added to
each TDMA frame, calculate the - (15)
(i) number of bits in each frame, (ii) frame rate, (ii) data rate of each source, and (iv)
data rate of the lin1e
(c) Assume that the carrier of a FH-CDMA system hops among four frequencies given
by V;, + 8n) kHz, where Ie = 10kHz and n = 0, 1, 2, 3. draw the block diagram of the
transmitter including the frequency table. If the PN-code for the system: is
[0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 J 1 0], draw a diagram showing the hoping of carrier frequency with
hop periods. (10)

Contd P/4

EEE 309

7. (a) Draw the block diagram of QPSK receiver. If the QPSK signal by
s(t) = ai(t)cos(27ifct) - a2(t)sin(27ifct), (i) determine the phases for various bit sequences
and draw the constellation diagram for the system, (ii) Write the time-domain
expression of signals at each of the receiver, and (iii) determine the decision criteria for
detecting the I - channel and Q-channel bits. Here ai(t) and a2(t) are the NRZ-L coded

waveform for the bits transmitted over I-channel and Q-channel respectively. (12)

(b) A bit sequence [1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] is to be transmitted using DPSK modulation.

Assume' l' means transition and the reference bit (encoded) is ' 1'. (13) .
(i) Determine the DPSK encoded bit sequence.
(ii) Draw the block diagram of the DPSK transmitter and the receiver with the
appropriate logic gate at the transmitter and decision criteria at the receiver.
(iii) If for some disturbances in the channel, polarity of the received signal after
the sampler is found as [+ - - -+: + - + -], determine the number of bits
erroneously detected.
(c) Consider a 3-users DS-CDMA system with PN sequences [-1+ 1+ 1-1] ,
[+ 1-1-1 + 1] and [-1-1-1-1] respectively. If the signal in the channel is
[- 3 + 2 -1- 2 + 1+ 3 - 3 + 1]and the channel is free from any disturbance, (10)
(i) draw the baseband signal after de-spreading at receiver 2.
(ii) draw the baseband signal after spreading at transmitter 2.
(iii) determine the detected bit sequence at receiver 3.

8. (a) Prove that the improvement in SQNR in a DPCM system compared to a PCM
system using the same number of quantization levels is proportional to (Am/Emi,
where [-Am,+ Am] and [-Em,+ Em] are the ranges of the message signal and the error
signal respectively. (8)
(b) Derive the time-domain and frequency-domain expressions of natural PAM signal.
With necessary diagrams, identify and explain three different parameters affecting the
bandwidth of PAM signals. (15)
(c) Compare and contrast the line coding schemes as specified below. (12)
(i) NRZ-S and Manchester with respect to self-clocking feature.
(ii) Unipolar RZ and Bipolar RZ with respect to error detection capability.
(iii) Unipolar NRZ and Polar NRZ with respect to noise immunity.
(iv) Unipolar NRZ and Manchester with respect to transmission bandwith.

- e-.-
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L-3/T -2/EEE Date: 16/07/2017
L-3/T-2 J.I Sc. Engineering Examinations 20l~-2016

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full MarJs: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
S~mbols have their usual meanings.

1. <aJWrite. the characteris~cs of the following communication channels:. coaxial cable,

fiber-optIc cable and mIcrowave lmks. Also, comment on theIr relative ments and
demerits. I (10)
(b) How are the transmission impairments tackled in along and digital communication
systems? (10+4)
A message signal met) =,6 cos (24 x 103t) + 5 cos (50 x 103t) is transmitted through a

channel with attenuation profile a ((1)) = 7 + ((1)- 37 xl 03) and phase profile
,8((1)) = 5.5(1)+ 3. Will tJe signal be distorted after propagating through the channel?
Justify your answer. I .
(c) The signal power at the input of a cascaded system consisting of two amplifiers is
30dBm and noise powe~ is lllW. The gain of first amplifier is 40 and that of second
amplifier 50. Internal noise power of each amplifier is -20dBm. (11)
Calculate the noise figJre of the cascaded system in dB. Also, calculate the noise
temperature assuming arhbient temperature as 30° C. Why is noise temperature more
use ful m .I ?
. space app l'IcatlOns. .

2. (a) What is the common problem of SSB modulation methods? With a necessary block
diagram, discuss the p~ase shift method to generate SSB-SC (LSB) signal from a
signal-tone modulating signal. . (10)
(b) Define different dembdulation techniques for AM signals. What are the conditions
of detecting intelligence signal from AM signal using envelope detection? Verify the
conditions. (8+4)
(c) An intelligence signal is met) = 2 cos (1000 7tt) + 3 cos (600 7tt) and the carrier
signal c(t) = 6 cos (2 7t xI105t). (13)
(i) Derive the expression of DSB + C signal showing all the components.
(ii) Calculate the nJodulation index and power efficiency.
(iii) Sketch the arhplitude spectrum after suppressing the USB spectrum and
write the expressioh of the remaining signal. Also, determine its bandwidth.
(iv) Is it possible td demodulate the remaining signal non-coherently? Explain.

3. <aJ What is a superhete~"dyne receiver? Draw the block diagram of superheterodyne

receiver for DSB - SCi signal reception and explain how the carrier frequency is
converted to intermediate frequency at the mixer stage. What modifications will be
required for FM receptioh? Redraw the block diagram with necessary information. (14)

Contd P/2

EEE 309
Contd ... Q. No.3

(b) Draw the QAM system for two channels and explain with analytical calculation that
cochannel interference Jay occur at the receiving end. (10)
(c) Explain how VSB si~nal can be demodulated coherently and VSB+C signal can be
envelope-detected. (11)

4. (a) Considering a signal-tone modulating signal, derive the expressions of effective

bandwidth (approximate ,Itransmission bandwidth) of an FM signal and a PM signal. (13)
(b) Show that NBFM and NBPM signals have similar expression of AM wave
considering some appr6ximations. After generating NBFM using a DSB - SC
modulator, generate WBFM signal from this NBFM using frequency multipliers. (10)
(c) For a message sigbal met) = 2 cos (200t) + 15 cos (4000 1tt) and carrier
c(t) = 10 cos(27l'X 106 t ), kite the expressions of FM and PM signals when frequency
sensitivity kr= 10000 HJv and phase sensitivity k = 10 radN. p (12)
Estimate the bandwidths 10fFM and PM signals. If the maximum frequency component
of the message signal is (loubled, calculate the bandwidths of FM and PM signals and
comment on the sensitivAy of bandwidths to the spectrum ofm(t).

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
Answer in brief and to the pdint. Make reasonable assumptions on any missing information.

5. <aJ Consider a messagl signal with a rectangular baseband spectrum M(j) of

bandwidth B as shown ik Fig. for Q. NO.5 (a). Draw the amplitude spectrums of the
corresponding PAM sigdals with the ideal, natural and flat-top sampling. Comment on
the bandwidth requiremJnt of each type of PAM signals. Assume that the sampling
frequency is 3 B Hz and the duty cycle of the sampling waveform for the non-ideal
sampling types is '( = 1I 4 . (19)

1 . t.
. !

Fig. for O. No. 5(a)

(b) Draw the block diagrams of the receivers for the natural and flat-top PAM systems.
Explain why equalizer is ~equired in the receiver of a flat-top PAM system. (10)
(c) State three advantageJ of using sampling in communication systems. (6).
I .'
6. (a) Design and draw a D
with necessary justifications.
1 SKtransmitter and a receiver assuming' l' means a transition

Contd P/3



EEE 309
Contd ..• Q. No.6

(b) Design a BPSK modulator assuming unipolar NRZ line coding scheme. Also, draw
the block diagram of a BPSK demodulator. Write the time-domain expression of the
signals at each point oftJe modulator and demodulator. (13)
(c) Identify line coding sbhemes (one for each) having the following properties: (12)
(i) High noise immunity,I(ii) Self-clocking, (iii) Favorable power spectrum density, and
(iv) Error detection capal1>ility.
Justify your answers.

7. (a) For a 3-bit PCM system, m(t) = IOsin(50001lt)+6cos(I50001lt)is the message with

the minimum and the maLmum values -15 and +15, respectively. (20)
The system uses non-Jniform quantization with Jl-'law (Jl = 255) compression.
Sampling frequency is 20 kHz and the first sample is taken at t = 0.02ms. If the
quantizer is symmetric ~id-rise type with rounding operation and the quantizer range
is same as that of thd signal range, determine the decision thresholds and the
quantization levels. Alsol calculate the quantized values and quantization errors for the
first three samples. I
(b) For the message signal m(t) in part 7(a), (15)
(i) Calculate the bit rate of the 3-bit PCM system with 20 kHz sampling
frequency and nonJuniform quantization.
(ii) If the sampling frequency is now set to 50% higher than the Nyquist rate and
uniform quantization is used, calculate the new bit rate and SQNR.
(iii) For improvin~ the SQNR obtained in part (ii) by 15 dB, calculate the
required number o~ quantization levels.
(iv) Calculate the bit rate for part (ii) ifDM is used instead ofPCM.

8. (a) With necessary diagrL, identitYthe main difference between the predictors used in
DPCM and DM systems. (10)
(b) Explain why TDMA eannot be used for an analog communication system. (5)
(c) A 32-user pairs TDJA system uses 8-bit PCM with a sampling frequency of 16
kHz. Each TDMA frame is created by taking one bit from each channel and adding two
additional bits for synchronization purpose. Calculate (11)
(i) bit rate of each slource, .
(ii) bit rate in the cJannel and
(iii) frame rate of tJe sysrem

(d) The signal in the chlel of a 4-user DS-CDMA system is [-2 +4 -4 +4 +2 -2 +4

+2]. If the PN sequence Jsed by the 2nd user is [0 1 0 1]' determine its detected bit
sequence. Also, draw the waveform of signal in the channel and the decoded baseband
signal of the 2nd user. (9)

L-3/T-2/EEE Date: 17/07/2016

L-3/T -2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.
Answer in brief and to the point. Symbols have their usual meanings. Make reasonable
assumptions on any missing information.

1. (a) Name the techniques for countering noise in communication systems. With necessary

diagram, explain the technique that uses amplifiers along the transmission path. (8)
2 2
(b) Propagation constant of a transmission media is given as y = (co/1 On + co /50n ) + j( 6n

+ 10-6 co2) per km. Two message signals to be transmitted are m I (t) = 10cos(12nt) +

6cos(20nt), and m2(t) = 8cos(20nt). (6+6)

" (i) Detennine whether ml(t) and m2(t) can be received without any distortion.
(ii) If the length of the cable is 2 km, find the expression of the received signal for

(c) For the cascaded system shown in Fig. for Q. No. l(c), noise power at the output of ,{\',C.

Amplifier 1 is - 85 dBm. Calculate the (i) NF of the overall system, (ii) SNR at the input

and the output of Amplifier 2, and (iii) noise temperature of the two amplifiers. (15)


30dBm 8 km transmission line

Signal attenuation: 2dB/km,
Noise gain: O.5dBlkm

Fig. for Q. NO.1 (e)


2. (a) Explain the operation of a double-balanced DSB-SC AM modulator. Why is the

modulator called 'double-balanced'?

(b) Consider a DSB+C AM based communication system with message

m(t) = 8cos(10000 nt) + 6cos(20000nt) and carrier e(t) = 5cos(2n x 106)t.

(i) Calculate the minimum carrier amplitude required for using envelope detector?
(ii) Calculate the modulation index, total transmitted power and the power efficiency.
(iii) What kind of detection should be used in the receiver? Justify your answer.
(iv) Draw the amplitude spectrum of the AM signal.
(v) For the given met) and e(t), determine the bandwidth of DSB+C and SSB+C
(vi) Ifthe carrier frequency is now doubled, repeat part (v).
Contd P12

EEE 309
Contd ... Q. No.2
(c) With necessary diagrams, explain the weaver method for generating SSB AM signal.

3. (a) Derive the generalized time-domain expressIOn of FM signal for a single-tone

message. Then show that the bandwidth of NBFM signal is equal to that of DSB AM
(b) Consider an FM system with a single-tone message with amplitude Am=2 volt and
frequency Im=4 kHz. The carrier has an amplitude Ac=4 volt and frequency
fc = 1 MHz. The system uses a modulation index fJ for which the carrier in the FM signal
has 30% of the total transmitted power. Now using the attached Bessel function plot in
Fig. for Q. No. 3(b). answer the following questions.

(i) What is the modulation index ~ of the system?

(ii) Determine the bandwidth using the Carson's rule.
(iii) Draw the FM amplitude spectrum.
(iv) Calculate the percentage of power contained within the bandwidth found in part

(v) Calculate the bandwidth of the FM signal using the 1% rule.
(c) For a message signal m(t) = 8t + 4cos(4000nt) and carrier e(t) = 2cos(2nx10 )t, derive
the expressions of PM and FM signals. Given, frequency sensitivity kj = 1000 HzN and

phase sensitivity kp = 4n radN. Also find the power of the modulated signal.

4. (a) Draw the block diagram of a QAM system. Derive the expression of reconstructed in-
phase channel (I-channel) signal if both the frequency and the phase of the receiver
carrier are different than those of transmitter side carrier.
(b) Derive the mathematical relationship between vestigial shaping filter at the
transmitter and the LPF at the receiver in a VSB based communication systems. Also

explain why VSB+C is preferred for TV signal transmission. (8+5)

(c) Define pulse modulation. With necessary diagrams, discuss in detail the impact of

pulse width and the sampling frequency on the bandwidth of the flat-topped PAM signal. (2+ 10)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. The maximum and the minimum values of the message signal, m(t) = 10 cos(2000 nt) +

6cos( 6000 nt) are 16 and -16, respectively. The message signal is sampled at 50% higher
than the Nyquist rate, quantized with mid-rise type quantizer and then encoded to obtain
(5+ 15+ 15=35)
PCM signal.
Contd P/3


EEE 309
Contd ... Q. No.5
(i) Draw the amplitude spectrum of the sampled signal.
(ii) Determine the minimum number of quantization levels and the corresponding
data rate to achieve the minimum signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR) of 18 dB
if a unifonn quantizer is used. Also detennine the data bits for time duration t = 0 to
0.5 ms ifthe first sample starts at t = O.
(iii) Determine the data bits for time duration t = 0 to 0.5 ms if a non-unifonn
quantization is performed with Jl-Iaw(Jl = 255) and the no. of levels is used as in (ii).
Also detennine the SQNR for this non-unifonn quantization.

6. (a) Draw the block diagrams of DPCM transmitter and receIver. Show that the

reconstruction error in DPCM is equal to the quantization error. (17)

(b) A message signal, met) = 4sin(2000 rrt) + 2sin(6000 1tt) is sampled at 300% higher

than the Nyquest rate for ii-modulation. (18)

(i) Determine the step size of the ii-modulator to minimize the slope overloading

(ii) Determine the data rate of the ii-modulated signal.
(iii) Detennine the quantization noise and data bits for 6 samples if the first sample

starts at t = 0.001 ms.

7. (a) Draw the block diagrams ofBFSK modulator and (coherent) demodulator. Also write
down the expressions of the signals at the input and output of each of the blocks of BFSK

modulator and demodulator for data bits "I" and "0". (17)

(b) For the Q-PSK modulator shown in Fig. for Q. 7(b), (18)
(i) Plot the typical signals bet), al(t), a2(t), CI(t), C2(t) and Set) for bit sequence'
"00101101 ".
(ii) Draw the constellation diagram of the modulator.
(iii) Draw the block diagram of Q-PSK demodulator and explain how the demodulator
works for the
r-modlJla,ted.2.ignal '.
S(!L.__. -"'--~----'~~f .
",,", -0_"-

to .
N~-cb~) pMtiU-
leve.-! . Cnn\.4'l.' .
. ~t'lCokt- telL

0.'1(3;) c;L*)
__ .- .h~. ~ ~. 1- U~) I Contd P/4 .

EEE 309

8. (a) Assume that currently the number of required telephone lines in BUET is 2000. The
number of lines increases 50 per year. Design TDM Systems for BUET with 20 years

plan using (i) T-carrier and (ii) E-carrier. (12)

(b) Write down. the comparative advantages and disadvantages between random and

channelization medium access protocols. (5)

(c) Consider the PN sequences for a 3-user DS-CDMA system are C1 = [1, -1,1, -1, 1,

-1, -1], C2 = [1,1, -1, -1,1,1, -1], C3 = [-1,1, -1, -1,1, -1,1], respectively. The data

bit sequences for the users are bl = "10", b2 = "01", and b3 = "11", respectively. (18)
(i) Draw the transmitted baseband signal for each of the users.
(ii) Draw the received baseband signal with
(a) Zero interference
(b) Wideband interference, n = [0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,]
(c) Narrow band interference, n = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
in the channel.
(iii) Draw the decoded baseband signal by the receiver of user 2 for each of the
received signal in (ii).
(iv) Determine the output bit sequence at the receiver of user 2 for each of the
received signals in (ii) and comment on the result.
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wW Modulation index (~) Fig. for Q. No. 3(b)
L-3/T -2/EEE Date: 23/01/2016
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2013-2014

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.
Make reasonable assumptions on any missing data. Answer in brief and to the point.

1. (a) Why is line coding essential in digital communication systems? Name three line

coding schemes with self-clocking feature and discuss their relative merits and demerits. (4+7)
(b) The message signal met) of a 3-bit PCM system with ,u-law (,u = 100) based non-
uniform quantization is shown in Fig. for Q. NO.1. The quantizer is symmetric mid-rise
type and uses rounding operation. The sampling frequency is 2.5 kHz and the first sample

is taken at t = 0.2 ms. Calculate- (14)

(i) the quantization errors for the first 4 samples,
(ii) the quantization errors if uniform quantization were used and compare them with
those in part (i).


Fig. for NO.1 Q.


(c) What are the basic differences between DPCM and DM? A DM system with a
message signal m(t) as shown in Fig. for Q. NO.1 uses a sampling frequency equal to 10

kHz. Calculate- (4+6)

(i) the bit rate of the system,
(ii) the minimum step size for avoiding slope overload noise.

2. (a) Consider a PCM system with a sinusoidal message signal met) having values in the
range [-4, 4] volts and power equal to lOW. Message bandwidth is 4 kHz and the
sampling frequency is 150% higher than the Nyquist rate. The system uses uniform mid-

rise types symmetric quantization, (13)

Contd P12


EEE 309
Contd ... Q. No. 2(a)
(i) Calculate the required bit rate to achiever an SQNR equal to 20 dB,
(ii) If the sampling frequency is doubled, calculate the new SQNR,
(iii) If DPCM is used with the same bit rate as in part (i) and the DPCM error signal
lies in the range [-0.5, 0.5] volts, calculate the SQNR in dB.
(b) Draw the block diagram of a flat-topped PAM transmitter and receiver showing the
amplitude spectrum of the signals at each output of system, blocks. Explain why an

equalizer is necessary in a PAM receiver. (8+4)

(c) Consider a BPSK system with phase nl4 for bit '1' and n/2 for bit '0'. Deign and
draw the block diagram of the BPSK transmitter and the receiver. The answer should

include the decision criteria at the receiver. (10)

3. (a) Write short notes on- (10)

(i) T-carrier system
(ii) FH-CDMA system
(b) Consider a joint TDM-FDM system as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 3(b). The Bandwidth
of each source is 4 kHz and the sampling frequency is twice that of Nyquist frequency.

Source signals are digitized using 8-bit PCM system with A-law compression (A = 100). (17)
(i) Calculate the bit rate at the marked points PI to P6.
(ii) Calculate the TDMA frame durations and frame rates at point P3 and Ps.
(iii) If the bandwidth requirement at point P4 is 512 kHz, calculate the bandwidth
requirement at point P 6 assuming a guard band equal to 20 kHz.

, p - "--~-l
.1 Source I ~
I Source 2 ~ !

I Source 3 ~
"I Source 4 ~
:1 SourceS ~
TDM System FDM System

~ -'_ ~---------~~--------_._-----_.

(c) With necessary diagram, explain the multiple access interference (MAl) in a multi-

user DS-CDMA system. (8)

4. (a) Discuss the impact of increasing the order of digital modulations on the data rates,
bandwidth, bit error rate (BER) and power requirement of a digital communication

system. (10)
Contd P13


.EEE 309
Contd ... Q. No. 4(a)

(b) A bit sequence [1 a a 1 1 a 1 0] is to be transmitted using DPSK modulation with the

encoding principle 'Bit 1 means a transition'. Assume the encoded reference bit is '0',

phase '0' for bit' l' and phase '11:'for bit '0'. (12)
(i) Design and draw the block diagram ofthe DPSK transmitter and the receiver.
(ii) Show the phase sequence of the transmitted DPSK signal.
(iii) If for some reasons, the received phase sequence is [ 11:11:a a 11:11:a 0], Determine
how many bits will be erroneously detected.
(c) Consider a DS-CDMA system with 3 transmitter-receiver pairs having PN sequence
Cl = [0 a a 0], C2 = [1 1 1 1] and C3 = [1 a 1 0] respectively. Each Transmitter has a data

rate of 1 Mbps. (13)

(i) Determine whether the PN sequences are orthogonal to each other.
(ii) If the signal in the channel is [+1 -3 -3 -1 + 3 -1 -3 +1], determine the bit
sequence detected by receiver 3.
(iii) Calculate the data rate and the chip rate of the DS-CDMA system.
(iv) If 2 bits can be transmitted using 1 Hz, calculate the bandwidth requirement of
each transmitter and the complete DS-CDMA system.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) What are the three major impairments in a communication channel? With appropriate
sketches, explain how distortionless transmission can be achieved in a communication

system ideally. Also mention how these impairments can be mitigated practically. (13)
(b) What are the sources of noise and interference in a communication system?
Characterize the thermal noise and intermodulation noise.
The input x(t) and the output yet) of a certain nonlinear channel is related as y(t) = x(t) +
0.0025x2(t). If m(t) = 2cos(1000m) + cos(200011:t), find the bandwidth of the output

signal. Also determine the intrermodulation products. (12)

(c) The signal power at the input of an amplifier is 55 ~W. The amplifier has a gain of

50, internal noise power is 5 ~W and external noise power is 1 ~W. Calculate the noise

figure in dB and the noise temperature of the amplifier. The room temperature is 27°C.
Also find the application of the terms 'noise figure' and 'noise temperature' in

communication systems. (10)

Contd P/4

EEE 309

6. (a) Characterize the following communication channels and state their particular

applicatons: STP cable and Fiber-optic cable. (10)

(b) Using DSB-SC modulator as a major component, generate SSB and VSB modulated

signals for a message signal of met). (12)

(c) An intelligence signal is met) = 1.2cos(400nt) + cos(IOOO1tt), if carrier signal is

C(t) = 2.4cos(200001tt), derive the expression of DSB-SC signal showing the sidebands
and determine the sideband power. Sketch the amplitude spectrum of DSB-SC signal and
after suppressing the LSB spectrum, show the USB spectrum and find its expression in .

time domain. (13)

7. (a) (a) Write the differences between (10)

(i) coherent and non-coherent demodulation processes and
(ii) homo dyne and heterodyne detection processes.
(b) In case of coherent detection, if the phase or frequency of local oscillator output

signal is different from input carrier's phase or frequency, what problems will occur? (12)
(c) Why non-coherent detection can not be used for DSB-SC signal? 'SSB modulation is
suitable for voice communication however VSB modulation is suitable for TV signals',
Mathematically show that SSB + C can be detected non-coherently for a large carrier

signal. (13)

8. (a) What are the merits and demerits of an angle modulated signal compared to an
amplitude modulated signal. Show that phase and frequency modulations are inseparable.
For a message signal met) = 4cos(100m) + 20cos(2000m), write the expression of FM
and PM signals when the carrier is given as c(t)= 1Ocos(2nx 106t), frequency sensitivity kf
= 2000 and phase sensitivity kp = 2n. Also estimate the bandwidth of FM and PM signals.
(b) For a sinusoidal single-tone modulation, show that the bandwidth of the angle

modulated signal is infinite. (10)

(c) With block diagrams briefly explain the operation on an FM transmitter and a

superheterodyne FM radio receiver. (10)

L,:,3/T-2/EEE Date: 08/12/2014
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013
Sub: EEE 309 (Communication
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

_ .. _._ __ ..__
.. _
__ R_.
._ ._. __ __ M._ _

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.
Answer in brief and to the point. Symbols have their usual meanings. Fig. attached for Q.

1. (a) Name the two major fundamental limitations of a communication system. Define
information, I, carried by a multi-level information-bearing signal with equally spaced
interval in a time span of T seconds and derive the expression for system capacity, C.
Comment on what poses the limit to the information transmission and how they are

related to the fundamental limitations you have mentioned above. (12)

(b) What is the function of a communication channel? Name the two types of distribution
or impairment a communication channel can cause to an intelligence signal. Calculate the

attenuation and delay for each frequency component of the input signal

x(t) = 0.6 cos(2400 m) + 0.5 cos(3000 m), + 0.8 cos (3600 1tt), as it passes throp~h a
communication channel with the following propagation characteristic:

'p 6001r
'(0 .05w+--,w
J 2

Can the .channel pass the signal, x(t), to the destination without distortion? (13)
(c) Explain, with suitable sketches, how the signal distortions caused by a communication

channel are mitigated in a practical communication system.' (10)

2. (a) What is noise? Distinguish between noise and interference. Calculate the maximum
available thermal noise power (N, in watt) that a resistive.termination in a standard band-
limited telephone channel (300 Hz - 3400 Hz) will produce at 27°r;. (Boltzman

constants, k = 1.38 x 10-23 lIOK) . (15)

Define signal to noise power. ratio (SNR) in dB. What is the acceptable level of SNR in
dB for analog speech signals in a telecommunication channel? Compute the signal power,
. S, in watt, required to achieve the acceptable SNR for the noise power, N, obtained as

(b) Mention the most major limitation of an analog communication system. With
appropriate attenuation characteristics of lossy and lossless communication channels as a
function of distance, explain in brief, the said drawback and possible suggestions for
improving the performance using amplifier(s). Which suggestion is adopted in a practical

analog communication system and why? (15)

Contd P 12

EEE 309
Contd ••• Q. No.2
(c) Using Shanon's maximum capacity theorem, explain how in 1939, A. H. Reeves of
Bell Laboratories did suggest the basic principle of overcoming the majorlimitation cited
in part of Q NO.2. (5)

3. (a) What is modulation? Mention the major purposes of modulation in brief. Calculate the
size of the antenna for transmitting an analog baseband signal of 20 kHz frequency in
wireless communication. Compute the same for a 3 MHz signal frequency and comment
on which antenna is suitable for practical use. (5+5)
(b) For a single-tone modulation, met) = Amcos(2nfmt), carrier wave,
c(t) = Ac cos(2nfct); write down the equation for the amplitude modulated wave and
derive the expression for the efficiency (11= sideband power Itotal power) of a standard
amplitude modulator in terms of the modulation index rna. If an AM wave is represented
by set) = Ac(l +0.3 cos(2nf1t) + 0.4 cos (2nf2t) + 0.5 cos(2nf3t)]. cos(2nfct)].
Calculate the overall modulation index, rna, and determine the efficiency of the amplitude
modulator. (7+8)
(c) Write down the equation of an SSB-SC signal for a modulating signal met). De:::~.;be
the corresponding coherent detection technique and the problem of synchronization.
"Although the standard amplitude modulation is both wasteful of power and bandwidth
compared to SSB-SC modulation" - Why is the former used in practical AM
broadcasting? (8+2)

4. (a) Define FM and PM with appropriate equations. Sketch FM and PM waves produced
by the sawtooth wave as shown in Fig. For Q. No. 4(a). (Assume A = I V and T = I
second.) n1(1) (4+6)

F:a' ~ IJ-. NO. 4(~.J

With appropriate equations and.block diagram, explain how you,can achieve FM using an
available phase modulator.
_ (b) Describe, in brief, the direct method of generating FM. (10)
(c) Derive the Fourier series representation of the singletone FM wave for an arbitrary 13.

Simplify the equation for a narrow band approximation. / (8+4+3)

Contd P/3
Contd eo. Q. No. 4(c) . "

Compute the bandwidth of an FM wave for an intelligence signal met) that has a
frequency' band of 300 Hz - 3400 Hz from the simplified equation derived above. Also, j ,

compare the two major advantages of FM over AM.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) A PCM system generates a bit sequence [10011011], which is to be transmitted using
DPSK modulation. Assume that the encoding scheme uses the princ~ple of '9' me~s
transition and the reference bit is 1. (15)
(i) Draw the block diagram of the transmitter and the receiver of the DPSK system. ,
(ii) Determine the encoded bit sequence, phase of each encoded bit and the detected
bit sequence.
(b) An ASK based digital communication system transmits Ao cos wet ad Al cos wet for
bit 0 and bit 1, respectively. Draw the block diagram of the tr~smitter and the receiver of
the system. Write the expressions of the signals at each point of the transmitter ar<1the
receIver. (14)
(c) Compare ASK, FSKand PSK in terms of bandwidth requirement and noise

performan~e. (6)

6. (a) A DS-CDMA system with 4-trasmitter-receiver pairs uses.PN,sequences,of 128

long. If each of the transmitter-receiver pairs has a bit rate equal to
., 64 ,kbps .requiring

32 kHz bandwidth for direct bit transmission, (12)

(i) Calculate the bit rate and the chip rate of the system?
(ii) What is the bandwidth requirement for the DS-CDMA system? What woul~ have
been the required bandwidth if TDMA were used?
(b) With necessary diagram, explain why an FH-CDMA system is called spread-spectrum
system. Why is an FH-CDMA system difficult to jam? (8)
(c) The detected bit sequence by receiver 1 of a 2-user DS-CDMA 'system is [1 0 1].
Let the signals in the channel corresponding to the 3-bits are presented as [+ 2 0 - 2 0],
[- 2 :- 2 0 - 2] and [- 2 + 2 0 + 2], respectively. The two PN sequences used by the
system are [1 0 0 1] and [0 1 1 0]. Detemline the PN sequence used by the receiver 1.
If the receiver 1 uses the other PN sequence, what will be the detected bit sequence and
how many bits will be erroneously detected? (15)

, Contd P/4

7. (a) For an uniform symmetric L-level quantizer, derive the expression of

signal-to-quantization-noise-ratio (SQNR) in terms of signal power P and step size /1. (10)
(b) A DPCM system with a symmetric message signal met) of amplitude Am generates

error signal (comparator output) e(t) in the range of + Em to - Em. LetPm and Pe denote

the power ofm(t) and e(t), respectively. (18)

(i) Assuming equal number of quantization levels for both PCM and DPCM systems,
show that the SNR improvement in DPCM over PCM system is proportional to Pm/Pe•
(ii) For keeping the SNR of DPCM system equal to that of PCM system, show that
the reduction in the number of quantization levels in DPCM is proportional to EmlAm.
(c) Consider anFDM system with a channel bandwidth equal to 200 kHz. If the system
requires guardbands equal to 500 Hz and each source has a baseband spectrum at

300 -3400 Hz, calculate the number of sources that can be multiplexed over the system. (7)

8. (a) State four desirable properties of line coding schemes. For each of these properties,

identify one suitable line coding schemes and explain the reason of suitability. (8)
(b) A 3-bit PCM system with input met) = 4sin 4nft uses Il-law non-uniform quantization.

The compressor uses Il = 255, whereas the quantizer is of mid-rise type with a ste. ,:!ze

equal to 1 volt. (15)

Calculate the quantized output at the sampling instances t = O,:t 1/8, :t 2/8, :t 3/8 seconds.
Compare these values with the outputs if uniform quantization were used.
(c) A digital audio system records audio signals digitally by using binary coded PCM

system. Assume that the audio signal bandwidth equals 20 kHz. (12)
(i) If the signal is sampled at a frequency twice that of Nyquist rate and the samples
are uniformly quantized into L = 65,536 levels, calculate the bit rate for the system.
(ii) If the audio signal has average power of 0.1 watt and peak voltage of 1 volt, find
the resulting SQNR of the system.
(iii) Calculate the required bit rate of the system for achieving an SQNR 20dB higher

than the one calculated in part (ii).


, .-'\1>,

, Date: 09/06/2014
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
, The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.


1. (a) Consider the message signal, m(t) = lOcos2000JZt + 1Ocos4000JZt . The message
signal is sampled and then passed through a flat-top filter having impulse response

h(t ) ~ rr(~) to obtain a PAM signal, where , is the width of ~ pulse. What is the
minimum sampling rate to recover the message signal from the PAM signal? Assuming
the sampling'rate of the message signal is 8000 Hz, draw the frequency spectra of the
PAM signal for (i) 't = 0.5 ms, (ii) 't = O.l' ms and (iii) 't = 0.05 ms. If there is no
equalizer at the receiver then which value of 't will you choose for Jransmission and
reception of the message signal using PAM technique? Write down the expressions of
the transfer functions of the equalizers for three valuys of't. Which flaHop filter and
equalizer will you choose and why? (18)
(b) What are the differences between multiplexing and ~ultiple access? Twenty voice
source need to be multiplexed using TDM. The bandwidth of each source is 4 kHz.
What should be the sampling rate of the commutator of the TDM circuit? What is the

bandwidth of, the TDM signal if instantaneous sampling' with pulse width r ~ 0 is
considered? How the bandwidth of the TDM signal can be reduced? What is the
required bandwidth ifFDM is used instead ofTDM? (10)
(c) Compare among the unipolar NRZ, polar NRZ, unipolar RZ, AMI and Manchester
line coding techniques in terms of their merits and demerits. (7)

2. (a) What are the limitations of delta modulation? How the limitations can be minimized? , (7)
(b) A communication system with delta modulation can support maximum data rate of 5
'kbps. The message signal to be transmitted is shown in Fig. for Q. 2(b). Determine the
value of the' level height I:i for which both the slope-overloading and granular noises are

minimized and the system have the maximum data rate. (10)


Contd P/2

EEE 309
Contd ... Q. NO.2

(c) The message signal m(t)=IOcos2000m is sampled at 300% higher rate than the

Nyquist rate for DPCM. The maximum value of the error signal of DPCM is found to be
2. Determine the bit rate of DPCM to achieve signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR)
of30 dB. What will be the SQNR ifPCM is used instead ofDPCM with the same no. of

levels in quantization? (18)

3. (a) Draw the block diagrams of QPSK modulator and demodulator. Draw the typical
waveshapes of all the signals that exist at different points of mod,ulCl:torand demodulator

for an input data stream x = [10011100]. (20)

(b) The symbol duration and the received energy per ~ymbol of ASK,. BPSK and QPSK
modulation and demodulation (coherent) schemes are taken to be 1 Jls and 1O-18J. The
energy of noise per bit is 10-19J. Determine the data transmission rate and bit error rate
(BER) for each of the modulati<?n schemes. If the duration of symbols are doubled for
QPSK modulation keeping the same received power, what will be the data transmission

rate and BER for this modulation? The Q-function can be approximated as . (15)

1 ( 0.7) e _x;{
Q(x ) ~ & 1- -2 2: Also comment on the results. "
. x 27£ X

4. (a) Compare among the TD¥A, FDMA and CDMA systems in terms of their merits

and demerits. (12)

(b) There are two transmitter-receiver pairs in a DS-CDMA system. The transmitters
and receivers use 4 chip Walsh Codes. For bit sequences Xl = {101} and x2 = {110} of
the transmitters, draw the waveshapes of the transmitted signal of each transmitter and "

the received signal, decoded signal and decoded bit sequence at each receiver. (18)
(c) Write down the advantages and disadvantagesofDSSS and FHSS techniques." (5)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define modulation index for an AM signal. Comment on the limitations of DSB-SC
modulation and the ways to overcome them. Draw- an AM waveform for tone
modulation when fc = 10KHz, fro= 100 Hz, carrier amplitude is 3 V, arid Jl = 1.1. Here,
the symbols denote their usual meaning. The figure must be clearly labeled and drawn
approximately in scale. How can you recover the modulating signal from this waveform

using envelope detection? (20)

, ..... Contd P/3
• -" to

EEE 309
Contd ... Q. No.5

(b) A general communication channel supports 60 users, is able to allocate a bandwidth

of 4 KHz to each user, and has a channel SNR of 9 dB. If suddenly the number of users
is quadrupled, and as a result, chann~l noise power is tripled, how cariyou keep the
channel capacity from beiqg affected? Assume that signal power for the scheme can not
be changed. (15)

6. (a) What are the benefits of using switching modulators in an AM system? Explain the
differences between diode-bridge and ring modulators with diagrams. (14)
(b) Give real-life examples of different types channel (media) available to a general
communication system. (6)
(c) Explain the role of and the relationship between vestigial and equalizer filters in
VSB modulation. For a VSB modulator, the vestigial filter Hj(ro) has a transfer function
which is shown in the figure below. The baseband signal bandwidth is 4 KHz and
carrier frequency is 10KHz. Find the corresponding transfer function of the equalizer
filter Ho(ro) needed in a VSB receiver for distortionless reception. The figures must be
clearly labeled and drawn in scale. (15)

- -- -- -- .- -_ .. _._.-

._v _ ~.... ~ .. ~ ~ 'oH, "l- 14''''.''L6

p.. , e. -90 --r tQ. b (~.)

7. (a) Derive the expression of a narrowband FM signal and compare it with the expression
of an AM signal. Discuss how a narrowband FM signal can be generated with AM
transmitter components. ..Also, explain why the concept of 'complex envelope' is
necessary to define a wideband FM system. (18)
(b) A carrier wave of frequency 100 MHz is frequency-modulated by a sinusoidal wave
of amplitude 20 V and frequency 100 KHz. The frequency sensitivity of the modulator
is 25 KHz per volt. (17)
(i) Determine the approximate bandwidth of the FM signal using Carson's rule.
(ii) Determine the bandwidth -by transmitting only those side frequencies whose
amplitudes exceed 1 percent of unmodulated carrier amplitude.
Contd P/4



EEE 309
Contd •.• Q. No. 7(b)

(iii) Is there any other way to estimate the FM signal bandwidth?

(iv) Repeat the calculations if modulating signal amplitude is doubled.
(v). Repeat the calculations if modulation freq!1ency is doubled.
Necessary curves for this question is attached.

8. (a) Explain the operation of a Foster-Seeley detector with circuit and phasor diagrams. (12)
(b) (i) A sinusoidal signal, with an amplitude of 3.25 V,. is applied to a uniform
quantizer of the midtread type whose output takes on the values of 0, :tI, ::t2,::t3
volts. Sketch the waveform of the resulting quantizer output for one complete
. cycle of the input. If other parameters are needed, assume suitable values for

them. (9)
(ii) Repeat the evaluation when the quantizer output takes on. the values of ::to.5,

:t1.5, :t2.5, ::t3.5 volts. What will be the type of this form of uniform quantizer?

(c) The signal m(t) = 6 sin(27lt) volts is transmitted using a 4-bit binary PCM system. It .
. .
uses a midrise quantizer with I volt step size. Sketch the resulting PCM wave for one
complete cycle of the input. Assume a sampling rate of four samples per second, with

samples taken at t = ::tl/g,::t3/g,::ts/g, seconds. (14)




2 ----~--------------------~-------~---.--

O .... J - 1 , t I .1 I i I I I ; J-1 ,f 1 I
0.1 _ 0.2 0:4 .6.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40

~,:j-Cb) .

~ ,~- ••••.• >'
',,' t

, ,.r::'

L-3/T-2/EEE Date: 19/1112012
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the. margin indicate full marks .
._~~~ "._.~ _ _~",,,.._. """"""''''''''''''_''....... __ ._ __ _ _ __ _~..~__ "~__ _ __ _.._,,,.., .~~_.h._ ,~ _ _..__ ~_ " _._ _.............----- ~.."., _-- -.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Discuss the limitations of a communication channel and their effects on the

performance ofa communication link. (10)

(b) Distinguish between baseband transmission and .bandpass .transmission .. Draw the
block diagraril of a baseband transmission system and explain how the distortion occurs

in such a system. Why are repeaters used in such a system? (15)

(c) Derive the Nyquist condition for distortionless transmission through a baseband

transmission system and explain briefly. (10)

2. (a) What is meant by multiplexing? State the purpose of multiplexing. Briefly discuss
the principles of FDM and TDM. Distinguish between asynchronous, plesiochronous

and synchronous TDM. .~ (10)

(b) With necessary schematic diagram, discuss the CCITT recommended FDM schemes

for generation of FDM groups, Super groups and Master groups. (10)
(c) 16 T1 (DS1) channels are time multiplexed with 8 EI channels and a data channel as
shown in the followin~ diagram. Bandwidth available for transmission over the channel

is 100 MHz. Determine the allowable bit rate Rb l of the data channel, R",I Rb 1 and

output bit rate, Ro. Assume channel spectral efficiency of 1 bit/sec-Hz. (15)

........-.. ~..... _~-_._...._. ..•.. '_ .._"_ .....,., ..• '.'

••••••.••. , •••• ", ..••••• :, •••••.•_ ••.••• ~, •.•••••.. _.M'"

Contd P12


3. (a) Define amplitude modulation (AM) and the index of AM. Wrfte an expression of the
AM signal for a single sinusoid as the modulating signal and find
. .
the expression of the

. spectrum ofthe AM signal. (10)

(b) The modulating signal input to a square-law modulator is given by

Pm (t) = lOsin(21Tx lO:!t)+5cos(21TX l04t)+ 3 COS(41Txl04t). The carrier is a sinusoid

with frequency 1 MHz and peak amplitude 24 Volt. The output of the square-law
modulator is passed through a BPF to generate DSB signal. Draw the spectrum of the'

signal at the input and output of the BPF and determine: (15)
(i) ,bandwidth of the BPF filter;
(ii) the overall modulation index;
(iii) power in the sidebands;
(iv) total power in the USB signal.
(c) What are meant by heterodyne and coherent detection? Draw the block diagram of a .
superheterodyne AM envelope detection receiver and show the waveforms at different

output stages. . (10)

4. (a) What is meant by angle modulation and what are its different forms? Write
expressions for FM and PM signals and show how an FM signal CaIl be generated using

a PM modulator. (10)
(b) Distinguish between narrowband and wideband FM. With necessaryhlock diagram
discuss the Armstrong'method of generating a WB-FM signal starting with a NB:-phase

modulator. (10)
(c) An FM radio channel is operating at a carrier frequency of 96.2 MHz with a channel
bandwidth of 0.2 MHz. The bandwidth of the modulating signal is 15 kHz. The peak

frequency deviation is 60 kHz. The carrier amplitude is 100 V rms. (15)

(i) the modulation index;
(ii) bandwidth of the FM signal using Carson's rule.
(iii) number of sidebands available within the channel bandwidth;
(iv) power in the sidebands
(v), total output'power of the FM transmitter.
Use Bessel Function table.

Contd P/3


There are FOUR questions in this section. AnsWer any THREE.
Answer in brief and to the point.

5. Answer the following short questions:

(a) What was the basic purpose. of sampling an analog signal that results in a PAM

signal? With neat sketches, define natural and flat-topped sampling. (5)
(b) State the famous sampling theorem.' Determine the Nyquist's sampling frequency

for the message signal x(t) represented by (4)

x(t) = '-2.5sin(10007it)+ 0.7cos(6800m)+ 1.3cos(2000m)
(c) Mention how you can reconstruct the original analog signal from its sampled

version. (4)
(d) Draw the basic block diagram of a PCM transmitter. What is the function of a

sampler in PCM? What type of sampler is used here and why? (6)
(e) Draw the binary-encoded digital pulse-train (voltage vs. time) corresponding to the
bit-stream 10110011 at the output of the PCM transmitter. Also, draw the
approximate waveshapes of the same pulse train at a distance of 2 kms from the
transmitter. (Assume Cu-wire subject to noise and attenuation as the medium).

Explain the causes for the change in shapes of the pulse train. (8)
(f) Explain how the effect of white noise can be totally eliminated in a PCM system. (4)
(g) Define quantization noise in PCM and state its effect on the quality of the received

signal. How can we minimize quantization noise? (4)

6. (a) Calculate the bit-rate ofa baseband digital signal in a single channel PCM system
that uses the standard band-limited telephone channel. What is the equivalent bandwidth
of this signal? Can we ideally pass this signal through an analog band-limited telephone

channel (300 Hz-3400 Hz)? If not, why? (12)

How can we modify the encoded digital signal so that it can be passed through the same
band-limited channel with minimum signal distortion?
(b) Defme the basic digital modulation schemes with neat sketches and examples.

Mention their relative merits and'demerits. (12)

(c) Draw the synchronous detection circuit that can detect a PSK signal. Justify its
proper operation using an appropriate example and mathematical relation. Can it be used

for detecting an OOK signal? If so, explain how. (11)

Contd P/4

EEE 309

7. (a) Comment on the bandwidth of human speech signals. In PCM, why do we still band-
limit the speech signal between 300 Hz- 3400 Hz (an analog FDM band for a

subscriber)? (11)
Calculate the bit-rate of a 30-channel PCM system (EI). Mention the purpose of source
coding in digital communication.
(b) What is multi-level modulation and whatwas the basic purpose of its introduction? (12)
Draw the block diagram of a QPSK modulator circuit using two BPSK modulators.
Comment on the tasks of each of the two level shifters used. What are the phase states
of the carrier when the bit-stream 10110001 is applied to the QPSK modulator?
(c) Draw the block diagram of a QPSK demodulator. With proper mathematical
equations and tables show that the signal extracted atthe output of the demodulator will

be exactly 10110001 as transmitted from the QPSK modulatorin part (b). (12)

8. (a) Draw the block diagram of the SImplest delta-modulator and demodulator, and
explain their operations in brief. Mention the relative merit of delta modulation over
PCM. On what type. of signal. can we apply delta modulation? What IS

granular/quantization noise in delta modulation? How can we minimize this noise? (12)
(b) Define information and information capacity. Name and explain the two factors that

limit the rate of information transmission through a communication channel. (11)

A message consists bfthe letters A, B, C and D. Suppose that each letter is coded into a
sequence of two binary (on-off) pulses. The letter Ais represented by 00, B by 01, C by
10 and D by 11. Each individual pulse interval is .s ms. Calculate the average rate of

information transmission if the different letters are equally likely to occur. (11)
(c) Mention the essential properties of the set of orthogonal Pseudo-Noise (PN) codes to
be used in DS-SS multiple access technique. Verify whether the following two sets of

PN codes are orthogonal: (12)

x = [-1.ill 1] and

y=[-1 EDI -1].

Draw the block diagram of a 2-channel DS-SS CDMA scheme. Mention the function of
each block using brief statements.
, ..:fII'

/ / /

/' .. ,

EE.~' 30'1' ~)v,..~.~~.1~ .

....•. c•... ~.".-, ••• _- "_ •• ,.,,..-;.._,.,~, .•••. e ._._ ••_ .•• __ .• ~-~_ .. , .• _"._._._-~_ .. ,..•...•....... ::J...~.__.,.. _ ••• _,,~_ ••.••• ~ __ •.•__ .• _0"

.1 TABLE A6~5 Table of Besselfunctions


8 10 12
3 4- .6
nue 0.5 . 1
-0.2459 0.0477
:-0.3971 0.1506 0.1717
0.7652 0.2239 -0.2601 -0.22.34
\) 0.9385 -"0.{)660 -0.2767 0.2346 0.0435
0:4401, 0.5767 .03391 -0.084,9
1. 0.2423 -0.2429 -,0.1130 0.2546
0.3528 0.4861 0.3641
2 0.0306 . 6'.1149 :-0.2911. 0,0584 0.1951
0.3091 0.4302 0.1148
3 0.0026 0.0196 0.1289 -0.2196 0.1825
0.2811 0.3576 -0.1054
0.0025 0.0340 0.1320 -0.0735
4 0.0002 . 0.3621 0.1858 -0.2341
0~OO70 0.0'430 0.1321
5 0.0002 0.3376 -0.0145 -0.2437.
0.0114 0.0491 ,0.2458
6 0.0012 0.2167 -0.1703
0~0152 . 0.1296 . 0.3206
0.0002 0.0025 0.0451
7 . 0.0565 0.2235 0.3179
0.0005 0.0040
8 .
.. . - .... .•.. 0:0001'«'&' 6.(JOO~'~'""'''\).0212.-'0;1263 -'--'" 0.2919 ......_..0.2304

9 0.0608 0;2075 0.3005

0.0002 0.0070
10 0.0256 0.1231 0.2704 .
11 0.0096 . 0.0634 0.1953
12 0.0033 0.0290 0.1201 .
13 0.0010 0.0120 0.0650
.. "For more extensive tables of Bessel functions, see Watson (i966, pp. 666-697), and Abramowitz and Stegun (1965, pp.
~S8~06). .


..•_._. ...".i ..
~' .#

L-3/T2/EEE Date: 30/07/2011
L-3/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2009-2010

Sub: EEE 309 (Communication Theory)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE. .
Answer in brief and to the point

1. (a) Mention the fundamental limitations of a telecommunication system. Explain in how

many ways a communication channel can distort a signal, as it travels through the
channel. Mention the two conditions for distortionless transmission of a signal. (15)
(b) Write down the equation for thermal noise in an electrical circuit and from there
derive an expression for the maximum noise power that may be transferred to a resistive

termination. (12)
(c) Calculate the maximum thermal noise (in watt) that a resistive termination in a
standard band-limited telephone channel (300 Hz- 3400 Hz) will produce at an ambient

temperature of 17°C. Also, express it in dBm. (6+2=8)

2. (a) Mention the purposes of performing modulation. Define amplitude modulation (AM)
and modulation index for AM. Discuss the method of generating a DSB-SC signal. (11)

(b) Suppose that an AM signal is represented by (12)

set) = 100 cos (2n x 104t)
+ 50 sin (2n x103t) x cos (2n x 104t).

Draw the spectrum of the AM signal and determine

(i) modulation index
(ii) power in side-bands and
(iii) total power in the AM signal.
(c) Why is DSB - FC signal transmitted in AM although it is less efficient? Draw a
complete envelope - detector circuit for demodulating an AM signal and explain its
operation with necessary signals at each point. (12)
Will it work for an over-modulated signal?

3. (a) Define frequency modulation (FM). With necessary equations, distinguish between
FM and PM. Suppose that you have an FM modulator. How can you use it to achieve

PM? (10)
(b) An FM transmitter is radiating 20 KW at a carrier frequency of 88 MHz with a carrier
amplitude of Ac and modulation index ~ = 0.85. Determine (12)
(i) the carrier power
(ii) power in the side-bands
Contd P12

Contd ... Q. No. 3(b)

(iii) bandwidth of the FM signal using Carson's rule.

(c) What is a frequency discriminator? Draw the block diagram of a balanced frequency

discriminator and explain its operation in brief. (13)

4. (a) Mention the main purpose of sampling an analog signal. For a sin wave input, show
the gating pulse train and output of a sampler. (12)
Why is the sampled version called a PAM signal?
(b) Write drown the equation for the output xs(t) of a sampler, for an analog input signal

x(t) and a periodic gating pulse train get), with a duty cycle d = 2:.. and unity pulse

amplitude. (12)
Using this equation, explain, how one can reconstruct the original analog signal x(t) from
the sampled version ofthe signal xs(t).
(c) Compute the frequency components that will appear at the output of the two filters
shown in Fig. for Q. No. 4(c) for the input signal (11)
x(t) = 5 cos (1500 nt) - 0.4 sin (5000 nt) + 0.12 cos (10000 nt).

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.
The Symbols have their usual meanings

5. (a) Draw the block diagram of a PCM encoder. Derive the expression of signal-to-

quantization noise ratio (SQNR). Explain the purpose of companding. (15)

(b) 1 volt (rms) sinusoidal message signal of frequency 10 KHz is given input to a PCM

encoder. The required SQNR is 30 dB. Determine (10)

(i) How many bits are needed to encode each sample?
(ii) The output bit rate.
(c) Explain the purpose ofDPCM with its functional block diagram. Compare DPCM and
DM. Calculate the bit rate of a single channel DM that uses the standard band-limited

telephone channel. (10)

6. (a) For an OOK signal, with a general block diagram, show the output of the synchronous
detector if the locally generated Carrier is (i) not at the same frequency (ii) not

synchronized in phase with the transmitted carrier. It is possible to detect a PSK signal by

an envelope detector? Justify your answer. (15)

(b) With neat sketches, compare MSK and BPSK in terms of phase and power spectral

density (PSD). (8)

Contd P/3


Contd ... Q. No.6

(c) Write down Nyquist's maximum capacity theorem and Shannon's maximum capacity
theorem. Using these theorems, compute the number of amplitude levels that can be
correctly detected if one wants to send a signal through a standard band-limited telephone
channel. Assume an SNR of 1023. Is such a choice of number of amplitude levels

realizable in practice? Justify your answer. (12)

7. (a) With specific examples and figures, show that in a digital communication system, bit

rate is doubled if 4-level modulation is adopted instead of2-level (Binary) modulation. (7)
(b) With general block diagram and sketches, derive the outputs of 4-PSK modulator and
that of demodulator. What are the phase states of the carrier when the bit stream
1001011100 is applied to the 4-PSK modulator? If the recovered carrier at the

demodulator is out of phase by 1t radians, what will be the output when the above 4-PSK

carrier is applied to the demodulator? (18)

(c) Draw the block diagram of a differential BPSK modulator. Summarize the encoder
logic and rule of a differential BPSK. With a sketch of the phase states, explain 16
quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). How the presence of amplitude modulation in

QAM can be understood? (10)

8. (a) With an appropriate voltage-time diagram, derive the equations for information

content (1) and system capacity (C) (l0)

(b) A 10-channel PCM system multiplexes 10-band-limited voice channels. The sampling
rate is 8000 samples/sec. The encoder has 8 levels at the input and gives a 3-bit encoded
digital pulse. Calculate the band width required at the output of the encoder. If an 8-bit
encoder is used instead of the 3-bit encoder, and if the available channel bandwidth at the
output of the encoder is 150 MHz, calculate how many voice channels can be

multiplexed? (15)
(c) Write short notes on any one of the following: (10)
(i) 30 Channel and 24 channel PCM systems
(ii) Modem and data multiplexers.
(iii) TDMA and FDMA

..!s'= 8000 samplesls

Bandpass £=?
Filter /'

Fig. for ~. No. 4fV

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