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Training Sequence Assisted Channel Estimation For Mimo Ofdm: Sumei Sun, Ingo Wiemer, C. K. Ho, and T. T. Tjhung

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Training Sequence Assisted Channel Estimation for

Sumei Sun∗ , Ingo Wiemer† , C. K. Ho∗ , and T. T. Tjhung∗
∗ Institute for Communications Research, 20 Science Park Road, #02-34/37 TeleTech Park,
Science Park II, Singapore 117674
Email: sunsm, hock,
† Faculty of Electrical Engineering, IEE, Dresden University of Technology,

Mommsenstr. 13, 01062 Dresden, Germany


Abstract--- In this paper we present several results of our study tical Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time) MIMO architec-
on training sequence assisted channel estimation for Multiple- ture in a quasi-static narrowband indoor radio channel, spectral
Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency Division efficiency of 20-40 bits/sec/Hz can be achieved at average
Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. After developing a linear matrix
algebraic model for the cyclic prefix based MIMO OFDM SNR’s ranging from 24 to 34 dB. MIMO architecture can
systems, we will define a generalised preamble structure which is also be used to exploit diversity gain from the spatial domain.
a simple extension of the preambles used in single-input single- In this context, space-time trellis coded modulation (STTCM)
output (SISO) OFDM so that its good properties, such as low has been proposed by Tarokh et. al. [8], [9], and space-time
peak to average power ratio, can be maintained. We then derive block code (STBC) by Alamouti [10] and Tarokh et. al. [11].
the least squares (LS) and linear minimum mean squared error
(LMMSE) channel estimation algorithms based on the proposed In the original development of the BLAST system and
preamble design. In order to reduce the preamble length, we the space-time codes (STC), a narrow band quasi-static flat
further propose a switched subcarrier preamble scheme in which fading channel has been assumed. For wideband signals and
the transmit antennas are divided into groups, and preambles frequency selective channels, the multipath interference can
are transmitted in alternative subset of subcarriers in each be easily alleviated by combining OFDM with the MIMO
group. A LMMSE filter-based interpolation scheme and a DFT-
based LS interpolation scheme will then be used to obtain the structure, as suggested by [12].
channel estimates for all the subcarriers of interest. In all the Both coherent detection in BLAST and STC decoding need
proposed schemes in this paper, the filter parameters can be fixed channel information, hence channel estimation is essential in
and robust performance are obtained even when mismatched a MIMO detector. In this paper, we will focus on training
SNR and channel statistics are used in the filter parameter sequence assisted channel estimation for packet-based MIMO
OFDM systems in wireless local area networks (LAN). Due
to the low mobility in this network, a quasi-static channel can
be assumed for each packet. Training signals are thus needed
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has only at the beginning of the packet, as in IEEE 802.11a [2] and
been adopted in several high speed wireless communciation Hiperlan/2 [3]. We will first develop a linear matrix algebraic
standards due to its capability to effectively combat intersym- model for cyclic prefix based MIMO OFDM systems, in
bol interference (ISI), and its spectral efficiency achieved by Section II. Using this model, we will then define the basic
spectrum overlapping through the adoption of fast Fourier preamble structure in Section III. It is a simple extension
transform (FFT) and inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) of the conventional single-input single-output (SISO) OFDM
in the implementation [1]. For example, IEEE 802.11a [2] preambles, hence the properties of low peak to average power
and ETSI Hiperlan/2 [3] have specified to transmit up to 54 ratio (PAPR), easy time and frequency synchronisation, and so
Mbps data rate with a total of 20 MHz bandwidth at 5 GHz on, can be maintained. It also does not require the transmission
by using OFDM, and IEEE 802.16.1 is drafting an OFDM- of training signals in all the subcarriers. Therefore it is very
based standard [4] to transmit up to 155 Mbps data rate for suitable for deployment in practical systems which usually
broadband wireless access (BWA) in the frequency band of allocate guard subcarriers. We then derive the least squares
2∼11 GHz. (LS) and linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE)
Two recent information theoretic studies have shown that channel estimation algorithms, which compute the channel
rich scattering wireless channels have enormous capacities if estimates by filtering the received frequency domain signal
the multipaths are properly exploited [5], [6]. This can be with fixed parameters. However, one drawback with this
achieved by deploying multi-element antenna arrays at both scheme is that the preamble period has to be at least equal to
the transmitter and the receiver, hence creating a multiple- the number of transmit antennas. The transmission efficiency
input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system. In [7], can thus be severely degraded when a large number of transmit
it has been shown that by applying a simple VBLAST (Ver- antennas are deployed in the system. In order to overcome

0-7803-7700-1/03/$17.00 (C) 2003 IEEE 38

this problem, we propose in Section III a switched subcarrier where X is an order nT N column vector comprising of nT
preamble scheme in which the transmit antennas are divided stacked vectors Xi , i = 1, 2, · · · , nT and nT is the number
into groups, and preambles are transmitted in alternative subset of transmit antennas, Y is an order nR N column vector
of subcarriers in each group. Three interpolation algorithms are comprising of nR stacked vectors Yj , j = 1, 2, · · · , nR and
then considered, namely, linear interpolation which assumes nR denotes the number of receive antennas, and H is the
correlation between only neighbouring subcarriers, LMMSE frequency domain MIMO-OFDM channel of size nR N ×nT N
interpolation which makes use of a more realistic channel which is written as:
correlation information among the different subcarriers, and  
H1,1 H1,2 · · · H1,nT
DFT-based LS interpolation which assumes a fixed number  H2,1 H2,2 · · · H2,nT 
 
of multipaths in the MIMO radio channel and makes use of H= . . . . .. ,
the time- and frequency-domain relationship of the channel  .. .. . . 
parameters. The simulated performance of the different algo- HnR ,1 HnR ,2 · · · HnR ,nT
rithms will be presented in Section IV, and conclusions will where Hm,n is a N × N diagonal matrix corresponding to the
be drawn in Section V. SISO frequency domain channel defined by the nth-transmit
Throughout this paper, the time domain data are represented mth-receive antenna pair, V is a stacked vector of the AWGN
with lower-case, frequency-domain data with upper-case, vec- noise at the receive antennas of order nR N .
tors and matrices with bold face letters, and calligraphy letters Therefore, the received signal at receive antenna m, m =
are used to depict signals in a MIMO system. The symbols 1, 2, · · · , nT and subcarrier k, k = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1 can be
(·)T , (·)H , and (·)−1 represent matrix transposition, Hermitian, expressed as:
and inversion, respectively. All vectors are defined as column
vectors with row vectors represented by transposition. Ym,k = Y(m−1)×N +k

II. S YSTEM M ODEL = H(m−1)×N +k,(n−1)×N +k X(n−1)×N +k
In this section, we will derive a mathematical model for n=1

MIMO OFDM systems with cyclic prefix (CP). We denote
= Hm,n,k Xn,k , (3)
N as the total number of subcarriers, or the FFT size, P
as the number of subcarriers used to transmit data (or pilot
signals during the training period) where P ≤ N , L as where Hm,n,k depicts the kth diagonal element of Hm,n , and
the cyclic prefix length, and we assume a sample-spaced Xn,k is the kth element of the transmitted signal vector Xn
multipath channel for each of the MIMO channels defined by from the nth transmit antenna.
the transmit-receive antenna pairs with multipath delay values Defining

taken from {0, 1, · · · , L − 1}. It has been shown in [13] that Rk = Y1,k Y2,k · · · YnR ,k ,
the SISO OFDM symstem can be modelled by the following  
Hk,k Hk,2k · · · Hk,nT k
equation:  H2k,k H2k,2k · · · H2k,nT k 
Y = HX + V, (1) Wk =  

where Y is the received frequency domain signal vector of size HnR k,k HnR k,2k · · · HnR k,nT k
 
N , H = diag (H0 , H1 , · · · , HN −1 ) is the frequency response H1,1,k H1,2,k · · · H1,nT ,k
SISO channel with the ith diagonal element expressed as
of the   H2,1,k H2,2,k · · · H2,nT ,k 
Hi = l=0 hl exp(−j 2π
L−1 =  ,
N il), and hl is the complex amplitude  ··· 
of the lth multipath, and X is the frequency domain signal HnR ,1,k HnR ,2,2k · · · HnR ,nT ,k
vector of size N . When P = N , X is the signal to be
transmitted; when P < N , some subcarriers at the borders Sk = Xk X2k · · · XnT k

of the allocated bandwidth are used as guard band, and X is = X1,k X2,k · · · XnT ,k ,
formed as follows: and

XT = ( XTh 0TN −P XTl ), Nk = Vk V2k · · · VnR k ,
where Xh denotes the frequency domain signal at the higher we can write Equation (3) as follows:
frequency subcarriers (compared to direct current, or 0th
Rk = Wk Sk + Nk . (4)
subcarrier), Xl denotes the signal at the lower frequency
subcarriers, and 0N −P denotes the all zero vector of size III. P REAMBLE D ESIGN AND C HANNEL E STIMATION
(N − P ). V is the frequency domain noise vector of size A. The LS Channel Estimation
N which is AWGN.
Excluding the AWGN term in Equation (4), we can ob-
With the SISO-OFDM model defined in Equaion (1), we
serve a linear relation between the channel parameters and
will now derive the MIMO OFDM system model as follows:
the received signals. For training sequence assisted channel
Y = HX + V, (2) estimation, solving this linear equation will lead to the least

time slot antenna 1 antenna 2
squares (LS) channel estimates. In order to do this, pilot signal 1
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
−10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 dc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
−10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 dc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

with length nT OFDM symbols is needed. The received signal

2 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
at subcarrier k for all the receive antennas during the training k −10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 dc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k −10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 dc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

period of nT OFDM symbols can be written as:

Fig. 1. Orthogonal preamble design for 2 transmit antennas.
Rk = Wk S k + N k , (5)

k| )
where Rk = Rk,1 Rk,2 · · · Rk,nT is an nR × where SNR = E(|TNo is the signal to noise ratio per transmit
nT matrix representing the received signal at the nR an- antenna, and β = E{|Tk |2 }E{ |T1k |2 }.

the training period, S k =
subcarrier k during Performing eigen-decomposition on M as M = UΛUH ,
Sk,1 Sk,2 · · · Sk,nT is an nT × nT square ma- where UUH = UH U = I, we have M−1 = UΛ−1 UH , and
trix representing the training signals at subcarrier k hence
a period of nT OFDM
symbols, and N k =
Nk,1 Nk,2 · · · Nk,nT of size nR × nT represents the MSE = trace U(Λ−1 )H UH UΛ−1 UH
AWGN noise. The LS channel estimates are then obtained by
right multiplying S −1
k with Rk , as follows: = trace (Λ−1 )H Λ−1
Ŵk,LS = Rk S −1
k . (6) β
= , (9)
As long as S k is a non-singular matrix, S −1
exists and it SNRnT i=1 |λi |2
can be calculated off-line. Channel estimation is just a linear
combination of the received signals at the different antennas. nT 1of M. Therefore, minimum
where λi is the ith eigenvalue
MSE is obtained when i=1 |λi |2 is minimised.
Re-organising all the elements in Ŵk,LS , k = 0, 1, · · · , N −1, As
we are able to obtain the LS channel estimates Ĥ. nT

We have to point out that a non-singular matrix S k with |λi |2 = trace ΛH Λ
elements taken from the modulation constellation may not lead i=1
to a ‘‘good’’ preamble design for each SISO OFDM. Some
= trace UΛH UH UΛUH
other requirements, e.g., low PAPR, easy time and frequency H
= trace M M
synchronisation, etc., may not be satisfied. In order to avoid
this problem, we may use a ‘‘good’’ preamble sequence = n2T ,
designed for SISO OFDM, and extend it to the MIMO OFDM the minimum MSE is obtained when |λi |2 = nT , i =
system as follows: 1, 2, · · · , nT , which is
S k = Tk M, (7)
. min(MSE) =(10)
where Tk is the training signal at the kth subcarrier for SISO SNRnT
OFDM, M is a non-singular matrix with elements of +1 and When nT is 1, 2, 4, or a multiple of 4, M can be set to
−11 . Therefore S −1
k = Tk M
. We can easily see that in this the Walsh Hadamard matrix of size nT . In this case, M−1 =
preamble design, each SISO OFDM in the MIMO system uses 1 2
nT M , |λi | = nT , i = 1, 2, · · · , nT . The minimum MSE
the same preamble with or without a sign reverse. Therefore, as shown in Equation (10) is obtained for each subcarrier in
not only is the preamble optimised for each SISO OFDM, each SISO OFDM defined by the transmit-receive antenna
MIMO channel estimation for each subcarrier can be obtained pairs. In Figure 1, such a preamble design for nT = 2 case
by the same linear matrix filter. The implementation is thus is illustrated, in which k denotes the subcarrier index, +1
very simple. In addition, training signals are only needed in means that the original SISO pilot signal Tk is transmitted in
the P subcarriers. This is an advantage over the training signal this subcarrier, and −1 denotes that −Tk is transmitted. In the
scheme proposed in [14], in which pilot signals have to be first time slot (OFDM symbol), both antennas transmit Tk . In
transmitted in all the N subcarriers, otherwise performance the second time slot, antenna 1 transmits −Tk and antenna 2
degradation will be incurred. transmits Tk so as to obtain the orthogonality.
The mean-squared error (MSE) of the LS estimates is:
B. The LMMSE Channel Estimation
MSE = E(||Ŵk,LS − Wk ||2 )
The LS channel estimates are obtained by using only
= E(||N k S −1
k || ) the knowledge of the training signals, which can be further
No 1 improved by making use of the frequency domain correlation
= E{ 2
}trace (M−1 )H M−1
nT |Tk | of the multipath channel defined by each transmit-receive
β antenna pair. We then obtain the LMMSE channel estimates,
= trace (M−1 )H M−1 , (8)
SNRnT as follows [15]:
1 In general, the elements of M can take values of exp(jθ ), where {θ } β
i i Ĥm,n,lmmse = RHH RHH + I Ĥm,n,ls , (11)
are some discrete phase values taken from [0, 2π). SNR

where subscipts m and n denotes the receive and transmit In this paper, we will consider three types of interpolation,
antenna index, respectively, SNR is the signal to noise ratio namely, linear interpolation, LMMSE interpolation, and DFT-
of the training signals, and β is a constant depending on based LS interpolation.
the training signal’s constellation. For MPSK training signals, 1) Linear Interpolation: Assuming that the transmit anten-
β = 1. RHH = E(Hmn HH mn ) is the channel autocorrelation nas are divided into two groups, Ĥm,n,k−1 and Ĥm,n,k+1 are
matrix. When same statistical properties are assumed for each the LS estimates obtained from Equation (6), then channel
SISO channel, RHH is independent of m and n and can be estimate at the kth subcarrier can be obtained through linear
computed off-line. It has been given in [15] that its diagonal interpolation as follows:
element rk,k = 1, and the off-diagonal element rk1 ,k2 (k1 =
k2 ) is: Ĥm,n,k−1 + Ĥm,n,k+1
H̃m,n,k = , (12)
1 2πj(k1 −k2 )
−L( τrms + )
1−e N
rk1 ,k2 =  L
 , which is a linear matrix filtering operation as follows:
τrms 1 − e− τrms τrms + j2π k1N
    
H̃m,n,k−1 1 0 0 Ĥm,n,k−1
for an exponentially decaying power delay profile with root-  H̃m,n,k  =  1  1  0 ,
2 2
mean squared delay of τrms and maximum excess delay of L. H̃m,n,k+1 0 0 1 Ĥm,n,k+1
Here N is the FFT size, and the multipath delays are assumed
to be uniformly distributed over [0, L − 1]. where  represents any complex number as it does not affect
the results.
The LMMSE channel estimator in Equation (11) is robust to
power delay profile mismatch if RHH for the least correlated 2) LMMSE Interpolation: Linear interpolation expressed
channel is used, as indicated in [15]. As for the SNR mismatch, in (12) assumes a channel correlation matrix RHH with its
[15] showed that a design for a high SNR will be preferable elements defined as:

as channel estimation errors will be concealed in noise for  α when |i − j| = 1
low SNR, and they will tend to dominate for high SNR Ri,j = 1 when i = j ,

where the noise is low. Therefore, the LMMSE matrix filter
0 otherwise
RHH RHH + SNR I can be calculated off-line. This
where α is a real number and α ∈ (0, 1). This suggests
will greatly reduce the computation load in the receiver.
that more accurate estimates could be obtained if the real
channel correlation information is applied in the interpolation.
C. Interpolation-based Channel Estimation
In this case, not only the neighbouring subcarriers, but all
As discussed in Section III-A and III-B, LS and LMMSE the available subcarriers’ channel estimates will be used to
channel estimations can be obtained if training signals with calculate the missing subcarriers’ channel parameters, and the
nT OFDM symbols are sent and each subcarrier’s training contribution from different subcarriers isdetermined by their

signal matrix S k = Tk M is a non-singular matrix. When the correlation. In our study, we use WRHH RHH + SNR β

number of transmit antennas is large, this preamble scheme

could decrease the system throughput severely. We therefore
as the interpolation
  W is a normalisation matrix,
filter, where
in this section consider a switched subcarrier preamble scheme and RHH RHH + SNR I is the LMMSE filter. This
in which the transmit antennas and the subcarriers are both is the reason we call this the LMMSE interpolation. The
divided into nG groups, and training signals are transmitted in simulation results presented in Section IV will show that
different subset of subcarriers in each transmit antenna group. this interpolation scheme has better performance than linear
Therefore, the preamble period needed can be effectively interpolation and it is also robust to the RHH and SNR
reduced, from nT to nnG T
. For example, if there are four mismatches.
antennas at the transmitter, we can divide them into two groups 3) DFT-based LS Interpolation: As defined in Section II,
and send training signals at even number subcarriers for the we assume a sample-spaced channel whose excess delay is
first antenna group, and odd number subcarriers for the second no greater than the cyclic prefix length, and the time- and
group. As there are two antennas in each group, we can frequency-domain channel parameters are related by FFT and
set M equal to the Walsh Hadamard matrix of dimension IFFT. Taking these into consideration, we propose a DFT-
2, and the training signal period is reduced from four to based LS interpolation. The derivation is as follows.
two. LS channel estimates can be obtained for even and odd LS channel estimates for the subcarriers with training sig-
number subcarriers for 1st and 2nd transmit antenna groups nals can be obtained according to Equation (6), which will be
according to Equation (6), respectively. Channel estimates for denoted as Ĥm,n,pilot . Denoting the channel estimates for the
odd number subcarriers of the 1st antenna group and even other subcarriers as Ĥm,n,missing , we can express the channel
number subcarriers of the 2nd transmit antenna group will be estimates Ĥm,n as:
obtained by interpolation. The training signal period can be  
further reduced to one OFDM symbol if the transmit antennas Ĥm,n,pilot
Ĥm,n = P ,
are divided into four groups. Ĥm,n,missing

where P represents a permutation matrix of size N × N . As
LS Channel Estimation with N transmit and M receive antennas
N=2, M=2, channel A
L multipaths are assumed in the time domain channel, we N=2, M=2, channel E
N=2, M=8, channel A
therefore have the following relation: −5 N=4, M=2, channel A
N=4, M=2, channel A
  N=8, M=2, channel A
GH Ĥm,n = GH P = 0N −L , (13) −10

where G is the last (N − L) columns of the Fourier transform

MSE in dB
matrix F. Letting GH P = [GT GM ] so as to re-write (13) −20
[GT GM ] = 0N −L . (14) −25
we will have the following relation:
GT Ĥm,n,pilot = −GM Ĥm,n,missing , (15) −35

which leads to: −40

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR in dB per transmit antenna
Ĥm,n,missing = −(GH
M GM )
−1 H
GM GT Ĥm,n,pilot . (16)
Fig. 2. MSE vs. SNR for LS channel estimation with N transmit and M
This is a LS estimation of Ĥm,n,missing from Ĥm,n,pilot , receive antennas.
which suggests the name of LS interpolation.
IFFT can then be applied to the above frequency domain
estimates to obtain a L-tap time domain channel estimates. The We then depict in Figure 3 the LMMSE performance for
final frequency domain channel estimates will be computed by a 2 × 2 MIMO-OFDM system. Shown in the same figure is
applying FFT to the L-tap time domain channel estimates. This the LS performance for Channel A. A few LMMSE filters
IFFT and FFT operation can filter out some AWGN noise and are tested, namely, the LMMSE filter designed for Channel A
thus improve the estimation accuracy. used for Channel A or Channel E, and LMMSE filter designed
for Channel E used for estimation of Channel A or Channel
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS E. In all these LMMSE filters, a fixed SNR of 20dB is used in
In this section, we will present our simulation results. the LMMSE filter calculation. Studying the curves in Figure
For each SISO OFDM corresponding to one transmit-receive 3, we can observe that a fixed SNR of 20dB will result in
antenna pair, the system parameters defined in IEEE 802.11a a MSE error floor in higher than 20dB SNR regions. For
[2] are used. That is, the FFT size is N = 64, the number low SNR values, the performance is very good. Therefore, as
of used subcarriers is P = 52, and the number of gaurd long as we fix the SNR value to the highest possible realistic
subcarriers is 12. The cyclic prefix length is L = 16. The SNR’s, the LMMSE estimation performance is very robust
long preamble given in [2] are used to construct the MIMO to the SNR mismatch. We can also observe from this figure
preambles. For the 20MHz channel, two channel models are that using a less correlated LMMSE filter (Channel E) to
used, namely, Channel A with τrms = 50 ns, and Channel E estimate a more correlated channel (Channel A), good MSE
with τrms = 250 ns. For frequency domain channel, Channel performance can still be obtained in the low to medium SNR
E is thus less correlated than Channel A. Both channels regions. In high SNR regions, a correlation matrix mismatch
assume an exponentially decaying power delay profile with of this type will result in some error floor. However, if a more
16 multipaths which are sample-spaced and independently correlated channel matrix (Channel A) is used to estimate a
generated using Jake’s model [16]. The mean squared error not so correlated channel (Channel E), very poor performance
(MSE) for the frequency domain channel estimates is used will be resulted, in almost all the SNR regions of interest.
for performance comparison. We then present our simulation results based on interpola-
Depicted in Figure 2 are the MSE versus SNR per transmit tions for switched subcarrier preamble schemes in Figure 4.
antenna performances for the LS channel estimtaion algo- Comparing the three interpolation schemes for Channel A, we
rithms with different number of transmit and receive antennas. can observe that in the low to medium SNR regions, linear
We can observe from the figure that the MSE decreases interpolation and DFT-based LS interpolation have the same
linearly with the increasing SNR’s. We can also observe that performance, and in high SNR regions, the later scheme has
when the number of transmit antennas is the same, the MSE slighly better performance. While for LMMSE interpolation,
is the same for different channel models and different number even in the mismatched case (Channel E’s correlation matrix
of receive antennas, which is due to the fact that same power used for Channel A, fixed SNR value of 20 dB in the
is transmitted per antenna. Therefore, the more the transmit interpolation filter), it demonstrates better performance than
antennas, the more the total power per receive antenna, which the other two schemes in all the SNR regions simulated.
results in MSE drop when the transmit antenna number is Similar to LMMSE channel estimation, LMMSE interpolation
increased. is robust to channel model mismatch if a not so correlated

LMMSE Channel Estimation with 2 transmit and 2 receive antennas designed for SNR=20dB
0 which needs fewer OFDM symbols in the training sequence
LSE, channel A
LMMSE, R_A, channel A and therefore the transmission efficiency is improved. Three
LMMSE, R_E, channel A
−5 LMMSE, R_A, channel E interpolation schemes, namely, linear interpolation, LMMSE
LMMSE, R_E, channel E
interpolation and DFT-based LS interpolation are proposed,
among which the LMMSE interpolation scheme demonstrates
the best performance, even in the mismatch case. As both
LMMSE channel estimation and LMMSE interpolation can be
MSE in dB

implemented with fixed parameter values in the matrix filter,

the implementation is very simple and therefore attractive for
practical deployment.
The authors would like to thank Dr. P. He, Mr. Y. Wu, Mr.
−30 H. W. Fung, Dr. Z. D. Lei, Dr. Y. Li, and Ms. Y. M. Dai for
their support.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR in dB per transmit antenna
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[2] ‘‘Part 11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical
Interpolation−based channel estimation for 2 transmit 2 receive antennas layer (PHY) specifications: High-speed physical layer in the 5GHz
LS, Channel A band.’’ IEEE std 802.11a-1999: Supplement to IEEE std 802.11-1999,
Linear Intp, Channel A
LMMSE Intp, R_A, Channel A
Sept. 1999.
−5 LMMSE Intp, R_E, Channel A [3] ‘‘Broadband radio access networks BRAN: HIPERLAN type 2 technical
LMMSE Intp, R_E, Channel E
LMMSE Intp, R_A, Channel E specification: physical layer.’’ ETSI/OTS/BRAN 0023003, Oct. 1999.
DFT−based LS Intp, Channel A [4] IEEE 802.16 BWA Working Group, ‘‘OFDM mode for the IEEE
−10 802.16a PHY draft standard.’’ IEEE 802.16.3c-01/59, 30 April 2001.
[5] G. J. Foschini and M. J. Gans, ‘‘On the limits of wireless communica-
tions in a fading environment when using multiple antennas,’’ Wireless
−15 Personal Communications, pp. 315--335, March 1996.
MSE in dB

[6] I. Emre Telatar, ‘‘Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels,’’ Eu-

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