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Quiz 1: What Is Ethics?

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Quiz 1: What is Ethics?

1. Issues of aesthetics, etiquette, and technical valuation can become issues of ethics if it harms
another person's well-being.
- True
2. In general, we can say that Herod was an evil king.
- False
3. Ethics is always easy to understand and define
- False
4. If I murder someone for fun, this is an issue of etiquette.
- False
5. I like clothes that are long and flowing. I think these clothes are good. This is an issue of morality.
- False
6. The study of ethics is the study of value.
- True
7. Why was Herod insecure?
- He was not accepted by the Jews as their king
8. Clothes are an aesthetic choice and can never be an ethical choice.
- False
9. "Men should always walk on the danger side of the road." This issue is an example of:
- Etiquette
10. Herod was a helpful king and a great builder.
- True
11. How can we be sure that our insecurities do not kill us?
- By placing them before the King
12. "It is safer to be Herod's pig than Herod's son" was a saying in ________?
- Rome
13. If I want to bake a good cake, I should add eggs. This is issue is an example of technical valuation.
- True
14. I like to play basketball rather than playing volleyball. I think basketball sucks. This issue is an
example of:
- Aesthetics
15. Matthew 2 talks about the Wisemans’ journey to Jerusalem to find a king.
- True
16. In an ethical sense what is the most important question in the death of Cris Anthony Mendez?
- How is justice best served in his death?
17. I think Kpop music is bad because it doesn’t fit my taste. This is an example of an issue in ethics.
- False
18. Whether or not I cheat in order to win in a soccer game is only part of technical violation.
- False

Quiz 2: Moral Revolution, Emotivism, and Cultural Relativism

1. Who is the anthropologist who argued that moral practices vary with and depend on human needs
and moral attitudes and that practices are basically non-cognitive responses rather than the product
of rational direction?
- William Sumner
2. A philosopher of the English civil war period who argued that because our self-interest leads to a
war of all against all, we must submit the absolute authority of a ruler.
- Thomas Hobbes
3. The Bible supports the idea of ethnocentrism- the idea that one's own culture is superior to that of
other cultures.
- False
4. The idea that everyone is motivated by self-interest continuously.
- Psychological Egoism
5. Ethical statements cannot be empirically tested. Therefore it was rejected by those who
- Logical Positivism
6. Christians claim that the Bible is exhaustive, that it tells us everything we can know or can benefit
ethically from knowing.
- False
7. Who said, echoing the diversity thesis, that "a man is the measure of all things?"
- Protagoras
8. The belief that morality is not a matter of independent rational judgment but is causally dependent
on cultural context.
- Dependency Thesis
9. Religion and morality are closely linked, and Christianity is no exception to this. It too identifies
values to be propagated and virtues to be cultivated.
- True
10. Which moral system considers only the consequences for the self.
- Egoism
11. The reason why many people accepted ethical emotivism was because of the rise of logical
- True
12. What is the view that what we call moral beliefs are really just positive or negative attitudes?
- Ethical emotivism
13. Emotivism believes that moral practices vary with and depend on human needs and social
- False
14. The diversity thesis badly overstates both the variety and the extent of ethical relativity.
- True
15. If cultural relativism is true then no moral beliefs are actually universally true. It just depends on
your culture.
- True
16. Ethical emotivism is the view that moral language simply expresses and perhaps arouses emotion,
so that nothing we say in moral terms is either true or false about anything.
- True
17. The Bible teaches us the principles of justice and love which describe God’s character and should
also characterize us.
- True
18. Above God’s special revelation of his law to Israel, we are accountable for a general revelation in
the creation itself, and the Christian can rightly regard philosophical ethics as an attempt to
understand this superior general revelation.
- False
19. According to logical positivism my moral condemnation of nuclear war says nothing true or false
about nuclear war, but just vents my feelings about it and possibly influences others.
- True
20. The author who attacked logical positivism in his book The Abolition of Man
- C.S Lewis
21. Every culture is reported to have taboos against ___________.
- Incest

Quiz 3: Utilitarianism
1. The Principle of Utility is a selfish principle.
- False
2. The framework Bentham proposed for evaluating pleasure and pain
- Felicific calculus
3. Why doesn’t Batman kill the Joker?
- Because he believes in justice
4. According to Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34, worry is useless because
- People cannot add a single hour to their lives or even change their height
5. Utilitarianism can sometimes lead to the sacrificing of an individual’s moral value.
- True
6. How did God give Adam and Eve happiness and purpose?
- By giving them responsibilities to fulfill
7. Which of the following is not a strategy that Jesus uses in overcoming worry?
- Focus on the positives.
8. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about proper communication?
- It is the simply the ability to communicate.
9. In Felicific calculus, the degree to which you are sure that something will be painful or pleasurable.
- Certainty
10. An ancient Greek philosopher who upheld utilitarianism.
- Epicurus
11. The birds and plants don’t worry, and people are almost as valuable as plants and animals.
- False
12. In general, utilitarianism states that at any given time, our acts should follow the principle of utility.
- True
13. Consequentialism?
- Focuses largely on the results
14. Pleasures that animal feel: satiation of hunger and thirst, sexual pleasure.
- Bestial Pleasure
15. The final end according to utilitarianism
- Happiness
16. Which of the following is not an example of Utilitarianism?
- The Senate enacting laws for the good of many citizens
17. Worry is?
- All of the other options
18. The larger ethical theory that undergirds utilitarianism.
- Consequentialism
19. Which of the following objections shows that individual rights may be sacrificed for the happiness
of many?
- Sam (and the World Cup Broadcast) Objection
20. Which of the following is the strategy for dealing with worry?
- All the answers which contain the word God
21. In Genesis 3:1, what does the use of the word “cunning” indicate in the narrative?
- Something negative is about to happen
22. John Stuart Mill studied Latin at the age of 3 and wrote a book at the age of 11.
- False
22. There are _______ things for all of God’s creation and they are designed to seek and desire these
- Good
23. This basic good allows for the production of more life.
- Reproduction
24. According to Sto. Tomas, this allows us to derive the natural laws from the basic goods.
- Reason / Use human reason
25. Sto. Tomas (Thomas Aquinas) was an Italian monk and philosopher. He believed that we were
created by God and ultimately return to Him.
- True
26. Reproduction is a basic good and from this good we can derive the following moral principles:
Procreate and Don’t use condoms
- True
27. Based on Genesis 4:1-11, which of the following statements is true?
- The first family knew of the plan of salvation.
28. What do we call the seven goals from which we derive the natural laws?
- The Basic Goods
29. What is the full name of the thinker who developed Natural Law Theory
- Thomas Aquinas
30. In October 2016, newspapers reported that Pantaleon Alvarez, a member of the Philippine Senate
was intending to draft a bill to amend the country’s Family Code.
- False
31. Sto. Tomas (Thomas Aquinas) argued that God created the world according to natural laws-
predictable, goal-driven systems whereby life is sustained and functions correctly.
- True
32. The philosopher and sceptic who proposed the Is-Ought Problem
- David Hume
33. According to Sto. Tomas, what is the first and most basic of all goods?
- Life
34. Sto. Tomas (Thomas Aquinas) said that we do what is wrong even when we know what is
right because of ignorance and impulsiveness.
- False

Quiz 4: Kantian
1. Kantian deontology was able to escape one of the serious objections leveled against
Natural Law Theory.
- True
2. Both Consequentialism and Kant’s deontology focus on the results of an action.
- False
3. Why did Reggie Cabatutan return the suitcase to Trent Shields?
- He believed it was just and morally right.
4. This ability to act on mental states is called "duty."
- False
5. According to Kant, which choice is considered autonomous?
- A personal, rational choice
6. Immanuel Kant was a 20th Century philosopher who heralded the Copernican Revolution
in Philosophy.
- False
7. Kant said that we can in some very rare and exceptional cases treat other human beings as a means
to an end.
- False
8. “Act only according to that maxim which you can at the same time will that it should become a
universal law (without contradiction)." This principle is called what?
- The Universalizability Principle
9. Why can't Batman kill the Joker?
- He can. But his duty to uphold justice prevents him from doing so. He uses his rational faculties
to make that free choice
10. Use things, not people. Love people, not things.
- True
11. Deontology comes from the Greek word deon which means
- Necessary
12. Which of the following is determined by the rational will and pure reason?
- Free choice
13. If I am always kind to my roommate (who I really dislike) because he/she is close friends with my
crush, which principle am I violating?
- The formula of humanity
14. An ethical framework concerned with how to make the rational will and duty a universal way of
determining the rightness or wrongness of an action.
- Deontology
15. If a man kills 3 young children and I focus not on the pain caused to the 3 children and their
families, but on the act of killing itself, I am following which philosophy?
- Deontology
16. The statement “One must always treat another person as an end in themselves” is an example of a
hypothetical imperative.
- False
16. If I want to have good grades, I have to study hard.” This statement is an example of?
- A hypothetical imperative
17. What is one advantage of Kant’s Deontology over Natural Law Theory?
- An atheist can believe in it
18. Kant believed that for everyone the moral law is binding.
- False

Quiz 5: Virtue Ethics

1. Aristotle said that courage is finding the right way to act.
- True
2. Which of the following is NOT a way to deal with temptation according to Matthew 14?
- Be strong in the face of temptation
3. What is the golden mean between humility and pride?
- Modesty
4. Who was the Catholic philosopher that was influenced by Aristotle and who ended up creating his
own moral framework?
- Thomas Aquinas
5. If you have a deficiency in self-control this will lead to?
- Indecisiveness
6. Around how many people did Jesus feed in Matthew 14?
- 20,000
7. Why did Jesus send the disciples away and dismiss the crowds in Matthew 14?
- They were tempting him to set up an earthly kingdom.
8. According to Aristotle, you cannot learn virtue from books. It is a skill to be learned. Virtue is
like street smarts. He called this kind of virtue?
- Practical Wisdom
9. What do you call people who already possess virtue? Clue: According to Aristotle, these people
should be emulated.
- Moral Exemplars
10. What did Aristotle think was the pinnacle of humanity that everyone should seek to achieve?
- Eudaimonia
11. What is the concept developed by Aristotle that states that everything has a function and a thing is
good to the extent that it fulfils its function and bad to the extent that it does not?
– Proper Functioning
12. According to Aristotle we can only learn virtue through experience.
– True
13. If virtue is the golden mean, what do you call the opposite extremes?
– Vices
14. Ethical theory that emphasizes an individual’s character rather than following a set of rules.
- Virtue Theory
15. The two vices are?
- Deficiency
- Excess

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