Quiz 1: What Is Ethics?
Quiz 1: What Is Ethics?
Quiz 1: What Is Ethics?
1. Issues of aesthetics, etiquette, and technical valuation can become issues of ethics if it harms
another person's well-being.
- True
2. In general, we can say that Herod was an evil king.
- False
3. Ethics is always easy to understand and define
- False
4. If I murder someone for fun, this is an issue of etiquette.
- False
5. I like clothes that are long and flowing. I think these clothes are good. This is an issue of morality.
- False
6. The study of ethics is the study of value.
- True
7. Why was Herod insecure?
- He was not accepted by the Jews as their king
8. Clothes are an aesthetic choice and can never be an ethical choice.
- False
9. "Men should always walk on the danger side of the road." This issue is an example of:
- Etiquette
10. Herod was a helpful king and a great builder.
- True
11. How can we be sure that our insecurities do not kill us?
- By placing them before the King
12. "It is safer to be Herod's pig than Herod's son" was a saying in ________?
- Rome
13. If I want to bake a good cake, I should add eggs. This is issue is an example of technical valuation.
- True
14. I like to play basketball rather than playing volleyball. I think basketball sucks. This issue is an
example of:
- Aesthetics
15. Matthew 2 talks about the Wisemans’ journey to Jerusalem to find a king.
- True
16. In an ethical sense what is the most important question in the death of Cris Anthony Mendez?
- How is justice best served in his death?
17. I think Kpop music is bad because it doesn’t fit my taste. This is an example of an issue in ethics.
- False
18. Whether or not I cheat in order to win in a soccer game is only part of technical violation.
- False
Quiz 3: Utilitarianism
1. The Principle of Utility is a selfish principle.
- False
2. The framework Bentham proposed for evaluating pleasure and pain
- Felicific calculus
3. Why doesn’t Batman kill the Joker?
- Because he believes in justice
4. According to Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34, worry is useless because
- People cannot add a single hour to their lives or even change their height
5. Utilitarianism can sometimes lead to the sacrificing of an individual’s moral value.
- True
6. How did God give Adam and Eve happiness and purpose?
- By giving them responsibilities to fulfill
7. Which of the following is not a strategy that Jesus uses in overcoming worry?
- Focus on the positives.
8. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about proper communication?
- It is the simply the ability to communicate.
9. In Felicific calculus, the degree to which you are sure that something will be painful or pleasurable.
- Certainty
10. An ancient Greek philosopher who upheld utilitarianism.
- Epicurus
11. The birds and plants don’t worry, and people are almost as valuable as plants and animals.
- False
12. In general, utilitarianism states that at any given time, our acts should follow the principle of utility.
- True
13. Consequentialism?
- Focuses largely on the results
14. Pleasures that animal feel: satiation of hunger and thirst, sexual pleasure.
- Bestial Pleasure
15. The final end according to utilitarianism
- Happiness
16. Which of the following is not an example of Utilitarianism?
- The Senate enacting laws for the good of many citizens
17. Worry is?
- All of the other options
18. The larger ethical theory that undergirds utilitarianism.
- Consequentialism
19. Which of the following objections shows that individual rights may be sacrificed for the happiness
of many?
- Sam (and the World Cup Broadcast) Objection
20. Which of the following is the strategy for dealing with worry?
- All the answers which contain the word God
21. In Genesis 3:1, what does the use of the word “cunning” indicate in the narrative?
- Something negative is about to happen
22. John Stuart Mill studied Latin at the age of 3 and wrote a book at the age of 11.
- False
22. There are _______ things for all of God’s creation and they are designed to seek and desire these
- Good
23. This basic good allows for the production of more life.
- Reproduction
24. According to Sto. Tomas, this allows us to derive the natural laws from the basic goods.
- Reason / Use human reason
25. Sto. Tomas (Thomas Aquinas) was an Italian monk and philosopher. He believed that we were
created by God and ultimately return to Him.
- True
26. Reproduction is a basic good and from this good we can derive the following moral principles:
Procreate and Don’t use condoms
- True
27. Based on Genesis 4:1-11, which of the following statements is true?
- The first family knew of the plan of salvation.
28. What do we call the seven goals from which we derive the natural laws?
- The Basic Goods
29. What is the full name of the thinker who developed Natural Law Theory
- Thomas Aquinas
30. In October 2016, newspapers reported that Pantaleon Alvarez, a member of the Philippine Senate
was intending to draft a bill to amend the country’s Family Code.
- False
31. Sto. Tomas (Thomas Aquinas) argued that God created the world according to natural laws-
predictable, goal-driven systems whereby life is sustained and functions correctly.
- True
32. The philosopher and sceptic who proposed the Is-Ought Problem
- David Hume
33. According to Sto. Tomas, what is the first and most basic of all goods?
- Life
34. Sto. Tomas (Thomas Aquinas) said that we do what is wrong even when we know what is
right because of ignorance and impulsiveness.
- False
Quiz 4: Kantian
1. Kantian deontology was able to escape one of the serious objections leveled against
Natural Law Theory.
- True
2. Both Consequentialism and Kant’s deontology focus on the results of an action.
- False
3. Why did Reggie Cabatutan return the suitcase to Trent Shields?
- He believed it was just and morally right.
4. This ability to act on mental states is called "duty."
- False
5. According to Kant, which choice is considered autonomous?
- A personal, rational choice
6. Immanuel Kant was a 20th Century philosopher who heralded the Copernican Revolution
in Philosophy.
- False
7. Kant said that we can in some very rare and exceptional cases treat other human beings as a means
to an end.
- False
8. “Act only according to that maxim which you can at the same time will that it should become a
universal law (without contradiction)." This principle is called what?
- The Universalizability Principle
9. Why can't Batman kill the Joker?
- He can. But his duty to uphold justice prevents him from doing so. He uses his rational faculties
to make that free choice
10. Use things, not people. Love people, not things.
- True
11. Deontology comes from the Greek word deon which means
- Necessary
12. Which of the following is determined by the rational will and pure reason?
- Free choice
13. If I am always kind to my roommate (who I really dislike) because he/she is close friends with my
crush, which principle am I violating?
- The formula of humanity
14. An ethical framework concerned with how to make the rational will and duty a universal way of
determining the rightness or wrongness of an action.
- Deontology
15. If a man kills 3 young children and I focus not on the pain caused to the 3 children and their
families, but on the act of killing itself, I am following which philosophy?
- Deontology
16. The statement “One must always treat another person as an end in themselves” is an example of a
hypothetical imperative.
- False
16. If I want to have good grades, I have to study hard.” This statement is an example of?
- A hypothetical imperative
17. What is one advantage of Kant’s Deontology over Natural Law Theory?
- An atheist can believe in it
18. Kant believed that for everyone the moral law is binding.
- False