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Richard Swinburne - Space and Time (1981)

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Richard Swinburne
Second Edition
:0 Richard Swinburne 1968, 1981

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First Edition 1968

Second Edition 1981

Published by
London and Basingstoke
Companies and representatIVes
throughout the world

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Swinburne, Richard
Space and time - 2nd ed.
I. Space and ttme
l. Title
114 BN632

ISBN 0-333-29072-0

Pnnted and bound In Great Britain by

BIddIes Ltd, Gulldford and King's Lynn

02 01 00 99 98 97 96
Preface to the Second Edition vii
Preface to the First Edition viii
btroduction: N.:cessity and Contingency
Place and Matter 10
2 Spaces 26
3 Absolute Space 42
4 Distance and Direction -(i) Primary Tests 61
5 Distance and Direction -(ii) Secondary Tests 84
6 The Geometry of Space 98
7 The Dimensions of Space 114
8 Past and Future 131
9 Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 144
10 Times and the Topology of Time 165
II Time Measurement and Absolute Time 177
12 Physical Limits to Knowledge of the Universe-
(i) Horizons 206
13 Physical Limits to Knowledge of the Universe-
(ii) Past/Future Sign Asymmetry 215
14 The Size and Geometry of the Universe 233
15 The Beginning and End of the Universe 247

Index 263
Preface to the Second Edition
The first edition of Space and Time was published in 1968. It was
intended both as a guide for students to the scientific and philosophical
literature of the subject and as a vehicle of my own philosophical views.
In the twelve years which have now passed since I finished writing the
first edition, there have been very considerable advances in astronomy,
physical cosmology, and particle physics, as well as a great number of
philosophical books and articles on space and time. As I find myself still
in agreement with most of the detailed arguments of the first
edition, I thought it worthwhile to produce a new edition, revised to take
account of these scientific and philosophical developments.
On one crucial philosophical issue, however, I have come to hold a
very different view from the unargued view implicit in the first edition. In
1968 I was a verificationist; I assumed that if no evidence of observation
could in any way count for or against some statement, then necessarily
that statement was empty of factual meaning. I now think that this is not
so; a statement may make a meaningful factual claim even if evidence of
observation can give no grounds for believing it to be true or for
believing it to be false. In the new Introduction I give bnef reasons for
my change of view. It has necessitated a redescription of a few of my
results at vanous places in the book.
I am most grateful to Mrs Yvonne Quirke for her patient typing of
sections of the second edition. '
Preface to the First Edition
I am most grateful to all who read or heard earlier versions of various
chapters and produced helpful criticisms of them, and especially to
Dr Elizabeth Harte, Dr Mary Hesse, Mr J. L. Mackie, Mr Roger
Montague, Professor Alan White, and the late Mr Edward Whitley.
They saved me from many silly mistakes and provided me with useful
distinctions and arguments. I am also most grateful to my wife for
.reading the proofs. .
Some of the material has previously appeared in articles in journals,
although some of the conclusions which I reach in this book are
substantially different from conclusions reached in the articles. I am
grateful to the editors of the following journals for permission to use
material from the articles cited: Analysis ('Times', 1965, 25, 185-91,
'Conditions for Bitemporality', 1965, 26, 47-50, 'Knowledge of Past
and Future', 1966, 26, 166-72); Philosophical Quarterly (' Affecting the
Past', 1966, 16, 341-47); Philosophy of Science ('Cosmological
Horizons', 1966, 33, 210-14); and Proceedings of The Aristotelian
Society (,The Beginning of the Universe', Supplementary Volume, 1966,
40, 124- 38). In the references to these articles and to articles throughout
the book, the first number indicates the year of publication of the
journal, the second number the volume of the journal, and the third
number gives the pages ofthejournal in which the article is to be found.
I have placed at the end of each chapter a bibliography of the most
important works on the main topics of the chapter, from which the
argument is developed. The bibliography also includes elementary
works expounding the scientific theories or mathematical systems
discussed in the chapter. Numbers in square brackets refer to the
bibliography at the end of the chapter. Works referred to in the text
which are important only for minor points in my argument are cited in
footnotes but not included in the bibliography.
Necessity and Contingency
This book has two aims. The first and major aim is to analyse the
meaning of various claims about Space and Time, to show which
properties Space and Time must have as a matter of logical necessity,
and to show what are the logically necessary limits to our knowledge of
events in Space and Time. It thus considers such questions as whether
Space must of logical necessity hav~ three dImensions, what it means to
say that an object is at rest, or whether it is logically possible that we
should know as much about the future as we do about the past. The
second and subsidiary aim is to describe, where a definite conclusion can
be reached, the most general contlOgent properties of the Space and
Time with which we are familiar, and the physical limits to our
knowledge of events in Space and Time; or, when there is still scientific
dispute, to set forward the rival scientific theories on the subject. It is
thus for example concerned to describe theories about the age of
Universe, and the limits to our knowledge of the Universe caused by the
finite velocity of light.
The plan of the book is roughly as follows. In Chapters 1-7, I analyse
the meaning of spatial terms and the status of propositions about Space,
leaving unanalysed the meaning of temporal terms. In Chapters 8-11, I
then conduct the analysis of temporal terms and the propositions about
Time. In Chapters 12-15, I examine what are the physical limits to our
knowledge of the Universe and what sort of conclusions we can reach
about its general spatio-temporal character.
Considerations of what would be a proper length for the book
uDfortunately preclude discussing at any great length problems of space
and time on the very small scale, such as whether distances and temporal
intervals are divisible without limit. Such problems are much fewer and
to my mind of much less philosophical interest than problems of space
and time on the very large scale, and adequate discussion of the former
would necessitate full treatment of Quantum Theory, just as adequate
discussion of large-scale problems necessitates full treatment of the
2 Space and Time
Theory of Relativity. For the latter but not for the former I have found
For the benefit of any unfamiliar with the terms I must give a brief and
necessarily very superficial exposition of the distinction between the
logically impossible, the logically contingent and the logically necessary.
To the initiates I apologise.
The distinction between the logically contingent and the logically
necessary is an ancient one but it was first formalised explicitly by
Kant [I] as his distinction between the synthetic and the analytic. Kant's
formulation of this distinction suffers from various deficiencies and I
will give a more modern one.
All statements are either logically contingent (synthetic or factual),
logically necessary (analytic), or logically impossible. Any statement
which is either logically necessary or logically contingent is logically
possible. A logically impossible statement is one which entails a
contradiction. For example, 'There are squares which do not have four
sides' is logically impossible; for we mean by 'square' 'figure with four
equal sides and for equal angles', and so the statement entails the claim
that there are figures which both do and do not have four sides. An
analytic or logically necessary statement is one whose negation is
logically impossible. The negation of a statement is the statement which
says that things are not as the first statement said. Thus the negation of
There are men on the moon' is There are no men on the moon'. Hence
'All squares have four sides' is a logically necessary statement. So too is
'All bachelors are unmarried', 'Acceleration is the rate at which velocity
increases', '2+2 =4', and 'If there is a God, he is omnipotent'. We
mean by 'God' a being who is omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly good
etc. Hence 'it is not the case that if there is a God, he is omnipotent' is
logically impossible, for it entails the claim that 'It is not the case that if
there is an omnipotent being, there is an omnipotent being'. Logically
impossible statements must be false, whatever the world is like; logically
necessary statements must be true, whatever the world is like.
A logically contingent or factual or synthetic statement is one which
does not entail a contradiction, and whose negation does not entail a
contradiction. Among synthetic statements are 'Kangaroos live wild
only in Australia', 'Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 49 D.C.', and
'Silver dissolves in nitric acid'. There is no contradiction involved in any
of these statements, nor in their negations. It may be false to claim that
kangaroos live wild in parts of the world other than Australia, but I do
not contradict myself in claiming this. Synthetic statements may be true
or false; which they are depends on how the world is. Philosophers
Introduction: Necessity and Contingency 3
distinguish between sentences on the one hand and statements or
propositions on the other. A sentence is a grammatically weJl-formed
group of words. A statement is what is expressed by a sentence when the
utterer of the sentence thereby asserts that something is the case (as
opposed to, for example, issuing a command or asking a question).
'Socrates is a man' expresses the same statement as any sentence which
has the same meaning as it. Thus it expresses the same statement as the
Latin 'Socrates est homo' or the French 'Socrate est un homme'.
Different sentences may thus express the same statement. The same
words may, however, in the course of time acquire different meanings
and so the same sentence may express different statements. 'Judge Smith
is an indifferent judge' used to mean that Judge Smith is an impartial
judge, but now it means that he is ajudge who is not concerned about the
issue of this case.
Given their current meanings, the words in a sentence determine
which statement that sentence currently makes. If the words of a.
sentence with their current meanings are alone sufficient to ensure that
that sentence makes a true statement, then that statement will be
analytic. That the sentence 'all bachelors are unmarried' makes a true
statement is guaranteed by the meanings of the words which it contains.
If the words of a sentence with their current meanings are not sufficient
to guarantee either the truth or falsity of the statement which it makes
that statement will be synthetic. My inquiry is into the nature of
statements about Space and Time as made by sentences uttered during
the period of history in which I am writing by normal users of language
or, in the case of sentences using technical scientific terms, by normal
users of the scientific language.
We do not need to observe the world to find out whether or not a
statement is analytically true. We need only reflect on the concepts
denoted by the terms in the sentence making the statement; on the
meaning of those -terms. We can ascertain that the statements are
analytically true independently of other experience of the world, that is
a priori. Statements, the truth or falsity of which we can ascertain in this
way, are termed a priori statements. It would seem also natural to
suppose that we must use our experience of the world to find out whether
or not synthetic statements are true. Only a study of animal ecology will
tell us whether or not kangaroos live wild only in Australia; only a study
of documents and monuments will tell us in which year Caesar crossed
, the Rubicon. Statements, the truth or falsity of which we can find out
only by experience, are termed a posteriori. So it is natural to maintain
that while all analytic statements are a priori, all synthetic statements are
4 Space and Time
a posteriori. Several philosophers, and c1assicaJly Kant, have, however,
claimed that there are synthetic a priori statements - that is, statements
informative about the world, the truth of which can be ascertained
independently of experience of the world. Kant claimed that the
statements of geometry and 'every event has a cause' were such
statements. Most philosophers of the British empirical tradition have,
however, denied that there are any synthetic a priori statements.
Following the hints of Hume, 1 they have claimed that the distinction.
between the synthetic and the analytic coincides with that between the
a posteriori and the a priori. There is not space to argue this issue, and so
I will take for granted this coincidence, as seems initially reasonable.
When discussing the views of Kant or others in his tradition on some
statement which they claim to be a synthetic a priori truth, having stated
their claim, I shall subseq uently represent the claim as the claim that the
statement was analytic or 10gical1y necessary.
A number of recent writers, and most famously Quine [2], have
denied the applicability to our discourse of this distinction between the
synthetic and the analytic. One reason which they have had for denying
this is that in their view there is no clear criterion for when sentences do or
do not have the same meaning and so for whether they make the same
statement. A similar reason isihat any precise definition of 'analytic' and
'synthetic' brings in notions like 'containing' or 'entailing' a 'con-
tradiction', and that in their view there is no clear criterion for when one
statement 'entails' another, or when we have a 'contradiction'. The
Quinean attack however seems to me to fail because all these words
either have an established use in ordinary language or can be defined by
words which do have such a use. We often say of two sentences that they
have the same meaning or that they say the same. If we could not
distinguish whether two sentences did or did not have the same meaning,
we could never translate from one language to another; and, despite the
difficulties of translating some sentences into some languages, we often
make perfect translations. True, whether or not two sentences mean the
same may sometimes depend on the context in which these sentences are
uttered, but that does not affect the main point. Likewise we can give
clear examples of statements which 'entail' other statements or 'con-
tradict' other statements, and these words can be defined by such
expressions as 'denies what the first statement says' or 'would contradict
yourself if you said this and denied that', which have established uses in

'David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1st edn 1748) ed.
L. A. Selby-Bigge; 2nd edn (Oxford, 1902) p. 25.
Introduction: Necessity and Contingency 5
ordinary language. There is unfortunately no space in this book for a full
discussion of Quine's attack on the distinction, and the book must
assume that the Quinean attack can be dealt with adequately on the
above lines. (For further discussion see [3] and [4].)
The examples which we have taken so far of analytic and logically
impossible statements are ones where it is easy to see the logical status of
the statements. In this book we shall be concerned with statements
whose logical status is in no way obvious-e.g. 'no agent can bring
about a past state of affairs' or 'there is only o,ne Space'. How are we to
show whether such a statement is analytic, synthetic or logically
impossible? By inquiring whether either the statement which the
sentence makes or its negation entails a contradiction. You can show that
a statement entails a contradiction by deducing that contradiction from
it. The only way to show that a statement does not entail a contradiction
is to show that it follows from some other statement which does not
entail a contradiction. Plenty of ordinary statements are to all ap-
pearances free of contradiction, and must be taken to be so in the absence
of proof to the contrary. Thus 'Today is Friday', 'This wall is green', 'All
swans are white', 'All students wear jeal1S' etc. are in this category. If you
can show that a doubtful statement q follows from a statement or
conjunction of statements p, which are to all appearances free of
contradiction, you have done all that can be done towards showing that q
is free of contradiction, i.e. describes a logically possible state of affairs.
In other words, to show that a statement of doubtful standing (e.g.
'There is more than one space') is free of contradiction you have to
describe in statements apparently free of contradiction a world in
which that statement is true. It is a matter of showing such a world to be
conceivable, by describing in detail what it would be like for it to be true
in intelligible statements. Thus initially There is a man who has two
bodies' looks as if it might be logically impossible. But we can go. on to
describe how it could be true- one subject of experience might be able
to control two sets of limbs directly in the way in which we control one
set of limbs directly; and acquire knowledge of the world as a result of
stimuli impinging on two sets of sense organs. Developing the picture we
show in statements apparently free of contradiction what it would ~like
for the doubtful statement to be true, and thus show it to be logically
possible. In this book I shall spell out what it would be like for there to be
two spaces, and for physical geometry to be non-Euclidean, and thereby
show these to be logical possibilities.
You can show that a statement q entails a contradiction, by deducing
that contradiction from it. But to do that, you need to know what a
6 Space and Time
statement entails. It is not always obvious what a statement entails. You
can show that a statement q entails. a statement p, by showing that the
only worlds in which q holds of which there seems to be an intelligible
description are also worlds in which p holds. Of course the fact that a
given individual cannot describe a world in which 'q but not p' holds in
ways which he finds intelligible does not conclusively prove that q entails
p; but the fact that no one can give such a description is evidence (and the
only evidence there can be) of what the speakers of the language are
committed to when they utter the sentence which makes the statement
that q. Thus to show that 'There is a surface which is red and green all
over' is logically impossible, you need to show that 'This is a surface
which is red all over' entails 'This is not green all over'. The only way to
show this entailment is to show that any attempt to describe a surface
which is red and green all over ends up with an unintelligible description.
In this book I attempt to show, for example, that 'There is a four-
dimensional world' is logica1ly impossible by showing that any attempt
. to describe such a world ends up unintelligibly.
Many writers in the tradition oflogical positivism have claimed that a
statement can only be a synthetic or factual statement jf there could
(logically) be some observable evidence which, if observed, could count
for or.against it. This doctrine is often called verificationism. 'Once upon
a time the Earth was red-hot' is, on this doctrine a synthetic statement
because it could be confirmed or disconfirmed by geological evidence
now available, or indeed because it could have been observed to be true at
an earlier time by rational beings situated on other planets. By contrast,
positivists claimed, a non-analytic statement such as 'Reality is one'
which for logical reasons could not be confirmed or disconfirmed by
observation was really logically impossible or in their terminology
'meaningless'. However I know of no good argument for accepting
verificationism. A sentence may make a perfectly meaningful
statement - the words which occur in it may be meaningful and be put
together in accord with normal grammatical rules; and there may be no
contradiction involved in the statement or its negation - and yet there
may be reason of logic why the statement is nQt in any way confirmable
or disconfirmable by observation. An apparent example is 'There is an
uninhabited planet on which a tree dances once a year without there
being any evidence of its activity'. (Under evidence I include both
physical traces left behind by this tree, and evidence of trees observed to
dance in similar circumstances elsewhere.) Clearly there can be no
evidence of observation that an event of a certain kind occurs in
circumstances where there is no evidence of its occurrence. Nor can there
Introduction: Necessity and Contingency 7
be evidence of observation against it; for it is very unlikely a priori, and
there is nothing particular which, if observed, would make it any less
likely. So the cited statement cannot in any way be confirmed or
disconfirmed by observation, and yet there seems no reason apart from
verificationist dogma for believing that it is not a meaningful synthetic
statement (although of course not one which we have any reason for
believing to be true). So mere unconfirmability by itself does not show
lack of factual meaning.
However the converse does appear to hold. If there can be evidence of
observation which confirms some statement, that statement must make a
meaningful factual claim; for if it contained a contradiction nothing
could add to the likelihood of its truth. There are certain normal
inductive standards according to which evidence would confirm a
statement, if that statement is not logically impossible- e.g. the
statement is confirm~d if it successfully predicts the evidence and is
simple (in the way which I spell out on pp. 43tT). If there could be such
evidence which apparently confirms a statement then (in the absence of
positive grounds for supposing the statement to contain a contradiction)
that suggests that it really does confirm the statement and so that the
statement is a meaningful factual statement. I shall therefore sometimes
argue that where some claim about space and time (e.g. the existence of
Absolute Space, which I discuss in Chapter 3) could apparently be
confirmed by evidence of observation, that provides reason for believing
it to be a meaningful factual statement.
As well as distinguishing between the logically necessary, possible, and
impossible, I need a further distinction between the physically necessary,
possible and impossible; and the merely practically necessary, possible
and impossible. The physically necessary is whatever is necessitated by
the laws of nature. The physically impossible is whatever is ruled out by
them; the physically possible is whatever is permitted by them. Thus
(given the truth of the current physical theory of matter) it is physically
necessary that the quantity of matter-and-energy be conserved in any
physical interaction. It is physically impossible (given the truth of
modern Quantum Theory) for an observer to determine the position (x)
and momentum (Px) of any particle more accurately than within the
ranges ru:, fl.px, where fl.x.fl.Px ~~, h being Planck's constant. Or, to take
. an example which we shall have to consider later in much detail, it is
physically impossible to travel between two points faster than light
(c. 300,000 km per sec). It is on the other hand physically possible for an
observer to measure the position and momenta of all particles within a
8 Space and Time

room within the ranges ~x, ~Px ( ~x. ~Px ~ 4:). or to travel at more
than 200,000 km per sec over some surface.
What is physically impossible is what is ruled out by the permissible
ways in which physical objects change their positions and characteristics,
or by the permissible ways in which, from_whatever arrangement they
start, they can be arranged: What is practically impossible is what is ruled
out not merely by this but by the actual arrangements of the constituents
of the Universe at the time at issue. It is what cannot he done by a man
given the way in which the constituents of the Universe behave and the
way they are at present arranged. Thus, provided with a suitable
calculating device or the material, labour, and plans for constructing one,
I could find out within the above-mentioned range the positions and
momenta of all the particles in this room at some given temporal instant.
Provided with a suitable space rocket or the material, labour, and plans
for constructing one, I could travel across the Earth at 200,000 km per
sec. I have not got these devices nor the material, labour, and plans for
constructing them and so the doing of the aforementioned things is not
practically possible-at any rate, for the immediate future. What is not
practically possible now may become practically possible if, by human
effort or otherwise, the constituents of the Universe become differently
arranged. If, given their present arrangement and the laws of nature
governing their change of arrangement, they could never adopt a future
arrangement permitting the doing of some thing, the doing of that thing
will never be practically possible. Yet if, whatever the present arrange-
ment of the constituents of the Universe, a given effect could never be
produced, the producing of it is physically impossible. What a human
agent can now effect given the present arrangement of the constituents of
the Universe is now practically possible. What is practically necessary is
what, if anything, a human agent in these circumstances must effect.
These distinctions I have made only loosely, as my work is not devoted
primarily to making such distinctions but to using them to clarify the
characteristics of Space and Time. But I hope that I have made them with
sufficient clarity for my use of them to provide subsequent illumination.


[1] 1. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, introduction. \

[2] W. V. O. Quine, From a Logical Point of View, Cambridge, Mass.,
1953, ch. 2, 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism'.
12 Space and Time
Usually when we talk of objects staying in the same place or moving
we do not explicitly mention the reference frame, as it is obvious which
frame we are assuming. Thus if we are travelling in a car, and discussing
whether the picnic basket is when~ I put it a quarter of an hour ago, the
frame of reference assumed is the car. If I put it on the back shelf and it is
still on the back shelf, then it has not moved. To say this this is not to
deny that it has moved relative to the, Earth, since it is obvious in this
case that the frame of reference is not the Earth. The most usual frame of
reference is the Earth. To say where something is and that it has or has
not moved is, more often than not, to locate it relative to parts of the
Earth and to say that it has or has not changed its terrestrial latitude and
longitude. But when we are talking of the movements of Mars or Venus
it is the Sun or other stars which form the reference frame. Sometimes
there is genuine doubt what is the frame of reference and then we have to
mention it explicitly, if we are to make our meaningclear. If we are on a
ship in convoy and someone says that we have not moved position, we
may need to ask him whether he means relative to the other ships or to
the land.
It is a consequence of these points that only given a frame of reference,
can we reidentify places. We can only say whether or not something is in
the same place as it was before if we specify or take for granted the
reference frame. What is the same place at a later temporal instant as a
specified place given one frame (e,g. the travelling car) will not
necessarily be the same place as that place given another frame (e.g. the
Earth). However, for one giv.en instant one can sensibly refer to the same
place using different frames of reference. I can refer to the place of a ship
at midday on Thursday using either the Earth or the convoy to which the
ship belongs <lS the frame of reference. The place identified by its
distance and direction from the objects of one frame is said to be the
same as the place identified by its distance and direction from the objects
of the other frame because the same objects are found at or in the
immediate vicinity of each of the places.
Let us now consider the occupants of Space, the things which can
properly be said to have a place. Anything which can properly be said to
have a place I will call a spatial thing, Spatial things are many and
various. They include tables and chairs, rainbows and explosions,
quantities of gas, fields of force, quantities of cosmic radiation, people,
sounds, and smells. Spatial things may be divided into what I shall call
material objects, mere physical objects, contingently dependent oc-
cupants of Space, and logiCally dependent occupants of Space. We shall
consider each in turn.
Introduction: Necessity and Contingency 9

[3] H. P. Grice and P. F. Strawson, 'In Defence of a Dogma\

Philosophical Review, 1956, 165, 141-58.
[4] J. F. Bennett, 'Analytic-Synthetic', Proceedings of the Aristotelian
Society, 1958-9, 59, 163-88.
For a fuller exposition and justification of the main distinctions and
claims made in this Introduction see;
[5] Richard Swinburne, The Coherence of Theism, Oxford, 1977,
chs 2-3.
1 Place and Matter
At every instant of time every rna terial object which exists at that instant
occupies some place, and wherever any material object is or, it is
logically possible, could be, is a place. A place in the literal sense is
wherever a material object is, or, it is logically possible, could be. Hence
places ha ve some volume. I Let us call the place of an object, described as
precisely as is logically possible by specifying its boundaries, the primary
place of the object. The primary place of a material object will in
consequence be the volume enclosed by a surface which fitted snugly
round the material object, completely enclosing it. 2 If my shaving-soap
stick fits snugly into my shaving-soap case, the most precise description
which can be given of where my shaving-soap stick is is that it is in my
shaving-soap case. When an object which has a place is not the kind of
object which can be enclosed by a snugly fitting surface (for examples see
pp. 16f) then other considerations are relevant to determining the most
precise description which can be given of where it is and so its primary
Where an object is can, however, be described more loosely than by
identifying its primary place, and this in two ways. First it can be
described by identifying any place enclosing the primary place. For any
place which encloses the primary place of an object is the place of the
object. Since my shaving-soap case is in the bathroom, my shaving soap
is in the bathroom. Since the bathroom is in my house, the shaving soap
is in my house, and so on. It would be misleading to say that the shaving
soap is both in the case and in the bathroom and in the house, for this
would suggest that it was in several different places at once. The shaving
soap is only in one place at the temporal instant in question, but that
place can be more or less precisely described.

I Two- or one-dimensional entities like patches of light or lines are not normally

said to occupy places but to have positions. Such uses of 'place' as 'the place of
an -argument in the thesis' or 'the place of religion in the home' are clearly
2 Aristotle ([ I], Chapter 2) regarded the enclosing surface as defining, the
primary place of a material object.
Place and Matter II
Alternatively where an object is may be described by identifying
smaller places or points enclosed within the object. My field may be said
to lie at the intersection of the 55th parallel oflatitude north and the first
meridian oflongitude west. What this means is that the place of my field
is a region of unspecified volume surrounding the point formed by the
intersection of those two lines. Both identifying a place which contains
among other distinct places the primary place, and identifying a smaller
place or point enclosed by the object, give less precise descriptions of
where an object is than the most precise description which can be given.
A place is identified by describing its spatial relations to material
objects forming a frame of reference, and which are for this purpose
regarded as fixed. Any set of material objects which over a period of time
retain the same spatial relations among themselves may form a frame of
reference and will form such a frame if they are used for locating places
and objects. Other material objects which over that period of time retain
the same spatial relations with certain material objects forming a frame
of reference form the same frame as they do.
An object (or place) is spatially related to another object (or place) if it
is in some direction at ~ome distance from it. The spatial relations
between objects (and places) are their distance and - given theapplica-
bility of the concept (see Chapter 4) - direction from each other. Two
objects retain the same spatial relations if they remain at the same
distance in the same direction from each other (it is logically necessary
that whatever spatial relations two places defined by reference to the
same frame have to each other at one temporal instant they have at all
instants). Thus a group of ships at sea keeping station may form a frame
of reference since they retain the same spatial relations to each other.
Any rigid bod'y may form a frame of reference since it ~onsists of parts
which are material objects, the spatial relations of which to each other
do not change. Thus the Earth or a ship can form a frame of reference.
One may say where a ship is by saying on what part of the Earth it is
situated, or where a wreck is by saying how far it is in what direction
from our ship. To say that an object is In the same place as, or is in a
different place from, what it was before is to say that its spatial relations
to the objects of the frame have not, or have, altered. To say that an
object has remained still over a period is usually to say that its parts have
not changed their places over that period. The parts change their places
either if the object as a whole changes its place or if they merely
interchange their places (in the case of a rigid body, if the parts
interchange their places, without the rigid body changing its place, the
body rotates).
Place and Matter 13
The standard examples of material objects are the solid things which
resist our pressure and which we can lift up and push around. Rocks,
tables and chairs, people and houses, clothes, cars and plates are all
standard examples of material objects. Anything which is composed of
such things, in the sense that its spatial parts are such things, is itself also
a material object. Thus the Earth and the other planets are said to be
material objects because they are composed of things like lumps of rock.
Likewise anything of which the standard examples of material objects
are composed, in the sense that it is one of the spatial parts of such an
object, is itself also a material object. Molecules of which solids are
composed are material objects because tables and chairs, etc. are formed
from molecules joined together. Further, anything which by occupying a
place thereby as a matter of logical necessity excludes other material
objects from that place is itself a material object. What is meant by this is
not that other material objects calTDot get into the place, but that they
cannot get into the place without at the same time excluding the other
object from it. Anthony Quinton has caned this property of material
objects the property of logical impenetrability, and has neatly dis-
tinguished it from hardness. He writes: 'Nothing can be where the
impenetrable is; less hard things cannot get into the place where the hard
is' ([5], p. 341). The impenetrability is said to be logical because if
anything did occupy the same place at the same instant of time as a
material object we would for that reason refuse it the title of material
object. A magnetic field may occupy the same place at the same instant
as a chair, a sound may Occupy the same place at the same instant as a
volume of air - but this means that magnetic fields and sounds cannot
be material objects. It is in virtue of this criterion of impenetrability that
the molecules which compose a gas or a liquid are said to be material
objects. If they occupy a place, no other material object can do so at the
same time. If there is a volume of air in a cylinder, you cannot keep a
solid iron piston there at the same time.
We have thus started with standard cases of material objects and
extended the scope of the term by means of the notions of composition
and logical impenetrability, thereby funy delineating the class of things
commonly called material objects. In so doing we have taken for granted
the often urged claim that the following proposition (A) is a logically
necessary truth:

(A) No two material objects can be in the same place at the same
temporal instant.
14 Space and Time
This claim and the remarks of the last page must however be qualified
in an important way. We are to understand by 'place' primary place. My
toothbrush and the shaving soap can both be in the bathroom at the
same instant of time, but the toothbrush cannot have the shaving-soap
case as its primary place if the shaving soap does. Clearly too a material
object can be in the primary place of another material object. A speck of
dust can be in the shaving-soap case as well as the shaving soap. But the
speck of dust does not have the shaving-soap case as its primary place.
The primary place of the speck of dust is a small region within the
shaving-soap case.
But could there not be two material objects which completely
interpenetrated each other and had the same outer surface? No. Because
if two things interpenetrated each other so thoroughly that they could
not be separated, they would not be tenned material objects. If you mix
some strawberries and a lump of cream, all material objects, to make
strawberry ice-cream, neither the strawberries nor the lump of cream
exist as such any longer. The small particles of strawberry and the small
particles of cream are material objects - but of them it is true that they
do not have the same primary place as other small particles. If two
objects can be separated from each other, then they will have different
enclosing surfaces. Anyone who marks off where they are will mark off
different regions of Space. I conclude that the following amended
version of proposition (A) is a logically necessary truth.

(A') No two material objects can have the same primary place at the
same temporal instant.

Material objects, as we have distinguished them, are thus objects

possessing the 'primary qualities' to which the philosophers and
scientists of the seventeenth century drew our attention. The
seventeenth-cenUlrY philosopher John Locke defined the primary
qualities of it body as 'such as are utterly inseparable from the body, in
what state soever it be.' 1 These qualities are 'solidity, extension, figure,
motion or rest, and number'. 1 Locke seems to understand by solidity
'logical impenetrability' in the sense above defined. 2
. In order that material objects may be recognised, they must have, as
well as all the primary qualities, one or more secondary qualities (such as

1 John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, ii. 8. 9.

2 See, e.g., op. cit. ii. 4. 4.
Place and Matter 15
colour, taste, smell, or tactual hardness)! or powers to produce
discernible effects. Only if we can feel the edges of them or see their shape
or observe their effects in some way can we recognise the presence of
material objects. Most medium-sized material objects we can recognise
either visually or tactually. Other material objects we recognise by their
- effects - we learn about the existence and arrangement of molecules in a
chemical substance by observing the behaviour of the substance. 2 Solids
are those material objects which do not change their shape readily when
subjected to deforming influences.
Material objects are the most important occupants of Space. Indeed,
as Strawson [2] has shown, it is only by referring to them that we are able
to talk about. other things -1 identify a certain pain by referring to the
person, the material object, whose the pain is; I identify a colour by
saying which material objects it characterises, and so on. But, as we have
noted, material objects are not the only spatial things,3 and we must now
discuss the other three kinds of spatial thing. Any spatial thing of any
other kind must, like a material object, have the primary qualities of -
'extension, figure, motion or rest, and number', for if it did not have
these properties it could not occupy space. For if an object occupies
space it must have a place, and either change its place or stay still, and
that place must have some size, and the object must be one in number. It
can only differ and will differ from a material object by lacking the
primary quality of 'solidity' or logical impenetrability.
Any spatial thing which is not a material object but which has an
existence independent of material objects I shall term a mere physical
object. By the object having an existence independent of material
objects, I mean that statements about it cannot be reduced to statements
about material objects, and also that it is not physically necessary for its
present existence that there be material objects of certain kinds behaving
in certain ways. As with material objects, we about mere physical
objects by their secondary qualities or by their effects. Quantities of
radiation such as a photon (the particle of light) or a beam of radio
I Locke of course wanted to say the secondary qualities were 'nothing in the

objects themselves, but powers to produce various sensations in us by their

primary qualities', op. cit. ii. 8. 10. But this is a further issue which it is not
necessary to discuss here. -
2 In an important recent article J. F. Bennett has shown that disagreement about
which primary qualities bodies have is incompatible with coherent talk about
them, whereas disagreement about the secondary qualities of bodies is perfectly
compatible with coherent talk about them. J. F. Bennett, 'Substance, Reality,
and Primary Qualities', American Philosophical Quarterly (1965), 2, \-17.
J For the rival view that material objects are the only spatial things see [5] ..
16 Space and Time
waves are examples of mere physical objects. They are spatial things for
we can say where the photon is or talk about the quantity of radiation in
interstellar space. Yet photons are not material objects, for the primary
place of a photon may be the primary place of another photon or of a
material object, such as an atom of carbon. The most precise description
which can be given of where an object is describes its primary place. Yet
if I specify as precisely as possible the region within which a photon lies,
another photon or material object may have that region as its primary
place. This is no mere physical limitation on our ability to measure
where photons are, for an object would not be a photon if we could shut
it up within a surface which fitted snugly round it and thereby exclude·all
material objects. A photon is not an object of that kind. Further,
radiation has an existence independent of matter, for you could have a
universe filled solely with radiation.
Material objects and mere physical objects I group together as distinct
occupants of space which have an existence independently of each other
in a class of physical objects. All the physical objects to which science has
drawn our attention behave in fact remarkably like material objects.
Quantities of radiation have a certain energy and velocity and certain
types of material object can prevent radiation from entering a r!!gioo of
Space. Matter can be transformed into radiation, and radiation into
matter. But it is possible to imagine physical objects with properties
much more distinct from those of material objects. Ghosts, ifsuch there
were, would be spatial things, not material objects but having an
independent existence. Hence they would be mere physical objects. Yet
it might not be possible for them to be transformed into matter or matter
into them; and they might have very few properties in common with
material objects. However, we have little good reason for believing in the
existence of ghosts, and the only physical objects in the existence of
which we do have good reason for believing are the quasi-material
particles of science such as photons and neutrinoes and collections
Now whatever occupies space must be a material object or have an
existence independent of material objects and so be a mere physical
object, or depend on physical objects for its existence. The dependence
can be either logical or contingent. Hence of logical necessity there can
onJy be these four sorts of spatial things -material objects, mere
physical objects, logically dependent occupants of space, and con-
tingently dependent occupants of space,
Logically dependent occupants of Space are spatial things other than
physical objects which depend on physical objects in a logically
Place and Matter 17
necessary way. That is to say, talk about such logically dependent things
is just talk about the way in which physical objects do or would behave.
Thus a gravitational field (in the sense in which this is understood in
Newtonian physics) is a logically dependent OCcupant of Space. It is a
spatial thing for we can say where there is a gravitational field of such
and such a strength and direction. But tOo6ay that there is a gravitational
field of a certain sort in some place is simply to say that physical objects
in that place are subject to a certain force proportional to their mass.
Contingently dependent occupants of Space are spatial things other
than physical objects, which depend for their existence on physical
objects, as a matter of physical, not logical necessity. Examples are
smells and sounds. These have places and so are spatial things.
Obviously they are not physical objects. They would not be there, were
there not physical objects which gave rise to them. There would not be a
smell of beef in the kitchen were there not small particles of beef floating
about in the kitchen air. Nor would there be sounds, were there not
physical objects in the form of air molecules vibrating in certain ways.
Yet this dependence is a contingent and not a logical matter. Smells
would be smells and sounds sounds if they could have an existence
independent of material or other physical objects. But then they would
themselves be physical objects and not contingently dependent oc-
cupants of Space.
In later chapters we shall be considering questions about the size and
age of the Universe. In discussion of such questions, I take 'the Universe'
to mean all the physical objects that there are, spatially related to the
Earth.· Physical objects are the occupants of Space which have an
existence independent of each other and which, as a matter of fact,
behave in ways very similar to the hard solid obvious constituents of the
Universe like tables and chairs. To understand by 'the Universe' all the
physical objects that there are, spatially related to the Earth, seems to
bring out the way in which the term has functioned in cosmological
discussion. 2 If there are physical objects not spatially related to the
Earth - the logical possibility of which we shall consider in the next
chapter - it would be most natural to say that they belong to another

I The significance of this latter clause will become clear in Chapter 2.

2 An alternative suggested definition of ' the Universe' will be examined and
rejected in Chapter 12 (see p. 212). Kant's objections to the legitimacy of all
talk about the Universe and its properties will be examined and rejected in
Chapters 14 and 15.
18 Space and Time
Of spatial things, the following proposition is often urged as a
logically necessary truth.

(8) No spatial thing can be in.two different places at the same temporal

As with (A), we must understand by 'place' 'primary place', since, as

we have noted, my shaving soap can be both in the shaving-soap case
and in the bathroom. An object can be in two places at once if one place
encloses the other place, but then at most one of those places will be the
primary place of the object. An object can also be in two places at once, if
a part of the object is in one place and a part in another. The Soviet third
army will be both in Uzbekistan and in Armenia, if half of it is in
Uzbekistan and half of it in Armenia. But then neither Uzbekistan nor
Armenia is the primary place of the Soviet third army. The primary
place of that army is a region including a part of Armenia anda part of
Uzbekistan. The army cannot be in Moscow at the same temporal
instant as having that region as its primary place. So (8') below is a
logically necessary truth.

(8') No spatial thing can have two different primary places at the same
temporal instant.

We classify chunks of matter as material objects of various kinds,

according to the similarities between them which strike us naturally or
have practical importance for us-as tables, trees, houses, plants,
fences, stars and mountains. (In the terminology of [4] 'table' , 'tree', etc.
are different substance-sortals. For general principles governing the
kind of substance-sortals there can be, see [9].) A material object of one
kind K (e.g. a fence) may include as its parts material objects of a
different kind (e.g. planks). Sometimes we may have two different ways
of classifying the same chunk of matter -e.g. we may classify a certain
fence either as a fence or as an assemblage of planks. We could call this a
case of two different material objects occupying the same place (and so
as constituting a counter-example to Principle (A»; but it seems more
natural to describe it as a case of the same material object being
differently classifiable. How we classify a material object will affect its
criteria of identity, the criteria for saying that a later object is the same
material object as the original object. If the planks of the fence are
gradually replaced by other planks we still have the same fence but not
the same assemblage of planks.
Place and Maller 19
For the continuing identity of material objects over time, in general
two conditions of spatio-temporal continuity need to be satisfied; one
concerning the continuity of the whole and the other concerning the
continuity of its parts. The first is that two material objects of kind K, M
at time I and M' at time I' must be spatio-temporally continuous if they
are to be the same material object. By this is meant that there must be a
material object M" of kind K similar in its properties to both M and M'
at every temporal instant I" between I an~ t', such that each M" at each I"
occupies a place contiguous with the place occupied by the M" at the
prior and succeeding instants, however precisely temporal instants are
identified, the series beginning with M at t and ending with M' at 1'. Thus
for this desk at which I am writing to be the same desk as the desk at
which I was writing yesterday in this room, there has to be a spatio-
temporal chain of similar desks joining them. If this desk just appeared
from nowhere, or was linked spatio-temporally with a desk in another
room yesterday, then this desk would not be the desk at which I was
writing yesterday.
Some further condition about spatio-temporal -continuity of parts
also needs to be satisfied; but the fonn of this condition will vary with the
kind of object in question. For many objects the condition will be that
most parts of equal volume of the M" at each I" must also occupy places
contiguous with a place occupied by a part of the M" at the prior and
succeeding instants. Thus if all of the parts of my bicycle except the front
wheel were at one instant replaced with new parts, ~e would not say that
the new bicycle was the same as the old one. But we probably would say
this if the replacement was gradual- one wheel being replaced one
month, the brakes being replaced the next month, and so on. In the latter
case at each instant there would be spatio-temporal continuity of most
of the parts. For objects of certain kinds the spatio-temporal continuity
of parts need concern only some central controlling part. Thus for
animals it is natural to say that we have the same animal ifit has the same
brain even if it has new legs, arms etc., i.e. if there is spatio-temporal
continuity of the brain, but not of legs and anns. For a few objects what
matters is spatio-temporal continuity of most of the parts with an
original object. In these cases total replacement of parts, however
gradual, would mean that the original object had ceased to exist. The
condition of spatio-temporal continuity of parts takes this fonn for
objects of great historical interest. If you gradually replace most of the
stones of the Parthenon with new stones, the original Parthenon no
longer exists.
The joint satisfaction of the two conditions of spatio-temporal
20 Space and Time
continuity, in the form appropriate to the kind of object in question, will
guarantee that only one object M' at t' is the same object as Mat t. Only
one bicycle at t' can have originated from a given bicycle at t if only
gradual replacement of parts is allowed. But if any bicycle is the same
bicycle as the earlier bicycle ifit has a part in common with it, there could
be no end of later bicycles identical with the earlier bicycle. In that case
principle (8') above would be violated; the earlier bicycle would be
simultaneously in two different primary places. Sometimes the first
condition may be relaxed and satisfaction of the second condition be
deemed sufficient to constitute identity over time. This possibility will
arise if an object such as a bicycle at t is taken to bits and then put
together again at t'. The first condition will not be satisfied, because there
is a period between t and t' at which no bicycle existed. The two bicycles
are not joined by one spatio-temporal chain. But each of the parts of the
bicycle are so joined. Yet the relaxing of the first conditiori can lead to
the existence of two objects at t' which are rivals for being the same
object as the object at t. The planks of the ship of Theseus were gradually
removed one by one and replaced with similar planks. The latter were
then put together to form a ship. There are then two ships at a later time
which have a claim to be the same ship as the earlier ship. One (a) has all
the parts of the earlier ship, and the other (b) has preserved continuity as
a ship. Both have satisfied a condition of continuity of parts in the first
form in which I stated it; though (a) has of course satisfied a much
stronger form of this condition. Only (b) however has satisfied the
condition of continuity of whole. If we are prepared to drop the
condition of spatio-temporal continuity of whole, some arbitrary
decision may be required to choose between rival claimants for being the
same object as an earlier object. (See [7] for a discussion of these
problems of spatio-temporal continuity of parts).
Such then, with qualifications, are the conditions of spatio-temporal
continuity which must be satisfied for the identity of a material object
over time-at any rate for material objects of almost all kinds. (A
possible exception will be suggested in Chapter 2.) But does tbere not
then arise a circularity of definition? For a necessary condition of M and
M' being the same material object is that they must have occupied places
of certain sorts at certain temporal instants. But places, we have seen,
can only be identified by relation to material objects. 'So the identifi-
cation and distinction of places turn on the identification and distinction
of things; and the identification and distinction of things turn, in part, on
the identification and distinction of places' ( [2], p. 37).
This circularity is not, however, vicious. A vicious circularitx of
Place and Maller 21
definition only arises where one expression is defined in terms of another
and where one cannot even make a provisional judgement of the
applicability of one expression until one has correctly (and knowingly
so) applied the other expression, and conversely. For in such circum-
stances one could never understand the one expression without
understanding the other expression, and conversely; and so one could
never get started. But our circularity is not a vicious one, for we can
make a provisional judgement that M and M' are the same material
object on the basis of very precise satisfaction of a different criterion, viz.
their having almost precisely similar properties apart from those of
spatial relation. We take the detailed similarity between a present object
and a past object as evidence that the two objects are the same object. We
take tw-o tables with scratches in the same place, two books with ink
blobs on the same pages etc. as the same object, in the absence of positive
counter-evidence, e.g. that they are not spatio-temporally connected or
that there are two or more virtually qualitatively identical objects of that
kind in the world. This criterion of similarity seems to be an inductive
principle, a principle of what is evidence for what in the world, which
follows from the. very general inductive principle of simplicity. Among
hypotheses which lead us to expect the data of observation, the simplest
is that most likely to be true. It is simpler in explanation of our
observations to suppose that there is only one entity than that there are
two more or less qualitatively identical ones - and so in the absence of
evidence better explained by the hypothesis of two entities, it is more
probable that there is only one.
We retract anyone provisional judgement made by the criterion of
similarity when we have evidence that the conditions of spatio-temporal
continuity do not apply, if we assume that most of the other provisional
judgements made on the basis of the criterion of similarity are correct.
When I wake up and look around ljudge that the room in which I am is
my bedroom, the room in which I went to sleep. My judgement is made
solely on the basis of its appearance. I do not bother to find out whether
or not it has been spatio-temporally continuous with my bedroom
yesterday. But suppose I go downstairs and the re~t of the house looks
very dilTerent from what my house looked like yesterday, then either the
bedroom was not really my bedroom, or the bedroom has moved, or the
rest of the house has changed overnight. Once there is serious doubt
about whether the bedroom in which I woke up was my bedroom (that is
the room in which I went to sleep yesterday), despite the satisfaction of
the criterion of similarity, I must investigate whether or not the
conditions of spatio-temporal continuity are satisfied for the two
22 Space and Time
bedrooms. To do this I have provisionally to reidentify other objects by
the criterion of similarity. I look, that is, for landmarks in order to find
out whether the bedroom in which I woke up was in the same place as the
bedroom in which I went to sleep. If it is not in the same place, then
unless I can produce evipence of spatio-temporalcontinuity of the
two by giving a plausible account of how and why my bedroom changed
its position (something of a kind which I know does not normally
happen), the conditions of spatio-temporal continuity have been shown
not to be satisfied for the two bedrooms. I walk into the road and find a
few hundred yards away a house very similar to my own, and all the
objects - trees etc. - surrounding it very similar to the objects sur-
rounding my house. I therefore provisionally identify that house as my
house using the criterion of similarity alone. It then follows that either
my bedroom was transported bodily during the night or that the room in
which I woke up was not my bedroom. If there is no evidence making
plausible the former hypothesis, I must adopt the latter. Despite
appearances the room in which I woke up was not my bedroom. My
ability to make any well substantiated judgements of reidentification of
material objects thus depends on my ability to make some provisional
judgements on the basis of the criterion of similarity alone. But if I could
not provisionally reidentify any objects without proof of the satisfaction
of the conditions of spatio-temporal continuity, I could never get
What this brings out is that I can seriously doubt whether I have
'correctly reidentified some material objects and my doubts can be
settled, but if I seriously doubt whether I have reidentified any material
object correctly, then this doubt cannot be settled. However, though we
can often provisionally reidentify a material object without reidentifying
places, we can never even provisionally reidentify a place without
reidentifying material objects. Places have no independently recognis-
able qualities. They are what they are by virtue of the material objects
~hich surround or occupy them. Granted that I have some ability to
reidentify material objects, I can doubt of all places whether I have
, correctly reidentified them and my doubts can be resolved. There is thus
a sense in which 'the identification and distinction of places turn on the
identification and distinction of things' without 'the identification and
distinction of things' tur'ning 'on the identification and distinction of
places' . .If there are some objects as I shall be arguing in Chapter 2, for
the identity of which spatio-temporal continuity is not a necessary
condition, that further emphasises the asymmetry of dependence
between material objects and places.
Place and Matter 23
There is a second difficulty which arises in this connection. If in order
to show that M and M' are the same material object at ditTerent temporal
instants we have -at any rate sometimes - to show their spatio-
temporal continuity, do we not presuppose a frame of reference in so
doing? For the definition (p. 19) of spatio-temporal continuity used the
notion of a place being contiguous to another place occupied at a prior
temporal instant by a certain object, that is, to a place which is the same
place as that occupied previously by a certain object. But what is the
same place as a place at a ditTerent instant depends, as we have seen, on
the frame of reference which we choose. But then how can we show
spatio-temporal continuity without presupposing a frame, and in that
case is not what counts as the 'same material object' dependent on the
frame we choose, just as is what counts as the 'same place' (as was first
suggested by D. M. Armstrong [3])? To an important extent re-
identification of material objects is not dependent 011 the frame chosen.
For if M and M' are spatio-temporally continuous when places are
judged by a frame F, they will be spatio-temporally continous when they
are judged by any frame F' moving continuously with some (possibly
zero) uniform or non-uniform velocity relative to F. If the conditions of
spatio-temporal continuity hold when the places are judged relative to
the Earth, they will hold when the places are judged relative to any space
rocket moving continuously relative to the Earth. A thing moves
continuously relative to a frame F, if, after leaving any place, it occupies
at the next instant of time, however precisely temporal instants are
distinguished, a place which, judged from frame F, is contiguous to the
former place. A group of frames, measurements relative to which yield
the same judgements of spatio-temporal continuity and thus the same
judgements of 'same material object', I shall term an MO-invariant
group. The MO-invariant group which includes the Earth will be called
the E-group, and any member of it an E-frame. A frame would be a non-
E frame if after leaving a place p, as judged from the Earth, at the next
distinguishable instant, it occupied a place p' not contiguous wjth p, but
at some distance from p, as judged from the Earth; and so got from p to
p' without passing through any places lying between them as judged
from the Earth ..
The conditions of spatio-temporal continuity for the identity of
material objects are thus elliptical, because spatio-temporal continuity
depends on the frame of reference and those conditions do not specify
the frame. Clearly M and M' will be the same object if the conditions are
satisfied, when spatio-temporal continuity is estimated relative to an E-
frame. For in an the judgements which are paradigm examples of correct
24 Space and Time
judgements about identity of material objects -such as that this is the
same desk as the one on which I was writing two minutes ago-spati~
temporal continuity is estimated relative to E-frames. However it does
not seem to be necessary that spatio-temporal continuity should be
assessed relative to an E-frame. For surely there could be persons who
interacted with their surroundings as we do, when those surroundings
seemed to them to have just the sort of stability that ours do, without the
constituents of those surroundings I
which seemed to the inhabitants to
be unchanging, being spatio-temporally continuous relative to the
Earth. The series of objects which they were inclined to call one
continuing tree might be a series of qualitatively similar objects which
lacked spatio-temporal continuity relative to the Earth, and yet
preserved it relative to other series of objects which they were also
inclined to call continuing things. And the series of objects which each
person was inclined to call his own body might also exhibit spatio-
temporal continuity relative to these other series, and yet not relative to
the Earth. (The objects of each series might form a series of objects
spatially related to the Earth - e.g. now in this part of the sky, now in
that, or in the way to be suggested in Chapter 2 they might have no
spatial relation to the Earth at all.) Surely the series of objects of those
surroundings have as much right to be called continuous material
objects as do the series of objects which form our paradigm examples of
material objects.
I suggest therefore that all talk about spatio-temporal continuity and
so all talk about the identity of material objects involves implicit
reference to an MO-invariant group. For us on Earth this is always the
E-group. But it is possible to identify material objects relative to another
group, and there might be people whose surroundings had the sort of
stability which made it natural for them to make their judgements
relative to a different MO-invariant group. They would make pro-
visional judgements to identity on the basis of the criterion of similarity.
There would be enough such judgements to yield a stable frame of
reference (which was not an E-frame), by means of which they could
check individual such judgements to see ifthey satisfied the conditions of
spatio-temporal continuity relative to their frame.


[l] Aristotle, Physics, book iv, ch. 1-5.

[2] P. F. Strawson, Individuals, London, 1959, ch. 1.
Place and Matter 25
[3] D. M. Armstrong, 'Absolute and Relative Motion', Mind, 1963,73,
[4] David Wiggins, Identity and Spatio-Temporal Continuity, Oxford,
[5] Anthony Quinton, 'Matter and Space', Mind, 1964,74,332-52.
[6] David Sanford, 'Volume and Solidity', Australasian Journal of
Philosophy, 1967,45, 329-40.
[7] Robert C. Coburn 'Identity and Spatio-Temporal Continuity', in
Milton K. Munitz, (00.), Identity and Individuation, New York,
1971. -
[8] Brian Smart 'How to Reidentify the Ship of Theseus', Analysis,
1971-2,32, 145-8; and his reply to two criticisms in intermediate
issues of Analysis, 'The Ship of Theseus, the Parthenon, and
Disassembled Objects', Analysis, 1973-4, 34, 24-7.
[9] Eli Hirsch, 'Physical Identity', Philosophical Review, 1976,85,357-
2 Spaces
All places (by whatever frame identified) spatially related to each other
taken together constitute a space. A space, in the literal sense of the term,
is that in which material objects are situated, and move or remain still.
They change their place by moving through space.
Space is of logical necessity un bounded. This is to say that every region
of space is of logical necessity surrounded on all sides by other regions of
space. The denial of this is the assertion that it is logically possible that
there be a boundary to space. A boundary to space would be, as it were, a
wall barring further progress. Yet it must be that behind this wall either
there is some object, in which case that object would occupy space; or
there is no object, that is there is unoccupied space. It does not seem
possible to give a coherent description of any third possibility. Further,
between any two non-contiguous places, A and B, spatially related to
each other, there lies another place. For if you set ofT on the shortest path
from A to B (and since they are spatially related, there is a path between
them)either there will be an obstacle in the way or there will not. If there
is an obstacle, then it occupies a place. If there is no obstacle, then there is
an unoccupied place between them. There must be, for otherwise you
could not pass along the path.
Scientists and philosophers sometimes dispute about whether space is
discrete, dense, or continuous. These are basically claims about the
number of points, or smallest bits of space, which lie on a line between
any two non-contiguous places. To say that space is discrete (or granular
or atomic) is to say that there are only a finite number of points between
any two non-contiguous places. To say that space is dense (but not
continuous) is to say that there are an infinite number of points between
such places, but a denumerably infinite number. A denumerable infinity
is the number of the rational numbers, that is numbers which can be
expressed as fractions with integers as numerators and denominators,
e.g. 1/4, 8t, 2t, ~H. To say that space is continuous is also to say that there
are an infinite numbers of points between non-contiguous places, but the
larger infinity of the continuum. This is the number of the class of
rational and irrational numbers; that is, including such numbers as /2,
Spaces 27
~2/5, nand n which cannot be expressed as fractions with integers as

numerators and denominators. So much is clear, but what it is for there

to be this or that number of points between non-contiguous places is
quite unclear, and left unclear by most writers on the subject, and it needs
to be made clear before these claims can be assessed.
What would it be like for space to be discrete? If there are only a finite
num ber of points between A and B, these points will be spatial atoms
which take up a certain finite volume. But, then, with respect to a given
atom one can talk about the half of it closest to A, and one can say how
big that halfis, and how far it is from A. Is not this half a volume of space?
So how can the atom be the smallest bit of space? If space is dense or
continuous, points will have no finite volume, and so this difficulty does
not arise. But what are we saying when we say that the number of points
between A and B is dense rather than continuous? Since between points
are distances, what the claim would seem to amount to is the claim that
there can be distances only of n units of some kind, where n is a rational
number. If space is continuous, there can be distances of n units, where n
is an irrational number. But what is it for there not to be a distance of..}2
units? Clearly one can always talk and make calculations about intervals
of that length in any large space, and about how bodies would behave if
they occupied such an interval, and so on. I suggest that the only sense
that can be given to these various claims is in terms of what sizes of
material object there can be and what distances they can cover. To say
that space is discrete is to say that there is some finite length k, such that it
is physically possible that material objects be of length k, 2k etc. units but
not Itk units. That is a comprehensible claim, and one for which there could
be evidence (e.g. finding that all observed material objects had such lengths
for some finite length k within very precise limits of accuracy). I do not
know of good scientific evidence for or against this claim. Likewise the
claim that space is dense (but not continuous) could be a claim about
what lengths it is physically possible for bodies to have, that their length
can only be a rational number of units of some kind, but that they cannot
be of length ..}2 units, or n units. Conversely, the claim that space is
continuous would be the claim that bodies can be of any length any real
number (e.g . ..}2 or n) of units of some kind. These claims seem coherent
enough (once the unit of length is specified). But it also seems to be the
case that no evidence could ever confirm or disconfirm the claim that that
space is dense but not continuous, or vice versa. For any evidence about
the measured size of objects could be explained equally well on either
theory. For you can always find a rational number which lies within any
28 Space and Time
finite interval you choose, however small, of a given irrational number.
Yet measurement can only be made to a certain finite degree of accuracy;
and so any measured interval can be represented as of length a rational
number of units of some kind within that limit of accuracy. Given that
the rival theories are equally simple (see pp. 43fT); they would always be
equally well supported by evidence. (See [4].)
A place A, we saw in the last chapter, is spatially related to another
place B if A is at soine distance from B. What this means is that measur-
ing rods could be laid on a path between A and B by a being who took
sufficient time and was powerful enough to overcome all forces opposing
the journey. It may of course be practically impossible for a man to be
able to construct a machine of sufficient power to overcome opposing
forces or to live long enough to make the journey. But in saying that two
places are spatially related I am saying that if there are no such reasons,
then measuring rods can be laid between one and the other. This is a
logical truth about the meaning of 'spatially related'.
The relation of being spatially related is- clearly symmetrical and
transitive. If A is spatially related to B, then B is spatially related to A. If
measuring rods can be laid between A and B under certain conditions,
they can be laid between B and A under those conditions, for to achieve
the one task is to achieve the other task. If A is spatially related to B, .and
B is spatially related to C. then A is spatially related to C. For if
measuring rods can be laid under certain conditions between A and B
and between Band C, they can be laid between A and C under those
conditions, if need be via B.
Now is it true of logical necessity that all places are spatially related to
each other? If so, we can only talk of the one space. But if it is logically
possible that there can be places not spatially related, then we can talk of
different spaces. Kant thought that the former was an a priori truth. 'We
can only represent to ourselves one space, and if we talk of diverse
spaces, we mean thereby only parts of one and the same unique space.'
([I], B.39) 'If ... I ... say that all things, as outer appearances, are
side by side in space, the rule is valid universally and without limitation'
([I], B.43). In an important article, 'Spaces and Times' {2], Quinton has
argued that Kant is wrong, and that it is not an apriori truth and so not a
logically necessary truth that all places are spatially related to each
Quinton makes his point by giving us a Two-Space myth; that is, he
describes in statements apparently free of contradiction, a world in
which there are two spaces; and, as he de.scribes it, a ~orld in which an
inhabitant would have evidence of observation which confirmed the
Spaces 29
claim that there were two spaces. Quinton asks us to suppose that our
dream-life undergoes a remarkable change:

Suppose that on going to bed at home and falling asleep you found
yourself to all appearances waking up in a hut raised on poles at the
edge of a lake. A dusky woman, whom you realise to be your wife, tells
you to go out and catch some fish. The aream continues with the
apparent length of an ordinary human day, replete with an appropri-
ate and causally coherent variety of tropical incident. At last you
climb up the rope ladder to your hut and fall asleep. At once you find
yourself awaking at home to the world of normal responsibilities and
expectations. The next night life by the side of the tropical lake
continues in a coherent and natural way from the point at which it left
off. And so it goes on. Injuries given in England leave scars in
England, insults given at the lakeside complicate lakeside personal
relations .... Now if this whole state of affairs came about it would
not be very unreasonable to say that we lived in two worlds ([2], pp.

In this myth, Quinton argues, our life in the one set of surroundings is
just as coherent as that in the other, and so there are no grounds for
saying that one of the lives is only a dream. There are other people by the
lake and in our ordinary surroundings, and to anyone who urges that
one group of people does not really exist, that we only dream about
them, the answer must be made that whatever grounds there are for
saying that, there are the same grounds for saying it about the other
people. There are, however, on Quinton's myth, no grounds for saying
that the objects of one set of surroundings are spatially related to those
of the other, for however much exploration we do in one life, we can
never find the objects of the other.
Now is Quinton's myth coherent? Does it describe, without con-
tradiction, a world in which there are two spaces, and a world in which
an inhabitant would have grounds for believing that there are two
spaces. I shall argue that, with certain amendments to the myth, Quinton
is successful in showing what he wishes to show. But, first, I must deal
with four objections to Quinton's argument. Some are objections to the
claim that Quinton has given a coherent description of a world of two
spaces, and some are objections to the claim that an inhabitant would
have grounds to believe that he lived in a two-space world.
The first objection is that there is an inconsistency in Quinton's
account as stated in that while a man is in England, living the life of the
30 Space and Time
English day, his body, according to Quinton, lies asleep by the
lakeside! -and presumably, conversely. The man is only awake in one
place at one temporal instant, but asleep and awake, he is to be found in
two places at one temporal instant. And this violates the principle which
we have noted (p. 18) to be a logically necessary truth, that no spatial
thing can have two different primary .places at the same temporal
instant. We might attempt to avoid this difficulty by urging that the true
man is the man's mind or soul and that that was only in one place at one
time, and that the man's mind was connected with two different bodies ..
But all this would need a lot of philosophical justification to make
coherent, and there is no need to take this route to meet the objection.
We need only amend the myth so that soon after people who have these
odd experiences go to sleep, they just vanish from their beds, and soon
after they reappear. they wake up. Then it will not be the case that they
are in two places at one temporal instant.
The second objection is that although a man who had the sort of
experiences which Quinton describes would have no grounds for saying
that life in one set of surroundings was real while life in the other set of
surroundings was only a dream, he might have good grounds for
doubting the reality of both lives and for believing that he was subject to
perpetual hallucinations. His experiences might seem so mysterious and
disordered that he reasonably doubted whether either sort of experience·
was properly described as genuine. This might, I think. be the case if only
one man had this sort of experience and all the other people of both his
environments reported to him (or appeared to report to him) that they
did not. For then in each set of surroundings when he told people of his
other life. they would not believe him - since (hey would have no other
evidence than his word for crediting what he said. Hence throughout his
life everybody he met would doubt the truth of half of his reports of
previous events. They would say that he 'only dreamt it'. And each of his
reports would be doubted on half the occasions on which it was made. In
such circumstances the man might reasonably hold that he had no
grounds for believing any of his own reports of past events, that his
whole life, and not merely part of it, was a dream. At that point he would
presumably believe himself to be unable to wake up, and So would
become demented.
The difficulty can be met by supposing that all or most of the people of
the man's two environments reported to him similar experiences of

I [2]. p. 141. 'Your wife says. "You were very restless last night. What were you

dreaming about?'"
Spaces 31
double lives to those which he experienced. One way is to suppose that
'everyone's dream-life was coherent but that no person's dream-life
corresponded with anyone else's' ([2], p. 143). This position formally
meets the objection which I have made, but one might still wonder
whether this description was a sufficiently coherent one. If everybody's
lives were so dilTerent from those of others one might well wonder if
there was sufficient coherence about the world for a public language
applied to it to make sense. However, a coherent situation will certainly
arise 'if we suppose that the dreams of everyone in England reveal a
coherent order of events in our mystical lake district and let everyone
have one and only one correlated lake-dweller whose waking ex-
periences are his dreams' ([2], p. 143). If one supposes in this way that
one meets in the new environment people of the old, and that the·
possibility of travel between the two environments is recognised in each,
this objection would seem to have been met. Quinton describes such a .
situation as a possible but inessential variant on his myth, but the
considerations which I have adduced would seem to suggest that it is a
highly desirable, if not essential, variant, if the myth is to do the job for
which he intends it. In Quinton's variant:

there are various ways in which we can suppose that people who know
each other in England could come to recognise one another at the
lakeside, for example, by drawing self-portraits from memory or by
agreeing, when in England, to meet at some lakeside landmark. The
injury which I do you at the lakeside may be revenged not there but in
England ([2), pp. 141 f).

Under these conditions anyone who appeared to find himself at dilTerent

instants in the two different environments would have every reason to
say that both environments were real.
But at this point a third objection naturally arises. This is the
objection that sameness of body is necessary for sameness of person, a
view powerfully advocated in recent' years by Bernard Williams
(especially in [5]). On this view P' ata later time t' is the same person as P
at an earlier time t only if P' has the same body as P. Sameness of body
however is a matter of the normal conditions for sameness of material
objects, including the conditions of spatio-temporal continuity relative
to a previously identifiable frame, described on pp. 191T. For B' to be the
same body as B, there has to be continuity between the two bodies. But
the identity of bodies on Earth is assessed relative to E-frames. A body
Which moved to another space would not preserve spatio-temporal
32 Space and Time
continuity relative to an E-frame; and so no body could move to another
space. Hence, on this view that bodily continuity is a necessary condition
of personal identity, neither can persons move to another space.
We do of course normally suppose that if P"s body is not continuous
with that of P, then P' is not the same person as P. But we do also have
other kinds of evidence for personal identity. If P' has the same apparent
memory as P (i.e. claims to remember as happening to him many and
various things which in fact happened to P) and a similar character, then
that is good grounds for supposing that P' is P. (This is in effect the
satisfaction of our criterion of similarity, as described on p. 21.) But
what are we to say if this criterion of similarity of memory and character
is very well satisfied, but the criterion of bodily continuity is flot
satisfied? Williams answers that in that case the persons are not the
Suppose a man, whom Williams calls Charles, changes his character
and claims to be Guy Fawkes. We investigate his claim and our inquiry
turns out:

in the most favourable possible way .... Not only do all Charles's
memory claims that can be checked fit the pattern of Fawkes' life as
known to historians; but others that cannot be checked are plausible,
provide explanations of unexplained facts and so on. Are we to say
that Charles is now Guy Fawkes, that Guy Fawkes has come to life
again in Charles's body, or some such thing? ([5], pp. 237f.).

No, answers Williams, because:

if it is 10gica1\y possible that Charles should undergo the changes

described, then it is logically possible that some other man should
undergo the same changes, e.g. that both Charles and his brother
Robert should be found in this condition. What s~ould we say in that
case? They cannot both be Guy Fawkes; if they were, Guy Fawkes
would be in two places at once, which is absurd. We might say that one
of them was identical with Guy Fawkes, and that the other was just
like him; but this would be an utterly vacuous manoeuvre since there
would be ex hypothesi no principle determining which description was
to apply to which. So it would be best, if anything, to say that both had
become like Guy Fawkes, clairvoyantly knew about him, or some-
thing like this ([5], pp. 238f.).

What this shows is that in the simpler case where only Charles claimed to
Spaces 33
be Guy Fawkes, it would be 'vacuous' ([5], p. 240) to say that Charles
was Guy Fawkes, for there would be no difference between saying that
Charles was Guy Fawkes and saying that he was exactly similar to Guy
The most general justification which Williams provides of the last
stage of this argument is that 'identity is a one-one relation, and that no
principle can be a criterion of identity for things of type T if it relies on
what is logically a one-many or many-many relation between things of
type T' ( [7], pp. 440. If we say in the simpler case (where only Charles,
but not Robert, claimed to be Guy Fawkes) that Charles is Guy Fawkes,
we are using a criterion which could lead us to contradict ourselves.
Williams demands that a criterion of identity should be such that
rigorous application of it should of logical necessity never lead to self-
contradiction; in particular, consistent application of it should oflogical
necessity never lead us to say A = B and A = C .but C i= B. If we say that
Charles is Guy Fawkes, we could on exactly similar grounds have to say
that Robert is Guy Fawkes, but since Charles is not Robert, we would
have contradicted ourselves. The criterion of bodily continuity,
Williams suggests, does ensure. that only one later person can be the
same person as an earlier person, for only one person can have his body;
whereas very many later persons could satisfy the memory and character
In the past twenty years there has been a very <;onsiderable
philosophical literature on the subject of personal identity. Many
writers sympathetic to Williams' general approach have modified it in
one important respect. The continuity which guarantees personal
identity is not, they claim, continuity of the whole body but of that part
of the body which is causally responsible for person's memory and
character - viz. continuity of brain. So if A's brain is taken out of A's
~ody and put into B's body and B's brain is taken out of B's body and
put into A's body, and the two brains are connected up with their new
bodies so that we have fully functioning persons, then thereafter the
person who had B's body would be A, and the person who had A's body
would be B. There would be such continuity of memory and character
that we would let brain continuity dictate who we said was A, rather
than continuity of the rest of the body.
But a major difficulty with Williams' original view and this revised
view is that in fact, as expanded so far, neither of them guarantee the
uniqueness for which Williams sought. This is especially evident in
connection with the revised view that brain-continuity is a necessary
condition of personal identity. The human brain consists of two
34 Space and Time
hemispheres. It is known that if one or other hemisphere is damaged in
an accident, the person may continue to live and shpw much normal
human behaviour. So it is logically possible (and much more likely to
occur than the Guy Fawkes story related by Williams) that A's brain
could be taken out of A's body, and the right hemisphere be placed in
one empty skull, the left hemisphere be placed in another empty skull,
and both half-brains be connected up so that we have two fully
functioning persons. Let us call the new persons Band C. Both Band C
have brain-continuity with A (and so, we may reasonably suppose,
behave like A and make memory claims similar to those which A made).
By the criterion of brain continuity, ,as so far expanded, both would be
A. The duplication which Williams saw as damaging the memory and
character criterion is equally damaging to the brain continuity criterion.
In the face of this difficulty exponents of the latter view have usually
added a clause to the effect that if two later persons both satisfy the
criterion of brain continuity for being the same person as a previous
person. then neither are that person. For example, David Wiggins
suggested that we

analyse person in such a way that coincidence under the concept

person logically required the continuance in one organized parcel ofall
that was causally sufficient and causally necessary to the continuance of
essential and characteristicfunctioning. no autonomously sufficient part
achieving autonomous and functionally separate existence. ([9] p. 55.
His italics)

That is, to be the same person, you have to have a bodily organ causally
necessary and sufficient for memory and character, i.e. some of the same
brain. and no part of that brain must animate another person.
However. as Wiggins 'appreciate~, there is in a definition of this kind
the following awkwardness. that a man's identity (i.e. whether or not he
is identical with a certain past person) could, as a matter of logical
necessity, depend on the success or failure of an operation to a brain
other than his own; For suppose, as in the previous story, that A's brain
is taken out of A's body and the right hemisphere placed in one empty
skull and the left in another. Suppose that the transplant of the right
hemisphere takes and that we have a fully functioning person, B. If the
other transplant fails, there will be only one part of the original brain
animating a person, and so 011 a Wiggins-type account that person will
be identical with the original person. B will be A. But if the other
transplant takes neither B nor anyone else will be A. But it seems
Spaces 35
logically absurd to suppose that who B is depends (as a matter of logic)
on what happens as the result of an operation in a body other than his
own, or that I can survive an operation only if some transplant fails.
Something has gone badly wrong in this kind of theory of personal
identity, and two different kinds of theory of personal identity have been
developed in recent years which do meet this kind of difficulty. One is a
theory which takes the approach of Williams and Wiggins much further
by stressing the similarity of personal identity to the identity of other
kinds of material objects. For desks and ships, for armies and countries,
our criteria of identity are not rigorous enough to give unique answers in
all cases. We saw in Chapter I that there was no unique true answer as to
which ship was the ship of Theseus. Sometimes the answer that B is the
same object as an original object A is as near to the truth as an answer
that a different object C is A. If we want uniqueness we may need
arbitrary decisions, especially in cases where there is any extensive
transplantation of parts ~ whether they be parts of ships or parts of
persons. A number of writers have stressed this, but one writer in this
tradition who has been much discussed is Derek Parfit [II]. He goes on
to claim that what is important is not so much personal identity, but
what he calls psychological continuity. Very roughly the latter is
similarity of memory and character causally linked. Thus a person P at
time t' is psychologically continuous with Pat t, if P' remembers what P
remembers and P's memory causes (e.g. via continuity of brain matter)
p"s memory. Now two later personscartnot both be identical with P, but
two later persons can both be psychologically continuous with P, and so
P can 'survive' as both, although not be identical with both.
Psychological continuity is a matter of degree, since similarity of
memory (and character) and extent of causal dependence can vary from
total to zero. Personal identity in general involves psychological
continuity (or, perhaps in its absence, bodily continuity) but psychologi-
cal continuity can hold where there is no identity. Two persons at
different times are the same person 'if they are psychologically
continuous and there is no person who is contemporary with either and
psychologically continuous with the other' ([II] p. 13).
On a theory ofpersonaJ identity such as that of Williams and Wiggins
some sort of spatio-temporal continuity relative to a previously
identifiable frame is necessary for personal identity, and hence move-
ment of a person from one sp:ice to another is not possible. On Parfit's
view the more important concept of psychological continuity involves
causality. I do not see any need for him to hold that causality involves
spatio-temporal continuity. But he might well hold this, and if he did
36 Space and Time
again motion between spaces would not be logically possible (since the
identity of persons involves psychological continuity, or perhaps in its
absence, bodily continuity).
It seems to me however that Partil's approach begs crucial factual
questions and is very difficult to make coherent. In our transplant story
look at the matter from A's point of view, before the operation. Suppose
the person in B's body is to be tortured and the person in C's body is to
be rewarded. A wishes to be rewarded and not to be tortured, but has he
cause for hope or fear? That depends whether he will experience the
feelings of the body into which his left brain hemisphere is transplanted,
or the feelings of the body into which his right brain hemisphere is
transplanted, or of neither, or of both. Suppose that both transplants
take. In that case Parfit seems to suggest that the last suggestion is right;
that A will at any rate in some measure have the feelings both of B and of
C. But it is hard, to put it mildly, to make sense of how that can be, since
Band Cwill not experience each other's feelings. Each of the other three
suggestions seems coherent enough, seems to contain no self-
contradiction. In the first case, although both Band C would behave like
A and make somewhat similar memory claims to A, only C would be A.
A's hopes to be rewarded would be fulfilled. In the second case, although
both Band C would behave like A and make somewhat similar memory
claims to A, only B would be A. A's fears about being tortured would be
fulfilled. In the third case despite the similarity of memory and
character, neither B nor C would be A. Each of these seems to be a
factual possibility. Yet how can logic tell us which will happen? In the
circumstances described, surely one and only one suggestion w_ould
provide the true description of the situation, and yet we would not know
which was the true description, nor might we have any idea about how to
go about finding out which was the true description.
All of this suggests a very different theory of personal identity which
along with others I have myself advocated in recent years (e.g. in [12]).
On this view personal identity is something ultimate, not further
analysable. It is not constituted either by similarity of memory and
character or by bodily continuity, although it is a basic inductive
principle (analogous to the much wider criterion of similarity discussed
in the last chapter) that similarity of memory and character and
continuity of body are strong evidence that two persons are the same
and the lack of such similarities and continuity is strong evidence that
two persons are not the same. If P' at time t' does not have a body
continuous with that of Pat t, that is good grounds for supposing that P'
is not the same person as P. It is not however conclusive grounds. They
Spaces- 37
could be the same person, and the very good satisfaction of the other
criterion (similarity of memory and character) would be good grounds
for supposing that they are the same, especially if there was no rival
candidate P" at the same time as P' who satisfied the criterion of
similarity of memory and character equally well. If the criterion is
merely evidence of identity, and not constitutive of it, no logical
difficulties arise. The logical possibility of a Robert turning up does not
make the similarity of Charles to Guy Fawkes any less evidence of his
being Guy Fawkes. If Robert does in fact tum up, we do not know which
of Charles and Robert is Guy Fawkes. They cannot both be, but one of
them may be-despite our ignorance.
This theory of personal identity has the consequence that the survival
conditions for persons are very different from those for other material
objects. This is not surprising because cars and ships do not have feelings
or hopes to survive, and therefore there is nothing puzzling about there
being two later ships, each of which is as much the same ship as the
earlier ship as is the other ship. But this does seem an incoherent
suggestion when we come to talk about persons. On this theory of
personal identity, continuity of body and so spatio-temporal continuity
relative to a previously identifiable frame is not a necessary condition of
personal identity, and so persons may move between spaces. Evidence of
identity of persons in a new space with persons in an old space would be
provided by very strong satisfaction of the criterion of similarity and
memory by one and only one person P' in the new space for each person
P in the old space.
Finally, I consider a fourth objection which may be made to
Quinton'S myth. It claims that as Quinton describes the situation; we do
not have adequate evidence for believing that the two 'places: belong to
two different spaces, even though they may in fact do so. It might be
. granted that both 'places' were real places, and that men passed from the
one to the other discontinuously. But an objector could ask, what real
reason have we for supposing that the second place is not spatially
related to the first? QUinton's answer here is brief. 'Suppose that I am in
a position to institute the most thorough geographical-investigations
and however protractedly and can!fully these are pursued they fail to
reveal anywhere on earth like my lake. But could we not then say that it
must be on some other planet? We could, but it would be gratuitous to
do so. There could well be no positive reason whatever. beyond our
fondness for the Kantian thesis, for saying that the lake is located
somewhere in ordinary physical space, and there are in the circum-
stances envisaged, good reasons for denying its location there' ([2],
38 Space and Time
p. 143). Quinton's 'good reasons' are presumably that we have in the one
environment looked for the place of our other. life and not found it. But
having looked for a thing and not found it is fairly weak reason for
believing it not to exist unless we have looked at most of the places where
it could possibly be. An objector might well urge in such a case -as
Quinton has described'that the place of the other life is just as likely to be
beyond the furthest observed galaxy as to be not spatially related to
ourselves, and hence that it is not reasonable to postulate the odder
alternative. There could be two kinds of further good reason which
might make Quinton'.s alternative the more reasonable one to adopt.
The first kind of good reason would be that the laws of nature
observed to hold in one life were markedly different from those observed
to hold in the other. Thus, suppose the men transported from one
environment to the other include scientists. They observe that in one life
an inverse square law of gravitational attraction holds, while in the other
life an inverse cube law holds, without there being any obvious en-
vironmental differences (e.g. vast density of matter in one life) to which
the difference of law could be attributed. This difference holds in all of
many observed regions in each life. The scientists are now faced with two
alternatives. If they claim that the two environments are both in the
same space, they have to admit a discontinuity of scientific laws, that one
law holds in one environment and in the other environment a different
law holds; at the boundary between the two regions matter becomes
subject to a discontinuous change of behaviour (there being no evidence
within each region of any gradual change of law). To adopt this
hypothesis would thus be to introduce an awkward complexity into
science, and the scientist followi~ the principle of scientific metho-
dology that he ought to adopt the simplest hypothesis consistent with
observations might well prefer the (admittedly provisional) hypothesis
that the two places had no spatial relations to each other. Spatial
discontinuity of law operation is something that the scientist has never
since the seventeenth century allowed into science (on Aristotelian
physics there was just such a discontinuity: one set of laws governed
terrestrial phenomena, and another set celestial phenomena).
The second kind of good reason" for adopting Quinton's alternative
would, if it applied, be much stronger than the first. It might turn out
that the space of at any rate one of the lives was a closed or finite space; 1
that is, contained only a finite number of places of finite volume, so that

1 For more adequate characterisation of a closed space and of the grounds for
claiming that a space was a closed space, see Chapter 6.
Spaces 39
in whatever direction one set off from a given place, one would
eventually arrive back at where one started. Now in that case one could
in principle fully explore all the places in the space of one of the lives and
failure to find among them the places of the other life would be very good
evidence indeed for the former not being spatially related to the latter.
Even if the space was too big to be fully explored in practice, we could
explore some of it and our evidence of failure to find the other
environment would be much better evidence of its non-existence in that
space if the space were a finite one than if the space were an infinite one.
Further, although we might not be able fully to explore all the regions of
the finite space, we might be able to Jearn quite a lot about them by
telescopes and similar devices so as to have quite reasonable evidence
that the other environment was not in that space.
I conclude that we could have good evidence that the two environ-
ments were not spatially related and hence that they belonged to two
different spaces.
Thus the four possible objections to Quinton's original thesis can be
rebutted and the thesis stands. It is not a necessary truth that there is
only one space; and that there is more than one space is something of
which men could have evidence.
In order for a man to pass from one space to another, he must have a
means of travel other than the sort of way by which we normally get to
places, which, to give it a name, I propose to call local motion. In local
motion between two places A and B I can travel by many routes, one of
them being a shortest line. If I travel by local motion on a shortest line
from A to B, then as I move Iget further away from A and nearer to B, in
the sense that a man would have to lay more and more measuring rods to
cover the distance along the line between myself and A and fewer and
fewer to cover the distance along the line between myself and B. All of
this holds if I travel on foot, by bus or by rocket or-mutatis
mutandis- ifit is not I that is travelling but a marble or a bullet. If travel
by local motion is along any other line than a shortest line then distance
from any place on the line to A or B can be measured, and in my travel
from A after I have reached a certain place on the line I get nearer and
nearer to B.
To get to another space we would have to use a means other than local
motion, one lacking the characteristics described above. Quinton's
method of getting there by falling asleep dearly satisfies this demand,
but there are many other methods which would do so. You might only
need to recite the opening words of the Koran and in a flash your
surroundings are entirely new. To get back again you recite the closing
~o Space and Time
words and in a flash you are in the old surroundings. Here again there is
no question of travelling along a line, distance from places along which
to the starting or finishing points could be measured.
Other spaces are not merely a matter of philosophical thought-
experiment. The traditional Christian doctrine of Heaven may most
plausibly be regarded as a doctrine about another space. Christians have
always maintained that in Heaven after the General Resurrection men
will be embodied (though these bodies will lack many of their earthly
limitations). Bodies must be located at places. So Heaven must be a
place. The medievals in general believed that the Heaven of the blessed
was sit~ated just beyond the sphere of the fixed stars. But seventeenth-
century astronomy showed that view to be mistaken. There is no 'sphere'
of fixed stars. The telescopes that pry daily ever deeper into the Universe
have revealed nothing resembling Heaven. Even if the Christian
maintains that Heaven lies far beyond the furthest observed galaxy,
there is still the difficulty that different laws of nature are said to hold in
Heaven, different from those which hold within the observable Universe
(bodies are freed from their 'earthly limitations'), and this, as we have
noted, makes awkward the assertion that both belong to the same space.
If the Christian wishes to maintain the doctrine that Heaven is a place,
he does much better to claim that it is a place not spatially related to
Earth. Such a doctrine is, we have urged in this chapter, a logically
possible one; and indeed, although this is not my thesis here,.one much
more consistent than the medieval view with much traditional Christian
The claim of this chapter has been that it is not a logically necessary
truth that there is only one space. However, unless we accept the
Christian or some other such metaphysic, we have no reliable infor-
mation about any space except our own, and the remainder of the book
will be concerned with the actual and possible properties of this space.


[l] Kant, Critique of Pure Reason (trans. N. Kemp-Smith), London,

1929, Transcendental Aesthetic, section J, 'Space'. (In references
to this work in this and other chapters, where a passage appears in
both editions I give a reference to the second edition only. A
followed by a number gives the page in the original first edition; B
followed by a number gives the page in the original second edition.)
[2] Anthony Quinton, 'Spaces and Times', Philosophy, 1962, 37,
Spaces 41
For definitions of discreteness, density, and continuity see:
[3] E. V. Huntington, The Continuum and Other Types of Serial Order,
Second Edition, Cambridge, Mass., 1917.
For discussion of the point that empirical tests could not decide between
the theory that space is continuous and the theory that it is merely dense,
[4] W. Newton-Smith, 'The Under-Determination of Theory by
Data', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary
Volume, 1978,52, 71-9\.
For rival theories of personal identity see:
[5] Bernard Williams, 'Personal Identity and Individuation',
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1956-7, 57, 229- 52.
{6] Robert C. Coburn, 'Bodily Continuity and Personal Identity',
Analysis, 1960, 20, 117-20.
[7] Bernard Williams, 'Bodily Continuity and Personal Identity',
Analysis, 1960, 21, 43-8.
[8] Anthony Quinton, 'The Soul', Journal of Philosophy, 1962, 59,
[9] David Wiggins, Identity and Spatio-Temporal Continuity, Oxford,
[10] Bernard Williams, 'The Selfand the Future', Philosophical Review,
1970,79, 161-80.
[II] Derek Parfit, 'Personal Identity', Philosophical Review, 1971, 80,
[12] Richard Swinburne, . Personal , Identity', Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society, 1973-4,74,231-47.
Some of the above articles are republished, together with extracts
from the writings of classical philosophers in:
{l3] John Perry (ed.), Personal Identity, Berkeley and London, 1975.
3 Absolute Space
Places, we have seen, are identified by their spatial relations to material
objects forming a frame of reference, and whether spatial things are said
to be at rest or in motion and how far they are said to have moved
depenos on the frame chosen.
The question arises whether in some sense one frame of reference is a
more basic frame than any other, so that motion relative to it may be
described as absolute motion, and motion relative to all other frames be
described as mere relative motion? Many philosophers and scientists
have believed that there is such a frame and they have termed location by
reference to it location by reference to Absolute Space, and motion
relative to it motion through Absolute Space.
A classical advocate of Absolute Space was Newton. He wrote:

Absolute Space, in its own nature, without relation to anything

external, remains always ... I immovable. Relative Space is some
movable dimension or measure of the absolute spaces; which our
senses determine by its position to bodies; and which is commonly
taken for immovable space; such as is the dimension of a sub-
terraneous, an aerial, or a celestial space, determined by its position in
respect of the earth [3].

Absolute Space is thus Space, the places constituting which are

reidentified by the frame of reference which does not really move.
Relative Space is Space, the places constituting which are reidentified by
a frame of reference which does really move. We must now investigate
the propriety of the concept of Absolute Space;
Clearly some frames are more basic frames than others. For relative to
the Earth, the Sun moves round the Earth, and, relative to the Sun, the
Earth moves round the Sun; but we say that really it is the Earth that is
moving and not the Sun. Why do we say this? If we take the Earth as

1 I have omitted rrom this place the words 'similar and'. I ignore them ror the

present and discuss them on p. 57.

Absolute Space 43
fixed and try to set down the laws of mechanics, and especially the
mechanics of planetary movement, in terms of motions relative to it,
they turn out to be very complicated laws. The vast complexity of
astronomy before Copernicus arose partly from taking the Earth as
fixed. Yet if we take the Sun as fixed (in the sense that it continues to
occupy the same place; we allow it to rotate), the movements of the
planets and of so many celestial bodies can be explained very simply in
terms of Kepler's three laws of planetary motion; and these - taking the
Sun as approximately fixed - can be explained very simply in terms of
Newton's three laws of motion and his law of gravitational attraction,
laws which also explain a host of other phenomena. To say that one
frame is more basic than another frame is thus to say that the simplest
laws which can be formed explaining the observed behaviour of bodies
rell!tive to it are simpler than the simplest laws which can be formed
explaining the observed behaviour of bodies relative to any other frame.
To say that one proposed set oflaws L is simpler than another set L' is to
say that on balance L uses a simpler mathematics or other symbolism
than L', contains fewer mathematical terms, postulates fewer and less
mysterious unobservable entities, and forms a more coherent system, so
that odd coincidences and exceptions allowed by L' find a neat and
natural explanation by L, whereas the converse does not so much occur.
Compatible with any finite set of phenomena there will always be an
infinite number of possible laws, differing in respect of the predictions
they make about unobserved phenomena. Between some of these ready
experimental tests can be made, but experimental test between others is
less easy and between them we provisionally choose the simplest
hypothesis. Evidence that a certain suggested la\\, is simpler than any
other is not merely evidence that it is more convenient to hold that
suggested law than any other, but evidence that the suggested law is true.
Thus, to take a trivial example, if I in Yorkshire in 1968, have observed
many swans and noted that they are all white, this is evidence in favour
of the truth of the hypothesis that all swans are white rather than, for
example, the hypothesis that all swans are black except those observed in
Yorkshire in leap years which are white. The latter is clearly a more
complicated hypothesis than the former, being less coherent, and since
both give correcLpredictions within the tested range, the truth of the
former is better substantiated than the truth of the latter.
Or, to take a less trivial example, ifup to 1984 I have observed various
phenomena predicted by Einstein's General Theory, this is evidence in
favour of his theory rather than a mathematically much more com-
plicated theory which also predicted those phenomena, but which
44 Space and Time
predicted ditTerent phenomena to be observed thereafter from those
predicted by General Theory._ If we supposed that a more complicated
hypothesis was just as likely to be true as a simple one, if both are
compatible with phenomena observed so far, then we should have to say
that we had no grounds whatever for claiming that any hypothesis
compatible with data observed so far was more likely to be true than any
other and so no grounds whatever for making predictions about the
A number of writers, following Reichenbach (Experience and Pre-
diction, Chicago, 1938, § 42), have distinguished between 'descriptive
simplicity' and 'inductive simplicity', claiming that if a hypothesis hi has
greater descriptive simplicity than h2' that does not make it more likely
to be true, whereas if it has greater inductive simplicity it does make it
more likely to be true. In the former case hi is just a simpler formulation
of the same claim about the world as h 2 • Whereas in the latter case,
although h I and h 2 may be equally compatible with observations made
so far, they make ditTerent claims about the world outside the region
" observed, and the greater simplicity of h I has the consequence that the
claims of h I about the latter are more likely to be true than those of h 2'
Now quite clearly if h 1 really is just another formulation of h 2' each is as
likely to be true as the other. But what is at stake is when is h 2 just a
reformulation of hI' and when is it making a ditTerent claim.
Reichenbach and his followers agree that h I and h2 are making ditTerent
claims, i.e. are ditTerent statements, when they make ditTerent pre-
dictions, the occurrence or non-occurrence of which an observer can
observe straight-otT, as in the example about the swans in Yorkshire. Yet
is it possible that h I and h 2 should make identical testable predictions,
yet ditTer in respect of some other un testable claims about the world, and
so be ditTerent theories? For a positivist the answer must be No; for, as
we saw in the Introduction, he equates the factual with the verifiable.
But, we also saw, there is no reason to affirm this equation. There may be
claims making identical testable predictions yet ditTering in their factual
content. An example would be where hi is the present theory of
fundamental particles (protons, electrons, etc.) and h2 is the theory
which makes exactly the same testable predictions as hi and yet denies
that there are any protons, electrons, et~. whose movements explain
what we observe. The grounds for judging h 1 more likely to be true than
h2 are it has a few simple laws of particle motion of which the many and
complex lower-level laws about observables are consequences, whereas
h2 has only the latter. The situation is similar for ditTerent laws of
mechanics Land L' related to ditTerent frames of ref~rence. Their
Absolute Space 45
observable consequences may be the same but they may differ in the
forces which they postulate to explain those consequences. The fact that
one postulates much simpler forces than the other is ground for
supposing that those are the forces which operate in nature. Thus
Newtonian mechanics distinguished between forces which are really in
nature (e.g. the gravitational force) and those which merely seem to
operate if you take an accelerating· frame of reference (e.g. the
centrifugal force, or the Coriolis force).
Suppose now that one set of ·Iaws L from which explanations of
observed phenomena of some type can be derived is simpler than
another set L' from which they can also be derived, and L uses a frame of
reference F for reidentifying places, while L' uses a frame Y. Suppose
too that L is the simplest set of laws which can be formulated for the
phenomena using F, and L' the simplest set using Y. Then since a law
being simpler than another is a reason for believing it more likely to be
true, we have reason to believe that L is more likely to be true than L'.
Hence we have reason to believe that F gives a more proper way of
reidentifying places than Y, that F is a more basic frame of reference
than Y. Hence when comparing two frames, one of which is more basic
than another, we say that it is the less basic one whkh really moves and is
responsible for the relative change of position, whereas the motion of the
other is 'merely relative'. In order to ascertain the laws of nature we need
a clock as well as a spatial frame of reference. For each frame of
reference being compared we choose provisionally the clock which
yields the simplest laws of nature relative to that frame-in a way and
subject to a condition (my first criterion on p. 178) to be described
fully in Chapter II. But whatever clock we use, the path traced out by
the planets relative to the Earth is much more complicated than that
traced out relative to the Sun, and hence the Sun forms a more basic
ftame than the Earth.
So the question of whether there exists Absolute Space reduces to the
question whether there is a frame of reference more basic than any other.
And ·by 'a frame' we should, I suggest, mean 'any actual or physically
possible frame'. If it were found that of all frames of reference formed by
existing material objects one was more basic than any other, but there
were teasons to believe that if another frame were constructed moving in
a c~rtain way relative to the former it would be as basic as the previous
one, we should hardly want to say that there was Absolute Space. For
Absolute Space is not the sort of thing that can exist today, be gone
tomorrow, and return again the next day - according to whether or not
we send a satellite into space. It cannot be a mere technological accident
46 Space and Time
that there is Absolute Space. So to say that there is Absolute Space is to
say that some actual OT possible frame is always more basic than any
other. Actual frames might become or cease to be most basic frames, and
different actual frames at different temporal instants might be stationary
in Absolute Space. For clearly any frame consisting of material bodies
could disintegrate, while Absolute Space presumably could not; and any
frame could be moved relative to anything else, including, presumably,
Absolute Space. Even if today the Earth were stationary in Absolute
Space, the Earth could be blown up or set in motion tomorrow and then
we would need a different frame to identify Absolute Space. But to claim
that there is Absolute Space is to claim that a frame can be postulated
(one which mayor may not at any temporal instant or at all temporal
instants correspond to an actual frame), and its varied motions relative
to actual bodies at various times described such that it remains always
the most basic frame of reference.
The question of the existence of Absolute Space thus becomes a
question for scientific theory. Up to the sixteenth century most men
considered that there was Absolute Space and that it was determined at
all instants of time by the one basic frame of reference which was the
Earth. They repeated Aristotle's view that 'the Earth does not move nor
does it lie anywhere except in the middle' of the Universe ([I], 296 b).
The arguments which Aristotle [I] presented in favour of this view were
basically arguments of simplicity, although he would not have described
them in this way. Thus among the arguments from astronomy and
mechanics which Aristotle gives in On the Heavens for the absolute
immobility of the Earth is this one from astronomy. 1 The planets are
observed to retrogress at regular intervals, viz. to travel temporarily in a
direction opposite to their no'rmal direction relative to the 'fixed stars'.
The explanation of this which Aristotle accepted, because it was the
simplest one known to him, was that the planets are subject to two circular
motions, one progressive (from west to east) and the other retrogressive
(from east to west), the combination of which normally produces
progression but sometimes retrogression. If we are to suppose that the
Earth revolves around something and so behaves like a planet, we must
suppose that it also has these two motions. Again, though Aristotle does
not bring this out, the only reason for making this supposition is th'at it is
simpler to suppose that all the planets have the same kind of motion than
that one has a different kind of motion from the others. But if the Earth

I [1]296a -b. For interpretation see the note on p. 242 of the edition in The Loeb

Classical Library by W. K. C. Guthrie, London, 1960.

Absolute Space 47
did have two such motions, the 'fixed stars' would appear sometimes to
retrogress, for, when the Earth retrogressed, to an observer on it the
'fixed stars' would appear to retrogress. 'Yet this is not observed to take
place.' So, Aristotle is arguing, our astronomical theory becomes
simpler if we suppose,that the Earth does not move from the centre of the
Universe. A similar difficulty arises if we suppose that the Earth,
although remaining at the centre of the Universe, rotates on its axis.
Here too, for simplicity's sake, we ought to suppose, he urges, that the
rotation is in the plane of the ecliptic; but this would produce irregular
motions of the fixed stars, and these are not observed.
When Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo argued in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries that the Earth revolved annually round the Sun
and rotated daily on its axis, they were more explicit in putting forward
the increased simplicity of their scientific theory as the grounds for
holding it to be true. Copernicus claimed that he could provide an
explanation of how the planets moved on spheres having uniform
circular motion 'with fewer and much simpler constructions than were
formerly used', I if some assumptions, including the annual revolution of
the Earth around the Sun, were granted him.
Copernicus was hardly justified in making this claim for his as-
tronomical system was very clumsy, but Kepler undoubtedly was
justified. The thirty to forty spheres of Ptolemaic astronomy with their
inaccurate predictions were replaced by Kepler's three neat and accurate
laws of planetary motion. Hence it was simpler to take the Sun rather
than the Earth as fixed.
The defenders of the old view argued that although the astronomy
might be simpler, terrestrial mechanics became mysterious. Galileo and
later followers countered their objections by showing that a new
mechanics could be constructed which was simpler than the old one. His
opponents, for example, argued that if the Earth was rotating, and you
dropped a ball from a lower then it should fall a large number· of yards to
the west of the base of the tower, since the Earth and so the ·tower on it
would have passed to the east that much during the time of fall. The fact
that this did not happen indicated that the Earth was absolutely
stationary. Yet according to Galileo's mechanics the ball when released
would have as well as a downward velocity the velocity of the tower from
which it was released, and hence - approximately -:- it should arrive in
the same place at the bottom of the tower, whether the Earth was

1 Nicholas Copernicus, Commentario/us in Three Copernican Treaties (trans.

and ed. Ed~ard Rosen), Dover edition (New York, 1959), p. 57.
48 Space and Time
moving or not. Galileo backed up this view by urging that a stone
dropped from the top of the mast of a moving ship has as well as its
downward motion, the ship's motion, which is why - approximately-
it falls to the bottom of the mast. 1 A simple explanation of the latter
phenomenon followed from Galileo's mechanics, whereas you would
have to complicate the old system to account for it. The principle of
Galileo's mechanics used above was generalised by Huygens and
Newton as the principle of mechanical relativity -that the same laws of
mechanics hold in any frame of reference moved with uniform
rectilinear motion relative to a given frame. A frame of reference relative
to which Newton's laws of motion hold is known as an inertial frame.
This is - to a high degree of approximation -:- a frame stationary or in
uniform motion relative to the 'fixed stars'2 or-less approximately-
relative to the Sun, or - to a yet smaller degree of approximation - for
purposes of small-scale mechanical experiments, the Earth (since its
motion is during periods of time a few seconds long approximately
rectilinear), Newton's laws of motion were, it was held, the simplest
which apply to any frames. Consequently if we consider only mechanics
there will be an infinite number offrames relative to which scientific laws
are highly simple, and none relative to which they are yet more simple.
With whatever uniform velocity the ship moves relative to the Earth, the
same laws of mechanics will hold on it. Of two bodies moving uniformly
relatively to each other, mechanics cannot decide which is 'really
This showed that the simple conclusions of Copernicus, Kepler, and
Galileo himself were unjustified. One could not conclude that the Sun
was absolutely still, only that it was either absolutely still or in absolute
uniform motion (viz. in uniform motion relative to Absolute Space). Yet
for two bodies moving non-uniformly relative to each other, Huygens
and Newton showed that the laws of mechanics would differ, dependent
on which one took as the frame of reference, and the laws of mechanics
relative to an inertial frame would be simpler than laws relative to a non-
inertial frame (viz. one with non-uniform motion relative to an inertial

1 For these arguments see [2], pp. 142-5.

2 Sincethe stars preserve over short periods of time very similar spatial relations
to each other they can form a rough frame of reference. It was realised in the
eighteenth century that the stars are in fact in relative motion, and so more
complicated techniques are needed to identify to any very high degree of
approximation the class of inertial frames. For the various methods used today
see G. M. Clemence, 'Inertial Frames of Reference', Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 1966,7, 10-21.
Absolute Space 49
rrame). An important case or non-unirorm relative motion is revolution
around a central body. As we have seen, the laws or planetary motion
and or the mechanics which explains that motion become simpler ir we
take the Sun as the rrame or rererence rather than the Earth. This is
because the Sun is to a rar greater degree of approximation than is the
Earth an inertial rrame. Mechanics sometimes enables us to say or two
rrames in relative acceleration that one is more basic than another. So it
enables us to say that the Earth and not the Sun is really moving. But it
never enables us to say, Huygens and Newton showed, ortwo rrames in
unirorm relative motion that one is the more basic.
Since the inertial frames where the most basic frames detected,
Newton supposed that one or them must be stationary relative to
Absolute Space. Hence any body accelerating relative to an inertial
rrame would, he reasoned, be accelerating relative to Absolute Space
and hence he termed the acceleration absolute acceleration. Absolute
acceleration was detectable, but absolute velocity was not. 1
It was this ract that absolute acceleration, understood as acceleration
relative to an inertial rrame, could be detected, that led Newton to
suppose that Absolute Space existed. Newton's disciple Clarke con-
ducted a celebrated controversy with Leibniz about Absolute Space.
Leibniz argued, as I have done, that Newton's science showed that there
was no Absolute Space, because were 'The Universe moving rorward in
an infinite empty space', 'then would happen no change, which could be
observed by any person whatsoever.' 2 In rebuttal Clarke argued 'that a

1 Newton has an argument in Principia, Book iii, Hypothesis i, and Proposition

xi, Theorem xi, to show that the common centre or gravity or the Earth, Sun and
planets is at rest. The argument seems to be that, since that centre and the 'fixed
stars' retain their distances apart, then irthe common centre or Earth, Sun, and
planets moved, the centre or gravity orthe Universe would move. But the latter is
impossible, he claims, and its impossibility acknowledged by all. But why should
it be impossible? On Newton's view or Space there can be no possible objection
to the doctrine that the centre or the Universe is in unirorm absolut!! motion.
This he admits elsewhere in his writings.
2 [4], pp. 63r. A modern philosopher would have gone on rrom that point to
argue that in that case to claim that the Universe was moving rather than still
was to make an unjustified assertion. Leibniz instead reasoned that since there
would be no observable difference between the two states, the Universe at rest
relative to Absolute Space and the Universe in motion relative to Absolute
Space, 'such an action would be without any design in it', viz. God could have
had no reason ror bringing about one state rather than the other. There would be
no 'sufficient reason' ror the existence or one state rather than the other. Since all
Occurrent states needed a sufficient reason ror their occurrence, neither or these
two states could occur. Hence there could not be Absolute Space.
50 Space and Time
sudden increase or stoppage of the motion as a whole, would give a
sensible shock to all the parts' ([4], p. 101). Leibniz was claiming that
there was a large class of equally basic frames; Clarke that some frames
, were more basic than others. Both these claims were right. But Leibniz
was surely correct to urge against Oarke and Newton that since it was
impossible to detect whether or not a body w'as still or in uniform motion
relative to Absolute Space, affirmation of the existence of Absolute
Space was not justified. You could not on Newton's science distinguish
between 'a sudden increase' and a sudden 'stoppage of the motion as a
whole'. .
Talk of Absolute Space still continued, however, while men cherished
the hope that scientific laws other than those of mechanics would serve
to reveal the most basic frame of reference. The laws of the propagation
of light were the obvious candidate. But at the beginning of this century
the experimental work leading up to and developed from the Special
Theory of Relativity suggested (in a way to be described in Chapter 11)
that light has the same velocity relative to all inertial frames. Hence the
Principle of Mechanical Relativity was generalised as The Principle of
Relativity to assert that all the laws of physics are the same in all frames
in uniform motion relative to a given frame; but it was claimed, as
before, that they take their simplest form in inertial frames. The Special
Theory or Relativity (based on the principle or the constant velocity or
light in alJ inertial frames) completed Newtonian mechanics in showing
that there is no one privileged frame of reference, no frame more basic
than all other frames, and so that there is no Absolute Space.
During this century the Special Theory of Relativity which purports
to hold in a pure form only for empty Space has been seen by many as a
special case of the General Theory of Relativity or one of a number of
more developed cosmological forms of the latter or rival theories to it, 1
theories which purport to set forward the laws of nature for Space
occupied by matter and radiation in a more adequate way than does
either Newtonian mechanics or Special Relativity. It was Einstein's
programme in setting forward General Relativity that 'the general laws
of nature are to be expressed by equations which hold good for all
systems of co-ordinates' ([8], p. 117), that is, that they should be
'generally covariant'. ('All systems' means, in terms of our Chapter I, all
E-frames.) However, almost all cosmological theories developed from
or independently of the General Theory of Relativity postulate (on
grounds to be described in Chapter I I) that matter is distributed on the

I See Chapter 14 for a fuller description of these.

Absolute Space 51
large scale homogeneously throughout the Universe and hence that
there are a set of basic frames of reference relative to which the laws of
nature are simpler than relative to any other frames. These basic frames
are the 'fundamental particles' of the Universe, that is, the clusters of
galaxies which are the basic units of cosmology (or, more precisely - see
pp. 189f- those frames in the vicinity of each cluster having at most small,
temporary, and random velocity of recession relative to the cluster and
rotating relative to it in suc~ a way that all other fundamental particles
at any given distance in any direction recede from them at the same rate).
The Universe is expanding, and so the fundamental particles are in
motion relative to each other - on some theories this motion is uniform
(motion being measured by change of 'proper distance' over 'cosmic
time' )1 and on others non-uniform. You can take any of the fundamen-
tal particles as fixed, and the laws of cosmology have the same form
relative to each of them. On the other hand, on almost all modem
theories, the laws of cosmology referred to any other frame of reference
would be markedly less simple. Hence there is on most cosmological
theories a class of frames equally basic with each other yet more basic
than any other frames. Such frames I will term in future equibasic
frames. But on any well established cosmological theory, as on the
Special Theory of Relativity, there is not a most basic frame, one frame
more basic than all others. There might have been. It is an empirical
truth that there is not. For, we have argued, talk of Absolute Space is
talk of bodies being absolutely at rest or in motion, and such talk is is
talk about one frame of reference being more basic than all others.
However, while on the cosmic scale there is no most basic frame of
reference, cosmological theory normally claims - on grounds to be
stated in Chapter II -that for regions of Space in the vicinity of any
galactic cluster, the fundamental particle (that is the frame which has the
motion described above relative to the cluster) is the most basic frame.
Cosmological theory supposes that laws of the behaviour of a local
galaxy (e.g. describing its rotation and dissolution) are simpler when
referred to this frame than when referred to any other. (Relative to this
frame, clusters consisting of a large number of galaxies will not normally
be in rotation. Clusters consisting of a solitary galaxy will, however,
normally rotate relative to the basic frame.) For instance, as will be
explained more fully in Chapter 11, relative to any of the other
fundamental particles, light in the vicinity of some particle will have a
velocity which varies in various ways. But relative to the particle in the

I See_ Chapters 5 and 11 for an exposition of the meaning of these expressions.

52 Space and Time
neighbourhood of which it lies, light sent in any direction will have a
constant two-way velocity (i.e. average there-and-back velocity-
approx. 300,000 km/sec). Yet although each fundamental particle
forms a most basic frame of reference for the explanation of phenomena
in its vicinity, no one particle will form a more basic frame of reference
than any other. For although some phenomena can be explained more
simply when referred to one particle than to others, other phenomena
can be explained more simply when referred to another particle. Hence
for the explanation of all phenomena no one particle forms a more basic
frame of reference than any other.
In this discussion I have adopted the point of view that talk about
Absolute Space is significant and have sought to elucidate what it means
and what sort of evidence would show that there was such a space. There
is however a tradition in philosophy which denies the significance or
utility of talk about Absolute Space, and of this tradition Berkeley [5]
and Mach [6] are the best-known exponents. Thus Mach, echoing earlier
remarks of Berkeley ([5J, p. 66) writes: 'No one IS competent to
predicate things about absolute space and absolute motion; they are
pure things of thought, pure mental constructs, that cannot be produced
in experience' ( [6], p. 280). Now of course we cannot produce Absolute
Space 'in experience' in the sense that we can point it out. It is not that
sort of thing, nor are electrons or prime numbers; but we are perfectly
'competent to predicate things' about them. The fact that we cannot
point something out does not show that it does not exist, nor that we
cannot justifiably predicate things of it.
Mach does however have a more detailed argument designed to show
that no evidence could confirm the existence of Absolute Space and
hence, on his verificationist view, that the supposition of its existence
was meaningless. He attempts to make this point by attempting to show
that no experiment could demonstrate that a body was or was not
rotating relative to Absolute Space. A rotation is an accelerated motion.
Newton claimed, we have seen, that, while it was impossible to prove
that a body was or was not in uniform motion relative to Absolute
Space, it was possible to show that it was or was not accelerating relative
to Absolute Space. Mach claimed, by considering Newton's celebrated
bucket experiment, that Newton could not even make that distinction.
Newton [3] had cited the following experiment. A bucket is filled with
water and then rotated (relative to the inertial frame of the 'fixed stars').
At first, before the water has picked up the motion of the bucket, the
water is flat. When it picks up the motion of the bucket, the surface of the
water becomes concave. So we have two stages to the experiment. In the
Absolute Space 53
first stage the water and the bucket are in relative rotation, in the second
stage they are not. So, Newton argued, mere relative rotation of water
and bucket does not produce deformation of the water - for we have
this relative rotation in the first stage without such deformation. There is
relative rotation in the first stage, but only deformation in the second
stage. Since deformation requires a force, and only absolute rotation
would produce such a force, the water was rotating absolutely only in
the second stage. Now Newton's argument which I have summarised is
inadequate, since he does not justify his claim that deformation requires
a force. In the second stage, as Mach pointed out, the water is still in
relative rotation, but this time relative to the 'fixed stars'. We want to say
that the water, and not the stars, is really rotating at the second stage,
because mechanics would become excessively complicated if we sup-
posed that the 'fixed stars' were caused to rotate absolutely by my
twisting my hand. Hence the frame of the fixed stars is still or in uniform
motion relative to Absolute Space, and the water in the second stage
rotating absolutely as well as relatively. From the deformation during
the period of absolute rotation, we conclude that such rotation produces
a deforming force. This should be a conclusion derived from the view
previously established that it is the water and not the stars which are
rotating absolutely, not a premiss to prove that view.
Now having tidied up Newton's argument, let us pass to Mach's main
criticism. Mach's criticism turns on the point that if we say that there is
Absolute Space, we admit, as we saw on pp. 45 f, the possibility that a body,
or all bodies, now stationary relative to Absolute Space, might come to
move relative to it. We may have identified Absolute Space by a certain
frame formed by actual material objects, but we must allow the
possibility that that frame might come to move relative to it, and so it is
to the space and not to any actual identifying frame that the laws of
nature must be referred. Now if we say that the water at the second stage
is rotating absolutely, then the law of nature must be formulated that the
deformation of the water is caused by rotation relative to A.bsolute
Space. This implies that if the stars were to rotate relative to Absolute
Space and the bucket with the water in it remain still, then there would
be no deformation. But how can we test this? We cannot rotate the stars
but we could make the bucket thicker and see whether the mass of the
rotating bucket produced a deformation of the water which remained
still relative to the inertial frame of the fixed stars. If there were
deformation, that would indicate that a rotation of the stars in Absolute
Space about the Earth - recognisable by the stars' ceasing to form an
inertial frame -(if, per impossible, this could be achieved) would
54 Space and Time
produce a similar deformation. But, Mach urges, 'no one is competent
to say how the experiment would turn out if the sides of the vessel
increased in thickness and mass till they were ultimately several leagues
thick' ( [6], 284). Mach is urging that the doctrine of absolute rotation
commits us to the view that in such an experiment the mere rotation of
the thickened bucket would not produce deformation, and whether or
not such a result would occur we are not competent to say. The General
Theory of Relativity and similar modern theories, unlike Newtonian
mechanics and Special Relativity, assume that the mere rotation of the
thickened bucket would produce deformation, but no satisfactory
experiments have yet been done to show whether or not this assumption
is justified. ,
But there is a conclusive objection to Mach's view here, even if we
allow his verificationist assumption that to be factually meaningful a
statement must be confirmable by observation. If the doctrine of
absolute rotation does lead to definite testable, but so far untested,
predictions, that is to credit it as a scientific theory. If Mach is
contending that scientific theories should not extrapolate far from
observable data, then that only shows an excessive positivist bias. The
arguments against this position have been aired in many modern works
on the philosophy of science, and I shall not repeat them here.! Of
course if we have reason to doubt that its predictions would succeed, we
should not adopt the theory; and if we have reason to

be,lieve that they will succeed we should adopt the
theory. If we have no reason either way, we may, if we

choose, adopt the theory as a provisional hypothesis,
and such a theory will be significant because capable of
being further tested. Mach's arguments show exactly
the reverse of what he thinks they show,2 viz. they
show that if Absolute Space did exist, one could
demonstrate the existence of rotation relative to it.
(;;\2 Reichenbach [9] discusses these issues with an
artificial example. He imagines two world systems far

apart from each other, each of an Earth (E) sur-
rounded by a shell of stars (F)-see Figure I.E! and
F2 are stationary relative to each other, and so are E2
Figure I and F!; but E] and F] are in relative rotation, and so
are E2 and F2 • Now, he argues, if centrifugal effects,
1 See, e.g. K. R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (London, 1959),

2 One could just interpret Mach in the cited passage as claiming that it was rash
Absolute Space 55
such as water stationary relative to the Earth having a deformed surface,
are found in both EI and E 2, that shows that they are produced by mere
relative rotation of earth and shell, and hence we do not have to, indeed
cannot, attribute centrifugal etTects to absolute rotation; in our terms,
EI and E2 will be frames of reference relative to which the laws of nature
are equally simple. But if centrifugal etTects are found in only one Earth,
say E I ' clearly no mere relative rotation of earth and shell Can be
responsible for them. Hence he concludes, as we have done, that Mach's
principle that centrifugal forces are connected only with relative
rotation of masses 'is undoubtedly empirical' ([9], p. 217). For
observation can settle this issue.
However, Reichenbach claims that, although we must postulate
absolute rotation if centrifugal etTects are found only in Ep we still
cannot tell whether it is EI or E2 that is rotating absolutely. For, he
claims, we do not know whether centrifugal forces are produced by the
absolute rotation of a body or the absolute rotation round it of a shell. If
the former, then EI is rotating absolutely; if the latter, E2 is rotating
absolutely, but we do not know which.
But this is not so. We can perfectly well determine by other
experiments whether centrifugal forces are produced by the absolute
rotation of a body or by the absolute rotation of a surrounding shell. We
have only to rotate a body on EI in the opposite direction to that in
which FI is rotating relative to EI and see if greater centrifugal etTects
appear in it. If they do, it is the absolute rotation of a body which
produces in it centrifugal etTects. If they do not, then it is the rotation of
the surrounding shell which produces centrifugal etTects. Hence we can
determine whether EI or E2 is rotating absolutely. Reichenbach's
example shows that if Absolute Space did exist, one could detect by the
issue of experiments which bodies were rotating relative to it, and not
merely that some bodies were rotating relative to it but not which bodies
those were.
However, we have urged, the claim that there is Absolute Space is the
claim that there is a single most basic frame and not a class of equally
basic frames. A nd for scientific, not philosophical, reasons, such a claim
is not justified. Still, if the empirical data were such that a justifiable

to adopt a theory that the bucket was rotating relative to Absolute Space when it
rotated relative to the fixed stars and showed deformation, until we knew the
result of experiments with a thickened bucket. But Mach seems to be claiming
not this, but that until such experiments had been performed, the theory was not
56 Space and Time
scientific distinction (in the sense earlier described) could be made
between absolute velocity and mere relative velocity (and not, as
discussed above, merely between absolute rotation and mere relative
rotation) a Machian could always raise a similar objection to that cited
earlier against the interpretation of such data. Certainly, he might
admit, it is simpler today to refer the laws of nature to a frame K than to
a frame K moving in uniform motion relative to it, and to attribute
certain effects found on K but not on K to the l11JJtion of K' relative to K.
But if you say on the basis of this that K is absolutely at rest, you commit
yourself to the doctrine that the following experiment cou~d be
performed: stop K so that the simple laws which held on K relative to K
now also hold on K' relative to K, and then give K a uniform motion
relative to K in such a way that the same laws continue to hold on K
relative to K, and the effects will appear on K. 'But no one is competent
to say how the experiment would turn out.' But in those circumstances
the supporters of the doctrine of Absolute Space are predicting that the
experiment could be performed and have the result described, and claim
that they have some grounds for making this prediction. The opponents
of the doctrine of Absolute Space must claim that at some stage the
experiment will break down: either K and K cannot be held stationary in
such a way that the laws originally holding on K hold on both, or K
cannot be given a uniformhlotion relative to K' so that the simple laws
continue to hold on K, or, if such motion can be given, the effects in
question will not appear on K. They must claim this for otherwise the
effects in question cannot be produced by the mere relative motion of K
and K. The fact that a doctrine of Absolute Space does have such
predictive consequences and so can be confirmed or disconfirmed by
observation shows, even for the verificationist, that talk about Absolute
Space is significant, and, on present scientific data, that the assertion of
its existence is unjustified.
There is another thesis which is sometimes confused with the thesis of
the existence of Absolute Space, as I have presented that thesis and as-
historically - I claim that it has on the whole been discussed. On this
second thesis to say that Space is absolute is to say that its properties are
independent of the physical objects which it contains, whereas to say
that it is relative is to say that those properties are so dependent. The
properties of Space are its geometrical properties, being Euclidean or
hyperbolic and such-like. I will call these theses the thesis that Space is
M-absolute and the thesis that it is M-relative. Einstein certainly held
the latter thesis: 'According to the general theory of relativity, the
geometrical properties of space are not independent, but they are
Absolute Space 57
determined by matter' ([7], p. 113). And Newton in claiming that
Absolute Space 'remains always similar' (words which I omitted from
the definition of Absolute Space cited on p. 50 while considering the
main issue) was committed to the view that Space was M-absolute, for
since the density of matter and so physical objects in general varies from
place to place (however they be identified) his claim implies that the
geometry of Space does not depend on the density of physical objects.
Which of these two theses is correct and how one could prove which was
correct are questions which we must postpone until Chapter 6 where we
will consider how it can be shown what is the geometry of Space. What is
important here is that we should realise that the two theses are different
theses from the ones with which I have been concerned for most of this
chapter. Any confusion between them arises from the fact that Newton
was both an absolutist and an M-absolutist and Einstein was both a
relativist and an M-relativist. I
Clearly a man could consistently be an absolutist and an M-relativist.
Aristotle could perfectly well have held that the geometry of Space
varied from place to place with the density of the matter which it
contained, while holding to the view that the laws of nature were simpler
if referred to the Earth than if referred to any other frame. And, even
more obviously, a man could be, as Leibniz clearly was, a relativist and
an M-absolutist. A man might hold that there were many equibasic
frames of reference while asserting that geometry remained Euclidean
whatever objects occupied Space. Matter might deform measuring rods,
he could argue, so that they were inaccurate measures of Space - but
Space itself remained Euclidean. The two sets of theses are completely
independent of each other.
A question closely connected historically with the questions whether
Space is absolute or whether it is M-absolute is the question whether
Space would exist if there were no physical objects occupying Space.
This question is sometimes raised by asking whether, if the Universe
came into existence at a certain temporal instant, there was empty Space
before that instant existing from all eternity; or whether, if the Universe
were destroyed, Space would continue to exist.
The connection of this question with the preceding ones is this. The
absolutist and the M-absolutist tend to think of Space as an entity, not
very dissimilar from the physical objects which occupy it. For the
absolutist it is something relative to which physical objects may move,

I For examples of the interweaving of the different doctrines see [II) and the

historical survey in [\0).

58 Space and Time
and for the M-absolutist it has properties. Hence they tend to think of it
as something independent of physical objects, and so find no reason for
supposing that it necessarily came into existence with the first physical
object. But if it did not come into existence then, what would it mean to
say that it came into existence at some prior temporal instant? What
would it mean to say that Space was created twenty thousand million
years ago, but the Universe only fourteen thousand million years ago?
Hence, the argument goes, it must have existed from all eternity. The
relativist and the M-relativist as such have on the other hand no grounds
for thinking of Space as an entity like the things which occupy it. For
them 'Space' is just a useful tenn for talking about the relations between
spatial things, so why say that there was any space before there were
spatial things? Hence we find Clarke, the disciple of Newton, absolutist
and M-absolutist, claiming that,although the Universe was created,
'Space is eternal' ( [4], p. 47), and Leibniz, relativist, claiming that Space
is only 'an ideal thing' ([4], p. 70), 'an order of things which exists
together' ([4], p. 26).
However, the reasons which Leibniz and Clarke and others in their
tradition give do not seem to be to the point, for the question of whether
Space is absolute is, I have argued, an empirical question, and I shall
argue that the same is true to some extent about whether Space is M-
absolute. But there seems to be a conclusive non-empirical reason for
claiming that Space would not exist if there were no physical objects
occupying Space, reasons not directly connected with the issues of there
being Absolute Space or Space being M-absolute, and so not brought
out by Leibniz or others in his tradition.
The reason is as follows. As we saw in Chapter 1, talk ofa place being
the same place as an earlier place, is talk of it having the same spatial
relations to physical objects fonning a frame of reference (that is to
material objects or to mere physical objects if the criteria of identity
thereof could be made sufficiently precise for them to fonn a frame of
reference). Hence if there are no physical objects by reference to which
places can be picked out, (and so it makes no sense to talk of places as the
same or different), there can be no continuing places and so no
continuing space. Suppose the Universe to be annihilated and then after
a time interval a new Universe to come into being. If there could be space
without matter, then the new Universe could have come into existence
either in the same space as the old Universe, or alternatively, in a
different space. In the fonner case the new physical objects would have
occupied the same places as places of the old space. But any given new
place could only be the same place as some place of the old space if it
Absolute Space 59
preserved spatial relations to physical objects of the space; and it could
not do that because there would not be any continuing physical objects.
There can therefore be no space without physical objects occupying it.
This conclusion only holds if 'space' is understood in the natural and
ordinary-language way in which we have analysed it so far, as a
collection of places which could be occupied by material objects. In this
sense, Space is something immaterial and not endowed with energy,
which is a container for material objects. However there are physical
theories such as geometrodynamics- [15] which give a rather different
meaning tei 'Space'. For these theories the fundamental physical entity is
'Space-Time'. In them, Space-Time and so the spatial aspect, 'Space' is
characterised at each point, not merely by geometrical properties, but by
properties of energy and density; so that 'Space' has a role in physics
similar to that of 'ether' in the nineteenth century. Kinks in Space
correspond to ordinary material and physical objects; but Space itself is
really regarded as a continuous physical object. In such a theory there
could indeed be a flattened Space containing no material objects or
currently recognised physical objects. But that is only be-cause in such a
theory 'Space' denotes an extended continuous physical object.


[I] Aristotle, On the Heavens, Book ii, chs 13-14

[2] Galileo Galilei, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
(trans. Stillman Drake), Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1962.
[3] I. Newton, Principia, Scholium to Definition viii.
[4] Leibni=-C/arke Correspondence (originally published 1717) (ed.
H. G. Alexander), Manchester, 1956.
[5] G. Berkeley, De Motu (originally published 1721), §§ 52--66.
[6] E. Mach, The Science of Mechanics (originally published 1883)
(trans. T. J. McCormack), La Salle, USA, 1960, ch. 2, section 6.
[7] A. Einstein, The Theory of Relativity. A popular exposition (trans.
R. W. Lawson), London, 1920.
[8] A. Einstein et ar, The Principle of Relativity. A collection of
original memoirs on the Special and General Theory of Relativity
(trans. W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery), London, 1923.
[9] H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time (originally
published 1928) (trans_ M_ Reichenbach and J. Freund), New
York, 1957, § 34.
[10] J. D. North, The Measure of the Universe, Oxford, 1965, ch. 16.
60 Space and Time
For modern philosophical discussion see:
[II] J. Earman, 'Who's Afraid of Absolute Space?', Australasian
Journal of Philosophy, 1970,48,287 -319.
[12] Clifford A. Hooker, The Relational Doctrines of Space and Time',
British Journalfor the Philosophy of Science, 1971,22,97-130.
[13] Sheldon Krimsky, The Multiple-World Thought Experiment and
Absolute Space', Nous, 1972, 6, 266-73.
And for an especially clear and illuminating discussion:
[14] L. Sklar, Space. Time. and Spacetime, Berkeley and London, 1974,
On Geometrodynamics see:
[15] J. C. Graves, The Conceptiual Foundations of Contemporary
RelatiVity Theory, Cambridge, Mass., 1971.
4 Distance and Direction - ',
(i) Primary Tests
What are the criteria for saying that some object or place is at a certain
distance in a certain direction from another object or place?
There are many and various ways of finding out what is the distance
and direction of A from B, but the primary tests which give the meaning
of distance and direction would seem to be the rigid rod tests which I
shall shortly describe.
¢ is a primary test for some property, e.g. the distance between two
poipts, if it is a member of a set of tests ¢, X, t/J, etc., such that if the use of
all those tests gives one definite value for the property, then the value
given by those tests is the value of the property. No different tests can
upset the common result of all the primary tests. IX is a secondary test for
a property, if we only use it because we believe that it will give the same
result as one or more primary tests. If a secondary test gives a result
different from that given by the primary tests, the former is considered
wrong and the latter right. If different primary tests give in some
particular situations different results from each other, then the concept
of the property in question cannot be unambiguously applied in the
situation. There is no clear answer to the question, what is the value of
the property in that situation. If in general different primary tests give
different results then the concept of the property in question is no longer
of use; we need a new concept. If in general different primary tests for
distance, weight, or temperature gave different results, talk about the
distance between two objects; the weight or temperature of an object
would be useless. The primary tests for distance and direction which I
shall describe are highly cumbersome and often practically impossible to
apply. We do in practice normally use other tests, and I shall later
substantiate my claim that these other tests are secondary tests.
My aim in describing the primary tests for distance and direction is to
formalise, make precise, our ordinary concepts of distance and direction.
I claim that there are perfectly clear primary tests for distance and
direction, which give definite results to a high degree of accuracy in
62 Space and Time
ordinary situations on Earth. However, it is not always clear what are the
tests to be used to give results to an even higher degree of accuracy, nor
how the tests are to be applied when we are concerned with regions of
Space very different in character from the region near the surface of the
Earth. I shall show that sometimes there is a clear way to use the tests in
extraordinary situations, but that sometimes it is a matter for arbitrary
decision how we are to use them there.
The primary tests for distance from one material object A to another
one B are as follows. We define a certain specified rigid rod (subject to
certain conditions to be described later) to be one unit of distance. The
most common unit of small-scale distance is the metre, and the standard
metre is to be found in Paris. A rigid rod is a rigid body whose height and
breadth are small in comparison with its length (tests for a body being a
rigid body will te discussed on !,p. 69ff). Any other rigid rod which
coincides in length with the standard rod is also said to be one unit
long - both when it is where the standard rod is and anywhere else. The
distance from A to B is then given by the smallest number of times we
need to place such a unit rod along a line from A and B in order to reach
B. Distance along a line is measured as follows. Two points are marked
on the rod. We place one against A and mark the point where the other
touches the line. Then we place the first against the mark made by the
second and continue this iJrocess until we reach B. The line (which will
normally be marked on a surface) must be of constant length, viz. neither
expanding nor contracting and stationary relative to the starting point A.
The test that it is of constant length is that the distance between any two
points on it remains constant over time. Ifwe have placed the rod along
the line n times in order to reach B, then the distance from A to B along
the line is n units. Measurements of distance made with a rod, the length
of which is tailored to the length of different standard rods (e.g. the
standard metre and the standard yard), may be said to be made in
different units but on the same distance scale, since measurements made
in one kind of unit are a constant multiple of measurements made in the
other kind of unit. This latter condition, we will see later, must be
satisfied if both standard rods are rigid bodies.
Distances along lines on to which a rigid measuring rod of standard
length cannot be fitted an integral number of times are measured as
follows. If the distance to be measured D is longer than that measured by
laying down the rod n times but shorter than that measured by laying
down the rod n + I times, then D is between nand n + 1 units of length
long. Thefraction F by which D exceeds n units is then measured by the
following procedure. A rigid rod oflength F is constructed and integers k
Distance and Direction-(i) Primary Tests 63
and m found such that the rod can be fitted exactly k times against m rigid
rods of unit length along a straight line. F will then have been shown to
be 'if units of length long. If m and k<:an be taken as large or as small as we
please we can measure to any degree of accuracy we wish. However there
may be physical limitations on the length of rods preventing m and k
being taken as large or as small as we please. The physical limitations, to
which we called attention on p. 27, are that it may not be physically
possible to measure differences in length of less than a certain minimum
There seem to be at least two different primary tests for aline being a
straight line,l (and possibly other tests of a similar mechanical character,
which I have not elucidated). The first test is the shortest-distance test. By
it a line is a straight line if the distance between any two points on the
line is shorter than the distance between those points measured along
any other line close to that line which could be constructed joining them.
(If two neighbouring lines joining two points were of equal length but
shorter than other lines close to them joining the same two points, it
seems unclear whether we ought to say that both are straight lines or that
neither are. Usage here is vague and needs tightening if we require
clarity.) We cannot of course measure the distance along all lines which
could be constructed joining all points, but we can have good inductive
evidence that a certain line is a straight line. This would be provided by
finding for various pairs of points on it that lines joining them on either
side of it were longer than it and that the lines beyond them longer than
them and so on. The lines referred to are lines of constant length. We can
use this test to provide a primary test for a plane. The test that a surface
of constant size is a plane surface is that all pairs of points on it are joined
by straight lines lying along it. An inductive test similar to that needed to
show a line to be a straight line can be performed to show that the
primary test is satisfied. The test that a surface is of constant size, that is,
neither expanding nor contracting, is that the distance on straight lines
between any two points on it remains constant over time.

1 These tests for a line being a straight line do not presuppose the truth of any one
type of geometry. They are compatible with Euclidean or hyperbolic geometry or
geometry of any other type. Sometimes geometers only use the term 'straight line'
where the geometry is assumed to be Euclidean. Ordinarily however, even if we
knew nothing about geometry, we would seem to be able to ascertain that a line is
a straight line. Hence I make no assumption about geometry in using the term
'straight line'.
64 Space and Time
The other primary test for a line being a straight line we may term the
three-surface test, since it begins with a three-surface test for a plane. If a
surface A fits snugly on another surface B, and B fits snugly on a third
surface C, and C fits snugly on A (such that for all points IX on A touching
a point f3 on B, the point f3 touching a point y on C, then when A fits
snugly on C the points a and y fit on each other) then A, Band C are all
planes. Then if two planes have a common edge, that edge is a straight
line. For practical reasons the second test can only be used over very
,short distances, but where both tests can be used, we expect the tests to
give the same results as each other. If they do, then the line that by both is
a straight line is really a straight line and the surface that by both is a
plane is really a plane. The description of the tests elucidates our
ordinary concepts of 'straight line' and 'plane'. If in one instance the two
tests gave different results, we whould not know in that instance how to
apply our concepts. If frequently whatever satisfied one test did not
satisfy the other and conversely, then our ordinary concepts would have
proved useless. We would have to modify them, so that perhaps
satisfaction of one test alone sufficed for a line to be termed a straight
line. There is no logical necessity that the tests should give the same
results, but empirically we have always found, and all modern theories
of mechanics predict that we will always find, that when the one test is
satisfied, the other is too. Similar considerations would apply if there are
further primary tests for a line being a straight line.
To measure the direction of B from A we have to measure the angles
which a straight line from A to B makes with other straight lines which
pass through A. Normally measuring the angles made by the straight line
from A to B with any two straight lines will suffice, with measurement of
the distance along the former line, uniquely to identify B (with peculiar
geometries or in spaces of dimensions greater than three, if such there
could be, more angular measurements would be needed - for this see
Chapter 7). Measurement of the necessary number of angles gives the
direction of B. To measure the angles, we construct a protractor. We
mark a straight line on the plane surface of a rigid body. Along this line
we lay a thin rigid rod rigidly connected at one end to another thin rigid
straight rod. The test that the rods are straight is that they fit along
straight lines. The test of rigid connection is that the distance between
any two points on the two rods remains constant as the rod is moved.
The rods are then rotated in the plane of the surface about the point
where they are joined. The angle between the two rods in their original
position is given some arbitrary value. The angle between the rods in
Distance and Direction - (i) Primary Tests 65
each subsequent position which they take up is then said to have the
same value. There are 360 degrees in a complete circle. So when the rigid
rods are so joined that 360 of the angles between them make the whole
circle, then the angle between them will be one degree. We mark ofT the
divisions by straight lines meeting at a centre point on the plane surface
which we now call a protractor. We can then measure the angle between
any two intersecting straight lines by fitting the protractor on to them so
that one lies along its base line and the other coincides with another line
. of it. The number of unit angles marked on the protractor which fit
between the two straight lines giv~ the angle between the two lines. It is
conceivable that there may be more than one direction of B from A.
This will arise if more than one straight line goes from A to B - which
will not however occur if the geometry of Space is Euclidean or of many
other types. The applicability of the concept of direction pressupposes .
the applicability of the concept of a straight line. Given the latter, then
any two points which can be connected by a line (and so are at some
distance from each other) can be connected by a straight line, for the
shortest line will be the straight line. Hence any two spatially related
points will lie in some direction from each other.
The distance and direction established above is the distance and
direction from A to B at the temporal instant at which the rod placed on
the straight line stationary relative to the starting point touches B. (How
to ascertain which instant at A is simultaneous with thiS instant is a
question which we shall consider in Chapter 11.)
To apply the criteria described we need to be able to recognise
coincidences (of rod and mark) which we can do either visually or .
tactually. It should be noted that even if we rely on visual means to detect
coincidences, we do not thereby pre-suppose the rectilinear propagation
of light. Even if light travelled in circles, a coincidence would remain a
The methods for measuring distance and direction which I have
described are methods for measuring the distance between material
objects (e.g. the distance from this wall to that wall). They may be used
for ascertaining the distance between other spatial things, in so far as the
boundaries of those things are distinct enough for distance to be
measured. But places as well as spatial things have from each other
distance and direction. To measure the distance between where A is and
where B was is to measure the distance between two places. In order to
identify the present place which is the same as the place previously
occupied by B, we have to specify or take for granted a frame of
66 Space and Time
reference.! The distance between two places P and Q is naturally
supposed to be the distance between two objects occupying those places.
At this point difficulties arise in applying the ordinary concept or
distance. It is a consequence or the SPecial Theory or Relativity, and or all
more general theories or mechanics which include it, that the distance so
measured between two places depends on the velocity or the objects
occupying those places - and this, whatever standard or simultaneity is
adopted. Thus suppose that two places on an inertial rrame P and Q are
occupied at the same instant, as judged by some standard or simultaneity,
respectively by two objects a and b stationary relative to each other and
that the distance rrom P to Qas measured by the distance rrom a to b is x.
Suppose another object a' to be at virtually the same place as a at that
instant and to be passing a with a velocity v away rrom b. The distance
rrom P to Qas measured by the distance rrom a' to b will then be different
rrom x - whatever our standard or simultaneity. Suppose that the
standard is the light signal method (to be described in Chapter 11) so that
clocks on a and b have been synchronised by light signals sent between
them. Then the distance rrom a' to b will be - according to special

themy-. longe< di,tance px whe« p ~ }; l_~2 Ie being the velocity or

. 1--2
light in any inertial rrame). Hence the distance between two places will
depend on the velocity or the objects occupying those places, between
which distance is measured. This difficulty about the distance or one
place rrom another makes awkward the previous analysis or the distance
or one material object rrom another. We measured the distance rrom one

I In the article referred to on p. 25 D. M. Armstrong argues that it is implausible

to suppose that we need to presuppose a frame of'reference in order to give a
value to the distance between where A is and where B was or will be; and that this
implausibility lends support to the view that there is Absolute Space. For, he
argues, if there is Absolute Space, there will be a unique way of reidentifying
places (viz., by a most basic frame) and hence of measuring distances between
objects at different temporal instanis. Hence, he claims, the expressions 'distance
between where A is and B was' or 'distance between where A is and B will be' will
not be elliptical. But even if one believes that there is an Absolute Space, one still
has to specify the frame of reference by which one is reidentifying places; for,
unless the Earth is still in Absolute Space one does not normally use the most
basic frame for reidentifying places. The allegedly implausible doctrine of
measurement of distance is evidently true. The distance between where the
driver of the car now is and where the picnic basket was depends on the frame of
reference which you choose for reidentifying places.
Distance and Direction-(i) Primary Tests 67
material object a to another one b in the frame in which a was at rest
because the distance shows how far it is for an observer situated at a to
get to b. But the distance from a to b is the distance from the place where
a is to the place where b is, and what this distance is depends on the frame
in which we measure it.
F or these reasons expositions of the Special Theory of Relativity and
more general theories of mechanics and cosmology normally substitute
for the concept of distance the concept of distance in a frame. Thus we
can distinguish the distance from P to Q in the frame F in which a is at
rest, the distance in the frame F' in which a' is at rest, and so on. The
distance from one object a to another one b in the frame in which a is at
rest is the distance measured as previously described. The distance at a
certain instant from a to b in the frame F' in which a' is at rest, is the
distance in F' from P, the place on F' occupied by a at that instant, to Q,
the place on F' occupied by b at the same instant. The distance from P to
Q in F' is the distance from an object at P stationary in F' to an object at
Now certainly the frame often need not be explicitly stated, especially
in ordinary discourse about mundane matters. It may be obvious in
which frame distance is expected to be measured. By the distance from
one material object to another is normally meant distance in the frame in
which the first is stationary. Thus when the astronomer talks of the
distance from the Earth to a distant galaxy he means the distance as
measured in the frame in which the Earth is stationary. The distance
measured in the frame in which the first object is stationary is termed in
relativity theory the 'proper distance' from a to b. Likewise one frame of
. reference is normally the obvious one in which to measure the distance
from one place to another. This is because, as we saw in Chapter 1, any
place must be identified by reference to a frame. Hence we normally
understand by 'the distance from P to Q' 'the distance from P to Q in the
frame by which P is identified'. For only in this frame will P be
stationary, and hence the process of measurement be able to be carried
out by measuring the distance at all instants of other places from P and
then noting that at a certain instant Q was at one of them. If we wished to
measure the distance in another frame, we would have to ensure that the
instant at which we marked a point on the frame at Q was the same as
that at which we marked our point at P. Unless the distance from P to Q
is measured in the frame at which P is at rest, we thus need to have and
apply a standard of simultaneity before we can ascertain what the
distance is at any instant at Q. For these reasons there is normally a
natural interpretation of 'the distance from P to Q'.
68 Space and Time
Difficulties arise when a place is specied, as we noted (p. 12) that it may
be at some temporal instant, by more than one frame of reference.
Suppose two sticks a and b to be erected on Earth ten feet apart and a
knob a' to portrude from a space rocket passing over the Earth. Suppose
a and a' to coincide at some instant. Then what is the distance between
the place occupied at that instant by a and a' and that occupied by b?
Here indeed 'distance' is elliptical and we need explicit specification of
the frame in which it is to be measured before we can say how far apart
are the places.
Nevertheless although different measurements of distance between
places result from different choices of frame in which to measure, as we
saw 'in the last chapter, for accurate formulation of the laws of science
places ought to be reidentified by the most basic frames of reference that
there are. It would follow that distances from one place to another ought
to be measured relative to such frames. If there is only one most basic
frame of reference, then there will be a unique way of measuring distance
between places which science ought to adopt. Yet, as we saw in the last
chapter, given the truth and universal applicability of the Special Theory
of Relativity, each of infinitely many inertial frames are equibasic frames
of reference. However, once we pass beyond Special Relativity to
cosmological theories of the Universe occupied by homogeneously
distributed matter (the meaning and justification of which we shall
consider in Chapter 11) we find that in the region of each galactic cluster,
there is (see p. 51) one most basic frame and hence distance ought to be
measured relative to it. On the cosmic scale, however, each of very many
fundamental particles in relative motion is equibasic, and hence science
can choose between many frames for its measurements of distance. If the
Universe proved not to be homogeneous, whether or not there is a
unique frame in which distance ought to be measured for the purpose of
formulating scientific laws depends on whether .the scientific evidence is
that there is a most basic frame of reference. Similar difficulties and
solutions arise with direction.
There is no logical necessity that at some instant the distance from A
to B, these being material objects or places, be the same as the distance
from B to A. The distance from A to B is measured at B along a plane on
which A is stationary, and the distance from B to A is measured at A
along a plane on which B is stationary. If A and B are stationary relative
to each other, the two distances will be the same since the line along
which the distances are measured will be the same. Otherwise, whether
or not at any instant these are the same distances, will depend on our
criteria for simultaneity of instants at A and at B, Clearly the difference
Distance and Direction-(i) Primary Tests 69
between the two distances will only be large if the velocity of mutual
recession or approach of A and B is large. I shall argue however in
Chapter II that the criteria of simultaneity on the cosmic scale are such
that where A and B are clusters (which, if clusters far distant from each
other, will have enormous velocities of mutual recession) that the
distance from A to B will be approximately the same as the distance from
B to A. In so far as the distance from A to B is virtually the same as the
distance from B to A, we can refer to either as 'the distance between A
and B'. But when the two former distances are not virtually the same, we
need to make clear which we mean by 'the distance between A and B'
before its value can be established.
So in this respect the ordinary concept of distance has in the light of
scientific discoveries to be replaced by the concept of distance in a frame.
Yet as it is normally obvious in what frame the distance is to be
measured, it is not normally necessary explicitly to state it, and in
subsequent discussion of distance it will not normally be necessary for
me to do so.
The tests described involve using a rigid rod. When we say that a rod is
rigid, we mean that it does not alter its length, viz. remains congruent
with itself, under transport or when environmental conditions change in
various ways. But how can we show that the rod does not alter its length
in these ways? We cannot measure it to show that it has not changed its
length, for it is itself our standard of measurement. So what criteria have
we for rigidity?
There are two criteria which we ordinarily use for the rigidity of a
material object. First, given that - as is in fact the case - there is in the
Universe one and only one famil)! of material objects preserving
approximate coincidence~ among themselves, then these are appro-
ximately rigid bodies. The family must include many bodies constructed
out of many different materials. The bodies must be such that if they
coincide in length with each other at one place in one set of
environmental circumstances, then they will coincide approximately
with each other at very many other different places under very many
other different environmental conditions (and so if they do not
approximately coincide in length at some one place, they will hardly ever
approximately coincide). Bodies of jelly, plasticine or rubber, if they
coincide at P, will not in general coincide at Q. Bodies of wood, iron,
stone, etc. if they coincide at P will in general coincide at Q.
Consequently by this criterion we may say that - approximately - they
are rigid. True, there are some conditions, such as conditions of very
high temperature, under which almost all coincidences are destroyed.
70 Space and Time
But all that is necessary for the satisfaction of this criterion is that under
many diverse conditions coincidences under transport should be
preserved approximately.
This first criterion is a condition for approximate rigidity. If there are
material objects which satisfy it, they and no other objects are the
candidates for rigid bodies to be assessed by the second criterion. It was-
the fact that there were bodies satisfying the first criterion, bodies such as
rods of wood or bronze or iron, which no doubt led to the emergence of
the concept of rigidity and so of the concept oflength. However, though
variou~ bodies satisfy the first criterion, in the sense that they coincide
approximately in different situations, there is no family of bodies
coinciding exactly in many different situations. This suggests that most
of these bodies are subject to slight changes of length with changes of
temperature, pressure, etc. The problem then is to find the extent ofthese
changes. Scientists then adopt that hypothesis about slight changes of
length caused by deforming forces which leads to the most accurate
satisfaction of the simplest scientific laws. This is the second criterion for
rigidity. Those bodies which satisfy the first criterion are to be assumed
rigid in so far as and to the extent to which this assumption leads to the
simplest scientific theory giving accurate predictions governing changes
of length with temperature, pressure, etc.
Now the second criterion cannot be applied until the first has been
satisfied. That celebrated theory that 'all bodies expand uniformly with
time' might tum out to be a very simple theory explaining a vast number
of phenomena better than existing theories. By this standard the only
body which remained 'rigid' for even a small temporal period would be
something like a tube of sand in a sand clock. But any theory which
showed that the sand in a sand clock was really a 'rigid' body, whereas
rods of iron and steel were not in the least rigid, would be telling us
something about 'rigid' bodies but not about rigid bodies. The result is
so contrary to what can be observed straight off that it is clear that 'rigid'
is being used in an unusual sense. Iron bodies and stone bodies are
paradigm cases of approximately rigid bodies, which supports the view
that the first criterion must be satisfied by any candidate for being a rigid
Let us now consider how the second criterion works. Deformations
are normally detected by rods which previously coincided exactly no
longer coinciding exactly. Suppose two thin rods, I made of invar and L
made of lead, coincide exactly at P. When taken to Q, they only
approximately coincide, L being slightly longer. We seek the reason for
the difference and note the higher temperature at Q. We also notice that I
Distance and Direction ~ (i) Primary Tests 71
and L coincide again exactly at R where the temperature is the same as at
P. The simplest hypothesis about the difference at Q appears to be that it.
is due to the higher temperature. But higher temperature may mean that
1 and L have both expanded, but L more than I; or that 1 and L have
both contracted, but 1 more than L; or that 1 has contracted while L has
expanded. How can we test between these alternative forms of the
hypothesis that it is the higher temperature at P which was responsible
for the difference in length of 1 and L? We must heat L, and then bring it,
at P, into momentary contact with 1 and see which is the longer. The
contact must only be momentary because otherwise the temperature of 1
will also be affected. We note that L is longer. Ifwe heat 1 and bring it
into momentary contact with L, we find that 1 is longer. Hence,
assuming the same forces to operate at P as at P', viz. making the
simplest assumption about the forces operative, we can see that the
difference in length is due to the expansion of both 1 and L, and the
extent of the expansion can be measured by measuring at P the effect of
an increase of temperature on each body separately, the other being kept
at the original temperature.
Other deforming influences (e.g. pressure and magnetic field) can also
be detected by noting slight differences of length in different environ-
ments. Once we have ascertained how bodies are affected by tempera-
ture and other environmental factors, we find that no rod is perfectly
rigid under many circumsta,nces. Any rod will change its length slightly
when moved around the surface of the Earth. However, once we have
ascertained what are the deforming influences and their exact effect we
can infer what distance between two points would be measured by an
ideally rigid rod. We can find this by correcting actual rods which are
approximately rigid for deforming influences. Statements' about dis-
tance are statements about the behaviour of ideally rigid rods, but their
truth can be ascertained by obsen-ing the behaviour of approximately
rigid rods and correcting the resl,llts by the laws of deformation.
Another way of finding deforming influences is to use some physical
process which can be repeated in each different environment and which
yields correlations with length measurement. The normal one taken is
the wave-length of light. We find that the wave-length of a given type of
light calculated in many environments by interference fringes is uniform
to a very high degree of approximation, if measurements of the distances
from which the wave-length is calculated (distances from sources to
fringe, and between fringes in an interference experiment for determin-
ing wave-length) are made by rods corrected by the methods previously
described for known deforming processes. The simplest hypothesis to
72 Space and Time
make is that the wave-length of any given type of light is uniform in all
environments and that any apparent differences are due (as well as to
errors of calculation) to hitherto unknown influences deforming the
rods measuring the distances from which the wave-length is calculated.
So in these ways we account for slight differences in length between
approximately rigid rods by postulating the sim'plest laws of defor-
mation which will account for them. Now at this point a circularity
seems to arise. Clearly the laws of deformation have to be formulated on
the assumption of some geometry, for they make statements about
inferred distances (viz. distances which cannot in practice be measured
directly -.e.g. wave-length oflight), areas and volumes, which can only
be calculated from measured distances when we know the geometry of
space. Thus if we are to apply a correction to our rods for temperature
change, we must be able to measure temperature. We can do this because
the volume of substances (e.g. mercury) varies in a regular way with their
temperature. So to measure temperature we must be able to measure
volume. We cal) calculate volume from measurements oflength (e.g. the
volume of mercury in a test tube by measuring the length of the column
and the diameter of the tube) if we have a formula for calculating the
volume of things from distance measurements. But such a formula will
vary with the geometry - Euclidean geometry yields a different formula
for this from hyperbolic geometry. Geometry states what propositions
about area and volume, and further propositions about distance and
direction, are entailed by given propositions about distance and
direction. 1 We cannot therefore form ulate the laws of deformation until
we have ascertained the geometry. But we cannot ascertain the geometry
until we have made some measurements of distance and direction-
given what we shall demonstrate in Chapter 6, that the geometry of
space is a logically contingent matter. Only then can we see what
propositions about distance and direction entail other such propositions
and hence infer propositions about area and volume. But we cannot
make measurements of distance and direction until we know how to
correct the results of measurements made by approximately rigid
bodies. And we cannot make these corrections until we have formulated
the laws of deformation -so where do we start?
What we must look for is a value of G" the geometry resulting from
measurements, for which Gr = Ga , Ga being the geometry used in
formulating the correcting laws. 2 The trouble is that there might be no

IFor detailed exposition of these points see Chapter 6.

2This was argued by Grunbaum [2] pp. 144-7.
Distance and Direction - (i) Primary Tests 73
value of G, for which G, = Ga , or, alternatively, there might be more than
one value.! To claim the former is to claim that any formulation of laws
of deformation consistent with phenomena on the assumption of some
geometry G! leads us when measuring spaCe, to find that the geometry
was G2 where G! ¥- G 2 • Thus the process might be cyclical. If we
assumed Euclidean geometry in formulating our correcting laws, and
corrected our measurements in the light of fhem, we might discover that
Space had a certain non-Euclidean geometry. We might incorporate this
result into our laws and then find by measuring with these laws that
Space is Euclidean and so ad infinitum.
But then while we assume anyone geometry, there may be one
simplest set of laws of deformation to which we can extrapolate from
recorded phenomena of change of relative length with temperature, etc.,
there are an infinite number of less simple sets of laws. We should have to
resort to less simple laws to cope with this difficulty. The simplest set of
laws for a finite collection of observed phenomena is, we have seen
(p. 43), the one which on balance uses the simpler mathematics or other
symbolism and forms the more coherent system; and, for any body of
phenomena, as we have seen, we ought to choose the simplest set oflaws.
If our phenomena a,re not merely the phenomena of deformation but
also the other phenomena for which our theory of physical geometry is
constructed, we are required to choose the simplest set of laws
compatible with both collections of phe"nomena. Such a set may mean
that the set of laws applicable to either collection of phenomena taken in
isolation will not be the simplest set that could be provided for it.
Nevertheless it is a paramount requirement that scientific theory be self-
consistent. If the choice of less simple laws of deformation (e.g. about the
way in which length changes with temperature), enables us to choose a
geometry consistent with physical laws, then this requirement of making
science as a whole (physical geometry and physical laws) self-consiste;t
demands our adopting the less simple hypothesis. The supposition that,
with an infinite number of possible sets of laws of deformation
" formulated subject to the assumption of any geometry Ga , no value ofG a
= G, could be found seems unreasonable. But if, ,!S is unlikely, this
situation did arise, we would have to say that the ordinary concept of
distance proved incoherent and could not be applied rigorously in
describing the physical world.
A much more likely situation to arise is that more than one solution be

1 See Fine [4].

74 Space and Time
found to the equation G. = G•. That is, if the simplest possible laws of
deformation are formulated on the assumption that geometry is G 1 ,
measurements made with the aid of rods corrected by these laws show
that the geometry of Space is GI ' But also if the simplest possible laws of
deformation are formulated on the assumption that G 2 is the true
geometry, measurements show that it is. In this situation if one of the sets
of laws and its resultin'g geometry taken together was simpler than the
other, we would adopt it. But if the two sets of laws and their
geometries taken together were equally simple, we would be faced with
two equally satisfactory criteria for distance. Then the ordinary concept
of distance would be shown to permit of two possible rigorous
interpretations, and an arbitrary choice would be needed between
My argument so far has' been that, given that - as in fact the
case - there is one and only one family of (approximately)
coincidence-preserving rods, they are (approximately) rigid rods. But
what would we say if there were no such family or more than one family?
If there were no such family, the second criterion of simplicity would
initially have to be used alone for deciding which actual bodies were most
nearly rigid bodies and what corrections have to be made to the results
yielded by them to give the measurements which would be made by
ideally rigid bodies. It would be necessary that the resulting physical
theory have the consequence that if there were any family of (approxi-
mately) coincidence-preserving objects they would be approximately
rigid bodies. However, it is to be doubted whether men would ha ve such
concepts as rigidity and length in a world without a family of
(approximately) coincidence-preserving objects.
What next if there were more than one family of (approximately)
c<2incidence-preserving objects? Suppose that objects of certain ma-
terials approximately preserved coincidences under transport, and that
objects of other materials also approximately preserved coincidences
under transport, yet members of one family did not preserve approxi-
mate coincidences with members of the other. Here we have two
potential alternative sets of approximately rigid bodies - which are we
to choose? If one family contained bodies of many more different types
of material than the other, or bodies which were far more abundant in
the Universe than those of the other, we should be reasonably inclined on
grounds of simplicity to consider bodies of the former family the true
rigid bodies. Alternatively, physical theory might make possible a clear
test between the rival claimants. If the physics based on the corrected
measurements given by one set of bodies was far simpler than that based
Distance and Direction - (i) Primary Tests 75
on the corrected measurements given by the other set, that would be
good reason for taking the first set of bodies as the true rigid bodies. But
in so far as there was not much to choose between the two families on
these grounds, if we still decided to call members of one family rigid, the
decision would be arbitrary. It is a fort.unate feature of our universe that
there is one and only one family of (approximately) coincidence-
preserving bodies. Again, it is doubtful if we should have the concepts of
rigidity or length in a universe in which there was more than one family
of coincidence-preserving bodies.
One further point must be made to tidy up the argument to date. Once
we have discovered the forces deforming bodies, we can specify more
exactly than heretofore the conditions under which the original standard
rod is to be taken as truly standard. If we find that, for example,
temperature, pressure, and magnetic field are deforming forces, we must
specify the temperature, pressure, and magnetic field for which the
standard rod is truly standard.
The standard rod might nevertheless for unknown reasons change its
length in the course of time. The evidence for this could be of two kinds.
First, that all the other rigid rods which coincided previously with it
when corrected for deformations, while continuing to preserve coinci-
dences among themselves, no longer coincided with the standard rod.
Then we would be forced to postulate either that all the other rods had
heen subject to a uniform expansion or contraction, or that the standard
rod had been subject to expansion or contraction. Clearly simplicity
dictates the latter choice.
Secondly, the evidence could be that we were forced to introduce
considerable complexities into our physical theory for other reasons
unless we supposed that the standard rod had changed its length. As we
have noted, the most valuable method of checking deformations is by
assuming the wave-length of any given type of light to be constant in
different environments. If we take as undefotmed a rod which when
measured by wave-lengths of a given type of light, preserves its length,
the laws of deformation adopt the simplest known form. Hence we can
show that the standard rod changes its length by showing that its length
does not remain constant when measured by wave-lengths of a given
type of light. To use wave-lengths of light to check that the standard rod
preserves its length is to adopt a wave-length standard of light. This is
what physicists did in 1960 when, fearful that unknown deforming
influences might alter the distance between the two scratches on the
standard metre bar in Paris, they adopted the wave-length standard of
light, and defined one metre as 1,650,763-73 wave-lengths in vacuo of
76 Space and Time
radiation emitted by the transit between 2p,o and 5d s of ~~ Kr, in other
words of an orange line of a certain isotope of krypton.
It would·be grossly misleading to describe this change of standard by
saying that physicists no longer understand distance in tenns of rods but
in terms of wave-lengths of light. F<ir the krypton standard was only
adopted because the results given by it coincided to such a high degree of
approximation with those given by rigid rods corrected in the other ways
described earlier for deforming influences. Further, if these methods
ceased to give at all similiu results, we would surely give up the krypton
standard. Suppose that by the krypton standard it turned out that all
iron rods moved from one side of my room to the other halved in length.
We would be faced with a choice between abandoning the krypton
standard, saying that the wave-length of light varied in different parts of
the room, and saying that the rods contracted to half their length in
transport. Since iron rods are a paradigm case of something that
preserves its length approximately under transport, at any rate near the
surface of the Earth, I suggest that we would abandon the krypton
standard. If this is so, then 'distance' cannot really mean something
determined by the krypton standard. This is not to deny that in a
hundred years' time 'distance' may really mean something determined by
the krypton standard. But what I am investigating is the meaning of the
tenn as now used. The role of the kry'pton standard is not to replace the
rod standard but to serve as the ultimate criterion of when and to what
extent any rod including the standard rod is subject to slight distortions.
I t is a correcting and not a defining standard.
Now so far I have supposed that we judge that a rod has changed its
length under transport if it no longer preserves exact coincidence with
rods which previously coincided exactly with it, or is shown to have done
so by diverging from a measurement given by some physical process (e.g.
by the wave-length of light of some type assumed constant in all
environments) with whieh it previously coincided. What of the possi-
bility that all rods of the -same length might change their length under
transport in the same proportion and that such physical properties as the
wave-length of krypton light be equally affected so that coincidences are
preserved? If measuring instruments are all so affected that coincidences
remain coincidences, then I shall say that they are subject to a universal
influence. This would be so if the distance between all points on all rods
was doubled on their being moved to some region. Since all rods would
be equally affected, one could not show the increase of size by making
measurements. If the wave-length of all kinds of light was d~ubled too,
one could not use this means to check the increase. If on the other hand,
Distance and Direction - (i) Primary Tests 77
measuring instruments of different size or construction are so affected
that ones which previously coincided no longer coincide, I shall say that
they are subject to a differential influence. Clearly heat is a differential
influence because it expands bodies made of some materials more than
My definitions of universal and differential influences differ in two
respects from similar definitions given by Reichenbach. Reichenbach
distinguished between universal forces, these being forces which 'affect
. all materials in the same way', and against which 'there are no insulating
walls' ([ I], p. 13), and differential forces, these being forces which affect
different materials in different ways and from which bodies can be
protected by insulating walls. I There are two respects in which my
distinction differs from Reichenbach's. First it is concerned with changes
of length, however brought about, whether by a force or as a natural
process. A force which made all bodies expand in the same proportion
would be a universal influence; but all bodies might expand in the same
proportion naturally, just as they may change their position, without the
operation of a force.
Secondly, there might be influences which affect all materials in the
same way and against which there are no insulating walls, but which
affected bodies of different shape and size in such different ways that the
differences would be detected by coincidences no longer being preserved.
Such influences, if forces, would be universal forces on Reichenbach's
definition but would not be, in my sense, universal influences. 2
Interestingly, an example of a scientific theory which postulates in-
fluences of this type is the General Theory of Relativity, if it be
interpreted in its original form as claiming that near massive bodies all
bodies, including measuring rods, are deformed. The second in-
terpretation of the General Theory of Relativity and that normally
adopted by physicists is that near massive bodies the geometry of Space
is altered. This interpretation we shaH discuss subsequently.
In the original interpretation the General Theory claims that a rod of
whatever material made, which, when very very far from all other bodies
has a length 10' will, when at a distance r from a body of mass m at an

1 For some of the difficulties in this definition and analysis of what it does not

include as a universal force see [2], ch. 3, section A, and Brian Ellis 'Universal
and Differential Forces', British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1963) 14,
177 -94. .
2 Reichenbach himself made the point that his concept 'of universal force is more
general and contains the concept of the coincidence preserving force as a special
case'-[I] p. 27.
78 Space and Time

angle ¢ to the radial direction, contract to the length 10 ( 1 - c~ cos 2¢ )

where C is a very small constant. Using the CGS (centimetre, grams,
second) system Cis 3.7 x 10 - 29. The contraction is thus greatest when
the rod is in a radial position (since cos OC = 1 is the maximum value of
cos ¢), and non-existent when the rod is in a tangential position (since
cos 90" = 0). The rod is supposed to be small and straight and to have
negligible dimensions other than length. A direct test of this claim cannot
of course be made. If we measure the length of the rod in a ratlial and in a
tangential position, the length will be the same; but this according to the
theory is because the measuring rod contracts as well as the measured
However, the deforming force could be detected by change of relative
length, for example as follows. Construct in empty Space two rods of the
same material, one PQR in the form of a segment of a circle, and another
P'R' a straight line, such that in empty space when P and P' coincide, R
and R' can be made to coincide. Suppose that the two rods preserve·
coincidences everywhere in empty Space and seem to be, by the criteria
described earlier, rigid rods, alternative rods for measuring the same
distance P R. Now hold P and P' coincident and let R' rest at R, free to
expand or contract. Bring the rods into the pre-
sence of a massive body S, so that S lies at the
centre of the circle of which PQR is a segment (see
Figure 2). Now according to General Theory PQR
will be subject to no contraction since it lies
everywhere perpendicular to radii stretching from
S. P'R' will, however, be subject to contraction and
R' will retreat from R. What applies to this case
applies generally. Rods of different length, thick-
ness, and shape will change their length, thickness,
and shape relative to each other in the presence of
massive bodies. Coincidences in empty Space will
no longer in gerr~ral be preserved in the presence of
Figure 2
massive bodies.
I f coincidences between points on two bodies are not preserved, one or
other body must have been deformed, so that the distance between two
points on it is not the same as it was before. Differential influences,
evidenced by coincidences not being preserved, cannot be 'transformed
away'; a true scientific theory of deformation must recognise them.
Einstein, however, suggested that we could take 'one and the same rod,
independently of its place and orientation, as a realisation of the same
Distance and Direction ~ (i) Primary Tests 79
interval' ([7] p. 161) and suppose that the presence of massive bodies did
not deform bodies, but only deformed the geometry of Space. This
reinterpretation of General Theory has in general been adopted by
physicists following Einstein's hint. But, without further amplification,
the reinterpretation is not a possible one. As we have seen, some rods
must be deformed by transport. The reinterpretation will only be
possible if it specifies the size and shape of rods which are not deformed
by transport. We can say, if we want, that straight rods one foot long and
one inch thick are not deformed, whereas all other rods are deformed.
But to say this of course seems highly arbitrary. Why should rods of just
this type be exempt from deforming influences? Einstein was concerned
with very small straight rods of negligible thickness. The smaller and
thinner the straight rod by which we measure Space, he would claim, the
more accurate ~ur measurements would be. This seems a less arbitrary
claim. The grounds for adopting it would be the simplicity of the
resulting physical theory.
I have earlier argued that to suppose any general and radical change
under transport in the lengths of bodies which by the first criterion are
approximately rigid, such as iron and stone, would violate our ordinary
understanding of length. These, because they preserve approximate
coincidences among themselves, give usour standard of length. It is part
of the meaning of distance that distances between points and especially
distances on Earth, are compared by the number of times rods which
preserve approximate coincidences can be fitted between them. If we do
not stick by and large by this in applications of the term 'distance' then
the term has changed its meaning. The scientist is of course perfectly
entitled to postulate general and radical changes of some value T of
bodies of iron and stone under transport, but he is not entitled to
describe '/' as the length of those bodies. But he might, I suggest, without
violating our ordinary concept of distance, postulate, if he had reason on
grounds of simplicity to do so, a small or even, in a limited region far
from the surface of the Earth, significant change oflength with transport
of all or almost all bodies which satisfy the first criterion for rigidity. As
both interpretations of General Relativity only suppose that defor-
mations are very slight, even far from the surface of the Earth, they
satisfy this demand.
The same considerations apply if a physical theory were to supposethe
operation of universal influences, the lengths of all bodies being changed
in such a way that coincidences were preserved. So far we have only
considered corrections to estimates of distances which involved differen-
tial influences. Particular experiemental results force this sort of
80 Space and Time
correction on physics. But what of the possibility of universal influences
producing changes of length in such a way that coincidences are always
preserved? No single experimental result could force the physicist to
postulate such an influence, but a theory which postulated such an
influence might prove to be simpler overall than a theory which did not.
Under these circumstances the physicist would surely be right to accept
it, so long again as it did not violate too much our ordinary understand-
ing of length.
The general argument of this chapter so far has' been that the ancient
concept of distance has to be replaced by the concept of distance in a
frame, although it is normally obvious in which frame distance is to be
measured and so the frame does not need specifying. With this limitation
there are perfectly clear tests for distance and direction near the surface
of the Earth, which give results to a reasonable degree of approximation.
We have found out what these tests are by analysing the ordinary use of
the terms 'distance' and 'direction', by considering what we would say
about the distance and direction of various bodies from each other in
various circumstances. In these ways we elucidate the pre-scientific
understanding of distance and direction. If, however, we wish to measure
distance and direction to a high degree of approximation or in regions
very different in character from that near the surface of the Earth we have
to make our tests more precise. We must do so in such a way that our
measurements yield the simplest possible scientific laws. It is not always
clear, however, when one set of scientific laws is simpler than another set,
or when the requirement of ensuring simple scientific laws is being
applied in such a way that 'distance' and 'direction' are no longer
refinements of our pre-scientific understanding of distance and direction.
In such cases and only in such cases are arbitrary decisions needed to
make precise our concepts of distance and direction.
How does this account which I have given of distance and direction
compare with traditional accounts given by philosophers of science? It is
agreed by al1 writers that one cannot determine the distance between two
points (and hence the geometry of Space) until one has determined a
congruence standard, that is a standard for judging that two lengths are
the same, for example, in terms of rods or light signals. Many writers
have, however, urged that it is an arbitrary matter which congruence
standard one adopts. Thus Reichenbach: 'A decision has to be made for a
definition of congruence. Although we must do so, we should never
forget that we deal with an arbitrary decision that is neither true nor
false' ([1], p. 19). This seems plainly mistaken, as I have urged earlier.
One cannot decide what ordinary words mean. Words in common use
Distance and Direction -(i) Primary Tests 81
mean what they do, and there are recognised tests for determining their
applicability, which give them their meaning. There are recognised tests
for congruence. If the philosopher is attempting to elucidate the meaning
of the concepts we now have, he must describe the criteria which we now
use for the application of terms.
Grunbaum, while admitting that one congruence standard is the
'customary' one, urges that there is still a sense in which the decision to
adopt it is an arbitrary one. 1 There are two kinds of rule for the use of
'congruent'. First, there are the formal rules which relate 'congruent' to
terms like 'equal', 'point', 'line', 'interval' etc. By these rules two intervals
are 'congruent' if the 'distances' between their end-points are 'equal', and
something is a 'distance' if it conforms to the mathematical axioms for
distance which state the logical relations which must hold between
different 'distances'. (For these see [5] p. 488.) Secondly there are the
material rules which state how to ascertain if two rods are congruent. For
Grunbaum the formal rules alone determine the meaning of 'congruent'.
How to ascertain whether two physical intervals are congruent is a
matter for further choice, and there are many different possible ways of
so doing (apart from using the customary tests). Now as 'congruent' is
used in pure geometry (see p. 98), no doubt the formal rules suffice to
determine meaning. But as a term used in talk about physical shapes and
physical distances surely, contrary to Grunbaum, its meaning depends
on rules of both kinds. Fi)r after all in general, the meaning of any term is
given not merely by its logical relations to other terms but by the
conditions under which it is proper or improper to apply the term. The
meaning of 'green' is given not merely by the fact that it is a colour,
different from red, etc., but by the fact that it is the colour of grass, leaves,
and gooseberries. So also for 'congruent'. Its meaning is determined not
merely by the fact that it is a spatial equality predicate, but by such
considerations as that a wooden ruler is approximately congruent with
itself when moved across my room.
Grunbaum holds that whatever space is like, there are alternative
ways of determining congruence and so of measuring distance, However
he holds that it might be that the arrangement of the points of space
yielded a way of measuring distance which did not involve using a
standard brought from without, such as a rod. For example in a discrete
space one could measure the distance between .two points by counting
the number of points between them. (In a dense or continuous space, this

1 [2] ch. I, section D. Grunbaum argues this case against Eddington, who makes
my simple point.
82 Space and Time
would be of no use because all intervals would contain the same number
of points. See p. 26 for discrete, dense, and continuous spaces.)
Grunbaum calls such a way of measuring distance giving to space an
intrinsic metric; and he contrasts it with measuring by such means as
rods, which he calls giving to space an extrinsic metric. He claims that if
we can give to space an intrinsic metric, so that we measure distance by
counting points, we ought to do so because 'the object of a
metric ... is ... to tell the intrinsic story in so far as possible.' ([5]
p. 576.), However, to measure distance by counting points, would involve
making the assumption that each point took up an equal volume, and
this would seem an arbitrary assumption unless by our normal standards
of measurement (i.e. those involved in the extrinsic one) they did so.
Grunbaum claims that extrinsic metrics are 'convention-laden', whereas
I have suggested that it is part of the meaning of 'distance' that by and
large it is the kind of thing which is determined by rigid rods. (For further
detailed criticism of Grunbaum see [6].)
True, as I have admitted, criteria in this region may not,always be
completely clear. There will be obvious cases where the criteria yield one
unambiguous result The distance from a certain point on one wall of my
sitting-room to a certain other point on another wall is twenty feet. How
to show this is unambiguously clear. Yet what value we give to a distance
in the neighbourhood of a very massive body may depend on which of
two possible ways we correct our measurements, and the ordinary ways
of correcting measurements_extrapolated to this case may allow either
way of correcting measurements. But although there is a certain
vagueness about the correct application of the concept of distance, as of
all concepts, in extraordinary circumstances, to the difficulties of which I
have drawn attention, there are perfectly clear tests for distance in
ordinary circumstances. If the philosopher allows us to introduce
completely different tests for 'distance', as Reichenbach and Grunbaum
do, he is analysing a concept of his own invention.
In analysing the meaning of 'distance' and 'direction' I have been
concerned to describe the primary tests for distance and direction. We do
not often make measurements by the methods which I have described.
Even on a small scale we do not normaIly find the straight line between
two objects by doing a complicated series of manoeuvres with a ruler,
trying to fit it the least possible number of times between the two objects,
let alone by finding a common edge to two surfaces shown to be planes
by the three-surface test. Rather, we stretch a string between the objects
and measure along it.Jn the next chapter I propose to show that other
tests for distance and direction in normal use are secondary tests, and
Distance and Direction --(i) Primary Tests 83
also to describe in a little detail the kind of secondary tests which we use
on the cosmological scale. The latter will be a useful preliminary to
subsequent analysis of the conclusions of cosmology about the size and
geometry of the Universe.


[1] H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time (originally

published 1928) (trans. M. Reichenbach and J. Freund), New York,
1957, ch. 1.
[2] A. Grunbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time, London,
1964; or second enlarged edition, Dordrecht, Holland, 1973; part i.
[3] Hilary Putnam, 'An Examination of Grunbaum's Philosophy of
Geometry' in Philosophy of Science, The Delaware Seminar (ed.
B. Baumrin), ii, London, 1963.
[4] Arthur Fine, 'Discussion: Physical Geometry and Physical Laws',
Philosoph y of Science, 1964, 31, 156-62.
[5] A. Grunbaum, 'Space, Time, and Falsifiability, Part J', Philosophy of
Science, 1970, 37,469-588; reprinted as ch. 16 of the 2nd edn of [2].
[6] Graham Nerlich, The Shape of Space, Cambridge, 1976, ch. 8.
[7] A. Einstein, 'The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity'
(originally published 1916) in A. Einstein et al., The Principle of
Relativity (trans. W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery) London, 1923.
5 Distance and Direction-
(ii) Secondary Tests
Let us now consider some of the tests which we use in practice to measure
distance and direction near the surface of the Earth, to substantiate the
claim that they are secondary tests. In the examples I shall confine myself
to cases of distance being measured from one material object A to
another one B in the frame in which A is at rest, viz. the 'proper distance'
from A to B.
One test frequently used over short distances is the taut string test for a
straight line. Why do we consider that a taut string marks the straight
line between two points? Clearly not all stretched bodies will do so.
Suppose I stretch a sprig of chestnut tree from A to B. As I stretch it, it
takes up a different shape. After I have stretched it to some extent, it does
not change its shape any more under further tension. So we may say that
it is taut. But it is unlikely to mark a straight line. So why do we say of
stretched bodies that the string does and the chestnut sprig does not
mark a straight line? Because if we tried to use the smallest possible
number of rigid bodies to cover the distance between A and B , they
would lie along the line of the string and not along the line of the chestnut
spring. Hence the taut string test is only a secondary test for straight line.
Another example of a test in common use to measure distance and
direction near the surface of the Earth is the light-ray test. This method
assumes that light (and other electro-magnetic radiation -e.g. radio
waves) travels at a constant (two-way) velocity along straight lines (i.e. a
constant average velocity for journeys to and from a point). If I at 0 send
a light signal to A and it returns after two seconds, and to B and it returns
after four seconds (reflections only occurring at A and B respectively)
then paths OA and OB taken by light are held to be straight lines, and OB.
to be twice the length of OA. Now this seems quite obviously not a
primary test for distance, for the simple reason that its results are
universally recognised as sometimes incorrect. Light does not always
travel in straight lines - it does not do so through media of varying
density, nor when its path passes very close to material bodies. If what
Distance and Direction-(ii) Secondary Tests 85
one meant by a straight line was the path taken by light, Grimaldi could
(for reasons of logic) not have discovered ditTraction. What Grimaldi
discovered was that the shadow cast on a surface by an object in the path
ofa light beam was not the exact geometrical projection of that object,
·and hence that light is ditTracted from a rectilinear path by bodies close to
its path. If it is a logically necessary truth that light travels in straight
lines, the statement of Grimaldi's discovery would be self-contradictory.
Nor of course does light always have a constant velocity - its velocity
. depends on the medium through which it is travelling. And that light has
a constant velocity in vacuo is open to experimental refutation. One
might, for example, show that it took four times as long for light to travel
some distance OB and return as to travel OA and return, where OAB is a
straight line in a vacuum on which by the standard of the last chapter
OA = AB. The fact that this does not happen is eXP!'!rimental
evidence that light has in vacuo a constant two-way rectilinear velocity,
when it is not ditTracted. One cannot provide experimental evidence for a
definitional truth. Hence the constant rectilinear velocity in vacuo oflight
is not a definitional truth, and so light tests are secondary tests for
distance and direction. Hence if the 'light-distance' of an object ditTers
from its distance the former is not the true distance.
In ordinary practice to determine distance and direction we also use a·
whole group of tests which assume that Euclidean geometry is the true
system of physical geometry. Thus if we know the length of a base· of a
triangle b and the size of the angles IX and y at each end of the base line (see
Figure 3) we can calculate the lengths of the other sides by the formula

of Euclidean geometry --/!-

sm IX sm {J
= -:- where {J = 180 -IX - 1'. For
sm y
measurements over small distances near the surface of the Earth, weare
clearly justified in making this assum-
B ption. But the question is-do we use
such Euclidean tests because we as-
sume that they would give the same
results as the rod tests which I de-
scribed earlier, or do we mean by the
distance of an object a result produced
A by use of certain tests which assume
b the truth of Euclidean geometry? If the
Figure 3 fonner, then the Euclidean tests are
secondary tests for distance. If the
latter, then they are primary lests. Now the requirement that the
geometry of Space be Euclidean would not uniquely detennine the
86 Space and Time
distance of some distant object, and so would have to be employed with
other criteria. But still the results given by the tests described in the last
chapter might differ from those given by some other method using less
rigorous rod tests but assuming a Euclidean geometry, and one could
thus define a rod-distance and a Euclidean-distance of some distant
object. There would be no logical necessity that the two methods yield
the same result, for the first method might show, as we shall indicate
more fully in Chapter 6, that the geometry of Space was non- Euclidean.
The question is, what would we say if the two methods did yield
divergent results - that the first method was the true method and so
Space was non-Euclidean, or that the concept of distance was not
readily applicable in this case? I shall urge later after I have attempted to
describe two non-Euclidean Spaces that it is not a logically necessary
truth that Space is Euclidean. It follows from this conclusion that the
second answer is false and so that methods that assume a Euclidean
geometry are secondary tests, for, if they were primary tests, it would be
a necessary truth that Space was Euclidean. For fuller argument on this
I ask the reader to wait until Chapter 6.
Between objects further apart than those near the surface of the Earth
distance and direction are measured for the most part by methods other
than those which I have so far described. I I shall shortly run through
some of the most important of these, to see the grounds for assertions
about the distances of distant galaxies. My claim about these methods is
that they too are secondary tests. This is to say, we use them because we
believe that the results attained by using them are the same as the results
which would be attained by using the primary tests. On the cosmic scale
it would be practically impossible for us ever to use the primary tests.
There is no surface stretching from the Ear~h to a distant galaxy on
which a straight line could be marked, nor can we construct one. Even if
there was such a surface we should die long before we could make the
measurements along it. But such mere practical impossibility does not
normally have an effect on meaning. What we mean by saying of a pool
of water near the surface of the Earth that its temperature is SO C is the
same as what we would mean of saying ofa pool of water near the centre
of Jupiter if there were one, that its temperature is 5°C - viz. that if a
thermometer which passed certain tests were inserted into the water the
column would reach the height marked 5° C. We cannot take a

I The same is true of distance and direction on the very small scale, but as stated

in the Introduction, this work would become too bulky were it to provide
adequate treatment of problems of the very small scale.
Distance and Direction-(ii) Secondary Tests 87
thermometer near the centre of Jupiter to test the latter assertion; but the
fact remains that what the assertion means is that, if we could take such a
thermometer there, it would record a certain reading. It is often
practically impossible to test the truth of statements by using primary
tests. But this practical impossibility does not affect the meaning of a
statement. My claim is that the methods which we use for measuring
directions and large distances in astronomy we use because we believe
that the results attained by using them are the same as the results which
would be attained by using the primary tests, if we could use these. We
must now investigate the methods which we use in practice on the large
In measuring distance and direction on a large scale we assume that
relations between bodies found locally hold outside the range for which
they have been tested. Clearly in general we are justified in doing so. It is
characteristic of science to work on the assumption that the unknown
resembles the known, that characteristics of the behaviour of matter
found locally hold beyond the ranges for which they have been tested.
The kind of circumstances under which we are not justified in
extrapolating properties will be considered on pp. 93 fT.
The normal method for measuring the direction of a distant body is
from the angle made by light rays emanating from it. The body is stated
to be (or rather, to have been at the instant at which the light rays left it)
in the direction in which arrive light rays emanating from it. The use of
this method assumes that light travels in straight lines in vacuo (except
when near massive bodies) and that the space between Earth and the
stars is very nearly a vacuum. The first assumption has been tested on
Earth. The second assumption is justified by considerations of
simplicity - the planets obey Newton's laws only if we assume that the
space in which they move is very nearly a vacuum. Unless we make this
assumption the explanation of planetary motion would become very
complicated. Hence we may say that the assumption has been tested
within the solar system. We now assume that these assumptions hold for
Space far beyond the solar system, and hence can estimate the direction
of distant bodies. -
The most important method for measuring the distance of near-by
stars is the method of parallax and is a more complicated form of the
kind of method described on p. 85. This assumes, as well as that
directions can be estimated in the way just described, that the geometry
of Space. is Euclidean. This has been found to be so on Earth, and it is
now assumed that it holds for Space far beyond the Earth.
The method of parallax uses a short distance measured by other
88 Space and Time
methods, that is ultimately by rigid body or taut string methods, this
distance being the base line. The angles at each end of the base line made
with the base line by light rays impinging from the distant object are
mea~ured and the distance of the object calculated by the formulae on
p. 85. This, basically, is the method by which the distance from the Earth
to the Sun and the Moon and the planets was established (the grounds
for using light rays to ascertain direction being, when these distances
were originally established, weaker than those stated above). The first
stage was to ascertain the radius of the Earth. This was done in the fourth
century s.c. by measuring the different angles subtended at different
places on the Earth by light rays from the Sun. But it could be done by
rigid body methods, ifmen were prepared to take the necessary trouble.
The circumference of the Earth could be measured and t~e radius
calculated from it by the use of the formula of Euclidean geometry that
the circumference of a sphere is 2n times its radius. That the Earth is
approximately a sphere can be shown by measuring many great circles on
it (that is, lines on the surface of the Earth, marking the shortest distance
along the surface between any two points on the line) and showing that
these are of approximately equal length. We then obtain a base line for
our astronomical measurements by measuring the distance along the
surface of the Earth between two places on it A and B and then from the
known radius of the Earth calculating, using Euclidean geometry, the
. distance along the straight line through the Earth between A and B. This
gives the length of the base line b. The use of this method informs us
where the distant object was when the light left it. (For a base line long
relative to the distances being measured, we have to add a correction to
allow for the different periods of time taken by the light to come to the
two points on the base line from the distant object. For a base line like
one on the surface of the Earth, this factor may be ignored.) We can thus
measure the distance from the Earth to the Sun, Moon, and planets.
We can then infer, as Kepler did,from the change of the Sun's position
relative to the Earth the path of the ellipse traced out annually by the
Earth round the Sun. The Earth moves some 184 million miles from one
side of the Sun to the other during the half-year. We can now use a
straight line from one side of the ellipse to the other as base line for the
calculation of much larger distances by the method of parallax. This is
normally done as follows.
We measure the angles of a star at different instants during the year
and find two equal and opposite beafings of the star (ex = )' in Figure 4).
The Earth's path being nearly circular, the base line b is at all periods of
the year approximately 184 million miles. The angle fJ/2 (90 0
ex) is then
Distance and Direction - (ii) Secondary Tests 89

known as the annual parallax of the star. a = c = __ b_. The first star
. 2cosa
parallax was calculated in 1838 by
B F. W. Bessel, who found that the annual·
parallax of the star 61 Cygni was 0.31", and
hence that the star was at a distance of some
54 million million miles from the Earth.
Astronomical distances are normally mea-
sured in parsecs. A star with an annual
parallax of 1" is said to be at a distance of 1
parsec from the Earth. Hence 61 Cygni lies at
a distance of some three parsecs. The nearest
star to the Earth, Proxima Centauri, lies at a
distance of some one-and-a-half parsecs.
The calculation of distance by parallax
A'----..J....Lb..l-----:-l C thus works on the assumption that certain
Figure 4 locally tested regularities (Euclidean geo-
metry, the rectilinear propagation of light)
hold far outside the range for which they
have been tested. Thereby the range within which distances can be
measured is enormously extended. Using the Earth's orbit as base line
astronomers can calculate distances up to 100 parsecs. A more
complicated method known as the method of statistical parallax is used
to calculate distances up to 500 parsecs. I shall not describe this method
as itis somewhat complicated (for a brief description see [I] pp. 29- 34).
Hence I shall state without proof my thesis about it that it works by
assuming that certain regularities observed to hold locally hold far
outside the range for which they have been tested.
A variety of further methods are used to calculate greater distances,
the most important for medium distances being the 'headlights' method.
Certain stars, especially the Cepheids, are variable stars whose lumin-
osity increases and decreases in a characteristic way, the period of
oscillation being constant for each Cepheid but varying for different
Cepheids from one day to many years. The distance 0f some of these
stars near to us can be calculated by the method of statistical parallax. We
assume that the locally tested law that the luminosity impinging on an
observer from a distant object varies inversely as the square of the
distance of the observer from it holds far outside the range for which it
has been tested (a correction has to be added when the distant object is in
motion relative to the observer. We have evidence from the absence of
significant Doppler shift-see p. 91-that such corrections would be
90 Space and Time
insignificant for stars of our own or near galaxies). Hence, knowing the
distance from ourselves of near-by Cepheids we can calculate how bright
they would appear to an observer at a distance of ten parsecs. The
luminosity impinging from a star on an observer on the Earth is ·known
as its apparent luminosity. The luminosity from a star which would
impinge on an observer at a distance from it often parsecs. is known as its
absolute luminosity.
From its apparent luminosity (l) and known distance from the Earth
in parsecs (d) we can thus calculate for any star within 500 parsecs from
. L d2
the Earth the absolute luminosity (L) of the star by the formula T = 10 2
Jd 2
Instead of dealing in apparent and absolute luminosity, astronomers
normally deal in apparent and absolute magnitude. Apparent magnitude
is related to apparent luminosity logarithmically by the equation f2
= 1001'"2 - '"' )/5, where II and.1 2 are the apparent luminosities of two stars
and m] and m2 their apparent magnitudes, the apparent magnitude of
certain stars being fixed by ancient convention. Absolute magnitude is.
the apparent magnitude which would be calculated from luminosity
impinging on an observer at a distance of 10 parsecs. Absolute
magnitude· (M), apparent magnitude (m) and distance in parsecs

(~ where w is the star's parallax) are therefore related by the formula

M = m + 5 + 5 log w.
We can by these means calculate the absolute magnitude ofCepheids
. within 500 parsecs at different instants during their luminosity cycle.
Astronomers found a regular linear relationship between the logarithm
of its period and the mean absolute magnitude of a Cepheid. Hence if a
Cepheid outside the range of calculation of distance by statistical
parallax behaves like those within the range, then we can infer by this
formula from its observed period to its mean absolute magnitude and
hence its mean absolute luminosity. We observe its mean apparent
. . G·Iven agam
Iummoslty. . t hat L = Id outsIde
100 • t h e range '"lor wh·IC h th·IS
law has been tested, from mean absolute luminosity (L) and mean
apparent luminosity (I) we can infer the distance of the Cepheid.
From the distance of a Cepheid we can calculate the approximate
distance of near-by stars. A star is close to others if it is tangentially close
Distance and Direction-(ii) Secondary Tests 91

and radially close. Given the locally tested law that light travels through
space in straight lines, stars close to others on a photograph of the sky
will be in fact tangentially close to them. The evidence that a tangentially
close star is radially close to another is that it is of similar apparent
magnitude and has a similar velocity of approach or recession. For we
know from observations within the region where distances can be
calculated by the method of statistical parallax that tangentially close
stars of similar apparent magnitude which have a similar velocity of
approach or recession are normally also radially close to each other. We
assume that this locally tested characteristic of stars also holds outside
the range of observation. We ascertain a star's velocity of approach to or
recession from the Earth by studying its Doppler shift. We know from
observations on the Earth that the spectrum of light from a body B as
observed at A is shifted towards the violet end of the spectrum if B is
approaching A, and towards the red if B is receding from A. We assume
this to hold for stars and galaxies far outside the region for which it has
been tested and know of no other explanation of a red-shift (apart from
the gravitational red-shift predicted by General Relativity which would
not normally be relevant). We. also assume the locally tested law that the
elements Of matter have the same spectra in all places, and so that there
are only certain possible emitted spectra. Hence from a received
spectrum, given that all lines have been shifted together, we can infer
what was the emitted spectrum and so infer velocity of recesion or
approach. That such an inference can always be made confirms the law
that the elements are the same at all places and have there the same
spectra. The proportion by which the wave-lengths of received light
exceed those of emitted light due to a velocity of mutual recession of
source and observer is known as the Doppler shift of the source.
Using all these tools we can infer which stars are near to a given
Cepheid and hence their approximate distance from the Earth. Once we
know which stars are near to each other, we realise that the Universe is
populated by large groups of stars, called galaxies, to one of which our
solar system belongs; and that the galaxies keep together in larger units
called clusters. We can infer the distances of near-by galaxies from the
Cepheids in them.
There are many similar methods of calculating distances of stars in our
own or near-by galaxies which lie outside the range of calculation by
statistical parallax. They all depend for their operation, like the two
methods so far described, on assuming some locally tested physical
regularity to hold outside the region for which its operation has been
92 Space and Time
Having by such means found the distance of near-by galaxies, we can
calculate from their apparent magnitude and diameter, their absolute
magnitude and actual diameter. We then notice that the absolute
magnitude and the diameter, of galaxies varies only within a narrow
range. Assuming once again that what holds locally holds more widely,
we are now in a position to judge the distance of a distant galaxy from its
apparent magnitude. For we know within a range its absolute magnitude
and given the inverse square law of diminution of luminosity can infer
thence its distance. (Evidence from experiments on Earth shows that a
correction has to be added to the formula for a light source with .a
velocity of recession from the observer, S9 that a source with a velocity
yielding a Doppler shift of z lies at a distance _1_ times that which
1 +z
would otherwise have been estimated.) A similar inference can also be
made from the apparent diameter of a galaxy indicated by the angle
which it subtends for an observer on Earth (see Figure 5). If we know
within a range the actual diameter of a galaxy, we can then infer, within a
range, its distance from the Earth,
given the rectilinear propagation of
light and Euclidean geometry. This
method as stated is not of much use
for other than near-by galaxies since
the angle subtended by others is too
small to be determined accurately.
But a similar method can be applied
to clusters of galaxies. We observe
:% + - angle subtcmded that galaxies, of similar magnitudes
at earth . with similar recessional velocities ap-
pear close together on photographic
Figure 5 plates. We infer that they form a
cI uster of galaxies close to each other.
We find the actual diameters of near-by clusters, infer that what holds
locally holds outside the tested range, and thus infer from the angle
subtended by them at the Earth the distances of clusters of galaxies.
Distances of individual galaxies or clusters calculated by these methods
are obviously very rough, but the methods are very useful for calculating
the average distance oflarge numbers of galaxies or clusters, when errors
made in calculating the distance of individual galaxies cancel out.
The most important method for ascertaining the distance of the most
distant galaxies is from their red-shift. Assuming on the grounds stated
earlier that red-shift indicates recession, we note a functional relation
Distance and Direction - (ii) Secondary Tests 93
between the distance of a galaxy and the velocity of its recession
indicated by its red-shift. The astronomer E. P. Hubble who first noted
this relation claimed that this was a linear relationship between velocity
(V)and distance (d)V = Hd (H being 'Hubble's constant'), but some later
astrQnomers have claimed that the relation is non-linear. But granted
that observations on galaxies whose distances can be ascertained by such
other means as the method of apparent magnitude supports Hubble's
law, we can go on to use it to establish distances of the most distant
galaxies observed, i.e. distances up to 1,000 m. parsecs from ourselves.
(Although there are the good grounds described earlier for holding that
red-shift shows velocity of recession in the case of stars and galaxies,
there are grounds for suspecting that the red-shift of quasars may have a
different cause. Quasars are strange star-like objects first discovered in
the mid-sixties about whose nature scientists are still very puzzled.)
So by continual extrapolations from local observations, the distances
of more and more distant objects have been ascertained. I have sketched
only in the briefest outline a few of the methods used. I have given the
outline to illustrate the methods offinding out the distance and direction
of distant objects by further and further generalising from local patterns
of phonemena. Since we use these methods because we believe that
certain patterns of phenomena hold beyond the range fOJ which they
have been observed to hold, if we find reason for no longer holding this
belief about certain patterns of phenomena, we ought to abandon any
methods of estimating distance and direction which presuppose its truth.
There could be two distinct kinds of reason for believing that certain
patterns of phenomena do not hold beyond a region for which they had
originally been observed to hold. The first kind of reason would be that
subsequent observations did nQt confirm the original observations
that one property in question held in a local region. Thus using some
method I we may have noted that the Universe within the range of study
by that method had a property P. Assuming that P holds outside that
range of observation, we can then use a method II which embodies this
assumption to find further distances. Suppose now that by more careful,
precise and painstaking use of method I, we find that P does not in fact
hold of the Universe within the range of observation by method I and
hence there are no grounds for assuming it to hold outside that range. In
that case the use of method II to ascertain distance would not be justified.
Astronomical methods of ascertaining distance are continually being
modified in the light of such considerations. Thus all methods which
work from the luminosity of distant objects need an estimate of the
amount of light absorbed by interstellar and intergalactic dust. Given
94 Space and Time
absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude, we can only infer distance
if 'we judge insignificant or give a value to this factor. Initially the
astronomer may judge this factor to be insignificant; and by some
method II (e.g. inferring the distance of a galaxy from its apparent
magnitude as described on p. 92) may infer its distanee. However, more
careful estimates of the amount of intergalactic absorption may lead him
to revise his method II.
The second kind of reason for believing that certain patterns of
phenomena do not hold beyond the region for which they had originally
been observed to hold could arise even if subsequent observations
confirmed that the property did hold in the region studied by the original
method. This kind of reason would be that the assumption that it held
beyond the region for which it had been observed to hold proved
incompatible with the reasonable supposition that various other proper-
ties held beyond the range for which they had been observed to hold.
Thus suppose that by using some method I, we observe that properties P,
Q, R, and S hold of the regio!! of the Universe which can be studied by
that method. The assumption that P holds universally means that we can
use a method II for ascertaining further distances. The assumption that
Q, R, and S hold universally means that we can use respectively methods
III, IV, and V for ascertaining further distances. Suppc;>se now that the
use of method IV gave different estimates of distance from the other
methods. Then either R does not hold beyond the range studied by
method I, or p. Q, and S do not.
. If we have no general theory of physics on a cosmological scale, the
simplest assumption to make is that the odd property R does not hold
outside the range of observation by method I, and so that method IV is
not a justifiable method of ascertainjng distance. However, if we have a
cosmological theory, the situation is different. On the basis of obser-
vations that properties P, Q, R, and S hold locally a scientific theory may
be set up which gives for those observations a moresimp\e and coherent
explanation than any other theory compatible with them. It may,
however, be a consequence of the theory that while R holds universally,
P, Q, and S do not hold universally. Thus it may be a consequence of the
theory that P, Q, and S only hold in a small region and that in a wider
region a property different from P, Q, and S would hold, but that the
region studied was too small for a difference from P, Q, and S to be
noticed. Hence P, Q, and S would not be extrapolatable properties. The
use of methods II, III, and V which assume them to hold beyond the
original range would not be justified and would have to be corrected in
the light of the theory. What is happening here is that the theory reveals
Distance and Direction - (ii) Secondary Tests 95
that one or more local properties, in our example R, are more
fundamental than others and the assumption that these hold universally
will mean that others do not. Cosmological theories developed from the
General Theory of Relativity and rivals to it have involved such
modifications to methods of estimating distance. The General Theory
cast doubt on the general validity of Euclidean geometry. Since all the
secondary tests for distance assume that geometry is Euclidean, they
must be modified if that assumption turns out to be unjustified. Various
forms of General Theory and other cosmological theories lead to
different conclusions about the relation which they claim holds uni-
versally between the distribution of matter and the geometry of Space. In
so far as anyone theory is well substantiated, we must assume that the
relation which it shows to hold locally holds universally. Hence from our
knowledge of the density of matter on a large scale we can infer the
geometry of Space on a large scale, and hence ascertain thllt it is different
from one which to a high degree of approximation holds on the small
scale, viz. Euclidean geometry. The theory by extrapolating a certain
property and assuming it to hold universally showed that a different
property would not hold universally. Whether we are to adopt a theory
which assumes a property P to hold universally, or a theory which
assumes another property R to hold universally, depends on the relative
simplicity of the two theories. The character of evidence for any general
cosmological theory like General Relativity and the conclusions about
the geometry of the Universe which can be derived from it will be
examined in Chapter 14. Clearly there are v.arious difficulties in building
up such a theory - we shall have to show, for example, how we can reach
a conclusion about the density of matter without assuming a certain
geometry to hold. But assuming that we can by these means show that a
certain geometry, other than the Euclidean which to a high "degree of
approximation holds locally, holds universally, we should have to
modify such methods of calculating distance as the method of parallax
and the method of apparent magnitude which take for granted the
universal applicability of Euclidean geometry.
So in these ways the methods described of ascertaining distance and
direction can be and are being continually refined in the light of
experience. The fact that all the methods described of ascertaining
distance and direction beyond the Earth are open to review and
refinement indicates that the methods are secondary tests. We use
secondary tests because we believe them correlated with primary tests.
To the extent that we have evidence that this correlation does not hold
we amend the secondary tests. If empirical evidence could show that a
96 Space and Time
test for distance did not give good results, that shows that the test is a
secondary test. Empirical evidence could not show this for primary tests,
since empirical evidence cannot refute a definition.
It is a consequence of these points that various concepts used by
cosmologists related to the concept of distance are not in fact concepts of
distance. Cosmologists have defined several different 'distances' of
objects differing in respect of the method of estimating them. Thus there
are 'distance by apparent size', 'luminosity distance', and 'parallax
distance'. The distance by apparent size of a gala~y G is -~, where D
2 tan (X
is the average diameter of a local galaxy and (X the angle subtended at the

Earth by G. The luminosity distance of a galaxy Gis· 10 &,'1 _1_

'>//; (1 + z)
parsecs, where '2
is the apparent luminosity of G, 11 the absolute
luminosity of an average local galaxy, and z is the Doppler shift of the
galaxy. Parallax distance is - b2 ,where a is the angle ~tween b, the
cos a
diameter of the Earth's path round the Sun and light rays impinging on
the Earth from the distant object, measured at points on the Earth's path
where the angles between light rays from the distant object and the
diameter are equal and opposite.
Now we would only use these simple formulae for calculating the.
distance of a distant object on certain assumptions ~ that the geometry
of Space is Euclidean, that ligh~ travels in straight lines, that there is
virtually no absorption of light by interstellar dust, etc., etc. Some of
these assumptions are probably justified and some are probably not.
Since cosmologists do not alter their estimate of the luminosity distance
of a galaxy when provided with information about the amount of light
absorbed by intergalactic dust, it cannot be an estimate of the distance of
a galaxy. Similar considerations apply to the other distances. It may be
easier to construct a coherent cosmological theory if we deal with
luminosity distance, etc. instead of distance, but luminosity distance, etc.
are not distances. 1

I Hence McVittie is wrong to claim that 'Different procedures may, and in

general do, give rise to different distances and there is no one of them which can
be labelled as the "correct" distance' ([3] p. 147). Different procedures give
different measurements, but they are not all measurements of distance.
Trautman may be right when he claims that 'proper distance' (viz. distance
relative to the frame in which the first object is stationary) 'is of no practical use',
in cosmology. But he is misguided to recommend the use in cosmology of
Distance and Direction - (ii) Secondary Tests 97
81 8L10GRAPH Y

For accounts of the methods used by astronomers for meaSUrIng

distance see:
[1] G. C. McVittie Fact and Theory in Cosmology, London, 1961.
[2] M. Berry, Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation, Cambridge,
[3] G. C. McVittie, General Relativity ·and Cosmology, London,·'\.956,
ch.8. .
[4] H. Spencer Jones, General Astronomy, 4th edn, London, 1961.
For philosophical commentary see:
[5] 1. D. North, The Measure of the Universe, Oxford, 1965, ch. 15. 1

luminosity distance on the grounds that 'we seek a definition of an observational

nature, which can actually be used by astronomers to determine the distances of
distant nebulae.' For luminosity distance will only measure 'the distance of
distant nebulae' if it as corrected, as appropriate, in the ways indicated in the text.
See A. Trautman's lecture in A. Trautman, F. A. E. Pirani and H. Bondi, Lec/ures
on Glneral Relativity (Englewood ClilTs, New Jersey, 1965) p. 242.
IOn pp. 347 f. of this work Dr North has attempted to show that it is
a consequence of the Robertson-Walker metric (the metric - see my
Chapter II -applicable to a homogeneous Universe), that for three '(undamen-
tal particles', that is roughly, clusters of galaxies, P, Q, and R not on a spatial
geodesic (viz. not on a straight line) it is possible that we might find, where k (see
Chapter II) = + lor -I, d(PR) > d(PQ)+d(QR), where d(AB) is the proper
distance from a fundamental particle A to another .one B.
It might appear that if North's arguments were correct, he would have shown
that the concept of proper distance had no application on a cosmic scale, for is
no) d(PR) by definition the shortest path from P to R? So if d( PQ) + d(QR) were
less than d( PRJ, would we not have found a shorter path from P to R? This
would be so only if P and Q were at rest relative to each other. For d( PRJ being a
proper distance must (see p. 67) be measured along a line of constaRt length
stationary relative to P, and the line from P through Q to R would only be such a
line if Q was stationary relative to P. North does not purport to show that his
proof holds for this particular case.
6 The Geometry of Space
Let us begin discussion of the question of the geometry of Space by
making the well known distinction between pure and physical geometry.
The basic element of pure geometry is the point, a term usually left
undefined. Which other terms are undefined will depend on the way in
which the geometry is axiomatised; but 'distance' and the relation of
being 'collinear with' are often also undefined. Other terms such as 'line'
and 'plane' may be defined in terms of the undefined terms, axioms set up
and theorems proved therefrom. We can then give any interpretation we
like to this axiomatic system, and if the axioms are true, their
consequences, the theorems, will be true also. Different sets of axioms or
different interpretations of the axioms lead to different 'spaces' in the
metaphorical sense of the term. Thus a Hausdorff space means a
collection of 'points', the relations between which satisfy Hausdorff's
axioms, while 'momentum space' is a collection of 'points', each 'point'
representing a different possible state of momentum of a particle.
Physical geometry interprets the terms of physical Space in their
normal sense. Thus a solid, in the geometer's sense, is any place, any
volume of space which is or could be occupied by a material object. (The
geometer's 'solid' is to be distinguished from the physicist's 'solid'. For
the physicist a solid is a material object which does not change its shape
readily when subject to deforming influences.) Any solid is fully enclosed
by a surface; and anything which encloses or could enclose a material
object, or is part of something which could, is a surface. We can point to
examples of 'surfaces' to clarify more fully the meaning of the term-
thus the top of my desk is a surface, and so is the side of my house.
Analogously any proper part of a surface which encloses a material
object will itself have a boundary, which is a line; and a line is anything
which forms such a boundary or could do so, or is part of something
which could. Again, examples of 'lines' will bring out more fully the
meaning of the term - the edge of the top of my desk is a line, and so is
the western edge of the southern wall of my house. Any boundary to a
line is a point, and a point is anything, which could form such a
boundary. A point is (see p. 26) the smallest bit of space there could be.
The Geometry of Space 99
Given that space is not discrete (see p. 26), then a point will have no
volume at all. Euclid [l] defined a point as 'that which has no part'. But
in whatever sense space is discrete, then in that sense its-smallest bits
would have a volume. Given that space is not discrete, anything very
small in comparison with the distances in which we are interested, will
serve for practical purposes as a point -e.g. a dot on a blackboard.
Analogously, Euclid's defined a 'line' as 'alength without a breadth' and
a 'surface' as 'that which has breadth and length only'. Even if space is
not discrete, for practical purposes anything may be regarded as a
surface if its height is negligible in comparison with its breadth and
length and other distances of interest, and as a line if its height and
breadth are negligible in comparison with its length and other distances
of interest. If however space is discrete in some sense, then in that sense
its lines and surfaces will have very small volumes. The tests for a line
being a straight line, and a surface being a plane I have described in
Chapter 4.
The task of the physical geometer is to choose such axioms that true
theorems abotlt points, lines, planes, etc. always result. The most precise
and best-known form of geometry is metrical geometry. To set forward
the metrical geometry or metric of Space is to say what relations of
distance and direction between points entail other such relations and
also propositions about areas and volumes. Thus a metrical geometry
may tell us that, if we draw a line, each point on which is equidistant
from a certain point, to be called the centre (viz. we draw a circle), then a
straight line which touches this line without cutting it (a tangent to the
circle) will make a right-angle with the straight line drawn from the point
of contact to the centre. Again it may tell us if we draw straight lines of a
certain length from A to B and from B to C and the angle ABC is a right-
angle what the length of A C will be.
The quantity of a surface is measured by its area, of a solid by its
volume. These are derivative quantities calculated from distances (e.g.
distances along the edges of the surface) by formulae of the metrical
geometry, which vary with the geometrical system. Thus in/Euclidean
geometry the area of a circle of radius r IS 1[r2, r2 being the area of a
square of side r. However, in order that the 'area' and 'volume' of the
geometry be the area and volume about which we ordinarily talk, the
formulae must satisfy the following requirements. Two figures have the
same area if they are congruent two-dimensional.entities. Two figures
have the same volume if they are congruent three-dimensional entities.
A figure A has ~ times the area (or volume) of another figure B if, for
some k, A can be divided into km areas (or volumes) and B can be
100 Space and Time
divided into kn areas (or volumes) all of which are congruent with each
other. Two figures are congruent if they have the 'same shape and
distances between corresponding points on each are the same, Thus a
square of side two inches is four times the area of a square of side one
inch because it can be divided into four squares bf side one inch.
The most celebrated metrical geometry is of course that of Euclid, In
the third century B ,c, Euclid formalised current knowledge about
physical geometry into an axiomatic system. The modern pure metrical
geometer takes over the axioms and definitions of Euclid's geometry
and, leaving the terms uninterpreted, 'modifies the former in various
ways and investigates what theorems result from what modifi-
A more general form of geometry is topology. The topological
properties of a body are those which are invariant under continuous
deformation and include such properties as neighbourhood (a point
being next to some other point), and enclosure (a point lying within
some enclosing set of points). However you push and pull a body, so
long as you do not cut it or join points previously separate, it retains its
topology. I Thus, to take two-dimensional examples, the square and the
circle have the same topology, for you can make a circle out of a square
by pushing in its four corners. But a circle and a two-dimensional letter
'B' do not have the same topology. For you would have to cut a letter 'B'
to make a circle out of it; and join parts of a circle previously separate to
geta letter 'B'. To take three-dimensional examples, a cube and a sphere
have the same topology, but a cube and a torus (a solid ring) have
different topologies.
One can derive theorems about topology either by assuming a system
~f metrical geometry or by constructing an independent topological
axiom system. If a body is stated to have certain topological properties,
then, since it will continue to have those properties under continous
deformation, we can suppose it to have any shape we like consistent with
those properties and use metrical geometry to infer other topological
propositions about it. Alternatively the topologist can set up an
independent system and construct a set of axioms about the separations,
neighbourhood relations, and enclosures of points, from which he can
derive theorems about these and other topological properties. As with
metrical geometries, there can be pure or physical topologies. The pure
topologist leaves his terms un interpreted. The physical topologist

J Strictly speaking, you are allowed to make a cut so long as you join the body up

again .in exactly the same way as it was previously joined.

The Geometry of Space 101
understands them in their ordinary physical senses, some of which I have
earlier described.
Having made the distinction between pure and physical geometry, we
shall henceforward normally be concerned only with physical geometry.
Now what is the true physical metrical geometry of Space? Which
propositions about particular distances and directions entail which
other propositions about particular distances and directions (and
propositions about areas and volumes)?
The geometer is concerned with the straight lines, planes, etc. which
join points. Hence, as we saw in Chapter 4, in order that his terms be
understood unambiguously, we have to specify a frame of reference by
which places and so points are to be re-identified. In order to state the
laws of physics we must, as we saw, in Chapter 3, reidentify places by the
most basic frames of reference that there are. Hence, in order to describe
the character of Space in which bodies governed by the laws of physics
stay still or move, we must use such frames. If there was only one most
basic frame of reference, the geometry of physical Space would be that
estimated by reference to that frame. As, at any rate on the cosmological
scale, there are many equibasic frames, then only if the same geometry
results by whichever of these frames we make our measurements, can we
talk ofthe geometry of Space. If a different geometry would be measured
relative to different equibasic frames then we could not talk of the
geometry of Space simpliciter, only of the geometry of Space relative to
some frame. The evidence of modern cosmology to be given in Chapter
11 is that the same geometry will be measured relative to each equibasic
frame. Hence we can talk of the geometry of Space. .
Until the middle of the nineteenth century it was universally believed
to be a necessary truth and 'necessary' in a stronger sense than
'physically necessary', that the geometry of Space was Euclidean.
Classically, Kant wrote of The apodeictic certainty of all geometrical
propositions' by which he meant that the applicability to any physical
Space of the theorems of Euclidean geometry was an a priori truth. 1 He
argued that these theorems were the only ones of which it made sen~e to
suppose that they applied to physical Space. It was not conceivable that
a different geometry might apply to physical Space. Yet it seems in no
way obvious that some of the theorems of Euclidean geometry are not
mere logically contingent truths. If some theorems of Euclidean

1 [5], A24. Kant held geometrical propositions to be a synthetic a priori truths.

But I shall subsequently represent him, as explained on p. 4, as claiming that they
are logically necessary truths.
102 Space and Time
geometry are mere contingent truths, then some of the axioms must also
be contingent truths. The axiom which always seemed to geometers less
obvious than the others, was Euclid's famous fifth postulate which can
be stated in a form (given the truth of the other axioms) equivalent to the
original, known as Playfair's axiom as follows:
For any line L and point P not on L, there is one and only one line L'
through P parallel to L. (Two lines are parallel if they are in the same
plane and, however far extended, never meet.)
For two thousand years geometers attempted to derive this postulate
from the other axioms but failed and finally proved that the postulate
was independent. Hence an alternative geometry could be obtained by
altering the postulate. Geometers have subsequently obtained other self-
consistent geometries by altering other axioms of Euclid. Some of these
geometries, including ones which we shall consider in Chapter 7, may
perhaps prove not to be logically possible physical geometries. 'Point'
therein cannot be interpreted as very, very small place and 'distance' as
distance. They may however be perfectly self-consistent systems of pure
geometry and have applications other than those in which the terms are
interpreted in their normal physical senses. Yet some of the geometries
do seem to describe genuine alternatives to Euclidean geometry which
might hold of physical space.
The two of these differing least from Euclidean geometry are the two
original non-Euclidean geometries developed by adopting a different
parallel axiom to Euclid's fifth postulate. These are the hyperbolic
geometry invented by Bolyai and Lobachevsky, and the elliptic geo-
metry, invented by Riemann and Klein. Hyperbolic geometry is obtained
from Euclidean geometry by substituting for Euclid's fifth postulate, the
postulate that:

For any line L and point P not on L, there is more than one line L'
through P parallel to L. (If there is more than one parallel line, it can
then be proved that there are infinitely many.)

Euclid's other axioms remain. But with this different axiom, many of
the theorems of hyperbolic geometry are radically different from those of
Euclidean geometry. For instance, the interior angles of a triangle sum to
less than 180°. The angle sum is smaller, the greater the length of sides of
the triangle. The ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is
greater than 1£. There can be no similar figures which are not congruent.
This means that if you take some figure and compare it with another
figure with sides of different lengths but having the same ratios to each
The Geometry of Space 103
other-say a pentagon with each of its five sides of equal length
compared with another pentagon also having each of its five sides of
equal length to each other but longer or shorter than those of the other
pentagon, then the angles oLthe two figures and hence the shape of the
figures will be different. There are many other such differences from
Euclidean geometry.1
Elliptic geometry is obtained by amending the fifth postulate to:
For any line L and any point P not on L, there are no lines through P
parallel to L.
Euclid's first three postulates, if interpreted as they normally are, have
to be modified to make this new postulate consistent with the rest of the
Euclidean system. 2
The properties of elliptic geometry include the following. The interior
angles of a triangle sum to more than 180°. The angle sum is greater, the
greater the length of the sides of the triangle. The ratio of a circumference
to the diameter of a circle is less than n. There can be no similar figures
which are not congruent.

1 For details see any textbook of non-Euclidean geometry, e.g. [2].

2 Thus Euclid's second postulate, as written by Euclid, states that a finite straight
line can be produced continuously in a straight line. This is formally consistent
with elliptic geometry. But Euclid's postulates are normally taken in a more
stringent sense than the literal in order that his theorems may be derived from.
them rigorously. The second postulate was taken before the nineteenth century
as stating that a straight line can be produced infinitely (viz. without meeting
itself again) and later more rigorous formulations of Euclidean geometry made
explicit this sense of the postulate. In this form the second postulate is
inconsistent with the new fifth postulate and has to be modified back to its
original form to produce a consistent system of elliptic geometry.
Riemann originally developed spherical geometry, using this new fifth
postulate but making different slight modifications to Euclid's first three
postulates as these are normally taken. Klein modified this to elliptic geometry.
The distinguishing characteristic of spherical geometry is that to every point
there is an anti-point, viz. all straight lines which meet at any point P meet also at
a different point P'. If the Universe had a spherical geometry and light travelled
in straight lines, then the rays of light leaving a star at a point S would aU
intersect at another point S'. To an observer using visual observation it would
appear that there was a star at S', but there would in fact be at S: a mere optical
image. No evidence of the existence of such anti-points having been found,
cosmologists prefer elliptic geometry as their geometry of positive curvature (see
p. 104 for this term). Spherical and elliptic geometries have, with the exception
discussed, virtually the same properties. The term 'Riemannian geometry', it
should be noted, is often used of a wide class of geometries including the three
non-Euclidean geometries so far discussed, and not simply for the geometry
invented 'by Riemann.
104 Space and Time
Now consider a sphere centered on a point P found to have
a surface area 41tr2. The radius of the sphere S will be in all


three geometries dr where K is some value, positive, negative

or zero, called the curvature of space. If K is a constant throughout space,
the geometry will be one of the three so far considered, which are
therefore known as geometries of constant curvature. If K = 0, space is
Euclidean; the radius of the sphere is r. If K is negative, the space is
hyperbolic; the radius is less than r- in other words, a sphere of radius u
has an area of more than 41tu 2. If K is positive, the space is elliptic; the
radius is more than r - in other words, a sphere of radius u has an area of
less than 4ltu 2 • K is..a measure of the divergence of the geometry from the
Euclidean. The larger its positive or negative value, the greater the
difference from 41tu 2 of the area of a sphere of radius u, and the more
marked are all other differences from Euclidean geometry. (In all cases
every point on the surface of a sphere of radius 41tr2 centred on P will be
said to have a 'coordinate-distance' r from P. We shall need this term
Now the non-Euclidean geometries which I have set forward appear
to represent genuine logically possible alternatives to Euclidean geo-
metry which might hold of phySical Space. Since the nineteenth century
this has generally been accepted, and, if it is accepted, it confirms the
point which I made in Chapter 5 that it is not a presupposition of
measuring distance and direction that the geometry of Space be
Euclidean. This being so, I shall not argue in great detail against the
Kantian position.! For the moment I shall take for granted the falsity of
the Kantian position, but when I have discussed in more detail the
topology of physical Space I shall be in a position to present one brief
conclusive counter-argument to it.
If we assume then that there are alternative metrical geometries to
Euclid's, to find out which is instantiated in our Space we would ideally
have to measure angles and distances in the ways desCribed in Chapter 4
to find out which relations between figures held in it; or if direct
measurement were not possible, we would have to use the indirect
methods set forward in Chapter 5.
Physical geometry thus acquires the char~cter of a physical theory. A
physical theory is shown false if predictions from it prove on observation

I For detailed argument see [7].

The Geometry of Space 105
to be false. A physical theory is confinned in so far as its predictions are
confirmed by observation and it unifies them in a more simple and
coherent way than can any other theory compatible with them. So the
evidence that the axioms of a system of physical geometry are true is that
the predictions from the system turn out to be true and that the axioms
form a more simple and coherent system thaq any other system
compatible with the predictions. Thus, suppose we measure the sum of
the interior angles of a number of triangles and find that it is in each case
less than 180 then, if we suppose that we have made our measurements

correctly, we have shown that the geometry of Space is not Euclidean. If

other predictions of hyperbolic geometry are con finned and the
hyperbolic system is a more simple and coherent way of accounting for
these than any other system, then observational evidence has shown that
the hyperbolic geometry is the geometry of Space. The larger the region
studied and the more accurate the measurements made, the better
confirmed will be any conclusion about the metric of Space as a whole.
Thus both elliptic and hyperbolic geometries are scarcely distinguishable
from Euclidean in small regions; and so the larger the region taken or
more accurate the measurements the better the evidence about which of
the three geometries is the true physical geometry of Space.
Other systems of geometry can be obtained from Euclid's by
modifying other of his axioms. But the Euclidean, elliptic (and spherical,
see p. 103, note 2), and hyperbolic geometries have, unlike most metrical
geometries, the property of being congruence geometries. A geometry
which permits a figure congruent to a given figure to be constructed in
every region of space is called a congruence geometry. Another way of
describing a congruence geometry is to say that it is characterised by the
axiom of free mobility that an ideally rigid body could be moved
throughout Space without its shape changing. If the geometry of Space is
uniformly of one of the three types referred to and possesses everywhere·
the same curvature, then an ideally rigid body could be moved
throughout Space without it changing its shape. Suppose on the other
hand the curvature varied so that it was now zero (viz. the geometry was
Euclidean), now of considerable positive curvature (viz. the geometry
was elliptic), the axiom of free mobility would not in general hold.
Now the supposition' that the geometry of Space is not a congruence
geometry is incompatible with the supposition that there can be an
ideally rigid body. All measuring instruments would be deformed under
transport. However, one can still maintain that the distance between two
point!> on certain measuring rods and the distance between two points on
all rods, which continued under transport to coincide with points on
106 Space and Time'
them, was not defonned, and then the geometry of Space would be the
geometry measured by those points on those rods. We saw in Chapter 4
that this was what Einstein did in 1916. For him the geometry of Space
was that measured by very short straight rods of negligible thickness. We
concluded that, although this seemed a slightly arbitrary supposition, it
could be justified on the grounds of the simplicity of the resulting
physical theory, since the deformations which it postulated were only
very slight, and so the ordinary understanding oflength remained as that
which is measured approximately by all rods which preserve' among
themselves approximate coincidences in a variety of circumstances.
Einstein claimed, on his understanding of what constituted a true
measuring instrument, that the geometry of Space was of variable
curvature. Inside mass!ve bodies it was of positive curvature, im-
mediately outside massive bodies of negative curvature, and far from
massive bodies Euclidean. Overall, however, h~ argued in 1917, it had a
positive curvature.
Now Poincare [6] argued that we could always choose, whatever
observations we made, to say that space had any geometry we like simply
by postulating that rods had had their length attered in some way.
For geometries of different topology, as I shall show later and as
Reichenbach also admitted, Poincare's claim is mistaken. Whatever rod
defonnations we postulate, if our measurements with some rods showed
a non-Euclidean topology, they would do so with any rods subject to
continuous deformation relative to them. Hence Reichenbach claimed
that in order to postulate a geometry with a different topology we would
have also to postulate 'causal anomalies'. This point I shall discuss
shortly. But to return to metrical geometries of the same topology; as for
instance are hyperbolic and Euclidean geometries, what shall we say of
the claim of both Poincare and Reichenbach, that, because we can
postulate any deformations we wish, it is a matter of convention what
geometry we ascribe to Space? Our answer must be that since, as shown
in Chapter 4, it is not a matter of convention whether or not we postulate
deformations, it will not be a matter of convention which geometry we
. ascribe to Space. However, we admitted in Chapter 4 that a situation
might arise where there were two or more alternative corrections which
could be made to measuring rods and no one correction be the right one.
In that case there will be alternative ways of measuring Space. The
different measuring procedures mayor may not yield different geomet-
ries. I f they do yield different geometries, we cannot give a simple answer
to the question what is the geometry of Space. We can only say that if we
measure in one way it is (e.g,) Euclidean, and if we measure in another
The Geometry of Space 107
way, it is (e.g.) hyperbolic; and that there is no reason for choosing one
way of measuring rather than another, for both ways are equally
satisfactory ways of explicating our ordinary concept of distance.
Physical Space, we urged (p. 26), of logical necessity can have no
boundary. But this does not show that it must be infinite. For it may be
the three-dimensional analogue to the surface of a sphere, which, though
of finite area, has no edge. If in physical Space all the straight lines are
closed lines, returning to their starting point, Space will be finite. For in
that case there will be only so many regions of the Space. A finite or
closed space (I use the term 'closed' as equivalent to 'finite without a
boundary' and thus in the cosmologist's and not the topologist's sense) is
one in which there are only a finite number of regions of finite volume
excluding each other. The volume of such a space is the sum of all such
regions which can be delineated. An infinite or open space is one in which
there are an infinite number of regions of finite volume excluding each
other. There are various open and closed 'spaces' discussed by geometers,
some of which have ditTerent topologies from others, but all closed'
spaces, in our sense, have different topologies from open spaces. The
space of elliptic geometry (like the space of spherical geometry, see p. 103
note 2) is a closed space.
That Euclidean space has a different topology from elliptic space can
be seen as follows. Take any two points P and Q lying one on each side of
an infinite Euclidean plane E. It is not possible for a line to join'p and Q
unless it passes through E. To whatever continuous deformations E is
subject, the same will apply. However it is contracted, expanded or bent,
so long as P lies on one side of it and Q on the other, any line joining P
and Qmust pass through E. Now in elliptic space no surface which is not
an enclosing surface could have this property. By an enclosing surface I
understand one topologically equivalent to the surface of any body such
as a sphere which can be contracted to a point. Now E is not an enclosing
surface. Hence E is topologically distinct from any surface in elliptic
space, and hence Euclidean space has a ditTerent topology from elliptic
s~ce. On the other hand hyperbolic space has the same topology as
Euclidean. E and a hyperbolic plane have the same topological
properties, such as separating P and Q without being enclosing surfaces.
To say that a region of Space is finite is to say that measuring rods of
some finite length can be laid between any two points of the region in a
finite number of steps. To say that Space is finite is to say that there are
only a finite number of regions of finite volume excluding one another,
and so that there is a finite region which is closed. If the enclosing surface
defining a finite region were completely surrounded externally by places
108 Space and Time
belonging to the region, then the region would be a closed region - it
would be all the space there was, and by exploring it we would have
discovered what was the topology of Space. If two observers can reach all
the points of a region enclosed within some boundary they will agree that
it is finite. Once they agree that a region is finite, they will reach the same
conclusions about its topology, whatever measuring rods they use.
Whether they explore with an iron rod or an elastic band they would
reach the same conclusion about, for instance, whether any non-
enclosing surface of the region could separate any two points of it. For
they would both reach all the places in it and discover which places were
contiguous with which other places.
If we find by exploration a closed finite region, or have evidence that
there is such a region, we may conclude that Space is finite, that that
region is all the space that there is. If on the other hand the region which
we have examined proves not to be closed, we cannot find out .much
about the topology of Space as a whole merely by extrapolation from its
topology. We can only reach conclusions about the topology of Space as
a whole by extrapolation from the metric of the finite region. This is
because extrapolation from the known to the unknown does not work in
quite the same way for topologies as for metrics and for the following
reason. Having found that the metric of a small region of space is M I, we
make the simplest hypothesis about every other small region of space
that its metric is M I and thence can deduce that the metric of Space as a
whole is of a certain kind. (It is true that· we can only measure the metric
of a region of Space to a certain degree of accuracy. and that more
accurate measurements might give a different result. Measurements on
Earth with instruments known to the ancients showed that the metrical
geometry of Space near the surface of the Earth was Euclidean, but more
accurate measurements today might yield a different result. Nevertheless
we must in any stage of science rely on the measurements available.) For
topologies too, when we have found that the topology of a small region
of Space is T 1 , we may make the simplest hypothesis about every other
small region of Space that its topology is T 1• But even if we ascertain (and·
ascertain in fact correctly) that the topology of every small region of
Space is Tb we still do not know the topology of Space as a whole, for
there are often many different topologies of Space as a whole having
topology TI in every small region.
This point can ea~ily be brought out with a two-dimensional example.
Suppose we find that a surface in three-dimensional Euclidean Space has
in a small area a metric M I (such that [e.g.] the interior angles of all
triangles exceed 180 by a certain amount). Then if we assume that every
The Geometry of Space 109

small area of the surface has the metric M I' it follows that the surface is
the surface of a sphere. But if we know that the surface has the topology
TI (say, the topology of a disc) in a small region and assume that it has
everywhere, we still do not know what is the topology of the surface as a
whole. The surface may be a plane or the surface of a sphere - in every
small region these have identical topologies. It should be added that
although many different topologies of Space are compatible with the
assumption that in every small region the topology is the same topology
Tl> this assumption does rule out many different topologies of Space.
But it does not enable us to choose, for example, between Euclidean and
elliptic geometries which have in every small region the same topology.
Wher~as the assumption that every small region of Space has a metric
M 1 does uniquely identify the metric of Space as a whole. Hence if we are
to extrapolate from properties of an explored region to find the topology
of Space as a whole, we must use its metrical properties.
In his discussion of the question of what we should say about the
topology of Space if the region explored appeared closed, Reichenbach
({7] § 12) urged that we could always consistently deny any conclusion
based on exploration with certain measuring rods about the topology of
Space by postulating causal anomalies. He considers a case where a man
leaves his study, passes through a number of spherical shells, each
completely enclosing the next one, and finds himself in a room exactly
like his study. There are then, Reichenbach urges, two possible
interpretations of what has happened. Either geometry is non-Euclidean
(e.g. the torus geometry postulated by Reichenbach), so that you can pass
through spherical surfaces enclosing each other and find yourselfback at
your starting point, or the place wh~re the man found himself was not
really his starting point. The room was merely one very like his study.
Reichenbach's explorer does an experiment to see if the new room is
really his old study. 'He writes down his thoughts on a sheet of paper,
. adds a code word, locks the paper in a drawer, puts the key in his pocket,
and leaves shell 5 . .- .. Arriving at 1 he finds his room, opens the drawer
with the key he put into his pocket, and recognises on the slip of paper
the same words which he had written down in shell 5' t [7] p. 64). Here,
claims Reichenbach, the observer can either take this evidence as
evidence that the two places are the same place or postulate action at a
distance between the two places, so that his writing something down in
one place produced a similar piece of writing in the other place without
intervening places being affected (viz. there being no known wireless
devices or such transmitting through the shells and thus producing the
effects). Now, claims Reichenbach, such action at a distance is to be
110 Space and Time
considered a 'causal anomaly' of the type that science attempts to avoid.
We can, he says, still claim that geometry is Euclidean but to do so we
would have to postulate causal anomalies, and this he advises us not to
do. .
Two points must however now be made against Reichenbach's claim
about his parable. The first is that, contrary to what Reichenbach seems
to suppose, there is a truth here. One of the above interpretations is true
and the other false, whether or not the observer could come to know
which is which. We can see this by reflecting on the fact that it is at any
rate logically possible (and perhaps physically possible) that the
investigator could grow in size until his arm reached right through the
shells. Let him then touch one study with one hand and reach through
the shells with the other arm. If the geometry was Euclidean, he would
touch a different study with the second arm. If it was non-Euclidean, he
would touch the same study and hold the first hand with the second. The
two situations are different. Secondly even if an observer could not grow
in size, he still has good reasons for a belief that the topology is non-
Euclidean. The first good reason is that as we have seen, simplicity is
evidence of truth, and the fact that it is necessary to postulate an extra
and strange force producing duplication of effects at a distance in order
to save Euclidean topology is good reason for holding that the topology
is non-Euclidean. The second good reason is that, as we saw in Chapter
I, the detailed similarity of a present object to a past object is evidence
that the two objects are the same object - in the absence of positive
evidence that they are not. The fact that both studies are qualitatively
similar and surrounded by qualitatively similar objects in each case, as
far as you go from the two studies, is strong evidence that the two studies
are the same material object, and so that the topology is non-Euclidean.
The general point which seems to lie behind Reichenbach's use of his
parable is that one can 'choose' whether to say that two objects are or are
not the same object. Once a decision has been made, with respect to all
objects linked by paths, which objects are identical to which other
objects, the topology of space is fixed. The metric is then detennined by
which paths are straight lines, and this, I urged earlier, is not in general
an arbitrary matter. I now urge that the topology is also no arbitrary
matter. There is a truth as to whether or not objects are identical, and
one about which we can have good evidence. That' evidence of
qualitative similarity is evidence of identity is, as we saw in Chapter 1, a
basic criterion for our interpretation of experience.
All of this provides a conclusive objection to the Kantian position that
Euclidean geometry is the only geometry which, it is logically possible,
The Geometry of Space III
can hold of physical space. For the topology of Space might be non-
Euclidean, and observers might have good reason for believing that,
which they could only deny by denying that evidence of qualitative
similarity is evidence of identity. And if we denied that, as we saW in
Chapter I, we would never be able to make any justified judgements at
all about the identity of material objects.
It follows from this that if a cosmological theory claims that Space
measured by certain rods has an overall positive curvature, we cannot
reinterpret it so that it claims that Space is Euclidean but that 'causal
anomalies' occur. Hence what I have called in Chapter 4 (pp. 77ft) the
two interpretations of the General Theory of Relativity are in fact two
different theories making two different sets of predictions. The original
interpretation was that the geometry of Space was Euclidean, but that
all rods were deformed near massive bodies. The later and now
traditional interpretation is that very short rods of negligible thickness
preserve everywhere the same length, but that the geometry of Space is
affected by the presence of massive bodies, being, Einstein argued in
1917, on the cosmic scale of positive curvature. On a smaller scale both
theories make the same predictions, but on the cosmic scale - given
Einstein's 1917 argument - they do not. For the later interpretation
claims that the topology of Space is non-Euclidean, that Space is closed,
while the former interpretation claims that it is Euclidean. The original
interpretation claims that all rods are deformed by the presence of
massive bodies, but, as we have seen, however they are deformed, they
will measure the true topology of Space. Hence this interpretation
predicts that measuring rods will measure a Euclidean topology, while
the later interpretation claims that they will measure a non-Euclidean
topology. The grounds for choosing between the two interpretations
are the normal grounds for choosing between scientific theories. I shall
henceforward understand by the General Theory of Relativity the
interpretation which involves the claim that very short rods of negligible
thickness preserve everywhere the same length, since this is the one
normally used by physicists today.
In the light of the argument of this chapter, it is now clear how the
question raised at the end of Chapter 3 whether Space is M-absolute or
. M-relative is to be settled. To say that it is M-absolute is to say that its
geometrical properties are independent of the physical objects which it
contains; to say that it is M-relative is to say that they are dependent on
them. If the geometry of Space varies from place to place, dependent on
the concentration of physical objects, then Space is M-relative; if it does
not, then Space is M-absolute. The geometry of Space is the geometry
112 Space and Time
which would be measured by a rod corrected for all deforming
influences. To account for coincidences between approximately rigid
rods not being preserved under transport, we have to postulate
differential influences, Ifit adds to the simplicity of the physical system,
we must also postulate universal influences, so long as our ordinary
understanding of when a rod has approximately preserved its length is
not thereby violated,
In this chapter we have considered what it means to say that Space has
a certain geometry. The Space in which we live is clearly far too large for
investigations into its geometry to be carried out in terms of rigid rods.
The question therefore arises how we can determine by. less direct
methods the geometry of our Space. This question will be considered in
Chapter 14.


(1] Euclid, The Elements.

For an elementary summary of the properties of the three non-
Euclidean congruence geometries discussed in the text, see:
[2] H, P, Manning, Introductory non-Euclidean Geometry, New York,
For a good historical account of the genesis of non-Euclidean geometry,
[3] R. Bonola, Non-Euclidean Geometry (trans. H. S. Carslow), New
York, 1955.
For Einstein's original presentation of the General Theory of Relativity
and his original conclusions about the geometry of space, see:
[4] A. Einstein, 'The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity'
(originally published 1916) a,nd 'Cosmological Considerations on
the General Theory of Relativity' (originally published 1917) in
A. Einstein et al., The Principle of Relativity (trans. W. Perrett and
G. B, Jeffery) London, 1923.
F or philosophical discussion of the issues see:
[5] I. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Transcendental Aesthetic.
[6] H. Poincare, Science and Hypothesis (originally published 1902)
New York, 1952, part ii,
[7] H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time (originally
The Geometry of Space 113

published 1928) (trans. M. Reichenbach and J. Freund), New York,

1957, ch. l.
[8] Rudolf Camap, Philosophical Foundations of Physics, New York
and London, 1966, part iii. (This gives a simple modem exposition
of Reichenbach's 'conventionalist' standpoint.)
7 The Dimensions of Space
The pure geometer generalising Euclid's system co~structs self-
consistent geometries of any number of dimensions. 1 Which of these can
be physical geometries, viz. can have application to physical space when
'point', 'line', 'plane', etc., have the senses described in Chapters 2 and 6?
An important example of a non-physical interpretation of four-
dimensional pure geometry is provided by the geometrisation of the
physics of Relativity Theory initiated by Minkowski. His four-
dimensional space is usually called 'Space-Time'. The points thereof
represent point-instants, points of space at temporal instants. To give
the point-instant of an event is to say where and when it occurred. To
identify a point-instant four coordinates are necessary, viz. three spatial
and one temporal. 'Space-Time' has become a central entity in the
structure of the General Theory of Relativity essential for giving
explanations and making predictions. But the 'distance' between two
points in Space-Time is not a distance, nor the 'direction' a direction in
the normal sense.
But we are concerned with the question whether in the normal
physical senses of the terms it is logically possible that there be spaces of
dimensions other than three, which are, of course, the dimensions of our
own physical space. One- and two-dimensional geometries certainly
have application to segments of our physical sense. But is it logically
possible that there be a complete space of one or two or more than three
Before answering this question we must examine the prior question
what it means to say that a 'space' in the pure geometer's sense has, for
some n, n dimensions. The normal way of answering this question until
the beginning of this century and still subsequently provided in works on
metrical geometry, though not in works on topology, is to say that a
space is n-dimensional if and only if n real coordinates are necessary and
sufficient for unique identification of points. Thus a Euclidean plane will

I For description of how multi-dimensional Euclidean geometries are developed

from three-dimensional Euclidean geometry see [2).

The Dimensions of Space 115
be two-dimensional because if you mark a straight line on the plane, you
can uniquely identify any point by its perpendicular distance from the
line and the distance along the line to where the perpendicular from the
point cuts the line, but not if you use a smaller number of measurements.
If a point is m units of perpendicular distance away from a specified line
and the perpendicular cuts the line n units along it, then with this system
of identifying points it will have the coordinates (m, n). Two and only
two seem to be needed. Physical space is three-dimensional because any
point can be uniquely identified by its perpendicular distance from each
of three planes; and thus apparently by three and no less than three
, coordinates.
The trouble with this definition, as it stands, is that by it all 'spaces',
including our own physical space, would in fact turn out to be one-
dimensional. This is because of Cantor's proof that all the pairs of
rational numbers can be put into one-one correspondence with the
rational numbers; and all the pairs of real numbers can be put into one-
one correspondence with the real numbers (and so any plane into one-
one correspondence with any line). Hence any n-ad of real numbers
sufficient for unique identification of a point can be given a unique single
number. One coordinate will suffice to identify any point in physical or
any other 'space'.
Hence \ topologists favour a different kind of definition of dimension.
Their definition adumbrated by Poincare, and developed by Brouwer,
Urysohn, and Menger l defines a space as n-dimensional if n is the least
integer for which every point has arbitrarily small neighbourhoods
whose boundaries have dimensions less than n. The dimension of a space
is thus defined by the dimension' of the neighbourhood of a point of the
space, and it by the dimension of its boundary. The empty set is defined
as having the dimension-I, and hence a point has a dimension O.
Physical space is thus three-dimensional because any small region R of
that space is bounded by an object S, and that object is bounded by an
object L, and L is bounded by a point. So L must be one-dimensional, S
two-dimensional, and R (and so physical space) three-dimensional.
Now I believe that the older definition can be made serviceable by
placing an obvious restriction on the type of coordinate used, so that the
Cantorian objection no longer applies. The restriction is that the
coordinates shall be measurements of 'distance'. (I f n measurements of
'distance' serve for unique identification of points, then n measurements

'.For precise modern formulation of Menger's definition see [I], p'.24, For the
history of the definition see [I] Chapter I,
116 Space and Time
of 'distance' or 'direction' will also serve, since a measurement of a
'direction' is a measurement of the ratios of 'distances'.) This restriction
is evidently tacitly implied in claims about the dimensionality of physical
space which relied on the original definition. To say that physical space
is three-dimensional is to say that three measurements of distance are
necessary and sufficient to identify any point. If we replace the triad of
nwnbers which identify a point by a single nwnber, that single number
cannot measure the number of units of distance (or direction) at which
the point lies from parts of some frame.
This can be seen by a feature of the Cantorian method for putting the
points of a plane P and a line L into one-one correspondence. The points
of P and L can be put into one-one correspondence, but not into one-one
continuous correspondence. This means that in general the straight lines
of P will not correspond to continuous segments of L. Hence all points
of P which are very close to each other can have associated with them
pairs of coordinates, each mem ber of which differs but slightly from the
corresponding member of the other pair. But if the points are given
single coordinates by being associated with L, this will not in general
hold. Very close points will have wildly different coordinates. The points
with the single coordinates 2 and I might very well be at far greater
distance from each other than the points I and 1000. If single
coordinates are used for identification of points of a Euclidean plane,
they cannot be measurements of distance.
The older definition with the restriction runs as follows: a 'space' is n-
dimensional if and only if n measurements of 'distance' (or 'direction')
are necessary and sufficient for unique identification of any point. With
the restriction the older definition and the topologist's definition will
yield the same dimensions as each other for Euclidean spaces and many
other spaces including the elliptic and hyperbolic spaces discussed in the
last chapter, viz. if such a space is n-dimensional on one definition, it will
be n-dimensional on the other.
Which definition are we to choose? Clearly, that definition which
brings out best what we ordinarily mean when we say that a Euclidean
plane has two dimensions or that physical space has three dimensions.
Since the topologist's definition was only developed in the twentieth
century! and the other definition is much older and is the only one which
most men learn when they learn geometry, it would seem that the older

! The same is true of any other definitions which may be proposed, e.g. that
provided in [I] p. 24, and hence the argument which I give against the
topologists' definition, if valid, holds against .them too.
The Dimensions of Space 117
definition is a better elucidation of our ordinary usage. This suggests
that if the older definition and the topologist's definition were for some
space to yield different results, we would say that the dimensions of the
space were those yielded by the older definition. True, the original
definition as amended is only of use for a metric 'space', viz. one in
which an analogous concept to that of distance can be introduced, and
the topologist's wider definition is of more use for his own purposes. But
in dealing with the dimensions of physical space, we are of course
dealing with a metric space.
I would suggest then that to say that a space has n-dimensions is to say
that it is possible uniquely to identify every point by n measurements of
distance or direction from some frame of reference and not possible by
less than n measurements. For many metrics including a Euclidean one,
the following system of measurement will give unique identification of
any point P. In a one-dimensional space you need only specify distance
from a given point along the line. In a two-dimensional space you need
one straight line given in advance. A straight line is then drawn from P to
the given line perpendicular to it. Distances are then measured from an
origin to the point of intersection of the lines, and from the point of
interesection to P. In a space of three dimensions a line is drawn from P
perpendicular to a given plane. Two measurements of distance are then
needed to locate the point on the plane where it is cut by the line from P;
and another measurement to measure distance along the line from the
plane to P. So three measurements of distance uniquely identify P. In a
space offour dimensions, a line is drawn from P perpendicular to a given
hyperplane, a hyperplane being a three-dimensional entity produced by
moving a plane kept parallel to itself in a direction perpendicular to
itself. Three measurements are necessary to locate the point of
perpendicular intersection with the hyperplane of a line from the point,
and a further measurement to measure the distance along the intersect-
ing line. Four measurements of distance in all are thus necessary
uniquely to identify a point; and so on for spaces of higher dimensions:
We can always substitute a measurement of direction for a measurement
of distance. Thus spherical polar coordinates use one measurement of
distance (the distance along the straight line joining the origin 0 to the
point under investigation P) and two measurements of direction (the
angle which this line makes with a given plane, and the angle which a
certain projection of the line on to the plane makes with a given line).
In a different metric from the Euclidean it might be necessary to make
measurements from a frame of reference in a different way. Thus in a
plane of some more complicated metric we might need to make one
118 Space and Time
measurement along a given circle and the other measurement along a
line of a certain curvature joining the circle and the point whose location
we are measuring. We might need to do this because the space might be
such that no line from certain pointsinteresected at right-angles a given
straight line such as we would use for measurements in a Euclidean
space. But to claim that the space is n-dimensional is to claim that a way
of measuring can be laid down in advance so that every point can be
uniquely identified by giving n coordinates which represent measure-
ments of distance and cannot be uniquely identified by giving less than n
Clearly the dimension of a space, as we have defined it, is a property
thereof invariant under continuous deformation and hence a topologi-
cal property. For suppose an n-dimensional space S to be changed into a
space S' by a series of continuous deformations D, 0',0", etc. Now ifby
measuring along certain lines n measurements were previously necess-
ary, then n measurements will now be necessary if we measure along the
lines obtained from the previous ones by the deformations D, 0', 0", etc.
Hence if n was the minimum number of measurements necessary for
unique identification of points in S, points in S can be uniquely
identified by n measurements. Hence continuous deformation cannot
increase the dimensions of a space. Nor therefore can it (lecrease the
dimensions of a space; for, if it could, the reverse deformation would
increase the dimensions.
Having now clarified what it means to say of a 'space' in the pure
geometer's sense that it has, for some n, n-dimensions, we must now
revert to applied geometry and inquire whether it is a logically necessary
truth that physical space is three-dimensional.
Kant claimed 'that complete space (which is not itself the boundary of
another space) has three dimensions, and that space in general cannot
have more, is built on the proposition that not more than three lines can
intersect at right-angles in a point. This proposition cannot be shown
from concepts, but rests immediately on intuition, and indeed because it
is apodictically certain, on pure intuition a priori' ( [4] § 12). All Kant's
philosophical predecessors who discussed the question also argued for
the necessity in a stronger sense than 'physical' of the tridimensionality
of space. Aristotle simply stated that bodies were divjsible in three ways
and that nothing was divisible in more than three ways.! Ptolemy,
according to Simplicius, argued that space must be three-dimensional,
because distances are measured along perpendicular lines and that only

I Aristotle, On the Heavens, 268a-b.

The Dimensions of Space 119

three lines can be mutually perpendicular at a point. 1 Ptolemy

apparently was the first to use this argument, used afterwards by others
including Galile0 2 and Kant 3 • They argued that the conclusion that
space is n-dimensional follows from the premiss:

I. n and only n straight lines can be mutually perpendicular at any


However the conclusion only follows if further premisses hold. The

two which these writers take for granted are:

2. Each point P can be uniquely identified by its perpendicular

distance from some point P' on any object formed by moving one of
the n lines perpendicular to each other at some point parallel to itself
in a perpendicular direction, by moving the resulting surface parallel
to itself in a perpendicular direction, and so on until (n, - I) lines are
exhausted. P', given that it lies on the object previously described, can
be uniquely identified by its perpendicular distance from a point p"
on any object formed by the same process from all but one of (n - I)
lines used previously, and so on. NOlle of these points, however, can
be identified by their perpendicular distance from objects formed by
similar motions ora smaller number of perpendicular lines than those
stated. Hence n measurements beginning with distance along a line
from an origin point will uniquely identify P, but (n - I) will not.
3. There is no other method of measurement whereby fewer
measurements are needed uniquely to identify a point.

I Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle's 'On the Heavens', 7a, 33. Quoted in [2],
2 Galileo Galilei, Dialogue Concerning the two Chief World Systems (trans. S.
Drake), (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1962), p. 14.
3 In his discussion Kant [4] also refers to the fact that similar but incongruent
two-dimensional counterparts, viz. a shape and its mirror image, can be made
congruent by rotation in a three-dimensional space; but similar but incongruent
three-dimensional counterparts, such as a left and a right hand, cannot be
brought into congruence by any known physical procedure. It was subsequently
proved in the nineteenth century that any two (n - I )-dimensional objects
metrically symmetrical about an (n - 2)-dimensional object can only be brought
into congruence in an n-dimensional space. The fact that the left and right hand
cannot be brought into congruence by any known physical procedure is only
further evidence for and consequence of the tridimensionality of physical space,
not a proof of the logical necessity or contingency of this fact.
120 Space and Time
Both these latter conditions hold in Euclidean geometry if the first
condition holds, but this is not so in all pure geometries. Given the latter
conditions and given that only three lines can be mutually per-
pendicular, it follows deductively that space must be three-dimensional.
But to prove that the conclusion holds of logical necessity, we need first
to show that geometries in which the two latter conditions stated above
do not hold when the first does hold are not logically possible
geometries. And secondly we need to prove that granted that in fact in
our Universe no more than three straight lines can be mutually
perpendicular at a point, this must be so of any universe. The logical
necessity of these conditions seems no more obvious than that space be
three-dimensional..Ptolemy has shown no firmer foundation for our
In a different tradition some seem to have reasoned somewhat vaguely
that since for any n, there is a perfectly consistent n-dimensional pure
geometry, the fact that points of physical space need three and only three
coordinates for unique identification is a merely empirical matter. This
of course does not follow, for it would have to be shown that there is
nothing in the nature ofa point, in the sense elucidated in Chapters 2 and
6, which limits its necessary identifying coordinates to three. No.
proposition about the possibilities of pure geometry could prove that.
What is needed is an examination of the properties of points.
With the arrival of multi-dimensional geometries in the nineteenth
century and even earlier, a number of attempts were made to show that
the tridimensionality of space was contingent by attempting to explain it
as the conseq uence of the operation of some scientific law. For if it can
be shown that the tridimensionality of space is a consequence of some
scientific and so logically contingent law, then if a different law held
space would have different dimensions. Since any given scientific law
might, it is logically possible, not have held, the dimensions of space
would be a logically contingent matter. The prototype of such expla-
nation was, interestingly, given by Kant in a phase of his thought prior
to the writing of the Critique and the Prolegomena. He noted that
'substances in the existing· world so act upon one another that the
strength of the action holds inversely as the square of the distances' ( [3]
§ 10). Gravitational effect is propagated in inverse proportion to the
square of distances of bodies affected; and, as was discovered a few years
after Kant had written this, so too is magnetostatic and electrostatic
effect. Now let a source of attraction or repulsion be surrounded by
particles all lying at some specified distance from it and completely
enclosing the source. Let us call the sum of the changes of momentwn
The Dimensions of Space 121

produced by the source in all these particles at the distance the total
effect of the source at that distance. If we assume that the total effect of
some source of force is the same at any distance, and if we assume a
Euclidean geometry, as Kant of course did, then in a three-dimensional
space an inverse square law of attraction or repulsion must apply. For
the particles completely enclosing the source all lying at some specified
distance from it will form a two-dimensional surface, the area of which is
proportional to the square of the distance from the source. Conversely if
the attraction or repulsion on any particle is inversely proportional to
the square of the distance, and the total effect at any distance is the same
and geometry is Euclidean, space must be three-dimensional. Though
Kant does not making his argument completely clear, it seems to be as I
have stated it, and others ' used later the argument which I have stated.
This argument is perfectly valid, but the conclusion which the early Kant
wished to draw from its conclusion - that the tridimensionality of space
was logically contingent - does not follow. Kant claimed that owing to
the inverse square law 'the whole which thence arises has the property of
threefold dimension, that this law is arbitrary, and that God could have
chosen another, for instance the inverse threefold relation; and lastly
that from a different law an extension with other properties and
dimensions would have arisen' ([3] §. 10). This further argument is that
since the existence of inverse square laws as opposed to inverse cube laws
is clearly contingent, then if we suppose a different law to hold, e.g. an
inverse cube law, given also that the total effect of a force at any distance
from a source was the same and space was Euclidean, space would have
other dimensions. Hence the tridimensionality of space is a contingent
consequence of the existence of inverse square laws. But although the
existence of inverse cube laws is clearly logically possible, the question
arises whether the existence of inverse cube laws is logically compatible
with the operation of the principle of total effect in a Euclidean space.
Only if it could be shown that the three suppositions together describe a
logically possible universe, could the tridimensionality of our space be
attributed to the operation of inverse square laws. Only then would it
follow that God could have brought about 'an extension with other
properties and dimensions'. The later Kant no doubt saw this point.
Similar arguments purporting to prove that the tridimensionality of
space was the consequence of some scientific principles and so con-
tingent have been much used ever since Kant. 2 They mostly have the

1 See [7J p. 177, ror examples.

2 See [7] ror an account or these.
122 Space and Time
same structure and suffer from the same deficiency as his argument.
TheY,have two premisses-one PI describing a purported contingent
feature of our Universe (in Kant's example, the operation of inverse
square laws) and the other P 2 (sometimes not made very explicit) a
proposed necessary truth, It may be alleged that P 2 states a necessary
truth in the ordinary senses of the terms (as Kant seems to have
considered that the combined principles that the total effect of a force is
the same at any distance from a source and that the geometry of space is
Euclidean, did). Alternatively it may be proposed that P 2 be taken as
stating a necessary truth, be adopted as a useful convention for science ..
But then given that P 2 is necessary and P J contingent, . P 2and not - P J'
must describe a possible state of affairs. For no necessary truth can ru'le
out some contingent possibility. Hence, the argument goes, the dimen-
sions of space depend on the contingent feature of our universe
described by PI and so are a contingent matter. On investigation
however, it usually proves that P 2 does not state a necessary truth, in the
ordinary senses of the terms. If we admit that P2 states only a contingent
truth, it is open to question whether' P 2 and not-PI' describes a logically
possible state of affairs; for if we accept P 2 we may be committed thereby
to denying not-P I' If on the other hand P 2 is a necessary truth or we take
it as such, it becomes in no way obvious that PI is a contingent truth,
that the opposite of PI is at all conceivable.
I will take just one example of another such argument to illustrate the
fallacies. This argument to prove the contingency of the dimensionality
of space comes from Reichenbach [3], and is in fact a more general form
of Kant's argument. His PI' which he does not give in detail, would
consist of a full description of how events in our universe at one place
affect events at first at a certain group of places, and then another group
of places; of how effects are propagated. P 2 is the proposition that all
action is by contact, which, it is claimed, would be a useful proposition
for science to adopt. Now PI is superficially contingent. If I press a
button on my desk, what happens where next is a logically contingent
matter. Perhaps a light will go on in the ceili~g or a current be produced
in an electric wire or anything may happen. If, however, we assume that
P 2 states a 10gicalIy necessary truth it follows that the places affected by
my action must be contiguous with the button, and this with the
information provided by PI leads, Reichenbach claims, to a unique
dimensionality of space. Thus if the places are not contiguous in a three-
dimensional space, it follows that there is a further dimension. Hence,
the argument goes, the dimensions of space are a consequence of the
contingent truth stated by PI'
The Dimensions of Space 123
Now in fact P 2 in the ordinary senses of the terms does not state a
necessary truth. It clearly makes perfectly good sense in an ordinary way
to suppose that my action affects a distant body immediately without
affecting the intervening medium. We can imagine this happening; we
can imagine that every test to prove that the intervening medium was
affected in intermediate time failed. On the basis of this we would
ordinarily be regarded asjustified in concluding that actions could have
effects at a distance without the intervening medium being affected. If,
however, we insist that in some way not directly detectable the medium
must have been affected, it immediately becomes doubtful to what
extent PI is contingent. It is no longer obvious that it is contingent what
places I can immediately affect by my action. Kant's, Reichenbach's,
and similar purported proofs of the contingency of the tridimensionality
of space fail in the same way. .
Admittedly, as I argued on p. 7 the fact that evidence appears to
confirm a statement gives grounds for supposing that that statement is a
meaningful factual statement. Evidence appears to confirm a statement
if that statement is simple and successfully predicts that evidence. It
might be possible to argue (as I do not think that Kant and Reichenbach
effectively do argue) that some physical theory including a claim that
Space was n-dimensional (where n is not equal to 3) was a simple theory
which would lead us to expect certain observational evidence, which we
do in fact find; and hence that there could be evidence which apparently
confirmed the claim that Space had dimensions other than three. But
such evidence would only really confirm that claim if the claim was a
logically possible one, that is if it contained no contradiction. Nonsense
may sound simple and predict successfully. I shall suggest that there are
positive grounds for believing that the claim that physical Space has
dimensions other than three is not a logically possible one. I shall do this
by attempting to describe worlds of dimensions other than three. We
shall find difficulties of different kinds standing in the way of giving
coherent descriptions of worlds of less than three dimensions, and of
giving coherent descriptions of worlds of more than three dimensions.
The places of such worlds will be of dimensions other than three and
so too therefore will be the 'material objects' which occupy them.
However on the analysis which we gave ofa material object in Chapter I
'material object' was defined by some standard examples, rocks, chairs,
tables, etc., and whatever is composed of such, composes such, or
excludes such. All of these examples being apparently three-
dimensional, it looks as if on this analysis material objects must be three-
dimensional, and so must be the places which they could occupy. In my
124 Space and Time
investigations I shall for the present ignore this point and assume that a
wider understanding of 'material object' is possible.
Recalling then that to say that Space is n-dimensional is to say that n
measurements of distance (or direction) are necessary and sufficient
uniquely to identify any point, let us see if we can give a coherent
description of a two-dimensional world. I
In a two-dimensional world 'material objects' including agents would,
be two-dimensional, like patterns or painfings or the surfaces of objects
in our world. They could be moved and, if agents, move themselves in all
directions across the two-dimensional surface, which was the Universe,
unless impeded by other objects or by forces. The boundaries of material
objects would be formed by lines, and an agent touching objects or
perceiving them in other ways would perceive their one-dimensional
boundary and thereby learn about the objects. He would not be able to
see the inside of objects without looking through their one-dimensional
boundaries (similar to edges in our world). We may also suppose - to
satisfy Reichenbach - that
effects would be propagated
with finite velocity by con-
tact and only across the sur-
face. In such a world two
measurements of distance
would appear to suffice un-
iquely to identify any point;
for one and only one point P
would lie n units of length
along a line of a certain
Curvature intersecting a fi-
Figure 6 xed line L at a certain angle,
Diagram of 'material objects' in a the intersection with L of the
'two-dimensional world' line from Plying m units
along L from an origin.
Agents in the world which I have described might well conclude that
space is two-dimensional. We have supposed that it is physically
impossible for material objects to move or effects to be propagated
except on the surface. Hence inhabitants of such a world might well have
no conception that it is logically possi ble that the objects should be
moved otherwise than on the surface. They might have no such

I For a much fuller attempt to give a coherent description of a two-dimensional

world, see the Victorian romance Flafland-[8].

The Dimensions of Space 125
conception. But it seems in no way necessary that they lack such a
conception. For if they reflected on the structure of the 'boundaries' of
'material objects', as I have described them, it might occur to them that
while the 'boundaries' had one very noticeable dimension oflength, they
also all possessed a very tiny height, and so it be possible for-the 'material
objects' to move out ofthe surface. This might in fact escape their notice,
but I see no necessary reason why it should. Anyway, whether or not the
inhabitants noti~ed the fact, it is clearly logically possible that the two-
dimensional 'material objects' should be elevated above the surface or
depressed below it. We, aware that patterns and pictures can be moved
upwards as well as sideways, realise that the logical possibility exists
even if the physical possibility does not. Since it is logically possible that
the 'material objects' be moved out of the surface, there must be places,
and so points, outside the surface, since a place is wherever, it is logically
possible, a material object could be. Hence points would need a third
coordinate, specifying their distance above or below the plane, to
identify them uniquely. The only way in which we can describe 'material
objects' of a two-dimensional universe is as patterns or pictures in our
universe, but this very description pennits the logical possibility of their
moving above or below the surface. Hence the purported description of
a two-dimensional world fails. The world described by me would in fact
be a three-dimensional world.
The situation then in the two-dimensional case is that there is a
perfectly conceivable situation in which the inhabitants of a universe
could claim with some justification that space was two-dimensional, but
we with superior knowledge of the possibilities of motion of material
objects would know that they were mistaken. There cannot in fact be a
two-dimensional space. What applies to the two-dimensional case must
a fortiori apply to any alleged one-dimensional case. I therefore
conclude that there cannot be a space of less than three dimensions.
What of space of more than three dimensions? Could there be a four-
dimensional space? In such a world we would need four coordinates to
determine points. If we set about locating points by the criteria of our
world (e.g. perpendicular distance from a point on a given plane) we
would find that very many points satisfied any description. We would
find that very many points were x f1. of perpendicular distance from any
point on some plane and no other system of identifying points by three
measurements would serve for unique identification. However, four
measurements would suffice to identify any point uniquely.
Material objects would also be four-dimensional and would be
terminated by three-dimensional boundaries similar to our material
126 Space and Time
objects. Objects and agents could move and be moved not merely or
necessarily in the directions known to us (which are combinations. orthe
three directions given by three rods meeting at right-angles to each
other) but in infinitely many other directions. (In a rour-dimensional
universe or Euclidean geometry or many other geometries rour rods
couJd meet mutually at right-angles - see Figure 7. The possible
directions or motion would then be combinations or these rour
directions.) Since material objects would be terminated by three-
dimensional boundaries an observer would be able to see all points on
these 'straight-ofT', and perceive rour-dimensional objects through
perceiving their three-dimensional boundaries.
Rods mutually at right angles in our Rods mutually at right angles in the
world: purported four-dimensional
Euclidean world.

o~------c o~------c

Figure 7
Such a world is, I now argue, inconceivable. U such a world were
conceivable, then an inhabitant or it, ir it were to exist, would judge that
our world was· rperely the surrace or a four-dimensional world, that the
material objects or our world seemed to us to have only three dimensions
but in ract had a rourth. Because it is not physically possible that our
objects move in a direction other than the three ramiliar to us we-
ralsely, according to such an outside observer - would claim that no
other type or movement was logically possible. But physical impossi-
bility would have, he would say, closed our eyes to logical possibility. If
there were a four-dimensional universe, this claim or its inhabitant
would be correct. For his argument would have exactly the same
structure as our argument to prove the impossibility or a two-
dimensional world. He would be aware or logical possibilities to which
our eyes are closed.
The Dimensions of Space 127
Now if our 'space' is in fact the boundary of a four-dimensional space,
there must be directions in our Universe other than those which are
combinations of the directions given by three mutually perpendicular
rods. Where are these directions? An object should be able to move in
directions other than back and forward, to this side and that, up and
down. But how could it? The suggestion that it might does not describe
anything which we can conceive, of which we can make sense. No
motion is conceivable which takes us 'outside' our three-dimensional
world and enables us to look at it 'thence'.
A second objection, similar to the first, is this. An observer outside our
hyperplane would be able to observe at any instant all the 'inside' of any
three-dimensional object known to us, such as a cube, just as we can
observe at an instant the inside of any two-dimensional object. This
initially seems conceivable. We imagine ourselves seeing the inside of a
cube if we look into it through a number of transparent layers. But this is
not seeing the 'inside' of the cube in the way that we see the inside of a
surface. We can see the inside of a surface without looking through
transparent layers of the surface from the edge. But what would it mean
to see the 'inside' of a cube without looking through its Dounding
surfaces? No sense seems to pertain to such a notion.
Thirdly, if our world was a four-dimensional world, a man ought to be
able to pass across a cube without passing across its two-dimensional
bounding planes; as we can pass across a two-dimensional surface
without passing over its one-dimensional edges. Yet no meaning would
seem to attach to such a purported description. For these reasons I
conclude that no sense can be given to the thesis that we live in a four-
dimensional space and hence Jo the thesis that space could be four-
dimensional. My objections apply afortiori to the suggestion that space
might have dimensions greater than four. ] therefore conclude that space
must of logical necessity have three dimensions.
Some have attenpted to make sense of a four-dimensional space by
picturing as in Figure 7 four rods mutually at right-angles. We imagine
ourselves measuring the six angles LAOB, LBOe, LeOD, LAOe,
LAOD, LBOD and finding that they each measured a quarter ofa circle.
But even if we discover that n and no more than n rods fit mutually at
right-angles, that 90es not by itself mean that we have found an n-
dimensional universe. It will only do so, as we have noted on pp. 119, if
further conditions are satisfied. We noted two conditions true in our
universe, the joint satisfaction of which guarantees that if four and no
more than four rods can meet mutually at right-angles, space is four-
dimensional. It is not, however, logically possible that one of these
128 Space and Time
conditions be satisfied if four rods meet mutually at right-angles. This is
the condition which states that each point of space P can be. uniquely
identified by its perpendicular distance from some point P' on some
object constructed by the procedure described on p. 119 from (n - I )
perpendicular lines but not from the object constructed by that pro-
cedure from (n - 2) perpendicular lines. This means that we would
have to be able to construct a three-dimensional object at some point 0
by moving "the plane OAB parallel to itself along the line ~C, and
measure distance along a line perpendicular to this object, viz. 0 D. Hence
OD would have to pass through 0 without touching the object at any
neighbouring point - for if it did touch the object at a point next to but
distinct from 0, it would not be perpendicular to the object. That OD
touch the object at no neighbouring point is clearly incQnceivable. Hence
it is inconceivable that any point can be identified by its perpendicular
distance from any object constructed from three mutually perpendicular
lines by the procedure described on p. 119. So the further condition
would not be satisfied. Even if four rods can be placed mutually at right-
angles,l that does not guarantee l\ four-dimensional geometry.
The position then with purported two- (and one-)2 dimensional
spaces is that a certain world which many might wish to describe as a

I In the most convincing description of a four-dimensional universe known to

me Honor Brotman [6] has argued that it is conceivable that four rods meet
mutually at right-angles. However she has not shown this because in order to
establish that the angles are right-angles (in her terminology 'square angles') she
uses as a criterion for the: straightness ofa rod ( [6] p. 254) 'The look of the thing'.
But clearly a rod may look straight without being straight. The tests for the
straightness of a rod are that it lies along a straight line, the tests for which I have
described on pp. 63f. However, she may well be right that it is possible for four
rods to meet mutually at right-angles. But I claim to have shown that if four rods
could be arranged mutually aC right-angles this would only mean that the
Universe was four-dimensional if further sets of conditions were satisfied, and
that the most likely of these of logical necessity cannot be satisfied if four rods
meet mutually at right-angles.
2 Though there are difficulties with a one-dimensional space which do not arise
with a two-dimensional space. Given that - by definition - material objects
cannot be penetrated by other material objects, no measurements could take
place in a 'one-dimensional space' since 'material objects' could not there be
circumvented by measuring rods. Measuring rods which are not material objects
would not measure distance as we have analysed distance. So how could sense be
given to the notion of something being at a certain distance from something else?
Abbott's description of , Line land' in [8} sections 13-14 does not really meet this
difficulty. He replaclls the concept of distance by something bearing little
resemblance to it.
The Dimensions of Space 129
two-dimensional world was conceivable but that the description was
mistaken. For purported spaces of more than three dimensions the
position is that the situation which we would wish to describe as a
four-dimensional world is not a conceivable one. The concepts
such as straightness and angle by which we determine the distance
and direction of objects are such that it is not possible that a point
could not be identified uniquely by three measurements of distance
and direction. Of course one could so define concepts of 'straight' and
'angle' and 'place"that this was possible and so also that space be four-
dimensional. But to say this is no more informative about physical space
that it would be informative to be told about mathematics that with
suitable definitions of '2', '+' and ' = ' one could ensure that
'2 + 2 = 5'. With such concepts of straightness and angle as we have,
space must be three-dimensional.
But, it may be objected, how do we know that we are not in the same
situation as the inhabitants of the purported two-dimensional world
described earlier? It seemed to them that only two lines could be
mutually perpendicular. They made this mistake because it was not
physically possible for the 'objects' with which they were familiar to
move outside their surface. Might not we be making a similar mistake in
supposing that our space is three-dimensional because it is not
physically possible for the objects with which we are familiar to move
outside the three-dimensional hyperplane? It must be admitted that we
might be making just this mistake. But the concession that what we have
apparently proved to be clearly inconceivable might, just might, be
conceivable, is a concession that must be made, as similar concessions
must be made for all purported proofs in philosophy and mathematics
and in other fields. There might, just might, be a surface which was both
red and green all over at the same time, despite the apparent
inconceivability of such a surface. All the human race might be subject
to some odd mental blockage in failing to realise that such a surface was
a logical possibility. So too our proofs that a four-dimensional (or two-
dimensional) space is inconceivable might be wrong. But I urge that the
difficulties of giving sense to these notions are apparently overwhelming,
and hence the onus is on him who wishes to deny our thesis to overcome


For a modern mathematical exposition of the theory of dimensions , see:

[I] W. Hurewiczand H. Wallman, Dimension Theory, Princeton, 1941.
130 Space and Time
For the basic theorems of four-dimensional Euclidean geometry, and
for a clear exposition of the way in which multi-dimensional geometry
has developed from three-dimensional geometry, see:
[2] H. P. Manning, Geometry 0/ Four Dimensions, New York, 1956.
For philosophical discussion of the necessity of the tridimensionality of
Space, see:
[3] I. Kant, Thoughts on the True Estimation 0/ Lil'ing Forces (first
published 1747), §§ 9'-10. A translation by N. Kemp-Smith appears
in Kant's Inaugural Dissertation and Early Writings on Space (trans.
John Handyside), Chicago and London, 1929.
[4] I. Kant, Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics (first published
1783) (trans. P. G. Lucas), Manchester, 1953, §§ 11-13.
[5] H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy 0/ Space and Time (originally
published 1928)(trans. M. Reichenbach and 1. Freund), New York,
1958, § 44.
[6] H. Brotman, 'Could Space be Four-dimensional?', Mind, 1952,
reprinted in Essays in Conceptual Analysis (ed. A. Flew), London,
1956. My page reference refers (0 the latter volume.
For a history of attempted scientific explanations of the tri-
dimensionality of Space, see:
[7] M.1ammer, Concepts o/Space, Cambridge, Mass., 1954, pp. 172-
For a novel purporting to give coherent descriptions of one-, two-, and
four-dimensional universes, see:
[8 J E. A. Abbott, Flatland, 2nd and revised edn, London, 1884.
Republished Oxford, 1962.
8 Past andcFuture
So far I have dealt almost entirely with Space and its properties while
using temporal terms unanalysed. In this and the next three chapters I
shall be concerned to elucidate the meaning of temporal terms and
propositions about time.
Spatial things exist, their states persist or change during periods of
time; and anything during which a spatial thing could, it is logically
possible, exist is a period of time. Events are changes of states of things.
Not all things, the existence, states, and changes of state of which can be
dated, need have spatial location. As Kant pointed out, thoughts and
feelings exist for periods of time, but do not exist at a place.· The class of
temporal things is thus wider than but includes the class of spatial things.
Yet, as we noted on p. 15, in order to refer to temporal things as to ',>.
anything else we have to do so via spatial things. In order to identify a
thought we have to identify the person, a spatial thing, whose thought it
A temporal instant or moment is the smallest bit of time. Temporal
instants form the boundaries of periods of time. A period or interval
may last, say, from 3.00 p.m. on Tuesday until 4.30 a.m. on Wednesday.
To say that time is discrete or atomic or granular is to say that there are
only a finite number of instants in any period bounded by instants. To
say that it is dense or continnous is to say that there are in any period an
infinite number of instants (either of the order of the rational numbers,
or of the order of the real numbers. See p. 26 for an account of these
numbers in the exposition of the similar claim about space.) The only
meaning which I can give to such claims is as claims about the temporal
intervals which events can last - e.g. to say that time is discrete is to say
that there is some small finite interval such that it is physically possible
that events last an integral number of such intervals, but not 11 or 2! etc.
such intervals. In a similar way to the way in which Euclid defined a
'point' (see p. 99). Aristotle (Physics, 233G-234G) defined an 'instant',
as a unit of time without temporal parts. If time is discrete in any sense,

• I. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 850.

132 Space and Time
its instants will last some time; but if it is not discrete, they will last no
time at all. Still, even if time is not discrete, anything which lasts a very
short period of time in comparison with the periods in which we are
interested - e.g. the hand of a clock pointing to 12, or the sounding of a
short note - may be regarded for practical purposes as occurring at an
instant. The English word 'time' is unfortunately used in two very
different senses. In the first sense a 'time' means a temporal instant.
When we speak of the time at which events occur, we mean the temporal
instant at which they occur. In the second sense a 'time' is the sum of
temporal periods temporally related to each other. Periods are parts of
time in this sense. Space is the whole made of places, very small places
being points. But time unfortunately, in English, is made up of temporal
periods, very small periods being times. Having drawn attention to the
ambiguity, I shall avoid confusion by using 'time' in the second sense
only. I shall use and have used 'temporal instant' to do the job done by
'time' in the first sense.
In order to identify temporal objects, their states and changes of state,
uniquely, we have to specify, not merely where they existed or occurred,
but when. One instant of time is the present one and other instants
relative to it are past and future (I shall consider in Chapter 10 the thesis
that of logical necessity there is only one time and consequently that all
other instants are, relative to a given instant, past or future). Every past
instant was a present one. Every future instant will be a present one. The
present instant was future and will be past. All this is involved in what we
mean by past, present, and future.
The most basic and important thesis about time from which I shall
draw out most of the other logically necessary properties of time is the
thesis that the past is determinate of logical necessity, that is, that - of
logical necessity - the actions of agents and other causes can only affect
present or future states (and so changes of state, events) and not past
ones. I shall devote most of this chapter to discussing this thesis. In
discussion of this and related questions in' subsequent chapters I shall
often refer only to states or only to events, viz. changes of state. But what
I say about the one will apply to the other.
In one sense of course we can easily affect what is past and gone. What
men do now may very well make a difference to the correct description of
past events. Whether or not the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima was
the first of the only two ever to annihilate large cities depends on the
subsequent actions of soldiers and ,statesmen. Merely by pressing a
button a future statesman can make it not to have been the case that the
Hiroshima bomb was the first of the only two ever to annihilate large
Past and Future 133
cities. Again, whether or not Father Jones baptised in 1964 the next
century's greatest pianist depends on the subsequent career of little
John. But when philosophers and others claim that the past is
unalterable, they are not thinking of these cases. They are thinking of
cases such as the following. Nothing anyone can do now can make it not
have rained yesterday, or me not have travelled by train on Monday.
How can we distinguish the two sorts of case?
Statements apparently about a certain instant which, had they been
correctly positioned and executed all logically possible tests, observers
could have verified or falsified more conclusively at the instant referred
to than at any subsequent or prior instant, are indeed statements really
about that instant. Statements apparently about a certain instant which
observers, had they been correctly positioned and executed all logically
possible tests, would not have been able to verify or falsify at the instant
referred to more conclusively than at a prior or subsequent instant, are
statements with a covert past or future reference. By these criteria 'it
rained yesterday' turns out to be a statement really about the past. No
subsequent tests could show that it rained yesterday better than the best
tests which could have been made yesterday. On the other hand 'Father
Jones baptised in 1964 the next century's greatest pianist' turns out to
have covert future reference. Subsequent tests could show its truth or
falsity better than the best tests which could be made at the time (one
could show its falsity at the time only if Father Jones baptised nobody in
1964, but this is a circumstance which need not hold. All that is necessary
for the statement to have a covert future reference is that future tests
could be more relevant to establishing its truth-value than any possible
present tests.) Likewise '1972 will be the centenary of the passing of the
Ballot Act' seems to be about a future year, but actually has a covert past
reference, since verification and falsification could be achieved more
conclusively in 1872 than in any other year.
The distinction of importance for present purposes is between
statements really about the past and statements apparently about the
past but possessing a covert future reference. Statements apparently
about the past which turn out to have a covert future reference may in
fact be partly about the past and partly about the future. Thus the
statement made in 1968 . Father Jones baptised in 1964 the next
century's greatest pianist' can be analysed into two components: . Father
Jones baptised at least one person in 1964', and 'One person baptised by
Father Jones in 1964 will become the greatest pianist of the next
century'. The first component is by our standards solely about the past
and the second makes no pretence so to be (though of course it
134 Space and Time
presupposes the truth of a past statement for the applicability of its
referring term). Some statements apparently about the past but proving
to have a covert future reference may not be about the past at all. Of this
type is 'It was the case in 1964 that there will be a world war in 1984'.
The above distinction between statements really about the past and
statements with a covert future reference is one on which I shall rely
much in subsequent argument, and so it is important for me to make
quite clear what I am claiming. I am not claiming that we cannot in
practice often know subsequently (or prior) to some instant (1 what
happened at (1 better than we knew at that instant. But I am claiming
that for any amount of evidence we could have subsequently (or prior)
we could (logically) always have better evidence at the instant. Whatever
the evidence at (2 about who killed Smith at (1 still better evidence could
be obtained at (I by galleries of observers of the killing, provided with
evidence of the identity of the participants. It might not of course be
physically or practically possible for an observer to make the necess-
ary tests at (I' to ascertain whether A occurred at (I. Whether the
temperature of the interior of the Sun was Smo C at 4.00 p.m. on
I January 1966 is not something which could have been ascertained by
sending an observer to the middle of the Sun with some apparatus at that
instant. This is because the only observers which we could have sent and
who could have reported what the dial of the appropriate apparatus
indicated are ones who would have been killed long before they reached
their destination. But it is possible to conceive of an observer who did
not have this physical limitation and so could have made a report at 4.00
p.m. on I January 1966. The fact that this sort of evidence, ifmultiplied,
would always outweigh evidence from radiation received later on the
surface of the Earth and similar evidence means that the statement really
is a statement about the state of the Sun at 4.00 p.m. on I January 1966.
The possibility of verification or falsification referred to is logical and
not a physical one.
Now that this distinction has been made it should be clear that the
interesting question discussed by philosophers about bringing about the
past concerns statements really about the past. Could I, in a universe
with different causal laws, bring about the truth of a statement really
about the past. Could I really affect the past, e.g. make it not have rained
Clearly I could not change the past ~or the future either. To change
something is to make it different from what it was at another temporal
instant. I cannot make a thing ·at (I different from what it is, was, or will
be at (I ~ for this would imply that it both did and did not have some
Past and Future 135
property at t I' But the question remains whether I could bring about
,what a thing was at a past instant by my present action. 1
A recent claim that it is logically possible that we could affect the past
comes in an article by Michael Dummett [9], As his discussion brings
out the issues more fully than other discussions such as those mentioned
in the footnote to this page, I will consider his treatment of the
question, In so doing I hope to show conclusively that it is not logically
possible that anyone should be able to bring about a past state (or
Dummett describes the following as a situation in a possible universe
and then suggests that we should describe it as a situation where
someone affects by his present action what is past and gone:

Suppose we come across a tribe who have the following custom. Every
second year, the young men of the tribe are sent, as part of their
initiation ritual, on a lion hunt: they have to prove their manhood.
They travel for two days, hunt lions for two days and spend two days
on the return journey; observers gowith them, and report to the chief
on their return whether the young men acquitted themselves with
bravery or not ... while the young men are away from the village the
chief performs ceremonies - dances, let us say - intended to cause
the young men to act bravely. We notice that he continues to perform
these dances for the whole six days that the party is away, that is to
say, for two days during which the events that the dancing is supposed
to influence have already taken place ( [9], pp. 348f).

Is it logically possible that the chief's dancing of the last two days could
affect whether the young men had been brave? Suppose there is a strong
correlation between bravery of the young men and the chief dancing in
the last two days. We should naturally say in that case that the bravery
was the cause of the dancing and not vice versa, But suppose that ~ to
alI appearances - it is in the chief's power to dance or not. Whenever
the chief does dance, the evidence shows that the young men have been
brave. If the chief dances after the observers' report that they had not
been brave, the observers subsequently admit to 'lying'. ([9], p, 354),
Dummett concludes that in this situation we should say that the chief's
1 Both Ayer [2] and Russell [I] seem to have claimed that it is logically possible
that men should affect the past. Both have urged that it is only the fact that we
know so much about the past that makes us think that we Cannot affect it. But,
they claim, our relatively greater knowledge of the past than of the future is a
contingent matter.
136 Space and Time
dancing subsequent to the hunt produced the bravery of the young men,
made the young,men have been brave. He says that normally we assume
that a man can know whether a past event occurred independently of his
present intentions. This sort of case, he argues, would, however, force us
to reconsider this assumption.
There are here two issues which must be kept sharply distinct. One is
the main issue of whether it is logically possible that an action such as the
chief's dancing could have an effect at an earlier time. The other is
whether anyone could ever have any evidence that an action such as the
chief's dancing had an effect at an earlier time. A verificationist (see
p. 6) will hold that a negative answer to the latter question will entail a
negative answer to the former question; for him claims are only logically
possible factual claims if there can be evidence for or against them. I do
not wish to take the verificationist line, and so I will produce one
argument to show that there could never be any evidence that an action
had a past effect (without begging the question whether it is logically
possible that it could), and a second argument to show that it is not
logically possible that an action have a past effect. Someone who was not
convinced by the latter argument might still accept the former one,
Our grounds for believing that a past action has a future effect is that
before the action our evidence suggests that one ~hing is going to happen
in future, and after the action our evidence suggests that a different thing
is going to happen. Analogously any defender of the claim that there
could be evidence that an action had had a past effect must claim, as
Dummett does, that the action must produce changes in the evidence
about what happened in the past. Otherwise there would be no ground
for supposing that the action had any effect in the past at all. Now I shall
urge that no change in the evidence could possibly substantiate the claim
that some one had affected the past.
The evidence about what happened need not take the form solely or at
all of memory-claims by observers of the past event. It may alternatively
take the form of traces of the past event. Some present state of the world
is a trace of a former state (or event) if well-substantiated scientific laws
show that such a state (or event) normally precedes such a state. The
change in the evidence may therefore consist either, as in Dummett's
example, of a change in the memory claims, or of a change in the traces.
Suppose then that the advocate of the possibility of affecting the past
claims that an action at 12 , an instant subsequent to I l ' had the result that
the evidence about what happened at t 1 (that is, the memory claims and
observed traces about what happened) was different subsequently to 12 ,
let us say at t 3' from what it was at 11 and up to 12 . The evidence at 11 (and
Pasl and Fulure 137

up to 12) and the evidence at 13 (and at all instants since 12) suggest
ditTerent occurrences at I I' Then there are two alternatives. Either we
realise at 13 that a change has taken place at 12 in the evidence or we do
not. In the latter case we could never have any grounds for believing that
we had atTected the past, for we would have no knowledge of any change
in the evidence as to what had happened. So there would be no place in
our beliefs about the world for a belief that we could atTect the past. In
the former case we realise at 13 thatwe did something at 12 as a result of
which the observed evidence at 13 about what happened at I I is ditTerent
from what it was at I p one or other evidence having been atTected by the
action. This suggestion we must now examine more fully.
Which is the better evidence a bout what happened at I I - the
evidence observed at I I or that observed at 13? The first possibility (one
which Dummett does not consider) is that the evidence at I I might be
better and the evidence at 13 worse. But this claim cannot be made by an
observer at 13' For in claiming that the evidence at I I indicated more
truly than that at 13 what happened at I I' he is claiming that the evidence
available to him shows that the evidence at I I shows better what
happened at I I than does the evidence at 13 , But the evidence available to
the observer is the evidence at 13 , And what that shows is that what
happened at I I is what was indicated by the evidence at 13' Hence the
suggestion that the evidence at I I might be the better evidence proves
The other possibility (the one which Dummett does consider) is that
the evidence at 13 might be the better evidence. This could arise for the
reason that the evidence observed at I I was not typical (viz. had more
evidence been observed at I I' different conclusions could have been
drawn). But in that case the past has not been atTected by the action at 12 ,
The only etTect of the latter is to improve the condition and appreciation
of the evidence. But if it be said that the evidence observed at 13 is better
evidence despite the fact that the evidence observed at (I was typical of
the total possible evidence, then the evidence at I I and at 13 cannot be
really about what,happened at II' For, we concluded earlier, evidence
about what happened at (I could always - it is logically possible - be
obtained at (I better than at any other instant. If the evidence at (3 is
more to be relied on than any amount of evidence at I I' then what it is
evidence of cannot really be what happened at I I: the description
allegedly of what happened at I I must have a covert future reference.
Let us apply these points to Dummett's example. The young men
return and the observers report that they have not been brave. The chief
then dances. The observers then say that they previously gave untrue
138 Space and Time
reports. The young men really had been brave after all. Now the
observers may believe that they lied, that they knew all along that the
young men had been brave. In which case they would have no grounds
for saying that the chief's dance had affected the past; the only effect of
the chief's dance was, they must conclude, to make them now tell the
truth. If others who heard the two reports believed that the observers
had lied, they too must conclude that the only effect of the chief's dance
was to elicit truth from lying observers. On the other hand the observers
might now believe that the young men had been brave without believing
that they had believed this when they gave their first report. They would
not in that case, if they were now being honest, say that they had lied
previously, but that they had been mistaken. Despite Dummett's choice
of the word 'lying' to describe what happened, a defender of the
possibility of affecting the past might describe the situation in these
terms. Now the observers or anyone else who accepted this description
of what happened might be making one of two possible claims. The first
is that at the instant of the occurrence, the observers were deceived. The
evidence at the instant of the occurrence was that the young men had
been brave, but that evidence was not fully observed or was insufficiently
appreciated at that instant. The observed evidence was untypical of the
total possible evidence and hence the first report of the observers was
mistaken. So the effect of the dance is to give a correct estimation of the
previous experience. It enabled the observers to see that they had been
subject to a deception. The dance affects the subsequent state of mind of
the observers. There is again no question of it affecting the past.
But the observers' assertion might be interpreted in a different way.
When the observers claimed that they were mistaken in their previous
report, they might be claiming that while the first report was' based
properly on the available evidence and that the available evidence was a
representative sample of the total (logically) possible evidence; neverthe-
Jess they now judged on subsequent evidence that the young men had
been brave, and that this latter evidence was to be preferred. But in this
case the statement 'the young men were brave' is not a statement solely
about what happened on the lion hunt, but, at any rate partly, about
something subsequent, e.g. about what the observers were naturally
inclined to claim about what happened on the lion hunt. The earlier
distinction in this case delimits 'the young men were brave' as a
statement with a covert future reference. But in that case the fact thaUhe
chief's action affects its truth value is no more puzzling than the fact that
future occurrences will affect the truth-value of'Father Jones baptised in
1964 the next century's greatest pianist'. For in both cases the influence
PaSI and Fulure 139
of the affecting action is really in the future. I conclude that on none of
the alternative interpretations do the observers or anyone else have
reason to suppose that the chief's dance affects what is past and gone.
And generally no one can have any reason to suppose that an action at 12
can affect what happens at an earlier time I •.
Note that the above argument has no tendency to yield the absurd
consequence that we cannot have reason to believe that an action at 12
cannot have an effect at 13. For after 13 we may havejust such reason. We
may know that there was a change at 12 in what the evidence suggests is
going to happen at 13. We take the evidence at, and around, 13 as
showing what in fact happened at 13 and therefore as better evidence
than the evidence at I •. The discrepancy shows that what happened at 12
made something to happen at 13 which would not otherwise happen.
But even if we would never have reason to believe that an action Cat 12
brought about an event E at an earlier time I., is it not logically possible
that it should bring it about all the same? I do not think so. For if C
brings about E, then the performance of C must make the difference to
whether or not E occurs. But it is logically possible that any event such as
C should have no cause, that an agent should freely choose at 12 to bring
about C without any cause making him to choose. In that case it could
not be predetermined before 12 that E occurs yet some one could observe
E happen at I. and know as surely as could be known that E was
happening then; and still it would be not yet predetermined whether or
not Ewould happen; it could be that a man's future choice might make E
happen or alternatively make it not happen. Here there does seem to be a
contradiction. It cannot be the case both that E is now happening and
that it is yet to be determined whether E will happen. And so it is not
logically possible that a man should know the former if the latter is true.
It is therefore not logically possible that a man could affect a past state
by his present action. Actions can only have present and future effects-
and they could only have present effects if influences could be
propagated with infinite velocity.
Now granted that an agent cannot by his action affect what is past and
gone but only what is to come, it follows that no state (or event) can have
its cause subsequent to it.' For if we say that in certain circumstances an
event A was the cause of a state B, we thereby commit ourselves to the
proposition that a man could have made B happen by making A happen.

1 Several recent philosophical articles have made this point, producing different

arguments in support of it. See [4], [5], [7] and [II]. See [3],[9] and (12] for the
opposite point of view.
140 Space and Time
But since, as we have seen, it is not logically possible that a man can
make B happen by making A happen if B is prior to A, then A cannot be
the cause of B if B is prior to A.
One might attempt to avoid this conclusion by denying that the
implication of the last paragraph holds in cases where A is outside
human powers of control. One might thus claim that to say that in
certain circumstances A is the cause of B does not commit you in cases
where A is a kind of state (or event) outside human control to saying that
if a man were to make A happen in those circumstances he would
thereby bring about the occurrence of B. One would thus be claiming
that what is involved in saying that A is the cause of B is different in cases
where A is something lying outside human control. Thus 'cause' would
have a different meaning in The explosion of the bomb was the cause of
the devastation' from 'The explosion of a star was the cause of the gas
cloud', because we can make bombs but not stars explode. But this is
not plausible, for the boundaries of what humans can do are continu-
ally extending without the meaning of 'cause' thereby changing.
'Chromosomal mutations cause the appearance of new phenotypic
characteristics in organisms' did not change its meaning when men·
became able to produce chromosomal mutations. There is no reason to
suppose that the meaning of ' The explosion ofa star was the cause of the
cloud' will change when humans learn to make stars explode. Rather
'cause' retains its meaning, while the boundaries of what humans can
cause change. I conclude that oflogical necessity no cause can follow its
effect and hence that of logical necessity the past is determinate.
States of objects at any instant t 2 of logical necessity cannot, we have
shown, be affected by states subsequent to t 2' Hence either they are
uncaused (they just happen, nothing produces them) or they are
produced by states at t 2 or prior to t 2' Now consider the state or the
Universe in a region R[ at a time t p which we will calI state Sp and the
state of the Universe in that or some other region R2 at a later time t 2'
which we will call S2' Now, as we have. seen, it is not logically possible
that S 2 be the cause of S [. But it is always logically possible that S [ be the
cause of S2' We can conceive of evidence from other states at other
periods of time which would confirm the theory that S[ was the cause of
S2' The evidence would be observations that states similjrt to S[ in
regions similar to R[ are always followed by states similar to S2 in
regions similar to R 2 , the regions having to each other the relation that
R [ had to R 2 and the states occurring a t the time interval t 2 - t [; or the
evidence could be more indirect evidence showing that such connections
were to be expected in nature. Whether or not S [ is the cause of S2 is a
Past and Future- 141
logically contingent matter and depends on what are the laws of nature
governing the succession of states. This being so, it is always logically
possible that any specified future state of a region of the Universe be
caused by any specified present state; whereas, as we have seen, it is not
logically possible that any past state of a region of the Universe could be
caused by a present state.
From these basic principles a number of important necessary truths
about time will be proved in this and subsequent chapters. The first of
these which I shall demonstrate here is that the present instant cannot
ever return, that is that time cannot ever be closed. If the present instant
t 1 will return, then the next instant subsequent to this one, t 2' will be
both before and after t l' Yet in virtue of being before t 2 the state of any
region of the Universe at t 1 is of logical necessity un affectable by any
state at t 2' Whereas in virtue of its being after t 2' it is logically possible
that any state at t 1 could be affected by the state at t 2' Hence the
supposition of a cyclical or reversing time leads to self-contradiction. 1
This is not to deny that it makes sense to talk of a cyclical or reversing
Universe. To say that the Universe is cyclical is to say that after so many
years its state is exactly similar to what it was and an exactly similar
series of events take place again. S 1 is followed by S2' S2 by S3' S3 by Sp
S 1 by S2 and so on ad infinitum. The Stoics believed in just such a cyclical
Universe. But the point is that S 1 comes again at a later temporal
instant, not at the same instant. So with a reversing Universe. To say
that the Universe is reversing is to say that after so many years an exactly
similar series of states of the Universe to the series which has occurred

1 This point suffices to rule out on purely logical grounds one cosmological
model of the Universe developed from the General Theory of Relativity, the
Godel model. The GOOel model has closed time-lines allowed the physical
possibility of an agent influencing the past. Gooel claimed that it would be, at any
rate in 1949, practicany impossible for an agent to achieve a sufficiently high

velocity relative to his galactic cluster (at least ~2 x the speed of light) to have

effects in the past, and seemes to think that this avoids the logical difficulties of
his model. But ifhis model allows as physically possible something which cannot
be physically possible because it is logically impossible, the model must be wrong.
For the. mathematical presentation of his model see K. Godel, •An Example of a
New Type of Cosmological Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations of
Gravitation' in Reviews of Modern Physics, 1949,21,447-50. For his attempt to
deal with the logical difficulties of the model see K. Gooel, •A Remark about the
Relationship Between Relativity Theory and Idealistic Philosophy' in Albert
Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist (ed. P. A. Schilpp) New York, 1949 and -1951, pp.
555--62. See especially pp. 56Of.
142 Space and Time
occurs in the reverse order to that of its original occurrence. S, is
followed by S2' S2 by S3' S3 by S2' S2 by S,. But the point, as before, is
that S, comes again at a later instant, not at the same instant'.


For discussion of the priority of cause to elTect, See:

[1] B. Russell, Mysticism and Logic, London, 1918, pp. 20 I IT.
[2] A.J.Ayer, The Problem of Knowledge, London, 1956,pp.I64-75.
[3] Michael Dummett, 'Can an ElTect precede its cause?' Proceedings
of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, 1954,28,27-

, In [8] Grunbaum appeals to Leibniz's principle of the identity of in"

discernibles to establish the logical possibility of cyclical time. He describes a
universe in which an exactly similar series of states to any given series has
occurred before and will occur after it again and again ad infinitum. This is
clearly, as I claim in the text, a logically possible Universe. He then urges that
this Universe ought to be described, not, as I have described it, as a cyclical
Universe, but as a Universe in a cyclical time. For, he urges, following Leibniz,
'if two states of the world have precisely the same attributes, then we are not
confronted by distinct states at different times but merely by two different names
for the same state at one time.' Leibniz's principle from which this particular
argument is taken is that any two things which have all the same properties,
including relational properties, are really the same thing. Each occurrence of S"
Grunbaum claims, has such properties as being after a state S 3' and being before'
a state S2 which is in turn before a state S3' and so each occurrence is the same
However Leibniz's principle may be interpreted in a weak or a strong sense,
according to which properties we take into account. In the strong sense we take
into account only properties picked out by predicates which do not mention
named objects -e.g. being two metres from an obelisk or being in a man's right
hand. In the weak sense we take into account all properties including properties
picked out by predicates which mention named objects -e.g. being two metres
from Cleopatra's needle, or being in my right hand. But if we interpret Leibniz's
principle in the strong sense, there are good arguments against it. For example
could there not be a universe consisting only of two qualitatively identical steel
balls? Each would have the same properties as the other (e.g. being round and
being two metres from a round steel ball), and yet there would be two of them.
Yet if Leibniz'~ principle is understood in the plausible weak sense, a cyclical
universe does not violate it. Forthe series of exactly similar states ... S" S2' S~,
S" S2 . .. etc., would consist of a series of namable states SID, S/, S/, S, '
S 2 b • . • etc. S, • would have the properties of being identical with S,·, occurring
immediately before S2 a , etc; and these would be properties which other SIS,
lacked. And so on. On these points, see for example, Max Black, 'The Identity of
Indiscernibles', in his Problems of Analysis, London, 1954.
Past and Future 143
[4] Antony Flew, 'Can an Effect precede its cause?' Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, 1954, 28,45-62.
[5] Max Black, 'Why Cannot an Effect precede its cause?' Analysis,
1956, 16,49-58.
[6] Roderick M. Chisholm and Richard Taylor, 'Making things to
have happened', Analysis, 1960,20, 73-8.
[7] William Dray, 'Taylor and Chisholm on Making things to have
happened', Analysis, 1960,20, 79-82.
[8] Adolf Griinbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time,
London, 1964, or second enlarged edition, Dordrecht, Holland,
1973, pp. 197-203.
[9] Michael Dummett, 'Bringing About the Past', Philosophical
Review, 1964, 73, 338-59.
[10] Samuel Gorovitz, 'Leaving the Past Alone', Philosophical Review,
1964, 73, 360- 71. .
[II] Richard M. Gale, 'Why a Cause cannot be later than its Effect',
Review of Metaphysics, 1965,209,209-34.
[12] J. L. Mackie, The Cement of the Universe, Oxford, 1974, especially
On the continuity of time see:
[13] J. R. Lucas, A Treatise on Time and Space, London, 1973, § 6.
9 Logical Limits to Spatio-
Temporal Knowledge
I wish in this chapter to consider how we acquire knowledge of events at
other places and temporal instants, and, in so doing, to show that there
are certain logical limits to the amount of knowledge which we can have
about events at other temporal instants and to the ways in which we can
acquire it.
There are two ways by which we may come to know about objects,
their states and changes of state at other places and temporal instants
than the present place and temporal instant.
First we may be in a position to give reports of what we have observed
or will observe at other instants. We do not in this case infer what
happened at those other instants from something else, for we can report
straight oo-what happened or will happen, and in what order the events
happened or will happen. Claims to knowledge of past events as a result
of having observed them are claims to memory, and these we often
make. I can say without needing to infer it from anything that yesterday
we had steak for dinner and the day before we had fish and now we are
having chicken. Claims to knowledge of future events on the basis of
being about to observe them would be claims to foreknowledge. Claims
to foreknowledge are of course seldom made. We claim non-inferential
knowledge of the past but not of the future. Any claims to memory, as to
foreknowledge, may of course be mistaken, and for what I say without
inference to constitute knowledge of what happened it must not be
denied by other people; and other people must corroborate some of my
reports, in order that others of my reports which are neither denied nor
confirmed by other people may be taken as evidence of what happened.
If many others disagree with me and hold a common view about what
happened, it is generally agreed that my claim to knowledge is not
justified. It may seem logically possible that we might have corroborated
foreknowledge of what we will observe similar to the corroborated
memory of what we have observed, which we do have. I shall discuss
how far this is a logical possibility later in the chapter.
Logical Limits to Spatia-Temporal Knowledge 145
There is one qualification which must be added to the remarks in the
last paragraph. Only in the case of objects and their states spatially near
to ourselves will the instant at which we observe the objects be (to any
very high degree of approximation) the instant at which the objects are
in the states observed. We know that the instant is virtually the same
because we observe a spatially near change which we bring about at
virtually the same instant as we bring it about. I know the present instant
at which I am observing a certain state of the gum pot on the table is
approximately the instant at which the gum pot is in that state, because if
I knock the pot over, I observe it knocked over as soon as I have
performed the action. This applies to visual and almost any other kind of
observatwn. On the other hand, any signal including light sent to a
distant object and reflecte? thence takes so~ period-of time from when
I send it to when I observe it again, and thds I conclude that I observe
- distant objects as they are at more remote temporal ins.tants than when I
observe them. Hence, if a man reports that first he observed a state A I
and after it a state B I' he is only producing evidence that A I was
followed by B I if A I is spatially near. Otherwise further investigation is
needed to ascertain which came first.
Secondly we have what I shall term traces of what has happened and
of what will happen at our present place or other places, and also of what .
is happening now at pther places. By a trace I mean an event or some
state of an· object which is clear evidence for an observer with his
knowledge of how things work in the world that some other event or
state very probably has occurred, is occurring, or will occur. 'Trace' is a
technical tt;rm introduced by me. In normal parlance it may be the case
that traces are only of what was and not of what is or will be, but in my
use of the term traces can be equally of what was, what is, and what will
be. 'Trace' is a subjective matter, in the sense that what is for one man a
trace of some event may not be one for another whose knowledge of how
things work in the world is different. A detective may spot immediately
from the peculiar state of a broken lock-that Fagan broke it; most men
would not recognise the state of the lock as indication of Fagan's
activity, The state of the lock is therefore, I will say, a trace for the
detective but not for most men of Fagan having broken the lock.
However, as most humans have largely similar knowledge of how the
world works to each other, what is a trace for one is a trace for another,
and so I shall be able to ignore personal idiosyncrasies in talking about
traces. The traces which I shall discuss will be traces for all men or at any
rate for all men of a certain culture. Examples of traces (which are traces
for most Englishmen anyway) are the following. Footprints in the sand
146 Space and Time
are a trace that someone has ~alked on the sand recently; a track on a
tape-recorder is a trace that someone has recently sung the song
recorded on it. A fall in the barometer is a trace of impending rain. An
announcement in The Times that a certain meeting is taking place today
is a trace that it is indeed taking place.
I must make here a distinction which will be of use later between what
I have termed traces and what I shall term signs. AI' a particular state or
event ~f some type A, is a sign of 111' a particular state or event of some
type B, if the occurrence of an A is highly correlated with the occurrence
of a B. If the correlations are between precedent As and subse.quent Bs,
then A 1 is a sign of a future state or event Bland so on. 'Sign' like 'trace'
is a technical term introduced by me. Signs are an objective matter. An
event being a sign of some other event is a relationship between kinds of
states and events in nature, whether or not men know about it. Hence to
say that some event is a trace.for me of some other event .is to say that on
the evidence available to me I believe with reason that it is a sign of the
other event.
Traces and reports of observers must not conflict if they are to be
taken without f\Jrther investigation as reliable evidence of what
happened, is happening or will happen. If the traces and reports of
observers do conflict, more thorouih investigation is needed before we
can say ~hat happened, is happening, or will happen. The trace then is
taken as reliable evidence only if its connection with that· which it
signifies is well-established and apparently invariable. Reports of
observers in these circumstances are only taken as showing what
happened if there are many corroborated reports. Tracesilnd reports are
weighed against each other. Thus if a night-watcl:tman claims that
nobody entered the building during the night, but there are wet muddy
footprints in the building, the night-watchman's report is suspect. If
Jones' fingerprints are found near the scene of a crime, yet many
otherwise reliable witnesses report that he was far away from the scene
of the crime during the period when it was committed, it becomes
doubtful whether the fingerprints are a reliable trace of Jones's presence.
Perhaps they were planted. The reliability of a particular trace may be .
impugned by reports of observers,. and part.icular reports of observers by
traces. The stronger evidence wins, especially if a plausible account can
be provided of why the weaker evidence is on this occasion misleading.
Yet while in judging what happened on a particular occasion traCes
and reports of observers are weighed against each other and support or
impugn each other, in an important sense reports of observers provide
the basic evidence of what happens at other places and temporal
Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 147

instants,since traces depend ultimately for their reliab.ility on reports of

observers. .

Our most usual grounds for taking some particular state or event as a
trace of some other state or event is that observers have reported that
states or events similar to the first are normally accompanied by statj!s or
events similar to the second. I take a present state A I as a trace of a past
state B I because observers, including possibly myself, report that
. whenever an A occurs, a B has always or almost always preceded it (I use
the capital letters without subscript for a type of event or state, and the
letter with subscript for an individual event ot state of the type referred
tp by the capital letter). The footprint is a trace that someone has walked
on the sand r'ecently because in the experience of men footprints (in' the
·sense of marks in the shape of human feet) are normally preceded by
someone walking on the sand. We take a present stakel as a trace of a
future state DI because observers report that at other times whenever a
C occurs, a D always or almost always follows it. The fall in the
barometer is a trace of impending rain because in the experience of men
fal!s of the barometer are normally followed by rain. The announcement
in The Times is a sign that the meeting is now taking place because men
have experienced that announcements in The Times of events for the day
of publication are normally correlated with the occurrence of those
events. In so far as the reports are many and corroborated, and the
reports are of invariable correlations (e.g. Cs· followed by Ds
without exception), by so much the trace is better evidence of what it
indicates. We may use more complicated combinations of evidence of
the kind described. We may take an event FI as a sign of a precede~t
event HI by using a chain of evidence. We may never hav.e observed Fs
being preceded by Hs, but we may have observed that Fs are normally
preceded by Gs, and Gs by Hs. It is in this way that we conclude that
some present geological state is evidence of a long-past state.
Our grounds fOf taking some event as a trace of another may be more
remote. Various miscellaneous observed connections between events
may be most simply explained by setting up some scientific theory, a
deductive consequence of which is the law 'Al1 A s produce Bs' .This law
then allows us to take an A I as a trace ofa future B I . No one may ever
have observed any A being followed by a B, but the evidence for the
truth of the law may be more indirect. Thus by studying stellar spectra
and masses, we may obtain evidence for a theory of stellar evolution.
One law derivable from this theory might be the law that stars of a
certain type explode after reaching a certain stage of evolution, viz. the
law that a certain state of a star A produces a subsequent event of an
148 .Space and Time
explosion B. We establish the law without ever having observed stars of
the type in question exploding. Hence when we observed a particular
star in a state A 1 we would take this as a trace of a future explosion HI'
Yet by whichever way we learn to take A 1 as a trace of HI our'
justifi.cation for doing so lies in the reliability of the reports of observers.
For this reason reports of observers provide the ultimate evidence of
what happens at other places and temporal instants. The procedure of'
postulating that observed cortnections or inferred laws operate beyond
the range over which they have been observed to operate is the
procedure which I have called in earlier chapters extrapolation.
There is an important asymmetry between the use of scientific laws to
establish traces of future events and their use to establish traces of past
events, between prediction and retrodiction. Scientific laws state how
events and states of one type, As, cause events or states of another type,
Bs. They may not use the word 'cause', but this is their forin. They state
the consequences of tpe occurrence of an A, however the A may be
brought about. Consequently. they are of no use as they stand for
retrodiction; without a further premiss. We may have good evidence
that As cause Bs but that by itself does not allow us to take BIas a trace
'of a precedent A l ' For many other states than As may cause Bs. Only if
we have grounds for believing that Bl had a cause and that any other
cause of Bs than As would have produced other effects which As do not .
produce and theSe are not observed, can we take BIas a trace of
precedent A I ' Our grounds for supposing that B 1 had a cause is that
science has shown us events usually do have causes, and explanations
can be provided for the previously mysterious. But we would have.
reason to believe that BI did not have a cause if we could show that only
a certain number of states could bring about Bs and that none of them
were operative on this occasion. How we could show this will be
illustrated at some length in Chapter 15 when we shall be discussing an
important example of a state which, it is suggested, had no cause. If then
we suppose that B I has a cause, in order to show that it was A 1 we have'
to show that any other cause of Bs than As would have produced other
effects as well, but that these. have not occurred. But we can only
investigate the posiible occurrence of effects of a finite number of
possible causes. So only if we have reason to believe that only one of a
small finite number ofpossible causes was responsible for BI can we test
to show that A I is responsible. But what reason could we have for
supposing that only one of a certain small number of possible states C l '
D 1 , £1' F 1 , etc. could have brought about HI? One reason we could have
is that we (or other observers) have observed the state of the Universe in
Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 149

the relevant region at the instant of the purported occurrence of A •. But

then if we or they had done that we would not have needed to use
retrodiction to ascertain what happened then. The occurrence of H.
would merely confirm reports of observers that A. had OCcurred. But
suppose that we have no observers' reports, that we are using
retrodiction as an independent source of information about the
Universe. In that case our grounds for supposing that no cause other
than one of a certain small finite number of states can have brought
about H. can only be that other causes of Hs have seldom or never been
observed to occur. But this is not, of course, conclusive evidence that no
,such cause did occur on the occasion in question. Hence even when we
have established the laws of nature, there is an essential weakness in
retrodictlon which there is not in prediction. Let us take an example. A
skull of a certain type with its carbon atoms in a certain state in a certain
geological deposit is a trace that men lived in the region a million years
ago. We take the skull as a trace of human habitation because: .

I. We believe that human heads tum into skulls in this condition after
a million years. This is a.well, albeit indirectly, established scientific law.
Hence we have a possible cause.
2. .A few other known possible causes of the skull being in that
condition have left no other effects; viz. there is no evidence of forgery of
a k~owri.type.
3. We believe that other possible causes of the skull in that condition
are seldom if ever operative.

But our only grounds for the latter beliefis that we have never-observed
them in operation. These are strong grounds, but they do not show at all
conclusively that another cause could not have been operative in this
instance. On this occasion perhaps an unknown cause, viz. a cause at the
description .of which we c;mnot guess, may have brought about H._ We
cannot conduct any experimental test to refute this suggestion - for
reasons of logic.
If someone suggests that an unknown effect is caused by some event i
H. in certain circumstances, we can - it is logically, if not always
practically possible - do an experiment to ~onfirm or refute the
suggestion. We could produce an H in similar circumstances and see
what happened. But for reasons oflogic, as we saw in the last chapter, we
cannot do a comparable experiment to' test whether an unknown cause
brought about a certain effect. For we cannot make things to have
happened. Hence there is of logical necessity a weakness involved in
150 Space and Time
retrodiction which is not involved in prediction. Scientists do not
postulate backward-moving laws because they could never be experimen-
tally tested, that is, tested in the way just described.
Now it is true that some forward-moving scientific laws cannot be
experimentally tested, and this is true in particular of cosmological laws',
laws predicting a future state of the universe millions of years ahead
caused by a present state. This cannot be tested experimentally because
humans cannot bring about states of the Universe. But there are two
differences from the case of any purported backward-moving laws. First
th~ limit is physical or practical, not logical. It is juSt a contingent matter
of fact that we cannot bring about a certain state of the Universe and see
what happens. Secondly, cosmological theories can be subjected to
. indirect experimental test, because a law forming part of a more general
theory, viz. normally the General Theory of Relativity, from which'they
are deductively derived by the addition of astronomical data, can be
subjected to experimental test on the small scale. But no purported
backward-moving law' could be subjected even to indirect experimental
test, for the only theoretical law of which it would be a deductive
consequence would be a backward-moving law and this again - for
reasons of logic-could not be subjected to experimental test.
The use of scientific laws to establish that a state is a trace of some
other state at the same temporal instant, suffers from ttre same weakness
as the use of scientific laws for retrodiction and for the same reason-
given, as scientific evidence shows, that no effects are propagated with
infinite velocity. For given this, no law stating that one state is correlated
with a contemporaneous one could ~e experimentally tested. Hence
science does not purport to put forward any real laws of co-presence,
any more than. it puts forward backward-moving laws. Certainly there
are a number of well-established scientific principles, stating how
various contemporaneous characteristics are correlated. Biology is full
of such principles as that tortoise-shell cats must be female. But the form
of such principles is misleading. The zoologist in stating that tortoise-
shell cats must be female does not really mean that of physical necessity
if a genetic engineer makes a cat to be tortoise~shell, he thereby causes it
to be female. What he means is that tortoise-shell cats bred from the
current stock of the cat spedes by normal processes must be female. But
in that case the principle is not a law of co-presence. The principle states
that whatever arrangement of a genotype drawn from the genetic pool
currently availa~le to the feline species produces cats of tortoise-shell
colour also produces the normal female characteri~tics in them. The
principle is in fact a summary of two forward-moving laws and a

Logical Limits to Spatio- Temporal Knowledge 151
historical statement about the genetic pool currently available to the
feline species. .
Any proposed real law of co-presence would be unable to be tested
experimentally, just as any proposed backward-moving law would be
unable to be tested experimentally. For suppose a scientist claims as a
law of nature that a state A is always co-present with a state B. Now
given that effects are never propagated with infinite velocity, the state A
cannot be the cause of the state B or conversely. Hence if the one state is
correlated invariably with the other, it must be because the two states
have a common cause. But then'one could only prove the correlation to
be invariable if one could prove that it was physically necessary that
there be a common :cause. But for the reasons given above one cannot
prove at alfconclusively that some effect must have a certain cause, and
so one cannot prove at all conclusively that two characteristics must be
correlated. Genetic engineers of the next century may well produce male
tortoise-shell cats.
So then we may use traces to infer the occurrence of past, present, or
future states. We may take a'state as a trace of another on the basis of
directly observed connections or on the basis of an inferred -scientific
law. If the scientific' law established is true and concerns invariable
correlations (and includes all the necessary qualifications for surround-
ing circumstances) then the trace of the future state which is predicted by
the law will be absolutely reliable. Traces of both past and present states
could not be proved to be such by experimental test - for reasons of
. logic; and hence there are logical limits to the kind of confirmation
which they could receive of their status. Proof that a trace is a trace of a
past or present state depends at a crucial point on mere observational
correlations, about which it cannot be tested experimentally whether
they hold universally.
Evidence from one trace may, conflict with evidence from another
,trace. We may have good reason to take an observed present state A 1 as
evidence of another present state Bland also good reason to take an
observed present state C 1 as evidence of another present state DI which
could not co-exist with B I' Here of course we take the best substantiated
connection as providing the most reliable indication. If the connection
of As and Bs is better established than the connection of Cs and Ds, then
the two observed states A 1 and C 1 taken together are traces of a present
state B I' They show that the connection between Cs and Ds does not
hold universally. We saw this process at work in Chapter 5 (pp. 94ff)
where estimates of the distance of distant objects which assumed one
regular connection to hold universally were opposed to other estimates
152 Space and Time
which assumed a different connection to hold universally. The issue
turned on which connection was best established. One which was a
consequence of a well-established theory of mechanics was better
established than one which depended on mere observation of a few
The supposition that observed connections hold beyond the range for
which they have been tested becomes less and less reliable, the greater
the difference between the range studied and the range in which they are
supposed to bold. We have'teason to assume that what is a trace within
the observed region is a trace in a region outside that observed - so long
-as the unobserved region does not have characteristics, including spati()-
temporal location, .too radically different from the observed one.
Suppose that I was born at a place P in the Sahara desert and that my
knowledge of the Earth is confined to a region of radius fifty miles
surrounding P. This I have explored, but I have no knowledge by
personal exploration or from reports of othertFavellers of regions more
distant. I thus conclude that a square mile of sandy desert at some
distance from P is an unfailing trace that there is another square mile of
sandy desert at a distance from P greater by one mile. Clearly J am
justified in using these traces to reach conclusions' about the geography
of regions up to, say, sixty or seventy miles from P, that there is nothing
but sand there. I reach such conclusions by taking an observed square
mile of sand as a trace of a square mile of sand beyond it and the latter, to
which I have inferred, as a trace of a square mile of sand beyond it, and
so on. But clearly the further away I claim to have knowledge of the'
geography of the Earth, the less justified are my claims. Claims to·
knowledge of the geography of regions 1000 miles from P on the basisof
an examination of regions within fifty miles of P would clearly be very
weakly justified. The further from P I stake my claim to knowledge,
relatively to the size of the region which I have examined, the -less
justified my claim will be. This is because the region to the properties of
which I infer will differ more and more, at any rate in respect of spatial
location, from the region which I have studied. The possibility looms
larger and larger that the region which I have examined is untypical of
the regions of the Earth about which I am making inferences. Traces
claimed to be reliable on the basis of examining a small region become
less and less reliable, the further they are extrapolated. Similar
arguments apply to the reliability of inferences to e~entsat different
temporal instants.
The observations which wemake in order to reach_conclusions about
a temporal succession (though not about co-presence) must be obser-
Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 153
vations of temporal successions. Only on the basis of directly perceived
temporal ,successions can we infer to others. Some writers on the
philosophy of science have, however, wanted to urge that knowing that
certain events happened we could arrange those events in temporal
order without basing that arrangement on any direct perception of
temporal succession, but simply by means of the principle enunciated in
the last chapter that causes precede their effects. Now certainly of any
two particular events A 1 and B l' if we can say that B 1 is cause and Al
effect, Jhen we can say that B\ happened before A l' ,But how can we
know that B\ is cause and A 1 effect unless we have observeq that in
similar circumstances As normally follow Bs, but Bs do not normally
follow As, or had more complicated'evidence of temporal succession,
such as that Gs follow Hs, but Hs do not follow Gs, from which we
constructed a theory, a deductive consequence of which is that As cause
Bs? If all we knew was that As and Bs or some other phenomena
occurred we could suppose that they had occurred either in one order or
in the reverse order. On one supposition we would conclude that Al
must precede Bp on the other that Bp must precede A l' We have to
observe straight off many temporal successions in order to infer 6the~s.
All the writers who have attempted to derive conclusions about
temporal order from premisses not referring to it and thus set up what
they have called a 'causal theory .of time' are guilty of some pelifio
principii. The most celebrated example is Reichenbach. Reichenbach
claimed that we could find out which of two events was cause and which
effect by the following principle of temporal ordering: 'If E 1 is the cause
of E 2, then a small variation (a mark) in E1 is associated with a small
variation in E 2, whereas small variations in E2 are not associated with
variations in E l' ( [I] p. 136). Thus suppose we have beam of light
passing between one slit (its presence there being the event E I) and
another (its presence there being the event E 2 ). We wish to ascertain-
which way the light is streaming, viz. whether E\ is the cause of E2 orvice
versa. We therefore put a piece of green glass in the way of the light at
one instant at the first slit (viz. modify E1 by making the light at the first
slit green) and then at another instant at the second slit (viz. modify E 2 •
by making the light at the second slit green). In this way, Reichenbach
claimed, we could discover which of Eland E2 were cause and effect
without relying on any direct, viz. non-inferred, perception of temporal
order. For, indicating marked events (that is light made green) with an
asterisk: 'We observe only the combinations E1 E 2, E1* E/, E\ E2 * and
.never the combination E 1* E 2' ([I ], p. 137). Hence we conclude that E 1
is the cause; because if it is affected, E2 is also - butthe converse does
154 Space and Time
not occur. The fallacy should be apparent. I How are the pairs grouped?
The events Ep E 1· , E2 and E 2 • have occurred a number of times. So
much we know without presupposing direct perception Of temporal
order. But in judging that E I • went in a 'combination' with E 2· rather
than with E2 which also occurred. ~e are relying on the fact that we
perceived E 2· to occur immediately before or after E I · whereas we
observed E2 to occur on another occasion. .
So then some judgements of temporal precedence must be made in
virtue of direct perception of temporal order by observ<:rs. However.
once we have made some judgements of temporal priority from direct
observation, we can make other judgements of temporal priority on the.
basis of the first judgements. Thus if I have noticed that in other cases
craters of a certain type are always preceded by'bomb explosions, but
that the occurrence of such craters is not generally followed by bomb
explosions, then, knowing that within a small temporal period there was
a crater formed and also an explosion at a certain place, I can judge that
the explosion preceded the formation of the crater.
It is, we have argued, by traces and reports that we learn about events
at other temporal instants and places. If we learn .about a past event or
state of some object by observing a trace of it, where the trace is an effect
produced by it, and the trace is one from which we become accllstomed
to make inference to the past event, than we may be said, in a derivative
sense of the term, to observe the past event or state.
An object or property or event is observed by an observer in the usual
and obvious sense if he has knowledge of it as a result of stimuli from it
impinging on his eye or other sense organ. An obj¢Ct or property or
event is observed in a derivative sense if the observer observes in the
usual sense effects produced by it which can be readily interpreted by the
observer so that he knows about the object, property, or event. Thus we
are said to observe the structure of the cell wall of the amoeba when we
observe in the usual sense a photograph of it produced by an electron-
microscope. Distant galaxies are said to be observed if we observe in the
usual sense photographs of them produced with the aid of a radio-
telescope. To say that something is observable is to say that either it is
observable in the usual sense or it is observable in the derivative sense, by
which is meant that either its effects can now be readily interpreted or
that a machine by which the effects could be turned into traces which
could tx! easily interpreted as effects of that thing could be 'constructed.

I It has been well demonstr~ted by, for ell-ample, Grunbaum [2).

Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 155
We allow 'observation' by radio-telescopes, radar screens or television
sets to be called observation because such instruments can be regarded
as extensions of our sensory apparatus. Normally when we observe
something, the thing produces etTects on us as a result of which we have
knowledge. But when we learn about the distant galaxies, they produce
etTects on an instrument which produces etTects on us as a result of which
we have knowledge. The instrument is only a finer detector than our
sense organs. It is a contingent matter that our sense organs do not have
its powers of discrimination. Hence we think of it as anextension to our
sensory apparatus and term knowledge obtained by it knowledge
obtained by observation.
But if an observer has knowledge of some event, his possession of
which is not caused by the event, he is not said to observe the event. Even
ifhe has a picture of the event before his eyes or in his 'mind's eye', he is
. stil.!" not said to observe the event unless in some way or other the
occurrence of the event makes him know -about it. Thus, suppose a
parade is planned in meticulous detail by making in advan~e a detailed
film showing how the soldiers are to march. The parade then takes place,
and at the same time the film is shown to an audience somewhere else.
However well the instructions were executed at the parade and however
thoroughly the audience w~s convinced that they would be, the audience
would still not be said to be observing the parade.
Now it follows from this that of logical necessity we can only observe
what is present (and that in a narrow s~nse of 'present' only if etTects are
simultaneous with causes, viz. etTects spread with infinite velocity) or
what is plUit. My observing something involves it directly or indirectly
producing an effect on me. By the principle established in Chap~er 8, it is
logically necessary that etTects do not precede their causes. Hence we can
have knowledge by observation only of what is present or past. We can
predict the future but not observe it. Certainly one could construct an
instrument on the screen of which could be produced a picture of the
future state of some system. A machine, for example, might have parts
which detect the present position of planets in the sky and it might work
out their future positions and show them on a screen. But when .we
observe such a picture we cannot be said to be observing a future state.
For such a machine could not -of logical necessity - be an extension
to our sensory apparatus. What we are observing when we look at the
picture is an effect of a cause (not an etTect) of future etTects. There is this
vital contrast with the cases earlier considered which makes it natural to
call those c~ses cases of observation, but not this case. It is a logical
156 Space and Time
matter, not a contingent matter, that our sense organs could not be such
that if the apparatus were part of them, we could be observing a future
Since we have used our knowledge of which states are traces of past
states to extend our powers of observation, the correctness of those
judgements must suffer from any inherent weakness in the kind- of
confirmation that can be had that a present state is a trace of a past"
state. As we have seen, there is a limit to the kind of evidence that can be
provided for the reliability of such traces.
It is appropriate at this point to consider the logical possibility of time
travel. Could I get into a machine, press a lever, visitpast or future and
return to the present? Here agail1 the logical limits to the possible are
provided by the principle that causes must not follow their effects. I
cannot now cause anything to have happened. Hence I cannot get into a
machine and press a lever which lands me at Hastings in \066. For this
would mean that by pressing a lever I would cause a machine to have
been at Hastings in \066. Now I could get'into a machine and press a
lever which landed me at Hastings at 2066- the machine might squirt a
drug at me so that I was deep-frozen until that year and the passing of
time was unnoticed by me. But having got there I could not get jnto the
machine and return to 1968, since I could not cause a prior event. The
logical principle of causes not following their effects rules out this sort of
travel- I cannot get to the past.
The only kind of time travel into the past that dDes make logical sense
is that I should get into a machine, press a lever and see the past on a
scrt;en. Whenever we look at objects distant from the Earth we see them
at temporal instants well past, 'for light takes a considerable finite time to
travel the intervening space. The nearest star to ourselves apart from the
Sun, Proxima Centauri, is seen as it was four years ago. There is no
logical reason why I should not observe events at near-by places on
Earth in the distant past. I have only to construct a machine which will
interpret effects caused by the event and produce a picture of it. The
difficulties of my observing the battle of Hastings on a screen are
practical, not 10gica1.'But time-travel of a similar kind into the future is
not logically possible. The difficulties of my observing now the next
eclipse of the Sun on a screen are 10gica1. I could get into a m'achine,
press a lever and see on the screen a likely representation of the future
event. But I could not now see the future event itself, since, as we have
seen, oflogical necessity I can only observe what is present or past. Such
are the logical limits lo time-travel. .
When knowledge ofa past state is not obtained by direct observation
Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 157
or by ready inference from its observable effects, but by laborious
calculation from its effects or by inference from traces which are not ef-
fects, the knowledge is knowledge obtained by r-etrodiction. (If I infer
from the track left on the barograph the day before yesterday that there
must have been a storm yesterday, I am not inferring to the storm from
an effect produced by it, but from an effect produced by a cause of the
storm.) Knowledge of the future obtained from traces is knowledge
obtained by prediction. .
We noted at the beginnipg of the chapter that we depend for our
knowledge of events and states at other places and temporal instants on
reports of-observers and on traces. Now there is a notorious asymmetry
between the amount of our knowledge of the past and our knowledge of
the future. The weather, the political situation, the number of road
, accidents in January of last year are things which I can easily find out.
The weather, the political situation, the number of road accidents in
January of next year are things I vainly try to guess. The asymmetry
arises firstly because the reports which observers give of their obser-
vations are of what they are observing and have observed; never or
hardly ever of what they will observe. (I say 'hardly ever' because some
professed clairvoyants have given reports of what they are going to
observe.) Assertions about what an individual has observed in the past
can be checked by, and are normally corroborated by, the assertions of
others. In general what I say happened is what you say happened. But
others do not say the same about the future as I do and there are no
checking procedures in use to see who is telling the truth about what will
be. We can sum up this situation by saying that men have memory but
. not foreknowledge. Their non-inferential knowledge is of the past but
not of the future.
In the second place the asymmetry is due to the fact that traces allow
much easier inference to past events and states than to future events and
states. Observation of a single state of one object of a size that men can
handle often permits ready inference to past events. Footprints in the
sand, tracks on tapes of tape-recorders, diaries, pottery, coins, etc., are
clear evidence that certain sorts of events happened at some past and
often precisely determinable instant. If there are human footprints in the
sand now, then very probably within the last few days a man has wal ked
there. If there is now a track of a certaiR kind on a tape of a tape-
recorder, then very probably someone has sung a certain song within the
last hundred years or so. But to spot traces of future events is very
difficult. Even where we can do it,· the process of inference "to a fut'ure
state is often a complicated one. To work out tomorrow's tides or what
158 Space and Time
the vegetation will be in some region next year is a very complicated
process, and to work out next year's political situation seems impossible .
. There are few easily recognisable traces of the future in nature which
have any degree of [eliability - the sun in the western sky signifying the
coming of night is a rare example. Artificially some traces of the future
have been produced - the track of the barograph and the tables 'in
almanacs for next year's tides and eclipses are examples. But in general
there are relatively few traces which allow easy inference to the future
and Wlose which exist are not very reliable.
For these reasons we know more about the past than the future. I next
wish to examine whether and to what extent it is logically necessary that
these factors should operate, that we should know more about the past
than the future. Could there not be traces allowing easy inference to the
future and claims about what will happen which were corroborated by
others, the traces and the reports supporting one another? To examine
this question, I shall consider the possibility of two different universes.
In the first, corroborated reports are of the future only and traces allo\;\,
easy inference only to the future. Knowledge of the past is as scanty as is
knowledge of the future in our universe. In the second there are
• corroborated reports of the future and traces allow easy inference to the
future, but corroborated reports of the past and traces allowing easy
inference to the past remain as in our universe. The traces· and
corroborated reports of the future in both hypothetical universes are
supposed to yield a similar amount of information to the amount yielded
by them in our present universe about the past.
Let us begin by considering the first hypothetical universe. Could
there be a universe in which traces allow easy inference only to the
future, and reports about what will happen, and only such reports, were
corroborated by others? Let us try to describe such a universe. Traces
allow easy inference to the future. Footprints show where people will
plant their feet; tracks on tape-recorders the songs that they will sing,
and so on. Further, people make reports about what will be, and the
reports which each makes agree in general with the reports which others
make. There are, however, no traces allowing easy inference to the past,
nor corroborated reports about what was. What people report without
inferring and what people infer from traces back each other up, and
establish the claims to knowledge by means of the other. Thus, men's
claims about what they will observe are substantiated by the existence of
present traces of the future events claimed Jo be going to occur. The
evidence that some trace C 1 is of event D 1 about to happen, is not, as in
our universe, that people agree that they have observed c.. being
Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 159
followed by D, or- other past phenomena, but that they agree that they
wi" observe C, being followed by D, o~ other future phenomena from
which could be inferred in a more complex way that D, follow C,.
Now it has been argued' that such a universe is not a logically possible
one because it is logically necessary that we know more about the past
than about the future. We mean by the past, the argument goes, that
temporal period on one side of the present about which we are
comparatively well informed and by the future that temporal period on
the other side of the present about which we are comparatively ignorant.
The degree of Qur knowledge about it is, on this account, the one and
only way of distinguishing between pastand future. (If we were equally
well informed about the two temporal periods converging on the
present, the concepts of 'past' and 'future' would presumably not be
If this account is correct, then if we were no longer to distinguish
between 'past' and 'future' by our degree of relative knowledge and so
the description of the hypothetical universe no longer described the
logically impossible, there would be no observable difference between
the two universes. Our experiences in both should be the same. And if
our experiences were the same, then, if we are now said to be better
informed about one temporal period on one side of the present than
about the other, it mY'st be a matter oflogical necessity that the former is
the past, for no e~perience could show it to be so. Certainly we may in
the hypothetical oniverse call that temporal period about which we are
comparatively well informed 'the future' and the other one 'the past',
but then we should just be using words in a different way. We would
have changed the meaning of the words w.e use to describe the world, but
the world would be the same.
The argument that if we no longer distinguish between 'past' and"
'future' by degree of relative knowledge, the two universes would not
diITer in any observable respect runs as follows. In both universes the
following would be the situation: .

Temporal instants t, t2 t3 t4 t5 t6
Experiences E, E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
Corroboratable reports S, S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
(supported by traces)

At t. we have experience E. and are able to give reports S. (which can be

• By Professor J. J. C. Smart (3) among others.

160 Space and Time
. .
corroborated by others, and supported by traces) of our experiences at
other instants, that is of E2 to.E6. At 12 we have experience E 2 , and are
able to give reports S2 (which can likewise be corroborated by others
and supported by traces) of our experiences E3 to E6 but not of our
experience E I' At 13 we have E 3 and are able to give reports of S 3 of E4 to
E 6 , but not of EI and E 2 , arid so on. Now in both our universe and the
hypothetical universe, the situation is as follows. The reports wecan give
at anyone instant aqout our experiences at other instants (reports which
can be corroborated by others and supported by traces) can be arranged
in an order according to the number Of experiences of which we can give
reports. In order of increasing ~nowledge the instants are (6' (5' (4' (3' t 2'
II' The arrow marking the direction of decreasing knowledge runs from
t I to t 6' Then in both universes it will be the case that at any instant, we
can say (and reports of others and traces bear us out) that at any other
instant we are in a positIon to report only on (and have knowledge by
traces only of) events and states at instants more remote from the
present in the direction o'f decreasing knowledge than that latter instant.
Both universes will thus have the same formal pattern of knowledge of
events at other instants. So, on this argument, if we do not distinguish
between the periods 'past' and 'future' by the amount of knowledge we
have then there will be no observable difference between the two
universes. This argument does Iiowever assume, that the content of
experience in the two universes does not differ in any marked way.
However, a marked difference in content is to be elpected from our
attempted description of the difference between the two universes, and·
such a difference would give grounds for the inhabitants of our
hypothetical universe to refer their knowledge of events at other instants
to the future.
In the argument which I have expounded an experience is meant to ~e
the ultimate atomic source of information from which we build up our
. picture of the world. The argument seems to suggest that experiences
give us snapshots of the world at some infinitesimally small instant. But
clearly if we are to have knowledge of the world, it is no use just having a
collection of snapshots; we need to know the temporal order of their
occurrence. So if experiences are the ultimate unit of information about
the world, we must say that experiences are of things changing or
remaining still, that is lasting for some significant temporal period.
Thus,. suppose I look into a water tank for a moment and see a ball
moving. If my experiences consisted solely in a number of snapshots oC
the position of the ball, I 'would not subsequently be able to report
whether it moved from left to right or right to left or jumped about
Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 161
discontinuously. So we must say that experiences must last for a
significant period if they are to provide much information about the
This being so, there would be vitally important differences between
the content of our experiences in the two universes. Thus, in our universe
we often experience the unexpected. Normally in ordinary surround-
ings, and especially in strange surroundings, we see things, hear things.
bump into things for which we were not ready. To us not expecting
anything particular or perhaps something else, there comes infonnation
about what is in fact the case. In the hypothetical universe the
infonnation about the world would come to men ready for it.
Experiencing the expected is a different sort of experience from ex-
periencing the unexpected.
On the other hand, in the hypothetical universe there would be sudden
forgettings, in the following sense. Once we had had an experience,
we would subsequently be entirely unable to report on it. The loss of
this ability would itself be a sudden experience, like the experience of
being paralysed. In our universe such continual bathings in the waters of
Lethe are fortunately unknown. So the content of experiences in the two
universes would differ vastly, and this difference would give the
inhabitants of the hypothetical universe grounds for saying that they
had foreknowledge and not memory. What men reported at t 1 would
include experiences at t 2' t 3 and so on looming up on them expecting just
those experiences. They would also report a forgetting at t6 of £5' at t 5 of
£4' at t 2 of £ I. Men would thus know at t 1 that having an experience
involved a sudden forgetting of it, and that it remained forgotten at all
instants on the other side of it from t I. If one loses the ability to report
what is experienced as one experiences it, then the loss of knowledge
must be immediately subsequent to the experiencing. Hence men in a
universe in which there were no unexpected experiences, but, instead, .
sudden forgettings, would argue that they had foreknowledge and not
memory; that is, would refer their knowledge of events at other instants
to the future as we understand that. Hence the argument to show the
logical impossibility of the hypothetical universe fails.
The argument was designed to show that if we do not distinguish
'past' and 'future' by degree of relative knowledge the hypothetical
universe would have no observable difference from our own, and hence
that our present relatively greater knowledge of the past cannot be a
contingent matter, but a matter of logical necessity; and so that the
hypothetical universe would not be logically possible. The argument
failed because it failed to show that there would be no observable.
162 Space and Time
difTerences between the two universes, if we did not make this dis-
However, the hypothetical universe is not a logically possible universe
for a different reason: and, as a result of this, my attempt to describe it
above will prove to have been incoherent. The reason is as follows.
The having of knowledge of what will be depends, as we have noted,
on reports being made, corroborated, and supported by traces. Yet in
such a universe the process of corroboration and obtaining support
could never occur-for two reasons. Tile first reason is this. Ifwe had
foreknowledge, we would foreknow the conclusion of any process of
establishing an item of knowledge. To establish whether an atom bomb
is going to explode in Hull tomorrow, I consult with others and they
report what will happen. I look at the alleged traces of the bomb and
reach the conclusion that there will indeed be an explosion tomorrow.
But (if we assume, as we have done, a similar amount of knowledge
about the future to that in our universe about the past) I knew anyway
that I was going to reach this conclusion, and what tests I was going to
perform to establish it. Hence I establish it on the basis of a finite set of
evidence known in advance. But the very process of finding out anything
presupposes that any evidence may be relevant; and there is no limit to
the argument that can be had about it; that new considerations can
always turn up and be admitted as relevant or rebutted as irrelevant, that
opponents can always suggest new tests of any theory, and that a theory
will only be well confirmed if it predicts with success the result of tests
unimagined when the theory was formulated.
None of this is present in the way things are found out in the
hypothetical universe. We know the moves we are going to go through
and the result which wewill reach. But our situation then will be like that
of.a commission of inquiry knowing the conclusion it was going to
announce and purporting to go through a certain number of in-
vestigations which it knew would support that future conclusion. Such a
commission cannot be said to be finding anything out. Norcan we unless
we are sensitive to unsuspected evidence. Yet, ex hypothesi, there cannot
be such. Hence, we cannot be said to be acquiring knowledge. So our
reports of what is to be cannot be said to be based on foreknowledge.
Secondly, not merely is the process of argument a fraud; but, when the
conclusion is announced it cannot even be alleged to be announced on
the basis of the evidence. For by the moment the conclusion is reached,
the evidence will have been forgotten, and so will the. point of the
inquiry. So claims to knowledge cannot be tested in such a world. If
claims to it cannot be tested, knowledge of events at other temporal
Logical Limits to Spatio-Temporal Knowledge 163
instants cannot exist, for to describe what one has of them as knowledge
presupposes that claims to it are testable.
For these two reasons I conclude that the description which I have
attempted to give of such a world is incoherent. There could not be
knowledge in such a world. Hence a world in which traces allowing easy
. inference and corroborated reports were of the future, and not the past,
is not logically possible.
My next question is whether there could be a universe in which we had
as much knowledge of the future as we now have of the past, added to
our knowledge of the past. This would be a universe in which there were
traces allowing easy inference and corroborated reports both of past and
future. Neither sudden forgettings nor sudden gettings to know would
Now is such a universe a logically possible one? While the second of
the objections which I made to the possibility of knowledge in the
previous hypothetical universe does not apply in any immediately
obvious way, the first clearly does apply. In order to have knowledge, I
must be prepared to meet new objections to and produce new evidence
for my claims to knowledge. But I cannot do this in the universe being
described, for 1 know in advance what arguments I shall produce, what
objections will be made, and what conclusions will be reached about my
claims to knowledge. My 'investigation' is that of a whitewashing
commission and therefore improperly described as investigation and its
results improperly described as knowledge. So a world in which we had
'knowledge' of the future similar in amount and additional to our
'knowledge' of the past would not be a world in which we had knowledge
at all. The description defeats itself.
So far I have shown that a world in which we had knowledge of the
future similar in amount to but instead of our knowledge of the past, and
also a world in which the former knowledge was additional to the latter,
are not logically possible worlds. This is hecause there must always be
enough knowledge of the past for connected argument to place and
enough ignorance of the future for investigations to be carried out. But
subject to this limitation, there seems no logical necessity preventing us
from knowing very much more about the future and very much less
about the past than we do. The question consequently arises whether
there is any law of physics responsible for our comparative ignorance
of the future or whether it is simply a matter of practical difficulty to
find out much about the future. This question we shall investigate in
Chapter 13.
So then we have-seen in this chapter that there is a logical limit to the
Space and Time
amount of knowledge we can have of the future and to the amount of
ignorance we can have of the past if we are to have knowledge at all.
There is also a logical limit to the kind of evidence we can have about the
reliability of traces of the past. We cannot subject a claim that a trace is a
trace of a past event to experimental test. There is a further logical limit
to the way in which we can obtain knowledge of the future. Of logical
necessity we cannot observe future events and states of objects.
There would seem, however, to be no similar logical limits to the
amount and kind of knowledge we can have of events and states of
objects due to mere spatial distance from ourselves. There is no logical
necessity preventing me from using observers' reports and tracesto learn
about goings-on on any galaxy however remote. There may, however,
be physical laws preventing this, and this issue we shall consider in
Chapter 12. However, the more remote in space or time from ourselves
are the states and events to which we infer from traces, the less reliable
will our inference be.


On the causal theory of time:

[I] H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time (trans.
M. Reichenbach and J. Freund) New York, 1958, § 21.
[2] A. Grunbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time, London,
1964, ch. 7.
On logical factors responsible for our greater knowledge of the past than
of the future: .
(3] J. J. C. Smart, 'The Temporal Asymmetry of the World', Analysis,
1954, 14,79--83.
(4] J. E. McGechie, J. R. Searle, and Richard Taylor, Answets to
Analysis Problem No.9, 'Does it make sense to suppose that all
events including personal experiences could occur in reverse?'
Analysis, 1956, 16, 121-6.
On Time travel see, as well as the bibliography on the priority of cause to
effect at the end of ch. 8, also:
(5] David Lewis, 'The Paradoxes of Time Travel', American
Philosophical Quarterly, 1976, 13, 145-52.
[6] Larry Dwyer, 'Time Travel and Some Alleged Logical Asymmetries
between Past and Future', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 1978,8,
10 Times and the Topology
of Time
In Chapter 2 we considered the question whether it was logically possible
and whether we could have reason to believe that there was more than
one space, and we concluded that the answer to both questions was
positive. In this chapter we must ask the corresponding questions about
All instants temporally related to each other taken together con-
stitute a time. An instant is temporally related to another if it is before
or after the other. Could there (logically) be more than one time? As with
spaces, Kant claimed that it was an a priori truth that there could only be
one.! To say that there could (logically) be more than one time, is to say
that not all periods of time, and so temporal instants, need be temporally
related to each other. Another way of putting this claim is to say that not
all events and states of objects (for brevity I shall normally refer only to
events in future) need (logically) be temporally related to each other, viz.
occur before, at the same time as, or after each other. Could there be
events not temporally related to each other?
Now if it is a logically necessary truth that being temporally related is a
transitive relation, then the only events of which we can have knowledge
will be events which are temporally related to each other, and so we must
believe that that there is only one time. This can be seen as follows. Any
event about which we have knowledge, we now know about either
because we are observing, or have observed, or will observe it or a trace of
it, or because other obserYers report that they have observed it, are
observing it, or will observe it, or a trace of it. Now if an observer
observes an event, the occurrence of the event must, we saw in the last
chapter, be simultaneous with or prior to the observation of it. If he
knows about the event now because he has observed or will observe it, his
present knowledge will be posterior or prior to the observation and the
observation simultaneous with or posterior to the event. If the observer

I 'Different times are but parts of one and the same time.' [1], B.47.
166 Space and Time
knows about the event because he has observed a trace of it, the event
must be prior to, simultaneous with, or posterior to the trace. For, as we
saw in the last chapter, our usual grounds for taking an event A 1 as a
trace of another event B I, are that As always follow, are simultaneous
with, or precede Bs. In these cases respectively A 1 will follow, be
simultaneous with or precede B I' If our grounds for taking A 1 as a trace
of BI are less direct, they will be that it is the consequence of a welJ-
established scientific theory that As are correlated with Bs and the same
conclusion will follow. For a scientific theory, as we saw in the last
chapter, states the consequences of some occurrence, what it brings
about. Hence all the theory can tell us is that some event will follow
another one, or two events will follow a common predecessor or
something of that sort. So any event which is known, as a consequence of
the adoption of a scientific theory, to be a trace of another event will be
prior to, simultaneous with, or subsequent to it. Hence all events about
which at a given instant an observer has knowledge occur at instants
connected with the present instant by a temporal chain, viz. are before or
after an instant which is before or after an instant ... which is before or
after the present instant. So if the relation of being temporally related is a
transitive one, every event of which at instant t 1 a man has knowledge
must be temporally related to, viz. prior to, simultaneous with, or
posterior to possession of the knowledge at t I' Further, if the relation of
being temporally related is a transitive one, then since every event of
which an observer has knowledge at t 1 is temporally related to his
possession of the knowledge at t I, every such event will be temporally
related to each other. Hence the claim that there were events not
temporally related to each other could have no evidence produced in its
favour. For evidence would be evidence about events at other instants
and the only ways in which we could learn about those events would be
ways which presuppose that the events are temporally related to the
event of learning about them.
If on the other hand, it is not a logically necessary truth that being
temporally related is a transitive relation, then there could be three
events or states E 1 , E 2, and E3 connected by temporal chains such that
EI was after or before both E2 and E3 but E2 and E3 were not temporally
The question therefore arises whether it is a logically necessary truth
that being temporally related is a transitive relation. We argued (p. 28),
that being spatially related is of logical necessity a transitive relation. If a
place A is spatially related to a place Band B to a place C, then A and C
must be spatialJy related. For if A is spatially related to B, a traveller
Times and the Topology oj'Time 167
could, it is logically possible, travel by local motion from A to B, and if B
is spatially related to C, a traveller could, it is logically possible, travel by
local motion from B to C. Hence it is logically possible that a traveller
could travel by local motion from A to C, if need be, by B. Hence A and C
must be spatially related. A similar argument will not work, however, in
the case of time. One does not travel by local motion between instants of
. time; and there is no obvious analogue in the case of time for this process.
Since, as we have seen, all instants about which at a given instant we
have knowledge must be connected with it by temporal chains, evidence
that there are two times could only have the form of evidence that a
present instant will be followed or has been preceded by two instants
which are neither prior to nor subsequent to one another. Could one ever
have such evidence? To make plausible the suggestion that one might
have such evidence, I shall recount a myth on the basis of which it might
appear that men could claim with justification that a present instant had
been preceded by instants not temporally related to each other and they
by a common instant. If we accepted that the myth showed the latter, we
would accept that it showed that there were two times; and hence we
would have shown that it was logically possible that there could be two
times. I shall, however, suggest that we ought not to accept this account
of the myth, and that there is a conclusive objection to our doing so. I
shall then urge that this objection must apply to any other two-time
myth that could be constructed, and hence that we could never have
knowledge of events belonging to two different times.
The myth is as follows. Two warring tribes, the Okku and Bokku, live
in the land of U g: The land of U g is the only known inhabited land. The
two tribes are assembled before their seer. He says to them: 'You have
been fighting together too long and you clearly cannot live at peace with
one another in this land of ours. I am reluctant to banish either of you
from the land you love so dearly. However I have decided that while you
may live in the same place as before, you must live completely separate
existences. This will go on for the next twenty years as far as the Okku are
concerned and for the next thirty years as far as the Bokku are concerned,
the present members of the Bokku tribe being the more quarrelsome.'
The seer then waved his wand. At this point, according to the Okku, the
Bokku gradually disappeared from sight and the Okku inhabited the
whole land and began to quarrel among themselves about who should
own the territories suddenly vacated by the Bokku. The Bokku story is
that the Okku gradually disappeared from sight and the Bokku
inhabited the whole land and began to quarrel among themst:lves about
Who should own the territories vacated by the Okku. Later {twenty years
168 Space and Time
later by Okku clocks and thirty years later by Bokku clocks), there
happened a mysterious event differently described by the two tribes.
According to the Bokku. the Okku suddenly reappeared in their midst;
while the Okku claim that the Bokku suddenly reappeared in their midst.
The members of the two tribes in the intervals of fighting over disputed
territory then exchange their stories.
At the instant of reunion, according to both tribes, certain changes
occurred in their buildings and possessions and to some extent natural
environment. The changes, however. are differently described by the two
tribes. The result of the changes is a compromise between the world
known to the Bokku immediately before the reunion and that known to
the Okku. During the thirty years since the separation of the tribes
during which the Bokku lived, according to their account, in the land of
U g, they effected, on their account, certain changes to it. So, according to
them, did the Okku, during the twenty years between the moments of
separation and reunion when they inhabited the land ofUg. Both tribes
claim to have built new houses and cut down old trees. Some of the
houses claimed to have been built by each tribe remain after the reunion
and some of the differences in the environment claimed to have been
effected by each remain. Others do not.
Now notice the important features of this myth. Each tribe has a
perfectly coherent, well-corroborated, and unbroken account of its
history. There is no question of either account being the account of a
mere dream. The Okku, for instance, have, they all say, always lived in
the land of Ug. The landmarks are the ones that their fathers and
grandfathers have told them about. Many years ago, the Okku say, the
Bokku lived there too but they were so troublesome that a seer waved
them away. Unfortunately he brought them back again only recently.
The Bokku also claim a continuous history in the land of Ug, while
claiming that it was the Okku who disappeared for a period. The detailed
accounts given by the two tribes differ only in respect of the events of the
intennediate period. Yet each account is well-authenticated, for all the
members of each tribe agree with each other as to what happened.
Now what would be the evidence available to us as observers in the
land of Ug after the reunion about where and when the events of the
'intermediate period' occurre'd? How are they to be fitted on to the
spatio-temporal framework? The evidence of the Bokku and the Okku is
that both series of events occurred in the land of U g. If we accept this and
also suppose that there was only one period of time, one series of
temporal instants, between the instant of separation and the instant of
reunion then we have to postulate the operation of some extraordinary
Times and the Topology of Time 169
physical laws. What happened at the instant of separation, a holder of
this interpretation would urge, was that each tribe became invisible and
intangible to the other and that implements wielded by one tribe had no
affect on the other. The interpretation, however, would have to become
very complex to deal with some phenomena. For instance, if an Okku
chops down a tree at some instant (Ion Okku clocks, no Okku can lean
on it after (1- However, a Bokku can lean on it until the reunion. By all
Okku clocks the period of separation lasted twenty years; by all Bokku
clocks thirty years. We could describe in detail how certain physical laws
ensured that all the observers of one tribe suffered various visual and
tactual illusions. But th~ story would clearly be tremendously
To avoid this awkward interpretation we might postulate that the two
series of events occurred at different places from each other. This
interpretation is not, however, a natural one. For the Okku and the
Bokku are at all instants surrounded by qualitatively similar objects to
those of the land of Ug before the instant of separation e:J(cept for the
members of the other tribe, and hence we have little grounds for saying
that one or both tribes have changed their place. Normally, by the
criterion of similarity (p. 21), if we find ourselves 'surrounded by
qualitatively similar objects to those by which we were previously
surrounded, except for a few which are no longer present, we judge (at
least provisionally) that the few objects had moved, but that we ourselves
had remained in the same place. In both stories indeed there are two
mysterious events. At one instant, the other tribe disappears; at a second
instant it reappears and there are a few odd physical changes to the
environment at the same time. But the occurrence of two mysterious
events in its history does not mean that a tribe has moved to a new place.
A further awkwardness for the two-place interpretation would arise if
the Okku and Bokku both had evidence (in the way outlined in
Chapter 2) that if the other tribe was situated at another place during the
period of separation, that place would not be spatially related to their
own place. We would then have to postulate that each lived in a separate
space during the period of separation. Further, if we did really wish to
claim that at the instant of separation one tribe moved to another space
and returned to the land of Ug at the instant of reunion, would we not
have to make the same claim about the other tribe? For the fact that both
tribes experience equal upsets means that we have no justification for
claiming that one tribe, say the Okku, had moved to another space, while
the other t.ribe, the Bokku, remained put. In that case we would have to
postulate the existence of three qualitatively virtually identical spaces. To
170 Space and Time
claim that there must be two or three different spaces solely because a
place ceased to be inhabited by a certain group of people seems to stretch
the criteria of evidence for identity of place beyond those described in
Chapter 1.
If we accept that to postulate that new and very odd laws of physics
operate in the intermediate period or that the events experienced by the
two tribes occur in two different places are both too complicated
hypotheses, an alternative description in terms of two times is unavoid-
able. Time, on this interpretation, became split at the instant of
separation into two streams Okku-time and Bokku-time, which were
subsequently reunited. Each instant in Okku-time would be temporally
related to each other such instant and to instants in Ug-time (viz. instants
at which events occurred in the land of Ug before the separation and
after the reunion) but not to any instant in Bokku-time; and conversely
for Bokku-time.
If we refuse to allow the different physics or the different place
interpretations, the two-time interpretation of the myth is inevitable. For
take some event 0 in the story told by the Okku and another event B in
the story told by the Bokku. Both events occur, we assume, in exactly the
same place in the land of U g. Now 0 cannot occur at the same instant as
B -- since whatever occurs at the same place and at the same instant as
another event would (unless a radically different physics is postulated for
the intermediate period), if it is the sort of thing such an observer
observes (viz. the observer must have and use the senses and the
categories appropriate to observing the event), be observed by any
observer of the second event. Yet, ex hypothesi, 0 cannot be observed by
any observer of B. Nor can 0 have occurred later than B. For in that case,
if an observer of B stayed long enough at the place with his eyes skinned
he would observe O. But, ex hypothesi, he would not. The same
argument, mutatis mutandis, holds against the suggestion that 0
occurred earlier than B. So of two well-authenticated events 0 and B, 0
occurred neither before, nor at the same temporal instant as, nor after B.
So, to generalise, 0 and all events in the Okku history of the intermediate
period are not temporally related to B and all other events in the Bokku
history of the intermediate period.
Now we have seen that in some respects the different physics and
different place interpretations of the myth are very awkward, and the
principle of simplicity might seem to lead us to choose the two-time
interpretation. But I believe that to accept the two-time interpretation
would be to deny a logically necessary truth and hence one of the other
interpretations would have to be taken.
Times and the Topology 01 Time 171

The logically necessary truth is that if it is logically possible for an

unconscious material object to have a certain life history, viz. to be at
various places for various different periods of time, then it is logically
possible for a conscious material object to have the same life history. Ifa
stove can be now here, now there; then it can be now here, now there,
whether it has eyes or not. Its having eyes cannot make a certain life
history logically impossible. Yet in order to maintain the two-time
interpretation, we should be forced to deny this truth. For during the
period of separation material objects must have a life history in both
times. For unless the same material objects in the form of rocks and trees
form the surroundings of the two tribes during the intermediate period,
the two tribes would not be in the same place, and hence we would have
to adopt the different-place interpretation of the myth. Conscious beings
could not, however, exist in both times. For if a conscious being was
simultaneously conscious of the events of both times, the two times
would be the same time. If on the other hand he experienced only Okku
events in Okku-time and Bokku-events in Bokku time, then any
description of his experience at the instant of the reunion becomes self-
contradictory. Since at both the instants of time, Bokku-time and Okku-
time, immediately prior to the reunion, he did not know about the events
of the other time, he must have come to know about the events of the
other time at the moment of the reunion. But if he first carne to know of
the events of Bokku-time at the moment of reunion, of logical necessity
he cannot have been experiencing the events of Bokku-time dudng
Bokku-time, and similarly with Okku-time.
The same difficulty would arise with any other myth designed to show
that we could have knowledge of events of two times. The myth would
have to show,.as we saw earlier, that men at some instant had knowledge
of two events at past or future instants, which, they had reason to believe,
were not temporally related to each other. Now did these events occur in
the same space or not? If they did not occur in the same space, then
however different they were from each other, men <:ould easily attribute
any peculiarities to the different laws of nature operative in the two
spaces, as we have no reason to suppose that the same laws of physics
operate in different spaces. Hence we need not suppose that they
occurred in different times. If on the other hand the events occurred in
the same space, then, relative to some frame F consisting of actually
existing material objects they occurred either at the same place or at
places at some distance from each other. The material objects forming
the frame must exist in both times, for unless they did the events would
not be occurring at any distance from each other. But then it is not
172 Space and Time
logically possible that those objects be conscious. For, if a conscious
being existed in both times, again any description of his ex perience at the
instant of reunion becomes self-contradictory. I conclude that no myth
designed to show that we could have reason to believe that there were
two events temporally related to third event but not to each other, and
so that there were two times, will work; and hence that we cannot have
any knowledge of any events in a time other than our own. We must, as
Kant held, fit all events of which we have knowledge, into a single time
stream. I have no argument to show that it is not logically possible that
there be events which belong to different times; I argue only that no
observer could have any knowledge of such events.
Time, as we know it, is one-dimensional. By this is meant that one
temporal coordinate measuring temporal interval suffices to identify
uniquely any instant in the one time of which alone we can have
knowledge. To identify any instant you only have to say how long it was
in the one time after or before some specified instant (such as the date
conventionally ascribed to the birth of Christ or to the founding of the
city of Rome). Could it be otherwise? To say that time was two-
dimensional would be to say that temporal instants had to each other the
relations of before and after in two ways. Of two instants t 1 and t 2, t 1
could be before t 2 in one direction yet after it in the other. For to say that
time is two-dimensional is to say that some instants have this relation to
each other. But this - of logical necessity - could not be. For if an
instant t 1 is before another instant t 2 an event at t 1 could, it is logically
possible (though not always physically possible because of such
empirical factors as the finite velocity of the propagation of effects),
produce an effect at t 2' but an event at t 2 of logical necessity could not
produce an effect at t I ' Hence t z could not in any sense be before t l . For if
it were it would be logically possible for an event at t2 to produce an
effect at t l ' Time is, we must therefore conclude, of logical necessity one-
dimensional. I
Time, like spa\;e, is of logical necessity, unbounded. After every period
of time which has at some instant an end, there must be another period of
time, and so after every instant another instant. For either there will be
swans somewhere subsequent to a period T, or there will not. In either
case there must be a period subsequent to T, during which there will or
will not be swans. By an analogous argument any period which has a
beginning must have been preceded by another period, and hence time is
necessarily unbounded. Of course the Universe may not be temporally

I Kant claimed that this was a synthetic a priori truth - [[], 8.47.
Times and the Topology of Time 173
unbounded - after some instant t I there may be no Universe (this issue
will be discussed in Chapter 15). But this is only true if there is some
period after t I during which there is no Universe.
We saw in Chapter 8 that of logical necessity the same temporal
instant never returns. Since time is of logical necessity unbounded, it
must therefore of logical necessity be infinite. Since before every period
of time having a beginning and after every period of time having an end
there must be another period, and since the same instant and so period
never returns, there is no limit to time:1t has gone on and will go on
forever. Space, as we saw in Chapter 6, is different. It is of logical
necessity unbounded, but, as it may be the case that the series of places of
some finite size is finite for in every series of such places we may always
come to the same place again, space mayor may not be infinite.
Space, we concluded in Chapter 3, would not exist if there were no
physical objects in space. We have now reached the conclusion that time
would exist without physical objects. I As Shoemaker [4] has argued,
awareness of the passage of time involves awareness of change in or of
objects. Minimally, this awareness may be simply awareness of a change
in ourselves (e.g. me passing from a state of knowledge that it was a short
time since so and so happened, to knowledge that it was a long time). But
normally of course it will be awareness of things changing in the public
world. Hence there could not be awareness of the passing of time without
there being change in the world. But it does seem logically possible that
there should be periods of time in which nothing changed and,
Shoemaker argues, it would be logically possible to have evidence before
or after its occurrence that there was a period of the world's history
during which nothing changed. Shoemaker imagines a world divided
into three regions, A, B, and C. In A something becomes motionless
('freezes') for a year every three years; this can be observed on most
occasions from the other regions. In B everything freezes for a year every
four years, and in C everything freezes for a year every five years; and
normally these freezes can be observed from other regions. The
observation of such regular patterns of change over many years would
give observers good inductive evidence that these freezes would coincide
in all three regions every s.ixty years; and so that there would be a year in
which there was no change at all over the whole world.
In a similar way it seems logically possible that there should be a

lOur conclusion runs contrary to Augustine's claim that time began with the
beginning of the Universe. He argued that Time could not exist, if there were no
creatures', Confessions, II. 30.
174 Space and Time
period of time in which there was nothing existent, preceded and
followed by periods in which physical objects existed. One could have
inductive evidence for the existence of such periods in a way analogous to
the way in which Shoemaker suggested that one could have evidence for
the occurrence of periods of time without change. (This has been
suggested by Newton-Smith [6].) There could be a world, divided into
three regions, A, B, C. On A physical objects vanish for a year every three
years, after which objects similar to those which disappeared reappear.
The objects in B vanish for a year every four years, and those in C for a
year every five years, similar objects reappearing in the two regions after
the year. These cycles of disappearance in one region can usually be
observed from the other regions. The cycles of disappearance will
coincide every sixty years. There would then be a period of a year in
which there was nothing existent. Observers would have inductive
evidence of the existence of such a period. The law which determined the
appearance of new objects would state that objects similar to those
which disappeared would appear in a place with the same spatial
relations to qualitatively similar objects as those possessed by the old
objects. (It could not state that they appear in the same place, relative to
other objects, as the old objects which, had disappeared; because every.
sixty years there would be no other objects, and so no such place.) Talk of
periods of time during which or instants at which there are no physical
objects makes sense because those periods and instants can be picked out
by their temporal distance from periods at which there were changing
physical objects. But in such periods in which there are no physical
objects points of space cannot be picked out, because there are no frames
of reference by reference to which points can be identified. It was for this
reason that I argued in Chapter 3 that there could be no space without
physical objects then existent; but I now argue that there could be time
without such.
Time, then, being of logical necessity unique, one-dimensional, and
infinite, has of logical necessity a unique topology. Instants have to each
other the neighbourhood relations of points on a line of infinite length.
Time having this topology cannot properly be said to have a metrical
geometry as well. For a metrical geometry states, as we saw in Chapter 6,
what relations of distance and direction and what propositions about
area and volume are entailed by other relations of distance and direction.
The temporal analogue to a point is an instant, to distance is temporal
interval, to direction is being before or after. Time being one-
dimensional, there is no temporal analogue to area and volume. Further,
when we have identified temporal instants by their distance and direction
Times and the Topology of Time 175
from some.specified instant, it becomes a matter oflogical necessity what
relations of distance and direction these have to each other. Thus for
three instants a, b, and c, if b was an interval TI after a, and c was an
interval T2 after b, then c was after a an interval TI + T2. That this
conclusion foIlows of logical necessity from the premisses is a con-
sequence of the fact demonstrated in this chapter that·if we know of two
instants a and c both temporally related to an instant b, they must be
temporally related to each other in a one-dimensional infinite time.
Hence the only temporal path between two such points a and c must pass
through b, and so the distance along it must be that from a to b plus that
from b to c. But in contrast there are many paths between any two points
of Space and hence it becomes an empirical matter where the one
lies satisfying the criteria described in Chapter 4 for being a straight
We discussed in Chapter 9 methods for arranging events in temporal
order, that is for ascertaining which occurs before another, which occurs
at an instant prior to another. We do not, however, merely arrange events
in temporal order, but measure the temporal interval between them. To
do this we need a procedure for measuring temporal intervals, and such a
procedure I shall call a time scale. Indeed it is often physically impossible
to ascertain which of two events Eland E2 was the earlier without the use
of a time scale. Suppose for instance that Eland E2 are spatially separate
events, so far apart that it would be physically impossible for anyone who
observed EI also to observe E~ or to receive before observing EI signals
from a man who had observed E 2 , and conversely. In that case observers
must judge which occurred first by judging which would have occurred
first as indicated by readings on clocks at the place of each event,
previously synchronised and ticking at the same rate. How time intervals
are to be measured is the main theme of the next chapter.


[I] I. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Transcendental Aesthetic, section

2, 'Time'.
On the possibility of two times see:
[2] Anthony Quinton, 'Spaces and Times', Philosophy, 1962, 37, 13~7.
[3] 1. R. Lucas A Treatise on Time and Space, London, 1973, § 7.
On the relation of time to change and to the existe.nce of physical objects,
176 Space and Time
[4] Sydney Shoemaker, Time Without Change', Journal of Philosophy,
[5] Bas C. van Fraassen, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Space and
Time, New York, 1970, 11-30.
[6] W. Newton-Smith, The Structure of Time, London, 1980, Ch. 2.
11 Time Measurement
and Absolute Time
What are the primary tests (in the sense described on p. 61) for temporal
interval? To say that an event occurred n units of time after another event
is to say that if a true clock recorded a certain reading at the place of the
first event at the instant of its occurrence, then a true clock pTeviously
synchronised with the former would record a reading greater by n units
at the place of the second event at the instant of its occurrence.
Statements about temporal interval are statements about what would
have been or would be the behaviour of true clocks.
A clock will be a true clock if it measures intervals by a true time scale.
A clock measuring intervals in terms of one kind of unit, say hours, will
measure time on the same time scale as another clock measuring intervals
in terms of another kind of unit, say minutes, if all measurements of
intervals between any two events by the two clocks are linearly related to
each other, that is, each measurement by one clock in terms of its units is
a constant multiple of the measurement of the same interval by the other
clock in terms of its unit. A clock with only a minute-ha!1d and a clock
with only an hour-hand measure time on the same time scale.
But how are we to establish that a clock is a true clock? Any actual
recurrent process - the rotation of the Earth, its revolution around the
Sun - forms a clock, and yields a potential time scale whereby we can
measure intervals. So too does any mechanical device which could be
built - such as a pendulum clock - in which there is a recurrent process.
Every occurrence of the process or some function thereof is assumed to
occur after the same period of time, and we call this interval between any
two occurrences - provisionally - a time unit. The rotation of the
Earth takes a day. This gives us units in terms of which we can measure
processes. If we assume that the Earth rotates at a regular rate against the
background of the 'fixed' stars, we can divide the day into hours and
minutes and seconds. On this basis using distance measurements as
described in Chapters 4 and 5, we calculate the laws of nature. We find
out how bodies move under the influence of forces of various kinds.
178 Space and Time
As with the parallel case, discussed in Chapter 4, for establishing that a
body is a rigid body, there are two criteria for choosing the true time scale
from among potential time scales. The first is that judgements of
temporal interval between events which form part of our history and in
particular of our personal experience must not diverge radicalIy from
those which we ordinarily make, by means of the day and year scales
which have been in use for so many thousand years. Current events on
Earth which last from when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky one
day to when it is at its highest point the next day must be said to last
approximately the same period of time as each other. So too must events
which last from the period when the Sun is in Capricorn to the period
when it is in Capricorn the next year. For if the adoption of a proposed
time scale meant that last sidereal year was a thousand times as long as the
previous sidereal year, that time scale could not be adopted - however
simple the resulting laws of physics. This is so because such expressions
as 'equal time interval', 'much longer time', etc., are given their meaning
by the circumstances in which ordinary users of language judge it
appropriate to use them. We only know what these expressions mean
because we have been taught what these circumstances are. If physics
radicalIy contradicted alI such obvious common-sense judgements about
time intervals, We would have to conclude that it did not use 'time' in the
same sense as did ordinary language. Certainly some law of physics may
be simpler if the '( in it is said to be a thousand times as great for last
sidereal year as for the preceding one. But if we are to say that 't' denotes
time, our judgements of t-interval must largely correspond to the
judgements of time interval ~hich would be made in ordinary circum-
stances of personal experience and, to a lesser extent, familiar human
history by an ordinary user of language. Otherwise why say that the
physicists' 't' denotes time?
The first criterion for a clock measuring the true time scale is a
criterion which clocks need satisfy only approximately. Subject to it, we
adopt as the true time scale at any place (by whatever frame identified)
that scale by which an observer at that place will judge the laws of nature
to have their simplest form. Let us make this point by showing how we
find the true clock in the vicinity of the Earth by which to measure time
interval. Our ground for not choosing the medieval town clock as the
true timepiece is that relative to it the laws of nature would become
highly complex. Days would be of uneven length,and so the Earth would
be rotating at a significantly ever-varying rate. Bodies would attract each
other with forces of intensity varying from instant to instant. The
principle of scientific methodology that the scientist choose from among
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 179
laws compatible with observed phenomena the simplest possible leads to
the rejection of such a time scale. Since the simplest laws compatible with
observed phenomena are those which the scientist has best reason to
believe to be true, the time scale used in them will be that which the
scientist has best reason to believe to be true. If we choose the scale given
by the daily rotation of the Earth relative to the 'fixed stars' we find
that - approximately - bodies obey Newton's three highly simple laws
of motion and the neat inverse square laws of gravitation and
electrostatic and magnetostatic attraction; or, possibly, other compara-
tively simple laws, -such as Einstein's field equations, to a yet higher
degree of accuracy.
Yet this time scale has to be corrected for it does not yield simple laws
with perfect accuracy. Recently physicists have adopted as the official
scale of time one based on the atomic clock. Atomic clocks have been
developed since 1948, and-have two essential parts. The first is a quartz
crystal. Quartz has the property that if it is mechanically deformed a
difference of electric potential is produced between its opposite surfaces;
and conversely, the production of a difference of electric potential
between its opposite surfaces brings about mechanical ·deformation.
Because it has this property a quartz crystal can control the frequency of
oscillation of an electronic oscillator. The crystal is adjusted at intervals
by means of the second part of the clock, a caesium resonator. The quartz
crystal is made to control the frequency of a radio wave. If this coincides
with the natural frequency of a line of caesium, there occurs a transition
in the magnetic properties of a beam of caesium atoms streaming
through the resonator; otherwise the transition does not occur. Thus the
frequency of oscillation of the quartz clock is checked by the natural
frequency of radiation of an atom. If we assume that atoms invariably
produce radiation of the same frequency, an unfailing check on the
accuracy of clocks is available. One reason for supposing that this
assumption holds near the surface of the Earth is that the laws of nature
become simple and coherent, if judged by atomic clocks situated near the
Earth. This is clear. For if judged by the atomic c;lock, the other laws of
nature became much more complicated than when judged by some other
standard, but we could easily account for the variation in frequency of
atomic radiation with time as judged by the other standard, we would
adopt the other standard. The other reason for adopting the assumption
is that it confirms to some degree of approximation ordinary pre-
scientific judgements about which processes last the same period of time.
Scientific standards of time refine, but do not replace pre-scientific ones.
In 1966 scientists defined a second so that radiation of frequency
180 Space and Time
. . 133
9,192,631,770 cycles per second was emitted by the 40~ 30 transit of 55
caesium. The role of this definition is, like the role of the similar
definition for length, to correct and not to replace our normal methods
of measuring time interval. For if by this standard tomorrow, though the
day was in other ways similar to today, proved to be a thousandth of the
length of today, we would say that the frequency of caesium radiation,
and not the length of the day, had changed.
So then scientists adopt at each place that time scale which yields the
laws of nature in their simplest form. At places in the vicinity of the Earth
this means that they adopt an atomic clock. I shall later give reasons for
supposing that clocks of the same construction should be used on all
fundamental particles, that is, approximately, clusters of galaxies. I have
so far assumed that study of physical phenomena would yield at anyone
place one true time scale. The possibility must, however, be admitted that
some processes studied by science could be explained most simply and
coherently using one provisional time scale; and other processes could be
explained most simply and coherently using another provisional time
scale. E. A. Milne once suggested that electromagnetic phenomena could
best be dealt with by his t-scale, and dynamical processes by his r-scale,
and that these scales were related asymptotically. 1 Fortunately science
has found no need to adopt his suggestion. Clocks on Earth can account
for all different kinds of process successfully by the use of the atomic time
scale and we have no reason to adopt a more complicated supposition for
clocks in distant regions of the Universe. Hence, in the absence of
evidence suggesting otherwise, we can talk of the true temporal interval
at any place between two events and not merely of the temporal interval
by this scale or that.
The account which I have given of the criteria for temporal interval is,
like the account which I gave for distance, opposed to the conventionalist
account given by Reichenbach and others.2 In analy;;ing the criteria for
saying that two temporal intervals are equal, I have found that under
normal circumstances these criteria yield clear un-arbitrary results. The

1 E. A. Milne, Kinematic Relativity (Oxford, 1948), passim and especially pp.

2 See Reichenbach [2] p. 117: 'All definitions ... [of temporal interval] ... are
equally admissible'. Or Carnap: 'We cannot say that the pendulum is the 'right'
choice as the basis for our time unit and my pulse beat the 'wrong' choice'.
(Rudolf Carnap, Philosophical Foundations of Physics, London and New York,
1966, p. 83.)
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 181

same pattern of argument which I used against conventionalism about

distance in Chapter 4 has force against conventionalism about temporal
So an observer at anyone place can judge the time interval between
events at that place. But what are the criteria of simultaneity of events at
different places? How, in other words, is an observer to synchronise his
clock with clocks at other places? Once we have a method for
synchronising clocks at different places we can ascertain whether true
clocks at two places yield the same time scale, viz. tick at the same rate.
For we have only to measure temporal intervals on one clock and the
intervals between the same two instants on the other clock (which we can
do if we can ascertain when a reading on one clock occurs at the same
instant as a reading on the other clock) and see if the intervals bear a
constant linear relation to each other. If they do, the clocks at the two
places yield the same time scale.
To synchronise clocks at the same place we have merely to adjust them
so that they read the same. Synchronisation at the same place I shall term
direct synchronisation. Synchronisation of clocks at two distant places I
shaH term indirect synchronisation. Intuitively, before we introduce any
modern science, there would seem two possible methods of synchronis-
ing clocks at two distant places P and Q, the clock-transport method and
the signal method. The clock-transport method is to have two clocks at P
ticking at the same rate and then move one of them to Q and synchronise
the clock at Q with it. This method is analogous to the method of
measuring distances at places, where the distance at Q is given by the rod
moved from P and held to be of the same length at Q as at P (see Chapter
4). The signal method is to· send a signal at to by P's clock from P to Q. It
arrives at Q at t I on Q's clock. Immediately it arrives the signal is sent
back from Q to P where it arrives at t 2 by P's clock. Now t I must lie
between to and t2 by the principle that causes of logical necessity
precede their effects. We then make the simplest hypothesis about the
velocity of the signal coherent with the rest of physics. This hypothesis
will yield a solution about where t I lies between to and t 2> and hence
provide a procedure for synchronising clocks at P and Q.
It would seem that one or other of these methods or perhaps both of
these methods are the primary tests for synchronising clocks at different
places, that is, they give the meaning of saying that a clock at P and a
clock at Q have been adjusted to register the same time. A clock at P and a
clock at Q will show the same time if a clock transported from P to Q,
showing the same time as p's clock on departure, shows the same time as
Q's clock on arrival and if a signal sent from P to Q and back again arrives
182 Space and Time
at Q at the instant, on Q's clock, predicted by the simplest hypothesis
about the journey and information about the instants at which, by P's
clock, it left P and returned to P. I shall leave open for the moment the
question whether both tests have to be satisfied for two clocks to be
synchronised, or whether the satisfaction of one test suffices. We shall
find that empirical considerations may help us to see what to say if one
test is satisfied and the other not.
Unfortunately it is a physical fact that each method of indirect
synchronisation leads to confusion in different circumstances. What I
mean by this is that the results of different applications of each test
conflict with each other or with the results of measuring time by true
clocks at each place. Under such circumstances we cannot consistently
maintain that the method in question is reliable.
Let us first consider the signal method. The signal method, it will be
recalled, is to send a signal from some point P to another point Q and
back again. The time of its arrival at Q, t 1 on Q's clock, must lie between
to, the time of its departure from P, and t2 the time of its return to P. Ifwe
had a signal which returned to P in no period of time at ail, which was
back again as soon as it went and so had infinite velocity, we could
uniquely identify t I. For then t 1 = to = t 2 . No such signal is known to
science. In the absence of one, it is clearly desirable to choose the signal
with the fastest two-way velocity, that is a signal whose total journey,
there and back, for a given distance is the fastest. For such a signal will
narrow down the possible values of t 1 as much as possible. The fastest
signal known to physics is that of light and all other e1ectromllgnetic
radiation, which has - at any rate within the region of our galactic
cluster - a mean or two-way velocity of approximately 300,000 km/sec l .
(We cannot of course measure the one-way velocity of light, i.e. its
velocity relative to P on its journey from P to Q, without having first
synchronised a clock at Q with one at P.) Now light (and all other
electromagnetic radiation) has the peculiar property not shared by

1 It has normally been held that the supposition that there could be particles or
other signals which had a velocity greater than that oflight would contradict the
Special Theory of Relativity. However recently physicists have speculated
whether after all there could be such particles to be called tachyons. But it looks
rather as if the existence of tachyons would only be compatible with the
universal applicability of Special Relativity if causes could follow their effects,
and we have seen reason to suppose that that is not logically possible, or iflogic
is violated in some other way. See the discussion in John Earman, 'Implications
of Causal Propagation outside the Null Cone', Australian Journal of Philosophy,
1972, SO, 222-37, and the articles referred to therein.
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 183
material objects that - at any rate in the region of our galactic c1uster-
its mean velocity has the same value in all inertial frames. By this is meant
that when a light signal is sent between any two points P and Q and back
again (stationary or in motion relative to each other), and that passage is
marked as a passage on inertial frames moving relative to P or Q with any
velocity, then the mean velocity of the signal will be the same in all such
That the mean velocity of light has the same value in all inertial frames
is the most natural extrapolation from a very large number of
experimental results, the most celebrated of which is the Michelson-
Morley experiment. It was assumed by Einstein in formulating the
Special Theory of Relativity and confirmed experimentally in 1913 that
the velocity of light received at E from a distant source S is independent
of the velocity of S relative to E. Light from each of a pair of double stars,
one of which is receding from the Earth and one of which is approaching
it (judged by the criteria of Chapter 5) has the same one-way velocity
over the surface of the Earth. This can be shown by reflecting flashes of
light from the two stars which arrived simultaneously at P on Earth to
another point Q on Earth. The two light flashes will arrive at Q at the
same instant. So, the Earth being to all appearances a typical near-
inertial frame, either the mean velocity of light is the same in all inertial
frames or it varies with the velocity of the receiving frame E relative to
something else other than the source. During the nineteenth century it
was supposed by many that light had a constant one-way velocity relative
to an underlying medium, ether, and that its velocity relative to'E varied
with .the velocity of E relative to the ether. The Michelson-Morley
experiment was undertaken in 1887 to ascertain the velocity of the Earth
relative to the ether. A light signal was sent from a source (0) stationary
on Earth a distance L (relative to the Earth)
in perpendicular directions to mirrors M 1
and M 2 stationary on Earth and reflected
back again to the source (0). Suppose that
along 0 M 1 the Earth has a velocity V
relative to the ether. Then if light has a L L
constant one-way velocity c relative to the
ether, and it takes an interval T2 to travel in
a direction perpendicular to the direction of ~-----........ M,
the Earth's velocity relative to the ether and o v~

back again, T2 = 2L . In the direc- Figure 8.

Jc 2
tion the same as that of the Earth's velocity relative to the ether and back
184 Space and Time
2Lc .
again, it will take an interval Tl = (C 2 _ V2). The dJlTerence between
the two intervals should be detected at 0 from the interference fringes
produced at 0 by combining the two beams. However, in whichever
direction 0 M 1 was aligned no interference fringes resulted. Hence there
was no direction in which the Earth had a velocity V relative to the ether.
So either the Earth was stationary relative to the ether at the moment of
the experiment or the mean velocity of light was always constant on the
Earth, and independent of the Earth's velocity relative to any underlying
medium. The same negative result of the experiment was obtained at
many different periods of the year. Hence either the Earth was
permanently fixed in the ether while Sun and planets revolved around
it - a supposition ruled out since Galileo (see Chapter 3) - or the mean
velocity oflight was constant relative to the Earth with whatever velocity
relative to any other body or medium known to science in whatever
direction it moved.
The Earth being to all appearances a typical near-inertial frame,
proponents of the Special Theory of Relativity have drawn from the
experiment the conclusion that the mean velocity of light is constant in
all inertial frames. Thisconclusion is in harmony with so much scientific
theory (especially the previously formulated electromagnetic theory) and
so many other subsequent experiments that the evidence for it may be
said to be very strong - at any rate for inertial frames within the region
of our galactic cluster (the question of the velocity of light on the cosmic
scale will be considered later). The most natural simplification of the
conclusion -although one which we shall later give reason for
abandoning - is that the signal has in every inertial frame its mean
velocity as its one-way velocity relative to the source in every direction,
to + t2 S·mce, as we have seen, sCIence
. t 1 = -2-.
VIZ. .. alms to formu Iate th e

simplest laws of nature compatible with phenomena, the assumption

must be adopted - unless it leads to complexities elsewhere. It does not
initially lead to any such complexities. On the contrary, on all inertial
frames if we make the assumption about the equality of the velocity of
light in every direction, then all other signals (e.g. a bullet of a certain size
and type sent from a gun of a certain construction) have, in the absence of
disturbing factors (e.g. wind) detectable by other effects, relative to their
source the same velocity in every direction. Hence, if we judge time at Q
to + t 2 usmg
by the formula t I = -2-' .
ot her sIgna
. Istan
h I·Ig ht, we wou ld In

the absence of disturbing factors get the same result.

Time Measurement and Absolute Time 185
In order to synchronise his clock with the clock at P by the signal
method, an observer at Q must know when a signal arrives from P the
instant of its despatch and the instant at which the signal which he then
despatches will arrive back at P. Only ifhe knows both to and t 2 when his
clock reads t I will he know what the clock reads at P at that instant.
Information about the instant of despatch may be known in advance or
could be transmitted with the signal. There are various easy methods of
ascertaining in advance when a given signal will arrive back at P, as
judged by the clock there. Thus we can send a series of signals at equal
intervals from P as judged by P's clock. We can note the formula
governing their arrival back at P and so predict of the next signal when it
will arrive back at P. If Q is stationary or in uniform rectilinear motion
relative to P, the signal will arrive back at P at equal intervals. By this
method an observer at Q can continually check his clock against the
clock at P and so it will appear whether or not the two clocks tick at the
same rate, viz. yield the same time scale.
Now the signal method of synchronisation leads to no confusion for
clocks stationary relative to each other, that is, situated on the same
frame of reference - so long as we are considering only one set of such
clocks. For any number of such clocks stationary inter se the signal
method enables clocks to be synchronised by a method which gives clear
and unambiguous results. Thus if we synchronise a clock at P with one at
Q and one at Q with one at R, we shall find that the one at R is
synchronised with the one at P. Using this standard we can check
whether true clocks at each place on the frame yield the same time scale,
that is whether natural processes run at the same rate at each place on the
frame. We find th'at on inertial frames true clocks, viz. atomic clocks,
yield the same time scale everywhere. On other frames this is not
necessarily so. Thus on a frame rotating relative to an inertial frame,
clocks on the circumference go more slowly than clocks at the centre.
But the moment we consider two sets of clocks in relative motion, the
members of each set being stationary relative to each other, the signal
method of synch ronising clocks stationary relative to each other leads to
oonfu~on. .
Given the signal method of synchronisation for clocks on each frame,
and given that light has the same one-way rectilinear velocity in all
inertial frames, we can deduce the celebrated Lorenz transformations
which form the core of the Special Theory of Relativity from which its
other results are derived. If an inertial frame F' is moving with uniform
velocity v along the x-axis relative to inertial frame F, then an event at (x,
y, z, t) in the frame F will have coordinates (x', y', z', t') in F' (the first three
coordinates being Cartesian spatial coordinates and the last coordinate
186 Space and Time
the temporal coordinate, spatial and temporal origin points being the
same for measurements in both frames) such that:
x' = P(x - vt)
y' = Y
z' = z
, P( t - 2VX) ,where P =
t =
e R' 1

Given the signal method of synchronisation, the Special Theory of

Relativity which purports to hold in a pure form only for a universe
empty of matter, is found to hold in all respects to a very high degree of
approximation within the region of our galactic cluster except near
regions of very high matter density.
Now suppose two momentary events E, and E2 say flashes of
lightning, to occur. E, occurs at point P on F and point P' on F'. E2
occurs at point Q on F, and point Q' on F'. Now it is a consequence of the
Lorenz transformations that if EI and E2 are simultaneous as judged by
the light signal method used in F, they will not be simultaneous as judged.
by the light signal method used in F', and conversely. For if the time
interval between E, and E2 , as judged in F, is t = 0, then the time

interval between them, as judged in F' will be t' = - Pv2x . Conversely if

t', the time interval between Eland E2 as judged in F', = 0, t = pe 2'
Consequently the signal method for synchronising clocks leads to
confusion. For if it is valid, you find of two events that they both are and
are not simultaneous. The relativity of simultaneity, as judged by the
signal method, is, as we have seen, predicted by the Special Theory but

the formula t' = P (t - ~~) has been well confirmed independently.'

There are exactly two possible ways out of this awkward situation. The
way adopted by Einstein and expounded in text-books on the Special
Theory of Relativity is to say that the ordinary concept of simultaneity
could only be applied if two events simultaneous by the light signal
method in one frame were simultaneous in all equibasic (viz. inertial)
frames, and so we must substitute for it the concept of simultaneity in a
frame. 2 Two events are simultaneous in a certain frame if the clocks in

I By the Ives-Stilwell effect and cosmic ray phenomena. For details see [3] pp.
213-1 S.
2 See A. Einstein, 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' (originally
published 19O5) in A. Einstein et al., The Principle of Relativity (W. Perrett and
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 187
that frame synchronised by the light signal method show the same
reading when the two events occur. So E I and E 2 may be simultaneous in
F, but not in F'. But no contradition arises, since it does not follow from
E I and E 2 being simultaneous in F that they will be simultaneous in F' or
any other frame ..
The alternative is to deny that, except possibly in one preferred frame,
the light signal method measures simultaneity. We could hold for
instance that simultaneity is properly judged by the light signal method
in a certain preferred frame F only, and that two events simultaneous in
F are truly simultaneous. Then to find out what the time interval is
between any two events we have to find out what judgement· about time
interval would be made by an observer on F using the light signal
method. This means assuming that only in F is the velocity of a reflected
light signal constant in both directions. In all other inertial frames it will
have some velocity j (different for each frame) in a certain direction and

~ in the opposite direction, with intermediate velocities in in-

termediate directions. This will mean that its mean velocity for a two-
way trip will be the same in all inertial frames, as observable. This
interpretation of physics can be carried through perfectly consistently, I
but the trouble is, if we confine ourselves to the Universe of Special
Relativity, viz. a Universe virtually empty of matter, that there are no
grounds for choosing one inertial frame rather than any other as the
preferred frame. The reinterpretation of physics leading to a unique
measure of simultaneity can be carried through perfectly consistently
and with identical complexity for any choice of preferred inertial frame,
and given the applicability of the Special Theory, any non-inertial frame
would be a less basic frame and so one which science ought not to use. So
unless we have grounds for adopting a scientific theory other than
Special Relativity, and on the basis of it for jUdging that for the laws of
physics, or perhaps just for the laws of physics in some region, there is a I
most basic frame ofreference, we have no justification for adopting any
particular version of this alternative. If, however, we were to find a most

G. B. Jeffery) (London, 1923) pp. 42f. 'We see that we cannot attach any absolute
signification to the concept of simultaneity, but that two events which, viewed
from a system of coordinates are simUltaneous, can no longer be looked upon as
simultaneous events when envisaged from a system which is in motion relatively
to that system.'
1 For the first stages of such a reinterpretation and demonstration of its
consistency see Grunbaum [4] ch. 12, section B.
188 Space and Time
basic frame of reference, we ought to take this as a preferred frame (since
the laws of physics ought to be referred to most basic frames) and so we
would have a coherent standard of simultaneity, a method of synchroni-
sation which does not lead to confusion.
So much for the signal method, the circumstances in which it does and
the circumstances in which it does not lead to confusion. We must now
consider the clock-transport method which seems perhaps more ob-
viously a primary test for indirect synchronisation than the signal
method. This method, it will be recalled, for synchronising clocks at P
and Q is to have two true clocks synchronised at P, and then to move one
to Q. The clock at Q is then synchronised with the clock moved from P,
and the clocks at P and Q are then said to show the same time. If we
moved clocks from P to Q at regular intervals we could then see whether
clocks remaining at P and Q yielded the same time scale.
Now the clock-transport method normally leads to confusion, and
this for two reasons. The first is that clocks showing at P the same
reading taken from P to Q by different routes or- at different velocities
will record on arrival at Q different readings. The second difficulty is that
a clock moved from P to Q and then taken back again will not in general
record the same passage of time as a clock which remained at P, but a
shorter time. (Here the celebrated twin 'paradox' that if one twin remains
on the Earth while the other travels in a space rocket on a long journey
and then returns to Earth, the latter will have aged less than the former.
For his ageing mechanism would be expected to operate at the rate of a
clock transported with him.) Hence either when moved from P to Q or
when moved from Q to Pit must have shown on arrival a smaller reading
than that shown at the same instant on the clock at the point which it left.
So we can only use the clock-transport method if there is a route and
velocity of moving a clock which is such that moving a clock from P to
Q and back again has the consequence that on arrival back at P it
records the same time as the clock which stays at P, and which is such
that we have reason to suppose that it ticks at the same rate on its journey
to Q as on its journey back. Fortunately, given the Special Theory of
Relativity, within anyone inertial frame there is such a method of
moving clocks so that this holds when the smallest of corrections is made
to the clock. The method is to move the clock (by any route) very slowly,
relative to that inertial frame. Noting that when we move the clock from
P to Q and back very slowly, its reading on arrival back at P diverges very
little from the reading on the clock which stayed at P, and the more
slowly it is moved, the less it diverges, we can work out the limit of this
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 189
process - i.e. to talk slightly metaphorically, what it would read if it were
moved infinitely slowly. That reading will exaCtly coincide with the
reading on the clock which stayed at P. The simplest hypothesis is to
suppose that the clock ticks at the same rate when moved from P to Q as
when moved in the other direction. Hence we have reason to use the
clock-transport method of infinitely slow transport in a straight line in
order to synchronise a clock at Q with one at P. Ellis and Bowman [9]
point out that, given the Special Theory of Relativity, this method gives
exactly the same results as the signal method so far described; and in
opposition to the 'conventionalist' approach of [10], Ellis [11] rightly
urges that all this is good reason for adopting the judgements of
simultaneity which these methods yield. However, as we have seen, all
this holds only within a given inertial frame; and if we are to use a
standard of simultaneity, we need grounds for preferring one inertial
frame to others.
Leaving for the moment these difficulties about synchronisation, let us
next present and give the evidence for the overall picture of the Universe,
given by modern cosmology. In so doing we shall at last present the
evidence for the cosmologist's thesis about basic frames which I set
forward in Chapter 3.
An observer on Earth notes that, on the evidence of their Doppler
shift, all other clusters are in recessiOn from his own. All other clusters at
any given distance (estimated by the methods described in Chapter 5) in
whatever direction have, when allowance is made for small random
velocities, .the same velocity of recession from our cluster, a velocity
which increases with distance (possibly uniformly), viz. the observed
region of the Universe is, relative to our cluster, approximately isotropic.
All observed clusters belong to one of a few types and the different types
are spread throughout the observable region. Now is it only relative to
our cluster at this instant on its clocks that this isotropic recession of
observed clusters occurs, or does it occur relative to the other clusters at
all instants on the clocks of each? The supposition that only relative to
our cluster at this instant is there isotropic recession seems unreasonable,
and the principle of simplicity dictates us to postulate that for all clusters
at all instants on the clocks of each the observable part of the Universe is
approximately isotropic (viz. observed clusters at any given distance
from any observed cluster recede from it with approximately the same
velocity). We can avoid the awkwardness that the isotropy is only
approximate by postulating an imaginary frame of reference in the
vicinity of each cluster, relative to which the recession of other such
190 Space and Time
frames is uniform. Such a frame is termed in the literature of cosmology a
fundamental particle, and an observer imagined as situated on one a
fundamental observer l .
The fundamental particles are then in uniform recession relative to
each other. A cluster may rotate relative to its fundamental particle, but
any velocity of recession of the cluster from the particle will be small and
temporary. Motion of a cluster relative to its fundamental particle is
random and thus equally likely to be in any direction. The supposition
that we can postulate associated with each cluster a fundamental particle
its motion relative to which satisfies these conditions, and that relative to
any fundamental particle at any instant the observable Universe is
isotropic, may be called the principle of isotropy. That it holds is an
empirical postulate which might turn out to be false. Wireless messages
might one day be received from astronomers in a distant cluster
reporting that relative to them the observable Universe is very far from
isotropic. But until such messages are received it seems reasonable to
adopt the principle.
If then the observable Universe is always isotropic relative to each
fundamental observer, it seems a further simplification to postulate that
the laws of physics as formulated by an observer on each fundamental
particle, using his measures of distance and clocks, are the same; and so
that they are the same on each c1usfer, if we make allowances for any
random motion or rotation of the cluster. This principle we shall call the
principle of equivalent laws. By it the law that a certain machine will tick
always at the same rate will hold on every cluster and so true clocks on
every cluster will have the same construction. The principle is an
empirical postulate which might turn out to be false. There is, however,
some empirical evidence that the principle is true, at any rate for local
laws, that is laws governing the behaviour of matter on each cluster. One
piece of evidence is that light spectra of distant clusters can most
reasonably be interpreted, as we saw on p. 91, as spectra of elements

I Some recent research suggests that the isotropy may indeed be only appro-

ximate. Recent measurements indicate that relative to the background cosmic

radiation (On this see Chapter 13), our galactic cluster is moving in space in the
direction from Aquarius to Leo with a velocity of perhaps as much as
600 km/sec. For an elementary account of this work and references to more
technical literature, see Richard A. Muller "The Cosmic Background Radiation
and the New Aether Drift', SCientific American, May 1978, 64-74. But even if
these results are accepted, they still leave open the question whether it is our
galactic cluster which is moving away from our fundamental particle or the
background radiation which is moving away from it.
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 191
known to us to be shifted to the red. If the interpretation is correct then
elements on distant clusters have the same frequency relative to each
other as elements known to us, and hence an atomic clock graduated by
the natural frequency of a line of one element there would ensure such
simple laws of nature as the constancy over time of the frequency of light
emitted by the other elements.
Once we ha ve adopted, as we ought to adopt on grounds of sim plicity,
the principles of isotropy and equivalent laws, we conclude that relative
10 each cluster which we observe there are clusters observed receding
isotropically, on each of which the same laws of physics hold. We can
thus use observed clusters for which the principles are satisfied as traces
that bey'ond them there are other clusters for which the principles are
satisfied, and so we can extrapolate spatially ad infinitum.
It follows from the principle of equivalent laws that the fundamental
particle in the vicinity of each cluster is for the laws of cosmology an
equibasic frame, viz. proposed laws of cosmology acquire their simplest
form relative to any fundamental particle, but no fundamental particle is
more basic than any other one.
However, cosmologists suppose that for setting forward the local laws
of physics, the local fundamental particle forms the most basic frame of
reference. Their grounds for supposing this are that relative to any other
fundamental particle the loeallaws would prove more complicated. For
instance they have reason to believe, as will be shown on pp. 199f, that
the mean or two-way velocity oflight, locally constant, is variable relative
to distant fundamental particles. If the cosmologists are right, then there
is in the vicinity of each cluster a most basic frame ofreference relative to
which the laws of physics ought to be formulated and hence judgements
of distance and temporal interval to be made. The difficulty with the
signal and clock-transport methods was, we saw (pp. I 88f), that before
we could make such judgements we had to specify a preferred frame of
reference. If Special Relativity, which is a theory of an empty Universe,
were our theory of mechanics we could not do this. But the distribution
of matter suggests a preferred frame in the region of each cluster, and
hence these methods can be used for synchronising clocks within the
cluster, on the supposition that only relative to the fundamental particle
does light have its mean velocity in both directions. The two-way velocity
of light remains approximately constant relative to all approximately
inertial frames in the vicinity of the cluster, but the one-way velocity
varies with the direction in which the frame is moving relative to the
fundamental particle. The use of these methods, incidentally, would be
expected to reveal that clocks on the edge of galaxies rotating relative to
192 Space and Time
their fundamental particle go more slowly than clocks of identical
construction in the centre. This is a prediction of Special Relativity which
still applies to a high degree of approximation in such small regions of
the Universe as galactic clusters.
Clusters themselves, however, are in mutual recession. Consequently '"\
the light signal method could afford no unique judgement of simul-
taneity for events on different clusters. An event £! on one cluster C! and
another event £2 on another cluster C 2, which, by the light signal method
using the fundamental particle associated with C! as its frame of
reference, were simultaneous, would not be simultaneous by the light
signal method using the fundamental particle associated with C 2 as its
frame of reference. And there would seem no preferred method at
present of moving clocks between galaxies. However, the constitution of
the Universe described above does suggest a preferred method of c1ock-
transport which will lead to no confusion - on the following grounds.
By the principle of equivalent laws the laws of physics formulated by an
observer situated on each equibasic frame, that is in modern cosmology
each fundamental particle, will be the same. Hence either each process of
a kind on each equibasic frame, including the ticking of clocks, occurs at
a rate generally different from a process of the same kind on another
equibasic frame, while on each each process of one kind has the same rate
relative to each process of another kind, or each process of the same kind
occurs at the same rate on each equibasic frame. Clearly the simplest
supposition to make and hence the one which we ought to adopt in the
absence of counter-reasons is the latter. This principle we shall call the
principle of similar clocks. If there are no objections to adopting the
principle, then there will be a unique method of ascertaining the instant
by the clocks on any cluster at which a distant event occurred. For
clusters of galaxies are now receding from our cluster. So by the principle
of isotropy either the mutual recession of clusters has been going on since
an instant by the clocks of our cluster when all clusters were very close
together or it has been going on since an instant by the clocks of our
cluster when all clusters were approximately stationary relative to each
other.! But in either of these cases clocks on each cluster could have been
synchronised at the instants referred to. In the first case clocks would

I If one of these two properties holds of the Universe, Weyl's postulate will be

satisfied (see H. Weyl, 'Redshift and Relativistic Cosmology', Philosophical

Magazine, 1930, 9, 936--43). Weyl's postulat!! is that the clusters lie in Space-
time on a bundle of geodesics diverging from a point in the finite or infinitely
distant past.
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 193
have been very close together and so could have synchronised directly by
comparison at what would be, approximately, the same place. In the
second case when all clusters were approximately stationary relative to
each other, all equibasic frames would have formed the same one most
basic frame and hence there would have been a preferred frame and so
synchronisation could have taken place by either method relative to it,
viz. relative to every fundamental particle.
So if the princip'le of similar clocks can be maintained, we have a
method for ascertaining the instant on our clocks at which a distant event
occurred. It occurred at the instant shown by clocks of the fundamental
particle in its vicinity, and the clocks of that particle have ticked at the
same rate as the clocks of our fundamental particle since the instant at
which they could have been synchronised with them. Hence if by the
clocks of its fundamental particle the event occurred 5,000 million years
since its cluster was close to our cluster, then it occurred 5,000 million
years after that event by the clocks of our cluster.
Can the principle of similar clocks be maintained? In the Universe of
Special Relativity it could not be maintained. Here the equibasic frames
are the inertial frames. Now consider three inertial frames A, B, and C all
moving with uniform rectilinear velocity relative to each other. At the
initial instant of the experiment B passes A, and observers on each
synchronise clocks directly; later B passes C moving towards A, and
observers on Band C synchronise clocks directly; finally C passes A, and
observers on both note the readings on the two clocks. It is a
consequence of the Special Theory that the clock on C will record a
smaller passage of time than that on A. Consequently the principle of
similar clocks is false. According to Special Relativity 'if two clocks are
moved symmetrically relative to an inertial frame they will record on
reunion the same passage of time (an example of two clocks moved
symmetrically relative to an inertial frame would be two clocks moved
each in a different circle of the same radius with the same velocity
meeting again at the same point on an inertial frame). But it is also a
consequence of Special Relativity that a clock which returns to the same
point on an inertial frame is not itself an inertial frame.
These difficulties do not arise in the Universe of modern cosmology.
For its equibasic frames are not inertial frames, but fundamental
particles, and the relative motion of these is very different from the
relative motion of equibasic frames on Special Theory. For the only
instants, according to modern cosmology, at which a fundamental
particle meets another fundamental particle are, because of the principle
of ,isotropy, the instants, if any, at which it meets all fundamental
194 Space and Time
particles. Hence an experiment of the type described above could not be
performed if A, B, and C were fundamental particles. Further, the motion
of any two fundamental particles A and B at some distance from each
other is always symmetrical relative to a third fundamental particle, viz. a
particle lying at each instant on its clock midway between them. If
Special Relativity were valid in this field, it would be a consequence of it
that since C is approximately an inertial frame, the clocks on A and.B tick
at approximately the same rate. Special Relativity is not, however, valid
in this field. However, since the motion of all fundamental particles is
symmetrical relative to another one, relative to which by the principle of
isotropy the Universe is symmetrical, there would seem no grounds fur
supposing that one clock goes more slowly thananother. Considerations
of simplicity therefore lead cosmologists to adopt the principle of similar
This principle, like the two principles previously discussed, is empiri-
cal. This can be seen by the fact that there are empirical tests which
could - it is physically possible, though hardly practically possible
today - conclusively show the principle to be wrong, if in fact it was
wrong; although it would be less easy to falsify conclusively than those
principles would be. First the principle could conclusively be shown
wrong if clocks previously syn'chronised directly when they were at
approximately the same place were to meet again. For then it could be
seen whether the same interval had passed on each. There are a few
cosmological theories of oscillating Universes which allow such tests. A
second possibility of conclusive falsification also arises if the clocks had
originally been synchronised directly. Suppose a signal sent from one
cluster CD at to to another C b . Let it arrive at Cb at t I and at that instant be
reflected back again so as to arrive at Ca at t 2' If t I ' as measured by the
clocks of the fundamental particle associated with C b • did not lie between
to and t 2 , as measured by the clocks of the fundamental particle
associated with Ca , then the clocks cannot have been ticking at the same
rate. If the original synchronisation was by the signal method when the
clusters were stationary relative to each other it would be less easy to
prove the principle of similar clocks false if in fact it was false. One way
would arise by sending a subsequent signal as above. But if the instant of
its arrival at C b did not lie between to and t 2, it might be possible to avoid
the conclusion that the principle of similar clocks was false by supposing
that the original synchronising signal did not have its mean velocity in
both directions and hence the clocks had not been originally synchro-
nised correctly.
It can be seen that such conclusive falsification of the principle of
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 195
similar clocks, if it were false, though physically possible, would not be
very easy to achieve. Hence we must rely on more indirect counter-
evidence if we are to show it false. However in the absence of such
counter-evidence it ought to be adopted on the basis of the slender
evidence earlier adduced. If we adopt it, we have now a uniq ue method of
clock-transport which is to be preferred to other methods and which will,
as far as we can tell, lead to no confusion. The method is to keep clocks
on their clusters; to move clocks, in the cosmologist's phrase, with the
mean motion of the matter in their vicinity. The method can only be used
for synchronising clocks not on the same cluster, for within the region of
each cluster stars or groups of stars do not form equibasic frames moving
isotropicaliy relative to each other, and so there is no justification for
adopting the principle of similar clocks for that scale. Previously we had
supposed that we could find out by a method of synchronisation whether
or not clocks at different places ticked at the same rate. Rather it is the
case on the cosmic scale that we adopt, with some justification, the
supposition that they do, and use this to justify a method of syn-
The time scale which would be measured by true clocks on each
cluster originally synchronised at some past instant is known as the
cosmic time scale. We can refer to any event' in the history of the
Universe by giving the cosmic instant at which it occurs. This means that
we can say of any two events E, and E2 on different clusters C a and C b
whether or not they are occurring at the same instant as, before or after
each other. We calculate the time interval by the clocks of each cluster
elapsed since an instant at which clocks on C a and C b could have been
synchronised. Whichever event occurred after a longer time interval
since that instant is the later.
It is a consequence of the principles of isotropy and equivalent laws
described earlier and the existence of a cosmic time scale that the density,
energy and distribution patterns of physical objects (viz. the clustering of
galaxies and their velocities of mutual recession) are approximately the
same in all regions of space of more than a certain volume of size at any
given cosmic instant I (these regions will be regions of such a size that the

1 The claim that the density, energy, and distribution patterns of physical objects

(viz, the clustering of galaxies and their velocities of mutual recession) are
approximately the same in all spatial regions, if regions of sufficient size be
taken, at any given cosmic instant is often known as the cosmological principle.
The claim that they are the same at all cosmic instants is often known as the
perfect cosmological principle, This latter principle, as we shall see in Chapter 14
(see p. 241) formed the basis of Steady State Theory. These principles
196 Space and Time
random velo.cities of recession of clusters from their fundamental
particles virtually cancel out). For by the principle of equivalent laws the
law governing the recession of the clusters will be the same relative to
every fundamental particle, and so approximately the same relative to
every cluster. Hence at any given cosmic instant the clusters isotropically
surrounding any given cluster will be at approximately the same
distances from it as those surrounding any other cluster are from it, ~nd
their velocities.of recession from it be approximately the same as those of
similarly positioned clusters from any other cluster. This_ claim is
summarised by cosmologists as the claim that the Universe is always
The supposition that there is a cosmic time scale would have to be
abandoned if new evidence suggested that the principle of similar clocks
was false. Any evidence tending to show that the principle of isotropy or
the principle of equivalent laws were false would tend'ceteris paribus to
show that the principle of similar clocks was false, since the arguments
which I have stated currently adduced for its truth are arguments from
the former principles. Other more complicated ways in which obser-
vational evidence might be relevant to the truth of tliese principles and
the homogeneity of the Universe wiII be mentioned in Chapter 14.
So then between heavenly bodies within a galactic cluster, both
synchronisation tests appear to give the same results ~ given those
methods of applying them which are based on the laws of nature which
result from the simplest extrapolation from observations (e.g. the law
which states that light has the same one-way velocity in all directions).
Between clusters the simplest extrapolation from observations indicates
(via the principle of similar clocks) a reliable method of applying the
clock-transport test. Given that simplicity is evidence of truth, there are

understood as above are undoubtedly empirical, for observations could confirm

or disconfirm them.
Sometimes, however, the principles are confused with vaguer principles that
the most general features of the Universe are the same in all spatial regions, if
regions of sufficient size be taken, at any or all cosmic instants. The claim that all
regions at any or all instants have some common properties is simply the claim
that nature is uniform. The scientist looks for laws of the behaviour of matter
which apply in all circumstances, and ifhe finds that the 'laws' which he has do
not, he looks for more fundamental laws which do. Hence the scientist must of
logical necessity (viz. if he is to practise science) use these more general
For the history of the cosmological and perfect cosmological principles and
different ways in which they have been understood, see [51 Chapter 14.
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 197
these methods of synchronisation which yield unique results which we
have good grounds for believing to be true results.
I argued in Chapter 4 (see p. 68) that whether or not the distance from
A to B was at some instant the same as the distance from B to A depended
on our criteria for simultaneity, although if A and B are stationary
relative to each other the two distances wiII be the same. We can now see
that on the cosmic scale if A and B are clusters these distances will also be
approximately the same, for if A and B are fundamental particles they
will be the same. The latter is a consequence of the principle of equivalent
laws. For by this principle the laws of cosmology relative to both A and B
will be the same. These laws include the laws of particle recession, that a
particle P will have receded from another particle Q a distance d since an
instant on the clocks of each t years ago when the distance of Q from P
was small or P and Q were stationary relative to each other. By the
principle of similar clocks, clocks on each will record the same passage of
time since that instant. Hence since the laws stating the increase of
distance with time will be the same for observers on each, the increase of
the distance of A from B since the original instant will be same as that of
B from A. But at the original instant either the distances (of A from B or
'B from A) were small (relative to present distances), or they were the
same (since A and B were stationary relative to each other). Hence the
distances now will be virtually the same.
Since geometry has the character of a physical theory, it is a
consequence of the principle of equivalent laws that the geometry of
Space, as measured relative to any equibasic frame, viz. any fundamental'
particle, will be the same, and hence we can talk, as we saw on p. 101, of
the geometry of Space simpliciter and not merely of the geometry of
Space relative to such and such a frame. The evidence suggests that this
geometry is a congruence geometry. For the supposition that the
geometry of Space is a congruence geometry is simpler than any rival
supposition. The only reason which scientists have had for postulating
that the geometry is not a congruence geometry, is that the geometry of a
region is determined by the distribution of matter in it. But if, as we have
seen reason to believe, the Universe is homogeneous on the cosmic scale,
then if the distribution of matter determines the geometry of a region, the
geometry of all regions will be the same, and hence the geometry of Space
as a whole will be a congruence geometry. Since the evi<;fence is that the
axioms of Euclidean geometry other than the fifth postulate all apply-
if we are allowed to modify the axioms referred to on p. 103 which, if
taken in the normal way, have to be modified to make the fifth postulate
of elliptic geometry consistent with the rest of the Euclidean system-
198 Space and Time
the evidence suggests that the geometry of Space is one of the three
congruence geometries discussed in Chapter 6..
It is a deductive consequence of the homoge'neity of the Universe, of
the applicability to it of a cosmic time scale, of the supposition that the
geometry of Space is one of the three congruence geometries discussed in
Chapter 6, and of the suppositions that light travels through interstellar
space in straight lines and that the Special Theory of Relativity applies to
a high degree of approximation on a scale smaller than the cosmic scale,
that a formula known as the Robertson~Walker line element will hold.
We saw earlier in this chapter the grounds for supposing that Special
Theory applies to a high degree of approximation in the region of our
galactic cluster. By the principle of equivalent laws it will therefore hold
to a high degree of approximation in the region of any galactic cluster,
and so - since it ought to hold in intergalactic regions of similar
size-these being empty of matter, to an even higher degree of
approximation - generally on the scale smaller than the cosmic scale.
We analysed on p. 87 some of the empirical evidence showing that light
travels through interstellar space in straight lines. Further, that light
travels in straight lines is a hypothesis built into all such theories of
mechanics as the General Theory of Relativity and so confirmed to the
extent to which they are confirmed.
Now let there be two neighbouring events, E1 occurring on a
fundamental particle located by spherical polar coordinates (u, e, e/» at
cosmic instant t, and E2 occurring at (u + du, e + de, e/> + de/» at cosmic
instant t + dt. e and e/> are the normal angular coordinates. u is a 'co-
moving' radial coordinate, such that if a particle has it at one instant it
has it at all instants. It is related to the particle's coordinate distance r (see
p. 104) by u = r/R(t). R(t) is a variable of time, known as the radius of the
Universe, and in this way measures the extent to which particles are
spread out. Then an interval ds 2 will be invariant, whichever fundamen-
tal particle we take as origin, in the following formula, the
Robertson~Walker line element;l

(ds is the spatio-temporal interval between E1 and E 2 • When E1 and E2

1 See [3] Chapter 5, for an account of the work of Robertson, Walker, and
Rindler in proving the equations to be stated without proof in the next two
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 199

are points on the path of a ray of light ds = 0.) Here e is-to a high
degree of approximation - the" one-way velocity of light relative to each
fundamental particle through which it passes, and the mean velocity of
light relative to other frames in its neighbourhood moving with uniform
rectilinear velocity relative to that particle, as shown by Special Relativity
which applies to a high degree of approximation in the neighbourhood
of each fundamental particle. k is a constant having values k = 0 for
Euclidean Space, k = + 1 for elliptic space (and also for spherical space),
k = ~ 1 for hyperbolic space. l From the Robertson-Walker metric
cosmojogists develop various more specific 'models" that is cosmological
theories, by giving a specific value to k and 'making some specific
supposition about the equation governing the value of R(t).
The adoption of the Robertson-Walker metric may commit us to a
prediction that the mean velocity of light on a cosmic scale is not the
same relative to all fundamental observers at -all instants. The proper
distance from a cluster C a at the origin, of a photon, the particle of light,
emitted from a cluster C b having u-coordinate ub at cosmic instant t I in
the direction of C a is, at cosmic instant t:

I = R(t) { I'
a(u b ) - "
cdt }
R(t) ,

where a(u) = Iou du

Jl-ku 2 •
Hence the velocit}' of the photon at t relative to C a , marking velocity of
approach by a negative sign, will be

-dl = R'(t) { a(u b )

- I' edt} -c.
" R(t)

R'(t) is the rate of change of R(t).

We have good observational evidence that R'(t) t= 0, and so that photons
emitted from different fundamental particles have at different instants
different velocities ·relative to other fundamental particles. Hence the
one-way velocity of light will vary with the f~ndamental particle which

Ik must be distinguished from the curvature of space K defined on p. 104. For

Euclidean geometry k = K = 0_ For elliptic or spherical geometry k = + 1
while K has a positive value which depends on how marked is the positive
curvature. For hyperbolic geometry k = - I, while the value of K depends on
how marked is the negative curvature.
200 Space and Time
fonns the frame of reference: This conclusion, as we saw on p. 191, fonns
part of the evidence for supposing that each fundamental particle forms
the most basic frame for the explanation of local phenomena and hence
for concluding that the one-way velocity of light varies locally also with
the frame of reference. This result can however quite easily be reconciled
with the Special Theory of Relativity by representing it as claiming, as we
saw that we could represent it, only that the mean or two way velocity of
light is constant relative to all inertial frames while the one-way velocity
varies with the frame. The above equation, however; on many natural
assumptions about the form of R(t) also predicts that the two-way
velocity of light is not constant on a cosmic scale relative to every
fundamental particle. This is to say that light sent to a distant cluster and
reflected back will not in general have relative to its source a constant
mean velocity c. But of course to do a Michelson- Morley experiment on
a cosmic scale to test this is practically impossible. Hence we need more
indirect evidence. The evidence leading up to formulation of the·
Robertson-Walker metric, which we have sketched, was evidence in
favour of this supposition, and so to the non-applicability of the Special
Theory of Relativity on the cosmic scale.
I have argued in this chapter that it is not under normal circumstances
an arbitrary matter whether we say that two events are or are not
simultaneous. Our ordinary criteria for simultaneity are the clock-
transport method and the signal method. These need to be corrected and
made precise in the ways which I have developed. Corrections are
necessary because the dilTerent methods employed in dilTerent ways
yield conflicting results. Which corrections we make are dictated by
considerations of simplicity. The simplicity of a proposed scientific law
compatible with observations is, as I urged on p. 43, evidence of its 'truth
and so evidence of whatever judgements of simultaneity are yielded by it:
I urged that our scientific evidence is such that considerations of
simplicity yield unique judgements of simultaneity, a unique way of
extrapolating our normal methods so as to yield non-conflicting results
on the cosmic scale. However it might be that that evidence is
misleading, and that in fact compatible with all actual (and possible)
observations there are many dilTerent equally simple ways of expressing
the laws of nature, which could be put forward and which yield very
dilTerentjudgements ofsi~u1taneity. We saw that this would be the case
if our Universe was the Universe of Special Relativity. Here there were'
many equibasic frames. in terms of measurements relative to which the
laws of nature could be set forward. but measurements relative towhich
yielded (within limits) dilTerent judgements of simultaneity. In such a
Time Measurement and Absolule Time 201
case men would have no grounds for preferring one such judgement to
There seems however to be a difference between the case of
simultaneity and the cases of measurement of spatial and temporal
intervals. If there were different equally simple ways of setting out the
laws of nature compatible with all actual (and possible) observations
which (Consonant with our first criterion of normal usage-see p. 178)
yielded different judgements of temporal interval (e.g. that some interval
was an hour as measured in one way, and an hour and two minutes as
measured in a different way), I am inclined to say that there is no unique
true judgement of how long the interval is. It is not merely that we
cannot know the truth, but there is no truth to be known. For what are
statements about the length of intervals except statements about what
would be measured by clocks which yield measurements broadly
consonant with our ordinary judgements corrected to fit the simplest
ways of setting out the laws of nature? But if equally simple ways of
setting out the laws of nature were to yield different judgements of
simultaneity, there would seem to be a truth of which we are still
ignorant. Suppose that, in the Universe of Special Relativity, a signal is
sent from P to Q and reflected back to P. The clock at P ticks on from I)
to 15 during this interval. Surely there must be one monient during this
interval at which the signal is reflected even if we Can never know what
that moment is. It is hard to describe in an intelligible way a universe to
which the concept of absolute simultaneity has no application. And as
we saw in the Introduction; if one cannot describe something intelligibly
that is grounds for supposing that it is not a logically possible state of
affairs. As we saw on p. 186, Einstein recommended that in the
Universe of Special Relativity we abandon the concept of absolute
simultaneity and substitute for it the concept of simultaneity in a frame.
Einstein made this recommendation because of his strongly verifica-
tionist approach to science; but, for the reasons given in the
Introduction, there is no need to follow him in this. One can describe the
Universe of Special Relativity perfectly intelligibly by supposing that its
equations show a limit to our knowledge of absolute simultaneity, not a
limit to its existence. If that is right, the same applies generally with
respect to the General Theory of Relativity. The four-dimensional-
abstract entity space-time with which the theory deals (see p. 114) may
be divided into three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension in
many. different ways-that is, for events E) and E]. separated by a
certain spatio-temporal interval ds, one may make many different
hypotheses compatible with evidence, as to what is the spatial distance
202 Space and Time
and what is the temporal interval between them. Nevertheless whether -
or not there is a truth about the length of the interval between the events,
there is a truth about which event occurred first, even if we cannot know
it and our evidence supports equally the hypothesis that £\ occurred first
and the hypothesis that £2 occurred first. However, as we have seen, our
Universe appears to be the Universe of the Robertson-Walker line
element and so one in which there are grounds for making justified
judgements of simultaneity.
Newton held similar views about time, to his views about space.
'Absolute, true, and mathematical time' he wrote, 'of itself and from
its own nature, flows, equably without relation to anything ex-
ternal ... Relative, apparent and common time, is some sensible and
external (whether accurate or unequable) measure of duration by
means of motion' [I]. That is, he held that there is a true time which
might or might not be recorded by actual measuring instruments. I have
argued above, that there are true judgements of simultaneity, and ones
of which men can probably have knowledge. There are also, probably,
true judgements of temporal interval between instants, although it is an
empirical matter whether there are; and man can have knowledge of
such judgements. In the quotation Newton seems to be claiming both
that there are true judgements of simultaneity and that there are true
judgements of temporal interval. So I conclude that Newton is right
about time. There is in his sense Absolute Time; although there is not, in
the main sense discussed in Chapter 3, Absolute Space. We saw in the
last chapter that time has no metrical geometry in addition to its
topology. Hence, there is no question about Absolute Time similar to
our second question in Chapter 3 about Absolute Space. In Chapter 3
I argued that there could not be space without physical objects. I have
already argued in Chapter 10 the opposite thesis with regard to time-
there could be time when there were no physical objects.
So far I have discussed only primary tests for measuring temporal
interval. They concern what would be or would have been observed by
observers watching clocks and sending signals. But the Universe is not
populated by observers carrying out such tests, and they and any race of
them would have perished long before they could carry out some of
those tests. Hence we rely on secondary tests to obtain knowledge of
temporal intervals between events. We use secondary tests, it will be
recalled (see p. 61) because we have good reason to believe that, had
primary tests been carried out, they would have given the same results as
the secondary tests.
There is not space for a long analysis of secondary tests for measuring
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 203
temporal interval, similar to the analysis in Chapter 5 of some of the
secondary tests for measuring distance, but two very brief examples will
be given, just to illustrate that they work in the same way as the
secondary tests for measuring distance by assuming that some locally
tested relation between phenomena holds at other places and temporal
periods than those for which it has been tested. One example is provided
by the method of ascertaining the age of objects from the percentages of
radioactive substances contained in them. We find from experiments at
some place on Earth in the 1960s the proportion of atoms of substances
which decay in some period of time, as measured by atomic clocks, viz.
by primary tests, and so assuming the same rate of decay to operate at all
temporal periods we find the half-life of such substances, viz. the period
of time in which half of some mass ofa substance will decay. We find that
two isotopes of Uranium, U 238 and U 23S decay respectively into
isotopes of lead Pb 206 and Pb 207 with half-lives of 451 0 and 707 million
years. We the.n infer by retrodiction the proportion of these isotopes to
be expected in the Earth's rocks on their first evolving. Then from the
percentage of the different isotopes of lead to the different isotopes of
Uranium currently found in rocks, we calculate their age and so find the
age of the oldest rocks and hence when the Earth began to condense. The
same kind of method is used for estimating the age of stars from the
chemical processes which must have occurred in their evolution. From
stellar spectra and luminosity we can infer which chemical elements in
what proportion at what temperature are to be found on the surface of
stars. We retrodict the elements out of which they were originally
formed. From studies on Earth we know the temporal periods, judged
by atomic clocks, which various masses of various elements at various
temperatures take for conversion into other elements at other tempera-
tures. Assuming the same laws to hold for places and temporal periods
for which they have not been tested, we can infer the temporal period of
a star's evolution. Again, we estimate the temporal interval between
events observed to occur on distant stars within our cluster (e.g. flaring
up of novae) and the instant at which they are observed by supposing
that light always travels at the same velocity as it is now observed to
travel locally, as judged by atomic clocks.
So in order to use secondary tests to estimate the instant of occurrence
of past events we assume locally tested regularities to hold far beyond
the spatio-temporal range for which they have been tested. We alter our
estimates of the instant in so far as we have reason to suppose that these
regularities do not hold beyond this range. We have just given reason for
, supposing that the law governing the velocity of light travelling between
204 Space and Time
clusters is different from that which, at any rate to a high degree of
approximation, governs its velocity within a cluster.
One further issue concerned with ~ime measurement must be dis-
cussed very briefly. Philosophers of science sometimes write about
'psychological time' or 'the time of our experience' and distinguish it
from 'physical time'. 1 So far in this chapter I have been writing about
what they would call 'physical time', that is the temporal intervals which
in fact occurred between two events, and the measure of them which
would be given by actual physical clocks. However, events, the temporal
interval between which is in fact a certain number of minutes, often seem
to observers separated by more or fewer minutes. By this we mean that
had they not had a clock, they would have judged the interval dif-
ferently. Because temporal intervals are not always what they seem to
be, the writers distinguish temporal intervals as indicated on clocks,
which they call 'physical time', from temporal intervals as we would
judge them without clocks, which they call 'psychological time'. The
interval of 'psychological time' between two events may then differ from
the interval of 'physical time' between those events.
Now certainly temporal intervals are not always what they seem to be.
But to describe this fact by introducing two kinds of time, 'physical time'
and 'psychological time', is very misleading. If we are to make the point
consistently in this way; then since different observers make different
judgements of temporal interval if they do not have clocks, we ought to
introduce as many 'psychological times' as there are observers. But the
terminology is misleading because the two 'times' are not on a level.
'Physical time' describes the true time interval between two events.
'Psychological time' is not a measure of an equally correct interval
between the events. It is a measure, which mayor may not be correct, of
how observers not using clocks, judge, as well as they can, what is the
interval of 'physical time' between the events.


[I] I. Newton, Prihcipia, Scholium to Definition viii.

[2] H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time (originally
published 1928) (trans. M. Reichenbach and J. Freund), New York
1958, ch. 2.

1 See, e.g. H, Reichenbach. The Direction of Time (Berkeley and Los Angeles,
/966). He asks (p. 269) the question 'What is the relation between the time of
physics and the time of our experience'?'
Time Measurement and Absolute Time 205
[3] G. J. Whitrow, The Natural Philosophy of Time, London, 1961 ,chs
4 and 5. (This work includes a much more detailed account of the
physical and mathematical basis of cosmological developments
leading to the formulation' of the Robertson~ Walker metric than I
have given.)
[4] A. Grunbaum, PhilosophicaJ Problems o/Space and Time, London,
1964, ch. 12.
[5] J. D. North, The Measure of the Universe, Oxford, 1965, especially
chs 14 and 16.
For details of time scales used for measuring time at anyone place see:
[6] William Markowitz, article on 'Time Measurement' in Enc.y-
c10paedia Britannica, 1964 ed, vol. 22.
For details of the physical and mathematical basis of the Special Theory
of Relativity, see:
[7] W. Rind1er, Special Relatirity, Edinburgh, 1960.
[8]0. Bohm, The Special Theory of Relatit'ity, New York, 1965.
On simultaneity within an inertial frame see:
[9] Brian Ellis and Peter Bowman, 'Conventionality in Distant
Simultaneity', Philosophy of Science, 1967, 34, 116~36.
[10] Adolf Griinbaum, Wesley C. Salmon, Bas C. van Fraassen and
Allen I. Janis, 'A Panel Discussion of Simultaneity by Slow Clock-
Transport in the Special and General Theories of Relativity',
Philosophy of Science, 1969, 36, 1~81.
[II] Brian Ellis, 'On Conventionality and Simultaneity', Australasian
Journal of Philosophy, 1971, 49, 177 ~ 203.

12 Physical Limits to·
Knowledge of the
Universe- (i) Horizons
So far in this work we have mainly been investigating the meaning of
spatial and temporal terms and of propositions about Space and Time,
although in the last chapter in order to examine the application of our
criteria of simultaneity, we had to set forward the evidence for certain
empirical truths about the Universe. The task of the concluding chapters
is to examine more fully what kind of conclusions science can hope to
reach about the general spatio-temporal character of the Universe.
A necessary preliminary to this task is to inquire whether there are any
necessary limits to our knowledge of the Universe at other places and
temporal instants. In Chapter 9 we considered whether there are any
logical limits to such knowledge. In this and the next chapter we must
consider whether the laws of physics'impose any limitations. Initially it
might seem that, within the logical limits discussed in Chapter 9, it is a
merely practical matter that we do not know about events at distant
places and remote temporal instants. For any event at a distant place or
remote temporal instant it is easy to imagine the constituents of the
Universe being different so that we might learn about it. If only ancient
papyri had not been accidentally destroyed, would we not be able to read
all the plays of Sophocles? Could we not learn about events on a certain
galaxy at a very remote instant if we built a radio telescope big enough to
detect waves emanating from it? However, it has recently been suggested
that in two important ways the laws of nature have certain characteristics
which prevent our acquiring knowledge of events at distant places or
remote instants. These suggestions we must consider in this and the next
chapter. In this 'chapter we shall consider suggested limits to knowledge
of states of distant galactic clusters, brought about by their fast velocity
of recession from ourselves; in the next chapter we shall consider
suggested limits to knowledge brought about by states being more
reliable signs of past states than of future states.
Physical Limits to Knowledge of the Universe - (i) Horizons 207
The more distant a galactic cluster is from the Earth or any other
heavenly body, the faster it recedes from it. Such is the well substantiated
evidence of astronomy. It has been suggested for two distinct reasons
that the law of recession leads to a limit to what we can detect by
The first reason is that clusters may recede so fast from each other that
light emitted from a cluster will never reach some clusters, since they are
. receding from it as fast as or faster than the ligh t is approaching them. It
is clear that if the Special TheoFY of Relativity were applicable on a
cosmic scale this could never happen. For on this theory light has the
same one-way velocity relative to all inertial frames of reference, and a
cluster is to some degree of approximation an inertial frame. Hence light
emitted from a distant cluster towards the Earth will have,.relative to the
Earth, the same one-way velocity as it has relative to the distant cluster,
viz. c; and so will eventually reach the Earth, however distant the distant
cluster be from the Earth. However, if we suppose, as we have done so far
for reasons given in the last chapter, that it is not Special Relativity but
the Robertson Walker line element that applies to the Universe on a
cosmological scale, clusters may recede from each other with the
consequences described. Since we have reason to believe that no signal
travels faster than light, then iflight from a distant cluster never reaches a
certain cluster, the former cluster will be unobservable by an observer on
the latter one.
Cosmologists discuss two kinds of 'horizon' which arise from high
velocity of mutual recession. A horizon is a surface in Space marking
some limit to the knowledge by observation available to an observer of
events occurring beyond the surface. (Horizons are sometimes depicted
as surfaces in space-time, but they can be represented, and I shall
represent them as surfaces in Space.) In a classic paper [1], analysing the
properties of cosmological horizons, Rindler defined 'an event-horizon
for a given fundamental observer A', as 'a (hyper-) surface in space-time
which divides all events into two non-empty classes: those that have been,
are, or will be observable by A, and those that are for ever outside A's
possible powers of observation.' If we consider as we shall do in future,
the horizon as a surface in space, not space-time, an event horizon will be
'for a given fundamental observer A and cosmic instant to a surface in
instantaneous 3-space t = to which divides all fundamental particles into
two non-empty classes: those, events occurring on which at to will be
observable by A at some future cosmic instant, an:d those, events
occurring on which at to will never be observable by A.' (By '3::Space'
Rindler means physical Space.) Having made and used earlier the
208 Space and Time
distinction between fundamental particles and galactic clusters, I shall
henceforward - to make discussion simple - often ignore the differ-
ence between them and make statements about clusters which strictly
speaking apply to fundamental particles, and are only approximately
true of galactic clusters. Hence I shall say that an observer who remains
on the Earth is a fundamental observer because he remains on his
galactic cluster. The Earth's eve!1t horizon then marks a limit to
knowledge by observation available to an observer who remains on the
Rindler distinguished the event-horiion from the particle horizon. He
defined 'a particle horizon for any given fundamental observer A and
cosmic instant to' as 'a surface in instantaneous 3-space t = to, which
divides all fundamental particles into two non-empty classes: those that
have already been observable by A at a time to and those that have not.'
An event-horizon arises if any two clusters recede from each other at
an ever-increasing rate, so that light emitted from one towards the other
after some instant never reaches the other. Clusters lying beyond the
Earth's horizon are those, events currently occurring on which will never
be observable on Earth. Events which occurred on them previously may
have been observed on Earth. Clusters lying beyond the Earth's particle
horizon are ones which have never yet been observable on Earth. Such a ,
horizon will arise if clusters recede from each other at an initial period of
the existence of the Universe with a velocity greater than c (and also
under certain other highly unlikely physical circumstances). Of the
various 'models' developed from the Robertson-Walker line element
considered by cosmologists as possible theories of the Universe, some
have an event-horizon, some have a particle horizon and some have both.
In his article Rindler showed that the necessary and sufficient condition
for an event-horizon to exist at cosmic instant to, in a given model is,
given the correctness of the Robertson-Walker line element, that the
integral foc d(t converge to a finite limit, where R(t) is the 'radius of the
'0 R t)
Universe' at cosmic instant t. Thus the De Sitter model,where R(t) = e,!T,
and Page's model where R(t) = at 2 (a and T being constants) have such
horizons. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a particle horizon
to exist at cosmic instant to is, given the Robertson-Walker line element,
the convergence of the integral
1 '0 dt
- - (or
o R(t) -x
-dt- , where the
R(t) .
definition of R(t) extends to negatively unbounded values of t). Thus the
Einstein-De Sitter model where R(t) = at 2 / 3 (a being a constant) has.a
particle horizon.! Models not consistent with the Robertson-Walker
Physical Limits to Knowledge of the Universe - (i) Horizons 209
line element may also have particle or event-horizons. The con-
siderations involved in saying that a model gives a correct theory of the
Universe will be examined in detail in Chapter 14.2
The question which I wish to examine in connection with such
horizons is, if they existed, to what extent would they limit our
knowledge of the Universe at other places. They would be limits to
knowledge by observation. The particle horizon would be a barrier only
to present knowledge, not to future knowledge by observation. More
fundamental, therefore, is the event-horizon. If a cluster lies beyond the
Earth's event-horizon, its present and future states would be therefore,
unobservable by an observer on Earth. He could,· however, have
observed its past states and use them as traces of its present and future
The grounds which the cosmologist has for taking some state of a
physical object within the range of his observation as a trace of a physical
object outside that range are, as we have seen, that this sort of connection
has been observed locally or that the simplest scientific theory com-
patible with observations postulates that it will be. It is for these reasons,
as we saw in the last chapter, that cosmologists infer that clusters of
galaxies are distributed uniformly throughout Space and recede from
each other with a velocity which is a function of their distance apart.
Astronomers also find by observation, as we shall see in detail in Chapter
14, other features of the Universe which are the same in' all observed

I See [1] passim for further details.

2 Particles which lie now beyond A's event-horizon may previously have been
observable by A. It may therefore be useful to define a further horizon, which I
will call the EP horizon, as follows. The EP horizon, for any fundamental
observer A and cosmic instant to is a surface in instantaneous 3-space t = to
which divides all fundamental particles into two non-empty classes; those which
either have been or will be observable by A, and those which never have been or
will be observable by A. This type of horizon is discussed without a precise
definition or name by Rindler [I] pp, 671 f.
Given the Robertson-Walker metric, the necessary and sufficient condition
for the existence of an EP horizon at any cosmic instant is the convergence of the
integ~al 1

Oor R(O
~. If an EP horizon exists at one cosmic instant, it will exist at
all others. One model, which Rindler develops in detail, which has an EP horizon
is the model with k = 0, ). positive and R (I) = a(cosh bt·- 1)\, a and b being
constants. If any cluster lies beyond both the event and particle horizons it will lie
beyond the EP horizon (hence my name for it), and conversely. To obtain
knowledge of clusters lying beyond the Earth's EP horizon we must observe
states of other clusters, viz. ones lying within it, and uses these as traces of states
of the former.
2\0 Space and Time'
regions. For such features F, if a spatial region has that feature, then it is
observed that the next region beyond it also has it. Hence F in one region
is a trace of F in the region beyond it, and the latter of F in a region
beyond it and so on. Thereby we can obtain knowledge of the Universe
beyond the limited range, if the range is limited, which it is physically
possible that we might study by observation.
Now if we had reason to believe that there was an event-horizon, a
surface which could be marked in Space which was a limit to our
knowledge by observation, it might appear that although knowledge
could be obtained of the Universe beyond that surface, that knowledge
would be shaky and unreliable and hence Jhat that surface was the
boundary to reliable knowledge of the Universe. But for two reasons the
position cannot be like this. For first the very fact that we can infer- for
whatever reasons - the existence of an event-horizon means that we
have two ,important pieces of information about the physical objects
lying beyond the horizon. One is that there is at least one such physical
object. The other is that all physical objects beyond the event-horizon are
receding from us at speeds so fast that the fastest influence which they
can now transmit towards us will never reach us. These assertions follow
from the definition which I gave of the event-horizon. If we have reason
to know that there is an event-horizon, we have reason to know this
much about objects beyond it.
But in the second place we must have used and have needed to use
traces in reaching the conclusion that there was an event-horizon. The
cosmologists who adopt models with horizons are only justified in doing
so if these models are a justifiable extrapolation to all spatial regions of
properties observed in near~by regions. We observe the distribution of
galaxies and their rates of recession and other features of the Universe
and from these infer the laws of cosmology, as has been shown to some
extent in Chapter 11 and will be shown in more detail in Chapter 14. This
enables us to take spatial regions occupied by observed clusters as traces
of more distant spatial regions occupied by other clusters. Hence we
learn that in all spatial regions beyond a certain distance from us there
are clusters spread out homogeneously through space, all receding from
each other and receding from us with such velocities that signals now
sent from them could never reach us, and no physical objects of which
the opposite is true. If we had reason to believe that traces were shaky
and unreliable, we would not be justified in concluding that there was an
event-horizon. We only have reason for believing that there is an event-
horizon and so a limit to knowledge of the Universe by observation
because we have knowledge by the use of traces of regions beyond
Physical Limits to Knowledge of the Universe -(i) Horizons 211
observation. If the use of traces to ascertain the state of the Universe
beyond the observed realm is unreliable, then our conclusion that there is
an event-horizon, a limit to knowledge of the Universe by observation, is
also unreliable.
However, though the existence of an event-horizon does not mean we
can have no reliable knowledge of objects beyond the horizon, it does
mean a limit to the type of knowledge possible about those objects. The
cosmologist uses as traces of the states of unobservable regions those
properties of observable regions which have proved, in so far as this can
be tested, to be reliable indicators of the properties of other observed
regions. These are the properties of observable regions which remain
constant with the spatio-temporal distance of a region from ourselves or
which vary in a systematic way with that distance. Hence the cosmologist
can have knowledge of the density of matter and rate of recession of the
galaxies in regions for any reason unobservable. But he cannot use as
traces those properties of the regions which are neither constant nor vary
in a systematic way. What those properties are, astronomers are not yet
in a position to tell us. But it might turn out that, within certain limits,
average cluster size or the average number of exploding supernovae per
galaxy per year Were neither constant nor varied in any systematic way
with the spatio-temporal distance from ourselves of the regions to which
they belonged. In that case we could not use traces to learn, within those
limits, about average cluster size or average number of exploding
supernovae per galaxy per year in regions unobserved. The fact or the
existen<;.e of an event-horizon would mean that events on the Earth
would be entirely unaffected by events now or subsequently occurring on
objects lying beyond the event-horizon. Hence we would know nothing
about average cluster size or the average number of exploding super-
novae per galaxy per year in regions beyond the event-horizon. Whereas
if there was no event-horizon, all physical objects could produce effects
on the Earth enabling us to detect such properties. (Of course the more
distant an object of given size, the more refined the astronomical
instruments needed to detect any properties thereof.) So my conclusion is
that the existence of an event-horizon for an observer on the Earth would
not mean that such an observer could know nothing of regions beyond
that horizon but that he could only have knowledge of those properties
of those regions which, within the range of our observation, were
constant or varied in a systematic way with spatio-temporal distance
from the Earth. Ifit is a fact that we can only have knowledge by traces of
some distant regions, that means that we can only know certain
properties of those regions. Knowledge by traces which are not effects
212 Space and Time
does not include knowledge or peculiarities in the way that knowledge by
observation does.
The supposed existence or an event-horizon has somc;!times led
scientists to suggest a definition or the Universe not, as we have done, as
all the physical objects that there are spatially related to ourselves, but as
all the physical objects within that horizon. Bondi relates that many
consider the Universe as the set or all events which could have affected us
in the past and 'which may affec~ us at sometime in the ruture and all
events which have been or wiII be affected by us'. (Bondi adds that 'some
authors ... consider a different set, viz. the largest set to which our
physical laws (extrapolated in some manner or other) can be ap-
plied .... The physical significance or this "universe" is not very clear'
([2] p. to).
Now while it may be reasonable to define a space-time Universe as
consisting or events, the Universe or ordinary language is most naturally
said to consist or physical objects. U we are to define a Universe in terms
or physical objects, the definition or it best satisrying the positivistic urge
behind the suggested definition would seem to be or the Universe as all
the physical objects with which at any instant we could have causal links,
that is, all physical objects within the event-horizon. U there were no
event-horizon, all physical objects could affect and be affected by events
or the Earth, and hence the Universe would be all the physical objects
that there were. However, ir there was an event-horizon, and we had
good reason to believe that there was, we would have good reason to
know about objects and their states beyond that horizon, as we have
noted. Hence, on the suggested definition, irthere were an event-horizon,
there would be physical objects spatially related to ourselves outside the
Universe about which we could claim knowledge on grounds or scientific
inrerence - which is absurd. I conclude that the suggested definition is
unacceptable, and a more reasonable definition elucidating ordinary
usage is that the Universe is all the physical objects (spatially related to
ourselves) that there are.
I must make one final modification. I have been discussing the limits or
knowledge or distant regions or the Universe ror an observer in the
Earth. We saw that the event-horizon marked a limit to his knowledge by
observation. However, in order to make claims about the possible
knowledge or the Universe available by observation to an observer now
on the Earth, we rieed to consider the possibility or that observer
travelling in space. Hence it would be more appropriate to define the
rollowing horizon which I shall call the EThorizon. I define it as rollows.
The EThorizon, ror any observer A on a rundamental particle at cosmic
Physical Limits to Knowledge of the Universe - (i) Horizons 213
instant to, is a surface in instantaneous 3-space t = to which divides all
fundamental particles into two non-empty classes: those, events occur-
ring on which up to to have been obselVable by A on his fundamental par-
ticle up to to or will be observable thereafter ifhe travels in space with some
velocity possible for matter leaving his fundamental particle, and those
not so observable. No events now occurring on objects lying beyond his
E T horizon could ever be observed by an observer now on Earth: If we
wish to consider the limitations to knowledge produced by the existence
of horizons for an observer who is allowed to travel in space, itis the ET
horizon that marks the limit to his knowledgepf the Universe by
observation. It must be noted that while an observer now on Earth may
obtain knowledge by observation of events now occurring in any region
within the EThorizon by travelling in space, he qlnnot necessarily obtain
knowledge of events now occurring in all such regions - if he travels in
one -direction, events now occurring on some clusters situated in the
other direction within the ET horizon may not ever be observable by
him. The reasons for believing in the existence of an ET horizon will be
similar to those for believing in the existence of an event-horizon (though
some cosmological models may have an event-horizon without having
an ET horizon) and the extent of limitation of knowledge is similar.
So much for t he extent and kind of limit to knowledge which would
be produced by the existence of horizons I. Such horizons will, how-
ever, only arise if photons do not have on the cosmic scale the same
one-way veloCity relative to all inertial frames. There is, however, another

I It is sometimes suggested (see e.g. [4] p. 1(0), that 'black holes' have event-
horizons. A black hole is a large star or other massine body which has collapsed
under gravitational self-attraction into a small v.olume so dense that all matter or
radiation within a critical radius of the body cannot escape but is pulled
continually closer to the centre of the body. Astrophysicis1S have calculated from
General Relativity that the final stage in the evolution of stars having more than
three times the mass of the Sun is to become black holes, and there now seems to
be some observational evidence'of the existence of black holes. This evidence is
that of stars moving like components of a binary star system under the
gravitational influence of an invisibLe body, losing matter which is streaming in
the direction of the postulated invisible body and emitting X-rays in the process.
A black hole will not be observable by detecting photons emitted from it, but it
can be observed so long as it causes effects of some kind which can be deteCted by
an instrument. (See my pp. 154f). The mass, angular momentum, and electric
charge of a black hole cause effects outside the critical radius; and instruments
can be constructed which provide information about the state of the black hole
by measuring these effects. It is because of these effects that astronomers can
locate black holes.
214 . Sp~ce and Time
limit to knowledge by observation for an observer who remains on his
cluster, which arises even if photons did have the same one-way velocity
(c) relative to all inertial frames. This will arise because of the Heisenberg
indeterminacy principle. 1 Because of this principle very little infor-
mation can be received on a cluster from another cluster whose velocity
of recession from it approaches c. (Given the universal application of
. Special Relativity, velocities of mutual recess'ion could not equal or
exceed c.) For as the velocity of recession approaches c, so the wave-
.' . ( A 1 + Vrlc h'
length 0 f ~he recelvedhght approaches 00 Ao = (1 _ V;
Ic 2)1/2 ' were It

is the wave-length of the received light, Ao of the emitted light, and so the
h 'f z
Dopp Ier SIt = A- Ao an
-A-' 'd Vr t h
e veioCltyo
' f recesSIOn.
. ) But by

Heisenberg's principle, our ability to locate any p~rticle preeisely

depends on using very small wave-lengths of light. As A --+ Cf) locations
become confused to the point where we cannot distinguish one galaxy
from another. Light coming from them too would be approaching zero
intensity. (Since the energy of a photon' reaching us is E= h; ,as A --+ 00,

E --+ 0.) Hence no detailed observation can be made of events on clusters

receding from the Earth with velocities --+ c. But as before, we may learn
about ~hem by traces, and indeed must do so in order to affirm that there
are events on clusters, which w'e cannot observe.


[1] W. Rindler, 'Visual Horizons in World Models', Monthly Notes of

the Royal Astronomical Society; 195.?, 116,662-77.
[2] H. Bondi, Cosmology, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1960, part i.
[3J Carlton W. Berenda, 'On the Cosmological Principle of McCrea',
, Philosophy of Science, 1964, 31, 265~70.
[4] M. Berry, Principles ofCosmo logy and Gravitation, Cambridge, 1976.

By contrast, when galactic clusters recede from each other too fast, no effects at
all are propagated from one to the other. I conclude that black holes do not have
event-horizons. (For more details on black holes see [4] pp. 91-1.02.)
. 1 I use here the argument of [3]. .

13 Physical Limits to'
Knowledge of the
Universe - (ii) Past/
Futur~_ Sign Asymmetry
We considered in the last chapter the extent to which the fast velocity of
mutual recession of galactic clusters limited the knowledge that we on
Ear!h could have of their states. In this chapter we must consider how far
physical laws are responsible for our much greater knowledge of past
than of future.
We noted in Chapter 9 that the amount of our knowledge of the past
was very much greater than our knowledge of the future, and that this
was ih small part a logical and in much larger part an empirical matter. If
there are to be beings with knowledge they must remember and so be
able to report the past stages of their arguments and must be ignorant of
the kind of investigations which they will conduct into the truth of
propositions; and of the results of their investigations. But given these
limits, there seem no other logical factors responsible for our much
greater knowledge of the past' than of the futlire. Consequently the
question arises as t.o th.e empirical source of this asymmetry. Do we just
happen to be ignorant ofthe future in this way or is some fundamental
physical law responsible?
We saw in Chapter 9 that our greater knowledge of the past is due to
the fact that men can report what they have observed but not what they
will observe, and that traces allowing any inference are much more
frequently of the past than of the future. Now the physical source of
men's ability to report straight otT on what happened rather than on
what will happen must lie in the characteristics of human brains since,
psychologists and physiologists assure us, human memory and speech
abilities depend on the constitution of the brain rather than of any other
part of the body. Hence the brains of organisms must be such that their
states differ in respect of ditTer~nt past macrosc'opically distinguishable
216 Space and Time
events and states. Thus my brain is in some state B 1 now. It would be in a
differerit state, say B 2 , had I just bumped into you in the corridor. "
Whereas it will normally be in the same state BI whether or not I am
about to bump into you in the corridor. If brains did not have this
property we would not be able to report what had happened more
readily than what -.yill happen. (I neglect as scientincally implausible the
possibility that brain states could be correlated equally easily with future
iQteractions as with past interactions but that this had no effect on
human ability to report about the future.) What forms these states take
are currently being investigated by physiologists - the states may
be chemical deposits or electrochemical rhythms.
The physical source of the asymmetry of ease of prediction and
, retrodiction from traces lies in the existence of traces allowing easy
inference to the past rather than to the future. This means that
macroscopically distinguishable events and states of objects are in
human experience more reliably correia table with past than with future
macroscopically distinguishable events and states of objects. If we
consider only the case where an object is a trace of its own past or future
state, this means that men find that things generally begin only in one or
few recognisably distinct ways but may end in many recognisably
"distinct ways. Men are born only in a womb as the result of fertilisation,
but they die everywhere and from manifold causes. And so it is with other
things. Houses are built by men, but they may be destroyed by
earthquakes or floods or hurricanes or bombs. Washing machines begin
their lives in a washing machine factory, but they may end them on a
municipal rubbish heap or a metal scrap-yard, in a back garden or by a
main road. .
Now to say that there are easily recognisable traces allowing
inferences to the past much more reliable than inferences to the future is
to say (see p. 146) that states whiCh men can easily recognise are, in
human experience, signs of past states but not of future states. I made a
distinction in Chapter 9 between the two terms which I introduced,
'traces' and 'signs'. A stateA; is a trace of another state Iii if men have'
g<,>od reason to believe it to be a sign of B l' it I is a sign of B 1 if it is a
member of a class of events As, the occurrence of members of which isin
fact correlated to a very high degree with the occurrence of Bs.
Now to what extent is this asymmetry of ease of prediction and
retrodiction a function of the signs which men can recognise easily and
from which they can make ready predictions, and to what extent is iran
objeCtive feature of the world? Does it depend on the psychology and
Limits to Know/edge of Universe -- (ii) Sign Asymmetry 217
physiology of humans or would any organism however constructed find
the same asymmetry?
Our ability to predict and retrodict clearly depends·on our ability to
recognise certain events and states. If an organism can recognise a certain
state, I shall say that it has the concept of that state. Now the fact that we
can infer from a footprint to a foot which made it depends in part on the
fact that we have and can easily apply the relevant concepts. That is, we
. recognise as instances bf the same concept (footprint) marks of different
. sizes and shapes in the sand. Many of the lower orgal}isms cannot do this.
Also we recogniseasinstances.ofthe same concept ('man walking on the
sand') you walking on the sand, me walking on the sand, and so on .
. Unless humans were like this, they could not make the relevant
inferences. That they are like this depends on their brains and sense
organs. So might there not be <,:reatures with other brains and sense
organs who had concepts enabling them. to predict better than to
retrodict?Such creatures might be able to recognise states which would
subsequently normally be loilowed by.a man walking on the sand instead
of states normaily preceded by a man. walking on the sand. Against this I
would urge that whatever the brains and sense organs of creatures the
asymmetry of ease of prediction and retrodiction would very probably
hold, and this because of a very general objective feature of the world,
which I shall .call past/future .sign asymmetry. This feature is the
. Any state of a system (that is, collection of physical ohjects) A I is
normally a sign of some past state BI but not of any future state CI of
thai system. By this I mean that (As) are very highly correlated with some
past states (Bs) but.not with any future st~tes (Cs). A st.ate ofa system is,
however, normally a sign ofa future state of some specifiable sub-system
within it. (States of systems are very much less often signs of states.of
other systems than of the same system.) It is supposed throughout this
description of past/future sign asymmetry that states are described in
equal detail in ail cases .
.Thus the readings on weather instruments or the state of the ground in
Hull today are signs of the state of the .weather in Huil yesterday.
Whereas no state of Hull today is a sign of tomorrow~s weather in Hull.
On the other hand the state of a much wider system t<.>day -- various
readings on recording instruments throughout the world - is a sig'.1
of tomorrow's weather in Hull.
A loose way of putting this poiht'is to say that state of an object is
normally a ~ufficient condition of a prior state of the whole object, but
218 Space and Time
only a sufficient condition of a future state of small patt of the original
object, not of a future state of the whole object. This is a loose way of
putting the point because only if the correlation of the sign with the thing
signified is invariable' is the sign a sufficient condition of the thing
signified. Hence our more precise formulation.
. The evidence that in the sense described past/future sign asymmetry is
an objective feature of the world is that more detailed scientific
investigation supports our superficial impression that states and changes
of state are very highly correlated with past but not with future states and
changes of state of the same system. The most detailed investigation into
the Mture of states of systems (viz. the most detailed analysis of the
nature and states of particles of systems) shows no evidence of high
correlations with the future.
It should be noted thal past/future sign asymmetry exists in almost
every possible region of inquiry (one 'possible exception will be
considered on p. 227). A counter-example which is often urged is that of
planetary astronomy. It is urged that the present positions and velocities
of planets are as reliable signs of their future pQsitio'n as of their 'past,
positions. Now it is certainly true that we are able to predict the future
positions of planets as easily as we are able to retrodict their past
positions. But, we arti only able to predict future planetary positions
because we assllme that no large heavenly body will come near to the'
planets and disturb their courses in the immediate future. We make thi~
assumption because we have observed a much larger region of the
hei\.vens than that occupied by fhe planets and seen that no large
heavenly body is, likely to intrude. We make our predictions, in other
. words, by observing the s\ate ofa large region of Space in the middle of
which lie the planets and inferring the future state of the sub-system of
the planets. One state of the large region is ind~ed a sign of the future
state of the small region. But the present state of the region occupied by
the' planets is a sign of the past state of the same region. If the planetary
system had been interfered with in the past, there would be evidence of
that fact within the system. '
Now given past/future sign asymmetry in the objective sense defined,
whatever the construction of its brain and sense organs, any organism is
almost bound to be able to retrodict from traces better than to predict,
For there is a lot more information to be had in'the world about the past
than about the future, and the organism would have to have a very
peculiar psychology ~nd physiology not to benefit from iI, ,while being
able to predict. Thus to take the weather example, he wQuld have to
recogJlise cloud patterns as traces of future weather, but not the state of
Limits to Knowledge of Universe~(ii) Sign Asymm.etry 219
ground or vegetation as traces of past weather; to read weather-
predicting but not weather-recording instruments.
A further consequence of past/future sign asymmetry is that the states
of a human brain are signs of past but not of future states of that brain.
Now, as we saw in Chapter 9, if a man observes something, stimuli from
that thing must affect him. The evidence of physiologist's and psycho-
logists is that the stimuli affect the brain. Hence the states of a man's
brain are signs of the states which he has observed but not of those which
he is going to observe. Hence men are able to report what they have
observed but not what they' will observe. '
'Hence past/future sign asymmetry explains the existence of cor-
roborated reports of the past but not of the future, as well as explaining
the fact that traces allowing easy inference are much more frequently of
the past than of the future. Our greater knowledge of the past than of the
future is~within the logical limits set forward ill Chapter 9~du.e to
this physical feature, past/future sign asymmetry. It is clearly a most
important feature of the physical world, and the question arises whether
we can trace it to the operation of anyone scientific law.
There has been a well-known attempt to account for past/future sign
asymmetry in terms of the second law bfthermodynamics. Reichenbach
[1] traced the asymmetry in detail to the operation of this law and the
existence of what he termed 'branch systems'. I shall argue that
Reichenbach's explanation of the asymmetry is seriously inadequate;
but, before doing so, I had better set forward the second law of
thermodynamics. .
The first law of thermodynamics states that a body gains energy,
including heat which is a form of energy, only if another body loses
energy, possibly in the form of heat. If you put a cube of ice on a warm
surface, the ice will melt only if the surface loses heat. The second law of
thermodynamics states that energy flows from systems possessing more
to systems possessing less; and so heat flows from hot bodies to cold
bodies. The first law would be satisfied if the ice grew colder and the
surface grew warmer; heat would have been conserved. But the second
law states that this never happens ~ temperatures even out. The ice gets
warmer and the surface grows colder. A kettle' of water on the fire gets
warmer and the fire gets colder. The second la w gave an exact description
of this observable fact by defining a quantity known as entropy (S) and
stating that the entropy of a closed 'system always remains constant or
increases, never decreases. The entropy of a closed system is the sum of
the entropy of its parts in thermodynamic equilibrium (viz. at the same
temperature through<?ut), A system is closed if it is not subject to
220 -Space and Time
influences from outside, and only a closed system has entropy. The
entropy of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium is a function of its
internal energy (kinetic and potential) and volume. The internal kinetic
energy of a dosed sy~tem is given by its temperature (T). Thus the I

entropy of a gas which has spread itself throughout a container 0f

volume v (and hence has no potential energy) with constant specific ~eat
for constant volume (C v ) is S = C,' log T + R log v + const., where R is a
constant for the mass and type of gas. Now suppose two equal volumes
of the same gas (1 and 2) one at twice the temperature of the other. Then
SI = Cv log T+ R logv + K (a constant) S2 = Cv log2T +R logv + K.
Their total entropy will be Cv(log T + log 2T) + 2R log v + 2K. Now put
them close together and C v , R, v, and K will remain constant for each
volume. Any change in the entropy of the system will thus be due to a
change in the temperature of the two volumes of gas. The second law
states that entropy can only increase. An increase in entropy will be and
can only be produced by the temperatures coming closer together. Hence
the temperatures of the two gases can only get closer together. If the

entropy of the total system increases to C v ( 2 log 3:) + 2R log v + 2K,

the temperatures will have evened out, both volumes of gas having a
3T .
temperature of 2-'
In the later nineteenth century Maxwell and Boltzmann gave an
. explanation of the second law itself. Any system can be in anyone of a
large number of microstates. A description of a microstate is a
description of certain parameters of all the particles of the system, these
parameters being position and momentum or perhaps kinetic energy.
Two microstates of the system differ if the parameters of any of the
particles differ within a range- e.g. if a particle is in this small box rather
than in that small box, or has a velocity in this band rather than in that
band. (The size of boxes or bands which we take does not in general affect
the conclusion thatthe second law holds - on this see [3].) Given a fixed
total energy and volume of the system, there are very many possible
microstates of the system. These are assumed to be equiprobable-that
is, the system is at any instant, given no furthei' information, as likely to
be in anyone microstate as in any other. A large number of different
microstates all corr!!spond to one single macrostate. A macrostate Of the
system is defined by the temperature of the different parts of the system.
A system is at one instant in a different macrostate from what it is at
another irtstant if the various parts of the system at one instant have
noticeably different temperatures from the same parts at the other
Limits to Knowledge of Universe---,-(ii) Sign Asymmetry 221
instant. The temperature of a part which has the same temperature
throughout is defined in terms of the mean kinetic energy of the, particles
in the part. It can then be shown that for normal sys~ems (e.g. volumes of
gas) in our universe almost all the microstates correspond to the single
macrostate of an approximately even distribution of temperature
throughout the system, -and so are microstates which are ilOt macro-
scopically distinguishable, and that fewer and. fewer microstates cor-
respond to macrostates of lower and lower entropy. It can be shown
from this that the 'entropy of a system which passed through different
, macrostates would very probably get larger and larger until it reached
maximum, at which with very slight fluctuations the sys~em would;,
The conclusion depends on the assumption that all microstates are
equiprobable. Microstates are so defintXl that this assumption holds.
Different types of statistics are defined by the different microstates which
they distinguish and term equiprobable. The Maxwell-Boltzmann
statistics assumes that individual particles can be distinguished. Hence a
microstate of particle a l being in position PI with velocity VI' while al is
at Pl with velocity V 1 , is a different microstate from al at PI with VI and al
at Pl with V 1 . On the Bose-Einstein statistics particles are not dis-
tinguishable, and hence the number of possible microstates is much
smaller. On the Fermi-Dirac statistics no two particles can be in the same
energy state, and so the number of possible microstates will be much
smaller still. Again these statistiCs can be subdivided according to
whether the equiprobable microstates are states of energy or momen-
tum; and whether we assume an infinite range of possible energy or
momentum states, or, following quantum theory, only a finite number.
Which statistics is to be applied to a given system is a matter for empirical
investigation. Thus the Fermi-Dirac statistics, applying to all particles
subject to the Pauli exclusion principle, applies to electrons and protons;
whereas the Bose-Einstein' statistics applies to molecules having even
numbers of protons, electrons, and neutrons. We must adopt that
system of statistics, the macroscopic consequences of vyhich show that
its microstates are equiprobable.
In all these forms the basic law is that entropy ~emains constant or
increases- but is now in a merely statistical form. The law now states
that it is very very improbable that entropy decreases by any significant
amount, but it nevertheless remains just possible that it will. Very,
'very occasionally a kettle of water put on a fire will freeze. The entropy
graph of a closed system with initial low entropy is thus somewhat as
. follows:
222 Space and Time


I (time)
Figure 9

For a system eternally closed (viz. having no initial state), it is just as

likely that entropy will be increasing as that it will be decreasing, but far
far more likely that it will be of unchanging maximum value. The
frequent ex)stence of systems 'of increasing entropy is to be accounted for
by their not being eternally closed systems, but systems beginning in a
state of low entropy. .
As I have defined it and as it is defined in scientific textbooks, entropy
is a function of internal energy which (if we assume.that the system has
no internal potential energy) means temperature, and volume. Hence
whether or not we say that entropy has or has not increased depends on
how small are the regions within which we are prepared to' recognise a
tetnperature difference. For suppose we divide a gas container (V) into
two parts (VI and V 2 ). The entropy of the whole is the sum of the entropy
of the parts. Suppose the mean kinetic energy of the molecules in VI is
different but not greatly different from that in V 2 . If we recognise this
. difference, we must attribute to the total system a lower entropy than if
wedo not. Now suppose we take smaller and smaller parts, the entropy
of the parts will differ more and more, and hence the entropy of the
whole become lower arid lower. Any consistent application of the second
law of thermodynamics presupposes general agreement on how large are
the parts which we consider and how great the temperature difference
between them for us to say that a system is not in thermodynamic
equilibrium. Fortunately such general agreement exists on what are
macroscopically significant temperature differences between parts.
Now it has become customary to illustrate the concept of entropy and
indeed to give it a more general sense by introducing the notions of order
and disord'er, and to call a state of/ow entropy a state of order, and a state
of high entropy a state of disorder; and to say that the second law states
that, unless subject to interference, things gradually become disordered.
Thus if all the molecules at one end of a container had high energies and
Limits to Knowledge oj Universe-Ui) Sign Asymml!~ry 223
all those at the other had low energies, the container would have different
temperatures at the two ends and so be in a state of low entropy. But to
have all the molecules at one end in one energy state and those at the
other end in another energy state seems, intuitively, the argument goes, .
an ordered state - whereas to have various molecules at various places
in various different energy states seems, intuitively, a disordered state.
Hence the second law is sometimes said to state that disorder continually
increases. The trouble with putting it this way is that there is no general
agreement among people about when states are ordered and when they
are not. Supppse the wind blows over a flat beach for a very long while,
and eventually produces it hollow one foot deep in an otherwise flat sand
surface. Is this a more ordered state than a flat beach? Hit is, one of those
very rare decreases in entropy of a closed system has occurred. If not, the
system has remained in its state of maximum entropy. But men will
clearly disagree about whether the sand with the hollow constitutes a
more or a less ordered state than a flat beach. Hence no objective
judgement can be made about any change of entropY of the system. It is
therefore perhaps wisest to confine the concept of entropy to its
thermodynamic use, where men agree about correct application.
Reichenbach used, in addition to the second law of thermodynamics,
another fact in his explanation of past/future sign asymmetry. This was
'the exis~ence of 'branch systems', a large number of which are at some
instant in a state of medium or low entropy. A branch system is a system
temporarily isolated from interaction with its environment. A clear
thermodyna,mic and so ~on-controversial example of a branch system
having at some instant a state of medium or low entropy wduld be a
block of frozen ice-cream and some hot chocolate sauce in a vacuum
Now, Reichenbach argues,l given the second Jaw of thermodynamics
and the existence of branch systems, many of which begin in a state of
low entropy, past/future sign asymme!ry becomes explicable. Many of
these branch systems are in a state of medium or low entropy. Now they
could not (or could only very rarely) have reached the medium or low
. state from a high state,- this would violate the second law; nor could
they have remained in the medium or low state for a long period for the
same reason. They could only have reached the medium state by evolving
from a state of low entropy, and they could not have remained for a long
past period in a state of low entropy. Hence the system must have
become isolated in a state of low entropy from a larger system. The

1 I summarise the argument of §§ 15-18 of [I).

224 Space and Time
entropy of the large system as a whole would have increased while the
entropy of ~ part decreased, after which the part became isolated. Many
large systems are so constructed as to have entropy decrease in one part
at the expense of it increasing elsewhere. Thus the system of the Sun and
the Earth produces decrease of entropy in plants and animals who use
heat from the Sun in building up large organic molecules, while the-
entropy orthe whole system increases as the Sun's energy is utilised in the
other parts. A refrigerator is another example of such a system. ,So if a
small system; is at present isolated, Reichenbach argues, the fact that it
has medium or low entropy is a guarantee that it was once part of a large
system imd has become isolated from it. Hence its present state will be a
sign of a past interaction. The states of systems possessing high entropy
are not, however, signs of past interactions, for the systems may have
remained isolated for an indefinitely long period.
There are in contrast no systems, the states of which are,signs of their
future states or changes of state. For, although we know of any .system
that if it remains isolated from the environment jt will proceed to a state
of maximum entropy, its present state is never a sign that it will remain
isolated from its environment and its present st.ate allows us to say
nothing of its future state unless it remains isolated from its ehviron~
-ment. So, the argument goes, the second law of thermodynamics and the
existence of many branch systems at-some instant in a state of medium or
low entropy accounts for the existence of past/future sign asymmetry.
Now this argument with two qualifications which I must make seems
reasonable for the ice-cream and chocolate sauce example. If there is cold
ice-cream and hot chocolate sauce in a vacuum flask, it follows from the
second law that the differences of temperature of the two items are a sign
of a recent event of this system being isolated. But - and this is the first
qualification - the second law does not inform us in what state of
entropy lower than its present state the system was isolated. Perhaps the
ice-cream was very cold and the sauce very hot when put in the flask, or
perhaps they were much nearer in temperature. The mere.fact that the'
second law is operating provides no guarantee that the present state of
the system is a sign of any particular state of entropy of the system at the
instant at which it was isolated. Secondly, any system can be in a certain
state of low entropy, as opposed to a state of maximum entropy, in
various macroscopically distinguishable ways. Given the present mo-
derately hot temperature of the chocolate sauce and cold temperature of
the ice-cream, the low entropy may have been' realised by all the
chocolate sauce being at one high temperature and all the ice-cream at
one low temperature. Alternatively the ice-cream may havecome from
Limits to Knowledge of Universe - (ii) Sign Asymmetry 225
two different blocks at very different low temperatures and the chocolate
sauce from two different saucepans at very different high temperatures.
The two different dollops of ice-crt:am and chocolate sauce may have
been so put together that the two pieces of ice-cream reached a common
temperature by conduction, and the two splodges of chocolate sauce also
reached a common temperature by conduction. These macroscopically
distinct states in which the ice-cream and ch6colate sauce may have been
put into the flask, have the same entropy value. By contrast, maximum
entropy can only be realised in one macroscopicalIy distinct way. The
lower its entropy value the more macroscopica.lIy distinct forms a system
can have. These two qualifications mean that although the operation of
the second law guarantees that a system in, a state of medium or low
entropy is a sign of an interaction in the not too distant past, it does not
guarantee that it is a sign of any particular interaction. The state of
medium or low entropy is not, as such, an instance of a kind of state
highly correlated with a particular kind of past state. Hence we must
conclude that while the second law and the exis'tence of branch systems
may be sometimes in part responsible for the existence of past/future
sign asymmetry, they are not ever wholly responsible for the fact that
some state signifies a prior but not a posterior state or event. For there
must be some other general characteristic of the Universe in virtue of
which states are signs of particular past events and states,
The case is however much worse with most examples of signs allowing
easy inference to the past, including those normally cited such as
footprints or fossils or relics. For on the narrow definition of entropy,
these are not systems of low entropy at all. True, the entropy of a stretch
of sand with a footprint is very slightly lower than that ofa flat stretch of
sand, since in the former case the system has slightly greater internal
potential energy (work could be done by the grains of sand on the edge
falling into the footprint). But the entropy difference is small, and
further, the entropy of a stretch of sand with a footprint and a stretch of
sand with a small hollow in it are, on the strict definition of entropy; the
same. Yet the proponents Of this theory, s,uch as Reichenbach, would not
wish to describe the sand with the small hollow as,in their wider sense, a
system of low entropy. Why then do they wish to describe the sand with
the footprint in it asa system of low entropy? It is-because, according to
Reichenbach, it is a 'highly ordered state, a state which in the history of
the system is very improbable' ([I], p. 150). But all states, if defined by the,
positions of the grains of sand (viz. defined as microstates) are 'highly
improbable', and yet we would not for that reason call them ordered.
Even if states are classed by obvious macroscopic pattern, a stretch of
226 Space and Time
sand with a small hollow in it is as recognisable as a stretch of sand with a
footprint in it. Quite obviously why we want to call the sand with the
footprint an ordered state is because it is the kind of state the occurrence
of which would be very improbable unless it had been produced by a
human foot. It is the fact that we believe that the state is a sign of a past or
future state that makes us call it an ordered state. To say that the state is
ordered, or, on this wide understanding of entropy, is a state of low
entropy, is just to say in other words that it is a sign of a'past or future
state or event. Conse'quently entropy does not provide a physical
explanation of the existence of the sign.
The same applies to all other states of a system (not being states oflow
entropy on the strict definition) which are signs of its past interactions, as
also to states of a system which are signs of its future interactions-if
there were to be any such - said to be ordered states of systems, and
hence, on this wide understanding of entropy, to be in a state of low
entropy. Take the case of fossils defined simply as patterns in rocks
resembling in shape living organisms. Why do we consider that a rock
with a fossil in in an ordered state? Because we believe that fossils are
relics of long-dead organisms; that the rock would not have a fossil in it
had not some long-dead organism been buried in it. It is termed ordered
simply because it is the sign of a prior interaction. Before the latter part
of the eighteenth century, most poe pie believed that fossils orginated
spontaneously in rocks, that. they were not signs of prior interactions.
Holding this belief, they would not have classified fossils as ordered
It follows that the- fact that fossils and footprints are signs of past
rather than future cannot be attributed to their being closed systems in
states of medium entropy subject to the second law of thermodynamics.
For on the narrow definition of entropy they are not states of medium
entropy, and they are only states _of medium entropy on the wide
definition because we define them as being so in virtue of their being
signs of past or future events or states of the system. Hence we must
conclude that the second law and the existence of branch systems does
not ever provide a full explanation and normally does not provide even
part of the explanation of the existence of past/future sign asymmetry.
I do not know of any other single law of nature or characteristic of
many laws which can in any large measure account for the existence of
past/future sign asymmetry.! It is a task for the science of the future to,

1 Quantum Theory cannot account for past/future sign asymmetry. Although,

according to it, on the very small scale a limit to the accuracy of prediction
Limits to Knowledge of Universe-(ii) Sign Asymmeiry 227
discover the law or separate out the peculiar feature of scientific laws
which is responsible for this very general characteristic of the world.
When we use some state of the Universe at one place at one instant as a
trace of its state at some other place at some other instant, we are only
justified in extrapolating in this way to the extent to which locai evidence
shows that extrapolation is reliable. Local evidence is that while states of
a system are signs of past states of that system, they are only signs of
future states of a sub-system. Traces are states believed with reason to be
signs. Hence I am only justified in taking a state of a system as a reliable
trace of a future state ofa sub-system within it. This is why when the
scientist predicts the future state of a whole system from its present state,
he adds the proviso that the prediction is only reliable on the supposition
that the system remains closed, viz. subject to no outside. influences.
SCientific retrodictions, however, contain no such limiting clause - no
geologist infers the state of rocks it million years ago, subject to the
system not having been interfered with.
Consequences for cosmology follow directly from these conside~­
ations.lfwe know about the present state of the Universe in a regionR,
we shall be able to infer with high reliability from traces, if we are able to
identify them correctly, to the past state of the Universe in R, but only to
the future state of the Universe in a region smaller than R. This is because
physical objects now outside R may subsequently invade R or influence
the behaviour of objects in R without there being any present indication
in R that this will happen, but past interactions will have left a present
. mark. The only exception to this arises if Ris a closed region, viz:is the
whole of a finite U niverse. For then there will be no outside influences to
disturb the behaviour of objects in R. Here alone prediction could
become as easy as retrodiction.
Since in this chapter we have been discussing the second law of
thermodynamics it will be appropriate to refer here to another feature of
it and of some other laws and proces·ses which is often mentioned in
discussion of its relation to time.
The second law ofthermodynamics is often cited as an irreversible law.
This term has been used in two entirely different senses and these I must
distinguish clearly. I shall distinguish between laws which describe A-
irreversible processes and laws which describe B-irreversible processes. A

from present to future states; this limit is riot detectable on the macroscopic
scale. Anyway it is doubtful whether Quantum Theory imposes greater limits on
the accuracy of predictions than on the accuracy of retrodictions (for this, see [I] .
ch. v).
, 228 Space and Time
process of a closed system passing from a state S I on a certain path to a
state S2 is A-reversible if,. given the occurrence of SI and the rate of
change of state at the instant of the occurrence of S I, the passage from S I
to S2 is as probable as the passage along the reverse path from S2 to SI'
gi~en the occurrence of S 2 and that the rate of change of state at the
instant of the occurrence of S2 is the opposite of that on the original
passage, If the laws are deterministic and, given S I and a certain rate of
change at the instant of the occurrence of S I' the system inevitably passes
to a state S2' then if the process is A-reversible, the reverse passage from
S2 to SI will be equally inevitable, given S2 and the opposite rate of
change at the instant of the occurrence of S2 to that on the original
passage. Another way of putting the claim that a law describes an A-
reversible process is to say that the law accounts equally well for the
succession of states if we substitute - t for + t in the equations
describing the states. The same law would account for the process
apparently depicted by a film of the original process played in reverse.
The law will be A-irreversible if one passage is more probable to occur
than the reverse passage, given S I and the rate of change at the instant of
its occurrence for the first passage, and for the reverse passage S2 and the
opposite rate of change of state of S2 at the instant of its occurrence to
that at the instant of its occurrence on the first passage.
All the laws of classical physics discovered before the second law of
thermodynamics are A-reversible laws. Thus if we have a state S I of four .
particles at distances each of one foot from a central point, and S2 those
. four particles at distances each of two feet from the central point along
the same radii as before, then the law of inertia allows equally passage
from SI to Sl> and from S2 to SI' Given certain velocities of the particle
at the instant of the occurrence of S I, the system inevitably passes from
SI to S2' If we reverse the velocities of the particles at S2, the reverse
passage of the system is equally inevitable.
Now many changes which we meet in chemistry and biology are
apparently A-irreversible - marigold seeds turn into marigolds but a
film of the process in reverse would not appear to depict a physically
realisa,ble pro~ess. The first A-irreversible law t9 be studied by science
was the second law of thermodynamics, and it is to the A-irreversibility
of this law that the A-irreversibility of many of the changes of chemistry
and biology referred to have been attributed. In its original pre-statistical
form the second law was A-irreversible because it stated that increase of
entropy could occur but decrease could .not. In its statistical form the
second law is A-ir~eversible because it-states that it is \l1ore probable th~t
a closed system in a state of increasing low entropy should pass along

Limits to Knowledge of Universe-(ii) Sign Asymmetry 229

some path to a state of high entropy than that a system in a state of high
entropy beginning to travel along' the reverse path should finish its
journey along the path to the state of low entropy.
However, the second law of thermodynamics is not a basic law of
nature, in the sense of one that holds for any arrangement of matter and
energy. It holds only for those arrangements of matter and energy in
which al1 microstates are equal1y probable (i.e. equally likely to occur in
the long run), when almost 'al1 microstates correspond to the single
macrostate of an approximately even distribution of temperature
throughout the system. Although as we have seen (p. 221) microstates are
so defined that the former holds, whether the latter holds is a matter
which depends on the positions and other parameters (e.g. velocities) of
bodies at some moment throughout the system. The second law would
not hold if matter were so arranged that (given the operations' of the
other laws of nature) the most frequent microstates were those which
correspond to an uneven distribution of temperature. Itwould not hold,
for instance, in a container in which al1 the molecules of a gas moved
paral1el to the walls of the container with equal velocity and in which
they were al1 together at some instant at one end of the container. Under
those conditions the 'basic la ws of nature would ensure that the uneven
distribution 'remained, Our Universe, or at any rate our spatio-temporal
region of it, is one in which matter and energy fact so arranged that
the second law holds.
Physicists have continued the search to see ifany basic law of nature is
A-irreversible. The mos\ hopeful subject for study has be~n the laws
governing particle decay. Very many different processes of particle decay
have beeninvestigat~d, but only one has been found which is not A-
reversible. This is the decay of the neutral K meson into a positive and a
negative pi meson (KO ---t 1t + + 1t -). Scientists have good reason to
believe that al1 sub-atomic changes are PCT-invariant; viz. that the
process obtained by reversing P(parity), C(charge) and T(time) in any
physical process is itself an equal1y probable physical process. It was
discovered in 1957 that K meson decay violated CP-invariance (viz. that
the process obtained by reversing both C and P was not equal1y
probable). It fol1owed that the process would only be PCT-invariant if it
was not T-invariant. In 1968 more direct experimental evidence was
obtained that the process was not T-invariant. 1 A film of the process in
reverse would not depict an equal1y probable physical process. But this

1 For the original papers see R. S. Casella Physical Review Letters, 1968, 21,
1128-1131, and 1969,22,534-6.
230 Space and Time
law is an isolated case, and seems unlikely. to have many effects on a
macroscopic scale. In general the bask laws of nature seem to be A-
I distinguish laws describing A-irreversible processes from laws
describing B-irreversible processes. A process of passage between a state
S I and a state S2 is, on my definition, B-reversible if the occurrence of
passage from S I to S2 is as probable as the occurrence of passage from S2
to S I, and B-:irreversible if this condition does not hold. The difference
from A-reversible processes is that I do not write here 'given the
occurrence of S I and the initial rate of change of state' or 'given the
occurrence of S 2 and its rate of change being the opposite of that on the
original passage'. Now on this definition, passage from a state of high
entropy to one of low entropy is not a B-irreversible process. This is
because, as I noted on p. 222, in a syste'm closed for an infinite period,
passage from a state of high entropy to one of low entropy is just as
probable an occurrence as the reverse passage. But the second law of
thermodynamics describes an A-irreversible process because if one
system is (as is highly improbable) in a state of low entropy, it is very
likely to pass quickly to a state of high entropy, whereas if (as is highly
probable) the system is in a state of high entropy, it is very unlikely to
pass quickly to a state oflow entropy. Although it is highly probable that
once you have them, marigold seeds will turn into marigolds and highly
improbable that once you have them, marigolds will turn into marigold
seeds, a state of an eternal Universe in which one of the processes is
occurring is just as likely. as one in which the other process is occurring.
However there- are B-irreversible processes in nature. Examples
recently discussed are the examples of light waves and water waves. I
Suppose a source oflight d to send photons radially in ~II directions until
they illuminate the walls of a container surrounding the source. S I is the
state of the system when the source emits photons; S 2 its state as the walls
are illuminated, Now the passage from S I to S2 is an A-reversible
sequence. You can push photons back from widely separated positions
to a central one just as you can p'ush billiard balls back. 'But the
occurrence of the passage S2 to S I is highly improbable. This is because,
unless the container is spherical with internal reflecting walls, the only
way to initiate the reverse passage is fora clever lighting engineer to rig
up the container so that its walls are light sources emitting photons at
such different instan'ts as to illuminate 0 simultaneously. The existence

I Attention was called to B-irreversible processes in my sense of the term, by

K. R. Popper in a series of articles in Nature [2]:

Limits to Know/edge of Universe - (ii) Sign Asymmetry 231
of such an apparatus is vastly improbable compared with the existence of
light sources, and hence the process of a spreading wave vastly more
probable than th'lt of a contracting wave. If the container is spherical and
the internal s.urfaces reflect, contracting waves may be produced by
reflection of the origi"nal wave, but containers seldom are spherical with
reflecting surfaces. So too for other waves ~ water waves and sound
waves spread outwards, they do not ordinarily converge. Hence we have
here B-irreversible processes.
The limitation that the reverse process may occur if either the original
process has been reflected or an agent has constructed a clever apparatus
can be removed by considering processes of temporally infinite du-
ration. 1 Thus consider a source of light, the waves of which spread out
for ever into infinite space (except in so far as impeded by a relatively
small number of solid oodies). The light waves from a star, if 'space is
infinite, will spread further apart for ever. The reverse process to this
process appears never to occur-light waves have never within human
experience converged to a,point from infinity. Clearly no agent could
make them do so - for he could not rig up the machinery to effect the
convergence at any instant of time at all. for any such instant would be
too late; since the waves are to converge from infinity, they ought already
to have been on the way. Nor could they converge as a result of an
original process of divergence, for the original process would never have
been finished. Yet convergence from infinity is ruled out by no law of
nature. Some events are brought about by motions from infinity -as
Popper [2] notes, a comet moving on a hyperbolic path a\"ound the sun
may have moved from infinite time on that path. Yet what does not
happen as a result of motion from infinity is coalescence, many things
coming together. That such things do not happen is an important general
. characteristic of our universe. They are not ruled out by the way in which
objects change their characteristics, viz. by physical laws, but by the
distribution pattern of objects at any instant. The processes are not
physically impossible; they just do not happen. They could happen given
the requisite initial state, but the requisite initial state never has occurred
and never will occur. Hence the process of light waves spreading into
Space, would be, if Space is infinite, B-irreversible in the very strong sense
that the reverse passage never occurs.
Now the existence and operation of irreversible processes is an
interesting physical characteristic of our Universe. But some writers on
physics express this interesting characteristic in a highly misleading way.

I See the article by E. L. Hill and A. Grunbaum [2].

232 Space and Time
They write of such processes showing 'the direction of time' or 'time's
arrow'; and the suggestion is therefore that, if these processes occurred
in reverse (e.g. entropy decreased instead of incre'asing), time would 'go
in the opposite direction'. But what does this mean? That the future
would precede the past, instead of following it? This however, as we saw
on p. 132, is logically impossible in view of what we mean by 'past' and
'future'. All that these writers in fact mean by such flowery phrases is
that the processes in question would occur in reverse. 1
There is no logical necessity for any of the irreversible processes
. described in the preceding pages to have the temporal direction that they
do. We described in Chapter 9 the criteria for establishing what has
happened and what will happen, and none of these presupposes that any
of the irreversible processes described cannot occur in the reverse
. temporal direction. Men might, it is logically possible, observe that
kettles put on fires gradually freeze, etc. Certainly in such a universe men
might not have a very long life, but that is not the point. the point is that
the necessary irreversibility of the processes described in the last few
pages is a physical and not a logical one.


[1] H. Reichenbach, The Direction of Time (ed. Maria- Reichenbach)

Berkeley and Los Angeles 1956.
[2] Articles in Nature by K. R. Popper (1956, 177, 538), R. Schlegel
(1956, 178, 381) and reply by K. R. Popper (1956, 178, 382), E. L.
Hill and A. Grunbaum(l957, 179, 1296) and reply by K. R. Popper
(1957,179,1297), R. C. L. Bosworth (1958,181,402) and reply by
K. R. Popper (1958, 181,402). '
[3] A. Grunbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time, 2nd edn,
Dordrecht, Holland,
1973, ch.. 19.

J Thus Reichenbach (ch [1], p. 139) supposed that there might be 'a galaxy in
which time goes in a direction opposite to that of our galaxy'. But he only
supposed this because he had defined ([ 1], p. 127) 'the direction of time' as 'th<:
direction in which most thermodynamical processes occur'.
14 The Size and Geometry
of the Universe
In Chapter 6we considered what it meant to say of Space that it had a
certain geometry, was finite or infinite and, if finite, had a certain volume.
In Chapter 9 and in the last two chapters we have examined the amount
of knowledge we can have about states of objects at. other places and
temporal instants and the degree of its reliability. We are now in a
position to examine how we can reach a conclusion about the size and
geometry of our Universe.
We should understand by the Universe, as was explained in Chapter I,
all the physical objects that there are spatially related to the Earth. The
concept of the size of the Universe is ambiguous. We may understand by
it the size of the space in which those objects are situated. I shall call this
the s-size of the Universe. But we could understand by the size of the
Universe the size of the smallest volume of space which enclosed all the
physical objects that there were. (Since the constituents of the Universe
are separated by empty space, to make this concept precise, some
convention would have to be laid down as to how the enclosing surface
was to be drawn round the edge of the outermost objects.) I shall call the
latter concept the m-size of the Universe. The difference between the two
concepts can be easily seen. From the seventeenth century onward men
believed without question that the s-size of the Universe was infinite.
However far you went along a straight line, you could always go on,
coming to new regions of space getting all the time further from your
starting-point. But they argued much about whether the visible Universe
of stars and planets formed an island in an otherwise empty space or
whether, however far you went along any straight line, you would come
to new stars and planets. Their argument was about the m-size of the
Universe. To say that the Universe is s-finite or s-infinite is to say that the
space in which its constituents are situated is finite or infinite. The
meaning of the latter statements was discussed in Chapter 6. To say that
the Universe is m-finite is to say that the smallest volume containing all
the constituents of the Universe is finite. To say that the Universe is m-
234 Space and Time
infinite is to say that no finite volume can contain all its constituents. If
the Universe is s-finite, then-of logical necessity-it is m-finite, and if
it is m-infinite, then ---' of logical necessity - it is's-infinite, but the
converse relations do not hold. Finally, I understand by the geometry of
the Universe the geometry of the space in which the objects of the
Universe are situated. This seems the clear meaning of an unam biguous
We discussed in Chapter 6 arguments to show that Space must of
logical necessity have a certain geometry or be infinite, and showed their
worthlessness. The s-size and geometry of the Universe is a matter for
empirical investigation. Arguments to prove that of logical necessity the
Universe is m-finite or m-infinite are equally worthless. Such arguments
on these issues I ,shall term a priori arguments.
Kant [1] put forward what "he considered to be two very good a priori·
arguments, one to show that the Universe was m-finite and the other to
show that it was m-infinite. The argument that the Universe is finite (viz.
m-finite) is set forward as Kant's thesis. In order to conceive of the
Universe being infinite, he argues, we should have to conceive of an
infinite number of parts of the Universe, viz. physical objects composing
it, having been enumerated. But to conceive of this we should have to
imagine ourselves having counted the parts of the Universe for an
infinite time. 'This, however, is impossible. An infinite aggregate of actual
things cannot therefore be viewed as a given whole, nor, consequently, as
simultaneously given' ([1], B.456) and hence the Universe must be finite.
But in answer to Kant we may say that certainly, we cannot picture in our
mind's eye an infinite Universe, but we can understand what is meant by
saying that there is no limit to the number of physical objects of finite
volume which can be counted; and in the way to be outlined in this
chapter, we can coherently describe evidence which would support this
claim. Hence the alternative to the finite Universe is not inconceivable.
The argument that the Universe is infinite is set forward as Kant's
antithesis. To suppose that the Universe is finite, he urges, is to suppose a
finite world surrounded by empty space. But empty space is not a thing.
So we suppose a relation between something and nothing - which is
meaningless. So, he argues, a finite Universe is inconceivable, and hence'
the Universe must be infinite. But we have only to phrase the claim that
the Universe is finite a little more clearly to avoid this objection. To say
that the Universe is m-finite is to say that there are no physical objects
spatially related to the Earth, except those within a certain finite distance
from the Earth. In this form of the proposition we are not relating
The Size and Geometry of the Universe 235
something to nothing. I conclude that neither the argument of Kant's
thesis nor that of his antithesis is valid. 1
Kant claimed that, given that talk of the Universe as a whole was
proper, both his conclusions were correct. Since, however, the con-
clusions contradicted each other, this only showed that all talk about the
Universe as a whole was improper. He urged a similar conclusion from
the alleged fact (to be discussed in our next chapter) that he could prove'
both the finitude and infinitude of the age of the Universe. We shall argue
that Kant's arguments on that topic also are bad arguments. Kant has
not substantiated his claim that all talk of the Universe as a whole is
improper. He put forward his claim that an antinomy (viz. contradictory
conclusions) arose if we talked of the Universe as a whole, to substantiate
his general claim that any talk of objects which could not be 'given
adequately in experience' was improper. The Universe, he claimed, was
such an object, because it consisted, not of a certain number of (to use his
term) 'phenomena', but of all the phenomena that there a~e. If taken
seriously Kant would seem tt be claiming that we cannot make proper
assertions about all members of a class, all the so-and-sos that there arc.
But quite obviously we can talk of all swans, or all pieces of iron - even
though we cannot picture in our mind's eye the totality of these. If a man
claims that, although all talk about all swans and all pieces of iron is
legitimate, nevertheless talk about all physical objects spatially related to
the Earth is not, the onus is.onhim who makes this claim to prove it, since
the logical status of the two kinds of talk is very similar. Scientists discuss
coherently whether all physical objects (meaning physical objects
spatially related to the Earth) have mass or have a minimum volume.
WhY should they not discuss whether there is a limit to the number of
such objects?
I conclude in the absence of counter-arguments that talk about the
. Universe as a whole is proper but that arguments to prove that the
Universe of logical necessity is m- or s-finite or infinite or has some
'specified geometry fail. The size and geometry of the Universe is an
empirical matter. Our Universe is clearly very large and we on Earth can
only observe a very small portion of it. Hence we must use observed
states as traces of unobserved states and thereby, if we can do so, learn
about all the unobserved objects that there are and so reach a conclusion

I Aristotle used arguments of a mixed logical and empirical character to show

that the Universe was s-finite and so m-finite which are of mere, historical
interest: On the Heavens, 276a-279b.
236 Space and Time .
about the size and geometry of the Universe. The scientific cosmologist
argues from such evidence about parts of the Universe distant in space
and time as he can collect (within the limits, logical, and physical,
discussed in Chapters 9,12, and 13) to thestructure of the whole. Such
arguments from particular features of the Universe to its general
character I will term a posteriori arguments. The procedure is to use
traces to infer the density of matter and the geometry of Space and othe,r
features in regions immediately beyond observation and to use these
traces to infer the density of matter and the geometry of Space in more
distant regions, and so ad infinitum. Thus we may ascertain the metrical
geometry of Space as a whole and the density of matter throughout the
Universe. The geometry of Space may prove to be such that if we take a
certain finite number of spatial regions of finite size beyond those which
we observe, we eventually return to our starting-poinLThen these will be
all the regions that there are. As we saw in Chapter 6, if we examine all of.
many observed regions and find that the geometry is elliptic of uniform
curvature, and so we use each region of a certain finite size with that
geometry as a trace that beyond it there is a region with the same
geometry,.~e should have to conclude there were only so many regions
of that finite size. The evidence from traces is then that Space is finite, that
is, the Universe is s-finite. The evidence from traces may, however, be that
however many spatial regions of finite size we consider, there is always
another one. The evidence is then that Space is infinite, that is the
Universe is s-infinite. If the evidence from traces is that there is nolimit to
the number of regions of finite size occupied by matter, then it shows that
the Universe is m-infinite. If the evidence is that there is a limit, then the
evidence is that the Universe is m-finite.lfwe were to observe that in each
examined region of Space of volume Vat some distance d from the Earth
the quantity of matter wask -d + Ik -d I <lk -dl means the positive
value of the difference between k and d), k being a constant, then the
evidence is that after a distance k = d from the Earth there is no matter
and hence that the Universe is m-finite. The evidence, however, which we
have sketched in Chapter 11 is that the Universe is homogeneous, that in
each regiori of sufficient size there is the same volume of matter. Hence
we have reason to believe that if the Universe is s-infinite, it is m,infinite,
and that if it is m-finite. it is s-finite.
The question therefore is whether the Universe is s-infinite, whether
Space is infinite. To answer this question we must ascertain the geometry
of distant regions and so see whether there is a limit to the number of
regions of finite size. To do this we need a cosmological theory showing
how the geometry of Space varies, if it does, from region to region,
The Size and Geometry of the Universe 237
whether dependent on or independent of the density and distribution of
physical objects. With its aid we can use the states of observed regions as
traces of the states of regions beyond them.
The cosmologist endeavours to put forward a scientific theory which
will describe and explain the overall behaviour of the Universe, the
interactions and distribution of its constitutents on the large scale. His
data fall into two groups. One group is the results of observations and
experiments near the surface of the Earth explained at a lower level by
such physical theories as the electromagnetic theory and the Special
Theory of Relativity. The other group is the results of telescopic
observation into parts of the Universe distant in space and time from
ourselves. The cosmologist endeavours to build a coherent theory of the
Universe from which the observed data can be derived and new
predictions made which can be tested.
Most modern cosmological theories derive from the General Theory·
of Relativity. This was formulated by Einstein in 1916 [2] solely on the
basis of the first class of data. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity had
shown, as we saw in Chapter 3, that the laws of physics referred to any
inertial system were the same. Einstein felt that it was somehow arbitrary
to refer the laws of nature to inertial systems; and he sought, as we noted,
to set them forward in a way so that they could be referred to any E-
frame of reference whatsover. They should hold just as truly on. a frame
rotating relative to an inertial frame as on an inertial frame. The
requirement that the laws of nature have the same form when referred to
any coordinate system (that is, any E-frame) whatever is known as the
principle of covariance. Further, it seemed a weakness of previous
mechanics that the accelerated motion of a body under the force of
gravity was described IlS motion under a force. Since all bodies are
equally subject to, gravity, why not describe it as a natural motion (viz.
one not due to the operation of a force)? Einstein's principle. of
equivalence states that to describe the effect of a gravitational field is
equivalent to referring the motion of the body to an accelerated frame of
reference. Since by the principle of covariance the laws of nature are to be
the same in all coordinate frames, the body's motion is thus a natural one.
Aiming to generalise mechanics and to some extent optics in these ways,
Einstein set forward what he considered to be the simplest most general
equations or motion. These were that free particles move along what he
called the geodesics of space-time. (Space-time is our three-dimensional
space with a fourth dimension added for time. The use of this fo~r­
dimensional geometry is, as noted in Chapter 7, a mere convenient
calculating device. Geodesics are paths in space-time analogous to the
238 Space and Time
straight lines of ordinary physical space. A special kind of geodesic is a
null geodesic, along which light must pass.) Einstein then set forward a
formula relating the geometry of space-time to the distribution of matter
which would make possible calculation of geodesic paths. This formula
was chosen as the most simple possible form of such a principle
compatible with the data of mechanics and optics available to date. The
formula summarising in tensor notation ten equations, known as the
field equations, is as follows:

In this formula G is the constant of gravitation, and c the one-way

velocity of light. (Einstein, as we have seen, in formulating the Special
Theory of Relativity, believed the latter to be the same. in all inertial
frames. If we do not hold this, c should be defined as the mean velocity of
light relative to the fundamental particle through which it is passing.) Till'
is the energy-momentum tensor determined by the distribution of matter
and radiation. All terms on the left-hand side of the formula are
ultimately composed, as well as of the constant A, of the metric tensor gin'
and its derivatives. gin describes the geometry of space-time and hence for
any given' cosmic instant the geometry of space. It measures the
curvature of Space. Einstein's formula thus shows how geometry is .
determined by the presence of physical objects.
On a local scale there have been a number of tests of the General
Theory, which confirm it highly. Two phenomena which Einstein
classically adduced as evidence in favour of his theory were the advance
of the perihelion of Mercury, and the deflection of light rays near the
surface of the Sun. In both cases General Relativity predicts much larger
effects than those predicted by Newtonian mechanics, and in both cases
the predictions of General Theory are very close indeed to the best values
obtainable by current observation. In the last fifteen years there have
been a number ofJurther successful tests of General Relativity. 'But it
should be noted that they are mostly tests of what is known as the
Schwarzschild solution of General Relativity, i.e. of the differencesto the
behaviour of ~aterial objects and radiation which are brought about by
the presence of one large massive body (such as the Sun or Earth) in the
neighbourhood; and they are all tests which concern the behaviour of
material objects and radiation within our solar system.
To apply the General Theory on the cosmic scale we have to feed into
its equations astronomical data. The most important of these are the
The Size and Geometry of the Universe 239
data described in Chapter 11 leading up to the claim that the
Robertson-Walker line element is applicable to the Universe on the
cosmic scale. If we assume this claim, the equations of General Relativity
. reduce to the following relatively simple formulae:

k and R(t) have the role described on pp.198f. R'(t) is the first derivative of
R(t) with respect to time (t) (viz. it measures the rate of change of R(t)
over time) and so is a measure of the rate of mutual recession of the
clusters. R" (t) is the secQnd derivative of R (t) with respect to t (viz.
measures the rate of change of R'(t) over time). p is the mean internal
pressure of matter (and radiation), and p its mean density. G is the
constant of gravitation, and c the velocity of light, as before. A is the
cosmological constant, whose value is only calculable through the field
equations. Thus G and c are known constants; k and A u.nknown
constants; p, p, R(t), R' (t) andR" (t) are 'time-dependent variables. Since
the Universe is homogeneous, and geometry is determined by the
presence of physical objects, the geometry of every region of sufficient
size (viz. a region in which there are enough clusters for their random
motions and distribution to cancel out) will be the same as that of any
other such region. This is measured by k. If k = 0 or - 1 we can
extrapolate without limit; beyond every region of finite size there will be
another one and so the Universe will be infinite. If k = + 1, there will be
onl'y ~finite number of regions and the geometry will be elliptical (or
spherical). The volume of an elliptic universe is n 2 R (t)3. (Of a spherical
universe it is 2n 2 R(t)3.)
Mathematical cosmologists have produced from the simplified field
equations various more specific 'models', by making assumptions about
the values of the constants and for the present cosmic instant of the
variables referred to above, thereby presenting specific cosmological
theories r-eady for confirmation or rejection by the results of astronomi-
cal observation. Thus if we suppose, as Einstein reasonably did in 1917
before the evidence from the red-shift of the expansion of the Universe
nad been produced, static Universe, R' (t) = R"(t) = O. The equations
above then reduced to:
240 Space and Time
8nG ,k
. 7P = A - R (t)2
8nG _ A 3k
- 7P - - R(t)2

Eliminating .t, we obtain

Since p ~ 0 and p > 0, k = + 1. R(t) has a value determinable by the

values.of pressure and density from the 'above equation. Hence if the
Universe were static and if Einstein's field equations in the simplified
fonn given on p. 239 were correct, Space would' be elliptical (or
Different solutions can be obtained by making difTerent assumptions
about the values of the constants and variables. Ifwe take the red-shift to
indicate current expansion of the Universe, R'(t) must be positive for the
present cosmic instant. Thus if we suppose, as suggested by observation

on galactic recession, that R'(t) = R~), where T is a constant, we get the

De Sitter model with p = p = k = O. Ifwe propose p = A ,;" k = 0 we get
the Einstein-De Sitter model where R(t) = at i, a being a constant (p = 0
and p = 0 should be interpreted as claiming that pressure and density
respectively are insignificantly small). Many of these models,it,should be
noted, are quite compatible with other general theories of mechanics
than the General Theory of Relativity.
Although, as I have written, there is quite a lot of experimental·
evidence in favour of General Relativity, there are these rival general
theories of physics, which are by no means ruled out. Most of these are
slight variants on General Relativity. A few are different in structure.
Thus in 19521. L. Synge extended Whitehead's theory of gravitation in a
way that gave predictions of the advance of Mercury's perihelion and the
deflection of light-rays near the. Sun differing only insignificantly from
Einstein's. There are also theories of greater generality than General
Relativity, such as the theory of supergravity of D. Z. Freedman, P. van.
Nieuwenhuizen and others, which seek to reduce the four forces known
to physics - gravity, electromagnetism, the 'weak' force, and the 'strong'
nuclear force-to one, thereby providing a unified ac~ount of all
physical phenomena. This theory makes largely the same predictions as
The Size and Geometry of the Universe 241
General Relativity within the range to which both are applicable, but it
makes some different predictions. I
Alter,native theories of mechanics when combined with the
Robertson-Walker line element will yield different cosmological
theories. The most important of these in recent years has been the
Bondi-Gold-Hoyle Steady State Theory. These writers set up, as a
postulate, the perfect cosmological principle and understand by it 2 that
in any sufficiently large region of Space at all cosmic instants the density,
energy, and distribution patterns of galactic clusters are the same. The
continual expansion of the universe is compensated by the continual
'creation' of new matter. To give precise mathematical form to this
theory, Hoyle mod ified'the eqmltions of General Relativity by abandon-
ing Einstein's A term and introducing instead a new 'creation' tensor CPl'
into the equations. This yields

R,1I.-1R9,1I'+C,1I, = -81tG T pl'

Given the rate of expansion of the Universe suggested by observation

on galactic recession R '( t ) = T'
R(t) were
hT'IS a constant, t h'IS Yle
. Id s

R(t) = Roe/IT. We assume, as the simplest supposition, Euclidean geo-

metry k = O. We deduce a rate of 'creation' of matter Q = 3; . Taking

the best ascertainable value of T this yields a rate of creation of matter
Q = 10- 1s±2 hydrogen atoms/cm 3 per year.
Further, a cosmological theory set up inconsistent with the
Robertson-::-Walker line element. If the evidence adduced in ,Chapter 11
for the applicability of the Robertson-Walker line element, including the
evidence for the homogeneity of the Universe, still stood, the new theory
to be acceptable would have to explain that evidence and also account for
other astronomical data more adequately than could theories pre-
supposing the Robertson-Walker metric.
,In these ways a variety of cosmological theories can be and have been
set up. In so far as a theory presupposes a system of mechanics and optics
which makes predictions about local phenomena, viz. phenomena

I For an elementary account of this work and references to mote technical,

accounts, see D. Z. Freedman and P. van Nieuwenhuizen 'Supergravity and the
Unification of the Laws of physics', Scientific American, February 1978, 126-
2These and other writers so~etime's, as we s~w in note 1 to p. 195, take the
principle in a more general sense.
242 Space and Time
occurring near the surface of the Earth, it must account satisfactorily for
those phenomena. Likewise astronomical phenomena must be as
predicted by the theory, if it is to be accepted. Among theories
compatible with observed phenomena, the best supported and the one
provisionally to be adopted is the simplest and most coherent one.
A difficulty however arises on the astronomical scale that in order to
ascertain what phenomena in fact occur we often need the cosmological
theory which has not yet been established. Cosmological theories, as we
have seen, make predictions about the density of matter (p) and rate of
mutual recession 'of clusters (R'(t) at cosmic instant t) and other
apparently observable features of the Universe. BuJ the difficulty is that
in order to establish of any region of Space at any instant what the value~
of these are, We have often to assume a cosmological theory. (On the local
scale this difficulty does not arise nearly so readily.) .
Thus cosmological theories make predictions about the value of p, the
density of matter, in all regions. Yet in order to ascertain how close
together are distant bodies which appear tangentially close, we have to
know whether light travels in straight lines and what is the curvature of
Space. Locally light travels in straight lines, and we have no reason for
supposing that its path is other in more distant regions. Yet cosmological
theory leaves it open what is the curvature of Space on the cosmic scale. If
two bodies at a small distance d from Earth have a certain angular
separation and two distant bodies at a distance D from Earth have the
same angular separation, then the distance of the distant bodies from
each 'other will be ~ times the distance of the smaller bodies from each
other if the geometry is Euclidean, but greater than that amount if the
geometry is of negative curvat ure. Hence we need to know the curvature
of Space before we can calculate from observations the density of matter
in distant regions. Again, we observe distant bodies as they were some
period of time ago. Their density may differ for this reason from that of
nearer bodies. In order to test our cosmological theory, we have to know
how long past are the states in which we are observing them. But to know
that we have to know their distance from us and the velocity of light. We
have already seen in Chapter 5 how estimate,S of distance presuppose
cosmological theory; and in Chapter 11 how the formula for the velocity
of light depends on R' (t).
What applies of p applies to the other terms which seem equally
directly related to observation. Thus R' (t) indicates the rate of mutual
recession of the clusters at cosmic instant t; yet we can only calculate this
from observations of the red-shift if we know how far away and how
'The Size and Geometry of the Universe 243
long ago are the clusters studied. Yet to calculate this we need the
cosmological theory which weare seeking to establish.
Theory and observation thus interact very closely in cosmology. This
does not mean that the whole busines~ of theory construction is circular
but it does mean that it is rather indirect. We have already schematised in
Chapter 4 the process of interaction between theory and observation in
establishing the geometry of space, using only primary tests. The use of
secondary tests makes the process yet more circuitous, but the principles
are the same. The business of theory construction in cosmology can be
schematis~d as follows. We interpret our observations by making
assumptions about the values of such terms as k in order to obtain data
about phenomena such as the density of matter or rate of recession of the
galactic clusters in various regions. We then make different alternative
sets of assumptions and interpret our observations with their aid. We
then construct the simplest cosmological theory compatible with each set
of data obtained from observations interpreted under certain assump-
tions and compatible with those assumptions. Thus if we make our
estimates of the distance of clusters by assuming that k = 0, any theory
postulated to explain the data calculated in this way must claim that
. k = O. From the rival simplest theories we then choose the theory which
is overall the simplest. That theory is the one which is most probably true.
These considerations should make it clear why it would not be very
easy to show tha.t, despite the evidence adduced in Chapter 11, the
Universe was not homogeneous at all instants by the clocks of each
cluster including our own, or to produce further support from obser-
vations for this might appear that we have only to study distant
regions of Space and see if there are ~s many clusters per unit volume as
in a local region. Suppose we scan the sky with a telescope and find that
there are very few very faint clusters observable. This certainly suggests
- that there are very few very distant clusters and hence that the density of
matter is smaller in distant regions than in our own. But there are other
ways of interpreting the ,observations. Perhaps the more distant the
clusters, the more they are obscured by intergalactic dust. The clusters
are observed as they were a long int~rval of time ago. Perhaps clusters
were not then so clearly defined; there was the same amount of matter as
now but it was more spread out and so would be less easy to detect in a
telescope. Perhaps Space has positive curvature and so clusters are not as
far apart as they seem, and so on and so on. However, the various
alternative ways of interpreting the observations and the data obtained
in these ways might give rise to no theories simpler than or as simple as
the theory thilt the Universe was not always homogeneous. In that case
244 Space and Time
that theory would be the theory best supported by observations. So
astronomical observations other thari those cited in. Chapter 11 could
provide evidence for or against the homogeneity of the Universe at all
instants by the clocks of each cluster, and so the applicability to' it of the
Robertson-Walkedine element. ' '
We noted in Chapter 9 that extrapolation from known spatio- '
temporal regions to unkrlOwn became less justifiable the more distant in
space and time were the unknown regions from the known. If I have
observed many regions within a thousand million parsecs of the Earth, I
can speak with confidence of the properties of reg ions between WOO and
2000 million parsecs from the Earth, but with less and less confidence of
increasingly distant ~egions. In regions billions of millions Q~ parsecs
away there may be no clusters, or ,clusters not receding from us but
approaching us, and so if only our telescopes were good enough they
would detect their violet-shift. If, however, extrapolation from known
regions of space to near-by unknown regions leads us to conClude that
these are all the regions that there are, viz. that the space is closed and so
the Universe s- (and so m-) finite, inference from the properties of some
regions of the Universe to the properties of the Universe as a whole
would seem a well-justified. procedure. But extrapolation from the
properties of a finite number of regions to the properties of an infinite
number of regions of equal volume is clearly a more shaky process. Yet
we must make this extrapolation if we are to conclude on the basis of the
properties of an observed region (e.g. from the fact that the geometry of
that region is 'Euclidean or hyperbolic) that there is no limit to the
number of regions of similar volume and so that the Universe is open and
Nevertheless, however shaky the inferences may be, clearly my
inferences, based on the assumption that in unobserved regions traces
will function as in ,observed regions, about any region however distant
will be more justified than any random guess of equal detail which L
might make about the character of those regions. In the Sahara desert
case considered in Chapter 9, if I conclude that 2000 miles away in a
certain direction there is a square mile of sandy desert my claim, however
weakly justified, will be more justified on the evidence available t'o me
than if I claim that there is there a mountain of green cheese or an
expanse of water. So it is with the cosm010gy case. However distant the
regions of space and time about which I make inference by traces, my
inference to their char~cter will be more justified than any random guess
of equal detail which i might make about that character. It is
characteristic of science to infer the properties of all members -of a
The Size and Geometry of the Universe 245
possibly infinite class from those of a small finite class - of all pieces of
copper from those of a small· finite number of pieces of coppeLl I
conclude that justified inference to the spatial finitude of the Universe
and to the other properties of the Universe as a whole if the evidence is
that it is s-finite, would be justified much more strongly than justified
inference to the s-infiriitude of the Universe and to the other properties
of the Universe as a whole if the evidence is that it is s,infinite.
So far astroriomical investigations have yielded insufficient well-
established data for a cosmological theory to be well established against
rivals. Some of the cosmological 'models' which have been developed are
clearly ruled out by astronomical investigation. Thus Einstein's original
model of a static Universe and Steady State Theory in its original form
have both been rejected on the basis of astronomical evidence. The red-
shift indicated that the Universe was not static, and investigations into
the density of matter in distant regions gave results 1nconsistent with
Steady State Theory. To choose between other cosmological theories we
wait for more astronomical and local physical observations and we seek
compatible with them the most simple overall theory of the distribution
and interaction of the constituents of the Universe, giving good
predictions. It will be a long time, if ever, before such a theory clearly
emerges way ahead of rivals. Meanwhile among almost equally well
substantiated theories are some in which k = + 1, some in which k = 0,
and some in which k = -1. Hence we must for the moment remain
agnostic about the size and geometry of the Universe.


[I] I. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Transcendental Dialectic, ch. 2.

The Antimony of Pure Reason', especially 8.454-61.
For Einstein's original papers on General Relativity and Cosmology, see:
[2] A. Einstein, 'The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity'
and 'Cosmological Considerations on the General Theory of
Relativity' reprinted in A. Einstein et al., The Principle of Relativity
(trans. W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery) London, 1923.

1 Contrary to the apparent practice of most scientists, some philosophers of

science claim that no finite collection of data could substantiate to any degree a
hypothesis about a possibly infinite class .. See R. Carnap, Logical Foundations of
Probability, 2nd end., Chicago, 1962, 570-5, and M. Hesse, The Structure of
Scient ific I nference, London, 1974, ch. 8.
246 Space and Time
For simple descriptions of the structure of modern Cosmology, see:
[3] M. Berry, Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation, Cambridge,
[4] G. C.McVittie, Fact and Theory in Cosmology, London, 1961,
especially chapters 4-7.
For modern criticism of the legitimacy of all talk about the properties of
the Universe as a whole, see references [6], [7], and [8] to Chapter 15.1
claim to have met in the text all the points made by these writers, though I
have not discussed them by name individually.
15 The Beginning and End
of the Universe
What does it mean to say that the Universe had a beginning or will
have an end and of what sort of proof are these propositions suscep-
We understand, as in the last chapter, by 'the Universe', all physical
objects spatially related. to the Earth taken together. To say that the
Universe had a beginning is to say that a finite period of time ago there.
were no such objects; and to say that the .Universe will have an end is to
say that a finite period oftime ahead there will be no such objects. To say
that the Universe had a beginning is, if there is Absolute Time, viz. a
cosmic time scale, to say that on the cosmic time scale there were no
physical objects spatially related to the Earth at an instant n units of that
time scale ago, where n is a finite number. If there is no cosmic time scale,
• but a number of different time scales resulting from rival accounts of the
. laws of nature equally simple and successful in predicting actual and
possible observations, then to say that the Universe had a beginning is to
say that there such objects at an instant a finite number of units
of time ago on each of these admissible time scales. To say that the
Universe had no beginning, viz. has existed eternally, is, if there is a
cosmic time scale, to say that no finite number of units ago on that time
. scale were there no such objects. If science were found to use more than
one time scale, to say that the Universe has existeu eternally is to say that
on no admissible time scale was there an instant, a finite time ago; at
which there were no physical objects spatially related to the Earth. If on
one admissible time scale, there were no such objects a finite time ago,
whereas on some other admissible scale there was no instant, a finite
time ago, at which there were no such objects, then assertions that the
Universe has or does not have a beginning fail of significance. Such a
situation arose in the cosmology constructed by E. A. Milne, referred to
on p. 180. Milne's't-scale, taken by itself, yielded a finite age to the
Universe, whereas the .-scale yielded an infinite age. Milne himself did
not continue to advocate the applicability of the two scales, and
248 Space and Time
fortunately science since his time has pro_ceeded, as we have seen in
Chapter II, in the belief in the validity of a cosmic time scale.
This analysis of the meaning of the statement that the Universe had a
beginning and of the statement that the Universe has lasted eternally
applies, mutatis mutandis, to the meaning or the statement that the
Universe will have an end and of the statement that the Universe will last
for ever.
Let us now consider what sort of proof could be given for the
propositions that the Universe had a beginning or, alternatively, has
lasted eternally. As with the parallel case of the spatial finitude or
infinitude of the Universe, there have been in the history of philosophy a
number of arguments purporting to show that of logical necessity a
certain conclusion about this topic is true. Such arguments, as in the last
. chapter, 1 shall term a priori arguments. The a priori type of argument to
show that the Universe is eternal is adumbrate9 in Aristotle [I ]. A priori
arguments in rebuttal of Aristotle, to show that the Universe had a .
beginning a finite time ago, are found in St Bonaventure [2]. Christian.
theology has of course always maintained that the Universe did have a
beginning at a time. But most Christian theologians before St
Bonaventure appealed to revelation in justification, though they did not
in general find it necessary to justify what was until the thirteenth
century a fairly uncontroversial belief. (I shall not discuss the validity of
arguments from revelati~)O, since clearly too many special consider-
ations are involved here.)
St Thomas Aquinas [3J argued against Aristotle and St Bonaventure
that all arguments known to him in favour of either position were
invalid. Kant subsequently claimed, for reasons similar to those
discussed in the last chapter for the corresponding spatial claims, not
merely that all the arguments known to him in favour of either position
were invalid, but that any argument to prove that the Universe did or did
not have a beginning must .be invalid, for any talk of the Universe as a
whole fails of significance. As with the corresponding spatial case, the a
posteriori 'type of argument, though not unknown in medieval philo-
sophy, only becomes of importance from the nineteenth century onward.
A posteriori arguments of any plausibility today rely on the achievements
of modern scientific cosmology~ They point out certain observable
features of the Universe which might not have held and then argue that
these can only be accounted for if we suppose t.hat the Universe had a
beginning, or, alternatively, if we suppose that the Universe has lasted
I shall now consider the two most common a priori arguments in
The Beginning qnd End of the Universe 249
favour of the two positions. Like Aquinas and Kant, I shall urge that
both are invalid. . ,
The best-known a priori argument that the Universe had a beginning a
finite time ago is the one which Kant gives in favour of the thesis of this
First Antinomy. Tllis is as follows.

If we assume that the Universe has no beginning in time; then up to

any given moment an eternity has elapsed, and'there has passed away
in the world an infinite series of successive states of things. Now the
infinity of a series consists in the fact that it can never be completed
through any successive synthesis. It thus follows that it is impossible
for an infinite world-series to have passed away, and that a beginning
of the world is therefore a necessary condition of the world's existence
([4], B.454).

Kant claims that, but for the inadmissibility of talking about the
Universe as a whole, this argument would be valid. This, however, seems
plainly false, and so there is no justification for taking Kant's escape,
route. The argument fails for the following reason. In considering series
we normally suppose the first member identified and then go on to see
what can be said about the other members or the sum. Hence it seems
reasonable enough to claim that a completed infinity is impossible. But if
it makes sense (which seems dubious) to talk about a series with a last,
but not a first, member identified, the impossibility of a completed
infinite series of this type is in no way obvious. It seems more natural,
however, to say that the series to be considered in discussing our
question is a series of causes, not effects, and that the first member is the
present state of the Universe. In this case there is no difficulty in
supposing that th~ series may be infinite, foi-,it may have no last member
and so it would not be completed. _
The best~known a priori argument for the eternity of the Universe
derives from Aristotle. 1 The medieval theologians discussed it and
claimed to have refuted it, and Kant did the same. The argument is that
if the Universe had a beginn'ing at an instant of time, before that instant
there must have been nothing at all. But then nothing cannot give birth
to something. The creation of the Universe needs to be explained by
some preceding state which brought it about. But if all there was before
creation was void, then there was no state'to explain the creation.
Therefore creation cannot have occurred. This is roughly the argument

1 [1] 280a. Less satisfactory arguments occur later in [1].

250 Space and Time
that every event or state needs a preceding event or state as cause to
explain its occurrence or continuation. But an initial state of the
Universe cannot have such a cause (if we ignore, in view of the lack of
evidence for its existence apart from evidence which brings in theologi-
cal considerations, the possibility of another space, an event in which
could be the cause of the existence of our Universe). Therefore, there
cannot be such an initial state. This argument is given by Kant in
his discussion of the First Antinomy as the argument Jr the
antithesis, if we take his argument in one of the two possible ways of
taking it. I Kant's only objection to the argument of his antithesis is that
considered in the last chapter, that we cannot talk-of the Universe as a
whole, mainly because if we could the thesis would also be valid.
Again there seems no need to take such a radical line to rebut the
argument. The argument assumes as a logically necessary truth that
every state has a cause in the sense of a preceding state which brings it
about. (This proposition is normally phrased 'every event has a cause'
but as its proponents would wish to see it as claiming that not merely
every change ,of state of physical objects but that every continuation of
state of physical objects needed a cause, I shall phrase it in future as I
have done here.) Kant claims that this i's in his sense an a priori truth and
his argument only works as stated if this claim is right. I wish to argue on
the contrary that 'every state has a cause' is a logically contingent
A supporter of the proposition can point to evidence in favour of it.
The vast success of science in explaining the hitherto inexplicable
suggests that one day science will explain everything. But since ex-
planation consists in finding causes, if weare to provide explanations
the causes must be there to be found. The success of'science show's that
these are there. An opponent of the proposition can point to evidence
against it - the success of the Quantum Theory. If the Quantum Theory
be true, as experiments seem to suggest, then there will be a vast range of
phenomena for which precise explanations cannot ever be given. If no
cause of some state of physical objects could ever be found, then is not
that the reason (whether or not conclusive reason) for supposing that the
state had n? cause? An advocate of the logical necessity of the truth of

I [4], B.455. Alternatively we may understand Kant as arguing that the

Universe could not have begun at an instant because that instant would have
been undatable by reference to an external time scale, viz. preceding events. But
it would have been datable by an internal time scale, viz. by the intervai of time
ago from the present instant. See [5] for discussion of this form of the argument,
and Kant's treatment of the First Antinomy in general.
The Beginning and End of the Universe 251
the proposition 'every state has a cause' has to say that all these reasons
are entirely irrelevant to the truth of the proposition; that a man would
have just as much reason for believing it to be true in an apparently
vague chaotic Universe for which no precise laws had ever been
formulated as in our Universe before the first work on Quantum Theory
had been done. That position seems implausible.
I conclude that the a priori argument for the eternity of the Universe
needs further substantiation, since it cannot be taken as a logically
necessary truth that every ~,tate has a cause. I Of course even if the
argument were valid, it would only support Kant's doctrine that all talk
about the Universe as a whole is improper if the argument of Kant's
thesis was also valid, and we have concluded that it is not. If the
argument of the antithesis taken as we have taken it or in the alternative
way alone were valid, it would show what it purports to show, that the
Universe has lasted eternally. But, as it stands, it is not valid.
Now certainly in view of the vast success of science to date, the
scientist in his search for causes is justified in hoping that one can be
found for any given state, unless he has good grounds in a particular
case-as with phenomena within the quantum range-for doubting
this. The cosmologist is justified in making an initial working assump-
tion that every state of the Universe can be explained in terms of a
preceding state. But he might find grounds for believing that such an
explanation could not be given. Some of the states of the Universe might
be ones which could not have come into existence by any known
scientific process, and the postulation of a new process mighLproduce
chaos in scientific theory. Since the soientist always takes as the true
theory a very simple rather than a very complicated theory, when both
could serve to explain almost all known states, he would not adopt the
very complicated theory merely in order to explain one or two otherwise
inexplicable states. Hence it cannot be taken for granted that there are.
no states of the Universe inexplicable in terms of preceding causes;

I Aquinas argued that although it was a necessary truth that every state had a

cause, that cause need not be another state of physical objects. He allowed that
instead an agent might be the cause ([3] 2.35-7). Science, however, operates
with state or event causality and attempts to explain all states in terms of other
states which bring them about. The suggestion that agent causality is a different
type of causality from state or event causality, but that explanation in terms of it
. is equally good explanation, is a difficult and much disputed one. To discuss,
however, would take us too far afield. We have accepted Aquinas's claim that is
it not a logically necessary truth that every state has a precedent state as a cause;
which alone is the relevant point here. For the argument of Kant's antithesis
depends on the latter being a logically necessary truth.
252 Space and Time
Alternatively the cosmologist might succeed in giving an explanation
of every state of the Universe in terms of a preceding state, and that
would show that that sort of explanation could be given.
All this means that the claim that every state Of the Universe is caused
by a preceding state needs substantiating by detailed scientific cosmo-
logy. So we must turn from the a priori arguments to the a poste,iori
arguments about the beginning of the Universe, these being ones which
include among their premisses statements of particular observable
features of the Universe. We must look, in other words, at models of the
Universe developed from the General Theory of Relativity. or other
general theories of mechanics. We investigated in the last chapter the
evidence available now and the type of evidence which we could have
subsequently in support of some one of such models. Before examining
cosmological models, however, we had better clarify the structure of the
a posteriori arguments used in both cases, to prove that the Univer~e had
a beginning and to prove its eternity.
The a posteriori arguments to prove thatthe Universe had a beginning
are developed by popularisers of science or theology from what I may
term creation theories of science. All creation theories have the
following common structure. The Universe is said to be now in a state
Spo It is further claimed that a fundamental law of nature controls the
evolution of its states, such that if it is now in state Sp, then so many
years ago it must have been in state Sm and in so many years' time it will
be in state Sn. Sp is thus a trace of those states. On the basis of this law,
inference is made that at to, some finite number of years ago on all
admissible time scales, viz. normally on a cosmic time scale, the Universe
must have been in a state So. But So is either a state known, on the basis
of this or other laws of nature, to be physically impossible or is a state in
which there is nothing physical existent. But if the state is physically
impossible or there is nothing physical existent, the popular argument
takes over from the scientific, then the Universe carinot have existed at
that instant, but must have come into existence subsequently.
Scientific laws, we saw in Chapter 9, are forward moving; they state
the future consequences of some present state. Hence if a law is to be
used for retrQdiction we have to have reason to believe that any state
which could have caused the present state other than the one stated by
. the law did not occur at the relevant time. However, in the case of a
purported cosmological law , that is, a purported basic law governing the
succession of states of the Universe, given that there can be no cause
lying outside the Universe of a state of the Universe, then unless the
purported law is not completely true?r there is an uncaused state of the
The Beginning and End of the Universe 253
Universe, it can be used for retrodiction. For the Universe is all the
physical objects that there are spatially related to the Earth. If there is a
cause of a state of the Universe which lies outside it, it could only be a
state of an object not spatially related to the Earth. But we would hardly
be justified in postulating the existence of such objects solely to avoid the
conclusion that an uncaused state occurred. If we suppose as a working
hypothesis - to avoid arguments about theology - that we have no
evidence of the existence of such states, we must look for causes
of states of the Universe within the Universe. But in that case if some
, state of the Universe Sm has a cause, it must be a precedent state of the
Universe, say Sk. But then either the purported cosmological law in
question permits Sk to have brought about Smorit does not. Ifit does not
it cannot be the tru~ law governing the evolution of states of the
Universe. If we have evidence that a state of the Universe is brought
about other than in the way which we could retrodict by using a
suggested cosmological law, then it shows that the cosmological law
must be wrong. The case with cosmological laws is thus radically
different from the case with other laws. Men walking on sand produce
footprints. We see certain footprints and infer that men have walked.
But suppose we have evidence that these footprints have other causes .
(say, animals walking with man's shoes on them). That has no tendency
to show that the purported law 'men walking on sand produce
footprints' is false. It is otherwise with cosmological laws (given the non-
existence of other spaces); for states of the Universe can only h~ve other
states of the Universe as causes. If the purported cosmological law
compels us to retrodict Sj from Sm, but we have evidence that Sb not Sj
brought about Sm, that shows that the purported law is wrong. The only
way in which we can avoid the retrodictive consequences of accepting a
cosmological law is by postulating that some state of the Universe had
no preceding state as ca1,lse.
The prototype of the a posteriori argument to a beginning of the
Universe is the' thermodynamic argument used by various popularisers
of science and theology during the last hundred years. The argument
runs as follows. The Universe is ,at present in a state of considerable
thermodynamic disequilibrium, and entropy lies between its minimum
and maximum. By the second law of thermodynamics, as originally
formulated, entropy increases or remains constant, never decreases i'n a
closed system. The Universe is a closed system since it consists of all the
physical objects that there are spatially related to the Earth. Therefore
. some finite number of years ago, n years, entropy must have been at its
minimum. But it could not'have been like this for ever previously,. since a
254 Space and Time
long continuing state of minimum entropy (So) is a physically im-
possible state. Hence there could not have been a Universe more than
n-or perhaps n + i-years ago. Now this argument is not much in
vogue today because it begs many important scientific questions - for
example, it may only work for a spatially finite Universe, for the
existence of which it produces no evidence. Further, on the stat~tical
version of the second law (see Chapter i3) decreasing entropy is not
completely ruled out and it is ~s probable that an eternally closed system'
should be at any instant in a state of decreasing entropy as that it should
be in a state of increasing entropy. But I cite the argument because it
illustrates clearly and simply the a posteriori arguments for a finite age of
the Universe which are in vogue today.
The a posteriori arguments in vogue today are based on the
cosmological 'models', viz. theories of the Universe substantiated by
various empirical observations in the way described in Chapter 14. They
are, as we' noted, often constructed by giving various values to the
constants and variables of equations developed from the General
Theory of Relativity or rival theories of mechanics. The resulting
solutions yield various values of R(t), the scale factor such that if the
distance between two galactic clusters at cosmic instant t 1 is R(t Jx, then
the distance between them at t 2 will be R(t 2)X. R'(t) is the rate of
expansion of the Universe. We get oscillating Universes, and universes
'with constant or variable rates of expansion. Some of the 'models' yield
an instant to, a finite time ago at which R(t 0) = O. They show, that is,
expansion from an infinitely dense Universe. But an infinitely dense
Universe is a physically impossible Universe. Hence the Universe must
have come into existence after to' The argument here is more subtle than.
the thermodynamic argument, but its structure is the same. The
Universe is now in a certain state - Sp, that is, in this case, has a certain
scale. The law stating its expansion is a fundamental law of physics.
Hence a first state of the Universe must have been subsequent to to' This
is the conclusion to which we are led if a model yielding an instant to at
which R(t 0) = 0 is very well substantiated. For if the state of the
Universe at the instant immediately after to' Slat t l' was brought about
by a causal process, it cannot have been in accordance with the
fundamental theory stated. If an explanation of So is to be provided. it.
can only be done by having a difTerent cosmological theory. The new
. theory would need justification, more justification than that the old
theory could not explain So. For if the latter sort of fact were always
sufficient justification for accepting a new theory, then 'every state has a
cause' must be a necessary truth - and I have argued that it is not. If the
The Beginning and End of the Universe 255
mere failure of a theory to provide a cause for s·omething within its
domain shows that the theory is mistaken thenthe false consequence
Hence we can only maintain the existence of the Universe before 10 by
a supposition of entirely different fundamental laws of the Universe for
which ther~ is ~ex hypothesi - no other evidence from its states. The
criterion of simplicity demands simple laws with one unexplained state
rather than complex laws explaining all states. Scientific evidence in
consequence points to S I being a state uncaused by a precedent state. If
S I was not caused, it could not have been preceded. For given the truth
of the current cosmological theory, any preceding state would have
brought about some other state than S I ' But S I occurred. Therefore it
cannot have been preceded. So the Universe must have had a beginning
a finite time ago.
It is not mere failure to achieve an explanation of S I ' that provides
evidence that SI could not be explained. Science has often failed to
explain something for centuries and then succeeded. But the evidence
that S I could not be explained would be that such explanation was ruled
out if you accepted the very successful theory which so brilliantly
accounted for all other cosmological phenomena (viz. all the other states
of the Universe). This point is brought out by the similar case of
Quantum Theory. It is not the mere fact that scientists have not .yet
succeeded in giving a complete explanation of certain phenomena within
the quantum range which makes them want to say that those phenom-
ena are not fully explicable. It is the fact that they have succeeded in
explaining very well to a certain degree of accuracy a whole range of.
atomic phenomena, and that the theory by which they explain those
phenomena rules out any complete explanation of phenomena within
the quantum range.
Arguments to prove that the Universe has lasted eternally have the
following common pattern. The Universe is said to be now in a state Sp.
It is claimed that a fundamental law of nature controls the evolution of
that state, such that if the Universe is now in state Sp, then so many years
ago it must have been in state S'" and in so many years' time it will be:in
state Sn. On the basis of this law retrodiction is possible to physically
possible states as long ago on all admissible time scales, viz. normally the
cosmic time scale, as you choose. So Sp is best explained by postulating a
previous state Sn" and SOl is best explained by postulating a prior state Sj
and so on ad infinitum. If you accept that the evidence shows this, then
you accept that the best explanation of the present state of the Universe
is as a member of an infinite series of such states.
256 Space and Time
Various cosmological theories do permit infinite regress of expla-
nation. The best known is Steady State Theory. As explained in Chapter
14, according to this theory the Universe has always consisted of clusters
of galaxies at roughly the distance apart that they are now from each
other. The increasing distance apart of any two clusters is compensated
by the continual 'creation' of matter in the space between clusters. This
new matter then condenses into new clusters, and hence average distan'ce
between clusters remains roughly constant. Other theories permitting
infinite regress of explanation include oscillating Universe theories (that
is, theories of the Universe oscillating between physically possible states,
vii. ones both having a finite positive value of R(t». According to
oscillating universe theories the Universe is now expanding, was.
previously contracting and so on into the infinite past or future. On all
such theories a present state of the Universe is best explained by a
preceding state and so ad infinitum.
Now alI a posteriori arguments to the eternity or to a beginning of the
Universe, like a posteriori arguments to its spatial finitude or infinitude,
depend on the truth of a cosmological theory which, as a scientific
theory, may be chalIenged on the usual scientific grounds. It may b~
urged, first, that the Universe isnot now in the state Sp- that the claim
that it is represents an illegitimate interpretation of observations. We
analysed in the last chapter the difficulties involved in interpreting
astronomical observations. Secondly - as is most usually done - it
may be claimed that the proposed law of change of S, the proposed
cosmological theory, is wrongly stated; or, if correctly stated, is not a
fundamental law of nature, but applies only over a certain temporal
period. The latter is the claim that its application in certain conditions is
a derivative consequence of more fundamental laws of nature; and since
these conditions only hold for a certain period, the law in question is
only operative for that period. All proposed cosmological theories are
chalIenged on this ground. Thus G. C. McVittie claimed of models
having R = 0 at an initial instant t that: 'Going backwards in time we
can legitimately expect that, long before R = 0 is reached, conditions
similar to those that prevail at· present in the 'observed universe would
have broken down. Thus the uniform model universes would cease to .
apply.'! The conditions under which the proposed cosmological theory
applies are-matter for normal scientific argument. What must be shown
is that the theory is the simplest theory of the Universe consistent with
observations so far made, and hence that there are grounds for

I G. C. McVittie, Fact and Theory in Cosmology (London, 1961) pp. IS1f.

The Beginning and End of the Universe 257
supposing that it is so fundamental that it would still hold· under
very different conditions of the Universe. Thirdly, the theory may be
challenged on the grounds that the consequence that at an instant to
there is a state So which is a state without anything physical existent or a
physically impossible state does not follow from the premisses. This
would be a.matter for mathematicians to clarify.
But given that the proposed cosmological theory is in fact t~e simplest
theory consistent with observed phenomena, the consequences for the
arguments for a beginning or f9r the eternity of the Universe do follow.
However, for reasons given in Chapter 9, justified arguments to a
beginning of the Universe will in one respect be much stronger than
justified arguments to its eternity, just as, we found in Chapter 14,
justified arguments to its spatial finitude are as such much stronger than
justified arguments to its spatial infinitude. The point is that we have
obtained our scientific theory by extrapolation from a small temporal
period. We construct the simplest theory consistent with the observed
data and extrapolate these backwards to other temporal periods. To
establish our conclusion that the Universe had a beginning we only need
to extrapolate backwards for a certain finite temporal period (e.g. about
14,000 million years, on most current releva nt theories). But to establish
the conclusion about the eternity of the Universe, we have to take the
behaviour of objects in the region which we have observed as typical of
the behaviour of objects at all temporal periods, however distant from
our own. The present behaviour of clusters might be due to some
peculiar feature of current cluster distribution brought about by some
event in the quite remote past, and hence they might behave in a quite
different way under different circumstances, e.g. in the yet more remote
past, or again we might have misdescribed the present state of the
Universe very slightly. The slightest error in interpreting ourobser:
vations might not makenny difference to our inference to the state of the
Universe 14,000 million years ago, but a vast difference to our inference
to its state trillions of trillions of years ago.
On the other hand, in order to retrodict that there were no physical
objects spatially related to the Earth more than a certain number of
years ago, we must claim knowledge of the present state of the whole'
Universe. Only if we cim show that no physical objects now or
previously spatially related to the Earth existed at a certain prior instant,
can we conclude thatthe Universe had a beginning. It is not sufficient to
show that in a certain region R there were no physical objects a certain
period of time ago. Whereas to show that the Universe has existed
eternally we have onlylo show of one region of it that there have always
258 Space and Time
been physical objects in it. Hence a spatial extrapolation is necessary to
the present state of the whole Universe before we can make Our
retrodiction to prove that the Universe had a beginning. If the spatial
extrapolation indicated, in the way described in the last chapter, that the
Universe is spatially infinite, any conclusion that it had a beginning
would be as weakly justified as the conclusion that it had lasted eternally
since both would depend on a process 6f infinite extrapolation. Only if
the evidence suggested that the Universe was spatially finite would
. inference to its temporal beginning be welljustified, for only then would
the conclusion not depend on a process of infinite extrapolation.
Otherwise either conclusion, if substantiated, would only be very weakly
substantiated. .
As we sh~wed in the last chapter, cosmology is a long way yet from
being able to provjdeus with a well-established cosmological theory to
the exclusion of rivals. However, there is no doubt that the models best
substantiated today are ones which show the Universe expanding from a
'big bang' some 14,000 million years ago. These models successfully
predict not merely the density and rate of recession of the galaxies, but
the ratios of the various chemical elements to each other and to radiation
in the universe, and above all the background cosmic radiation. This is
electro-magnetic radiation in the microwave region ofthe.spectrum (i.e.
with waves much longer than light waves) streaming from all directions.
It is most plausibly explained as a cooled red-shifted remnant of the
primeval fireball. But whether such an explosion can be explained as a
result of a previous contraction of the Universe is unclear. We have
however been investigating in advance the metaphysical consequences
of supposing that it cannot be thus explained, and that by far the best
substantiated theory will be one which does not allow infinite regress of
What next of the end of the Universe? Could one show that the
Universe will have an end or alternatively that it will exist eternally? A
priori arguments on this question hardly exist - philosophers have
generally ignored it. There is no plausible parallel to the a priori
argument that the Universe must have had a beginning, but there is an
initially plausible parallel to the argument that the Universe must have
lasted eternally. This would be an argument that since every state must
have .an effect, a state produced by the precedent one, every state of the
Universe must be succeeded by another. But the proposition that every
state must have an effeCt is; like the proposition that every state must
'have a cause, not a necessary truth ,- and for the same reasons. It is
conceivable that only some states of objects bring about other states.
The Beginning and End of the Universe 259
That every state brings about other states is something that needs
substantiating by showing that the simplest scientific theories com-
patible with phenomena predict infinite successions of states.
So let us consider if a posterjori arguments could show grounds for
believing that the Universe will have an end or alternatively will last for
ever. The proposition that the Universe will last for ev'er could certainly
be substantiated, albeit very weakly, by a posteriori arguments. If a
cosmological theory can be substantiated which shows that, starting
from the present state S I ' all subsequent states on all admissible time
scales, viz. normally on a cosmic time scale, S 2' S3' etc. were physically
possible states of physical objects and that there was no limit to
prediction of such states by the theory, then the theory shows that the
Universe will go on for ever. All currently viable cosmological theories
h~ve this characteristic (apart from some -see note 1 to p. 260-
which only purport to hold over a finite temporal period). For example,
the Einstein-De Sitter model which has the form R(t) = at i while
admitting a beginning (R = 0 at t = 0) predicts an infinite future. In so
far as such a theory is well substantiated, it gives grounds for affirming
the future eternity of the Universe.
Such predictions to an infinite future sutTer, however, from the
weakness earlier discussed of all extrapolations from a finite temporal
period to an infinite number of such. They also sutTer from a further
weakness of their own' arising from the past/future sign asymmetry
discussed in Chapter 13.
In order to predict an infinite future for the Universe, as to retrodict
an infinite past, we need only make the inference for one region R. For if
in R there always will be physical objects, then there always will be a
Universe. In the case of retrodiction, this meant that, given the validity
of the temporal extrapolation, no spatial extrapolation Was necessary.
However, in order to make a temporal extrapolation to the future of R
we have to make a spatial extrapolation first. For we have reason to
believe, as shown in Chapter 13, that while' states of a system are reliable
signs of past states of that system, they are only' reliable signs of future
states of a sub-system within that system. Hence only if we can claim
knowledge of the state of a region wider than R at the present instant,
can we predict the future state of R. Hence in order to predict the infinite
future of a region of the Universe, we must claim knowledge of the
present state of the whole Universe. If the evidence indicates that the
latter is spatially infinite, oucgrounds for-cIaimingknowledge of it will
be, as we saw in Chapter 14, defmitely weak. Hence to predict the infmite
future of a region of an infinite Universe we should have to rely on two
260 Space and Time
processes of ex~remely shaky inference. The inference will hence be
doubly weak. If, however, we can infer that the Universe is spatially
finite, the prediction to !in infinite future of a region will be less weak,
and so too therefore will be justified inference to the future eternity ofthe
The proposition that the Universe will have an end could only be.
substantiated by a peculiar form of cosmological theory. I earlier argued
that the proposition that the Universe had a beginning could be
substantiated either by showing that on the well established cosmologi-
cal theory a finite period of time ago either the state of the Universe was a
physically impossible one 'or there was nothing physical existent. Only .
the parallel to the latter form of theory could substantiate the doctririe
that the Universe wi1l have an end. For if the theory were such that it
predicted a future physically impossible state of the Universe, that
would only show that the. theory was mistaken, not that the Universe
would have an end. The difference between the case of the end and of the
beginning of the Universe in this respect can be seen by recalling the
form of scientific laws. i Scientific laws state the consequences of some
state however it was produced. Hence if the proposed law predicts fl'om
the present state of the Universe a future physically impossible one,
then, since such a state cannot occur, the law must be mistaken. Since
scientific la~s can only be used for retrodiction as we saw in Chapter 9,
with further premisses, .a similar consequence does not arise in
retrodictive inference. It is quite consist'ent to claiin that a scientific law is
true, from which can be deduced that if Sj occurred, Sm must have
occurred, and to claim that Sm occurred but that Sjdid not occur. But it
IS not consistent to claim that a scientific law is true from which it can be
deduced that if Sj occurred, Sm must have occurred, and to claim that Sj
occurred, but that Sm did not occur.
The only valid a posteriori argument to the end of the Universe would
be one based ona well established cosmological theory which predicted
a finite perioo of time ahead on all admissible time scales, viz. normally a
cosmic time scale, a future state where there was nothing physical

I There are a number of models considered by cosmologists which have a future

point singularity R = O. These~ for the reasons given above-cannot be

taken as literally true scientific theories. Nor does any scientist so take them.
They are'regarded as inaccurate near the regions R == 0 and orily used because
they give accurate descriptions of present observable states and reasonable
predictions and retrodictions of some near future and past states; They are·
mainly models- of a Universe oscillating between values of R = 0 and finite
values of R ..
The Beginning and End of the Universe 261
existent. I earlier referred briefly to the poss'ibility of a theory from which
it could be retrodicted that a finite time ago there was nothing physical
existent. Using M for the mass of all the physical objects in any region of
the Universe of a certain volume, the theory would b~ of the form
dM = k, where k was some positive constant or variable function of
~ ,

, time. ,It could then be retrodicted (given a suitable form of k) that at

some instilOt a finite period of time ago to, for all regions M = O. Now if
k was a suitable negative constant or function of time, the theory could
predict a future instant when there would be nothing physical existent.
Such a theory would therefore predict an end of the Universe. If it were
well substantiated, we, would, have good reason to believe, that the
Universe would come to an end. To establish such a theory only a finite
degree of temporal extrapolation would be necessary, although, if the
evidence indicated a spatially infinite universe; an infinite spatial
extrapolation would be needed.
Now in fact no such theory has, as far as I know, ever been put
forward seriously by a physicist, let alone been well substantiated. The
only recent theory which does not hold to the ancient physical principle
of the conservation of matter (with energy) is the Steady State Theory,
and that predicts the increase of matter. Since all current cosmological
theories which are at all well supported by observation and experiment
(apart from the few referred to in note I to p. 260 which only purport to
hold over a finite temporal period) predict an infinite future for the
Universe, I conclude that the con~lusion of modern cosmology is that
the Universe will go on for ever. However, in view of the need, described
,above, for at least one infinite extrapolation before this conclusion-can
be reached, we must add that evidence in support of it is weak.


[I] Aristotle, On the Heavens, Book i, ch. 10; Book ii, ch. 't.
[2] St Bonaventure, Commentary on the Sentences, Book ii, dist. i,
pars i, articulus i, quaestio ii.
[3] St Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, 2.32-8.
[4] I. Kant, The Critiq~e of Pure Reason, Transcendental Dialectic,
ch. 2, 'The Antinomy of Pure Reason' especially B.454-61 .•
For discussion of Kant's argument, see:
[5] P. F. Strawson, The Bounds of Sense, London, 1966, part iii, ch. 3.
262 Space and Time
For description of the world-models of modern cosmology, see
references in the Bibliography to Chapter 14.
For modern philosophical criticism of the coherence of talk about the
Universe as a whole and of the possibility of reaching a conclusion about
whether or not it had a beginning, see, among many writers who have a
similar approacb:
[6] M. Scriven, 'The Age of the Universe', British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 1954,5,181-90.
[7] Milton K. Munitz, Space, Time and Creation, Glencoe, Illinois,
[8] R. Harre, 'Philosophical Aspects of Cosmology', British Journal
for the Philosophy of Science, 1962, 13, 104-19.
I have not produced detailedcounter-arg~ments to deal with each of
these criticisms individually, but consider that I have met all the
criticisms in this chapter and in Chapters 1 and 14 of this book. For a
general attempt to show that many such criticisms are invalid see:
[9] G. H. Bird, 'The Beginning of the Universe', Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, 1966,40, 139-50 .

Abbott, E. A. (and his novel Cantor, G., 115f
Flatland), 124, 128, 130 Carnap, R., 113, 180,245
Absolute Space, motion, acceleration, Casella, R. S., 229
42-60, 66, 202 cause, prior to eITect, proof of logical
Absolute Time, 202 necessity of, 132-40
analytic statements, see logically 'every event has a cause', 250f, 254f
necessary statements Cepheid stars, 89ff
a posteriori statement, definition of, 3f Chisholm, R. M., 143
a priori statement, definition of, 3f Clarke, S., 49f, 58, 59
Aquinas, St Thomas, 248-51, 261 €Iemence, G. M., 48
Aristotle, 10,24, 46f, 57,59, 118f, 131, clock, true, concept of, 177
23"5, 248ff, 261 clocks, atomic, 179f
Armstrong, D. M., 23, 25, 66 clocks, principle of ~imilar, 192-6
Augustine, St., 173 clusters, see galaxies, clusters of
Ayer, A. J., 135, 142 Coburn, R. c., 25, 41
contingently dependent occupants of
backward moving laws, impossibility Space, 17
of, 149f' conventionalism, 80IT, 109IT, 180f,
Bennett, J. F., 9, 15 20If
Berenda, C. W., 214 Copernicus, 47f
Berkeley, G., 52, 59 . Coprescnce, laws of, impossibility of,
Berry, M., 97, 214, 246 150f
Bessel, F. W., 89 cosmic radiation, 190,258
big bang, 258 . cosmic time scale, 195-202, 247f
Bird, G. H., 262· cosmological models, see cosmologi-
Black, M., 142f cal theories
black holes, 213f cosmological principle, 195f
Bohm, D., 205 - cosmological theories, 50f, 94f, 150,
Bokku, myth of Okku and, 167-71 208-13, 237-45, 254-61
Bolyai, J., 102 covariance, Einstein's principle of,
Boltzmann, L., 220 237 ,
Bonaventure, St., 248, 261 'creation' of matter, 241, 256
. Bondi, H., 212, 214, 241 curvature of Space (K), 104, 199
Bonola, R., 112
Bose-Einstein statistics, 221 deformation of rods, 69-83, 106, III,
Bosworth, R. C. L., 232 118
Bowman, P., 189, 205 De Sitter model, 208, 240
Brotman, H., 128, 130 diameter, method of apparent, 92
Brouwer, L. E. J., 115 differential forces, see universal forces
differential influences, see universal
caesium radiation, frequency of, 179f influences
264 Index
direction, definition of, 64f more basic, most basic frame, de·
distance, II, 61 -97, 197 finition of, 42-6
distance, by apparent size, definition free mobility, axiom of, 105
of, 96 Freedman, D. Z., 240f
distance, coordinate, definition of, 104 fundamental particle, definition of,
distance in a frame, 66-9 54, 189f
distance, luminosity, definition of, 96 see also galaxies, clusters of
distance, parallax, definition of, 96
distance, proper, definition of, 67. galaxies, clusters of (and fundamental
Doppler shift, see red shift particles) 51f, 68f, 91f, 189~200,
Dray, W., 143 206-12,238-44 '
Duinmett, M. A. E., 135-9, 142f Gale, R. M., 143
Dwyer, L., 164 - Galileo, 47f, 59, 119, 184
geometrodynamics, 59,60
Earman, J., 60, 182 geometry of Space, of the Universe,
Eddington, A. S., 81 56f, 72ff, 98-113, 197f, 233-46
Einstein, A., 42f, 50, 56f, 59, 78f, 83, congruence geometries, 105, 197f
106, III, 112, 179, 186f, 237ff, elliptic, Euclidean, hyperbolic, and
245 spherical geometries, main pro-
Einstein·De Sitter model, 208, 240, perties of, 98 -I 06
259 pure and physical, distinguished,-
Ellis, B., 77, 189,205 98-101
entailment, 4ff Gold, T., 241
entropy, definition of, 219f Godel, K., 141
wide concept 0(, 222f Gorowitz', S., 143
see also thermodynamics, second Graves, J. C, 60
law of Grice, H.P., 9
equivalence, Einstein's principle of, Grimaldi, F. M" 85
237 Griinbaum, A., 72, 81ff, 142f, 154,
equivalent laws, principle of, 190ff, 164,187,205; 231f
195f, 198 Guthrie, W. K. C, 46
ether, 183f
Euclid, 99f, 112, 131 Harre, R., 262
see also geometry, Euclidean Harte, E., viii
experimental test, defihition of, 149f Hausdorff Space, 98
extrapolation, 87 -96,108f; 147f, I 5 If, Heaven, 40
209-12,227, 244f, 257-61 Heisenberg indeterminacy principle,
factual statement, see logically con- Hesse, M. B., viii, 245
tingent statement Hill, E. L., 231 f
Fermi~Dirac statistics, 221 Hirsch, E., 25
Fine, A. I., 73, 83 homogeneity of the Universe, 196,
Flew, A. G. N., 143 236, 239, 243f
foreknowledge, "Iaims to, 144-8, Hooker, CA., 60
157-64, 215f, 219 horizons, cosmological, 206-14
van Fraassen, Bas c., 176, 205 EP horizon, definition of, 209
frame of reference, definition of, II f ET horizon, definition of, 213f
E·frames, 23f, 237' ' event horizon, definition of, 207f
equibasic frame, definition of, 51 particle horizon, definition of, 208
Index 265
Hoyle, F., 241 Lucas, J. R., 143, 175
Hubble, E. P., 93 luminosity, absolute and apparent,
Hume, D., 4 defined, 90
Huntington, E. V., 41 luminosity distance, see distance,
Hurewicz, W., 129f luminosity
Huygens, C, 48f
hyperplane, definition of, 117 M-absolute Space, see Space, M-
inertial frame, definition of, 48· M-relative Space, See Space,M-
instant of time, concept of, 131 , relative
irreversible laws and processes, see Mach, E., 52-6, 59
reversible laws and processes Mackie., J. L., viii, 143
isotropy, principle of, 189ff, 195f magnitude, absolute and apparent,
Ives-Stilwell effect, 186 90-3
Manning, H. P., 112, 130
Jammer, M., 130 Markowitz, W., 205
Janis, A. I.; 205 material objects, 13-15, 123-7
criteria for identity of, 19-24,31-7
k, definition of, \99 Maxwell, J. C, 220
Kant, I., 2, 4, 8,17,28,40,101,104, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, 221
1I0f, 112, 118-23, 130f, 165,172, McGechie, J. E., 164
175, 234f, 245, 248-51. 261 McVittie, G. C, 96f, 246, 2·56
Kepler, J., 43, 47f, 88 memory claims, 144-8, 157-64, 215f
Klein, F., 102f Menger, K., 115
knowledge of past greater than of Mercury, advance of the perihelion of,
future, 157-64,215-27 238,240
Krimsky, S.,.60 . mere physical objects, 15f
krypton light, wave length of, 75f meson decay, 229f
metrical geometry, definition of, 99
Leibniz, G. W., 49f, 57f, 59 Michelson-Morley experiment, 183r,
Lewis, D., 164 200
light, deflection of, near the surface of Milne, E. A., 180, 247f
the Sun, 238 Minkowski,H., 114
diffraction of, 84f MO-invariant groups, 23f
rectilinear propagation of, 84f, 87, Montague, R. D. L., viii
198, 238 Muller, R. A., 190
velocity of, 145, 182-8, 191, 199f, Munitz~ M. K., 262
203f, 207, 242
line, concept of, 98 necessity, see logically necessary state-
Lobachevsky, N. I., 102 ments, physical necessity, and
local motion, 39 ' practical necessity
Locke, J., 14f negation of a statement, definition of,
logically contingent statements, 2-7 2
logically dependent occupants of Nerlich, G. C, 83
Space, 16f Newton, I., 42, 48ff, 52ff, 57f, 59, 179,
logically impossible statements, 2-7 202,204
logically necessary statements, 2-7 Newton~Smith"W. R, 41, 173f, 176
logically possible statements, 2-7 van Nieuwenhuizen, P., 240f
Lorenz transformations, 185f North, J. D., 59, 97, 205
266 Index
observation, 154-7 quasars, 93
Okku, myth of Bokku and, 167-71 Quine, W. V. 0., 4, 8
oscillating universe theories, 256 Quinton, A. M., 13,25,28-31,37-41,
Page's model, 208
parallax distance, see distance, radius of the Universe, R (I), de-
parallax finition of, 198
parallax, method of, 87fT, 95 red shift, (Doppler shift) 89, 91fT,
Parfit, D., 35f, 41 189fT, 214, 239f, 242, 245
past, changing the, 134f gravitational red shift, 91
past, determinate, 132-40 Reichenbach, H., 44, 54JT, 59, 77, 80,
see also cause, prior to efTect 82f, 106, 109f, 112f, 122fT, 130,
. past/future sign asymmetry, 215-27, 153f, 164, 180,204,219,223-7,
259f 232
past, statements really about the, de- Relativity, General Theory of, If, 50,
finition of, 132fT 54, 77fT, 91,95, III, 141, 150, 198,
Pauli exclusion principle, 221 201,213,237-41
peT invariance, 229 Mechanical, Principle of, 48
perfect cosmological principle, 195f, Principle of, 50
241 Special Theory of, If, 50f, 54, 66fT,
Perry, J., 41 '184-8, 191f, 198-201,207,214,
personal identity, 31-':7 237f
physical object, concept of, 16 retrodiction, 145-50, 157, 215-27,
physical impossibility, necessity, and 252-8
possibility, 7f reversible and irreversible laws and
place, concept of, 10-12 processes, 227 -32
criteria of identity of, 20-4, 169f Riemann, B., 102f
plane, concept of, 63f Riemannian geometry, 103
Playfair's axiom, 102 rigidity, 62, 69-82
Poincare, H., 106, 112, 115 , Rindler, W., 198,205, 207f, 214
point, concept of, 26, 98 Robertson, H. P., 198 .
Popper, K. R., 54, 230JT Robertson- Walker line element, 198-
possibility, see logically possible 202, 207JT, 239, 240
statements, physical possibility, Russell, B., 135, 1.42
and practical possibility
practical impossibility, necessity, and Salmon, W. C, 205
possibility, 8 Sanford, D., 25
primary place, definition of, 10. Schlegel, R., 232
primary qualities, 14f . Scriven,. M., 262
primary tests, definition of, 6\ Searle, J. R., 164
propagation of efTects, finite vefocity secondary qualities, 14f
of, 145, 182f secondary tests, definition of, 61
proper distance, see distance, proper sentences distinguished from state-
Ptolemy, 47, 118JT ments,3f
Putnam, H., 83 Shoemaker, S., 173, 176
sign, definition of, 146
Quantum Theory, 1,7, 226[,.J50f, 255 similarity, criterion of, 2If, 32, 36, 169
see also Heisenberg indeterminacy simplicity, principle of, expoullded,
principle· 21,43fT
Index 267

Simplicius, 118f tachyons, 182

simultaneity, 181-202 Taylor, R., 143, 164
Sklar, L., 60 temporal interval, 177 -204
Smart, B. J., 2S I temporal relations, 165
Smart, J. J. C, 159, 164 see also Times
solid, geometer's concept of, 98'" thermodynamics, first law of, 219
physicist's con~ept of, 26, 98 second law of, 219-227, 253f
Space a, definition of, 26 Theseus, ship of, 20
absolute and relative, see Absolute time, a, definition of, 132
Space causal theory of, 153 f
closed (or finite) definition of, 38, closed, 141
107f continuous, 131
continuous, 26ff, 81 f cyclical, 141
dense, 26ff, 81 f dense, 131
dimensions of, 114-30 dimensions of, 172
discrete (atomic or granular), 26f, direction of, 232
8lf discrete (atomic or granular), 131
elliptic, see geometry, elliptic infinite, 173
Euclidean, see geometry, Euclidean metric of, 174f
existing independent of matter, 57ff psychological, 204
geometry of, see geometry of Space reversing, 141 f
hyperbolic, see geometry, hyper- scale, definition of, 175, 177
bolic topology of, 174
M-absolute and M-relative, 56ff, travel, 156
J J Jf unbounded, 172f
open (or infinite) definition of, 107 unique, In
unbounded, 26 ' without change, 173
unique, 26-41 without physical objects, Inff
spaces, 26--41 Times, 165-72
Space-Time, 59, 114, 237f topology, definition of, 100f
spatial relations, 11, 28 trace, definition of, 136, 14Sf
see also Spaces see also extrapolation
spatial things, 12-18 Trautman, A., 96f
spatio-temporal continuity, 19-24
Spencer Jones, H., 97 Universe, the concept of, 17, 212,
Steady State Theory, 195,241,256, 233ff,247-51
261 beginning or past eternityof, 247-
straight line, concept of, 63f 58
Strawson, P. F., 9, 15,24,261 end or future eternity of, 248, 258-
substance-sortals, 18 61
supergravity, 240 geometry of, see geometry of the
surface, concept of, 98 Universe
Swinburne, R. G., 9, 36f, 41 size of, 233-46
synchronisation, ditect, 181 universal and differential forces,
indirect, 181-202 Reichenbach's definition of,
Synge, J. L., 240 77
synonymy, 4 universal and differential influences,
synthetic statements, see logically con- 77-80
tingent statements Urysohn, P., 115
268 Index
verificationism, vii, 6f, 44 White, A. R., viii
volume,98f Whitehead, A. N.; 240
Whitley, E. H., viii
. Walker, A. G., 198 Whitrow, G. 1.,,205
Wallman, H., 129f Wiggins, D., 25, 34f, 41
Weyl, H., 192 Wil1iams, B. A. 0., 31-5,41

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