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Maricar L. Costillas Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

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Maricar L.

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8
COMPETENCY: Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types of speech
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Identify the different types of cohesive devices
2. Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types of speech
3. Know the importance of using cohesive devices in various types of speech
Topic: Cohesive Devices
Materials: Cartolina & pentel pen
References: Practical English 8-Diwa

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A.Preliminary Activities
-Class,let us all stand,and put ourselves in the Students will pray
presence of the Lord.
-Good Morning ,Class Good Morning, Ma’am.
3.Checking of Attendance
-Who is absent this morning? Nobody is absent,Ma’am


What was our lesson yesterday? Claims of Fact, Policy, and Value,Ma’am

Okay, very good.

Again, what are the different types of claims? (Students will explain)
What is claim of fact? What about policy?

Yes,Claim is a clear assertion of one’s

belief,proposition, or opinion.Claim may be
classified as fact,policy, and value.
1.Claim of Fact-It is an assertion that
something is true or false. It is objective and
2.Claim of Value-it is a proposition that is
based on the worth of something. It
evaluates or judges whether or not This should be answered by the students.
something is good, right, just, moral, and
3.Claim of Policy-It is an assertion that
supports a particular course of action.

So we already know what is claim and the

three classification of claim.

Today we will have a new lesson.

But before we start our lesson, I have here

the jumbled letters.

B. Presentation of Lesson

 Motivation

(The teacher show the jumbled letters. She

let the students to arrange properly, they
need to refer to key words for the new topic.
Rearrange the letters to reveal the words,
given the descriptions accompanying them.)

1. E I S V H E O C - Ma’am that is Cohesive.

Characterized by or causing cohesion

2. I D E C E V S - Ma’am that is Devices.

A thing made or adapted for a
particular purpose

3. C N O J N U C O T I N S - Ma’am that is Conjunctions.

Words that connect independent

Very good class, the three words are

Cohesive, devices and conjunctions.

C. Presentation

What have you observed with the words

that we use in the game?
Cohesive Devices Ma’am!
Very good! This morning we are going to
study the cohesive devices.
In the presentation aside from presenting the
Present the sentences here, like: objectives, you need to include the sentences or
activity that will lead to your analysis and

Set A.:

1. Love works in mysterious, strange, A cohesive device is a word or phrase used to

and wonderful ways. There’s nothing connect sentences that have a particular
in life it cannot change. relationship with each other.
2. She is stunned by the rejections of
several universities. She still hopes
she will be accepted to medical

Set B:
In the analysis and discussion, the teacher will ask
1. Since love works in mysterious, questions based on the presented sentences, so
strange, and wonderful ways, there’s that students can come up with a generalization.
nothing in life it cannot change.
2. Although she is stunned by the
rejections of several universities, she
still hopes she will be accepted to
medical school.

D. Analysis and Discussion

Class do you have any idea what are cohesive


Yes, very good!

It is a word or phrase used to connect
sentences that have a particular relationship
with each other.

(The teacher discuss the 6 types of cohesive

What will be the flow of your discussion?
Remember that this is a detailed LP, you
should write everything here.
 Activity
A. Choose from the box the
appropriate cohesive device to
complete the meaning of the
statements. White your answer
on the blank.

since in addition because

on the whole but nevertheless

obviously however unless

whereas indeed then

1.________________ to practice, one must 1.In addition

also spend a fair amount of time to write a
speech before talking in front of an audience.

2. A study show that students these days 2.Obviously

prefer reading on digital
platforms.__________________ they prefer
having e-books than actual textbooks.

3. You may want to just visit Abby at home 3.because/since

________________ she has already been
discharged from the hospital.
4._____________Jessica,lost her mother,she 4.Because/Since
became more secretive and started
preferring doing tasks alone.
5. It comes a total surprise to Nico that he is 5.On the whole/Indeed
this school years valedictorian. _________ ,it
pays off to study hard.
6. It does not take much as to whom we 6.Where as
should keep in this competition. Alex has
always done her
assignments______________ Jorge has been
consistently late.
7. I suggest you finish your homework first, 7.Then
__________you may go and watch the movie
with your friends.
8.You cannot be an effective 8.Unless
speaker________ you put enough effort on
practicing each.
9. I was greatly impressed by the student’s
performance. __________they have been 9.Indeed/On whole
consistent and creative.
10. May this experience teach you a lesson, 10.but
Jace . Remember how patients goes a long
way. You may have failed at it now________
you will eventually be better at it,I’m sure.

E. Generalization
Again what is a cohesive device? A cohesive device is a word or phrase used to
connect sentences that have a particular
relationship with each other.

What are the different types of cohesive 1. Logical connectors

devices? 2. Coordinating conjunctions
3. Subordinating conjunctions
4. Conjunctive
5. Pronouns
6. Synonyms

F. Valuing
Is it important to use appropriate cohesive Yes, Ma’am
devices in various types of speech?

Why? Cohesive devices tell the reader what we are

doing in a sentence and help to guide them
through our writing. They signal to the reader
what the relationships are between the
different clauses, sentences, and paragraphs.
This makes the message more clearer.


G. Application (Application should be given

after the analysis and discussion)
Since you already know what are the 1,2,3,4,5
different cohesive devices, I want you to (Each representative will share their works.)
group into five groups and you are going to
make 10 sentences that uses a correct cohesive
devices. Count off 1-5 and go to the group that
you belong. Select one representative for each

IV. Evaluation:

1. Create an essay about you experience in this pandemic and use appropriate cohesive devices. Write
that in a whole sheet of paper.

V. Assignment

Class, our lesson has come to an end so for your assignment please study in advance about gerunds.

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