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Final Bulletin: International Commission On Large Dams

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Final Bulletin
International Commission on Large Dams

Annual Meeting
July 3–7, 2017, Prague of International Commission
Czech Republic on Large Dams


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

The organizers would like to express their acknowledgement to the following Sponsors:

Bronz Partner Notepad and Pen Partner

Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Mr Marian Jurečka grants patronage to the 85th Annual Meeting
of International Commission on Large Dams.

Invitation from the Chairman of the Organizing Committee  3
Invitation from the President of ICOLD  4
Invitation from the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic  5
ICOLD Information  6
Meeting Venue  8
ICOLD 2017 Annual Meeting: Programme  8
Technical Committee Workshops  9
Symposium  9
Technical Tours  10
Workshops  11
Study Tours  12
City Tours of Prague  14
Social Programme  15
Technical Exhibition  16
Accompanying Person Programme  17
Registration  19
General Information  26

Contact Information
Meeting Secretariat
GUARANT International spol. s r.o.
Na Pankráci 17, 140 21 Prague 4 – for correspondence, 140 00 Prague 4 – for courier services, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 284 001 444, fax: +420 284 001 448, e-mail:

Czech National Committee On Large Dams

Thákurova 2077/7, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

from the Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the Czech National Committee on Large Dams, I would like to cordially invite you to this year’s
85th Annual Meeting of the International Commission on Large Dams held in Prague in a pleasant, calm and
intimate atmosphere of the historic city situated on the picturesque Vltava River.

Within the traditional structure of Annual Meetings, we have prepared a rich professional programme for
you running from Monday’s Workshops to the Friday’s ICOLD General Assembly. The sessions of Technical
Committees have become a permanent part of the Tuesday agenda. Extended agendas of some Technical
Committees fall within Monday’s Workshops.

Apart from the sessions of Technical Committees and their Working Groups, the most important professional part of the Annual
Meeting is the Wednesday’s Symposium with its principal theme of Knowledge Based Dam Engineering chosen for this year.
Individual professional themes, including various aspects of the design and operation of dams, have found great favour with
the authors. This has been reflected by over 450 registered abstracts from 47 countries. We believe that the new knowledge
presented in the form of oral presentations, papers or posters will provide most useful information and inspiration for your work.

Thursday’s Technical Tours are directed to four interesting regions of Bohemia. In a comfortable time schedule, you will visit our
dams and other places of interest situated in central, north-west and north-east Bohemia. The technical agenda also includes
other events, such as e.g. the meeting of ICOLD Regional Clubs, Young Engineers Forum, Technical Workshops, etc.

In the programme prepared for Accompanying Persons for the time of technical meetings, the participants will learn in a pleasant
way more about the history and contemporary life in the Czech Republic. The cultural and social events organised during the
Annual Meeting will take place in beautiful locations with a rich history and vibrant modern life.

For those interested in deeper knowledge and understanding of the Heart of Europe, we have prepared three routes of Study
Tours around the Czech Republic to satisfy both technicians, engineers, and the lovers of history, culture and Czech national

I am looking forward to meeting you in Prague, to our shared unforgettable experiences and stimuli and inspiration for our
future work.

Ladislav Satrapa
Chairman, Czech National Committee on Large Dams
Chairman, ICOLD 2017 Organizing Committee

ICOLD 2017 Organizing Committee

Chairman: Ladislav Satrapa
Secretary: Milan Zukal
Members: Miroslav Brouček, Jindřich Břečka, Jiří Hodák, Dalibor Kratochvíl, Vlastimil Krejčí, Pavel Křivka, Richard Kučera,
Jiří Pechar, Jiří Poláček, Pavel Řehák, Jaromír Říha, Jiří Švancara


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

from the President of ICOLD
Dear ICOLD members, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of ICOLD I’m delighted to invite delegates from the National Committees of the International
Commission of Large Dams (ICOLD) and specialists and experts working in the field of dams and reservoirs
as well as their accompanying persons to the 85th Annual Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, which will
take place July 3–7, 2017.

The region of Czech Republic has a very long history in dam development. Since the Middle Age, dams
were built to ensure water supply and power. Some of the historical reservoirs are still operated today and
have become natural reserves.

The participants of the 85th Annual Meeting in Prague will have the chance to discuss in the Symposium on July 5 the topic of
“Knowledge based Dam Engineering”. Furthermore, current issues will be addressed in several special workshops including the
workshops of the ICOLD technical committees. The outcomes of the symposium and the workshops will without doubt contribute
to the governing long-term mission of ICOLD which is “Better dams for a better world”.

In view of our challenge to further develop this century’s dams and reservoirs worldwide, which will be also urgently required to
mitigate the negative effects of climate change, I encourage you to come to the 85th Annual Meeting in Prague in July 2017, not
only for discussing the emerging professional and socio-economic issues and but also to meet the ICOLD family. As ICOLD
president I’m convinced that the Czech National Committee on Large Dams will ensure a  high quality technical content for
the meeting and an attractive social and accompanying person’s programme in the beautiful, historical capital of the Czech
Republic. The delegates will also have the possibility to discover several wonderful regions with historical and cultural heritage
during the study tours.

I’m looking forward to welcome the ICOLD family, old members or newcomers, in Prague!

Prof. Dr. Anton J. Schleiss
President, International Commission on Large Dams – ICOLD

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

from the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

For the first time in its more than eighty-year history, the Annual Meeting of the International Commission
on Large Dams (ICOLD) is taking place in the Czech Republic this year.

The Czech Republic, as the hosting country of the forum of dam engineers from all over the world, has
a long history of the construction and operation of dams and reservoirs. The historical roots of the design
and construction of purpose-built water reservoirs go back to as early as the Middle Ages, the 13th century,
when the building of major ponds started, and extensive systems of pond reservoirs were successively
completed to be in operation till the present day. The historical need for water storage in reservoirs naturally
resulted and still results from the fact that practically all water precipitates on the territory of the Czech
Republic flows away to the neighbouring states, so that unless the discharged volumes are retained on condition of abundant
rainfall, the water resources may be short of them to overcome drought periods. The skills of dam builders and water managers
of that time have been confirmed not only by several hundred years of successful operation of self-contained reservoirs and
pond systems, but also by the coexistence of numerous historic ponds with the surrounding environment in regions which
are presently conserved as nature reserves and protected nature areas. These facts further stress the importance of water
reservoirs and their irreplaceable function in the natural environment, particularly to provide water resources as the sources of
water available in the Czech Republic per person are rated as the third lowest in Europe (after Malta and Cyprus).

Modern dam building of the last 120 years has systematically followed the requirements of the developing landscape and
inhabitants for satisfying the needs for water. Over one hundred significant multipurpose reservoirs have been built on the
territory of the Czech Republic fulfilling, with some reserve, the demands for water supply for the population, industry and
agriculture. The reservoirs have also significantly and irreplaceably participated in meeting the needs for energy and have been
playing an increasingly important role in the protection of landscape from floods.

The current manifestations of nature worldwide make experts seek answers to questions of how to attain water management
stability in all contexts, from meeting the needs of individuals to supporting development strategies of states and supranational
units. Seeking solutions will be the subject of the technical activity of water managers and, to some extent, dam engineers as
well. The enhancement of the operation and meaningful designs of dams in today’s globalized world must be based on the
exchange of international experience and on international cooperation.

Since its establishment in 1928 with Czechoslovakia among the founding members, the International Commission on Large
Dams has set a perfect example of technical cooperation of experts in the area of the design, construction and operation of
dams. On the occasion of the forthcoming 85th Annual Meeting of the International Commission on Large Dams, I wish you a lot
of determination and enthusiasm for further development of your useful cooperation.

I cordially invite you and your friends and family members to Prague and wish you many stimulating professional and personal

Marian Jurečka
Minister of Agriculture


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

ICOLD Information
The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is a non-governmental organization that provides a forum for Exchange
of knowledge and experience in dam engineering construction and operational at the international level. ICOLD leads the
profession in ensuring that dams are built safely, efficiently, economically, and without detrimental effects for the environment.
ICOLD was founded in 1928 and currently has 96 Members Countries.

The ICOLD Board consists of the President, the six Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-General.
The current Board is composed of the following persons:

Prof Dr A. Schleiss
(Switzerland, 2015–2018)

J. Zhou (China 2016–2019)
M. Lino (France 2016–2019)
K.-T. Yum (Korea 2014–2017)
L. Lia (Norway 2014–2017)
A. Chraibi (Morocco 2015–2018)
M. Rogers (USA 2015–2018)

Secretary General
M. de Vivo (France, 2006–date)

Member Countries
1. Albania 26. Finland 50. Libya 75. Slovakia
2. Algeria 27. Former Yugoslav Rep 51. Luxemburg 76. Slovenia
3. Argentina of Macedonia 52. Madagascar 77. South Africa
4. Armenia 28. France 53. Malaysia 78. Spain
5. Australia 29. Georgia 54. Mali 79. Sri Lanka
6. Austria 30. Germany 55. Mexico 80. Sudan
7. Belgium 31. Ghana 56. Morocco 81. Sweden
8. Bolivia 32. Greece 57. Mozambique 82. Switzerland
9. Bosnia-Herzegovina 33. Guatemala 58. Myanmar 83. Syria
10. Brazil 34. Guinea Bissau 59. Nepal 84. Tajikistan
11. Bulgaria 35. Honduras 60. Netherlands 85. Thailand
12. Burkina Faso 36. Iceland 61. New Zealand 86. Tunisia
13. Cameroon 37. India 62. Niger 87. Turkey
14. Canada 38. Indonesia 63. Nigeria 88. Ukraine
15. Chile 39. Iran 64. Norway 89. United Kingdom
16. China 40. Iraq 65. Pakistan 90. Uruguay
17. Colombia 41. Ireland 66. Panama 91. USA
18. Congo 42. Italy 67. Paraguay 92. Uzbekistan
19. Costa Rica 43. Ivory Coast 68. Peru 93. Venezuela
20. Croatia 44. Japan 69. Philippines 94. Vietnam
21. Cyprus 45. Kenya 70. Poland 95. Zambia
22. Czech Republic 46. Korea 71. Portugal 96. Zimbabwe
23. Dominican Republic 47. Latvia 72. Romania
24. Egypt 48. Lebanon 73. Russia
25. Ethiopia 49. Lesotho 74. Serbia

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Annual Meetings and Congresses

ICOLD holds an Annual Meeting each year in a different country. The Annual Meeting has a high technical content and attendance is
invaluable for capacity building and networking in the international arena. The management of ICOLD is conducted during the General
Assembly (previously Executive Meeting). Every three years ICOLD holds a Congress in addition to the normal Annual Meeting activities.

ICOLD held the following Annual Meetings and Congresses (latter indicated in bold type):
1931 London 1958 New York 1978 Cape Town 1999 Antalya
1932 Paris 1959 Helsinki 1979 New Delhi 2000 Beijing
1933 Stockholm 1960 Tokyo 1980 Rome 2001 Dresden
1934 London 1961 Rome 1981 Stockholm 2002 Iguaçu
1935 The Hague 1962 Moscow 1982 Rio de Janeiro 2003 Montreal
1936 Washington 1963 Cairo 1983 London 2004 Seoul
1937 Paris 1963 Paris 1984 Tokyo 2005 Tehran
1938 Vienna 1964 Edinburgh 1985 Lausanne 2006 Barcelona
1939 Zurich 1965 Lausanne 1986 Jakarta 2007 St. Petersburg
1946 Paris 1966 Rio de Janeiro 1987 Beijing 2008 Sofi a
1947 The Hague 1967 Istanbul 1988 San Francisco 2009 Brasilia
1948 Stockholm 1968 Stavanger 1989 Copenhagen 2010 Hanoi
1949 Brussels 1969 Warsaw 1990 Sydney 2011 Lucerne
1950 London 1970 Montreal 1991 Vienna 2012 Kyoto
1951 New Delhi 1971 Dubrovnik 1992 Granada 2013 Seattle
1952 Chicago 1972 Canberra 1993 Cairo 2014 Bali
1953 Paris 1973 Madrid 1994 Durban 2015 Stavanger
1954 Paris 1974 Athens 1995 Oslo 2016 Johannesburg
1955 Paris 1975 Tehran 1996 Santi ago
1956 Lisbon 1976 Mexico 1997 Florence
1957 Istanbul 1977 Salzburg 1998 New Delhi

Technical Committees
Presently, ICOLD has 26 Technical Committees that address current technical issues related to the development and management
of water resources. The listing of the ICOLD Committees is given hereafter. 155 Technical Bulletins have been published and are
available for purchase. These publications can be purchased directly on our website

List of Committees:
H DAM SAFETY (2015–18)
(AD HOC Committee)
W SELECTION OF DAM TYPE (2015–2018) (AD HOC Committee)


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Meeting Venue
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague is situated in a modern part of
Prague – Vysočany, just 15 minutes from the historical centre
of Prague. The excellent transport accessibility and perfect
service facilities make it popular both with individual visitors
and business clients.

Clarion Congress Hotel will serve as the venue for ICOLD

Committee Meeting, Symposium, Workshops, Exhibition
and General Assembly.

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague offers stylish accommodation

in 534 Standard or Executive rooms and 25 deluxe Suites, as
well as 8 barrier-free rooms. All rooms provide free internet

The hotel offers unique congress facilities for up to 2,500

persons covering an area of over 4,000 m2. All 27 halls and
adaptable meeting rooms are equipped with state-of-the-
art conference technology designed for all types of events.
The main congress hall affords a capacity of almost 2,000

Hotel services include nonstop–reception, concierge,

internet corner with printer, free Wi-Fi connection in the hotel
lobby, room service, Wellness & Fitness and professional
catering services.

ICOLD 2017 Annual Meeting: Programme

Date Technical Programme Accompanying Social Programme
Morning Afternoon Person Programme am / pm Evening
Saturday ICOLD Board
July 1, 2017 Meeting
Sunday ICOLD Board Meeting Prague City Tours
July 2, 2017 4 Congress Questions Panels
Monday • Meeting • Technical 4 tours each day Prague City Tours Welcome
July 3, 2017 of Chairmen Exhibition Open – see website Reception –
of Technical • Technical and detailed Clarion Congress
Committees Committee programme below Hotel
& Board Workshops
• Young Engineers’ • Francophone
Forum Meeting Countries
Tuesday • Meetings of Technical Committees Young Engineers’
July 4, 2017 • Technical Exhibition Social
• Regional Clubs Meetings
Wednesday • Symposium “Knowledge Based Dam Culture Event
July 5, 2017 Engineering” – Rudolfinum
• Technical Exhibition Concert Hall
• Media Conference
Thursday Technical Tours
July 6, 2017
Friday 85th ICOLD General Assembly Farewell Dinner –
July 7, 2017 6 Workshops Žofín Palace

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Technical Committee Workshops

Technical Committee Workshops is a  new ICOLD innovation and was first implemented at the 82nd ICOLD Annual Meeting
in Bali in 2014. The objective of these Workshops is to obtain a  greater involvement in the important functioning of ICOLD
Technical Committees by way of:
• New Committees meet at the start of their new terms of reference to refine the latter and the work programme;
• Technical Committees which have reached the end of their term meet to discuss the draft Bulletin with a wider audience
in order to enhance knowledge transfer.

Delegates are highly encouraged to attend and participate in these important Technical Committee activities and to take them
into account when they make their travel plans. The Technical Committee Workshop Programme is given below. The Technical
Committee code and the Workshop topic are given.

Time Technical Committees which will take the Workshops on Monday, July 3, 2017
Venue 1 Venue 2 Venue 3
13:30–15:30 P: Cemented Materials Dams E: Embankment Dams H: Dam Safety
16:00–18:00 Q: Dam Surveillance A: Computational Aspects of ---
Analysis and Design of Dams

The schedule of Technical Committee meeting is:

• Monday, July 3, 2017 (13:30–18:00): Technical Committee Workshops
• The Committees shown above announced to present a Workshop.
• The detailed program of these Workshops will be provided on the website and in the Pocket Programme.
• Tuesday, July 4, 2017 (9:00–12:30 and 13:30–16:30): Technical Committee Meetings
• All Committees meet on this day in allocated venues which will be indicated in the Pocket Program.

Symposium: “Knowledge based Dam Engineering”

The Symposium will be held on Wednesday, July 5, 2017. All papers and presentations will be in English and will be made
available in electronic form. One of the Symposium venues will be equipped with simultaneous interpretation from English to
French. Presentations in this venue could be in French.

Symposium Themes
1. Investigation and application of advanced materials, technologies and solutions in dam engineering
2. Enhancements in dam surveillance systems for dam safety and site security
3. Uncertainties and risk-informed decision making in dam design, construction and operation
4. Balancing technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects of dam engineering
5. Advancements in analysis and design within flood protection reservoirs, levees and tailing dams
6. Recent improvements and modern applications in reservoir and catchment management
7. Design and operational considerations of global climate change, regional droughts and other extreme events
8. Assessment of aging dams considering remaining service life and decommissioning
9. Hydro-electro-mechanical equipment of dams

Important Deadline Submission Dates for Papers

The following remaining important deadline dates have been set:
Full paper submission deadline February 14, 2017
Review comments to authors March 31, 2017
Early registration deadline April 2, 2017
Final notification of paper acceptance May 1, 2017
Symposium July 5, 2017
Guidelines and templates for the Papers and Presentations will be on the website.


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Technical Tours
Technical tours will be held on Thursday, July 6. Delegates are kindly asked to meet in the foyer of the Clarion Congress
Hotel at least 15 minutes before the departure time. Tours will depart promptly at the stated times. All tours include lunch and

Time schedule (July 6, 2017)

TT1 – Slapy Dam
A – Slapy Dam (by boat) – Konopiště chateau (by bus) 08:00–19:30
B – Konopiště chateau (by bus) – Slapy Dam (by boat) 09:00–19:30
TT2 – Nechranice Dam 08:15–19:00
TT3 – Pařížov Dam
A – Pařížov Dam – Vrchlice Dam – Kutná Hora 08:30–18:00
B – Vrchlice Dam – Kutná Hora – Pařížov Dam 08:30–18:30
TT4 – Mšeno Dam 08:45–18:30

TT1 – Slapy Dam

Konopiště château – Slapy Dam – boat trip

The first part of this tour takes you to the baroque style château Konopiště, which
was founded in the manner of French fortresses and is famous for extensive
hunting and weapons collections. The principal point of this tour is 67,5 m high
concrete gravity dam Slapy with 144 MW installed capacity hydropower plant
located under the safety spillways, which is vital part of Vltava dams cascade. The
dam was completed in 1955 and the first filling of the reservoir took only several
days due to flood. The tour will conclude in a  boat trip presenting beauties of
Vltava river and also other dams as the boat passes through several locks on its
way to Prague.

TT2 – Nechranice Dam

Nechranice Dam – City of Most –Fláje Dam

The tour will take you to the 47,5 m high earthfilled dam Nechranice, which was
built on the river Ohře between years 1961–1968 and with crest length over 3,2 km
it is the longest dam in the Czech Republic. The tour leads through the tunnel
under the intake tower to the machinery room of the hydropower plant. The lake
of Most and the gothic church of Assumption of the Virgin Marry from 16th century,
which was transported in one piece on rails to the distance of 841.1 meters in
1975, will be presented on the way to the next dam. The tour ends on a 49,5 m high
Noetzli type buttress dam Fláje.

TT3 – Pařížov Dam

Pařížov Dam – Kutná Hora Town – Vrchlice Dam

The tour begins at 31 m high masonry dam Pařížov, which in 2013 celebrated 100
years in operation. The dam presents an example of historical structure adaptation
to the needs of 21st century. The program will continue with sightseeing tour of
Kutná Hora town, which has been on the UNESCO list of cultural heritage sights
since 1995. Part of the tour is a visit to St. Barbara’s Church, originally gothic style
double-arched flying buttresses cathedral and the city centre. The tour ends on
a 40,8 m high single-curvature concrete arch dam Vrchlice built between 1966-
1970. The dam profile lies near place called Dragons’ rock.

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

TT4 – Mšeno Dam

Mšeno Dam – Josefův Důl Dam – Sychrov château

Mšeno Dam located in a mountain region of northern part of the Czech Republic is
a 15,8 m high masonry dam built in years 1906–1908 and also starting point of this
tour. Mšeno dam together with several other dams in this region were designed
according to a concept introduced by Professor Otto Intze. The dam is a part
of unique flood control scheme which includes diversion tunnel under the town
Jablonec nad Nisou which is famous for its glass and artificial jewellery production.
Part of the tour is a neo-gothic style chateau Sychrov known as blossom of France
on a Czech soil. The tour ends at 44 m high asphalt-concrete face earthfill dam
Josefův Důl.

Technical Workshops will be held on Friday, July 7, 2017 to provide a high technical content during the week of the ICOLD Annual
Meeting. Three parallel sessions will be held. The Workshops will be presented by Czech, Regional and International experts
and adequate provision will be made for discussion by the attendees.

Time Friday, July 7, 2017

Venue 1 Venue 2 Venue 3
09:00–12:30 TW1 TW2 TW3
13:30–17:00 TW4 TW5 TW6

TW1 – Survey of International Dam Safety Risk Approaches and Practices

The purpose of this workshop is to provide an opportunity to hear first-hand from country representatives regarding dam safety
risk analysis practices and risk approaches currently being used in their country. An overview of these international practices
would provide attendees an opportunity to hear from each country representative about their risk practices and evaluate which
approaches might work best for their situation.

TW2 – Specific Traits of Small Reservoirs and Dams

There are over 20 000 small reservoirs in Czech Republic and the workshop aims at sharing local experience with design and
management of these structures in context of advanced technologies of 21st century.

TW3 – Climate Change and Resilience

The World Bank has commissioned a study to develop a set of resilience guidelines for climate change and natural disasters in
the hydropower & dams sector. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide practical and workable ‘international best practice’
guidance for incorporating climate and disaster risk management into hydropower project appraisal, design, construction and
operation. The World Bank is partnering with ICOLD to host this workshop to present preliminary findings of the study and to
discuss the issues of climate change and resilience in the hydropower and dams sectors.

TW4 – Internal Erosion in Dams and their Foundations

Internal erosion is one of the most common causes of failures of water retaining embankment hydraulic structures like dams,
levees, etc. The aim of the workshop is to share knowledge and latest findings in the field and also to develop a link between
ICOLD community and professionals integrated within the European Working Group on Internal Erosion in Dams and their

TW5 – Physical and Numerical Modelling – Role and Limits

The workshop focuses on practical examples of recent projects while addressing the important issue of limits and roles of both
numerical and physical modelling in modern design and operation of hydraulic structures.

TW6 – Workshop of the Technical Committee on Dam Safety

The Committee will present draft documents focusing on “Development of a dam safety regulatory framework” and “Development
of generic dam safety guidelines”. Both documents aim at providing assistance and guidance for developing legal and
regulatory frameworks for dam safety. Secondly, the presentation on the Global Comparative Assessment of the Legal and
Institutional Frameworks for Dam Safety Management being carried out by the World Bank with support from the University of
South Australia. The Study is based on an assessment of the legal, regulatory and institutional arrangements from 51 country
case studies representing a broader, diverse set of countries with varying economic, political and cultural circumstances with
recommendations for dam safety programs.


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Study Tours
Delegates and accompanying persons will be able to choose from the post-meeting study tours listed below. The tours have
been chosen to provide a balance between technical, cultural and touristic interest.

STA – Prague – Olomouc – Ostrava (4 days) July 8–11, 2017 1.175 EUR
STB – Prague – Český Krumlov (5 days) July 8–12, 2017 1.270 EUR
STC – Prague – Harrachov – Hradec Králové (3 days) July 8–10, 2017 825 EUR

Study Tour A
Prague – Olomouc – Ostrava

Day 1 You will start your journey with the departure from Prague. The
first stop will be the visit of Želivka – Švihov earthfill dam and
reservoir, which is the most important source of drinking water
for Prague. The next stop is the town of Žďár nad Sázavou,
where you will see the pilgrimage church of St. John of Nepomuk,
listed on the UNESCOs heritages. You will terminate this day in

Day 2 You will travel to the dam Dlouhé Stráně. Its 650 MW installed
capacity makes it the largest pumped storage project in the
Czech Republic. Further, you will go to see an earthfill dam
Slezská Harta and the city of Ostrava, the capital of the Moravian
– silesian region, located nearby the border with Poland.

Day 3 Explore the town Dolní Vítkovice, where you will visit the Mining
Museum – Landek Park. The dam Šance, an earthfill dam witch
clay core, and the dam Morávka the ACFED with geomembrane
on the upstream face. At the end of the day you will return to city
of Ostrava.

Day 4 On the last day of your travels you will see the town Rožnov
pod Radhoštěm, founded in the period of the first farming
colonization in the 13th century. At around 12 o’clock you will go
back to Prague.

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Study Tour B
Prague – Český Krumlov

Day 1 After the departure from Prague you will first visit of the concrete
gravity dam Orlík. Next you will take a  boat trip on the Orlík
reservoir and then visit the château Orlík located above the
water. At the end of the day you will finish in the town Český

Day 2 On the second day you will start at the Lipno Dam, which is
located on the upper part of the river Vltava. Lipno is the largest
reservoir in terms of flooded area in the Czech Republic. It is
a very popular recreational area with many facilities for summer
and winter sports. Later you will go back to Český Krumlov,
a small medieval town in South Bohemia, which is on the
UNESCO list of cultural heritage sites. You will visit the castle
and its interiors.

Day 3 The third day you will go to the famous southern Moravian city Telč
with the monumental 17th century castle. After you will visit Dalešice
dam and Dukovany village, where you can see the Nuclear Power
Station. At the end of the day you will continue to Valtice.

Day 4 On the last day you will travel from Valtice to Vranov Dam and
than you will visit Lednice – Valtice cultural landscape in English
neo- gothic style surrounded by beautiful gardens. You will
stay overnight in Valtice, a city with a rich history of winning
landmarks inscribed in UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Day 5 On the fifth day you will return to Prague during the morning.

Study Tour C
Prague – Harrachov – Hradec Králové

Day 1 On the first day you will be able to explore the earthfill dam Souš
and Bílá Desná (collapsed in 1916). Later you will go to the town
Harrachov – one of the most famous ski resorts in the Czech
Republic in the middle of the beautiful nature.

Day 2 First you will visit Labská and the beautiful masonry dam Les
Království, a national technical monument located in the forested
valley of the river Elbe. It looks like a castle, and its name was
borrowed from the neighboring former royal forest. The former
Kuks hospital, now a castle with a church and a crypt built in the
beginning of the 17th century. At the end of the day you will see
in the city of Hradec Králové.

Day 3 On the last day you will visit a small village Veselý Kopec, known
for its open-air museum of folk architecture and crafts. At last
you will explore the concrete gravity dam Seč. Your journey will
finish with the return to Prague.


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

City Tours of Prague

City Tour is included in the Registration fee and is offered on the following days. All tours will depart from the Clarion Congress
Hotel Prague. Delegates are kindly asked to meet in the foyer of the Clarion Congress Hotel at least 15 minutes before the
departure time. The whole tour takes 4 hours (includes 1 hour of transfer to the Castle and back to the Hotel)

Sunday, July 2, 2017 Monday, July 3, 2017

CT1 – 09:00 CT2 – 09:30 CT1 – 09:00 CT2 – 09:30
CT3 – 10:00 CT4 – 10:30 CT3 – 10:00 CT4 – 10:30
CT5 – 11:00 CT6 – 11:30 CT5 – 11:00 CT6 – 11:30
CT7 – 12:00 CT8 – 12:30 CT7 – 12:00 CT8 – 12:30
CT9 – 13:00 CT10 – 13:30 CT9 – 13:00 CT10 – 13:30

CT – City Tour of Prague

This sightseeing tour will introduce you Prague (UNESCO), the historical and architectural jewel of Central Europe. A tourist
guide, available the whole time, will acquaint you with the history of Prague and of its quarters (Old Town, New Town, Lesser
Town and the Castle Town) in the comfort of our air-conditioned bus. Then you will continue walking in the courtyards of the
Prague Castle, become acquainted with its history and you will visit the inside of its biggest monument, Saint Vitus’Cathedral.
After visiting the grounds of Prague Castle, you will descend to the Lesser Town and the Kampa Island. The Charles Bridge, the
architectural gem of Central Europe will lead you to the opposite bank of the Vltava River, from where you will continue on foot
to the Old Town and the Jewish Quarter.

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Social Programme
Welcome Reception
Date: Monday, July 3, 2017
Time: 20:00
Price: free for all registered participants of ICOLD 2017
Dress Code: Smart casual

You are warmly welcome to attend the Welcome Reception which will be held at the Clarion Congress Hotel on the Exhibition

Cultural Event: Concert of Classical Music

Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Time: 20:00
Price: free for all registered participants of ICOLD 2017
Dress Code: Formal

The Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra (Symfonický orchestr Českého Rozhlasu)

The Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra (SOČR) is one of the
leading and oldest Czech orchestras. Its inventive approach
to the choice of programme and ever increasing artistic value
has helped the orchestra to earn a prestigious position on
the Czech classical concert scene. It also receives many
invitations to perform in concerts halls abroad. Its history dates
back to 1926 and it is linked with the first radio broadcasts of
the radio station Radiojournal. After 1945 the orchestra was
transformed into a big symphony orchestra. From 1985 to 2011
the Orchestra was headed by the conductor Vladimír Válek,
who is now its honourable Principal Conductor. His systematic
artistic work with the Orchestra has delivered its very high
professional standards. Since the 2011–2012 season the post
of the Orchestra Artistic Director was taken by Ondrej Lenárd.

The artistic credit of the orchestra is documented by a positive

response to their foreign trips both from the audience and the
art critics. The orchestra regularly performs around Europe;
they also play in Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan and U.S.

Rudolfinum Concert Hall

The building of Rudolfinum is one of the most valuable examples
of Prague cultural heritage. The building in Neo-Renaissance
architecture is located on the embankment of the River Vltava
and, since its opening in 1885, it has always been associated
with music and the arts. Today the building houses the Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra and the Rudolfinum Gallery; there is
also a stylish cafe. The grand building of Rudolfinum was built
in 1876–1884 and its architects were Josef Zítek and Josef
Schulz. It was designed as a multifunctional centre for arts
where exhibitions could be held and concerts performed.
Rudolfinum has succeeded in this mission and it still serves
this purpose even in the 21st Century.


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Farewell Dinner at the Žofín Palace

Date: Friday, July 7, 2017
Time: 20:00
Price: Free for all registered participants
Dress Code: Semi-formal

General Information
The neorenaissance Žofín Palace is one of the most notable architectural treasures. Žofín Palace is used for important social
events, conferences, concerts and balls. The Large Hall at Žofín regularly hosts the most prominent personalities from business,
politics and the arts in this country and abroad.

History of Žofín Palace

In 1835, when Václav Novotný decided to build the first brick
building on Slavonic Island (or Dyers’ Island as it was then
called), he had no idea that the one-storey neoclassical
building named after the mother of Emperor Franz
Joseph I, Princess Sophie (or Žofie in Czech), would
become one of the most important cultural and social
centres in Prague and the Czech Lands as a whole. In 1884
the municipality bought the whole island, including Žofín,
and over the next two years it converted the building into
the present neorenaissance palace with richly decorated
interiors and fine halls that have now been part of Czech
(and not only Czech) culture for the last 150 years.
On November 5, 1882 the first performance of Smetana’s
My Country in its entirety took place at Žofín, and four years
previously, on November 17, 1878, Antonín Dvořák had held his
first concert here. The hall at Žofín also hosted performances
of Zdeněk Fibich’s works; Berlioz, Liszt, Tchaikovsky and
Wagner all appeared here, and Jan Kubelík made his debut
here. Žofín was also a venue for balls and dances. The first
was held on February 3, 1841 and two years later the writer
Božena Němcová danced here, and Žofín was visited by the
poet Jan Neruda and other figures from Czech history.

Since 1994, when the renovation of the palace’s exteriors and interiors was completed, Žofín has been managed by Agentura
NKL Žofín, s.r.o. The company has restored and added to the glory of this exceptional venue where concerts of classical and
popular music alternate with the Žofín Forums, international conferences and wonderful balls. Its location, in a venerable park
with a view over Prague’s historical panorama, and the magnificent and gloriously decorated halls with original paintings and
stuccowork on the ceilings, fitted with modern lighting, sound and projection technology and air conditioning, once more offer
unique opportunities and experience

Technical Exhibition
During the ICOLD Annual Meeting the technical exhibition will be held at the Clarion Congress Hotel.

The exhibition will provide the opportunity for companies to showcase achievements in the field of dam constructions and
management, to present their accomplishments and new technologies.

The exhibition will take place from Monday to Wednesday.

The Welcome Reception will be held on the Exhibition floor.

Refer to the ICOLD 2017 website for further details at


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Accompanying Person Programme

The following optional tours are offered to Accompanying Persons and Delegates for an additional fee. All tours are subject to
cancellation if the minimum number of registrations is not met. Tours will depart from the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague. Lunch
is included.

Monday, July 3, 2017

AP1 – Prague Tour with Boat Trip 10:00–16:30 45 EUR
AP2 – Český Krumlov – UNESCO 08:30–18:30 74 EUR
AP3 – Karlovy Vary and Moser Factory 09:00–18:30 62 EUR
AP4 – Pilsen and Pilsner Urquell Brewery 11:00–18:30 58 EUR
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
AP1 – Prague Tour with Boat Trip 10:00–16:30 45 EUR
AP2 – Český Krumlov – UNESCO 08:30–18:30 74 EUR
AP3 – Karlovy Vary and Moser Factory 09:00–18:30 62 EUR
AP4 – Pilsen and Pilsner Urquell Brewery 11:00–18:30 58 EUR
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
AP1 – Prague Tour with Boat Trip 10:00–16:30 45 EUR
AP2 – Český Krumlov – UNESCO 08:30–18:30 74 EUR
AP3 – Karlovy Vary and Moser Factory 09:00–18:30 62 EUR
AP4 – Pilsen and Pilsner Urquell Brewery 11:00–18:30 58 EUR
Friday, July 7, 2017
AP1 – Prague Tour with Boat Trip 10:00–16:30 45 EUR
AP2 – Český Krumlov – UNESCO 08:30–18:30 74 EUR
AP3 – Karlovy Vary and Moser Factory 09:00–18:30 62 EUR
AP4 – Pilsen and Pilsner Urquell Brewery 11:00–18:30 58 EUR

AP1 – Prague Tour with Boat Trip

This guided tour will introduce the capital of Czech Republic – City of
the hundred spires Prague. Your stroll will take you through Downtown,
where you can see historical sites and even shopping areas. You will
recognize the former Prague’s Jewish ghetto, Old Town and New
Town. Your lunch will be served on comfortable boat during two hours
river cruise.

AP2 – Český Krumlov – UNESCO

Český Krumlov, a  medieval town in South Bohemia, retains its
fairy-tale-like atmosphere to these days and is well-deserving of its
inclusion on UNESCO‘s list of cultural heritage sites. Our guide will
lead you through the narrow, winding streets of the historical center,
filled with Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque buildings.


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

AP3 – Karlovy Vary and Moser Factory

Karlovy Vary is the best known spa town in the Czech Republic. Its
history begins in the 14th century, at the time of the reign of Charles
IV. Karlovy Vary became famous thanks to the local manufacturing of
world renowned Moser crystal, Carlsbad porcelain, the herb liqueur
Becherovka or healing powers of the local springs.

AP4 – Pilsen and Pilsner Urquell Brewery

The Pilsener style beer has been brewed in Plzeň since medieval
times and the first written records about the brewing go back to very
foundation of this Bohemian city. You will visit the Pilsner Urquell
brewery. There you will watch a fi lm and learn about the history and
secrets behind making the legendary lager. You will also be guided
through the modern bottling plant and the historic brewery cellars,
where you have the chance to taste unfiltered and unpasteurized
Pilsner Urquell on tap straight from oak lager barrels.

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Registration Fees
Registration fee Early (until March 31, 2017) Late (from April 1, 2017)
ICOLD Member Countries 1 200 EUR 1 320 EUR
ICOLD Non-Member Countries 1 400 EUR 1 540 EUR
Accompanying person 480 EUR 530 EUR
Symposium only 180 EUR 200 EUR
Young Engineers (up to 35 years)* 600 EUR 650 EUR
Exhibitor 750 EUR 750 EUR
*born after July 3, 1981
Registration fees include 21 % VAT.

Note: Payments must be received by the corresponding deadlines (early or late), otherwise the subsequent rate will
automatically apply.

The registration fee includes:

• Delegate bag including name badge and conference materials
• Admission to Symposium incl. Proceedings, Technical Workshops and General Assembly
• Technical Exhibition access
• Coffee breaks and lunches
• Social Programme (Welcome Reception, Cultural Event, Farewell Dinner and Prague City Tour)
• Technical Tour
• Book on Czech Dams
• Free public transportation ticket for whole Annual Meeting

The registration fee for Accompanying person includes:

• Accompanying person bag including name badge
• Hospitality Centre
• Social Programme (Welcome Reception, Cultural Event, Farewell Dinner and Prague City Tour)
• Technical Tour
• Free public transportation ticket for whole Annual Meeting

The registration fee for Symposium only includes:

• Delegate bag including name badge and conference materials
• Admission to Symposium incl. Proceedings
• Technical Exhibition access
• Coffee breaks and lunch on Wednesday
• Cultural Event
• Book on Czech Dams
• Free public transportation ticket for whole Annual Meeting

The registration fee for Exhibition includes:

• Delegate bag including name badge and conference materials
• Admission to Symposium incl. Proceedings
• Coffee breaks and lunches (Monday-Wednesday)
• Social Programme (Welcome Reception, Cultural Event, Farewell Dinner and Prague City Tour)
• Technical Tour
• Book on Czech Dams
• Free public transportation ticket for whole Annual Meeting


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

How to Register
To register for the 85th Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams, please fill in the on-line registration form.

First please fill in the Personal Data Form and continue to registration by choosing the registration fee. During the registration
process a participant will receive a password and automatically generated summary to your email address. Your password is the
same for all on-line forms (registration, accommodation, tours).

Upon submitting the Registration Form, a participant will receive a confirmation from the meeting within three working days.

The online registration will be closed from June 26, 2017. You will have the possibility to register on-site in the meeting venue.

For group registration (above 10 participants) please contact the Meeting Secretariat

Methods of Payment
Registration fees must be paid in EUR by one of the following methods:

1. Credit Card
For payment by credit card please use the On-line Payment System. The system is accessible with the password that you
received upon registration. The system accepts the following credit cards: MasterCard/Eurocard, Visa and Diners Club.

2. Bank Transfer
The bank details including the 10-digit variable symbol will be sent to a participant within three working days after the submission
of the registration form. Please note that payments without this variable symbol will not be identified and the registration
will not be confirmed.

Please note that payments by bank transfer will only be accepted by June 19, 2017. After this date only payments by credit cards
will be accepted by using the On-line Payment System.

All payments made by bank transfer have to be net of all bank charges. The payer pays the bank charges of their bank, and the
beneficiary pays the charges of their bank, if any.

Cancellations and Refunds

The Meeting Secretariat must be notified in writing by e-mail ( or fax (+420 284 001 448) about the
cancellation of the registration. Telephone cancellation will not be accepted. The appropriate refunds will be made after the

The following cancellation conditions apply:

Cancellations received Refund
before May 3, 2017: full refund of the registration fee less 30EUR handling fee
From May 3, 2017 to June 2, 2017: 50% of the registration fee
from June 3, 2017: no refund

If a change or cancellation made by a participant in registration or accommodation results in a refund, GUARANT International
reserves the right to charge a 30 EUR handling fee.

Name change
If you are prevented from attending, you will be given the opportunity to send a colleague in your place. Name changes should be
notified in writing to the Meeting Secretariat. A handling fee of 30 EUR will be charged for each name change. No name change
will be possible after June 4, 2017.

VISA Requirements
Invitation letters for visa purposes can only be sent to participants who have completed the registration process. Further
information regarding visa requirements can be found at

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

GUARANT International (further referred to also as the Meeting Secretariat) has been appointed as the official hotel accommodation
agent for the 85th Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD 2017) and will handle all related arrangements.

GUARANT International strongly advise all not to work with any unauthorized vendors/companies who may offer you
hotel reservation services by phone / e-mail with “discounted meeting rates” and try to obtain your personal data
including credit card details.

List of hotels
A number of hotels of various categories at reduced rates are available for participants of ICOLD 2017 Meeting.
Hotels are located in Prague city centre within reasonable distance to the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague (Clarion CHP).

Price in EUR Travelling time

SGL / DBL to the Clarion CHP
Standard 80 / 80
Clarion CHP **** Meeting venue
Executive 110 / 110
Hilton Prague Old Town 211 / 231 11 min by metro
Hilton Prague 194 / 212 12 min by metro
Hotel Paris Prague
195 / 195 14 min by metro
Deluxe room
Grand Hotel Bohemia 160 / 170
Grand Hotel Bohemia 15 min by metro
150* / 160*
Non-refundable rate*
Century Hotel Old Town Prague 145 / 160 13 min by metro
K+K Hotel Central 130 / 130 13 min by metro
UNIC Hotel (1. 7.–2. 7. 2017) 125 / 135
15 min by metro
UNIC Hotel (2. 7.–8. 7. 2017) 115 / 125
Juliš 105 / 105 13 min by metro
Clarion Hotel Old Prague
98 / 98 20 min by metro
Standard room (Rooms are available till 3. 4. 2017)
Jurys Inn 95 / 105 11 min by metro
85* / 90* 17 min by metro
Non-refundable rate*
Opera 72 / 78 12 min by metro
Olympik 55 / 65 9 min by metro
65 9 min by metro
Double for single use
Atlantic 80 / 85 12 min by metro
Carol 70 / 75 1 stop my tram
City-Inn 60 / 65 11 min by metro
Pivovar 52 / 55 260 m / 3 min
Arlington 50 / 60
Arlington 1 stop by tram
45* / 55*
Non-refundable rate*
Adeba 45 / 50 12 min by metro
BB Hotel 45 / 55 11 min by metro
Zlatá Váha 45 / 55 13 min by metro
Pivovar 28 / 40
Pivovar 260 m / 3 min
Double for single use
Note: Shuttle buses will not be provided between hotels and the Meeting Venue.


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

All rates quoted are per room per night including breakfast and 15 % VAT.

Full prepayment is required to guarantee the reservation and one night will be charged as a cancellation fee.

*To benefit from non-refundable rates, 100% of the hotel reservation cost has to be covered while reservation is confirmed.
Please note that the number of rooms in this category is often limited. No changes of non-refundable reservations will be
accepted, 100% cancellation fee will be applied.

To make a hotel reservation, it is necessary to fill

in the Online Accommodation Form at
Group reservations
For group reservations with please contact the Meeting Secretariat at e-mail address, telephone number
+420 284 001 444 or fax number +420 284 001 448. Our professional staff will assist you to find a suitable hotel for your stay
and handle your reservation.

Please note that price of accommodation is not included in the registration fees
More information incl. payment and cancellation conditions can be found at

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Freyova 33, 190 00 Prague 9 

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague is situated in a modern part of Prague – Vysočany, just 15
minutes by public transport from the historical centre of Prague. Hotel offers accommodation in
559 nonsmoking rooms and luxury suites incl. internet access and air conditioning. A shopping
gallery is a part of the hotel.

Hilton Prague Old Town

V Celnici 7, 111 21 Prague 1

Hotel is located in the heart of the city, a short walk away from shopping, museums and theatres
as well as landmarks such as the Old Town Square, Wenceslas Square and Charles Bridge. The
Palladium shopping mall, the largest in the Czech Republic is located 5-minute’s walk from the

Hilton Prague
Pobrezni 1, 180 00 Prague 8

Hilton Prague is conveniently located on the bank of the Vltava River within walking distance of
historical sights. All of Prague’s major attractions and shopping centers are within easy reach
and the airport is just a 25 minute drive away. From delicious cuisine and stylish guest rooms, to
their health club and meeting facilities, guests will find an impressive list of amenities at the hotel.

Grand Hotel Bohemia Prague

Králodvorská 4, 110 00 Prague 1

Grand Hotel Bohemia is located in the centre of Prague, in the very heart of the Old Town
quarter of Prague. Old Town Square with historical Astronomical Clock, the Charles
Bridge, Wenceslas Square or Jewish quarter Josefov – all this can be reached within a few
minutes of walking. 

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Century Old Town

Na Porici 7, 110 00 Prague 1

Hotel Century Old Town Prague MGallery By Sofitel, member of MGallery collection, is a 4-star
hotel, fully non-smoking, located in the heart of the city just 10 min walk from the Old Town
Square and Wenceslas Square. Neo baroque 19th century building with 174 air-conditioned
rooms. Brasserie-style restaurant with summer terrace, bar, laundry and valet parking

K+K Hotel Central

Hybernská 10, 110 00 Prague 1

The location of the K+K Hotel Central in Prague’s Old Town - just a few steps away from the
Powder Tower – demonstrates that the 4-star superior K+K Hotel Central is indeed a very central
starting point for visitors to Prague, no matter what they wish to see and do. K+K Hotel Central
offers accommodation in 127 stylishly designed rooms (Classic and Executive) equipped by air
conditioning and free high-speed Internet access via LAN and WiFi.

UNIC Hotel
Soukenicka 25, 110 00 Prague

Hotel UNIC Prague is a four star hotel opened in June 2013 right in the heart of the historical
city centre, within walking distance to all major historical and cultural attractions and also largest
shopping mall and shopping areas. The hotel was designed by famous Spanish architect Meritxell
Cuartero and an interior designer Daniela Baeza. Interesting interior design is complemented by
a collection of original paintings by famous Spanish artist Quim Domene

Hotel Juliš
Václavské nám. 22, 110 00 Praha 1

EA Hotel Julis****  is located in the very centre of Prague, right on Wenceslas Square. The hotel
is ideal for business travelers, leisure clientele as well as families with children. Air-conditioning
in all rooms and hotel public areas, summer terrace with romantic view or indoor swimming pool.

Clarion Hotel Prague Old Town

Hradební 768/9, 110 00 Praha 1

The hotel is located in the historical Old Town of Prague, only a 5-minute walk from the Old Town
Square and Náměstí Republiky.

Jurys Inn
Sokolovska 11, 180 00 Prague 8

Jurys Inn Prague is centrally located just 5 minutes from Prague Old Town and within easy
reach of all the city’s attractions. Located opposite to the Florenc underground Metro station, the
famous Wenceslas square is just 2 stops away.


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Rybná 10, 110 00 Praha 1 – Staré město

4 Star Astoria Hotel in Prague Old Town is located only minutes away from some Prague’s
greatest attractions and sights such as Old Town Square, The Astronomical Clock and
Wenceslas Square.

Těšnov 13, Prague 1

Hotel is located just 5 minutes from the historic Old Town of Prague within close proximity to
shopping, banking and historical treasures. Metro station and main bus station “Florenc” are
located approximately 100 meters from hotel. All rooms are air-conditioned, equipped with
satellite TV, minibar, safety box, smoke detector and internet access. Guests can also enjoy
restaurant, bar and other amenities, such as sauna, fitness and hot tub.

Sokolovská 138, 180 00 Praha 8

Complex of hotels Olympik is located within a quiet area of the Prague 8 city district just 10
minutes ride from the historical city centre. Tram and metro stops are located just 300 metres
from the hotel.

Na Porici 9, 110 00 Prague 1

Hotel Atlantic is situated directly in the heart of Prague; just around the corner is the Municipal
House and the main Prague shopping Boulevard. Hotel offers 62 spacious and comfortably
furnished non-smoking rooms, a cozy lobby bar, conference and parking facilities, and a

Kurta Konrada 12, Prague 9 

Hotel Carol is located in a peaceful street in Vysocany, outside the busy centre. Metro station is
located only 250m from the hotel.

City Inn
Hybernská 13/1014, 110 00 Prague 1

Hotel City Inn is located in a historical building from the 19th century directly in the heart of the
city near the Main Railway Station only a 10–15-minute walk from one of the Prague’s main
boulevard Wenceslas Square or the beautiful Old Town.

July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

Freyova 12/1, 190 00, Praha 9

Hotel is located in a quiet part of these historical grounds dating from the 18th century at Freyova
12/1, Praha 9 – Vysočany. The hotel has excellent transport connections. Vysočanská Metro
station as well as bus and tram stops are less than 300 metres away. The journey by Metro to
the centre takes approximately 15 minutes. There are also two large shopping centres (Galerie
Fénix and Galerie Harfa) close to the hotel.

Kurta Konrada 22, 190 00 Prague 9

Hotel Arlington is a 3-star hotel situated in Prague 9, in the neighbourhood of newly built in sports
high-tech arena – O2 Arena.

Pernerova 16, Prague 186 00

The modern three-star Hotel Adeba offers comfortable accommodation at reasonable prices in
the Prague’s attractive area of Karlin. The hotel is located in a quiet neighbourhood in Prague
8 – Karlin. The centre of Prague is situated just a 20-minute walk away, or a 10-minute drive.

B&B Hotel Prague-City

Prvního pluku 29, Praha 8, 186 00.

The B&B Hotel Prague-City offers comfortable and affordable rooms in the inner city of the
Czech capital, just 100 metres from the Vltava River and 250 metres from the Florenc Metro and
Tram Stop. Prague’s Old Town and the Charles Bridge are 3 km away.

Zlatá Váha
Senovážné náměstí 981/21, 110 00, Prague 1

Zlata Vaha is a modern, practical hotel with 240 beds in 94 rooms. The comfortable hotel rooms
include en-suite facilities, are furnished with decorative cherry wood, and each room is equipped
with a flat-screen TV and free Wi-Fi. All rooms are non-smoking. Hotel is within 10 minutes on
foot from Wenceslas Square as well as 15 minutes from Old Town Square with the Astronomical
Clock. Prague Castle is reachable in 3 km. 


July 3–7, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams

General Information
The climate is a mixture of ocean and continental influences.

July is one of the warmest months of the year for the Czech Republic. Czech summers are usually mild (20-27°C/70-80°F) and
somewhat humid, with the highest temperatures climbing to 30-35°C/85-95°F (occasionally higher) for short periods. Such
heat waves can be expected in July and August. Sudden showers and thunderstorms are common, so bring an umbrella or be
prepared to dash for cover.

Currency and Banking

Czech Crowns are the official currency in the Czech Republic. Foreign currency exchange is available at Václav Havel Airport
Prague and at most hotels, banks and exchange offices throughout the city. International credit cards are accepted for payment
in hotels, restaurants and shops. Paying by cash in Euro is also possible in some restaurants and shops.

“The Mother of Towns”, “The Golden City“, or “The City of a Hundred Spires“, these are just a few of the many attributes that the
Czech metropolis nestling above the river Vltava has earned for itself. Prague as a major destination of visitors arriving in the
Czech Republic, with its appeal of architectural monuments of all styles, the traditional hospitality of its people and the excellent
beer served by Czech pubs, as well as the remarkable mix of Czech, German and Jewish cultures, is considered one of the most
beautiful cities, and not just in Europe.

In 1993, the city’s historical centre was rightfully added to the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage. For lovers of historical
monuments, Prague is, literally, a paradise. The grand Baroque palaces of the Hradčany quarter join forces to form a monumental
gateway to Prague Castle, with its magnificent Gothic cathedral consecrated to St Vitus. The Lesser Quarter boasts a profusion of
intimate corners and pleasant restaurants; fine burghers houses blend with splendid aristocratic palaces and charming gardens
here. The Old Town of Prague offers its visitors a network of twisting medieval lanes and the Old Town Square. When exploring
the remains of the former Jewish town, its synagogues, the Old Jewish Cemetery or the extensive collections of the Jewish
Museum (one of the most valuable to be found in Europe), you are certain to experience a mysterious spiritual atmosphere. The
Charles Bridge, the most beautiful promenade site in Prague, is alive with street artists and musicians.

Official Airline Network

for 85th Annual Meeting of ICOLD
Save up to 20% on Travel with the Star Alliance Network
To obtain the Star Alliance Conventions Plus discounts please visit Conventions Plus online booking tool. To book a flight ticket
with the discount please follow the link posted on the website.

Registered Event participants plus one accompanying person travelling to the Event qualify for a discount of up to 20%, depending
on fare and class of travel booked.

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