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Why Bitcoins Have Value, and Why

Governments Are Sceptical

Torbjørn Bull Jenssen

Master’s thesis
Economic Theory and Econometrics

Department of Economics
University of Oslo

May 14th 2014

Why Bitcoins Have Value, and Why
Governments Are Sceptical

A Master’s thesis by Torbjørn Bull Jenssen

-Economic Theory and Econometrics-

Department of Economics, University of Oslo

May 14th 2014

© Torbjørn Bull Jenssen


Why Bitcoin Have Value and Why Governments are Sceptical

Torbjørn Bull Jenssen

Trykk: Reprosentralen, Universitetet i Oslo

The aim of this thesis is to provide a holistic analysis and an economic understanding of
Bitcoin, answering two key questions:

(i) Why do bitcoins have value?

(ii) Why and how will governments seek to regulate the use of bitcoin?

To answer these questions, the thesis begins with a discussion of money itself, developing a
framework of different types of monies in terms of their uses and properties that will form the
basis of the analysis. Based on the technical properties of Bitcoin the framework developed
above is then applied to identify bitcoin as a digital commodity money. Following this
identification, potential uses of bitcoin supporting its value will be discussed, drawing
particular attention to Bitcoin’s resilience to regulation. In addition, real world examples of
other commodity monies will be used to support the claim that bitcoin may circulate without
use value and state backing. Governments tend to seek economic control through controlling
money, and it will be argued that there are good reasons to expect governments to be hostile
towards widespread use of bitcoin. This is to be expected, as use of bitcoin undermines
governments’ capacity to control money.

Without the assistance and support from all the people around me, writing this thesis would
have been very tough. I would especially like to thank my supervisor Nina Larsson Midthjell
and prof. Costas Lapavitsas for valuable feedback and guidance. I am also grateful for the
help from my good friend Oisin J. Zimmermann, and for the scholarship granted by
“Professorship in Macro and Monetary Policy Issues”. Finally, I would like to thank my
family and fellow students for general backing and for being patient listeners.

Table of contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Investigating Bitcoin from an economic perspective .................................................. 2
1.2 The aims of this thesis ................................................................................................. 3
2 What is money? .................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Moneyness ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 The importance of transaction costs ............................................................................ 6
2.3 Different relations, different monies ........................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Commodity money ............................................................................................... 8
2.3.2 Fiat money ............................................................................................................ 9
2.3.3 Credit money ...................................................................................................... 10
2.3.4 Electronic money – the realm of Bitcoin ........................................................... 11
2.4 The institutional underpinning of different money forms. ........................................ 13
2.4.1 The importance of trust ...................................................................................... 14
3 What is Bitcoin? ............................................................................................................... 16
3.1 How to transfer bitcoins? ........................................................................................... 16
3.1.1 The transaction chain ......................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Double spending ................................................................................................. 19
3.1.3 The block chain .................................................................................................. 19
3.2 The bitcoin supply ..................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Pseudonymity and user defined anonymity ............................................................... 21
3.4 Colouring; non-monetary use of bitcoins .................................................................. 22
3.5 Bitcoin; a digital commodity money ......................................................................... 23
3.5.1 Moneyness of bitcoin ......................................................................................... 24
4 Real world examples of commodity money ..................................................................... 26
4.1 The stones of Yap ...................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Somali Shilling .......................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Iraqi-Swiss Dinar ....................................................................................................... 29
5 Solving real world problems; Bitcoin and current transaction costs ................................ 31
6 What is a bitcoin worth?................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Bitcoin as a flow ........................................................................................................ 35
6.2 Bitcoin as a stock ....................................................................................................... 37

7 Bitcoin and the government ............................................................................................. 41
7.1 Current regulation ...................................................................................................... 41
7.2 Neo-classical market failures..................................................................................... 44
7.3 The realpolitik of money and Bitcoin ........................................................................ 46
7.3.1 Demonetisation of gold ...................................................................................... 46
7.3.2 The desire to regulate Bitcoin ............................................................................ 48
8 Concluding remarks ......................................................................................................... 51
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 53
Appendix A .............................................................................................................................. 60

1 Introduction
“Our own money, the money we have grown up with, the system under which it is controlled,
these appear “real and “rational” to us. The money of other countries often seems to us like
paper or worthless metal, even when the purchasing power of individual units is high.”
(Friedman, 1991, p. 5)

In October 2008, a research paper by Nakamoto (2008)1 was spread through a cryptography
mailing list,2 describing a new kind of payments system, with a unit called bitcoin at its core.
What happened next was nothing short of astounding.

In less than a year the Internet community, working essentially pro bono and cooperating
across multiple jurisdictions, took the protocol outlined in the paper and created what we
know today as the Bitcoin network. Starting from these very humble beginnings, essentially
creating something out of nothing, the Bitcoin network grew at an exponential rate to gain a
present day market capitalization between six and five billion USD,3 consisting of more than
two and a half million unique users,4 and attracting almost 100 million USD in venture capital
investments (CoinDesk, 2014).

The emergence of this new payments system has sparked a slew of negative reaction from
prominent economists, governments and central banks. Allan Greenspan, Paul Krugman, and
Nouriel Roubini have argued respectively that bitcoin is a bubble, evil, and a Ponzi scheme. 5
ECB,6 Banque de France,7 Peoples bank of China,8 and even the U.S. SEC9 have issued
warnings to their citizens, outlining the dangers of getting involved in the system. Some
countries like Russia10 and Thailand11 have also almost banned it.

Nakamoto has remained anonymous to date, and there could be a group behind the pseudonym.
Accessed May 8th, 2014:
Estimated March 2012 by Adi & Dorit (2013)
Kearns (2013), Krugman (2013), Holm (2014)
(European Central Bank, 2012)

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.12

At the same time, Larry Summers thinks: “Bitcoin has the potential to be a very, very
important development”, 13 and Ben Bernanke said in a letter to congress: “that there are
areas in which digital currencies may hold long-term promise”.14

How did this happen? Why is the reaction from government authorities predominantly
vitriolic, while still largely lacking consensus? Indeed, how can something created out of
nothing have or obtain such value? These are the central questions of this thesis, questions
which strike at the heart of what money is, how we value it, and what it means.

1.1 Investigating Bitcoin from an economic

In order to analyse Bitcoin as an economist, it is of paramount importance to follow Mises
(1935 [1881]) in the sense that Bitcoin should be investigated in terms of what it does and
what it can do as an economic phenomenon, not as defined by lawmakers or computer

In general, economic theory can be understood as the study of resource allocation, and a
substantial part of the academic work has been devoted to the study of “the efficient
allocation”, as in Koopmans (1951). Transactions, on the other hand, have received less focus
from many dominant schools of thought, potentially explaining why complex institutions like
money have received so little attention from many academics. To understand Bitcoin as an
economic phenomenon it is therefore necessary to draw on a variety of theories emphasising
the importance of transactions and payment.

“Payment is more than a mechanical act. It is, in a sense, the quintessential economic
activity, the “glue” that binds together the gains from trade” (Kahn & Roberds, 2009).

A quote from Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, used as a figure of speech to capture the ironic situation when a
person’s intense attempts to convince others about something ends up convincing them that the opposite is
true, as the person looks insincere and defensive. Source: Wikipedia:,_methinks. Accessed May 13th 2014.
Davidson & Lee (2014)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (2013)

1.2 The aims of this thesis
This thesis will provide a holistic analysis of Bitcoin, taking into account multiple schools of
economic thought, historical facts, and political and social relations. The motivating questions
of this thesis are:

(i) Why do bitcoins have value?

(ii) Why and how will governments seek to regulate the use of bitcoin?

With a comprehensive analytical framework in place, the thesis seeks to answer these
questions, providing not only an economic understanding of Bitcoin, but also offering
compelling insight into that fascinating and often neglected social construct: money.

The remaining sections of the thesis are organised as follows. Section 2 presents a theoretical
framework apt to categorise and analyse different forms of money. Section 3 involves a
discussion of what Bitcoin actually is, describing the underlying technology to clarify its
essential properties. Applying this to the theoretical framework outlined above, bitcoin
becomes identified as a digital commodity money. Section 4 lays out three cases in which an
object without use value, or state backing, served historically as money. Section 5 highlights
some real world applications of bitcoin. Section 4 and 5 work together to emphasise a
fundamental contention of this thesis; there is no reason why bitcoin should not be seen as
money. Accepting this contention, the determination of demand, and thereby prices, is
addressed in section 6, before section 7 rounds off by analysing why governments might seek
to regulate the use of bitcoin. Section 8 summarises the analysis and contains some
concluding remarks on the subject as a whole.

2 What is money?
Economists tend to identify money by its three key functions: store of value, medium of
exchange and unit of account (Mishkin, 1993). While this identification provides a clear
definition of what money does, the question of what actually makes something money is
rarely addressed in a satisfactory manner by mainstream economics. The framework of neo-
classical theory is based on the frictionless world of Arrow-Debreu, where complete contracts
can be written at no cost. Within such a framework, money is redundant, as anything could
serve as money, and money’s role is reduced to that of a numéraire. Furthermore, the New-
Keynesian models, applied to model monetary economics without money, clearly illustrates
that it is insufficient to tweak the neo-classical framework by adding some frictions to capture
the nature of money. Payments are ubiquitous and obviously essential to real-world
economics (Kahn & Roberds, 2009, p. 2). Therefore, in many situations, transactions ought to
be made the basic unit of analysis, as advocated by Williamson (1985).

While mainstream economics today is very light on the analysis of money, alternative schools
of thought and great thinkers throughout history have sought to uncover the origin and nature
of money; a study that may result in “Babylonian Madness”. 15 This has led to the
development of an enormously rich and diverse literature on the subject.16 Nevertheless, there
seems to be no broad consensus surrounding the role of money in the economy. This shall
come as no surprise, as “Money is privately possessed but socially consumed” (Lapavitsas,
2003, p. 49), making money reflect the complexity and dynamics of human relations.

The theoretical framework suggested in this thesis which follows below is a synthesis of
several distinct approaches, and seeks to highlight some of the social aspects of money. To
this end, the characteristics of transaction costs, giving rise to different types of money,
intermediating different kinds of relationships, will be investigated.

In the 1920’s, Keynes spent five or six years studying metrology and numismatics in search for the historical
and logical origins of money. The search absorbed him to the point of frenzy, and he himself refers to this as his
“Babylonian Madness” (Ingham, 2000, p. 16).
“Of all branches of economic science, that part which relates to money and credit has probably the longest
history and the most extensive literature” (Robbins, 1953, p. 11)

2.1 Moneyness
In monetary economics, assets are normally divided into money (if money is included at all)
and non-money. While this dichotomous way to analyse monetary phenomena is rigid and has
some advantages, the sharp division between money and non-money obscures the economic
processes at work, thus making it difficult to capture how market forces actually react to
financial constraints. For money to be money, it must be the most sought after asset, i.e. the
most liquid asset available. In other words, merchants absorbed with self-gain, must find it
desirable to sell their product for the money-asset (Lapavitsas, 2003).

The tacit consent from market participants, that others will exchange the current form of
money for actual goods in the future, effectively renders money a general claim on
production. The self-reinforcing network effects underpinning such a consent has a
monopolising effect, making money the only asset with the ability to buy (Lapavitsas, 2003).
All assets may be used for exchange. However, when using a non-monetary asset, one will
have to discount its (market) value to enable such exchange. All assets therefore possess a
degree of moneyness, measured as the inverse of the discount necessary to get it to facilitate
exchange. 17 The moneyness of an asset clearly depends on what market one operates in and
from whom one is trying to buy. As a result, the moneyness of different assets is determined
in a simultaneous fashion by supply and demand, and will react endogenously to changing
market conditions.

Once it is understood that money is not an either or concept, it becomes clear that one must
investigate the processes through which assets acquire moneyness to uncover the dynamics of
money in the economy. For that reason, different approaches to analyse money effectively
seek to answer the question of what it is that makes certain assets liquid.

In Chartalist theory, the focal point of analysis is on money as a unit of account. As the unit of
account, money is used to establish nonreciprocal obligations in the form of debt and taxes.
When all money is identified as a form of debt, the Chartalist conclusion that the obligation
underpins the moneyness of a given asset naturally follow. In theoretical Metallism on the
other hand, the main focus is on money as a store of value. For an object to store value, it
must hold value in itself. With a commodity standard, this value is seen as derived from the

In finance, moneyness is used as a measure of the price of an underlying asset relative to the strike price of a
derivative contract written over said asset. This interpretation of the term should not be confused with its use
in this thesis.

value of the money as a commodity. Thus, the moneyness of a given commodity is primarily
assumed to be determined by its ability to store value, in a non-social manner, by being useful
in itself. In the Austrian approach associated with Carl Menger and Ludwig von Mises,
money as the medium of exchange is analysed as the characteristic from which money’s other
capabilities are derived. As a medium of exchange, established by network effects and
learning, money is practically viewed as a form of delayed reciprocity.

The different approaches to money analysis may seem contradictory and mutually exclusive.
However, it is my contention that the theories are more complementary than contradictory.
They identify different social relations; non-reciprocal, non-social, and reciprocal, related to
the functions of money as the exclusive drivers of moneyness. Yet, they fail to appreciate the
simultaneity of these relations. By taking the arguments to the extreme, the theories end up
analysing particular structures of economic organisation intermediated by particular forms of
money. The theories gain clarity and precision by restricting the system under investigation,
but by doing so lose generality. Therefore, a more general analysis of money, drawing on
insights from the different theories, is presented below to provide a framework for the
identification of Bitcoin.

2.2 The importance of transaction costs

Consider an economy populated with agents seeking to maximise their utility given their
individual preferences, resource endowment and production technology. With a weighting of
all agents, society’s welfare level can be calculated as a weighted sum of all individuals’
utilities. Since any particular allocation will correspond to particular utility levels, allocations
may be ordered hierarchical, following the Pareto Principle.

Transaction costs affect interaction between agents, and the higher the cost the lower the
welfare level. When transaction costs are so high that no exchange take place, agents live in
autarky and society is at its lowest welfare level. Transaction costs drive a wedge between
individuals’ marginal rates of substitution (MRS), and potential welfare gains from reducing
this wedge may be substantial. Hence, when transaction costs are high, 18 the willingness to
pay for a workaround will be correspondingly high. This willingness to pay manifests itself as

Transaction costs could e.g. be measured indirectly as the wedge between MRSs.

a rent available to any organisation or participants of an institutional arrangement overcoming
the transaction costs.

In a broad sense, transaction costs are the costs of running the economic system (Arrow,
1969), and more precisely, the costs of enforcing and operating property rights. In a game
theoretic framework, transaction costs can be identified as the cost of coordination, the cost of
containing free riding, and the cost of conflict and distribution. By assuming that preferences
are independent of transaction costs, all allocation effects of the existence of money may in
theory be analysed, using the lens of transaction cost economics.

Transaction costs are the result of both physical and social barriers. Although physical
barriers may have effects on social organisation and visa verse, it seems plausible to assume
that technology is mostly developed to overcome physical barriers, while institutions19
develop to reduce social barriers. If better infrastructure (in this context understood as
technology) was built, agents may be enabled to meet and engage in direct barter. The
reduced transaction costs will expand the set of possible allocations, and an economy with
direct barter will Pareto-dominate an economy in autarky. Nevertheless, there will still be
substantial transaction costs due to incomplete contracting. Barter does not scale20 and the
problem of “double coincidence of wants” will keep the economy from reaching potential
welfare maximum.

The three functionalistic characteristics of money may be linked to the three aforementioned
categories of transaction costs. First, as a general medium of exchange, money lowers the cost
of coordination by eliminating the problem of double coincidence of wants. Second, as a store
of value, money only provides purchasing power to its holder and thereby reduces the cost of
containing free riding. Third, money as a unit of account (and universal measure of value),
reduce the difficulty of agreeing to a certain distributional outcome, and thereby lowers the
cost of conflict.

To investigate how different forms of money may develop and affect transaction costs, it
would be fruitful to analyse a hypothetical scenario in which welfare maximum is achieved.
To this end, one can think of the economy as provided with a perfect public record, or as in

Institutions can be defined as “humanly devised constraints that structure political, economic and social
interaction” (North, 1991, p. 97).
Without a numéraire, the number of prices/exchange ratios at a market grows exponentially with the number
of goods for sale.

Kocherlakota (1998) “memory”. If all agents could keep a true record of what all other agents
had done, the set of incentive feasible allocations would Pareto-dominate any other set (ibid.).
The organisation of market production could be modelled as a game of iterated prisoner’s
dilemma, and optimising agents would follow a tit-for-tat strategy. Production would be
“given” to the market, and agents would only take back something worth the same as what
they “gave”. Furthermore, if an agent brings something back before he has contributed,
society will hold a record of that, and demand that the agent bring something of equal value to
the market at a later point in time. Agents defecting, taking more than what they give, will be
identified and punished (e.g. excluded from further participation, as in Diamond (1990)). This
ensures that cooperation remains the dominant strategy.

In reality, however, no flawless public record exist. Agents defecting cannot be identified (at
no cost) and excluded. Thus, the game of iterated prisoner’s dilemma will collapse into a
succession of static games. The dominant strategy will be for everyone to defect in each
period, since one cannot know whether an agent was cooperating or not. Therefore, without a
public record, the economy falls back into direct barter.

To move on from direct barter, institutions substituting for a perfect public record must be
developed. Money can be analysed as such an institution, operating indirectly as a record,
acquiring credibility by being a “Proof of Work” (POW). Not necessarily because agents care
about the sunk cost of work from the past, but because the required work makes it costly to
alter “the record”.

2.3 Different relations, different monies

2.3.1 Commodity money

In a commodity monetary system (CMS), a good that is costly (as in not free) to produce, may
serve as a POW. As an example, one can think of gold. There are only two ways to acquire
gold: (i) Working in the mines, or (ii) working somewhere else and take your product to
market to be paid in gold. In a capitalist economy with gold as money, the price of goods
must equal the ratio of the work required in goods production to that of gold production (on

average over time). 21 Otherwise, the return to investment would not be equal in all industries,
and no profit-seeking agents would invest in the lower-yielding industry. This relationship is
structural and simultaneous, so that no one-way causality can be inferred. In other words, the
value of a commodity money is equal to its production cost (over time), but the cost and the
value are variables that are normally codetermined. One does not determine the other. In
theory, with relative stable production costs in the economy, this link will keep prices stable
and ensure that gold is credible as an indirect public record.

The adoption of any particular commodity as money will hinge on characteristics of the
commodity, such as how easy it is to identify, divide and store. Agents’ ability to identify a
commodity should be increasing in its use as medium of exchange. When more agents
become familiar with “money”, demand will become less sensitive to idiosyncratic shocks. It
is important to notice that identification in this context is to be understood as the ability to
predict future demand for the money commodity.

Mises’ regression theorem assumes backward-looking expectations, and explains very well
the network effects that make something money to day, because it was money yesterday.
However, unlike the claim in Austrian economics, money does not need to originate in an
object with use value, a good that enters agent’s utility functions or can be used as an input in
production. Instead, a leap of faith (trigger strategy), initiated by agents with forward-looking
expectations, could serve as well as any use value, as an endpoint to the Misesian regression.
As an example of this, Duffy and Ochs (2002) showed that in experiments simulating the
economic environment of Kiyotaki & Wright (1989) a good with sufficiently low storage cost
might emerge as the general medium of exchange, without use value and state backing. It is
the work required in the production of the money commodity that makes it valuable and a
trustworthy record of the past. Any additional use value will only serve as a hedge against
situations where the recording capacity of the commodity money is lost, i.e. when the tit-for-
tat strategy is abounded.

2.3.2 Fiat money

A CMS expands the incentive-feasible allocation set and Pareto-dominates direct barer. Still,
using commodity money is an expensive way to produce money because of the associated

Assuming perfect competition or monopoly modelled with price considerations and non-diversifiable risk as
a part of the cost structure.

resource cost. If “the social planner” could step down and provide creditable POWs to those
taking their goods to market, there would be no need to waist resources in the gold mines. The
only way to obtain money, and thereby the cheapest way to obtain other goods, would be to
bring one’s production to the social planner. As under a CMS, the work required to obtain
money is what makes it credible as a record keeping device. The resource cost under a CMS
signifies a rent, stimulating the emergence of institutions that can provide trust at a lower cost,
and thereby make a profit from tapping down this rent through seignorage. Hence, without a
trusted social planner, a credible state, could serve as a fictitious “gold mine” by requiring
work in exchange for a money token. Prices denominated in state money would, as under a
CMS, be determined by the ratio of required work in production to the work required to
obtain the money from the state. When a state issuing money also accepts the same money in
discharge of taxes, the states flexibility in spending is increased. The state may to a greater
extent change the difficulty to obtain money, without degrading the money’s purchasing

Although new fiat money in theory could enter the economy through government spending, it
is worth bearing in mind that most countries operate under an institutional structure where
money issuance goes through the central bank (CB). Hence, fiat money is created in a credit
way, through an expansion of the CB’s balance sheet. Even so, fiat money is not proper credit
money, as it is a claim on nothing, but itself, and the stylised analysis of fiat money above,
should still hold.

2.3.3 Credit money

In a system with fiat money, the resource cost of a CMS is overcome, and accrues to the
money issuing authority in the form of seignorage. Still, to cover the full set of incentive-
feasible allocations in the economy with a perfect record, it must be possible to take
something back from market before you produce. Not only governments, but also private
agents, must be enabled to undertake autonomous spending. If the social planner could know
the future with certainty, he could let agents issue private debt without any risk. Debt, a
promise to work, would then be equivalent to a POW from the future. Furthermore, as debt
creation always is a two-sided balance sheet operation, a risk-free IOU would be a promise to
work for the creditor, and POW to the debtor. The only way to obtain another agent’s IOU
would be by working. As with commodity and fiat money, the value of an IOU would be

regulated by the work required to obtain it. Hence, truly risk free IOUs will circulate as
money; an observation found in much of the literature on money and credit (e.g. as in Shubik
(2004) ), but following a slightly different line of argument.

In reality, however, promises to work are not generally risk free. Incomplete contracting
makes IOUs circulate at a discount due to the cost of obtaining private information from the
issuer (Kiyotaki & Moore, 2000). Private IOUs have some degree of moneyness, but are not
money. This difference between the face value and market value of private IOUs creates a
rent, incentivising the emergence of institutions capable to extract private information at a
lower cost than the market. The key institution emerging to do this has been banks. By
exploiting increasing returns to monitoring and diversification, banks are able to issue IOUs
circulating with a higher degree of moneyness than the assets they obtain, thus making a
profit from the difference. In fact, bank deposits tend to circulate at face value, i.e. as money,
letting banks earn a form of seignorage from crating new money through lending. According
to standard literature on banking, banks are institutions emerging because they are efficient,
acting as maturity transformers and intermediaries between borrowers and lenders (Freixas &
Rochet, 2008). Although banks serve these functions, it is essential to understand that they
only exist to make a profit, and that the profit is made from the difference in moneyness
between assets and liabilities.

2.3.4 Electronic money – the realm of Bitcoin

With the development of personal computers and the Internet, money has immigrated into the
digital world. As in the non-digital world, electronic money (e-money) comes in many
different forms. Since the Internet only is another medium where human relations can form,
principles guiding the emergence of institutions in the non-digital world apply online as well.
Hence, money on the Internet follows the same principles as money in the rest of the
economy. E-money should therefore not be seen as a generic form of money. In fact, in many
cases, e-money is just a digital representation of normal credit or fiat money. However, the
emergence of online societies, as within computer games, have resulted in the development of
what the ECB calls Virtual Currency Schemes (VCS) (European Central Bank, 2012). VCSs
bear some similarities to e-money, but is purely a digital representation of itself, not other

In the report (ibid.), ECB classifies three different categories of VCSs based on how the flows
between the currencies and the rest of the economy operates. First, there are closed systems
such as those that can be found in computer games like World of Warcraft. Second, there are
systems with unidirectional flows, where “normal” money can be converted into non-
redeemable tokens. Third, there are bidirectional flows as associated with the Linden Dollars
issued in Second Life. With bidirectional flows, agents are free to trade in and out of their
position in the VCS. As a result, effects on the real economy caused by changes in category
three VCSs is potentially greater than from changes in category one and two VCSs.

Bitcoin is put in the third category together with Linden Dollars because of the bidirectional
flow of funds. Yet, there is a fundamental difference between Bitcoin (and alt-coins22) and
other VCSs. As will be clear from the analysis of Bitcoin in this thesis, bitcoins are no one’s
liability and there is no centralised monetary authority in the Bitcoin network. This is a crucial
difference, making bitcoins a potential form of electronic cash (e-cash). Anticipating the
development of e-cash, as opposed to centralised e-money, the economist Milton Friedman
argued in an interview in 1999 that:

“…the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government, and
the one thing that is missing, but that will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash. A method
where by, on the internet, you can transfer funds from A to B without A knowing B or B
knowing A. The way I can take a 20-dollar bill and hand it over to you…” (NTU/F, 1999).

Before Bitcoin, all forms of e-money and VCS were centralised, impeding them from
becoming e-cash.

Alt-coin is as a general term capturing all the different “currencies” based on the Bitcoin technology.

2.4 The institutional underpinning of different
money forms.
If credit money is more efficient than fiat money, which in turn is more efficient than
commodity money, and e-money is just an electronic representation of other forms of money,
as highlighted by figure 1 below, the natural question to ask is why all the money forms
presented in section 2.3 are in operation. Moreover, why would anyone use assets with
moneyness rather than money? 23

Figure 1 – Hierarchy of money

Media of exchange

Increased degree of trust required

Perfect record

Increased potential welfare

Can be digital Credit money
Fiat money
Commodity money
Lower transaction costs Barter
related to use of money

The figure illustrates a hierarchical ordering of different generic forms of money based on potential welfare and degree of
trust required.

When addressing the questions above, it is important to bear in mind that for a single agent,
the cost of using a particular money-form is independent of the cost to the society. This claim
holds as long as the agent cannot produce the money himself. However, in many situations,
agents can in fact create their own money. This is because money is money only relative to a
market, and not any market in general.

As argued in Coase (1937), Alchain and Demsetz (1972), and Williamson (1985), firms
emerge as organisations economising on different transaction costs. In a market, monetary
prices serves as the main organising principle. Within a firm, on the other hand, internal
bookkeeping and centralised planning are applied to overcome the transaction costs of using

To answer these questions thoroughly is beyond the scope of this thesis. Consequently, the following
paragraphs only provide a simple sketch, indicating some possible elements of what could become a more
comprehensive analysis.

money, thus rendering money as a record device superfluous. In other words, a “perfect
record” is normally used for intra-firm organisation of production. Furthermore, high
frequency of interaction between economic agents tend to lead to the formation of credit
relations (Jin & Temzelides, 2004). As a result, trade credit may circulate within a production
chain due to mutual dependence and a high level of knowledge about counterparties, which
establish trust. This supports the circulation of credit within the chain, making production
chains relay on credit money for inter-firm organisation. Yet, trade credit from a particular
production chain normally only poses a degree of moneyness, and is not money relative to the
rest of the economy.

Within the borders of the nation state, the government tends to be the single most important
economic agent, with monopoly of violence and the ability to impose taxes. Fiat money may
therefore circulate as money at a national level, supported by trust in the stability of monetary
policy, and the compulsion of juridical regulation and taxes.

For international settlements, no national currency was trusted without commodity backing up
until 1971. A national fiat currency without commodity backing can be used to manipulate
international wealth distribution by inflating away debt, or appreciating claims through
deflating the currency. Nevertheless, the US position as the absolute hegemon in the West
after the fall of Bretton Woods enabled the USD to fulfil the role as the fiat money of the

2.4.1 The importance of trust

As indicated in the examples above, and illustrated by figure 1, the organisation of production
and the selection of a particular form of money will hinge on the cost-benefit trade-off of
trusting the record keeping capacity of that money. The level of trust will be determined by
the cost of defection from implicit or explicit established strategies and the opportunity cost of
not trusting. Shubik (2004) uses a game theoretic approach, highlighting the relationships
between money and trust to argue that an ideal money would serve a perfect substitute for
trust. Yet, in reality, the more efficient a money is, the more trust it requires, and the use of an
ideal money would be a manifestation of trust rather than a substitute within the framework of
this thesis.

Both in autarky and with direct barter, no trust is required. In a CMS, one has to trust that the
market as a whole will continue to accept the money commodity as payment in the future, and
that the cost of production keeps inflation stable. As long as the cost of trusting the CMS is
less than the benefit of participation, in expectation, agents will find it beneficial to cooperate
within the framework of a monetary economy. In addition, positive network effects will
increase the benefit and reduce the cost as the network expands.

In a fiat monetary system, the credibility of CB monetary policy combined with the
compulsion of tax generates trust in the government issued money enabling it to substitute for
commodity money. To establish trust in monetary policy is much harder than establishing
trust in the cost of e.g. gold production. Governments have incentives, and political
considerations may lead to manipulation of fiat money through changing the difficulty to
obtain money. A gold mine, on the other hand, does not poses the ability to manipulate the
cost of gold production at will. Nonetheless, the increased power of the state, achieved
through the control of money, may reinforce its general capacities, including money creation.

With the use of credit money, trust is shifted from the network as a whole to trust in
individual debtors. Hence, to enable trust in a single agent, the anonymity inherent to other
money forms must be sacrificed. Relying on credit relations consequently impose higher
informational and enforcement costs (Kahn & Roberds, 2009, p. 19), and credit money can
only function in a market where it is expensive to default and agents are willing to give up

3 What is Bitcoin?
Before setting out to analyse Bitcoin as an economic phenomenon, it is important to possess a
comprehensive understanding of the technology.24 At is core, Bitcoin is just a digital public
ledger used to enforce and operate private property rights of the virtual unit bitcoin. 25 To
operate entries in the ledger, one must use software scripted to work with the Bitcoin
protocol. The Bitcoin protocol, like HTML for webpages, regulates how peers in the network
can interact. In other words, the protocol function as an ineluctable law book governing the
network. The Bitcoin protocol is open source and freely available to everyone with access to
the Internet. The main purpose of the protocol is to enable people to transfer electronic cash
directly between each other in a decentralised peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Traditionally,
trusted third parties, such as banks, have operated most payment systems, enabling complete
strangers to interact economically through the exchange of IOU’s, with claims on assets or
national fiat currencies. The Bitcoin protocol, on the other hand, is designed so that no trusted
third party is needed to secure and verify transactions of the virtual unit known as bitcoin.
Solving this well known “Byzantine Generals' Problem” is seen as the protocol’s crowning
achievement. As will be argued later, decentralised clearing is what makes Bitcoin as a digital
payment scheme unique and interesting.

3.1 How to transfer bitcoins?

If Alice (a peer in the network) wants to transfer some bitcoins to Bob (another peer in the
network), all she has to do is to broadcast a message like “send 10 bitcoins from Alice to
Bob”, to the network. The nodes26 receiving the message will update their copy of the ledger
and pass along the transaction message. To make sure the request of sending 10 bitcoins from
Alice to Bob is authentic; a “Digital Signing Scheme” is used. To spend money belonging to
an account, a pair of keys, one private and one public, is needed. Actually, in the Bitcoin

This technical overview is based on knowledge acquired through reading about Bitcoin online on forums and
in blogs. Consequently, it is difficult to reference this section properly. For a comprehensive explanation of
Bitcoin, see Ramzan (2013).
Bitcoin (upper case B) defines the technology and the network, while bitcoin (lower case b) defines the
virtual units transferred within the network.
A node is any computer participating in the work of maintaining the ledger. Every node is also a peer, but not
every peer is a node.

Network the public keys are the “accounts” so a transaction from Alice to Bob would look
more like:

Figure 2 – Bitcoin transaction

1DVCKCiYNtLu5mZw19sHHzG9b3osoutoqz 10 bitcoin 13uQ4VWoKSay2tLhi3MsKdHFmM43t4YH2K

An example of real addresses/keys that is used when transferring bitcoins.

The pair of keys associated with an “account” are obviously different, but generated in a way
so they are mathematically related. When the private key and the transaction message are
combined in some mathematical function, a unique signature is generated. To verify this
signature, and thereby the validity of the transaction request from Alice to Bob, the signature
is put into a verification function together with the message and Alice’s public key. The
relationship between the private and the public key makes it possible to conclude whether
Alice’s private key was used to generate the signature or not, without ever knowing Alice’s
private key, as illustrated in figure 3 below.

Figure 3 – Digital Signature Scheme

Private key Message

Signing function

Public key


Verification function

Valid? YES or NO

Simplified illustration of how a Digital Signature Scheme works.

Since verification of transactions requires verification of signatures, the uniqueness of

signatures is an important feature in the Bitcoin protocol, making sure that signatures cannot

be copied and reused by others. Moreover, as a result of the fact that the message is tied to the
signature, past transactions cannot be changed without invalidating the signature.

Hence, when sending bitcoins to someone’s address/public key, it is like using a drop-safe
that only a person holding the right private key can open. While it normally is the case that
only one signature/key is needed to unlock the funds, arrangements that are more complex,
are possible. As an example, two out of three signatures could be required for an escrow-
based transaction.

3.1.1 The transaction chain

As described above, digital signatures are used to verify transactions. Although this is true,
the presentation was over-simplified, as there are no records of accounts and balances in the
network. Instead, the network stores the transaction history of all bitcoins ever created. The
ownership of funds is therefore validated through the verification of links to previous
transactions. Hence, to own bitcoins constitutes a situation in which bitcoins are directed
towards you, without you redirecting them towards someone else. When Alice wants to send
10 bitcoins to Bob, she has to reference both transactions where she received at least 10
bitcoins, and the new recipients of those funds, when generating the signature.

The incoming transactions to Alice are called “inputs”, while the new transactions are called
“outputs”. Unless the referenced inputs sum exactly to 10 bitcoins, Alice will have to send the
rest of the funds back to herself as change (assuming no transaction fee). To verify these new
transactions, nodes will have to check that the inputs actually belong to Alice and that they
add up to the sum of the outputs. To make the ownership of bitcoins definite, verified
transactions are irreversible.

The validity of any transaction of bitcoins always depend on the whole chain of transactions
with those bitcoins leading up to the current transaction. To make sure the last transaction is
valid, the whole chain needs to be verified. This process of going through all past transactions
is both time and energy consuming, but needs to be done only once. The first time you start
your Bitcoin wallet software; the whole transaction chain of all bitcoins is downloaded and
checked. 27 Thereafter, only new transactions need to be verified.

In many cases, users will use a wallet provider and interact with the network through an app. It is therefore
not necessary for users to verify the transaction record themselves.

As mentioned earlier, the Bitcoin protocol is open source, and anyone is free to write their
own software and claim conditions compatible with the protocol. However, should you end
up doing mistakes when scripting, or lose your private key, your bitcoins may be lost forever.
For this reason, it is natural to assume that most users will want to use software and services
delivered by third parties to minimise the risk of losses.

3.1.2 Double spending

An input can only be referenced and used once. Had this not been the case, inputs could be
double-spent by referencing it in multiple transactions. Therefore, nodes also check that none
of the referenced inputs in a transaction has been referenced earlier in some other transaction.
This check is made rapidly by the use of an index of unspent transactions. Nevertheless, there
is a problem; how can one verify the order of transactions? If the same input is referenced
twice, the network must be able to verify which reference was made first. In a centralised
system, like PayPal, this is easily done as every transaction is recorded on a centralised server.
In the Bitcoin network, however, nodes may receive transactions at different points in time
and in different order. This would potentially allow Alice to send bitcoins to Bob, wait for
Bob to ship a product, and then send another transaction, referencing the same input. A
situation could then emerge where the transaction to Bob was registered after the other
transaction, and therefore ended up being deemed invalid. To solve this problem, the Bitcoin
protocol uses a “Proof of Work” (POW) scheme to create what is called a “Distributed
Timestamp Server” (Nakamoto, 2008).

3.1.3 The block chain

When transactions are broadcast to the network, nodes collect unverified transactions and
pack them into blocks. Every new block has a reference to the previous block, resulting in an
ordered succession of blocks (Nakamoto, 2008). It is important to notice that the block chain
is not the same as the transaction chain. The block chain is used to order transactions in time,
while the transaction chain is used to keep track of the changes in ownership. All transactions
within a block are considered to have happened at the same time, while transactions not yet in
a block are unconfirmed. All nodes in the network are free to collect unconfirmed transactions
into a block, and suggest to the network what the next block should be. To create a new block,
a mathematical problem must be solved by guessing. Hence, the name POW (work as in
letting a computer use computing capacity and energy to guess). Although one can be lucky
and guess the solution at the first trial, it will take the network around ten minutes on average
to come up with the solution (ibid.). The time it takes to generate a new block is regulated by
the protocol, and was chosen arbitrarily. To keep up with the growth of computing power in
the network, the system recalibrates the difficulty of the mathematical problem every two
weeks. Once a block is created, it is broadcasted to the network, which accepts it and starts
working on the next block. However, should two blocks be created and broadcasted
simultaneously, the block chain would be divided into two branches. When a bifurcation of
the block chain occurs, the nodes keep building atop of the first block they receive. The next
block that is solved will make one of the branches longer than the other, and the system
switches automatically to build further on the longest branch. Blocks are rarely created at the
same time, and more rarely multiple times in a row. As a result, a consensus of the ordering of
blocks quickly emerges, and the older the block, the less likely it is to change. The
transactions in the blocks that are discarded after a split of the block chain will go back into
the pool of unverified transactions and be included in a later block.

A problem with the possibility that the block chain may be divided for some time, is that it
opens another opportunity to double-spend, illustrated in figure 4 below. Imagine a situation
in which Alice first transfer 10 bitcoins to Bob, and Bob ships the product when he sees that
the transaction is verified and included in a block. Then, Alice starts building an alternative
chain of blocks in secrecy, including a transaction of the same 10 bitcoins to someone else,
instead of Bob. When she broadcasts the alternative chain to the network, it will replace the
other chain if it is longer. Bobs payment, that was a part of the other chain, will be thrown
back into the pool of unverified transactions. When nodes later try to verify the transaction of
10 bitcoins from Alice to Bob, they will conclude that the transaction is invalid, as Alice has
used the referenced inputs already in the other transaction.

Figure 4 – Bifurcated block chain and double spending

Block V
Block I Block II Block III Alice -10-> Bob
Alice -10-> Bob Invalid

Block II’ Block IV’

Block III’
Alice -10-> Alice

The figure illustrates how Alice in theory could double spend bitcoins by generating an alternative block chain.

However, Alice would not be able to pre-generate an alternative block chain as she would
need the latest block as reference when generating new blocks. Once she has broadcasted the
transaction of 10 bitcoins to Bob, she therefore has to outperform the computing power of the
whole network. When Alice commands less than 50% of the total computing power of the
system, the probability that she ever catches up with the correct chain drops exponentially
with the number of blocks (Nakamoto, 2008), and the longer Bob waits before he ships the
product, the more secure the transfer will be. Waiting six blocks (one hour) should be
sufficient for most larger transactions. In addition, if Alice were to control too much
computing power in the network, using this to game the system, she would undermine the
value of her bitcoins, as agents would lose trust in the ledger. Hence, if Alice were a profit
maximising agent, she would either reduce her computing capacity voluntarily, or credibly
commit to not gaming the system.

3.2 The bitcoin supply

When all new transactions of bitcoins need to reference past transactions, a natural question
emerges; where did the bitcoins initially come from? When a new block in the chain is
created, an amount of bitcoins is created ex nihilo, and credited to the finder of the block.
Nodes use computing hardware and electricity to get these rewards, which is the reason why
they often are called miners. Every fourth year the reward is halved, implying that there never
will exist more than approximately 21 million bitcoins (Nakamoto, 2008). However, since
bitcoins in theory are infinitely divisible (currently down to a satoshi, 10-8-part of a bitcoin),
the hard cap of 21 million does not limit the lower value of transfers in the network.

Once the reward from mining is too small to cover the cost, miners will have to be
incentivised by transaction fees. Nodes are free to choose which transactions to include in a
block, so specifying a fee as a part of your transaction is likely to increase the speed of
verification, while competition between nodes is likely to result in fees close to (a very low)
marginal cost (of verification).

3.3 Pseudonymity and user defined anonymity

One of the strengths of Bitcoin, highlighted by its proponents, is the way in which privacy is
preserved. In many ways bitcoins are like a digital version of cash; bitcoins can be transferred

directly to a receiver who then can verify the validity of the transaction, neither knowing the
payer, nor engaging a trusted third party. In other electronic payment systems, privacy has
been achieved through keeping information held by financial intermediaries
private/unavailable to the public, as showed in figure 5 below. One consequence of this is that
it is almost impossible to monitor bank activity properly. Moreover, the centrally stored
private information makes a favoured target for hacking, identity theft, and government
surveillance. In the Bitcoin network, on the other hand, all information about transactions is
public, while privacy is ensured through keeping the identities of the transactors
pseudonymous (see figure 5 below).
Figure 5 – Privacy in payment systems

Private information Public information

Privacy in traditional payment systems

Identities Transactions Trusted third party Counterparty

Privacy in Bitcoin
Identities Transactions

The figure illustrates different ways privacy is ensured in traditional payment systems and in Bitcoin.

Nothing in the protocol requires linking your identity to your public key, and it is up to the
user to reveal real information about himself. For those less keen on revealing their identity,
different techniques can be applied to make it very difficult to track ownership of bitcoins. As
an example, using methods to hide your IP, new addresses/keys for every transaction, and
bitcoin tumblers, 28 will make tracking very difficult.

3.4 Colouring; non-monetary use of bitcoins

While most attention surrounding Bitcoin has been on its monetary capacities, a public record
can be used for much more than performing payments. By attaching a message to a
transaction, not only the transaction, but also the message becomes publicly verifiable. This

Tumblers seek to make tracking of bitcoin ownership as difficult as possible. One can think of it as several
users putting bitcoins in a jar, shaking it, and taking out the same amount coins as they putted in.

capacity could for example ease the exchange of legal contracts such as ownership certificates
and prevent fraud. By “colouring” a bitcoin with a claim on some asset, the bitcoin will, in
addition to be a bitcoin, serve as a representation of the asset on which it has become a claim.
Hence, Bitcoin can be used to transfer the ownership of any asset as long as the relevant
parties of an exchange recognise claims coloured/written on a bitcoin. In addition, Bitcoin can
be used to provide “Proofs of Existence”. By hashing29 a document, e.g. the coding of a new
app, and then including the hash in a transaction, it is possible to prove that the code was in
the hands of the person performing the transaction, at a given point in time. This could be
useful when solving disputes related to the ownership of intellectual property.

This section has outlined the main technical features of Bitcoin, and there should be no doubt
that technically, Bitcoin is an impressive innovation. Being a technically impressive,
however, does not imply that Bitcoin will have economic consequences. Therefore, to address
the economic side of Bitcoin, an identification of bitcoin as an economic object will be
presented in the following section.

3.5 Bitcoin; a digital commodity money

To identify what a bitcoin is as an economic object, it is useful to start by listing what it is not.
Bitcoin is neither a consumption good, nor a means of production. Hence, its function must be
inherently social. When testing bitcoin against the theoretical framework to analyse money
presented earlier in the thesis, it is clear that bitcoin is not; a perfect public record, a form of
credit, or a form of fiat money. Bitcoin as a ledger actually does serve as a public record. 30
However, without the colouring of every single bitcoin, the record only keeps track of bitcoin
balances, and is therefore only an indirect representation of underlying economic transactions.
Moreover, bitcoins can hardly be claimed to be someone’s liability or issued and backed by
any state. Therefore, if bitcoin is some form of money, it must be a commodity money. To see
that it actually is, or at least that it has the potential to become, a digital commodity money, or
what Selgin (2013) calls a synthetic commodity money, let us compare bitcoin to commodity
money in general.

Hash functions are functions mapping data of arbitrary length to data of fixed length.
Luther and Olson (2013), identify Bitcoin as an imperfect form of “memory” complementing traditional

As with other commodity monies, there are only two ways to obtain bitcoins; (i) using
computing capacity and electricity to “mine”, or (ii) produce something else and sell the
product for bitcoins/ buy bitcoins using other monies. Since bitcoins do not have any use
value, bitcoins have acquired exchange value through the belief that bitcoins would hold
value at a point in the future. Without use value as a starting point, which some commodity
monies have, forward-looking agents must have followed a trigger strategy when assigning a
positive value to bitcoin. This observation clearly falsifies the Misesian regression theorem by
being an example of exchange value acquired without an initial anchor in use value. However,
not all agents need to be forward-looking. The current positive valuation of bitcoin may serve
as a reference point for agents with backward-looking expectation formation, thus
intensifying the growth of the network through a feedback loop.

Since the selection of a particular commodity as money by the market hinges on the
characteristics of the commodity, it is illuminating to highlight some relevant characteristics
of bitcoins. First, since the ledger in Bitcoin is decentralised, it is extremely resilient to
interference and outside regulation, be it governments seeking to confiscate bitcoins or agents
wanting to change the predetermined bitcoin supply. Second, bitcoins are easy to store. For
example, a tiny piece of paper or just a person’s memory can store any quantity of bitcoins,
without the bitcoins deteriorating over time.31 This makes bitcoins very easy to keep safe,
and as stated earlier: low storage cost together with limited supply can be sufficient to ensure
circulation of objects without use value, like bitcoin, as media of exchange (Duffy & Ochs,
2002). Third, to transfer bitcoins is a quick and simple task. A receiver knows exactly what he
received, and the irreversibility of transactions makes ownership definite. Fourth, bitcoins are
(in theory) perfectly divisible so quantities of any size can be transferred. Fifth, the
pseudonymity element of Bitcoin makes surveillance and identity tracking through money
flows difficult.

3.5.1 Moneyness of bitcoin

Bitcoins can be traded for other currencies 24/7 on online exchanges, and should be relatively
liquid. However, the current exchanges are small and new, and high transaction costs have
limited interexchange arbitrage trading (Yermack, 2014). Derivative contracts written over

Remember that to store bitcoins only requires storing the keys.

bitcoins have to date been almost non-existent,32 and short selling has been almost impossible.
The market price of bitcoins have therefore varied substantially between different exchanges
(ibid.), and determining a price to use as a reference to measure the moneyness of bitcoins is
not trivial. Nevertheless, for the purpose of this thesis it is unnecessary to quantify bitcoins’
moneyness. More and more merchants accept bitcoin as a form of payment, either directly or
more often indirectly via services such as BitPay and Coinbase. In addition, bitcoin can be
used to buy gift cards, expanding the number of products that can be obtained by bitcoins
even further. Because of the volatile bitcoin exchange rate against other currencies, prices
tend to be denominated in some other unit of account with continuously updating bitcoin
prices. Still, when using bitcoins, they are more or less accepted at par. 33 On the one hand,
this would suggest that bitcoin is traded at a zero discount, rendering it money. On the other
hand, bitcoins are only money amongst the limited amount of agents accepting it as a form of
payment. While this number of agents is growing rapidly, most economic agents, like your
local super market, would not accept bitcoins at any discount, thus making bitcoin’s
moneyness for that purpose zero. Over time, the contractual constrains underpinning the high
transaction costs of shifting in and out of bitcoin is likely to be reduced as more serious
financial actors enter the market. 34 Moreover, as long as intermediation in bitcoin transfers
remains cheap, bitcoin even do not have to become the unit of account to acquire moneyness
in a greater set of markets. Instead, bitcoin could be used solely as the medium of exchange
and a store of value. Agents not wanting to hold bitcoin will then either have the opportunity
to liquidate their positions consecutively on exchanges, enter offsetting financial contracts
written over bitcoin, or let third parties absorb the exchange risk.

The development of derivative contracts seem to gain traction with actors as Tera setting up standards for
bitcoin swaps (Stafford, 2014).
The fee when using services like BitPay and Coinbase is currently between zero and one percent according to
the homepages of the companies.
This, of course, only holds if governments do not try to stop the development and use of Bitcoin.

4 Real world examples of commodity
The aim of this section is to provide examples of commodity monies lending support to the
claim that bitcoin may function as a digital commodity money, without use value and state
backing. A quick investigation of the price history of gold clearly suggests that changes in the
value of gold are relatively independent of consumption and industrial demand. Instead, gold
prices seem to have been driven by the sentiments of financial markets and government
intervention (Shafiee & Topsal, 2010). Gold is just a:

“..metal dug from deep in the ground, refined at great labour, and transported great
distances to be buried again in elaborate vaults deep in the ground.” (Friedman, 1991, p. 5).

It is not produced to be consumed. It is produced to be stored as a manifestation of wealth, a

POW. This indicates that a commodity actually may obtain exchange value independent of its
use value. In fact, gold’s long history as a form of money clearly illustrates that when
acquiring moneyness, commodities may be traded permanently above use value.
Nevertheless, many still argue that the element of use value inherent to gold, often labelled
intrinsic value, is important to support its exchange value without state backing. To challenge
this statement, three monetary cases will be presented briefly below.

4.1 The stones of Yap

In the South Pacific, a small group of islands called Yap have attracted attention by
economists because of their somewhat extraordinary form of money, the rai. Rai are giant
stone wheels, used for certain exchanges, representing wealth (Bryan, 2004). Without any
other value than the wealth they represent, they are a typical example of a commodity money
with value derived from its network. As the material rai are made of cannot be found on Yap,
rai are carved out and shipped from other islands. This was a costly process, and estimates
suggest that more than 10 percent of the adult male population participated (ibid.). Because of
the work required, the rai could serve as an indirect record of ones contribution on the island.
The stones were not fungible. Older stones carved out with shell tools and carried by canoes
were more valuable than newer stones quarried with iron tools and transported by western
ships. This reflects the fact that the population of Yap ascribed primary value to the work

involved in the production of the rai. This made work, rather than the stone itself, the
effective unit of account, although prices on the island were normally set in terms of a basket
of consumption goods (ibid.).

While the stones had holes in the middle so they could be transported, it was a difficult task to
move the bigger stones. Therefore, ownership of a stone was independent of its location, and
transfers where done through communication. A famous story demonstrating this is the one
presented in Friedman (1991). A particular big stone was once lost to the sea during a storm.
However, since it was common knowledge that the stone laid at the bottom of the sea, the
wealth it represented remained with the owner. Moreover, in the late nineteenth century when
Yap was under German rule, the Germans levied taxes through marking some stones with a
black X, claiming ownership over them until the tax was paid through work (ibid.).

The rai were never used for trade outside of Yap. For that, woven mattes and now dollars are
the medium of exchange. Despite this, the stones are still used for some exchanges, and have
retained purchasing power well relative to many fiat currencies (Bryan, 2004). The fact that
the stones have maintained value, even after adoption of the dollar as the official form of
money, clearly shows the strength of the network effect. As long as the social relations
underpinning the value of rai remain stable, the stones should maintain their value.

4.2 Somali Shilling

In 1991, the Somalian state collapsed, and with it, the central bank and the entire financial
system. Overnight, all deposits were wiped out and money balances shrunk by 54 percent,
leaving the economy with a large unsatiated demand for holding monetary balances
(Mubarak, 2003). The Somali shilling, previously backed by the state and the central bank,
suddenly had no formal backing. Yet, notes issued before the state collapse continued to
circulate despite the lack of use value (Luther & White, 2011).

On Yap, the value of a given rai pivoted on the labour that went into producing it. However,
had the stones been fungible, such as Somali shilling, it would have been impossible to
separate new stones from old ones. The value of all stones would then have been regulated by
the marginal cost, not the particular cost to any one stone, which is what happened in

Without the legal framework to limit supply, different factions found it profitable to contract
with foreign printers, and started to import forgeries (Luther, 2012). However, the public
would only accept notes issued by the central bank before the collapse, so production was
limited to remakes of the pre collapse 1000 shilling notes. Besides, since the remakes were
identifiable, they were normally accepted at a 5 percent discount at infusion (Mubarak, 2003).
After some time when the notes were warn, they became indistinguishable from the other
notes and circulated at par with the old ones. As long as the new notes circulated above their
cost of production, local leaders found it profitable to import more, and the value of the
Somali shilling collapsed from 0.30 USD in 1991 to 0.03 USD in 2008 (Luther, 2012).
However, as can be seen in figure 6 below, the prices stabilised from 2008, and real money
balances even started growing (Luther, 2012).

Figure 6 – Somali shilling exchange rate

The figure shows the exchange rate of 1000 Somali shilling on different markets Source: (Luther, 2012)

The Somali shilling transformed from a fiat money to a commodity money valued at its
marginal cost of production, circulating without proper state backing for more than 20 years.
Somalis would not accept other notes than those pretending to be issued before the collapse.
With a fixed marginal cost of production, the value of the Somali shilling became regulated
by the printing and transport costs as more zeroes could not be added to the notes.

4.3 Iraqi-Swiss Dinar
In the early 1990’s, the U.S. initiated a trade embargo on Iraq. The government could no
longer import foreign printed currency, and in 1993, Saddam withdrew the old 25-dinar notes,
called Swiss dinars, from circulation, to replace them with a new locally printed “Saddam”
dinar (King, 2004). Residents living in the northern Kurdish controlled part of Iraq were
excluded from exchanging their old notes. As a result, Saddam dinars did not circulate in the
north, and the Swiss dinar continued to serve as money despite being demonetised by the Iraqi

“Whatever gave the Swiss dinar its value was not the promise of the official Iraqi government,
or indeed any other government” (ibid. p.13).

In both the cases discussed above, the supply of money was elastic and regulated by costs of
production, providing an anchor for prices. However, as this example highlights, a completely
inelastic money, without use value can also survive without state backing. No Swiss dinars
were printed after 1989, implying that the base money supply of Swiss dinars became fixed. 35
While the Saddam dinar was of low quality and depreciated due to forgeries and excessive
issuance, the Swiss dinar preserved its purchasing power and even appreciated against the
dollar, as can be seen in figure 7 below. The local government in Kurdish Iraq discussed and
expressed concerns about having an uncontrolled, hoarded and appreciating currency. Yet, the
Swiss dinar maintained its value. This shows how a useless object may continue to circulate
and represent value without any formal backing, as long as the implicit backing by the social
economic relations constituting its’ network endures. 36 Since the Kurdish part of Iraq was
almost completely sealed off from the rest of Iraq, the circulation of Swiss dinars did not
hinge on acceptability in the southern parts of the country.

Actually with notes deteriorating over time, the nominal money stock was most likely decreasing (King, 2004)
King (2004) argues that the Swiss dinar maintained its value because of the expectation that a central
government in the future would back the Swiss dinars in retrospect. Although, the Swiss dinars were
recognised after the invasion in 2003, I do not find this argument persuasive, especially when one considers the
time horizon.

Figure 7 – Swiss dinar exchange rate

The figure shows the development of the Swiss dinar – USD exchange rate. Source: (King, 2004)

The three examples above show that commodity money may circulate without use value and
state backing, as long as private agents find it desirable to rely on the money as an indirect
record; unbacked commodity money is not only a theoretical possibility, it is also a reality.
This observation is essential to answer the question as to why bitcoins have value, and it
undermines arguments claiming that bitcoin is a bubble that must burst; that the value of
bitcoin has to go to zero. Nevertheless, observing that commodity money may circulate
independent of use value and state backing does not necessitate the emergence of bitcoin as a
form of money. A new form of money is only adopted by the market if it reduces some
transaction costs other monies cannot. Therefore, to answer why bitcoins have value, the next
section will highlight some transaction costs that might be overcome by using bitcoin.

5 Solving real world problems;
Bitcoin and current transaction costs
Bitcoin as a technology was developed to provide a disruptive form of digital cash, resilient to
interference from any central power. Indeed, the discussions and examples above clearly
show that Bitcoin has the potential to achieve this goal. Yet, for Bitcoin to have a real and
lasting effect on economic affairs, it must engender a permanent and secular shift in certain
relevant transaction costs. The success of and demand for bitcoin as a currency will therefore
hinge on its ability to make available gains by reducing transaction costs currently resulting in
unsatiated demand. To support the contention that Bitcoin could have real economic effects,
four major and related transaction costs that could be lowered by Bitcoin will be presented in
the following paragraphs. 37

First, the emergence of the Internet has resulted in more and more services being delivered
electronically. Since electronic services like programing do not suffer from physical
transaction costs, the decision to hire a programmer should be independent of geographical
considerations. Yet, for a Chinese programmer to program for an Argentinean firm there must
be a medium through which they can facilitate payment. An international currency transfer
could serve this purpose. However, it is not given that both parties have a bank account, both
China and Argentina regulate flows of capital, and international wire transfers are generally
slow and expensive. With an ever-growing amount of people getting access to internet
services, the possibility frontier of trade expands. To fully realise the potential gains from
trade, however, international money transfers must become as trivial as sending an E-mail.
Bitcoins respect neither capital controls, nor monopolistic power in the money transmitting
business. With its non-reversible transfers, the benefit from relying on and trusting Bitcoin
could therefore potentially outweigh the cost for many agents currently excluded from
international trade.

Second, in 2013, officially recorded international remittance flows were estimated to reach
around 550 billion USD with an expected annual growth rate of around 8 percent from 2013
to 2016, reaching over 700 billion UDS by 2016 (World Bank, 2013). Most of these funds
(estimated 414 billion USD) are flows to developing countries, making the flow of

The relevant transactions identified in this thesis is not meant to be taken as an exhausting list as other
transactions may be as important.

remittances to developing countries larger than both “Official Development Assistance”
(ODA) and “private debt and portfolio equity flows”, as showed in the figure 8 below.

Figure 8 – money flows to developing countries.

The flows of remittances to developing countries are large and growing. Source: (World Bank, 2013)

Figure 9 – Remittances relative to stock of foreign reserves.

Remittances relative to foreign exchange reserves Source: (World Bank, 2013)

These flows are important not only for the welfare of people receiving them, but also for the
overall macroeconomic situation in recipient countries. As illustrated by figure 9 above, the
annual flow of remittances to several countries exceed their total stock of international
reserves. The country with the highest relative inflow of remittances is Tajikistan, which
received 48% of GDP in remittances in 2012 (ibid.). This indicates the relative importance of
these flows for foreign exchange earnings.

When looking at the total volume of these flows and taking into account that the world
average cost of sending remittances is around 9% (ibid.), it becomes clear that Bitcoin could
become an important competitor to money transmitters like Western Union. Technological
development should have reduced the cost of international money transfers. Yet, international
banks are pulling out of developing countries, terminating the accounts of hundreds of money
transmitters, because of the high costs associated with strict anti-money laundering laws and
combating the financing of terrorism regulation (AML/CFT) (ibid.; Jenkins (2013)). Without
the presence of international banks, it becomes almost impossible to send money through
formal channels to countries like Somalia, where Barclays are pulling out as the last major
bank (Goff, et al., 2013). Since the Bitcoin network is decentralised, it cannot be forced to
comply with AML/CFT regulation, although intermediaries using bitcoin can. With fees close
to zero for sending bitcoins, agents remitting money could benefit massively from using
Bitcoin as a remittances platform. A company called Kipoch has launched an M-Pesa38
integrated bitcoin wallet, bridging mobile phone money and bitcoins, and another company
using Bitcoin, BitPesa, provides intermediated transfers charging only a 3 percent fee. Kenya
is a major recipient of remittances, and with Bitcoin bridged with M-Pesa, around 17 million
Kenyans39 and around five million Tanzanians40 suddenly received access to cheap and quick
international money transfers.

Third, there is no need to look to developing countries to find transaction and entry costs
leading to financially underserved people. In the U.S nearly 70 million Americans are cut off
from the mainstream financial system in some way, and 8 percent are unbanked (United
States Postal Service, 2014). Without being a part of the formal financial system, one has to
rely on cash only. One becomes excluded from online retailing which requires digital
settlement, both as a buyer and as a seller. In several U.S states, it is now legal to sell

M-Pesa is the major mobile-phone money in East Africa.
(Communications Comission of Kenya, 2012)
(TeleGeography, 2013)

marijuana. However, the stores selling marijuana are unable to get a bank account, as the drug
remains illegal by federal law, regulating the banks (Kovaleski, 2014). As a result, these
stores have to deal with large amounts of cash holdings, which is both inconvenient and
unsafe. To reduce these costs, some stores, according to online news articles, consider starting
accepting bitcoins to be able to receive payments and save electronically.

Fourth, money transfers, even when strictly speaking legal, are currently prone to political
interference/ policy imposed transaction costs. Not only in developing countries and
dictatorships, but also in the western part of the world. In 2010, after releasing several
classified documents, WikiLeaks fell victim of a financial blockade. Their funds were frozen,
and it became impossible to use normal payment providers like, Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
to donate money to the organisation, although such donations newer was illegal (Gillmor,
2011). Nonetheless, because of the centralised nature of the payments providers, it was easy
to exert political pressure aimed at stopping an organisation undermining government

In February 2012, a Danish police officer had 20,000 USD seized by U.S authorities
according to several Danish newspapers like “the Copenhagen Post” (Stanners, 2012). He was
legally purchasing Cuban cigars from Germany, but since all dollar transfers are routed
through the U.S., the funds were frozen, as the transfer was seen as a violation of the U.S.
trade embargo against Cuba. These two examples show how easily a centralised payment
system may be controlled through imposing transaction costs politically. In addition, the
requirement of attaching personal identities to one’s bank account makes centralised payment
systems desired targets for identity theft and government surveillance. As an example,
Barclays had to start an investigation January 2014 after consumer data on 27,000 customers
was stolen and sold to City brokers (Arnold, 2014).

To guard their anonymity and circumvent political regulation and control, some agents have a
demand for a decentralised payment system. The technical properties of Bitcoin render it a
potential satisfier of this demand by lowering the transaction costs for many kinds of
regulated transfers.

6 What is a bitcoin worth?
If one accepts the discussion above, it follows that bitcoin has a role as a medium of
exchange. As a result, bitcoin must also be a store of value as this is a necessity for any media
of exchange (Ostroy & Starr, 1990). In other words, bitcoin has value because it is a medium
of exchange, and it is a medium of exchange because private agents find it desirable to use
bitcoins to overcome certain transaction costs. This answers the research question of why
bitcoins have value, but begs the question of how the value is determined. The total quantity
of bitcoins in the economy is regulated by the Bitcoin protocol and is exogenous to economic
development. The total value, however, is endogenous and some of its determinants will be
investigated in the following section. To keep the analysis as clear as possible, the bitcoin
supply will be assumed to be fixed. In the long run, this assumption is true, and inclusion of
the current predetermined growth will not alter the essence of the analysis.

When analysing money demand from an economic perspective, there are broadly speaking
two main approaches. One is to start with the equation of exchange and analyse the flow
element of money, with demand arising for transaction purposes. The other is to analyse
money as a stock held in the portfolios of economic agents. The two approaches are
complementary and consistent, highlighting different dynamics that determines the value of
money. Therefore, to shed light on how the monetary regime imposed by the Bitcoin protocol
may affect the value of bitcoins, both theories will be applied.

6.1 Bitcoin as a flow

An old workhorse in monetary economics is the equation of exchange (equation 1 below),
stated by John Stuart Mill (1848) and algebraically formalised by Irving Fisher (1911). The
equation is an identity describing the relationship between supply and demand of money as a
flow over a given time period.

𝑀𝑡 𝑉𝑡 = ∑ 𝑝𝑖 𝑞𝑖 = 𝑃𝑡 𝑄𝑡 (1)

According to the monetarist view, money demand is driven by nominal GDP (𝑃𝑡 𝑄𝑡 ),
understood in the context of this thesis as the nominal value of goods bought with bitcoins,
denominated in bitcoin. Furthermore, monetarists tend to assume that the quantity index (𝑄𝑡 )
and velocity of money (𝑉𝑡 ) are relatively constant over time. With 𝑉𝑡 and 𝑄𝑡 fixed, the only
source of aggregate price (𝑃𝑡 ) change is shifts in the quantity of money (𝑀𝑡 ). As a result,
inflation has been viewed to be “…always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon”
(Friedman, 1970).

Different monetary regimes have different implications for the development of money supply,
and thereby inflation. With commodity money and capitalist production, the marginal rate of
return to investment over time must in theory be equal in all industries, including money
production (equation 2).

1 𝑝𝑖 (2)

This provides a long run relationship determining price of good i (𝑝𝑖 ) as the ratio between
marginal cost of that goods production (𝑀𝐶𝑖 ) and the marginal cost of money production
(𝑀𝐶𝑀 ) (equation 3).

𝑀𝐶𝑖 (3)
𝑝𝑖 =

By creating an aggregate price level (𝑃𝑡 ) based on these prices, the equilibrium value of
money can be calculated as 𝑃𝑡−1 .

The production of some commodity monies, like the Somali shilling, exhibits constant
marginal cost, thus providing a nominal anchor by endogenising the money supply. Should
prices be too low (i.e. below their equilibrium value), the return to money production would
exceed that of goods production. This would attract investments in the production of money,
and thereby, increase money supply. With a fixed 𝑀𝐶𝑀 , the only source of persistent changes
to 𝑃𝑡 will be productivity shocks in goods production. Hence, persistent shocks to 𝑉𝑡 or 𝑄𝑡 ,
will not affect the long run prices as long as marginal production costs remain constant. With
bitcoins, on the other hand, 𝑀𝑡 is exogenous and therefore independent of changes to other
variables. As a result, shocks to 𝑄𝑡 must be accommodated by corresponding changes in
𝑉𝑡 and/or 𝑃𝑡 . Determination of the value of bitcoins (𝑃𝑡−1 ), and thereby prices( 𝑃𝑡 ) will

therefore hinge on assumptions about the exogeneity of 𝑉𝑡 and 𝑄𝑡 relative to the equation of
exchange. On the one hand, if one assumes that 𝑉𝑡 is endogenous and a linear function of 𝑄𝑡 ,
only the likelihood that bitcoins are taken out of circulation or saved, thus reducing 𝑉𝑡 , will
affect 𝑃𝑡 (Wang, 2014). Increases in 𝑄𝑡 , however, will have no effect on 𝑃𝑡 because of the
matching change in 𝑉𝑡 . On the other hand, if one takes a more monetarist view, and assumes
that 𝑉𝑡 is exogenous relative to the equation of exchange, and stable over time, a growing
economy (increasing 𝑄𝑡 ) will imply deflation (decreasing 𝑃𝑡 ); a positive real interest rate on
bitcoin holdings. To determine which of the assumptions are more plausible is an empirical
task, and lies beyond the scope of this thesis. Moreover, the structural conditions surrounding
Bitcoin and governing the variables in the equation of exchange, are constantly changing,
making it nearly impossible to use past data to predict future behaviour.

As argued above, bitcoin denominated prices are immune to price changes driven by
monetary supply shocks, because there cannot be any. However, this one-sided source of
stability is bought at the price of an inability to accommodate demand shocks (changes in 𝑉𝑡
and 𝑄𝑡 ). Shifts in the demand for bitcoins, either for transaction purposes ( 𝑄𝑡 ) or
saving/hoarding purposes ( 𝑉𝑡 ) will therefore have a one-to-one effect on bitcoin denominated
prices, ceteris paribus. To better understand the valuation of bitcoins, one therefore has to
investigate the determination of bitcoin demand further.

6.2 Bitcoin as a stock

Although utility from money is only accessible as a flow, money itself is always held as a
stock. In the same way, at every point in time the entire stock of bitcoins have to be held
(voluntarily) by economic agents. Different agents will want to hold bitcoins for different
purposes, and accordingly seek to realise their desired position in bitcoin, which forms a
proportion of their real wealth. If the desire to hold real balances in bitcoins for some reason
were to increase over the economy as a whole, the only way bitcoins could accommodate
such a shift would be through an appreciation. An appreciation would increase the real value
of bitcoins, and thereby bitcoins relative share of portfolios. It is important to notice, that
since bitcoins are held as a stock, a reduced demand for bitcoins imply increased market-
supply of bitcoins, as agents will seek to trade out of their positions. Therefore, saying that the
supply of bitcoins is fixed refers to the total stock available to the economy, while the number
of bitcoins for sale in the market is everything but fixed.

To investigate the determination of stock demand for bitcoins, one has to apply portfolio
theory. As argued in Markowitz (1952) agents designing a portfolio first make up their minds
regarding expected return to different assets, and then compose a portfolio based on these
expectations. A qualified guess about the potential appreciation of bitcoin is currently very
difficult due to its short history. The present value of bitcoin always hinges on expectations
about the future collective decision to continue assigning a value to bitcoins. As a result,
expectation formation will contain strong elements of a Keynesian beauty contest, when
believes are not firmly anchored by experience. Therefore, since the bitcoin supply is fixed,
increased demand based on expected appreciation will verify itself through generating the
anticipated appreciation. A Bayesian reassessment may then push the appreciation
expectations further up, thus turning the price formation of bitcoin into a Ponzi scheme. 41 In
addition, when financial manoeuvres like short selling related to bitcoins are almost
impossible, prices may remain high for longer than they would otherwise (Yermack, 2014).
There are good reasons to suspect that these dynamics were at play during the bitcoin price
rally that took place in 2013.

While, expected return on an asset is an important factor affecting the portfolio composition,
risk aversion will make agents inclined to forego some expected return in exchange for lower
risk. As a result, most portfolios tend to be diversified. Yermack (2014) finds that:

“bitcoin’s value is almost completely untethered to that of other currencies, which makes its
risk nearly impossible to hedge for businesses and customers and renders it more or less
useless as a tool for risk management” (p. 3).

However, an asset’s usefulness as a tool for risk management of a portfolio is not solely
determined by how easy it is to hedge. Instead, since idiosyncratic risk, at least in theory, can
be diversified away, the proper measure of the riskiness of individual assets is their
covariance with the market portfolio relative to the market variance. 42 Bitcoins are therefore
potentially very useful to hold, as they provide an independent source of variation.
Nevertheless, bitcoin’s lack of correlation with other assets is likely to change over time. The
technical properties may turn bitcoin into a dollar hedge, a function currently served by gold
(Joy (2011); Draghi (2013)). Besides, if bitcoins really were to catch on, it could develop into

For the value of any currency, there is always an element of a Ponzi scheme, although, the unsustainability of
the scheme only can be verified ex post, after a price collapse.
This is a well-known result from CAPM, e.g. as derived in (Copeland, et al., 2005).

a safe haven currency due to its global nature, and serve as a macro hedge, currently one of
the many roles of the dollar (Prasas, 2014).

A simple static portfolio model such as the one underlying the discussion above illustrates
very well why agents holding diversified portfolios would like to hold bitcoins: To benefit
from expected real appreciation and to manage portfolio risk. However, without including
liquidity preferences (i.e. the element of moneyness) to the analysis, one only gets a limited
understanding of bitcoin demand. In general, there are two principal motivations to hold
different assets. One is the speculative purpose, explained above. The other, is the transaction
purpose. Since different assets have different degrees of moneyness, agents will chose to hold
some assets with a high degree of moneyness for transaction purposes. Hence, the easier it
becomes to spend bitcoins, the higher the bitcoin demand for transaction purposes. While
becoming a unit of account would likely increase the moneyness of bitcoins through
increasing its speculative demand, it is not necessary as bitcoins could be demanded purely
for transaction purposes. In fact, some economic commentators highlight bitcoin as a superior
medium of exchange. Still, others, based on Krugman’s popularisation of “Monetary Theory
and the Great Capitol Hill Baby Sitting Co-op Crises (Sweeney & Sweeney, 1977), have
argued that the fixed quantity of bitcoins is its Achilles heel, preventing it from ever
becoming a successful medium of exchange. They claim that increased bitcoin demand, be it
for transaction or speculation purposes, will end in a liquidity crisis. Since the supply is fixed,
increased demand will result in deflation, which will stimulate hoarding, reduce velocity, and
undermine bitcoin as a medium of exchange. However, this analysis is flawed as it confuses
the decision to save with the determination of portfolio composition. The decision to save
hinges on the total return to the portfolio, not, the return on any single asset alone. Therefore,
the only way appreciation of bitcoins may reduce velocity is through increasing the general
return to saving, assuming that the substitution effect dominates the income effect. This
follows since agents deciding to spend, using bitcoins, will rebalance their portfolio to retain
the desired real balance held in bitcoins. In other words, given a desire to spend, the decision
to use bitcoin as the medium of exchange hinges on its moneyness, not expected appreciation.
Moreover, since an appreciation of bitcoins will increase real bitcoin balances, some agents
will find themselves with undesirably high exposure to bitcoin, and therefore seek to reduce
their holding by increasing the market supply.

While an appreciating bitcoin could be unproblematic as long as bitcoin does not become a
unit of account, the situation would be different once debt contracts emerge written in bitcoin.
Credit effectively increases the velocity of the underlying asset through the creation of “inside
money” (Kiyotaki & Moore, 2000). When providing a loan, the creditor normally acquires a
nominal claim exceeding the value of what he lent out due to the charge of interest. Therefore,
if bitcoin were to become a major currency at some point in the future, the fixed monetary
base could prove very problematic. During a boom, credit supply will become increasingly
elastic as described by Minsky (1982), generating a form of financial accelerator. Agents will
build up increasing net claims on bitcoin, potentially exceeding the total stock. As long as the
credit supply keeps expanding, thereby supporting the aggregate demand necessary to
monetise past investments, and repay old debt, the boom may go on. However, eventually, a
Minsky moment will be reached, where aggregate demand falls short of supply, and agents
will find it hard to monetise their investment. To avoid a severe economic downturn
following the dynamics of a Fisherian debt-deflation, expansionary monetary policy would be
needed (Fisher, 1933). 43 Therefore, with a fixed supply of bitcoins, a downturn becomes
more or less inevitable, unless governments use extreme measures like ruling bitcoin
contracts invalid.

For all the reasons above, Bitcoin has many important political implications. Government
regulation directly affects its value, and more importantly widespread use of bitcoins would
undermine monetary and regulatory policy, hindering governments’ ability to control
economic activity. Therefore, the remainder of this thesis concentrates on how governments
have reacted to Bitcoin so far, and then addresses the relevant research question by providing
some thoughts on how governments will regulate bitcoin if it becomes widely used as a
medium of exchange.

Some economists, especially Austrians, argue that one should not intervene and stop debt-deflation, as it is a
natural economic development, providing a foundation for renewed growth.

7 Bitcoin and the government
Bitcoin is clearly a creature of the market, undermining governments’ capabilities to control
economic activity. Consequently, government scepticism towards Bitcoin shall come as no
surprise. Yet, officials tend to be divided in their view on the role of the state, and some even
welcome innovations like Bitcoin. Moreover, since not all governments possess the same
capabilities, some governments may appreciate technologies like Bitcoin, undermining other
governments’ ability to impose international restrictions and regulations.

To address the second research question, answering how and why governments will regulate
Bitcoin, the subsequent paragraphs will present an overview of how governments have
reacted to date. Thereafter, a short presentation of neo-classical market failures related to
Bitcoin follows to shed light on some principal motivations to regulate, before the last and
most important section looks into some of the political incentives to regulate money in
general, and Bitcoin in particular.

7.1 Current regulation

The debate around how to regulate Bitcoin is still in its infancy (Law Library of Congress,
2014). Nowhere in the world is possession of bitcoins illegal, but governments seem to be
uncertain about how they want to regulate it. What is certain, however, is governments’ desire
to tax anything to which the market assigns a positive value. For taxation purposes, bitcoins
are therefore classified as a commodity or asset, and not a currency in most jurisdictions.
Ironically, governments warn their citizens from using bitcoins, partly because bitcoins do not
possess any “real” value, at the same time as they find this value real enough to tax.

Although many governments seem sceptical to bitcoin, the reactions by politicians and
officials around the world has been very mixed. In the US, Congressman Jared Polis and
former member of the House of Representatives Ron Paul embrace the use of bitcoin, while
West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin “...urge the regulators to work together, act quickly, and
prohibit this dangerous currency from harming hard-working Americans.”44


The following paragraphs provide a short and selective overview of some countries official
reactions to Bitcoin. For more complete and up to date lists, online pages like and the Law Library of Congress ( are useful.

In India, capital controls, a weakening rupee and regulations on gold and silver purchases has
made bitcoin an interesting investment. However, the Indian central bank have as so many
other central banks warned its citizens from using bitcoin,45 stating that “…The absence of
information of counterparties in such peer-to-peer anonymous/ pseudonymous systems could
subject the users to unintentional breaches of anti-money laundering and combating the
financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) laws", a point also highlighted by the regulators in
Singapore. 46 In addition, according to online news articles, several Indian exchanges have
been raided and Indian authorities have seized transaction logs. 47

In China, bitcoins were identified as a virtual commodity in an official note “Prevention of

Risks Associated with Bitcoin”48 released December 3rd, 2013. The note expressed concerns
about the risks associated with Bitcoin, and the potential problems of money laundering.
China is viewed as one of the most hostile countries towards Bitcoin, and the financial sector
in China, including banks, is prohibited from dealing with bitcoins, both directly and
indirectly. However, this does not stop China from also being one of the biggest countries
within the Bitcoin economy. 49

Another country, hostile towards the use of bitcoins, is Iceland. The tiny country was hit hard
by the financial crises, and have had strict capital controls since. Therefore, the central bank,
reminded the Icelandic population in a written response to Morgunblaðið (a newspaper), that
any bitcoin activity involving foreign exchange trading and capital movements is prohibited
by the Foreign Exchange Act. 50

In Denmark, Finanstilsynet (Financial Supervisory Authority) warn against use of bitcoins,

reject that it is a currency, and state that they will not regulate its use. 51 Furthermore, Danish

See following webpage for a unofficial English translation

tax authorities buck the trend, and argue that capital gains from bitcoin are tax-free.52
Norwegian tax authorities, on the other hand, identify bitcoin as an asset. Norwegians
therefore have to pay VAT when bitcoins are used as payment, and report their bitcoin
holdings to pay wealth and capital gains taxes. 53

While use of bitcoin is associated with regulatory uncertainty all around the world, the
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority in Germany (BaFin) have made life easier for users
by providing clear judicial guidelines. BaFin has identified bitcoin as a unit of account and
thereby a legally binding financial instrument, similar to foreign currency, but without legal
tender status. Use of bitcoins is therefore taxed as other private forms of money, and
commercial use of bitcoins may require authorisation pursuant to the German Banking Act,
Kreditwesengesetz. 54

In Japan, officials have remained silent about bitcoin, despite the fact that the Japan based Mt.
Gox used to be the largest bitcoin exchange in the world, before it went bankrupt early in

In November 2013, there was a Bitcoin hearing in the U.S. Senate, which turned out in
Bitcoins favour. Most news articles earlier in 2013 had focused on use of bitcoins to facilitate
illegal activity and the acknowledgement of legitimate uses of bitcoin took many by surprise.
Now, the IRS have determined to treat bitcoin and virtual currencies as property for tax
purposes. 55 The financial regulator in New York, accepting that virtual currencies are here to
stay, seeks to provide regulation allowing for the emergence of regulated and monitored
bitcoin exchanges. Furthermore, under a presentation held by the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis March 31st entitled “Bitcoin and Beyond: The Possibilities and the Pitfalls of Virtual
Currencies” David Andolfatto, vice president at the bank and professor at Simon Fraser
University, claimed that “Well-run central banks should welcome the emerging competition”
(Andolfatto, 2014). In addition, he cautioned that trying to regulate Bitcoin could be very
difficult because of its decentralised structure.


“How do you regulate something that has no central head? It’s like trying to slay the Hydra”

The examples above serve to illustrate the limited and mixed attention Bitcoin has received
from governments and regulators so far. Considering the small size of Bitcoin relative to other
financial markets and instruments, this is not surprising. However, if Bitcoin catches on, it is
highly likely that governments will take it more seriously, and do more to control it.

7.2 Neo-classical market failures

When trying to say something meaningful about how governments will react to Bitcoin in the
future, one must directly or implicitly postulate assumptions about government preferences.
One possibility is to be extremely naïve, and assume that governments are benevolent
correctors of (neo-classical) market failures, and simply confine their focus to correcting these
failures. While this assumption is highly unrealistic, the market failures of monopoly,
asymmetric information, and externalities should influence the decision making of real
governments to some extent.

The total “production” of bitcoins is independent of the production structure, making misuse
of monopoly power in production impossible. Still, a very unequal distribution of bitcoins
combined with the currently thin bitcoin market, could result in some agents acting as price
makers rather than price takers. To implement regulations and incentive structures making
such agents act as if they were price takers, would, if possible, be desirable. In practise,
however, considering Bitcoin’s global character, and when looking at the persistent
manipulation of other financial markets,56 it is difficult to imagine how this could be done in

When it comes to asymmetric information, there is, in theory, no principal motivations for
governments to regulate Bitcoin. The public ledger makes the network and ownership
structures as transparent as they can be without fundamentally altering the nature of the

E.g. the Libor scandal (U.S. Department of Justice, 2012), or see Financial Times’ “Forex Trading Probes” page
for a more general overview (Financial Times, 2014).

Bitcoin protocol. Moreover, as any actual asymmetry in information will be independent of
how Bitcoin functions, there will be no need for a neo-classical government to regulate.

Possibly the most interesting market failure related to Bitcoin ties in with a property of money
more generally. As a social construct, the usefulness of Bitcoin pivots on its network.

“Our willingness to use and hold money is greater the more that money is used by other
people.” (King, 2004, p. 3).

The network externalities associated with the use of bitcoins are three-sided. First, merchants
will only benefit from, and start accepting, bitcoins if consumers want to spend bitcoins.
Second, consumers only want to acquire and spend bitcoins if there are merchants accepting
bitcoins. Third, software and hardware developers will only develop the necessary
infrastructure if merchants and consumers use bitcoins. However, without the necessary
infrastructure in place, neither merchants nor consumer can use bitcoins. While the network
effect becomes self-reinforcing and sustains the network once it has become large enough, the
necessary conditions to get initial traction is like a catch 22. Even in a hypothetical scenario in
which there was no doubt that bitcoins were a superior form of money relative to all other
monies, the switching cost, due to network externalities, might prevent the market from
successfully adopting bitcoin as the dominant form of money (Luther, 2013). Hence, too few
agents might start using bitcoins, as the social benefit exceeds the private. Furthermore,
inasmuch as Bitcoin does not purely represent a compliment to existing monetary systems, a
build-up of Bitcoin would necessitate the dismantling of some other network. Too many
participants may leave other networks because the social cost of leaving is higher than the
private cost, when network externalities are present. Therefore, the efficient reaction of a neo-
classical government would be to first identify the best system and then incentivise a shift
towards this by internalising the network externalities during the build-up. Given that Bitcoin
should at least serve as a compliment to existing systems, the early adoption rate might
potentially be too low, making government stimulus necessary. However, forward-looking
agents, anticipating the network effects may be willing to undertake high-risk/high-payoff
investments in Bitcoin. Such investments will only be profitable contingent on network
growth, thereby, to some degree internalising the network externalities and make government
stimulus less essential.

7.3 The realpolitik of money and Bitcoin
No government in the world behaves the way the neo-classical framework suggests that it
should, and a neo-classical approach is inadequate to answer the research question of how and
why governments will regulate Bitcoin. Instead, political economy considerations must be
taken into account. Government themselves are diverse, reflecting underlying power
structures and have preferences over distributional outcomes. Since institutional and social
relations are unique, it is impossible to come up with a general theory about how governments
will react to Bitcoin if it were to really catch on. Predicting governments’ reaction to Bitcoin
should therefore be done cautiously and be based on case studies of the political settlement in
the countries under investigation. 57 Even so, some insights can be drawn from analysing both
how governments have regulated commodity money earlier, and from analysing how certain
preferences would affect government actions. Consequently, the next two sections will first
present a historical account of the demonetisation of gold, to illustrate governments’
capabilities and desire to control money, and then analyse and highlight political economy
motivations to regulate Bitcoin.

7.3.1 Demonetisation of gold

In 1929, following the financial meltdown, Americans started to hoard gold. Officials argued
that the hoarding deepened the ongoing recession and led to a stalling of economic growth.
Arguing along these lines, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102
April 5th (1933), criminalising private holdings of monetary gold like coins, bullion and
certificates, both within the U.S. and abroad. All but a small amount of privately held gold
had to be handed in to the Federal Reserve (FED) at a fixed exchange rate of 20.6 USD per
ounce. Violation of the order was punishable with up to 10 years in prison and/or 10,000
USD. 58 The year after, 1934, the Gold Reserve Act was written into law, stating that all gold
and gold certificates held by the FED had to be transferred to the U.S. Treasury. A massive
one off inflation tax was imposed on dollar holdings as the fixed exchange rate of gold was
raised to 35 USD per ounce. The result was a 2.8 billion USD59 paper profit, most of which

Khan (2010) Presents and uses a typology of political settlements to analyse the governance of growth
enhancing institutions. The same framework could be extended and used to analyse governments’ treatment
of Bitcoin.
181,763 USD CPI-adjusted to February 2014, using:
See appendix A for a photocopy of an information poster informing about the executive order.
50.89 billion USD CPI-adjusted to 2014, using:

was used to finance the establishment of the Exchange Stabilization fund. To hedge against a
devaluation of the dollar, private agents had written contracts redeemable in gold. However,
these became invalid, and private ownership and trading in gold remained constrained until

Later around 1970, the U.S. sought to demonetise gold as an international reserve asset.
Persistent trade deficits had reduced the U.S. gold reserves drastically, and the markets and
some central banks (particularly the French) speculated against the regime of fixed exchange
rates by hoarding gold (Garber, 1993). Being unwilling to increase the official price of gold, 60
i.e. devalue the USD, the Americans argued that Special Drawing Rights (SDR) should
replace gold. As stated in a now declassified letter to the Secretary of State:

“If we want to have a chance to remain the masters of gold an international agreement on the
rules of the game as outlined above seems to be a matter of urgency. We would fool ourselves
in thinking that we have time enough to wait and see how the S.D.R.’s will develop. In fact,
the challenge really seems to be to achieve by international agreement within a very short
period of time what otherwise could only have been the outcome of a gradual development of
many years.” (U.S. Embassy Paris, 1968)

In the same telegram, it was suggested that gold reserves should be reshuffled, from countries
with relative high holdings of gold, to countries, like the U.S with relative low holdings of
gold. In 1974, a note sent to Paul Volcker, then Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary
Affairs, further outlined how the U.S. should achieve their goal that the “SDR should take the
place once held by gold at the center of the world monetary system” (Weintraub, 1974). The
American objective was in apparent conflict with European countries’ desire to continue to
use gold for international settlements, reflecting “…the interest of creditor countries in
receiving gold and applying discipline to deficit countries” (ibid). The U.S. feared unilateral
arrangements by Europe and viewed it as very important to stress that there could

“…be no question of introducing a new form of gold– paper and gold–metal bimetallism, in
which the SDR and gold would be in competition. … To encourage and facilitate the eventual
demonetization of gold, our position is to keep the present gold price, maintain the present
Bretton Woods agreement ban against official gold purchases at above the official price and

Not very surprising considering their low reserve holdings. France, on the other hand, holding large gold
reserves, wanted to increase the official price of gold, to among other things finance increasingly expensive oil
import (Weintraub, 1974).

encourage the gradual disposition of monetary gold through sales in the private market”

If bitcoin is to become a dominant medium of exchange, the two examples above clearly
show that governments may be both willing and capable to do whatever it takes to control
money and stop it. Gold was successfully demonetised for domestic purposes, and although
the SDR never really took off, the USD replaced gold as the main reserve asset
internationally. Nonetheless, gold is still held by central banks and traded amongst private
agents as a financial object.

7.3.2 The desire to regulate Bitcoin

To better understand the desire to control money, and thereby Bitcoin, it is natural to assume
that governments have distributional preferences and seek to redistribute wealth. To this end,
governments need to hold the means to command real resources. This is normally achieved
through taxation. In fact, taxation under a fiat monetary system generates a double source of

“Since a government obtains seigniorage from money creation, this benefits the fiscal position
twice over, not only from the taxes levied, but also from the seigniorage resulting from the
induced monetary demand” (Goodhart, 1998, p. 416).

Moreover, to increase the tax base many governments find it desirable to introduce capital
controls to enable taxation of both real and nominal capital assets. High capital mobility limits
governments’ ability to redistribute from capital to labour, and money competition restricts
the scope of the inflation tax (Alesina, et al., 1993).

Widespread use of bitcoin would undermine governments’ ability to command resources for
several reasons. First, governments does not generate any seigniorage from the private
creation of bitcoins, and even if the government started to produce bitcoins themselves, the
resource cost would limit the scope for seigniorage. Second, bitcoins have the potential to
serve as a Swiss bank account, storing wealth outside the reach of the tax authorities. Third, it
is virtually impossible to impose effective capital controls against bitcoin, making monetary
competition tougher and inflation taxation less sustainable. One should therefore expect
governments to clamp down on use of bitcoin.

However, given that there seems to be a latent demand for digital cash, and observing that
there is a substantial resource cost tied to maintaining the credibility of the Bitcoin transaction
chain, this begs the question as to why governments do not create digital cash themselves.
Governments could e.g. replicate the supply-structure in Bitcoin and let all transactions be
settled in a centralised but pseudonymus ledger, promising to follow a “no touch policy”.
Such a scheme would be no worse than Bitcoin, and it would facilitate a reduction of the
resource cost, which could instead accrue to the state as seingiorage. Yet, for a government to
commit to a given monetary policy, in this case the supply of a digital money, is neither
possible nor desirable (King, 2004). The undesirability follows from bounded rationality
making the formulation of perfect contingent policy rules impossible, while the impossibility
follows from the fact that collective decisions today cannot bind collective decisions
tomorrow (ibid.). Since the value of all forms of money hinges on a collective decision, the
latter point is as relevant for Bitcoin as for a digital government money. However, holders of
bitcoins control the value of bitcoins, while in the end; governments control the value of their
digital money. If wealth distribution becomes too unequal, there is no straightforward way for
the dispossessed to force trough a redistribution of bitcoins. With a government money, on the
other hand, the no touching policy could be abounded overnight if there was political demand
for it. In this context, Bitcoin looks very anti-democratic as it consolidates the power of
bitcoin owners. Actually, this is a key feature, without which bitcoins hardly would command
a positive price. Nonetheless, government policy may also be undemocratic, and Bitcoin’s
reliance to regulation preserves a democratic element, the undermining of the powers of
central authority.

Another reason for governments’ desire to control money may be explained by paternalistic
preferences over individuals’ behaviour. Not only do governments want to redistribute
wealth, they also seek to limit and support certain activities. While the motivation to regulate
individuals’ behaviour could be based on corrections of market failures, it is instead often
founded on moral perceptions. As an example is activates such as prostitution and drug use
illegal and punishable by law. For many illegal transactions, cash is used to settle exchange,
because of the non-traceability and irreversibility. Since electronic payments better can be
controlled and monitored, governments would prefer to demonetise cash and force agents to
rely on non-anonymous electronic payments. However, since removing cash only increases
the transaction costs of illegal transactions without altering the underlying demand, there will
be market forces endogenously stimulating the emergence of a private money with cash

properties. Bitcoin with its pseudonymity could potentially substitute for cash, and in addition
make long distance transfers related to illegal transactions easier. Thus, undermine
governments’ ability to control economic activity through controlling money.

For the reasons presented above it is very clear that governments with a desire to rise revenue
and control economic activity, the existence of bitcoins is unwelcome. Governments also care
about the welfare of their residents, and some would argue that if the agents increase their
general welfare level by using bitcoin, government should, and will welcome it. However, the
transaction costs overcome by Bitcoin is primarily political. In fact, any government truly
wanting a form of digital cash to exist have had access to the technology to create it for a long
time. The observation that no government backed, centralised and pseudonymous digital form
of cash exist, therefore shows that no government have wanted it until now. Nevertheless, one
should expect the black economy to come up with workarounds if the government is too
restrictive, the same way the financial sector pulverised financial regulation before the crises
through financial innovation. The genie is out of the bottle, and the idea of digital cash is here
to stay. Admitting that the emergence and development of digital money cannot be stopped,
some governments might find providing the market with a government backed digital money
to be desirable as a second best solution. 61 Yet, it is not given that markets would prefer to
trust a centralised government money to a decentralised one.

The Royal Canadian Mint tried to develop a form of electronic money, in a project called Mintchip in 2012.
The project is now halted, and the Mint intend to sell it off to the private market.

8 Concluding remarks
In this thesis, bitcoin has been identified as a digital commodity money. In order to do so, a
typology of different generic monies was developed, identifying a hierarchy in which an
increasing degree of trust is required to support use of more “efficient” monies.

Money in general serves as an indirect record of transactions, and enables agents to interact
through indirect exchange. To make money as a record of transactions credible, monetary
units must serve as a “Proof of Work”, making it costly to alter “the record”. The value of any
monetary unit therefore pivots on the work required to obtain it (not necessarily the cost of
production), and in this regard, bitcoins are no different from other monies. Since different
social relations are governed by different institutions, the nature of any money hinges on the
specific set of relations it intermediates. As a result, monetary phenomena are as complex and
dynamic as society itself. Network externalities strengthens the position of dominant money
forms, and result in a monopolisation of the ability to buy. Still, since social relations tend not
to exist in isolation, a form of money intermediating one set of relations may possess a degree
of moneyness in another.

Since the supply of bitcoins is limited, and in the end fixed, its value will be determined by
demand. Without use value, the demand for bitcoin must be fundamentally based on its
expected future demand, and hinge on its capacity to lower transaction costs other monies
cannot. As argued in this thesis, bitcoins actually lower certain transaction costs, primarily
politically imposed, and should therefore command a positive price. Since seeking to affect
economic activity through altering transaction costs does not change the desire to undertake
such transactions, private money forms like bitcoin are likely to emerge endogenously,
undermining governments’ ability to control economic activity through controlling money.
Observing that governments could provide the market with digital cash if they wanted to, but
have chosen not to, also clearly suggests that governments will not generally welcome
widespread adoption of bitcoins, and will seek to regulate it. However, as the idea and
existence of digital cash can hardly be stopped, governments might find it desirable to
compete with private monies in the digital world, and supply their own digital cash to at least
benefit from the seigniorage.

From a broader perspective, Bitcoin as a phenomenon seems to have struck a chord with not
only the Internet community but with serious investors and millions of tech savvy consumers

throughout the world. Governments are only now starting to take it seriously, and the wider
public have only a nascent awareness of its capabilities. Akin to the development of the
Internet, the Bitcoin protocol’s full potential may not be realised for many years to come. It is
the purpose of this thesis to show that this is not some passing fad that has no grounds for
serious consideration, but rather that it is the culmination of years of advances in technology,
that it solves real economic and political problems for millions of people, and that
fundamentally all true innovation follows the age old pattern: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it
is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.


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Appendix A

Found at:


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