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The Power of Money - A Case For Bitcoin

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The document discusses topics related to money, currencies, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It argues that Bitcoin has properties that make it a good form of money compared to other currencies and assets.

The document discusses topics related to money, its definition, forms it has taken throughout history, and issues with fractional reserve banking and fiat currencies with unfixed supply.

The document discusses that an unfixed money supply can lead to loss of purchasing power over time and a concentration of power in the hands of those who control the money supply, like central banks.

The Power of Money:

A Case for Bitcoin

By Ihsotas (Izzy) Otomakan

This treatise is presented freely to all. Constructive feedback is welcome. or on Twitter @cryptoizzy.

October 1, 2017
The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin


By Ihsotas (Izzy) Otomakan ............................................................................................................. 1

Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
Background ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Core Truths....................................................................................................................................... 5
Bitcoin Vs. Altcoins .............................................................................................................................. 6
Quick Overview ................................................................................................................................... 6
Disclaimer............................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 2: What Is Money? .................................................................................................................... 7
The Core Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 7
Back to Basics ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Enter Barter......................................................................................................................................... 9
Our Final (Functional) Definition of Money ...................................................................................... 10
Moneyness ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 3: Dangers of An Unfixed-Money Supply ................................................................................ 13
Type 1 of Un-Fixed Money Supply .................................................................................................... 13
Type 2 of Un-Fixed Money Supply .................................................................................................... 14
The Three Masters-of-Money Commandments ............................................................................... 14
Power (and Wealth) of the Priests .................................................................................................... 15
On MoM Commandment #3 ............................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 4: From Gold to Gold-Backed Currencies ................................................................................ 19
Gold as money .................................................................................................................................. 19
The Birth of Banks and Gold-Backed Currencies .............................................................................. 21
Chapter 5: Questionable Currency ....................................................................................................... 23
Introduction to Fractional Reserve ................................................................................................... 23
Dangers of Fractional Reserve Unaligned Incentives Part 1 .......................................................... 26
Dangers of Fractional Reserve Unaligned Incentives Part 2 .......................................................... 30
Physical Gold As Backing The Great Equalizer ............................................................................... 33
Dangers of Fractional Reserve Unaligned Incentives Part 3 .......................................................... 34
Government the Ultimate Cover Story .......................................................................................... 36
Chapter 6: How We Got Here ............................................................................................................... 38
Early Warnings .................................................................................................................................. 38
Reserve Status................................................................................................................................... 39

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Gold & Oil The Last Safeguards Fall ............................................................................................... 41

Gold Not to the Rescue .................................................................................................................. 42
Chapter 7: Enter Bitcoin ........................................................................................................................ 44
Bitcoins Moneyness ......................................................................................................................... 44
The Threat of Bitcoin......................................................................................................................... 44
Visions for the Future The First Two .............................................................................................. 45
Chapter 8: This, Here, Now ................................................................................................................... 46
A Human Aside .................................................................................................................................. 46
The Third Vision ................................................................................................................................ 47
Practical Steps ................................................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 9: Valuation ............................................................................................................................. 50
Basic Framework ............................................................................................................................... 50
Bitcoin as Insurance .......................................................................................................................... 51
On Signalling and Feedback Loops .................................................................................................... 52
The Masters Dilemma ...................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 10: Concluding Messages ........................................................................................................ 55
To the Masters of Money.................................................................................................................. 55
To Everyone ...................................................................................................................................... 56
Epilogue................................................................................................................................................. 56
Privacy, Backups and Mr. Miyagi ...................................................................................................... 56
Monero Valuation ............................................................................................................................. 57

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Chapter 1: Introduction

I had begun to read about Bitcoin roughly 4 years ago - mostly in the comments sections of financial
websites that I favored. On the whole, the posts I read seemed like the ramblings of fanatics, and so
while they were entertaining, I dismissed them from serious consideration. Surely the massive run in
Bitcoins price was just todays computer-age-version of a bubble scheme. I thought briefly about
buying some as pure speculation, but decided against it. Ive never been much of a gambler.

The stock and bond markets had long since frustrated me - it had for the past several years become
a suckers game. Fundamental valuation no longer mattered. Even technical analysis no longer
mattered. All that mattered was what Central Banks and those in the know decided to do. It was an
increasingly open secret that the game was rigged and there didnt seem to be any alternatives. It
was depressing. I could try and play-along (by trying to anticipate the Central Banks activities), but it
didnt feel right. I didnt really want to be part of it, so I proverbially sat on the sidelines.

It wasnt until earlier this year, when JP Morgan announced its Ethereum Alliance (along with
Microsoft and Intel) that my ears perked up again. These were major and influential corporations
with significant resources - and they were interested in blockchain technologies. They must see
something I thought but what?

I began doing my own research, and investigating blockchain what it is, and how it worked. I
assumed that I had probably missed the boat on Bitcoin, but thought that maybe I hadnt yet
missed the boat on these other crypto-currencies that were springing up. There were quite a few of
them, and as I investigated, I found that I could use my knowledge of finance and deductive
reasoning to break them down and arrive at valuations.

I was going to begin with ETH, but before I could dig into the concept of smart-contracts, a different
Alt-coin got my attention Ripple. My quick back of the envelope math showed me it could be
easily worth a lot more than then current levels and I didnt even need to get into the more
esoteric concepts of blockchain. I knocked out an analysis and posted it on my new blog. It got a
reasonably favorable response, and I was ready to dive back into ETH.

But then I noticed another coin one whose marketing struck me as sufficiently suspicious such that
I wanted to examine it more closely. Ill just do this quick report I told myself, and then get back
to ETH. But after that it was an email from a blog-reader asking me about another coin TenX. So I
knocked out another treatment. Suddenly there were lots of distractions. New Alt-coins were
springing up every day from scammers and genuine entrepreneurs alike. There was clearly
something to this concept of blockchain that was feeding all this activity. But what exactly was it?

I decided to go back to first principles, and try to understand what was happening. I wanted to know
what it all really meant as I felt that without a grasp on that, any investing I did in this space would
be nothing more than gambling. I could also feel that there was something bigger happening, and I
wanted to see it more clearly. I dont know exactly how it began coming together in some ways it
seems that I had been collecting the pieces to this jigsaw puzzle for the last ten years or more - but
once I made it my intention to try and figure this stuff out, the pieces began falling into place.

It was a daunting task though. I could see the finished product in my minds eye and I knew it would
take time and a lot of energy. Months at least, maybe longer especially considering it would have
to be done on nights and weekends. But it seemed like every day I saw another article discussing

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Bitcoin and Altcoins and in my view, missing the point. Even worse, I watched as institutions with a
vested interest in undermining Bitcoin produced reports and summaries that seemed at best simply
unfair, and at worst disingenuous and misleading. I felt increasingly clear what the big story was, but
there would be only one way to truly find out for sure get this piece done and share it.

Ive put my heart into this work. It is my sincere wish that it provides the insight sufficient to inspire.

3 Core Truths
As a rule, all advanced social structures need money to function1. Well explain the reasons for this
as well as explore what money fundamentally is, but the intention of this essay is not merely to
inform on history and functional definitions. Instead, it is to inspire an awareness of three core
truths. They are:

1) The selection of what we use as money has a profound effect on some of the most fundamental
ways in which we live our lives.

This may strike you as an odd or even bizarre statement to make, but I hope that by the end of this
analysis you will realize and agree its truth.

2) Our current system of money is exceedingly imbalanced and as such does an exceedingly poor
job of supporting our individual and collective human journey.

The worlds current monetary system is fraught with perverse imbedded incentives and moral
hazards that inevitably lead to massive social and political imbalances. Many of the local, national
and global ills we see today are the late-stage consequences (and co-incidents) of having such a
warped system of money. Colloquially, we all know this at least insomuch as we make reference to
it in common speech. Any reporter worth his weight will tell you that when looking to uncover
corruption and scandal, you simply need to follow the money. Religious literature points to the same
theme when it declares money to be the root of all evil. Perhaps no one expressed the sentiment
better in modern times than 20th Century Automobile magnate Henry Ford when he said2:

It is perhaps well enough that the people of the nation do not know or understand our banking
and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow

3) We all have an opportunity to transform our world in enormously positive ways, simply by
deciding to adopt a form of money different from that which we have been conditioned to

Many of us are troubled by ills and injustices we see around us in society on a daily basis. There is no
shortage (and perhaps never will be) of those calling for revolution in one form or another. I do not
advocate for revolution. A revolutionary approach only breeds a changing of the guard, not growth
out of the system of oppression itself. In even the most successful revolution the oppressors
eventually become the oppressed, and the oppressed the oppressors. George Orwell beautifully
demonstrated this mechanism in his novel Animal Farm where the pigs ultimately become
indistinguishable from the men. The rock bank The Who expresses the sentiment even more

As with all rules, there is always one exception to prove it! We will address that exception shortly but suffice
it to say that the exception is sufficiently aberrant relative to our modern conception of society as to be
effectively excluded.
The quote was attributed to Mr. Ford by the late Congressman Charles Binderup.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

succinctly when they proclaim, Meet the new boss Same as the old boss. This is not true

Instead, I advocate for evolution. Evolution begins with honestly and directly assessing the current
situation a tall order for sure, but achievable for many. Action may ultimately be taken in some
form, but as it was birthed through awareness and not resistance, it leads to a new state of balance
not an endless repetition of the old fruitless cycles. That we have the ability to facilitate the
evolution of our world through an act as simple as deciding to accept something different as money
is to me, nothing short of miraculous.

Bitcoin Vs. Altcoins

Ironically, as you no doubt can tell from this pieces title, Ive returned to the boat that I thought I
had missed Bitcoin. In this treatise, I will speak of Bitcoin here as the representative of all
Cryptocurrencies. There is much to be said about Alt-coins, but I have reached the (tentative
perhaps) conclusion that they while in some instances may be incredibly valuable (and no doubt
may yet make many people wealthy in a traditional sense) are best approached as providing
ancillary functionality to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Some people assert that since new crypto-currencies can be created at any time (as evidenced by
the hundreds of new alt-coins) that the value of any one (such as Bitcoin) is vulnerable to dilution
and displacement. This is incorrect, as it presupposes that through sheer volume of additional
offerings, one or several will inevitably displace Bitcoins dominance. Once an appreciation for the
power of money is gained, it will be clear that not only are the minimum technical requirements to
serve as global money already contained within the current Bitcoin protocol and support
architecture, but its ubiquity, market position, and ethos are sufficient to maintain its relative
position and role. This is not to say that other coins lack importance or critical functions. In fact,
security concerns surrounding Bitcoins adoption have led to me include an analysis of one
additional Altcoin which I feel has a vital role to play. I address this other coin in the Epilogue.

Quick Overview
This paper is organized into 10 chapters and an Epilogue. Ive done my best to only include pieces
that are necessary to the progression of the narrative. As such, I recommend trying to read it in
order without skipping sections. Even if you dont absorb all the detail along the way, simply
following through all the steps once can inform greatly. That being said, some of it (particularly in
Chapter 5) gets a bit technical and isnt for everyone. For those who might otherwise find it too
daunting, Ive included TLDR/Summaries just prior to diving into the more complicated sections, as
well as some bolded summaries after their completion.

We start our next chapter with what might seem like a simple question - What is Money? We
quickly realize that answering it requires a bit of exploration. From there we walk through the
elements of trade, barter, and how barter may be improved upon by introducing money. We discuss
the different broad categories of money, and introduce the concept of the money-supply being
controlled by a small elite group, the situation we find ourselves in today.

We then take an apocryphal story-ride, following the use of gold as money - from its most basic
forms to advanced monetary schemes and beyond. Doing this gives us the technical and narrative
context necessary to understand the problems we face today with our current fiat money systems.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

This then brings us to a discussion of Bitcoin itself, including what I consider to be the bigger
picture. We discuss practical approaches for facilitating Bitcoin adoption, a valuation framework,
and finally concluding messages.

While I had wanted to refrain from discussing any Altcoins in this treatise, the need to address
privacy concerns and the game theory surrounding it led me to do so. The epilogue discusses privacy
and the use/valuation of what I believe to be an integral altcoin in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

This paper is not intended as investment advice. While there may be opportunities within it to see
valuation and investment opportunities, the onus is on you the reader to determine whether the
arguments have merit, and if or how you should translate them into action within your own personal
life. Everybodys circumstances are different, and what might be right for one person may be wrong
for another.

While I outline practical steps which I believe will facilitate Bitcoin adoption (including generically
buying Bitcoin), there remain many risks that I may not have covered. One or many of my
assumptions may prove incorrect, and unforeseen events could occur resulting in drastically
different outcomes than those which I describe. I do not have a crystal ball. To the extent that you
can, do your own work. Ask questions. Get informed. The importance of deciding to be as
responsible as you are able to be for your own experience cannot be overstated.

Chapter 2: What Is Money?

If a child were to ask you this question the answer to which is something seemingly so obvious
you might be surprised to find yourself at a loss to explain it in depth. You might reach into your
wallet and take out a piece of paper with symbols on it, or show them your phone or computer
screen (assuming you were logged into a money account of some sort). But if you were to do so, you
would likely realize that your efforts fall short, as you are only pointing to a demonstration of
money, not addressing its core definition. It turns out that asking what money really is is not a
childish question at all but something deceptively adult. For most of us, its definition lives at the
outskirts of our awareness and we may spend our entire lives never grasping its nature.

The Core Definitions

Money at its existential and philosophical core has two definitions one that is both as evolved as it
is simple, and another that breeds materialism and devolution. Unsurprisingly, it is the latter with
which most of us are familiar, and so we begin with that.

Money Definition #1: the base version

Money is the promise of our desires satisfied.

While things like coins, bank notes and screen balances are often pointed to as being money, they
are in truth just the symbolic representations of money3. Without the promise of desires being
satisfied behind it, a bank note is nothing more than an inked piece of paper and a coin is nothing
more than a (usually base) metal with an imprint. These things are coveted not because of what they
are physically, but the intangible thing that they represent.

These things are currencies which is a term we will formally define and address.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

With money, we believe we can get what we want - whatever it is we desire. Of course we may tell
ourselves saying and slogans like money cant buy happiness or money cant buy love but few
people viscerally believe this. If we truly believed we couldnt acquire love and happiness (even a
little bit) with money, our behavior in the world would likely be vastly different that it is today.

Money, as the promise of wants satisfied, is the ultimate carrot that with which no amount of
sticks can every truly compete. Mayer Rothschild realized this, which is why he famously said:

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.

Rothschild understood the power of money and with this knowledge was able to build a multi-
generational dynasty. His power through mastering money (whether by his physical descendants or
simply inheritors of his legacy) has been maintained by keeping those who are controlled by it
ignorant of its importance and mechanisms.

While dictators and strongmen have used brute force throughout the ages to corral and control the
masses, these efforts are always eventually undermined by violent upheaval. You cannot push the
people aggressively in one direction without expecting that they will eventually push back. House-
slaves who are pressed into service by force and threat always remain at risk to escape or rebel.

What Rothschild realized was that if you control money the promise of wants satisfied you can
motivate people to do your bidding even if its ultimately against their best interests. This is an
enormous power, greater than any brute force weapon or threat thereof can confer upon its owner.
In fact, this power is so great that to keep it in the hands of men is to invite corruption and disaster.

With money, one can create the perfect house-slave. Rather than scheming at night over ways to
escape captivity, he instead dreams of acquiring more money and stuff that will satisfy all of his
wants - except of course for true freedom which is now seen as of insignificant importance. Rather
than connecting with the true inner nature of the world around him, he is entranced by a
materialism that weakens his connection to spirit and makes him vulnerable to exploitation. This is
the world into which we have all been born even those who find themselves seemingly at the helm
of these mechanisms. That the masters are themselves slaves to a mode of awareness which keeps
them from realizing broader truths is a secret hidden in the best possible place to remain
undiscovered - plain sight.

Money Definition #2: the simple yet refined form

Money is a tool that facilitates equitable trade between humans.

Humanity has been engaged in trade for all of recorded history (and then some). Its no coincidence
that archaeologists often look to ancient trade routes as the earliest markers of civilization. Even in
the simplest forms of societal existence, different people have access to different resources. It is
only natural then that humans developed the drive to trade these resources. That humans generally
have a concept of what is fair and mutually beneficial speaks to higher innate aspects of our

When money is appreciated in this way as a tool to facilitate fair trade many (if not most) of the
ills associated with money (as the root of all evil for instance) fall away. As such, while we
acknowledge that no amount of discussion or debate can change the fact that many people
viscerally subscribe to the first definition, for the purposes of aspiration and elucidation we will
adhere more closely to the latter definition.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Depending on your background (and exposure to economic theories) you may already be
questioning this money definition as being functionally too broad. Indeed it is, but was purposefully
left so to express the basic sentiment. We can and will refine this to arrive at a more robust
workable definition. We will do this by going back to basics, and starting with the one societal
scenario where money is not necessary.

Back to Basics
If you and your immediate family were to live on a farm and not only be entirely self-sufficient, but
have no desire for anything that you couldnt provide for yourselves, then you wouldnt need money
at all. Even more simply, you wouldnt need to trade with anyone else. Assuming it was a
traditional family of mother, father and kids, then the parents would dole out work responsibilities,
and the family could all share evenly in the benefits.

Well, actually, not entirely evenly. After all, giving an exact equal portion of everything to each
family member would not only be impractical, but probably sub-optimal. Should the babys bedroom
be as big as the parents bedroom? Should everyone at the supper table be given an exact equal
portion of food, despite body sizes (and appetites) ranging widely? Probably not. But assuming the
family more-or-less gets along, these small discrepancies can generally be looked past and worked
through. Everyone (more-or-less) agrees on what chores need to get done, and how to share the
benefits amongst themselves. Money is unnecessary in this scenario - a life without trade.4

However, if the family wants to acquire goods or services from people in the outside world, things
get more complicated. They can of course politely ask others for stuff, but this approach is likely to
hit a dead-end quickly. After all, one cannot consistently rely upon outsiders giving stuff to you
without some sort of value exchange (and no matter how politely you ask). This is now beginning to
approach a description of the world in which we live a world with trade.

Enter Barter
The simplest way to engage in trade is through barter. Barter is simply the exchanging of some
goods and services for other goods and services. But barter has limitations of its own that prevent it
from being scalable in a larger economy (and over time). Lets quickly run through a few of them:

Bartered items may have uncertain value.

Since barter items have value mainly in their perceived utility (how the buyer thinks they can use
and/or appreciate the item), the perspective of the person you are looking to swap with matters
greatly. If the other person doesnt have immediate use or interest in the particular item youre
trying to barter, youre out of luck. Furthermore, if the item youre looking to barter has an
expiration date (say for instance, a liter of milk), then you only have a limited window within which
to try and trade it (i.e., before it spoils).

Bartered items are (generally) not divisible and therefore, not easily transactable in terms of
relative value.

Technically, if we switch things up just a little bit, we see that trade actually can happen (albeit subtly) even in
our family example. For instance, maybe the teenage son is given a bigger portion of food at supper but hes
also expected to use his physical size and strength to perform more of the hard manual labor on the farm than
his sisters. Lets be romantics though and assume that in this particular family, more is given when asked
simply out of unconditional love. Alternatively, we can simply define trade as happening between
family/living units, and not within them.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

If you wanted to buy a loaf of bread and all you had was a Van Gogh painting, youd be in a tricky
position. You wouldnt want to swap the painting (presumably worth a fortune) for a single loaf of
bread. But you also cant break off a tiny piece of the painting to buy the bread. Because the
painting is not divisible (without dramatically reducing its worth) its by and large an all or nothing

Bartered items may have other attributes making them difficult to use in general trade.

Away from the examples weve already used above, there are more that can be problematic. For
one, how about transportation of your goods? If you had to barter for everything, then you would
presumably be carrying all your stuff with you wherever you went intending to trade. This could
quickly become very costly and cumbersome. After all, what good is a Van Gogh painting to
someone else if by the time you brought it to market its been damaged from the journey?

And so, we come to a solution to these problems of barter: money.

Our Final (Functional) Definition of Money

Money is a thing that through physical and/or symbolic representation solves some (if not all) of
the limitations of trade using the barter system.

This is admittedly a mouthful, so lets walk through it in pieces to break it down.

Money is a thing

Being a thing is the only requirement to be money so long as the qualifying criteria are met.
Where this thing comes from or what it looks like doesnt matter. It could be something a child
crafted in the sandbox. It could be something sent from a far off inter-planetary dimension as a
nebulous thought-form. It could even be a series of zeros and ones in a complex computer network.
The point is, if this thing satisfies the rest of the definitions criteria, then this thing may be
considered money. Furthermore, if this thing does a better job than say, Dollars, Gold or Bitcoin in
satisfying the rest of the definition, then this thing is better money than those alternatives.

that through physical and/or symbolic representation

All this is saying is that the thing which we are considering as money is ultimately represented by
something else.

Odds are that if I offered to give you a piece of paper with a bunch of ink on it you wouldnt get too
excited. But you would likely be much more interested if I told you that this paper had the precise
color of green and exact letters, numbers and symbols to make it look like a 100-hundred-dollar bill.
When you hand someone a dollar bill its treated with value because through the physical item
handled, some other value is being represented namely the perceived money of dollars. Whether
you handle physical paper currency or transfer balances on-line from one account to another, you
are ultimately moving symbolic representations of some thing (dollars in our case).5

Interestingly, there are many instances where the physical item itself may have value away from its symbolic
representation of money. If the date on any of your dimes (American 10 cent pieces) is 1952, then odds are
good that that dime is minted out of 90% actual silver (as opposed to cheaper metals). With the current value
for pure silver being around $16 an ounce, its pure silver value would be worth about $1.25. You could also
deposit it in your bank for 10 cents - but why would you?

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

solves some (if not all) of the limitations of trade using the barter system.

This last piece of the definition is purely functional - its all about solving problems of barter-trade,
and implicitly leads us to an interesting conclusion:

There can be many types of money, and of varying qualities.

Using a money of lower quality (presumably solving fewer of the problems of barter-trade) can be
done, but it exposes you (sooner or later) to problems that might otherwise be avoided by using
higher-quality money.6 Lets refer to how well something satisfies our definition of money as that
things moneyness. Things that express a high degree of moneyness may be considered high
quality or sound money.

So what makes for high quality money? What are the traits that allow some thing to solve the
problems of barter-trade, and therefore be considered sound money having a high level of
moneyness? It turns out there are 3 main characteristics which when well-addressed, generally
cover the scope of problems associated with barter-trade.

Characteristic 1 of 3: Serve as a store of value

There are two primary aspects to being a store of value:

1) The thing we use as money cant be perishable.

Remember our first example of barter, using a liter of milk as the bartered item? Well milk is
not a stable store of value because it changes state very readily. It might start out as milk,
but depending on circumstances, it can spoil, turn to butter, or even turn to cheese.
Whatever we use as money, in order to be a stable store of value must not expire, corrode
or decay.

2) It has to be of a sufficiently limited supply.

When it comes to valuing some thing as a potential candidate for money, this is especially
critical. If new units of the thing can be produced frequently enough, then its usefulness as
money may deteriorate drastically. A bit of new supply may be ok7, but thousands of years
of (repetitive) human history has proven that when you go beyond that you are sowing the
seeds of a money systems demise. We will explore this critically important concept more
fully in the next section.

One additional note here regarding the concept of store of value is worth making. Price volatility is
not a component of the Store of Value moneyness assessment. Price volatility makes broad adoption
of something as money more challenging than it might otherwise be, but this is a separate issue8.
Thought of differently, one could rightly argue that the volatility of Bitcoin in terms of fiat currency

Some people (known as gold bugs) assert that gold is money. I dont disagree, and well in fact explore gold
in more depth shortly. But money isnt exclusively gold. There are other types of money some better (and
worse) than others. As such, I would rephrase the statement of gold is money to gold is a high-quality form
of money.
New supplies of money can at times be introduced to systems without causing imbalance. If allowed to
persist though, they all ultimately result in the same place catastrophe.
This relates to the characteristic of medium of exchange, and is temporary with continued adoption.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

might just as easily be interpreted as the volatility of fiat currencies in relation to Bitcoin. Considering
how relatively poorly fiat currencies pass moneyness tests, this has significant intuitive and
theoretical appeal. Of course, the main difference between the two perspectives is that currently,
the bulk of price points for assets are denominated in fiat currencies, giving the illusion of stability
in fiat over short time horizons. If and as this changes (with sellers of goods and services pricing their
wares in Bitcoin) we will see this fall away.

Characteristic 2 of 3: Serve as a unit of account.

This is a trickier sounding one, but for all intents and purposes, we can keep it simple by answering
this question:

Can you measure stuff in terms of this thing that you are proposing to use as money?

We can do this with dollars. Whether its a wide-screen television or a steak dinner, we can
represent all sorts of stuff in terms of dollars. The television might be represented (or valued) at
1,200.99 dollars, and the steak dinner might be accounted for as 24.95 dollars.

It may seem that we could even do the same with milk! After all, couldnt we say the television is
worth 436.72 gallons of milk, and the steak dinner is worth 9.07 gallons of milk?

Well, we could try, but wed run into some problems (away from milk not being a stable store of
value). We might ask what type of milk? Whole, low-fat, or skim milk? Were the cows free-range or
factory milked? Are all the milks plain unflavored, or are some chocolate milk?

In order for something be a suitable unit of account, that thing must be uniform. Any unit of the
stuff you are using as money must be exactly the same as another other unit of the stuff, with the
only acceptable differences being quantity or magnitude. There is no functional difference between
a $1 bill I receive as change from a local shopkeeper and a $1 dollar bill I receive upon withdrawing it
from my bank account.

Furthermore, the thing that we use as money must be able to be fractionally divided such that the
sum of all its components exactly equals the value of them all put together. Yet again, this probably
sounds either silly or confusing, so lets revisit a previous example we used when talking about
barter a Van Gogh painting (while noting that classic art generally serves as a poor unit of account).
You cannot break a Van Gogh painting worth $100 million in half and expect to sell each piece for
$50 million. Odds are, you will have simply destroyed most of the value. The pieces of a broken Van
Gogh painting do not equal their value put together. Alternatively, if you have 100 of 1 dollar bills,
you would have no issue (from a value perspective) of exchanging them for a single 100-dollar bill.

Characteristic 3 of 3: Serve as a generalized medium of exchange

The thing to be used as money, (or its functional representative, whether that be paper bills or
electronic accounts) must be practical and easy to use for trade.

Fine art (to stay with the earlier example) is generally a poor generalized medium of exchange
because in order to protect its value, it must be protected from the elements, which requires
(expensive) effort. Its also not very easy to transport, and as weve already seen cant be used to
make change.

There are all sorts of features that make for a better medium of exchange transportability,
durability, value density to just name a few. Well go through some more detail on these when we
examine gold and then cryptocurrencies.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

It may seem at this point that many different things could be used as money, and used successfully.
However, upon examination it turns out that very few things in our world tick the boxes of serving
as high quality money.9

While this basically covers all the aspects of moneyness, I would like to re-draw your attention to
one particular characteristic - store of value and more specifically to how this may be determined
by a moneys supply. While all other elements of moneyness are valid in their own right, the
corruption inherent in the current monetary system hinges on this one aspect. There are effectively
two possibilities for money regarding supply - both with very different implications and

Something used as money can either be of a fixed (or near fixed) supply, or an un-fixed supply of

The full consequences of having a fixed money supply have rarely if ever been realized throughout
human history at least not for extended periods of time. This is because the temptation for those
in power to assert control over the money supply (and therefore bestow upon themselves the ability
to create more units of money at will) is generally irresistible.

Nevertheless, instances throughout history where a fixed-supply approach to money was honored
have generally been periods of relative economic and social balance. This is in stark contrast to the
alternative scenario of an un-fixed money supply which history has shown over and again always
ends in repression, violence and despair. While we will not spend much time now discussing the
direct details and implications of having a fixed money supply, we can for now assert that most if not
all of the problems of having an un-fixed money supply (which we are about to discuss in greater
depth) can instead be avoided. It turns out that avoiding disaster is quite a strong selling point.

Chapter 3: Dangers of An Unfixed-Money Supply

To demonstrate the perils of having an un-fixed money supply, we must differentiate and then
explore the two main types. Once that is done, the dangers inherent in both systems should become

Type 1 of Un-Fixed Money Supply

1) The mechanism for addition/creation of new units of money to the economy is accessible to
a large percentage of the populace.

An example of this would be if we decided that leaves were to be used as money. By the unit of
money being leaves (yes, the kind that grow on trees), it would be within nearly everyones grasp to
create new units of money for their own benefit. It would make sense (at least initially) to plan a trip
to the woodlands, where you could spend an afternoon collecting wild-leaves. Once your basket was
full, you could return to town and use these leaves to acquire goods and services - effectively
introducing this new money into the economy.

The consequences of this type of activity though would be (as you might already realize) disastrous.
As everyone has the power to create new money, all it takes is a little bit of time and standard
human behavior/motivation and the monetary system would collapse in hyperinflation. The amount

The one that throughout the ages has done the best job (and which we discuss at more length shortly) is

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

of leaves brought into the economy would soar, causing their purchasing power to plummet. Soon,
even wheelbarrows full of money (leaves) would be insufficient to purchase even the most modest
of goods or services. As such, we can effectively disregard this scenario as being entirely unworkable
(as it would self-destruct enormously quickly). We instead bring our focus to the second type of an
un-fixed money supply, as this is the one the world is currently facing. This type will remain a prime
focus of our attention.

Type 2 of Un-Fixed Money Supply

2) The mechanism for addition/creation of new units of money to the economy is accessible to
a small minority of the populace.

To illustrate this simply, lets modify our leaves-as-money example slightly. Lets suppose that it isnt
normal leaves that are money, but special blessed-leaves. That is, there is a caste of priests (who
make up only a small percentage of the total population) that has the power to bless leaves and
turn them from just a normal leaf, to one that is usable as money. Once a leaf is blessed (and
embedded with an anti-counterfeit chip) it becomes money.

The benefits of having a priestly caste as the only ones who can bless leaves and so create new
money are two-fold. The first benefit to the public, and the second benefit to the priestly caste
themselves. Unfortunately, what benefits the priestly caste serves to the detriment of the public, as
we will see.

For the public benefit, as long as the priestly caste doesnt act recklessly, the amount of new leaves
which enter the system can remain relatively subdued keeping the threat of hyperinflation very
low. Of course, this same benefit of avoiding hyperinflation (and the knock-on destabilising effects of
it) could be achieved by one in which the supply of money is fixed. Nevertheless, without
hyperinflation (or its imminent prospect) the average citizenry can live and operate with a fair
degree of economic stability (for a time)10.

For the priestly caste the gain is potentially stupendous. With the power to bless-leaves and thus
create new money at will, they wield the power of the ultimate carrot being able to motivate
nearly anyone to surrender their real property and/or do their bidding by offering up newly created
money - the promise of wants satisfied.

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws. MA Rothschild11

The Three Masters-of-Money Commandments

There are however, three constraints on the power of that small selected group who controls the
money supply. While we have referred to them as priests in our previous example, and will
continue to do so at times, they may also be more generally herein referred to as the Masters of
Money, or MoM. If these three constraints are not honored, the MoMs power will be short-lived (if
lived at all). As homage to the late Notorious B.I.G.12 we will refer to these constraints as The Three
MoM Commandments.

As we will see though, although immediate hyperinflation is no longer a high risk, long-term inflation and its
consequences remains not only a risk, but a certainty.
I know that I am repeating the quote. Please allow me some leeway for introducing what I see as
appropriate dramatic effect.
And his song The 10 Crack Commandments.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

MoM Commandment #1: Thou shalt convince the public to grant and allow you control over the
money supply.

The first of the constraints has to do with being granted the power to control the money supply to
begin with. Without the initial controlling mechanisms being handed over willingly (even if not from
a fully informed basis), there is no power to discuss. History has shown that (at least in recent times)
this is generally not very difficult to accomplish. People may be easily impressed by propaganda,
titles, pomp and circumstance such that they assume that a) others are appropriately qualified, b)
those others have perfectly noble intentions, and c) the mechanisms through which these others
operate are immune to corruption. The convincing need not be perfect or absolute just enough to
keep the average citizen from objecting too strongly.

MoM Commandment #2: Thou shalt not create so much new money that inflation reaches levels
where the usefulness of the currency for the majority of the populace is nullified.

The second of the constraints has to do with supply and its impact on inflation. While the priests in
our example can in theory create as much money as they want, if they create too much new money
this would cause high levels of inflation which erode the usefulness of the money. The consequences
would approach that of the scenario where a majority of the public had the power to create money,
and so flooded the economy - creating hyperinflation. As such, people would ultimately reject the
money and revert back to either barter systems or money systems based upon some different thing
than the blessed leaves13. The priests would have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. The
priests can create new money to generate some inflation, but if they push too far, the whole system
risks collapse and being rejected by the public.

MoM Commandment # 3: Thou shalt only gift wealth (via new money creation) to yourselves and
others via opaque and hidden mechanisms.

Simply put, the most attractive thing about being a Master of Money is not just the ability to create
the money, but to direct it where and to whom you want whether that be yourself, or your friends
and family. If the Master of Moneys decide they want to gift it to themselves, they may do so but
only if they honor this third commandment. Any gifting of wealth and value to themselves (or their
cohorts) must be non-obvious and ideally steeped in complication lest the public realize that a
swindle is taking place.

It is perhaps well enough that the people of the nation do not know or understand our
banking and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before
tomorrow morning. Congressman Binderup quoting Henry Ford14

Power (and Wealth) of the Priests

Luckily for the Masters of Money, the facts that a) there are relatively few of them, and b) the power
they wield is enormous, mean that there are many ways that they can enrich themselves while not
violating the 3 MoM Commandments. Lets explore a couple of simple examples to demonstrate

This is precisely what has happened in countries such as Zimbabwe and Venezuela where the 2 nd MoM
Commandment has been violated.
My last repetitive quote in this treatise.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Note though, that in these immediate examples, we are only taking as a given that Commandments
1 & 2 are honored. We are (for the sake of example) allowing the priests to violate Commandment
#3 (making sure the process is not obvious). We are doing this (for now) because a basic
understanding of theft through inflation is critical, while the mechanisms for hiding the fact that
this is a theft can (and will be) returned to later. It is worth noting though that besides theft through
inflation there are other powerful and insidious methods with which the priests may enrich
themselves. These other methods will be addressed in the same future section where we address
their compliance with the 3rd MoM Commandment.

Lets begin our example with a simple assumption that the priests have convinced the public that
small levels of inflation (say, less than 3%) are acceptable - and maybe even needed for a healthy
economy. Considering that this is literally taught in economics classes and textbooks today, it should
be easy to accept this scenario as reasonable. We will continue our illustration of how the priests
may massively enrich themselves through inflation by using a simple theoretical example of a
country called Leafistan.

TLDR/Summary of the remainder of this section

Even though many of us have been taught that small amounts of annual inflation (2-3%) are
healthy, in reality they amount to a significant stealth-tax on the public that benefits a small elite.
While in any one year the cost of the tax may seem slight to the average citizen, the benefit to
each of the elite recipients is enormous. In just a few decades, this mechanism alone can cause
most of the wealth of a society to become concentrated into the hands of the very few.

While I highly encourage readers to do their best to follow this section through (as I think it offers
enormous value to see the numbers in action), if you are satisfied with this TLDR, you may now
skip ahead to the next sub-section, On MoM Commandment #3.

Leafistan is a country of 100 million people, and has a priestly caste amongst this total (who blesses
their leaves, turning them into money) of only 25,000 people. Every single Leafistan citizen (priests
and non-priests alike) is allocated a personal net worth of 50,000 leaves at the founding of the
country. This means that the total amount of money in the country is 5 trillion leaves.

At the end of the first year though, the priestly caste rewards themselves (for assuming the mantle
of leadership) by awarding each priest an amount of leaves equal to 100 times the average citizens
net worth of 50,000 leaves. 100 x 50,000 means that each priest is awarded 5,000,000 leaves. Since
there are 25,000 priests the total amount of new leaves created is 5,000,000 x 25,000 = 125 billion
leaves. This seems like an enormous amount, and it is on an individual basis. But when compared to
the existing total pool of money in Leafistan (5 trillion leaves) it only translates into 2.5% of the
whole. If we further assume that this newly introduced money supply immediately generates
uniform inflation for all citizens, then we can measure individual wealth levels in terms of original
leaves (now worth less due to the inflation).

Lets see how this impacts the citizenry - non-priests and priests on an individual basis:

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Total Wealth as Measured in Cumulative Net Worth

Pre-Priestly Initial-Leaf-Allocation Purchasing (measured in original leaves
Award Post-Priestly Award Power value)

Average 50,000 Leaves Still has 50,000 leaves, BUT as the total supply of 48,750 Leaves 48,750
Citizen Leaves has been diluted by 2.5%, the 50,000
leaves today are only worth as much as (1-2.5%)x
50,000 = 48,750 leaves from before the award.

Average 50,000 Leaves Still has 50,000 leaves, BUT as the total supply of 48,750 Leaves
Priest Leaves has been diluted by 2.5%, the 50,000
leaves today are only worth as much as (1-2.5%)x
50,000 = 48,750 leaves from before the award.

Awarded 5,000,000 leaves, but these too are 4,875,000 Leaves 4,923,750
worth only 97.5% of prior leaves' value, so
5,000,000 x (1-2.5%) = 4,875,000 leaf value from
before the award.

On an individual basis, the average citizen is only slightly worse off, while the average priest is
massively wealthier. Its worth noting though that the inflation impacts both common citizen and
priest alike - the new leaves that the priests gave themselves are worth less-per-leaf than before the
inflation. The saving grace for the priests though is that they now have far more leaves than their
loss due to inflationary impact. When we look at the example from a consolidated national level, we
see something else quite remarkable.
Pre-Priestly Award Post-Priestly Award

% of Total % of Total
Per Indiv. Total National Wealth National Wealth
# of Individuals Leaves Leaves (Leaves) Per Indiv. Leaves Total Leaves (Leaves)

100 million MINUS

4.99875 4.99875
All Non-Priests 25,000 Priests = 50,000 99.975% 50,000 97.537%
Trillion Trillion

1.25 126.25
All Priests 25000 50,000 0.025% 5,050,000 2.463%
Billion Billion

5.0 5.125
Total National Wealth 100.000% 100.000%
Trillion Trillion

On a percentage-of-all-wealth basis, the priestly caste has just grown enormously going from
controlling only .025% of the wealth to nearly 2.5% of all wealth! What we are seeing is a wealth
transfer from the non-priests to the priests. This may be thought of as a tax, which benefits some
(the priests) and hurts others (non-priests). Unlike traditional taxes though, the populace was never
approached by a single individual or organization, demanding that they pay up. Most of the
citizenry may not even understand that there is a wealth transfer mechanism occurring at all. So
long as they accept without question that annual inflation of ~2.5% is normal, they are bearing this
burden to benefit the priests (who they may never come into contact with, or even know exist!)

To see the long-term impact of this wealth-transfer tax (from the ignorant masses to the priestly
caste who are enriched by the system) we fast-forward by 50 years, using the exact same math. Lets
assume there is zero population growth, and inflation continues via the annual award of 5,000,000
leaves to each priest (representing less than 2.5% annual inflation).

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

After 50 years of Priestly Awards

% of Total
National Wealth
# of Individuals Per Indiv. Leaves Total Leaves (Leaves)

100 million MINUS

All Non-Priests 25,000 Priests = 50,000 44.433%

All Priests 25,000 250,050,000 55.567%

Incredibly, the tiny priest caste, representing far less than 1% of the population and with inflation
creeping at a meager 2.5% per year pace, now controls over half of all national wealth. For the
astute observer of modern economics, this should be eerily reminiscent of both wealth distribution
and dollar purchasing-power over recent decades.

On MoM Commandment #3
MoM Commandment # 3: Thou shalt only gift wealth (via new money creation) to yourselves and
others via opaque and hidden mechanisms.

As mentioned in the preface to our example, the priests were obvious in giving themselves the new
money violating MoM Commandment #3. This would not stand over time as the public would
object. They may still give themselves the money, but the way they transfer it to themselves must be
obfuscated and roundabout so that the average citizen is unaware of what is truly happening.

We will shortly explore the mechanisms for doing this while conforming to the commandment, but
the key takeaway at this stage is that the mere presence of such enabling mechanisms inevitably
leads to corruption. With money comes power, and if there is a single lesson we can learn from
human history it is that power corrupts. No individual born into the priestly caste may be perfectly
insulated from the pressures of assuming very different values to those of the average non-priest.
Sadly, these different values tend to (by virtue of time, separation, and human nature) be focused on
selfish self-preservation and the maintenance of an us versus them mentality. Non-priests, though
useful at times, may become viewed as little more than cattle, convinced to enter the milking house
(or abattoir) by keeping them in a state of confusion and alarm.

There is (and has been throughout the ages) a portion of the populace keenly aware of these types
of nefarious and hidden monetary mechanisms - viewing them as contrary to the higher aspirations
of humanity. In todays day and age, some of these people are at times referred to as gold bugs as
gold has served the role throughout the ages as money of a fixed supply, and thus avoids all the
negative consequences of money-supply-control falling into fallible human hands. But gold, while for
periods in history succeeded in establishing itself as money, has ultimately failed to defend this
position. There are several reasons for this some due to the cunning and improvisation of those
who seek to control the money supply themselves, some due to its inherent limitations.
Nevertheless, to continue in our quest of understanding where we are we now explore this
incredible substance called gold for it offers an enormity of lessons and insight.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Chapter 4: From Gold to Gold-Backed Currencies

Gold as money
Money has in some way always revolved around gold as its spiritual anchor point.15 There are many
good reasons for this, but lets start with the simplest and most basic one, even before focusing on
its moneyness. Throughout history a particular species of primate, us humans, have been
aesthetically drawn to gold. Throughout the ages both we and our ancestors have adorned ourselves
with it and used it for religious, social and political ceremony. Maybe theres something magical to it
that we are drawn to. Maybe its just the look and feel of it that triggers the right receptors in our
brain for a pleasure sensation. Whatever the case may be, theres no denying that people generally
have a positive visceral response to gold.

While people have sought after gold for the above reasons, the value it offers by using it as money
is arguably orders of magnitude higher than all those other aspects. Of course this is dependent on
how well gold satisfies our moneyness criteria, so lets quickly run through them.

1) Store of value

To be a good store of value something can be neither perishable nor of unrestricted supply. Gold
satisfies these conditions extremely well. It doesnt expire, rust, corrode, wither or fade. You can go
to museums and marvel at the very same gold upon which Pharaohs gazed thousands of years ago
and its in the same condition. If you heat it to high enough temperatures you can melt it (and purify
it if its been combined with another metal), and once allowed to cool it re-solidifies. This allows it to
be shaped it into all sorts of useful shapes and designs.

Gold is also very rare. There just isnt that much on Earth. Some people have asserted (and theyre
probably correct) that all the gold in the world would fit into a cube just 20 meters long on each side.
Considering how large our planet is, thats not terribly much.

Its true that we discover more gold each year via mining and exploration, but even ignoring the
fact that much of gold is not in circulation16 all the gold found only accounts for an annual increase
of less than 2-3%. When you couple this increase in supply with the fact that its only achieved
through a lot of hard work and resource expenditure, we can more-or-less treat gold as a fixed
supply asset.

2) Unit of Account

Gold works extremely well here too. It can be easily purified and so kept perfectly uniform. Its also
terrifically divisible. Measuring other things in terms of units of gold (whether than be in grams or
micrograms) is very easy to do. You can have gold in the form of thick bars, or shaved as thin as 1
molecule width gold-leaf it still maintains its chemical and physical properties and characteristics.

3) Medium of Exchange

Gold excels here. Because of its chemical properties, it can be shaped into basically any form and
carried around with minimal expense. Its sufficiently compact such that for practical uses, it can be

There is quite literally, something otherworldly about this stuff that is born out of astronomical collisions and
explosions. Modern science isnt exactly sure how gold molecules are formed, but current consensus is that
theyre created in either supernovas or neutron star collisions.
A topic we leave alone here, as it doesnt materially add to this exposition.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

held or accessed by a single person and accompany one on his or her travels whether that be to
the corner shop or to the other side of the world. Depending on the purity, a single gold coin could
range in value from just enough to buy a loaf of bread, to enough to buy 1,000 loaves.

Its also relatively easy to tell if an item of gold is genuine as well as the level of its purity. Even
without modern scientific measuring equipment, touchstones have been used for over 5,000 years.
This is especially useful when youre in an environment where you might otherwise not trust the
person with whom you are transacting.

A Quick Side Note On Silver

Many of the same traits that gold has are held by silver. The key functional difference though
between gold and silver (relative to their usefulness as money) lies in their scarcity17. Theres a lot
more silver in the world than gold. As such, its value per ounce is much lower than gold.
Historically an ounce of gold has been worth 30-40 times more than an ounce of silver, though
these days that ratio is closer to 70 times. The practical implications of this are significant.

For instance, if you wake up one day and realize that your country has turned into a dictatorship
and decide to flee, you will probably want to take as much of your wealth with you as you can
carry. Because gold is denser on a value/weight ratio, you can carry a lot more wealth in gold that
silver. Carrying 1 gold bar out of the country weighing 1 kg is a lot easier than carrying 70 kg of
silver bars the potential equivalent in value.

However, if you want to go to the local shop and buy some groceries, you are probably better off
bringing a 1-ounce silver coin rather than a 1-ounce gold coin. One ounce of silver is currently
worth about $16 sufficient to get milk, bread and some other staples. But a one-ounce gold coin
is worth close to $1300 far in excess of what you need. Do you really expect the cashier at the
grocery store to make change on your gold coin? And with what? Dozens of pieces of silver? In
terms of day-to-day smaller denomination transactions, silver is generally superior to gold.

There is definitely a place for silver in the consideration of investment allocations and silver is
indeed a great form of money. That being said though, for the purposes of this paper and for the
sake of expediency we will largely focus on gold.

Over the millennia, many different things have been used as money. Gold has (generally) remained
at the forefront of the very few long-term survivors. This is not only because of how well gold serves
as money, but how poorly everything else that was ever used as money performed in the long-run.
When it comes to meeting the criteria for sound money, there isnt much margin for error. History
has shown time and again that if all criteria of moneyness are not met, then that thing being used
as money or currency will ultimately collapse usually violently.

There are other features silver has which gold does not for instance its use in many industrial processes.
We acknowledge this as a fact, but pursue it no further as it doesnt materially add to this exposition.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

The Birth of Banks and Gold-Backed Currencies

While gold has historically been the best form of money, its not without limitations. Though the
narrative Im about to describe is more apocryphal than historical fact, using the sequencing of
events as I do is useful nonetheless. With it, I hope to demonstrate key features of gold, as well as
how it is (or was) related to banking and gold-backed currencies.

In the old days when everybody accepted that gold was money, money was gold, and nothing else
would do there was still one main problem that remained and needed solving security.

With gold as the only form of money, the question of where to securely store your gold became a
major issue. You could keep your gold in or around your home, but unless you also invested a
significant amount of resources in things life safes and/or armed security, your gold holdings would
be at risk to thieves and robbers. This cost, while was prohibitive for most individuals, could be
widely afforded if people pooled their resources and kept their gold in a single centralized (and
adequately protected) place. This is where banks were born.

The basic premise of a bank is simple: People keep their wealth (gold) in the bank, and share in the
costs of providing adequate security whether that be in the form of safes, armed guards or
otherwise. By using a centralized location, security could be optimized while keeping the costs of
maintaining that security low on a per-account basis.

With the bank set up, participants realized quickly that there were basically two ways to operate,
either with or without currency.

Before exploring these options, lets first define this term which we are introducing currency.

A currency is a medium of exchange that is used to represent money by mimicking and tracking
the underlying moneys store-of-value and unit-of-account characteristics.

Just as money is defined as something that can be symbolically represented by something else,
currency is that thing which does the symbolic representation. Currencies do not innately pass any
of the tests that define something as money. There is nothing inherent in the traits of, for instance, a
piece of green paper that keeps its supply constrained or the logic of its divisibility sound. Despite
this lack of innate moneyness, active management of its supply, distribution and account
measurement features (so that it tracks underlying money) can enable it to be used as an effective
money representative.

Banking Option 1 of 2: No currency - keep the bank strictly gold-in, gold-out (GIGO).

The advantage of a GIGO bank is simplicity. If you have gold you want to be kept safe, you deposit it
at the bank. If you want to use your gold, you go to the bank, withdraw it, and then spend it where
and how you like.

The problem with a simple GIGO bank though is one of cost and efficiency. Having to go to-and-from
the bank every time you want to make a transaction can be very cumbersome especially if you are
transacting in large quantities.

For instance, if you wanted to buy a large property for 1,000 ounces of gold, you would need to go
to the bank, withdraw the gold, and then arrange for security to bring it to the property seller. Once
you paid the property seller, he would need to arrange for security, and bring it back to the bank to
deposit it. This transaction would be made a whole lot simpler (and less costly) if the gold never left
the bank, but rather the owner of record was simply changed from the buyer to the seller of the

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

property. This is made possible with gold-backed-currencies, and they form the backbone of the
second option of how banks may operate.

Banking Option 2 of 2: Have the bank issue a gold-backed currency

Rather than the GIGO approach, the bank instead issues all depositors tokens which represent their
holdings. These could be tin or copper coins, or elaborately decorated pieces of paper. Regardless of
the form it takes, the tokens now represent a gold-backed currency. This is because the bank agrees
to three things when they issue them:

1) Each token/unit-of-currency represents one unit of gold being held at the bank.
2) In exchange for units of tokens, the bank will give the related units of gold to whomever
submits them.
3) The tokens are negotiable meaning that they are transferable. Regardless of who
submits the token for a gold withdrawal, the bank will honor it.

This makes transactions much simpler now (with one glaring complication we will address
momentarily). Rather than having to transport 1,000 ounces of gold to purchase the property of our
last example, you could simply hand over a Banknote with a stated value of 1,000 gold ounces to the
property seller. By doing so, you are forfeiting your ability to claim that gold from the bank, and
instead giving that right to him.

If he wants to receive the actual physical gold, all he needs to do is take that note to the bank and
withdraw it. Of course, he may find it easier to just leave his gold in the bank and hold on to the note
which he can use for further trade.

The introduction of currency introduces yet another complication, and that is the issue of


Its relatively easy to identify if a piece of gold is in fact genuine and not counterfeit, but not so easy
when it comes to other materials. The authenticity of paper currency, no matter how elaborate the
design, is ultimately vulnerable to a skilled hand. Furthermore, counterfeit metallic coins may be
fairly easily cast. This poses a significant risk for our bank that uses gold-backed currency.

A successful counterfeiter can show up at the bank and withdraw gold that does not belong to him.
This means that the holders of genuine (not counterfeit) currency now have a pool of gold backing it
which is less than the nominal amount they hold. They may think they have a certain amount of
physical gold backing their notes, but if a counterfeiter has withdrawn gold using counterfeit notes,
they may have far less.

Fooling the bank directly is actually not even required simply fooling another person in a
transaction will do the job. The counterfeiter may simply use his fake currency to buy goods and
services from honest tradespeople. When the tradespeople go to redeem their currency at the bank,
they may be told that the notes are fake and will not be honored by the bank. They will then realize
that they have given away their wares for worthless counterfeit notes.

Even the prospect of there being counterfeit currency in circulation can affect purchasing power. If
for instance there was a rumour that 10% of all notes in circulation were counterfeit, then
tradespeople might only value even a legitimate unit of currency at 90% of its face value in gold if
not less. These are the stirrings of a potentially deadly (for the currency) form of inflation.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

As counterfeiting presented an existential crisis to banks that wished to use a gold-backed currency,
drastic measures were called for. In addition to trying to make the currency as difficult as possible to
replicate, an additional deterrent was added the threat of death. Throughout much of history, the
penalty for counterfeiting currency was death. This of course opened the door to link currencies with
government as the banks needed government to enforce the counterfeiting prohibitions (and
punish violators). Government involvement, as we will later see, would become increasingly

Nevertheless, with rule of law (by and large) preventing counterfeiters, the business of banking
progressed fairly smoothly. Bankers were seen as little more than custodians, and people were
happy with that arrangement. Currencies (or Bank Notes) were used as money, and when actual
physical gold was demanded by the currency holder, the banker would simply go to the vault and
swap the currency for the gold.

As a consequence of this, the public began to forget that the currency had no innate value, but
rather only had value derived from being linked to money. This loss of awareness on the part of the
public opened the door for direct-linkage between money and currency to come under attack. The
breaking of this link would give power and privilege to the few at the expense of the many.

Up until this point bankers (custodians of the gold) had to be very careful to not issue paper currency
in amounts that differed from the physical gold (money) deposits on hand. As they had not yet
established compliance with the 1st MoM Commandment, any discovery by the public that they
were controlling the money supply (generally to increase it by printing currency) could be expected
to be treated no differently than common counterfeiting.

What the bankers needed first and foremost was a mechanism which would not only see to it that
the power to create money18 was given to them to manage, but that it was done under the guise of
being for the benefit of the general public. Without the public believing there was something in it
for them to cede this power to bankers, no lasting compliance with the first MoM commandment
could be expected. The bankers found their answer in the form of what is now called Fractional
Reserve Banking and is intimately tied to lending and loan creation.19

Chapter 5: Questionable Currency

Introduction to Fractional Reserve

In a proper and untarnished form (that is to say, a purely theoretical functioning), fractional reserve
banking works quite admirably. Its danger lies in how easily seemingly minor changes to its honest
operation can corrupt the process. To demonstrate this, we will explore the pure forms (theoretical

Actually, it is currency they will be printing, not money. I apologize now and in advance for what I expect will
be a continued mixing up of terminology. I do this for the sake of flow and humbly ask understanding that
sometimes, in order to clearly communicate complex topics, some liberties must be taken in relying upon
useful but technically incorrect terminology. I hope that by the time the reader understands the core issues, he
or she will be able to re-read the document and point to the instances where this occurs without malice.
It is a curious fact that many religious scriptures have stern warnings and prohibitions surrounding the act of
borrowing/lending money, often even discussing remedies for the imbalances that inexorably arise (e.g., debt
jubilees). Perhaps this is because the very nature of entering into a loan introduces seeds of enslavement, even
if only in the seemingly mild and innocuous mindset that one party (the borrower) is now beneath another
(the lender). This dynamic hides in plain sight in our language anytime we refer to someone as being indebted
to another.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

side) of fractional reserve lending and banking, and then demonstrate how the process can be (and
has been) corrupted so heinously. The problem with all isms20 is that the benefits which they
provide in theory (and upon which their idea is sold to the public) belie the true negative impacts
they confer on those who adopt the system. This is the vast chasm between theory and practice
which we as a species would on the whole benefit greatly from appreciating.

TLDR/Summary of the remainder of this section

Bankers discovered that by lending out depositors gold, which they would do by creating more
currency, they could pay depositors a portion of the interest earned and keep the rest for
themselves. If the loans performed well, the bankers stood to gain more. If the loans fared poorly,
the depositors assumed the losses. It was a classic heads I win, tails you lose coin toss. Once this
power was attained by the bankers, a plethora of ways to enrich themselves was now available
ranging from assuming huge volumes of risky loans, to extending additional loans to failing
enterprises, to engaging in duplicitous self-dealing transactions.

While I (again) highly encourage readers to do their best to follow through with the remainder of
this section, if you are satisfied with this TLDR, you may now skip ahead to the next sub-section,
Physical Gold As Backing.

Returning to our bank example: what the custodians at the bank noticed was that on any given day,
the vast majority of the gold in the vault was never touched. Of course the exact amount of gold the
bank held changed day by day but on a percentage basis the swings were fairly low. For instance,
the average amount of daily gold withdrawals might be between 3-5% of gold held. At the same
time, the average amount of daily gold deposits might also be 3-5%. With deposits netting against
withdrawals, this meant that on any given normal day, on average, the gold stores in the vaults
never even needed to be touched. This meant that if the bankers were to print more notes than
there was gold in the bank vaults, from an operational perspective, it wouldnt cause any immediate

Of course if people found out that they had printed more notes which had been given away without
consent (thereby diluting existing noteholders claims on the gold), they would be considered
counterfeiters (as explained earlier). But from an operational perspective, having more notes than
gold reserves wouldnt prevent the system (of gold deposits and withdrawals) from running
smoothly on a day-to-day basis at least in all but the most extreme circumstances. All that was
needed now was a demonstration that giving bankers the power to create new notes would benefit
the public i.e., depositors. This lure was the promise of interest on deposits, and was to be
achieved through lending.

Up until this point in our scenario, depositors earned no interest on their deposits. In fact, to cover
costs of security, the average depositor might even be expected to pay a small amount each year for
the privilege of having their gold kept safe in the banks vault. But if the depositors would only allow
the bankers to lend some of their gold out, they could earn interest! Unbeknownst to most

Communism, capitalism, socialism, idealism, and in this case, monetarism.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

depositors though was that by allowing the bankers to do this they were unwittingly granting them
the power to create money and thus satisfy the 1st MoM Commandment.

To follow this example, you simply have to accept that a banks balance sheet is represented by
Assets, Liabilities, and Equity. Assets are the things of value that a bank holds in its vaults. Liabilities
are claims against those assets that exist. Equity is the difference between Assets and Liabilities. If
the total Assets exceed the total Liabilities, then the Equity is said to be positive. If Liabilities exceed
Assets then there is negative equity. The equation which must always remain true is: A = L + E, or
Assets = Liabilities + Equity.

Lets imagine that the bankers find themselves as custodians of 100 ounces of gold and so issue 100
1-ounce notes to the depositors. The banks balance sheet at this point looks like this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) = to depositors) + Nothing

Value in Gold Ounces 100 = 100

Within a period of time, they are approached by ten individuals, all looking to borrow the equivalent
of 10 ounces of gold each. Each of the prospective borrowers offers collateral initially valued at 10
ounces of gold (also each). In exchange for the promise to repay the 10 ounces plus 10% interest in
physical gold (an extra 1 ounce each) after 1 year, the bank prints 100 ounces worth of new notes
and gives them to the borrowers. Now the banks balance sheet looks like this, with the new Loans
treated as an asset it is, after all, an IOU from the borrower:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) Nothing
Loans (totalling 100 ounces worth) with 100 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral provided to borrowers)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 100 = 100 + 100 =

200 = 200

If all the borrowers pay back the bank-notes at the end of one year (with interest), then the
collateral is released to them. As the banknotes are no longer in circulation, they are removed as a
liability. There are also now an extra 10 ounces of gold that may be distributed. Lets assume that
the bankers keep 2 ounces for themselves and give the other 8 to depositors as interest. These value
transfers are done through printing new notes. The balance sheet now looks like this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity
108 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 0
10 ounces of Gold (physical, earned as 2 ounce-notes (paper obligations
interest) to bankers)

Value in Gold Ounces 110 = 110 + 0

The depositors can be said to have earned 8% interest on their savings, and the bankers have earned
the currency equivalent of two gold pieces while not using any of their own capital, but rather
providing the service of managing the whole process.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

But what if rather than everyone paying back their loans with interest, some of the debts go bad?
Well, in this case, the presence of interest and collateral mitigates the losses. Lets assume that 2 of
the 10 borrowers dont pay back their loans at maturity not at all. In this case, the bank seizes the
collateral they have posted. Lets further assume that the value of the collateral they posted (which
was initially worth 10 ounces of gold each, or 20 ounces total) has lost value and is now only worth
18 ounces total. The banks balance sheet now looks like this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity
100 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 6 ounces of equity
20 ounce-notes (paper obligations
8 ounces of Gold (physical, earned as lent to borrowers who have not
interest from those that paid) returned them)

Collateral seized, now worth 18 ounces

Value in Gold Ounces 126 = 120 + 6

The bank still has a gain, or equity of 6 ounces of gold. They may now sell the collateral for actual
gold, and distribute the equity to the depositors as interest and themselves as a management fee.
After the collateral sale and distribution of equity, the balance sheet looks like this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

104 ounce-notes (paper obligations

to depositors - initial deposit plus 4
Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) ounce notes paid as interest) 0
20 ounce-notes (paper obligations
8 ounces of Gold (physical, earned as lent to borrowers who have not
interest from those that paid) returned them)
2 ounce-notes (paper obligations
18 ounces of Gold (from collateral sale) to bankers)

Value in Gold Ounces 126 = 126 + 0

The bankers have still paid themselves 2 ounces of gold, and the depositors have still earned positive
interest, although rather than 8% interest they only earned 4% interest.

The takeaway from the above example is this:

So long as losses on bad loans remains relatively low, the presence of collateral and interest still
allows for interest to be paid to the depositors.

This is the carrot the mechanism whereby depositors are motivated to allow the bankers to lend
out their money which by virtue of the fact that they do so by printing more currency, is really
giving the bankers the power to bless new leaves and increase the money supply. While the
bankers are not yet gifting money to themselves, they have the ability to take a cut of the interest
earned on the banks loans.

Dangers of Fractional Reserve Unaligned Incentives Part 1

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Even before more advanced forms of bankers gifting new money to themselves are introduced, we
can see that there is an inherent misalignment of interests in the current lending scenario21.

Since the bankers earn money for themselves by taking a portion of the interest earned on all loans,
it is in their interest to try and lend as much money out as possible. At the same time, if the loans go
bad, the losses are borne not by the bankers, but by the depositors. Lets look at a couple of
scenarios to demonstrate this.

Assume again that the bankers find themselves as custodians of 100 ounces of gold and so issue 100
1-ounce notes to the depositors. The banks balance sheet looks like this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) = to depositors) + Nothing

Value in Gold Ounces 100 = 100

The bankers understand the mechanisms for how they will get paid... earning a portion of the
interest paid on the loans. The more interest earned on loans, the more they earn. As such, they try
to lend as much as they can. Lets assume that they promise their depositors a rate of return on
savings of 8%. Like in the previous instance, they begin by lending out 100 ounces of gold again
taking collateral for the loans. The balance sheet looks like this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) Nothing
Loans (totalling 100 ounces worth) with 100 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral provided to borrowers)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 100 = 100 + 100 =

200 = 200

But now the bankers decide to lend more gold (notes) out to more speculative borrowers. On the
one hand, these new borrowers do not have collateral to post, and so are riskier loans. If the loans
go bad, the bank will not be able to seize collateral to offset the losses. On the other hand, the banks
can charge a much higher rate of interest to these more desperate borrowers. Lets assume the bank
lends out another 500 ounces of gold notes to these riskier borrowers (without collateral) at 20%
interest. The balance sheet now looks like this:

As human beings, we all have both higher and lower aspects to our nature. Its vitally important that we
provide ourselves with systems and structures that are conducive to the expression of our more noble
aspirations, or at the very least, dont provide a breeding ground for our baser impulses. Its nothing short of
extraordinary what can be accomplished in systems when the interests of all participants are aligned.
Conversely, when interests are not aligned, it is generally only a matter of time before the system starts to
express imbalance whether that be an initial wobble or a full-on collapse.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) Nothing
Loans (totalling 100 ounces worth) with 100 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral provided to borrowers)
Loans (totalling 500 ounces worth) with No 500 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral to borrowers)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 100 + 500 = 100 + 100 + 500 =

700 = 700

Lets suppose now that at the end of one year, all of the collateralized loans pay back principal (the
notes lent out) and interest (10 ounces of physical gold). The interim balance sheet would be:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 10 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans (totalling 500 ounces worth) with No 500 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral to borrowers)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 500 = 100 + 500 =

610 = 600 + 10

The bankers look to be in good shape! They can give 8 ounces of the equity to depositors (the
promised 8% interest) and keep 2 ounces for themselves. But what of the remaining riskier loans?

Lets assume that 10% of the loans go bad. This means that of the 500 ounces lent out, 50 ounces
worth of loans are now worth zero (as there is no collateral behind them). But 10% of the loans
going bad means that 90% of the loans repaid the principal and interest! That would be 450 ounces
of gold notes returned as principal, and 20% of this amount (the rate of interest on these riskier
loans), or 90 ounces of actual physical gold, would be repaid as interest. This means that the banks
balance sheet looks this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 50 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans for 50 ounces worth ZERO 50 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 450 ounces 450 ounce-notes still outstanding
90 ounces of Gold (physical)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 0 + 90 = 100 + 50 =

200 = 150 + 50

Even when writing down the bad-loans to a zero-value, there are now 50-ounces worth of equity
value which may be distributed. But remember, the banks only promised the depositors an 8%
return on their money, so they only need to give away 8 ounces meaning they can keep 42 ounces
of gold for themselves! Quite a windfall!

But what happens if more of the loans in the above scenario go bad? What happens to the bank,
bankers, and depositors then? Lets explore that now.

Assume that the banks have made the same types of loans as above the balance sheet at the
beginning of the year (again) looks like this:

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) Nothing
Loans (totalling 100 ounces worth) with 100 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral provided to borrowers)
Loans (totalling 500 ounces worth) with No 500 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral to borrowers)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 100 + 500 = 100 + 100 + 500 =

700 = 700

Lets now assume that all of the collateralized loans again are paid off with no losses. In this case, at
the end of one year (and before taking into account the impact of the uncollateralized loans) the
balance sheet is again as follows:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 10 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans (totalling 500 ounces worth) with No 500 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral to borrowers)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 500 = 100 + 500 =

610 = 600 + 10

But different from the previous example, lets assume that instead of 10% default rates on the
uncollateralized loans, a full 50% fail to repay. In such a case, 250 ounces worth of loans are now
worth zero, while the other 250 are paid off in addition to interest of 20% on them (20% of 250
ounces is 50 ounces). The new balance sheet will look like this:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) -150 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans for 250 ounces worth ZERO 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 250 ounces 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
50 ounces of Gold (physical)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 0 + 50 = 100 + 250 =

200 = 350 + -150

Lets finally assume that the bankers still satisfy their promise of 8% interest to their depositors
through issuing new notes. Lets also say that they dont pay themselves anything as there were no
profits. The balance sheet looks like this now:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

108 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) -158 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans for 250 ounces worth ZERO 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 250 ounces 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
50 ounces of Gold (physical)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 0 + 50 = 108 + 250 =

200 = 358 + -158

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Note that equity is now negative. It has to be negative as equity is the plug to satisfy our equation
of Asset = Liabilities + Equity. But what does this mean?

From the bankers perspective, they have not earned any money (from interest), but they also
havent lost any money. They were, after all, lending OPM (other peoples money) and so had no
skin in the game.

From the depositors perspective though, things are quite different. There are now a total of 358
claims on gold ounces in the bank, but only a total of 200 ounces available. Said another way, each
depositors note claim has lost 45% of its value although each depositor may not even know it yet!
After all, we have already established that on any given day no net physical gold enters or leaves the
bank, so for as long as the average depositor is kept in the dark about the banks financial position,
nothing need happen.

Of course, its only a matter of time before knowledge of the banks negative equity (insolvency)
filters its way into the publics awareness. When that happens, a bank run is likely depositors will
rush to withdraw their gold in exchange for their notes. Of course, if the bank honors its word of
offering up 1 ounce of physical gold in exchange for each 1-ounce note, then only the first 200
noteholders will receive their gold (as thats all there is). Anyone later to the game will get zero.

The purpose of these examples is to demonstrate how it can be in the interests of bankers to
make as many loans as possible, as they are in a heads-I-win, tails-you-lose situation. If the many
loans perform, then the bankers get a windfall from the interest profits. If the loans do not
perform, then losses are borne by the depositors.

It can rightfully be said that any banking crisis you may have heard of boils down to the same type
of scenario: namely, too many bad loans were made, which benefitted the bankers (for a time, while
the loans were performing and interest was earned by them), but ultimately put the depositors in a
capital deficient position. In the days when banking systems were on the gold standard (like in this
scenario, the notes were backed by gold deliverable upon demand) a loss in confidence of a
particular banking systems solvency could cause slow motion bank runs. Indeed, depositors would
submit their notes for gold, and ship the gold off to another safer location often internationally. In
the days of J. Pierpont Morgan there were many such banking crises where astute international
investors would literally ship tons of gold out of what they perceived to be failing banking systems.22

The good news about the gold standard though is that this transfer of physical gold out by nervous
investors (who have lost confidence in a banks solvency) is ultimately some form of a check to
systemic imbalances. Things can only get so bad before astute investors withdraw their gold and
force an accounting for the true state of a banks finances. As such, bankers will generally work to
keep loans from becoming too risky, lest they lose the confidence of depositors and suffer gold
withdrawals. We will return to this point, but before we do, it is worth exploring a permutation to
the above scenario one which shows how bankers can not only keep an insolvent bank functioning,
but further enrich themselves at the same time (and at the expense of depositors). We call it
unaligned incentives: part 2, but could be called how to rob a bank in broad daylight.

Dangers of Fractional Reserve Unaligned Incentives Part 2

In the scenario above (where the bankers made risky loans that failed) we assumed that at the end
of the first year, they (and the borrowers) admitted that the loans had failed. If however, those

Its worth noting that in recent years, many international governments have requested a return of their gold
being held in other countries with varying degree of compliance from the custodians.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

involved do not admit it, the bankers can continue to pay themselves handsomely. We will
demonstrate this again with an extension of the example - but know that what we are describing is
akin to what many have called (particularly in Japan) Zombie Banks that is, banks which should
be considered insolvent and losses taken, but for various reasons (the enrichment of bankers being
one of them, the ongoing functioning of failing borrowers being another) are allowed to keep
operating like the walking dead23.

Imagine again that we are at the end of the first year of the risky loans, and 50% of them have again
not paid back their principal or interest. Prior to addressing the riskier (and partially non-performing)
loans the balance sheet looks like this:

Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 10 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans (totalling 500 ounces worth) with No 500 ounce-notes (paper obligations
Collateral to borrowers)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 500 = 100 + 500 =

610 = 600 + 10

If the bankers were brutally honest, they would book a loss on half those risky loans, and the balance
sheet would be (again, same as in the previous example):
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) -150 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans for 250 ounces worth ZERO 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 250 ounces 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
50 ounces of Gold (physical)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 0 + 50 = 100 + 250 =

200 = 350 + -150

However, there is an alternative. Rather than admit that those 250 ounces worth of loans have gone
bad, they could instead extend more credit to those bad borrowers. They could lend those borrowers
enough additional money to (nominally) pay the interest that was due, and extend the original loan
for one more year. This is where things begin to get a bit tricky, so well break it into fewer steps.

For starters, the collateralized loans have been paid off (plus 10 ounces of physical gold as interest),
as well as half of the riskier uncollateralized loans (250 ounces, plus 50 ounces of gold as interest).
Besides that, the remaining bad 250 ounces of loans are kept on the books valued at 250, with
maturity extended by one year. As principal has not been paid back, the extra 250 worth of gold
notes remains outstanding as well.

What typically happens is that these banks are bailed out by the government, aka, the public taxpayer.
Although it may feel like this is a victory, all that has happened is that the public (like depositors of times past)
has shouldered the losses, while those who enriched themselves throughout the process keep their gains.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 60 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans for 250 ounces 'worth' 250 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 250 ounces 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
50 ounces of Gold (physical)

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 250 + 50= 100 + 250

410 = 350 + 60

But in order to not consider the existing loans for 250 in default, the bank must be paid interest in
the form of 50 ounces of physical gold. To help them pay the interest, the bank lends the same
borrowers another 50 ounces worth of gold notes. As such:
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 60 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans for 250 ounces 'worth' 250 300 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 250 ounces 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
50 ounces of Gold (physical)
Loans for another 50 ounces

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 250 + 50 + 50 100 + 300

460 = 400 + 60

But the borrowers must deliver physical gold as interest and 50 ounces worth. Not to worry
though, as they take their new 50 ounces of notes and exchange them for physical gold.
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 60 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
250 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 250 ounces 'worth' 250 (50 tendered for physical gold)
Loans for 250 ounces 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
0 ounces of Gold (physical)(50 withdrawn)
Loans for another 50 ounces

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 250 + 0 +50 100 + 250

410 = 350 + 60

Now, as the borrowers are holding onto 50 ounces of physical gold (which they just withdrew) they
can turn around and pay that gold back to the bank as interest leaving the balance sheet as
Assets = Liabilites + Equity

100 ounce-notes (paper obligations

Items 100 ounces of Gold (physical) to depositors) 110 ounces
10 ounces of Gold (physical)
250 ounce-notes still outstanding
Loans for 250 ounces 'worth' 250 (50 tendered for physical gold)
Loans for 250 ounces 250 ounce-notes still outstanding
50 ounces of Gold (physical)(redeposited as
Loans for another 50 ounces

Value in Gold Ounces 100 + 10 + 250 + 50 +50 100 + 250

460 = 350 + 110

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

As if by magic, the bank is once again solvent - so much so that in fact the bankers can not only
distribute the 8% interest to depositors, but now have 102 ounces (110 8) left to distribute to
themselves as profit more than in any other situation weve examined thus far! When the bankers
distribute this additional equity to themselves, they are effectively paying themselves a bonus, at the
expense of depositors who will have that much less value left for them when a true
reckoning/accounting occurs. As long as the bankers are not asked to give back this bonus when the
losses are ultimately recognized (perhaps years later), they will have made out quite profitably! By
the time the reckoning does occur, the bankers have accumulated enormous wealth (which they
have likely now transferred into physical gold, making it immune from bank write-downs) leaving all
depositors to suffer in greater impoverishment.

Physical Gold As Backing The Great Equalizer

Given the examples above, demonstrating how fractional-reserve-lending creates incentives (for
bankers to not only recklessly gamble with depositors value but potentially falsify loan values), it
might seem like the whole concept is doomed from the get-go. However, as we have already alluded
to, it is the very prospect of a disorderly unwind a bank run that holds the prospect of preventing
things from getting this bad.

While many depositors are ignorant as to the workings of the banks, some are aware of the process,
and effectively serve as restraints which can keep the bankers honest. Lets spend a moment on
these more aware depositors (well call them watchdogs) and see how they can behave to avoid
getting taken for a ride by unscrupulous bankers.

First and foremost, the watchdogs will closely examine and scrutinize the actions of the bankers
especially with regard to the loans they make. This is the birth of bank examiners. If at any time they
feel that the bankers are behaving recklessly or dishonestly (for instance, by making too many risky
loans, or throwing good money after bad by not recognizing bad loans and instead extending more
credit) they can act. They can (for simple example) take their gold out of the bank (by tendering their
bank notes in exchange).

If enough of the watchdogs do this (and advertise the fact), a bank run may begin effectively
ending the bank (and the bankers otherwise modestly profitable position). All the note holders will
attempt to redeem their notes for gold, but as there will not be enough gold to satisfy them a bank
failure occurs - potentially with social or legal liability for bankers who are viewed as responsible24. It
is the threat of these actions that keep the bankers in line but importantly, it is dependent on
depositors being able to exchange their notes for gold on demand. This is a critical point and cannot
be overemphasized, as without this mechanism, there is little to keep the bankers reigned in from
behaving recklessly and in their own self-interests. This is not to say that bad loans will be prevented
from being made, nor that falsification of loan values will be entirely avoided but there is at least a
mechanism to keep these things from getting enormously imbalanced.

While we will return to the point shortly, it is worth noting here that as of 1971, when American
President Richard Nixon abandoned the gold standard, the American banking system (and
effectively most banking systems of the developed world) lost this mechanism. This feature, whose
mere presence served to at least threaten to keep bankers honest was removed. Is it any wonder

In the 21st century, there are strikingly few countries where bankers have been held accountable for criminal
behavior. Unfortunately, this system where bankers often feel they have blanket immunity to criminal
prosecution has tended to breed more illicit behavior.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

then that it would take only a handful of decades before the entire system would spin out of

Dangers of Fractional Reserve Unaligned Incentives Part 3

Up until this point, we have explored banking gone wrong from the simple perspective of loans
being made without proper regard for their risk, and bad loans being artificially propped up with
additional lending. The manner in which the bankers transfer value to themselves (like priests gifting
blessed leaves to themselves) satisfies the MoM Commandments: The public (depositors) have
been convinced to grant money-making-authority to bankers, we have implicitly assumed that
inflation due to an increase in the money supply remains tame25, and the mechanisms for the
bankers enriching themselves are anything but transparent. In these instances, the bankers are still
limited to paying themselves a portion of interest earned on the loans. There is, however, a much
more effective way they may enrich themselves should they be willing to compromise their ethics
further. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, it is often only a matter of time before one (or
several) people appear to carry the mantle. The process we are about to describe is essentially a
form of unethical self-dealing in the loan process.

In the previous examples we assumed that all the borrowers were (generally) honest or well-
intentioned entrepreneurs some of them achieved success, others did not. But if we relax that
requirement we see a way in which dishonest bankers can gift themselves enormous amounts of
wealth far in excess of the interest on loans. The first example we use will violate the 3rd MoM
Commandment but is done for the sake of initial clarity. We will then introduce compliance with
the Commandment to demonstrate more closely how this occurs in the real world.

As an aside, though I refer to corrupt bankers in these examples, please dont walk over to your
local bank and start calling people names! Away from the fact that this is an illustrative example,
for us to collectively move beyond the predicament we all find ourselves in it is critical to move
beyond blame. I address this point in more depth shortly, however if you find yourself feeling
enflamed I suggest you skip ahead to the section entitled This, Here, Now and read the first
piece, A Very Human Aside before returning to continue with this section.

On the whole, most people regardless of who they work for - are decent and good. The vast
majority of those associated with the enterprises we will discuss (banking, military contractors,
etc.) are very likely unaware of the damage their employers facilitate. Even the much-maligned
evil Wall-Streeter has in many ways received a bad-rap. There is no shortage of individuals who
have been misguided at one stage or another lets not make this personal. Most people simply
want to earn an honest living, and believe they are doing so. To those that who after reading this
begin to question the ethics of their current occupation, I suggest gentleness in self-
remonstration, but resoluteness in determining to alter the course of ones actions.

Funnily enough, a good demonstration of this may be found in the popular comedic film and
Broadway show The Producers, written by Mel Brooks. In it, two Broadway show producers realize
that while a successful show can be profitable, an unsuccessful Broadway show (if approached
dishonestly and craftily) can be enormously profitable. They raise as much money as possible from
investors (selling ownership interests in the play exceeding 100% many times over not unlike a
bank issuing more notes than gold!) and then plan to put on worst show possible one that will flop

We havent specifically addressed this, but it has been the ongoing assumption for our examples.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

after the first showing and allow the producers to keep all the capital raised (they will simply tell the
investors that it had all been spent, and nothing was left keeping it all to themselves). Of course, as
this is a Mel Brooks comedy, things go hilariously wrong when the show they intend to be a
detestably offensive flop (written by a Nazi and called Springtime for Hitler) becomes an
unexpected smash hit.

While The Producers' is a fun example, well use a more banking-oriented version to make the
situation clearer using a dishonest banker and his 2 dishonest brothers. The scam is perpetrated
as follows:

The banker lends his 2 brothers new business 1,000 ounces of gold to start a project. The business
plan (at least on paper) is to build a machine that solves the age old quest of turning lead into gold.
In reality though, neither the banker nor his brothers have any intention of this plan succeeding in
fact, they dont even have a real plan for the product its a scam. Heres what happens instead:

As soon as the brothers receive the 1,000 ounces of gold notes into the company account, they pay
themselves an annual salary of 999 ounces of gold. They then invest 1 ounce of gold in taking out
advertisements seeking inventors who might know how to turn lead into gold (to demonstrate that
they tried something). When the advertisements come and go with no success, the brothers call
the banker and tells him that their venture has failed they will not be able to pay back the loan.
The company files for bankruptcy, and the bank takes a complete loss on the loan all 1,000 ounces
of gold. Of course, the brothers have effectively gifted themselves the 999 ounces of gold, which are
happily shared amongst all three brothers. They have been enriched enormously and the depositors
have paid for it.

There are of course many permutations of the above scenario some even involving the situation
where the banker continues extending new loans to the company to postpone the day of reckoning
(otherwise known in banking parlance as extend and pretend). Whatever the case, and whether
recognized now or later, a bank robbery has occurred under the auspices of normal banking practice.

The above example however, as we stated, would violate the 3rd MoM Commandment it is too
obvious. But there are many ways that it can be perpetuated such that it is sufficiently opaque in its

Lets pretend we are the unethical brothers advisor26 and see what changes we can make to
improve upon the scam.

We need to find a business idea that will allow the brothers to spend most of the money in the
normal operations of the business but at high enough profit margins that they can still extract
significant value for themselves while operating under the guise of a legitimate business.

The first idea we have is to open a bakery, which we do under the name of Brother #1. Rather than
paying himself 999 ounces of gold as a salary (which would be quite obvious) he instead pays himself
a more reasonable 10 ounces of gold. In addition though, Brother #2 opens a baking-supplies
company (lets assume he doesnt need a loan to open this company). The supply company will buy
flour, sugar and eggs from farmers, and sell them to the bakery owned by Brother #1 for a profit.
Since no one can tell the bakery itself whom to use as supplier, this is an effective mechanism for the
brothers to transfer money to themselves.

More Saul Goodman than Jimmy McGill.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

The bakery (Brother #1) buys ingredients from the supplier (Brother #2), but overpays for them.
Whereas normally he could buy all the milk, eggs and flour he needs for 100 ounces of gold a year,
he strikes a bad deal with the supplier (Brother #2) and agree to instead pay 200 ounces of gold
every year. Doing this accomplishes two things:

1) By stretching out the time involved, it becomes less obvious that they are doing anything
wrong. Yes, the bakery will book losses each year (as they wont be able to sell finished
baked goods at a profit by overpaying so dearly for the ingredients), but these losses will be
spread out and so easier to conceal.

2) The profits are recognized by the Brothers (all three) through another degree of separation
this time, through the distributor who earns an extra 100 ounces of gold a year pure profit
for as long as the contract remains in effect.

There remain a few problems with this arrangement though, which are limiting how much the
brothers can enrich themselves. First of all, the market for baked goods is extremely competitive and
well understood. When an outside auditor sees that Brother #1 is paying double the market rate for
raw materials, they will flag this is a question and we will have to either adjust our rates or admit the

What the brothers need to improve this situation is a business model where the products bought
dont have an immediate and obvious value cap. The value cap for wheat flour is pretty clear there
are substitutes. If wheat becomes too expensive, then people can switch to rice or barley.
Additionally, from a competition perspective, anyone with a bit of land and seeds can grow wheat,
so supply can be added to the market anytime. This can keep a ceiling on what prices may be
reasonably charged without drawing undue attention.

We might try and solve these problems by finding the brothers a suitable alternative business or
industry (Healthcare springs to mind as a starting point for those curious to explore how that solves
many of these problems, though we take a different tack here). However, no matter what industry
we look to, they will all be limited by the need for profits to ultimately be realized. The goal of any
business is to make money, and if the business only loses money (by having value siphoned off by
dishonest owners and operators), eventually it will be shut down. What we need instead is a
business where profit in monetary terms is irrelevant. Lucky for the brothers in our example, such
businesses do exist and generally fall under the purview of Government.

Government the Ultimate Cover Story

Most people are put to sleep by talk coming from politicians about the need (or lack of need) to
have a balanced budget. Balancing the budget is often described in ways that make it more
complicated than it need be. For our purposes, we may refer to a government having a balanced
budget as simply one that on a net basis, does not lose money that is, the amount that is spent is
no greater than the amount of income earned (importantly, without having to borrow any funds to
make up a shortfall).

The U.S. governments tens of trillions worth of dollars in debt is testament to the fact that the
government routinely does not have a balanced budget, and instead spends far more than it earns in
tax (and other) revenues each year. The way that it is able to keep going is by borrowing more. If
this reminds you of the earlier example (Unaligned Incentives Part 2) then you can pat yourself on
the back, as it is in many ways the same mechanism occurring. The U.S. government may be thought
of as effectively insolvent, and from the traditional perspective of lenders, should not be extended

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

any more credit. That more credit is being extended in the form of new loans each year is a
demonstration of the national (and international) banking system continuing to extend and
pretend with one of their biggest customers.

If you doubt that the U.S. government is in a poor fiscal situation (and so is poor credit risk) consider
this: even if the U.S. federal government cut all discretionary spending to zero there would still not
be enough income left over to pay interest on existing debt. To pay the interest, the government
must instead borrow more money (again, like in our earlier example).

We will shortly explore what has allowed the government to avoid a reckoning/accounting up until
this point, but first lets return to our example of a crooked banker scheming with his 2 brothers to
siphon money to themselves under the guise of a business loan. We now have enough pieces to put
together the way these things actually happen (albeit in a far more simplified version to reality).

The banker is the central bank, along with its member banks who (at least partially) own the central
bank itself27. Brother #1 is the Federal government who borrows money from the banker to engage
in the business lets call this business War, or in better Newspeak28, Defense. Brother #2 is a
military contractor who supplies all the weapons of war to the Government.

The military contractor business is a fantastically profitable one. Most of the (direct war) products
sold are one time use only. Bullets, bombs and missiles may only be used once and so need
constant replenishment (so long as there is an enemy to shoot them at). Security technologies
(screeners, sniffers, surveillance technology) can conveniently be never quite enough to remove all
risk, always requiring more. Then there are all the ancillary services which offer endless
opportunities to overcharge from fuel, to logistics to rebuilding projects after active hostilities
have ceased. So long as members of the public are continually convinced that there is a dire threat
(ideally, an ever-present and amorphous bogeyman from a far-away place29 who cannot be dealt
with in any way but with violence) they will demand that money be spent by the government (to the
contractors) to fight the danger. Their customer, the government, isnt concerned at all with
profitability in fact, its barely even an afterthought. The bankers continue to extend new credit to
them year-after-year to fund the projects. Furthermore, the industry has significant barriers to entry.
There are all sorts of registrations, security clearances and the like keeping participants relatively
few, and thus enabling contractors to charge exorbitantly for their products30. This is sadly, the
world in which we currently live, and is known (usually outside the U.S.) as the global war economy.

I do not mean to represent the war economy as the only beneficiary of this corrupt financial
arrangement. Indeed, it is only one aspect of what American President Eisenhower warned the
country of in his farewell address as the Military Industrial Complex. Nevertheless, I draw attention

It is worthwhile noting that while the Federal Reserve is a private (not government owned) institution that
wields enormous power over the entire world the public does not know who all the owners are. Furthermore,
even while there are areas of activity within it that are causes for concern, an audit has never been done. If
youve wondered up until now what people who call to Audit the Fed are referencing, this is it.
If you havent read George Orwells novel 1984 please do so. Orwell coined the term Newspeak in the novel.
Appealing to human beings innate xenophobia is a terrific bet. If these bogeymen are represented as
sufficiently culturally different, it also enables the public to de-humanize them and their cohorts.
If you question whether there is indeed endemic graft and misappropriation of funding in the US Defense
industry, you need only compare the US military budget to, for instance Russia. You may note that despite its
egregiously larger spend, there are many who convincingly argue that the U.S. does not maintain a significant
advantage (if one at all). Similar demonstrations can sadly be made (though not necessarily in comparison to
Russia specifically) in the US Healthcare and Education industries (among others).

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

to it as a representative demonstration of ills that have sprung from our imbalanced and corrupted
monetary system.

Chapter 6: How We Got Here

Its clear to anyone paying attention (and not believing the carefully spun narratives presented by
bought and paid for news programs) that our worlds current monetary system is broken and
continues to spin out of control only being kept together by active manipulation and machination.
So-called markets continue to make new highs while the social and economic fabric surrounding
them disintegrates. So-called experts have been reduced to discussing absurdities like 'negative
interest rates'. All the while, efforts to keep the populace distracted from the root causes reach
dizzying proportions. You may be wondering just how things got so off track, especially when there
appears to be a solution (the gold standard) that could seemingly keep things (relatively) in line. As
such, Id like to run you through a quick history one that isnt taught in most school textbooks
(much like this whole paper) but yet one that I think adequately touches upon (if not fully vets) some
of the more relevant points and events in history31.

Early Warnings
If you were wondering if any of this material is new it isnt. The founding fathers of the United
States of America were by and large keenly aware of these monetary mechanisms32, as well as the
possibility for it to be used for the benefit of malevolent elements within society looking for power
and control. To show this, lets return to the example we had of our gold-backed bank, where
bankers had effectively garnered the power to create money and through the lending mechanism
had made far too many loans out to the public perhaps even continuing to extend credit to failed
enterprises so that they could continue to reap interest income. The impact of this happening would
be as follows:

First, inflation would rise. This is because the amount of money in the system (due to excessive loan
creation) would have risen dramatically. Remembering that it is in the bankers self-interest to
create as many loans as possible33. To use a simple (and simplified) illustration, there are more units
of money chasing the same amount of services around especially if the loans made are of the
dubious kinds weve discussed. Throughout this process, the bankers would be getting wealthier, as
well as the beneficiaries of their bad-loans (like with the banker and his two brothers). Eventually
though, there would be a reckoning a bank examiner would figure out that the bank was insolvent
and the depositors would be left to absorb the losses. These losses would ensure that depositors
(the general public) would be poorer, as they would need to spend more of their money to plug the
hole. As such, there would now be less money in the system, and so deflation would occur. People
would (on average) have less money to purchase stuff, and prices would go down. Of course, the

For those interested, I highly recommend Howard Zinns Peoples History of the U.S. Last I checked, it was
free to read at the website
Understanding of these issues goes much further back, but I think beginning here with the time of Jefferson
If you are looking for modern day analogues, consider (sub-prime) mortgages, student-loans, auto-backed
loans, and now the plethora of personal loans advertised seemingly everywhere.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

bankers and corrupt businessmen would have long since stashed their wealth in actual gold or other
real property, thus immunizing themselves from the inevitable crash in the banks solvency.34

So to summarize, there is inflation whereby the bank robbery occurs. Then there is deflation
once the jig is up. When the dust clears, the bankers and their cronies are wealthier than ever
while others around them are impoverished.

Now read this quote by American founding father Thomas Jefferson, and see that it speaks precisely
to what we have just described:

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by
inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks]
will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to
the people, to whom it properly belongs. Thomas Jefferson

Since Jeffersons time there have been countless individuals who have warned against the
consequences of bestowing the power to create money to a select group of people. Most of the
time this has taken the form of demonstrations and railings against central banking including the
current Federal Reserve. It takes only a bit of research to see that calls to End the Fed began long
before U.S. Congressman Ron Paul wrote his book of the same name. There were in fact calls to
prevent it from coming into being in 1913. It wasnt until the end of World War 2 though that the
truly malevolent impact of U.S. central banking was given a turbo boost.

After WW2, the U.S. found itself in a remarkably powerful position and incredibly exposed to risks
of financially led corruption. At the same time as the U.S. Military Industrial Complex had been
birthed, a new mechanism for creating currency to be funnelled to it was created. In short, the U.S.,
as the sole global superpower, had its currency (the U.S. Dollar) transformed into the worlds
Reserve Currency.

Reserve Status
Throughout economic history, the world has had varying single currencies dominate global trade -
often going hand-in-hand with the military and political power of the currencys sponsoring country.
The dominant global currency has traditionally been referred to as a global reserve currency, and
while this title is (and was) never officially bestowed, it is generally fairly obvious when a currency
reaches that status. For instance, for the past several decades, the US Dollar has been the reserve
currency of the world, and as such, you could expect it to often be accepted as payment for
international trade between countries (even when the U.S. isnt directly involved!) as well as being
sought after and accepted by citizenry of countries all over the world. Before the U.S. Dollar, the
reserve currency was the British Pound Sterling, and before that the French Franc, and then the
Dutch Guilder. The reason its referred to as a reserve currency has to do with one of the
definitions of the word reserve: something stored or kept available for future use or need. People
generally have faith from one day to the next that the globally dominant currency will maintain its

If you are wondering what sort of numbers we are talking about with regard to the current reckoning that
is imbedded in our current system consider this: U.S. Federal debt is over $20 trillion (about half of that
creates in the last 10 years). When you add Social Security and Medicare obligations to that number, it quickly
reaches well in excess of $60 trillion (arguably substantially higher). Assuming U.S. population of 350 million,
thats $175,000 of debt which the average (unwitting) member of the public (man, woman, child) will need to
account for and the number is rising each year. Did you know that you were signed up for this?

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

status, and so use it as a store of value. They may hold dollars in local bank accounts in foreign
countries as safe savings (especially if they dont trust their own governments currency), or
figuratively (and sometimes literally) hide dollars under the mattress.

In any case, the reaching of global reserve status by a currency creates a huge pocket of demand
for the currency, based solely on peoples use for it as a store of value. People seek the reserve
currency simply to sit on it, and hold it for a rainy day35. This has vast implications for inflation.
Previously, when we discussed inflation occurring through the money supply being increased, we
glossed over a simple but crucial fact that for an increase in money supply to generate inflation,
the excess money has to circulate in the economy. If the priests in our old example blessed billions of
new leaves for themselves, but never did anything with them (that is, never spent them in the local
economy) then from an inflation perspective, they would have no impact.

With regard to our reserve currencies, people holding it for a rainy day, or sitting on it as a store of
value means that all those units do not circulate and therefore do not contribute to inflation. The
impact of this is best shown by example.

In our original Leafistan example, the priests increased the money supply by about 5 million leaves
per year (each), which assuming they entered circulation, led to inflation of about 2.5%. The Priests
might have wanted to increase supply (to themselves) by 50 million leaves each, but this might have
led to inflation of about 25% per year far too high to avoid violating the 2nd MoM Commandment.

But what if the blessed leaves of Leafistan were considered a global reserve currency? If that were
so, then we may assume that other countries citizens would want Leafistan leaves as a store of
value potentially up to 50 million worth a year. With that sort of reserve currency demand, the
priests could increase the money supply by 50 million, as once spent by the priests, most of that
would drain into the mattresses and bank accounts of reserve currency seekers abroad preventing
inflation from occurring in Leafistan and allowing the priests to stay within the confines of the
second MoM Commandment.

To summarize, when a currency has reached reserve currency status, the supply of that currency
can be significantly increased without a corresponding increase in local inflation. This means that
what was one of the checks to keep the priestly (or banking class) from issuing too much
currency (the 2nd MoM Commandment) is largely circumvented.

So finally, with that said, we can move back to our real life example, and the situation the U.S. found
itself in at the end of World War 2. With Europe (and the UK) devastated, and the U.S. having
emerged as the global military superpower, the US Dollar cemented its status as the new world
reserve currency. That this happened at the same time as the birth of the Military Industrial Complex
(MIC) meant that vast sums of money could now be printed and funnelled into the MIC, enriching all
participants, without causing runaway inflation. One of the safeguards (the threat of generating
runaway inflation) which was previously preventing bankers (and central banks) from funding
dangerous and corrupt projects was removed. The history of American military interventionism since
then sadly speaks for itself to anyone willing to research.

This is admittedly an oversimplification. There is demand for reserve currency not just for store of value, but
other moneyness aspects. Furthermore, it may be spent in foreign countries, which can lead to a concept
called exporting inflation. We note these complications, but spend no more time on them here as the net
effect in the country of the Reserve currencys sponsor is the same a greater ability to grow the money
supply without generating local inflation.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Gold & Oil The Last Safeguards Fall

Even with the US Dollar achieving reserve status (and thus allowing the money supply to be enlarged
such that it enriched a privileged class through nefarious undertakings) there was still one safeguard
left Gold.

The US Dollar had in various forms always been linked to Gold, and as such, if lending got too out of
hand (like in our simple banking examples), investors could simply redeem their dollars for gold, and
create what would effectively be a national bank run against the currency.

Throughout the ages, Kings and Princes have tried to de-couple their currencies from gold, as only by
doing so could they exempt themselves from the restrictions on money supply creation having gold
as a currency-backing demands. Members of the groups controlling the US Dollar found themselves
in a similar position. If gold was no longer linked to the US Dollar, there could be no national bank
runs on the US Dollar. So long as inflation were kept subdued (or importantly, people were
convinced that it was subdued) there would be no limit to how much money could be printed and
directed into projects of their choice. But without gold as backing, what assurance could the bankers
have that people would accept US Dollars as a valid currency?

The answer to this problem of assurance of acceptance was twofold. First and foremost, with the
dollar as the global reserve currency and U.S. as a military superpower, they had a reasonable head-
start. Much like Coca-Cola introducing New Coke in the 1980s (where they could rely upon their
distribution and marketing networks to ensure people would try it), the US could rely upon the
Dollars reserve status to ensure that people would try these new Dollars no longer backed by
gold, but by faith (otherwise known as Fiat Currency). Just like New Coke failed though, these new
Fiat Dollars would ultimately fail if there wasnt another hook that kept the US Dollar centrally
required in global trade. This hook was provided with oil and the system which evolved through it
became known as the Petrodollar system.

By the 1960s oil had grown to be arguably the single most important commodity for driving global
industrial development, and therefore trade. Its unlikely though that anyone in the United States
ever seriously considered backing dollars with oil, in the same way that they had been backed with
gold. First and foremost, the US simply didnt have the oil supplies to do so36. But more importantly,
backing the dollar with oil (like gold before it) would defeat the purpose of having a pure fiat
currency unconstrained in its supply by linkages to real world assets. No, there would have to be a
clever new solution to somehow merely align the dollar with oil, such that people wanted even
needed dollars. The solution was found through striking a deal with a rich and powerful group
the ruling family of Saudi Arabia.

The deal, while in many ways horrific in its impact on the world, was in many respects quite beautiful
in its elegance. The Saudis had enormous oil reserves, but lived in what some might call the tough
neighborhood of the Middle East. The Saud family had power and wealth, but many enemies both
external and internal. If they wished to maintain and even consolidate their grip on power, they
would need powerful allies supplying them with weapons and protection. The U.S., as the leading
world superpower, had the military wherewithal to provide the Saudis with military support
ensuring they maintained (and even grew) their power and wealth. The deal struck was therefore
essentially as follows: the U.S. would support the Saudi regime by supplying them with all the
weapons of war and oppression they needed to maintain their control over the region. In exchange,
the Saudis would declare to the world that payment for their oil (which every country relied upon)

Never mind that oil does a poor job of satisfying moneyness criteria.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

could only be made in U.S. Dollars. This was a win-win for both parties (though not for the average
citizen of the world). The U.S. now had additional support to its currency as the worlds reserve (in
the form of global demand for dollars needed to buy Saudi oil). As this connection was not a strict-
backing though, they maintained the monetary freedom of a fiat currency. The Saudis had their
political and regional dominance guaranteed, and were further assured of enormous new riches.
After all, America was the land of any type of consumer good one could imagine, and with their
coffers filled with US Dollars from oil sales, the Saudis could go shopping for anything their hearts

And so, by the early 1970s, the United States had successfully abandoned the gold-standard,
allowing it to create money with impunity, and use (and abuse) its power as master of the worlds
reserve currency. While the dangerous and horrific effects of this bargain were felt all over the world
in various forms for decades, it took until the new millennium before its excesses and imbalances
began to enter the consciousness of the average American citizen.

Gold Not to the Rescue

Getting the public to reject a currency (effectively to force a renunciation of the first MoM
Commandment) is exceedingly difficult if the other two commandments are still being upheld.
Expecting the public to comprehend the complexity of the system is a tall order for sure, and makes
it extremely difficult for people to realize enough of the situation to challenge the status quo even
as social and economic calamity sweeps across the land. The far more likely way that people will
realize something is wrong is through recognizing inflation. This is why it is so imperative to keep
people convinced that inflation is tame and under control even when it is not38. While there are
many methods used to convince people that inflation is subdued and/or controlled (things like
hedonic adjustments to inflation indexes, or chopping off zeros from currency nominal values)
there is the price of a single commodity which is looked to more than any other for determining
whether a currency is experiencing inflationary effects gold.

Even though gold hasnt officially backed the US Dollar since 1971, many still look to the price of gold
in dollars as an indicator for the health of the US monetary system. If inflation were truly rampant,
and the system itself was collapsing, then people would flee the dollar and purchase gold as a safe-
haven store of long term value. After all, just because the dollar isnt officially backed by a fixed
quantity of gold doesnt mean you cant still find someone willing to part with their gold for your

If for instance, gold was to suddenly triple in dollar price, more and more people would question the
integrity of the Dollar money system causing yet more people to abandon the dollar in exchange
for gold - a feedback loop. Gold spiking in value would be a major warning sign and accelerant for
people losing faith in the fiat currency and as faith is all that back the dollar, the implications
would be disastrous. For many gold bugs, that this will happen is just a matter of time, and they
have positioned themselves accordingly buying and holding large amounts of gold. Unfortunately
for them, the pending skyrocketing of the price of gold has yet to materialize.

The MoM and administrators of the current monetary regime are (and have been) very aware of this
prospect and through manipulative trading activity have been diligent in neutering its possibility. I

There was also an element to the agreement whereby the Saudis would invest their dollars in U.S.
government debt, but we gloss over this here as it isnt critical to this aspect of the narrative.
It also becomes increasingly important to keep the public distracted with issues that (while often have merit
in their own right) often pale in comparison to the big issue of monetary structure.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

will not go far into the details of their price suppression mechanisms, as there is currently ample
material available for the interested reader to pursue with an internet search. Briefly though, the
ability to keep the price of gold (and silver) artificially low is dependent on three things:

1) The ability to naked-short-sell related contracts which are settled for cash, not settled in
the actual physical commodity. This condition exists as the de facto standard on American
2) The public being convinced that the price of gold contracts on these exchanges is to be used
to dictate the price of physical gold - despite the fact that little physical gold actually exists in
support of the outstanding contracts.
3) The party or parties manipulating the price of the commodities have the suppression of
prices as the utmost goal, with profitability and/or notional trade-size limits being
considered all but irrelevant.

Perhaps the greatest limitation of gold as a modern solution to our money ills though exists beyond
the fact that its price is currently being manipulated lower. Instead, its fundamental drawback as the
true basis for money today is based upon three features.

1) It is a physical thing, and so not conducive to electronic transfers.

If we hope to maintain our current levels of technological advancement and interconnection, having
a money that can be represented as a digital medium of exchange is vital. We cannot expect all
transactions across the internet to suddenly rely upon physical gold transfers. This necessarily leads
to the second feature.

2) Displacing fiat with gold would still require an intermediate currency to be used as a modern
medium of exchange.

Unless scientists can learn to transmit gold over power lines (they cannot), we would need to return
to a digital representation of the gold. We would need a new currency. It could be called eGold, or
BitGold, or any such thing, but ultimately, it is not gold just another currency that claims to be
represented on a fixed basis with physical gold. This then necessarily leads us to the third feature.

3) We would again find ourselves in a position where we have to trust some new Masters of
Money with the proper accounting and safekeeping of the physical gold itself, as well as its
direct proportionality to the currency supply.

This essentially brings us right back to the situation where we had a gold-backed currency issued by
bankers. It does not fundamentally alter the structure of our money systems, and yet again leaves
the public beholden to a Priestly Caste to represent that all the gold is accounted for and kept safe
and that none of the fiscal experiments of old will be repeated, despite the inevitable and
irresistible temptations.

It is also no trivial matter that there exist many thoughtful and intelligent individuals who question
whether even now, the U.S. (and other governments) actually have all the gold they claim to
possess. A cursory examination and review of the audits of the gold in, for example, Fort Knox,
bring up inconsistencies and logical holes big enough to (as the saying goes) drive a truck through.
Regardless, even if all gold held in custody by governments is properly accounted for, corruption of
the system would be inevitable. This is because once again, placement of money stewardship
powers would be handed to a small elite.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Chapter 7: Enter Bitcoin

I hope that by this point, you see that many evils are borne out of having an un-fixed money supply.
The power to create new units of money is - like the One Ring from Lord of the Rings too powerful
to be wielded by a mortal without becoming corrupted by it. The notion that humans can be trusted
with wielding this power must be once and for all consigned to the history books as a description of
imbalanced structures in times long past. While gold has held (for many) the promise of being the
foundation for a new, finite and sound money system, it not only has failed to overcome the barriers
of the current monetary regime, but has further limitations as described above. Bitcoin however, is a
different and exciting story. Lets first begun by quickly reviewing the moneyness of Bitcoin to get
on the same page.

Bitcoins Moneyness
Bitcoin, like gold passes the Store of Value test with flying colors, and in many ways surpasses it.
There will never be more than 21 million bitcoins in existence, and so long as the Internet remains
functional and even modestly accessible, they will remain durable and untarnished. This is in
contrast to gold, where the total amount that exists on Earth will forever remain the subject of
speculation, not certainty.

Also like gold, Bitcoin passes the Unit of Account test. They are effectively infinitely divisible and

With regard to Medium of Exchange, Bitcoin actually does better than gold in many ways. Critically,
Bitcoin does not need an intermediating currency. Bitcoin can serve as both money, and direct
medium of exchange. Not needing an intermediate currency means that the public need not entrust
the Power of Money in the hands of any group of mortal men.

Of course, there is still value in gold, as Bitcoin relies upon the premise that our modern society
(with electricity and networked computers) will survive the turbulent times of today (and tomorrow)
and not be knocked back to the stone age. Though this limitation is real, it is far more appealing to
me to take steps (some of which I will outline shortly) which can serve to navigate us all into a better
world, rather than giving up on humanity and anticipating devolution as inevitable. We must
recognize that this decision to believe either in evolutionary movement or devolutionary
movement is, together with concurrent activities, a self-fulfilling prophecy. As the saying goes, No
one is coming to save us from ourselves. We must act with faith and vision to ensure our balanced
today and tomorrows.

The Threat of Bitcoin

Much has been said and written (predictably, by those who stand to lose the most by Bitcoins
success) about the threats and dangers of Bitcoin. While there may be small kernels of truth in these
arguments they are as a whole vapid and empty arguments. The threat of Bitcoin is extremely real,
but only exists insomuch as it may displace existing power structures namely, removing the power
to create money (and thus control people and events) from those who currently wield it. That this
particular class of priests, as well as the classes of those who rely upon their largess, fear the
coming overturning of the money-changing tables is understandable and unsurprising. The onus
though is on everyone else to see the truth and so to reject their attempts to obfuscate and deceive.
To be fair, to the extent that serious social changes occur as a function of Bitcoin adoption there will
undoubtedly be disruption. But considering that the future to which leaders seem intent on
marching the world toward includes war, strife and oppression (with salvation from these ills of

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

their own devising advertised as achievable by giving them even more power and authority) -
reasonable alternatives have appeal.

In a world where governments increasingly rely upon threats to extract tax revenues from their
populace (who have begun to realize en masse that they are not represented by politicians on
matters of importance) the prospect of having to rely upon citizens willingly transferring tax
revenues to the state is understandably terrifying to those in power. What citizen feels that their tax
revenues are being used responsibly, as opposed to for the perpetuation of massive social ills such
as surveillance, war, and the enrichment of elites and their cronies? With the exception of high-
stress interrogation-type tactics, Bitcoin cannot be extracted from an unwilling giver. Encryption
keys can easily be hidden and are essentially un-hackable39. In a world where entire generations of
people have been sold into indentured servitude by the Higher Education, Healthcare and Housing
Rackets, the prospect of an economy existing outside that in which their debt burden lives is
understandably terrifying to lenders.

I would like to be clear here that I do not believe in the abrogation of personal responsibilities
including taxes and indebtedness. However, I do see that as people become increasingly aware of
our collective plight, the prospect of there being an alternative to taxation-without-representation
and indefinite debt-serfdom may spur on honest and productive re-assessments on all sides.

Visions for the Future The First Two

These are frightening and uncertain times for most of humanity. Financial, social, political, and
religious systems are collapsing leaving a void which has so far been filled with fear, anger and
hopelessness by those who would seek to use crisis as opportunity. There are however, 3 scenarios
which I, broadly speaking, see as possible. Through briefly describing them, I will try to express what
I see as the benefits of Bitcoin adoption. I describe the first two here, and return to the third in a
further section.

Neo-Feudal Dystopia

This is the version of the future in which structures that concentrate power into the hands of the few
either remain intact or are strengthened. With money making the world go round, this is the
equivalent of Sauron re-claiming the Ring, from out of the hands of Frodo. Fiat currencies maintain
their grip on world economies which is another way of saying that those relatively few priests
who control the worlds money supply can continue to manipulate society with power unchecked
across all caste and creed. It is likely that there would be agitation toward further centralization of
power outside of money abdication of individual rights in favor of the government or ultimately
Big Brother in whatever name it decides to adopt. The world would enter a neo-feudal age where
those in control continue to motivate others to do their bidding often in clever ways that mask the
fact that they are being kept at serf status. Things like universal basic income and unification of
governments are marvellous examples of brilliant and manipulative marketing on par with the
best propaganda of any recorded human age.

I personally see this outcome as the most unlikely. There are many millions of individuals becoming
increasingly aware of the traps gathering around them, and many of them are willing and (in many
ways) sadly, eager to react violently. As pending conflict(s) may prevent this form of dystopia from

Yes, there is the possibility of future quantum computing advances breaking the encryption. There are
however already technologies that may be implemented via a future fork of the chain to offset this risk.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

occurring, the next form of the future is in my view more likely, though not the likeliest and
certainly not the most desirable.

Collapse Dystopia

This version of the future is more akin to the Mad Max movies. In this version, while many of the
corrupt elements to societal mechanisms are removed, the baby is thrown out with the bathwater.
Many wonderful and evolutionary elements of modern society are lost. This is a world where the
social fabric, including the ability of even the Masters of Old to maintain order, collapses. This is the
world of the survivalist and the prepper. The key physical elements for survival in this world are
thought by some to be:

- Access to fresh food and water, away from potentially disrupted supply chains
- Shelter that accommodates the above
- The means to defend the above as required (for many, this means firearms)
- A form of money that would hold its value (this eliminates fiat currency as a possibility)
as well as be immune to widespread power-grid disruptions (this potentially eliminates
cryptocurrencies). As such, physical gold and silver hordes would likely become the de
facto standard for money.

This form of dystopia is essentially the route taken throughout most of human history when
societies have collapsed. It represents retrograde motion in terms of our collective human evolution,
as advances in knowledge and awareness are lost.

If we allow ourselves to fall into this path, thousands of years of knowledge and wisdom can be lost
in a destructive instant.

This is the lesson of the great fire at the Library of Alexandria. This is the lesson of the countless
civilizations who have disappeared from the Earth, leaving only a tale of their decay and fall in the
archaeological record but no true description of the advancement at their civilizations pinnacle. It
is sadly all too common in modern thinking to assume that history and knowledge move forward
throughout the ages in a straight line of progress. The truth is, we as a species have not been able to
hold it together for long enough stretches (before dissolving in conflict and strife) to evolve past
these repetitive and chaotic outcomes. Let it not be forgotten by any who question this fact that
while the Ancient Romans enjoyed the convenience of indoor plumbing, more modern Europeans
hundreds of years later dealt with their bathroom functions by defecating out windows onto the
streets below.

Chapter 8: This, Here, Now

A Human Aside
While this paper may appear to be predominantly on economics and money matters, I feel obliged
to take a moment to share perspective on the bigger picture. Who we are as a species, and how
evolved we allow ourselves to become, is deeply intertwined with how we interact with money and
in what form we use it. This is because money, as the promise of wants satisfied, touches upon deep
primal currents that live within us all - currents which whisper questions to us about our level of
connectedness with life, and indeed about the nature of life itself. But money is only one aspect
(albeit a significant one) to the situation in which we all collectively find ourselves.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

There is a bigger transformation occurring than what money we use, what flag we wave (or dont) or
whether we consider ourselves in the yes or no camp of a particular issue. We are all evolving
and on dimensions that were previously outside the periphery of our vision. There is an awareness
growing in the world, and it is something that I see in the eyes of nearly everyone that I meet. For
anyone sensitive, often only modestly so, these past several years have been amongst the most
trying, humbling, and intense of our lives. But yet theyve also been the ones in which weve grown
the most. We have gotten a better glimpse (often the hard way) of who and what we really are.

We are discovering that the big questions those that we have for generations been discouraged
from asking are coming to the fore. None of us are immune to at one point or another (perhaps
our entire lives up until this point) being distracted from this growing awareness through means of
sedation and control. Sometimes these distractions are obviously self-inflicted. Other times, (such as
with some of contents of this treatise) it may appear that we have had the distractions thrust upon

It is vitally important to not turn this into a blame-game.

None of us are free of some guilt of ownership of the world in which we find ourselves. We have all
had experiences where we contributed to its imbalanced condition. At the same time, none of us are
without some innocence - we were all born into a societal structure that was intact and running
while we were still in a pre-conditioned infant state. We have all done our best with what we have
been given and where we have been placed. To focus on blame, rather than assuming personal
responsibility in our own lives now is to miss the opening which the current state of our world

Evolution cannot occur amidst an environment of witch-hunts. Without an appreciation for amnesty,
there can be no lasting peace. To think that we can eradicate what we perceive as our enemies
with reactionary aggression is to misunderstand how experience flows. The energy of opposition
must be integrated and assisted to evolve, not stifled or attacked so that it simply changes form
while maintaining its antagonism.

The Third Vision

The third vision I would like to share is one of a world with humanity more deeply connected to one
another not just via technological innovations (which are nonetheless still appreciated) - but with
an awareness that we all live here on this Earth in a shared predicament. We all face fear; we all face
loss; we all face death. It is through honestly acknowledging our collective feelings that we truly
realize there is nothing to fear. We integrate the message of the Abhaya Mudra the simple hand
gesture depicted in statues of teachers from long ago and feel it. Once this happens, what seemed
like the nasty and unfortunate occurrence of being born into this world shows itself for what it truly
is the blessing of a loving and evolving experience.

However, as with any injury, the open-wound of our collective humanity must be treated in a
particular order. Before it can be healed, it must first and foremost be cleansed. All bacterial,
infectious and parasitic organisms must be gently removed from the wound area. This often hurts,
as no attachments may be broken without some pain. But once done, balance organically restores

I would like to leave this vision of the world relatively short and open-ended. I do not know what
form it may take, but I believe that it will arrive with a higher degree of certainty than any of the two
previous dystopian visions. I present it therefore as a series of questions:

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

How might the world be different if the mechanisms through which trillions of dollars are siphoned
each year to perpetuate corrupt systems and structures (largely against the will of the public who
provide it) were rendered impotent?

How might the cost of living be changed if wealth were not siphoned into the hands of the few via
the corrupt mechanisms we have so far described?

How might we view social, racial and class distinctions in a world driven by deflationary forces, such
that the material world essentials for healthy living were available to all?

How might we begin to view ourselves and all those around us if we lived with a calm certainty that
we would always have enough?

Practical Steps
There are actions we all can take today that will have a profound impact towards facilitating this
evolution away from systems of old to a new sound money future. That is, one where we all return
to an appreciation of the higher definitions of money appreciating it as a tool to facilitate equitable
transfers, rather than a promise of desires satisfied that may be used as a weapon against us.

This change is not a war, and requires no one to pick up arms and fight. It simply requires that we
take steps to facilitate a re-focusing of our money system away from fiat and toward fixed-supply.
We must remain resolute in our determination to do so, regardless of inevitable obstacles and
circumstances where we are deliberately incited to alarm. Evolution does not occur through
reactionary aggression whether initiated or provoked. It occurs through redirected attention and

From a practical perspective, I offer a few suggestions that I believe will facilitate this movement.
This list is by no means exhaustive. If you are inspired to find other modes and methods that work
for you, by all means share them as appropriate. But for those interested, I offer these to you.

1) Continue to buy Bitcoin.

Theres a saying in microeconomics (the study of business finance, as opposed to the study of larger
economic systems): People vote with their wallets.40 This is to say that regardless of how people
may express their viewpoints when asked, the ultimate expression of their opinion is voiced when
they spend their money. For instance, you may say that you oppose the War Economy, but by simply
participating in the Fiat economy you are indirectly supporting it. Instead, I propose a modest
alteration of the saying:

- Vote with what you select as your money

Buying Bitcoin (or other relevant cryptos) demonstrates confidence and support of the new
paradigm, just as it simultaneously demonstrate the lack of support for the old paradigm. Every time
one buys Bitcoin (and simultaneously sell Fiat Currencies), a message is being sent that people no
longer want to play the rigged games. Instead it serves as a vote to emancipate all of us from the
restrictions of the corrupted mechanisms in which we find ourselves. This buying also generates
upward pressure on the price of Bitcoin, which has very particular consequences we will address in
the Valuation section.

2) Accept Bitcoin as payment in transactions, and at a discount to fiat prices.

Another version of the saying is putting your money where your mouth is.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Despite Bitcoins incredible rise in price, the percentage of the populace who actually owns and
transacts in Bitcoin is exceedingly low. For Bitcoin to displace Fiat currencies, it must be used as not
only a store of value, but a transactional currency. More of the general populace must be brought
into the ecosystem and become acquainted with acquiring and spending Bitcoin. One way to do this
is to make it clearly in peoples immediate best financial interests to participate. Expecting the
average man on the street to read this paper and absorb all the information is a tall order, but
expecting the same person to appreciate that they can get a better deal if they pay in Bitcoin is much

Wherever possible whether trading with friends, on Craigslist or ideally as a business41, let
counterparties and customers know that you will accept Bitcoin as payment at a discounted price to
Fiat Currency. I propose a 10% discount42, though you may of course pick whatever discount works
for you.

For example, assuming you are in the U.S., and selling a bicycle on Craigslist for $1,000 advertise
that you would be willing to accept only $900 worth of Bitcoin for the bike. Rather than exchanging
cash or a wire-transfer, you may do an on-the-spot Bitcoin transfer using the reference price of
Bitcoin at any of the many online exchanges (I favor as it aggregates prices across many

There are several implications to doing this. Firstly, you motivate those who have not yet taken the
plunge into Cryptos to buy their first amount of Bitcoin even if it is only to earn the savings that
you offer on the item or service sale. While it is true that at the time of the transaction you may be
taking a small loss (whatever discount you offer), you are also taking real action to promote Bitcoin
adoption, which may ultimately significantly improve the value of Bitcoin. As more people transact in
Bitcoin, the 10% the seller lost would undoubtedly be made up many times over as the Bitcoin
received further appreciate in value. Of course, once Bitcoin adoption rates are high enough such
discounts will become increasingly unnecessary.

3) Do your best to remain informed and not fall for the propaganda that rails against Bitcoin and
Altcoins as negative things that need to be controlled and heavily regulated.

Bitcoin represent an existential threat to many of the corrupt power structures in our society today
and it so happens that these same structures have vast media, propaganda and political resources at
their disposal. It is likely that the rhetoric trying to paint Bitcoin in a negative light (whether belittling
it, demonizing it, or calling for its outright ban) will increase. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by
these appeals. Do not naively relinquish your right to determine for yourself what is suitable to be
used as money. This is a decision we all must make for ourselves and for the future of our world. We
must not allow ourselves to be scared or bullied into passively accepting a status quo that we can all
see is devouring itself. Those managing and attempting to control public perception will never

Relatively few people own their own businesses and so have the discretion to make this decision directly.
Most people though are employed by others and certainly have it within their power to raise the topic with
employers, as well as increase patronage to businesses that adopt this mechanism.
For those who have an appreciation for different religious traditions, 10% is traditionally the amount used
for tithing. Whether you believe in religious tradition or not, it is to me intuitively appealing that a small
sacrifice (the 10%) is made almost as an offering to the advancement of the greater good. The fact that If it
works as I envision, it would ultimately enrich everyone involved is icing on the cake.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

earnestly offer momentous decisions like these to formally be up for vote43. This is why we must
vote not with ballots or protest signs, but with simple, distributed adoption, which can be neither be
stamped out nor denied.

Chapter 9: Valuation44

Unlike other Alt-coins (a few of which Ive so far opined on in other notes) the basic valuation of
Bitcoin may be done relatively simply45. The difficulty lies not in grasping the math or logic, but in
accepting the enormity of that which it represents. As humans, we are not used to seismic shifts and
have no good reference points for assessing the meteoric rise of Bitcoin valuations. It is
understandable that without an appreciation for the Power of Money one may remain sceptical of
predictions that Bitcoin will rise further in price after all, what stocks or bonds in recent history
have risen in value nearly as much as Bitcoin outside of irrational bubble schemes?

Basic Framework
It is worth noting that while we will be using some traditional investment terms to describe Bitcoin,
this is a bit of proverbially mixing apples and oranges. Things like Market Cap and Enterprise
Value are terms used in finance to describe individual investments such as stocks and bonds, not
money itself. We wouldnt for instance refer to the total percentage of global M3 held in actual US$
as the American Dollars Market Cap46. It is partially because of this misguided use of terminology
that people have difficulty accepting the enormity of Bitcoins value potential. To liken it to a stock
trading on an exchange, rather than to major world currencies such as the US Dollar or the Euro is
to use the wrong reference set, and so make the final results look suspiciously large by comparison.

We may first begin by identifying the size of the global money supply, of which Bitcoin may
prospectively assume a larger proportion. The metric that we will use to represent global money
supply is M3, which tends to be used by economists to represent money used not just as a medium
of exchange, but as a store of value. This includes cash currency, checking accounts, demand
deposits, savings accounts, money-market securities, and time deposits. While global consolidated
estimates vary somewhat, I use a current global value of US$80 trillion equivalent. I believe that this
number is somewhere between fair and conservative (i.e., to the low side).

If Bitcoin is successful over the coming years in displacing Fiat currencies, then we may simply
ascribe a greater portion of that M3 pie to Bitcoins market capitalization. While I leave it to the
reader to determine what his or her own estimations are with regard to both M3 penetration and
probabilities of achievement I will demonstrate an example which I believe to be reasonable.

Considering the advantages Bitcoin holds over Fiat currencies we might estimate that in a Bitcoin
Success scenario it garners 40% of global M3 attribution within 10 years. This means that its market

Attempts to convince people that they have a say in government will be made with issues of strong
emotional appeal but limited practical significance. This is already happening.
If youve just skipped to this section without reading any of the previous ones, Hello! It is my belief that the
sum total of this report before this section confers significant strength to the valuation assessment I will
propose here. As such, I highly encourage you to review earlier chapters as they may not only impart deeper
conviction in terms of the value and utility of Bitcoin, but the moral consequences of adopting (or not
adopting) it.
While there are many important nuances and details to consider I will reserve addressing those for another
time and/or venue. My main focus here is to offer frameworks rather than detailed exposition.
This number currently stands at approximately $15 trillion of our $80 trillion total just under 20%.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

cap would be $32 trillion, split amongst 21 million fully-diluted coins or approximately $1.5
million per coin. We further may personally ascribe a minimum 2% probability to this success case
occurring47. Therefore, the expected value48 is equal to 2% times $1.5 million, or $30,000. If we
further assume that current value for a Bitcoin is $4,000 and the scenario unfolds after 10 years (and
not before) we can deduce our expected rate of return. In Excel, the financial formula would be
=RATE(10,0,-4000,30000), or ~22% annually for ten years.

Note though this is not the return an investor today would actually earn if Bitcoin achieves
success as per this example. That return would instead be a nearly 375-fold increase in investment.
This 22% is our probability weighted return today. That it advertises a yield substantially higher than
the Risk-Free-Rate49 points to Bitcoin currently being significantly undervalued based upon our
penetration, timing, and probability assumptions. If we wish to value Bitcoin today, we simply need
to discount our ten-year forward expected value ($30,000 per coin) back to now at the Risk-free-rate
(which we assume is 2.5%, the approximate yield on the current US 10yr Treasury Note). We do not
need to apply any additional discount factors (or use risky rates) as we have already accounted for
the probability in our initial estimation. All that is left is to account for the time value of money. The
formula is therefore simply = 30,000/(1.025^10) or $23,345 approximately 6 times current levels.

Bitcoin as Insurance
Hopefully by this point you have been convinced that there is at least a marginally greater-than-zero
probability that Bitcoin may displace global fiat as per our success scenario above50. Perhaps you
instead think its a 0.1% chance (1 in 1,000), or perhaps you think its a 5% chance. Perhaps you think
success penetration would be either 20% or 80%.

Lets instead assume that you give it a 1% chance of reaching an M3 penetration of 1/3 within 10
years. This success case would correspond to an approximately 300x increase in value from current
levels. In this case, what sort of allocation to Bitcoin makes sense simply from an insurance
perspective? Wealth management is, after all, first and foremost about wealth preservation. If I
believed there was a 1 in 100 chance that it would rise in value by 300 times, then I can do some
simple math to determine an allocation that would leave me at least as wealthy as I am today in
such a scenario that is, not missing out relative to everyone else. Consider it an insurance
premium that pays off just in case Bitcoin actually succeeds.

This is best demonstrated by example. Lets suppose I have an investment portfolio currently valued
at $10 million. If I allocated 0.333% or $33,333 to Bitcoin (that is, buying approximately 8 BTC) then I
ought to be able to sleep at night, knowing that I wont totally miss the Bitcoin boat. If Bitcoin
succeeds, and the price rises (as per our assumption) by 300x, then my initial investment will be
worth $33,333 x 300 = $9,999,000 approximately $10 million the initial (inflation adjusted)
amount of wealth I currently have, even if I exclude all my other investments from the final total.

For the purposes of this example, we can assume that all upside is capped at our definition of success, and
any shortcoming results in a 100% loss of investment.
Although it may not sound like it, Expected Value is actually a formal statistical and financial term. Its
achieved by simply multiplying each possible outcome by the likelihood of each outcome. In our instance, we
are ascribing a 2% likelihood to a value of $1.5 million, and a 98% likelihood to a value of zero.
Risk-free-rate. This is, of course a misnomer, and I find it almost ridiculously so but in the interests of
speaking the language of finance I am treating it as valid.
In case you were wondering, a current price of $4,000 while still adhering to our examples rules dictates
that the implied probability of success is 0.341%.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

Considering that investors typically pay insurance premiums far in excess of a one-time 0.333%, this
should warrant serious consideration for anyone managing wealth51.

On Signalling and Feedback Loops

Near the beginning of this paper, we discussed the scenario in Leafistan where all citizens had the
ability to create money by collecting leaves. We were presented with a demonstration of how a
system structured such that a particular behavior is encouraged (in that case, for people to go out
and collect leaves) can have consequences that return to impact the sustainability of the system
itself. In that particular case, the impact was one which would have caused the abandonment of that
monetary system. A destructive outcome though neednt always be the case and in fact with
regard to Bitcoin, it isnt. What we see instead is that, once understood by enough people, the
behavior that is encouraged actually supports the stability of the system itself creating what may
be called a virtuous cycle.

In the earlier chapter of Next Steps we offered up that something people could do to support
Bitcoin was to buy it. That some might have a knee-jerk reaction to such a statement as sounding
like a Ponzi scheme is absolutely natural. However, it is no such thing. This is because in Ponzi
schemes there is no culmination scenario that may be achieved through continued growth - outside
of inevitable collapse. There is no crystallization event or threshold whereupon valuations previously
perceived as too-high are suddenly imminently logical and reasonable. In the instance of a new
form of money being adopted though, that crystallization of value is a very real prospect. Its
achievement would immediately validate nearly all prior leaps of faith.

Buying Bitcoin has two primary consequences which are integral to understanding the virtuous
cycle to which we have referred.

1) When faced with buying pressure, the price of Bitcoin, like any traded asset (that cannot be
manipulated lower) will rise.

While this may seem obvious, the consequences of the price of a Money/Currency rising are vastly
different from the consequences of the price of an investable asset rising (such as stocks or bonds).
Lets first examine the latter case (with stocks).

When a stock rises in value, the underlying fundamental investment thesis of the stock itself rarely
improves in fact, the future valuation returns typically get worse. For instance, If Apple stock is
trading at $150 a share today and you believe it is worth $200 a share, then if tomorrow it begins
trading at $175, your prospective returns from tomorrow onward are now lower52. Whereas today
you expected to earn ($200 - $150)/($150), or a 33.3% return, any new money invested at the new
price would return only a ($200-$175)/($175) return, or ~14% return. Your price target may rise

If we assume that just 5% of those controlling the approximately US$40 trillion in investable wealth
controlled by High-Net-Worth individuals acts this way, this alone would represent incremental demand for
Bitcoin in the amount of nearly $7 billion, or about 11% of its total market-cap not an insignificant upward
pressure, even before considering the substantial implications of feedback loops and iteration.
You have of course booked an unrealized gain already, so you are not unhappy but there is now less
upside left.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

above $200 from a technical analysis perspective, but from a valuation perspective the price rise
has done nothing to impact valuation53. It has simply moved closer to the static price target.

Money and currencies though are different, and this is largely why the MoM have seen to it that the
prices of gold and silver have been kept artificially kept low. When people see that one form of
money is rising in value relatively to another they may interpret it as meaning that the latter form
of money is losing value.54 The very perception that a money is losing value tends to spur people to
move further away from the losing currency, and into the winning currency particularly as the
transition becomes one that points leads to a new economic model. This is particularly true when the
losing form of money is backed by nothing other than faith as is the case with all Fiat.

Furthermore, there is nothing magical that happens should the breadth of ownership of a stock rise
drastically. Although a successful stock might soon be considered a component of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average (and perhaps get an Index driven boost) it still remains just a stock that people
own. But things are different with a new form of money. Once a critical mass of participants is
achieved, the ability of the money itself to satisfy the requirements of moneyness increases
enormously55, until a threshold is breached and it fully steps into its valuation.

As the price of Bitcoin continues to rise, more and more people will adopt it. Some will do so with an
appreciation for its end-use in displacing fiat56, and others will just view it as a curiosity, investment
vehicle, or moral statement. The reasons for adoption matter far less than the adoption itself. This is
already happening right now, and like any virtuous cycle, it becomes stronger the further it
proceeds, until it reaches escape velocity.

2) More people will own it as an investment.

Again, this is fairly obvious but its implications are subtler. As more people have a vested financial
interest in Bitcoin succeeding, there will be increasing amounts of public pressure to let Bitcoin win.
Of course, the bulk of the opposition may still be expected to come from the MoM, but particularly
as wealthy (and influential) citizens of the world increase exposure to Bitcoin, it will become
increasingly difficult for the MoM to maintain their grip on power. This is even before the potential
for a prisoners dilemma type situation to arise which looks at participation in Bitcoin from the
perspective of the Master of Money themselves.

The Masters Dilemma

Lets assume for a moment that you, the reader of this treatise, are a proverbial member of the
Masters of Money club. Perhaps you are a central bank president, or simply a (relatively) direct
beneficiary of their largess. If this were the case, you might find yourself grappling with a dilemma
entirely divorced from moral imperative or visions of the world, but simply focused on self-

Theoretically, rising prices of a stock may help fundamentals insomuch as the Company may use their now-
more-valuable stock as currency to pay for prospectively value enhancing projects. This is hardly a given
though and may be thought of as (once again) an exception that proves the rule.
Unlike when someone sees a stock or bond rise in value. When that happens, they dont think that the
underlying currency it is priced in has depreciated!
Particularly as a medium-of-exchange. Furthermore, although price-stability was excluded from our
moneyness definitions, we would see this express itself as more goods are priced in Bitcoin, causing Fiat to
finally bear the burden of its own volatility.
Which I hope is a camp of which readers of this treatise will consider themselves a member.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

You might like to maintain the status quo. After all, the status quo has you firmly embedded in
control of the wealth (and power) of nations. But unfortunately, you cannot deny that cracks have
begun to show57. There is a non-zero probability that all this Bitcoin stuff might actually undermine
the current system. If that happens, what will happen to you and your wealth?

You might want to begin secretly making preparations taking out an insurance policy of your own.
Perhaps you decide to secretly (without telling any of the other MoMs) begin doing the unspeakable
buying Bitcoin.

This is a tricky business though. Since you have enormous Fiat wealth to begin with, in order to
purchase enough Bitcoin to make a difference to your portfolio, youd have to accumulate a
significant amount of (current) dollars worth of Bitcoin. But weve just explored how any large
purchases would push the price up not only facilitating the success of Bitcoin itself but keeping you
from buying as much as you would like at lower prices. As such, you might try different strategies.
For starters, you might do your best to send signals to the marketplace to keep the price down long
enough for you to buy it in the volumes you desire.

Perhaps you publicly deride it as a Ponzi scheme or fraud. Perhaps you take steps to outlaw it (of
course knowing that any victories in this direction will be Pyrrhic particularly with the presence of
privacy enabled Cryptos like Monero). You do anything you can to keep the price down while you
accumulate as much as you can. Of course you tell no one outside your inner-inner-circle. Any other
MoMs not in-on-it with you must not know you are doing this, lest they accuse you of breaking ranks
and being a traitor.

But theres a catch.

You suspect that other MoMs might be secretly doing the same thing! They might have had the
same idea as you! And any Bitcoins they secretly acquire to maintain their wealth in the new
economic order are Bitcoins that you havent successfully purchased. Its a competition that no one
will admit to it! Or will they?

You know that after a while, it will become increasingly difficult to keep acquiring Bitcoin without
the price rising dramatically. Once that happens, you may not be able to purchase meaningful
amounts to cement you in the lifestyle to which youve grown accustomed. As such, perhaps you
should be bold. Perhaps you should aggressively start buying Bitcoin now price rise be damned. If
you are the first MoM to do this, then this could still work out for you. Who cares if you have to pay
$10,000 per Bitcoin if the price will ultimately be over 100 times higher than that?

While you suspect your MoM brethren have buying programs in place, you will out-do them with
your aggressiveness. Every time they bid higher for Bitcoin, you will bid higher yet. You will see to it
that you are at the head of the pack of the MoM. Perhaps they will find out what you are doing but
even if so, it will be too late. You will have amassed perhaps the last great Fiat-fuelled fortune, and
your other MoM brethren will be also-rans as the window to accumulate at entry-levels will have

But no this is a bad idea. After all, you would be acting selfishly, and without consideration for the
other MoMs. You cannot bring yourself to do it. But you have a lingering question. Could any of the
rest of them bring themselves to do it? If just one of the other Masters of Money breaks ranks and

Calling the systemic problems cracks showing is truly making a molehill out of a mountain.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

goes on a Bitcoin binge, then you will be left out, and perhaps quite quickly. Perhaps you should try
and beat them to the punch?

A conundrum indeed.

Chapter 10: Concluding Messages

I do not know what the impact or durability of this treatise will be. Perhaps a handful of people will
read the first few pages and no more. Alternatively, perhaps enough people stick with my
(admittedly verbose) writing style long enough to reach this part. If they do if you do - I thank you.

To the Masters of Money

It is stating the obvious to say that the rules of the game have been altered. The arcane laws
governing action and reaction, which up until this point obediently bent to your will, appear to be
deserting you. Part of you knows this, as things that used to work now flail in disappointment and
morass. Every day may be the birth of a new scheme, a new patch, a new grand plan to salvage the
kingdom but these are all false hopes and all lead back to failure. The genies lamp has become the
monkeys paw58. But this is the lot of us all not just you. Perhaps you feel it most keenly though as
you seemingly have the furthest to fall. In truth, you have a new world to gain.

Money has an enormous ability to sedate and control the inner stirrings that something is amiss,
but it lacks the ability to forever repress and suppress them. Some part of even the wealthiest
members of society knows that there is an anesthetizing quality to money especially in great
quantities. With enough of it too much of it the endless subtle beauties of (what might otherwise
be derided as mundane) every-day living remain invisible. Perhaps this is what scripture speaks of
with regard to rich men, camels and eyes of needles.

The masses are waking up, and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. You are waking up, and
there is likewise nothing to be done to prevent it. You may attempt to fight this transformation, but
doing so is akin to attacking reflections in a house of mirrors. You would shatter glass fighting a
phantom of yourself - causing painful, if not mortal lacerations for yourself and those around you.
Instead, you may choose to acknowledge the opportunity - and so discover that true victory lies not
in conquest, but abdication.

You are not being asked to relinquish your wealth.

You control assets (away from the fiat money which is being displaced) sufficient to keep you and
your kin materially kept for generations to come. What you are being asked to relinquish is the
notion of control.

There are indeed stewards of humanity all about us, and perhaps you or your progenitors were at
some point earnest in the assumption of that responsibility - but that stewardship has long since
been corrupted. It has been co-opted by a presence that seeks to corral and control, not in the best
interests of those who need assistance but in order to fuel the passions and shortcomings of those
who seek to be master. The time has come to move beyond control, and into the unknown to
realize that our resistance is the very thing keeping us from being reborn into life a life we perhaps
cannot yet comprehend, save for vague notions of awe shrouded in trepidation of the hidden being
slowly revealed.

"The Monkey's Paw", by W.W. Jacobs is a short story I highly recommend. I seem to recall a Halloween
episode of The Simpsons doing a parody of it.

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

You are being asked to either participate or stand-aside. Through any other doorway of expression
lies madness. You, perhaps in ways befitting a true Master of Money, have the means to facilitate
the evolution of our world. While few will sing your praises for doing so, and indeed, some may
malign the role you have heretofore played, there will be another group. These others will see you
not for what you were, but for what you allowed yourself to become.

To Everyone
We find ourselves now is on the edge of unfathomable possibility where we take real and
impactful steps toward facilitating ourselves, and thus our world, back to its natural state of balance.
For some concrete examples, I encourage everyone to consider the Practical Steps for action
(previous section). However, we must also realize that our new economic world will not be a utopia.
Such notions do not exist, except perhaps within our own individual ability to remain open to life
and consciously respond.

There is, and will be much work to be done to restore balance to our collective humanity. Many of
the bad characters who until now have used their enormous wealth and influence for nefarious
purposes will still have enormous wealth and unchanged inclinations. Many of the good characters
of today may disappoint or become corrupted. This is alright. The purpose of shifting to a fixed-
supply money system is not to re-distribute all wealth according to a particular social or political
philosophy. Nor is it to enforce mental, moral and spiritual acquiescence in those who remain
steadfast in disagreement. Individual liberty to express oneself must be respected in all especially if
it results in topics being considered that make us uncomfortable. Let us not seek to squelch dissent,
but instead allow it to facilitate our awareness such that we are no longer lose ourselves in
reactionary inclinations.


Privacy, Backups and Mr. Miyagi

As alluded to in the introduction, there are many instances and use cases in which Alt-coins (that is,
cryptocurrencies away from Bitcoin) offer significant value. There are and will be many niches in the
Bitcoin ecosystem which may be best served by coins with different twists, flavors and functions.
While I will not explore most of those that I currently envision here, I will address one need (and a
related Altcoin) which I feel is critical to the evolution of Bitcoin itself. Ironically, it is not this coins
adoption, but the threat of its adoption that offers critical support to Bitcoin.

Weve already established that since global adoption of Bitcoin (as a replacement to fiat currency) is
a threat to existing power structures, there will likely be calls by those at risk to simply ban Bitcoin.
These calls have already begun, and may yet grow stronger. As such, having an alternative
Cryptocurrency, immune to controls and clampdowns, is critical to keep such actions in check.

In its current version, Bitcoin lacks the anonymity that was initially advertised by its early
proponents. Governments (and others) have already made advances in deciphering the Bitcoin
blockchain such that transfers may be tracked and potentially tied to the real-world people who are
involved in the transactions. As such, if Bitcoin were to ever be strictly outlawed, law-enforcement
agencies might have a means to pursue and punish violators. Whether that would actually happen is
a different story. After all, doing so would truly lay out in the open for all to see that the public is not
free from the yoke of their money masters. As such, it could incite a public backlash strong enough

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

to more deeply undermine the very authority which the Masters of Money would be trying to
protect. Regardless of how it actually plays out though, it is likely to cause turbulence and conflict
and as such it is best avoided if possible. But how?

In the (original) Karate Kid movie (from the 1980s) Mr. Miyagi teaches his student Daniel the real
reason to learn martial arts. With a little help from the internet, I offer the relevant dialogue to you

Miyagi: Miyagi hate fighting.

Daniel: Yeah, but you like karate.

Miyagi: So?

Daniel: So, karate's fighting. You train to fight.

Miyagi: That what you think?

Daniel: [pondering] No.

Miyagi: Then why train?

Daniel: [thinks] So I won't have to fight.

Miyagi: [laughs] Miyagi have hope for you.

Daniel learned that true power is wielded in order to maintain peace and balance. The same applies
for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and is why having a backup coin is critically important. If
governments see that a mechanism exists for the outlawing of Bitcoin to fail, then it becomes
increasingly unlikely that they would bother to try and do so. This is not to say that they still
wouldnt try, but doing so would be all the more clearly unproductive, and as such the logic of not
trying to ban it may yet prevail.

History has shown time and again that when the government tries to ban something for which there
is genuine public demand, all that they wind up doing is driving its use underground and into the
black market. While enforcement actions may still be attempted, so long as there is a mechanism for
the black market economy to function, it will. As such, all the governments will have accomplished is
a demonstration that they do not respect the will of the people, which will breed further antagonism
and dissent. While attempts may be made to convince the public that the banned items are evil or
bad, this is unlikely to be successful. First of all, as people increasingly understand the mechanics of
the monetary system they will see through the propaganda and realize the true merits to Bitcoin.
Secondly though, to think that people will stop using something they like, just because they are told
it is bad for them is to ignore observable human behavior.

While a ban might curtail actual Bitcoin use, all that would happen is the mantle of the peoples
money will be handed from Bitcoin to an Altcoin that wields the privacy features necessary to keep
it immune from government tracking or snooping. I believe that the coin Monero is currently the
best candidate.

Monero Valuation
I wont go into great detail here of why I favor Monero as a Bitcoin Backup, particularly over other
altcoins which also offer privacy features. This is, after all, a treatise on Bitcoin with what I felt to be

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

a necessary addendum addressing privacy. Suffice it to say that in my view Monero has the most
favorable combination of privacy features, adoption and ethos to be the best candidate. If this is
insufficient for you, then by all means feel free to apply the methodology I use to any alternative
privacy enabled coins. Considering the upside potential, even if you were to split the total valuation
between the top contenders, the ultimate success valuation for each would still be hundreds of
times (or more) above current prices.

Lets assume that governments cannot help themselves, and despite knowing that it will in many
ways be unsuccessful, they still announce a ban on Bitcoin and all Cryptocurrencies. As such we
anticipate two things for our valuation:

1) Monero becomes the primary bearer of the torch of fixed supply money59

This means that we will attribute some portion of global M3 to Monero allocation, similar to what
we did with Bitcoin.

2) Governments have some success in keeping Moneros use from becoming as widespread as
a Bitcoin Success scenario.

In a crackdown scenario, any investment in Monero would likely be outlawed, and despite
enforcement of such a ban being difficult if not impossible (due to its innate privacy features), the
prospect of prosecution would likely keep some people away from it. As such lets assume that
Monero achieves only a 5% penetration rate in its success scenario (one where Bitcoin is outlawed).

If we stick to our 10-year horizon then all that remains to perform our analysis is a probability
estimate of a global government crackdown on Bitcoin. Lets assume this scenario at 1%, and now
we can do the math.

5% of an M3 sized at $80 trillion is $4 trillion. This would be distributed over (lets say) a future
Monero coin supply of 20 million60. This means that each coin would be worth $200,000 a coin. At a
current price per coin of less than $100, this translates into an investment return (started today) of
over 2,000x or more than 5x greater than even our Bitcoin scenario.

If we now probability weight it (at 1%) we have a future expected value per coin of $2,000, and an
expected return (that is, probability weighted and present valued) of 35%. Again, this does not
represent our return in a success scenario (that would be the 2,000x+ appreciation), merely the
implied discount rate which by virtue of the fact that it is higher than the risk-free-rate indicates
current prices are undervalued. To find todays fair value we apply the same formula as we did with
Bitcoin discounting our future expected value of $2,000 at the 10-year risk-free-rate, or 2.5%. This
yields = 20,000/(1.025^10) or $1,562 nearly 16 times current levels.

But theres more. This analysis ignores the prospect that in a Bitcoin success scenario (one in which
it has not been banned, outlawed or otherwise stifled) there will still be demand for strictly private
money transactions. Whether its due to black market transactions, or simply people not wanting
their activities to be part of the public record, demand for Monero will persist at some level.

There is some calculated inflation in Monero, but the mechanisms differ drastically enough from the
inflation in our current monetary system as to be looked past here.
The calculation for future Monero coins is a bit more complicated than that for Bitcoin. The actual number
within ten years will be less than 20 million, but for simplicity we have made this overly conservative

The Power of Money: A Case for Bitcoin

I leave it to the reader to come up with probability and penetration assumptions for this scenario,
with the recognition that any probability-weighted present value arrived at in this way would be in
addition to the valuation we performed above (as the scenarios are mutually exclusive). In short,
there appear to be multiple ways that Monero could perform quite well from an investment
perspective. Furthermore, as one of the most resistant altcoins to crackdown due to its innate
privacy features, is likely to persist in some form regardless of how political and legal environments


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