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The Physics of CT Dose: Richard Mather, PHD Senior Manager, Clinical Science Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc

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The Physics of CT Dose

Richard Mather, PhD

Senior Manager, Clinical Science

Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc.
The Physics of CT Dose 1

Computed Tomography (CT) has been the fastest growing technology in medical imaging for more than
half a decade. Recent advances in Multi Detector CT (MDCT) have enhanced the number and range of CT
imaging applications available to physicians and their patients. These advancements have increased the
clinical utility of CT and over 62 million CT procedures are currently being performed annually in the United
States. With this increased use of CT has come a growing awareness of the potential risks from the radiation
dose associated with a CT scan1,2. In order to knowledgably balance clinical benefits gained from CT with
the potential risks of radiation exposure, it is critical to understand the factors that contribute to CT dose, as
well as how dose levels are estimated. Finally, it is essential to understand the ALARA principle (As Low As
Reasonably Achievable) of radiation use. ALARA requires the use of the lowest radiation dose that will yield
appropriate image quality for a particular patient to enable the correct clinical decision.

For more than 30 years, Computed

Tomography (CT) has allowed physicians to
explore the human body in ways that were
previously impossible. The technology has
progressed from single-slice axial scans
that required hours to perform to modern
multidetector helical exams that can image
the entire body in a few seconds (Figure 1).
CT is now the modality of choice for a wider
range of clinical applications than all other
imaging modalities combined. However, all
the benefits of CT must be balanced against
the risks associated with x-ray exposure.

While the biological effects of high

doses of radiation are well known and
documented3,4,5,6,7, the effects of low doses,
such as those received from CT exams,
are not as clear8,9. Most of what we believe
about low-dose ionizing radiation comes
Figure 1: 64-slice MDCT enables the rapid acquisition of thin-slice, volume datasets over large portions of the from information extrapolated from atomic
anatomy. 0.5 mm slices produce 350 micron isotropic resolution volumes, allowing images to be viewed in any
bomb survivors3,4, who received far greater
orientation with no loss of spatial resolution.
doses of radiation than a patient typically
2 The Physics of CT Dose

receives from a CT (Figure 2). From Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) In order to determine the appropriate
these high dose effects, a conservative principle of radiation use3,4,15. dose for a given patient or exam, the
model of radiation risk, known as the clinician needs to define the clinical
linear no-threshold (LNT) model, was Under the ALARA principle, it is important question. For example, to facilitate liver
developed 10,11,12,13 . The LNT model assumes to consider radiation dose in conjunction transplant surgery planning, CT is often
that the effects of high radiation doses can with a defined level of acceptable image used to determine the size of the patient’s
be extrapolated to low doses. The model quality. Failing to consider the image liver. For this clinical task, only a very
also assumes that any dose, no matter how quality at a particular exposure level can be low dose may be all that is required since
small, has the potential to cause harm. At potentially dangerous: too low a dose may only large, well-defined structures need
low patient doses, the primary concern is compromise the necessary image quality to be captured and high image noise
the possibility of developing cancer 10 to 20 and lead to either misdiagnosis or even will not significantly affect the ability to
years after the exposure14. the need to repeat the entire scan. If a determine an accurate three-dimensional
rescan is required, the dose will be higher liver volume. On the other hand, a higher
It is important to balance the potential due to the need for a higher mA technique, dose would be appropriate if the clinical
risk of a CT examination with the clinical and the dose from the original scan will task were to visualize a small, low-contrast
benefits: the dose used in a given exam be wasted. Thus, adhering to the ALARA lesion on a large patient’s liver because
must be enough to deliver sufficient image principle does not simply mean reducing it could be easily hidden by noise16. The
quality to answer the clinical question but as the dose for all exams. The “appropriate” key is to adjust the radiation dose to the
low as possible to minimize the risk to the dose will vary with the clinical context. diagnostic task at hand, using the lowest
patient. This approach is defined as the As possible dose that will yield the needed

Relative Biological Risk

Measured Risk
Relative Risk

1.01 Typical CT (10 mSv)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Effective Dose (mSv)
Figure 2: The biological risks from ionizing radiation are clear above 50 mSv of whole
body dose based on the BEIR VII data. The risks below 50 mSv are not measured,
but are extrapolated using the assumption of the Linear No Threshold model. A
typical CT exam is on the order of 10 mSv.
The Physics of CT Dose 3

ionizing radiation needs to be performed DETECTABILITY AND IMAGE QUALITY
within accepted appropriateness criteria Dose efficiency is the ability of a CT scanner There are a number of scan parameters and
and under the guidance of an appropriately to achieve a particular level of image quality patient attributes that influence the dose and
trained physician and technologist. at the lowest possible dose (Figure 3). The image quality in a CT exam22,23,24,25. Some are
best way to evaluate dose efficiency is to user controlled (e.g. kV, mAs, pitch). Other
A classic example of the ALARA principle look at the system’s ability to discriminate factors are inherent to the scanner (e.g.,
at work is in pediatric CT. Because of their objects with small differences in Hounsfield detector efficiency, geometry). Still others
size and level of radiosensitivity, if children Units (HU) from the background. Low- are patient dependent (e.g., patient size,
were to be scanned with the same scan contrast detectability (LCD) is closely anatomy scanned). All these parameters
techniques as adults they would actually correlated with image noise as random are interrelated. A solid understanding of
receive effective doses 6 to 7 times larger variation in an image will make small how each parameter relates to the others
than necessary to achieve the diagnostic objects that are similar in HU value to the and affects both dose and image quality is
task17, 18. Software like Toshiba’s background hard to see (Figure 4). Since essential to maintaining ALARA.
SURE Exposure automatically chooses the noise depends on radiation dose and LCD
correct dose based on the patient’s size depends directly on image noise, LCD is USER-CONTROLLED FACTORS
and ensures that the ALARA principle is an excellent measure of a system’s overall kV (kiloVolts) – Tube potential, or kV, is the
upheld for all patients: pediatric and adult. dose efficiency. The most dose efficient CT amount of voltage between an x-ray tube’s
system will be able to resolve the smallest anode and cathode. It determines the
low-contrast object at the lowest dose19,20,21. energy of the x-rays being emitted. Higher

Low Contrast Resolution

Dose Comparision

Dose (mGy)

c Figure 4: Low Contrast Detectability (LCD) increases as the noise decreases.
0 Toshiba
5 4 3 2
Object Size (mm)
Figure 3: Low contrast resolution of different CT manufacturers from Product Data
Sheets (as of September 2007). Toshiba can achieve 2 mm low contrast resolution
with about the same or with less dose than other manufacturers need to resolve 3, 4,
and 5 mm low contrast objects. Similarly, the dose Toshiba needs to resolve those 3,
4, and 5 mm low contast objects is 40-60% less than the other manufacturers.
4 The Physics of CT Dose

energy x-rays have a greater probability than mAs (milliAmpere-seconds) – The tube the nominal total collimation. By either
lower energy x-ray of passing through the current, or mA, determines the number of x- definition, the higher the pitch, the faster
body and creating signal at the detector. rays the tube produces. Combined with the the table moves through the x-ray beam
With all else being equal, higher kV means gantry rotation time, this represents the total and, consequently, the lower the dose to
less noise. However, when these high- x-ray output of the tube per rotation, or mAs the patient. It is important to note that
energy x-rays are absorbed by the body, (pronounced “mass”). Changing the mAs is multislice scanners are different from single-
they deposit more energy than lower the most common method of adjusting dose slice scanners with respect to pitch. Due to
energy x-rays and, therefore, contribute and noise level. For example, cutting the the amount of redundant data with 64-slice
more to patient dose. For the same scan mAs in half will reduce the patient dose by scanners, good reconstruction algorithms
parameters, changing the kV from 120 to a factor of 2, but also halve the number of x- can prevent the slice sensitivity profile from
135 increases the dose by about 33%. rays reaching the detector. Since fewer x-rays broadening with pitches between 1 and 2.
The image noise is reduced since the dose are being detected, the image noise will be However, as the pitch increases, there is
is higher and more photons are reaching increased and the LCD will be diminished . 26 less projection data for a given slice and the
the detectors, but the tissue contrast is noise will increase with higher pitch values.
compromised as well. The main reason for CT Pitch and Helical Pitch – Beam pitch Therefore, while increasing the pitch lowers
using higher kVs, such as 135 kV, is to get is defined as the distance the table travels the patient dose, it may also increase noise,
better penetration for very large patients or in a rotation divided by the total active meaning one must increase the mA as the
dense anatomy such as bone. detector width in the Z direction. Helical pitch increases to maintain image quality.
pitch is the same except it is divided by the Higher pitch value may also result in more
individual channel thickness rather than helical artifact. Therefore, the main clinical

Width of Helical Path (From Collimation) Width of Helical Path (From Collimation) Width of Helical Path (From Collimation)
Center of Helical Path Center of Helical Path Center of Helical Path
Pitch=1 Pitch=2 Pitch=0.5
Extended Helical Overlapping Helical

Direction of Direction of Direction of

Continuous Continuous Continuous
Patient Transport Patient Transport Patient Transport

Z, mm Z, mm Z, mm
t, sec t, sec t, sec

Figure 5: Illustration of the effect of pitch on patient dose. For the same mA and rotation time, higher beam pitch values (>1) spread the X-rays out and reduce dose while lower
beam pitch values (<1) concentrate the X-rays, increasing the dose.
The Physics of CT Dose 5

reason to scan with a high pitch value is to on two different scanners does not equate larger beams, the extra radiation from the
reduce the total scan time. to the same patient dose. The best way penumbra is a smaller percentage of the
to compare dose between scanners is overall useful beam width. Therefore, for the
mAseff (Effective mAs) – The mAseff is to examine the low-contrast detectability best image quality and dose efficiency, the
simply the mAs divided by the pitch. It is a (Figure 6). thinnest slices covering the entire detector is
common, if imprecise, practice to use mAs ideal (Figure 7).
as a surrogate for dose (DLP, as discussed Collimation – With multislice scanning, there
later, is a better value to use). However, since are many combinations of slice width and Acquired and Reconstructed Slice Width –
pitch affects the patient dose, mAs by itself number of slices that may be used to acquire The acquired slice width is governed by
does not completely represent the number the scan volume. With all collimations on the multislice detector configuration and
of x-rays entering the patient (Figure 5). By multislice systems, the actual x-ray beam is determines the minimum image width that
dividing the standard mAs by the beam pitch, slightly wider than the nominal beam width can be reconstructed. For example, images
a value that is proportional to the patient dose (i.e., number of detector rows multiplied by acquired at a detector configuration of 16
on a given scanner is derived. While using detector element width). This is to ensure x 1 mm can be reconstructed at 1 mm
mAseff as a dose surrogate works adequately that the detectors on the edge of the array or greater while images acquired at 16 x
well for comparing relative patient doses on a receive uniform x-ray coverage, resulting in 0.5 mm can be reconstructed as thinly as
single scanner, it does not work for comparing a small amount of unused radiation called 0.5 mm slices. Since one of the factors
doses from two different scanners. Many penumbra. Typically, the total amount contributing to image noise is the number
aspects of the scanner’s design play a role in of penumbra is the same regardless of of photons used to create the image, thicker
the total dose delivered and the same mAseff the nominal beam width. Therefore, with reconstructed images have less noise with all

Figure 6: Effect of noise on low-contrast detectability. Whether due to lower dose on Figure 7: Aquilion detectors from 4- to 64-slice. All Aquilion scanners have a
the same scanner or lower dose efficiency between scanners, the system noise has consistent detector design manufactured to image with as thin as 0.5 mm slices
significant effects on the scanner’s ability to differentiate low-contrast objects. and cover up to 32 mm per gantry rotation. The 4-, 8-, and 16-slice systems have
0.5 mm central detector elements with 1mm elements on the outside edges. The
32- and 64-slice detector is completely comprised of 0.5 mm elements. This design
allows flexability of scanning and uniformity of image quality across all the systems.
6 The Physics of CT Dose

other factors being equal. However, thicker and 3D renderings (Figures 8 and 9), and the image noise at the expense of some
slices have less z-axis resolution. Figure 8 retains the most flexibility in reconstruction in-plane resolution. The choice of kernel is
shows the effect of imaging with different slice without resorting to a higher radiation dose. made based on the clinical need: most body
thicknesses. Even with overlapping slices, the In light of the dose effects of collimation, the kernels are relatively soft to reduce the image
thicker images do not allow the image clarity optimal image quality and dose efficiency are noise and enhance contrast resolution,
available with the 0.5 mm acquired slices. All achieved with the thinnest slices covering the while lung kernels tend to be sharp to better
of Toshiba’s multislice scanners, from 4 to 64 entire detector. identify the tiny airways.
slice, offer 0.5 mm slices, the thinnest in the
industry. The Aquilion’s Quantum detector Reconstruction Kernel – As part of the SCANNER-INHERENT FACTORS
consists entirely of 0.5 mm channels. On reconstruction process, the acquired data is Detector efficiency – No single hardware
the Aquilion 64, most exams are acquired in filtered by the reconstruction kernel. Since aspect of a scanner has more influence on
the 64 x 0.5 mm configuration for the best the reconstruction kernel plays a large role in dose than the efficiency of the detection
image quality and the lowest total penumbra determining spatial resolution, it has a great system. The detector’s ability to catch the x-
contribution. To reduce the image noise, it is effect on the amount of noise in the image ray, convert it to light, transmit that light, and
always possible to reconstruct thicker slices and consequently, on the dose needed convert it to an electrical signal with minimal
from the thin, 0.5 mm acquired dataset. for a given level of image noise. There is loss defines the overall efficiency of the
Therefore, scanning with the thinnest possible a large variety of reconstruction kernels to detector. More efficient detectors result in
slices avoids partial volume artifacts (when a chose from. Sharper kernels lead to better lower patient dose for a given level of image
single voxel contains more than one tissue), in-plane spatial resolution (at the cost of quality. In order to create the highly efficient
allows excellent multiplanar reformats (MPR) greater noise), while smooth kernels reduce i llumination detector material, Toshiba’s


Figure 8: Effect of axial slice width on image reformats. When thick axial images are acquired or reconstructed, the
multiplanar reformat image quality that can be derived from them deteriorates. A) shows an MPR made from 5 mm
images with no overlap. B) shows an MPR made from 5 mm images with 4 mm of overlap. C) shows 0.5 mm images
with no overlap. Note the slight increase in clarity for (B) and the significant increase in clarity for (C). Thinner axial
slices result in better reformatted images.

Figure 9: Effect of axial slice thickness on polyp detection. The same dataset was reconstructed using 4, 3, 2, and 1
mm axial slices. With the 4 mm and 3 mm datasets, the polyp is not distinguishable from a diverticular fold. At 2 mm,
it becomes visible, but poorly defined. At 1 mm, the definition is greatly enhanced.
The Physics of CT Dose 7

scientists invented a new method of sintering leaving the tube, have a spectrum of that higher mA values are needed to realize
the Gadolinium Oxysulfide (GOS) ceramic27. energies that range from very low energy a given image noise level. Furthermore, it
With this new method, only Praesodynium up to a maximum energy equal to the kV is the medium energy x-rays that provide
is added to the base ceramic which keeps (Figure 10). As discussed earlier, lower the best soft tissue contrast. Thus, heavier
the light output high and allows the material energy x-ray photons do not penetrate filtering will compromise the system’s LCD.
to be accurately machined to 0.5 mm through the body as well as higher energy Therefore, a CT system needs enough
slices with clean, sharp edges. Toshiba’s ones. In fact, the lowest energy photons filtration to block the lowest energy photons
Quantum Detector system, based on the will not pass through the body at all. Since but not so much as to lose the ability to
i llumination material, is the only system image formation relies upon photons getting optimally distinguish low-contrast anatomy.
that has maintained 0.5 mm slices from the through the body and being picked up by the
4-slice scanner all the way up to the 64. detectors, these lowest energy photons only Geometry – It is a common misconception
i llumination’s low afterglow and fast decay contribute to patient dose. Therefore, all CT that a CT scanner’s geometry (i.e., focus to
times allow fast scanning and rotation times scanners add a certain amount of filtration isocenter and focus to detector distances)
without image artifacts while its high light outside the x-ray tube to block the low energy and focal spot dimensions play a significant
output contributes to the system’s industry x-rays. There is, however, a tradeoff involved role in patient dose. In reality, the focal spot
leading low contrast detectability. when choosing the amount of filtration: in dimensions only affect the overall dose by a
the process of removing low energy x-rays, few percent. It is the ratio of the scanner’s
Filtration – X-ray tubes, as the name implies, some desirable, medium and high energy x- focus to isocenter and focus to detector
produce the x-rays that are detected to rays will be removed as well, thus decreasing distances combined with the physical size of
create the CT image. These x-rays, upon the overall output of the tube. This means the detector that determines the geometry’s

Initial Spectrum in a Vaccuum

Number of X-rays

Initial Spectrum in Air

Characteristic X-Ray Peak

Filtered Spectrum
Max kV

X-ray Energy
Figure 10: Typical bremsstrahlung spectrum with and without filtration. The initial
spectrum (orange), in a vacuum, steadily decreases up to the kV setting. in air, the
lowest energy x-rays are filtered out, but a large number of low energy x-rays remain
(blue). Many of the lowest energy x-rays will not penetrate a patient and only contribute
to dose. All CT scanners employ a certain amount of additional filtration to “harden”
the beam and remove the low energy x-rays (green).
8 The Physics of CT Dose

role. From the diagram in Figure 11, it is With smaller patient sizes, such as in a pediatric Age – The risk of developing cancer from
clear that as long as the detection system case, the dose can be two to three times higher a CT exam decreases with age. The latent
size increases in proportion to the distance than on an adult when using the same imaging period, or time between radiation exposure
from the focal spot, there is no difference technique. However, with smaller patient sizes, and the clinical onset of cancer, is on the
in mAs technique (i.e., dose) needed to less kV and mAs are needed to achieve the order of 10 years or more. Furthermore,
achieve the same image quality between same image quality. Therefore, it is essential younger patients organs are more
the two geometries. There is actually a skin to tailor the kV and mAs to the patient size to radiosensitive in general, due to the rapid
dose advantage to a longer geometry since minimize the dose28,29,30. rate of cell division and growth. Therefore, it
the patient is further away from the x-ray is critical in young patients to keep the dose
tube during scanning. Furthermore, longer Body Part Scanned – Different organs as low as possible while maintaining the
geometries are more resistant to scatter since in the body have different sensitivities to necessary image quality.
there is a higher probability that a scattered radiation. For example, the stomach is
photon will miss the detector entirely. more sensitive to radiation than the liver, DOSE MEASUREMENTS
which is more sensitive to radiation than In order to adequately compare doses
PATIENT FACTORS bone. This means that for the same between different CT systems, it is
Patient Size – The size of the patient plays a absorbed dose, there is more risk if the necessary to understand how dose is
large role in the total dose absorbed for the abdomen is scanned versus anatomy that is measured and reported. While it would be
same technique. Figure 12 shows the effect of mostly bone, such as the lower leg. This is ideal to measure the actual radiation dose
patient thickness on the absorbed dose. largely due to the rate of cellular replication to each patient undergoing a CT scan, such
in these organs5. measurements are not possible. Rather,

Focal Spot Phantom Diameter (mm)

Short Geometry 3.00
Long Geometry 2.50
Relative CTDI

50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Detection System Size Figure 12: Relationship of body size to dose for a given x-ray technique. Smaller
patients have less mass attenuating the x-rays and therefore receive more dose for
the same technique. For this reason, pediatric protocols should use much less mAs
Figure 11: Schematic of the dose implications of different focus to detector than adult protocols.
geometries. X-rays spread out as they get further from the focal spot. However, if
the detector size increases with the longer distance, the same number of x-rays are
captured with either geometry.
The Physics of CT Dose 9

proxies for dose, or “dose indices” have scatter from a patient in the scanner. The There are several versions of CTDI that are
been established. These measurements phantoms each have several holes designed discussed in the medical physics community,
are straightforward and repeatable in to hold a 10 cm ion chamber for direct dose but the two most common and most useful
nature. However, it is important to note measurements: one in the center of the are CTDIw and CTDIvol. CTDIw is the
that, with current technology, these values phantom and four near the edge at the 3, weighted average of the measured doses in
are only proxies for dose, as they are based 6, 9, and 12 o’clock positions. By making the 5 phantom hole positions given by:
on simplifying assumptions and phantom measurements in each of these holes with
measurements. The common uses and a given protocol, it is possible to derive a
misuses of these measurements are number, or “index”, that is representative
discussed below. of the dose absorbed in the phantom. It CTDIw represents the axial absorbed dose
is important to note that since a patient is to the phantom for a given protocol and is
CTDI – For CT, a dose proxy known as neither perfectly cylindrical nor made of only applicable to non-helical protocols.
Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) , 31 plastic, the CTDI value does not represent For helical protocols, similar to the way that
is estimated for the head and body using two the actual dose to the patient. Rather, CTDI is mAseff is used to account for the overlapping
standard plastic phantoms. One phantom a useful tool in comparing the relative doses acquisition, CTDIvol takes pitch into account:
is 16 cm in diameter to approximate the size between two protocols on a given scanner.
of a head, and the other phantom is 32 cm Furthermore, CTDI is typically measured
in diameter to approximate the size of a torso using a 10 cm ion chamber which has been
or abdomen. The main purpose of these shown to miss the edges of the scatter tails, It is important to understand that while CTDI
phantoms is to simulate the attenuation and especially for wider beam widths. can be useful when comparing protocols on

0.5 mm high-resolution lung CT. 3D volume rendered high-resolution lung CT.

Effective dose of 5.6 mSv. Effective dose of 5.6 mSv.
10 The Physics of CT Dose

a given scanner, it is misleading to use it to will require larger generators to achieve the setting, they cannot be used to compare
compare the dose delivered by two different same level of image quality. actual patient doses. Different scanners use
scanners. A common misuse of CTDI is to different mAs values for the same clinical
equate the normalized version, nCTDI, with This dependence on beam filtration task and image quality, due to differences
scanner dose. nCTDI is the CTDI value illustrates the main reason that CTDI is not a in filtration. Therefore, unless the image
for a given mAs value, typically 100 mAs. good metric for dose comparisons between quality is equalized between the systems, any
However, the measured CTDI for a given mAs scanners. The main drawback to CTDI is dose comparison between those systems is
value depends on the system’s filtration: more that there is no image quality component meaningless. Scanner comparison reports,
filtration means fewer x-rays coming out of the to it and the only way to compare doses such as those from ImPACT and ECRI, as
tube. For a given mAs value, a heavily filtered between different scanner systems is by first well as the manufacturer’s own product data
system will have a lower nCTDI value than a equalizing image quality. Since low-contrast sheets, by convention report the scanner’s
system with less filtration. However, it will also detectability combines aspects of both image nCDTI. While these values contain good
have significantly lower image quality as well quality and dose into a single scanner metric, information about the tube output and beam
for that same mAs value. This will be evident it is a far better choice when comparing the filtration, it is important to remember they
in the LCD measurement and the image dose efficiency of two different scanners. are not indications of the scanner’s dose
noise. In order to achieve the same signal-to- efficiency.
noise ratio, the heavily filtered system will have As stated above, nCTDI (per 100 mAs) is
to increase its mAs value to match the image frequently misused to compare the doses As an example, if scanner A has a CTDI per
quality of the system with less filtration. This delivered from different scanners. Since 100 mAs in the body of 10 mGy and scanner
also means that scanners with high filtration nCTDI values are only for a given mAs B has a CTDI per 100 mAs of 8 mGy, we

Cardiac CTA.
Effective dose of 8.6 mSv.

Abdominal aorta with runoff using SUREExposure.

Effective abdominal dose of 4.7 mSv.
The Physics of CT Dose 11

cannot yet say whether scanner A or B will is the potential health risk from the CTDIvol). As such, the DLP carries much
deliver less dose. If we determine the image exam. Unfortunately, there is not enough more information about the actual dose used
quality is equivalent when scanner A uses information in the CTDI value to get an than the CTDI values alone (Figure 13).
150 mAs and scanner B uses 250 mAs, estimate of patient risk. With CTDI there
then we could make a comparison. For this is no indication of how much anatomy was In order to estimate patient risk, it is
protocol, scanner A would deliver 10*150 = scanned. For the same kV, mAs, and pitch, necessary to incorporate information about
15 mGy and scanner B would deliver 8*250 the CTDI value is the same whether 10 cm the anatomy scanned. As previously stated,
= 20 mGy. In this case, even though scanner of the abdomen was imaged or the entire some organs are more sensitive to radiation
A has a larger CTDI per 100 mAs value, the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Intuitively, with than others. The radiosensitivity of each
dose to the patient needed to maintain the a longer scan, more of the body is exposed organ is represented by a weighting factor
same level of image quality is 30% more for to radiation and the risk should be higher. (w) based on the atomic bomb survivor
scanner B. Since it is not usually possible to However, CTDI does not reflect this. In order data3,4,5. By adding the amount of each
scan the same patient on each scanner and to describe the total energy imparted to organ scanned, weighted by its sensitivity,
equalize the image quality, scanning standard the patient, a value called the Dose Length the patient’s Effective dose (E) can be
phantoms with standard measurements, such Product (DLP) is used. The DLP is found derived. One of the main benefits of E is
as LCD, is the only reliable way to compare by multiplying the CTDIvol for a protocol by that it can be compared on a risk basis with
dose between two different scanner systems. the total length of anatomy scanned. The other radiation exposures. For example, in
advantage of the DLP is that it incorporates the U.S., the average person receives about
Effective Dose and DLP – From a the actual mAs used (unlike CTDI per 100 3 millisieverts (mSv) of naturally occurring
patient’s point of view, their only concern mAs) and the total scan length (unlike radiation per year (mostly from radon in




Difference between these two cases:

CTDIW1 = CTDIW2 DLP1 = 2 DLP2 E1 > E2

E1=2 E2 if the same anatomical area is covered

Figure 13: Relationship between CTDI, DLP, and effective dose. For a given x-ray
technique, the CTDIw value is independent of the distance covered. Therefore, the
CTDIw values in cases one and two above are identical even though the patient in
case one is absorbing twice as many x-rays. The DLP accounts for the distance as
well as the x-ray technique and reflects increased dose with the greater coverage. The
increased DLP directly affects the effective dose which will be double in this case if
the same general anatomy is covered by both scans.
12 The Physics of CT Dose

the soil and cosmic rays). In comparison, perspective, a person assumes the same risk ultra-efficient Quantum detector system
a typical CT scan of the chest is about 5-7 of death from driving 10,000 miles in a car or and noise-free data acquisition system
mSv. Therefore, the dose from the CT is from smoking a pack of cigarettes per day for (DAS), to the dose-saving SUREExposure3D
approximately equal to two years of natural 6 months14. mA modulation software, to advanced,
exposure. This method of describing dose adaptive reconstruction and noise reduction
in terms of equivalent natural background It is important to realize that in nearly all cases, algorithms, the Aquilion system is designed
time is known as Background Equivalent the benefit of medical imaging far outweighs to deliver the best image quality at the lowest
Radiation Time or BERT32. This is a useful the small risk16, 33, 34, 35, 36. However, it is critical possible dose.
way of describing radiation since it places the that CT and other imaging modalities be used
dose into an understandable perspective for based on accepted appropriateness criteria Quantum Detectors – In designing a dose
the patient. and with the principles of ALARA always in efficient CT scanner, the first step is to build
the forefront. an acquisition system of detectors and
Based on the the linear no-threshold model electronics that perform well under low signal
discussed earlier, there is no “safe” level TOSHIBA DOSE REDUCTION conditions. At the core of the Quantum
of radiation and any exposure carries a In order to adhere to the ALARA principle Detector is Toshiba’s patented illumination
small but finite risk. According to the latest and always put patient safety first, Toshiba detector material. Through a proprietary
Biological Effects of Ionizing radiation (BEIR) Medical Systems has designed its CT manufacturing process, praesodynium
data, the risk of developing a fatal cancer scanners to give the best image quality doped gadolinium oxy-sulfide (GOS)
10-20 years following an exposure of 10 mSv at the lowest possible dose. From the crystals are sintered into a highly efficient
is about 0.05% or 1 in 20004. To put this in dual-supported anode x-ray tube, to the CT detector. The illumination material is

8 year-old pediatric lung CT.

Effective dose of 1.9 mSv.
The Physics of CT Dose 13

over 99% absorption efficient and optically to be performed at fast rotation speeds, required to achieve the same image quality
transparent with a light output of 2.3 times up to 0.35 sec/rotation, while minimizing in different parts of the body. For example,
that of cadmium tungstate (CdWO4). It is extra patient dose from penumbra. during a typical lung scan, the first part of the
characterized by fast decay times and low Furthermore, the MegaCool tube has acquisition must penetrate the bony shoulder
afterglow properties that allow artifact-free an innovative feature to collect off-focal area, while the middle part is largely low-
scanning down to 0.35 seconds per rotation electrons and prevent them from producing attenuating air, and the end has to penetrate
and below. Combined with precise and x-rays. If these electrons are not captured, the liver and diaphragm. In this example, a
highly shielded electronics to ensure the they can lead to artifacts and image quality larger mAs is needed through the shoulders,
quietest, truest signal possible, the Quantum degradation as well as unnecessary patient a smaller amount through the lungs, and
Detectors ensure maximum signal in low- dose. By fitting a positively charged grid an amount somewhere in between for the
dose acquisitions. near the electrically grounded anode, any abdomen. Furthermore, patients are not
secondary, off-focal electrons are captured all the same size. A sumo wrestler would
MegaCool Tube – Since vibrations in the
™ and removed from the system. In this clearly require more mAs to achieve a given
anode can cause instabilities in the x-ray way, the MegaCool tube provides optimum image quality level than would a ballerina.
beam requiring wider collimation with more image quality with a minimum of radiation In addition, because patients are shaped in
penumbra, Toshiba designed its MegaCool dose to the patient (Figure 14). an elliptical fashion, more mAs is typically
x-ray tube with bearing supports on both needed when x-rays are passing laterally
ends of the anode axis. This added anode SUREExposure3D – Since the human body through the body than when they are passing
stability effectively reduces the variations is not perfectly round and uniform in size anterior-posterior.
in the beam, allowing high-quality imaging and density, different mAs settings are




Figure 14: MegaCool x-ray tube. With its anode electrically grounded and supported at both
ends, the MegaCool tube allows long scanning with no cooling delays and has a stable focal Coronal MPR abdominal CT.
spot. This stable focal spot, along with the unique aperture that collects off-focal electrons Effective dose of 5.6 mSv.
makes the MegaCool tube an integral part of the Aquilion’s low-dose engineering.
14 The Physics of CT Dose

Toshiba’s SUREExposure3D software low and steady heart rates, the optimum areas are imaged using increased mAs
automatically adjusts the mAs rapidly during phase for reconstruction is typically between and kVp to overcome the low photon
the scan to adapt to and compensate for all 65 and 80% R-R. Since the data in the rest count. However, since increasing the
of these changes in attenuation level. Using of the cardiac cycle is used only for examining imaging technique results in higher patient
data from the AP and lateral scanograms, the the bulk ventricular function, a much lower dose, Toshiba engineers developed an
software determines exactly how much mAs mAs value is necessary. Exposure3D
SURE adaptive, three-dimensional algorithm
is necessary to maintain a user-defined level with ECG dose modulation allows the mA to that preferentially corrects the raw data
of image quality (Figure 15). Exposure3D
SURE be significantly reduced during the systolic in areas with low photon count. This
does this in all three dimensions (x, y, and z). phases of the cardiac cycle, enabling a algorithm, known as Boost3D, seeks out
Therefore, as the scan moves from the reduction in patient dose of as much as 50%. portions of the raw-projection data where
shoulders to the lung, the mAs goes down, there is a disproportionate loss in x-ray
and as the tube rotates around the patient, Boost3D – Even with an optimized detector signal and applies the three-dimensional
less mAs is used anterior-posterior than system and mAs modulation, highly filter locally to reduce the image noise and
laterally. For the same image quality level, attenuating anatomy such as the shoulders streak artifacts. In areas of normal signal,
compared to non-modulated scanning, and pelvis can severely reduce the number no correction is applied and the native
Exposure3D can reduce the dose by up
of photons reaching the detectors. This image quality is preserved. Such local, or
to 40%. localized reduction in photon count can adaptive, techniques produce the optimum
lead to degradation in image quality in the results because the filter is applied only
The unique nature of coronary imaging gives form of excess noise and streak artifacts. where it is needed. Since this algorithm
another opportunity for dose savings. With Conventionally, these highly attenuating removes streak artifacts caused by photon

160 75 mAs
60 mAs

60 25 mAs
60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330

Figure 15: SUREExposure tailors the dose to the individual patient. More
dose is needed to penetrate dense areas like the upper abdomen and
bony pelvis while lower mAs is adequate in less-dense areas like the lung.
Overall dose can be lowered by as much as 40% while preserving uniform
image quality.
The Physics of CT Dose 15

starvation, it can either be applied to Quantum Denoising Software both two and three dimensions and can
enhance images using conventional mAs Beyond optimized scanning techniques drastically reduce image noise, allowing
settings, or to allow low-dose imaging with and streak removal, it is possible to a corresponding savings in patient dose.
acceptable image quality by reducing minimize the overall noise left in the Figure 17 illustrates the substantial dose
the scan technique and, thereby, the reconstructed image. Toshiba’s Quantum savings possible using QDS. Figure 17A
patient dose. Figure 16A demonstrates Denoising Software (QDS) is an adaptive shows the relative noise in the liver of a
images through the shoulder in a cardiac noise reduction filter that works on patient using a standard scan technique.
bypass patient using a relatively low scan reconstructed image data by preferentially 17B demonstrates the increase in image
technique. The images exhibit typical smoothing areas of uniform density noise as the mAs is dropped by 47%.
structured noise and streak artifacts while preserving the edge information Finally, 17C highlights the ability of the
resulting from the low photon count. of the image. The algorithm uses locally QDS to reduce the noise in the liver to
However, when Boost3D is applied, Figure sampled edge information within the below that of the original, higher-dose
16B shows the resulting image quality: the image to blend together variable strength image. QDS works in conjunction with the
image noise is greatly reduced and the smoothing and sharpening filters37. In SURE Exposure3D software to adjust the mAs
streak artifacts disappear. By reducing the areas of uniform density with few edges, based on the expected noise reduction
noise and mitigating the effects of low-dose the algorithm smoothes the image and from the adaptive filter. In this way, patient
scanning, adaptive techniques such as reduces the noise; in areas with edges, dose reduction is totally integrated in the
Boost3D are key developments in Toshiba’s such as near tissue boundaries and Aquilion console software.
commitment to patient focused imaging. other complex structures, the algorithm
enhances the image. QDS works in


Figure 16: Effect of Boost3D on streaks from low photon count. A) shows typical
streaks through the shoulder region. B) shows the same dataset reconstructed with
Figure 17: Effect of Quantum Denoising Software on liver scan. A) shows a scan at
standard x-ray exposure and noise level. B) shows a scan at 45% lower mAs. The
noise value is increased. C) shows the lower mAs scan with QDS. The noise is the
same as the standard exposure, but with significantly less dose.
16 The Physics of CT Dose


The next frontier of CT dose reduction Absorbed dose: The energy absorbed by diameter cylindrical phantom used to
comes from emerging technologies such as the exposed tissue or material per unit mass. measure CTDI. It is intended to represent
wide area coverage detectors. With the ability The unit is the Gray (Gy) which equals 1 the attenuation and scatter properties of a
to cover an entire organ, such as the heart Joule (energy) per kilogram. typical abdomen. The phantom is made of
Perspex (PMMA), is approximately 15 cm
or the brain, in a single rotation, Toshiba’s
Absorption: One possible interaction of deep, and typically has 5 holes (one hole
256 slice CT scanner (works in progress)
radiation with matter. In absorption, the at the center and four holes 1 cm below
can drastically reduce patient dose. Without
particle (x-ray, electron, etc) is completely the surface at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock
the need for overlapping slices, wide area
stopped and deposits all of its energy in the positions) to hold the 10 cm ion chamber.
detector scanners can reduce the dose by up
tissue or material.
to 80% as compared to today’s state-of-the- Bowtie Filter: A beam shaping filter that is
art multislice systems38. Furthermore, since ALARA: As Low As Reasonably Achievable. thicker at the edges than in the center. It
the entire heart can be acquired in a single Principle of radiation protection that is used to reduce the beam intensity at the
rotation, coronary artery imaging with doses in requires the use of the minimum amount edges of the field of view where the patients
the range of a calcium score is possible. of radiation to achieve the clinical task. are not as thick. This both reduces the
Not necessarily the “lowest” dose, but the patient dose and makes for a more uniform
CONCLUSIONS lowest appropriate dose. photon flux at the detectors.
Comparing the patient dose between
different scanners is impossible without Attenuation: The reduction in radiation from Cadmium Tungstate (CdWO4): High-density
also equalizing image quality. Low Contrast passing through a tissue or material. This crystal material used in gamma- and x-ray
takes place through absorption or scatter of detection. Most of the original solid state CT
Detectability is an excellent measure of the
the x-ray photons. detectors were CdWO4 and its light output
system’s overall dose efficiency since both
value is the standard against which other
dose and image quality are represented.
Beam hardening: The preferential removal materials are compared. Most manufacturers
Many factors affect the dose, and Toshiba’s
of low- and medium-energy x-rays from have moved away from CdWO4 due to the
SURE Technologies, including SUREExposure3D, toxic nature of cadmium.
the spectrum by absorption in a material.
automatically adjust parameters to maintain
The material acts as an x-ray filter. If these
image quality and reduce dose. To maintain changes in the x-ray spectrum are not Cone Angle: Angle at which the x-ray beam
adherence to the ALARA principal, every accounted for in the reconstruction, beam diverges from the tube in the z-direction.
aspect of Toshiba’s Aquilion CT scanner is hardening artifact can occur which appears MSCT scanners with 16 slices and greater
built to minimize patient dose. as streaks and shadows in the CT image, have cone angle that is large enough that it
especially near very dense objects. must be accounted for in reconstruction to
avoid image artifacts. The most successful
Beam Pitch: Pitch value based on the entire cone beam reconstruction algorithms in use
x-ray beam width. Often just referred to as in scanners up to 64 slices are based on the
“pitch”. Identical to IEC definition of pitch. It FDK (Feldkamp Davis Kress) algorithm.
is defined as the table feed divided by the
nominal slice thickness times the number CTDI: Computed Tomography Dose Index.
of slices. Along with the rotation time, The standard method of measuring an index
Beam Pitch determines the speed at which for dose in a CT system. While this number
the volume is scanned. It is different from is an index and does not represent an actual
Helical Pitch in that it divides out the total patient dose, it is benchmark. It is measured
number of slices. Typical values are between using two Perspex (PMMA) phantoms: a 32
0.5 and 1.5. Beam Pitch values below 1 cm diameter “body” phantom and a 16 cm
indicate an overlapping exposure. diameter “head” phantom. CTDI is a useful
The Physics of CT Dose 17

metric to compare the doses from different information on the scan protocol used. DLP mass. The Gy is equal to 1 Joule of energy
protocols on the same scanner. However, is proportional to patient dose. It is defined absorbed in 1 kg of tissue.
since it is so dependent on filtration, it is in units of mGy-cm.
unreliable to use to compare the doses from Head phantom: The standard 16 cm
different scanners. CTDI is not proportional to Effective dose (E): A value for dose that diameter cylindrical phantom used to
patient dose since its value is the same whether represents patient risk in terms of an measure CTDI. It is intended to represent
10 cm or 100 cm of the body is exposed. equivalent whole body exposure. It allows the attenuation of a typical head. The
for dose comparisons with other sources phantom is made of Perspex (PMMA), is
CTDI100: The CTDI value measured using approximately 15 cm deep, and typically
of ionizing radiation including different
a 100 mm ion chamber. CTDI¬100 is the has 5 holes (one hole at the center and four
medical imaging modalities and natural
integrated absorbed dose value along the holes 1 cm below the surface at the 12, 3,
background radiation. The risks estimates
entire 100 mm chamber. As scanners 6, and 9 o’clock positions) to hold the 10 cm
are largely based on studies of the
increase z-axis coverage, the 100 mm ion chamber.
chamber becomes increasingly inadequate atomic bomb survivors. Effective dose is
to evaluate the dose. expressed in units of milliSieverts (mSv). Helical Pitch: Pitch value based on the
width of the individual slice in a multislice
CTDIFDA: The CTDI value measured by Fan angle: Angle at which the x-ray beam scanner. It is defined as the table feed
integrating 14 slice widths. This value is diverges from the tube in the xy-direction. divided by the nominal slice. Along with
difficult to measure since the integration This fan angle allows the tube and detectors the rotation time, Helical Pitch determines
length is variable. to rotate around the scanner’s isocenter and the speed at which the volume is scanned.
image circular fields of view (FOVs) up to 50 It differs from the Beam Pitch in that it is
CTDIvol: The weighted CTDI (CTDIw) cm and more. not divided by the total number of slices.
divided by the helical pitch. By correcting Typical values of helical pitch for a 64 slice
for the pitch, this value represents the Field of View (FOV): The diameter of the system are in the range of 41 to 96. Typical
overlapping dose profiles for pitches < 1 reconstructed image. The FOV determines values of helical pitch for a 16 slice system
or the space between the dose profiles for how much of the anatomy is visible in the are in the range of 11 to 24.
pitches >1. image. It is possible to reconstruct images
up to the acquired FOV. Hounsfield Unit: Named after Sir Godfrey
CTDIw: Weighted CTDI. The weighted Hounsfield who defined it. The HU
average of the CTDI100 values calculated Filtration: Thickness of aluminum or copper represents the attenuation properties of the
by adding 2/3 of the average measured (typically) used to remove low energy x-rays tissue. It is also referred to as a CT number.
peripheral value to 1/3 of the measured from the beam. These low energy x-rays It is equal to the (µx – µw / µw) x 1000 such
center value. only add to patient dose and do not take that air is -1000 and water is 0.
part in the creation of images. The amount
Dose Profile: The actual collimated width of filtration also affects the total tube output. Ionization Chamber: A radiation measuring
of the exposure beam. For MSCT, the device used to estimate dose in a CT system.
dose profile is usually slightly larger than GOS: Gadolinium Oxysulfide (Gd2O2S). It detects the x-rays by counting the number
the nominal collimation to ensure uniform Dense scintillator material used to make of charged particles (ions) created by the
radiation density in all the detector rows. fast CT detectors with high light output. exposure. It is sometimes called an ion
preferably doped with Praesodynium (Pr) chamber, for short. Typically, a 100 mm ion
DLP: Dose Length Product. The DLP to improve the light output. chamber is used to measure CTDI.
represents the total amount of energy
imparted to the body. It is the product Gray (Gy): Unit of absorbed dose. The Kerma: The sum of the energy of all the
of the CTDIvol and the scan length. DLP Gy is the SI unit equivalent of the rad (1 charged particles (ions) created by the
is useful when comparing the dose Gy = 100 rad). Absorbed dose is defined exposure. For low energies, kerma is
from different scanners since it contains in terms of energy absorbed in a unit of roughly equal to absorbed dose. For high
18 The Physics of CT Dose

energies, the kerma can be much higher linearly with mAs. The mAs contains more anatomy and hinder low contrast detectability.
than the absorbed dose. information than the mA alone (300 mA at 1 On a given scanner, noise increases with
sec rotation is double the dose of 300 mA at decreasing dose.
K-factor: Conversion factor for estimating 0.5 sec rotation).
effective dose from DLP39. There are Noise power spectrum (NPS): A more
different values for the head, neck, chest, mAseff: Effective mAs. The mAseff complete description of the image noise than
abdomen, and pelvis. This is a convenient incorporates the overlapping nature of helical simple standard deviation alone. NPS reveals
way to get a rough estimate of the effective scanning by dividing the mAs by the beam correlations in the noise by representing noise
dose for a patient using values readily pitch. By including the extra dose from the in terms of its spatial frequency distribution.
available on the scanner. overlapping beams, mAseff contains more
information than the mAs alone (100 mAs Organ dose: Absorbed dose to a given organ.
kV: The energy between the x-ray tube’s at a pitch of 0.5 has double the dose of 100 This value is particularly useful in formulating
anode and cathode. This determines mAs at pitch 1). a true effective patient dose.
the maximum energy of the x-ray beam
produced by the tube and also influences the MPR: Multiplanar Reformat. Method of Partial volume artifact: Image artifact
average energy of the spectrum. Higher kV taking a volume of thin slice data and occurring when the pixel size or slice
values lead to higher energy x-rays which will resampling it in a different orientation than thickness is not small enough to individually
penetrate thick objects more easily. However, the data was acquired. With the isotropic represent multiple densities. Usually appears
higher energy also means higher dose. resolution of MSCT scanners, MPRs are as streaking, blurring, or loss of
routinely created with no difference in edge definition.
Low Contrast Detectability (LCD): The spatial resolution than the original axial
system’s ability to depict small objects with dataset. Since the anatomy of interest is Pitch: See Beam Pitch and Helical Pitch.
densities very near that of their surrounding not usually best visualized in the axial plane,
tissue. Measurements of LCD include the MRP is an invaluable tool for analyzing a Quantum Detectors: Toshiba’s highly efficient
the detectable object size, the percentage MSCT dataset. detection system consisting of the patented,
difference from the background, and the GOS-based illumination™ detector material
dose needed to achieve the object size MSAD: Multiple Scan Average Dose. The and the quiet, efficient Data Acquisition
and contrast. Since the LCD is an image average dose in the central slice with multiple System (DAS). Toshiba’s Quantum detectors
quality metric that is sensitive to dose, it is adjacent slices being exposed. It is equal provide 0.5 mm slices and 2 mm low-contrast
an excellent measurement of a CT system’s to the CTDI when the slice spacing is 1 and resolution resulting in excellent image quality.
overall dose efficiency. enough scans are acquired.
Rad: Unit of absorbed dose (stands for
mA: Tube current. The mA is the the amount MTF: Modulation Transfer Function. Radiation Absorbed Dose) equal to one erg
of current placed through the x-ray tube’s Describes the scanner’s ability to represent absorbed in one gram of tissue. The rad has
cathode. The current is proportional to the different spatial frequencies. In other been replaced by the SI unit Gray (Gy). One
number of electrons created at the cathode words, how faithfully a scanner can resolve Gy equals 100 rad.
and accelerated towards the anode by the the details of the object scanned. It is
high voltage (kV). More mA leads to more measured by taking the Fourier transform Rem: Unit of effective dose (stands for
electrons which leads to more x-rays leaving of the point spread function of the scanner Radiation Equivalent Man). The rem has
the tube. The dose delivered by the system and can be used to describe the scanner’s been replaced by the SI unit Sievert (Sv).
varies linearly with mA. spatial resolution. One Sv equals 100 rem.

mAs: The mAs (pronounced “mass”) is the Noise: Random variation in the pixel values Scatter: X-rays that are not completely
product of the tube current and the rotation of the reconstructed image. Noise contains absorbed or completely transmitted will
time. This gives the total number of x-rays no useful information and degrades image deposit a portion of their energy and continue
produced over a given time. Dose varies quality. High noise values can obscure on in a different direction. This scattered
The Physics of CT Dose 19

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