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English Assignment Name: Valencia Prayogo Class: XII-SOCIAL-3

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English Assignment

Name : Valencia Prayogo

Class : XII-SOCIAL-3

Text Should smoking be banned in public places ?

Introduction Smoking has become a culture or habit of some
(Thesis Statement ) Indonesian people .Smoking is already consumed
by adults, both men and women. Most of the
time we meet around people who smoker and
automatically inhaling the smoke, therefore, it
can harm ourselves .In case smoking should be
banned in public places because of several
reasons .

Argument 1 + First of all, Due to cigarettes contains more than

elaboration four thousand substances and two thousand of
them have been declared to be bad for our health.
Among these are radioactive materials
(polonium-201) and materials used in paint
(acetone), floor washers (ammonia), insect
venom (DDT), and many more. So imagine if
these substances enter our bodies will certainly
be damaged.
Argument 2 + Secondly,Because there are substances in
elaboration cigarettes ,there are the most dangerous are Tar,
Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide. Tar contains
approximately 34 ingredients that cause cancer or
what are called carcinogens and Nicotine is
addictive and stimulates nerves and damages the
heart, at the result blood of people who have a lot
of CO ingestion will have less capacity to carry
oxygen and consequently people can die from
carbon monoxide poisoning.
Argument 3 + Thridly , Although we know when we're
Elaboration smoking it's dangerous , in fact there are not only
for “active smokers” otherwise it also for other
people even if anyone who has never smoked but
around people who are smoking are called “
passive smokers” . Owing to the substance
contained in passive smokers inhaled by
secondhand smoke is cause 2x more nicotine, 5x
more carbon monoxide, 3x more tar until
contains 50 x more chemicals . So that why
being a passive smokers are harmful.
Furthermore, Smoking is dangerous and very
Argument 4 + threatening to citizens, why? Maybe when
elaboration someone smokes and there are people around
them who experience respiratory problems
,pregnant mom ,and baby ,if cigarette smoke
exposed to the inhaler, as a result is inflammation
of the lungs, while for pregnant women and
fetuses, there are bleeding and fetal death in the
womb, until for baby there are leukemia and
Argument 5 + Lastly , The effects of smoking are not only for
elaboration smokers but also on the surrounding
environment. When smoking, smokers exhale
smoke which contains many toxins into the air
which pollutes the environment. Thus smoking
causes air and water pollution, and if the fire is
not put out it can cause a fire.
Conclusion In conclusion after of the many that have
(Reiteration of thesis statement ) described earlier, then we know clearly why
smoking should be banned in public places
because is not good for us. Think again about
smoking , it's not time to give up ,there is still
time as soon as to get away from smoking, in this
way, we learn to love ourselves, others, and the
environment. Regret will not come since there is
an effort from yourself

1.The Generic structure

 Thesis :
Smoking has become a culture or habit of some Indonesian people ,smoking is
already consumed by adults, both men and women. Most of the time we meet
around people who smoker and automatically inhaling the smoke, therefore, it can
harm ourselves .In case smoking should be banned in public places because of
several reasons .

 Arguments :
First of all, Due to cigarettes contains more than four thousand substances and two
thousand of them have been declared to be bad for our health. Among these are
radioactive materials (polonium-201) and materials used in paint (acetone), floor
washers (ammonia), insect venom (DDT), and many more. So imagine if these
substances enter our bodies will certainly be damaged.
Secondly,There are substances in cigarettes ,there are the most dangerous are Tar,
Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide. Tar contains approximately 34 ingredients that
cause cancer or what are called carcinogens and Nicotine is addictive and
stimulates nerves and damages the heart, as blood of people who have a lot of CO
ingestion will have less capacity to carry oxygen and consequently people can die
from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Thridly , Although we know when we're smoking it's dangerous , but there are not
only for “active smokers” otherwise it also for other people even if anyone who
has never smoked but around people who are smoking are called “ passive
smokers” . Owing to the substance contained in passive smokers inhaled by
secondhand smoke is cause 2x more nicotine, 5x more carbon monoxide, 3x more
tar until contains 50 x more chemicals . so that why being a passive smoker are
Furthermore, Smoking is dangerous and very threatening to citizens, why?
Because when someone smokes, maybe there are people around them who
experience respiratory problems ,pregnant mom ,and baby ,if cigarette smoke
exposed to the inhaler, as a result is inflammation of the lungs, while for pregnant
women and fetuses, there are bleeding and fetal death in the womb, and for baby
there are leukemia and bronchitis.
Lastly , The effects of smoking are not only for smokers but also on the
surrounding environment. When smoking, smokers exhale smoke which contains
many toxins into the air which pollutes the environment. Thus smoking causes air
and water pollution, and if the fire is not put out it can cause a fire.
 Conclusion
In conclusion after of the many that have described earlier, then we know clearly
why smoking should be banned in public places because is not good for us. Think
again about smoking , it's not time to give up ,there is still time as soon as to get
away from smoking, in this way, we learn to love ourselves, others, and the
environment. Regret will not come since there is an effort from yourself

2. The conjunction
 Thesis : By, and ,therefore,in case,because of
 Arguments 1 : Due to ,and ,so
 Argument 2 : That ,and ,as ,consequently
 Argument 3 : Although,but,otherwise,even if,and, owing to ,so that
 Argument 4 : Because ,when ,and,if, as a result,while
 Argument 5 : But,thus
 Conclusion : After,as soon as, ,in this way, since
3. The causal conjunction
 Thesis : Therefore , in case ,because of
 Argument 1. : Due to, So
 Argument 2. : As,consequently
 Argument 3 : Although,otherwise,owing to
 Argument 4. : Because ,as a result
 Argument 5. : Thus
 Conclusion. : In this way ,because,since

4. The Arguments
 There are 5 Arguments in the text above

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