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English Nursing The Danger of Smoking: Lecturer: Laurensi Meity Sasube, S.Si., M.Biotech

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English Nursing

The Danger Of Smoking

Laurensi Meity Sasube, S.Si., M.Biotech

Sherina Mamangkey 17061131

Faculty of nursing
De la sale catholic university

First of all, praise be to God the Almighty and the most Merciful that because of His
blessings so that a paper entitled “The Danger of Smoking” can we finish well..
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mam Meity Sasube
as English lecture
in arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of
many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still many
mistakes in process of writing this paper.
because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of
writing this paper. Hopefully God replies all helps and bless you all.the writer realized tha
this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. then the writer hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last but not the least
Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about samantics major.

Manado, November 12th ,2019

Table List of Content

PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Table List of Content ............................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER I................................................................................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Background ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Problem formulation........................................................................................................................... 4
Aims of the paper................................................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER II .............................................................................................................................................. 5
DISCUSSION............................................................................................................................................. 5
Reasons people smoke ....................................................................................................................... 5
Substances in cigarettes...................................................................................................................... 5
The effects of smoking ........................................................................................................................ 6
Benefits of quitting smoking ............................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................................... 11
FINAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Suggestion ......................................................................................................................................... 11
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................................... 12

A. Background
Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains the very addictive
chemicals. In Indonesia Smoking is an important public health problem. In fact, some of
Indonesian kretek cigarettes have quite high tar and nicotine content. Besides health
effect, smoking habit also influence economic status of the individuals as well as the
The increasing number of young adults exposed to cigarette usage in the world is
alarming. Indonesia is the third biggest tobacco consumer in the world after China and
India. There is no minimum age limit on smoking or buying cigarettes in Indonesia.
Indonesia has made progress on tobacco control in recent years. However, people
continue to die and become sick needlessly, and the costs to society from tobacco use
continue to mount.

B. Problem formulation
1. Why people smoking?
2. what substances are contained in cigarettes?
3. what are the effects of smoking on health?
4. What are benefits of quitting smoking?

C. Aims of the paper

1. Knowing the reason why people smoking
2. Knowing the substances are contained in cigarettes
3. Knowing the effects of smoking
4. Knowing the benefits of quitting smoking


A. Reasons people smoke

Most smokers started when they were teens. People start smoking for different
reasons. Some teens say that they “just wanted to try it,” or they thought it was “cool” to
smoke. Others start think because their family members or friends smoke. Almost all
adult users started before they were 18 years old. Most never expected to become
The tobacco industry’s ads, price breaks, and other promotions for its products are a
big influence in our society. Tobacco use is also shown in video games, online, and on
TV. And movies showing smokers are another big influence. Studies show that young
people who see smoking in movies are more likely to start smoking.

B. Substances in cigarettes
There are approximately 250 ingredients in tobacco. Tobacco smoke is made up of
more than 5000 chemicals, including at least 70 known to cause cancer. These cancer-
causing chemicals are referred to as carcinogens.
Some of the chemicals found in tobacco smoke include:
1. Nicotine
Nicotine is a chemical that contains nitrogen, which is made by several types of
plants, including the tobacco plant. It is also produced synthetically. The addictive
drug that produces the effect people are looking for and one of the harshest chemicals
in tobacco smoke.
2. Hydrogen Cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide is primarily used in the manufacture of products such as paper,
textiles, and plastics, as well as in pesticides
3. Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas with a strong odor. Most of us think of
formaldehyde as a liquid, but in reality, the substance that is used to preserve
biological specimens is called formalin, a mixture of formaldehyde gas, water, and
methyl alcohol. Formaldehyde is also an industrial chemical used to produce building
materials (including pressed wood products) and many household products and also
also used in glues, adhesives and disinfectant products.
Surprisingly, formaldehyde is also used to deactivate live viruses and toxins that are
used in making vaccines.
4. Arsenic
Arsenic may be found alone as a metal, or more commonly as a metal-like compound.
Organic arsenic is less toxic than inorganic arsenic, and accounts for most of the
arsenic humans are exposed to, primarily through food and water.
Inorganic arsenic is a byproduct of smelting metals and was used in the past in
chemicals that pressure-treated wood for outdoor use.
5. Ammonia
Ammonia is a toxic, colorless gas with a very sharp odor. It occurs naturally in the
environment and is also a product of human activity. Ammonia compounds are
commonly used in cleaning products and fertilizers.
6. Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous, colorless and odorless gas that is produced
when incomplete burning of carbon-containing fuels occurs. It is present in indoor
and outdoor air in varying amounts from things like vehicle exhaust, gas stoves,
wood-burning stoves, furnaces and cigarette smoke, which can contain high levels of
carbon monoxide.
7. Benzene
Benzene is a colourless liquid with a sweet odour. Benzene evaporates quickly,
dissolves poorly in water, and is quite flammable. Benzene is present in the
environment: in water, air and the soil.

C. The Effects Of Smoking

Every cigarette you smoke is harmful.
When you smoke, the poisons from the tar in your cigarettes enter your blood. These
poisons in your blood then:
a. Circulation
1. Make your blood thicker, and increase chances of clot formation
2. Increase your blood pressure and heart rate, making your heart work harder than
3. Narrow your arteries, reducing the amount of oxygen rich blood circulating to
your organs
b. Heart
Smoking damages your heart and your blood circulation, increasing the risk of
conditions such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular
disease (damaged blood vessels) and cerebrovascular disease (damaged arteries that
supply blood to your brain). This damage increases your risk of atherosclerosis.
Carbon monoxide from the smoke and nicotine both put a strain on the heart by
making it work faster. They also increase your risk of blood clots.
c. Stomach
Smokers have an increased chance of getting stomach cancer or ulcers. Smoking can
weaken the muscle that controls the lower end of your gullet (oesophagus) and allow
acid from the stomach to travel in the wrong direction back up your gullet, a process
known as reflux.
d. Skin
Smoking and ageing skin
Tobacco smoking has unpleasant temporary cutaneous and mucosal effects:
- Temporary yellowing of fingers and fingernails
- Discoloured teeth
- Black hairy tongue.
LongerLonger term, the gaunt skin of a 40-year-old heavy smoker resembles that of
non-smoking 70-year-old:
- Facial wrinkles and furrows
- Baggy eyelids and slack jawline
- Uneven skin colouring: greyish, yellow with prominent blood vessels
- Dry, coarse skin.
e. Bones
Smoking can cause your bones to become weak and brittle. Women need to be
especially careful as they are more likely to suffer from brittle bones (osteoporosis)
than non-smokers.
f. Brain
In fact, smoking increases your risk of having a stroke by at least 50%, which can
cause brain damage and death. And, by smoking, you double your risk of dying from
a stroke.
One way that smoking can increase your risk of a stroke is by increasing your chances
of developing a brain aneurysm. An aneurysm is the enlargement of an artery caused
by weakness in the arterial wall. Often there are no symptoms, but a ruptured
aneurysm can lead to fatal complications.
g. Lungs
Your lungs can be very badly affected by smoking. Coughs, colds, wheezing and
asthma are just the start. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia,
emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and
83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
h. Mouth and Throat
The most serious damage smoking causes in your mouth and throat is an increased
risk of cancer in your lips, tongue, throat, voice box and gullet (oesophagus). More
than 93% of oropharyngeal cancers (cancer in part of the throat) are caused by
i. Reproduction and fertility
Smoking can cause male impotence, as it damages the blood vessels that supply blood
to the penis. It can also damage sperm, reduce sperm count and cause testicular
For women, smoking can reduce fertility. Smoking also increases your risk of cervical
cancer. People who smoke are less able to get rid of the HPV infection from the body,
which can develop into cancer.
Smoking while you are pregnant can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth
and illness, and it increases the risk of cot death by at least 25%.
Secondhand smoke combines smoke from a burning cigarette and smoke exhaled by a
smoker. The smoke from burning tobacco contains more harmful substances than inhaled
smoke. This means people who are around smokers might have a higher risk of smoking-
related didisorders The longer smoker is around secondhand smoke , the greater the level
of harmful substances in your body. As a result, you might have an increased risk of
developing smoking-related disorders, including:
- Lung cancer and lung disease, including COPD, emphysema, asthma, and chronic
bronchitis. Nonsmokers who live with a smoker have a 20% to 30% increased risk for
developing lung cancer.
- Heart disease
- Eye and nasal irritation; increased risk of sinus and respiratory infections

D. Benefits of quitting smoking

a. Brain
Broken Addiction Cycle
Quitting smoking can re-wire your brain and help break the cycle of addiction.
The large number of nicotine receptors in your brain will return to normal levels
after about a month of being quit.
b. Head and Face
- Sharp Hearing
Quitting smoking will keep your hearing sharp.
- Better Vision
Stopping smoking will improve your vision and help preserve your overall
vision by stopping the damage that smoking does to your eyes.
- Clean Mouth
Not smoking will keep your mouth healthy for years to come.
- Clear Skin
Quitting can help clear up blemishes and protect your skin from premature
aging and wrinkling.
c. Heart
Decreased Heart Risks
Smoking is the leading cause of heart attacks and heart disease. But many of these
heart risks can be reversed simply by quitting smoking. Quitting can lower your
blood pressure and heart rate almost immediately. Your risk of a heart attack
declines within 24 hours.
d. Thin Blood Vessel
Another effect of quitting smoking is that your blood vessel will become thinner
and less likely to form dangerous blood clots. Your heart will also have less work
to do, because it will be able to move the blood around your body more easily.
e. Lungs
Stop Lung Damage
Scarring of the lungs is not reversible. That is why it is important to quit smoking
before you do permanent damage to your lungs.
f. Erectile Dysfunction
Sexual Healing
Quit smoking can lower your chances of erectile dysfunction and improve your
chances of having a healthy sexual life.
g. Muscles and Bones
- Strong Muscles
Quitting smoking will help increase the availability of oxygen in blood, and
muscles will become stronger and healthier.
- Stronger Bones
Quitting smoking can reduce risk of fractures.

How to Quit Smoking Plan (Step-By-Step)

a. Step 1: Make the Decision to Quit
Identify your reasons for quitting smoking. Quitting is challenging. You can rise to
the challenge, but it helps if you have your goals in mind. Review your mental list as
you approach your quit date.
If you have tried to quit smoking before and failed, don’t let that be an obstacle.
b. Step 2: Understand Your High-Risk Times
Smoking is more than just a physical addiction to nicotine. It is also a psychological
addiction. Why do you smoke? Is it a break from your hectic day? Is it a moment of
peace when you can be alone with your thoughts? Most people smoke for the same
reasons alcoholics drink. It’s a chance to escape, relax, or reward yourself.
Anticipate your high-risk situations and plan for them. This will help you deal with them
better. Here are some common triggers for smoking cravings:
- Drinking coffee
- Finishing a meal
- Driving your car
- Using the phone
- Stressful situations
- Drinking alcohol
- Social events
These are some strategies for dealing with your triggers:
- If you smoke with your morning coffee, plan to have your first coffee at work where
you probably can’t smoke.
- If you smoke while driving, plan to take a different route. It will keep your mind
occupied, so that you won’t be on autopilot.
- If you smoke after meals, plan to get up after a meal. Go for a walk, brush your teeth,
do something.
- If you smoke when you’re on the phone, put one of those stress balls next to your
phone to keep your hands occupied.
- Plan to keep yourself busy in the beginning. Too much unstructured time is not a good
thing when it comes to smoking cessation.
- What should you do if you slip? A slip is also a high risk time. You don’t need to slip.
Many people have quit without a slip. But if you do, it’s good to have a plan.
c. Step 3: Stock Up on Supplies
Every smoker understands that smoking is also an oral addiction. When you quit
smoking your brain will still crave the oral sensation of a cigarette. As part of your
smoking cessation plan, stock up on oral substitutes like gum, raw vegetables, carrot
sticks, hard candy, coffee stirrers, straws, etc.
d. Step 4: Pick a Quit Date
A quit date is a personal commitment. It is important because it prepares your mind
subconsciously. Pick a date within the next month. It doesn’t have to be a special day.

e. Step 5: Let People Know

Quitting is easier with support. Choose people who you think will be helpful. Tell
them your plan and how they can help. Also tell them how they cannot help.

- Friends can help distract you.

- They can listen to you.
- Sharing your struggles makes them lighter.

But explain that you want to keep your conversations light. Nothing serious that will
add to your tension.
f. Step 6: Remove All Smoking Reminders
Smoking like any addiction is triggered by people, places, and things. For other
addictions, the objects that are triggers are usually drug paraphernalia. In this case the
paraphernalia include cigarettes, matches, lighters, and ashtrays. Get rid of all of
them. Don't save anything “just in case.”
Freshen your environment at home, work‚ and in your car. The smell of cigarettes is
definitely a trigger, especially in the beginning.


A. Conclusion
Most people start smoking when they are in their teens. They might start
because of peer pressure from their friends, because their parents smoke, or simply
because they are teenagers and they want to push the boundaries and take risks.
Tobacco smoke contains numerous ingredients. These ingredients can be quite
potent. For example, 70 of the almost 5000 chemicals in tobacco can cause cancer.
The most dangerous compounds are tar, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen
cyanide, metals, ammonia, and radioactive compounds. One major ingredient is
nicotine, the addictive drug found in tobacco smoke.
Some effects of smoking on health i.e cancer, lung damage, heart disease,
fertility problems, vision problems, poor oral hygiene, unhealthy skin and hair, etc.
B. Suggestion
After reading this scientific paper, hopefully the public can be aware of the dangers of
smoking to their health and immediately leave the habit of smoking, so that their
health is not disturbed and protected from diseases that can threaten their lives.

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