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Supplemental Notes - IAS 34

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IFRS Example Interim

Consolidated Financial

Statements 2019
with guidance notes
Introduction1 8 Revenue 19
IFRS Example Interim Consolidated  3 9 Segment reporting 21
Financial Statements 2019
10 Seasonal fluctuations 23
Contents of Interim Financial Statements 4
11 Goodwill 23
Condensed consolidated statement of financial position 5
12 Other intangible assets 24
Condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss 7
13 Property, plant and equipment 25
Condensed consolidated statement of other  8
14 Leasing 27
comprehensive income
15 Disposal groups classified as held for sale  28
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 9
and discontinued operations
Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 11
16 Earnings per share 28
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated 12
17 Share capital 28
Financial Statements
18 Dividends 29
1 Nature of operations 13
19 Other components of equity 29
2 General information, basis of preparation  13
and statement of compliance with IFRS 20 Provisions 30

3 New Standards adopted as at 1 January 2019 14 21 Contingent liabilities 31

4 Significant accounting policies 15 22 Financial assets and financial liabilities 31

5 Estimates 17 23 Fair value measurement of financial instruments 32

6 Significant events and transactions 17 24 Events after the reporting date 36

7 Business combinations 18

Important Disclaimer:
This document has been developed as an information resource. It is intended as a guide only and the application of its contents to specific situations will depend on the particular circumstances
involved. While every care is taken in its presentation, personnel who use this document to assist in evaluating compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards should have sufficient
training and experience to do so. No person should act specifically on the basis of the material contained herein without considering and taking professional advice.
‘Grant Thornton’ refers to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms provide assurance, tax and advisory services to their clients and/or refers to one or more member firms, as the
context requires. Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL) and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. GTIL and each member firm is a separate legal entity. Services are delivered by the
member firms. GTIL does not provide services to clients. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Neither
GTIL nor any of its personnel nor any of its member firms or their partners or employees, accept any responsibility for any errors this document might contain, whether caused by negligence or
otherwise, or any loss, howsoever caused, incurred by any person as a result of utilising or otherwise placing any reliance upon it.
IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements 2019
The preparation of financial statements in accordance Condensed set of Interim Financial Statements
with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is An entity complying with IAS 34 has a choice of preparing a
challenging. Each year, new Standards and amendments condensed set of Interim Financial Statements or a full set of
are published by the International Accounting Standards IFRS financial statements. These Interim Financial Statements
Board (IASB) with the potential to significantly impact the illustrate a condensed set of Interim Financial Statements
presentation of a complete set of financial statements. based on the requirements of IAS 34.8. Where a full set of
financial statements is presented in the interim financial report,
The member firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd (‘GTIL’) the form and content of those financial statements are required
have extensive expertise in the application of IFRS. GTIL, to conform to the requirements of IAS 1 for a complete set of
through its IFRS Team, develops general guidance that supports financial statements (IAS 34.9).
its member firms’ commitment to high quality, consistent
application of IFRS and is therefore pleased to share these Local reporting requirements
insights by publishing ‘IFRS Example Interim Consolidated The requirements for interim reports vary significantly between
Financial Statements 2019’ (‘Interim Financial Statements’). jurisdictions. Entities that apply IAS 34 may also be subject
to requirements imposed by law or by a stock exchange.
The Interim Financial Statements illustrate a six month Such local requirements usually impose interim reporting
accounting period beginning on 1 January 2019. They are deadlines and may require disclosure of specified information.
based on the activities and results of Illustrative Corporation This may be presented either in the financial statements or
Ltd and its subsidiaries (‘the Group’) – a fictional consulting, in an accompanying narrative report, eg financial and other
service and retail entity that has been preparing IFRS financial highlights, chairman’s statement, operating and financial
statements for several years. The Group produces half-yearly review and specific qualitative and quantitative disclosures
interim financial reports in accordance with IAS 34 ‘Interim (collectively referred to as ‘management commentary’).
Financial Reporting’ at 30 June 2019.
The IASB’s Practice Statement ‘Management Commentary
The Interim Financial Statements have been reviewed and – A framework for presentation’ provides a broad framework
updated to reflect changes in IAS 34 and in other IFRS that of principles, qualitative characteristics and recommended
are effective for the year ending 31 December 2019. contents for high quality management commentary. Although
the Practice Statement is not mandatory, it may be used
by regulators and others to benchmark the quality of the
information presented and so its guidance should
be considered.

Management commentary and other regulatory requirements

are not included in these Interim Financial Statements.
About us
Grant Thornton is one of the world’s leading organisations
of independent assurance, tax and advisory firms. These
firms help dynamic organisations unlock their potential for
growth by providing meaningful, forward-looking advice.
Proactive teams, led by approachable partners in these
firms, use insights, experience and instinct to understand
complex issues for privately owned, publicly listed and
public sector clients and help them to find solutions. More
than 53,000 Grant Thornton people, across 135 countries,
are focused on making a difference to clients, colleagues
and the communities in which we live and work.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 1
Using this publication
The form and content of Interim Financial Statements will
‘ These Interim Financial
of course depend on the activities and transactions of the Statements should not
reporting entity in concern. The objective in preparing these
Interim Financial Statements is to illustrate one possible be used as a disclosure
approach to interim reporting by an entity engaging in
transactions that are ‘typical’ across a range of non-specialist
checklist to meet the
sectors. However, as with any example, this illustration does requirements of IAS 34.
not envisage every possible transaction and therefore cannot
be regarded as comprehensive. For example, IAS 34 requires Facts and circumstances
that the Interim Financial Statements should explain significant
events and transactions that have occurred in the interim
will vary between entities
period. The required disclosures will therefore depend on and each entity should
these specific circumstances and entities will need to exercise
judgement in deciding how to meet the requirements of assess individually which
IAS 34.15. The Interim Financial Statements should be
amended, amplified or abbreviated according to the
information to disclose
importance of the area to the financial statements as a in their Interim Financial
whole. Also, these Interim Financial Statements should not be
used as a disclosure checklist to meet the requirements of Statements.’
IAS 34. Facts and circumstances will vary between entities
and each entity should assess individually which information
to disclose in their Interim Financial Statements.

Grant Thornton International Ltd

March 2019

2 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
IFRS Example Interim
Consolidated Financial

Illustrative Corporation Group

30 June 2019
Contents of Interim
Financial Statements

Paragraph 8 of IAS 34 requires that • a statement of changes in equity The alternative methods of presenting
condensed Interim Financial Statements showing changes in equity a single statement of profit or loss and
contain at a minimum: cumulatively for the current financial other comprehensive income and of
• a condensed statement of financial year to date, with a comparative presenting a profit or loss statement
position statement for the comparable year- illustrating the ‘function of expense
• a condensed statement or condensed to-date period of the immediately format’ are included as appendices
statements of profit or loss and other preceding financial year and to the ‘IFRS Example Consolidated
comprehensive income • a statement of cash flows for the Financial Statements 2018’1.
• a condensed statement of changes current financial year to date, with
a comparative statement for the IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial
in equity
comparable year-to-date period of the Statements’ requires an additional
• a condensed statement of cash flows
immediately preceding financial year. statement of financial position at the
• selected explanatory notes.
start of the preceding period in certain
According to IAS 34.20, the Interim Presentation of the interim statement of circumstances (IAS 1.40A). IAS 34 does
Financial Statements (condensed or profit or loss and other comprehensive not require, and therefore these Interim
complete) shall include: income either as a single statement Financial Statements do not include,
• a statement of financial position as at or two separate statements should such a statement of financial position.
the end of the current interim period follow the presentation in the annual
financial statements (IAS 34.8A). The Entities wishing to follow best practice
and a comparative statement of
Group presents a separate profit or loss may include a statement/statements of
financial position as at the end of the
statement and a separate statement profit or loss and other comprehensive
immediately preceding financial year
of other comprehensive income in its income, a statement of changes in
• either:
annual financial statements. In addition, equity and a statement of cash flows
–– two separate statements, being a
the Group’s profit or loss statement for the immediately preceding financial
statement of profit or loss and a
illustrates the ‘nature of expense’ format. year. These Interim Financial Statements
statement of other comprehensive
Accordingly, these Interim Financial reflect this practice, with three periods
income for the current interim
Statements follow the same approach. for each of these statements and
period and cumulatively for the
associated notes.
current financial year to date, with
comparatives for the comparable
interim periods (ie comparable Interim Last Comparative
interim period and financial year period year end interim period
to date) or Statement of financial position Yes Yes Good practice
–– a single statement of profit or
loss and other comprehensive Statement of profit or loss and other Yes (current and Good Yes (current and
comprehensive income year-to-date) practice year-to-date)
income for the current interim
Yes (year-to- Good Yes (year-to-
period, and cumulatively for the Statement of changes in equity
date) practice date)
current financial year to date, with Yes (year-to- Good Yes (year-to-
Statement of cash flows
comparatives for the comparable date) practice date)
interim periods (ie comparable
interim period and financial year
to date)

In October 2018, the Grant Thornton International Ltd IFRS Team published ‘IFRS Example

Consolidated Financial Statements 2018’, providing an example of a full set of annual IFRS
financial statements.

4 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Condensed consolidated
statement of financial position
as at 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 1.51(c) Notes 30 Jun 30 Jun 31 Dec

Guidance note:
IAS 1.51(d-e) 2019 2018 2018 IAS 34.10 requires the interim statement to include, at
Assets a minimum, each of the headings and subtotals that
were included in the most recent annual financial
IAS 1.60 statements.
IAS 1.66-67 IAS 1.54 provides a list of the minimum items to be
IAS 1.55 Goodwill 11 7,397 5,880 5,041 presented in the statement of financial position.
Where relevant, references to IAS 1 and other IFRS
IAS 1.54(c) Other intangible assets 12 25,950 19,973 17,424 requirements are included on the left-hand side of
IAS 1.54(a) Property, plant and equipment 13 56,584 23,400 22,199 the statement of financial position. There may be
situations where additional line items, headings
IAS 1.54(e) Investments accounted for using and subtotals may also need to be included.
925 777 860
the equity method IAS 1.55 requires an entity to present additional items
(including the disaggregation of the line items listed
IAS 1.54(b) Investment property 12,732 12,487 12,662 in IAS 1.54) in the statement of financial position when
IAS 1.55 Other long-term assets 8 104 80 185 such presentation is relevant to an understanding of
the entity’s financial position.
IAS 1.54(c) Other long-term financial assets 22 4,082 3,895 4,051
IAS 1.55A requires additional subtotals presented in
Non-current assets 107,774 66,492 62,422 accordance with IAS 1.55 to be:
• comprised of line items made up of amounts
recognised and measured in accordance with IFRS
IAS 1.60 • presented and labelled in a manner that makes the
IAS 1.66 line items that constitute the subtotal clear
and understandable
IAS 1.54(g) Inventories 32,400 29,605 18,298 • consistent from period to period
Prepayments and other • no more prominent than the subtotals and totals
IAS 1.55 8 203 211 406 required in IFRS for the statement of financial
short-term assets
IAS 1.54(h) Trade and other receivables 28,407 22,297 32,720
IAS 1.54(d)
Derivative financial instruments 22 673 813 716
IAS 1.55
IAS 1.54(d) Other short-term financial assets 22 689 651 655
IAS 1.54(i) Cash and cash equivalents 42,539 9,797 34,729
104,911 63,374 87,524
IFRS 5.38 Assets included in disposal group
15 – 3,236 103
IAS 1.54(j) classified as held for sale
Current assets 104,911 66,610 87,627
IAS 1.55 Total assets 212,685 133,102 150,049

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 5
Condensed consolidated
statement of financial position
as at 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Notes 30 Jun 30 Jun 31 Dec

2019 2018 2018
Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to owners of the parent:
IAS 1.54(r) Share capital 17 15,820 12,270 13,770
IAS 1.78(e) Share premium 40,045 4,465 19,645
IAS 1.78(e) Other components of equity 19 580 720 2,265
IAS 1.54(r) Retained earnings 61,060 42,171 50,779
Equity attributable to owners
117,505 59,626 86,459
of the parent
IAS 1.54(q) Non-controlling interest 780 648 713

IAS 1.55 Total equity 118,285 60,274 87,172

IAS 1.60
IAS 1.69
Pension and other employee
IAS 1.55 12,331 11,956 10,386
IAS 1.54(m) Borrowings 22 51,918 25,931 25,130
IAS 1.54(k) Trade and other payables 1,338 – –
IAS 1.54(o)
Deferred tax liabilities 1,359 880 1,903
IAS 1.56
IAS 1.55 Other liabilities 1,854 2,057 2,020
Non-current liabilities 68,800 40,824 39,439

IAS 1.60
IAS 1.69
IAS 1.54(l) Provisions 20 615 2,280 1,215
IAS 1.55 Pension and other employee
1,625 1,398 1,467
IAS 1.54(m) Borrowings 22 6,508 5,163 5,327
IAS 1.54(k) Trade and other payables 10,552 18,805 8,497
IAS 1.54(n) Current tax liabilities 3,013 815 4,174
IAS 1.55 Contract and other liabilities 3,287 3,160 2,758
25,600 31,621 23,438
IFRS 5.38 Liabilities included in disposal
15 – 383 –
IAS 1.54(p) group classified as held for sale
Current liabilities 25,600 32,004 23,438

IAS 1.55 Total liabilities 94,400 72,828 62,877

IAS 1.55 Total equity and liabilities 212,685 133,102 150,049

6 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Condensed consolidated
statement of profit or loss
for the period ended 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 1.51(c) Notes 6 months 6 months Year to

Guidance note
IAS 1.51(d-e) to 30 Jun to 30 Jun 31 Dec IAS 34.10 requires interim statement to include, at a
2019 2018 2018 minimum, each of the headings and subtotals that were
IAS 1.82(a) Revenue 8, 9 116,846 88,863 205,793 included in the most recent annual financial statements.
Consistent with the Group’s annual financial
IAS 1.85 Other income 202 185 299 statements, a separate statement of profit or loss and
a separate statement of other comprehensive income
IAS 1.85 Changes in inventories (5,066) (3,248) (7,923)
are presented in these Interim Financial Statements.
IAS 1.85 Costs of material (21,872) (16,808) (42,535) IAS 1.82(a)-(ea) provides a list of the minimum items
IAS 1.85 Employee benefits expense (61,232) (51,042) (113,809) to be presented in the profit or loss section (when an
entity presents a single statement of comprehensive
Change in fair value of income) or in the statement of profit or loss (when
IAS 1.85 55 125 310
investment property an entity presents separate statements of profit or
loss and of other comprehensive income, as in these
IAS 1.85 Depreciation, amortisation and
(5,130) (3,143) (7,932) Interim Financial Statements).
impairment of non-financial assets
There may be situations where additional line items,
IAS 1.82(ba) Impairment of financial assets (319) (275) (164) headings and subtotals need to be included. IAS 1.85
requires an entity to present such additional items
IAS 1.85 Other expenses (1,620) (5,798) (12,191)
(including the disaggregation of the line items listed
Operating profit 21,864 8,859 21,848 in IAS 1.82) in the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income when such presentation is
relevant to an understanding of the entity’s financial
IAS 1.82(c) Share of profit from equity performance.
50 84 391
accounted investments IAS 1.85A requires any additional subtotals presented
to be:
IAS 1.82(b) Finance costs (1,872) (393) (1,701) • comprised of line items made up of amounts
IAS 1.85 Finance income 1,188 835 1,224 recognised and measured in accordance with IFRS
• presented and labelled in a manner that makes
IAS 1.85 Other financial items 669 339 943 the line items that constitute the subtotal clear and
Profit before tax 21,899 9,724 22,705 understandable
• consistent from period to period
IAS 1.82(d) Tax expense (5,059) (2,370) (6,794) • no more prominent than the subtotals and totals
required in IFRS for the statement(s) presenting
Profit for the period from
16,840 7,354 15,911 profit or loss and other comprehensive income.
continuing operations
IAS 1 allows an entity to use either the ‘nature of
Profit/(Loss) for the period from expense’ or the ‘function of expense’ format, whichever
IAS 1.82(ea) 15 96 8 (9)
discontinued operations is reliable and more relevant (IAS 1.99). These Interim
Financial Statements provide an example of the
‘nature of expense’ format.
IAS 1.81A(a) Profit for the period 16,936 7,362 15,902 IAS 34.11 requires the presentation of both basic and
diluted earnings per share in the statement that
presents the components of profit or loss when the
Profit for the period attributable to: entity is within the scope of IAS 33 ‘Earnings per
Share’. Where an entity presents a separate statement
IAS 1.81B(a)(i) Non-controlling interest 67 56 121
of profit or loss and a separate statement of other
IAS 1.81B(a)(ii) Owners of the parent 16,869 7,306 15,781 comprehensive income, the basic and diluted earnings
per share (EPS) figures should be presented in the
16,936 7,362 15,902 statement of profit or loss (IAS 34.11A).
IAS 33 requires basic and diluted EPS disclosures
in the annual financial statements for continuing
Earnings per share 16 CU CU CU
operations and total operations, in the statement of
IAS 33.67A Basic earnings (loss) per share profit and loss. EPS for discontinued operations are
required to be shown either in the statement of profit
IAS 33.66 – From continuing operations 1.12 0.60 1.27 or loss or in the notes (IAS 33.68).
IAS 33.68A – From discontinued operations 0.01 – – IAS 34 does not specifically require disclosure of
separate EPS figures for continuing and discontinued
IAS 33.66 Total 1.13 0.60 1.27 operations in the Interim Financial Statements. In our
opinion, the minimum requirement is to disclose basic
and diluted EPS for total operations. These Interim
IAS 33.67A Diluted earnings (loss) per share Financial Statements also include separate EPS
IAS 33.66 – From continuing operations 1.12 0.60 1.27 figures for continuing and discontinued operations as
a matter of good practice and for consistency with
IAS 33.68A – From discontinued operations 0.01 – – the annual financial statements. In our opinion, when
such separate EPS figures are shown in the statement
IAS 33.66 Total 1.13 0.60 1.27
of profit or loss, EPS for total operations should also be
shown in this statement.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 7
Condensed consolidated
statement of other
comprehensive income
for the period ended 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 1.51(c) 6 months 6 months Year to

Guidance note
IAS 1.51(d-e) to 30 Jun to 30 Jun 31 Dec When an entity presents a separate statement of
2019 2018 2018 comprehensive income, IAS 1.82A requires an entity
IAS 1.81A(a) Profit for the period 16,936 7,362 15,902 to present line items of other comprehensive income
in the period, classified by nature and grouped into
those that, in accordance with other IFRS:
a) will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss;
Other comprehensive income:
IAS 1.82A(a)(i) Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss b) will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
when specific conditions are met.
IAS 16.77(f) Revaluation of land – – 303
IAS 1.82A further requires the presentation of line items
Remeasurement of net defined for the share of the other comprehensive income of
IAS 19.120(c) (2,201) 1,485 3,830
benefit liability associates and joint ventures accounted for using the
equity method, separated into the share of items that,
IAS 1.90 Income tax relating to items not
531 (575) (1,240) in accordance with other IFRS:
IAS 1.91(b) reclassified a) will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss;
IAS 1.82A(a)(ii) Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss and
b) will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Cash flow hedging when specific conditions are met.
IFRS 7.23(c) – current period gains (losses) 215 287 890 IAS 1.87 precludes an entity from presenting any
items of income or expense as extraordinary items, in
IAS 1.92
– reclassification to profit or loss 157 178 (640) the statement(s) presenting profit or loss and other
IFRS 7.23(d) comprehensive income, or in the notes.
IAS 21.52(b) Exchange differences on According to IAS 1.90, an entity discloses the amount
(575) (414) (664)
translating foreign operations of income tax relating to each component of other
comprehensive income, including reclassification
IAS 1.82A(b) Share of other comprehensive
adjustments, either in the statement of profit or loss
income of equity accounted 15 26 5 and other comprehensive income or in the notes. In
investments accordance with IAS 1.91(b), the Group, in its annual
financial statements, presents components of other
IAS 1.92 – reclassification to profit or loss – – (3)
comprehensive income before tax with one amount
IAS 1.90 Income tax relating to items that shown for the aggregate amount of income tax
173 125 176
IAS 1.91(b) will be reclassified relating to all components of other comprehensive
income. The tax effects of each component of other
IAS 1.81A(b) Other comprehensive income
(1,685) 1,112 2,657 comprehensive income are disclosed in the notes
for the period, net of tax to the annual financial statements. When an entity
selects alternative (b) of IAS 1.91, it shall allocate the
tax between the items that might be reclassified
Total comprehensive income subsequently to the profit or loss and those that will
IAS 1.81A(c) 15,251 8,474 18,559
for the period not be reclassified subsequently to the profit or loss.

Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:

IAS 1.81B(b)(i) Non-controlling interest 67 56 121
IAS 1.81B(b)(ii) Owners of the parent 15,184 8,418 18,438
15,251 8,474 18,559

8 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Condensed consolidated
statement of changes in equity
for the period ended 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 1.51(c) Share Share Other Retained Total Non- Total

IAS 1.51(d-e) capital premium components earnings attributable controlling equity
of equity to owners of interest
IAS 1.106(d) Balance at 1 January 2019 13,770 19,645 2,265 50,779 86,459 713 87,172
Adjustment from adoption of IFRS 16 – – – – – – –
Adjusted balance at 1 January 2019 13,770 19,645 2,265 50,779 86,459 713 87,172
Dividends – – – (6,855) (6,855) – (6,855)
Issue of share capital on exercise of
350 1,750 – – 2,100 – 2,100
employee share options
Employee share-based
– – – 267 267 – 267
Issue of share capital 1,700 18,650 – – 20,350 – 20,350
IAS 1.106(d)(iii) Transactions with owners 2,050 20,400 – (6,588) 15,862 – 15,862

IAS 1.106(d)(i) Profit for the period – – – 16,869 16,869 67 16,936

IAS 1.106(d)(ii)
Other comprehensive income – – (1,685) – (1,685) – (1,685)
IAS 1.106A
Total comprehensive income for
IAS 1.106(a) – – (1,685) 16,869 15,184 67 15,251
the period

Balance at 30 June 2019 15,820 40,045 580 61,060 117,505 780 118,285

IAS 1.106(d) Balance at 1 January 2018 12,000 3,050 (414) 37,748 52,384 592 52,976
Adjustment from adoption of
– – 22 (48) (26) – (26)
IFRS 9 and IFRS 15
Adjusted balance at
12,000 3,050 (392) 37,700 52,358 592 52,950
1 January 2018
Dividends – – – (3,000) (3,000) – (3,000)
Issue of share capital on exercise
270 1,415 – – 1,685 – 1,685
of employee share options
Employee share-based
– – – 165 165 – 165
IAS 1.106(d)(iii) Transactions with owners 270 1,415 – (2,835) (1,150) – (1,150)

IAS 1.106(d)(i) Profit for the period – – – 7,306 7,306 56 7,362

IAS 1.106(d)(ii)
Other comprehensive income – – 1,112 – 1,112 – 1,112
IAS 1.106A
Total comprehensive income for
IAS 1.106(a) – – 1,112 7,306 8,418 56 8,474
the period

Balance at 30 June 2018 12,270 4,465 720 42,171 59,626 648 60,274

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 9
Condensed consolidated
statement of changes in equity
for the period ended 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 1.51(c) Share Share Other Retained Total Non- Total

IAS 1.51(d-e) capital premium components earnings attributable controlling equity
of equity to owners of interest
IAS 1.106(d) Balance at 1 January 2018 12,000 3,050 (414) 37,748 52,384 592 52,976
Adjustment from adoption of
– – 22 (48) (26) — (26)
IFRS 9 and IFRS 15
Adjusted balance at
12,000 3,050 (392) 37,700 52,358 592 52,950
1 January 2018
Dividends – – – (3,000) (3,000) – (3,000)
Issue of share capital on exercise
270 1,415 – – 1,685 – 1,685
of employee share options
Employee share-based
– – – 298 298 – 298
Issue of share capital 1,500 15,180 – – 16,680 – 16,680
IAS 1.106(d)(iii) Transactions with owners 1,770 16,595 – (2,702) 15,663 – 15,663

IAS 1.106(d)(i) Profit for the period – – – 15,781 15,781 121 15,902
IAS 1.106(d)(ii)
Other comprehensive income – – 2,657 – 2,657 – 2,657
IAS 1.106A
Total comprehensive income for
IAS 1.106(a) – – 2,657 15,781 18,438 121 18,559
the year

Balance at 31 December 2018 13,770 19,645 2,265 50,779 86,459 713 87,172

Guidance note
IAS 34.10 requires the interim statement to include, at a minimum, each of the headings and subtotals that were included in the most recent annual financial statements while IAS 1.106
provides a list of the required items to be presented in the statement of changes in equity.
Entities have a choice to present the required reconciliations for each component of other comprehensive income either in the statement of changes in equity or in the notes to the financial
statements (IAS 1.106(d)(ii) and IAS 1.106A). This Publication presents the reconciliations for each component of other comprehensive income in the notes to the financial statements. This
reduces duplicated disclosures and presents more clearly the overall changes in equity.

10 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Condensed consolidated
statement of cash flows
for the period ended 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 1.51(c) Notes 6 months 6 months Year to

Guidance note
IAS 1.51(d-e) to 30 Jun to 30 Jun 31 Dec IAS 34.10 requires the interim
2019 2018 2018 statement to include, at a minimum,
IAS 7.10 Operating activities each of the headings and subtotals
that were included in the most
Profit before tax 21,899 9,724 22,705 recent annual financial statements.
Consistent with the Group’s
Non-cash adjustments 6,269 3,196 7,330
annual financial statements, the
Contributions to defined benefit plans (995) (616) (1,186) interim statement of cash flows is
prepared using the indirect method
Net changes in working capital (3,446) 8,617 (9,003) in accordance with IAS 7.18(b). The
Settling of derivative financial instruments – – (33) statement of cash flows can also be
prepared using the direct method
Acquisition costs, expensed to profit or loss 7 (304) – – (IAS 7.18(a)).
IAS 7.35 Taxes paid/(reclaimed) (5,602) (577) 6,149
Net cash from continuing operations 17,821 20,344 25,962
IFRS 5.33(c) Net cash from (used in) discontinued operations – 18 (22)
Net cash from operating activities 17,821 20,362 25,940

IAS 7.10 Investing activities

Purchase of property, plant and equipment 13 (47) (26) (76)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 128 11 86
Purchase of other intangible assets 12 (2,470) (2,805) (3,746)
Proceeds from disposal of other intangible assets – – 809
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 7 (18,176) (15,714) (15,491)
IAS 7.39 Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries, net of cash sold – – 3,117
Proceeds from sale of assets classified held
199 – –
for sale
Proceeds from disposal and redemption of
105 135 228
non-derivative financial assets
Interest received 465 352 745
Dividends received 48 40 69
IAS 7.31 Taxes paid – – (244)
Net cash used in investing activities (19,748) (18,007) (14,503)

IAS 7.10 Financing activities

Proceeds from borrowings – 1,441 1,441
Repayment of borrowings (5,483) (3,478) (3,778)
Proceeds from issue of share capital 22,450 1,685 18,365
IAS 7.31 Interest paid (473) (400) (1,015)
IAS 7.31 Dividends paid 18 (6,855) (3,000) (3,000)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities 9,639 (3,752) 12,013

IAS 7.45 Net change in cash and cash equivalents 7,712 (1,397) 23,450
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 34,729 11,219 11,219
IAS 7.28 Exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents 98 (25) 60

IAS 7.45 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period 42,539 9,797 34,729

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 11
Notes to the Condensed
Consolidated Financial

Illustrative Corporation Group

For the period ended 30 June 2019
(expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units,
except per share amounts)

Guidance note
Where an entity’s interim financial report complies with IAS 34 that fact shall be disclosed (IAS 34.19). Where a condensed set
of financial statements is prepared, the basis of preparation will need to refer to the fact that these Interim Financial Statements
are ‘condensed’. An interim financial report shall not be described as complying with IFRS unless it complies with all of the
requirements of IFRS.

Interim financial reports are prepared assuming that users have access to the most recent annual financial report.
Consequently, disclosures in the interim financial report need not duplicate previously reported information (IAS 34.6).
IAS 34.16A sets out the information to be disclosed in the notes to the Interim Financial Statements, if not disclosed elsewhere
in the interim financial report.

In addition, IAS 34.15 requires disclosure of events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes
in the financial position and performance of an entity since the end of the last annual reporting period. The guidance includes
some examples of events and transactions which may require disclosure, if significant (IAS 34.15B).

These Interim Financial Statements present selected explanatory notes that are intended to assist users in understanding the
results of the operations of the Group for the current interim period. As with any example, it does not envisage every possible
transaction and therefore cannot be regarded as comprehensive. Also, depending on the circumstances, certain of these
disclosures might be regarded either as voluntary or as necessary to meet the general requirements of IAS 34.

The notes to the Interim Financial Statements follow the format of the disclosures in the Group’s annual financial statements
in so far as these disclosures are required by IAS 34.
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

1. Nature of operations
The principal activities of Illustrative Corporation Ltd and subsidiaries (the Group) include selling
of telecommunications hardware and software, related after-sales service, consulting, and the
construction of telecommunications systems. These activities are grouped into the following service
• retail – focusing on the sale of the Group’s proprietary hardware and software products and
related customisation and integration services
• after-sales service – providing fixed-price maintenance of extended warranty agreements to
the Group’s retail customers
• consulting and outsourcing – advising companies on telecommunications systems strategies
and IT security, and providing IT outsourcing services including payroll and accounts payable
transaction processing
• construction – providing customers with complete telecommunications systems solutions from
design to development and installation.

Guidance note: The notes to the Interim Financial Statements only include disclosures
relevant to the fictitious entity Illustrative Corporation Ltd and subsidiaries. IFRS may require
different or additional disclosures in other situations. Disclosures should always be tailored to
reflect an entity’s specific facts and circumstances.

2. General information, basis of preparation and statement of

compliance with IFRS
IAS 34.3 The Interim Financial Statements are for the six months ended 30 June 2019 and are presented
IAS 34.19 in currency units (CU), which is the functional currency of the parent company. They have been
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 ‘Interim Financial Reporting’. They do not include all of the
information required in annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and should be read
in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018.

Illustrative Corporation Ltd (Illustrative Corporation) is the Group’s ultimate parent company. It is
a limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in Euroland. The address of its registered
office and principal place of business is 149a Great Place, 40237 Greatville, Euroland. Illustrative
Corporation’s shares are listed on the Greatstocks Stock Exchange.

The Interim Financial Statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on
14 August 2019.

Guidance note: Other general information required in the local jurisdiction may be included
here, for example, if the Interim Financial Statements are unaudited.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 13
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

3. New Standards adopted as at 1 January 2019

The Group has adopted the new accounting pronouncements which have become effective this
year, and are as follows:

IFRS 16 ‘Leases’
IFRS 16.C5(b) IFRS 16 ‘Leases’ replaces IAS 17 ‘Leases’ along with three Interpretations (IFRIC 4 ‘Determining
IFRS 16.C7 whether an Arrangement contains a Lease’, SIC 15 ‘Operating Leases-Incentives’ and SIC 27
‘Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving the Legal Form of a Lease’). The new Standard
has been applied using the modified retrospective approach, with the cumulative effect of adopting
IFRS 16 being recognised in equity as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings
for the current period. Prior periods have not been restated.

IFRS 16.C3 For contracts in place at the date of initial application, the Group has elected to apply the
definition of a lease from IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 and has not applied IFRS 16 to arrangements that
were previously not identified as lease under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4.

IFRS 16.C10(d) The Group has elected not to include initial direct costs in the measurement of the right-of-use asset for
IFRS 16.C8b(ii) operating leases in existence at the date of initial application of IFRS 16, being 1 January 2019. At this
date, the Group has also elected to measure the right-of-use assets at an amount equal to the lease
liability adjusted for any prepaid or accrued lease payments that existed at the date of transition.

IFRS 16.C10(b) Instead of performing an impairment review on the right-of-use assets at the date of initial
application, the Group has relied on its historic assessment as to whether leases were onerous
immediately before the date of initial application of IFRS 16.

IFRS 16.C10(c) On transition, for leases previously accounted for as operating leases with a remaining lease
IFRS 16.C9(a) term of less than 12 months and for leases of low-value assets the Group has applied the optional
exemptions to not recognise right-of-use assets but to account for the lease expense on a straight-
line basis over the remaining lease term.

IFRS 16.C11 For those leases previously classified as finance leases, the right-of-use asset and lease liability are
measured at the date of initial application at the same amounts as under IAS 17 immediately before
the date of initial application.

IFRS 16.C12(a) On transition to IFRS 16 the weighted average incremental borrowing rate applied to lease liabilities
recognised under IFRS 16 was 6.5%.

IFRS 16.C10(e) The Group has benefited from the use of hindsight for determining lease term when considering
options to extend and terminate leases.

The following is a reconciliation of total operating lease commitments at 31 December 2018 to the
lease liabilities recognised at 1 January 2019:

IFRS 16.C12(b) Total operating lease commitments disclosed at 31 December 2018 42,456
Recognition exemptions:
• Leases of low value assets (798)
• Leases with remaining lease term of less than 12 months (1,324)
Variable lease payments not recognised (4,746)
Other minor adjustments relating to commitment disclosures –
Operating lease liabilities before discounting 35,588
Discounted using incremental borrowing rate (3,821)
Operating lease liabilities 31,767
Reasonably certain extension options –
Finance lease obligations (Note 14) 4,572
Total lease liabilities recognised under IFRS 16 at 1 January 2019 36,339

14 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Guidance note: IAS 34 requires entities to explain significant events and transactions that
have occurred in the interim period. The information to be provided will therefore depend
on entity-specific circumstances and not all entities need to provide the same disclosures
provided here in their interim financial statements. As these Example Interim Consolidated
Financial Statements are provided for illustrative purposes only, we have included these
disclosures. Other entities will need to exercise their judgement in deciding how to best meet
the requirements of IAS 34. We also encourage publicly-listed entities to enquire with their local
regulatory authority to ascertain whether jurisdiction-specific requirements might apply.

Other pronouncements
Other accounting pronouncements which have become effective from 1 January 2019 and
have therefore been adopted do not have a significant impact on the Group’s financial results or

Guidance note: Other Standards and amendments that are effective for the first time in 2019
(for entities with a 31 December 2019 year-end) and could be applicable to the Group are:
• IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments
• IFRS 9 Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation (Amendments to IFRS 9)
• IAS 28 Long-term Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures (Amendments to IAS 28)
• Annual Improvements to IFRS 2015-2017 Cycle
• Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement (Amendments to IAS 19)

These amendments do not have a significant impact on these Interim Financial Statements and
therefore the disclosures have not been made. However, whilst they do not affect these Interim
Financial Statements they will impact some entities. Entities should assess the impact of these
new Standards on their financial statements based on their own facts and circumstances and
make appropriate disclosures.

4. Significant accounting policies

IAS 34.28 The Interim Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies
IAS 34.16A(a) adopted in the Group’s most recent annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December
2018, except for the effects of applying IFRS 16.

Guidance note: IAS 34.28 requires the use of the discrete period approach. This requires
that items of income and expenses should be recognised and measured on a basis consistent
with that used in preparing the annual financial statements, and that no adjustments should
be made for events expected to occur subsequent to the end of the interim period. IAS 34.28
notes that the frequency of an entity’s reporting should not affect its annual results. There are
however some situations where annual reporting can be altered. One example is impairment
of goodwill. IFRIC 10 ‘Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment’ (IFRIC 10) notes that an
entity shall not reverse an impairment loss recognised in a previous interim period even if the
impairment loss would not have been recognised had the impairment assessment been made
only at the end of the annual reporting period (IFRIC 10.8).

4.1 Leases
As described in Note 3, the Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach
and therefore comparative information has not been restated. This means comparative information
is still reported under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 15
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Accounting policy applicable from 1 January 2019

The Group as a lessee
IFRS 16.9 For any new contracts entered into on or after 1 January 2019, the Group considers whether a
IFRS 16.B9-B31 contract is, or contains a lease. A lease is defined as ‘a contract, or part of a contract, that conveys
the right to use an asset (the underlying asset) for a period of time in exchange for consideration’.
To apply this definition the Group assesses whether the contract meets three key evaluations which
are whether:
• the contract contains an identified asset, which is either explicitly identified in the contract or
implicitly specified by being identified at the time the asset is made available to the Group
• the Group has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the
identified asset throughout the period of use, considering its rights within the defined scope of
the contract
• the Group has the right to direct the use of the identified asset throughout the period of use.
The Group assess whether it has the right to direct ‘how and for what purpose’ the asset is used
throughout the period of use.

Measurement and recognition of leases as a lessee

IFRS 16.24 At lease commencement date, the Group recognises a right-of-use asset and a lease liability
on the balance sheet. The right-of-use asset is measured at cost, which is made up of the initial
measurement of the lease liability, any initial direct costs incurred by the Group, an estimate of any
costs to dismantle and remove the asset at the end of the lease, and any lease payments made in
advance of the lease commencement date (net of any incentives received).

IFRS 16.32-33 The Group depreciates the right-of-use assets on a straight-line basis from the lease commencement
date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term.
The Group also assesses the right-of-use asset for impairment when such indicators exist.

IFRS 16.26 At the commencement date, the Group measures the lease liability at the present value of the lease
payments unpaid at that date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease if that rate is
readily available or the Group’s incremental borrowing rate.

IFRS 16.27 Lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability are made up of fixed payments
(including in substance fixed), variable payments based on an index or rate, amounts expected
to be payable under a residual value guarantee and payments arising from options reasonably
certain to be exercised.

IFRS 16.36 Subsequent to initial measurement, the liability will be reduced for payments made and increased
for interest. It is remeasured to reflect any reassessment or modification, or if there are changes in
in-substance fixed payments.
IFRS 16.39
When the lease liability is remeasured, the corresponding adjustment is reflected in the right-of-use
asset, or profit and loss if the right-of-use asset is already reduced to zero.

IFRS 16.60 The Group has elected to account for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets using the
practical expedients. Instead of recognising a right-of-use asset and lease liability, the payments in
relation to these are recognised as an expense in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

IFRS 16.47-48 On the statement of financial position, right-of-use assets have been included in property, plant
and equipment (except those meeting the definition of investment property) and lease liabilities
have been included in trade and other payables.

The Group as a lessor

The Group’s accounting policy under IFRS 16 has not changed from the comparative period.

IFRS 16.61 As a lessor the Group classifies its leases as either operating or finance leases.

IFRS 16.62 A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental
to ownership of the underlying asset, and classified as an operating lease if it does not.

16 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Accounting policy applicable before 1 January 2019

The Group as a lessee
Finance leases
IAS 17.8 Management applies judgment in considering the substance of a lease agreement and whether
IAS 17.10 it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the leased asset. Key
IAS 17.15A
IAS 17.16 factors considered include the length of the lease term in relation to the economic life of the asset,
the present value of the minimum lease payments in relation to the asset’s fair value, and whether
the Group obtains ownership of the asset at the end of the lease term.

For leases of land and buildings, the minimum lease payments are first allocated to each
component based on the relative fair values of the respective lease interests. Each component is
then evaluated separately for possible treatment as a finance lease, taking into consideration the
fact that land normally has an indefinite economic life.

See the accounting policy note in the year-end financial statements for the depreciation methods
and useful lives for assets held under finance leases. The interest element of lease payments is
charged to profit or loss, as finance costs over the period of the lease.

Operating leases
IAS 17.33 All other leases are treated as operating leases. Where the Group is a lessee, payments on
operating lease agreements are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease
term. Associated costs, such as maintenance and insurance, are expensed as incurred.

The Group as a lessor

The Group also earns rental income from operating leases of its investment properties. Rental
income is recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.

5. Estimates
IAS 34.41 When preparing the Interim Financial Statements, management undertakes a number of
IAS 34.16A(d) judgements, estimates and assumptions about recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities,
income and expenses. The actual results may differ from the judgements, estimates and
assumptions made by management, and will seldom equal the estimated results.

IAS 34.28 The judgements, estimates and assumptions applied in the Interim Financial Statements, including
IAS 34.B12 the key sources of estimation uncertainty, were the same as those applied in the Group’s last
annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018. The only exceptions are the
estimate of income tax liabilities which is determined in the Interim Financial Statements using
the estimated average annual effective income tax rate applied to the pre-tax income of the
interim period.

6. Significant events and transactions

IAS 34.15 Management believes that the Group is well positioned to cope with a downturn in the economy.
IAS 34.15C Factors contributing to the Group’s strong position are:
• no significant new orders. In addition, the Group has several long-term contracts with a number
of its existing customers
• the Group does not expect to need additional borrowing facilities in the next 12 months as a
result of its significant financial resources, existing facilities and strong liquidity reserves. The
Group has significant headroom to comply with its debt covenants
• the Group’s major customers have not experienced financial difficulties. Credit quality of trade
receivables as at 30 June 2019 is considered to be good.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 17
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Overall, the Group is in a strong position and has sufficient capital and liquidity to service its
operating activities and debt. The Group’s objectives and policies for managing capital, credit risk
and liquidity risk are described in its recent annual financial statements.

7. Business Combinations
IAS 34.16A(i) On 5 April 2019, the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital and voting rights of
IFRS 3.B64(a)-(d) Sysmagic Limited (Sysmagic), a company based in the United Kingdom that operates within the
service segment. The objective of the acquisition is to further increase the Group’s market share in
providing customised IT and telecommunication systems services.

The details of the business combination are as follows:

IFRS 3.B64(f) Fair value of consideration transferred

IFRS 3.B64(f)(i)
Amount settled in cash 18,500
IAS 7.40(a)

IFRS 3.B64(i) Recognised amounts of identifiable net assets

IAS 7.40(d) Property, plant and equipment 5,818
Intangible assets 8,585
Total non-current assets 14,403

Inventories 7,500
Trade and other receivables 4,449
IAS 7.40(c) Cash and cash equivalents 324
Total current assets 12,273

Borrowings (2,543)
Deferred tax liabilities (1,335)
Total non-current liabilities (3,878)

Provisions (780)
Other liabilities (1,855)
Trade and other payables (4,165)
Total current liabilities (6,800)

Identifiable net assets 15,998

Goodwill on acquisition 2,502

IAS 7.40(b) Consideration transferred settled in cash 18,500

IAS 7.40(c) Cash and cash equivalents acquired (324)
IAS 7.42 Net cash outflow on acquisition 18,176

Acquisition costs charged to expenses 304

Net cash paid relating to the aquisition 18,480

18 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Consideration transferred
IFRS 3.B64(m) Acquisition-related costs amounting to CU 304 are not included as part of consideration transferred
and have been recognised as an expense in the consolidated statement of profit or loss, as part of
other expenses.

Identifiable net assets

IFRS 3.B67(a) The fair values of the identifiable intangible assets have been determined provisionally at 30 June
2019, because the acquisition was completed late in the period. The Group is currently obtaining
the information necessary to finalise its valuation.

IFRS 3.B64(h)(i-iii) The fair value of the trade and other receivables acquired as part of the business combination
amounted to CU 4,449 with a gross contractual amount of CU 4,569. As of the acquisition date,
the Group’s best estimate of the contractual cash flows not expected to be collected amounted to
CU 120.

IFRS 3.B64(e) The goodwill that arose on the combination can be attributed to the synergies expected to be
IAS 36.133 derived from the combination and the value of the workforce of Sysmagic which cannot be
IFRS 3.B64(k)
recognised as an intangible asset. Goodwill has been provisionally allocated to cash-generating
units at 30 June 2019 and is attributable to the service segment. The goodwill that arose from this
business combination is not expected to be deductible for tax purposes.

Sysmagic’s contribution to the Group results

IFRS 3.B64(q)(i-ii) From the date of the acquisition to 30 June 2019, Sysmagic contributed CU 12,232 and
CU 1,954 to the Group’s revenues and profits, respectively. Had the acquisition occurred
on 1 January 2019, the Group’s revenue for the period to 30 June 2019 would have been
CU 128,386 and the Group’s profit for the period would have been CU 15,726.

8. Revenue
IFRS 15.116 For the first six months of 2019, revenue includes CU 1,359 (first six months of 2018: CU 1,267) from
the contract liability balance at the beginning of the period, and CU 67 (first six months of 2018:
CU 63) from performance obligations satisfied (or partially satisfied) in previous periods due to
changes in transaction price.

Guidance note: IAS 34 requires entities to explain the significant events and transactions that
have occurred in the interim period. The information to be provided will therefore depend on
entity-specific circumstances and not all entities may need to provide the detailed disclosures
described by IFRS 15 (shown here) in their interim financial statements. As these Example
Interim Consolidated Financial Statements are provided for illustrative purposes only, we have
included these disclosures. Other entities will need to exercise their judgement in deciding how
to best meet the requirements of IAS 34.

As the Group does not enter into contracts with its customers where, once performance has
occurred, the Group’s right to consideration is dependent on anything other than the passage
of time, the Group does not presently have any contract assets.

For purposes of these Interim Financial Statements, it is assumed that changes to the
Group’s contract liabilities (ie deferred revenue) are attributable solely to the satisfaction of
performance obligations. For other entities, where contract liability balances are affected
by other significant factors, IFRS 15.118 requires these changes to be explained. For
example, changes due to business combinations or a change in the time frame required for a
performance obligation to be satisfied.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 19
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

The Group’s revenue disaggregated by primary geographical markets is as follows:

IFRS 15.115 Six months to 30 June 2019

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
Euroland (domicile) 46,324 17,256 29,439 1,736 94,755
United Kingdom 4,911 1,907 3,605 184 10,607
USA 4,527 1,814 3,172 130 9,643
Other countries 454 458 360 19 1,291
Total 56,216 21,435 36,576 2,069 116,296

IFRS 15.115 Six months to 30 June 2018

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
Euroland (domicile) 37,721 6,433 23,195 765 68,114
United Kingdom 5,065 692 3,884 388 10,029
USA 4,519 618 2,896 369 8,402
Other countries 538 89 1,154 39 1,820
Total 47,843 7,832 31,129 1,561 88,365

IFRS 15.115 Year to 31 December 2018

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
Euroland (domicile) 88,648 14,512 57,678 2,943 163,781
United Kingdom 11,081 1,814 7,210 368 20,473
USA 9,973 1,633 6,489 331 18,426
Other countries 1,108 181 721 37 2,047
Total 110,810 18,140 72,098 3,679 204,727

The Group’s revenue disaggregated by pattern of revenue recognition is as follows:

IFRS 15.115 Six months to 30 June 2019

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
Goods transferred
13,003 3,960 7,931 516 25,410
at a point in time
Services transferred
43,213 17,475 28,645 1,553 90,886
over time
Total 56,216 21,435 36,576 2,069 116,296

IFRS 15.115 Six months to 30 June 2018

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
Goods transferred
11,236 1,062 6,524 594 19,416
at a point in time
Services transferred
36,607 6,770 24,605 967 68,949
over time
Total 47,843 7,832 31,129 1,561 88,365

IFRS 15.115 Year to 31 December 2018

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
Goods transferred
24,378 3,991 15,862 809 45,040
at a point in time
Services transferred
86,432 14,149 56,236 2,870 159,687
over time
Total 110,810 18,140 72,098 3,679 204,727

The above revenue figures exclude rental income from investment property (Note 9) which is
included in revenue in the statement of profit or loss.

20 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IFRS 15.120 The following aggregated amounts of transaction prices relate to the performance obligations from
existing contracts that are unsatisfied or partially unsatisfied as at 30 June 2019:

2019 2020 Total

Revenue expected to be recognised 765 878 1,643

Prepayments and other assets contain both deferred IT set-up costs and prepayment. IT set-up
costs comprise between 1% and 2% of the total labour and materials costs incurred.

30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2018 31 Dec 2018

Deferred customer set-up costs 54 53 109
Prepayments 149 158 297
Other current assets 203 211 406

Deferred customer set-up costs 104 80 185
Total 307 291 591

9. Segment reporting
IAS 34.16A(g) The Group has three operating segments: consulting, service and retail. In identifying these
operating segments, management generally follows the Group’s service lines representing its
main products and services. These operating segments are monitored by the Group’s chief
operating decision maker and strategic decisions are made on the basis of adjusted segment
reporting results.

Each of these operating segments is managed separately as each requires different technologies,
marketing approaches and other resources. All inter-segment transfers are carried out at arm’s
length prices based on prices charged to unrelated customers in stand-alone sales of identical
goods or services.

In addition, two minor operating segments are combined below under other segments. The main
sources of revenue for this segment is the sale and disposal of used IT equipment that the Group
collects from its customers.

IAS 34.16A(g)(v) During the six month period to 30 June 2019, there have been no changes from prior periods in the
measurement methods used to determine operating segments and reported segment profit or loss.

IAS 34.16A(g)(i-iv) The revenues and profit generated by each of the Group’s operating segments and segment assets
and liabilities are summarised as follows:

Six months to 30 June 2019

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
IFRS 8.23(a) From external customers 56,216 21,435 36,576 2,069 116,296
Discontinued operations – – – – –
IFRS 8.23(b) From other segments 346 – – – 346
Segment revenues 56,562 21,435 36,576 2,069 116,642

Segment operating
IFRS 8.23 16,978 2,827 5,421 112 25,338

IFRS 8.23 Segment assets 79,991 34,379 65,965 3,033 183,368

IFRS 8.23 Segment liabilities 33,736 16,711 35,754 1,132 87,333

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 21
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Six months to 30 June 2018

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
IFRS 8.23(a) From external customers 47,843 7,832 31,129 1,561 88,365
Discontinued operations – – 7,352 – 7,352
IFRS 8.23(b) From other segments 145 – – – 145
Segment revenues 47,988 7,832 38,481 1,561 95,862

Segment operating
IFRS 8.23 10,176 (280) 2,755 (24) 12,627

IFRS 8.23 Segment assets 60,076 9,835 39,088 2,211 111,210

IFRS 8.23 Segment liabilities 34,329 5,620 22,336 1,264 63,549

Year to 31 December 2018

Consulting Service Retail Other Total
IFRS 8.23(a) From external customers 110,810 18,140 72,098 3,679 204,727
Discontinued operations – – 9,803 – 9,803
IFRS 8.23(b) From other segments 231 – – – 231
Segment revenues 111,041 18,140 81,901 3,679 214,761

Segment operating
IFRS 8.23 16,207 2,410 9,408 (8) 28,017

IFRS 8.23 Segment assets 68,078 11,346 44,125 2,521 126,070

IFRS 8.23 Segment liabilities 34,329 5,620 22,336 1,264 63,549

IAS 34.16A(g)(vi) The Group’s segment operating profit reconciles to the Group’s profit before tax as presented in its
financial statements as follows:

IAS 1.51(c) 6 months to 6 months to Year to

IAS 1.51(d-e) 30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2018 31 Dec 2018
IFRS 8.28(b) Profit or loss
Total reportable segment operating profit 25,226 12,651 28,025
Other segment profit 112 (24) (8)
Rental income from investment property 550 498 1,066
Change in fair value of investment property 55 125 310
Share-based payment expenses (268) (165) (298)
Post-employment benefit expenses (3,150) (2,850) (5,799)
Research and development costs (986) (1,250) (1,690)
Other income not allocated 502 180 676
Other expenses not allocated (97) (165) (303)
Operating profit of discontinued operations - (54) (73)
Elimination of intersegment profits (80) (87) (58)
Group operating profit 21,864 8,859 21,848
Share of profits from equity accounted investments 50 84 391
Finance costs (1,872) (393) (1,701)
Finance income 1,188 835 1,224
Other financial items 669 339 943
Group profit before tax 21,899 9,724 22,705

22 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

10. Seasonal fluctuations

IAS 34.16A(b) The demand for maintenance and installation of IT and telecommunication systems and equipment
(part of the consulting and service segments) is subject to seasonal fluctuations. Historically, peak
demand is in the second half of each year. Revenues for maintenance and installation for the six
months ended 30 June 2019 represented 66% (six months period to 30 June 2018: 43%) of the
annual level of these revenues for the year ended 31 December 2018.

The percentage of the first six months revenues in 2019 is higher than 2018 due to the effect of
an additional three months revenues contributed by a new subsidiary acquired in 2019 (see
Note 6). Excluding these items, the revenues for the six months ended 30 June 2019 represent
approximately 45% of the annual level of maintenance and installation revenues for the year
ended 31 December 2018.

11. Goodwill

Guidance note: In addition to the requirement of IAS 34.16A(c) to disclose the nature and
amount of items affecting assets that are unusual because of their nature, size or incidence,
this disclosure is also part of the required disclosure under IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’ for
the business combination that occurred in the current interim period.

IAS 34.16A(c) The following table shows the movements in goodwill:

6 months to 6 months to Year to

30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2018 31 Dec 2018
Gross carrying amount
IFRS 3.B67(d)(i) Balance at beginning of period 6,030 3,727 3,727
IFRS 3.B67(d)(ii) Acquired through business combination 2,502 2,438 2,438
IFRS 3.B67(d)(vi) Net exchange difference (146) (95) (135)
IFRS 3.B67(d)(viii) Balance at end of the period 8,386 6,070 6,030

Accumulated impairment
IFRS 3.B67(d)(i) Balance at beginning of period (989) (190) (190)
IFRS 3.B67(d)(v) Impairment loss recognised – – (799)
IFRS 3.B67(d)(vi) New exchange difference – – –
IFRS 3.B67(d)(viii) Balance at end of the period (989) (190) (989)

Carrying amount at end of the period 7,397 5,880 5,041

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 23
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

12. Other intangible assets

Guidance note: In these Interim Financial Statements, this information is considered a

necessary disclosure because of the significant additions and the impact of the business
combination. Depending on the circumstances, this type of disclosure might be regarded
either as voluntary or as necessary to meet the requirements of IAS 34.15C and IAS 34.16A(c).
Other examples of events and transactions where IAS 34 requires disclosures are included in
IAS 34.15B.

IAS 34.15 The following tables show the movements in intangible assets:

Acquired Internally Brand Customer Total

software developed names lists
licenses software
IAS 38.118 Gross carrying amount
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 1 January 2019 16,469 18,046 975 1,761 37,251
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Additions, separately acquired 320 – – – 320
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Additions, internally developed – 2,150 – – 2,150
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Acquisition through business combination 5,850 – 1,250 1,485 8,585
IAS 38.118(e)(ii) Disposals – – – – –
IAS 38.118(e)(vii) Net exchange differences (75) (65) – – (140)
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 30 June 2019 22,564 20,131 2,225 3,246 48,166

Amortisation and impairment

IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 1 January 2019 (7,739) (11,602) (287) (199) (19,827)
IAS 38.118(e)(vi) Amortisation (1,283) (764) (115) (129) (2,291)
IAS 38.118(e)(iv) Impairment losses – – – – –
IAS 38.118(e)(ii) Disposals – – – – –
IAS 38.118(e)(vii) Net exchange differences (52) (46) – – (98)
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 30 June 2019 (9,074) (12,412) (402) (328) (22,216)

Carrying amount 30 June 2019 13,490 7,719 1,823 2,918 25,950

Acquired Internally Brand Customer Total

software developed names lists
licenses software
IAS 38.118 Gross carrying amount
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 1 January 2018 13,608 14,794 760 374 29,536
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Additions, separately acquired 120 – – – 120
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Additions, internally developed – 2,685 – – 2,685
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Acquisition through business combination 3,653 – 215 1,387 5,255
IAS 38.118(e)(ii) Disposals – – – – –
IAS 38.118(e)(vii) Net exchange differences (51) (38) – – (89)
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 30 June 2018 17,330 17,441 975 1,761 37,507

Amortisation and impairment

IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 1 January 2018 (6,063) (9,381) (162) (89) (15,695)
IAS 38.118(e)(vi) Amortisation (1,017) (645) (63) (55) (1,780)
IAS 38.118(e)(iv) Impairment losses – – – – –
IAS 38.118(e)(ii) Disposals – – – – –
IAS 38.118(e)(vii) Net exchange differences (34) (25) – – (59)
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 30 June 2018 (7,114) (10,051) (225) (144) (17,534)

Carrying amount 30 June 2018 10,216 7,390 750 1,617 19,973

24 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Acquired Internally Brand Customer Total

software developed names lists
licenses software
IAS 38.118 Gross carrying amount
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 1 January 2018 13,608 14,794 760 374 29,536
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Additions, separately acquired 440 – – – 440
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Additions, internally developed – 3,306 – – 3,306
IAS 38.118(e)(i) Acquisition through business combination 3,653 – 215 1,387 5,255
IAS 38.118(e)(ii) Disposals (1,159) – – – (1,159)
IAS 38.118(e)(vii) Net exchange differences (73) (54) – – (127)
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 31 December 2018 16,469 18,046 975 1,761 37,251

Amortisation and impairment

IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 1 January 2018 (6,063) (9,381) (162) (89) (15,695)
IAS 38.118(e)(vi) Amortisation (1,978) (1,315) (125) (110) (3,528)
IAS 38.118(e)(iv) Impairment losses – (870) – – (870)
IAS 38.118(e)(ii) Disposals 350 – – – 350
IAS 38.118(e)(vii) Net exchange differences (48) (36) – – (84)
IAS 38.118(c) Balance at 31 December 2018 (7,739) (11,602) (287) (199) (19,827)

Carrying amount 31 December 2018 8,730 6,444 688 1,562 17,424

13 Property, plant and equipment

Guidance note: In these Interim Financial Statements this information is considered a necessary
disclosure because of the significant additions and the impact of the business combination.
Depending on the circumstances, this type of disclosure might be regarded either as voluntary
or as necessary to meet the requirements of IAS 34.15C and IAS 34.16A(c). Other examples of
events and transactions where IAS 34 requires disclosures are included in IAS 34.15B.

IAS 34.15B(d) The following tables show the movements in property, plant and equipment:

IAS 16.78(a) Land Buildings IT Other Total

equipment equipment
Gross carrying amount
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 1 January 2019 8,709 20,177 7,806 2,645 39,337
Adjustment on transition to IFRS 16 – 30,333 1,434 – 31,767
IAS 16.73(e)(i) Additions – – 35 12 47
IAS 16.73(e)(iii) Acquisition through business combination – 2,435 2,527 856 5,818
IAS 16.73(e)(ii) Disposals – – – (456) (456)
IAS 16.73(e)(iv) Revaluation increase – – – – –
IAS 16.73(e)(viii) Net exchange differences (15) (65) (62) (46) (188)
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 30 June 2019 8,694 52,880 11,740 3,011 76,325

Amortisation and impairment

IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 1 January 2019 – (13,213) (2,446) (1,479) (17,138)
IAS 16.73(e)(ii) Disposals – – – 385 385
IAS 16.73(e)(viii) Net exchange differences – (46) (55) (48) (149)
IAS 16.73(e)(vii) Depreciation – (1,793) (745) (301) (2,839)
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 30 June 2019 – (15,052) (3,246) (1,443) (19,741)

Carrying amount 30 June 2019 8,694 37,828 8,494 1,568 56,584

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 25
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 16.78(a) Land Buildings IT Other Total

equipment equipment
Gross carrying amount
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 1 January 2018 7,697 19,362 5,579 2,334 34,972
IAS 16.73(e)(i) Additions – 26 – – 26
IAS 16.73(e)(iii) Acquisition through business combination 730 1,221 2,306 365 4,622
IAS 16.73(e)(ii) Disposals – (156) – – (156)
IAS 16.73(e)(iv) Revaluation increase – – – – –
IAS 16.73(e)(viii) Net exchange differences (15) (57) (55) (38) (165)
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 30 June 2018 8,412 20,396 7,830 2,661 39,299

Amortisation and impairment

IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 1 January 2018 – (12,159) (1,503) (913) (14,575)
IAS 16.73(e)(ii) Disposals – 145 – – 145
IAS 16.73(e)(viii) Net exchange differences – (38) (37) (26) (101)
IAS 16.73(e)(vii) Depreciation – (661) (446) (261) (1,368)
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 30 June 2018 – (12,713) (1,986) (1,200) (15,899)

Carrying amount 30 June 2018 8,412 7,683 5,844 1,461 23,400

IAS 16.78(a) Land Buildings IT Other Total

equipment equipment
Gross carrying amount
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 1 January 2018 7,697 19,362 5,579 2,334 34,972
IAS 16.73(e)(i) Additions – 76 – – 76
IAS 16.73(e)(iii) Acquisition through business combination 730 1,221 2,306 365 4,622
IAS 16.73(e)(ii) Disposals – (401) – – (401)
IAS 16.73(e)(iv) Revaluation increase 303 – – – 303
IAS 16.73(e)(viii) Net exchange differences (21) (81) (79) (54) (235)
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 31 December 2018 8,709 20,177 7,806 2,645 39,337

Amortisation and impairment

IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 1 January 2018 – (12,159) (1,503) (913) (14,575)
IAS 16.73(e)(ii) Disposals – 315 – – 315
IAS 16.73(e)(viii) Net exchange differences – (54) (53) (36) (143)
IAS 16.73(e)(vii) Depreciation – (1,315) (890) (530) (2,735)
IAS 16.73(d) Balance at 31 December 2018 – (13,213) (2,446) (1,479) (17,138)

Carrying amount 31 December 2018 8,709 6,964 5,360 1,166 22,199

IFRS 16.53(j) Included in the net carrying amount of property, plant and equipment are right-of-use assets as
IFRS 16.47(a)(ii)

CU 30 June 2019
Buildings 32,432
IT equipment 1,402
Total right-of-use assets 33,834

26 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

14. Leasing
IFRS 16.47(b) Lease liabilities are presented in the statement of financial position within borrowings as follows:

30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2018 31 Dec 2018

Lease liabilities (current) 2,522 508 512
Lease liabilities (non-current) 32,080 4,806 4,060
34,602 5,314 4,572

The Group has leases for the main warehouse and related facilities, an office and production
building, and some IT equipment. The lease liabilities are secured by the related underlying assets.
Future minimum lease payments at 30 June 2019 were as follows:

Minimum lease payments due

Within one year One to five years After five years Total
30 June 2019
Lease payments 2,979 11,444 23,542 37,965
Finance charges (457) (1,407) (1,499) (3,363)
Net present values 2,522 10,037 22,043 34,602

30 June 2018
Lease payments 718 1,838 4,304 6,860
Finance charges (210) (568) (768) (1,546)
Net present values 508 1,270 3,536 5,314

31 December 2018
Lease payments 727 1,415 3,539 5,681
Finance charges (215) (330) (564) (1,109)
Net present values 512 1,085 2,975 4,572

Lease payments not recognised as a liability

The group has elected not to recognise a lease liability for short term leases (leases with an
expected term of 12 months or less) or for leases of low value assets. Payments made under such
leases are expensed on a straight-line basis. In addition, certain variable lease payments are not
permitted to be recognised as lease liabilities and are expensed as incurred.

The expense relating to payments not included in the measurement of a lease liability is as follows:

IFRS 16.54 30 June 2019

IFRS 16.53(c) Short-term leases 662
IFRS 16.53(d) Leases of low value assets 80
IFRS.16.53(e) Variable lease payments 238

Guidance note: These are not all the disclosure requirements of IFRS 16. Disclosures have
been selected for these Interim Financial Statements in order to understand the changes as a
result of IFRS 16 and meet the requirements of IAS 34. The information provided will therefore
depend on entity-specific circumstances and not all entities need to provide the same
disclosures in their interim financial statements. Entities will need to exercise their judgement in
deciding how to best meet the requirements of IAS 34.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 27
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

15. Disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued

IAS 34.16A(i) The amounts presented in the statement of profit or loss under discontinued operations relate to
Highstreet Ltd. Most of its assets were sold on 30 September 2018. The remaining storage facility
was sold in February 2019 and a gain of CU 96 is presented as discontinued operations for
the period ended 30 June 2019.

16. Earnings per share

Guidance note: In these Interim Financial Statements, this information is considered a

necessary disclosure because of the significant additions and the impact of the business
combination. Depending on the circumstances, this type of disclosure might be regarded
either as voluntary or as necessary to meet the requirements of IAS 34.15C and IAS 34.16A(c).
Other examples of events and transactions where IAS 34 requires disclosures are included in
IAS 34.15B.

IAS 33.70(a) Both the basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated using the profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company (Illustrative Corporation) as the numerator, ie no adjustments
to profits were necessary during the six month periods to 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2018 or the
year ended 31 December 2018.

IAS 33.70(b) The weighted average number of shares for the purposes of the calculation of diluted earnings per
share can be reconciled to the weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation
of basic earnings per share as follows:

Amounts in thousand shares: 30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2018 31 Dec 2018

Weighted average number of shares used in basic earnings
14,970 12,270 12,520
per share
Shares deemed to be issued for no consideration in respect of
14 16 17
share-based payments
Weighted average number of shares used in diluted
14,984 12,286 12,537
earnings per share

17. Share capital

IAS 34.16A(e) During the six month period to 30 June 2019, 350,000 shares were issued to satisfy share options
previously granted under the Group’s employee share option scheme. During this period, the
weighted average share price at the date of exercise was CU 11.97 (six month period to 30 June
2018: CU 10.50; December 2018: CU 11.19).

Illustrative Corporation also issued 1,700,000 shares on 1 April 2019 for cash, corresponding to
13.9% of total shares issued. Each share has the same right to receive dividends and the repayment
of capital and represents one vote at the shareholders’ meeting of Illustrative Corporation.

28 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 1.79(a)(iv) Amounts in thousand shares: 30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2018 31 Dec 2018
IAS 1.79(a)(ii) Shares issued and fully paid:
– Beginning of the period 13,770 12,000 12,000
– Issued on exercise of employee share options 350 270 270
– Share issue, private placement 1,700 – 1,500
Shares issued and fully paid 15,820 12,270 13,770
Shares authorised for share-based payments 600 600 600
IAS 1.79(a)(i) Total shares authorised at the end of the period 16,420 12,870 14,370

18. Dividends
IAS 34.16A(f) During the six month period to 30 June 2019 Illustrative Corporation paid dividends of
CU 6,855 to its equity shareholders (six month period to 30 June 2018: CU 3,000; December 2018:
CU 3,000). This represents a payment of CU 0.50 per share (six month period to 30 June 2018: CU
0.25; December 2018: CU 0.25). No dividends were paid on new shares issued in 2018 pursuant to
the Group’s share-based payment scheme.

19. Other components of equity

Guidance note: This type of disclosure is not specifically required by IAS 34. However, in these
Interim Financial Statements, this information is considered necessary due to the change in the
presentation of the reconciliations of each item of comprehensive income.

IAS 1.106(d)(ii) The following tables show the movements in other components of equity
IAS 1.106A
Translation Revaluation Cash-flow Net defined Total
reserve reserve hedges benefit
Balance at 1 January 2019 (847) 901 392 1,819 2,265
Remeasurement of net defined
IAS 19.120(c) – – – (2,201) (2,201)
benefit liability
Cash flow hedges
IFRS 7.23(c) – current period gains – – 215 – 215
IFRS 7.23(d)
– reclassification to profit or loss – – 157 – 157
IAS 1.92
Exchange differences on
IAS 21.52(b) (575) – – – (575)
translating foreign operations
Equity accounted investments – – 15 – 15
IAS 12.81(ab)
Tax benefit 173 – – 531 704
IAS 1.90
Other comprehensive income for
the period (all attributable to the (402) – 387 (1,670) (1,685)
Balance at 30 June 2019 (1,249) 901 779 149 580

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 29
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

Translation Revaluation AFS Cash-flow Net defined Total

reserve reserve financial hedges benefit
assets plan
Balance at 1 January 2018 (359) 689 (22) 140 (862) (414)
Adjustment from the adoption
– – 22 – – 22
of IFRS 9
Adjusted balance at 1 January 2018 (359) 689 – 140 (862) (392)
Remeasurement of net defined
IAS 19.120(c) – – – – 1,485 1,485
benefit liability
– current period gains – – – 287 – 287
IFRS 7.23(c) – reclassification to profit or loss – – – 178 – 178
IFRS 7.20(a)(ii) Exchange differences on
(414) – – – – (414)
IAS 1.92 translating foreign operations
IAS 21.52(b) Equity accounted investments – – – 26 – 26
IAS 12.81(ab)
Tax benefit (expense) 125 – – – (575) (450)
IAS 1.90
Other comprehensive income for
the period (all attributable to the (289) – – 491 910 1,112
Balance at 30 June 2018 (648) 689 – 631 48 720

Translation Revaluation AFS Cash-flow Net defined Total

reserve reserve financial hedges benefit
assets plan
Balance at 1 January 2018 (359) 689 (22) 140 (862) (414)
Adjustment from the adoption
– – 22 – – 22
of IFRS 9
Adjusted balance at 1 January 2018 (359) 689 – 140 (862) (392)
Revaluation of land – 303 – – – 303
Remeasurement of net defined
IAS 19.120(c) – – – – 3,830 3,830
benefit liability
Cash flow hedges
IFRS 7.23(c) – current year gains – – – 890 – 890
IFRS 7.23(d)
– reclassification to profit or loss – – – (640) – (640)
IAS 1.92
Exchange differences on
IAS 21.52(b) (664) – – – – (664)
translating foreign operations
Equity accounted investments – – – 5 – 5
– reclassification to profit or loss – – – (3) – (3)
IAS 12.81(ab)
Tax benefit (expense) 176 (91) – – (1,149) (1,064)
IAS 1.90
Other comprehensive income for
the year (all attributable to the (488) 212 – 252 2,681 2,657
Balance at 31 December 2018 (847) 901 – 392 1,819 2,265

20. Provisions
IAS 34.15B(c) A restructuring provision was recognised by the Group in its annual financial statements as at
31 December 2018 in relation to the ‘Phoenix Programme’, amounting to CU 724. The estimate of
the restructuring provision was reduced by CU 600 at 30 June 2019 due to a positive outcome of
claims brought against the Group by former employees. The Group’s management still expects
to settle the remaining termination remuneration in 2019, predominantly through out of court

The remaining balance of CU 491 is made up of other provisions relating to legal and other claims
by customers, such as warranties for which customers are covered for the cost of repairs.

30 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

21. Contingent liabilities

IAS 34.15B(m) During the prior year, various warranty and legal claims were brought against the Group. At
31 December 2018, management considered these claims to be unjustified and no provision
had been recognised. During the current period, the counterparties withdrew their claims against
the Group.

22. Financial assets and financial liabilities

The carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities in each category are as follows:

30 June 2019 Amortised FVTPL Derivatives Total

cost used for
hedging (FV)
Financial assets
Bonds and debentures 2,915 – – 2,915
Other investments – 1,167 – 1,167
Other long-term financial assets 2,915 1,167 – 4,082

Other short-term financial assets – 689 – 689

Derivative financial instruments – 115 558 673
Trade and other receivables 25,871 – – 25,871
Cash and cash equivalents 42,539 – – 42,539
Total financial assets 71,325 1,971 558 73,854

30 June 2019 Other Other liabilities Total

liabilities (amortised
at FVTPL cost)
Financial liabilities
Non-current borrowings (1) – 19,838 19,838
Current borrowings (2) – 3,986 3,986
Trade and other payables – 11,890 11,890
Contingent consideration 630 – 630
Total financial liabilities 630 35,714 36,344

30 June 2018 Amortised FVTPL Derivatives Total

cost used for
hedging (FV)
Financial assets
Bonds and debentures 2,701 – – 2,701
Other investments – 1,194 – 1,194
Other long-term financial assets 2,701 1,194 – 3,895

Other short-term financial assets – 651 – 651

Derivative financial instruments – 120 693 813
Trade and other receivables 19,595 – – 19,595
Cash and cash equivalents 9,797 – – 9,797
Total financial assets 32,093 1,965 693 34,751

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 31
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

30 June 2018 Other Other liabilities Total

liabilities (amortised
at FVTPL cost)
Financial liabilities
Non-current borrowings (1) – 21,125 21,125
Current borrowings (2) – 4,655 4,655
Trade and other payables – 18,805 18,805
Contingent consideration 605 — 605
Total financial liabilities 605 44,585 45,190

31 December 2018 Amortised FVTPL Derivatives Total

cost used for
hedging (FV)
Financial assets
Bonds and debentures 2,878 – – 2,878
Other investments – 1,173 – 1,173
Other long-term financial assets 2,878 1,173 – 4,051

Other short-term financial assets – 655 – 655

Derivative financial instruments – 115 601 716
Trade and other receivables 30,606 – – 30,606
Cash and cash equivalents 34,729 – – 34,729
Total financial assets 68,213 1,943 601 70,757

31 December 2018 Other Other liabilities Total

liabilities (amortised
at FVTPL cost)
Financial liabilities
Non-current borrowings (1) – 21,070 21,070
Current borrowings (2) – 4,815 4,815
Trade and other payables – 8,497 8,497
Contingent consideration 620 – 620
Total financial liabilities 620 34,382 35,002
Non-current borrowings exclude lease liabilities, which have a carrying amount of CU32,080 at 30 June 2019 (30 June 2018: CU4,806,
31 December 2018: CU4,060).
 Current borrowings exclude lease liabilities, which have a carrying amount of CU2,522 at 30 June 2019 (30 June 2018: CU508,
31 December 2018: CU512).

23. Fair value measurement of financial instruments

Guidance note: IAS 34 requires that Interim Financial Statements include certain of
the disclosures about fair value of financial instruments set out in IFRS 13 ‘Fair Value
Measurement’ and IFRS 7 ‘Financial Instruments: Disclosures’. These disclosures include the
classification of fair values within a three-level hierarchy. The three levels are defined based on
the observability of significant inputs to the measurement, as follows:
• Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
• Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the
asset or liability, either directly or indirectly
• Level 3: unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

32 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IAS 34.16A(j) The following table shows the levels within the hierarchy of financial assets and liabilities measured
at fair value on a recurring basis at 30 June 2019, 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2018.

30 June 2019 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

IFRS 13.93(a)-(b) Financial assets
IFRS 13.94 Listed securities 415 – – 415
Investment in XY Ltd – – 752 752
Other short-term financial assets 689 – – 689
US-dollar forward contracts – cash
– 483 – 483
flow hedge
GBP forward contracts – cash flow
– 75 – 75
Other forward exchange contracts –
– 115 – 115
Total financial assets 1,104 673 752 2,529

Financial liabilities
Contingent consideration – – (630) (630)
Total financial liabilities – – (630) (630)
Net fair value 1,104 673 122 1,899

30 June 2018 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

IFRS 13.93(a)-(b) Financial assets
IFRS 13.94 Listed securities 455 – – 455
Investment in XY Ltd – – 739 739
Other short-term financial assets 651 – – 651
US-dollar forward contracts – cash
– 434 – 434
flow hedge
GBP forward contracts – cash flow
– 259 – 259
Other forward exchange contracts –
– 120 – 120
Total financial assets 1,106 813 739 2,658

Financial liabilities
Contingent consideration – – (605) (605)
Total financial liabilities – – (605) (605)
Net fair value 1,106 813 134 2,053

31 December 2018 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

IFRS 13.93(a)-(b) Financial assets
IFRS 13.94 Listed securities 421 – – 421
Investment in XY Ltd – – 752 752
Other short-term financial assets 655 – – 655
US-dollar forward contracts – cash
– 467 – 467
flow hedge
GBP forward contracts – cash flow
– 134 – 134
Other forward exchange contracts –
– 115 – 115
Total financial assets 1,076 716 752 2,544

Financial liabilities
Contingent consideration – – (620) (620)
Total financial liabilities – – (620) (620)
Net fair value 1,076 716 132 1,924

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 33
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IFRS 13.93(c) There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 during the six month period to 30 June 2019 or
the year to 31 December 2018.

Measurement of fair value

IFRS 13.93(d) The Group’s finance team performs valuations of financial items for financial reporting purposes,
IFRS 13.93(g) including Level 3 fair values, in consultation with third party valuation specialists for complex
valuations. Valuation techniques are selected based on the characteristics of each instrument, with
the overall objective of maximising the use of market-based information. The finance team reports
directly to the chief financial officer (CFO) and to the audit committee. Valuation processes and
fair value changes are discussed among the audit committee and the valuation team at least every
six months, in line with the Group’s reporting dates. The valuation techniques used for instruments
categorised in Levels 2 and 3 are described below:

Foreign currency forward contracts (Level 2)

The Group’s foreign currency forward contracts are not traded in active markets. These contracts
have been fair valued using observable forward exchange rates and interest rates corresponding
to the maturity of the contract. The effects of non-observable inputs are not significant for foreign
currency forward contracts.

Investment in XY Ltd (Level 3)

The fair value of this investment was determined based on an appropriate equity pricing model
that takes into account the investee’s dividends policy and its historical and expected future
performance and based on an appropriate growth factor for a similar listed entity and a risk
adjusted discount rate.

Contingent consideration (Level 3)

IFRS 13.93(d) The fair value of the contingent consideration, related to the acquisition of a subsidiary in 2018,
IFRS 13.93(g) is estimated using a present value technique which discounts the management’s estimate of the
probability that the contract’s target level will be achieved.

The probability-weighted cash outflows before discounting are CU 655 at 30 June 2019,
30 June 2018 and 31 December 2018. It reflects a management’s estimate of a 50% probability
that the contract’s target level will be achieved.

The discount rate used at 30 June 2019, 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2018 is 4.4%, 4.6%
and 4.4%, respectively. These discount rates are based on the Group’s estimated incremental
borrowing rate for unsecured liabilities at each reporting date, and therefore reflect the Group’s
credit position.

The significant input for the fair value estimate is the management’s estimate of the probability
that the contract’s target level will be achieved. The following table provides information about the
sensitivity of the fair value measurement to changes in that input:

IFRS 13.93(h) Description Significant Estimate of Sensitivity of the fair value

unobservable the input measurement to input
Probability of An increase to 60% (decrease to 40%) would
Contingent consideration 50%
meeting target increase (decrease) fair value by CU 125
An increase of the growth factor by 100
Investment in XY Ltd Earnings multiple 5% basis points and a lower discount rate of 100
basis points would increase the fair value by
CU 65. Lowering the growth factor by 100
Risk adjusted basis points and increasing the discount
Investment in XY Ltd 15% factor by 100 basis points would decrease
discount rate
fair value by CU 85.

There are no major interrelationships between the significant input (management’s estimate of the
probability that the contract’s target level will be achieved) and the unobservable inputs.

34 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

The reconciliation of the carrying amounts of financial instruments classified within Level 3 is as

Contingent Investment in
consideration XY Ltd
IFRS 13.93(e) Balance at 1 January 2018 – 433
IFRS 9 transition adjustment – 27
IFRS 13.93(e)(iii) Issued in relation to business combination (600) –
IFRS 13.93(e)(i)
Amount recognised in profit or loss (5) 278
IFRS 13.93(f)
Balance at 30 June 2018 (605) 738

IFRS 13.93(e)(i)
Amount recognised in profit or loss (15) 14
IFRS 13.93(f)
Balance at 31 December 2018 (620) 752

IFRS 13.93(e)(i)
Amount recognised in profit or loss (10) –
IFRS 13.93(f)
Balance at 30 June 2019 (630) 752

IFRS 13.93(f) The total amount included in profit or loss for unrealised losses on level 3 instruments:

6 months to 6 months to Year to

30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2018 31 Dec 2018
Finance costs (10) (5) (20)
Finance income — 278 292

The estimated fair values of classes of other financial instruments measured at amortised cost at
30 June 2019, 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2018 are:

30 June 2019 30 June 2018 31 December 2018

Fair Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Carrying
value amount value amount value amount
Financial assets
– Zero coupon bonds 1,180 1,100 1,155 1,103 1,001 1,077
– US straight bonds 1,710 1,718 1,600 1,517 1,705 1,704
– Debentures 98 97 85 81 99 97
Total a
2,988 2,915 2,840 2,701 2,805 2,878

Financial liabilities
Non-current borrowings:
– US-dollar loans 7,437 7,480 7,533 7,545 7,801 7,770
– Non-convertible bond 7,800 7,858 8,320 8,480 8,259 8,300
– Subordinated shareholder loan 4,750 4,500 5,050 5,100 4,975 5,000
Total 19,987 19,838 20,903 21,125 21,035 21,070

Current borrowings
– US-dollar loans 250 250 250 250 250 250
– Other bank borrowings 3,736 3,736 4,405 4,405 4,565 4,565
Total 3,986 3,986 4,655 4,655 4,815 4,815
 These financial assets are included in ‘’Other long-term financial assets’’. The line item also includes listed securities and the investment in XY Ltd
which are carried at fair value at 30 June 2019, 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2018 of CU 1,167, CU 1,194 and CU 1,173 (see above), respectively.

Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019 35
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
For the period ended 30 June 2019 (expressed in thousands of Euroland currency units, except per share amounts)

IFRS 7.29 The carrying amount of the following financial assets and liabilities is considered a reasonable
approximation of fair value:
• trade and other receivables
• cash and cash equivalents
• trade and other payables.

24. Events after the reporting date

Guidance note: IAS 34.16A(h) requires disclosure of events after the interim period that have
not been reflected in the Interim Financial Statements. IAS 34 does not specify the level of
detail required. This example illustrates the disclosures required by IFRS 3 for combinations
arising after the reporting date. Other approaches may also be acceptable.

IAS 34.16A(h) On 29 July 2019 the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Limited
IFRS 3.B66 (, a company based in Euroland. The objective of the acquisition is to expand the
IFRS 3.B64(a-d)
operations of the Group’s retail segment.

IFRS 3.B64(f)(i, The acquisition was settled in cash and by issuing 500,000 shares of Illustrative Corporation. The
iii, iv) purchase agreement also provides for an additional consideration of CU 1,500 payable if the
IFRS 3.B64(g)(ii)
average profits of for 2019 and 2020 exceeds a target level agreed by both parties.
Any additional consideration will be paid on 30 July 2021.

IFRS 3.B64(f) The fair value of the consideration transferred is as follows:

IFRS 3.B64(iv) Fair value of equity shares issued 6,250

IFRS 3.B64(i) Amount settled in cash 7,000
IFRS 3.B64(g)(i) Fair value of contingent consideration 680

IFRS 3.B64(f)(iv) The fair value of the equity shares issued was based on the market value of the Group’s traded
equity shares at the date of acquisition.

Guidance note: The determination of the acquisition-date fair value of the contingent
consideration should consider the expected outcome of the contingency. This example
illustrates one possible approach to estimating the fair value of the contingent consideration.

IFRS 3.B64(g)(iii) The fair value of the contingent consideration represents the Group’s estimate of the probable
cash outflows (ie reflecting management’s estimate of a 50% probability that the targets will be
achieved) discounted using an interest rate of 5%.

IFRS 3.B66 The Group is in the process of determining the fair values of the acquired assets and assumed
liabilities of The valuation is expected to be completed before year-end.

36 Illustrative Corporation Group: IFRS Example Interim Consolidated Financial Statements – 30 June 2019
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