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Direct Posterior Composite Restorations Using Stamp Technique-Conventional and Modified: A Case Series

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International Journal of Dentistry Research 2017; 2(1): 3-7

Case Report
Direct posterior composite restorations using stamp
IJDR 2017; 2(1): 3-7
© 2017, All rights reserved
technique-conventional and modified: A case series
Alexey Murashkin
EURODENT Clinic, Stavropol', Stavropolskiy kray, Russia


“Stamp technique” for posterior composite restoration placements is a relatively new and novel method for
duplicating occlusal anatomy with near perfection. Although convenient, it has found acceptance in only a small
percentage of practitioners. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate and discuss the application of this technique
under different scenarios, emphasizing the fact that it is reliable and predictable and when performed correctly, helps
the practitioner to a great extent.

Keywords: Stamp technique, Occlusion, Composite resin.


The second decade of the new millennium has shown an exponential progression in dentistry. From
extractions to functional restorations, to finally, the era of ‘bio-mimetic dentistry’. ‘Bio-mimetic’ literally
translates to mimicking nature. Extraordinary esthetics which are only getting better with refinement of
old techniques and introduction of newer ones.

However, manually crafting an esthetic direct composite restoration is a technique that requires
experience and skill or finesse. One of the newer evolved techniques for achieving an amalgamation of
both esthetics and function is the ‘Stamp technique’.

This new technique consists of fabricating an occlusal index which records the occlusal anatomy of
posterior teeth before cavity preparation . Thus obtained index is then pressed against the final
composite increment before curing to achieve a positive replica of the pre-operative anatomy.

The only scenario in which stamp technique is therefore practicable is when the tooth being operated
upon has intact anatomical features. This implies that occult caries with clinically unnoticeable cavitation
can be restored by the stamp technique .

This article discusses application of stamp technique using six different cases where conventional as well
as modified methods have been used.

Case 1

A 29 year female patient reported to the clinic complaining of mild sensitivity to cold in upper left back
tooth region. An oral examination revealed Class I caries on teeth 27, 28 (Figure 1). After thorough
examination and deliberation it was decided to restore 28 using the stamp technique with putty (Figure 2).
After making the index, a cavity for prepared in 28 (Figure 3), which was followed by etching with 37%
orthophosporic acid and bonding with 3M Universal bond. After placing the last increment of composite
(3M Filtek Supreme), the index was placed back on the teeth to replicate the previous anatomy. After
removing the index, the excess composite was removed and cured (Figure 4). This was the first attempt at
using the stamp technique by the author.
*Corresponding author:
Dr. Alexey Murashkin
EURODENT Clinic, Stavropol',
Stavropolskiy kray, Russia
Email: tarekrabi[at]

Figure 1: Intraoral view Figure 2: Stamp made from putty Figure 3: Cavity preparation Figure 4: Final resrotration
impression material
Case 2 then immersed into this composite and the composite was then cured
(Figure 7). Following this, the cavity preparation was done (Figure 8).
A 20 years old male reported to the clinic complaining of a blackish Then the last increment of composite (3M Filtek Supreme) (Figure 9)
discoloration of his lower right back tooth. Upon examining, a class I was cured after the occlusal stamp was placed back on the teeth to
cavity was visualized on tooth 45 (Figure 5). After oral prophylaxis and replicate the previous anatomy (Figure 10). Figures 11 and 12
rubber dam isolation, a small amount of flowable composite material demonstrate the final restoration after checking with a 20 microns
(Filtek flow, 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA) was placed on the occlusal articulating paper. This case utilized a single shade of composite.
surface of the affected tooth (Figure 6). An applicator brush tip was

Figure 5: Intraoral view Figure 6: Flowable composite placed on the tooth Figure 7: Microbrush is placed in the flowable
material before curing

Figure 8: Cavity preparation Figure 9: Composire placement Figure 10: After stamping

Figure 11: Final restoration Figure 12: Occlusion check

Case 3 “occlusal stamp” (Figures 14). A cavity was prepared (Figure 15) and
the restoration was completed using the same steps (Figures 16, 17,
The same patient as in case II has similar lesions on the contralateral 18). In this case dual shades and tints were used.
side (Figure 13). Again the same technique was applied to obtain an

Figure 13: Intraoral preoperative view Figure 14: Stamp with microbrush and flowable Figure 15: cavity preparation

Figure 16: composite placement Figure 17: Final restoration Figure 18: Occlusion check

Case 4 occlusal stamp in this case was made before the access cavity was
made (Figure 20), caries removed and endodontic treatment
A 43 year old female patient reported to the clinic complaining of pain completed (Figure 21). The post-obturation restoration was completed
in the lower right back tooth region. The diagnostic radiograph clearly using the occlusal stamp to replicate the original pre-operative
demonstrated the hidden interproximal caries, from both the mesial anatomy (Figure 22).
and distal surfaces, requiring endodontic intervention (Figure 19). The

Figure 19: Itraoral and radiographic view Figure 20: Stamp from composite and microbrush

Figure 21: Cavity preparation Figure 22: Final view and radiographic view of endodontic treatment

Case 5 cannot be achieved. However, this can be avoided by the following
method: During the preliminary layout of the mock up, the patient
A 21 year old reported to the clinic for a restoration. When a large bites a layer of uncured composite and the expected anatomy is
sized defect is present since a long time, it is often experienced that obtained and cured. Then thisis used to predict the anatomy and
the antagonist tooth is drifted in the direction of the defect and after utilized to make the final anatomical restoration by making a stamp of
completion of the restoration proper occlusion with the antagonist it (Figure 23-28).

Figure 23: Preoperative view Figure 24: Occlusion check Figure 25: Composite placed patient bites to predict
the final anatomy

Figure 26: Cavity preparation Figure 27: Composite placement Figure 28: Final view

Case 6 with the antagonists.Here, a silicone impression and models of the

teeth was obtained. After which wax was utilized to build the desired
A 56 year olds male reported to the clinic for replacement of his anatomy and an occlusal stamp was made from the wax whichwas
previous restoration in upper left back tooth region. A rather indirect consequently utilized to simulate a direct restoration on the affected
technique was improvised, as in the presence of a relatively large tooth (Figures 29-34).
defect, it is difficult to build up cusps accurately enough to occlude

Figure 29: Preoperative view Figure 30: Cast made based on initial situation Figure 31: Cavity situation

Figure 32: Filling on cast Figure 33: Stamp made on filling on cast Figure 34: Final intraoral view

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Like each and every technique this one has its own share of pros and
cons which will be discussed and dealt with by the author.

The most highlighted pro is, perhaps, the reduced overall time once
skill is mastered as the post-restoration finishing time is decreased due
to almost instantly desired good cusp-fossa relationship. This is a boon
for the busy practitioners and helps improve their reputation amongst
patients . Furthermore, the degree of porosities present in the final
restoration is considerably reduced. This is due to the fact that the
stamp matrix exerts pressure on the composite, thereby decreasing
formation of microbubbles as well as interference of oxygen with
polymerization of the final layer of composite . These factors have
been shown to be major determinants for long-term success of
composite restorations .

A relative con is that this technique requires skill and clinical acumen in
order to be correctly performed. Even though this technique has been
used for Class-II cavities , however, it is not wrong to assume that a
majority of cases where pre-operative anatomy is preserved is of pit
and fissure caries i.e. Class-I cavities . As flowable composite is
usually preferred in this technique, decreased strength is expected.
Therefore, cases which are indicated for this technique should be

Furthermore, time utilized for mastering and initially practicing this

technique is considerable. But this can be easily overcome with
practice. Also, it is imperative to mention that the correct and precise
placement of the occlusal stamp is a pre-requisite to achieving the
objective of obtaining accurate cusp-fossa relationship. Without this,
distortions result consequently, thus nullifying the prime objective of
the technique.


Stamp technique for direct composite restorations is a convenient,

favorable and biomimetic procedure given the operator is skillful. The
accuracy of topography replication is far greater than the plain manual
method and can be adapted to unconventional cavities as well.

Financial support and sponsorship: Nil.

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