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Dentin Post: An Innovative Method For Restoring Endodontically Treated Teeth

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Dentin Post: An Innovative Method for Restoring

Endodontically Treated Teeth
Dr. Sadashiv Daokar 1, Dr. Rutuja Pawar 2, Dr. Kalpana Pawar3, Dr. Shubhankar Nandkhedkar4 ,
Dr. Sonal Deole5, Dr. Ashish Rokade6
Professor & HOD1, Postgraduate Student2,4,5,6, Professor 3,
Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Abstract:- The aim of this case report is to describe a II. CASE REPORT
treatment option for the fractured anterior teeth by using
autogenous dentin post. A 28 year old male reported to A male patient, age 28, reported to the Department of
the department with the history of trauma for esthetic and Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics with a cracked upper
functional rehabilitation. Root canal treatment followed front tooth as his chief complaint and a history of a fall three
by dentin post placement followed by prosthetic months earlier. There were no notable findings from the
rehabilitation was planned. extraoral examination. Upon clinical examination, it was
discovered that teeth 11, 21, and 22 all had crown fractures,
I. INTRODUCTION with 22 having a mobile palatal fragment that extended below
the level of the gingiva. He had started his root canal
Restoration of endodontically treated teeth is important treatment in private clinic a month back. 22 responded to
for restoration of function and esthetics. Posts are needed to percussion and palpation with a small amount of pain. The
keep the core in place in endodontically treated teeth with intraoral periapical radiograph showed inadequate obturation
poor crown structure. (1) with 21 and a small widening of the periodontal ligament
space with 21 and 22( figure b). Also pinpoint crown
Post material is important for the biomechanical perforation was seen with 21 (figure a). Crown and root
performance of the restored tooth and it should have physical fracture with regard to 22 and crown fracture with respect to
properties similar to those of dentin. The post should also 11 and 21 were determined based on clinical and radiographic
bond in a predictable manner to the root dentine. To provide evidence. After extraction of the palatal fragment of the 22,
intraradicular retention and stability of severely compromised the tooth would not be restored due to the extension of the
anterior teeth, a variety of post systems, including custom- fracture which involved the pulp space of radicular portion
built or prefabricated posts composed of fiber glass, carbon and decreased root length and it need to be extracted (figure
fiber, metal, or ceramic, can be employed. Commercially c).
available posts, however, are unable to fully satisfy the
mechanical or biological criteria. (2) Dentin itself is the only Additionally, the patient desired the treatment to end as
substance that can possess all of the qualities. Few cases have soon as possible, therefore orthodontic extrusion was
shown successful outcome using dentin as a post material. (3, eliminated. He couldn't afford an implant, thus it was decided
This case report describes the restoration of a fractured to perform an endodontic retreatment with 21 followed by
maxillary central incisor using an autogenous dentin post. post and core, post core with 11, and FPD. The biological post
from the lateral incisor was used for 21, as extraction of tooth
22 was anticipated.

(a) Preoperative clinical picture (b) Preoperative radiograph

(c) Extension after extraction of palatal fragment (d) Radiograph after retreatment witth 21

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

(e) Clinical image after extraction with 22 (f) Post space preparation with 11 and 21

(g) Inlay wax impression of post space with 21 (h) Impression of maxillary arch with pinjet impression of 21

(i) Trail fit on prepared cast (j) Dentin post prepared from 22

(k) Intermittent trial fit of dentin post (l) Core buildup with 21

(m) Post operative radiograph (n) Post operative clinical picture

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Regarding 21, endodontic retreatment was started and appearance. By conserving the root canal dentin and
was isolated with the rubber dam. With the aid of an H-file, resulting in superior force distribution along the root surface
gutta percha was eliminated. The working length was in a compromised tooth, autogenous dentin post demonstrates
estimated using an apex locator (Airpex, Orikam Healthcare), remarkable outcomes in terms of its functional usefulness.
and the canal was prepared up to size 80 using k-hand files One of its advantages is that the dentin post is inexpensive (6).
(MANI, INC Japan). During biomechanical preparation, Dentin post resembles in its physical properties, such as
Glyde (Dentsply) was utilized as a chelating agent. modulus of elasticity, viscoelastic behaviour (7), compressive
Intermittent recapitulation and irrigation with 3% sodium strength (8) and thermal expansion (9). Compared to the
hypochlorite and normal saline was done. Utilizing cold majority of the current restorative materials, dentin has
lateral condensation, obturation was finished after a master reportedly been shown to have higher fracture toughness (10).
cone was verified (figure d). The perforation with 21 was A dentin post forms a micromechanical homogenous unit
sealed with MTA. with the root dentin that results in uniform stress
distribution.(11) The post functions as a shock absorber,
In the subsequent visit, 22 was extracted, properly sending only a tiny part of pressures applied to the tooth to
cleaned, and autoclaved at 121°C for 15 minutes to sterilize the dentinal walls because the elasticity of the root dentin and
it. A size 2 peeso reamer (MANI, INC. Japan) was used to the similarity of the dentin post's elasticity allow post flexion
prepare the root canal of 21 ( MANI, INC Japan) (figure f). to mimic tooth flexion..(12) According to research by Ambica
The extracted tooth was then cut vertically in half, with one et al. and Kathuria et al., dentin posts gave teeth more fracture
half being shaped into a dentin post. In order to shape the resistance than carbon fiber posts and glass fiber posts
lateral incisor as a post, an inlay wax pattern with respect to did.(13,14) In a finite element analysis investigation to examine
21 was created using pinjet (figure g). The entire maxillary the stress distribution in teeth restored with fiber post and
arch was recorded using alginate impression material with the dentin post, Henrique et al. came to the conclusion that both
pinjet in place of the prepared post space after getting an inlay posts had comparable biomechanical performance(15). The
wax impression of the prepared post space with 21 (figure h). availability of tooth banks, patient acceptance, retrieval
The cast was prepared, the impression was poured into die challenges, the availability of teeth with similar structural
stone, the pinjet was taken out, and the cast served as a similarities, and tooth color are some of the drawbacks to
template for shaping the dentin post (figure i). After making using extracted teeth for restoration. To get around these
small changes, the post's fit was periodically verified (figure limitations, one may use the dentin post created from the
k). After radiographic evaluation of the fit, dentin post was same patient.
again subjected to autoclaving (121°C, 15 min) to minimize
contamination. IV. CONCLUSION

To remove the smear layer, the canal was etched for 15 In this case report, a severely damaged tooth was
seconds with 37% phosphoric acid, rinsed with distilled restored utilizing an autogenous dentin post, which was
water, and dried with paper point. Cementation was done chosen as a suitable replacement due to the tooth's resilience,
using dual cure self-adhesive resin cement (Calibra Universal great adhesion, dentin preservation, and lack of promotion of
Dentsply) which was injected into the post space and applied dentin stresses.
over the dentin post prior to its placement into the prepared
post space. To account for curing shrinkage, the post was REFERENCES
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