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The Halls of Havareem v1.1

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The archmage Havareem's unstable magic is creating a vortex above his former fortress that threatens the kingdom. His dungeons beneath the ruins, called the Halls of Havareem, are filled with traps and may hold the key to stopping the vortex.

The archmage Havareem is now unable to contain the powerful magic he once wielded, causing it to grow unstable and form a vortex above the ruins of his fortress. This threatens to consume the skies and devastate the kingdom.

Havareem once ruled the land from a massive fortress built into a mountainside. The people rose up and destroyed his fortress, forcing him to seek shelter in the dungeons beneath the ruins. Now centuries later, his unstable magic is causing problems again.

The Halls of Havareem

he Halls of Havareem is intended for four

characters with an average party level (APL)
of 9. Characters who complete this
The Halls of Havareem
The halls themselves go deep into the mountainside.
adventure should earn enough experience
There are no other creatures inside them except for the
to reach halfway to 10th-level. The magical
archmage himself. In lieu of living guardians, he relies on a
instability of an evil archmage is causing
series of twisting paths and dangerous traps. Virtually
chaos across the kingdom. Unless he's dealt
every door, hallway, and room contains a trap of some
with, his magic could devastate the land for centuries to
kind and it will take keen eyes and steady fingers to
come. This campaign takes place in Arden, although it can
navigate one's way through it. Unless otherwise noted,
be set in your own world. Any party composition should be
locations on the map have the following features.
able to finish the adventure with intelligent play.
Ceilings. The ceilings here are 20 ft. tall and made of

Background worked stone.

Walls and Floors. The walls and floors are made of
The archmage Havareem once ruled the land from a worked stone. Cobwebs and dust cover them.
massive fortress built into the mountainside. Eventually, Lighting. An eerie green glow permeates the halls
the people rose up and destroyed his fortress forcing him providing dim light. It's magical in nature, and as such, any
to seek solitude and shelter in the dungeons beneath the attempts to use detect magic fail as everything comes back
ruins. Now, centuries have passed and peace has come to positive.
the land. The tales of Havareem have faded into legend Unusual Features. The halls have been sealed off from
and the ruins of his former fortress lie dead and quiet... at teleportation magic coming in or out. Any attempt to enter
least they did until very recently. The old mage's magics or leave the halls via teleportation instantly fail.
have grown unstable. He's unable to contain the powers The following locations are keyed to the map for ease of
he once wielded with such skill. As a result, the raw reference.
magical energy has formed a vortex above the ruins of his
fortress and threatens to spread across the skies and 1. Entrance
consume the kingdom. Unless someone is able to deal
with the mage soon, it could spell doom for many innocent
lives. The doors to the halls are 60 ft. tall and are
made of a thick stone.
Adventure Hooks
A Swirling Vortex. The characters see a vortex of magical Trap: Sickening Gas. When the doors are opened, each
energy swirling in the sky above the ruins of an old creature within 10 ft. must make a DC 18 Constitution
fortress. Approaching it, they find one entrance and an saving throw or else they become poisoned for one hour
eerie green glow coming from inside. and gain a level of exhaustion.
The Lives of the Many. The characters heard that the
magical vortex is threatening the local villages and set out 2. Entrance Hall
to seal it once and for all.
No Risk, No Reward. The characters learned of a great
reward being offered to anyone who could plumb the
A large lit brazier dominates the center of this
depths of the old dead fortress and put a stop to whatever room. To the north, a large set of double
is causing the swirling vortex of magical energy above. doors can be seen. To either side, two smaller
doors are blocked off by portcullises. Next to
them, unlit sconces sit cold and dusty.

Obstacle: Sealed Doors. The portcullises cannot be

lifted by normal means. Once someone lights the two
sconces next to one, it retracts into the ceiling.
3. Western Hall 6. Three Bridges

A large pit sits in the center of this room. Over A large pool of blood red water can be seen in
it, a heavy metal grate can be seen. At the the center of this room. Leading across it are
southern end of the room there is a door. three wooden bridges.

Traps: Pits and Doors. The grate is set on a hinge so that Trap: Bridge Bait. The center square of each bridge is
when someone steps on it, it drops them into the pit illusionary. It can be noticed with a DC 15 Intelligence
below. Anyone who steps on the grate must succeed on a (Investigation) check. Anyone who fails to notice the
DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or they fall into the pit taking illusion and steps on that square falls into the pool below
4d10 bludgeoning damage. The doors at the southern end and takes 3d10 piercing damage from the rusted spikes
of the room are all locked. Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) beneath the water. They must also succeed on a DC 15
checks are required to unlock them. The DC grows as each Constitution saving throw or else they become diseased.
door is opened. The first door is a DC 10 and each door While diseased, they only regain half as many hit points
afterwards increases by 5. As soon as the last door is from any source.
opened, a 3rd level lightning bolt spell is cast with a save Secret Door: The Hallway. The door just outside this
DC of 15 out of the mouth of the demonic stone head at room has a demonic stone head behind it. When the door
the end of the multi-door hallway. is opened, the head appears as though it's about to cast a
fireball spell, but then fizzles out. Anyone who succeeds on
4. Heart of the Dungeon a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check realizes that
there's a hidden hatch at the back of the demon's mouth
that can be climbed through. This leads to a small hallway
A massive ball of molten magma dominates that runs along the southern end of the room and ends
the entirety of this room. As soon as the with another secret door that can only be opened from the
doors open, it begins to flow outwards. inside. It allows the characters to bypass the bridges.

7. Twisting Hallways
Trap: Fiery Death. This room contains a giant mass of
molten magma. As soon as either door is opened, it floods
out. Have the characters roll initiative. On Initiative count These tight corridors wind and twist almost
10, the magma flows 20 ft. through the door dealing 10d10 endlessly.
fire damage to anyone it touches. The magma cools and
hardens in 2d6 hours after being unleashed.
Trap: Dueling Heads. The doors leading into room 8 are
5. Eastern Hall trapped. Once opened, a 3rd level lightning bolt spell is
cast with a save DC of 15 out of the demonic stone head's
mouth. Anyone who succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence
A singular door can be seen at the southern (Investigation) check realizes that there's a hidden hatch at
end of this small room. the back of the demon's mouth that can be climbed
through. This leads into room 8.
Secret Door: The Right Way. To the north of the
Trap: Fireball. The door is locked. It requires a DC 16 doors leading to room 4 there is a secret door. It can be
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to unlock. Once opened, located with a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check and
a 3rd level fireball spell is cast with a save DC of 15 out of opened with a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
the mouth of the demonic stone head inside and
detonates in the center of the room. 8. Small Treasury
Secret Door: Eastern Wall. There is a secret door built
into the eastern wall of the room. It can be located with a
DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check and opened with a DC This room contains a large pile of gold and an
18 Intelligence (Investigation) check. ornate wooden chest.

This was where Havareem kept his emergency stash of

wealth in case he ever needed to flee from the halls.
Treasure: Small Hoard. There are 4,000 gp, ten
gemstones worth 50 gp each, and a +1 wand of the war
Secret Door: The West Way. There are two secret
doors to the west of this room. They can be easily seen
and opened from the inside.
9. Hall of Swords 12. Final Hall

This long corridor contains four alcoves, each This long corridor is wider than most of the
of which holds a man-sized statue. others. At the western and eastern ends, two
large double doors can be seen.

Trap: Blades in the Back. When someone walks down

the hallway, the statues try to stab them in the back. They Trap: Freezing Breath. Opening the western door
each make an attack roll with a +7 bonus dealing 2d10 causes a a 5th level cone of cold spell to be cast with a
slashing damage on a hit. If someone is aware of the trap, save DC of 15 out of the demonic stone head's mouth.
the attack rolls are made with disadvantage.
Secret Door: Bypass. There is a secret door that allows 13. Chamber of the Archmage
a character to bypass the hall of swords. It can be located
with a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check and opened with
a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once in the This massive chamber holds all the tools and
bypass corridor, the secret door at the southern end of the supplies a mage would need to conduct
small hallway can be opened from the inside. arcane experiments. Cages line the north and
southern walls containing long dead corpses
10. Hall of Spinning Death of animals and humanoids. In the center of
the room, a shimmering magical field bars
access to the eastern half. Through it, a
magical altar and two large stone statues can
Numerous spinning blades obscure the path be seen.
through this long room.

Encounter: The Mad Mage. This is where Havareem

Trap: Spinning Death. The blades can hit anyone (lawful neutral human) the archmage currently resides.
moving at ground level. If someone can fly, they can easily
Years of isolation and magical experimentation have
soar over them. Anyone who tries to move through the
driven him mad and he's slowly losing control over his
blades can first make an Intelligence check with a DC of 15.
powers. He cannot be reasoned with anymore, although
If they succeed, they sort out the pattern and will not take
he's willing to let the characters believe he can be in order
half damage if they succeed on the next check to get
to get the upper hand. In truth, he's paranoid and believes
through the blades. Once they've tried to sort out the
(rightfully so in most cases) that they're there to kill him.
pattern, they must make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
He begins the encounter with mage armor, stoneskin,
check taking 6d10 slashing damage on a failure or half as
and mind blank cast on himself. Despite his madness, he
much on a success.
still fights intelligently. He uses spells like globe of
Trap: The Three Doors. There are three identical invulnerability and wall of force to keep opponents at bay
wooden doors at the northern end of this room. They are
while relying on his offensive spells like cone of cold and
unlocked. If the left or right door is opened, a 3rd level
lightning bolt to deal heavy damage. If he needs to, he can
lightning bolt spell is cast with a save DC of 15 out of the cast banishment to deal with a particularly dangerous foe.
demonic stone head's mouth.
Due to the wards placed on the halls he cannot use
teleport to escape, however, he can use it or misty step to
11. Astral Pool move about the interior of the halls. In his madness, he's
quite certain he'll be victorious no matter how badly the
fight goes so he fights to the death.
This room seems infinite in size. Where there
should be a floor and ceiling there's instead a
dark formless void filled with pinpricks of

Trap: Time Flows. This room poses no threat to the

characters if they move through it quickly. However, for
each round they spend in the room beyond the first, they
take 1d10 necrotic damage when they exit the room.
Unusual Effect: Unstable Magic. The archmage is
losing control over his magic. Each time he casts a spell of
1st level or higher, roll on the table below.

d8 Result
1 He becomes invisible until the end of his next turn.
He teleports up to 30 ft. to an unoccupied space of his
choice that he can see.
He gains a +2 bonus to AC until and immunity to magic
missile until the end of his next turn.
4 He regains his lowest-level spell slot
5 He can immediately cast a cantrip of his choice.
He is frightened by the nearest creature he can see
until the end of his next turn
He casts fly on a random creature within 60 feet of
He loses all resistances to damage types until the end
of his next turn.

Obstacle: Force Field. The shimmering wall of magical

energy can be dispelled with dispel magic. Otherwise, the
archmage dismisses it as a free action when combat starts.

14. Private Chambers

This appears to be where the archmage lived.

The quarters are disheveled and it hasn't
been cleaned in quite some time.

Treasure: Archmage's Belongings. Inside Havareem's

quarters are his gray robe of the archmagi, a ring of spell
storing, and his spellbook. It contains all the spells on the
archmage spell list.

With Havareem dead, the swirling vortex of unstable magic
dissipates. If the characters were offered a reward for
dealing with the mage, they can go and collect it. The ruins
will sit idle, but not for long. A place like that will soon be
overrun with goblins or other nasty creatures. This could
be a plot hook for a future adventure.
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Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Kraken Beach
Scavengers: Copyright 2020, Hamrick Brands, LLC END

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