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That Which Lurks Beneath v1.3

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That Which Lurks Beneath

hat Which Lurks Beneath is intended for

four characters with an average party level
(APL) of 7. Characters who complete this
The Island Ruins
These ruins were once the top of the temple. The obelisk
adventure should earn enough experience
in the center stood as a beacon of power. Now, all that
to reach approximately halfway to 8th-level.
remains are three corner rooms and the obelisk itself.
An item of immense power has been
located and the adventurers must journey
underwater to claim it. This campaign takes place in Arden, 1. The Obelisk
although it can be set in your own world. Any party
composition should be able to ȴnish the adventure with
intelligent play. What appears to be a small stone fort stands
here. Its construction seems both alien and
ancient. Rising high above it in the center is an
Background obelisk covered in strange glyphs. Chanting
can be heard inside the courtyard.
Long ago, before the oceans receded, a great temple was
built to worship a creature of immense power, an aboleth.
When the oceans receded, the creature and many of its
servants were trapped in the depths of the temple, unable The characters begin at the western edge of the map. The
to escape back into the open water. In the centuries since, walls here are 30 ft. high. The obelisk in the center is 80 ft.
a group of explorers located the top of the temple. tall.
Appearing to be nothing more than a ruin on a small Encounter: Alien Worship. There are six sahuagin
island, it is in fact the entry point to a vast underground and two chuul here worshiping the obelisk. They are
and underwater complex. As they explored further, many facing away from the character when they approach and
fell under the sway of the aboleth. Others were warped by have disadvantage on their perception checks to notice
the alien energies that ȴlled the place. Now, the top of the them as they're wholly focused on the obelisk. They're
temple is dominated by sahuagin and their chuul who fanatics and will ȴght to the death to protect their object of
worship the strange alien obelisk that can be found there. worship.
Beneath this, the explorers, driven mad and warped
beyond recognition worship at the water's edge, seeking 2. Ruined Barracks
ways to get closer to their abberant master. Deeper still
beneath the water lies the long forgotten temple itself, and
inside, the aboleth and the treasure it guards, the Crown This room contains the remains of what
of the Deep. appear to be makeshift beds. A small desk
rests against one of the walls.
Adventure Hooks
Treasure Lost and Now Found. The characters heard a The room was used as living quarters for the explorers
story about a long lost temple with a powerful treasure who originally found this place. The desk contains a
inside. Seeking it out, they ȴnd themselves on a small journal written by one of them. It details their excavations
island at the edge of the sea. and the strange e΍ect the obelisk is having on them. The
A Map to Follow. The characters came into possession person writing the journal fears he's losing his mind... and
of an ancient map detailing a temple near the edge of the possibly his humanity.
sea that supposedly contains an item of great power. Now,
they ȴnd themselves pulling ashore on a small island. 3. Ruined Guard Tower
Called From the Deep. The characters have been
having troubled dreams as of late. They see an alien form
swimming in a cage begging for release. When they awake, This collapsed structure probably once served
they somehow know where to go, an island near the edge as a guard tower. Inside, racks of unused
of the sea. weapons rest against the wall.

Treasure: Tools for the Job. The characters ȴnd one

light crossbow, one heavy crossbow, six javelins, and 40
crossbow bolts.
4. Ruined Study 1. Moldy Entryway

This small chamber appears to have been an This room is mostly empty save for some old
oɝce or study of some kind. A desk sits rusted dungeoneering equipment resting
against the northeast corner of the room. against the far wall. To the east, a door stands
open slightly outward.

There is another journal here detailing more of the

expedition. This one indicates that they found a secret Trap: Acid Flask. There is a container full of acid
door inside one of the structures that led deeper balanced precariously above the door. When a character
underground. The notes after this become strange and walks through the door, they need to make a DC 14
unintelligible. Dexterity saving throw taking 2d10 acid damage on a
Secret Door: Moldy Wall. There is a secret door in the failure or half as much on a success.
southeastern corner of this room. It can be spotted with a
DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check and opened with a DC 2. Moldy Barracks
14 Intelligence (Investigation) check. When opened, the
smell of mold and dampness is overwhelming.
This room is covered in ȴlth. What appear to
The Underground Ruins be bedrolls lie scattered about. Six hulking
ȴgures can be seen milling about.
This area was once the upper levels of the temple. Now,
it's full of mutated explorers warped by the alien energy
present here. The easternmost room is partially ȵooded Encounter: Mutated Explorers. There are six aberrant
and contains stairs beneath the water leading further thugs in this room. They attack anyone they see who isn't
down. an aberration.

General Features 3. Cleansing Pool

Ceilings. The ceilings are made of moldy stone and rise
10 ft. above the ȵoor.
The center of this room is dominated by a
Floors and Walls. The ȵoors are made of cracked tiled large glowing pool of green liquid.
stone while the walls are made of a cobbled granite.
Doors. The doors are made of an unknown material
similar to wood in composition, but with the appearance
Trap: Acid Bath. The pool is full of acid. Anyone who
of stone.
touches it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw
Lighting. Small sconces line the walls each with a
taking 4d10 acid damage on a failure and half as much on
continual ȵame spell cast upon them
a success.
Unusual Features. The entire substructure here smells
Treasure: Magic Ring. There is a ring of acid
of mold and dampness. The ȵoors are slick, and anyone
resistance at the bottom of the pool. It can be spotted with
who takes the dash action must make a DC 12 Dexterity
a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check.
(Acrobatics) check or fall prone.
Aberrant Subtype. Some creatures will have the
aberrant subtype. This is indicated by having the word
"aberrant" before their name. Aberrant creatures gain the
following features.

Their creature type becomes Aberration.

They can breath underwater.
They gain a swim speed equal to their normal speed.
They make Wisdom saving throws with disadvantage.
4. Chamber of Worship The Submerged Chamber
This large underwater chamber was once full of
This large room is half ȵooded. Against the worshippers waiting for a chance to see the almighty
eastern wall, a statue can be seen that aboleth. Now, all that remains of the grand entrance to the
resembles an inhuman ȴgure with tentacles temple are broken pillars and a single story ruin. Inside
where its mouth should be. numerous aquatic creatures remain.

General Features
There is a submerged stairwell in this room that leads
down into a wide open underwater chamber. This is how Ceilings. The ceilings are made of moldy stone and rise
the characters must proceed. The water here is 10 ft. 30 ft. above the ȵoor.
deep. Floors and Walls. The ȵoors are made of cracked tiled
Encounter: An Alien Beast. There is an aberrant stone while the walls are made of a cobbled granite.
chimera in this chamber hiding under the water in the Doors. The doors are made of an unknown material
northeast corner of the room. It uses the chimera stat similar to wood in composition, but with the appearance
block (as well as the aberrant features) but with the of stone.
following changes. Lighting. The area is completely dark.
Unusual Features. The entire area is submerged
Its breath weapon deals acid damage instead of ȴre. underwater.
Any creature that can see the aberrant chimera when it
starts its turn must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw 1. Sunken Hallway
or else any attacks they make that turn are at
disadvantage as the alien energies of the creature pull
at their mind.
There are ȴve sets of doors leading out of this
Treasure: A King's Weapon. The statue holds a room. Above, a huge shark can be seen
trident of ȴsh command. swimming.

5. Storage Chamber
Encounter: Shark Attack. There is a giant shark
swimming near the ceiling of this room. It is very territorial
and will attack anything that enters.
Numerous crates and tools litter this room.
Alcoves to the east and west contain various
cloaks, amulets, and hats. 2. Sunken Great Hall

Treasure: Underwater Gear. There are a number of This large room appears to have once been a
caps of waterbreathing here equal to the number of gathering place of some kind. There are
characters. There are also an equal number of amulets currently two large merfolk-like creatures and
with the continual ȵame spell cast on them. two large sharks swimming about.

6. High Priest's Chambers Encounter: Mersharks! There are two merrow and two
hunter sharks in this room. The merrow use the hunter
sharks like attack dogs. They draw in a target with their
This room looks to have once been an
harpoon and then let the sharks feast on it. The merrow
opulent bedchamber, but it has fallen into
complete disarray. Moving about beneath won't ȴght to the death and will ȵee if able when they
what remains of the bed is what appears to reach 15 hp or less. The sharks will enter a blood frenzy
be a pile of ȵesh. once combat begins and will not ȵee regardless of how
hurt they are.

Encounter: Madness Incarnate. There is a gibbering

mouther in this room. It was once the leader of the
expedition, but remaining down here long enough turned
him into an aberration. It attacks the characters as soon as
they enter and pursues them if they ȵee.
3. Sunken Quarters The Forgotten Temple
This is the bottom level of the ancient temple complex.
This appears to have been living quarters of This is where the most devote worshippers were allowed
some kind. The remains of a desk and a bed to go and seek an audience with the great and powerful
can be seen against the wall. aboleth. Now, it contains the aboleth's enslaved
bodyguards who will die to protect their master.

Treasure: Keys to the Kingdom. There is a silver key in General Features

the shape of an octopus in the desk. It can be located with
a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check. It unlocks the
Ceilings. The ceilings are made of moldy stone and rise
30 ft. above the ȵoor unless otherwise speciȴed.
door to area 5.
Floors and Walls. The ȵoors are made of cracked tiled
4. Sunken Study stone while the walls are made of a cobbled granite.
Doors. The doors are made of an unknown material
similar to wood in composition, but with the appearance
of stone.
This room contains two large desks and
shelving on which the remains of ancient Lighting. The area is completely dark.
scrolls sit. Above, a huge shark can be seen Unusual Features. The entire area is submerged
swimming. underwater.
Aberrant Subtype. Some creatures will have the
aberrant subtype. This is indicated by having the word
Encounter: Shark in the Study. There is a giant shark "aberrant" before their name. Aberrant creatures gain the
swimming near the ceiling of this room. It is very territorial following features.
and will attack anything that enters.
Their creature type becomes Aberration.
They can breath underwater.
5. Temple Entrance They gain a swim speed equal to their normal speed.
They make Wisdom saving throws with disadvantage.

A set of stone stairs lead deeper

underground. They appear to go on about 60
1. Antechamber
The massive chamber contains a bed of coral
delicately carved along with three large
Following these stairs leads the characters down to the statues on an elevated platform. Ahead, a
p below. barred gate blocks access to an ornate door.
Milling about the chamber are two large
crustacean-like monsters and two large
merfolk. What appear to be slightly
translucent humanoids can be seen
performing menial tasks.

Encounter: An Army of Enslaved. There are two chuul,

two merrow, and four aberrant commoners in this
room. The chuul try to circle around the characters while
the merrow try to drag them in with their harpoons. The
commoners try to position themselves as shields between
the characters and the merrow.
Obstacle: Missing Keys. The barred gate cannot be
opened, lifted, or otherwise circumvented. Each of the
statues has a keyhole in it. If the characters ȴnd the keys
and turn them at the same time, the bars slide into the
ground allowing access to the door.
2. Western Chamber 6. Shrine

This chamber contains four alcoves, each of This small room contains an onyx chest sitting
which contains a statue of a warrior. To the on a raised platform.
south, a door can be seen.

Treasure: The Second Key. Inside the small onyx chest

Encounter: Men of Purpose. The statues on the west is a key in the shape of a tentacle.
wall are actually kelp covered aberrant veterans. They
wait until the characters move towards the southern door, 7. The Inner Sanctum
then they attack. They're mindless slaves of the aboleth so
they ȴght to the death.
Treasure: An Outsider's Relic. There is a cloak of the This chamber is by far the largest so far. The
manta ray on the statue on the eastern wall. ceilings rise up nearly 60 ft. and the center of
the room dips 5 ft. down to a lower level.
3. Hall of Pillars Swimming in the center of the chamber is a
large, bloated, tentacled stingray type
Seven large pillars dominate the center of this
room. An alcove can be seen to the south
down a ȵight of stairs. Encounter: The Aboleth. The creature is an aboleth. It
is surrounded by a dozen aberrant commoners. They
rush forward to try to shield their master from harm. The
Encounter: Water Snake. There is a giant constrictor aboleth is incredibly smart and ȴghts accordingly. It
snake coiled around the top of the middle pillar. It attacks determines which character is least likely to resist
as soon as someone moves beneath it. enslavement and tries to overpower their mind with its
Treasure: The First Key. In the alcove to the south is a enslave ability. It then targets the weakest remaining
small onyx chest. Inside is a key in the shape of a tentacle. character in an attempt to even the odds. If injured, it will
use its physic drain legendary action on one of its aberrant
4. Eastern Chamber commoner slaves and to heal. The aboleth does not wish
to die. If the ȴght goes poorly for it, it will telepathically
speak with the characters and try to make a bargain. In
exchange for its freedom it will give them anything they
A large pillar dominates the center of this
desire. It's lying, of course, and will turn on the characters
chamber. On the southern side, a large face is
carved into the stone. the ȴrst chance it gets. If the characters manage to get it to
the surface and into the ocean, it insults them, calling
them fools, before ȵeeing into the deep ocean.
Trap: Sunken Maiden. The face is part of a trap. When
someone tries to open the door, if they don't have an
innate swimming speed, the mouth of the face opens and
they are pulled back into it. Inside, sharp spikes pierce the
body of whoever is pulled in. They must make a DC 14
Strength saving throw to resist the pull of the trap taking
4d10 piercing damage on a failure.

5. Hall of Sand

A stone platform runs from north to south in

this chamber. On either side, beds of sand
can be seen.

Encounter: Pincer Attack. There are two giant sharks

hiding in the sand. They wait for a character to move
between them, then they rise and attack.
8. Collapsed Reliquary

This small chamber once held great treasures

judging by the murals on the wall. Most of
what was in here was destroyed when the
ceiling partially caved in, but one ornate chest
still remains untouched in the center of the

Treasure: The Fabled Crown. The chest is unlocked and

contains the crown of the deep.
Crown of the Deep Wonderous item, rare (requires
attunement)_ This diadem is shaped like multiple
interlocking tentacles with a dark onyx gem at the front.
Once attuned to it you gain the following traits.

Your creature type becomes Aberration.

You can breath underwater.
You gain a swim speed equal to your normal speed.
You make Wisdom saving throws with disadvantage.

The crown has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 charges

each dawn. You can spend the charges to cast the spells
below. The save DC is 14.

1 Charge: charm person, color spray, command

3 Charges: detect thoughts, hold person
5 Charges: hypnotic pattern

With the aboleth dead, anyone who was enslaved by it
regains control of their minds. These people will need help
getting back to the surface. If they weren't dealt with, the
merrow, sharks, and so on might prove to be an obstacle
in this task.
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a
Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System
Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford,
Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James
Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims,
and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Kraken Beach
Scavengers: Copyright 2020, Hamrick Brands, LLC END

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