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Autonomous Systems Lab

Introduction | perception

knowledge, mission
data base commands
Localization “position“ Cognition
Map Building global map Path Planning

environment model
local map

Information Path

Motion Control
Extraction Execution

see-think-act actuator
raw data

Sensing Acting

Real World
Autonomous Systems Lab

Perception | definition

Places / Situations
A specific room, a meeting situation, …
•Functional / Contextual
Servicing / Reasoning Relationships of Objects
• imposed
Objects • learned
Compressing Information

• spatial / temporal/semantic
Doors, Humans, Coke bottle, car , …

Interaction •Models / Semantics

• imposed
• learned
Corners, Lines, Colors, Phonemes, …

Navigation •Models
• imposed
Raw Data • learned
Vision, Laser, Sound, Smell, …
Autonomous Systems Lab

Perception | challenges

 Dealing with real-world situations

 Reasoning about a situation
 Cognitive systems have to interpret situations based on uncertain and only
partially available information
 They need ways to learn functional and contextual information (semantics /

Probabilistic Reasoning

Autonomous Systems Lab

Sensors | common sensors and their use in mobile robotics

 Tactile sensors or bumpers Laser scanners

 Detection of physical contact, security switches GPS

 GPS Omnidirectional camera

 Global localization and navigation Inertial measurement unit

 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Laser scanner

 Orientation and acceleration of the robot

 Wheel encoders Security
 Local motion estimation (odometry) Standard camera switch

 Laser scanners
 Obstacle avoidance, motion estimation, scene
interpretation (road detection, pedestrians)
 Cameras Wheel encoders
 Texture information, motion estimation, scene
Autonomous Systems Lab

Classification of sensors

 What:
 Proprioceptive sensors
 measure values internally to the system (robot),
 e.g. motor speed, wheel load, heading of the robot, battery status
 Exteroceptive sensors
 information from the robots environment
 distances to objects, intensity of the ambient light, extraction of features from the environment
 How:
 Passive sensors
 Measure energy coming from the environment; very much influenced by the environment
 Active sensors
 emit their proper energy and measure the reaction
 better performance, but some influence on environment

Autonomous Systems Lab

Classification of sensors

Sensor type Sensor System Proprioceptive (PC) or Active or Passive

Exteroceptive (EC)
Tacticle sensors Bumbers EC P
Wheel/motor sensors Brush encoders PC P
Optical encoders PC A
Heading sensors Compass EC P
Gyroscope PC P
Inclinometer EC A/P
Acceleration sensors Accelerometer PC P
Beacons GPS EC A
Radio, ultrasonic, reflective EC A
Motion/speed sensors Doppler: radar or sound EC A
Range sensors Ultrasound, laser rangefinder, EC A
structured light, time of flight
Vision sensors CCD/CMOS cameras EC P

Autonomous Systems Lab

Uncertainty Representation

 Sensing is always related to uncertainties

 How can uncertainty be represented or quantified?
 How do they propagate - uncertainty of a function of uncertain values?

 Systematic errors (deterministic)

 They are caused by factors or processes that can in theory be modeled and, thus,
calibrated, (for example, the diameters of the robot wheels, the distance between the
wheels, etc.)
 Random errors
 They cannot be predicted using a sophisticated model but can only be described in
probabilistic terms

Autonomous Systems Lab

Uncertainty Representation

 The density function identifies for each possible 𝑥 value of 𝑋 a probability 𝑓(𝑥)
density along the 𝑦-axis
 The area under the curve is 1, indicating
the complete chance of 𝑋 having some value

Autonomous Systems Lab

Uncertainty Representation | error propagation law

 Imagine extracting a line based on point measurements with uncertainties

 The model parameters 𝑖 (length of the perpendicular) and 𝑖 (its angle to the
abscissa) describe a line uniquely
 What is the uncertainty of the extracted line knowing the uncertainties of the
measurement points that contribute to it ?

x i = (i ,  i)

Autonomous Systems Lab

Uncertainty Representation | error propagation law

 Error propagation in a multiple-input multi-output system with 𝑛 inputs and 𝑚

Y j  f j ( X 1... X n )
 It can be shown that the output covariance matrix 𝐶𝑦 is given by the error
propagation law:

 𝐶𝑋 : covariance matrix representing the input uncertainties

 𝐶𝑦 : covariance matrix representing the propagated uncertainties for the
 𝐹𝑋 : is the Jacobian matrix defined as:

Autonomous Systems Lab

Encoder | definition

 electro-mechanical device that converts linear or angular position of a shaft

to an analog or digital signal, making it an linear/angular transducer

Autonomous Systems Lab

Heading sensors

 Definition:
 Heading sensors are sensors that determine the robot’s orientation and inclination with
respect to a given reference
 Heading sensors can be proprioceptive (gyroscope, accelerometer) or
exteroceptive (compass, inclinometer).
 Together with an appropriate velocity information, they allow integrating the
movement to a position estimate.
 This procedure is called deduced reckoning (ship navigation)
 Sensor types:
 Compass: senses the absolute direction of the Earth magnetic field
 Gyroscope: senses the relative orientation of the robot with respect to a given reference

Autonomous Systems Lab


 Mechanical gyroscopes
 Angular momentum associated with a spinning wheel keeps
the axis of the gyroscope inertially stable.
 No torque can be transmitted from the outer pivot to the wheel axis
however, friction in the axes generates drift
 Quality: 0.1° drift in 6 hours (a high quality mech. gyro costs up to 100,000 $)

 Optical Gyroscopes
 Uses two monochromatic laser beams travelling in an optical fiber in two
opposite directions
 The laser beam traveling in direction opposite to the rotation experiences
a slightly shorter path (Sagnac effect)
 The phase shift of the two beams is proportional to the angular velocity

Half-silvered mirror
Autonomous Systems Lab

MEMS accelerometer

 A spring-like structure connects the device to a seismic mass vibrating in a

capacity divider that converts the displacement into an electric signal
 Can be multi-directional
 Can sense up to 50 g capacitive
 Applications divider

 Dynamic acceleration spring

 Static acceleration (inclinometer)
 Airbag sensors (+- 35 g)
 Control of video games (e.g., Nintendo Wii)
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Autonomous Systems Lab

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)

 It uses gyroscopes and accelerometers to estimate the relative position (x, y,

z), orientation (roll, pitch, yaw), velocity, and acceleration of a moving vehicle
with respect to an inertial frame
 In order to estimate the motion, the gravity vector must be subtracted and the
initial velocity has to be known
 After long periods of operation, drifts occurs: need external reference to cancel

Autonomous Systems Lab

Range sensors

 Sonar
 Laser range finder
sonar Laser range finder
 Time of flight camera
 Structured light

SwissRanger (time of flight) Structured light

Kinect 2 (time of flight) Kinect 1 (structured light)

Autonomous Systems Lab

Range sensors (time of flight)

 Large range distance measurement  thus called range sensors

 Range information:
 key element for localization and environment modeling
 Ultrasonic sensors as well as laser range sensors make use of propagation
speed of sound or electromagnetic waves respectively.
 The traveled distance of a sound or electromagnetic wave is given by

 d = distance traveled (usually round-trip)

 c = speed of wave propagation
 t = time of flight.

Autonomous Systems Lab

Range sensors (time of flight)

 It is important to point out

 Propagation speed v of sound: 0.3 m/ms
 Propagation speed v of of electromagnetic signals: 0.3 m/ns,
 Electromagnetic signals travel one million times faster
 3 meters
 Equivalent to 10 ms for an ultrasonic system
 Equivalent to only 10 ns for a laser range sensor
 Measuring time of flight with electromagnetic signals is not an easy task
 laser range sensors expensive and delicate

 The quality of time-of-flight range sensors mainly depends on:

 Inaccuracies in the time of fight measurement (laser range sensors)
 Opening angle of transmitted beam (especially ultrasonic range sensors)
 Interaction with the target (surface, specular reflections)
 Variation of propagation speed (sound)
 Speed of mobile robot and target (if not at stand still)

Autonomous Systems Lab

Velodyne laser range finder

 The Velodyne HDL-64E uses 64 laser emitters.

 Turn-rate up to 15 Hz
 The field of view is 360° in azimuth and 26.8° in elevation
 Angular resolution is 0.09° and 0.4° respectively
 Delivers over 1.3 million data points per second
 The distance accuracy is better than 2 cm and can measure depth up to 50 m
 This sensor was the primary means of terrain map construction and obstacle detection for all the top DARPA 2007 Urban Challenge
teams. However, the Velodyne is currently still much more expensive than Sick laser range finders (SICK ~ 2-4000 $, Velodyne ~40-
80,000 $)

Carnegie Mellon University

Autonomous Systems Lab

Structured light

 Eliminates the correspondence problem by projecting structured light on the

 Slits of light or emit collimated light (possibly laser) by means of a rotating
 Light perceived by camera
 Range to an illuminated point can then be determined from simple geometry
a b

Autonomous Systems Lab

Structured light | Kinect sensor

 Major components
 IR Projector
 IR Camera
 VGA Camera
 Microphone Array
 Motorized Tilt
Camera Camera Projector


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