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Design and Analysis of Leaf Spring Using Composite Materials IJERTV7IS050254

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

Design and Analysis of Leaf Spring using

Composite Materials
Ganesh R. Chavhan1*, Pawan V. Chilbule2
Assistant Professor Mechanical Engg. Deptt,
Government college of Engineering, Chandrapur.

Abstract - In now a day the fuel efficiency and emission gas vehicles. The suspension of leaf spring is the area which
regulation of automobiles are two important issues. To fulfill needs to focus to improve the suspensions of the vehicle for
this problem the automobile industries are trying to make new comfort ride. The suspension leaf spring is one of the
vehicle which can provide high efficiency with low cost. The potential items for weight reduction in automobile as it
best way to increase the fuel efficiency is to reduce the weight accounts for 10 to 20% of unsprung weight.
of the automobile. The weight reduction can be achieved
primarily by the introduction of better material, design
It is well known that springs are designed to absorb shocks.
optimization and better manufacturing processes. The So the strain energy of the material becomes a major factor
achievement of weight reduction with adequate improvement in designing the springs. The introduction of composite
of mechanical properties has made composite a very good material will make it possible to reduce the weight of the
replacement material for conventional steel. leaf spring without reduction in load carrying capacity and
The automobile vehicles have number of parts which can be stiffness. Since the composite material have high strength to
able to replace by composite material, but due to the weight ratio and have more elastic strain energy storage
improvement of mechanical properties of composite material. capacity as compared with steel.
It has more elastic strength and high strength to weight ratio The relationship of specific strain energy can be expressed
has compared with those of steel material. So, out of many
components one of the components of automobile, the leaf
spring which use for carried out the whole weight of the vehicle
is best option for replacement of steel material by composite
For reduce the weight of leaf spring the analysis was carried It can be easily observed that material having lower density
out on the model of Mahindra Pickup’s leaf spring with same and modulus will have a greater specific strain energy
dimensional geometry . The material selected for leaf spring
are AS4, T300, E-Glass 21*K43 Gevetex and Silenka E-Glass
capacity. Thus composite material offer high strength and
1200tex composite material which is more economical with light weight. In this work, leaf spring of automobile vehicle
similar mechanical and geometrical properties to the steel leaf is Mahindra “Model-Commander 650di” car is considered
spring. The analysis was carried out on ANSYS 15.0 with same for further investigation. The suspension quality can be
loading condition for deflection and bending stress of steel as improved by minimizing the vertical vibrations, impacts and
well as AS4, T300, E-Glass 21*K43 Gevetex and Silenka E- bumps due to road irregularities which create the
Glass 1200tex composite materials. comfortable ride.
A comparative study has been made between steel and The automobile sector is introducing a number of cars which
composite leaf spring with respect to strength and weight. are newly designed, modified with replacing new parts with
Composite leaf spring reduces the weight by 60% forE-glass
21xK43Gevetex, 74.23% for T300 and 74.82% for AS4 and
advanced and composite material for better Comfort ride,
59.7% Silenka over steel leaf spring. low weight and having better mechanical properties.
India is a country with more than one billion people, require
1. INTRODUCTION vehicle to move anywhere around the country for their
In now a day the fuel efficiency and emission gas regulation personal and transportation purpose. We have personally
of automobiles are two important issues. To fulfill this seen and observed that vehicle having no smoothed
problem the automobile industries are trying to make new suspension or comfort ride create the tiredness to the people
vehicle which can provide high efficiency with low cost. and more especially to drivers of car who is the life of
The best way to increase the fuel efficiency is to reduce the passenger. Also, now days so many passenger cars available
weight of the automobile. The weight reduction can be in the state of Gujarat which can especially used in local
achieved primarily by the introduction of better material, transport around 200 to 300 km, a day with overloading of
design optimization and better manufacturing processes. The passengers which increase the total weight of the vehicle
achievement of weight reduction with adequate and also increase the fuel consumption which leads to noise
improvement of mechanical properties has made composite and breakage problem in the suspension of leaf springs and
a very good replacement material for conventional steel. In create the pollution in the environment. So for further
automobile, one of its components which can be easily analysis to increase fuel efficiency and to reduce the
replaced is leaf spring. A leaf spring is a simple form of pollution the commercial vehicle Mahindra “Model-
spring, commonly used for the suspension in wheeled Commander 650di” is considered.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

TYPES OF SPRING and manufacturing operations. The system uses a 3D solid

modeling system as the core, and applies the feature base
1) Helical springs
parametric modeling method.
2) Conical and volute springs In short ANSYS Workbench is a feature based parametric
solid modeling system with many extended design and
3) Torsion springs
manufacturing applications. Some of the features of ANSYS
4) Disc or Belleville springs Workbench are as below:
• Ease of use
5) Special purpose springs
6) Laminated or leaf springs • Parametric & feature based modeling


Conventional design methods of leaf springs are largely MODELING OF LEAF SPRING
based on the application of empirical and semi-empirical Modeling of leaf spring is performed in ANSYS
rules along with the use of available information in the Workbench. There are different procedures available
existing literature. The functions of springs are absorbing
for modeling of leaf spring. Here we utilize divisional
energy and release this energy according to the desired
functions to be performed. So leaf springs design depends
method of generation of parabolic leaf spring.
on load carrying capacity and deflection. Hence the
Mahindra “Model-Commander 650di” is consider for design
of leaf spring.


• E-glass 21xK43 Gevetex
• AS4
• Silenka E-glass 200tex
• T300


1. Total length of the spring Figure 2 Sketch of Master Leaf
(Eye to Eye) = 1120 mm
2. No. of full length leaves (nf) = 1
3. Thickness of leaf (t) = 5 mm
ANSYS is a finite element analysis (FEA) software
4. Width of the leaf spring (b) = 50 mm
5. Total load = 500 N package. It uses a preprocessor software engine to create
6. BHN = 420 – 430 HB with hardened and tempered geometry. Then it uses a solution routine to apply loads to
the meshed geometry. Finally it outputs desired results in
post-processing. FEA is used throughout almost all
engineering design including mechanical systems and civil
engineering structures.
In most structural analysis applications it is necessary to
compute displacements and stresses at various points of
interest. The finite element method is a very valuable tool
for studying the behavior of structures. In the finite element
method, the finite element model is created by dividing the
structure in to a number of finite elements. Each element is
interconnected by nodes. The selection of elements for
modeling the structure depends upon the behavior and
Figure 1 Terminology of Leaf Spring
geometry of the structure being analyzed. The modeling
3. MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF STEEL LEAF pattern, which is generally called mesh for the finite element
SPRING method, is a very important part of the modeling process.
INTRODUCTION OF ANSYS WORKBENCH The results obtained from the analysis depend upon the
Based on the dimensions obtained from the conventional selection of the finite elements and the mesh size. Although
design of leaf spring, the model of the leaf spring was the finite element model does not behave exactly like the
created with the help of the ANSYS Workbench 15.0 actual structure, it is possible to obtain sufficiently accurate
software. results for most practical applications. The goal of meshing
ANSYS Workbench is modeling software for modeling in ANSYS Workbench is to provide robust, easy to use
various mechanical designs for performing related design meshing tools that will simplify the mesh generation
process. These tools have the benefit of being highly

IJERTV7IS050254 570

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

automated along with having a moderate to high degree of PROPERTIES OF STEEL MATERIAL
user control. Table 1 Properties of Steel Material
❖ ADVANTAGES OF FEA Density 7850 Kgm-3
• Visualization increases Young’s Modulus 2E+11 Pa
• Design cycle time reduces Poison’s Ratio 0.3 Pa
• No. of prototypes reduces Bulk Modulus 1.6667E+11 Pa
• Testing reduces Shear Modulus 7.6923E+10 Pa
• Optimum design
Tensile Yield Strength 2.5E+08 Pa
The process of performing ANSYS can be broken down into
three main steps. Compressive Yield Strength 2.5E+08 Pa
Tensile Ultimate Strength 4.6E+08 Pa
This step is most important in analysis of leaf spring. Any STATIC ANALYSIS OF STEEL LEAF SPRING
modeling software can be used for modeling of geometry 1) After creating solid model of steel leaf spring in
and can be shifted to other simulation software for analysis ANSYS Workbench 15.0. Save that model in STEP
purpose. After mesh generation (grid generation) is the format.
process of subdividing a region to be modeled into a set of 2) Import above 3D model in ANSYS Workbench
small elements. Meshing is the method to define and static structural module for static analysis.
breaking up the model into small elements. In general a
finite element model is defined by a mesh network, which is
made up of the geometric arrangement of elements and
nodes. Nodes represent points at which features such as
displacements are calculated. Elements are bounded by set
of nodes, and define localized mass and stiffness properties
of the model. Elements are also defined by the number of
mesh, which allowed reference to be made to corresponding
deflections, stresses at specific model location. The common
type of mesh element used in ANSYS solver is hexahedral,
tetrahedral and brick.
During preprocessing user has to work hard while solution
step is the turn of computer to do the job. User has to just
click on solve icon. Internally software carries out matrix
formations, inversion, multiplication & solution for
unknown. E.g. displacement & then find strain & stress for
static analysis.
The final step in ANSYS is Post-processing, during which
the ANSYS results are analyzed. However, the real value of
ANSYS simulation is frequently found in its ability to
provide accurate predictions of integrated quantities such as
find displacement and stresses. Post processing is viewing
results, verifications, conclusions & thinking about what
steps could be taken to improve the design. Figure 3 Define Materials in ANSYS Workbench

• Software to be used for ANSYS 15.0 ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE LEAF SPRING
As mentioned earlier, the ability to absorb and store more
• Model simplification for FEA.
amount of energy ensures the comfortable option of a
• Meshing size is limited to computer
suspension system. However, the problem of heavy weight
of spring is still persistent. This can be remedied by
• Static analysis is considered. introducing composite material, in a place of steel in the
conventional leaf spring. Research has indicated that the
results of E-glass/epoxy, carbon epoxy were found with
good characteristics for storing strain energy. So, a virtual
model of leaf spring was created in ANSYS workbench and
then material is assigned to the model. These results can be
used for comparison with the steel leaf spring.

IJERTV7IS050254 571

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

• Software to be used for ANSYS 15.0
• Model simplification for FEA
• Meshing size is limited to computer
• Static analysis is considered.
• Material used for leaf spring analysis is

Figure 5 Define Materials in ANSYS Workbench

3. Assign material to mono leaf spring

Figure 4 Fiber Orientation

Sr. AS4 T300 E-glass Silenka

no. 21xK43 E-glass


Gevetex 1200tex
1. Ex 2.25E+11 1.38E+11 5.34E+10 4.56E+10
2. Ey 1.5E+10 1.1E+10 1.77E+10 1.62E+10
Figure 6 Apply Materials at Mono Leaf Spring
3. Ez 1.5E+10 1.1E+10 1.77E+10 1.62E+10
4. PRxy 0.2 0.28 0.278 0.287 4. Create meshing of Leaf spring
This mesh along with material properties is used to
5. PRyz 0.071 0.4 0.4 0.4
mathematically represent the stiffness and mass distribution
6. PRzx 0.2 0.28 0.278 0.287 of the structure. The mesh has been generated automatically.
7. Gxy 1.5E+10 5.5E+9 5.83E+9 5.83+9 As shown in figure 5.3number of elements used are and
8. Gyz 7E+9 1.96E+9 6.32E+9 6032E+9 number of nodes used are
9. Gzx 1.5E+10 5.5E+9 5.83E+9 5.83+9
10. ρ 1790 1770 2550 2570
Table 2 Properties of Composite Material


1. Create the model of steel leaf spring in ANSYS
Workbench 15.0 static structural module for static
2. Create leaf spring material E-glass/epoxy.
• Provide material properties as per table 5.1 in the
ANSYS Workbench

Figure 7 Meshed Model of Leaf Spring

5. Apply boundary conditions and loading condition

Figure 8 Nodes of Leaf Spring

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

• Define displacement constrain. RESULT ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE LEAF SPRING

• Von misses stress contour
X- Y- Z- X- Y- Z-
compone compone compone rotatio rotatio rotatio
nt nt nt n n n
1. 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Free 0 0 0 0 0
Table 3 Boundary Condition When Vehicle is New

Figure 11 Von Misses Stress Contour of AS4 at Orientation of


Figure 9 Remote Displacements at First End

Figure 12 Von Misses Stress Contour of AS4 at Orientation of -


Figure 10 Remote Displacement Condition at another End

X- Y- Z- X- Y- Z-
component component component rotation rotation rotation
1. 0 0 0 0 0 Free
2. Free 0 0 0 0 Free
Table 4 Boundary Conditions When Vehicle Become Old

6. Run analysis. Figure 13 Von Misses Stress Contour of T300 of Orientation 90/90/0/90/-
7. Get results.

Figure 14 Von Misses Contour of T300 of Orientation -


IJERTV7IS050254 573

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

• Maximum deflection contour

Figure 15 Von Misses Stress Contour of E-Glass21x43 Gevetex

of Orientation 90/90/0/90/-90

Figure 19 Maximum Deflection Contour of AS4 at Orientation


Figure 16 Von Misses Stress Contour of E-Glass21x43 Gevetex

at Orientation-45/90/0/90/45

Figure 20 aximum Deflection Contour of AS4 at Orientation of -


Figure 17 Von Misses Stress Contour of Silenka E-Glass 1200tex

at Orientation of 90/90/0/90/-90

Figure 21 Maximum Deflection Contour of T300 at Orientation


Figure 18 Von Misses Stress Contour of Silenka E-Glass

1200tex at Orientation -45/90/0/90/45 Figure 22 Maximum Deflection Contour of T300 at Orientation -

IJERTV7IS050254 574

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

Figure 29 Orientation of Fiber along 0º

Figure 23 Maximum Deflection Contour of E-Glass21x43Gevetex
Orientation 90/90/0/90/-90

Figure Error! No text of specified style in

document..9 Orientation of Fiber along

Figure Error! No text of specified style in

Figure 30 Orientation
Orientation of Fiberof Fiber
along -45º along

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..11
Orientation of Fiber along 0º

Figure 24 Maximum Deflection of E-Glass21x43Gevetex at

Orientation-45/90/0/90/45 Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..12
Orientation of Fiber along 0º

Figure 25 Maximum Deflection of Silenka E-Glass1200tex at Figure 31 Orientation of Fiber along 45º
Orientation 90/90/0/90/-90
Figure 26 Maximum Deflection of Silenka E-Glass 1200tex at
Figure Error! No textSPRING
of specified style in
document..13 Orientation of Fiber along Deflection (mm)
Stress (MPa)


Mass (kg)


Figure Error! No text of specified style in

AS4 -90/90/0/ 90 /- 182.65 341.07 0.68
document..14 90
Orientation of Fiber along

-45/90/0 /90/45 307.58 174.27
Figure 27 Orientation of Fiber along -90º T300 -90/90/0 /90/-90 186.86 473.41 0.75
-45/90/0 /90/45 299.01 345.42
E-glass -90/90/0 /90/-90 209.01 365.38 1.08
21xk43 -45/90/0 /90/45 227.97 334.63
Silenka E- -90/90/0 /90/-90 205.38 386.18 1.09
glass 1200tex -45/90/0 /90/45 224.28 347.30
Structural steel Linear isotropic 219.36 19.03 2.70

Here, from comparison of steel leaf spring with composite

leaf spring as shown in table 5.4. It can be seen that
maximum deflection 473.41mm on T300 at orientation -
Figure 28 Orientation of Fiber along 90º 90/90/0/90/-90 and corresponding deflection in AS4, E-
glass21xk43 Gevetex and Silenka E-glass 1200tex are
341.07mm, 315.38mm and 386.18 mm at -90/90/0/90/-90

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-2018

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