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ECOTHERM IndustrialProducts

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14 Industry Products

ECOTHERM is the leading brand for turnkey solar,

hot water and steam systems for hotels, hospitals
and industry in the Middle East.
ECOTHERM amazes its customers with “Individual Heat Experience
Transfer Solutions” for solar, hot water and steam genera- With over thousand installations in the last twelve years,
tion. The following advantages mark these solutions: ECOTHERM has become one of the market leaders for
individual solar, hot water and steam solutions.
ECOTHERM realizes extensive turnkey systems as Reliability
well as the production of separate components. Each single ECOTHERM systems are monitored around the clock and
plant is specifically aligned to the customer’s individual can be serviced at low cost, quickly and efficiently through
requirements. remote and maintenance.

Premium quality Sustainability

All products made of high-class duplex stainless ECOTHERM products help our customers to save energy
steel guarantee a long-life cycle and perfect hygiene. and money. We save valuable resources through the use of
ECOTHERM is certified to ISO 9001 : 2008. renewable energies. ECOTHERM high-performance plants
have minimal space requirements and provide maximum
Innovation energy return.
We are always open to the new, we constantly research
new technologies and develop path-breaking products. Partnership
We live in a partnership with all our customers, suppliers
Premium service and employees. This relationship is characterised by
Clients benefit from extensive service at consulting, honesty, commitment, openness, trust and reliability.
planning, engineering, supervision and training. The object is our joint long-term success.

Efficiency Internationality
The ECOTHERM Group managed by the owner The international alignment of ECOTHERM with branches
has slim decision-making structures. ECOTHERM's in Dubai, Kuwait, Mexico, Hungary, China and partners in
economical handling of energy resources offer an more than 20 countries is the basis for our flexible and
optimal cost-benefit ratio. efficient project implementation that is always on schedule.

ISO 3834-2 : 2005 SVGW Zertifikate Nr.:
0009-4304,0004-4258, 9910-
Zertifikat-Register Nr. Q1530829 Zertifikat-Register Nr. W1530829 4139,9401-3165, 8701-2073

2 ECOTHERM Industry Products


ECOTHERM Industry Products

ECOTHERM High Capacity Water Heater page 6

ECOTHERM Stainless Steel Storage Tanks page 7

ECOTHERM Individual Water Heaters page 8

ECOTHERM Electric Water Heaters page 9

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions page 10

ECOTHERM Shell and tube heat exchanger page 11

ECOTHERM Industrial heat exchanger solutions pages 12–13

ECOTHERM Pipes page 14

ECOTHERM Steam system components

and turnkey solutions pages 15–18

Solar Thermal Solutions page 19

Bath Pickling page 20

ECOTHERM Engineering page 21

ECOTHERM Case Studies pages 22–26

Advantages pages 27–30

ECOTHERM Industry Products 3


Top 12 Advantages

Individuality 3D-Design Premium quality

Each system is individually With most modern programs, Components are made of
designed and optimized. all products are optimized & high quality stainless steel
designed. (Duplex/316Ti).

Short delivery times Efficiency Sizing

We ensure rapid and short delivery Various self-developed and paten- Calculations and design with the
times. ted products offer our customers most modern software tools accor-
maximum efficiency. ding to many standards.

Modern manufacturing Certified production ECOTHERM Academy

Manufacturing with most modern We are certified as manufacturing Training and Support
CNC machines and welding and welding company according to
procedures. ISO, TÜV and other standards.

Made in Austria Education of employees Experience

Stainless steel storage tanks, heat We place great value on the Worldwide more than
exchangers, steam components education and training of our 1,000 installed systems
etc. are manufactured in Austria. employees.

4 ECOTHERM Industry Products

ECOTHERM manufactures various products for the
industry - used at hot water or steam systems. All
products are manufactured of high quality stainless
steel. The production in Hartkirchen in Austria is
certified according to the highest European stan-
dards and norms such as ISO 9001: 2008 or ISO
3834-2. The use of high quality stainless steel, the
accurate workmanship and experienced staff ensu-
re premium quality. Also the quality of the service
plays an important role at ECOTHERM. The de-
sign of a system is done in 3D and the products are
designed by using the latest software. In-house
production allows ECOTHERM to achieve rapid
delivery times. Some products or components are
on stock. ECOTHERM has more than 25 years
experience in its core business in more than 30
markets all over the world. Worldwide more than
1,000 systems have been installed and further tens
of thousands of storage water heaters have been
manufactued. ECOTHERM products are the result
of many years of development. Many products are
patented and worldwide leading in terms of inno-
vation and technology. The most important cost
advantages for ECOTHERM customers are: space
saving, energy saving and low maintenance costs.

ECOTHERM Industry Products 5

High Capacity Water Heater

ECOTHERM High Capacity Water Heater

ECOTHERM high capacity water project. ECOTHERM engineers use
heaters are the result of more than a self-developed design software in
15 years of research and develop- order to design and optimize the
ment. All components of these premi- system to yield maximum efficiency,
um quality products are made of high minimal floor space requirements and
quality stainless steel. Each system maximum savings concering energy
Model EHRE
water / water
100 - 1,000 kW
Model EF
water / water
40 - 350 kW

is individually tailored to the needs and maintenance costs. Model EDRE

of the customers, respectively the

steam / water
100 - 2,000 kW

3 High Capacit
Water Heaters


Model EHRE: High Capacity Water Heater

100 kW – 1,000 kW
• High Capacity Water Heater for water / water
operation with external heat exchanger
• Up to 95 % space savings
• Microprocessor control unit ELC11 with touchscreen
• Optional: external cold water flushing

EHRE (with storage tank) EHRE (without storage tank)

Model EDRE: High Capacity Water Heater

100 kW – 2,000 kW
• High Capacity Water Heaters for steam / water
operation with external heat exchanger
• Up to 95 % space savings
• Microprocessor control unit ELC11 with touchscreen
• Optional: mechanical control

EDRE (with storage tank) EDRE (without storage tank)

Model EF: High Capacity Water Heater

40 – 350 kW
• High Capacity Water Heater for hot water
generation with internal patented flat heating
• Maximum storage volume for hot water
(up to 97%)
Patented flat heating coil
• Low storage time mounted at bottom of
• Perfect hygiene storage tank
Model EF

6 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Stainless Steel Storage Tanks

ECOTHERM Stainless Steel Storage Tanks

For the production of its stainless ISO 14001 : 1996. The long-time expe-
steel storage tanks ECOTHERM rience of the ECOTHERM employees
uses only high-quality, corrosi- ensures the professional processing of
on-resistant stainless steel. The materials. The welding procedures of
production follows its own quali- the company are certified according to
ty management system which is ISO 3834-2 : 2005.
certified according to ISO 9001 : Innovative components such as the flat
2008. All storage tanks are bath heating coils offer customers a unique
pickled in the in-house pickling added value to increase the efficiency of
plant. The entire production fol- their stainless steel storage tanks - be-
5 Stainless Stee

cause stainless steel storage tank does

l Storage Tan

lows the guidelines of the envi- & Combination ks


ronmental management system not equal stainless steel storage tank.


ECOTHERM Standard Storage Tanks: 200 to 30,000 litres

Type ESWE Type ESWF...-1 Type ESWF...-2

ECOTHERM stainless steel ECOTHERM water heaters with ECOTHERM water heaters with
water heaters for external stainless storage tank and one stainless storage tank and two flat
heat exchanger flat heating coil heating coils

Type ESWH....-1 Type ESWH...-2 ECOTHERM high capacity heat
ECOTHERM water heaters with ECOTHERM water heaters with exchangers with patented flat
stainless storage tank and one stainless storage tank and two heating coils and two-fold or three-
heating coil heating coils fold heating coils

ECOTHERM Industry Products 7

Individual Stainless Steel Water Heaters

ECOTHERM Individual Water Heaters

ECOTHERM manufactures indi- tanks without heating coil as well as Storage tank volumes from 200 to
vidual hot water tanks made ​​ of with special patented coils or spe- 30,000 litres are possible. All stain-
stainless steel. The company of- cial coils with large heat exchanger less steel tanks are dip passivated in
fers standard storage water heaters surfaces for special applications and the in-house pickling plant.
as well as special storage tanks, very high transmission performance.

Configuration Options
Storage tank
Storage tanks from 200 to 30,000
litres in cylindrical vertical and hori-
zontal construction.

Electric heating elements

Electric heating elements from 2 kW
to 25 kW as direct incoloy screw-in
elements or indirect ceramic heating

Heating coils
Individual heating coils ranging from
small heat exchanger surfaces to large
heat exchanger surfaces using two-fold
or three-fold wounded coils.

Different flanges (for cleaning or
inspection) ranging from DN120 to

Tube heat exchanger

Tube heat exchanger for hot water and
External heat exchanger steam operation.

External heat exchanger solutions as

e. g. shell & tube heat exchangers or
plate heat exchangers.
Flat heating coil
Patented flat heating coils with different

8 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Electric Water Heaters

ECOTHERM Electric Water Heaters

ECOTHERM electric water heaters insulation. Therefore the heat losses panels and selected accessories of-
are premium quality products. The of the storage tank in the stand-by fer a huge range of possible confi-
storage tank is made of high quality mode are minimized. For all applica- gurations. Due to its own production
stainless steel at the production faci- tions the optimal ECOTHERM electric facility in Austria, ECOTHERM can
lity at the ECOTHERM headquarters water heater can individually be con- individually manu­facture the optimal
in Austria. All models are equipped figured. Different models, different solution.
with the ECOTHERM fibre-fleece heating elements, different control

ECOTHERM Standard models from 200 to 10.000 litres


200 to 450 litrs stainless steel 540 to 750 litres stainless steel 1,000 to 10,000 litres stainless steel
storage tank with either Incoloy 825 storage tank with either Incoloy 825 storage tank with either Incoloy 825
or ceramic heating elements or ceramic heating elements or ceramic heating elements

Type EEHE Type EEII-.S Type EEII-.C

1,000 to 10,000 litres stainless steel Electric instantaneous water heater Electric instantaneous water
storage tank with external tank with with stainless steel tank and Inco- heater with stainless steel tank
Incoloy 825 heating elements loy 825 heating elements and ceramic heating elements

ECOTHERM Industry Products 9

Insulation Solutions

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions

Unique insulation system Patented closure strip Complete production solution
ECOTHERM has developed an insu- The patented aluminum closure strip ECOTHERM also offers a comple-
lation system for hot water storage allows for simple and quick opening of te production system for companies,
tanks of 200 to 20,000 litres with a the outer sheathing by only one who would like to produce insulations
fiber fleece insulation and a paten- person. on their own. For an efficient pro­
ted closure strip. After a two-year duction at least 5,000 insulations are
development phase, the production Patented covering rosettes required per year.
of the new insulation solution at the The newly developed, patented cove-
ECOTHERM headquarters in Hart­ ring rosettes for connecting sleeves
kirchen was reorganized in a new pro- ensure a reliable seal and prevent by
duction hall. its self-locking seat heat losses at the
connecting points.
Less heat loss
The insulation system with polyester Individualized
fiber fleece has up to 30 percent less design printing
heat losses in the standby mode com- The food-safe PP shell can be printed
pared to conventional insulations. indivi­dually.

The patented aluminum closure strip Insulation Sol

allows simple and quick opening and www.ecotherm


closing of the outer sheathing by one

single person.

Special solutions for tank isolation

with glass wool and aluminum cladding possible

Your direct link

to the installation
video of ECOTHERM
insulation solutions

10 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Shell and tube heat exchanger

ECOTHERM Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Another success story of ECOTHERM water / water heat exchanger, steam constructing and manufacturing of
is the broad range of stainless steel / water heat exchanger, underwater special solutions in the field of heat
heat exchangers for residential buil- heat exchanger and exhaust gas exchangers make ECOTHERM to
dings, hotels, hospitals and industry. heat exchanger. Extensive know- one of the leading suppliers in the
ECOTHERM offers a variety of different ledge and experience in designing, market.

High performance shell & tube heat exchangers Hot

with free floating turbolator rods Water
ECOTHERM heat exchangers with their patented free floating turbula-
tor rods are the most superior heat exchangers available. They incorpo-
rate all of the advantages and none of the disadvantages of other types
of heat exchangers or heating coils.
High performance Flow
Unlike conventional shell and tube heat exchangers, ECOTHERM's
high capacity heat exchangers contain patented free floating turbulator
rods. The rods significantly increase the performance and reduce the
size of the heat exchanger. The domestic hot water flows through the
heat exchanger at high speed in less than 1 second. The cold water is
heated up from 12°C to 60°C in one pass.

Turbulent flow, contraflow

ECOTHERM high capacity heat exchangers employ the principle of tur-
bulent flow for optimum heat transfer. A thin film of domestic water flows
with turbulent flow at high speed through the secondary circuit. It flows
in the opposite direction to the fluid in the primary circuit, resulting in
the highest average temperature gradient across the tube walls over Cold
the whole length of the heat exchanger. The turbulent flow prevents Water
lime scaling. Supply

Patented free floating turbulator rods

Conventional tube ECOTHERM

heat exchanger Turbulator rod

Model EHRE
water / water

Cross section of ECOTHERM

100 - 1,000 kW

Cross section of conventional

Model EF
water / water
40 - 350 kW

heat exchanger tube showing heat exchanger tube with oscil- Model EDRE
steam / water
100 - 2,000 kW

laminar flow of domestic hot lating turbulator rod. High speed

water. Low heat transfer to turbulent flow of the thin film 3 High Capacit
Water Heaters

water flowing in centre of tube. of domestic hot water enables www.ecotherm


higher rate of heat transfer.

ECOTHERM Industry Products 11

Industrial heat exchanger solutions

ECOTHERM Water to Water Heat Exchanger

ECOTHERM has decades of expe-
rience in the design, construction and
manufacturing of custom-made indus-
trial heat exchangers for water to water
solutions. ECOTHERM manufactures
individual heat exchanger solutions
depending on the medium, size, tempe-
ratures, pressures and other parame-

Individual production up to

• 10 tons total weight Example:

• 8 m tube length Individual industrial heat exchanger
• 1 m diameter • Length: 4 m
• Material: 1.4571
• Operating temperatures 65°C / 90°C
• Operating pressure: 6 bar / 10 bar

ECOTHERM Steam to Water Heat Exchanger

ECOTHERM offers a wide range of
custom-made industrial heat ex-
changers for steam to water solutions.
The company offers design, construction
and manufacturing. ECOTHERM also
offers a wide product range of steam
components (see pages 19 to 21).

Individual production up to

• 10 tons total weight

• 8 m tube length
• 1 m diameter Example:
Individual steam heat exchanger
• Length: 1.9 m
• Material: 1.4571
• Operating temperature: 120°C
• Operating pressure: 5 bar

12 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Industrial heat exchanger solutions

ECOTHERM Exhaust Gas Heat Exchanger

Experienced ECOTHERM engi-

neers design individual exhaust gas
heat exchangers and economizers.
The heat exchanger are manufac-
tured in order to use the heat of the
exhaust gases as an energy source and
to save valuable resources.

Individual production up to Individual exhaust gas heat
• 10 tons total weight
• Height: 2.5 m
• 8 m tube length
• Material: 1.4571
• 1 m diameter
• Operating temperature: 90°C
• Operating pressure: 6 bar

ECOTHERM Underwater Heat Exchanger

ECOTHERM designs, constructs and

manufactures custom-made underwater
heat exchanger for heating or cooling
in underwater operation. The certified
production in the ECOTHERM head-
quarters in Austria ensures premium
quality of the final product.

Individual underwater heat
Individual production up to exchanger
• Height: 2.5 m
• 10 tons total weight
• Material: 1.4571
• 8 m tube length
• Operating temperature: 30°C
• Operating pressure: 6–10 bar

ECOTHERM Industry Products 13


Stainless Steel Pipes

ECOTHERM manufactures stainless
steel pipe solutions with different di-
ameters. Using the latest 3D design
and laser cutting machines also com-
plicated pipe geometries can be ma-
nufactured accurately. With special
jigs individual piping components are
precisely welded to formation. The in-
dividual piping components are pick-
led in the in-house pickling plant and
thus passivated. The combination of
the know-how how to plan a turnkey
system, the expertise at the system
design combined with the latest 3D
programs and manufacturing me-
thods together with the experience of
worldwide more than 1,000 installed
systems, makes ECOTHERM the per-
fect partner for stainless steel pipes.

Individual production up to

• 10 tons total weight

• 10 m length
• 3 m diameter

Orbital welding tools ensure perfect quality of the pipes by automatic welding.

14 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Steam system components and turnkey solutions

Feed Water Tank

Description higher operation costs because of
In the feedwater tank the feedwater higher consumption of chemicals
for the steam boiler is prepared. By • Thermal degasifying 105°C - good
preheating of the feedwater removal of the gases O2 and CO2
• too high temperature differences out of the feedwater, operation
(warmth tensions) in the boiler will pressure 0.3 bar(g) will prevent a
be avoided loss of oxygen.
• the gases O2 and CO2 which are
contained in the water are largely
• the dosing chemicals are brought
to their full efficiency Benefits:
The content of the feedwater contai- • Sizes of
ner should correspond to the boiler 200 to 20.000 litres
capacity, in order to • Pressure resistant
• secure a reserving time in the
• Material: stainless steel
case of a damage
AISI 304 / 316 or black steel
• bring the dosing chemicals to their
• Complete pre-assembled
full efficiency
• All valves, pumps and instru-
ments are designed accor-
• Direct heating 90-95°C - smaller
ding to the boiler.
plants with open containers, often
suspect because of oxygen loss,

Condensate Return Stations

The condensate recovery units are to handle hot condensate
designed to handle hot condensate, with the minimum of
which is commonly returned for use flooded suction. They are
as boiler feedwater. They can handle directly coupled to motors
high quantities at 98°C with pump having class F insulati-
delivery heads up to 30 - 35 metres. on (class B temperature
A unit comprises three main parts - rise) and motor enclosure
receiver, pump/pumps and control rating IP54 minimum.
panel. • Control: Receivers are
fitted with solid state level
• Receivers are manufactured of control’s which provides
mild steel or SS 304/316. All sizes on / off cascade pump
are fitted with adequately sized operation. The control
vent, overflow, drain and inlet panel incorporates elec-
connections flanged to PN16 or trical equipment suitable BMS interface are provided to moni-
screwed. A water level gauge and for 400 volt, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4 tor pump run or tripped condition.
control is provided. wire supply. Control equipment is Pump discharge outlet is fitted with
• Pumps are designed for operati- installed in a pre-wired IP54 rated a non return valve and a pressure
on under conditions of low NPSH metal enclosure. Connections for gauge.

ECOTHERM Industry Products 15

Steam system components and turnkey solutions

High Capacity Clean Steam Generators

Clean steam generators are used wherever plant steam,

generated in fired steam boilers is not suitable. Due to the
necessity of chemical dosing and the black material of the
fired steam boilers, plant steam cannot be used for hygie-
nic applications. The ECOTHERM clean steam generator
is entirely made of stainless steel to suit hygienic applica-
tions like sterilizer units in hospitals or cleaning the stain-
less steel pipes of beverage & food industries. It is a com-
pact, skid mounted unit ready for easy installation at site.

Standard equipment
• Clean Steam vessel made of AISI 316 Ti or duplex
stainless steel
• Pressure / temperature controlled
• Steam trap set with ball float valve
• Centrifugal feed water pump
• Fully automatically control panel
• Blow down vessel, stainless steel
• Sample cooler, stainless steel
• Safety and control utilities
• Design and manufacturing according to PED 97/23/EC

Steam generation:
Capacities from 250 - 4,000 kg/h as a • by heat exchanger (plant steam / clean steam)
standard. Higher capacities on request.
• by electric heating bundle

Optional equipment • The clean steam is generated by plant steam or by
electrical energy. The clean steam generator is loaded
• steam flow meter with softened and heated water (without lime, PH-
• PRV-unit neutral conductivity, 0–30 μS). This water will become
• steam header clean steam. The level control guarantees an opti-
mized level of water and causes an alarm if the water
level falls below the alarm switch.
• The pressure of the clean steam is controlled accor-
Applications: ding to the requirement by regulation valve.
• Sterilizers for healthcare • A conductivity measuring unit regulates the level of
minerals in the water to protect the vessel.
• Sterilize in place (SIP) for
food and beverages • To avoid any dirt inside the clean steam generator and
to guarantee a high quality of water and a long life of
• Direct injection into the product for the vessel an automatically controlled blow down valve
pharmaceuticals is installed.
• Clean room humidification for • The blow down cooler cools the hot water of the blow
biotechnology down to 40°C to drain the water and to avoid burnings.
• Operating environments for • The clean steam generators can be manufactured
electronics completely pre-piped and wired, mounted on a stain-
• Laboratories for brewing less steel support frame.
• Humidifiers

16 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Steam system components and turnkey solutions

Steam Headers
ECOTHERM steam headers are
individually designed accor-
ding to the maximum boiler load.
Any pipe connection and steam
distribution can be considered in
design stage. Every steam header is
equiped with one or two relay points
according to the size of the header. All
headers are manufactured according
to European pressure directive (PED).

Steam Separators
The ECOTHERM steam se- The flow velocity of the steam, air
parator provides the total or gas is significantly reduced as it
solution for all pipelines carrying enters the body. The relatively heavy
steam, air or gas where water droplets water droplets impact on the inter-
are in suspension. nal baffles and are then directed to
the separator drain connection and
The purpose of steam separators is removed from the system using eit-
to collect small droplets of water and her a steam trap, or when used on
separate them from the steam in the air or gas distribution system, a liquid
pipes. drainer.

The ECOTHERM baffle type separator The ECOTHERM baffle type separator
is designed to achieve this separation is a highly efficient product, operating
by having an internal volume many over a wide velocity range, leading to
times greater than the inlet pipework. improved system performance.

Sample Coolers
ECOTHERM sample coolers are used Clear results
to take samples of water or steam from The boiler and feed water has to be
boilers at high temperature and pres- analyzed daily. The sample cooler
sure. The counter-current flow through helps to cool the hot boiler and feed
the shell and coil condenses the steam water down to a safe temperature.
and cools hot fluids efficiently to ena- Only cooled samples will give clear
ble safe sampling. When hot pressu- results.
rized liquids are being cooled the sam-
ple cooler prevents “flashing-off” which Description
can be dangerous and will result in an The hot water from boiler and feed
inaccurate sample. By utilising corro- water tank is conducted through a
sion resistant materials for the coo- stainless steel cooling serpent. This
ler, contamination is minimized, and serpent is girdled with cold water in a
service life maximized. small stainless steel vessel.

ECOTHERM Industry Products 17

Steam system components and turnkey solutions

Individual Turnkey Steam Solutions

Steam systems are complex and in-
dividual. On the one hand a lot of dif-
ferent components have to be used.
All these components need to be op-
timally coordinated with each other
to ensure functionality and perfect
efficiency right from day one. On the
other hand steam systems operate
with high pressures. Thus a failure
can really be very dangerous for the
staff operating the system as well as
for the complete building. Therefore
ECOTHERM offers complete indivi-
dual turnkey solutions. The services
range from design, 3D visualization,
project management, over manu­
facture, pre-assembly, pre-wiring
and testing to shipping, commissio- stable, save, reaches the desired out- Premium quality of the products and
ning, supervision and maintenance. put, and they train your staff how to premium service during the whole pro-
Experienced ECOTHERM engineers monitor and control the most impor- ject is the minimum you should claim
ensure that your system operates tant parameters of the system. for your individual steam system.

Sample hotel reference:

ECOTHERM - turnkey steam & hot water system

ECOTHERM delivered the following components:

● 1x Steam boiler with 340kW at 12 bar
● 4x Stainless steel water heaters with
4,500 litres and 105kW
● Water softener and blow down cooler
● Completely pre-wired

18 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Solar Thermal Solutions

Solar Process Heat

Around 30 percent of all industri- mal systems for solar process heat in Austria, solar thermal collectors,
al processes require temperatures individually according to the needs piping etc. For third party components
of maximum 90 degrees Celsi- of the project. All interfaces are pos- - such as pumps and expansion
us. The energy is mainly required sible. Either ECOTHERM provides a tanks - ECOTHERM has defined
during the day, where the sun is turnkey system with design, manuf- close partnerships with the most
available as a free energy source. acturing of storage tanks, installati- reputable suppliers in the market.
Therefore a solar thermal system on, piping, wiring and commissio- Due to the global orientation of
can optimally be used for industrial ning. Or ECOTHERM provides only ECOTHERM the company can offer
processes, e. g. to preheat hot wa- individual components, such as sto- the best products available on the
ter. ECOTHERM designs solar ther- rage tanks from the own production market.

ECOTHERM manufactures storage tanks according to specifications or applications either in high quality stainless steel
or black steel. Electric heaters are installed as a backup - if required. The system can be controlled via a touch panel
with 3D-visualization of the system and the possibility for integration into a BMS.

ECOTHERM Industry Products 19

Pickling plant

Passivation facility with three bathes

In recent years ECOTHERM has ex-
panded and restructured the pickling
plant at its headquarters in Austria.
More than 325,000 euros were in-
vested. Now there are three bathes
with 1,000, 3,000 and 13,000 litres
of stain for immersion pickling of
stainless steel storage tanks and
other stainless steel products. A new
ventilation system has improved the
working environment sustainably.
The waste water is purified through a
neutralizing system and is thus safe
for the environment. Stainless steel
tanks can be passivated up to a vo-
lume of 20,000 litres and a diameter
of 2 metres.

Environmental safety
“Sustainability” is one of the key
values ​​of ECOTHERM. Thus ECO-
THERM has placed high priority on
environmental sustainability in the
development of the pickling plant.
A neutralization plant cleans the
wastewater of pickling. Thus, it may
be passed into the sewer. For quality
assurance several times a day the
wastewater is tested and analyzed.
Out of the last three batches sam-
ples are repealed. Once a year, an
environmental laboratory reviews
wastewater values ​​ of the neutrali-
zation plant. In addition, the local
government of Upper Austria carries
out regular inspections.


The modern dip passivation fa-

cility can be used by external
companies for pickling their

20 ECOTHERM Industry Products


ECOTHERM Engineering
Calculation and design with experience
and advanced engineering software

ECOTHERM designs with the latest

programs that meet the highest industri-
al standards for the design, analysis and
simulation of heat transfer equipment.

ECOTHERM provides computational

tools for a variety of heat transfer equip-
ment including pipe and non-pipe ex-
changers, air coolers and economizers,
heat recovery bundles, heaters and
much more. Regular software updates
and training of ECOTHERM engineers
ensure the highest quality.

Finite element calculations

This calculation method is a widely used

modern method of calculation in engi-
neering and is the standard tool for the
bulk simulation. The method provides
an approximate function of the exact
solution to the differential equation, the
accuracy can be improved by increasing
the degrees of freedom and hence the
amount of computation. ECOTHERM
uses finite element calculations for ex-
ample to simulate the effect of diffe-
rent load conditions on the materials.
Therefore an optimal dimensioning is

ECOTHERM provides designs for
various projects with its programs as
a service.

ECOTHERM Industry Products 21

Case Studies

Special stainless steel

container for feed
ECOTHERM manufactured ​​a special
stainless steel container for animal
feed - individually according to the
customer's specifications. The con-
tainer had a diameter of almost two
metres, a height of 1.75 metres and
a weight of about 580 kg. It is opera-
ted at atmospheric pressure at a tem-
perature of 55 degrees. The insertion
measurement spot was so small that
its feet had to be welded on site.

The delivery time of only one

month from contract award was
an additional challenge at this

Architectural stainless steel gratings

For a large general hospital with
more than 1,000 beds over 900
stainless steel gratings were sup-
plied. The gratings were laid along
the facade of the building for the
cleaning staff.

The total area of all

​​ gratings
covers more than 5,500 square

22 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Case Studies

Special double-walled cylinder

ECOTHERM manufactured ​​special
double-walled cylinder, which are
used as heat exchangers in high-tem-
perature ovens. The temperatures in
the ovens are between 1,200°C and

For this project ECOTHERM had

to pay close attention to customer
specifications and dimensional
accuracy to ensure optimal and
accurate installation.

Ring cooler made of

stainless steel or black steel

Dimensions: Ø 2.500 mm, Height: 250 mm ECOTHERM continuously produ-

Cooling surface: 25 m2 ces ring cooler in stainless steel
Weight: 225 kg and black steel - an example of
the flexibility in the manufacturing
of tubular heat exchangers.

ECOTHERM Industry Products 23

Case Studies

Fermentation and storage tanks

for food industry
ECOTHERM manufactures cylin-
droconical fermentation and storage
tanks for beer in 316Ti stainless
steel. The tanks are placed in a cold
room - with the additional possibility
of extracting barm without manipula-
ting the beer.

• Adjustable pressure airlock
• Safety valves (pressure
and vacuum)
• Connection for product line ½ "
and outlet ½ " The storage tanks have been
• Prepared for CIP-cleaning with constructed and the welding se-
ams and threads positioned in
rotating spray head
such a way, that the tanks can
be completely drained and rinsed
Standard sizes: in order to prevent bacteria and
300, 540, 750, 1200 and 2400 litres germs.

Special nitrogen heat exchanger

Special solution for the replacement
of a defective nitrogen / water heat

• min. – 196°C to max. 90°C
Operating pressure: 40 bar
• Material: 316Ti
• Height: 2.5 metres / Ø 2 metres

Scope of work
An old, broken heat exchanger
had to be replaced. The surface
and dimensions were therefore
exactly predefined.

24 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Case Studies

Stainless steel extinguishing agent container

for fire fighting vehicles

ECOTHERM manufactures stainless steel extinguishing

agent container including piping in various sizes.

Oil separators

ECOTHERM builds separator systems

made ​​of stainless steel. These oil sepa-
rators are used in industry, workshops,
gas stations etc. - so everywhere, where
oil-polluted water has to be recycled.

At the production of oil separators

ECOTHERM strongly focusses on
quality and maintenance-free ope-
ration, as these units are often bu-
ried or installed in the ground and
therefore not able to or difficult to

ECOTHERM Industry Products 25

Case Studies

Stainless steel pressure vessel

for the automotive industry
Together with the customer a coo-
ling container was developed, were
aluminum engine blocks are cooled
under pressure after casting. To
ensure the efficiency of this pro-
cess, specifically for this container a
hydraulic quick release system was

The challenge for ECOTHERM

was the dimensioning of the
container and the hydraulic
Material: 1.4301 sealing system to withstand high
Pressure: 15 bar pressures of 15 bar to several
Capacity: 2,280 litres thousand load changes.
Diameter: Ø 1.4 m, Height: 2.2 m

Stone separator for the food industry

Special machine for the cleaning of
grain bulk material, e. g. the filtering
out of stones from corn.

Material: 1.4571
Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 3 metres

In this project ECOTHERM desi-

gned, produced and improved an
industrial machine made of ​​ stain-
less steel. The technical data and
dimensions were taken from the
old device (center picture) on site.
While the old machine was still in
use, already the new device was
manufactured and replaced wi-
thin only a couple of hours.

26 ECOTHERM Industry Products


ECOTHERM industrial producs offer its clients vari-
ous advantages:

• 3D design and visualization

• Most modern sizing software tools
• In-house education of skilled employees
• Premium quality
• Most modern manufacturing methods
• Maximum efficiency
• Certified production
• Individuality
• Short delivery times

ECOTHERM Industry Products 27


3D design and visualization

At ECOTHERM each product is plan-
ned in 3D, designed, optimized and
dimensioned. This ensures that al-
ready at the project start everything
is worked out according to schedule.
Components are perfectly integra-
ted into an existing system. Custo-
mers benefit from the comprehensive
know-how of ECOTHERM engineers.
With over 1,000 systems installed
worldwide, the specialist for hot water,
steam and solar systems is one of the
leading suppliers in the market.

Most modern sizing software tools

ECOTHERM uses most modern sizing Regular software
software tools, which are based on the updates and training
latest industrial standard for the design, of ECOTHERM en-
analysis and simulation of heat transfer gineers ensure the
equipment. highest quality.

ECOTHERM provides computatio-

nal tools for a variety of heat transfer
equipment including pipe and non-pipe
exchangers, air coolers and economi-
zers, heat recovery bundles, heaters
and much more.

In-house education of skilled employees

Many of the workers at ECOTHERM The company was awarded in 2013
have started at trainees and have for his apprenticeship with the ineo
been educated in the company right Award of the Economic Chamber of
from their start. Each year new trai- Upper Austria.
nees start at ECOTHERM and are In addition ECOTHERM offers training
trained to become a metal techni- courses at its in-house ECOTHERM
cian. Thus, the company ensures on Academy. On the one hand the se-
the one hand the establishment of minar programme of this academy
important junior staff. On the other include courses for know-how that is
hand, they receive one of the best needed in everyday life, courses to
educations in practice through the develop skills, courses for upgrading
variety of different applications at skills and general events on important
ECOTHERM. topics as e. g. “health”.

28 ECOTHERM Industry Products


Premium quality
For the manufacturing of ECOTHERM
products primarily high-quality stain-
less steel is used. The quality of the
material is one of the most important
parameters for a premium product.
But premium quality ECOTHERM
also refers to the quality of planning,
the quality of the production and qua-
lity in project management.
The self-developed quality ma-
nagement system according to ISO
9001: 2008 and the continuous trai-
ning of the employees ensures the
consistently high quality.

Most modern manufacturing methods

The shell plates of stainless steel
ECOTHERM storag tanks and many
other stainless steel components are
laser cutted and laser welded. A wel-
ding robot is used specially for tube
bundle exchanger. In the production
of large raised heat exchangers single
tubes are connected with an automa-
tic orbital welding tools..
These are some examples of the mo-
dern manufacturing methods at ECO-
THERM, which is the basis for the
high quality of the final products.

Maximum efficiency
Many products and components ter for peak demand. The boiler must
from ECOTHERM are developed be repeatedly turned on and off up
and patented. The external shell to three times more - day by day.
and tube exchanger with free floa- Boilers, which are turned on and off
ting turbulators rods can heat up repeatedly, can not reach the normal
water in just one pass from 12°C to operating temperature and consume
60°C. Thus, only small amounts of a lot of fuel.
water are stored. If large quantities These are efficient ECOTHERM so-
of hot water are required, then the lutions which save operating costs.
boiler operates at full capacity. At
low quantities, the hot water is taken
from the storage tank and the boiler
will not start. Conventional systems
have to store large amounts of wa-

ECOTHERM Industry Products 29


Certified production
The quality management system of Tanks for indus-
ECOTHERM for the production of trial applications
hot water, steam and solar systems can be tested
is certified according to ISO 9001 : upon request by the
2008. The welding procedures are TÜV. The in-house
certified to ISO 3834-2, AD 2000 HP0, test lab is certified
EN1090 and ÖNORM 7812. Welding to SVGW. The entire
procedure qualifications, qualified and production operates
certified personnel (welding foreman, in accordance with an
International Welding Engineer etc.) environmental manage-
and TÜV-certified welders are the ment system following
basis for the highest quality in manu­ ISO 14001.

One of the main strengths phase ECOTHERM develops an op-
of ECOTHERM is its own timal solution together with the custo-
production in combination mer which results in cost and energy
with the planning exper- efficiency - because for many pro-
tise. Therefore existing jects products “off the shelf” cannot
products like high capa- be used.
city water heaters, stain-
less steel storage tanks,
combination buffer tanks,
steam components, stain-
less steel tubes and more
can be customized to the
needs of customers and
projects. In the planning

Short delivery times

On the one hand ECOTHERM has faster than normal delive-
some products on stock as e. g. stan- ry time.
dard stainless steel storage tanks. With In general, standard
its own fleet they can therefore qickly stainless steel storage
delivery these products around the tanks up to 30,000 litres
headquarters and main production faci- can be manufactured​​
lity in Austria. For shipping products to within 3 weeks from pro-
sites all over the world, ECOTHERM duction release.
has long-time cooperation with big inter-
nationally organized logistic partners.
On the other hand, the large number of
constantly executed projects, make it
sometimes possible to deliver products

30 ECOTHERM Industry Products

Find our references at

Our Mission
ECOTHERM amazes its customers with individual solutions for solar, hot water and steam systems.

Our Vision
ECOTHERM is the leading brand for individual solar, hot water and steam solutions for
hotels, hospitals and industry in Europe, Middle East, Asia, North Africa and Central America.

Our Values

Individual Heat Transfer Solutions

ECOTHERM Industry Products 31

Ecotherm Customer Support Centre:
20140915 BRO Industry Products

Quality. Individuality. Experience.


Karlingerstrasse 8
4081 Hartkirchen, Austria
Tel. +43 7273 6030-0
Fax +43 7273 6030-15

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