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Insulation Solutions

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7 Insulation Solutions

ECOTHERM is the leading brand for turnkey hot water,

steam and solar systems for hotels, hospitals
and industry in the Middle East.
ECOTHERM amazes its customers with “Individual Heat Experience
Transfer Solutions” for hot water, steam and solar genera- With thousands of installations the past 30 years,
tion. The following advantages mark these solutions: ECOTHERM has become one of the market leaders for
individual hot water, steam and solar solutions.
ECOTHERM realizes extensive turnkey systems as Reliability
well as the production of separate components. Each single ECOTHERM systems are monitored around the clock and
plant is specifically aligned to the customer’s individual can be serviced at low cost, quickly and efficiently through
requirements. remote and maintenance.

Premium quality Sustainability

All products made of high-class duplex stainless ECOTHERM products help our customers to save energy
steel guarantee a long-life cycle and perfect hygiene. and money. We save valuable resources through the use of
ECOTHERM is certified to ISO 9001 : 2008. renewable energies. ECOTHERM high-performance plants
have minimal space requirements and provide maximum
Innovation energy return.
We are always open to the new, we constantly research
new technologies and develop path-breaking products. Partnership
We live in a partnership with all our customers, suppliers
Premium service and employees. This relationship is characterised by
Clients benefit from extensive service at consulting, honesty, commitment, openness, trust and reliability.
planning, engineering, supervision and training. The object is our joint long-term success.

Efficiency Internationality
The ECOTHERM Group managed by the owner The international alignment of ECOTHERM with branches
has slim decision-making structures. ECOTHERM's in Dubai, Kuwait, Mexico, Hungary, India and partners in
economical handling of energy resources offer an more than 20 countries is the basis for our flexible and
optimal cost-benefit ratio. efficient project implementation that is always on schedule.

ISO 3834-2 : 2005 SVGW Zertifikate Nr.:
0009-4304,0004-4258, 9910-
Zertifikat-Register Nr. Q1530829 Zertifikat-Register Nr. W1530829 4139,9401-3165, 8701-2073

2 ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions


ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions

ECOTHERM insulation system scores with patents Page 4

Unique fiber fleece insulation Page 5

Material analysis of fiber fleece insulation and sheathing Page 6

Patented closure strip Page 7

Patented covering rosettes Page 7

Security: Flame-retardant insulation components Page 8

Sustainability: Insulation made from PET-bottles Page 9


Measurements and tests at ECOTHERM Page 10

Wärmeverlust Faservliesisolierung
interne Beheizung 65°C

Gewicht inkl. Speicher, Isolierung, Zubehör und Transportpalette

Datum: 11.04.2013 gemessenes Gewicht: voll

Prüfer: SPA = 207,0 + 146,0 + 874,5 = 1227,5 kg
Nenninhalt: 1000 l leer
Hersteller: ECOTHERM Austria GmbH 226,0 kg
Protokoll-Nr. 13-006 Gewicht Brauchwasser 1001,5 kg
Bauart: Stand-Wassererwärmer Volumen Brauchwasser VB 1003,3 Liter
Typ: CombiVal 1000 CR Volumen Register VR 11,02 Liter
Zeichnungsnummer: 11-0105-00 tat. Inhalt VB + VR 1014,32 Liter
Wärmedämmung: Faservlies/PP 80mm Wassertemperatur: 20°C
w20°C: 998,20 kg/m3

Anschlüsse, Abmessungen: KW6/4", ZK1", WW 6/4", 2xWT1"

Aufheizung: am 04.04.2013

Certifications and approvals Page 11

Datum Uhrzeit kWh- Zählerstand
Messung ein 09.04.2013 08:50:35 1.311,470
Messung aus 11.04.2013 09:00:16 1.319,710

Messdauer: 48:09:41 hh:mm:ss

Stromverbrauch: 8,240 kWh

Mittlere Raumtemperatur: 21,601 °C

Mittlere Speichertemperatur: 65,014 °C

rel. Feuchte der atm. Luft : 31,349 %

8,240 45
Verlustleistung = ------------- x ------------- = 0,177 kWh/Stunde
48,161 43,413

Wärmeverlust Qpr: = 4,256 kWh/24h

Zulässiger Wärmeverlust (bezogen auf den Nenninhalt): 4,7 kW h/24h

Zuschlag für wasserführende Stutzen:

Zulässiger Wärmeverlust:
3 Stück a' 0,1kWh/24h 0,3


kWh/24h Individualized design printing Page 12

K:\02_Produkte\12_Isolierung\Faservliesisolierung\11_Pruefstand\SVGW_Messungen\SVGW-Prüfung\2013\13-006 2

The advantages of the ECOTHERM insulation system at a glance Page 13

Complete system for the production of insulations Page 14

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions 3

ECOTHERM insulation system for
hot water tanks scores with patents
Unique insulation system Patented closure strip Complete production solution
ECOTHERM has developed an insu- The patented aluminum closure strip ECOTHERM also offers a comple-
lation system for hot water storage allows for simple and quick opening te production system for companies,
tanks of 200 to 20,000 liters with a of the outer sheathing by only one who would like to produce insulation
fiber fleece insulation and a paten- person. on their own. For an efficient produc-
ted closure strip. After a two-year tion at least 5,000 insulations are re-
development phase, the production Patented covering rosettes quired per year.
of the new insulation solution at the The newly developed, patented cove-
ECOTHERM headquarters in Hart­ ring rosettes for connecting slee-
kirchen was reorganized in a new pro- ves ensure a reliable seal
duction hall. and prevent by its self-
locking seat heat losses
Less heat loss at the connecting points.
The insulation system with polyester
fiber fleece has up to 30 percent less Individual
heat losses in the standby mode com- design printing
pared to conventional insulations. The food-safe PP shell
can be printed indivi­

The patented aluminum closure strip

allows simple and quick opening and
closing of the outer sheathing by one
single person.

Your direct link

to the installation
video of ECOTHERM
insulation solutions

The patented covering rosettes ensu- The ECOTHERM insulation system offers a lot of
re through their self-locking seat for a benefits due to patented components compared to
reliable seal. many other insulations.

4 ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions

The fiber-fleece insulation fits perfectly to the shape of the storage tank. Chimney effects are thus reduced.

Unique fiber fleece insulation

The newly developed fibre fleece in-
sulation has up to 30 percent less
heat losses compared to conventio-
nal foam insulations. Fibre-fleece has
been used for several years in the
clothing industry and in the automoti-
ve industry. The material fits perfectly
to the shape of the storage tank due
to its special characteristics. Thus so-
called chimney effects are reduced.
Without the use of chemical additives
the insulating material is made of PET
bottles and is therefore 100 percent

The insulation is flame retardant

according to DIN 4102-1 class B2 and
is available on request also for B1.

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions 5

Material analysis of
fiber fleece insulation and sheathing
Fire fleece fire class B2
Thermally bonded
Data fleece without chem. binder
Fibre composite 100% PET
Property Method Averages
Insulation strength 80 mm 1200 g/m2
Weight 100 mm 1500 g/m2
120 mm 1800 g/m2
80 mm
Thickness (0.02 kPa) WSP 120.6 100 mm
120 mm
12 kg/m3
Density DIN EN ISO 1183 *13 kg/m3
Thermal conductivity (10°) DIN EN 12667 0.040 W/(mK)
15 kg/m3
Fire class DIN 4102-1 B2

Fibre fleece fire class B1

Thermally bonded
Data fleece without chem. binder
Fibre composite 100% PET
Property Method Averages
Weight 2300 g/m2

Thickness (0.02 kPa) WSP 120,6 100 mm

Density DIN EN ISO 1183 23 kg/m3

Thermal conductivity (10°) DIN EN 12667 0.037 W/(mK)
15 kg/m3
Fire class DIN 4102-1-16 B1

Insulation sheathing
On stock and available in grey and red, but also available in any color or
with individual printing on request (see page 12).

Material: Polypropylen
Thickness: 1.2 mm

Vicat softening temperature - ISO 306 (50 N - 50°C/h) 65°C

ISO 306 (10 N - 50°C/h) 135°C
Heat resistance - ISO 75-2 (0.45 MPa - 120°C/h) 92°C

Surface resistance - ASTM D 257: > 1013 Ohms/sq

Hardness in Shore - ISO 868 > 60 Shore D
Anti-UV and anti-static: on request

6 ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions

Patented closure strips
The patented closure strips allow for
simple and quick opening of the outer
sheathing by only one person. Thus,
subsequent installations, service and
maintenance work can be carried out
easily and quickly. The aluminum clo-
sure strip provides a secure lock and
prevents an autonomous opening.

The H-shaped bars made of plastics

connect the single parts of the outer
PP sheating. The parts have barbs
(marked red in the picture on the right),
which secure them from slipping out
after fixing. No glue has to be used,
which preserves the environment.

The patented aluminum closure strips The insulation can be used with pa-
can be opened and closed by only tented connection bars for any sizes
one person by a slightly pressure. and heights of the storage tank.

Patented covering rosettes

The ECOTHERM self-developed co-
vering rosettes for connecting sleeves
ensure through their self-locking seat
for optimum sealing and prevent heat
losses at the connecting points.

The rosette is pushed over the con-

necting pipe. The patented barbs
(marked red in the pictures on the left)
prevent the rosette to loosen from its
position on the pipe.

ECOTHERM rosettes can be opened

and closed along its circumference.
Thus it is also possible to mount
the rosettes on the pipes of already
finished connections.

For unused connections, there are

optional caps, which help to minimize
heat losses.

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions 7

Flame retardant insulation components
The patented insulation system is is available also for B1 on request. ECOTHERM insulation solution with
flame retardant as a complete system ECOTHERM has carried out seve- similar products from competitors.
according to DIN 4102-1 class B2 and ral fire tests in order to compare the

ECOTHERM insulation solution

Fire tests of insulation components used by ECOTHERM:

Polypropylene corresponds to the Aluminum laminated PE fulfills the Fiber fleece B1/B2
fire protection class B2. fire protection class B1.

Your direct
link to the fire
testing of the
components of

Conventional insulation solution

Fire tests of insulation components used by competitors:

Polystyrol Polystyrol Melamine foam

8 ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions

Sustainability: insulation material
from PET bottles
The insulator of the ECOTHERM
insulation solutions is made from
PET bottles. The production entirely
passes on the use of chemical ad-
ditives. The fiber fleece insulation is
thus 100 percent recyclable.

Environmental policy
As a modern and innovative company
ECOTHERM accepts its environmen-
tal responsibilities towards society PET bottles
and future generations. We act accor-
ding to the principle of preventive
environmental protection.
fiber fleece insulation Recycling
Best practice
The development of ECOTHERM’s
fiber fleece insulation is just one of
many examples that the environmen-
tal policy is not just words on a sheet
of paper.

We take the responsibility for the en-
vironmental life cycle of our products PET granules
by 100 percent. This starts with in-
telligent, future-oriented self-deve-
lopment, where we focus on highest Without the use of chemical additives the insulating material is made
energy efficient and environmentally of PET bottles and is therefore 100 percent recyclable.
friendly materials. Our responsibility
continues with the selection of suita-
ble suppliers and extends to the con-
tinuous research and development to
permanently improve our products.

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions 9

Measurements and tests
erlust Faservliesisolierung
eizung at
65°C SVGW certificated ECOTHERM test lab

The components of ECOTHERM iso- Gewicht inkl. Speicher, Isolierung, Zubehör und Transportpalette

lation solutions are measured and te-

sted on thermal losses 11.04.2013 gemessenes Gewicht:
at the in-house voll
test lab at the ECOTHERM headquar- = 207,0 + 146,0 + 874,5 = 1227,5 kg
: ters in Hartkirchen/Austria. 1000 l leer
ECOTHERM Austria GmbH 226,0 kg
Nr. 13-006
This test is certified according to Gewicht Brauchwasser 1001,5 kg
SVGW. The measured parameters Volumen Brauchwasser VB 1003,3 Liter
are the basis CombiVal 1000 CR im-
for the continuous Volumen Register VR 11,02 Liter
provement of the insulation
snummer: material.tat. Inhalt VB + VR
11-0105-00 1014,32 Liter
mmung: Faservlies/PP 80mm Wassertemperatur: 20°C
The permanent development of thew20°C: 998,20 kg/m3
ECOTHERM insulation solution is
part of the ECOTHERM innovation
management system, which ensures
e, Abmessungen: KW6/4", ZK1", WW 6/4", 2xWT1"
the continuous implementation of new
innovations due to a defined innovati-
on strategy.
g: am 04.04.2013

Datum Uhrzeit kWh- Zählerstand

in 09.04.2013 08:50:35 1.311,470
us 11.04.2013 09:00:16 1.319,710

: Wärmeverlust Faservliesisolierung
interne Beheizung 65°C
48:09:41 hh:mm:ss
rauch: 8,240 kWh
Gewicht inkl. Speicher, Isolierung, Zubehör und Transportpalette

Datum: 11.04.2013 gemessenes Gewicht: voll

1000 l
= 207,0 + 146,0 + 874,5 = 1227,5 kg
21,601 °C
13-006 Gewicht Brauchwasser
226,0 kg
1001,5 kg 65,014 °C
Bauart: Stand-Wassererwärmer Volumen Brauchwasser VB 1003,3 Liter
Typ: CombiVal 1000 CR Volumen Register VR 11,02 Liter

e der atm. Luft : 31,349 %

Zeichnungsnummer: 11-0105-00 tat. Inhalt VB + VR 1014,32 Liter
Wärmedämmung: Faservlies/PP 80mm Wassertemperatur: 20°C
w20°C: 998,20 kg/m3

ung: Anschlüsse, Abmessungen: KW6/4", ZK1", WW 6/4", 2xWT1"

Aufheizung: 8,2am40
04.04.2013 45
tung = -------------Datum x Uhrzeit -------------
kWh- Zählerstand = 0,177 kWh/Stunde
Messung ein 09.04.2013 08:50:35 1.311,470
Messung aus 48,16111.04.2013 09:00:16 43,413

48:09:41 hh:mm:ss
8,240 kWh Actual heat loss of an
Mittlere Raumtemperatur: 21,601 °C ECOTHERM insulation
ust Qpr: Mittlere Speichertemperatur: 65,014 °C = 4,256 kWh/24h within 24h
rel. Feuchte der atm. Luft : 31,349 %


Wärmeverlust (bezogen
Verlustleistung = auf8,240
den xNenninhalt
------------- ------------- ): =
0,177 kWh/Stunde 4,7 kW h/24h
48,161 43,413

r wasserführende
Wärmeverlust Q : Stutzen:
pr 3 Stück
= a' kWh/24h
4,256 0,1kWh/24h 0,3 kWh/24h
Zulässiger Wärmeverlust (bezogen auf den Nenninhalt): 4,7 kW h/24h
Permissible heat loss
Wärmeverlust: 5 kWh/24h within 24h due to SVGW
Zuschlag für wasserführende Stutzen: 3 Stück a' 0,1kWh/24h 0,3 kWh/24h

Zulässiger Wärmeverlust: 5 kWh/24h

K:\02_Produkte\12_Isolierung\Faservliesisolierung\11_Pruefstand\SVGW_Messungen\SVGW-Prüfung\2013\13-006 2
\12_Isolierung\Faservliesisolierung\11_Pruefstand\SVGW_Messungen\SVGW-Prüfung\2013\13-006 2
10 ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions
Certifications and approvals
The ECOTHERM insulation solution cations and approvals. Thus, the spe- solutions fulfills also its requirement of
has undergone numerous strict certifi- cialist for solar, hot water and steam premium quality for this product.

The classification
report ÖNORM EN
13501-1 certifies
ECOTHERM insulati-
on solution according
to the fire class B2.

Left side: The regu-

lations of ÖNORM A
3800 Part 1, which
correspond to the fire
class B1.

Right side: Certificate

due to SVGW.

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions 11

Customized Design
ECOTHERM can print the outer shea-
thing according to the individual wishes
of its customers. This visual enhance-
ment is particularly useful for storage
tanks which are used at visible spots
- indoor and outdoor. The robust PP
outer sheathing is food safe, easy to
carry, extremely impact resistant and
easy to install in the winter. From 1,000
units the outer sheating is also availa-
ble in any desired colour.

12 ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions

The advantages of the
ECOTHERM insulation system
at a glance:
• Optimal thermal insulator because the fibre fleece insulation perfectly fits
the shape of the storage tank
• Robust PP outer sheathing, which can be printed individually
• Patented aluminum closure strips without unwished opening
• Can be used for any sizes and heights of storage tanks
• Patented covering rosettes
• Sleeve caps for insulation of unused connections
• Loss-optimized insulation cutouts at the connecting points
• Environmentally friendly manufacturing process (without chemical additives)
• 100% recyclable
• Flame retardant according to DIN 4102-1 class B2 and on request in B1
• Food-safe, robust and extremely impact-resistant outer sheathing
• Excellent aging stability & shape stability
• Resistance to various acids and alkalis
• Easy and quick installation (even in winter at low ambient temperatures)
• Lightness
• Flexibility through in-house production

unique - simple - energy saving

Photo Energy Label: © 2012 Shutterstock Inc.

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions 13

Complete system from ECOTHERM: at
5,000 insulations per year for own production
ECOTHERM also offers companies mum amount to start an economic of ECOTHERM support interested
complete systems for their own in- production should be at least 5,000 companies from planning up to
sulation manufacturing. The mini- insulations per year. Experienced staff commissioning.

14 ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions

Find our references at

Our Mission
ECOTHERM amazes its customers with individual solutions for hot water, steam and solar systems.

Our Vision
ECOTHERM is the leading brand for individual hot water, steam and solar solutions for
hotels, hospitals and industry in Europe, Middle East, Asia, North Africa and Central America.

Our Values

Individual Heat Transfer Solutions

ECOTHERM Insulation Solutions 15

Ecotherm Customer Support Centre:
20170426 Bro Insulation

Turnkey hot water, steam and solar systems

your individual heat transfer solution

Hot water and Shell and tube heat exchanger

combination storage tanks with with patented
High capacity water heaters patented flat heating coils Electric water heaters free-floating turbulator rods
up to 2,000 kW up to 350 kW & 10,000 liters up to 500 kW & 10,000 liters up to 2,000 kW

Solar thermal solutions Solar steam solutions Fiber fleece insulation with Clean steam generator
for solar heating & cooling up to 2,500 t/h patented closure strips (vapour / steam or electric)
up to 6,000 MWh per year minimum 30 % efficiency up to 30,000 litres up to 22,000 kg/h


Karlingerstrasse 8
4081 Hartkirchen, Austria
Tel. +43 7273 6030-0
Fax +43 7273 6030-15

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