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Data Analytics For Advanced Metering Infrastructure A Guidance Note For South Asian Power Utilities

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The document discusses the use of data analytics in power utilities to improve operations and revenue collection.

The document discusses how data analytics can be applied across the utility value chain from generation to distribution to improve operations and customer services.

The document outlines the meter data flow and various core analytics like energy accounting, exception reporting, load profiling etc that are part of the Metering, Billing and Collection (MBC) process.

Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

South Asia Region (SAR)

Energy and Extractives Global Practice Group
Energy and Extractives Global Practice Group
South Asia Region (SAR)

Data Analytics for Advanced

Metering Infrastructure
A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities

November 2018
This document has been prepared for the sole purpose of sharing the results of a global AMI survey
and resulting insights related to the AMI strategy for India and South Asia. This does not endorse
individual vendors, products or services in any manner. Therefore, any reference herein to any vendor,
product or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply
the endorsement, recommendation or approval thereof.

Copyright © 2018
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A.

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Table of Contents
Acknowledgements v
Abbreviations vi
Executive Summary ix
1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities 1
1.1 Overview of Data Analytics 2
1.2 Data Analytics: Scope and Application Points in the Electricity Utility Industry 4
1.3 Meter Data Flow in MBC Process and Analysis System 6
1.4 Core MBC Analytics 8
1.5 Advanced Revenue Cycle Management Analytics 18
1.6 Key Issues/Risks Associated with Data Analytics 22
1.7 Benefits of AMI over AMR for Improved Data Analytics 23
2. Procurement and Deployment of Analytics Systems 28
2.1 Data Analytics System Architecture 28
2.2 Approaches for Procurement and Implementation of Analytics Systems 31
2.3 Technical Specification for Analytics Systems 34
2.4 Functional Requirements of Advanced Analytics System 36
2.5 Sizing and Typical Bill of Quantity for Analytics System 38
References and Links 40
Appendices 41
Appendix A. Description of Key Technology Terms 41
Appendix B. Meter Reading Quality Checks (RQCs) – 2nd Level: Screenshots 43
Appendix C. Billing Quality Checks (BQCs) – 3rd Level: Screenshots 50
Appendix D. Meter Data Exception-Generation Checks: Screenshots 56
Appendix E. MIS Reports: Screenshots 75
Appendix F. AMR Data Analytics – Use Cases: Screenshots 89
Appendix G. Billing and Collection Data Analytics Use Cases – Screenshots 98
Appendix H. Threshold Values for Exception Generation 106

Table of Contents  iii

Table 1: Analytics Application Areas and Processes 4
Table 2: List of On-Site Meter Read Checks using MRD 9
Table 3: List of RQCs 9
Table 4: List of BQCs 10
Table 5: List of Meter Data Exception Generation Checks 11
Table 6: Illustrative frequency of Meter Data Exception Check 14
Table 7: MIS Reports 15
Table 8: List of Use Cases Based on AMR Data Analytics 19
Table 9: List of Use Cases based on Billing and Collection Data Analytics 21
Table 10: Key issues and solutions associated with data analytics 22
Table 11: Comparison of Functionality of AMR and AMI Meters 24
Table 12: Details of Various Components of Analytics System 29
Table 13: Technology Solutions in Use in Various Utilities for Analytics Systems 30
Table 14: Utility Transition Stages in Adopting Analytics Systems 31
Table 15: Comparison of Procurement Models 34
Table 16: Hardware and Software Specification of Analytics System 35
Table 17: Comparison of Cloud-based and Physical Database Solutions 38
Table 18: Sizing and Typical Bill of Quantity for Analytics System 38
Table 19: Threshold Values for Exception Generation for Single-Phase Meters 106
Table 20: Threshold Values for Exception Generation for Three-Phase Meters 108

Figure 1: Stages of Analytics 3
Figure 2: MBC Process Flow Diagram for AMI and Non-AMI Scenario 6
Figure 3: Architectural Diagram of Billing and Data Analysis System 7
Figure 4: Detailed Meter Data Flow Diagram for Exception Generation 8
Figure 5: Sample Exception Generation Check Output 14
Figure 6: Data Analytics System Conceptual Architecture 28
Figure 7: Transition Stages for South Asian Utilities 31
Figure 8: Consolidated Procurement Model 32
Figure 9: Component-wise Procurement Model 33
Figure 10: Software-as-a-Service Procurement Model 34

iv  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities

This report was prepared by a World Bank team comprising Gailius J. Draugelis, Lead Energy Specialist
(co-Team Lead); Rohit Mittal, Senior Energy Specialist (co-Team Lead); Amol Gupta, Energy Specialist
(co-Team Lead); Phillip Matthew Hannam, Energy Economist; and Neetu Sharda, Program Assistant.

The team is grateful to World Bank Group colleagues who peer reviewed the report: Kwawu Mensan
Gaba, Lead Energy Specialist/Global Lead, Power Systems, World Bank; Kelli Joseph, Senior
Energy Specialist, World Bank; and Peter Mockel, Principal Industry Specialist, International Finance
Corporation. The team is also most grateful to Chris Marquardt for his invaluable editing of the final
report. Demetrios Papathanasiou, Practice Manager, Energy and Extractives Global Practice (South
Asia unit), also provided much appreciated guidance and advice for this project.

The report is prepared based on background study undertaken by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP
team comprising James Thomson, Principal, US (Project Director), Michael Danziger, Managing Director,
US (Team Leader);  Anujesh Dwivedi, Partner, India (Team Leader);  Ajay Madwesh, Senior Manager, US;
Pankaj Kumar Goinka, Senior Manager, India; Peter Schmidt, Manager, US; Kyle Webb, Senior Manager,
US; Rohit Deshpande, Specialist, US; Joel Abraham, Consultant, India; which partnered with Tata Power
Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) specifically on aspects of metering, billing and collections analytics
use cases. TPDDL team was represented by Sandeep Dhamija, Deputy General Manager.  The Bank
team sincerely appreciates the hard work, dedication and collaborative spirit of the consulting team.

Company surveys that were carried out in the spring of 2018 and technical report preparation were
carried out by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu under the guidance of the World Bank team.  Findings of
the survey and analysis were shared at a workshop in New Delhi on June 8, 2018 with participants
from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal. The report was also informed by an industry stakeholder
consultation in Jaipur, November 2017. The Bank team is deeply thankful to all workshop and consultation
participants for sharing their invaluable insights and comments.

The funding for this report was provided by United Kingdom’s Department for International Development
through the World Bank-managed Trust Fund programs – the South Asia Regional Trade and Integration
Program and the Program for Asia Connectivity and Trade – and the World Bank.

Acknowledgements  v
AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure
ADMS Advanced Distribution Management System
AMR Automatic Meter Reading
API Application Programming Interface
AT&C losses Aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses
BCS Base Computer Software
BI Business Intelligence
BOM Bill of Materials
BoQ Bill of Quantity
BOOT Build, Own, Operate and Transfer
BOT Build, Own and Transfer
BQC Billing Quality Checks
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CDW Corporate Data Warehouse
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
ComEd Commonwealth Edison
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf (Software)
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CT Current Transformer
DCU Data Concentrator Unit
DISCOM Distribution Company
DLMS Device Language Message Specification
DMS Distribution Management System
DTR/DT Distribution Transformer
EDA Exploratory Data Analysis
EESL Energy Efficiency Services Limited
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ETL tool Extract, Transform and Load Tool
Gbps Gigabits Per Second
GHz Gigahertz
GIS Geographic Information System
GPRS/GSM General Packet Radio Service/Global System for Mobile Communications

vi  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
HBA Host Bus Adapter
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HES Head-End System
HHU Hand-Held Units
HT/LT High-Tension/Low-Tension
IBM International Business Machines Corporation
Ib Base Current
IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IoT Internet of Things
IP Internet Protocol
IPDS Integrated Power Development Scheme
IS Indian Standard
IT Information Technology
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
kV kiloVolt
kVARh kiloVolt-Amperes Reactive hours
kWh kiloWatt-hour
lasso Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (Regression Analysis Method)
LDAP/AD Lightweight Directory Access Protocol/Active Directory
mA milliAmpere
MAF Manufacturer’s Authorization Form
MBC Metering, Billing and Collection
MDI Maximum Demand Indicator
MDMS Meter Data Management System
MIS Management Information System
MoP Ministry of Power, Government of India
MRD Meter Reading Device
MRI Meter Reading Instrument
mT milliTesla
MTD Month to Date
NIC Network Interface Card
NLP Natural Language Processing
NMS Network Management System
NVM Nonvolatile Memory
OBIEE Oracle Business Intelligence, Enterprise Edition
OAC Office Automation Consultants
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OMS Order Management System
OT Operational Technology

Abbreviations  vii
PF Power Factor
PFA Predictive Failure Analysis
PoD Proof of Delivery
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
RAPDRP Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RF Radio Frequency
RFP Request for Proposals
RQC Reading Quality Checks
RTC Real-Time Clock
SaaS Software as a Service
SAP BW Sap Business Warehouse (Software)
SAP HANA Sap High Performance Analytic Appliance (Software)
SAP IS-U Sap’s Industry-Specific Solution for the Utilities Industry
SAP PAL Sap Predictive Analysis Library (Part of Sap Hana)
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index
SI Systems Integrator
SLA Service Level Agreement
SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
SQL Structured Query Language
SSD Solid-State Drive
SSH Secure Shell
T Tesla
TB Terabyte
ToD Time of Day
ToU Time of Use
TPDDL Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited
UDAY Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana
UoM Unit of Measurement
UPF Unity Power Factor
VAR Volt-Ampere Reactive
WIMS Work Information Management System
XML Extensible Markup Language
YTD Year to Date

viii  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Executive Summary

The power industry in South Asia1 is on the cusp of a transformation driven by technological
advances, decreasing energy intensity, heightened environmental awareness, and evolving customer
expectations. Power distribution utilities in these countries are facing various challenges including high
levels of Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses, increased energy theft, poor customer
services and operational transparency, inefficient load management, and unreliable power supply.

Governments in most South Asian countries are helping utilities by implementing various schemes to
improve their power sectors. In particular, the widespread and successful adoption of smart metering
in advanced economies over the last decade has encouraged South Asian policy makers to take an
increasing interest in smart metering systems in hope that they can address some of the chronic issues.
Now, with high-level policies in place and utilities keen to adopt smart metering, funding requirement
and implementation challenges remain the bottlenecks to mass deployment.

A recent World Bank–funded study, Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Analytics Guidance Study
for South Asian Utilities, carried out in 2018, developed guidance, based on user experience, on
the deployment and operation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and analytics systems by
electricity distribution utilities in India and other South Asian countries. The guidance is intended for
the ready reference of policy makers and utility managers.

The study was divided into two reports. The Survey of International Experience in Advanced Metering
Infrastructure and its Implementation, published separately, covers international best practices
regarding the end-to-end deployment of AMI systems, including such areas as main functions,
procurement options, and the organizational or functional changes needed to implement AMI-enabled
business processes.

The present report, Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South
Asian Power Utilities, is structured as a guidance note to assist utility managers in taking up data
analytics systems to realize the full potential of AMI. The report has two main parts, as follows:

1 The World Bank’s South Asia region comprises Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. See

Executive Summary  ix
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the use of data analytics by power utilities, including conceptual
architecture for system deployment, meter data flow in Metering, Billing and Collection (MBC)
processes, and data analytics systems. The chapter also covers in detail the core MBC analytics on
data exception checks, meter reading, and billing quality checks. Further, various use cases related
to advanced analytics for revenue management are also elaborated. The discussion of risks and
other issues associated with data analytics systems– including the benefits of AMI over Automatic
Meter Reading (AMR) for improved data analytics – will be particularly insightful to utilities that have
already initiated or are considering an implementation in the near future.

Chapter 2 describes the transition phase utilities go through while adopting data analytics
systems, including an explanation of procurement and implementation models for data analytics
systems. With a focus on the South Asian context, the chapter outlines the basic technical and
functional specifications of analytics systems, sample sizing, and typical Bill of Quantity (BoQ) for
the implementation and qualification requirements of potential system integrators.

The report was prepared by AMI and utility specialists from Deloitte as well as Tata Power Delhi
Distribution Limited (TPDDL), one of the first utilities in India to adopt AMR and AMI technology. Over
the last 15 years, TPDDL has gained expertise in AMR technology and core data analytics, and it has
recently begun implementing AMI and advanced data-analytics systems.

The World Bank conducted a South Asian stakeholder consultation on AMI implementation issues in
India on November 29, 2017, during the International Symposium to Promote Innovation and Research
in Energy Efficiency (INSPIRE-2017). These stakeholders provided validation and guidance on the
scope of the study. The findings of the study were shared on June 8, 2018, at a regional workshop on
AMI titled “International and Regional Approaches to Implementation and Data Analytics in New Delhi.”
Feedback from workshop participants is reflected in the two reports.

Both reports were prepared under the guidance of a team from the World Bank’s Energy and
Extractives Global Practice that was based in the World Bank’s offices in Washington, D.C., United
States, and New Delhi, India.

x  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
1. Data Analytics in
Power Utilities

Although Information Technology (IT) solutions have benefited core power utility operations for
decades, most utilities in South Asian countries have remained weak in using IT to improve operational
efficiency. Nevertheless, a handful of utilities in South Asia – especially the privately owned ones – have
not only deployed best-in-class IT solutions in their revenue management and network operations,
but have also implemented advanced solutions that leverage data to make decision making insightful,
fast and more accurate.

In India, the use of operational IT by state-owned power utilities has happened on the back of two
schemes promulgated by the Government of India (GoI) – the Restructured Accelerated Power
Development and Reforms Program (RAPDRP) and Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS)–
which introduced IT solutions in core utility operations throughout the country.

In November 2015, the GoI launched the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) program, which
seeks to spur the financial turnaround and revival of power distribution companies (DISCOMs) by
improving their operational and financial efficiency. As part of the program, participating DISCOMs
must install smart meters for all customers consuming more than 200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month
by December 2019.

In this context, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)2 has undertaken the procurement process
for five million smart meters for the states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The key feature of EESL’s
procurement approach is build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) – that is, a pay-as-you-benefit approach.
This large, centralized procurement initiative has yielded aggressive pricing by bidders, thereby
reducing the cost of smart meters for power utilities. This trend has encouraged several other utilities
in other South Asian countries to go beyond pilots and initiate sizeable smart-meter deployment

2 EESL is a “super” Energy Service Company (ESCO) that acts as the resource center for capacity building for DISCOMs, Energy Regulatory
Commissions (ERCs), State Development Authorities (SDAs), financial institutions, ESCOs, and so on. Founded in 2010 by the GoI, EESL
is currently implementing the largest energy efficiency portfolio in the world.

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  1

The implementation of smart metering technology will create a platform for end-to-end “situational
awareness”– a true understanding of the full situation – in power utility operations and is considered
to be a key milestone in the digital transformation of utilities.

1.1 Overview of Data Analytics

While most standardized utility solutions have built-in Management Information System (MIS) modules,
the recent proliferation of utility operations systems involving advanced IT penetration and automation
means utilities must now consider a holistic approach towards data analytics. In other words, they
must now explore ways to derive maximum business advantage from aggregated and real-time data
synthesis and trend visualization through advanced data analytics.

The Smart Grid concept and its constituent technologies have added new dimensions to electricity
distribution systems by providing higher-resolution data for enhanced network operations. Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI), which includes smart metering, is considered the key to enabling
active/proactive decision making in utility operations– replacing the existing, largely passive mode of

By enabling automation at the last node of a utility’s network, smart meters serve as a gateway
between a utility and its customers. It serves as more than just a cash box for the utility, however. In
addition to helping utilities safeguard their revenue interests while helping customers optimize their
consumption, smart meters provide a host of advantages in network operations by boosting utility
managers’ situational awareness of conditions along the “last mile” (that is, the final leg of delivery to
retail end-users, or customers).

Using the “big data” generated by smart meters and systems based on the Internet of Things (IoT),
utilities will have a vast array of opportunities to improve operational and commercial efficiency using
insights gained from data analytics that may not have been previously feasible.

Currently, most utilities in South Asia are focused on addressing growing consumer demand and the
related issues of access, availability, quality and affordability of power supply. They are just beginning
to explore data analytics solutions that will eventually generate tremendous value in terms of efficiency
improvements, enhance customer services and improve financial performance.

To unlock the full value of AMI, each utility will need to implement a robust advanced analytics system
capable of processing data beyond basic meter-to-cash functionality. To do this, it will first need to
determine its business needs and establish a strategy. Once its strategy is aligned with its business
architecture, the utility can decide on the types of analysis it intends to undertake and the benefits that
can be derived.

Data analytics can be broadly grouped into four stages, as shown in Figure 1.
 Descriptive analytics helps in understanding what has happened in the past. Examples include
meter ageing analysis; determining the “percentage of average billing” trend across months; trends
of arrears outstanding across months, consumer categories, and so on; network optimization/load
balancing; interconnected feeder analysis; predicting potential defaulting consumers; and theft

2  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Figure 1:  Stages of Analytics

Difficulty in Implementation

Descriptive Diagnostic Predictive Prescriptive

Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics

• What is • Why did it • What is likely • What should

happening? happen? to happen? be done about

Value Delivered

 Diagnostic analytics helps in understanding what has led to success or failure in the past. Examples
include sanctioned load violation analysis, network failure analysis, and theft analytics.
 Predictive analytics helps in determining the likelihood of occurrence of an event in future based on
past data patterns. Examples include footfall optimization at payment centers, energy forecasting,
predictive maintenance, predictive fault analysis, and network-asset management.
 Prescriptive analytics helps in identifying steps to be taken in future to meet the desired
objectives. Examples include energy optimization and Volt-Ampere Reactive (VAR) control, call
center efficiency, meter reading, and billing complaints analysis.

By its very nature, development of analytics is complex since it aims at integrating structured,
unstructured, and time-series data, then aligning the data with system-generated events and alarms.

Within a utility context, analytics can be defined as the process of converting data from smart grid
sensors and devices by integrating it with a variety of related data sets (including data from operational,
non-operational and external systems) to develop models that predict and/or prescribe the next best
action – thus creating deep situational awareness.

A utility’s external data sources may be based on data that is structured (cellular network data, for
example), unstructured (social media feeds and customer questions, for example), part of a time series
(outside temperature, for example) or generated by an event (lightning, for example). Integrating
the utility’s data and information with these external data sources leads to a deeper understanding
of the causes of issues affecting operational, customer and business performance. Using AMI-type
machine-to-machine communications, consumer-facing web portals, in-home devices, visualization
tools, modelling software, and even spreadsheets results can then give utility managers an enhanced
“situational awareness” – that is, a more thorough and precise understanding of operations.

Analytics built on data from smart meters is valuable in a variety of ways to a utility. The utility landscape
surrounding, and business cases for, adopting AMI analytics vary significantly by region, as well as by
utility ownership structure. This section outlines a broad set of use cases that are now possible using
AMI data. This section also focuses on the “state-of-the-art” as well as the “art of the possible” to show
how utilities can harness AMI data – using both predictive and prescriptive analytical models – not only
to realize greater value, but also to shift to the new utility model that regulators are pushing towards.

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  3

1.2 Data Analytics: Scope and Application Points in the
Electricity Utility Industry
The scope of use cases for AMI analytics is built on data and information generated from core AMI
systems or AMI applications, such as an AMI Head-End3System (HES) and Meter Data Management
(MDM) systems. Advanced analytics based on data from these systems are intended to boost situational
awareness by using predictive and/or prescriptive models to tap into streams of business value. For
example, as part of the development of optimal demand dispatch in a demand/response application,
the need for accuracy has led to the development of sophisticated models for demand segmentation,
demand forecasting and customer segmentation.

The specific drivers for the development of analytical models from AMI vary based on geography,
regulations and underlying demographics. When compared with the cost of implementing AMI itself,
the cost of implementing analytics is quite low and typically has a more immediate payback.

The successes in implementing analytics by industry leading utilities using data from AMI systems have
had a cascading effect in that they have helped other utilities – especially smaller and mid-market
utilities, which tend to be more risk-averse – justify their own accelerated AMI deployments. Globally,
many early adopters of AMI went through multiple cycles of integrations, data management strategies,
data storage, and tools due to non-standard architectures and solutions. The resulting refinement
of architectures and protocols, lessons on effective use of advanced analytics, and development of
successful business cases will be particularly critical in regions like Latin America and Asia, where
operational savings by themselves may not justify the implementation costs of AMI.

Analytics can be useful in taking more informed decisions and actions, whether or not a human is in the
loop. For example, protection and control systems that require sub-second responses will be machine-
automated, whereas dashboards and reports leveraging business data may operate in a workflow that
involves humans making or approving recommended decisions or actions.

Table 1 summarizes the main areas in which data analytics has been applied in the electricity utility

Table 1: Analytics Application Areas and Processes

Application Areas Analytics Process

Net metering, sub- Granular consumption data allows utilities to map energy flows on the laterals (i.e. local power
metering and other lines) and from the laterals to the aggregation points based on their network models. This
complex metering enables utilities to bill municipalities and water companies accurately for street lighting and
scenarios water pump operations – operations that were previously monitored and billed separately.
Feeder capacity and Consumption, voltage and power-factor data from each consumption point allows utilities
performance to analyze key power parameters downline. In feeders with reliability issues or with high
penetration of distributed energy resources, or DER (smaller sources of variable power
connected to the grid but widely distributed geographically), a very granular analysis of

3 A Head-End System (HES) is hardware and software that receives meter data sent to the utility. Head-end systems may perform a limited
amount of data validation before either making the data available for other systems to request or pushing the data out to other systems.

4  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Application Areas Analytics Process
the feeder’s capacity and reliability can be performed. The ability to analyze voltage sags and
swells at an individual consumption point allows a utility to address capacity or design issues.
Smart meter data is immensely valuable in assessing the load on the transformer (peak and
nominal), which allows the utility to plan transformer upgrades and replacement programs
to minimize outages before they occur. Additionally, capacity and network constraints at the
feeder and lateral levels are assessed to a highly granular degree.
Advanced outage With the smart meter “last gasp” capabilities, along with the logged events, outage analysis
analysis and prediction become significantly more accurate. (“Last gasp” refers to a short transmission
a smart meter makes when it loses power, typically to signal the power loss and often to
specify the time and date of the outage.) When a major weather event is expected, analyzing
the potential extent of the outage, as well as possible nested outages, becomes a highly
effective tool for the utility. This helps maintain a low System Average Interruption Duration
Index (SAIDI) and serves customers by restoring electricity faster following an outage.
Demand segmentation Total demand calculated based on consumption can be analyzed by disaggregating the
demand into multiple cross-sections or segments. The interaction of these segments at
different prices, loads, temperatures, etc. over time improves the ability to predict demand.
Advanced unit In situations where the wholesale markets allow smaller renewable and storage-based
commitment models generation, and where demand aggregators bid into the Capacity and Day-Ahead markets,
the ability to track the performance of these generation sources relative to demand becomes
critical. For example, to address balancing and security constraints while following regulatory
mandates on renewable generation, grid operators use granular demand data to predict
shortfalls ahead of time and avoid buying generation through the costlier real-time and
ancillary markets. To generate near-real-time and predictive demand curves, grid operators
use historical and smart-meter data.
Power quality Utilities have long sought conservative voltage reduction and improved management of
voltage profiles down to the level of feeder lines. With the smart meters capturing voltage
profiles, voltage sags and voltage swells at the consumer level, feeder performance –
including feeder quality and intermittent outages – can be captured with high fidelity. In
instances where the voltages can be managed to the lower limits specified by the reliability
regulator through operating the tap changers at the substation, a utility can optimize
Technical and non- Distribution feeders can be sectioned to increase greater reliability and feeder reconfiguration
technical loss analysis by using AMI data to measure the technical and non-technical losses more accurately. The
AMI data provides a true measure of the total losses in the distribution feeder and guidance to
target diversion and energy theft. Energy theft models are then used for revenue assurance.
Advanced switching As the distribution feeders are sectioned to increase greater reliability and for feeder
reconfiguration, AMI data can be used to confirm that switching operations have occurred
correctly, as well to validate the network model.
Asset performance Using data from Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, utilities can
analyze the performance of network assets at the substation level, and sometimes at the
feeder level. With AMI data, this analysis can be conducted along the “last mile”.
Customer preferences, As customers become active participants in the energy equation, understanding precisely
customer propensity what drives their behavior becomes critical. AMI data facilitates this. Understanding the
and incentives model consumption patterns of each individual consumer and comparing them to similar consumers
(within the applicable regulatory boundaries) allows for the analysis of the preferences and
patterns of a class of consumers.

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  5

1.3 Meter Data Flow in MBC Process and Analysis System
The initial step in the Metering, Billing and Collection (MBC) process is the planning and scheduling of
the meter-reading cycle and walking sequence.

There are two scenarios. In the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Scenario, the meter data is
directly received at the HES4 if the meter is coupled with a data collector, with the remote meter data
transfer taking place through wired or wireless communication.

In the Non-AMI Scenario the meter reader carries a hand-held Meter-Reading Device (MRD) in the field
to record meter data and run some primary validations on the meter data based on the checks built
into the device. The data is then uploaded to the server.

Figure 2 describes the process of meter reading and billing in both AMI and Non-AMI Scenarios.

In both scenarios, the following further checks are done to ensure that the bill delivered to the
consumers is correct in all respects:
 Meter Reading Device (MRD) on-site meter-read check: Here a primary check is performed
to ensure that the meter reader reads the correct meters and provides correct information.
This check is performed only in the non-AMI scenario, where manual meter reading is done

Figure 2: MBC Process Flow Diagram for AMI and Non-AMI Scenario

Meter Reading Data

Smart Meter with moved to Billing Server
BCS / HES Server
Communication Module


Planning & Data Downloading in Base Meter Reading Reading Data uploaded
Scheduling MRD from Billing Server through MRD: in Billing Server
1st Level Check

Reading Quality Check:

Bill Generation Exception handling & Trouble 2nd Level Check
shooting (Follow up meter reading)

AMI Scenario
Billing Quality Check: Printing & Invoicing Bill Distribution
Non AMI Scenario 3rd Level Check

4 The HES is sometimes also referred as the Meter Data Acquisition System (MDAS) in the case of AMR.

6  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Figure 3: Architectural Diagram of Billing and Data Analysis System

Manual Process Automatic Process

Comm. Modems
.dst Application Server Database
format Full / Analysis Data
Vendor specific data format
APIs CDF Billing Engine

Billing Data

RS 232/ Billing Data
Vendor 1 Meters Optical Port
Database Server
Full / Analysis Data
Comm. Modems
3 format
Data Analytics

APIs Application

Optical / Magnetic
RS 232/ Data Storage
Optical Port Devices (CD/ DVD)
Vendor 2 Meters

Comm. Modems Analysis

.cmd/.cdf MIS Reports
format Team


RS 232/
Optical Port
Vendor 3 Meters

Note: API = application programming interface.

 Reading Quality Check (RQC): This ensures that the meter data captured are accurate prior to
billing in terms of consumption.
 Billing Quality Check (BQC): This ensures the quality and correctness of bills in terms of amount.

Further meter data exception-generation checks are performed on the full sets of meter data in
both AMI and Non-AMI scenarios based on the frequency of meter reading and the utility’s business

A typical technical architectural diagram showing meter data flow for billing and analytics is shown in
Figure 3.

The diagram depicts meter data flow from smart meters to the billing engine and the data analytics
application servers. A DISCOM may have meters from different vendors deployed at the consumer

The interoperability of meters from different vendors with HES system is an issue for AMI/AMR
deployment. This is because each of the various vendors uses its own proprietary protocols for meter
data exchange with HES system. Although the Bureau of Indian Standards has formulated the standards
for smart metering (IS 16444), proprietary protocols remain in use for AMR meter data exchange from
different vendors. To resolve this issue, the DISCOMs need to have HES/BCS5 software from respective
meter vendors in their HES server to poll meters using proprietary Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs), as shown above in Figure 3. The meter data received in different formats by the HES/BCS system
will be parsed and converted to standard .xml format, which can then be directed to corresponding

5 Head-end system/base computer software.

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  7

Figure 4: Detailed Meter Data Flow Diagram for Exception Generation

Manual Process Automatic Process


Billing Data
Billing Engine BQC

• Hardware
NOT OK Problem
Billing Data H OK
• Enforcement
Manual Checks NOT OK Team
Analysis Data
Smart Meter

General Analysis
Engine (Exception Checks) OK Data Base
Analysis Data

billing and analytics applications. However, this solution has a higher implementation cost. If the
standardization of AMI meter data exchange can be mandated for the vendors through a policy-level
decision or in the tender documents for procurement by the utility, the cost of implementation can be
further reduced.

Figure 4 shows a detailed diagram of meter data flow, along with its application at different steps in
MBC cycle and data analysis to “generate” (i.e., check for and list) exceptions.6

Smart meters can provide billing reads and full data (billing reads, instantaneous data, event data, load
profile, and so on) separately, in line with utility requirements. Billing reads are acquired from meters
each month, and analytics is done on the full data set acquired from meters at custom frequencies set
by the utility for different consumer segments.

After each level of checks, the exception cases are forwarded for manual analysis, which may include
on-site checks. Verified data is forwarded to a database for storage and future reference.

1.4 Core MBC Analytics

Data received from the smart meter must be processed (i.e. checked for exceptions) before transferring to
the billing and analytics engine. There may be multiple levels of data-quality checks in a typical MBC cycle.
This section describes checks occurring at four levels: on-site meter readings, comparison of those readings
to existing consumer data, checks at the billing stage, and further checks using rule-based analysis.

1.4.1 First Level: On-Site Meter Reading Checks Using MRDs

In the non-AMI scenario, meter readers carry a hand-held Meter Reading Device (MRD). At each site,
the MRD is used to perform first-level checks (see Table 2) on the data retrieved from the meter to
ensure data correctness and to reduce the number of follow-up meter readings required.

6 In programming, exceptions are anomalous or exceptional conditions requiring special processing.

8  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Table 2: List of On-Site Meter Read Checks using MRD

First-level (primary)
Exception Check
Reading check Checks if current meter reading is less than previous reading
Zero consumption Checks if the meter consumption is absolute zero
Drop in consumption Checks if the current consumption is less than the average consumption/threshold value
High MDI*/sanctioned load Compares the current-month MDI reading against the sanctioned load and previous
month’s reading
Meter-unread scenario Mandatory input in each MRD device that captures the reason the meter reading was not
performed – such as a locked house or faulty meter
* MDI = Maximum Demand Indicator.

If these checks yield flags, the meter reader is directed to take a photograph of the meter or to re-read
the meter at the site.

1.4.2 Second Level: Reading Quality Checks (RQCs)

Reading Quality Checks (RQCs) ensure the quality of meter reading data before billing. Usually limited
to the meter data used specifically for billing, RQCs ensure that supply units are measured and billed
accurately. The RQCs compare each meter data set to the respective “consumer master data” and
historical trends, then generate an exception list for re-reading. The utility can then cross-check the
data against the consumer master data – which includes details on consumer type, tariff slab (price
based on usage range), meter, and sanctioned load and maximum demand, as well as consumer
address and other billing-related information.

Table 3 lists the RQCs a utility typically performs before generating bills. Sample illustrative screenshots
of RQCs are provided in Appendix B.

Table 3: List of RQCs

Function What It Looks for Electrical Parameters Considered
Low consumption Checks for variations in the Prevent revenue  Meter data: kWh consumption
consumption trend of a particular leakage  Consumer master data: Type of
consumer (with reference to low institution and sanctioned load with
value thresholds for each category). previous MDIs
High Maximum Checks for variations a consumer’s Prevent revenue  Meter data: kW value
Demand Indicator MDI trend with reference to his/her leakage  Consumer master data: Type of
(MDI) historical meter reading data and institution and sanctioned load with
category threshold value. previous MDIs
Reading reversed/ Checks for erroneous readings on Prevent revenue  Meter data: kWh and kVAh
wrong reading meter energy consumption – such as leakage; verify  Consumer master data: Type of
very high or negative consumption. meter data institution and sanctioned load with
previous MDIs
Low power factor Checks for power factor value below Prevent revenue  Meter data: Power factor
the threshold defined by utility. leakage  Consumer master data: Type of
institution and sanctioned load with
previous MDIs

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  9

Function What It Looks for Electrical Parameters Considered
Zero consumption Checks whether previous month Prevent revenue  Meter data: kWh reading
and current month kWh readings are leakage  Consumer master data: Type of
same, so that resultant per-month institution and sanctioned load with
consumption is zero. previous MDIs

Contract demand Compares the demand value from Prevent revenue  Meter data: MDI (kW)
meter reading data against the leakage  Consumer master data: Type of
consumer master database. (There institution and sanctioned load with
is a penalty for higher demand previous MDIs
compared to contract demand.)
Non- Checks to see if: Prevent revenue  Meter data: kWh and kW
reprogramming  Tariff slab information from meter leakage; verify  Consumer master data: Type of
data does not match consumer data institution and sanctioned load with
master data previous MDIs
 Meter reset-date info from meter
data does not match consumer
billing master data
 Meter is not programmed to store
data in Time-of-Day (ToD) slabs;
HES system after receiving data
identifies consumer to be billed
on ToD

1.4.3 Third Level: Billing Quality Checks (BQCs)

BQCs ensure the quality of bills generated for each consumer based on their electricity usage. BQCs
are similar to RQCs, but more stringent and accurate in terms of amount billed with respect to billing
parameters. They are thus a critical component of any effort by a utility to reduce its commercial losses.

Table 4 provides a typical list of BQCs a utility performs before generating bills. Sample illustrative
screen shots of BQCs are shown in Appendix C.

Table 4: List of BQCs

Function What It Looks for Benefits/Use Cases Parameters Considered

Current billed  Generatesa trend analysis of current billed  Billing correctness  Current
month billed
demand demand along with comparison to threshold demand
Inflated bill  Checks for high bill amount compared to  Billing correctness  Billed amount
threshold value for the particular category  Consumer satisfaction
Negative  Checks if bill amount for the current month is  Revenue assurance  Billed amount
amount negative
High slab  Slab value = number of billing days/number of  Consumer satisfaction  Number of units during
days in a month  Revenue assurance billing period
 Comparison of slab value with the threshold  Billing correctness  Tariff defined by the
value for particular category of consumer Regulator
Solar meter  Checks the correctness of bills for consumers  Billing correctness  Number of units consumed
having net metering and number of units fed
back into the grid
 Billed amount

10  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
1.4.4 Further Checks Using Rule-Based Analysis (further meter data exception
generation checks)
In addition to the aforementioned checks, utilities can use various other exception-generation checks
to identify revenue leakage, theft, and so on. This analysis can be done on a predefined frequency (i.e.,
at various predefined intervals) depending on the category of consumers. The raw meter data received
is subjected to rule-based analysis for identifying anomalies.

These checks are oriented toward either consumers or utilities. Consumer-oriented checks generate
flags when, for example, monthly bill or energy consumption exceeds the average value range; these
checks can be done hourly or daily depending on the resolution of the data received. Utility-oriented
checks includes checks on data for revenue assurance, system-condition monitoring, and so on.

Data analysis rules could be selectively applied to an individual metering node or groups of metering
nodes or to channels common to different metering nodes. A list of exception checks that a utility could
follow based on various data received from meter is provided in Table 5.

Table 5: List of Meter Data Exception Generation Checks

Type of Electrical
No. Exception Function Benefits/Use Cases Parameters
Check Considered
1 Consumption Checks that consumption is inline Identification of:  Kilowatt- All categories
comparison with historical trend and threshold  Tamper condition hours (kWh)
values  Meter failure, under-
2 Voltage failure Checks that system voltage  System condition check  Phase All categories
values are in line with tolerance  Identification
of tamper voltage
and threshold values condition
3 Assessed Checks whether the calculated Identification of:  kWh All categories
consumption load factor is in the predefined  Tamper condition
threshold load-factor range for  Situation where
the particular consumer category consumer is not running
load for maximum
hours, causing a loss to
the utility
4 Data corruption Checks the value of maximum Identification of:  kW/kWh All categories
demand indicator (MDI)/  Meter failure
consumption data/digits recorded  Data downloading
against the threshold values issue
5 Non-Volatile Identifies and records meter Identification of:  Meter events All categories
Memory7 (NVM) memory failures and raises “NVM  Tamper condition data
failure failure event” flags  Meter failure

6 Power failure Checks two threshold values: Identification of:  Phase All categories
 Number of power failures: The  System condition voltages
cumulative total number of  Tamper condition
power failures should be less
than the threshold value defined.
 Time of power failure: The
cumulative power failure
duration should be less than
threshold value defined.

7 Non-volatile memory (NVM) is a type of computer memory that has the capability to hold saved data even if the power is turned off.

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  11

Type of Electrical
No. Exception Function Benefits/Use Cases Parameters
Check Considered
7 Neutral Checks for unbalanced neutral- Identification of:  Neutral All categories
disturbance current values or voltage values  System condition current – stringent
 Tamper condition  phase for high-
voltage tension (HT)
on utility
8 Current reversal Checks whether the value of the Identification of:  Activephase All categories
active current is negative or not  Meter failure or meter current
connection failure
 Tamper conditions

9 CT overload Checks whether the current value Identification of:  Phase current All categories
is above the defined threshold  Meter damage through
value overloading
 Sanctioned load violation

10 Current missing Checks whether the phase Identification of:  Phase current All categories
current is zero or less than the  Meter failure: under-
specified threshold value recording
 Tamper conditions

11 Power Factor Checks whether the PF data  Proper asset/network  Power factor All categories
(PF) are within the threshold range management
defined for Low and High PF  Checks for healthiness
of meter and meter data
recording accuracy
12 Manual reset Checks whether the meter reading Identification of:  Meter events All categories
reset duration is other than the  Tamper condition data
historical value or predefined  Meter failure
value (a flag event is raised
whenever the meter is reset in
between the billing period)
13 Real-Time Clock Checks that the meter’s clock Identification of:  Meter events All categories
(RTC) failure accuracy is in line with the HES  Meter failure data
clock time.
14 Internal ratio Cross-verifies the CT ratio value Identification of:  CT Ratio All categories
at site with the consumer master  Tamper condition
data value  Non-updating of data
from site
15 Magnet tamper Checks for meter tamper-event Identification of:  Magnet Flag/ All categories
flags (the meter records a flag  Tamper condition Magnet
event whenever it senses the Tamper
presence of a magnetic field; the
meter starts recording high Imax
values than rated value for longer
duration and this value is checked)
16 Load unbalance Checks whether the phase Identification of:  Phase current All categories
current values in three phases  Tamper conditions (stringent for
are unequal and whether the  Meter failure: under- HT consumers
value of each exceeds the stated recording based
tolerance range  Load unbalancing by on utility
consumer requirement)

12  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Type of Electrical
No. Exception Function Benefits/Use Cases Parameters
Check Considered
17 Cover open Checks for any cover-open event Identification of:  CoverOpen All categories
flags (the meter records each time  Tamper condition Flag/Cover
its cover is opened and flags the Open Tamper
event for notification)
18 Potential missing Checks cases where the current Identification of:  Phase All categories
with load value is recorded but with voltage  Tamper condition voltage
running value as zero  Meter failure: under-  Phase current
19 Missing data/data Identifies instances of missing Identification of:  Meter billing All categories
download gap data on periodic or on-demand  AMI component failure data/full data
polling  Tamper conditions

20 ToD (time of day) Checks whether the meter Identification of:  Kilowatt- Consumer
consumption has recorded the ToD slab  Revenue leakage hours (kWh) category
check consumption for the particular in different having TOD
consumer category ToD slabs rates
21 Meter pulse Checks that the number of pulses Identification of:  Physical All categories
overflow check does not exceed the maximum  Meter failure verification to
threshold (the meter sets a Pulse check Pulse
Overflow flag when the energy Blinking
consumption in a given interval
exceeds the range of the interval)
22 Test mode check Checks whether data was  Meter data validation  Meter billing All categories
collected while the meter was in data/full data
test mode
23 Energy sum Checks the total cumulative con- Identification of:  kWh All categories
check sumption of incoming data against  Tamper conditions
the total consumption of various  Meter failure
slots over the same time period  Energy Auditing

24 Interval spike Checks incoming data to identify Identification of:  kWh All categories
check intervals with evidently high usage  Tamper condition
relative to surrounding intervals  System fault

25 Unit of Checks to ensure that the Unit  Meter data validation  All
meter data All categories
Measurement of Measurement (UoM) of the parameters
(UoM) check incoming data matches the UoM
specified in the meter’s profile.
26 Usage of Checks and validates data if Identification of:  kWh/kVAh All categories
inactive meters consumption is shown for inactive  Meter failure
meter  Tamper conditions

27 Negative Checks whether the meter Identification of:  kWh/kVAh All categories
consumption reading is lower than the last  Meter failure
checks meter reading
28 kVARh check Identifies intervals where the Identification of:  Activeload Categories
reactive load (kVARh) is present  Tamper conditions (in kWh) and having kVARh-
and the active load (kWh) is not.  Meter failure reactive load based billing
(in kVARh)

Sample illustrative screen shots of these checks are provided in Appendix D.

A sample output of an exception-generation check related to “Current Missing Check” appears in

Figure 5.

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  13

Figure 5: Sample Exception Generation Check Output

Current-Missing Check
The data analytics system checks whether the phase current is zero (or less than the specified threshold
value) in the meter data received under each time stamp. The following screenshot shows sample output for
the system-generated exception case:

This particular check is performed to identify the following:

 Meter failure: Under-recording
 Tamper conditions
 Proper asset/network management
 Overall health of the meter and accuracy of meter data recording

The aforementioned checks are the basic data-exception checks that can be performed on meter data
in non-AMI and AMI scenarios for all consumer categories. However, the actual number and frequency
of checks will depend on such factors as the number of parameters received, the requirements of the
various consumer categories, and the utility’s business requirements and focus areas.

An illustrative example of frequency of these exception checks for various categories of consumer is
provided in Table 6.

In the AMI scenario, the volume of data varies with the frequency of meter polling and number of meter
parameters recorded. As a result of the high resolution of the data received from meters, the number
of exception checks could be much higher in the AMI scenario than in the non-AMI scenario.

Table 6: Illustrative frequency of Meter Data Exception Check

Consumer Sanctioned Billing Frequency of

Reading Type Full Data Reading
Segment Load Type Exception check
A >299 kW AMI/Non-AMI Monthly Monthly Monthly
B 99–299 kW AMI/Non-AMI Monthly Monthly Monthly
C 10–99 kW AMI/Non-AMI Monthly Quarterly Quarterly
D 1–10 kW SMRD Monthly Quarterly/As required Quarterly/as required
based on exceptions based on exceptions
E 1 kW SMRD Monthly Quarterly/As required Quarterly/as required
based on exceptions based on exceptions

14  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities Setting Threshold Values
Analysis of meter data is about estimating the quality of data using rule-based assessments, which
trigger exceptions (or alerts) whenever the monitored metric goes above or below a user-defined
threshold. The utility defines exceptions by specifying the threshold values and data to be included in
the check.

The thresholds are set in the analysis software system based on factors such as the utility’s previous
experiences, regulatory guidance, business requirements, power network operational requirements,
and asset performance requirements. The threshold values are updated from time to time based on
the maturity the utility achieves in each analysis it performs and on changes in any of the business

While the meter has inbuilt algorithms to register events according to the thresholds defined, the
utility has to further develop a list of exceptions to monitor or set an additional filtering layer to extract
meaningful outputs based on its requirements.

The detailed threshold values for key exceptions as of IS 16444 standards is given in the
Appendix H.

1.4.5 MIS Reports

Management Information System (MIS) reports generate a detailed information summary than can be
used for decision making, coordination, control and analysis.

Table 7 shows a list of MIS reports that should be generated by a utility, along with recommended
frequencies for better performance management.

Table 7: MIS Reports

Bill Processing Step

No. MIS Report Output after which Report Frequency Report Summary
is Generated
1 Planning and Numbers Prior to meter reading Once a  Separate reports for AMI and
Scheduling Report each month month non-AMI scenarios
 Outlines the meter reading
sequence for a month
2 Base Meter Numbers and Meter reading Daily  Area-wise summary report after
Reading percentage initial base meter reading (in
Performance the Non-AMI Scenario)
Report  Mentions the number of meters
read and unread as well as any
remarks (e.g. “gate of premises
 Estimates the success rate (as a
percentage) of meter readings
attempted for performance

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  15

Bill Processing Step
No. MIS Report Output after which Report Frequency Report Summary
is Generated
3 Communication Numbers and Meter reading Once every  Shows the status of successful
Success Rate percentage 15 days and unsuccessful remote meter
Report readings
 It is generated in the AMI
Scenario and is equivalent
to a base-meter-reading
performance reading in the
Non-AMI Scenario
4 Follow-up Meter- Numbers RQC Daily  Gives the meter serial number
Reading Report details of failed RQCs requiring
further on-site verification for
5 Monitoring Report Numbers RQC Daily  Area-wise reports providing
an overview of number of
meters unread due to meter
inaccessibility (premises
locked, box locked, obstacles,
entry not allowed, etc.), faulty
meter, RQCs status, toggle
cases* (ToD AMI Scenario),
disconnected cases, etc.
6 Monitoring Report Numbers BQC Daily  Category-wise reports
providing status of BQCs
7 Bill Distribution Numbers Invoicing Once a week  Reports generated area-
Report/ wise during a billing cycle
Disconnection summarizing the number of
Notice Report bills/disconnection notices
distributed with or without
Proof of Delivery (PoD) and the
number of undistributed bills
8 Reconciliation Numbers Invoicing Once a  Generates area-wise reports on
Report month the number of meters read and
unread as well as consumers
billed and invoiced
9 Non-Billed for Numbers Invoicing Once every  Generates area- and category-
Over 60/90 Days 60 or 90 wise reports on the number of
Report days consumers having provisional
bills** for 60/90 days
10 Current Demand Numbers Invoicing Daily  Compares and provides
and Billed Units statistics on total units billed as
Report well as the amount billed during
the present month (compared to
the same month in the previous
year) and any deviations
11 Collection Detail Numbers and Bill distribution Monthly  Area- and category-wise
Report percentage reports providing data on
the number of consumers
paid, categorized by mode of
payment used and respective
amount paid

16  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Bill Processing Step
No. MIS Report Output after which Report Frequency Report Summary
is Generated
12 Due Date MIS Numbers Bill distribution Daily  Area-wise due date report
Reports issued to various head cashiers
at collection centers
 Helps in resource planning

13 Demand and Amount and Completion of billing Daily  Area- and category-wise
Collection Report percentage cycle report providing amount billed,
variations amount collected (including
subsidies, if any) and collection
efficiency – both month-to-date
(MTD) and year-to-date (YTD)
14 Live and Numbers Not applicable Twice a  Area-and category-wise report
Disconnected week on the number of consumers
Arrears Report that have defaulted or
disconnected, including their
arrears amount and arrears
ageing (or days delinquent)
15 Disconnection Numbers Not applicable Twice a  Area- and category-wise report
Orders Report week providing the total number of
disconnection orders generated
based on arrears ageing (in
days) and arrear amount
 Helps in prioritizing
16 Billing Status Percentage Invoicing Monthly  Area- and category-wise report
Report providing percentage of total
billing done for various billing
statuses (average/provisional/
17 Amount Billed Numbers Invoicing Monthly  Area-and category-wise report
per Consumer providing total amount billed
for Various Bill per consumer for various billing
Statuses Report statuses (e.g., average billing,
provisional billing)
18 Sundry Adjustment Numbers Invoicing Monthly/  Category-wise report providing
Analysis Report Quarterly the number of consumers with
sundry adjustments in terms
of billing amount and units of
energy consumed
19 Billing Behavior Percentage Invoicing Monthly/  Area- and category-wise report
Report Quarterly providing the number of times
consumers have been billed
using different billing methods
(i.e., provisional billing, average
billing compared to the total
billed generated in a year)
20 Payment Behavior Percentage Completion of billing Monthly/  Area- and category-wise report
Report cycle Quarterly providing the percentage of
consumers paying more than
four, eight, etc. times (or non-
paying) in a year

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  17

Bill Processing Step
No. MIS Report Output after which Report Frequency Report Summary
is Generated
21 Billing and Payment Percentage Completion of billing Monthly  Area- and category-wise report
Status Report cycle comparing total billing with
payment received in each billing
22 Pending Arrears Numbers Completion of billing Monthly/  Area- and category-wise report
Trend Report cycle Quarterly providing total pending arrears
at the end of the billing cycle
23 Suspected Numbers Not applicable Monthly/  Area- and category-wise
Defaulter Quarterly/ report providing the number of
Consumers Report Yearly suspected default consumers
(i.e., consumers with no
payment and no meter reading
during the applicable time
24 Meter Status Numbers and Meter reading Monthly  Area- and category-wise report
Report percentage providing status of meter
health during the latest billing
cycle (e.g., okay, burned out,
25 Meter Ageing Numbers and Not applicable Monthly/  Area- and category-wise report
Status Report percentage Quarterly/ providing meter ageing status in
Yearly terms of number of years
26 Meter Data Failure or Meter reading Monthly  Consumer-wise summary report
Validation Checks success providing status of exception
Consolidated status checks performed on meter
Report data
* Toggle cases refers to selecting between ToD and non-ToD tariffs, as ToD is applicable for only a few hours.
** Provisional billing is a commonly used term among Indian distribution utilities. It refers to bills that are generated in case the meter is
faulty or cannot be read for any other reason.

Sample illustrative screenshots of MIS reports appear in Appendix E.

1.5 Advanced Revenue Cycle Management Analytics

Once the core MBC analytics has matured in a utility and the desired objective of having correct meter
reading and billing is achieved, utility may leverage upon advanced revenue cycle management
analytics to further its focus on revenue protection, improved energy efficiency, consumer
engagement, enhanced system integrity, improved asset management etc.

1.5.1 Data Analytics

A smart meter has provisions to provide only billing data and full meter data separately depending on
utility requirements. The full data includes billing reads, events data, instantaneous data etc. which can
be used for enabling various use cases. A list of various use cases based on smart meter full data is
provided in Table 8.

18  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Table 8: List of Use Cases Based on Smart Meter Data Analytics

Analytics Software Type of
No. Use Cases Data Accomplished/
Approach Environment Analytics
1 Energy  Weatherforecasting  Performsshort-,  Short-term  Short-,  Predictive
forecasting  Historical
data of medium- and long- forecasting medium-
energy procured term forecasting. for day-ahead and long-
purchase of power term power
 Long-term procurement
forecasting for management
Power Purchase software
(PPAs) and
network planning
 Mid-term
forecasting for
billing efficiency
2 Predictive fault  Historical outage  Predictive Failure  PFA extends  Rlanguage  Predictive
analysis and details on similar Analysis (PFA) power supply platform  Prescriptive
network-asset day basis helps to predict stability and
management  Electricity potential network quality by going
consumption details failure probability beyond failure
and network loading  Compares the detection to
data from distribution actual network predict problems
transformer (DT)- and asset-loading before they occur
level-and consumer- trend with the  Life expectancy
level energy-audit expected loading; of assets can be
modules and feeder- if output deviations improved with
monitoring systems (from system- proper loading
 Weather forecast defined conditions) and maintenance
data are detected,
 Day of week details exceptions/flags
are generated for
3 Energy  High and low  Analyzes the  Helps ensure  R language  Prescriptive
optimization voltage in network network voltage power quality in platform
and volt VAR  kVARh reads fluctuation trend the network and  Statistical
control and identifies prevents network analytics
points where components from using specific
reactive power unexpectedly software
management breaking down
is required by
switching on
capacitor banks,
compensators, etc.
4 Predictive  Distribution  Performs analytics  Maintenance  Rlanguage  Predictive
maintenance transformer (DT) on DT and feeder- of components platform
and feeder meter loading data are predicted to
readings  Sets peak value ensure stable
 Power outage data for various asset supply
 DT temperature and performance  Ensures proper
oil-level information factors and loading of assets
 Feeder composition analyzes instances to prevent failures
 Maintenance history of violation  Instead of periodic
 Analyzes DT maintenance,
temperature and utility opts for
outage trends condition-based

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  19

Analytics Software Type of
No. Use Cases Data Accomplished/
Approach Environment Analytics
5 Call center  Call
center call  Uses analytics  Helps the  R language  Descriptive
efficiency frequencies, time-of- to increase the utility plan and platform  Diagnostic
day call trends and effectiveness of manage call  Statistical  Predictive
issues reported all self-service center operations analytics
channels by to accurately
analyzing forecast workload
customer patterns/ and schedules
preferences  Helps the utility
push customers
to lower cost
6 Network  DT or feeder  SCADA  Reduction  SAP Business  Descriptive
optimization/ usage data from  AMR of capital Warehouse  Diagnostic
load balancing different seasons  GIS
expenditure (BW) powered
are analyzed to (CAPEX) by SAP HANA
understand the by network  SAP Business
loading pattern component Objects
swapping Business
 Load balancing Intelligence
 Balanced network (BI) suite
leading to fewer
7 Interconnected  Analyzing the  SCADA  Precise load-  SAP BW on  Descriptive
feeder analysis load curve on all  AMR growth estimation HANA  Predictive
interconnected  GIS  Reduced CAPEX  SAP Business
feeders on same investment for Objects BI
time stamp for capacity building suite
better load-growth
8 Energization  Single dashboard  Enterprise  Single point for  SAP BW on  Descriptive
scheme showing status Resource Planning scheme progress HANA
monitoring of energization (ERP) system monitoring  SAP Business
scheme at various  Clear Objects BI
stakeholders responsibility suite
(project monitoring) center

Sample illustrative screenshots of the above-mentioned use cases are provided in Appendix F.

1.5.2 Billing and Collection Data Analytics

Running data analytics on a consumer billing database can provide insights into such areas as
consumption patterns, historical payment trends, and consumer behavior. Utilities can use these insights
to plan various actions in the field that will improve their operational and commercial performance.
Table 9 presents a list of various use cases based on billing and collection data.

20  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Table 9: List of Use Cases based on Billing and Collection Data Analytics

Software Type of
No. Use Case Data Analyzed Analytics Approach Accomplished/
Environment Analytics
1 Footfall  The number of  System
studies on  Optimized the  Statistical  Predictive
optimization consumers at number of consumers footfall leading analytics  Prescriptive
at payment various centers onturning up to various to better performed
centers various days of the
counters (to which area consumer  structured
month that particular consumer satisfaction query
 Consumer due belongs to and where and increased language
dates he is making payments) resource (SQL)
 Gives an insight on efficiency. application
workload of cashier at  Due date
various counters and optimization
statistics on average  Improved
footfall in various Crowd
counters at same time Management
of day/week/month.
2 Predicting  Consumers’  Performs analytics on  Ledto a  R language  Descriptive
defaulting previous payment assigning a probability reduction in platform  Predictive
consumers defaults to number of consumers arrears and  SQL
 Consumer credit expected to make improved application
ratings defaults in next billing consumers’
 Consumer
cycle. payment
payment behavior behavior
3 Consumer  Consumer default  Segmentation of  Took action to  Rlanguage  Descriptive
segmentation history consumers by number improve upon platform  Prescriptive
on default  Arrear amount of times they have the reduction of
payments  Bill amount
previously defaulted on defaults
payments  Prioritization of
cases for action
4 Migration to  Consumer mode  Identification of target  Cost  Statistical  Diagnostic
digital/online of payment consumers for migrating optimization analytics  Prescriptive
payment  Payment behavior to online payment  Cycle time performed
of consumers modes reduction
5 Consumer  Payment behavior  Performs analytics on  Improved  Rlanguage  Descriptive
segmentation  Number of times various consumers consumer platform  Prescriptive
on payment paid and their payment payment
behavior  Bill amount
behaviors. behavior and
 Segmented based on retention of
their payment behavior. good consumers
6 Theft  Previous  Performs analytics and  Reduction in  Rlanguage  Descriptive
analytics enforcement identifying areas where AT&C losses platform  Diagnostic
records. power theft is high and  Predictive
 Event reports and assigning probability on
 Prescriptive
notification history. theft occurrence.
 Load survey data.
 DT Energy audit
7 Meter  Connection  Complaints registered  Fewer defective  Statistical  Descriptive
reading number, meter for meter reading bills analytics  Diagnostic
and billing number, previous and billing generated performed  Prescriptive
complaints consumption monthly
analysis pattern, complaint
history, consumer

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  21

Software Type of
No. Use Case Data Analyzed Analytics Approach Accomplished/
Environment Analytics
8 Provisional  Number of  Analysis of provisional  Reduction in  Statistical  Descriptive
billing provisional bills billing (average billing) provisional analytics  Diagnostic
analysis (by year and owing to inaccessibility billing performed
similar month), of meters - monthly
repeat complaints
(by segment),
category of
provisional billing
(e.g. premises
locked or entry not
9 Faulty-meter  Number of faulty  Analysis
of faulty-  Reduction in  Statistical  Descriptive
analysis meters and ageing meter complaints and provisional analytics  Diagnostic
(i.e., duration) of actual meters replaced billing performed
faulty period – by monthly  Fewer meter
year, segment, replacements
load, meter
manufacturer, and
meter type

Sample illustrative screenshots of these use cases are provided in Appendix G.

1.6 Key Issues/Risks Associated with Data Analytics

Smart meters and other IoT-enabled systems allow utilities to use analytics to gain insights into their
operations – insights that can be put to use in improving operational efficiency. However, incomplete
metering or unavailability of correct data can be a bottleneck for running various analytics algorithms
to derive the full potential of analytics systems and ensure a return on the investment made.

Table 10 depicts some of the issues associated with data analytics, along with possible solutions for

Table 10: Key issues and solutions associated with data analytics

No. Issues Impact Solutions

1 Implementation of an  Investment made will not  Proper blueprinting of analytics logics
analytics system without yield the envisaged benefits (algorithms) before implementation
proper orientation of utility  Representatives from all functional
requirements departments of the utility serving on core
implementation team
2 Defining inappropriate  Outputsgenerated will  Definition of threshold values in line with
threshold values, e.g.: not be useful for proper utility requirements
 Same threshold values for operational decisions  Selection of appropriate threshold values
all category of consumers/ based on utility’s maturity level and
geographical areas requirements
 Not updating threshold
values in line with the
changing business

22  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
No. Issues Impact Solutions
3 Unavailability of required skill  Higher dependency on  Identification
of “champion” teams with the
set within the organization external system integrators organization to take up initiatives and run
and Original Equipment the project
Manufacturers (OEMs)
4 Inaccuracy and inconsistency  Wrong data will lead to  Establishmentof a system to ensure the
in data received wrong interpretations and accuracy and quality of data
less precise outputs
5 Inefficient field-level actions  Desired objective of  Establishment of a monitoring mechanism to
based on analytics results analytics will not be achieved ensure there is improvement in operations
over time
6 Communication failures where  Theft prediction efficiency  Facilitatemanual data downloading and
successful polling of meters will not be optimal hardware trouble shooting in the field
cannot be done  Load growth estimation will  Stringent service-level agreement (SLA)
be inaccurate conditions for timely rectification of cases
7 Mismatch of DT meter and  Ithampers proper energy  Reading of DT meters and consumer meters
consumer meter reading dates auditing for loss-level at the same date and time, if possible
8 Consumer meter is faulty and  Theft prediction efficiency  Estimation of consumption based on
meter cannot be read will not be optimal previous consumption records
 Estimation of consumption by analyzing the
feeder- or DT-level metering data along with
other consumer meter points
9 Ad hoc architectures and poor  With ad hoc architectures  Core-level standardization has to be brought
integration and without proper IT in to successfully integrate systems
infrastructure in place, inter-  Utilities should redesign their enterprise
and intra-system integration architecture to allow flow of data for
will be unable to fully leverage operational and meter-to-cash applications
the benefits of the data
10 Change management  Traditional organization  Effective use of data analytics requires
structures lead to very removing traditional silos and combining
limited applicability historically disparate groups
of modern systems
11 Incomplete AMR/AMI metering  Difficultyin fetching data  Implement manual reading of non-AMR
remotely from non-AMR meters using Hand-Held Units (HHUs)
meters or other conventional methods at fixed
 Unavailability of full data for intervals for collecting full data
carrying out energy auditing,
load forecasting, outage
management, etc.
 Data analytics use cases are
limited to billing

1.7 Benefits of AMI over AMR for Improved Data Analytics

In AMI systems, the real-time meter data can be pushed or pulled to the head-end system (HES)
automatically in a configurable frequency (i.e., at fixed intervals) as well as on demand. AMI systems
integration pushes a huge volume of data to the utility’s servers. The number of parameters that can
be captured by a smart meter (per utility requirements) will be higher than is possible using non-AMI

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  23

meters. This higher “resolution” and increased volume of data make it possible to run more potential
use cases with advanced analytics systems – which in turn generate insights that can be used to guide
efficiency-improvement initiatives in utilities.

A brief comparison of the functionality of AMR-enabled meters and AMI meters is provided in Table 11.

Table 11: Comparison of Functionality of AMR and AMI Meters

Functionality Normal Meter (AMR-Enabled) AMI Meters

Data storage  Yes  Yes

Tamper detection  Yes  Yes

Communication port  Optical or RJ11 or both  Yes

Meter reading  Automated, with a defined schedule  Automated, with a defined schedule (meter
(meter pushing the data to HES; usually pushing the data to HES; frequency can be as
once a month) low as 15 minutes)
 Meter can be manually polled on need  Meter can be manually polled on need basis
basis (Pull mode) (Pull mode)
 Optical Port is available for download of  Optical port is available for download of meter
meter reading using CMRI reading using CMRI
Remote reading  Through external/retrofit modem  Built-in
or modular but integrated with meter
 Separate power supply for modem housing
 No separate power supply for communication

Remote communication  GSM, GPRS or RF Drive-By  GPRS

mode  Sophisticated RF with router/DCU/gateway
capable of self-healing
 Plug-and-play needs no commissioning

Data availability through  Mainly billing data  All data including load profile, events, outages
remote reading
Two-way communication  No  Yes, event notification
Configuration of  Limited  Allallowed parameters even support remote
parameters in meter firmware update

Communication protocol  Proprietary  Open Standard (DLMS)

Software support  Limited  Standard; many types of Commercial
 Meter Manufacturer Dependent Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software available
 Mainly standalone desktop-based  Web-based applications, can be accessed
system from anywhere
 No centralized access

Integration  Meter Manufacturer Dependent  Standard,XML based or Service Oriented

Parameter recorded  Billing  Billing
 Load survey  Load Survey
 Events  Events
 TOU  TOU
 Varies by utility and manufacturer  Power outages
 Transactions
 Standard-based

24  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Functionality Normal Meter (AMR-Enabled) AMI Meters
Data usage  Limited, though data is stored in meter  All
data is transferred on near real-time basis
to central system, making it available for
Communication  Monthly  Configurable;can be configured for as low
frequency as 15 minutes (i.e., data is transmitted every
15 minutes)
Load control  No  Yes

Remote connection/  No  Yes

Additional functionality  No  Yes
net metering/pre-paid  Separate Meters  Configurable

Primary applications  Monthly Billing  Utilityoperations

 Demand response
 Billing and customer information system
 Customer data display
 Outage management

On-demand response None  Load control

 Demand management
 Critical peak rebates

Customer feedback Billing  Billing

 Loadpattern
 Website or mobile phone app

Energy accounting Monthly billing based  In

real time or daily, depending on data
communication frequency
New capabilities None  Power quality
 Load balancing
 Capacitor bank switching with additional
 Transformer load management
 Automated outage management

Security Varies by meter manufacturer and also  Varies by meter manufacturer and also based
based on utility requirement mentioned in on utility requirement mentioned in RFP
RFP (meter standards version) (meter standards version)

Administration Limited to metering and billing operations  AMI provides data integrations to multiple
and related services utility business systems in addition to
metering and billing systems like OMS, DMS,
NMS,* load forecasting, etc.
* A Distribution Management System (DMS) is a collection of applications designed to monitor and control a distribution network efficiently
and reliably. An Outage Management System (OMS) is an electronic system developed to identify and correct the outages in the electrical
network. A network management system (NMS) is a system designed for monitoring, maintaining, and optimizing a network.

Key features of smart meters include faster network restoration with outage notification from the
meter, remote meter reading, remote disconnection/reconnection, and faster tamper detection. The
real-time data allows utilities to improve in such areas as volt/VAR control, asset management, and
network planning.

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  25

AMI technology facilitates two-way communication between utilities and consumers, which is not
possible using AMR technology. This allows both utilities and consumers to initiate fast actions as
required. Providing real-time information to consumers helps them participate in efficient and effective
energy conservation efforts, while providing real-time data to utilities gives them an “as-operated”
view of the network.

Running advanced data analytics on real-time meter data from AMI systems can benefit energy
utilities in the following ways:
 Improved customer targeting and segmentation: There are compounding benefits for utilities
to deploy consumer analytics in their operations. Detailed knowledge of consumers can increase
the lifetime consumer value of residential and commercial users. In an increasingly competitive
market, understanding consumer behavior and the needs of customer groups is key to successful
retention of customers. Through targeting specific customers, companies are able to discern
customer use patterns, which allows them to develop and deliver their message more effectively
to customers.
 Improved energy leakage analytics and revenue protection: Smart meters already offer
better tampering resistance, but analytics can help advance the detection of power thefts, thus
preventing revenue losses. Analytics checks monthly consumption and energy bills and identifies
any discrepancies that might indicate fraud.
 Effectively target energy efficiency programs and demand response analytics: A deeper
understanding of how consumers use energy empowers energy utilities to develop targeted
energy efficiency programs.
 Improved billing and payment options: When more information is known about users, companies
are able to customize billing to user segments based on rate class, program participation, interests,
efforts to conserve energy, and so on.
 Reduced network maintenance and better assets management: Metering at Distribution
Transformer (DT) and feeder points provides insights into network and asset-loading conditions.
This enables the utility to improve network and asset utilization while reducing the chance of
network failure.

In India, AMR technology has been partially rolled out in several utilities, covering a large proportion of
their high-value industrial and commercial consumers. Meanwhile, over the last few years, Ministry of
Power (MoP) schemes such as IPDS and UDAY have helped accelerate the adoption of smart meters.
More recently, several utilities have proposed advancing to AMI technology.

One of the key roadblocks preventing the adoption of smart metering technology has been the high
cost of smart meters. With the recent EESL aggregated procurement of smart meters, however, the
cost per meter has fallen by more than 50 percent.

India’s AMR metering standards support Time-of Use (ToU) pricing.8 However, various IoT-enabled
services, DSM initiatives, and other initiatives requiring real - time data will require AMI implementation.

8 With time-of-use (TOU) pricing, electricity tariffs rise during peak demand periods and fall during low-demand periods.

26  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
While a full-scale adoption of AMI would be ideal, utilities may follow a phased approach and gradually
enhance their AMI penetration. The following key technical requirements may be useful in a phased
transition to AMI:
 Standardization of communication technologies and data-exchange protocols. In other words,
data-exchange protocols that support AMR should be able to support two-way communication in
AMI systems.
 Existing AMR head-end software solutions should be scalable so they can adopt AMI in future.
 Utilities should deploy smart meters initially, then make relevant technical upgrades where possible
to enable two-way communication and other operational features (such as DSM initiatives, ToU
tariffs, and remote disconnect/reconnect) that will allow them to adopt AMI in future.
 Network Interface Cards (NICs) should be easily replaceable in the field so that without replacing
meters, communication infrastructure can be upgraded to support future technologies, such as the
migration from the third to the fourth generation of mobile broadband Internet (3G to 4G).

1. Data Analytics in Power Utilities  27

2. P
 rocurement and Deployment
of Analytics Systems
2.1 Data Analytics System Architecture
Data analytics systems generally follow a uniform architecture featuring the following key components:
 Data sources
 Data integration
 Analytics hub
 Data sciences/analytics applications
 Data delivery points/visualization interface
 Work/case management

However, depending on the industry and overall system architecture, the data sources, integration
requirements, and dashboard components may change. Figure 6 shows an illustrative architecture of
a data analytics system for a power distribution utility.

The details of the various components of an analytics system are summarized in Table 12.

Figure 6: Data Analytics System Conceptual Architecture



Business Intelligence DATA VISUALIZATION

Data Data Data

ANALYTICS HUB Predictive Analytics
Ingestion Quality Maps/Charts
System of
records Data In-Memory
Data Master Data Aggregates Reports and
Transformation Management Dashboards
Data Lake Database
ML Models


Operational Work Order Accounting Management Customer
CRM Systems MDMS ERP Systems Management Service Systems
Systems Systems Systems

28  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Table 12: Details of Various Components of Analytics System

Components Details
Data Sources A utility’s data sources are its operational and back-office systems. In data management terms, the
overall information storage system is the “system of record” – and is sometimes referred to as “the
source of truth,” meaning a trusted data source. Due to the nature of these purpose-built systems, they
tend to be siloed – that is the data tend to be stored in different ways without a common organizational
principle. The three main data sources are as follows:

Information Technology Operational Technology (OT) Third Party Systems

(IT) Systems Systems
 Examples  Billingengine/  SCADA (supervisory control  Weather forecast
of Input Enterprise Resource and data acquisition) system systems
Sources Planning (ERP)  OMS (outage management  Social media
software system)  Websites
 Customer master data  GIS (geographic information
 Call center system)
 In-house IT  AMI/MDMS (advanced
applications metering infrastructure/meter
data management system)
 ADMS (advanced distribution
management system)
Volume Medium High Low
Data Type Structured Structured/semi-structured Unstructured

Analytics hub An analytics hub is different from a data warehouse or a simple “big data” repository. It encompasses
a more modern approach in which “in-memory”* technologies are used in conjunction with “big data”
hubs to address Business Intelligence (BI) and real-time analytical computing needs. This architecture
scales vertically and horizontally and uses computing resources efficiently – in a cloud or a traditional
data warehouse. In a real-time or a near-real-time analytics scenario, analytics are deployed on the in-
memory system or database to compute new results even as new data sets become available. Models
are typically developed in languages such as Python, Scala and R to execute statistical and machine-
learning algorithms.
Data Data integration poses several challenges that can be understood in terms of the “four V’s” of big
integration data: variety, volume, velocity and veracity. The variety of data includes structured, unstructured,
time series, events/alarms, and streaming – along with data sources external to the utility, such
as weather data. The volume of data can be significant if a historical time-series data are used as
data use grows exponentially. Since real-time execution of certain analytics is important, building
capabilities to eliminate latency in data integration (i.e., improving velocity) is important. Lastly, knowing
which data are the correct data (i.e., its veracity) is usually a big area of concern and usually requires
careful analysis. Examples of software used for data integration include Informatica, Talend, Oracle
Goldengate, and SAP SLT and Data Services.
Data sciences/ Analytics-model development differs from software development in terms of its approach. It is common
analytics to have an analytics (or data science) team performing the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), devising
applications models, and testing models or model “ensembles” (i.e., groups of models). These models are often
tested over time to minimize false positives and negatives before they are moved into production. In
addition, several vendors provide pre-built analytics models as a part of their software applications;
these models have been tested at various utilities and need minimal modifications to be incorporated
into production. The models – which may be descriptive, predictive or prescriptive – are built using
Natural Language Processing (NLP), statistical (open-loop/closed-loop) machine-learning models,
and artificial intelligence models (sometimes in an ensemble), among a variety of other approaches.
Examples of software used include R, SPSS, SAS, Python, Scala, SAP Predictive Analysis Library (PAL),
and Oracle R/OAC/Data Miner/OBIEE.

2. Procurement and Deployment of Analytics Systems  29

Components Details
Data Data visualization tools currently on the market can perform extensive modelling themselves, but
visualization are used mainly for data discovery and presentation of analytics results and can display insights in
very crisp and clear manner. Examples of software used include the SAP Business BusinessObjects
Intelligence (BI/BO) suite, Tableau, Qlikview, and Oracle Data Visualization.
Work/case It is important that the analytics are synthesized to drive actions. For example, if the analytics provide a
management prescriptive action to analyze electricity theft at a premise, there has to be a mechanism to execute the
action. This can be done with existing work management systems by extending their functionality, but it
is more common to manage such scenarios with a Case Management** solution.
* In computer science, in-memory processing is an emerging technology for processing data stored in database. Older systems are based
on disk storage and “relational” databases maintained using a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Because stored data
is accessed much more quickly when placed in Random-Access Memory (RAM) or flash memory, in-memory processing allows data to be
analyzed in real time, enabling faster reporting and decision-making in business.
** Case management refers to the process of resolving an incident or issue relating to the utility’s business, staff or customer, and being
accountable for the resolution of the incident or issue.

Table 13 showcases several market-available technology solutions currently in use in various utilities
for analytics systems.

Table 13: Technology Solutions in Use in Various Utilities for Analytics Systems

Components TPDDL* ComEd** PECO***

Data sources  ITsystems: Enterprise Resource  ITsystems: Oracle MDM,  IT systems: Oracle MDM,
Planning (ERP) systems; SAP IS-U; Accenture Customer/1 CIS, Accenture Customer/1 CIS
Metering, Billing and Collection ABB Asset Suite 8  OT systems: Intergraph
(MBC) systems  OT systems: ABB DMS/OMS, In-service, Esri GIS,
 Operational Technology (OT) Esri GIS, Operations Optimizer Oracle DataRaker
systems: SCADA, OMS, GIS, etc.  Third-party systems: weather  Third-party systems:
 Third-party systems: weather data, social media, web weather data, social
data, social media, websites, etc. services, etc. media, web services, etc.
Analytics hub  Data warehouse systems:  Data warehouse systems:  Data warehouse systems:
 Big-data lakes**** using Hadoop Data Warehouse  Big-data lakes using
 Big-data lakes using Exadata, Exadata, Cloudera
Data integration  Informatica  Informatica  Informatica
 Oracle Goldengate  Oracle Goldengate
 Spark  Spark
 Kafka  Kafka

Data sciences/  Platforms

based on the R  R  R
analytics programming language  Python  Python
applications  Oracle R  Oracle R
Data  SAP BusinessObjects suite  Qlikview  Qlikview
visualization  Tableau  Oracle Business Intelligence (BI)  Tableau
 Oracle BI
Work/case  SAP ECC  Work Information Management  Meterwork management
management System (WIMS) system
* Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited.
** Commonwealth Edison, commonly known as ComEd, is the largest electric utility in the U.S. state of Illinois.
*** PECO (formerly the Philadelphia Electric Company) is an electric and natural gas utility. It is a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation, the
United States’ largest regulated utility in terms of customer count and total revenue.
**** A data lake is a large reservoir of enterprise data stored in a cluster of commodity servers that run software such as the open-source
Hadoop platform for distributed big-data analytics.

30  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
2.2 Approaches for Procurement and Implementation of
Analytics Systems

2.2.1 Road Map

Before a utility adopts a data analytics system, it must have a clear organizational vision and mission.
The TDWI Analytics Maturity Model9 showcases the journey a utility must take to maximize the end-to-
end business benefits that big-data and analytics solutions can potentially offer. The journey can be
divided into five stages, details of which are shown in Table 14.

While most South Asian utilities have already implemented software solutions for billing and
customer-related processes, they have not yet implemented the OT systems. As a result, the utilities
will have to undergo the transformation journey depicted in Figure 7 to fully leverage the benefits of
data analytics.

Table 14: Utility Transition Stages in Adopting Analytics Systems

Stage Description
The utility has a low awareness of analytics or its value across the value chain. It has just begin
Nascent stage integrating OT systems into its IT framework, and has standalone reporting capabilities within
each business area.
The utility has conducted an initial assessment of data analytics and has some form of strategic
plan in place. It may have standalone dashboards and reporting capabilities and disparate
Pre-adoption stage
analytics processes within each business area; however, difficult obstacles remain, such as data
integration skill-set shortcomings with regard to tools and human resources.
The utility has strategic and scalable technical capabilities to deliver enterprise-wide analytics
Adoption stage solutions across business areas. There will be a significant shift toward data-driven business
processes and a redefinition of the operating model.
The utility has achieved a complete digital transformation, and all business processes and
Maturity stage
operations are now optimized using advanced analytics.
The utility has generated significant business value from analytics by continuously focusing on
Visionary stage
sharpening its technological capabilities.
Source: TDWI Analytics Maturity Model.

Figure 7: Transition Stages for South Asian Utilities

1 2 3
Implementation and Adopting Core Adopting Advanced
Integration of Data analytics related to Data Analytics
Sources MBC Systems
• Implementation of • Adoption of RQC, • Leveraging high
IT and OT systems BQC, Exception resolution “Big
• Integration of OT checks Data” for advanced
with IT systems • MIS Reporting analytics systems
(data Science)

9 See
pdf, p. 9.

2. Procurement and Deployment of Analytics Systems  31

2.2.2 Procurement Models
Procuring the hardware and software necessary to deploy and implement an analytics system can be
done using one of three models: consolidated, component-wise, or “software as a service” (SaaS). Model 1: Consolidated Procurement Model

In the consolidated procurement model, the utility hires a System Integrator (SI) to render end-to-end
services to implement the analytics system – including an “as-is” study,10 system design, procurement
of system components, implementation and integration. The utility’s role includes organizing the call for
bids/tenders, monitoring the implementation and making payments to the system integrator. Utilities
with no prior experience in IT implementations typically adopt this “consolidated” model, which is
illustrated in Figure 8.

In India, for example, Kolkata-based utility CESC has adopted this model for deployment of analytics

EESL’s “cost-plus” model is very similar to this model. As a third-party nodal agency, EESL is operating
a BOOT (build, own, operate and transfer) model to help utilities take up efficiency improvement
initiatives. Model 2: Component-wise Procurement Model

In the component-wise procurement model, the utility first procures the necessary hardware, then
hires a system integrator for software implementation and system integration. This model, illustrated in
Figure 9, is adopted mainly by utilities planning to expand their existing systems.

Figure 8: Consolidated Procurement Model

As–is study, analytics software –

hardware procurement & implementation
and system integration Services
Improved Services

Agreements and Monthly Payments DISCOM

System Integrator
• Releases tender to procure system integrator
for “as –is” study
• Implements end-to-end system including
hardware, software and system integration
• Makes investments & monitors project

10 An “as-is” study defines the current state of business processes in an organization. It is often an interim step to improving the current
state by creating a new “to-be” or future-state process.

32  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Figure 9: Component-wise Procurement Model

Analytics System
Hardware Vendors

Analytics system hardware Payments

components procured

DISCOM Role: Improved

• Procures analytics system hardware components services
• Release tender to procure system integrator for system
implementation and integration DISCOM
• Monitors project deployment
Agreements & Monthly
Payments Analytics software implementation
& system integration services


The key issue that might arise in this model will be related to interoperability of various system
components that are procured separately. Any utility considering adopting this model should have
sufficient technical expertise and an experienced IT team within the organization.

In India, Delhi-based TPDDL has adopted this model to deploy its analytics solutions. Model 3: Software-as-a-Service Procurement Model

In the software as a service (SaaS) procurement model, the utility hires a service provider to host the
systems, either on a cloud platform or physically at their host locations, and to provide other services
as needed. As illustrated in Figure 10, the utility’s role is limited to managing the service provider
agreements and monitoring the performance of the systems and services rendered.

In the United States, PECO and ComEd have adopted this model for deploying energy-theft and meter-
operations analytics services. PECO uses Oracle DataRaker, while ComEd uses Operations Optimizer,
which is made by Silver Spring Networks (recently acquired by Itron).

2. Procurement and Deployment of Analytics Systems  33

Figure 10: Software-as-a-Service Procurement Model

Scalable analytics software and Increased customer

hardware infrastructure and data satisfaction and
integration services loyalty

Agreements & Monthly

Software as a CONSUMERS
Service Provider

• Releases tender to procure software-as-a-service analytics
platform to implement analytics
• Service provider ensures scalability and service level
agreements are met
• DISCOM manages provider according to agreement and
monitors performance Model Comparison

The pros and cons of each procurement model are discussed in Table 15.

Table 15: Comparison of Procurement Models

Pros Cons
Consolidated  Traditional
and mature implementation model  Control on the outcome can only be asserted
 High probability of success as utility draws contractually
on experience from previous successful  Maintenance of system requires training of internal
programs staff
 Resources: capability and capacity well  Inability to deploy specific resources DISCOM
defined and understood knows and trusts
Component-  More control over implementation and  Lack of large program experience
wise execution  Depends on capacity of internal resources to scale
 Flexible and ability to adapt  DISCOM responsible for performance, reliability
 Change management and organizational and scalability
knowledge  DISCOM accountable for delays and overruns

Software as a  Short procurement and implementation cycle  Data privacy and security concerns
Service (SaaS)  Vendor responsible for performance,  Control on the outcome can only be asserted
reliability and scalability contractually
 Lower total cost of ownership  Strong communications network and data
interfaces needed

2.3 Technical Specification for Analytics Systems

The technical specification of analytics systems varies with the number of smart meters in the utility
area and the volume/variety of data captured from the meters, as explained in Table 16.

34  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Table 16: Hardware and Software Specification of Analytics System

Hardware Specifications
 The solution should be sufficiently scalable to accommodate future business growth.
 The analytical system ideally should have a built-in redundancy feature with no single point of failure.
 To protect the utility’s investment, the analytical system should be able to support the coexistence of at least two
generations of hardware in order to avoid hardware re-deployment for future upgrades or expansions.
 The solution should allow for data replication between two data centers in asynchronous mode.
 The power, cooling and space parameters (Rack Unit and HDD numbers)in the hardware system must be designed to
accommodate future expansion.
 The operating system should be bundled with the solution including support.
 The solution should be bundled with network switch.
 The platform should be capable of the standard archiving process
 The platform should be persistent such as for long-term regulatory and analytics data, records that will be used in
time-based analysis; need a clearly defined policy to include on-going integrity checks and other long-term reliability
features, and to address the need for data-in-place upgrades.

Software Specifications (Analytics and Advanced Analytics)

Type Features
Analytics Data Integration and Processing
Solution  The Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tool should be integrated with the most commonly used source
systems, such as ERP systems, CRM systems, and RDBMSs.
 The ETL tool should allow for the aggregation of all source databases. The data will load into the data
store, and loads can be scheduled.
 The solution should allow for real-time data ingestion (i.e., the process of obtaining and importing data
for immediate use or storage in a database) and real- or near-real-time reporting capability from IoT
devices, smart meters and other sources of data.
 The solution should have integration tools for transforming data within the analytics system.

Data Management and Administration

 The solution should allow the user to access and manage data through an intuitive user interface.

Manageability and Security

 The solution should allow full configuration of system administration, and should provide monitoring
tools for all components.
 The system should ideally provide a secure authentication mechanism to prevent eavesdroppers/
attackers masquerading as (i.e., pretending to be) valid users; for example, the Kerberos network
authentication protocol.
 The solution components must be integrated with the existing Lightweight Directory Access Protocol/
Active Directory (LDAP/AD) system. Users should only be able to log in via their corporate LDAP/AD
account. However, the LDAP/AD system also can be used as a standalone.
 The system should ensure that data sets are secure (so that only authorized users can view particular
data sets) and that group access is read-only.
 The system should be able to audit and review who is accessing what data set, to ensure that these
policies are being followed and enforced. Also, log retention should be available.
 The system should have the option of partial or full encryption of the data at-rest.

Advanced General Features

Analytics  The proposed advanced-analytics solution should be based on commonly used data science
Solution languages, such as Python or R.
 The solution must provide an integrated environment for running predictive and descriptive modeling,
data mining, forecasting, optimization, simulation, experimental design and more.
 The platform should support multi-threaded applications for data scientists.

2. Procurement and Deployment of Analytics Systems  35

Type Features
Statistical Modelling Features
 The solution should support basic algorithms like regression, Lasso-based regression, ridge
regression, logistic regression, decision trees, random forest, support vector machines, clustering
algorithms, time series modelling, topic modelling, and term frequency matrix.
 The solution should be able to leverage in-memory capability to carry out statistical and forecasting
Data Discovery
 The proposed tool should be a single, intuitive and visual interface that allows users to find and
explore data, quickly transform and enrich it, and unlock it so that anyone can discover and share
analytical insights.
 The solution should be able to upload/import data from spreadsheets (e.g. Excel) and text files (e.g.
delimited files, such as comma-separated-values [CSV] files) into memory for analysis.
 The solution should have a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface (web-based or command line)
allowing data sampling and discovery in self-service mode.

2.4 Functional Requirements of Advanced Analytics System

The functional requirements of an advanced analytics system may be grouped into three areas:
reporting, reliability, and storage.

2.4.1 Reporting General Features

In terms of general features, the solution should:

 Provide an easy-to-use visualization capability so that users can access information – including
interactive graphs, charts, and tables – collated from the multiple operational sources, thus
enhancing decision making;
 Allow users (those with sufficient administrative rights) to perform ad-hoc analysis on the data and
distribute the results on mobile devices for on-the-go analysis;
 Facilitate alerts based on user defined criteria which would be dispensed in the form of emails,
portal alerts etc.;
 Be able to publish configurable alert notifications by SMS or email;
 Have parameterized calculations that enable dynamic filtering, ranking, calculations and
display rules;
 Have strong layout capabilities to provide flexibility in report layout and design;
 Allow customized interaction between sections, objects, and so on;
 Ensure that data are interactively prepared for analysis – including joining tables, defining custom
calculated columns, and creating custom expressions; and
 Be a part of an integrated solution framework, preferably from single-vendor support for better
connectivity and seamless integration.

36  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities Mobility Features

In terms of mobility features, the solution should provide:

 Interactive reports and dashboard viewing on tablets and smartphones for iOS and Android
without requiring any redesign;
 Analysis/explorations/reports to be pushed for online or offline viewing on mobile devices; and
 Ideally, collaboration support for annotation on tablets. Platform Support for All Office applications

In terms of platform support for Microsoft Office applications, the solution should:
 Feature seamless integration with Microsoft Office suites
 Support Outlook integration
 Support Excel integration, with the ability to leverage native Excel charts
 Allow printing to PDF as well as exporting data in Excel and comma-separated-value (CSV) formats. Reporting Tool Security

In terms of reporting tool security, the following is required:

 The solution should define screen layouts according to allowed security permissions.
 User, group, object and folder security should be configurable.
 Security for data restrictions should be managed from within the solution.
 Security should be defined at row, column, and connection levels.
 Unsuccessful login attempts should be recorded and retrievable somewhere on the system.

2.4.2 Reliability
High availability (HA) refers to the analytics system’s ability to service users even when confronted
with component failures. The system should ideally have redundancy at both hardware and network-
component levels.

Data protection capabilities let users protect data from any unauthorized access. The system should
offer at-rest encryption of data to ensure data and information security.

2.4.3 Storage
The analytics system should support data storage and applications on a cloud platform or on on-site
physical databases. Cloud-based storage can be a cost-effective solution compared to conventional
on-site physical storage solutions; it can also accelerate technology adoption in power utilities by
reducing the time required to set up data centers. Table 17 compares the various cloud-based and
physical database solutions.

2. Procurement and Deployment of Analytics Systems  37

Table 17: Comparison of Cloud-based and Physical Database Solutions

Solution Physical Cloud

Servers  Co-located  Integrated
 Failure-dependent  Fault tolerant
Resources  Partitioned  Unified
 Performance interrelated  Performance isolated
Management  Separate  Centralized full control
 Manual  Automated

Scalability  Plan ahead  Flexible

 Over-provisioning  Scalable

Renting/Costing  Per physical machine  Per amount of usage

Application/Services  Fixed on designated servers  Runs on all virtual machines
Data Security  High  Moderate

Cost  High  Low

2.5 Sizing and Typical Bill of Quantity for Analytics System

The component requirements, system design and system cost depend on the volume and variety of
data and the processes the system must perform on the data. The utility should carry out a detailed
hardware- and network-sizing exercise separately based on the business requirements. Table 18
illustrates a sample analytics system sizing and Bill of Quantity (BoQ) for 5,00,000 consumers in the
AMI scenario; the configuration assumes that the necessary data center (including the required number
of server racks) is already available.

Table 18: Sizing and Typical Bill of Quantity for Analytics System

Parameters Description
Number of consumers  5,00,000

Number of parameters  10

Meter polling frequency  30 minutes interval

Data Source Size

Billing Reads 1 terabyte (TB)
AMI full data 7 TB
Total data size per year including OT systems (SCADA, DMS, OMS, etc.) 3.5 TB
ERP and in-house IT systems 3.5 TB
Total 15 TB

 Scalable up to four times the current capacity

 Temporary/log storage should be on an SSD/Flash drive
Memory/RAM  1 TB (scalable up to 2 TB)
 Approx.16 CPUs with 2.28 GHz or higher
CPU* and clock speed  Thenumber and specification of each CPU shall be as certified by the
software provider

38  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Parameters Description
Processor type  OEM-certified processor
Network interfaces  10 gigahertz (GHz), two in number
Operating system  Open source (Windows, Linux, Unix)
HBA** connector  Two in number, 16 gigabits per second (Gbps)
 50 percent of the main setup
Data redundancy
 Replication support to be provided by the software vendor
* CPU = central processing unit.
** HBA = host bus adapter.

2. Procurement and Deployment of Analytics Systems  39

References and Links

TPDDL Smart Grid Lab overview:

EESL smart-grid initiatives:


Indian Power Sector Policies and Schemes Overview:

UDAY Scheme:

IEEE Smart Grids:

IEEE Smart Grid Standards:

Yi Wang, Qixin Chen, Tao Hong, and Chongqing Kang. 2018. “Review of Smart Meter Data Analytics:
Applications, Methodologies, and Challenges.” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

40  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities

Appendix A. Description of Key Technology Terms

Advanced Metering AMI is an architecture for automated, two-way communication between a smart utility meter with
Infrastructure (AMI) data communication capability (via an IP address) and a utility company. The goal of AMI is to
provide utility companies with real-time data about power consumption and allow customers to
make informed choices about energy usage based on the price at the time of use.
Automatic Meter AMR is a technology that automatically collects consumption, diagnostic, and status data from
Reading (AMR) energy metering devices and transfers that data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting,
and analyzing. AMR saves utility providers the expense of periodic trips to each physical location
to read a meter.
Big Data Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data, both structured and unstructured,
that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations – providing
operational benefits to respective sectors.
Big Data Analytics Big data analytics is the process of examining large and varied data sets – i.e., “big data” – to
uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other
useful information that can help organizations make more-informed business decisions.
Data Lake A data lake is a large reservoir of enterprise data stored in a cluster of commodity servers that run
software such as the open-source Hadoop platform for distributed big-data analytics.
DMS, OMS, NMS A Distribution Management System (DMS) is a collection of applications designed to monitor and
control a distribution network efficiently and reliably. An Outage Management System (OMS)
is an electronic system developed to identify and correct the outages in the electrical network.
A Network Management System (NMS) is a system designed for monitoring, maintaining, and
optimizing a network.
Hadoop System Apache Hadoop is “big data” management platform. It is a collection of open-source software that
facilitates using a network of many computers to manage and solve problems involving massive
amounts of data and computation. It provides a software framework for distributed storage and
processing of big data.
Head-End System A HES is hardware and software that receives meter data sent to the utility. HESs may perform
(HES) a limited amount of data validation before either making the data available for other systems to
request or pushing the data out to other systems.11

11 See

Appendices  41
In-Memory In computer science, in-memory processing is an emerging technology for processing data stored
Technologies in database. Older systems are based on disk storage and “relational” databases maintained
using a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Because stored data is accessed
much more quickly when placed in random-access memory (RAM) or flash memory, in-memory
processing allows data to be analyzed in real time, enabling faster reporting and decision making.
Internet of Things The IoT is an interconnection of endpoints (devices and other objects) that can be uniquely
(IoT) identified using an Internet Protocol (IP) address. With the IoT, devices can be connected to
the Internet to sense, gather, receive and send data, and communicate with each other and
applications – via IP technologies, platforms and connectivity solutions.
Net Metering Also called Net Energy Metering (NEM), net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar
energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid.12
Non-Volatile Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) is a type of computer memory that has the capability to hold saved
Memory data even if the power is turned off.
Smart Grid According to the IEEE, “The Smart Grid is defined as an integration of electricity and
communication, so that the electric network will be ‘always available, live, interactive,
interconnected, and tightly coupled with the communications in a complex energy and information
real-time network.’”13 A smart grid is not a single technology or system, but rather a central system
of systems in which various types of technology are deployed.

12 See and

13 See

42  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Appendix B. Meter Reading Quality Checks (RQCs) – 2nd Level: Screenshots
Low Consumption

This check identifies variations in the consumption trend of a particular consumer, with reference to low-threshold values for each

References and Links  43

High MDI (Maximum Demand Indicator)

44  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
This check identifies variations in the MDI trend of a particular consumer with regard to historical meter reading data and category-wise
threshold values.
Reading Reversed/Wrong Reading

This check identifies erroneous energy consumption readings, such as very high or negative consumption, captured from meters.

References and Links  45

Low Power Factor

46  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
This check identifies cases where the power factor value is below the threshold defined by the utility.
Zero Consumption

This check verifies that previous-month and current-month consumption readings (in kWh) are the same, so that the resultant per-month
consumption is zero.

References and Links  47

Contract Demand

This check compares the demand value from the meter data with contractual demand limits in the consumer master database. A penalty
is applied whenever demand exceeds contractual limits.

48  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Non-Reprogramming of Meters

This check verifies that the tariff slab information and reset date from the meter data are in line with the consumer master data.

References and Links  49

Appendix C. Billing Quality Checks (BQCs) – 3rd Level: Screenshots
Current Billed Demand

50  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
This check performs a trend analysis of current billed demand along with a comparison to threshold value.
Inflated Bill
Inflated Bill

This check identifies cases of high bill amount compared to the threshold value for the particular category.

References and Links  51

Negative Amount
Negative Amount

52  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
This check identifies cases where a customer’s bill amount for the current month is negative.
High Slab
High Slab

This check compares the slab value with the threshold value for particular category of consumer.

References and Links  53

Net Metering

54  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Net Metering Billing Annexure

CA No. : 60006105302 Name : MANAGER

Bill Number : Bill Period : 01/12/2018 to 31/12/2018
Bill Date : 14/01/2019 NET-Meter No. : 93207940
Multiplying Factor : 1.00 Remark : OK
Sanctioned Load (KW/KVA) : 47.00/51.00

Solar Meter : 93208748 Solar Consumption : 2170

Solar Meter Sanctioned Load (KWp) : Solar Meter Installation Date : 11/03/2016

Reading Details Time of Day Details Moderation Details

Net Meter Units Previous Date Current Date Cumulative Peak Normal Off Total Unit- Unit- Unit-Off Units Carried
Details Brought Reading Reading Consumption Peak Peak Normal Peak Forward/Billed

Draw from 113295 30/11/18 114775 31/12/2018 1479 197 655 627

Injection to 37205 38215 1009 225 743 41


Net (A-B) 0 470 -28 -88 586 470 -28 -88 588 470

1. Excess units if any, will be adjusted against your next month consumption and excess units at the end of the financial year will be refunded thru Cheque.
2. ‘The amount of Government Subsidy & Electricity Tax charged in Bill towards Net metered consumption is subject to revision after receipt of clarification.

This check verifies the correctness of bills for consumers having net metering.14

References and Links  55

14 Net metering (or net energy metering, NEM) is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid.
Appendix D. Meter Data Exception-Generation Checks: Screenshots
Consumption Comparison

12,260.00 kWh
12,149.00 kWh
12,000 11,356.00 kWh
10,660.00 kWh
9,831.00 kWh 10,523.00 kWh
10,000 9,124.00 kWh 9,436.00 kWh
8,781.00 kWh
8,000 6,740.00 kWh

6,000 5,327.00 kWh

1,000 13.00 kWh

11 days
31 days
31 days
31 days
31 days
31 days
31 days
31 days

30 days
28 days
30 days
30 days

History 1
History 7

History 3
History 4
History 8

History 2
History 5
History 6
History 9
History 11

History 10


56  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
� Active (I) Total-kWh (CH1) � Reactive (I) kVArh (CH3) � Abs Active - kWh (CH5) � Def. in Active (I)- kWh (CH7)
� Active (E) Total-kWh (CH2) � Reactive (E) kVArh (CH4) � Abs Apparent - kVAh (CH6) � Def. in Apparent - kVAh (CH8)

This check compares the consumer’s current consumption with historical trend and threshold values.
Voltage Failure

Average Voltage

260 Voltage failure in one phase

Voltage (in V)
02- May 04- May 06- May 08- May 08- May 12- May 14- May 16- May 18- May 20- May 22- May 24- May 26- May 28- May 30- May 01- Jun
Wed Fri Sun Tue Thu Sat Mon Wed Fri Sun Tue Thu Sat Mon wed Fri

This check verifies that system voltage values are in line with tolerance and threshold values.

References and Links  57

Assessed Consumption
90 82.52 kVA 82.34 kVA
67.54 kVA HIGH MDI

60 54.12 kVA
47.32 kVA
50 41.80 kVA 44.38 kVA


Maximum Demand
16.54 kVA
20 13.42 kVA
10 3.28 kVA

Current History 1 History 2 History 3 History 4 History 5 History 6 History 7 History 8 History 9


� Abs Apparent-IVA (CH4) � Abs Active Total-kW (CH1) � Abs Reactive (Lag)-kVAr (CH2) � Abs Reactive (Lead)-KVAr (CH3)

This check verifies whether the calculated load factor is in the predefined threshold load factor range for the particular consumer

58  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Data Corruption

9,71,312.00 kVAh








1,00,000 5,613.00 kVAh 4,427.00 kVAh 5,450.00 kVAh 6,130.00 kVAh 0406.00 kVAh
6,035.00 kVAh
5,185.00 kVAh 7,550.00 kVAh 6,143.00 kVAh
4,666.00 kVAh 6,554.00 kVAh
Current History 1 History 2 History 3 History 4 History 5 History 6 History 7 History 8 History 9 History 10 History 11
22 days 31 days 30 days 31 days 28 days 31 days 31 days 30 days 31 days 30 days 31 days 31 days


� Active(I) - kWh (CH1) � Active(E) Total - kWh (CH3) � Abs Apparent - kVAh (CH5) � Abs Reactive (Lead) -kVArh (CH7)
� Active(E) - kWh (CH2) � Abs Active - kWh (CH4) � Abs Reactive (Lag) - kVArh (CH6) � Active [Del] - NegCur-kWh (CH8)
� Active (I) - kWh (CH9)

This check looks for data corruption by comparing the values recorded for MDI/consumption data/digits with the threshold values.

References and Links  59

This check identifies cases of NVM failure event flags.
NVM (Non-volatile Memory) Failure

60  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Power Failure

This check identifies cases of power failure event flags.

References and Links  61

Neutral Disturbance

Neutral Disturbance

62  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
This check identifies cases of unbalanced neutral current values or unbalanced voltage values.
Current Reversal
Current Reversal

This check verifies whether the value of the active current is negative or not.

References and Links  63

This check verifies whether for current value is above defined threshold value.
CT Overload
CT Overload

64  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Current Missing

Current Missing

This check identifies cases where the phase current is zero or less than specified threshold value.

References and Links  65

Power Factor (PF)



0.58 0.57 0.57 0.58 0.57 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.55 0.54 0.54


Power Factor




Current History 1 History 2 History 3 History 4 History 5 History 6 History 7 History 8 History 9 History 10 History 11 History 12


� Calculated Avg Imp/Avg Power Factor (Unsigned)

66  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
This check verifies whether the Power Factor (PF) data is within the threshold range defined for low and high PF.
Manual Reset

This check verifies whether the meter reading reset duration is other than the historical value or predefined value.

References and Links  67

Real-Time Clock (RTC) Failure

68  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
This check verifies that the meter clock accuracy is in line with the HES clock time.
Internal Ratio

This check cross-verifies that the on-site CT ratio is consistent with the consumer master data.

References and Links  69

Magnet Tampering







1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45

AvgCurrent-R (A) AvgCurrent-Y (A) AvgCurrent-B (A)

This check identifies cases of magnetic tampering by analyzing consumption pattern variations.

70  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Load Unbalance
Load Unbalance

This check verifies whether the phase current values in three phases are unequal or vary above the tolerance range in each phase.

References and Links  71

This check identifies cases of any “cover open” event flags.

72  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Potential Missing with Load Running
Potential Missing with Load Running

This check identities cases where the current value is recorded but with voltage value as zero.

References and Links  73

Other Checks
Other checks include the following:

Missing Data/Data Download Gap Check Identifies instances of data missing from periodic or on-demand polling.

Time-of-Day (ToD) Consumption Check Verifies whether the ToD slab consumption has been recorded by the meter
for the particular consumer category.

Meter Pulse Overflow Check Checks that the number of pulses does not exceed the maximum threshold.

Test Mode Check Checks whether the data was collected while the meter was in test mode.

Energy Sum Check Calculates the difference between the total cumulative consumption shown
in the incoming data and the total consumption of various slots over the
same time period.

Interval Spike Check Identifies intervals showing high usage relative to surrounding intervals.

Unit of Measurement (UoM) Check Ensures that the Unit of Measurement (UoM) of the incoming data matches
the UoM specified on meter profile.

Usage of Inactive Meters Check Identifies cases of consumption shown for inactive meters.

Negative Consumption Check Verifies whether the meter reading of a consumer is lower than the previous
meter reading.

Reactive Load (kVARh) Check Identifies intervals where reactive load (measured in kVARh) is present and
active load (measured in kWh) is not.

74  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Appendix E. MIS Reports: Screenshots

Planning and Scheduling Report

Reading Base MR Actual Invoicing

Bill Month District Portion TNC
Cycle Date Date
May 16 RC–9 CL CLO9B 918 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 KP KPO9B 454 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 MN MNO9B 758 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 PP PPO9B 668 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 SN SNO9B 422 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 MT MTO9B 551 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 BW BWO9B 2044 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 MP MPO9B 419 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 NL NLO9B 3087 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 RH RHO9B 666 02 May 16 06 May 16
May 16 RC–9 SB SBO9B 525 02 May 16 06 May 16

This report outlines the meter reading sequence for a month.

Base Meter Reading Performance Report

District Accepted Not Accepted Grand Total Base Performance

BD 2,529 69 2598 97.34%
BW 4,696 112 4808 97.67%
CL 2,868 77 2945 97.39%
KP 3,165 36 3201 98.88%
MN 4,144 108 4252 97.46%
MP 5,542 265 5807 95.44%
MT 3,957 142 4099 96.54%
NL 4,601 163 4764 96.58%
PP 3,673 99 3772 97.38%
RH 6,071 207 6278 96.70%
SB 8,394 279 8673 96.78%
SN 3,578 97 3675 97.36%
Grand Total 53,218 1,654 54,872 96.99%

This is a summary report that is generated after the initial base meter reading (in a non-AMI scenario)
showcasing meter reading status.

References and Links  75

Communication Success Rate Report

Month MODEM Installed Communicated Communication Status

w.r.t. Total
Mar ’18 71,115 68,163 95.85%
April ’18 71,604 67,620 94.44%
May ’18 71,721 66,531 92.76%
June ‘18 71,726 65,705 91.61%

This report shows success rates for remote meter reading.

Follow-Up Meter Reading Report


Reading Date_

Photo (Y/N)_








527 250 MN08B MN08B004 5000003694 51003314 TL 23 Jul 18 Y
K13 802 KP01D KP01D007 5000004203 41013941 TL 24 Jul 18 Y
S74 828 SN09C SN09C012 5000005971 40275911 ND 23 Jul 18 Y
315 189 SN05C SN05C001 5000011977 41283517 TL 24 Jul 18 Y
254 654 CLO4C CLO4C002 5000012738 40251433 ND 24 Jul 18 Y
254 654 CLO4C CLO4C002 5000012760 43034227 TL 24 Jul 18 Y
831 529 MN08C MN08C002 5000013202 41558813 TL 21 Jul 18 Y
K12 798 KP01C KP01C001 5000013221 42058397 PL 23 Jul 18 Y
738 766 BD02E BD02E004 5000014203 41084490 OB 21 Jul 18 Y
392 707 MP02D MP02D002 5000015065 41072411 TL 24 Jul 18 Y
4 139 CL04D CL04D004 5000017332 72285469 TL 23 Jul 18 Y

This report gives details (including serial numbers) of meters that have failed RQC validations and thus
require follow-up on-site meter readings.

76  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Monitoring Report (Unread Meters)

Shalimar Bagh
Contractor No


Shakti Nagar
Model Town

Moti Nagar

Civil Lines




GNI 1 1 1 3 1 1 8
HRB 89 119 58 61 138 63 92 113 51 92 61 158 1,095
KCG 4 3 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 20
PP-HCB 17 20 12 21 15 16 17 13 10 36 8 16 201
PP-NOTOD 2 1 2 1 2 8
PP-TOD 1 3 1 2 7
RC1 10 1 7 2 21 4 2 2 2 51
RC2 3 3 1 4 19 6 103 139
RC3 2 1 3 5 5 2 3 23,541 23,562
RC9 1 1,980 3 14 25 1 2,918 7 4 79 5,032
SCB 79 15 7 18 2 8,221 2,410 235 1 1 16 11,005
SOLR-HCB 9 2 9 5 3 6 7 8 12 10 6 77
STLT 10 19 7 2 6 1 6 218 2 6 2 15 96
Sum: 10,436 11,335 7,060 5,789 15,768 13,088 11,505 10,858 6,380 10,471 5,532 23,943 13,2165

This report shows the number of meters unread due to meter inaccessibility.

Monitoring Report (BQC Checks)

Responsibility Center 1 day 2-5 days 6-7 days 8-15 days >15 days Grand Total
BQC Desk 35 62 5 4 106
JE Authorization Desk 1 1 1 3
Meter Reading Analysis Desk 132 113 7 2 254
Meter Reading Analysis Desk – HRB 3 36 39
Rcg Coordination Desk 2 1 3
Grand Total 173 213 12 6 1 405

This report provides the status of various BQC Checks.

References and Links  77

Bill Distribution Report/Disconnection Notice Report

Bill Distribution MIS

Type of Bill Billing Invoicing Bills Bills Portion Total Total bills Ideal Status Delays
(Schedule/ Date Date Receiving Receiving TNC of Received Date of (Completed/ in no of
Unscheduled) Dates from Dates from Portion Dates from Submission Pending) days
Printer MRG Printer
Unscheduled 12.07.2012 09C 43 15.07.2012 Pending 2
Unscheduled 13.07.2012 09C 27 16.07.2012 Pending 1
Schedule 11.07.2012 12.07.2012 13.07.2012 14.07.2012 BD05A 1540 1380 17.07.2012 Pending
Schedule 12.07.2012 13.07.2012 14.07.2012 14.07.2012 BD05B 1498 1245 17.07.2012 Pending
Unscheduled 14.07.2012 SPL 172+140 17.07.2012 Pending
Unscheduled 14.07.2012 AMR 1184 17.07.2012 Pending
Unscheduled 14.07.2012 ADDRESS 2+1 17.07.2012 Pending
Unscheduled 14.07.2012 ADDRESS 4 17.07.2012 Pending
Schedule 13.07.2012 14.07.2012 16.07.2012 16.07.2012 BD05C 1023 722 19.07.2012 Pending
Schedule 13.07.2012 14.07.2012 16.07.2012 16.07.2012 BD06A 1256 1229 19.07.2012 Pending
Schedule 13.07.2012 14.07.2012 16.07.2012 16.07.2012 BD07C 2330 2294 19.07.2012 Pending
Schedule 13.07.2012 14.07.2012 16.07.2012 16.07.2012 BD07E 1218 1212 19.07.2012 Pending
Unscheduled 16.07.2012 SPL 227 19.07.2012 Pending
Unscheduled 16.07.2012 AMR 166 19.07.2012 Pending
Unscheduled 16.07.2012 ADDRESS 5 19.07.2012 Pending

This summary report shows the number of bills, disconnection notices distributed (with or without
proof of delivery, or PoD) and undistributed bills.

78  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Reconciliation Report

Not to Remaining
Consider Unbilled
Total no. of Total Total
consumers Invoiced Active Resolved Resolved Unbilled
Cycle Active Inactive TD DT Total
Bill % age % age
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (A-H)
RC1 180786 149518 3356 26419 1493 17 520 2819 177967 98.44 1.56
RC2 204103 172759 3315 26469 1560 7 714 2594 201509 98.73 1.27
RC3 227228 187619 3656 34056 1921 30 788 2838 224390 98.75 1.25
RC4 193881 161234 4258 26378 2011 19 698 3541 190340 98.17 1.83
RC5 185259 154329 3523 26133 1274 18 502 3003 182256 98.38 1.62
RC6 188700 158160 3310 25647 1583 24 373 2923 185787 98.46 1.54
RC7 212348 176006 4730 29879 1733 22 491 4217 201831 98.01 1.99
RC8 217974 181426 4652 30344 1552 18 629 4005 213969 98.16 1.84
RC9 41993 2131 3485 36084 293 35 245 3205 38788 92.37 7.63
SCB 170875 130116 4266 33947 2546 13 1117 3136 167739 98.16 1.84
G&I 8580 7273 543 609 155 2 46 495 8085 94.23 5.77
HRB 87665 68363 3179 15173 950 0 478 2701 84964 96.92 3.08
KCG 2453 1872 12 547 22 0 1 11 2442 99.55 0.45
Prepaid 4639 4204 202 104 129 0 22 180 4459 96.12 3.88
Streetlight 5029 4164 278 530 57 0 21 257 4772 94.89 5.11
Grand 1931513 1559174 42768 312295 17279 205 6645 35915 1895598 98.14 1.88

This report yields statistics on meters read and unread as well as consumers billed and invoiced.

Unbilled for over 60/90 Days Report

Recent Category Grand Total

Remark HCB SCB G&I HRB KCG Prepaid Street Light
OK/MM/LR 999 114 24 27 1 1 6 1172
PL/BL/TL/SP 495 30 27 63 78 24 717
Meter Faulty 308 53 5 23 9 16 414
Open MRO 350 19 11 3 20 3 406
NM/DC 219 92 5 25 14 13 368
Plausible 123 15 28 46 116 11 339
OB/EN/NA/MH 82 97 3 35 2 39 258
BQC 119 8 15 24 15 3 184
NP/NR 64 2 1 3 3 73
Billed but not 4 2 10 16
AR Case 11 11
Grand Total 2774 432 118 247 1 268 118 3958

This report shows the number of consumers having provisional bills for 60/90 days.

References and Links  79

Current Demand and Billed Units Report

01.04.2018 to 30.04.2018 01.04.20187 to 30.04.2017 Variance Comparison

Actual Units

Actual Units

Actual Units
Demand (in

Demand (in
Billed Units

Billed Units

Billed Units


No. of Bills

No. of Bills



(in MU)

(in MU)

(in MU)

(in MU)

No. of

No. of

(in %)

(in %)

(in %)


HCB 815023 5321 126.79 126.2 83.14 1082017 3649 187.59 185.9 119.49 -32.41 -32.12 -30.42
HRB 70138 5 213.62 206.62 224.74 70402 11 221.22 213.12 217.62 -3.43 -3.05 3.27
EXPR 278 0 56.44 54.94 53.94 246 0 57.34 55.86 51.05 -1.57 -1.66 5.67
KCG 1661 5 45.83 44.23 47.11 1525 0 46.74 45.08 46.84 -1.94 -1.87 0.58
SCB 153423 791 14.39 14.34 7.46 187744 374 15.8 15.7 8.32 -8.96 -8.70 -10.42
Others 2 0 0.04 0.03 0.05 -100.00 -100.00 100.00
Sum: 1040523 6122 457.07 446.33 416.39 1341936 4034 528.73 515.69 443.37

This report shows the total units billed, the amount billed for the current month, and the amount billed
for the same month of the previous year, and deviations.

Collection Detail Report

HRB Consumers HCB Consumers Total (LT) Grand Total
Consumers Consumers
Net Demand

















01 Feb 18 0.71 7.2 4.69 4.29 0.6 0.21 5.99 11.99 0.06 9.19 6.06 21.25
02 Feb 18 0.53 5.24 7.99 4.7 0.09 0.22 8.6 10.17 0.44 0.52 9.05 10.69
03 Feb 18 0.17 2.75 4.59 3.58 0.28 0.2 5.04 6.53 0.33 1.44 5.37 7.97
04 Feb 18 0 0.23 0.03 1.06 0 0.03 0.03 1.32 0 0.03 0.03 1.35
05 Feb 18 0.2 3.47 6.7 4.84 0.21 0.25 7.12 8.61 0 0.89 7.12 9.5
06 Feb 18 0.28 3.02 7.87 4.61 0.15 0.29 8.3 7.92 0 0.29 8.3 8.21

This report shows the daily amount paid by various categories of consumers.

80  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Due Date MIS Reports


Row Labels



Badli 2366 118 42 43 791 8 12824 9 5
Bawana 4403 3063 3893 35 100 8 4118 4396 5
Civil Lines 2253 5484 141 58 2639 174 9971 3276 135
Keshavpuram 80 78 32 24 3270 5 8186 81 1
Mangolpuri 13151 16857 15578 1104 116 16 1068 7866 35
Model Town 191 114 205 23 7657 393 14754 9179 5
Moti Nagar 241 109 232 37 12610 766 24394 4063 9
Narela 4901 3914 5978 77 3135 238 10479 3866 9
Pitampura 965 119 2653 56 5282 12 11880 1495 350
Rohini 705 156 109 69 7732 27 9507 11079 5

This report is issued to head cashiers at collection centers to help them with resource planning.

Demand and Collection Report

MTD – Demand vs Collection for Feb-17 Vs Feb-18 (01-Feb-18 to 28-Feb-18), Amount in Rs. crores
Collection Collection
Demand Due Date Wise MTD Collection Efficiency Efficiency
Ownership Income
(Gross of LPSC) (Net of LPSC)
17 Feb 18 Feb 17 18
17 Feb 18 Feb Variation 17 Feb 18 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb
Collection GS Collection GS Feb Feb

HRB 223.56 239.66 7% 207.72 0.24 245.33 0.25 93.02% 102.47% 0.36 0.49 92.86% 102.26%
HCB 123.44 136.59 11% 96.56 26.83 113.89 27.44 99.96% 103.47% 0.68 0.7 99.41% 102.96%
SCB 7.7 8.57 11% 5.8 2.8 6.28 3.11 111.66% 109.54% 0.16 0.13 109.64% 107.98%
Total (LT) 354,71 384.82 8% 310.09 29.87 365.5 30.81 95.84% 102.98 1.19 1.33 95.51% 102.64%
KCG 93.09 88.6 -5% 97.21 - 106.71 - 104.43% 120.4% 0 0.05 104.43% 120.38%
STL 12.17 12.15 0% 12.5 - 16.38 - 102.79% 134.78% - - 102.79% 134.78%
Total KCG 105.25 100.75 -4% 109.71 - 123.09 - 102.24% 122.17% 0 0.05 104.29% 122.11%
Total 459.96 485.58 6% 419.81 29.87 485.59 30.81
Due Date 97.76% 106.96 1.19 1.39 97.50% 106.68%
- - 449.67 519.39
Collection is net of cheque bounce. Demand & Collection extracted from BIW.
Total 459.96 485.58 6%
Effect of credit/debit JE’s have not been considered in this report.

This report shows the amount billed, amount collected (including subsidies, if any) and collection
efficiency for various due dates.

References and Links  81

Live and Disconnected Arrear Report
Live Arrear Comparison DW Arrear Comparison
(For LT Segment – PRIN. + LPSC) (For LT Segment – Only Principal)

160 100
142.36 87.07
140 90 79.23
78.19 81.59 78.66 79.82
80 77.24 78.87 78.98 77.979.06 75.24
120 114.88 126.67 117.17
109.28 70 75.35
73.48 72.78 74.6275.18 76.51
100 72.44 74.15 72.85 71.76
88.8 88.26 60
86.51 95.71
80 82.68 50
74.47 51.46 40
0 0
Apr may Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Arrear LT Segment FY 15–16
Arrear LT Segment FY 16–17 FY 2015–16 FY 2016–17

This report provides data on the number of consumers defaulted/disconnected, their arrears
amounts, and ageing.

Disconnection Orders Report


Segment DO Generated on 31.02.2017 and Resolved/held @ RRG for Forwarded to dist. Grid for DO
calling attempted further working execution
Count Arrear (Lac) Count Arrear (Lac) Count Arrear (Lac)
HCB 3543 295.23 1100 84.45 2443 210.73
HRB 1035 453.18 404 168.9 631 284.28
Grand Total 4578 748.42 1504 253.35 3074 495.07

This report shows the status of disconnection orders for various categories of consumers.

82  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Billing Status Report
Category/Area Details

5% 6% 89% 0%

10% 5% 85% 0% Provisional

18% 7% 75%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

This report shows the percentage of total billing done for various billing statuses (average, provisional,
regular, others).

Amount Billed Per Consumer for Various Billing Statuses Report

Amount in Rs.

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Avg 1,542 1,609 1,398 1,381 1,329 1,267 1,258 1,268 1,289 1,265 1,201 1,016
Prov 1,514 1,812 1,425 1,521 1,374 1,460 1,460 1,578 1,452 1,387 1,309 1,167
Reg 3,094 3,747 4,121 4,317 4,410 4,010 4,008 3,798 3,268 2,886 2,672 2,478
Other 4,090 8,956 13,156 1,767
Total 2,796 3,336 3,541 3,603 3,620 3,311 3,309 3,157 2,769 2,486 2,318 2,134
Category/Area Details

Avg 1,543 1,560 1,650 1,107 1,309 1,092 1,327 1,134 1,284 1,140 1,293 1,128
Prov 1,296 1,360 1,387 1,571 1,569 1,540 1,642 1,569 1,568 1,433 1,334 1,214
Reg 2,726 3,098 3,709 3,169 2,875 2,610 2,626 2,564 2,332 2,030 1,988 1,853
Other 578 3,085 3,438 2,574
Total 2,532 2,839 3,366 2,817 2,608 2,353 2,404 2,318 2,155 1,893 1,886 1,749

Avg 3,263 3,205 4,756 3,753 3,053 2,288 2,121 2,241 2,104 2,102 2,130 1,952
Prov 2,210 2,268 3,147 2,323 2,639 2,373 2,253 2,287 2,378 2,236 2,149 1,935
Reg 2,833 3,305 3,784 3,742 3,716 3,707 3,557 3,428 2,784 2,487 2,210 2,203
Other 5,155 93 100 549
Total 2,821 3,234 3,803 3,648 3,601 3,522 3,368 3,270 2,711 2,448 2,202 2,176
 Under Billing   Over Billing

This report provides the total amount billed per consumer for various billing statuses.

References and Links  83

Sundry Adjustment Analysis Report

2,500 No of consumers with sundry adjustment

2,000 283

1,000 1774 Domestic
500 1040

11 10 6
178 159 26
0 53 67 38
28 25 2
Utility A Utility A Utility B Utility B Utility C Utility C

This report provides the number of consumers with sundry adjustments in terms of amount and units
of energy.

Billing Behaviour Report

No of times - Average/Provisional Billing

No of consumers
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
12 6% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 3% 5% 10% 66% 99,097
11 12% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 5% 7% 13% 39% 2,261
10 27% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 7% 11% 32% 1,015
9 19% 3% 3% 3% 6% 5% 5% 9% 14% 33% 712
No of times billed

8 13% 2% 3% 3% 6% 8% 11% 14% 41% 589

7 6% 3% 2% 2% 4% 6% 13% 64% 10,445
6 9% 3% 3% 3% 4% 8% 70% 41,52,935
5 31% 9% 6% 6% 10% 38% 23,508
4 30% 8% 8% 11% 44% 10,608
3 39% 9% 11% 41% 8,147
2 38% 9% 53% 15,303
1 49% 51% 11,226
Total 43,35,846

This report shows the number of times consumers of various bill statuses (provisional, average, and so
on) have been billed compared to the total bills generated in a year.

84  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Payment Behaviour Report
Number of times paid

Total 16% 21% 63%

Urban 6% 15% 79%

Rural 33% 32% 35%

Category/Area Details

Total 7% 15% 78%

Urban 6% 12% 82%

Rural 9% 21% 70%

Total 4% 20% 76%

Urban 3% 17% 80%

Rural 6% 26% 68%

Non paying 1-3 times 4-6 times

This report breaks down consumer payment behavior in terms of annual payment frequency.

Billing and Payment Status Report

85% 85% No of payments to No of bills ratio


80% 78%
82% 82% 76% 73%
74% 75% 75%
75% 78%
71% 71%
70% 70%
70% 73% 73% 73%
70% 72% 70% 70%
70% 69%
60% 59% 59% 59% 59% 61%
58% 58% 58%
Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16
Category/Area Details
Utility A Utility B Utility C

This report compares the total number of bills generated to the total number of payments received in
each billing cycle.

References and Links  85

Pending Arrears Trend Report

Arrear Comparison (in Crs.) Live Arrear Comparison

140 136.08 136.03
120 131.61
123.3 118.17
85.59 103.88 101.23
74.77 73.09



April May June July August Sept Oct
Arrears - FY 13-14 Arrears - FY 14-15

Note: A crore (Cr.) denotes ten million (1,00,00,000).

This report shows the total amount of pending arrears at the end of each billing cycle.

Suspected Defaulter Consumers Report

Average Amount
NO Less than Greater Greater Greater Grand Total
Frequency of Late Payment

Amount or equal to than than than

Due 5,000 5,000 and 15,000 and 30,000
less than less than
15,000 30,000
Never late 21,907

Occasionally late 5,005 5,602 3,594 6,521 42,647

Frequent late payment 2,714 4,407 2,850 4,253

Regular late 580 1,440 1,129 2,238 19,611

Grand Total 21,907 8,299 11,467 7,573 1,3012 62,258

This report breaks down the number of late-paying consumers by late-payment frequency and
amount, which helps in identifying suspected default consumers.

86  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Meter Status Report

0% 3% 87% 10%
Category/Area Details

1% 6% 83% 10% Defective


1% 13% 77% 9% Others

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

This report shows the overall status of meter health as of the latest billing cycle.

Meter Ageing Status Report

• Outer Circle for All Meters

• Inner Circle for Non-OK Meter
Category/Area 1 Category/Area 2 Category/Area 3

22% 2%
23% 21% 9% 15%
17% 1%
33% 19% 19% 11% 4%
36% 17% 62% 10% 17%
8% 25%
21% 21%
11% 15%
34% 24% 20% 68%

15% 63%

0-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-15 Years 16-20 Years >20 Years

This report provides meter ageing status in terms of number of years.

References and Links  87


Apr-14 5000773633 NDP06404 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Logic Checks

Apr-14 5000774040 51002788 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000774265 3114932 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000774316 NDP18424 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000774465 54002223 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000774709 NDP05940 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000774759 NDP20100 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Apr-14 5000774949 NDP20281 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Number
Apr-14 5000776266 70004662 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Logic Checks
Apr-14 5000776306 NDP12895 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Status
Apr-14 5000776375 NDP17619 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000776458 51002743 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000777000 94201256 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000777385 NDP17335 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000777598 NDP17101 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Meter Data Validation Checks Consolidated Report

Apr-14 5000777698 70001176 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000777735 NDP16959 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000778200 NDP11418 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000778239 NDP17411 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000778246 NDP11419 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

88  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Apr-14 5000778274 NDP17842 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Apr-14 5000778377 NDP15179 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Meter Number
Apr-14 5000779202 NDP20596 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
This report provides the consumer-wise status of exception checks done on meter data.

Apr-14 5000780021 NDP19262 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000780715 NDP15329 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Apr-14 5000780908 NDP05456 NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

Appendix F. AMR Data Analytics – Use Cases: Screenshots
These use cases are used to perform short-, medium- and long-term energy forecasting. The short-
term forecasting takes into consideration weather-related data for day-ahead purchase of power. This
section addresses the following use cases:
 Predictive fault analysis and network-asset management
 Energy optimization and Volt/VAR control
 Predictive maintenance
 Network optimization/load balancing
 Interconnected feeder analysis
 Energization scheme monitoring

Predictive Fault Analysis and Network-Asset Management

Predictive Fault Analysis and Network-Asset Management - DT Overload Analysis

Interval Read Profile : 31 -May-18 (KT030096)


Line Current




Phase-wise Capacity Limit 220 Amp

kWh kVAh Amp-1 Amp-2 Amp-3 V-1 V-2 V-3

DT loading data is analyzed to ensure optimal loading of the DT to avoid failures and manage the life
of the asset.
Predictive Fault Analysis and Network-Asset Management - DT Unbalancing Analysis

Interval Read Profile : 31 -May-18 (KT030172) 20:15

320 Amp-1:259.98
Line Current

Phase-wise Capacity Limit 220 Amp





kWh kVAh Amp-1 Amp-2 Amp-3 V-1 V-2 V-3

References and Links  89

DT current phase values are analyzed to avoid asset failures and ensure supply reliability and

Predictive Fault Analysis and Network-Asset Management- Outage Detection

SSN NIC Smart Meter Outage Monitor ( Last 24 Hrs Outages & 2 Hrs Restoration )

Name Address Meter no KNO Outage from Outage to Duration


LALIT KUMAR KT027118 210722017021 ONGOING 30

PRITAM PAL SINGH KT014338 210722010738 ONGOING 30

LALIT KUMAR JAIN KT027279 210722019064 ONGOING 30

DHEMENDRA AGARWAL KT014340 210722013699 ONGOING 30

NEELAM BATALA KT027281 210722014399 ONGOING 30

TAHIR HUSSAIN KT014566 210722017612 – –

TAHIR HUSSAIN KT014566 210722017612 – –

2017-08-28 2017-08-28
18:26:01 18:43:55

CHAND PRAKASH JAIN KT027098 210722012361 – 18

STM USHA NARMADEV KT026839 210722012257 – –

2017-08-28 2017-08-28
RAMESH CHAND KT014799 210722012363 18
18:26:17 18:43:54

2017-08-28 2017-08-28
AJEET SINGH KT027199 210722012370 18
18:26:00 18:43:54

Outage event data is analyzed to identify outage locations easily, thereby initiating faster supply
restoration. The data can also be used to identify possible cases of theft at customer locations.

90  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Predictive Fault Analysis and Network - Asset Management - Reliability Indices Analysis
Time Period: SAIDI SAIFI Unauthorized Construction Notices Safety KPI Dashboard PADCI ?
2018-19 34.34 37.87 4,966 5.20

SAIDI (Hrs.) SAIFI (Nos.)

60 75
46.06 46.06 43.05 53.63
40 50 50.67
32.41 34.34 38.92 37.87
27.08 26.56 28.29 31.84
20 30.58 25 35.22
24.80 24.77

0 0
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Actual Target Actual Target

NCC/’000 Complaints PA Compliance (%)

30 100
25.50 99.29 99.30 99.61 99.60 99.64
22.86 21.28


0 0
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Reliability indices values are mapped and analyzed to understand the performance of DISCOM in
supplying reliable power to consumers, predict fault occurrence based on trend analysis, and also
understand network overloading instances.

Energy Optimization and Volt/VAR control

Time Period: SAIDI SAIFI Unauthorized Construction Notices Safety KPI Dashboard PADCI ?
2018-19 34.34 37.87 4,966 5.20

Reliability Intrruption Outages Month Wise Year Wise Year Wise

SAIDI (Hrs.) SAIDI (Hrs.) SAIDI (Hrs.)

30 27.81 60 3

20 40 2

20 18.61
10 1
2.77 8.56
0.59 0.05
0 0 0
Category I Category II Distribution Inter.. Distribution Outa.. STS Interruption STS Outage APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR
SAIDI (Hrs.) SAIDI (Hrs.) SAIDI (Hrs.)

6 6 7.5
4.00 6.18
4 3.76 4
5 4.72
2.49 1.92 4.07
2 2 3.43
1.28 0.41 0.63
0.41 2.5
0 0
-2 -2 0
City Circle Metro Circle Sub urban Ci...Town CircleUrban Circle Badli Rohini Shalimar Bagh 414 503 505 532 Bu Shalimar...

References and Links  91

Under this use case, the network voltage fluctuation trend is analyzed and points are identified where
reactive power management is required by switching on capacitor banks and compensators. This
helps ensure power quality in the network and helps prevent unexpected breakdowns of network

Predictive Maintenance
Under this use case, DT and feeder loading data are analyzed to look for violations above peak value
of various asset-performance factors and to assess DT temperature trends and outage trends. This
ensures proper loading of assets to prevent failures. The utility opts for condition-based maintenance
instead of periodic maintenance.

Call Center Efficiency

Call Center Efficiency






Quality Score (%) Average Handling Time (in secs) Average Hold Time (in secs)
Batch without hands on training Batch with hands on training

Here, insights gained from analyzing customer patterns and preferences are used to increase the
effectiveness of self-service channels.

92  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Network Optimization / Load Balancing
Network Optimization/Load Balancing
Network Optimization/Load Balancing - Demand Response

Demand response load profile data is analyzed to ensure the network is optimally loaded and balanced.

References and Links  93

Network Optimization/Load Balancing - DT Swapping

94  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
DT loading patterns are analyzed to ensure optimal loading of network assets and plan load shifting.
Interconnected Feeder Analysis
Interconnected Feeder Analysis

Under this use case, the load curves of all interconnected feeders on the same time stamp are analyzed for better load-growth

References and Links  95

Energization Scheme Monitoring

96  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
The energization scheme monitoring is kind of a project monitoring tool which shows the status of energization scheme to various
stakeholders in a single dashboard.

References and Links  97

Appendix G. Billing and Collection Data Analytics Use Cases – Screenshots
Footfall Optimization at Payment Centers

98  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Here, analytics are used to optimize the footfall at payment centers, leading to better consumer satisfaction and increased resource
Predicting Defaulting Consumers
DN Trend reduction in
Disconnection Notice Trend DN–16%
Total Count 8,375
No of consumers not 820 40000 35,450
reaching DN-L1 – Jan to Sep
% Improvement 9.79%
13,016 11,501 14,925 14,318 12,829

Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Total
2016 2017
Arrear – Disconnection Notice
100 70.85
63.79 48.09 62.19 58.05
Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Total
2016 2017

Here, analytics are used to predict defaulting consumers, leading to reductions in arrears and improved
consumers payment behavior.

Consumer Segmentation on Default Payments

Value Based Segment

Default History Segment Diamond Gold Silver Bronze Copper Grand Total
Star 8,109 5,703 7,916 5,150 10,032 36,910
Amateur 2,015 1,480 2,610 1,766 2,382 10,253
Crawlers 53 53 56 37 47 246
Climber 635 493 720 481 413 2,742
Cropper 1,919 1,946 4,141 3,306 4,896 16,308
Strategist 375 395 391 208 110 1,479
Stubborn 1,401 1,219 1,991 1,228 845 6,684
Exception 15 10 31 16 78 150
Grand Total 14,522 11,299 17,956 12,192 18,803 74,772

Analytics are used here to group consumers by default history in order to improve upon the reduction
of defaults.

References and Links  99

Migration to Digital/Online Payment Payment Type MTD% CFY% LFY%
Cash 37.32 41.18 48.83
Analytics are used here to study consumers’ modes of payments so the utility can
encourage consumers to shift to online payments (e-payments), thereby reducing Cheque 13.12 11.31 14.78
both payment center costs and payment cycle times. E Payments 49.57 47.52 36.39

Consumer Segmentation on Payment Behavior

100  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Here, consumers’ payment behaviour is studied so the utility can work to improve the behavior and retain good consumers.
Theft Analytics
Theft Analytics - DT Energy Audit

Here, DT energy audit data are analyzed to identify thefts based on load-profile variations in the area considered.

References and Links  101

Theft Analytics: AT&C Loss Analysis (1)

Fiscal Year: AT&C Loss (with LIP) (%) Billing Efficiency (%) Collection Efficiency (%) Energy Input (MUs) Bill Collection (Crs) Total Billed Amount (Crs) ?
FY 18-19 7.93 92.07 100.01 9,630.29 7,973.90 7,973.30
AT&C Loss (with LIP) (%) Billing Efficiency (%) Collection Efficiency (%)
10 100 100.25



9.87 100.03


100.00 100.20
9 100
8.88 50 100.01
8.59 99.93
8 8.40 99.75
7.93 99.69 99.79 99.80
0 99.5
8 15 16 -17 17-
19 20 15 -17 18 19 20
15 16 -17 017-1 18-
19 20 14- 15- 2016 19- 14- 16
15- 2016 17- 18- 19-
20 15- 2016 2 20 19- 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20
Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target

Energy Input (MUs) Bill Collection (Crs) Total Billed Amount (Crs)
10k 10k 10k
7,381.18 7,973.90



7.5k 7.5k





5k 5k 6,429.88 6,937.95 5k
2.5k 2.5k
0 0 0
15 18 19 20 15 16 -17 17-
19 20 15 16 17 -18 19 20
14- 16 -17 17- 18- 19- 14- 15- 2016 19- 14- 15- 16- 2017 18- 19-
20 15- 2016 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target

Here, Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) loss data and billing and collection efficiency are
analyzed to understand the DISCOM’s performance patterns, allowing the DISCOM to take actions to
improve in these areas. This analysis also provides insights on theft rates.

Theft Analytics: AT&C Loss Analysis (2)

AT&C Losses Detail (%) for 2017-18

Month Wise Detail Top Five BUs/Zones for Bottom Five BUs/Zones for
MAR -2017-18 MAR-2017-18
9.5 9.33 7.5 50 46.76 41.66
9.02 5.35 5.46
9 8.82 4.58
8.76 5 3.89
8.49 22.32 20.77 19.93
8.5 8.33 25
2.5 1.17
8.45 8.52
8 8.30 0
7.87 7.92 1 1 2 0 3
7.5 56 57 52 1+52 +130 0
50 130
1 512 53
3 517 513 514











District Wise Detail For BU Wise Detail For Mar-2017-18/BWN

Circle Wise Detail for MAR-2017-18 MAR-2017-18/SUB
15 15
12.5 12.5 11.52

10 10 41.66
7.64 46.76
7.5 6.43 6.78 6.71 7.5
5 5
2.5 2.5 20.77
0 0
y tro b wn n
Cit Me Su To Ur
512 513 521 533

Here again, AT&C loss data are analyzed to understand overall AT&C loss variation patterns, allowing
the DISCOM to pursue loss-reduction measures.

102  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Theft Analysis
Theft Collection Detail (Crs.) for 2018-19
YTD Top Five Zones Month Wise Detail Top Five Zones for JAN-2018-19
6 3 0.075 0.06
4.18 2.15 0.05
4 2 1.86 1.86 0.05
1.52 1.75 0.04 0.04
1.28 1.22 1.30 1.20
1.08 1.06
2 1 0.86 0.025
0.75 0.60 0.54
0.12 0.00
0 2 0 0.0


















Circle Wise Detail for
JAN-2018-19 0.2 District Wise Detail for
0.06 0.16
0.21 0.15


0.28 0.36



Identification of theft instance and analysis on collection data for theft rate reduction and utility
performance improvement.

Meter Reading and Billing Complaints Analysis

Complaint ‘000 Customers

4.45 4.48
4.13 4.24

3 2.75
2.38 2.28 2.29
2.08 2.16 2.21
1.87 1.98
1.81 1.77
2 1.52 1.6
1.84 1.21 1.1 1.2 1.13 1.09
1 1.52 1.48
1.02 1.11 1.03 0.94 0.88 0.8
April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March

FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15

Under this use case, the complaints registered for meter reading and bills generated are analyzed over
various time periods.

References and Links  103

Provisional Billing Analysis
Billing Efficiency Detail for 2018-19

150 Billing Efficiency (%)

92.64 92.20 91.70 91.98 92.06 92.30 92.33 92.39 91.96 92.04 92.34 92.07



District Wise Billing Efficiency (%) Zone Wise Billing Efficiency (%)
Circle Wise Billing Efficiency (%)
for FEB-2018-19/Urban for FEB-2018-19/BDL
150 for FEB-2018-19 150 100


100 94.03 93.42 88.97 94.43 92.91 100 91.71 92.74 94.30

50 50

0 0 0
City Metro Sub Town Urban SMB BDL RHN 507 516 581


Here, analysis of circle/district/zone billing efficiency is used to reduce AT&C loss at the DISCOM.

Meter Fault Analysis

Here, meter-reading success data are analyzed to assess the performance of smart meters and the
communication network. This also helps identify meter fault rates and instances of theft.

Read Success Analysis Over A Period of 7 Days Window

No Read:
Poor (1-39% Available):
2.2% of population
0.1% of population
Moderate (40-79% Available):
0.2% of population

Good (90-94% Available): Perfect (100% Available)

1.6% of population Contribution: 95.8% of
Population 52,614 Cases

Very Good (95-99% Available):

0.0% of population
Perfect (100% Available):
95.8% of population

Perfect (100% Available) Very Good (95-99% Available) Good (80-94% Available)
Moderate (40-79% Available) Poor (1-39% Available) No Read

104  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Read Obtained Till Now for: 05 Jun 18

98.69% 98.96% 97.45% 94.55% 98.89% 98.16% 97.88% 94.39% 96.02% 98.6% 98.16%

Overall Read meter % Overall Nonread Meter %




A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Target Meters Read Success

References and Links  105

Appendix H. Threshold Values for Exception Generation

Single-Phase Meters

Table 19: Threshold Values for Exception Generation for Single-Phase Meters

Persistence Time Threshold Value for Threshold Value for
Exceptions Time for
for Occurrences Occurrence of Events Restoration of Events
ESD/JAMMER Immediate (record 0 hr. 01 min. Immunity up to 50 kilovolts Removal of ESD/jammer
only 1 event on first 0 sec. (should (kV) with NIC and logging of signal
application and only restore after event >50 kV
1 event for next 1 min.) 1 min. of last
Magnetic Tamper 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. >0.5 tesla (T) for permanent <0.5 T for permanent
0 sec. magnet magnet
DC magnetic induction DC magnetic induction
>0.2 T <0.2 T
AC magnetic induction AC magnetic induction
>10 milliTesla (mT) <10 mT
Meter Top Cover Immediate Immediate If meter top cover is opened Not applicable
Neutral Missing 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 1. Battery is used for voltage Voltage >190 V
0 sec. reference: Under tamper
condition of neutral missing,
meter will perform the fraud
energy registration above
500 mA assuming Vref
(reference voltage from the
battery) and Unity Power
Factor (UPF).
2. Third CT is used for
voltage reference: Under
tamper condition of
neutral missing, meter
will perform the fraud
energy registration above
1 A assuming Vref (from
third CT) and Unity Power
Factor (UPF).
Testing: For checking
the meter reliability and
accuracy in lab, the meter is
tested for 30 minutes with
voltage sampled at intervals
of 30 seconds and constant

106  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Persistence Time Threshold Value for Threshold Value for
Exceptions Time for
for Occurrences Occurrence of Events Restoration of Events
Neutral 0 hr. 01 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 02 min. Voltage >145% of Vref Voltage <145% of Vref
Disturbance 0 sec. OR OR
Current >10% of base current Current <10% of Ib
(Ib) OR
OR Frequency >47 Hz
Frequency <47 Hz OR
OR Frequency <53 Hz
Frequency >53 Hz
DC voltage/signal/pulse/
chopped signal injection
Current 0 hr. 10 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 02 min. In-Ip ≥20% of Ib In –Ip <20% of Ib
Mismatch 0 sec. AND
In >Ip
Low Voltage 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 02 min. Voltage <70% of Vref Voltage >70% of Vref
Check 0 sec. AND AND
Current >2% Ib Current <2% Ib
Outage (Power Power OFF = 0 hr. Power ON = Actual Voltage off Actual Voltage On
OFF/ON) 05 min. 0 sec. immediate
Overload Overload (If enabled) 0 hr. 30 min. I >120% Imax I<100% Imax
0 sec.
Microwave Immediate (record 0 hr. 01 min. Any higher frequency Removal of device
only 1 event on first 0 sec. (should magnetic waves, micro
application and only restore after waves >10 mT (or mutually
one event for next 1 min. of last decided)
1 min.) application)
Temperature Rise 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 02 min. Temperature >70˚C Temperature <60˚C
0 sec.
Network Immediate Immediate On removal of card On insertion of card
interface Card
(NIC) removal
EL WC (earth 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. Immediate The difference between The difference between
load – whole phase and neutral currents phase and neutral currents
current) >6.25% of Ib <6.25% of Ib

References and Links  107

Three-Phase Meter

Table 20: Threshold Values for Exception Generation for Three-Phase Meters

Threshold Value
Persistence Time Persistence Time Threshold Value for
Exception for Occurrence of
for Occurrences for Restoration Restoration of Events
ESD/Jammer Immediate (record 0 hr. 01 min. 0 sec. Immunity up to 50 kV Removal of ESD/JAMMER
only 1 event on first (should restore with NIC and logging of signal
application and after 1 min. of last event >50 kV
only one event for application)
next 1 min)
Magnetic Tamper 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. >0.5 tesla (T) for <0.5 tesla for permanent
permanent magnet magnet
DC magnetic induction DC magnetic induction
>0.2 T <0.2 T
AC magnetic induction AC magnetic induction
>10 mT (of any <10 mT
Meter Top Cover Immediate Immediate If meter top cover is NA
Open opened
Potential Missing 0 hr. 10 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. Voltage <70% of Vref Voltage >80% of Vref
Current >2% Ibasic Current >2% Ibasic

Voltage Unbalance 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. 20% or more between Shall be less than 10%
the phases between the phases and
AND current >2% Ibasic
Current >2% Ibasic
CT Open 0 hr. 10 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. Ir + Iy + Ib + In ≥10% of Ir + Iy + Ib + In <5% of
Ibasic (vector Sum) Ibasic. 
AND (vector Sum)
Phase current <1% of AND
Ibasic with All current Phase current >10% of
positive Ibasic with All current
CT Reversal 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. Active current negative Active current positive
I >2% Ibasic

CT Bypass 0 hr. 10 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. Ir + Iy + Ib + In ≥5% of Ir + Iy + Ib + In <2.5% of

Ibasic (vector Sum) Ibasic.
AND (vector Sum)
Any Phase current AND
>10% of Ibasic with All Any Phase current >10%
current positive of Ibasic with All current

108  Data Analytics for Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Guidance Note for South Asian Power Utilities
Threshold Value
Persistence Time Persistence Time Threshold Value for
Exception for Occurrence of
for Occurrences for Restoration Restoration of Events
Current Unbalance 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. Current difference Current difference <20%
≥30% between phases between the phases and
and I min 10% of Ibasic I min >5% of Ib
Low Power Factor 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. I >1% of Ib I >1% of Ib
Power Factor ≤ 0.5 in Power Factor ≤0.7 in
any phase respective phase
Neutral Disturbance 0 hr. 01 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. Voltage >145% of Vref Voltage <115% of Vref
and Current >10% Ib AND
OR Current >10% Ib
Frequency <47 Hz AND
OR Frequency >47 Hz
Frequency >53 Hz OR
OR Frequency <53 Hz
DC voltage/signal/
pulse/chopped signal
Outage (Power ON/ 0 hr. 02 min. 0 sec. Immediate Actual Voltage off Actual Voltage On
Over Voltage 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. Voltage >130% of Vref Voltage <110% of Vref
Over Current 0hr. 30min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 2 min. 0 sec. > Preset value (default I <100%Ib
value set at 120% Ib)
Microwave Presence Immediate (record 0 hr. 01 min. 0 sec. Any higher frequency Removal of device
only 1 event on first (should restore magnetic waves, micro
application and only after 1 min. of last waves >10 mT (or
one event for next application) mutually decided)
1 min.)
Temperature Rise 0 hr. 30 min. 0 sec. 0 hr. 02 min. 0 sec. Temperature >70˚C Temperature <60˚C
NIC Card Removed Immediate Immediate On removal of card On insertion of card
Phase Sequence Immediate Immediate Change of phase Restoration of phase
Disturbance sequence sequence

References and Links  109

Energy and Extractives Global Practice Group
South Asia Region (SAR)

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