E6474A Drive Test: Wireless Network Optimization Platform
E6474A Drive Test: Wireless Network Optimization Platform
E6474A Drive Test: Wireless Network Optimization Platform
• Real-time parameter mapping with • One stop support from the same
base station overlay vendor for collection and analysis
A phone and receiver combination solution can and troubleshooting of wireless networks.
be used to: A phone-only solution can be used to:
• Manage your network lifecycle measurement • Test network parameters that will allow you
needs with one integrated solution to quantify how your network is perceived by
• Monitor the RF uplink and downlink bands subscribers
while on a call • Collect and record network information
• Perform integrated analysis using the phone messages including network ID and cell
and receiver at the same time identities
• Correlate call drops within the RF environment • Evaluate call-processing operations - setup,
• Compare phone reported neighbor list with disconnect, blocks, drops
the actual strongest neighbors measured from • Measure and report the signal strength and
the receiver (i.e, missing neighbor analysis) quality of the received base station signals
• Identify areas of signal degradation due to and identify no-service or coverage issues
interference • View and log protocol messages in decoded
• Save training and support costs with a single form for easy interpretation
interface phone and receiver system • Evaluate network performance at different
Please refer to the technology specific data sheets layers - MAC, RLC, LLC
for detailed phone and receiver measurement • Quantify wireless data users’ quality of service
information. (with data measurement options)
hardware devices. This greatly reduces • View synchronisation – for example highlighting related measurement
the time to setup a system for drive test click a point on a map, chart, information.
readiness. protocol message or event and all
Event monitoring
other views synchronize to that
Project concept The E6474A Network Optimization
time signature
The platform’s new project concept Platform provides comprehensive and
combined with it’s device manager Tabbed worksheets flexible events management allowing
means you will be able to get up and The E6474A Network Optimization visualization of events on the route-
running out-of-the-box extremely Platform gives full flexibility of map, chart, events list and protocol
quickly and be able to manage your workspace management through views. In addition to audio notification
drive teams with a new level of control. the tabbed worksheet feature. Any you have the facility to cause platform
A project is defined as a collection measurement views can be displayed actions such as stop or pause. Event
of views with associated hardware, on any worksheet, and indeed, can configurations are created through
measurement, call sequence, events be displayed on multiple worksheets the intuitive measurements drag and
and map/chart settings and can if desired. This provides you with drop facility or can be exported and
even be defined without hardware the flexibility to represent data and imported, allowing operators to share
connected. A set of default technology information and group views as you alarm set-ups or use the supplied
and application oriented projects desire. default set. Event markers can be
are provided. Projects are designed viewed during a drive-test and in
for sharing and distribution – the playback and can be exported for post-
associated layouts and settings are processing. You can also add events
saved with the project file. They can be during playback to help simplify data
built from scratch or adapted from a searching and analysis.
supplied set.
Mapping interface
Flexible user interface Call sequencing
The Route Map view shows the current
The new flexible user interface means All the tests are configured and position and the route travelled on a
that almost every part of the GUI can managed from the tree structured map as data is collected. Several layers
be moved and changed to suit your sequencer. The tests available provide a of user-selectable information can be
needs. Create list, time-chart, or graph comprehensive range of test scenarios displayed, including map layers, color
views from scratch or choose from the from a simple voice call test to full data coded channel and signal information,
default technology-oriented set and, network testing including SMS and alarm markers, and notes. Base station
if required, adapt them to suit your MMS and internet connection testing. locations, with site names, can also be
needs. Create and modify these new Protocol analysis plotted on the map when linked to the
GUI elements by simply dragging and appropriate cellsite database.
Provides you with the flexibility you
dropping parameters on a chart, a grid
need to display which protocols you
or a map, with automatically assigned
want and in how many views. This
default scales and colors. You can
ensures that you can see every protocol
even do this while collecting data, and
message during collection and replay.
save your own views for later use or
Double-click on a protocol message to
distribution. Key Features include:
see what all the other views, charts and
• Drag and drop interface maps show at that point.
• Generate a grid containing user View synchronization
selected results even from multiple
devices During recording and playback
you can synchronize all your open
• Chart, graph and map your choice views, to the same point in time by
of parameters double-clicking on a map, chart, event
• Template views will be provided for marker or a protocol message. This
each supported technology assists troubleshooting by quickly
The E6474A software now incorporates mobile gives you an array of integral to WAMS include voice call,
MapX® technology to provide: troubleshooting possibilities, through video call and GPRS attach/detach.
• Compatibility with the widest access to the Layer 1, 2 and 3 WAMS Lite (E6474A-745) is a low
possible range of customer measurements from the device. cost entry point to basic data service
furnished maps E6474A Wireless Data Measurements testing. Tests included are FTP,
• Extensive range of supporting option is a client/server based data PING, voice connectivity and video
map projects (for example WGS84, measurement capability and is aimed connectivity.
at early verification of the data-
NAD27, and more) Video telephony and streaming
oriented network. This option provides
• Faster troubleshooting through key measurements such as bit error To measure the quality of your video
better visualization of the collected ratio, packet error rate, latency and services, the E6474A drive test system
parameters data throughput on both transmit has both video telephony and video
• Up to four measurement traces can and receive paths. Real-time test streaming test options. These test
be plotted, with visual offsetting, at results can be displayed and recorded options integrate seamlessly with
the same time on the client PC. The server can be the other data tests and platform
strategically placed for enhanced fault functionality.
• Multiple synchronized mapping
finding, for example prior to rolling E6474A #741 video streaming
out live services it can be placed at test
Outdoor and indoor the GGSN, isolating the external web
configurations interface. Your control of different This test provides the ability to
uplink/downlink data geometries, download video streams in either
The E6474A Network Optimization
delays in server response time and TCP/ .rm or .rtsp formats. It supports the
Platform can easily be configured
UDP transactions, enables emulation of Real Player format and provides
for outdoor applications. For indoor
different data services. accessibility, throughput and error ratio
configurations (available with release
measurements on the downloaded
10.2 and onwards), GPS navigation is Post-processing stream.
replaced with a simple point and click
positioning interface. measurement data E6474A #742 video telephony
E6474A Wireless Application Test
Manage theintegration and
Measurement Software (WAMS) This test provides the ability to set up
quality of data services enables you to carry out end-to-end a video telephony call between two
With the convergence of mobile user experience tests using real data handsets connected to the mobile
phones and the Internet, wireless applications, for example MMS, SMS, drive test system. Call establishment
networks need to be optimized for data WAP, HTTP, FTP and email, and their and progress metrics are measured,
services. JDSU now offer a number of related protocols and data structures. together with bit error ratio
optional data testing applications on WAMS enables you to quickly verify performance of both the audio and
the E6474A platform: all the elements in the delivery chain video portions of the call. This option
• E6474A Wireless Data (wireless interface, backhaul, and allows you to evaluate the performance
Measurements application specific routers, switches of your video telephony network
and servers) and to give a clear infrastructure to ensure it meets your
• E6474A Wireless Application indication of where to direct your service delivery targets.
Measurement Software (WAMS) troubleshooting efforts, if required. An
Both options are wireless technology extremely intuitive sequencing engine A future enhancement is video Mean
independent, applicable to all 2G, 2.5G enables you to manage your dial-up Opinion Scoring (MoS) measurement
and 3G, circuit switched and packet or LAN connections, serial and parallel functionality. This enhances the
switched technologies. Measurements sequencing scenarios and control of existing video test options. Please
can be made simultaneously across each test’s properties (for example contact your JDSU sales representative
multiple networks using commercial selection of HTTP 1.0 or 1.1, whether for more details on the availability of
modem-capable devices. Used in to include embedded objects, email the Video MoS options.
conjunction with an engineering protocol selection etc.). Other tests For further information please refer
E6474A Drive Test Wireless Network Optimization Platform
to Data Service Assurance Product reports, details on performance per Integration with other
Overview and Wireless Application call, neighbor and handover summary
Measurement Software Data Sheet and drill-down, aggregate Ec/Io vs
JDSU products
The E6474A has powerful replay RxPower and many more. J7839 Signaling Analyzer Import
functionality that lets you review the Analysis Reporter currently supports of E6474A Drive Test Data
measurement data that you have just GSM, GPRS, cdma2000, UMTS and data For true end-to-end protocol analysis,
collected. With the use of the built- measurements on a single E6474A you can load your drive test protocol
in charting and mapping functions, product option. logs into your mobile network analysis
you can visualize the measurement software using the J7839 Signaling
parameters right there in the Computer hardware Analyzer Import of E6474A Drive
collection application. Alarms can requirements Test Data. This product allows you to
be set to trigger on specific protocol The E6474A system requires a PC. The visualize the Um protocol and NBAP
messages or when user-set limits PC requirements differ depending on (Node B Application Part) on a single
on measurement parameters are the hardware configuration and on screen with a combined Uu/Iub/Iu
breached. which parameters are being selected. call trace providing correlated data on
If you prefer to analyze your data with the radio and network interfaces on a
Minimum PC specifications:
third party tools such as MapInfo, single screen.
Excel, the E6474A has advanced • XP Professional SP2 (inc XP for
export capabilities that let you share Tablet PC)
all or selected data with other analysis • 1.6GHz Pentium M 512MB RAM
applications. You can select the exact • Parallel port or USB Port (for
set of parameters you wish to export software key)
and filter them within the export
operation to meet your analysis • PCMCIA slot or a USB connection
needs - for example you can export (for multiple hardware support)
items such as number of pilots which • 30 GB hard disk space
exceed a particular threshold or data • CD-ROM drive recommended for
throughput values only when a TBF is installation
active. Exports can be freely made in
CSV or tab delimited formats. • 1024 x 768 display resolution
Some third party tools, such as those
provided by Actix have direct import Recommended PC specifications:
capability and they can read our data • XP Professional SP2 (inc XP for
files without further modification. Tablet PC)
Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.
© 2010 JDS Uniphase Corporation 30168065 500 0510