2018 Digital Nepal Framework
2018 Digital Nepal Framework
2018 Digital Nepal Framework
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology
Table of Contents
Agriculture ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Healthcare ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Education ........................................................................................................................................ 38
Energy .............................................................................................................................................. 50
Tourism ............................................................................................................................................ 58
Finance ............................................................................................................................................. 69
Urban Infrastructure .................................................................................................................... 79
Connectivity ................................................................................................................................... 93
Business Environment Enablers ............................................................................................... 105
Executive Summary
Bordering two of the world’s fastest-growing economies – India and China – Nepal has
eight of the world’s highest mountains, an abundance of natural resources, and
multidimensional cultural heritage attracting tourists globally. Despite having these
enticing features, Nepal has not been able to tap its growth potential due to prolonged
political uncertainty.
That stated, Nepal has made significant progress on reforms with the adoption of a new
Constitution in 2015, transitioning from a unitary to federal state, and election of a stable
government. The new Government’s priorities are centered on development and targeted
initiatives to realize its goal of attaining developing nation status by 2022, and middle-
income country status by 2030.
The Prime Minister of Nepal, Khadga Prasad Oli, has outlined his vision of “Prosperous
Nepal, Happy Nepali” with broad objectives to address some of the basic challenges
facing the country. Key focus areas include:
Building capabilities to grow the country’s tourism sector
Focusing on rapid build-out of infrastructure – water, transportation, and energy
Ending absolute poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment
Providing health insurance and free health care for every citizen
Accelerating post-earthquake reconstruction efforts
Curbing the flow of young talent leaving the country
Increasing farming productivity
Digital Journey
Nepal has enjoyed incredible success in digital adoption as compared to its neighbors,
with mobile penetration exceeding 100% and Internet penetration reaching 60%.
According to the Nepal Telecom Authority, there was an addition of 2.25 million new
Internet users in 2017 alone, translating into approximately 250 new Internet users every
Nepal is expected to lead Internet penetration by 2025 in comparison to major economies
such as China and India, given its growth trend over the next few years. The growing
popularity of social media is a crucial driver for Internet adoption in Nepal, coming second
only to Bhutan in South Asia in social media penetration. As at January 2018, Nepal has
nearly 9.3 million Facebook users. Entertainment and video sharing are other popular use
cases with more than 6.4 million registered users on YouTube.
Draft 1
What is Digital Nepal?
The early success with Internet and mobile provide the impetus for Nepal to leverage the
potential of digital technologies to drive accelerated growth. The Digital Nepal
Framework is a blueprint that provides a roadmap to how digital initiatives can:
Contribute to economic growth
Find innovative ways to solve major challenges facing society in a shorter period
with fewer resources
Identify opportunities for Nepal to participate in the global economy
The digital initiatives have been selected based on:
Alignment with the vision of Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali
Demonstrated success in other similar developing markets
Ability to execute in the local environment
The Digital Nepal Framework encompasses:
One Nation
Eight Domains
80 Digital Initiatives
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
(F) (F) (F) (F) (F)
Draft 2
Frost & Sullivan has identified 80 digital initiatives which aim to propel socioeconomic
growth in Nepal by addressing crucial challenges while unlocking the growth potential in
each of the eight key sectors.
Agriculture Healthcare
1) eHaat Bazaar 10) National Digital Healthcare Program
2) Precision Agriculture 11) High Speed Internet Access
3) Agriculture Tools Sharing 12) Next Generation Digital Facilities
4) Digital Payment of Subsidies 13) EMR
5) Specialty Food Program 14) Health Procurement and Distribution
6) Digitalization of Land Records Solution
7) Smart Irrigation Project 15) Mobile Health Units
8) Education and Training Programs 16) eMaternal Care
for Farmers 17) Drones for Medical Emergencies
9) State of the Art Knowledge 18) Centralized Telemedicine Centre
Education Energy
19) Smart Classrooms 28) Smart Pricing
20) OLE Nepal 2.0 29) Smart Metering
21) Online Learning Platform 30)Smart Grid
22) Rent-a-Laptop Program 31) NEA Official Mobile App 2.0
23) GSM Mapping 32) Any Branch Payment
24) Centralized Admission System 33) Smart Building
25) Biometric Attendance and CCTV 34) NEA Field Force Automation
Cameras 35) NEA Customer Service Portal
26) Co-creation Hubs 36) NEA e-Learning Centre
27) Mobile Learning Centers in Rural
Tourism Finance
37) Welcome Nepal Website 46)GPS Tagging of Branches
38) Welcome Nepal App 47) National Biometric ID Card
39) eVisas 48) Gamification of Digital Payments
40) Multilingual Helpline 49)Allow Telecom Operators to offer
41) AR / VR Digital Financial Services
42) Electronic Tour Guides 50)Digital Payments Campaign
43) Omnichannel Marketing
44)Free Wi-Fi for Tourist Areas
45) Training Programs for Local Guides
Draft 3
Urban Infrastructure Connectivity
Draft 4
Setting the Context
Bordered by two of the world’s fastest growing economies – India and China, Nepal has
eight of the world highest mountains, abundance of natural resource (especially fresh
water resources) and multi-dimensional cultural heritage attracting tourists globally.
Despite these, Nepal has not been able to tap its growth potential due to multifaceted
challenges including political uncertainty, trade disruptions, and natural disasters (like twin
earthquakes in 2015 and floods in 2017). Political instability had become a part of life
among residents, with the country changing twenty governments since the introduction of
democracy in 19901.
However, Nepal has made significant progress on reforms recently with adoption of new
Constitution in 2015, transitioning from a unitary to federal state, and election of a stable
The country’s first-ever local government elections in state assemblies and the
Federal Parliament in 2017 marked a crucial and positive move towards federalism
and political stability.
The new Constitution aims to turn around the economic and political situation,
ensure a double digit economic growth over the next 10 years2 and create an
inclusive, pluralistic democracy, and a mixed market economy.
One of the key targets of the government is to graduate from its status as a LDC
by 2022, become a middle-income economy by 2030, and a developed country by
20993, and towards this, has implemented several long-run policies and programs
that are centered on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Macro-Economic Environment
Nepal has registered a steady growth in GDP during 2010-2015, with GDP growth hovering
around 5.0%. However, a massive earthquake in April 2015, significantly impacted the
country’s economic development and GDP growth in FY 2015/16 dropped to 0.6%
In 2016-17, growth picked up significantly to 7.5%, driven by good harvest,
significant foreign aid, normalization of trade activities and improved electricity
Nepal Joint Election Manifesto, 2017
Nepal Joint Election Manifesto, 2017
Draft 5
supply management. Nepal ranked as the third fastest growing economy in the
world in 20174 in terms of GDP growth
Going forward, GDP growth is likely to normalize around the pre-earthquake figure
of ~5.3%, sustained by increased spending on reconstruction and election activities.
However, this may be offset by a slowdown in remittance inflow due to a decline in
the number of outgoing migrants.
Nepal GDP (US$ billion) and GDP Growth (%), at constant prices, 2013/14 – 2021/22F
5.4% 27.7
20.0 21.3 21.2 5.8%
5.3% 5.5%
4.8% 5.0%
Source: Frost & Sullivan, Nepal's Macro Environment and Key Industry Prospects, 2017–2022; F indicates
Nepal is considered to be one of the least developed countries in the world with low per
capita income. Further, low economic growth rates in Nepal compared to other countries
in the region is a cause of concern.
World Economic Forum
Draft 6
Human Assets Human Assets Index (HAI) > 66 68.7 (2015)
Expected economic growth rate of 5-6% are unlikely to help Nepal to achieve its
objectives of:
• Meeting income criteria for graduation from LDC category by 2022
• Becoming a mid-income country by 2030
In order to achieve its vision to become a mid-income country by 2030, Nepal will require
heavy infrastructure along with consistent growth rate of 8-10% annually.
Agriculture continues to remain the mainstay of the Nepali economy, accounting for the
largest share of total value-add at ~32.1%
Future growth will be led by reconstruction of damaged irrigation facilities and
sufficient supply of agri-inputs. However effects of floods and landslides in August
2017, which created significant food shortage, and unseasonal rainfall that affected
paddy, may slowdown sector growth
Trade, Transport and construction are other key sectors witnessing strong momentum in
Wholesale and retail trade and Transport sector has picked up with the
normalization of trade activities and expected to grow further in the import driven
Construction sector growth in 2017/18 will be boosted by continued momentum in
post-earthquake reconstruction and large infrastructure project.
Draft 7
Nepal GDP by Industry, 2017/18, %
Source: Frost & Sullivan, Nepal's Macro Environment and Key Industry Prospects, 2017–2022 (September 2017)
9,195 9,082
6,437 5,921
2,852 3,195
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
As a result of these efforts, foreign direct investment in Nepal grew by whopping 128% in
2017 to reached NPR 13.5 billion.5 However, Nepal has not been able to tap complete
potential of FDI investments with net FDI contribution only 0.8% of GDP6. Government of
Nepal should continue its effort to attract FDI, as it does not only help in bridging funding
gap, but also enables technology transfer and sharing of best practices from other
Inflation Rate
Following significant volatility in the last five years, inflation rate in Nepal has stabilized,
reaching a 13-year low in 2017, aided by declining food prices and moderation in the costs
Nepal Rastra Bank
World Bank
Draft 8
of nonfood items. In 2018, experienced a marginal spike, due to a sharp increase in
vegetable prices; however going forward, is expected to remain at the 5% level.
In recent months, strong trade linkages with India have resulted in Nepal’s inflation trend
mimicking that of India.
Source: Frost & Sullivan, Nepal's Macro Environment and Key Industry Prospects, 2017–2022 (September 2017)
High population growth in Nepal has been long regarded as one of the key challenges
inhibiting economic growth. The country’s population had almost doubled between 1960
and 1990. However, with the expansion of mass education, gradually rising economic
opportunities, urbanization, growth in female labor force participation, and delayed
marriages leading to a decline in fertility, the trend has started to reverse, with population
growth slowing down.
2017- 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021-
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
18F 19F 20F 21F 22F
Population (Million) 28.11 28.43 28.85 29.15 29.51 29.87 30.22 30.55 30.91
Annual population
1.1% 1.1% 1.5% 1.0% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 1.2%
growth (%)
Source: Frost & Sullivan, Nepal's Macro Environment and Key Industry Prospects, 2017–2022 (September 2017)
With almost 25% of the population living below the national poverty line, 50% of the
population earning below ~$3 per day, and a per capita income below international and
regional standards, Nepal is considered among poorest nations in South Asia, trailing only
Bangladesh. This is primarily due to socioeconomic conditions wherein almost 80% of
Nepal’s population lives in rural areas, have large families, very small landholdings and lack
primary healthcare, education, safe drinking water, sanitation and other basic necessities.
The earthquake in 2015 that caused widespread devastation, coupled with high
dependence on agriculture and climate-specific issues such as rugged terrain, lack of
rainfall and poor soil quality, has further exacerbated the situation. Huge disparities and
inequalities continue to exist between regions and underprivileged social groups.
Despite such a dismal situation, Nepal has covered significant ground in alleviating
poverty over the last five years, primarily due to high amounts of remittances from Nepali
people who have migrated overseas – Nepal has among the highest foreign remittances in
the world, at US$ 6.6 billion equivalent to 31.3% of the country’s GDP in 20167
Pew Research Center and World Bank, 2017
Draft 9
Nepal poverty statistics
1995/9 2003/0
Metrics 2010/11
6 4
Population Living Below International Poverty Line ($1.90
61.9% 46.1% 15.0%
a day)
Population Living Below International Poverty Line ($3.10
86.6% 75.5% 50.8%
a day)
Population Living Below National Poverty Line 41.8% 30.9% 25.2%
Source: World Bank; Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics
Literacy rates
Nepal has made notable progress in improving its Nepal Adult Literacy Rate (15 years &
education system, increasing net primary school above), Percent
enrolment rates have increased from 68.0% to
94.7%8, over 1991-2017 and significantly closing the 59.6%
gender and age gap in education – one in five 48.6%
elderly people able to read and write – led by 32.9%
strong government policies such as the School
Sector Development Program (SSDP) and
significant ICT implementation through Open
Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal and OpenIDEO 1991 2001 2011
Source: World Bank
However, with an adult literacy rate of ~59.6%, Nepal continues to rank the lowest among
key South Asian countries, as majority of the youth still struggle to gain access to
education, particularly at the secondary and tertiary level. To overcome this, the
government will need to devise stronger incentive and monitoring mechanisms to ensure
implementation of its various programs.
Literacy rate*, Nepal vs. Asian countries, Enrolment Ratio, Nepal vs. Asian countries,
China 95.1% Malaysia 85.2
Sri Lanka 91.2% Bangladesh 69.0 Tertiary
enrolment ratio
Bangladesh 72.7% Pakistan 46.1
97.7 Secondary
enrolment ratio
India 69.3% India 75.2
114.5 Primary
enrolment ratio
Nepal 59.6% Nepal 69.5
%9 2016, %10
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
Draft 10
High Rural Population
In spite of rapid urbanization in recent years, Nepal continues to remain one of the least
urbanized countries in the world. World Bank estimates that only one-fifth of the Nepali
population lives in the urban areas, while more than 80% of the population continues to
reside in rural areas.
94 100
76 82
58 51
33 40 40 35
19 18
However, most of the infrastructure development in Nepal is centered in a few large cities,
while people in the remote rural areas continue to struggle with poor infrastructure and
limited access to basic services like healthcare, education and financial services. As a
result, it is important for Nepal Government to focus on extending reach of its services
and development agenda to rural Nepal in order to drive inclusive growth and achieve its
vision of Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali.
To sum up, Nepal has made considerable progress in socio-economic parameters during
the last decade. However, it continues to lag behind its South Asian peers in both
economic growth and Sustainable Development Goals with high poverty and low adult
literacy rates. Nepal needs to adopt a holistic approach and undertake significant
investments in order to meet its socio-economic growth aspirations.
Draft 11
State of Digital Adoption in Nepal
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E
Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Draft 12
Comparision of Mobile Penetration of key Asian cuntries, 2016
85% 88% 83%
According to the Nepal Telecom Authority, 2.25 million new users were connected to the
internet in 2017, which translated to approximately 250 new internet users in every hour.
Increasing penetration of internet in Nepal is driven by:
Increasing popularity of social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and
online communication platforms (e.g. WhatsApp, IMO, etc.)
Increase mobile connection and smart phone penetration
Increasing use cases, such as entertainment (e.g. YouTube), music streaming, and
Draft 13
Source: Frost & Sullivan Analysis
Compared with the mobile broadband industry, Nepal's fixed-line sector is significantly
underdeveloped. Fixed broadband services have been largely confined to larger cities
with some ISPs beginning to offer fiber-to-the-home.
Government of Nepal is undertaking steps to expand internet connectivity as part of its
vision of a Digital society that connects 90% of the population to broadband services by
202012. In line with this, in May 2018, Nepal Telecom Authority selected Subisu, a privately
owned Nepali company focusing on cable TV and cable internet, to build Fiber-To-The-
Home (FTTH) network in eight districts in Province 2 of Nepal.
Nepal’s ICT Development and Broadband Policy, 2015
Draft 14
Nepali people are embracing social media
Growing popularity of social media is key driver for adoption of internet in Nepal. Nepal is
second only to Bhutan in South Asia in social media penetration.
24% 23%
14% 16% 16%
In Jan 2018, Nepal had nearly 9.3 million Facebook users.13 Entertainment and video-
sharing are other popular use cases with more than 6.4 million registered users on
YouTube. 14
The rapid growth of social media users and increasing of internet penetration in Nepal has
catalyzed the stereotypical concept of traditional marketing and created the emergence
of digital marketing in the country. Website development, social media marketing, content
management, web design and e-mail marketing have vastly expanded in Nepal and have
become one of the fastest forms of information dissemination.
Digital Adoption in Nepal is higher than ever with near universal mobile adoption and
nearly 60% internet penetration. Nepali people are adopting internet technologies at a
rapid pace, but case studies for adoption in public sector and enterprises are far and few.
Further, Nepal lacks a supporting eco-system (such as digital payments, online banking,
etc.) which is critical for development of a digital society. As a result, Nepali society has
not been able to reap full benefits of the ongoing digital revolution.
The recent times have seen emerging of new business models and disruptive technologies
such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), which have completely
transformed the way work is done. These digital technologies have helped government
and enterprises globally to unlock their growth potential to achieve exponential growth.
Social Blade
Export.gov - Nepal Country Commercial Guide
Draft 15
Digital is Catalyst for Exponential Accelerated Growth
There are strong linkages between digital adoption and GDP growth. According to a
World Bank report, every 10% increase in internet penetration in a country, results in an
incremental economic growth of 1.3%. 16 The impact becomes even more robust once the
penetration reaches critical mass.
Source: World Bank, ITU, Nepal Telecom Authority, Frost & Sullivan Analysis
Nepal needs to grow at significantly higher rate (8-10%) than currently projections (~5%)
to have a realistic chance of meeting income criteria for elevation from LDC category by
2022, and becoming a mid-income country by 2030. Disruptive digital technologies have
potential to help Nepal in fast tracking social-economic growth in Nepal. The Digital Nepal
Framework intends to help Nepal in identifying key digital initiatives that can help it in
meetings its growth potential.
Exploring the Relationship Between Broadband and Economic Growth, World Bank, 2016
Draft 16
Digital Nepal program will help Nepal in unlocking its growth potential
by leveraging disruptive technologies to enable social-economic growth.
The program will help Nepal in embarking on its journey to an era of high
economic growth, enabling it to become developing country by 2022 and
mid-income country by 2030.
4.0% Impact of Digital Nepal program:
NPR 800 billion by 2022
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (F) 2018/19 (F) 2019/20 (F) 2020/21 (F) 2021/22 (F)
Draft 17
Digital Nepal Framework: 1 – 8 – 80
Under the Digital Nepal framework, eight sectors – agriculture, health, education, urban
infrastructure, energy, tourism, finance, and connectivity – have been identified based on
close engagement with stakeholders. The framework aims to guide Nepal on its journey
toward becoming a Digital State.
Health: Digital Nepal initiatives in healthcare aim to assist the country in meeting its
objectives of providing quality basic healthcare to all citizens. The program intends to
leverage digital technologies (e.g., videoconferencing, e-learning, and mobile health) to
address issues relating to access, affordability, and quality of healthcare for the Nepali
Education: Digital Nepal initiatives in education aim to prepare human capital to capture
new economic opportunities through the creation of an enhanced teaching and learning
environment. This entails the use of digital technologies to support teaching, enrich the
learning experience, and improve educational outcomes.
Draft 18
Tourism: Digital initiatives in the tourism sector seek to promote Nepal globally, attract
visitors to the country, and create employment opportunities for the Nepali people. It
involves the use of omni-channel marketing solutions, e-commerce, and disruptive
technologies such as augmented reality to promote tourism, build human capital skills in
the tourism sector, and offer better tourist experiences.
Finance: Digital Nepal initiatives in promoting the financial services sector target the
sizeable unbanked population by leveraging digital technology and telecom infrastructure.
Given the strong linkages between financial inclusion and economic prosperity, Nepal is
poised to benefit considerably from the use of FinTech, broadening access to financial
services to nearly 55% of the country’s unbanked population.
Connectivity: Digital connectivity is the foundation of the Digital Nepal program. While
Internet penetration in Nepal has risen sharply in the past few years, a large section of
Nepali people remains digitally uninitiated due to concerns around affordability, access,
and digital illiteracy. The program intends to bridge this gap by providing broader access
to connectivity using public-private partnerships and Government initiatives.
Frost & Sullivan has identified 80 digital initiatives across eight critical
sectors to guide Nepal as it embarks on its digital transformation journey.
The 80 digital initiatives aim to propel socioeconomic growth in Nepal by
addressing crucial challenges while unlocking the growth potential in each
of the eight key sectors.
Draft 19
Primarily an agrarian economy, Nepal’s agriculture sector accounted for ~33% of the
nation’s GDP and ~76% of total employment in 2016.17
Between 2008 and 2015, agricultural output in Nepal grew at an average 3.7% rate, before
slowing down considerably in the next few years following the twin earthquakes that
struck the country in 2015.
5.8% 5.3%
4.5% 4.6% 4.6%
1.1% 1.1%
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Almost three-fourths of Nepal’s population relies on agriculture for their livelihood, making
the sector a key component of the nation’s growth agenda. The Government of Nepal
considers farming and agriculture as a critical sector for achieving its socio-economic
growth aspirations, allocating nearly 4%–5% of its annual budget to the sector. There are
multiple Government-led initiatives to drive agriculture sector productivity with a target to
achieve self-sufficiency in food production in the near future.
World Bank
Draft 20
120.0 Food and livestock imports (NPR Billions) 99.6
100.0 89.7 87.0
80.0 61.1
60.0 40.8
40.0 23.8 29.3
15.8 20.5
20.0 13.3 12.9
Draft 21
effectively. Authorities should also look at India’s “Digital India” program, as a case
example for implementation.
The agriculture sector has made some progress in the use of soil health cards, modern
irrigation methods (e.g., drip irrigation technology), mobile apps to access agricultural
information, and e-commerce platforms. However, the initiatives seem too few and far
between and focused on easily accessible regions, while hard-to-reach mountainous areas
continue to be underserved.
Future success would be contingent on a consolidated and centralized ICT policy, led by
the state or the central governments, with concerted efforts targeting specific pain points.
Use of modern agriculture technologies is likely to provide measurable returns to Nepal,
with industry analysts estimating technologies such as precision agriculture to improve
yields on existing agricultural land by ~70%.18
Case Study: India’s plan to digitalize agriculture benefiting stakeholders across the agricultural
value chain and increasing farmer incomes
In Feb 2018, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, unveiled an agricultural strategy aimed at
boosting farmers’ income, decreasing production cost, increasing minimum support price, and
reducing wastage.
Encouraging the entry of private companies by relaxing the investment rules in contract
farming, transport, marketing, warehousing, and food processing
Creating a unified National Agriculture Market (NAM) to regulate the agriculture market.
Through real-time electronic auctioning of commodities; and integrated assaying,
weighing, storage and payment systems, the system will enable participation of both
farmers and consumers in the market
Initiating completion of 99 irrigation schemes delayed over the past 25 to 30 years by
investing ~INR80,000 crores; ~50% of the schemes to be completed in 2018
Launching “Startup Agri India” to support agritech entrepreneurs striving to improve the
efficiency of the agricultural process; organizing hackathons among leading technology
institutes in India to generate out-of-the-box ideas for agriculture
Directing mandatory transfer of 50% of all cropped areas under new insurance schemes
Government of Nepal’s
Pain Points Digital as an Enabler
Poor access to agricultural input and supply
Offer fertilizers, seeds, Mobile applications to
Bottlenecks in obtaining
agriculture machinery and provide information on the
essential equipment, seeds,
tools through the weather, market information,
Agriculture and Livestock prices, and crops
Goldman-Sachs, 2016
Draft 22
Service Centers of rural Leverage digital technologies
o <1% of farmers had tractors in
municipalities (e.g., mobile applications) for
2011 19
Agricultural Engineering Division, 2011
Investment Board Nepal, February 2017
Investment Board Nepal, February 2017
Draft 23
significant wastage data for produce quality
Underdeveloped storage
Labor shortage
Automation for ploughing,
Migration of rural workers to Establish professional and
leveling, winnowing,
urban areas for better technical schools, colleges,
harvesting, spraying, and
opportunities are causing acute and training centers to
irrigating reducing the need
labor shortages in the agriculture produce agriculturalists and
for manual labor
sector other human capital for the
Draft 24
Solution Current productivity levels in Nepal are low compared to developed
countries and South Asian neighbors that offer valuable lessons in
optimal utilization of resources. The use of technology in farm
management could improve efficiencies and lead to less dependency on
manpower. Better farm management and monitoring enabled by wireless
sensor networks, mobile applications, and precision farming could alert
farmers on soil readiness and quality, water requirements, optimal harvest
time, and market information.
Precision agriculture initiatives should aim to:
Enhance efficiencies and reduce labor dependency
Provide technology-driven applications such as wireless sensors
and mobile applications for farm management solutions
Offer real-time information on market prices, demand and supply,
soil quality, climate, and water level
Higher productivity (output per hectare)
Stakeholders Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives (MoAD)
Timelines Medium Term
Draft 25
1.5 Specialty Food Program
Solution The Government of Nepal aims to encourage production of high-value
crops with export potential. It also plans to launch an agro-farming
campaign to promote the organic produce of Nepal.
The Special Food Program should target the development of crops with
export potential and organic produce. Modern methods such as urban
farming and vertical farming concepts can be applied to allow these
farms to run with less space and yield higher output as well as drive new
R&D areas.
The initiative can also look into expanding the concept of cooperative
farming in urban spaces where start-ups can create small kits to grow
fruits and vegetables at home or in a community environment.
Stakeholders Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives (MoAD)
Timelines Long Term
Draft 26
A strong case for the entry of tech start-ups to promote
technology adoption in the sector in partnership with the
Government and local NGOs
Consider offering incentives, grants, subsidies, and tax breaks to
companies and start-ups engaging in agricultural research.
Stakeholders Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives (MoAD)
Timelines Short Term
Case Study: Govi Mithuru - A mobile agriculture service by Dialog, Sri Lanka
Dialog Sri Lanka’s Govi Mithuru (Farmer’s Friend, Uzavar Tholan in the Tamil language version) is a
value added service (VAS) which commercially launched in October 2015. The product rollout was
supported by a matched funding agreement between Dialog Sri Lanka and GSMA under the
mNutrition Initiative funded by UK aid from the UK government (DFID). By December 2016, the
service had acquired over 250,000 registered users.
Govi Mithuru promises to ‘secure crop and family health’. It aims to offer comprehensive advice to
farmers in Sri Lanka with a particular focus on reducing dependence on chemical inputs, an issue
frequently raised in Sri Lanka. Users register with a one-click response to an outbound dialing (OBD)
message, after which they are profiled through a series of OBD calls requiring one-click responses
for profile perimeters, or by dialing 616 and navigating through an interactive voice response (IVR)
registration menu.
The service offers agricultural advice at each stage of the farming cycle, from land preparation to
postharvest support. Content is provided across eight crops, alongside nutrition and home
gardening content, all provided by CABI Sri Lanka and quality assured by the Sri Lankan
Department for Agriculture.
Case Study: Start-ups in India targeting supply chain inefficiencies, falling yields, knowledge
sharing issues, and agricultural wastage
Crofarm: Founded in May 2016, Crofarm is an agricultural supply chain start-up that aims to address
wastage during distribution and sale of farm produce, by digitizing the supply chain for fruits and
vegetables. The system:
Procures products with longer shelf-life from national sourcing zones and perishables from
regional sourcing zones
Enables farmers using the platform to reportedly earn 25% higher than if they sold their
produce to mandis
Aibono: A smart farming collective that provides farm-related intelligence, technology, expertise
and gadgets, and precision agriculture. Shares resources and expertise with small-scale farmers
along with shared instruments to map data onto the cloud:
Draft 27
Helping to increase yields by nearly 50% for 140 farmers working in the Nilgiri hills of Tamil
CropIn: A farm management company that seeks to digitize the entire agriculture ecosystem to
deliver Smart Agriculture solutions with live reporting capabilities, analysis, interpretation and
insights on farming operations.
EM3 Agri Services: Aims to increase agricultural productivity by delivering technology and
mechanization to the farming community on a pay-per-use basis:
Offers Samadhan Farming as a Service (FaaS), a platform that allows technology to reach
farmers and farms cost-efficiently using the network of farm centers (Samadhan Kendras)
Intello Labs: Invented a first-of-its-kind application and equipment to test, grade, and analyze the
visual quality parameters of agricultural commodities:
Uses AI and deep learning to measure crop quality parameters including infestation
incidence, nutrient deficiencies, harvest quality, evaluation of fruits, vegetables, grains and
other crops, and farm-to-fork commodities
Tessol: Provides energy efficient and fuel-saving refrigeration technologies for cold chain storage
and logistics. Its flagship range, PLUGnCHILL, targeting transport refrigeration uses the proprietary
PCM heat exchanger technology, and provides 60% cost-savings by eliminating the use of fuels.
Other prominent start-ups in agriculture include Aarav Unmanned Systems, Ninjacart Gramco
Infratech Pvt Ltd, FarmLink, and Gold Farm.
Draft 28
The Government should ensure that the proposed knowledge and
agriculture centers have state-of-the-art infrastructure (e.g., high-speed
Internet access, videoconferencing) to enable distance learning.
Draft 29
Over the past decade, healthcare has been a key priority for successive Nepal
governments, with public and private healthcare spending increasing considerably year on
year. Total healthcare expenditure in Nepal as a percentage of GDP grew from 4% in 2006
to exceed 6% in 2015, comparatively higher than its neighbors such as India, Pakistan,
Bhutan, and Sri Lanka with healthcare spending at 2.6% and 4.7% of GDP.22
The rise in healthcare expenditure and continued focus by the government in enhancing
healthcare policies and infrastructure have enabled Nepal to achieve vast improvements in
its healthcare KPIs in the past 20 years. For example, neonatal and child mortality rates
have declined significantly since 1995. Moreover, Nepal’s consistent track record in
improving other health outcomes such as maternal mortality, death rates, and life
expectancy is acknowledged internationally.
Neonatal mortality Per 1,000 Live Births 47.7 39.3 32.5 26.7 22.2
Infant mortality Per 1,000 Live Births 76.8 59.6 46.3 36.3 29.4
Under-5 mortality Per 1,000 Live Births 107.7 80.6 60 45.4 35.8
Crude birth rate People per 1,000 36 32.1 27.5 22.9 20.2
Death rate People per 1,000 10.4 8.5 7.3 6.7 6.3
Maternal mortality ratio Per 100,000 660 548 444 349 258
Despite improvements in Nepal’s key healthcare outcomes, the country continues to trail
its Asian peers and international benchmarks. For example, while efforts to enhance
maternal and neonatal care in rural Nepal have resulted in substantial improvements in
maternal mortality rates; yet the maternal mortality ratio in Nepal (at 258 per 100,000 live
births) is notably higher than its Asian counterparts (at 148-178 per 100,000 live births for
India, Pakistan, Bhutan and Bangladesh.
World Health Organization
Draft 30
Challenges in Nepal’s Healthcare Sector
In 2007, Nepal’s Interim Constitution recognized access to primary healthcare as a right
for every citizen. However, more than a decade later, Primary Healthcare for All remains
an elusive dream for the Nepali people. In fact, Nepal lags behind its Asian peers and
international standards on health service coverage, according to the World Health
Organization (WHO).
Nepal, like many low- and middle- income countries, faces common issues such as:
Limited access to healthcare, especially in remote rural areas, where patients need
to travel long distances to receive quality healthcare
Chronic shortage of healthcare professionals and reluctance of public servants to
serve in remote areas
Underdeveloped infrastructure limiting access to safe drinking water, sanitation,
and hygiene practices
Poverty and illiteracy coupled with high cost of private healthcare services
Poor quality of care services at public sector hospitals and institutions
Nonetheless, Nepal’s new government aims to change this during its tenure.
Acknowledging health as the primary right of every citizen, the government intends to roll
out various initiatives (e.g., establishing a 15-bed hospital in every local area, extending
health insurance for all citizens) to address these issues.
Given the high mobile penetration in urban and rural areas, digital and mobile
technologies have the potential to solve the challenges associated with Nepal’s healthcare
sector. Countries successfully leveraging digital and mobile healthcare technologies offer
Nepal critical insights on resolving the healthcare hurdles it faces.
Nepal is initiating efforts to digitalize Healthcare sector, which includes the eHealth Nepal
Project with UNICEF. eHealth provides teleconsultation services and vaccination
reminders to users through SMS. However, the need of the hour is to adopt broad-based
initiatives optimizing government resources and attracting greater private sector
Embarking on a Digital Health journey can help Nepal in address key challenges by
improving coverage of quality health services, reducing the cost of healthcare services to
deprived sections of society, plugging funding leakages, and optimizing utilization of
healthcare skills and resources.
Case Study – How Novartis’ telemedicine model in Ghana is helping to expand access to quality
care in remote rural areas
Objective: Expand access to quality care in remote rural areas to reduce transport times and costs to
patients while minimizing unnecessary referrals.
Model: The telemedicine model was developed around frontline health workers using digital
technology to enable centralization of healthcare expertise. Under the model, healthcare
professionals at the teleconsultation centers coach and guide less-skilled community health workers
in patient care. The initiative is not only empowering community health workers, but also improving
the quality of care with a direct impact on patient health outcomes. In 2016, for example, more than
half of all teleconsultations were resolved directly by phone, including 31% that avoided referrals.
Timelines: 2012 onwards
Results: The model pioneered in the Amansi West region by the joint efforts of the Ghana Ministry of
Health, the Ghana Health Service, the National Health Insurance Authority, the Ambulance Services of
Ghana, Millennium Promise, and the Novartis Foundation. The initiative is now successfully scaling
throughout Ghana with strong local ownership by Ghanian health authorities.
Draft 31
Healthcare in Nepal: Pain Points, Priorities, and Digital Solutions
Access to safe drinking water, poor hygiene habits, and sanitation facilities is a key challenge
Nepal has the highest Provision of clean and safe Innovative use of digital
mortality rate due to drinking water and sanitation technologies can boost
unsafe hygiene, water, and facilities to all Nepali people awareness about the need
sanitation compared to is a priority for the new to follow proper hygiene
neighboring countries Government and sanitation practices
Open defecation is a norm Become an open defecation- Technology can enhance
in Nepal (especially in rural free country by 2022 access and simplify usage
areas) of public facilities
‒ 32% of the Nepali
population practice
open defecation
Draft 32
Mismanagement of funds and supplies in rural Nepal
Mismanagement of funds Zero tolerance for Leveraging latest Health
and government subsidies, corruption Information Management
inadequate supply of (HIM) and procurement
essential drugs, and solutions can enhance
budget limitations restrict auditing and compliance
the Government’s ability to processes, minimizing the
provide proper healthcare risk of mismanagement of
facilities for its citizens funds and government
Draft 33
Stakeholders Ministry of Health (MoH)
Timelines Short Term
Draft 34
Solution Roll out mobile health units/vans in other to improve reach of Healthcare
services in rural, underserved areas. Mobile health units/vans allow
regional healthcare facilities to extend their reach by going directly to the
people in their communities, potentially saving lives and money.
The mobile health units should be equipped with digital connectivity and
GPS services to effective tracking, route management and digital record
Stakeholders Ministry of Health (MoH)
Timelines Medium Term
The Government of Nepal should consider undertaking the following policy interventions
to create an enabling environment:
Draft 35
Timelines Short Term
Case Study: Telecom operator partners with Sri Lankan hospitals to build a Digital Health Platform
In 2016, Dialog, a leading telecom operator in Sri Lanka, entered a joint venture with Asiri Hospital
Holdings to set up a digital health platform. Following the success of this initiative, two more
hospitals in Sri Lanka joined the effort in March 2018. The joint venture connects more than 1,500
doctors in over 80 hospitals via its digital health platform, accessible through doc.lk, by dialing 990,
or the Doc990 app.
Doc990 currently offers a range of medical services including channeling doctor sessions at
hospitals island-wide for physical consultations, the Tele Doctor Service where consultants can be
contacted over the phone, medicine delivery to the doorstep, and access to lab reports from
selected laboratories via the Doc990 web portal.
The Doc990 app is integrated with all mobile operators and banks for multiple payment options
such as add-to-bill, eZ Cash, Genie, Amex, Visa, and MasterCard.
Draft 36
Nepal vs. Selected Asian Countries: Comparison of Major Healthcare KPIs
Unit of Sri Korea
Nepal India Pakistan Bhutan China Japan Malaysia Singapore Thailand Bangladesh
Measurement Lanka Rep
Skilled health
Per 10,000
professional density, 5.4 24.1 14 12.4 23.2 31.5 137.9 44.7 77.1 71.5 24.7 5.7
Maternal mortality Per 100,000
258 174 178 148 30 27 5 40 10 11 20 176
ratio, 2015 births
Skilled birth
attendance, 2007– % 58 86 55 89 99 100 100 99 100 100 99 50
Under five mortality
and neonatal Per 1000 births 34.5 43 78.8 32.4 9.4 9.9 2.7 8.3 2.8 3.4 12.2 34.2
mortality rate, 2016
Health Service
Index* 46 56 40 59 62 76 80 70 80 80 75 46
Coverage Index, 2015
% of population
Financial protection, spending large
27.4 17.3 1 N/A 2.9 17.7 6.2 N/A N/A 13.5 3.4 13.6
2007–2015 health
Mortality rate due to
unsafe hygiene, per 100,000
19.8 18.6 19.6 4 1.2 0.6 0.2 0.4 <0.1 1.8 3.5 11.9
water, and sanitation, population
All vaccine coverage,
% of population 25 76 53 90 99 99 93 99 88 97 95 93
Domestic general % of general
government health government 5.5 3.4 3.7 9.1 7.9 10.1 N/A 8.3 12 12.9 16.6 2.8
expenditure 2015 expenditure
Access to safe
% of population 27 N/A 36 34 N/A N/A 97 92 100 98 N/A 56
drinking water, 2015
Total health
expenditure, 2014– % of GDP 6.2 4.7 2.6 3.6 3.5 5.5 10.2 4.2 4.9 7.4 4.1 2.8
Total expenditure on
health per capita, USD 135 267 129 281 369 731 3727 1040 4047 2531 600 88
Life expectancy at
Years 70.2 68.8 66.5 70.6 75.3 76.4 84.2 75.3 82.9 82.7 75.5 72.7
birth, 2016
Source: WHO; UNICEF; Frost & Sullivan analysis
Legend: Green-Amber-Red Scale, where dark green signifies best in class performance, while dark red signifies worst in class performance
Draft 37
Development of the sector appears to be a key imperative to drive Nepal’s progress from
least developed country status to developing nation by 2022. Access to education is even
more critical given the country’s large youth base, with ~32% of its total population aged 14
and below.26
To support its vision, the Government of Nepal is pursuing revisions to its education policy
aiming for inclusiveness by making education up to secondary level compulsory and free.
Calculated using figures in the Budget Speech for FY 2018/19, Ministry of Finance
Calculated using figures in the Budget Speech for FY 2018/19, Ministry of Finance
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
Joint Election Manifesto
Draft 38
E-library to be established and students to be provided modern education materials (e.g.,
laptops and textbooks)
The Government has also formulated a range of supporting policies, grants and aids, and
investment incentives, as well as turned to foreign aid to improve its key education metrics.
Key Government Policies:
School Sector Development Plan (SSDP), 2016–
Five-year Roadmap
Aims for inclusive and equitable access, participation, In April 2018, the Minister for Education,
and learning outcomes of the education system Science and Technology unveiled a 10-point,
through: five-year roadmap which includes plans to:
However, the quality of education in Nepal continues to fall short of international standards
due to inadequate funding, socio-economic issues leading to child labor, uneven development
between rural and urban areas, lack of basic infrastructure, shortage of trained teachers, un-
employability of graduates due to outdated coursework, and insufficient basic learning
materials. This has resulted in an increase in student mobility among the urban and wealthy
population, with a large number of youth moving to other countries to study.
While the country has achieved near universal enrolments at the primary level (135.4% in
2016), it drops significantly at the secondary (69.5% in 2016) and tertiary levels (11.8% in
2016), indicating substantial dropout rates at higher levels of education.
Key Education Metrics/KPIs for Nepal
Metrics 2014 2015 2016 2017
Primary total gross enrolment ratio
(%) 134.75 134.94 135.38 134.12
Secondary total gross enrolment ratio
(%) 66.88 67.14 69.5 71.21
Tertiary total gross enrolment ratio
(%) 15.82 14.95 11.8 -
Out-of-school children (’000s) 185.34 103.66 101.86 159.21
Out-of-school adolescents (’000s) - - 237.55 222.24
Draft 39
Literacy rate, 15–24 years (%) 84.76* - - -
Literacy rate, 15 years and above (%) 59.63* - - -
Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
Note: *Latest available data based on 2011 census
The Government of Nepal recognizes the importance of education and its implications in
driving future growth. However, supporting initiatives do not appear to be reaching target
areas, as institutions face delays in receiving funding and coordination challenges among
stakeholders in the sector. This has placed Nepal at a disadvantageous position vis-à-vis other
Asian developing countries.
Sri Lanka 91.2% Malaysia 85.2
Bangladesh 72.7% Bangladesh 69.0 Tertiary
enrolment ratio
China 95.1% Pakistan 46.1
97.7 Secondary
enrolment ratio
India 69.3% India 75.2
114.5 Primary
enrolment ratio
Nepal 59.6% Nepal 69.5
Literacy Rate* (%), Nepal vs. Selected Asian Enrolment Ratio (%), Nepal vs. Selected Asian
Countries, 201628 Countries, 201629
Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
Note: *Latest available data, as per latest census data in the country
Several inherent limitations also hinder the progress of the education sector in Nepal:
Shortage of teachers per student and insufficient training of teachers, leading to high
absenteeism and low student engagement and motivation
Underdeveloped basic infrastructure and facilities at both rural and urban institutions,
including lack of learning materials and equipment
Significant disparities in infrastructure development and availability of quality
education and teachers between private and public schools. Prohibitively expensive
fees and limited presence of private schools are resulting in inequitable access to
education and widening the gap between the haves and have-nots
Poor availability of funding and government support due to an inefficient industry
structure, red tape, and corruption
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
Draft 40
High dropout rates due to socio-economic conditions and widespread poverty in rural
areas, resulting in children working in menial jobs instead of attending school and
creating issues such as child labor and child marriages
The Government appears to be focused on addressing these challenges during its tenure by
establishing actionable targets for the sector in the current and subsequent budgets.
Promise of Digital Initiatives in Education Sector
Open Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal: Established in September 2007, OLE Nepal integrates
technology in classrooms and the teaching-learning process. Key programs include:
E-Paath: Interactive educational software that includes multimedia learning modules based on
the national curriculum of Nepal. Developed 600+ learning modules for teachers
E-Pustakalaya: An open, digital library comprising 6,000+ books
Teacher training: Focuses on IT literacy, child-centric interactive teaching, and integrating ICT-
based instruction. Has trained 600+ teachers in the program
Draft 41
Technology infrastructure: Helps install school network consisting of servers and Wi-Fi, and
provide low-power, low-cost, durable equipment. Has deployed 5,000+ laptops in 100+ schools
OpenIDEO: An open innovation platform that works with local organizations in Nepal to provide
funding and support, targeting the education sector in rural areas. Key programs include:
Picosoft: A rural Internet service provider in Nepal which offers high-speed Internet service
using Super Wi-Fi (TV White Space) technology to schools in rural areas where cable and ADSL
Internet are not available. Also provides state-of-the-art computer labs and develops localized
content for ICT in education in partnership with Kull Labs
REED Nepal: An NGO that has introduced digital educational platforms and Teacher Training
Quality Education Program for schools in earthquake-prone areas
Government of Nepal’s
Pain Points Digital as an Enabler
Shortage of trained teachers As part of its latest budget, Technology-based teacher
the Government plans to: training to build awareness
Lack of qualified, well-trained
and prepare them for using
teachers as well as decline in Expand training programs
technology in a classroom
teacher-pupil ratio from 22.7 to for technical teachers
20.3 from 2014–201730
Redistribute existing posts
Deploy videoconferencing,
Teachers, particularly at public for teachers
mobile, and collaboration
schools and universities, have proportionately on the
technologies to enable
inadequate technical, content, and basis of number of
training from any location
pedagogical support and poor IT students, subject
awareness requirements, and
geographical conditions Install CCTV cameras and
Limited ICT use in classrooms and
biometric systems in schools
administration and staff resistance Provide additional grants
to track teacher attendance
to change, resulting in low teacher to schools to hire more
attendance teachers at secondary level
on Science, Math, English,
Cases of teachers holding down and Technical subjects
multiple jobs and engaging in part-
time businesses or research, further
impacting their performance
Use of wireless and satellite
Lack of basic infrastructure The Government plans to
technologies to connect
reduce the urban-rural digital
Setting up educational facilities in divide and improve institutions’ IT infrastructure
rural Nepal is a considerable in hard-to-reach remote areas
infrastructure through:
technical and financial challenge Deploy high-density networks
due to the difficult geographical Use of new technology on school and university
terrain and improvements to campuses at urban
Strain on distribution of basic education standard institutions to support
learning materials, e.g., textbooks, Set up of Rural uninterrupted running of
and poor access to basic Telecommunication Fund devices, IT tools, and
necessities like water, sanitation, to provide free high-speed applications
and hygiene Internet services to
Public schools and universities in community schools
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
Draft 42
urban areas lack proper facilities
and funding to maintain
laboratory materials and
curriculum to keep pace with new
Disparities in education Leverage Massive Open
development and access Online Courses (MOOCs), i.e.,
online courses delivered via
Huge differences in quality and distance learning as a cost-
provision of infrastructure between effective option to reduce
rural and urban areas, with disparities in course quality
development mainly concentrated and training
in cities like Kathmandu
Use of cloud-based unified
Even within cities, gaps exist communication tools to
between private and public interact with students,
institutions, with the former having teachers, and administrators
superior quality of education, remotely
teachers, and infrastructure
Low number of private institutions
in urban areas and high fees makes
private education inaccessible to
rural and middle-class students
Social inequalities prevent students
belonging to lower castes and
underprivileged groups from
attending schools, e.g., in the Terai
region, only 23.1% of Dalits were
literate compared to 80% of
Brahmans and Chhetris (higher
castes), in 2016 31
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data for the Sustainable Development Goals by Country
Draft 43
support and funding, possibly due to point, five-year roadmap spending leaks and
an inefficient education structure: which includes structural and improving transparency
organizational reforms to Introduce an automated,
Currently, the sector is supported improve the efficiency of the mobile-based customer
by the Central Government, with sector management system for
regional/provincial governments
institutions to file complaints
having limited control and
and track resolutions in case
of delays in receiving support
Red tape, corruption, and
Use common CRM and ERP
bureaucratic processes exacerbate
systems across departments
the issue
and industry hierarchies to
enable information sharing
The Government is Use cloud-based back-up and
Physical safety issues
drafting policies relating disaster recovery solutions as
Since the devastating earthquake of to disaster risk reduction well as sensor technology to
April 2015, education authorities in and safety under the SSDP predict and mitigate effects
Nepal have yet to open the new program of natural disasters
academic session in several districts The National Strategy for Use of laptops and handheld
owing to the quake's adverse impact: Disaster Risk Management devices by students could
in Nepal also highlights help maintain learning
Over 16,000 classrooms at ~6,000
the role the education continuity in case schools or
public schools were destroyed, over
sector can play in universities are inaccessible
7,000 classrooms have major
reducing the vulnerability
cracks while 12,000 have repairable
and exposure posed by
cracks 33
natural hazards
Use of online testing tools to
Poor quality of vocational training In September 2017, the
assess student capabilities
and lack of employability World Bank approved a
and interests, and
US$60 million credit to
Nepali students face significant recommend courses
support the second phase of
challenges in finding employment accordingly
the Enhanced Vocational
after graduation due to gaps Education and Training Introduce technology-
between skills gained and industry Project in Nepal, called assisted learning modules,
needs: EVENT II that is: e.g., an institute in the UK
introduced a renovation
Studies focusing on rote learning Designed to improve project in its vocational class
are not interactive and do not equitable access to that used film and Padlet to
prepare students to tackle real- market-relevant training develop students’ functional
world situations programs and strengthen Math and English skills in
Teachers lack skills in scientific the delivery of Technical construction
teaching methods Education and Vocational
Vocational education curriculum is Training (TEVT)
irrelevant and out-of-date
While the Government of Nepal allocates a substantial share of its budget to the education
sector, cohesiveness between initiatives remains a challenge. Development of an integrated
digital education ecosystem that combines various ICT policies and aspects of technology
adoption under a single umbrella organization by authorities could improve coordination
among all stakeholders in the education value chain.
Frost and Sullivan recommends following digital initiatives to unlock the potential of Nepal’s
education sector
Independent news articles
Draft 44
1 Technology and 2 Entrepreneurship/PPP 3 Talent and Skills
Infrastructure Development
Promote entry of
Smart classrooms Mobile learning centers
edutech startups
OLE Nepal 2.0 in rural areas
Co-creation hubs
Online learning platform
Redesign vocational
Rent-a-Laptop program curriculum
GPS mapping
Centralized admission
Draft 45
Stakeholders Ministry of Education, Schools and Universities
Timelines Long Term
Draft 46
1. 6 Centralized Admission Application
Solution Develop a centralized admission application to be used by all public and
private schools and universities, which integrates with existing SIS
systems and tracks student admissions.
The tool will include an automated provision for admission quota of
underprivileged (SC/ST) communities in the public school and university
systems, ensuring transparency.
Stakeholders Ministry of Education
Timelines Medium Term
Case Study: Leading telecom operator in Indonesia connects 1,000 schools with high-speed Internet
XL Axiata, a leading telecom operator in Indonesia, launched “1,000 School Broadband Program” in
October 2016. As a part of the program, XL Axiata facilitated 1,000 schools in various provinces to
connect to high-speed internet networks as part of its on-going social activities in support of
government programs for school digitization. The program helped more than 400,000 students and
thousands of teachers in the learning process.
While the education sector in Nepal shows immense potential to grow, challenges related to
the country’s scale and diversity could impact its progress. Partnerships with technology
innovators could go a long way in addressing various issues challenges and improving
implementation of initiatives. The Government should consider the following approaches to
create a conducive environment for entrepreneurship in the sector:
Draft 47
Timelines Medium Term
Case Study: Vodafone improving education access in rural Africa through its
newly-launched Instant Schools For Africa initiative
Objective: Provide young people in Sub-Saharan African markets with free access to
online learning materials, addressing the problem of access to quality education
Draft 48
Program Description: Launched in 2017, the initiative provides school going children in
South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho,
Mozambique, and Tanzania with free access to online learning materials. These include
video/interactive exercises, optimized for basic mobile devices and low bandwidth. The
initiative targets primary to secondary students (5–18 years old) and is part of Vodafone
Foundation’s ongoing mission to use digital and mobile technologies to bring critical
educational resources to Africa. Other ongoing initiatives by Vodafone in the region
include Vodacom e-schools and the KA Lite open-source platform
Expected Outcome: Vodafone is targeting to help three million children and youth
through the program by 2020
Draft 49
Reliable energy supply is essential for driving the economic growth and social well-being of a
country. Severe energy shortfall in Nepal in the past few decades have led to a chronic
imbalance between power supply and consumption. Electricity supply quality in Nepal is
among the lowest in the world, ranking 137th out of 147 countries.34 Aggressive expansion in
the country’s population, agricultural, and industrial activities have resulted in higher demand
for power, worsening the severity of power shortage.
Similar to other countries in the region, the rate of electrification in Nepal is approximately
76%. However, significant disparities in electricity access between rural and urban areas exist
with only 61% of the rural population having access to electricity, compared to 96% of the
urban population.35
Nepal is a net energy importer, with 34.76% of its energy needs imported from India.36 As
energy generation via the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) is insufficient to meet domestic
demand, Nepal supplements its energy sources by importing from India, and through
Independent Power Producers (IPPs). Nepal’s rich hydro resources are estimated to be able
to support power generation up to 42,000 MW.37 However, by the end of 2016, its total
installed hydropower station capacity was only 802.4 MW, equivalent to less than 2% of its
total generation potential.
Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Development Outlook 2015: Financing Asia’s Future Growth, Manila.
Energizing Development (EnDev), a multi-donor partnership financed and governed by the governments of the
Netherlands, Germany, Norway, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Sweden
NEA 2017
ADB, Technical Assistance for the South Asia Economic Integration Partnership – Power Trading in Bangladesh
and Nepal (Subproject 1), Manila, 2014.
Draft 50
taking bold steps to strengthen its financial position through organizational restructuring
exercises as well as introduce transparent transfer modality and other measures to improve
services, reduce power wastage, and collect outstanding revenues.
Recognizing the need to develop its energy sector to reduce poverty and reinvigorate the
economy, the Government is prioritizing energy development projects with multiple targets
set over the next few years. It is also actively driving efforts to develop hydropower
capabilities through initiatives such as the Nepal Power Investment Summit 2018.
Case Study – Bhutan’s ambitious hydropower developments to become a net exporter of energy
Over a 10-year period (2005–2015), Bhutan, a developing nation with similar topography to Nepal,
increased its electricity production from 460 MW to 1606 MW , mainly generated through hydropower.
Bhutan’s electricity exports grew from US$78 million in 2005 to US$176 million in 2017, contributing to
40% of its total exports and generating 25% of the government’s revenue.
Four out of five of its major hydropower projects are financed by the Indian government, with the fifth
financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and loans from Indian banks. The investment
arrangement helps to cover the financial and construction risks of hydropower projects, with India
committing to purchase surplus electricity reflecting production costs plus 15%.
Rapid development in the energy sector is reinvigorating Bhutan’s economy, with gross GDP projected
to record 9.9% in the fiscal year ending 2018. Although current and future revenues generated from
energy exports are forecast to cover the cost of hydropower investments, the Bhutan government is
taking measures to monitor its hydropower-related costs closely. Under a 5-year plan, the government
has stipulated that hydropower debt should not exceed 40% of hydropower earnings, while non-
hydropower debt is limited to 35% of GDP.
Hydro World
Nikkei Asian Review, Aug 2017
Draft 51
Energy in Nepal: Pain Points, Priorities, and Digital Solutions
Draft 52
Concerns over the NEA’s charges according to field forces such as
ability to meet contractual climate and time, to reduce technicians and meter
obligations in power costs and boost energy readers
development projects due distribution efficiency
to its financial standing
Draft 53
Technology and infrastructure
The recommended initiatives to expand technology-based electricity generation and
distribution capacity in Nepal are as follows:
Draft 54
Solution In H2 2017, NEA launched the NEA Official mobile application where
users can access all activities of the authority including electricity tariffs,
register complaints, and locate areas experiencing a power cut and
restoration times.
As the current version offers limited functionalities, the Government and
NEA should consider the development of the NEA Official 2.0 application
to meet the current needs of customers, in line with similar applications
offered by leading utility companies worldwide.
Stakeholders Ministry of Energy, NEA’s Distribution and Consumer Services Directorate
Timelines Short Term
Draft 55
Timelines Long Term
Case Study: Smart Grid Technology Reducing Power Outages in Bosnia and Herzegovina
To the people of Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, frequent power outages were a way of life affecting
businesses, schools, and homes. During storms or technical failures, residents could lose power for
extended periods.
USAID and its partners, the US Energy Association, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, and Brcko
Komunalna, the electric utility serving the Brcko district of Bosnia and Herzegovina, joined forces to
support a smart grid technology pilot project between September 2015 and September 2016 that
dramatically improved the reliability of electricity supply in Brcko.
Schweitzer Engineering’s technology could instantly identify the location of power outages caused by
storms and technical failures on Brcko’s distribution lines. Previously, during a power outage, employees
would have to drive or walk along the power lines until they found the problem. The new technology not
only reduces the number of trucks and employees needed to restore services, but also improves
customer services while reducing emissions and costs associated with the use of diesel-powered backup
generators. The project has reduced the frequency and duration of electricity outages. Over the project
period, customers on an affected line reported a 51% drop in the number of outages, and 58% reduction
– or about 8 hours – in the duration of outages compared with the same period the previous year. 41
Entrepreneurship/Public-Private Partnerships
The Government of Nepal acknowledges the importance of private sector involvement and
investment to develop Nepal’s hydropower capacity fully. In considering public-private
partnerships (PPPs) hydropower generation models, the Government should also work to
address constraints to private investments in infrastructure, including regulatory barriers (e.g.,
simplifying licensing procedures, forest clearance, land acquisition procedures).
Draft 56
development of large-scale hydropower projects and high-voltage
transmission lines.
Stakeholders Ministry of Energy, NEA
Timelines Short Term
edotco Group
Draft 57
Blessed with world-class tourist attractions, Nepal has a naturally rich topography and culture
that caters to diverse travel interests ranging from pilgrimage/religious sites to wildlife parks,
mountaineering, adventure trekking, and luxury holidays.
The travel and tourism sector is a primary source of revenue, foreign exchange, and
employment for the country, contributing 7.8% to total GDP and 6.6% to total employment
(translating into ~1,027,000 jobs) as at 2017.43 Given the sector’s direct positive impact on
Nepal’s economic growth, the Government is stepping up efforts to promote travel and
tourism through an array of market-friendly policies, targeted marketing campaigns, and
investment programs.
Key initiatives fall under its new policy, the National Tourism Strategy 2016–2025, which
envisages a fivefold increase in annual arrivals by 202544. An immediate focus area of the
Government is the Visit Nepal 2020 program that aims to attract two million tourists and
generate one million job opportunities in the sector by 202045.
Key Government Initiatives in Tourism:
National Tourism Strategy 2016-2025 Visit Nepal 2020
Envisages a fivefold increase in annual An immediate focus area of the
arrivals and 9.29% growth in the sector’s Government, Visit Nepal 2020 aims to
contribution to GDP by 2025. Also aims to attract two million tourists and create one
add 4,000 hotel rooms in Kathmandu by million jobs in the sector by 2020.
World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), Data Gateway, Nepal, https://tool.wttc.org
Debanjana Bhattacharya, “Nepal Tourism launches new National Tourism Strategy”, Travel News Digest, August 30, 2016,
Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Tourism Vision 2020 policy document, May 2009
Draft 58
infrastructure including a US$6 million,
green-field, three-star hotel in Kathmandu,
under the Fairfield brand46.
797.6 790.1 753.0
All figures are rounded. The base year is 2013; Source: World Travel & Tourism Council; Frost & Sullivan analysis
Despite the Government-led efforts, growth has been relatively slow, with tourist arrivals to
Nepal at a five-year CAGR of only ~4.2% (2013–2017), reaching 940,218 tourists in 201747,
primarily owing to underdeveloped infrastructure. To achieve its 2020 target of two million
tourists, arrivals will need to increase multifold, at a CAGR of 28.6%, requiring the
Government to intensify initiatives to boost the sector.
While the Government of Nepal aspires to strengthen the tourism sector’s productivity,
income, and image internationally, it continues to trail other countries in the region due to
The Himalayan Times, “IFC, FMO invest $5.5m in Fairfield Marriot Hotel”, June 21, 2017
Nepal Tourism Statistics 2017 publication, Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Draft 59
several inherent challenges. In 2017, the sector accounted for ~7.8% of Nepal’s GDP, as
compared to 21.2% in Thailand, 11.6% in Sri Lanka, and 8.9% for countries in South Asia.48,49
Critical challenges in Nepal’s tourism and hospitality sector include:
Poor infrastructure to support tourism activity, including congested airports, poor
quality of roads, facilities, and weak IT infrastructure to support digital initiatives. The
massive April 2015 earthquake that severely damaged many of the country’s historic
sites further exacerbate this problem
Lack of effective marketing and promotional activities to promote Nepal as a tourist
destination, possibly due to lack of funds
Tourists’ negative perceptions about safety and security risks due to past instances of
political turmoil, terrorism from neighboring countries, and natural disasters
Shortage of skilled and professional workforce, with most tour guides speaking very
little English, weakening the image of Nepal as a tourism destination internationally
Tourists to Nepal often complain about the lack of information on tourist spots,
weather conditions, and activities available. There are also concerns about the
reliability of information
Low focus on promoting domestic tourism, leading to lost revenue opportunities for
the sector
The new Government intends to revitalize the tourism sector during its tenure by rolling out a
100-day action plan to address various challenges. Key areas under the action plan include:
Technology & Innovation
Digitalize and consolidate archives of national importance; plans to catalogue, tag, and upload
11,550 of 31,000 handwritten manuscripts, along with 655,000 images preserved at the National
Form a think tank to gather suggestions and feedback regularly, and draft a concept paper on
mobilizing tourism attachés in five major markets
Resolve the dispute over the use of modern materials to rebuild the Rani Pokhari heritage
monument and begin reconstruction
Draft a formal Casino Act to streamline the gambling business and address the evasion of
royalties and taxes by casino operators
Finalize the modality of the proposed Nijgadh International Airport in Bara within 100 days
Build a Guerrilla Trail and Yarsa Trail at least 10km long to offer a unique trekking experience
Develop model tourist destinations in all seven provinces of Nepal such as Ilam, Janakpur,
Makwanpur, Pokhara, Rupandehi, Mugu, and Kailali
World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), Data Gateway, Nepal
South Asia includes India, Myanmar, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Laos, and Nepal
Draft 60
Promise of Digital Initiatives in Tourism
Increasing connectivity driven by the proliferation of the Internet and mobile devices and
growing affordability of digital technologies are transforming the nature of tourism and
consumer demand. Globally, ICT penetration is typically high in the travel, tourism, and
hospitality sector, with the automation of almost every process from research, price
comparison, ticketing to booking and reservations. Nepal can learn from other countries
successfully implementing Digital Tourism technologies to address the inherent challenges of
its tourism sector.
Use of digital technologies in tourism sector presents new revenue streams for Nepal through
increased profitability of its various stakeholders and generates significant benefits for
society through a reduction in environmental footprint, better safety and security, and cost
and time savings. Nepal appears to be in the early stages of ICT implementation. Currently,
digitalization efforts are limited to website development for the Ministry of Culture, Tourism
and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA) and Department of Tourism while the hospitality industry
operates basic CRM and revenue management systems. Nepal has a long way ahead to gain
measurable benefits from ICT through the large-scale implementation of digital initiatives in
Inadequate infrastructure
Dr Perry Haan, “Tourism issues involving Nepal’s economy”, Watertown Public Opinion, August 17, 2017,
Address by the Right Honorable President of Nepal, Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari, to the Joint Session of both Houses of the Federal
Parliament, May 21, 2018
Draft 61
could alleviate
The airport is the first point of
congestion at airports
contact for tourists. As such, any
negative impression could hamper
tourist growth in the country.
Lack of information on tourism Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) has Develop an official
destinations, health and hygiene, launched website and mobile
natural hazards, changes in www.welcomenepal.com, its application for the NTB
biodiversity, and ecology official tourism website, with with regular updates on
Tourism websites, books, and detailed information on tourist attractions, weather,
brochures are limited; ones that attractions, activities, events, travel, accommodation,
are available are scattered, not climate, and local transport and e-ticketing
updated regularly or reliable Equip tourist centers with
As tourism is an information- self-service information
intensive business, poor data access kiosks, digital signages,
Draft 62
could weaken Nepal’s position in the and maps
global tourism industry.
As the majority of the country’s Nepal Academy of Tourism and Use of automated tour
skilled talent have migrated Hotel Management offers guides that connect to
overseas for work, Nepal’s tourism Bachelor’s and Master’s visitors’ mobile phones
sector is forced to hire unskilled degrees in Hospitality and provide historical
people from rural areas with little Management, as well as information, reducing the
experience; gender equality issues Bachelor’s degree in Travel and need for physical tour
and socio-cultural factors also Tourism guides
prevent women from working in the The Government plans to set
sector Monuments and heritage
up training centers to coach
sites can be connected
tourist guides, and a Tourism
with sensor/IoT
University to offer higher
technology, QR codes,
education in tourism to meet
and RFID tags to provide
human capital demand
Draft 63
Digital Initiatives Roadmap for Tourism Sector
The Government of Nepal should consider formulating a comprehensive model for the
tourism industry, encompassing infrastructure, attractions, accessibility, amenities, and
ancillary services, along with key technology tools.
Frost and Sullivan recommends following technology initiatives to unlock potential of Nepal’s
tourism sector:
Draft 64
The website is currently available on Android and should be extended to
include other operating systems such as Apple iOS and Linux to increase
Stakeholders Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA), IT service
Timelines Short Term
Draft 65
Timelines Medium Term
Suggest of digital initiatives in tourism sector would require active government-industry-
consumer collaboration. To promote a vibrant tourism ecosystem, the Government should
consider the following:
2.1 Encourage entry of travel start-ups and foreign companies
Solution Promote entry of start-ups that cater to niche segments of the tourism
sector, e.g., online travel communities, travel planning, activities and
experiences, travel guide services, food delivery, customized travel
packages, community/crowdsourcing platforms, and hotel booking:
‒ Provide a market-friendly environment for tech start-ups by
offering benefits including incentives, tax holidays, and knowledge
Draft 66
Attract participation from international hotel chains to increase tourism
promotion and marketing activities
Stakeholders Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA)
Timelines Medium Term
Draft 67
Timelines Long Term
Case Study: Government-led initiatives and digital programs improving India’s tourism
Government Schemes
“Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik” A regional airport development and connectivity scheme aimed
(UDAN) at improving transport connectivity to several major tourist
spots, including investments in last-mile road and air connectivity
in underserved areas.
National Heritage City Launched in January 2015, the plan focuses on the development
Development & and rejuvenation of cultural/religious spots such as monuments,
Augmentation Yojana Ghats, and temples as well as revival of intangible assets in cities
(HRIDAY); Pilgrimage such as Ajmer, Amaravati, Amritsar, Badami, Dwarka, Gaya,
Rejuvenation and Spirituality Kanchipuram, Mathura, Puri, Varanasi, Velankanni, and Warangal.
Augmentation Drive
Digital Initiatives
A digital tourism calendar application for 2018 for Android and
iOS platforms that features notifications and updated information
Incredible India digital
on events and festivals in India during the year; personal travel
planner; customized reminders for events; option to share event
information with friends.
e-tickets for access to 116 monuments across India using the web
and mobile phones. While at the site, tourists can use their
eTicketing of monument
phones to access the available audio-visual guides and combine
entrance tickets
them with venue-specific barcodes encapsulating the
Introduction of the 1363 helpline in 12 languages, one-of-its-kind
in the world. The helpline also offers human assistance by dialing
Multilingual helpline
a “tourist’s friend” or tourist facilitator. It also includes other
travel-related services, prices, comparators, and certified experts.
The Incredible India website includes e-versions of travel
Digital magazines
magazines such as India & You, INDES, and Colors of India.
Source: Press Information Bureau, Government of India, January 12, 2018, Frost & Sullivan analysis
Draft 68
Despite the size of its economy, Nepal has a relatively diversified financial services sector. As
at July 2017, there are 28 commercial banks in Nepal with a paid up capital of NPR 8 billion,
40 development banks, and 32 finance companies. As one of the largest contributors to
Nepal’s economy, the financial services sector contributed 23% of GDP in FY2016. It is also
one of the largest employers in the country with commercial banks alone employing nearly
30,000 people in July 2017.
A key driver for the financial services sector is the high volume of remittances sent to Nepal
by the thousands of Nepali people working abroad since the 1990s. Remittances in 1995
accounted for 1.3% of GDP, growing to an estimated US$6.6 billion, equivalent to 31.3% of the
country’s GDP in 2016.52
While the sector consists of a diverse range of financial institutions, Nepal has yet to reap the
benefits of a mature financial services sector as large section of Nepali society remains
unbanked and unable to access these services. Only 45% of adults in Nepal are formally
banked through an account with a financial institution.53 As a result, Nepal continues to be a
cash economy with most transactions occurring outside its financial system.
Nepal’s sizeable unbanked population is its biggest hurdle to achieving financial inclusion in
the country. In addressing this issue, the Government of Nepal and the Nepal Rastra Bank –
Central Bank of Nepal (NRB) should consider promoting financial inclusion initiatives as a
critical growth enabler and undertaking policy interventions to encourage banks and other
financial institutions to expand their presence in remote areas. An increase in the number of
financial institution branches could improve financial access in Nepal.
World Bank
World Bank
Draft 69
Fast Facts
Only half of bank account
15% of salaried employees
45% of Nepali people are holders withdrew money
receive wages through a
formally banked from their accounts in the
bank account
past year
Banking fees, low literacy levels, and inaccessibility of bank services in rural areas due to poor
infrastructure are vital factors mainly hampering the uptake of formal financial services in
Nepal. Lack of legal identity documentation has also been reported to be a barrier to creating
bank accounts.
Source: Global Findex Database – World Bank; Frost & Sullivan analysis
Overall, the financial ecosystem in Nepal is still in its infancy due to several challenges
hindering its adoption:
Sizeable unbanked population due to a multitude of issues including:
‒ Difficulty in accessing physical bank branches (especially in remote, rural areas).
As of March 2018, only 394 of the 753 local levels designed under the new
federal structure have bank branches. Additionally, ATM and commercial branch
penetration in Nepal is significantly lower than that of most other countries in
the region
‒ High cost of financial services and lack of proof-of-identity (or know your
customer, KYC) documents limiting access to financial services for the poor and
deprived sections of society
Underdeveloped digital financial services ecosystem with low credit and debit card
penetration, low use of digital payments, online and mobile banking, and restrictive
government policies (e.g., low maximum limit of digital payments)
Widespread preference for informal financial channels (e.g., informal remittance
transfer systems) that results in reduced resources for the Government to make
productive investments, encourages tax evasion, and negatively impacts governance
and exchange reserves
Draft 70
Lack of financial and digital literacy
ATM Penetration Rate per 100,000 Adults, Selected Countries, Asia, 2016
17.2 21.1
7.8 9.6 9.8
Objective: Using mobile money technology to offer financial services in rural and marginalized areas.
Vodafone; Safaricom; MIT
Draft 71
Model: The M-Pesa mobile payment platform launched in March 2007 as a product developed by
Vodafone, in partnership with Sagentia, by integrating a mobile wallet with Safaricom’s rating, billing,
and provisioning systems. The onboarding of customers on the platform was achieved by replacing the
SIM of registered Safaricom users with the M-Pesa enabled SIM. Users load money into the mobile wallet
by depositing cash with an agent to obtain e-Float currency. The digital currency is then used for
payments or transferred to other users through encrypted SMS.
The platform currently acts as a mobile wallet offering money deposits, payments, balance checking,
cash withdrawal, and international money transfer services at a minimal cost. Besides Kenya, the digital
wallet services are also available in Tanzania, Afghanistan, India, Romania, Egypt, Albania, and South
M-Pesa’s success in Africa can be attributed to its focus on micropayments, targeting consumers at the
base of the banking sector pyramid. By offering convenient digital money transfer regardless of the
value of the transaction, M-Pesa has achieved widespread adoption throughout the financial ecosystems
in its markets.
Before M-Pesa was introduced in Kenya, the nearest bank was on average 9.4 km away from users. As at
2017, 96% of Kenya’s population can access financial services using their mobile phones, with an M-Pesa
agent an average of 1.4km away.
In the first half of 2017, transactions through M-Pesa amounted to 48.76% of Kenya’s GDP. By the end of
2017, Vodacom processed US$7.3 billion worth of M-Pesa transactions globally per month.
Today, its widespread usage in Kenya has been credited with raising 2% of Kenyan households out of
extreme poverty through access to mobile money services between 2008 and 2016. It also plays a
crucial role in offering opportunities to small businesses as well as a range of financial services such as
international transfers, loans, and health provisions using mobile.
World Bank
Draft 72
certificate, making them as a strategic priority in Nepal
ineligible to apply for formal Introduction of an e- ‒ With the adoption of digital
banking channels mapping system to payment methods, the
Mostly homogenous products prioritize approval of new distance between end users
offered by financial services bank branches or channel and the nearest bank will no
providers (FSPs) do not meet points in unbanked areas longer be an inhibiting
the needs of consumers factor with the integration of
across various segments formal financial services
Low-income consumer
market with highly seasonal
and irregular incomes have
unique needs for FSPs
Draft 73
as the remittance amounts
from abroad
The transaction limit for
mobile payments has been
set NPR 10,000 ($146) a day,
in stark contrast to M-Pesa’s
maximum transaction of
Draft 74
1.2 GPS Tagging for ATM/Branch Network Expansion
Solution ATM/branch network in Nepal is among the weakest in the world, with
limited presence in remote parts of the country. A robust nationwide
ATM and branch footprint is critical to achieving 100% financial inclusion
in the country.
NRB can initiate a GPS tagging project requiring all commercial banks to
tag their branches and ATMs on a central platform. The information can
then be mapped against the census and other government data. The
project could allow the NRB to track progress on network rollout in
remote areas effectively.
Stakeholders Ministry of Finance, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB)
Timelines Short Term
Draft 75
consumers for continuous usage of digital payment methods:
‒ Usage frequency and volume of digital payment platforms for
transactions will be rewarded with discount schemes and other
incentives for selected users
‒ Users can progress to different levels based on their usage
frequency and volume
‒ Introduction of gamification in improving customer engagement is
likely to continually capture and maintain customers’ attention,
particularly in behavioral-related products such as the use of digital
payment platforms
The Government of Nepal should undertake the following policy interventions to create an
enabling environment for digital financial services:
Draft 76
Timelines Medium Term
In addition to infrastructure support, talent and skills development is essential to ensuring the
successful adoption of digital payments in Nepal. To support the digital payments ecosystem,
the country requires skilled programmers, financial technology experts, and operational
support teams. Retailers also need to be sufficiently trained in managing digital payment
systems to ensure the smooth flow of payments. These challenges can be addressed by
training the local talent pool through partnerships with digital payment services providers to
familiarize them with the system.
The Government could also launch educational campaigns to build awareness among
consumers on the benefits of digital payments and financial inclusion to ensure the
effectiveness of the other initiatives implemented.
Draft 77
Comparison of Key Financial KPIs, Nepal vs. Selected Asian Countries, 2017
Sri Korea,
UoM Nepal India Pakistan Bangladesh China Japan Malaysia Singapore Thailand
Lanka Rep.
Account holders Percentage 45% 80% 21% 74% 50% 80% 98% 85% 98% 95% 82%
% of account
Withdrawal in the past year 51% 43% 66% 48% 52% 78% 90% 70% 91% 95% 70%
Used the internet to pay
Percentage 1% 3% 7% 5% 2% 40% 24% 25% 50% 64% 10%
bills in the past year
Used the internet to buy
something online in the Percentage 2% 3% 1% 3% 1% 45% 46% 34% 48% 72% 17%
past year
Paid online for internet % internet
14% 33% - 24% 7% 85% - 49% 89% - 52%
purchase purchases
Debit card ownership Percentage 9% 33% 8% 32% 6% 67% 87% 74% 92% 75% 60%
Borrowed from a financial
institution or used a credit Percentage 14% 8% 3% 17% 9% 23% 54% 23% 47% 63% 20%
Borrowed from family or
Percentage 53% 33% 29% 16% 21% 28% 4% 15% 4% 12% 29%
Received wages: into a
% wage recipients 15% 31% 23% 44% 22% 65% 87% 72% 96% 94% 48%
financial institution account
Received wages: in cash
% wage recipients 77% 59% 67% 48% 69% 25% 12% 20% 3% 3% 45%
Credit card ownership Percentage 1% 3% 1% 5% 0% 21% 68% 21% 49% 64% 10%
Received government
% payment
payments: into a bank 36% 57% 0% 59% 0% 74% 86% 72% 87% 79% 67%
Made or received digital
Percentage 16% 29% 18% 47% 34% 68% 95% 70% 90% 92% 62%
payments in the past year
Source: World Bank; Frost & Sullivan analysis
Draft 78
Urban Infrastructure
Nepal is among the least urbanized countries in the South Asian region. However, it is
urbanizing rapidly with urban population growing 6% annual since 1970s56
Urbanization in Nepal is dominated by a few large and medium cities with an excessive
population concentration in the Kathmandu Valley. The urban population distribution is
uneven across the country with high urban growth in the Kathmandu Valley, the Pokhara
Valley, the Inner Tarai valleys, and in a few market and border towns located on highways.
Trend towards urbanizations is likely to continue in the foreseeable future, as internal
migration continues with Nepali people moving from rural areas to urban areas in search of
better opportunities and facilities. This trend towards urban migration presents both
opportunities and challenges for Urban Development and Municipal Authorities:
Urbanization as an engine for growth: Like most other countries, growth of urban
areas is likely to emerge as a key engine for growth for Nepal. Further, it is important
for Nepal to develop other urban towns to decongest a few large cities (like
Kathmandu, Pokhara, etc.) and contribute to a more sustainable growth across regions
and geographies
Asian Development Bank
Draft 79
Urban Development and Municipal Authorities in Nepal need to focus on the following five
pillars in order to prepare urban infrastructure that can deal with increasing demand due
rapid urbanization and increasing citizen expectations:
Global Competitive Index 2015-16, World Economic Forum
International Institute of Water Management
National Urban Development Strategy (NUDS), 2017
National Urban Development Strategy (NUDS), 2017
Draft 80
Unplanned waste management system with poor collection and
open dumping practice:
The Kathmandu valley emits about 1,000 tons per day of
solid waste of which only 900 tons is collected
Waste Lack of landfill sites for waste management:
Management Out of 58 municipalities in Nepal, only 6 have sanitary
landfill sites and only 5 practice controlled waste
National Urban Development Strategy (NUDS), 2017
UNDP Nepal
Draft 81
Case Study – AI and Drone for Tainan’s Smart City, Taiwan
Description: The city of Taiwan launched the AI X Drone smart city project in July 2017,
where the drones collect aerial images on a periodic basis for the integration and
development of Taiwan's artificial intelligence image recognition and analysis technology
Waste Management
Government of Nepal, National Planning Commission National (Preliminary) Report, Sustainable Development Goals, 2016-2030
The 2014 Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Draft 82
IoT/sensor enabled waste
Poor Collection & Disposal Solid waste management
bins to inform authorities,
(including collection, treatment
Underdeveloped waste which bins reach their full
and disposal of waste) is a
management infrastructure and capacity
responsibility of municipalities.
limited use of digital Municipal authorities are GSP tracking for waste
technologies resulting in poor collection vehicles for
undertaking various initiatives to
quality of waste management improve solid waste effective route planning and
services for citizens management. Few examples waste management
Many municipalities practice include: Predictive Waste
road-side waste pickup from Management Analytics for
open piles and open dumping, Kathmandu City is planning to effective planning and
which is creating environment build robust waste management reviewing of waste
and health risks system consisting on e-toilets, management services
Further, dumping of untreated underground waste disposal Crowd Sourcing to enable
waste in rivers and water is system, etc. citizens to report unattended
leading to severe contamination Hetauda Sub-Metropolitan City waste collection
in many part of Nepal has partnered with a private Automation for waste
under for door-to-door waste treatment plants
collection, established a
Resource Recovery Facility with
compost plan, and is
encouraging segregation of
recyclable and non-recyclable
Similar initiatives (especially
around door-to-door collection
of waste) are been undertaken
by other municipalities as well.
Public Transport
Most urban areas in Nepal lack Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Use of sensors and RFID tags
efficient public transport Transport project: The ADB is for monitoring and real time
system. working with the government information on public
Key challenges include of Nepal to develop an efficient transport
shortage of public transport public transport system and Mobile apps for providing
vehicles, unreliable schedules, roads with pedestrian space information on routes,
poor maintenance, cleanliness that preserve heritage values. schedules, fares and real-
and overcrowding Provided a $10 million grant for time updates for all public
the program transport models
Integrated Smart Card based
fare collection system for all
private and public transport
Draft 83
guidelines and rampant two bridges and traffic issues
violation of traffic rules is
enhancing congestion and
traffic accidents
Disaster Management
National Disaster
Nepal is highly prone to natural Nepal is in the process to
Management Plan for
disasters such as earthquakes, develop new disaster
effective disaster
floods, famines, epidemics, and management act, and national
preparedness, response,
landslides, some of which are strategic plan of action which is
recovery, and mitigation
repetitive. in line with the framework
IoT based early warning and
However, the country has adopted in Sendai, Japan
monitoring systems for
limited capabilities to deal with
The government formulated a disaster management and
large scale disasters. The 2015
Post Disaster Recovery planning
earthquake highlighted several
Framework (2016-2020) and Emergency
shortcomings including out-
the Post Disaster Needs telecommunications
dated systems, poor data
Assessment to provide a equipment for better disaster
management, weak search and
systematic, structured and response and recovery
rescue capacity, etc.
prioritized framework for Use of drones for delivery of
implementing recovery and relief supplies, damage
reconstruction, following the assessment and
2015 earthquake communications
In order to provide universal access to water and sanitation by 2030 globally, every $1 invested in
water and sanitation, will generate $4.30 in economic returns through increased productivity 66
The global Intelligent Transportation Systems market is estimated to be a $72.32 billion industry by
2022 , contributed by improved road safety, greater sustainability of vehicles, and environment
Smart Waste Management Market by Solution, Markets and Markets, August 2016
The Toilet Board Coalition Report, The Circular Sanitation Economy, November 2017
Draft 84
The emergency preparedness initiatives by UNICEF and the World Food Program (WFP) in select
developing countries saved a total of $12 million towards future humanitarian response and created
net savings of $6.4 million, on an investment of $5.6 million 68
Global Intelligent Transportation Systems Market, Analysis and Forecast: 2017 – 2022, Research and Markets, April 2017
BCG, The ROI of Emergency Preparedness
Draft 85
Can look at a similar initiative undertaken by the Delhi Jal Board in
India, as an example for implementation
Stakeholders Water Supply and Sewerage departments in Municipalities, The Municipal
Association of Nepal (MuAN), Water and Energy Commission
Timelines Short Term
Draft 86
‒ Includes a visual dashboard and analytical tools providing
comprehensive insight into waste management operations in
the local area
‒ Also deploy predictive analytics to visualize waste generation
patterns up to 24 hours into the future, thereby allowing
districts and municipalities to optimize waste collection and
use more efficient routes
Stakeholders Waste management departments in municipalities, The Municipal
Association of Nepal (MuAN)
Timelines Medium Term
Draft 87
Buses should install digital displays that mention the next stop along
with automated, IVR-based announcements.
Stakeholders Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Operators (Samittees)
of public transport vehicles
Timelines January 2019
Draft 88
Timelines Medium Term
Draft 89
providing aid during disasters
Will enable the government to map terrain more effectively,
assess damage in real time, increase situational awareness
through high-resolution mapping , as well as provide live-stream
footage of critical rescue efforts
Deliver aid and supplies more efficiently in remote and
unreachable areas
Case Study – How Shanzen transformed the traffic situation through the use of smart technologies
Challenge: As Shenzhen city in China transformed from a small town into a metropolis, it faced
major growing pains, particularly relating to traffic congestion. Shenzhen’s land size is less than
2,000 km2, and there are only slightly more than 600 km of roads. It has the highest vehicle density
in China with an average of about 530 vehicles per kilometer.
Solution: Shenzhen’s Traffic Police Bureau collaborated with Huawei to implement ICT to manage
road congestion and launched a series of innovations, clubbed under an initiative called “traffic
brain”. It includes:
Increase in road capacity: Set up a real-time surveillance system for all signal-equipped
intersections in Shenzhen, and developed a precise traffic signal control mode based on the
traffic time-space software engine. Also collects data via converged checkpoints and
roaming police cars to establish lanes through intersections and organize traffic flow
through big data management, enabling them to increase road capacity by about 8%
Results: Investigated and closed 37,055 cases of serious violations and detained 874 vehicles with
Draft 90
fake or cloned license plates. Vehicles with cloned or fake license plates, scrapped vehicles, and
vehicles with multiple violations have now almost disappeared from the streets of Shenzhen
Going forward: The Shenzhen Traffic Police Bureau plans to develop smart police terminals based
on 5G technologies; analyses historical data by means of traffic simulation to predict traffic volume
in each corner of the city; invest nearly CNY 3 billion (USD 453 million) to upgrade all checkpoint
systems, including an improved high-definition video system, so that its coverage rate will reach
over 70%
The Government of Nepal will benefit greatly from turning to the private sector for
technological development in infrastructure. It may consider the following policy
interventions to create a favorable environment:
2.1 Ride sharing
Solution Ride sharing platforms have potential to emerge as a strong alternative
for weak public transport in Nepal. Government should encourage entry
of ride sharing service providers like Uber and Ola. Alternatively,
municipal corporations can also consider developing their own ride
sharing platform to ensure efficient utilization of existing taxis.
Stakeholders Department for Transport
Timelines Short Term
In July 2016, NCell signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department of
Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) to send early warning alerts through SMS to its customers living
in areas with a high risk of flood and landslides, including West Rapti, Narayani, Kankai, Koshi,
Bagmati, Karnali, Babai and Kamala River.
DHM will provide the SMS content to Ncell, which will be triggered based on water level in
rivers, following which Ncell will immediately send early warning SMS from short code
Draft 91
number based on the real time situation. After receiving message about the water level
crossing danger level, people can move to government-designated safe locations, and once
the water levels return to normal, SMS alerts will be sent again to inform the people that
there is no immediate risk
The company also undertakes various steps in order to help disaster victims as part of its Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. Some initiatives include:
Contributed a total of NRs. 201 million and basic utilities, following the torrential rain
triggered landslides and flooding in 2017
Offered a bonus talk time to Sindhupalchowk’s flood and landslide affected customers
An automated parking system will be constructed in Kathmandu Metropolitan City within two years
at the cost of NRs. 90 million under a public private partnership model
Draft 92
Growth in mobile penetration in Nepal has been driven by significant investment made by
leading mobile network operators in expanding their network footprint, and increasing
affordability of mobile devices and services. Mobile operators have made significant
investments in their data networks, with 3G network coverage in Nepal increasing from 25%
in 2013 to reach 65% in 2017. Further, 2017 also witnessed rollout of 4G services from top
three telecommunication operators in Nepal.
2G 3G
Draft 93
However, fixed line and fixed broadband network in Nepal continues to remain
underdeveloped with limited coverage outside large cities.
ICT Sector
ICT Sector, comprising on the Internet, telephone, mobile, IT-enabled services (ITeS) and
business process outsourcing (BPO) is among the fastest growing industry in Nepal. ICT
sector has a large role to play in driving socio-economic growth, as it has applicability in all
sectors and potential to create large number of jobs. Due to its potential to transport the
society, Nepal government has taken steps to liberalize the sector by allowing 100% FDI
investment in ITeS & BPO sector, and 80% FDI in telecommunication sector.
Nepali outsourcing companies offer services at reasonable prices compared to other South
Asian BPO companies like India, China and Philippines. There are more than 6,000 BPO
companies in the country of which only 256 are legally registered as of 2017. Nepal offers
distinct advantages as a BPO destination due to lower salaries / cost base and lower
employee turnover. However, Nepal has not been able completely exploit potential of ICT
Governments are typically one of the largest technology users in a country, and are therefore
able to promote adoption and industry growth by delivering public services over digital.
eGovernance and digitalization of public services has emerged as a key priority of
Government of Nepal. Government of Nepal has undertaken several steps in this direction, as
a result of which Nepal’s ranks on E-Government Development Index has improved from 165th
in 2014 to 117th in 2018.
Source: UN
Draft 94
While Nepal has made great strides in rapidly expanding mobile and Internet connections,
significant section of Nepali society continues to remain digitally un-initiated. Key challenges
Availability & Converge: Almost 1/3rd of Nepal’s population is not covered by 3G networks
while 4G networks covers less than 20% of population. Fixed broadband networks are
only limited to the large cities
Lack of Digital Literary: High digital literacy, especially among the rural poor, creating
digital divide
Lack of locally relevant, vernacular content for Nepali speaking population
Limited Spectrum availability: Nepal ranks 148th out of 167 countries (with a score of 12.06
out of 100) on Spectrum in GSMA’s Mobile Connectivity Index, 2017
High cost of broadband services
In spite of rapid growth in mobile connections, Nepal continues to remain a follower in overall
ICT development:
ITU ranked Nepal 140th out of 176 countries in its ICT Development Index (IDI) for 2017
GSMA ranked Nepal 137th out of 167 countries its Mobile Connectivity Index for 2017.
GSMA Connectivity Index measures the strength of the enabling environment for
connecting offline populations to the mobile internet
Low rankings in the ICT Development Index and Mobile Connectivity Index indicate
considerable investment and focus is required in the Connectivity sector with regards to
connecting digitally un-initiated population, increasing access and affordability of ICT
services, providing digital education and increasing fixed broadband/fiber network.
Draft 95
China Advanced 73.98 38
Source: GSMA
Government of Nepal considers digital connectivity as an important driver for growth and is
undertaking steps to expand internet connectivity as part of its vision of a Digital society that
connects 90% of the population to broadband services by 202069. In line with this, in May
2018, Nepal Telecom Authority selected Subisu, a privately owned Nepali company focusing
on cable TV and cable internet, to build Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) network in eight districts
in Province 2 of Nepal.
Nepal Government’s ICT Policy 2015 intends to systematically enhance national ICT readiness.
Key priorities of the ICT Policy include:
Infrastructure development in urban and The government set up the Rural Incentivize mobile
rural Nepal Telecommunication Development operators to improve
Fund (RTDF) which includes four footprint in remote areas
Just four out of the 75 districts - major projects: with low ROI
Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, and
Kaski have the highest ICT penetration Building the District Optical National
while districts in mid-western and far- Fiber Network program
Nepal’s ICT Development and Broadband Policy, 2015
Draft 96
western regions and mountains in the Development of broadband Fiber/Broadband
north have the lowest penetration 70
infrastructure in 14 Network connecting
earthquake-affected districts important government
Mobile phone ownership is significantly establishments,
Establishment of model e-
higher in urban areas and some rural municipalities,
village development
areas are excluded from mobile or agriculture knowledge
Internet coverage centers, etc.
Extending Internet services to
Public Internet access 500 rural community schools 5G for connecting
& colleges disconnected, remote
Availability of public Internet access
centers or cyber cafes is extremely and rural communities in
limited and concentrated in urban Nepal
cities. Even among the existing centers,
quality of services is substandard with
poor Internet speeds and lack of power
Lack of digital literary and high ICT policy aims to provide Compulsory ICT
illiteracy rates in Nepal limits ability of digital literacy skills to 75% of education as part of
a large section of the society to reap the population National Curriculum
benefits of the digital technologies
Local and International NGOs Digital Labs and Training
Digital illiteracy appears to start at a
(e.g. Code for Nepal, Microsoft Centers in Village
young age for underprivileged Nepali
Innovation Centre Nepal) are Development
people as majority of schools and
providing digital literary Committees and
educational institutions located in rural
trainings for rural / unprivileged Municipal offices to
villages lack basic computer
Nepali people impart digital trainings
Data Security
Implement data security
Growing digital penetration and ICT Policy 2015 intends to:
and protection standards
Shailesh Pandey and Nischal Regmi, “Changing connectivities and renewed priorities: Status and challenges facing Nepali
internet, January 2018
GSMA Intelligence, Q4 2017, “Digital in 2018 in Southern Asia” report, January 2018; We are Social & Hootsuite
Draft 97
digitalization trend across industries Need for a
has increased risk of cyber-attacks. Build an effective legal
comprehensive data
Nepali people and businesses are framework and enforcement
security framework
facing growing threat from ransom- capabilities for cybercrime
ware, data breaches, etc. Raise awareness, educate and
Data security concerns in minds of empower people and firms to
consumers is also restricting growth of protect themselves online
e-commerce and start-ups, as many Establish a national cyber
people (especially older generations) security cell to prevent, detect,
are reluctant to share their financial defend against and recover
details due concerns on online frauds from cyber-attacks
Internet and mobile connectivity forms the backbone of economic growth and employment
generation, and creates an enabling environment for socio-economic transformation by
improving income levels, empowering underprivileged communities and bridging the digital
Strong inter-linkages have been seen in improvement in digital connectivity and economic
growth. As per studies, every 10% increase in broadband penetration results in 1.3% increase
in GDP. As result, it is critical for Nepal for undertake necessary steps to improve digital
connectivity. Improving digital connectivity brings incremental value across the entire value
chain by enabling new business models, job creation through BPO and ITeS industry, and
improving quality of life through better access to information and services.
Draft 98
Take lead in 5G networks
National Fiber Network
High speed Internet
connectivity for
Nepal Cyber Security
Special Economic Zones
for ITeS/BPOs
Government of Nepal
eGovernance 2.0
Paperless Government
and Collaboration
Public Wi-Fi Hotspots
Draft 99
Stakeholders Ministry of Communication and IT (MoCIT), National Telecommunications
Authority (NTA)
Timelines Short Term
Draft 100
for the public and private sector in how to avoid computer security
It should be responsible for Nepal's cyber security, with primary focus on
securing government networks, protecting critical national infrastructure,
and assisting businesses and citizens in protecting their own systems.
Stakeholders Ministry of Communication and IT (MoCIT)
Timelines Medium Term
Draft 101
1.10 Paperless Government and collaboration
Solution Government of Nepal should digitalize all internal and external processes
in order to emerge as a Paperless Government. The program, led by
MoCIT, should be supported by all other government departments.
Government departments can establish multi-functional task force for
identification and digitalization of processes in a time bound manner.
As a part of these program, the government should consider leveraging
various collaboration tools and solutions (such as HD video conferencing,
instant messengers, cloud based productivity apps) to ensure better inter
and intra department collaboration.
Stakeholders Ministry of Communication and IT (MoCIT), Prime Minister’s Office, All
other ministries and departments
Timelines Medium Term
Draft 102
Solution Digitally streamlined PPP application processes to create a conducive
environment for the mobilization of private sector and foreign investment
for Digital Nepal framework.
The Portal should contain details of shortlist Digital Nepal initiatives and
invite participation from private sector players and foreign companies. It
should be positioned as single window that enables all interactions with
external parties including proposed solutions, invitation of bids,
shortlisting of projects, etc.
Stakeholders Ministry of Communication and IT (MoCIT)
Timelines Short Term
Draft 103
Government eLearning Platform, which can also be leveraged by other
government departments for providing digital / online trainings to their
MoCIT should develop the centralized platform, which can be then used
by the IT and training teams of the respective departments for creating
training modules relevant for their needs.
Stakeholders Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MoCIT)
Timelines Short Term
Draft 104
Business Environment Enablers
Government of Nepal needs to focus on the following priority areas to create an enabling
environment for the success of Digital Nepal initiatives:
Nepal has witnessed considerable improvement in digital connectivity during the last few
years driven by rapid adoption of mobile Internet. However, it continues to lag behind its
neighbors and developed economics on overall development of ICT sector.
Draft 105
As a result, strengthening digital connectivity needs to be a key priority for Government of
Nepal. Frost & Sullivan recommends following actions in order to improve digital connectivity:
Digital payments and financial transactions, conducted through smartphones and other
mobile devices are now a vital cog in modern financial infrastructure. A strong digital finance
eco-system can facilitate evolution of new business models and digital start-ups thereby
generating new job opportunities and enabling faster economic growth. Further, digital
financial services have the potential to give a big boost to financial inclusion by providing
financial services to people hitherto cut off from the same.
Nepal has an underdeveloped financial eco-system with low penetration of digital finance
services. As a result, facilitating developing of a robust financial ecosystem needs to be a
priority of Government of Nepal. Possible actions in this direction include:
Digital Nepal program would require significant investments, which the government alone
cannot provide. Public private partnership and foreign investments would need to play a
major role in Digital Nepal by bringing technological expertise and capital infusion for
sustainability and scalability of the program.
Private sector participation would be crucial for success of Digital Nepal program. Possible
actions include:
Rollout a digitally streamlined PPP application system for the mobilizing private
investment in Digital Nepal program
Consider offering Tax-holidays for investment in critical areas (e.g. companies focusing on
Smart Health in remote rural areas can be given 3 year tax holiday)
Start-up accelerator program to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and
entrepreneurship in tackling key challenges and generating large-scale job opportunities
Foreign Investments
Government of Nepal can take steps to encourage foreign investments in the Digital Nepal
initiatives. Foreign investment can also help Nepal in cross leveraging skills and insight from
similar initiatives undertaken by foreign investors in other parts of the world. Possible actions
to attracting foreign investments in Digital Nepal program include:
Draft 106
Fast-track FDI applications for Digital Nepal initiatives through a single window
Consider increasing FDI limits and easier repatriation of funds (e.g. 100% FDI for
Digital Nepal initiative)
Government of Nepal can consider following steps in order to enhance digital skills of Nepali
Making public servants digitally-ready will be essential for success Digital Nepal program.
Government should ensure establishment of IT training teams in all government departments
for imparting digital training to its employees. Further, the Government can consider
leveraging proposed National eLearning Platform to train its employees on new systems and
technologies been introduced in their respective departments.
Draft 107
About Ministry of Communication About Frost & Sullivan
and Information Technology
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company,
The Ministry of Communication and Information works in collaboration with clients to leverage
Technology (MoCIT) was established in the year visionary innovation that addresses the global
(2049BS). The Ministry widely covers postal services, challenges and related growth opportunities that will
telecommunications, broadcasting, press and make or break today’s market participants. For more
information, and film development. With the than 50 years, we have been developing growth
objective to develop and expand the information & strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses,
communications sector up to rural level in the form of the public sector and the investment community.
infrastructure for social and economic development
through wide spread participation of the private “We Accelerate Growth”
sector as well with emphasis on the dissemination of
information and communication technology.
www.mocit.gov.np www.frost.com
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology