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MIT Arts, Commerce and Science College, Alandi Question Bank Computer Graphics

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MIT Arts,Commerce and Science College,Alandi

Question Bank

Computer graphics

Note:This is for your reference. Please study concepts in details.

Q.1pixel is…

A)smallest adressable point on screen b)memory block

Q.2Resolution is defined as

a)the number of pixels in the horizontal direction*the number of

pixel into horizontal direction

b)the number of pixels in the horizontal direction+the number of

pixel into horizontal direction

Q.3Aspect ratio is

a)the ratio of image width to its heighte

b)a)the ratio of image intensity level

Q.4Refresh rate is…..

a)the frequency at which the contents of the frame buffer is sent

to display monitor

b) the frequency at which the aliasing takes place

Q.5Which of the following are applications of computer graphics

a)Education b)art c)simulation d)entertainment

e)visualization d)all of these

Q.6The duration of phosphorescence exhibited by phoshor is


a)persistence b)retrace

Q.7what do you call Path the electron beam takes a when

returning to the left side of the CRT screen?

a)Horizontal trace b)vertical trace

Q.8Which of the following are color model

a)RGB b)CMYK c)both

Q.9Frame buffer is

a)memory area where image is stored b)memory area

where graphics package is stored

Q.10RGB stands for ….

Q.11DAC means….

Q.12RLE stands for …...

Q.12.________ stores the picture information as a charge

distribution behind the phosphor-coated screen.


Q.13The devices which converts the electrical energy into light is


a) Liquid-crystal displays

b) Non-emitters

c) Plasma panels

d) Emitters

Q.14In which system, the Shadow mask methods are commonly


a) Raster-scan system

b) Random-scan system

c) Only b

d) Both a and b

Q.16 On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the

frame buffer is commonly called as

a) Pix map

b) Multi map

c) Bitmap

d) All of the mentioned

Q.17The most commonly used input device is

a) Mouse

b) Keyboard

c) Scanner

d) Printer

Q.18 ________ are used to measure dial rotations.

a) Potentiometers

b) Volta meter

Q.19The device which is used to position the screen cursor is

a) Mouse

b) Joystick

Q.20 _________ is used for detecting mouse motion.

a) Optical sensor

b) Rollers on the bottom of mouse

c) Both a and b

Q.21Trackball is

a) Two-dimensional positioning device

b) Three- dimensional positioning device

Q.22Which is the device that is constructed with the series of

sensors that detects hand and finger motion?

a) Digitizers

b) Data glove

Q.23hat is the disadvantage of the light pen?

a) It’s shape

b) They cannot detect positions

c) Accurate reading

d) Cannot detect positions within black areas

Q.24On raster system, lines are plotted with

a) Lines

b) Pixels

Q.25DDA …..

Q.26Which of the following are line drawing algorithm

a)DDA b)Bresenham algorithm c)both

Q.27Which of the following are circle drawing algorithm

a)midpoint circle generation 2)bresenham c)both

Q.28Polygon filling algorithm

a)Boundary fillb)flood fill c)scan line d)all

Q.29In bresenham’s circle generation algorithm if(x,y)is the

current pixel position the x value of the next pixel position is..

1)x+1 2)x 3)x-1 4)x+2

Q.30In bresenham’s circle generation algorithm if(x,y)is the

current pixelposition the y value of the next pixel position is..

1)y or y-1 2)y 3)y-1 or y+1

Q.31Which of the following are image coompression technique

run length encoding

Q.32methods for selecting neighboring node

a)4-connected b)8-connected

Q.33the cohen sutherland algorithm divides entire region

into_______no of subregions

a)9 b)10

Q.34If (x,y)is a point inside clipping window then its code

according to the cohe sutherland line clipping is------

a)0000 b)0001

Q.35 In cohen sutherland line clipping algorithm ,if the code of

two points P and Q are 0000 and 0000 then the line segment

joining the poits P and Q will be –--the clipping window

a)totally inside b)total outside

Q.35 In cohen sutherland line clipping algorithm ,if the code of

two points P and Q are 0101 and 0001 then the line segment

joining the points P and Q will be –--the clipping window

a)totally outside b)total inside

Q.36In cohen sutherland line clipping algorithm ,if the logical AND

of the codes of the two points P and Q are 0000 then the line

segment joining the poits P and Q will be –--the clipping window

a)needs clipping b)total outside

Q.37Line clipping Algorithm

a)Midpoint Subdivision b)Lthiang-Barskyc)Cohen Sutherland


Q.38Polygon clipping algorithms

a)Sutherland-Hodgeman b)Weiler-Atherton c)both

Q.39painters algorithms…

a)sorts algorithm by depth and then paints each polygon onto

screen starting with most distant polygon

Q.40 Z-buffer algorithm finds…

a)finds the smallest depth value z b)finds largest depth value z

Q.41Which of the following are input devices

a)joystic b)Trackball c)Touch Panels d)Mouse e)Light pen


Q.42Which of the following are output devices

a)printers plotters c)both

Q.43pick devices

a)Light pen

Q.44Locator devices


Q.45Method by which electron beam can be bented

a)Electrostatic deflection b)magnetic Deflection

Q.46Beam penetration method produces…..colors

a)only 4 b)millions of colors

Q.47Shadow mask method produces…..colors

a)millions of color b)only 4

Q.48Flat panel display can be …

1)emmisive 2)nonn emmisive 3)both

Q.49Which of the following are flat panel displays

1)LED 2)LCD 3)Plasma panel 4)All

Q.50 Which of the following is correct regarding DDA method

1)line drawing algorithms 2)drifting of points 3)total steps is value

greater among ∆x and ∆y 4)all

Q.51According to bresenhams line drawing algorithm decision


1.þ0=2∆y-∆x 2) þ0=∆y-∆x 3) þ0=2∆y-2∆x

Q.52According to bresenhams line drawing algorithm loop will

continue upto

1.∆x times 2.∆y times

Q.53 For mid point circle algorithms

1)þ0=1-r 2 þ0=12-r

Q.54According to boundary fill algorithms

1.Accept seed pixel,fill color and boundary color

2.Tests neighboring pixel for boundary

a.if not boundary paint with fill color another pixel

3.Neighbor can be selected by either 4-connected or 8-connected


Q.55Flood fill algorithm can be used for

1)multi colored boundary

Q.56Which of the following are type of transformation

1.scaling 2.shearing 3.rotation 4)transformation 5)reflection 6)all

Q.57Which of the following is correct representation of 3D pipeline

1.Modelling coordiate----→world Coordinnate----→Viewing

Coordinate---→Projection Coordinate --→Device Coordinate

2-world Coordinnate----→Viewing Coordinate---→Projection

Coordinate --→Device Coordinate-->Modelling coordiate

Q.58 Types of Projection1.Parallel 2)Perspective 3)both

Q.59Types of parallel projection

1)Orthogonal 2)Oblique Projection 3)both

Q.60Cavilier and cabinet are ….type of projection

1.oblique 2.orthogonal

Q.61.Types of Axnometric projection

1.Isometric 2)Dimetric 3)Trimetric 4)all

Q.62Any rectangular screen area that can be moved

about,resized and made active or inactive is called---

1.window 2)viewport

Q.63Area on a display device to which window is mapped is


1.viewport 2.window

Q.64The transformation in which an object is moved in a

minimum distance path from one position to another is called

Translation Scaling Rotation Reflection
Q.65he transformation in which an object is moved from one
position to another in circular path around a specified pivot point
is called
Rotation Reflection Translation Scaling
Q.66The transformation in which the dimension of an object are
changed relative to a specified fixed point is called
Scaling Rotation Reflection Translation
Q.67The selection and separation of a part of text or image for
further operation are called
clipping Scaling Rotation Reflection
Q.68f a line joining any two of its interior points lies not
completely inside are called
Concave polygon Convex polygon
Q.69The transformation that disturbs the shape of an object are
shearing Rotation Reflection Translation
Q.70If the boundary is specified in a single color, and if the
algorithm proceeds pixel by pixel until the boundary color is
encountered is called
Boundary-fill algorithm C. Flood-fill algorithm D. Parallel curve
algorithm A. Scan-line fill algorithm
Q.71The function of scan line polygon fill algorithm is
A. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and scan line
B. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and point
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Q.72Some common form of clipping include
A. curve clipping B. point clipping C. polygon clipping D. All of

Q.73The process of mapping a world window in world coordinate
system to viewport are called A. Transformation viewing B. View
Port C. Clipping window D. Screen coordinate system
Q.74After performing Y-shear transformation we got
A(2,5),B(4,11),C(2,7).If the constant value is 2 then original
coordinates will be___________.
A. A(2,5),B(4,11),C(2,7)
B. A(2,1),B(4,3),C(2,3)
C. A(4,1),B(10,3),C(4,3)
D. A(5,11),B(3,4),C(3,2)
Q.75 After rotating a triangle having A(0,0),B(6,0),C(3,3) by 90
̊about origin in anticlockwise direction,then resultin
triangle will be_____.
A. A(0,0),B(3,-3),C(0,6)
B. A(0,0),B(-3,3),C(0,6)
C. A(0,0),B(0,-6),C(3,-3)
D. A(0,0),B(0,6),C(-3,3)

Try to learn all formula on 2D and 3D

Best of Luck for your exam


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