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Computer Graphics MCQ

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Unit -1

1. Which of the following is a Computer Graphics type?

a) Raster and Vector
b) Raster and Scalar
c) Scalar only
d) All of the above
Answer: a

2. In a graphical system, an array of pixels in the picture are stored in which of the following locations?
a) Frame buffer
b) Processor
c) Memory
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

3. Bitmap is a collection of ____________ that describes an image.

a) pixels
b) algorithms
c) bits
d) colors
Answer: a

4. Which of the following devices provides positional information to the graphics system?
a) Pointing devices
b) Both Input devices and Pointing devices
c) Output devices
d) Input devices
Answer: b

5. Which of the following is defined as the number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system?
a) Resolution
b) Resolution
c) Depth
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d

6. Which of the following is a primary output device of a graphics system?

a) Printer
b) Scanner
c) Video monitor
d) Neither Scanner nor Video monitor
Answer: c

7. Which of the following is used in graphics works as input devices to accept voice commands?
a) Speech recognizers
b) Touch panels
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

8. Color information can be stored in____________.

A. Main memory
B. Secondary memory
C. Graphics card
D. Frame buffer
Answer: D
9. the horizontal and vertical lines drawn by line drawing algorithm are……
A. less
B. more
C. constant
D. none of these
Answer: C: constant

10. DDA stands for ………….

A. data differential algorithm
B. digital data algorithm
C. digital differential analyzer
D. digital differential algorithm
Answer: C. digital differential analyzer

11. the slope of a straight line is given as

A. m= y1-y2/x2-x1
B. m= y2-y1/x2-x1
C. m=x2-x1/y2-y1
D. m= x1-x2/y1-y2
Answer: B. m= y2-y1/x2-x1

12. if a line is to be drawn from (0,0) to (4,6) using DDA line drawing algorithm, the third point to be plotted is …….
A. (1,2)
B. (2,3)
C. (3,2)
D. (2,1)
Answer: A. (1,2)

13. A pixel may be defined as

A. smallest size object
B. larger size object
C. medium size object
D. none of these
Answer: A. smallest size object

14. A position in plane known as

A. line
B. point
C. graphics
D. none of these
Answer: B. point

15. A line can be represented by

A. one point
B. two points
C. three points
D. four points
Answer: B. two points

16. The process of reducing aliasing is called

A. resolution
B. anti aliasing
C. sampling
D. none of these
Answer: B. anti-aliasing

17. Higher persistence phosphorus needs _________ refresh rate

A. lower
B. higher
C. medium
D. none of these
Answer: A. lower

18. the best line drawing algorithm among all possible line drawing algorithm is………….
A. dda
B. algorithm which uses direct equation of line
C. Bresenhams algorithm
D. none of them
Answer: C. Bresenhams algorithm

19. a vector has ……….

A. a single direction
B. two direction
C. a length
D. a and c
Answer: D. a and c

20. Lower persistence phosphorus is used in

A. animation
B. simple object
C. complex object
D. all of these
Answer: A. animation

21. In computer graphics, pictures or graphics objects are presented as a collection of discrete picture element called______.
A. dots
B. pixels
C. co-ordinates
D. points
Answer: B. pixels

22. We can control ____of the pixels which compose the screen.
A. intensity
B. size
C. shape
D. none
Answer: A. intensity

23. Graphics devices include_____.

A. input devices
B. output devices
C. a and b
D. none
Answer: C. a and b

24. A CRT is an evacuated _________ tube.

A. plastic
B. glass
C. steel
D. iron
Answer: B. glass

25. The deflection system of the CRT consists of___________ deflection plates.
A. vertical
B. horizontal
C. a and b
D. none of these
Answer: C. a and b
26. The techniques used for producing image on the CRT is/are__________.
A. vector scan
B. raster scan
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer: C. both a and b

27. Which devices provides positional information to the graphics system?

a) Input devices
b) Output devices
c) Pointing devices
d) Both a and c
Answer: d

28. The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as
a) Resolution
b) Depth
c) Only a
Answer: c

29. In graphical system, the array of pixels in the picture are stored in
a) Memory
b) Frame buffer
c) Processor
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

30. Heat supplied to the cathode by directing a current through a coil of wire is called
a) Electron gun
b) Electron beam
c) Filament
d) Anode and cathode
Answer: c

31. The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a CRT is referred as
a) Picture
b) Resolution
c) Persistence
d) Neither b nor c
Answer: b

32. ________ stores the picture information as a charge distribution behind the phosphor-coated screen.
a) Cathode ray tube
b) Direct-view storage tube
c) Flat panel displays
d) 3D viewing device
Answer: b

33. The devices which converts the electrical energy into light is called
a) Liquid-crystal displays
b) non-emitters
c) Plasma panels
d) Emitters
Answer: d

34. In which system, the Shadow mask methods are commonly used
a) Raster-scan system
b) Random-scan system
c) Only b
d) Both a and b
Answer: a

35. The process of digitizing a given picture definition into a set of pixel-intensity for storage in the frame buffer is called
a) Rasterization
b) Encoding
c) Scan conversion
d) True color system
Answer: c

36. Which display devices allows us to walk around an object and view it from different sides.
a) Direct view storage tubes
b) Three-dimensional devices
c) Flat panel display devices
d) Plasma panel display devices
Answer: b
37. In LCD, the refresh rate of the screen is
a) 60 frames/sec
b) 80 frames/sec
c) 30 frames/sec
d) 100 frames/sec
Answer: a

38. Random-scan system mainly designed for

a) Realistic shaded screen
b) Fog effect
c) Line-drawing applications
d) Only b
Answer: c

39. The primary output device in a graphics system is_________

a) Scanner
b) Video monitor
c) Neither a nor b
d) Printer
Answer: b
40. On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the frame buffer is commonly called as
a) Pix map
b) Multi map
c) Bitmap
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: Bit map frame buffer is always 1 bit per pixel.

41. Aspect ratio means

a) Number of pixels
b) Ratio of vertical points to horizontal points
c) Ratio of horizontal points to vertical points
d) Both b and c
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Answer: d
Explanation: none.

42. __________ allows screen positions to be selected with the touch of a finger.
a) Touch panels
b) Image scanner
c) Light pen
d) Mouse
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

43. What is the disadvantage of the light pen?

a) It’s shape
b) They cannot detect positions
c) Accurate reading
d) Cannot detect positions within black areas
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Answer: d
Explanation: light pen requires special implementations and sometimes gives false reading due to background lighting in a room.

44. ________ is used in graphics workstation as input devices to accept voice commands.
a) Touch panels
b) Speech recognizers
c) Only a
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Through speech recognizers user can give voice commands.

45. What voice the use of voice system?

a) To initiate graphics operation
b) To enter data
c) Neither a nor b
d) Both a and b
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Answer: d
Explanation: The voice system input can be used to initiate graphics operations or to enter data.

46. When a voice command is given, the system searches the _____________for a frequency-pattern match.
a) Memory
b) Input data
c) Dictionary
d) Hard disk
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Answer: c
Explanation: System searches the dictionary for frequency pattern matching.

47. The device which is designed to minimize the background sound is

a) Microphone
b) Digitizers
c) Data glove
d) Joy stick
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Answer: a
Explanation: Microphone is designed to minimize the background sound.

48. The quality of a picture obtained from a device depends on

a) Dot size
b) Number of dots per inch
c) Number of lines per inch
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: quality depends on these attributes.

49. Which of the following device is not the input device?

a) Trackball and space ball
b) Data glove
c) Only d
d) Impact printers
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Answer: c
Explanation: printer is an output device.

50. Which device contains thumbwheel, trackball and a standard mouse ball?
a) Z mouse
b) Joystick
c) Mouse
d) Trackball
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Answer: a
Explanation: These 3 buttons are the Z mouse features.

51. Virtual reality, CAD, and animations are the application of

a) Z mouse
b) Digitizers
c) Data tablets
d) Image scanners
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Answer: a
Explanation: Application of Z mouse includes virtual reality, CAD, and animations.
Unit 2
1. In raster scan display, the display image is stored in the form of _________ in the refresh buffer.
A. 1s
B. 0s
C. 1s and 0s
D. none of these
C.1s and 0s

2. In raster scan CRT, the beam is swept back and forth from _______ across the screen.
A. left to right
B. right to left
C. up to down
D. down to up
A.left to right

4. On a black and white system with one bit per pixel , the frame buffer is called a__________.
A. bitmap
B. pixmap
C. bitpixmap
D. pixbitmap

5. Aspect ratio is the ratio of ________ to prodce equal length lines in both direction on the screen
A. vertical points to horizontal points
B. horizontal points to vertical points
C. left to riht and right to left diagonal points
D. right to left and left to right diagonal points
A.vertical points to horizontal points

6. Frame buffer is used to store_____.

A. number if pixels in image
B. intencities of pixels
C. image definition
D. co-ordinate values of image
B.intencities of pixels

7. The line is said to be interior to the clipping window if ___________point(s) is/ are interior to the window.
A. any line B. one end C. both end
D. any two
C.both end
8. In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 1 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
A.end point of line is to the left of the window
9. Clipping algorithm can be implemented in –
(a) Software
(b) Both a and b
(c) Hardware
(d) None of the above
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Answer: (c)
10. If a and b are endpoints of a line, then an algorithm for identifying completely visible and most invisible lines might be:
(a) Visibility algorithm
(b) Simple visibility algorithm
(c) Complex visibility algorithm
(d) None of the above
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Answer: (b)

11. Midpoint subdivision algorithm woods direct calculation by performing

(a) Sequential search
(b) Direct search
(c) Binary search
(d) None of the above
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Answer: (c)

12. The region against which an object is to be clipped is called ___ or___.
(a) Boundary, edges
(b) Clip window, clipping window
(c) viewport, window
(d) Both a & b
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Answer: (b)

13. The oldest & most popular line clipping algorithm is ___ & was developed by ___ to speed up the processing
(a) Cohen subdivision algorithm, Ivan Sutherland
(b) Sutherland line clipping algorithm, Den Cohen
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
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Answer: (c)

14. 4-bit codes are called ___ or ___

(a) region code, out code
(b) UDLR code, LRTB code
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
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Answer: (c)

15. Cohen-Sutherland clipping is an example of _________________

a) polygon clipping
b) text clipping
c) line clipping
d) curve clipping
Answer: c

16. The Cohen-Sutherland algorithm divides the region into _____ number of spaces.
a) 8
b) 6
c) 7
d) 9
Answer: d

17. What is the name of the small integer which holds a bit for the result of every plane test?
a) setcode
b) outcode
c) incode
d) bitcode
Answer: b

18. An outcode can have ____ bits for two-dimensional clipping and ____ bits for three-dimensional clipping.
a) 4,6
b) 6,8
c) 2,4
d) 1,3
Answer: a

19. The centre region of the screen and the window can be represented as________
a) 0000
b) 1111
c) 0110
d) 1001
Answer: a

20. The Cohen–Sutherland algorithm can be only be used on a rectangular clip window.
a) True b) False
Answer: a

21. If both codes are 0000, (bitwise OR of the codes yields 0000) line lies __________________ the window.
a) completely outside
b) half inside half outside
c) completely inside
d) can’t say anything
Answer: c

22. The 4-bit code of top-left region of the window is ____________

a) 1001
b) 1100
c) 0101
d) 1010
Answer: a

23. The 4-bit code of bottom-right region of the window is ____________

a) 1001
b) 0101
c) 1010
d) 0110
Answer: d
24. If the logical AND of the endpoint codes is NOT zero, the line can be trivially accepted.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b

25. The logical ______ of the endpoint codes determines if the line is completely inside the window.
a) AND b) OR c) NOT d) NOR
Answer: b

26. In which of the following text clipping method do we only include the characters of a string that are entirely inside the view window?
a) All or none string clipping
b) All or none character clipping
c) Text clipping
d) We don’t consider the character that are inside the view window
Answer: b

27. In which of the following text clipping method do we clip only a part of a characters of a string that is partially outside the view window?
a) All or none string clipping
b) All or none character clipping
c) Text clipping
d) We don’t clip the character that is partially inside the view window
Answer: c

28. In exterior clipping which part of a picture is considered and saved?

a) Picture which is inside the view window
b) Picture which is on the edges of the view window
c) Picture which is outside the view window
d) We don’t consider the picture in exterior clipping

Answer: c

29. Which of the following is not a use of exterior clipping?

a) It is used for displaying properly the pictures which overlap each other
b) It is used in the concept of overlapping windows
c) Used in designing and displaying of the number of maps and charts
d) It is used in clipping text inside the view window

Answer: d

30. Which of the following clipping process handles the clipping of strings?
a) Curve Clipping
b) Shape Clipping
c) Exterior Clipping
d) Text Clipping

Answer: d

31. In line clipping, the portion of line which is _____________ of window is cut and the portion that is _____________ the window is kept.
a) outside, inside
b) inside, outside
c) exact copy, different
d) different, an exact copy

Answer: a

32. What is the primary use of clipping in computer graphics?

a) adding graphics
b) removing objects and lines
c) zooming
d) copying

Answer: b
33. A polygon can be clipped using clipping operations.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
34. Which vertex of the polygon is clipped first in polygon clipping?
a) top right
b) bottom right
c) bottom left
d) top left
Answer: d

35. How many methods of text clipping are there?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

Answer: c

36. A bitmap is collection of ___________________ that describes an image.

a) bits
b) colors
c) algorithms
d) pixels

Answer: d

37. We can change the size or resize the bitmap image.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b

2D and 3D transformation

1. When a transformation takes place on a 2D plane, it is called?

A. 1D transformation
B. 2D transformation
C. 3D transformation
D. 4D transformation
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Ans : B

Explanation: When a transformation takes place on a 2D plane, it is called 2D transformation.

2. We can represent the point by 3 numbers instead of 2 numbers, which is called?

A. Hetrogenous Coordinate system

B. Simple Coordinate system
C. Homogenous Coordinate system
D. All of the above
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Ans : C
Explanation: we can represent the point by 3 numbers instead of 2 numbers, which is called Homogenous Coordinate system.

3. Which transformation is used, to change the size of an object?

A. scaling transformation
B. vector transformation
C. simple transformation
D. reflection transformation
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Ans : A

Explanation: To change the size of an object, scaling transformation is used.

4. How many types of shear transformations there?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
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Ans : B

Explanation: There are two shear transformations X-Shear and Y-Shear.

5. The Y-Shear preserves the ______ coordinates and changes the __________ coordinates.

A. X, X
B. Y, Y
C. X, Y
D. Y, X
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Ans : C

Explanation: The Y-Shear preserves the X coordinates and changes the Y coordinates which causes the horizontal lines to transform
into lines which slopes up or down.

6. In reflection transformation, the size of the object does not change.

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say
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Ans : A

Explanation: True, In reflection transformation, the size of the object does not change.

7. Which transformation distorts the shape of an object such that the transformed shape appears as if the object were composed of
internal layers that had been caused to slide over each other?

A. Rotation
B. Scaling up
C. Scaling down
D. Shearing
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Ans : D

Explanation: Two common shearing transformations are the type of transformation that shift coordinate x values coordinate y values.
In shear transformation, the transformed shape appears as if the object were composed of internal layers that had been caused to slide
over each other

8. If the scaling factors values sx and sy < 1 then

A. It increases the size of object

B. It stunts the shape of an object
C. It reduces the size of object
D. None of the above
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Ans : C

Explanation: If the scaling factors values sx and sy < 1 then it reduces the size of object.

9. The rotation axis that is perpendicular to the xy plane and passes through the pivot point is known as

A. Translation
B. Scaling
C. Shearing
D. Rotation
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Ans : D

Explanation: The rotation transformation is also described as a rotation about a rotation axis that is perpendicular to the xy plane and
passes through the pivot point.
In 2D-translation, a point (x, y) can move to the new position (x’, y’) by using the equation
a) x’=x+dx and y’=y+dx
b) x’=x+dx and y’=y+dy
c) X’=x+dy and Y’=y+dx
d) X’=x-dx and y’=y-dy
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Answer: b
Polygons are translated by adding __________ to the coordinate position of each vertex and the current attribute setting.
a) Straight line path
b) Translation vector
c) Differences
d) Only b
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Answer: d

1. The combination of text, graphics art, sound, animation and video delivered by computer or other electronic devices is called :
(A) Multimedia
(B) Hyper media
(C) Visual media
(D) None
Answer : A
2. One of the disadvantages of multimedia is
(A) Cost
(B) Adaptability
(C) Usability
(D) Relativity
Answer : A
3. Which of the following is a computer based presentation techniques ?
(A) Slides
(B) Tutorial
(C) Multimedia
(D) Data Processing
Answer : C
4. Which image files are lossy format ?
Answer : C
5. A smaller version of an image is called a
(A) Clipart
(B) Bitmap
(C) Portable network graphic
(D) Thumbnail
Answer : D
6. Which of the following is a technique to blend two or more images to form a new image ?
(A) Modeling
(B) Morphing
(C) Animating
(D) Warping
Answer : B

7. A video consists of a sequence of

(A) Frames
(B) Signals
(C) Packets
(D) Slots
Answer : A
8. A type of virtual reality environment in which subjects are visually isolated from the red environment is called :
(A) Immersive
(B) Semi immersive
(C) Non immersive
(D) Augmented
Answer : A
9. In which type of streaming multimedia file is delivered to the client, but not shared?
A real-time streaming
B progressive download
C compression
D none of the mentioned
Answer: real-time streaming

10. Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?

A high storage
B high data rates
C both high storage and high data rates
D None of the above
Answer: both high storage and high data rates
11. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, conferencing requires two way communication between__________
1. pixels to packets.
2. receivers and senders
3. packet to frames.
4. frames to pixels.
Answer: receivers and senders.

12. In Audio and Video Compression, each frame is divided into small grids, called picture elements or___________
1. packets
2. mega pixels
3. frame
4. pixels
Answer: pixels
13. Expand JPEG.
A. Joint Photo Experts Gross
B. Joint Photographic Experts
C. Joint Processor Experts
D. Joint Photographic
Expression Group

GIF means
A. Graphic Information File
B. Graphic Interchange Format
C. Graphic Information
D. Graphic Interchange File
How many attributes control the
characteristics of sound?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
9. Which of the following is not a step for designing animation sequence?
A. storyboard layout B. object definitions
C. keyframe specifications
D. image processing
D.image processing
__________defines a set of basic events that are to take place in a specific order during design animation.
A. storyboard layout
B. object definitions
C. keyframe specifications
D. Generation of in-between frames
A.storyboard layout
Each active section of the scene is treated as an __________
A. image
B. object
C. frame
D. none of these
Which of the following is not a example of animation software?
A. Amorphium
B. 3D studio
C. Adobe acrobat
D. Adobe flash
C.Adobe acrobat
In case of complex scene, the frames are divided into individual components or objects called_______
A. cels
B. pixels
C. line segments
D. all of these

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