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#1 Sefuesca, Karen B. BSN 1-A Sas 2: Activity 3

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 Activity 3

Ex. I was required to sleep or Health is wealth; I must take

Age 3-5 years take a nap in the afternoon, care of myself and my
even if I wanted to play health.
with friends instead.
I was enjoying my childhood by It is very important to socialize
Age: 5-7 years playing with my cousins and while you are still young,
friends. because in the future you can
remember your childhood
I was busy with my studies since Education is very important, so
Age: 8-10 years I was an elementary student. while you are young, study
wisely because it will help you
for your future.
I was studying at this age but I It is important to study but it is
Age: 11-13 years still find time to go out and play not a sin to enjoy your life
with my friends. because you are still young.

 Activity 5

Instruction: Circle “Yes” if the statement is correct and circle “No” if it is incorrect. 

Yes No 1. Jose Rizal was born in Biñan, Laguna. 

Yes No 2. Jose Rizal learned the alphabet at the age of 3 years old. 

Yes No 3. Rizal wrote his first poem when he was 10 years old. 

Yes No 4. Rizal was born on June 19, 1961 

Yes No 5. Rizal was born a very healthy baby.  

Yes No 6. Rizal as a kid showed his talent in singing 

Yes No 7. Little Pepe grew up fearing his father. 

Yes No 8. Rizal’s grandfather was a Spanish merchant 

Yes No 9. The Jesuit priest suggested addition of another surname, Rizal in

order to distinguish   from the others who are not related to
Yes No 10. The name Jose Protacio was given to Rizal in honor of the 2 saints.

 Activity 3

As a girl with a lot of insecurities, I always assure myself whenever

someone hurts me because my confidence is really sensitive. I was bullied a lot
of times since elementary but I managed to save myself because I always fight
them back. I will not let any person or any bully will ruin my confidence that I
builded up for years.

Characters Bully Bullied Reasons

1. Pepe was bullied by Pedro, but he managed

A. Pepe
✔ himself and defeated Pedro.
2. Pepe challenged Pedro to a fistfight. Rizal
won and became popular as he proved himself
a worthy opponent.
1. Rizal was too small for his age and made him
B. Pedro
✔ a target of Pedro’s bullying.
2. He insulted Pepe in front of the other students
at the school of Maestro Justiniano Cruz.

 Activity 5

Being bullied: Bullying others:

• Reluctant to go to school or certain places. • Gets into physical or verbal fights with others.
• Silent about what is happening at school. • Enjoys putting others down.
• Frequent lost or damaged possessions. • Has extra money or new belongings that
• Academic problems. cannot be explained.
• Difficulty concentrating. • Disrespects authority and disregards rules.
• Low self-esteem. • Has an attitude of superiority.
• Social isolation. • Quick to blame others.
• Quiet, depressed, irritable, or anxious. • Needs to have power or control over others.

 Activity 3


My favourite teacher in senior high-school is Miss Jaydee Dumalo, she was my PE

teacher and encourage me to dance which is my passion but I have no confidence anymore,
She encourage me and she also gave me a high grade since I did my best. Meanwhile, my
most hated teacher is our English Literature teacher, who is very strict and discourage us even
though we did all our grades and is very greedy of grades.


 It inspires the youths to do their best

 Rizal wants the youth to dream big and believe they can achieve it
 Dr. Jose Rizal wanted the Filipino youth to develop their talents and use them to help
those who are in need
 To empower the minds of the youth

 Activity 5

I think the Achievements is a remembrance of your hardwork. So when you feel tired about
everything, it encourages you to do better.

 I studied so hard, every day and every

night to get good grades
HIGHSCHOOL AWARDEE  It was very hard for me to get in the top
! 10 since all my classmates are very smart.
But I still managed to make it to the top

 I started online business so I can help my

parents from the bills.
OPENED AN ONLINE SHOP  I was very passionate about my business
that I earned and save up for my future
 I renovated my room from the money I
earned from my online business.
RENOVATED MY ROOM WITH  I bought an air conditioner, woods and
MY OWN MONEY bricks, paint, cabinet and even an oven.

SAS 11

 Activity 3
elite - a superior part of society, whether socially, intellectually, or
illuminate - to make clear or easy to understand
metaphor - is an object, activity, or idea that is used as a symbol of
something else
illustrious - very much admired or respected because of achievements
consummate - to bring to a state of perfection; to fulfil
enthusiasm- a lively interest
midget - anything that is very small of its kind
innuendo - a statement which indirectly suggests that someone has done
something improper
exaltation - a strong sense of happiness, power or importance
brindis - from a Spanish word brindar, which means to drink a toast

 Activity 5

My Good Role Model 3 traits I admire

My father who is a Brave Passionate Serves the country
Policeman and helps
My mother who is Hardworking Thoughtful Very patient
a housewife
My grandfather Willing to put the Hardworking Very loving
who experience needs or wishes
many works of others before
one's own.
Bang Chan from Very passionate Loved by many Has a lot of talent
Stray Kids with his passion
My aunt who is a She really has a Takes care of her She does not
teacher goal in life family very well hesitate to help
SAS 12

 Activity 3

I first met my best friends when I was 14. We were high-school freshmen
when we first met. The first time we talked to each other, we really knew that
we would click. We have the same passion and the same goals in life. I really
love her dearly and I hope we could continue our friendship until forever.
 Activity 5

Rules on How To Be A Friend

 Never let each other wallow in self-pity or sadness.

 Support, trust, and honesty are givens.
 Listen to your friends worries.
 Betraying your friend is a bog no, learn how to keep secrets
 Respect your friends — and their boundaries.
 Forgive where you can — and seek forgiveness when you screw
 Don’t get mad over nothing.
 Give & take: maintaining the balance
 Motivate and encourage your friend
 Don’t compete

SAS 13

* Activity 3


 Darkest winter means that it was the time in Rizal’s life that he
suffered so much because of lack of money to buy food and
other needs. He got seriously ill and almost died of hunger.


 The message of the song reminds us that there is always a child

in us. No matter how strong we may be, there will come a time
when we feel uncertain of a particular situation. Human as we
are, we have our own weaknesses and limitations to deal with.
 Activity 5
“Every time we fall in life, we give up. We give up our dreams, we give up ourselves.
Waves are inspiring, not because they rise and fall. But because each time they fall,
they never fail to rise again. To win, you need to try. Try till you win.”

 Based on my own understanding, whenever a problem arrives,

we will not give up and do not lose hope for, we fight until we
win. When we fall, we will rise again. Do not give up because the
future is bright, we will all win.

SAS 16

 Activity 3
Are you a member of any civic organization? State your motivation in joining such an

 I’m not a member but I’ve been following and supporting an organization
for dogs which is called MARO- Mayari Animal Rescue Organization, Inc.,
because I really love dogs and I want to help them to become healthy and
find their forever home.



My hands that is always I pledge that from now
Farmers ready to help farmers by on, I will think more
buying directly from them highly on farmers than
because they really those companies who sell
worked hard and I feel 4x than the farmers earn.
like they are robbed from I pledge that from now
the big companies who on, I will buy directly from
are earning more money them because in that way,
than them. I can help them.

Looking at the images, what is your preferred Socio-CivicOrganization/Foundation in the

Philippines that you would want to give donations to and why?


Philippine Red Cross is a very important organization because they donate blood
to those patients who are in between life and death. They need to be known more
and encourage everyone to donate blood because we need to help each other in
times when problem arises.

 Activity 5

Considering the present pandemic situation, what do you think would Rizal be doing if
he was still alive? What organization do you think would he put up to help his fellow

 Considering the present pandemic situation, I think Rizal will create an

organization for jobless people or people who lost job because of the
pandemic. As we all know that job is very important to Filipinos, because
that is a big help to sustain their family needs.

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