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Lesson Title: Humanizing Rizal: Materials: References

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HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal

Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson title: Humanizing Rizal: Discovering a hero’s Materials:

potential – Champion of Filipino Students Unfinished PEN PC modules
business in UST References:
1) Daquila Sonia. Seeds of Revolution (2009)
Filipino students’ responses to the Martial Law 2) Zaide, Gregorio F. and Sonia M. Zaide (2011).
declaration in 1972 Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writings of a
Genius Scientist and National Hero
3) Martial Law Modules
Lesson Objectives:
(by: Katrina Navarro)
At the end of this lesson, I should be able to:
1. figure out the unfinished business of Rizal in UST that _and_Spain-R.Damaso
led him to make a decision to go abroad. discrimination
2. think of positive steps out of confusion and frustration.
3. realize and appreciate the Filipino student heroes who
took a firm stand for their rights and the rights of rizal/chapter-six-rizals-trips-abroad-and-
others. homecomings

Productivity Tip:
Eat healthily, because a healthy diet is your brain’s best friend. You put plenty of strain on your body as
student, where a simple solution is to introduce more nutritious meals into your lifestyle. This will keep
energy levels high and make studying more productive.

1) Introduction (2 mins)

Have a nice day! I would like to commend your enthusiasm in complying all the required tasks for each
session. Be comfortable now as we begin with our new lesson.
Instruction: Enumerate 3 achievements of Rizal when he was studying in Ateneo and UST.
\ ______________________________________________________________________________

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Do you have an idea about Rizal’s first travel abroad? Try answering the questions in the chart below by
writing your responses in the What I Know column. Leave the third column blank this time.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What was the secret mission of

Rizal in going to Spain?

2. What was the name used by

Rizal during his departure from
the Philippines?

3. Where was the first stopover of

Rizal during his first travel
abroad in 1882?

4. Describe Rizal as a student

1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins) Read carefully and highlight important details.

Rizal, the Champion of Filipino Students

 Rizal was the champion of the Filipino students in their frequent fights against arrogant Spanish
students, who insultingly call their brown classmates, ”Indio, chongo!”. In retaliation, Filipinos call
them ”Kastila, bagus!”. Hostility often exploded in angry street rumbles.
 Rizal participated in street brawls.
 In 1880, he founded a secret society of Filipino students in UST called Compañerismo (Comradeship),
members were called ”Companions of Jehu”.
 Rizal was the chief of the secret society and his cousin from Batangas, Galicano Apacible was the
 There was a time in their fights, when Rizal was wounded on the head, his friends brought him in his
boarding house and Leonor Rivera aided and washed his wound.

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

A glimpse of Filipino students’ responses to the declaration of Martial Law (1972)

The Heroes Who Fought Martial Law: Liliosa Hilao

(Martial Law Museum)
At age 23, Liliosa Hilao was a bright young girl who had her entire future in front of her. Despite her asthma
and allergies, she was talented, smart, and outgoing. She had many friends. She was set to graduate cum
laude with a degree in communication arts from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. She was also the
first reported case of a political prisoner’s death under Martial Law.

As associate editor of her school paper, Hilao wrote essays about the death of democracy in the Philippines
under Martial Law. She began to wear black as an outward sign of mourning. Liliosa Hilao had a strong sense
of justice, and she was not afraid to express it any way she could.

In April 1973, drunken soldiers from the Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit barged into her home searching for
her brother. When she demanded a search warrant, she was beaten up and taken away. Her brother-in-law, a
man in the army, visited her and saw the marks of torture and gang rape. He was unable to do anything to
help. When her older sister Alice was called to the Camp Crame Station Hospital to see her, Liliosa was
already dead.

For years, the Hilaos were kept under close surveillance. Several members of the family had to leave the home
to avoid arrest. Authorities claimed that Liliosa had killed herself by drinking muriatic acid.
The case was closed, they said.

Two weeks later, her university held their graduation ceremonies and conferred her degree posthumously, with
honors. They kept her seat empty.

Remembering the Heroes: Edgar Jopson

(Martial Law Museum)

Edgar Jopson, popularly known as Edjop, was one of the most well-known figures of the student movement,
even before Martial Law. As President of the National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP), he led his
constituents to serve the people wherever needed. These projects included finding housing for victims of fires
which had razed barrios in Ilocos Sur during a political feud, and soliciting funds to reforest parts of Sierra
Madre after the massive floods of 1972.
As Marcos made his state of the nation address on January 26, 1970, the NUSP led a massive rally
before Malacañang. This marked the beginning of the First Quarter Storm, as students were violently
dispersed by the Metropolitan Commission. A few days after the rally, Edjop stood in an audience with Marcos
himself and demanded that the president promise in writing that he would not seek a third term. This enraged
Marcos, who refused the demands of a mere “grocer’s son.”
Upon graduating, Edjop continued to work for societal reforms, believing in the power of incremental,
institutional change. He turned down lucrative job offers locally and abroad, and worked with the Philippine
Association of Free Labor Unions. As years passed, and more of his comrades were being imprisoned or
killed, a radicalized Edjop decided to join the underground movement. He became a charismatic and strategic
leader even among the revolutionaries.

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

In 1979, he was arrested and tortured. After ten days, he escaped, with written testimony that detailed
his physical and mental torture, as well as the names, ranks, and personalities of his torturers. Even in prison,
he was thinking how he could best contribute to the movement.
In his final years, Edjop continued to work in Mindanao, carrying a bounty of P180,000 on his head. On
September 20, 1982, Edjop was captured during a military raid in Davao City. He was shot, taken alive for
questioning, and executed for “refusing to cooperate.”
To this day, Edjop remains a symbol for the idealistic Filipino youth, dedicating their entire lives to their
country and their people, even to the point of death.

• Write as many words as you can that characterize the two Filipino student heroes mentioned above.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Rizal’s decision to study abroad

After finishing Rizal’s fourth year of medical course, he decided to go to Spain because he could no longer
endure the discrimination and hostility in the UST.Many approved this plan. However, for the first time, he did
not seek his parents’ permission for he knew that they would disapprove it.
 He also didn’t tell his beloved Leonor because he knew she couldn’t keep it a secret.
 Rizal’s parents, Leonor, and the Spanish authorities have no idea of his decision to go abroad to
finish his medical studies in Spain.
 He believed that professors in Spain were more liberal than of those who were in the UST.
 Jose Rizal was disgusted with the antiquated method of instruction in UST (Domincan-owned
university) and racial prejudice of Dominican professors against Filipino students.
 He decided to complete his studies in Spain, because the government of Spain at that time was
constitutional monarchy, which granted human rights to the people.
 Aside from this, his another reason, more importantly than finishing his course was his ”secret mission”.

Rizal’s unhappy days at the UST and his secret mission were among of the many reasons of his travel abroad.

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

1. Reflection question: In your own opinion, was it a right decision for Rizal to keep his travel abroad
secret from his parent? Why?

Understanding Racial Discrimination

Racial (race) discrimination is when a person is treated less favorably than another person in a similar situation
because of their race, color, descent or nationality. For example: It would be discrimination if individuals
refuse to do business with, socialize with, or share resources with people of a certain group.
(Dr. Deen Dayal (15 June 2018)

Discrimination means treating

some people differently from

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

Rizal’s first travel abroad

May 3, 1882. Rizal boarded the Spanish ship Salvadora bound for Singapore. The captain of the sip
was Donato Lecha from Austria. He transferred to a French boat, a Djemnah for Europe. After 6 days they
reached Point Galle in Southern Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Djemnah resumed the voyage to Colombo, capital of
Ceylon. From Colombo, they crossed Indian Ocean to the Cape of Guardufui, Africa which Rizal called
“inhospitable land but famous”. The next stopover was in Aden, and continued to the city of Suez. He was
thrilled to see the Suez Canal, built by a French diplomat engineer Ferdinand De Lesseps. On June 11, 1882
Rizal arrived at the City of Naples, Italy for 1 hour and this was the first European ground he set foot on. On
June 16 of the same year Rizal arrived in Barcelona, Spain. On Sept. 2, 1882, he left Barcelona for Madrid to
pursue his medical studies in the Universidad Central de Madrid.

About Suez Canal.

The Suez Canal is a man-made water way and is considered to be the
shortest link between the east and the west due to its unique geographic location. It
was built by a French diplomat engineer Ferdinand De Lesseps. It is an important
international navigation canal connecting between the Mediterranean Sea at Port
Said and the red sea at Suez.The unique geographical position of the Suez Canal
makes it of special importance to the world and to Egypt as well.This importance is
getting augmented with the evolution of maritime transport and world trade. The
maritime transport is the cheapest means of transport, whereas more than 80 % of
the world trade volume is transported via waterways (seaborne trade). Ferdinand De Lesseps
The geographical position of the Suez Canal makes it the shortest route
between East and West as compared with the Cape of Good Hope. The Canal route achieves saving in
distance between the ports north and south of the Canal, the matter that is translated into other saving in time,
fuel consumption and ship operating costs.

Advantages of the Suez Canal

• It is the longest canal in the world without locks.

• The accidents are almost zero compared with other waterways.
• Navigation goes day and night.
• The Canal is liable to be widened and deepened when required, to cope with the development in ship sizes
and tonnages.
• With the adoption of the Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) (a system depending upon the most
up-to-date radar network), vessels can be monitored and followed on every spot of the Canal and
intervention in emergency cases can be taken.

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

Converting stumbling blocks into ladders to success!

Instructions: Given the list of frustrations Rizal had experienced in UST, identify his coping mechanisms to
overcome and succeed despite frustrations.

Rizal’s frustrations Coping Mechanism

1) Persecution by the
friars as a “rebellious”

2) Rizal was not awarded

his prize because he
was an ”Indio”

3) His family was


4) Rizal witnessed how

Filipinos were

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

This time revisit your activity 1 and answer the third column of the chart, based on what you knew from
this present lesson.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Answer this:
1. Do you believe that discrimination is not always unlawful? Why?

2. Can you establish the significance of Suez Canal in relation to world economy?

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
A. Work Tracker
Let’s track your progress. Shade the session number you just completed.

B. Think about your Learning

“My Learning Tracker”. In this section, you are going to track your learning by accomplishing the chart
below. Write the learning targets, your scores, learning experience for the session and plan for the next
Date Learning Target/Topic Scores Action Plan
What module# did you What contributed to the quality of your
What were
What’s the do? What were the performance today? What will you do next
your scores in
date today? learning targets? What session to maintain your performance or
the activities?
activities did you do? improve it?

1. Why was Rizal called as the champion of Filipino students?
Possible answer: Rizal was the defender of Filipino students who were discriminated by the
Spaniards. He would even participate in frequent fights against Spanish students who oftentimes insulted
their brown classmates, to the extent that he participated in street fights involving Filipino and Spanish
2. What was Rizal’s secret mission in going abroad?
Answer: Rizal had a mission to deeply observe the life and culture of the European nations in
preparation for his big task in helping his fellow Filipinos from the bondage of the Spaniards.

HIS 007: Life and Works of Rizal
Lesson #6

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

• Possible answers to activity 3 (answers may vary)

Rizal’s frustrations Coping Mechanism

1) Persecution by the friars as a

Rizal was firm in his resolve to finish higher studies

2) Rizal was not awarded his prize Rizal was determined to pursue his literary works and excelled
because he was an ”Indio” in his studies
Rizal continued to be close to his family and showed his
support as a loving son to his parents. He kept his family as an
inspiration for all his undertakings. This situation taught Rizal
3) His family was persecuted to be brave.

4) Rizal witnessed how Filipinos Rizal expressed his sentiments through his writings, so as to
were oppressed inspire the Filipinos especially the young.

• Possible answers to activity 5 (answers may vary)

1. Do you believe that discrimination is not always unlawful? Why?
✓ Yes, it is not always unlawful
✓ Example: People are paid different wages depending on their status and skills
✓ Students in school are graded depending on their performance
✓ However, there are certain reasons for which one can’t be discriminated against by law.
2. Can you establish the significance of Suez Canal in relation to world economy?
✓ The Suez Canal is considered to be the shortest link between the east and the west. This is important
for maritime transport and world trade. The canal route achieves saving distance between ports in the
world, and can be translated into saving in time, fuel costs, and vessels operating expenses.

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