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XTRA Final Punch

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Final Punch.

IQ Range Level of Intelligence
0-24 Idiot
25-49 Imbecile
50-69 Moron
70-79 Borderline
80-89 Low Normal
90-109 Normal
110-119 Superior
120-139 Very Superior
140& over Near Genius
Phobia Description
Acrophobia Height of Fear
Nyctophobia Fear of Darkness
Zoophobia Fear of Animals
Xenophobia Fear of Strangers
Algophobia Fear of Pain
Claustrophobia Fear of closed places
Trypanophobia Fear of Medical Procedures
Agraphobia Fear of Sexual Abuse
Arachnophobia Fear of spiders
Necrophobia Fear of Death
Aquaphobia Fear of Water
Iatrophobia Fear of Doctors
Pharmacophobia Fear of Taking medicines
Thanatophobia Fear of Death
Acrophobia Fear of Height

Agoraphobia Getting caught in places frm where escape is difficult

❖ Scales used for obssesive compulsive disorder - Y-Bocs
❖ Treatment for OCD -Cognitive behaviour therapy
-Drug therapy(Benzodiazepine/Fluoxetine)
-Electro convulsive therapy
-Psycho surgery

❖ Chronic Alcohol use - Wernicke's Encephalopathy - Reaction to severe Thiamine (Vit

Occular signs: nystagmus,Opthalmoplegia,Retinal Hemorhages,papilloedema
Higher mental function disturbance
Peripheral neuropathy
Severe malnutrition

❖ Attention defecit disorder onset 4-7 yrs Rx Methyl phenidate (DOC)

❖ Drug Ketamine cause Hallucination

❖ IQ was calculated by IQ = mental age x 100

Chronological age

❖ Mild MR IQ (50-69) 90-95 % cases

Moderate MR IQ (35-49) 10 % cases
Severe MR IQ (21-34) 2-3 % cases
Profound MR IQ (20 % below) 1-0 %

❖ Five psycho sexual stages of developement (Sigmond Fraud)

Oral phase - Birth - 1 1/2yrs - Sucking,Biting
Anal phase 1-3 yrs - Holding,Excretion
Phallic/Oedipal phase 3-5yrs
Latency Phase 5-12yrs

Genital phase 12yrs onwards

1. Disulfuram reaction is not seen with - Amoxycillin
2. Disulfuram like reaction occurs due to accumulation in blood of - Acetaldehyde
3. Alcohol ingestion may give Disulfuram like reaction with Metronidazole
4. Most severe Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - Delirium tremens
5. Most common symptom of Alcohol withdrawal - Tremor
6. Most common alcohol withdrawal syndrome is - Hangover(nextmorning)
7. Heavy users of alcohol are from no.of social class predominance
8. Direct evidence of alcohol addiction is - withdrawal symptoms
9. Delirium tremens is characteristically seen in chronic alcoholism
10. Withdrawal symptom of alcohol - tremors/hallucination/seizure
11. Most common symptom of alcohol withdrawal is - Tremor
12. Drug dependance is a term - Includes both drug addiction & habituation
13. Most common used body fluid in screening of Drug Abuse - Urine
14. Recurrent suicidal tendencies are seen in
- Schizophrenia/severe depression/personality disorder
15. Most common psychiatric emergency - Suicide
16. Most common mode of suicides in india - Ingestion of poisons
17. Suicidal tendencies r most commonly seen in - Involutional melancholia
18. Dementia is a feature of - Pellagra - vitB12 defeciency
19. Drugs most useful in treatment of obssesive compulsive disorder - Fluoxetine
20. Pt. With depressive psychosis - feel better in evening than morning
21. Thyrotoxicosis is most commonly associated with - Anxiety
22. Most common post operative psychiatric condition - Delirium
23. Side effects of prolonged phenytoin therapy -
Osteomalacia/Gumhyperplasia/Megaloblastic anemia
24. Mental retardation is diagnosed if IQ level is less than - 70
25. Diferentiation of Hysterical fits from epileptic fits - occurs when people are watching
26. Definite contraindication to ECT - Brain tumor

27. ECT is contra indicated in Intra cranial SOL

28. Features of morphine withdrawal - piloerection/insomnia/discharge from nose
29. In alcohol withdrawal DOC - chlordiazepoxide
30. DOC of Alzeihmer's - Donazepil
31. DOC for prophylaxis of mania is - Lithium
32. DOC for status epilepticus - Lorazepam
33. DOC Gen.Anxiety disorder - Benzodiazepines
34. DOC for Panic disorder - Antidepressants
35. DOC in delirium tremens - chlordiazepoxide
36. DOC in Phobias - Alprazolam
37. DOC for attention defecit disorder in children/Adult - Methylphenidate/Atomoxetine
38. DOC in depression in old person - Fluoxetine
39. DOC for OCD - Fluoxetine
40. DOC for Nocturnal enuresis - Imipramine
41. DOC of night terrors - Diazepam
42. DOC for obssesive compulsive disorder - Fluoxetine
43. Drugs used for recurent depressive episode - Imipramine/Fluoxetine
44. Absolute contraindication lithium therapy - Renal failure
45. DOC in MDP (manic depressive psychosis) - Lithium
46. Therapeutic level of Lithium is 0.6-1.2 meq/l
47. Therapeutic level of lithium in serum - 1.0 mlequ/lit
48. Lithium is DOC for Bipolar disorder/Mania
49. Lithium is Rx of choice for - Bipolar MDP prophylaxis
50. Long term use of lithium result in Hypothyroidism
51. Lithium is used in prophylaxis of - recurrent manic depressive attacks
52. Normal lithium therapeutic level is - 0.7-1.1mEq/l
53. MC side effect of lithium therapy-Tremor
54. MC cardiovascular side effect in lithium therapy - T inversion
55. Defense mechanism in phobia is - Displacement
56. Treatment for acute manic episode - sodium valproate
57. Person in disability act - mental retardation

58. Anorexia nervosa is characterised by amenorhea/wgtloss/hypothermia

59. Anti psychotic induced Akasthisia is - restlessness
60. Gum hypertrophy is a complication of - phenytoin sodium
61. Excessive eating followed by purging using laxative in 20yr/F-Bulimia nervosa
62. Cognitive model of depression is given by - Beck
63. Korsackoff's psychosis - lesion in - mammiliary bodies
64. Custatory hallucination associated with temporal lobe epilepsy
65. Characteristic of alcohol withdrawal - Hallucination
66. Tactile hallucination r seen in - cocaine
67. Formed visual Hallucinations seen in lesion of - Temporal lobe
68. Hallucination is disorder of perception
69. Hallucination occurs at start of sleep - hypnagogic hallucination
70. Visual hallucination seen in - Alcoholism
71. Visual hallucination without Auditory hallucination is seen in - organic brain damage.
72. Most common Hallucinations seen in functional psychosis - Auditory
73. Cognition is thought
74. Delusion is disorder of thought
75. Allodynia is - feeling pain to a normal non painful stimulus
76. Alexithymia is - Inability to recognise & describe feelings
77. Oniomania is a disorder of compulsive - buying
78. Dipsomania is - Compulsive drinking
79. Oniomania is a disorder of compulsive - Buying
80. Impulse for setting fire is known as - Pyromania
81. Mania - Elated mood/Delusion of grandiosity/Distractibility
82. Bipolar disorder ii includes - major depression & hypomania
83. Incidence of suicide is 8-10 persons in one lakh population
84. Emotion is controlled by Euphoria
85. Patient saw a rope & tears like a snake -Illusion
86. Altered perception of real objects - Illusion
87. Most specific of psychosis is -Neologism
88. Preservation is - persistent repetation of words

89. Confabulation is defect of memory

90. Confabulation is filling up to gaps by fabrication to cover lapses in memory
91. Confabulation means making stories to fill gaps in memory loss
92. Many of our bad habits of day to day life can be removed by - Negative conditioning
93. Loosening of association is an example of - Formal thought disorder
94. Deja vu is seen in - Temporal lobe epilepsy/Normal person/Psychosis
95. Apraxia is a disorder in - Initiating & planing movement
96. Oedipus complex is seen in - Boys of 3-5 yrs of age
97. MCC of Dementia in India - Alzheimers disease
98. MCC of Dementia in Adult - Alzeihmers disease
99. Vitamins used in treatment of Alzeihmer's - Vit C&Vit E
100.Protein involved in Alzheimers disease - Apo E Gene
101.Features of Alzheimers disease - recent memory loss
102.Reinforcement is used in - conditioned learning
103.Difference between neurosis & psychosis - Insight
104.Most common psychological features of AIDS is - Mania
105.Cognitive disorders are - Dementia/Delirium
106.Delirium & schizophrenia differ frm each other by - complete consciousness
107.1 week before incidence recall is called as - Recent memory
108.One of the important defence mechanism is - Repression
109.Treatment is not required in withdrawal of - LSD
110.Wernicke's encephalopathy can be prevented by - Thiamine supplements
111.Karsakoff's psychosis is diagnosed by - impairment of long term memory
112.Site of lesion involved in Korsakoff's psychosis is - Mammilary body
113.Feeling of creeping insects is seen in - cocaine abuse
114.Naltrexone is used in opioid dependance to - prevent relapse
115.Drug used in long term maintanence in opioid addiction - Methadone
116.Opiate withdrawal is treated with - Methadone
117.Psychiatric complications of Alcohol dependance - Anxiety/Suicide/Depression
118.In case of above 60yr of age psychiatric disorder in India is mostly due to - Dementia
119.Yawning is a common feature of - Opioid withdrawal

120.Wernicke's encephalopathy involves which part of CNS - Mammilary body

121.Morbid jealousy is seen with - physical dependance is not seen with - cannabis
122.Most common substance abuse in India is - Tobacco
123.Flash Back r seen with - LSD
124.Delusion of Doubles is found in - Capgra's syndrome
125.TOC in depression with suicidal tendencies - Electroconvulsive therapy
126.Nero transmitter that is associated with suicidal tendencies - serotonin
127.Suicidal tendency is seen in - schizophrenia/Depression
128.Most common psychiatric disorder is - Depression
129.Fluoxetine is used in - Depression
130.Most common psychiatric illness seen in india - Depression
131.Most common age for depression is - middle age female
132.Most common type of post puerperal psychosis is - Depression
133.Pseudo dementia is seen in - Depression
134.Nihilistic ideas r seen in - Depression/Cotard's syndrome
135.Nihilistic delusions r seen in - Endogenous depression/Double depression
136.Most common mental disorder as a cause of suicide - Depression
137.Suicide risk is common with which type of depression - Endogenous/involution
138.Bad prognostic factor of schizophrenia is - late onset of disease
139.Drug not used in prophylaxis of manic depressive psychosis - Haloperidol
140.Loss of insight is seen in - Schizophrenia
141.Schizophrenia - thought broadcasting/3rd person hallucination/makes violence
142.Incidence of schizophrenia in india is - 1-5 per 1000
143.Most common types of schizophrenia - paranoid
144.Good prognosis in schizophrenia is indicated by - Affective symptoms
145.Schizophrenia mostly occurs in - Adolescents-Rx - Reserpine
146.Characteristic clinical manifestation of schizophrenia is - Auditory hallucinations
147.Biochemical abnormalities in schizophrenia - increased Dopamine & serotonin
148.van gogh syndrome is seen in - schizophrenia
149.Characters of catatonic schizophrenia - negativism/cataplexy/automatic obedience
150.Poor prognostic factor in schizophrenia is - gradual onset/Hebephrenic Schizophrenia

151.Catatonic schizophrenia - stupor/rigidity/-vism/late onset & good prognosis

152.Worst disease affecting Mankind - Schizophrenia
153.Echolalia is recognised feature of - childhood Autism/catatonic schizophrenia
154.Suicidal tendencies seen in - depression/schizophrenia/substance abuse
155.Lack of insight is not a feature of - panic disorder
156.Definitive treatment of all types of phobias - Behaviour therapy
157.Obsessive compulsive neurosis patient is likely to develop - Depression
158.Rx of choice obsessivecompulsivedisorder - combination of behaviour&drug therapy
159.Hypochondriasis is - Abnormal preoccupation with normal body function
160.Male with symptoms mimic heart disease with normal ECG & x-ray - panic attack
161.Phobia is - Neurosis
162.A person has different multiple personality is suffering from - Dissociative disorder
163.Indication for ECT - Depression with suicidal tendencies/catatonic schizophrenia
164.ECT is not useful in treatment of - chronic schizophrenia
165.Amnesia is found in - Head injury
166.Squeeze technique is used for - premature ejaculation
167.Most accurate treatment of Erectile dysfunction - Sildenefil
168.Alpha rhythm is seen in - REM sleep
169.Non-REM sleep is commonly associated with - Night terrors
170.A person having habit of repeated self inflicted injuries what is the type of personality
- Borderline personality disorder
171.Characteristic features of Schizoid personality is - Emotional coldness
172.Antisocial personality is seen with - Drug abuse
173.9 yr old child disturbs other people,is destructive,interferes when two people are
talking,does not follow instructions and cannot wait for his turn while playing game,He is
likely to be suffering with - Attention defecit hyperactivity disorder
174.Infantile Autism is characterised by
- Impaired neurobehavioral development/socio economic hazard
175.Autism is - Social & language communication problem
176.According to Disabilities Act 7th disability referred to - Mental illness
177.A 16 yr/M is found to have a mental age of 9 yrs on I.Q.testing.he has - mild MR

178.X-linked disease leading to mental retardation - Fragile-x-syndrome

179.Common feature of anorexia nervosa-Amenorhea/under wgt/self perception of being fat
180.Not common feature of Anorexia nervosa - Binge eating
181.A young lady presents with rpt'd episode of over eating(binge) followed by purging using
laxatives she probably suffering frm - Bulimia nervosa
182.Irresistable urge to move about with inner restlessness is - Akathisia-Rx-Haloperidol
183.Beta blockers r indicated in - Anxiety
184.ECT is most useful in - Depression
185.MC Complication of ECT - Retrograde Amnesia
186.Absolute contra indication to ECT - Brain tumor
187.Tricyclic anti depressants r contra indicated in - Glaucoma
188.Non sedating anti depressant - Fluoxetine
189.MC hallucination type in Delirium - -Visual
190.Commonest type of phobia seen in clinical practice - Agoraphobia(sexual abuse)
191.MC phobia encountered in clinical practise - Agoraphobia-60%
192.MC psychiatric symptom in clinical practise - Anxiety
193.Prosopagnosia is - Inability to recognise Face
194.Sexual arousal due to exposure of one's genitalia - Exhibitionism
195.Necrophilia - Sexual arousal with corpses
196.Klismaphilia - sexual arousal with Enemas
197.MC OCD is - Washers - Unmarried males
198.MC ECG change seen with Anti psychotic drug - QT Prolongation
199.Inability to experience pressure is known as - Anhedonia
200.Auditory hallucinations are found in - Schizophrenia
201.What is normal MMSE(mini mental state examination)score - >24
202.Dellusion is a disorder of - thought
203.Which is the primary symptom of Mania - Over activity
204.Hallucination is a disorder of - Perception

Radio opaque stones(90%) Radio-lucent stones(10%)

Calcium Oxalate Uric acid
Calcium phosphate Xanthine

Substance Halflife
Iodine-132 2.3 hrs
Technetium-99 6 hrs
Iodine-123 13 hrs
Gold-198 2.7days
Gallium-67 3.3 days
Iodine-131 8days - 12 days
Phosphorus-32 14.3days
Iodine-125 59days
Iridium-192 74days
Cobalt-60 5.3 yrs
Strontium-909 29.1 yrs
Casieum-137 30yrs
Radium-226 1600yrs
Uranium-238 4.5 billion yrs

1. Maximum permissible radiation exposure per person per year - 5rem

2. Air crescent sign on chest radiograph - Aspergilloma
3. Hair on end/crew cut/hair brush appearance is seen in - Thalassemia
4. Double bubble sign is characteristic feature of - Duodenal atresia

5. Crescent sign on IV urogram/pyelogram - Hydronephrosis


6. Double barrel sign on USG is seen in - Obstructive Jaundice

7. Golden-S is characteristic of - Bronchogenic Ca
8. Snow storm appearance on obstetrical USG - Hydatiform mole
9. Cobble stoning of colon is seen in - Crohn's disease
10. Kerley-B lines in CXR is diagnostic of - Heart failure
11. Egg on side appearance is seen in - Uncorrected TGA
12. Egg shell calcification in hilar nodes suggest - Silicosis
13. Water lily sign is seen in - Hydatid disease
14. Neural tube defect is best detected by - Amniocentesis
15. Thimbled Bladder & Golf hole ureters is seen in - Renal TB
16. Thimble bladder is seen in - Acute tubercular cystitis
17. Notching of Ribs is seen in - Coarctation of Aorta
18. Bone within bone appearance of x-ray is classic of - Osteo petrosis/paget's/sickle cell
anemia/gauchers/heavy metal poisoning/syphillis/sarcoidosis/hypervitaminosis D
19. Saw tooth appearance is charecteristic of - Diverticulosis
20. Sun ray appearance,codman triangle in bone r seen in - Osteosarcoma
21. Onion-peel appearance in bones is seen in - Ewing's sarcoma
22. Punched-out lesions in bone & pepper pot skull is seen in - Multiple myeloma
23. Looser's zone/pseudo # /Milk man's # are seen in - Osteomalacia
24. Tram-track appearance in skull radiograph is seen in - Sturge-weber syndrome
25. Cotton wool appearance in skull radiograph is seen in - Paget's disease of bone
26. Box-shaped heart is found in - Ebstein's Anamoly
27. Boot shaped heart orCor en sabot heart is seen in - TOF
28. Money bag/leather bottle/flask shaped heart is seen in- Pericardial effusion
29. Pericardial effusion is best diagnosed by - Echocardiography
30. Coiled spring appearance is seen in - Intussusception
31. Spoke-wheel pattern/Sun-burst appearance of calcification in bone - Hemangioma
32. Thumb printing sign is seen in - Ischaemic colitis/Epiglottitis
33. Mercedes Benz sign - Air in Gall stones
34. Wimberger sign is found in - Rickets

35. Double duct sign on USG - Pancreatic Ca

36. Central Dot sign on CT scan is seen is - Caroli's disease
37. Champagne glass pelvis is seen in - Achondroplasia
38. Chain of lakes appearance on ERCP - chronic pancreatitis
39. Sentinel loops on x-ray r seen in - Acute pancreatitis
40. Popcorn calcification is seen in - Pulmonary hamartoma
41. Earliest congenital Anamoly detectable on fetal USG - Anencephaly
42. Gold standard test for pulmonary embolism - Pulmonary Angiography
43. IOC for pulmonary embolism - Contrast CT
44. IOC for Hydatid disease is - CT scan
45. Best investigation for Pleural effusion - USG
46. IOC for most Gall bladder pathologies - USG
47. IOC in Traumatic paraplegia is - MRI
48. IOC Acute pancreatitis - CECT
49. IOC in Aortic dissection is - MRI
50. IOC for SAH - Computerised Tomography-(CT Scan)
51. IOC for Bronchiectasis - High resolution CT/Bronchography
52. IOC for bony metastasis - Bone scan
53. IOC for Biliary Atresia - Peroperative cholangiography
54. IOC for pericardial effusion - Echo
55. IOC for minimal pleural effusion - X-ray
56. IOC in patient with blunt injury abdomen & hematuria - Intravenous Urogram
57. IOC for imaging of Urinary tract TB is - IV Urography
58. IOC for Temporal Bone injury - CT Scan
59. IOC for diffuse axonal injury is - MRI
60. Initial IOC for surgical jaundice - USG
61. C1C2 best seen in - Odontoid view
62. Multiple sclerosis - radiological diagnosis - MRI
63. Ideal modality for evaluation of ILD - HRCT
64. Ideal investigation for pathology in terminal common bileduct - ERCP
65. Chest x-ray for pneumothorax should be - Inspiration in erect position

66. Most sensitive & specific screening test for Breast Ca - Mammography
67. Most commonly used radio-isotope in Bone scan & imaging - Tecnetium-99
68. Best view to detect minimal(15ml) pleural effusion on CXR - Lateral decubitus view
69. Most Radio sensitive Tissue/Blood cell/Organ - Bonemarrow/Lymphocyte/Skin
70. Right border of heart on CXR is formed by - Rt.Atrium,SVC,IVC
71. Trapped air sign in upper abdomen on plain x-ray is due to - chronic duodenal ulcer
72. Stack of coins in x-ray in acute abd - Mesentric thrombus
73. Plain x-ray of an infant with Abdomen pain show airless abdomen diagnosis is
- Midgut volvulus
74. Initial investigation for Amoebic liver abscess is -USG
75. Multiple Rain drop like osteolytic lesions in skull is seen in - Litterer-siwe disease
76. Frankel's line on radiology of long bones is seen in - Scurvy
77. Best route for cerebral Angiography - Trans femoral route
78. USG finding of chronic renal disease-Normal/Shrunken/Enlarged kidney
79. Filament in x-ray machine is composed of - Tungsten
80. Roentgen is the unit of - Radiation exposure
81. Most radio sensitive ovarian tumour - Dysgerminoma
82. Most radio sensitive tissue is - Bone marrow/Gonads
83. Most radiosensitive cells are - lymphocytes
84. Most sensitive structure in cell for radiotherapy - DNA
85. Cells r most radiosensitive in - M-phase
86. Most radio sensitive satage is - G2M phase
87. Most chemosensitive tumour - Choriocarcinoma
88. Most common malignant bone tumour post irradiation is - Osteosarcoma
89. Radiation exposure does not occur in - MRI
90. Substance of choice for thyroid scan is - I-131
91. View used to visualise PNS - Water's view
92. Cerebral calcification is a feature of - Toxoplasmosis
93. Bead cystogram is used for diagnosis of - Stress incontinence
94. Earliest sign in Rheumatoid arthritis is - periarticular osteoporosis
95. Gold std for the diagnosis of Osteoporosis - Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry

96. Gold standard for diagnosis of Arterial occlusive disease

- Digital subtraction arteriography
97. Xeroradiography is used in breast cancer detection
98. An absolute contraindication of MRI is - Pacemaker
99. Hilar dance on fluoroscopy is seen in - ASD
100.Tracheal bifurcation is best visualised on which std view of the chest - left ant.oblique
101.Meckel's diverticulam is best diagnosed by - Tc99 pertechnetium scan
102.Signs of increased ICT in a child in a skull x-ray - sep of sutures/tense ant.font/silver
beaten appearance of the bones
103.Commonest calcified brain tumour is - Craniopharyngioma
104.Pt. presents to triage with pain & distension of abdomen & absolute constipation, IOC is -
plain x-ray abdomen (erect)
105.Bird of prey sign is seen in radiographic barium examination of - Sigmoid volvulus
106.MC hormone deficiency seen after Intracranial radiation therapy - Growth hormone
107.Sun ray calcification in brain is seen in - Meningioma
108.Scottish terrior sign is seen in - Oblique view
109.Be headed scottish terrior sign is seen in - Spondylolisthesis
110.Least amenable to screening is - Lung Ca
111.In cerebral angiography the dye is injected through - Femoral artery
112.MC complication of Myelography - Headache
113.Contrast used in CT - Iodine
114.X-ray view for supra orbital fissure - Caldwell
115.USG frequency used for diagnostic purpose in obstetrics - 1-20mhz
116.Intensity of colour in doppler is determined by - Velocity of flow
117.HRCT of the chest is the ideal modality for evaluating - ILD
118.Renal GFR is best measured by - Tc99 DTPA
119.Imaging techniques gives maximum radiation exposure to the patient - CT Scan
120.Walls of the CT scanner room was coated with - Lead
121.Absolute C/I of MRI is - Pacemaker/Aneurysmal clip
122.Contrast used for MRI - Gadolinium
123.Trident hand is seen in - Achondroplasia

124.Epiphyseal enlargement is seen in - Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

125.Which one of the following tumours shows calcification on CT scan - Meningioma
126.Characteristic of SDH is - Concavo-convex hyperdense
127.Intra cranial calcification is best diagnosed by - MRI
128.Calcification is best detected by - CT Scan
129.Most penetrating power - Gamma-radiation
130.Most radio sensitive ovarian tumour - Dysgerminoma
131.Most radio sensitive testicular tumour - Seminoma
132.Most radio sensitive Brain tumour - Medulloblastoma
133.Most radio sensitive tumour - Ewing's tumour
134.Least radio sensitive tumour - Osteosarcoma
135.Vertebra plana is seen in - Eosinophillic granuloma/Malignancy
136.Wind swept deformity is seen in - Rheumatoid arthritis
137.ASD is differentiated from VSD in an x-ray by - Normal left Atrium
138.Inferior rib notching is seen in - Coarcation of Aorta
139.Coeur en sabot shape of the heart is seen in - TOF
140.Snow man appearance is seen in - Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
141.Figure of 8 in cxr is seen in - Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
142.Flask shaped heart - TAPVC
143.Lead pipe appearance is seen in - Ulcerative colitis
144.Hyper inflation of lung in cxr is seen in - Congenital lobar emphysema
145.Spongy appearance with central sunburst calcification is seen in - Serous cyst adenoma
146.Rim sign in IVP is seen in - Hydronephrosis
147.Left heart failure - Kerley b lines/cardiomegaly/increased flow in upper lobe veins
148.B/L spider leg sign on IVP suggests - Polycystic kidney
149.In MRI the field used is - 1.1tesla
150.Honey combing of lung in cxr is seen in - Rh.Arthritis/scleroderma/ILD
151.Spring water cyst is another name for - pleuro-pericardial cyst
152.Miliary mottling is seen in - T.B
153.Hampton hump is feature of - Pulmonary embolism
154.Gold std for diagnosing pulmonary embolism - ventilation perfusion scan

155.Base of heart is formed by - right atrium & left atrium

156.Lt border of heart in cxr is formed by - Arch of aorta/pulmonary artery
157.Rt border of heart in cxr is formed by - SVC/Rt.Atrium
158.Earliest cxr feature of left atrial enlargement - elevation of left main bronchus
159.Gasless abd is feature of - high obstruction/Ac pancreatitis/cong.diaphragmatic hernia
160.Posterior urethra is best visualised - voiding cystogram
161.Chondrocalcinosis is seen with - Pseudo gout
162.Calcification of meniscal cartilage is feature of - Pseudo gout
163.Calcification around the joint is seen in - Pseudo gout
164.Investigation which should'nt be done in a pt with brain tumour- lumbar puncture
165.Mammographic abnormality seen in Ca Breast
- microcalcification/change in density &architecture
166.Sensitivity of mammography is low in young females because
- young breast has dense tissue
167.Splenic injury is diagnosed on x-ray by - #Rib/Obliteration of splenic shadow
168.IOC for diagnosis of splenic rupture is - CT Scan
169.USG can detect gestation sac earliest at - 5-6wks of gestation
170.Earliest sign of foetal life is best detected by - Doppler
171.USG of umblical artery is done to know about - Heart beat
172.Parameters used to estimate gestational age in last trimester
- BPD/Abd circumference/Femur length
173.USG done at 18-20 wks mainly to - Detect foetal abnormality
174.Anencephaly can be diagnosed byUSG at - 10-12 wks
175.Best for unruptured ectopic pregnancy is - Transvaginal US
176.IOC for an ectopic pregnancy is - Transvaginal USG
177.Missed IUD is recognised by - USG
178.Radiation tolerance of whole liver is - 40Gy
179.IOC for locating parathyroid gland - Angiography
180.IOC in parathyroid pathology is - Tc-Thallium subtraction scan
181.Ideal imaging method for diagnosis of Hydrocephalus in infant is - USG
182.Basal skull view x-ray is best to visualise - Sphenoid sinus

183.Intra operative Radiotherapy is given in - Ca Pancreas

184.Procedure of choice for the evaluation of an aneurysm is – Ultrasonography
185.Cardiotoxicity caused by radiotherapy & chemotherapy is best detected by
- Endomyocardial Biopsy
186.Best investigation for cardiac tamponade - 2D echocardiography
187.Most sensitive investigation for Air embolism is - Doppler ultrasound
188.Best view to diagnose pneumothorax - PA view in full expiration
189.Minimal ascites can be best detected by - USG
190.GERD is best detected by - Endoscopy
191.Gray equals - 100rad
192.Curie is unit of - radioactivity
193.Most commonly radiotherapy uses - Y-rays
194.Pre operative investigation for Down' syndrome - Echocardiography
195.First sign of hydrocephalus in children is - Sutural diastasis
196.Most common investigation done for Obstructive Jaundice - USG
197.Most common cancer due to radiation - Leukemia
198.Bone scan in multiple myeloma shows - Cold spot
199.X-ray shows soap bubble appearance of lower end of radius TOC
- Excision & Bone grafting
200.Acoustic shadow in USG is due to - Reflection
201.Cobra head deformity is characteristic feature of - ureterocoele
202.Intra cranial calcification is best diagnosed by - CT scan
203.Chest PA view shows -RA & LA in Rt.Border/RV & LV in Lt.Border
204.Retrograde pyelogram is done for - Kidney stones
205.Palmar ganglion cyst is - non reducible swelling
206.Chemical used in Ba Enema - Ba Sulfate.


Colle's # Distal Radius - dorsal tilt,Malunion

Smith's #$ Distal Radius - volar tilt
Galleazi's # Distal 1/2 of Radius i dislocation f radio-ulnar jt
Night stick # # shaft of Ulna
Monteggia # Proximal 1/2 of ulna i dislocation of radial head
Bennet's # Base of 1st meta carpal,intra articular
Boxer's # Neck of 5th meta carpal
Rolando # Base of 1st meta carpal,extra articular
Mallet finger Avulsion tendon from distal phalanx
Hangman's # C2 vertebrae-Traumatic
Bumper # Lateral condyle of Tibia
Cotton # Trimaleolar ankle #
Pott's # Bimaleolar ankle #
Aviators Neck of Talus
March # 2nd Metatarsal
Jone's # Base of 5th Metatarsal
Side sweep/Baby car Elbow inj
Massonaise # Neck of Fibula
Pilon # Neck of Fibula ,intra articular
Straddle # B/L ischiopubic rami #
Clay shoveller's # Avulsion # of spinous process of vertebra 18
U-slab/Hanging cast # Humerus
Colle's cast # Distal end radius
Hip spica # Femur
Patellar tendon bearing cast # Tibia
Cylinder (Tube cast) # Patella
Glass holding cast # Scaphoid
Risser's cast or milkwaukee brace Scoliosis
Minnerva cast Cervical spine

1. Nerve grafting is done if nerve gap is more than - 10cms

2. Action of knee joint - Flexion/extension/lateral rotation
3. In posterior dislocation of Hip - Flexion,adduction,internal rotation
4. Common donor nerve used for nerve grafting - Sural nerve
5. MCC of deformity of bone - Fractures
6. Joint most amenable to manipulate - Knee joint
7. MC donor site for bone grafts - Iliac crest
8. MC joint in human body to dislocate - Shoulder joint
9. MC dislocation at shoulder joint - Anterior
10. MC dislocation at elbow joint - Posterior
11. MC dislocation at Hip - Posterior
12. MC dislocation at wrist - Lunate
13. MC dislocation at spine - Anterior (C5-C6)
14. Radius head pulled out of annular ligament - Pulled elbow
15. Best Rx of # of forearm bones - Conservative
16. MC cause of Sudek's dystrophy in UL - Colle's #
17. MC pelvic # - Ischio-pubic rami #
18. B/L ischio-pubic rami # is called as - Straddle #
19. Unsolved # - # neck of femur
20. K-nail is used for - # shaft of femur

21. Most frequently injured joint - Knee joint


22. Communited # of patella is known as - Stellate #

23. Jefferson's # is # of - Atlas/C1
24. Dense sclerotic bone overlying a sequestrum is - Involucrum
25. MC complication of Acute osteomyelitis - Chronic osteomyelitis
26. MC cause of septic arthritis - Staphylococcus aureus
27. Tom smith arthritis is - septic arthritis of infancy
28. MC site of Gonococcal arthritis - Knee joint
29. MC site of bone & joint TB - Spine(Pott's spine)/Hip
30. MC site of spinal TB - Dorso-lumbar region
31. IOC for TB spine - MRI
32. MC Cause of early onset pott's paraplegia - Abscess
33. MC cause of Hip pain in children in India - TB Hip
34. MC congenital foot deformity - CTEV
35. MC muscle related to CTEV - Tibialis Posterior
36. MC type of spina bifida - Spina bifida occulta
37. MC primary bone malignancy - Multiple myeloma
38. MC anterior mediastinal tumour - Thymoma
39. 2nd MC primary bone malignancy - Osteosarcoma
40. MC beningn tumour of bone - Osteochondroma
41. MC metaphyseal tumour - Osteosarcoma
42. MC metabolic bone disease - Osteoporosis
43. MC site of vertebral disc prolapse - L4-L5
44. MC site of cervical spondylosis - C5-C6
45. Dupuytren's contracture is contracture of - Palmar aponeurosis
46. MC joint affected in rheumatoid arthritis - MP joint(index finger)
47. MC joint affected in gout - MP joint(Great toe)
48. MC cause of Rickets in children in India - Nutritional deficiency
49. Medial epicondylitis - Golfer's elbow
50. Lateral epicondylitis - Tennis elbow
51. Frozen shoulder is common among - Diabetes

52. Brown's tumour is in - Hyperparathyroidism

53. In fluorosis of bones,there is excess deposition of - Calcium
54. Earliest sign of dental fluorosis - Mottling
55. Orthopedic disorders in dwarf circus jokers - Achondroplasia
56. Marble bones are in - Osteopetrosis
57. Paget's disease defect - Osteoclasts
58. MC osteochondritis - Perthes disease
59. MC cause of loose bodies in joints - Osteoarthritis
60. Callus formation in # healing process - 4-12 weeks
61. Blood loss in pelvic # - 1500-2000ml/4-8 units
62. Blood loss in Femur # - 1000-1500ml
63. ARDS onset 24hrs after injury
64. MC injury to major blood vessel in polytrauma - Popliteal artery
65. MC injury to nerves in polytrauma - Radial nerve
66. MC operation for non-union - Bone grafting
67. Dinner fork deformity/Carpal tunnel syndrome - Colles' #/Median nerve
68. Gun-stock deformity - Supracondylar # humerus
69. Autogenous bone grafting - Graft from same person(Iliac crest & Fibula)
70. Allogenous bone grafting - Graft from another person
71. Xeno grafting - Graft from another species
72. Myositis ossificans/Brachial artery injury/Gun-stock deformity/volkman's ischaemia
- Supracondylar # humerus
73. Radial nerve palsy - # shaft of Humerus
74. Axillary nerve palsy - # surgical neck of Humerus
75. Avascular necrosis is common after a # of - Talus
76. Periostium is attached to bone by - Sharp's fibres
77. Le forte classification is used for - # of Maxilla
78. MC ligament injured in ankle sprain - Anterior Talofibular
79. Bone involved in stress # /March #-2nd Meta tarsal
80. Bone involved in Jones 3/Dancer's# - 5th Meta tarsal
81. Thurston Holland sign is seen in - Salter harris type ii #

82. Swan neck deformity is seen in - Rheumatoid arthritis

83. Characteristic joint involved in rheumatoid arthritis - Metacarpophalangeal joint
84. Pt with joint pain & back ache.on x-ray spine sacroilitis is seen diagnosis is
- Ankylosing spondylitis
85. In begining which compartment of knee joint is involved in osteo arthritis
- Medial tibio femoral
86. Bamboo spine appearance - Ankylosing spondylitis
87. Which joint is most commonly affected in Osteo arthritis - Knee
88. Bone involved in 2ndary OA - Hip joint
89. Bone involved in cervical spondylosis - C5-C6 or C6-C7
90. Bone involved in Lumbar spondylosis - L5-S1
91. Bone involved in Rheumatoid arthritis - MP joints of hand
92. Bone involved in Ankylosing spondylosis - Sacro iliac joint/spine
93. Bone involved in Gouty arthritis - MP joint Great toe
94. Bone involved in Pseudo Gout - Mensci of Knee
95. Bone involved in psoriatic arthropathy - Distal IP joints
96. Ankylosing spondylosis is associated with - Aortic insufficiency
97. Sicca syndrome is associated with - Rheumatoid arthritis
98. Rheumatoid factor +ve in - Rheumatoid arthritis/Sarcoidosis
SLE /Influenza /Hepatitis/Endocarditis/Liver disease
AIDS/Syphilis/TB/Infectious mononucleosis
99. MC site for Spondylolisthesis is - L5 over T1
100.Rheumatoid arthritis affects - Cervical spine
101.House maid's knee is due to enlargement of - Subcutaeneous prepatellar Bursa
102.Hill sach's lesion is seen in - Recurrent dislocation of shoulder
103.In neurapraxia,there is - Loss of conduction of Nerve fibre
104.Wallerian degeneration is seen in - Distal cut-end of the nerve
105.Tinel's sign suggests - Nerve regeneration
106.Card test is used for paralysis of - Ulnar nerve
107.Nerve damage due to Hamate dislocation is - Ulnar
108.MC site for TB of skeletal system is - Spine

109. TB Osteomyelitis site involved - Tibia

110. TB Dactylitis site involved - Spina ventosa
111. TB Spondylitis - Pott's disease - Spine
112. TB Arthritis site involved - Hip joint
113. Synovial TB site involved - Knee joint
114. TB Tenosynovitis - Compound palmar ganglion
115. TB bursitis - Trochanteric bursitis
116.Commonest route of spread of TB to Bones is - Hematogenous
117.Collar stud abscess is seen in - TB
118.Commonest primary malignant bone Tumour - Multiple myeloma
119.Bone tumour arising frm pelvis is - Chondroblastoma
120.Onion skin layering on x-ray is characteristic of - Ewing's sarcoma
121.Onion peel appearance is seen in - Ewing's sarcoma(Most Radoisensitive tumor)
122.In Multiple myeloma,punched out lesions are most common in - Skull
123.Vertebra plana occurs in - Eosinophillic Granuloma
124.Radio resistant malignant tumour is - Osteosarcoma
125.MC malignant bone tumour - Secondaries
126.MC benign Bone tumour - Osteoma
127.Pulsatile Tumour is - Osteosarcoma
128.Commonest cause of multiple # in childhood - Osteogenesis imperfecta
129.Pott's puffy tumour is - Osteomyelitis of skull bone
130.Waddling gait is feature of - B/L Dislocation of Hip
131.MC ly affected lowerlimb muscle in poliomyelitis - Quadriceps femoris
132.Painful effusion of joints in congenital syphilis is known as - Clutton's joint
133.Abnormal metacarpal index is a feature of - Marfans syndrome
134.Bag of bones effect is seen in - Charcot's joint
135.Codfish vertebrae are seen in - Hyperparathyroidism
136.Osteomalacia can caused by - Tab.Phenytoin
137.Bone within bone appearance is seen in - Gauchers disease
138.Calcification of menisci of knee joints is seen in - Ochronosis
139.Kanavels sign is found in - Teno-synovitis

140.MC involvement in Volkman's ischaemia seen is that - Flexor digitorum profundus

141.Nerve injured in Medial epicondylar # - Ulnar
142.MC site seen for osteogenic sarcoma in India - Lower end of Femur
143.Compression # is most common in which part of spine - Lower Thoracic
144.Non-union is commonly seen in - Lower tibial #
145.An adventitious Bursa - Abnormality over friction site
146.Healing time for # of Tibia is - 12 weeks
147.MC site for Myositis ossificans in body is - Elbow
148.MC site of Acute Osteo myelitis seen in Infants - Hip joint
149.Claw hand is a manifestation of - Ulnar nerve injury
150.MC involvement in Dupuytren's contracture is - Little finger
151.Nerve injured in # of Upper end of radius is - Posterior interosseus nerve
152.MC cause of Kyphosis among males is - TB
153.Monteggia # dislocation involves - upper 1/3 ulna
154.Common site for Avascular necrosis of head of femur - Subcapital region
155.Cause of Atonic bladder - Injury to sacral plexus
156.Rx for Club foot - should be started immediately after birth
157.MC nerve involved in # of surgical neck of humerus is - Axillary
158.Neuropathic joints are MC seen in - Diabetes Mellitus
159.Soap bubble appearance with Bone tumour - Osteoclastoma
160.In Hammer toe ,flexion deformity is seen at - Proximal interphalangeal joint
161.TB spine results in paraplegia of - Lower thoracic part
162.Injury to which of the nerves lead to Winging to scapula - Long thoracic nerve
163.Muscle tested in Froment's sign is - Adductor pollicis
164.Epiphyseal enlargement is seen in - Stills disease
165.MC muscle group affected in polio is - Dorsiflexors-Ankle
166.MC complication of # of ischio-pubic rami of pelvis is - Rupture of membranous urethra
167.MC medial meniscal tear type is - Longitudinal tear
168.Heberden nodules r seen in - Distal interphalangeal joints in OA
169.Epiphyseal tumour is - Giant cell tumour
170.Tardy ulnar nerve palsy MC cause - Lateral condylar #

171.Tarsal tunnel syndrome is seen in - Rheumatoid arthritis

172.Inability to flex the Index finger is a sign of - Median nerve injury
173.Mcmurray's sign is seen in injury to - Medial meniscus
174.Radial nerve injury - Wrist drop
175.Deep peroneal nerve injury - Foot drop
176.Ulnar nerve injury - Claw hand
177.Axillary nerve injury - Flattened shoulder
178.Upper trunk - Porter tip hand
179.Medial nerve injury - Ape thumb deformity
180.Long thoracic nerve injury - Winging of Scapula
181.Labourer's nerve - Median nerve
182.Saturday night palsy involves - Radial nerve
183.Anterior Drawer sign is +ve in - Ant. Cruciate ligament injury
184.Seat belt injury - Chance #
185.Whip-Lash injury occurs due to - Acute hyper extension of spine
186.MC type of spinal injury - Flexion injury
187.Tennis Elbow - pain over the Lateral epicondyle
188.Hangman's # is a # of - Pars interarticularis/# dislocation of C2&C3
189.Dislocation without # is seen in - Cervical spine
190.Cotton's # is - Trimalleolar
191.MC nerve injured in supracondylar # of Humerus is - Radial nerve
192.Trigger finger is - Stenosis tenovaginitis
193.Signature # refers to - depressed skull #
194.Blount's disease is - Genu varum
195.Type of joint seen in Growth plate is - Primary cartilaginous
196.Repair is better than removal in which part of meniscal injury - Outer area
197.Pulsating bone tumour - Osteo sarcoma
198.Direct impact on bone will lead to - Transverse #
199.Pathological # r seen in - osteogenesis imperfecta/osteoporosis/osteomalacia/radiation
200.Healing of # - 3 stg - reactive(Hematoma)/Reparative(callus formation)/Remodelling
201.Bone formation markers r - Procollagen-1 & ALP

202.MC cause of Non-union # is - Inadequate immobilisation

203.Non-union is a complication of - Scaphoid #
204.MC complication of fracture of clavicle - Malunion
205.MC site of fracture clavicle is - Junction of medial 2/3rd &lateral 1/3rd
206.Earliest radiological sign of OA is - Narrowing of joint space
207.Underlying cause of rheumatoid arthritis is - Immunological
208.Joints spared in Rheumatoid arthritis is - DIP joints of finger
209.Compound # is defined as - # with skin involvement
210.Open # is treated by - Debridement
211.Recurrent dislocations r common in - Shoulder
212.Recurrent dislocation least commonly seen in - knee
213.Duga's test is used for - Ant.dislocation of shoulder
214.MC bone # during birth is - Clavicle
215.MC injury with # medial epicondyle - Elbow dislocation
216.MC elbow injury in adolescents is - Supra condylar #
217.Gunstock deformity is seen due to - # supracondylar humerus
218.MC site of Myositis ossificans - Elbow
219.In pulled elbow there is - Subluxation of proximal radio ulnar joint
220.Dashboard injury results in - Posterior dislocation of Hip
221.Attitude of limb in Ant.dislocation of hip - Flexion,abduction,external rotation
222.Attitude of limb in Traumatic dislocation of hip - Flexion,adduction,internal rotation
223.Lower limb attitude in Post dislocation of Hip is - Flexion,adduction,internal rotation
224.Jumper's fracture is seen in - Pelvis
225.Bennet's fracture is #,dislocation of - Base of 1st metacarpal
226.Game keeper's Thumb is - Ulnar collateral ligament injury of MCP joint
227.# femur in children is treated with - Gallow's splint
228.Glass holding cast is - Scaphoid cast
229.Fat embolism commonest occurs due to # of - Femur
230.# neck of humerus is common in - Elderly females
231.Calcaneum # is usually seen along with - # of vertebrae
232.Nerve involved in # neck of Fibula - Common peroneal nerve

233.MC mode of Meniscal injury - Flexion & rotation movement

234.Bucket handle tear at knee joint is due to injury - Menisci
235.In injury to knee cartilage,IOC is - Arthroscopy
236.MC joint site for ligament injury - Ankle
237.In Seddon's classification,complete division of nerve is - Neurotemesis
238.MCC of neurological deficit in upper limb - Erb's palsy
239.Nerve root involved in Erbs palsy - C5-C6
240.Motor cyclist # in skull is atype of - Ring fracture
241.Cock-up splint is used in management of - Radial nerve
242.Phocomelia is - Defects of long bones of limbs
243.Coxa vara is found in - perthes disease/Osteogenesis imperfecta
244.Meralgia parasthetica involves - Lateral cutaeneous nerve of thigh
245.MC # among children - Green stick # - lower end of radius
246.Trethowans sign is seen in - Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
247.Ortolani's test is done for - Congenital dislocation of Hip
248.Congenital dislocation of Hip occurs due to - Small head of femur
249.MC cause of Genu valgum in children - Rickets
250.Blount's disease is - Tibia vera
251.MC deformity seen in Club foot is - Talipes equino varus(CTEV)
252.Chronic Club foot is treated by - Triple arthrodesis
253.Sprengel's deformity is - Undescended Scapula
254.Chondroblastoma most commonly occurs in - Epiphysis
255.Epiphysis - Osteoclastoma/Chondroblastoma
256.Diaphysis - Osteoid osteoma/Ewings tumour
257.Metaphysis - Osteomyelitis/osteosarcoma/Chondrosarcoma
258.MC cause of bone malignancy - Secondaries
259.Wormian bones r found in - Osteogenesis imperfecta
260.Britle bone disease is - Osteogenesis imperfecta
261.Marble bone disease is - Osteopetrosis
262.Rugger-Jersey spine is seen in - Renal osteodystrophy
263.Hypervitaminosis causing bony abnormalities - Vitamin A & D

264.Causes of osteomalacia - Indoor stay/Phenytoin/Malabsorption

265.Osteo malacia - Normal sr.calcium/Pseudo #
266.Milkman's # is - Pseudo # in adults
267.TOC for pagets disease of bone - Calcitonin
268.Rocker-bottom foot is seen in - Excessive correction of Grice procedure
269.Trident hand is seen in - Achondroplasia
270.Absent clavicle is seen in - Cleidocranial dysostosis
271.Osteogenesis imperfecta is due to - Defective collagen
272.Multiple # in newborns is found in - Osteogenesis imperfecta
273.Osteoporosis - Norm calcium,Norm phosphate,Norm Alkaline phosphatase
274.Osteoporosis - codfish vertebra seen,commonly presents with #
275.DOC for senile osteoporosis - Estrogens
276.Post traumatic avascular necrosis occur in - Femoral neck/Neck talus/waist scaphoid
277.Pathological changes in Caisson's disease is due to - Nitrogen gas
278.Joint commonly involved in osteochondritis dessicans - Knee joint
279.Vitamin required for collagen formation - Vit C
280.Brown tumour is seen in - Hyperparathyroidism
281.MC cause of primary hyperparathyroidism - Solitary adenoma
282.MC site os osteochondritis dessicans - Lateral part of the medial femoral condyle
283.Type of anemia in rheumatoid arthritis - Normocytic normochromic anaemia
284.Disease where distal IP joint involved - Psoriatic arthritis
285.Ankylosing spondylitis is associated with - HLA-B27
286.Bamboo spine is seen in - Ankylosing spondylitis
287.MC charcot's joint involved in T2DM - Foot
288.Clutton's joints are - Syphilitic joints
289.MCC of Neuropathic joints is - Diabetes
290.Gouty arthritis - Great Toe
291.In gouty arthritis x-ray shows - Erosion of joints
292.Burst # of vertebra is - Compression injury
293.Disc prolapse commonly occurs at - L4-L5
294.MCC of acute schiatica is due to - Acute prolapsed intervertebral disc

295.Commom vertebral level of spondylolisthesis - L5-S1

296.Bohler's angle is seen in - Calcaneum
297.De quervains disease affects - Extensor pollicis brevis & Abductor pollicis longus
298.Rx for dupuytren's contracture - Fasciectomy + Skin transplantation
299.Cubitus valgus is a deformity seen in - # of Humerus lateral condyle
300.Hallux valgus means - Outward deviation of great toe
301.Sabre tibia is seen in - Syphylitic osteitis
302.Arthroscopy is contraindicated in - Haemophilia
303.Brodie's abscess usually involves - Long bones
304.Hanging cast is used for - # Humerus
305.Tardy ulnar nerve palsy is seen in - # humerus lateral condyle
306.Medial epicondyle # results in injury of - Ulnar
307.Tom smith's arthritis is due to - Pyogenic infection in infancy
308.MC site of Actinomycosis - Mandible
309.Madura foot is - madura mycotic infection of the bone
310.Commonest site of skeletal TB is - Vertebrae
311.TB spine MC site is - Dorsolumbar
312.TB spondylitis MC site - T12-L1
313.Pot's spine is commonest in - Thoracic
314.MC type of spinal TB - Paradiscal
315.Earliest feature of TB spine - Pain
316.Cold abscess in chest wall MC occurs in - TB spine
317.Earliest radiological sign of spinal TB - Decreased joint space
318.Spina ventosa results from - Sarcoidosis/TB
319.Caries sicca is seen in - Shoulder
320.Triple deformity of knee is classically seen in - TB
321.Wandering acetabulum is seen in - TB Hip
322.Classification system of bone tumours is - Ennecking
323.MC site of Osteosarcoma is - Femur lower
324.MC site of simple bone cyst - Femur
325.Pt i dullness on percussion & absence of breath sounds - Tension pnemothorax

326.Hyoid bone is associated i - Thyroglossal cyst

327.Long standing nodular goitre causes - Folicular Ca
328.Cock-up splint is used for - Radial nerve injury
329.Thomas splint is used for - # Femur
330.Avascular necrosis of bone is common in - Scaphoid
331.Rheumatoid arthritis - swan neck deformity/Z-deformity/wind sweep deformity/
MP/PIP/DIP/wrist joints/morning stiffness
332.Tennis elbow - lateral epicondyle of Humerus
333.House maid's knee - prepatellar bursitis
334.Clergyman's knee - Infrapatellar bursitis
335.Student's elbow - Olecranon bursitis
336.Golfer's elbow/climber's/javelin throw/little league/pitcher's - Medial epicondylitis
337.In De-Quervain's disease,which muscle of the hand is affected - Ext.pollicis brevis
338.Dupuytren's contracture of the hand commonly starts - Ring finger
339.Sunburst appearance is seen in which bone tumour - Osteosarcoma
340.Onionpeel appearance - Ewing's sarcoma
341.Soap bubble appearance - Osteoclastoma
342.MC beningn bone tumour - Osteochondroma
343.MC 1ry bone malignancy - Multiple myeloma
344.MC 1ry bone tumour - Osteosarcoma
345.MC 1ry malignant bone tumour - Osteosarcoma
346.Mc bone tumour in children - Osteo sarcoma
347.MC malignant bone tumour in children is - Ewing's sarcoma
348.MC joint involved in Takayasu arteritis - subclavian
349.MC joint disease in human being - OA
350.MC joint involved in syringomyelia - Glenohumeral
351.MC joint involved in diabetes - Tarsal & tarsometatarsal
352.How many blast cells should be in aspiration of bone marrow ->10%plasma count
353.Most serious complication of # of a long bones - Fat embolism
354.Bone which do not have medullary cavity - Clavicle
355.MC nerve tobe damage in shoulder dislocation - Axillary nerve

356.Humeral supra condylar # commonly results in - Median nerve injury

357.MC shoulder dislocation is - Anterior
358.Carpel tunnel syndrome is due to involvement of - Median nerve
359.Inability to adduct thumb is due to injury of - Ulnar nerve
360.Tinel sign indicates - Nerve regeneration
361.Partial claw hand is caused by lesion involving - Ulnar nerve
362.Total claw hand is seen in paralysis of - Ulnar & Median nerve
363.Punched out lesion in the skull is indicative of - Multiple myeloma
364.Foot drop occurs due to involvement of - sciatic nerve injury
365.In Hansens disease,ulnar nerve commonly affected at elbow
366.Duchenne's muscular dystrophy affects - calf muscles
367.HLA B27 is commonly associated with - Ankylosing spondylitis
368.Iliac crest involvement is common in - Ankylosing spondylitis
369.Commonest presenting symptom of Pott's spine is - Back pain
370.Charcots jt/neuropathic jt r MC seen n - DM
371.Terminal pulp space infection - Felon
372.Looser's zone is present in - Osteo malacia
373.Waddling gait due to - B/L congenital dysplasia of Hip.
374.Marble bone appearance is seen in - Osteopetrosis
375.Example of syndesmosis joint - Tibiofibular joint
376.MC nerve injured in # shaft of Humerus - Radial nerve
377.Recurrent dislocation of shoulder is seen in - Hill sach's lesion
378.Bone commonly fractured in facial injuries - Nasal bone

Cylinder Colour
Oxygen -------------------------------------------- Black body with white shoulders
Nitrous oxide --------------------------------------- Blue
Air --------------------------------------------------- Grey body with black & white shoulders
Carbon di oxide ------------------------------------ Grey
Cyclopropane ------------------------------------- Orange
Helium --------------------------------------------- Brown
Entonox --------------------------------------------- Blue body with blue & white shoulders
Ethylene -------------------------------------------- Red/purple
Halothane bottle ---------------------------------- Amber
Thiopentone -------------------------------------- Yellow

Poisons Antidotes
Organophosphates ------------------------------------------------ Atropine
Carbonates -------------------------------------------------------- Atropine
Cyanide ------------------------------------------------------------ Amyl nitrate,Hydroxycobalamine
Digitalis ------------------------------------------------------------- Digibind
Methanol ----------------------------------------------------------- Ethanol,Fomepizole
Ethyl glycol -------------------------------------------------------- Ethanol,Fomepizole
Carbon monoxide ----------------------------------------------- O2 therapy
Opioid -------------------------------------------------------------- Naloxone
Paracetomol ------------------------------------------------------- N.acetyl cysteine
Heparin --------------------------------------------------------- Protamine sulphate
Warfarin ---------------------------------------------------------- Vit.K / FFP

Depth 4.5cm Cpr rate Cpr-vent ratio

New born 90/min 3:1
Infant Approx 100/min 15:2

Children Approx 100/min 30:2


Adults Approx 100/min 30:2

Gas Pin Index
Oxygen -------------------------------------------------------------- 2,5
Nitrous oxide -------------------------------------------------------- 3,5
Cyclopropane --------------------------------------------------------- 3,6
Air ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,5
Nitrogen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1,4
Entonox(50%O2+50%NO) ------------------------------------------- 7
Carbon di oxide (<7.5%) --------------------------------------------- 2,6
Carbon di oxide (>7.5%) ---------------------------------------------- 1,6

Parameter Spinal anaesthesia Epidural anaesthesia

Level performed Lumbar Any level
Cost Cheaper Expensive
Onset of effect 2-3 minutes 15-20 minutes
Duration of effect Lesser Prolonged
Quality of Block Total Patchy
Post spinal headache Present Absent
Epidural hematoma Less common More common
Total spinal Rare High chances
IV Injection Rare High chances
Drug Toxicity Less common More common
Catheter complications Absent Present

IV Induction Agents : Sodium thiopentone



Bupivacaine is a local anasthetic agent having high cardiotoxicity
Inflammable inhalational anasthetics - Ether/Ethylene/Ethyl chloride/Cyclopropane & can
be made non inflammable by adding fluorine.
Vecuronium - choice in cardiac pts
Safe in Hepatic failure
Causes polyneuropathy on long term use
On overdose antidote - Neostigmine
Pancuronium-Avoid in CRF/Useful in Asthma patients/Increases cardiac arrythmias
Atracurium-choice in Hepatic fail/Renal fail/Myasthenia gravis/New Borns & Oldage
Drugs used in CPR - Vasopressors-Adrenaline,Noradrenaline,Ephedrine,Mephentramine
Analeptics(Respiratory stimulants)-Doxapram,Ethamivan
Vasodilators-NTG,Nifedipine,potassium chloride,sodiumnitroprusside
Calcium is contraindicated during CPR.excess calcium worsens cell death
Indications of calcium-Hypocalcaemia,Hyperkalemia,overdosage of
Nahco3 without ABG should be avoided in CPR,As it worsens neuronal
injury ,increases ICT,worsens intracellular acidosis,cause hypertonicity.
Indications-Metabolic acidosis,Hyperkalemia,CPR after ABG
Indications of Tracheostomy -
Elective procedure-fro prolonged ventilation
Switch over procedure from Intubation- after 21days
Excessive secretions blocking ET tube
If Intubation is not possible/Laryngeal surgeries
Upper Airway obstruction-Laryngitis/Trauma/Edema/Vocal cord paralysis/Impacted foreign
bodies/Tumours-congenital/Abscess-peritonsillar/Ludwig's angina/Ca head&neck
Complications of massive Blood Transfusion :

Hypocalcemia,Hypothermia,Hyperkalemia,Hyperammonemia,Metabolic alkalosis,ARDS,DIC

(MCC of death)
1. MC Thermal disturbance in Anaesthesia - Hypothermia
2. Pulse oximetry measures - Sao2 of Hb
3. Inhalational anaesthetic with highest nephrotoicity - Methoxyflurane
4. MC cause of airway obstruction in unconscious pt. - Tongue fall
5. Most definitive method to maintain airway - ET Tube
6. Most reliable & best indicator of CPR - Capnography
7. Most effective clinical indicator of CPR - Palpation of carotid pulse
8. Best way to maintain airway in cervical cord injury - Tracheostomy
9. Muscle relaxant of choice for cardiac patients - Vecuronium
10. Non-depolarising muscle relaxant of choice for intubation - Rocuronium
11. MC post operative complication of intubation - Sore throat
12. Inhalational anaesthetics are made non inflammable by - addition of fluorine
13. Inhalational agent causing hyperglycemia - Chloroform
14. Inhalational agent for choice in Asthmatics - Halothene
15. Inhalational agent for cardiac pt/hypotension - Isoflurane
16. Severe hypotension is caused by - Halothane
17. Hyperglycemia is caused by - Ether
18. Laughing Gas - Nitrous oxide
19. Only complete anaesthetic agent - Ether
20. Pin index of oxygen is - 2,5
21. Needle used for spinal anaesthesia - Tuohy's needle
22. MC used IV agent for induction - Thiopentone
23. Agent of choice for cerebral protection - Thiopentone
24. IV agent of choice for day care surgery - Propofol
25. Inhalational agent of choice in shock pts - Cyclopropane
26. MC risk factor for spinal epidural abscess - DM
27. IV agent causing max Nausea & vomiting - Etomidate
28. Agent of choice for pre operative sedation - Midazolam

29. DOC for shivering - Pethidine


30. MC used anaesthetic technique - Spinal anesthesia

31. MC source of ICU infections - Urinary catheterisation
32. Last sensation lost during stages of anasthesia - Hearing
33. Anaesthetic agent with anti-emetic property also - Propofol
34. Fastest Induction of Anaesthesia is caused by - Cyclopropane
35. Used in Epidural anaesthesia - 2% lignocaine
36. Epidural is prefered over spinal because - prolonged duration of effect.
37. Spinal epidural abscess is most commonly caused by - Staphylococcus
38. Local anaesthetics act by inhibition of - Na+ channels
39. 1st priority in management of trauma patient is - Airway maintanance
40. During BLS time should be spent looking for carotid pulse - not more than 10 secs
41. Site for external cardiac massage - Lower 3rd sternum/2 fingers above xiphoid process./1.5
-2.0 inches depth/30% of normal output generated
42. DOC in Neurogenic shock - Phenylepherine
43. Most common cause of death after massive Blood transfusion - Disseminated intravascular
44. In patient with cervical cord injury best way to maintain airway-Tracheostomy
45. Lingual nerve block is given in - Neck of mandible
46. Indication for blind Nasotracheal intubation - Ankylosis of TM joint
47. Muscle relaxant of choice in Hepatic & Renal failure - Cis atracurium
48. Shortest acting Non-depolarising musle relaant - Rapacuronium
49. Methemoglobinemia is caused by - Prilocaine
50. Spinal head ache is usually - Occipital
51. First fibers to be blocked in spinal anaesthesia - Sympathetic preganglionic
52. Spinal cord ends at the level lower border of - L1
53. MC nerve used for monitoring during anasthesia-Ulnar nerve
54. Tachypnoea is seen in -Trilene
55. Commonest cranial nerve affected in Spinal anasthesia - 6th
56. High output renal failure is caused by - Methoxyflurane
57. Subarachnoid space is - S2-3

58. Maimum safe dose of lignocaine with adrenaline is - 15mg/kg

59. Mechanism of action of local anasthetic is - Stabilization of membrane
60. Bupivacaine is used for spinal anaesthesia in concentration of -0.5%
61. Percentage of xylocaine used in spinal anasthesia - 5%
62. Most harmful anasthetic for T2DM patient - Ether
63. Shortest acting local anasthesia-Chlorprocaine
64. Epidural space is between - Spinal dura & vertebral column
65. Sequence of recovery from local anesthesia
- Presympathetic ganglion,proprioception,motor
66. Pure antagonist of Morphine is -Naloxone
67. Best anasthetic agent for acute paronychia - Xylocaine+Adrenaline
68. Fastest route of absorption of local anasthetic is - Epidural
69. Early & reliable indication of Air embolism during anasthesia can be obtained by
continuous monitoring of - End Tidal co2
70. Sellick's manoeuvre is used to prevent - Aspiration of gastric content
71. Nasal intubation is contraindicated in - CSF Rhinorrhoea
72. Mendelson's syndrome - Aspiration of gastric contents
73. Pulse oximetry detects inaccurately in presence of -
74. A pot sitting in a hot burner - Conduction
75. How the inside of a green house works - Convection
76. Touching a metal spoon that is sitting in a pot of boiling water - Conduction
77. Using a heat blanket to get warm - Conduction
78. A person placing their cold hands over a warm fire - Radiation
79. Lying out in the sun to get a tan - Radiation
80. Putting your wet shoes on a floor vent to dry them faster - Convection
81. Picking up a hot cup of coffee - Conduction
82. Incubator heat is delivered by all except - Conduction
83. Most potent antiemetic agent used in preoperative period - Metochlorpromide
84. Visual analogue scale most widely used to measure - Pain intensity
85. Site of action of Vecuronium is - Myoneural

86. Mallampatti grading is for - Inspection of oral cavity before intubation

87. Mallampatti criteria r used for assesment of - Difficulty in Intubation
88. Anaesthetic agent associated with Delirium & hallucination - Ketamine
89. Intra occular pressure will be increased by -Ketamine
90. Iv agent with best Analgesic agent - Ketamine
91. IV agent of choice for shock pts - Ketamine
92. IV agent of choice for pts in full stomach - Ketamine
93. IV agent of choice for Asthmatics - Ketamine
94. Dissociative anasthesia is produced by-ketamine
95. Anaesthetic agent used in ICU is - Ketamine
96. Raised ICT is caused by -Ketamine
97. Dose of ketamine - 2mg/kg/iv
98. Muscle pain after anaesthesia is caused by - Suxamethonium
99. Muscle relaxant increasing intra cranial pressure - Suxamethonium
100.Muscle soreness post anasthetic is caused by - Suxamethonium
101.Post operative muscle ache is caused by - Suxamethonium
102.Muscle relaxant increases intra cranial pressure - Suxamethonium
103.Postoperative pain is common with - Suxamethonium
104.Shortest acting muscle relaxant - Succinyl choline
105.Bradycardia is common after injection of - Succinyl choline/propofol/atracurium
106.Neuromuscular blocking agent with shortest onset of action - Succinylcholine
107.Malignant hyperthermia is most commonly precipated by - Succinylcholine
108.MC cause of Malignant hyper thermia - Succinyl coline
109.Hoffman's elimination is for - Atracurium
110.During cardiac resuscitation - rupture of lungs/liver/stomach/spleen.
111.Best anasthesia agent for out patient anasthesia - Alfentanyl
112.Shortest acting IV analgesic - Remifantanil
113.Muscle rigidity is caused by - Fentanyl
114.Method of choice for induction in children is by - Inhalation
115.For high pressure storage of compressed gases,cylinders are made up of
- Molybdenum steel

116.Anasthetic agent safe to use in increased intracranial pressure - Thiopentone

117.In a patient with multiple injuries,first thing to be done is - Patency of Airway
118.Best antagonist of Morphine is - Naloxone
119.In Spinal anasthesia which fiber is lost first - Sympathetic.
120.Drug with ceiling effect - Buprenorphine
121.Least soluble anasthetic agent is - Desflurane
122.Fastest acting agent - Desflurane
123.Fastest acting inhalational agent - Sevoflurane
124.Inhalational agent of choice in children - Sevoflurane
125.Post spinal,Head ache is due to - CSF leak
126.Bone marrow depression is seen with - Nitrous oxide.
127.Halothane causes - Bronchodilation & Hepatitis
128.In high spinal anasthesia - Hypotension & Bradycardia
129.Spinal anasthesia should be injected into the space between - L3-L4
130.Best way to prevent hypotension during spinal anasthesia - Preloading with crystalloids
131.Hepato toxic agent - Halothane
132.MCC of morbidity & mortality in patients undergoing major vascular surgery is
- Cardiac complications
133.First step in CPR should be - Airway maintanence
134.Structures pierce in LP - Lig.Flavum,Duramater,Supraspinous ligament
135.Physiological dead space is decreased by - Neck flexion
136.Choice of anasthesia in decayed tooth extraction - Enflurane
137.Colour of oxygen cylinder - Black & White
138.Anasthesia of choice for manual removal of p[lacenta - GA
139.AOC for alcoholic liver failure - Isoflurane
140.AOC in renal disease - atracurium & Cisatracurium
141.AOC in renal failure - Isoflurane
142.Best anasthesia in status asthmaticus - Ketamine
143.In belladona poisoning antidote is - Physostigmine
144.Atropine is used in - Mushroom poisoning/Malathion poisoning/OPC
145.Local anasthetic acts by - Sodium channel inhibition

146.Shortest acting local anasthetic agent - Procaine

147.Longest acting local anasthetic agent - Tetracaine
148.Pudendal nerve block involve - S2S3S4
149.Pneumothorax is a complication of - Brachial plexus block
150.Post spinal, headache can last for - 7-10 days
151.DOC in status epilepticus - IV Diazepam
152.Epidural anasthesia can cause - Venous pooling,Decreases venous return
153.Spinal anasthesia is given at - L3-L4
154.Post anesthetic emesis is least common with - Propofol
155.Wooden chest syndrome - choice of day care surgery - Alfentanyl
156.Pt was accidentally given high spinal anasthesia.He'l be - Hypotensive&Bradycardia
157.Laryngeal mask is used for - Airway maintanence
158.Cardiac stabilizing anesthetic agent - Etomidate
159.Muscle twitching & deterioration occurs in - Propofol
160.Dissociative anaesthesia - ketamine
161.No. Of chest compressions in CPR - Atleast 100 cpr/minute


Order of putrefaction in organs : - Larynx & Trachea - Stomach,intestine,spleen

- Liver(honey coombed foamy appearance) - Lungs - Brain - Heart - Kidneys -
Skin,muscle,tendons - Bones - Prostate(last to putrify in males) - Uterus(last in Fmales)
Organism helpful in adipocere formation - Clostridium Welchii,Marbled appearance of skin -
after 36-48 hrs

Tooth according to age :-

Eruption of 1st deciduous tooth:6-8 months of age
Eruption of 1st permanent tooth:6-7yrs of age
Starting of fall of deciduous tooth:6-7 yrs of age
At age 2 yrs:20deciduous tooth(4incisors +2 canines+4molars)
At age 11yrs:20permanent tooth + 4 deciduous teeth
At age 14 yrs:28 permanent teth
At the age 17-25 yrs:32 permanent teeth
Tooth Eruption
First molar 6-7yrs
Central incisor 6-8yrs
Lateral incisor 7-9yrs
First bicuspid 9-11 yrs
Second bicuspid 10-12yrs
Canine 11-12yrs
Second molar 12-14yrs
Third molar 17-25yrs
Accuracy of sexing adult skeleton :
Entire skeleton:100%

Pelvis & Skull:98%


Long Bones:80%
Abrasion:Destruction of skin involving superficial layers of epidermis caused by a lateral
rubbing action.
Contusion/Bruises:Effusion of blood into tissues due to rupture of blood vessels due to blunt
Incised wounds:Clean cut through tissues caused by a sharp-edged weapon.
Stab/Punctured wounds:Penetrating wound:When wound enters a acvity of the body.
Perforating wound:Wound enters body from one side & comes out of other side.
Hara kiri:Unusual type of suicide where victims falls on a short sword leading to evisceration
of intestines.
Lacerations:Tears or splits of skin/mucous membranes/organs caused by application of blunt

Superficial dermal burn:Brisk bleeding on superficial pricking.

Deep dermal Burn:Delayed bleeding on a deeper prick
Full thickness burn:No bleeding.
1st /2nd Burns:(Epidermal)-Painfull,Erythematous,swelling,capillary dilatation.
3rd /4th Burns:(Dermo-Epidermal)-Pain & Shock-Necrotic tissue,scar formation.
5th /6th Burns:(Deep burns)-Painless-gross destruction upto muscle& bone,nerve endings.

Rule of Nine : Head & Neck - 9% Each Upper Limb - 9+9=18%

Front of chest - 9% Front of each LowerLimb - 9%
Back of chest - 9% Back of each LowerLimb - 9%
Front of Abdomen - 9% Back of Abdomen - 9%
External Genitalia - 1%
Trichology - Study of Hair
Rape -: Wife of other person - Own wife below age 15 yrs - 16 yrs of age -
Prostitute - Against her will-without her consent-with consent obtained under
fear of death/hurt-when she is intoxicated-when she believes him to be her

Husband-with or without consent if she is less than 16yrs age.

Part of Body 1-4yrs 5-9yrs 10-14yrs Adult
Head & Neck 19 15 14 9
Front of Trunk 16 16 16 18
Back of Trunk 16 16 16 18
Upper limb 19 19 19 18
Lower limb 30 34 34 36
Genitalia 0 0 1 1

Marks Hanging Strangulation

Ligature mark Oblique,High in neck,not Transverse/Horizontal,
encircle properly Low in neck below
thyroid,Encircle neck
Abrasions/bruises Uncommon Common
Neck stretching Present Absent
Hyoid bone # common # uncommon
Thyroid cartilage # uncommon # common
Larynx/trachea # uncommon # common
Face Pale Congested
Signs of Asphyxia Less marked More marked
Saliva Running out of mouth Absent
Hyoid bone # - (Adduction #) - Inward compression - Throttling - (Manual strangulation)
Ant -Post Compression - (Abduction #)-Hanging.
Judicial Hanging: Knot is placed beneath chin in sub-mental position
Causes # & dislocation of 2nd - 3rd or 3rd - 4th vertebra
Leads to carotid arteries tear-transversely(partly or completely)
Cyanide poisoning - Treatment-Amyl nitrate-Sodium nitrate-Sodium thiosulphate-

Hydroxy cobalamine(Vit B12)-Dicobalt EDTA.

Indian penal code
IPC 498-A - Cruelty to a woman by her husband or husbands relative.
IPC 410 - - Rceiving of stolen property
IPC 304-A-Causing death by negligence
IPC 304-B - Dowry death
IPC 375-Rape-Against her will-without her consent-with consent obtained under fear of
death/hurt-when she is intoxicated-when she believes him to be her
Husband-with or without consent if she is less than 16yrs age.
IPC-376-A-Intercourse with wife without her consent
IPC-376-B-Intercourse by a public servant with a woman in her custody.
IPC-376-C-Intercourse by superintendant/manager of jail/remand home/any such custody
with awoman in her custody.
IPC-376-D-Gang rape
IPC-377-Paedophile-An adult who repeatedly engages in sexual act with children.

Colour Poisoning
Cherry red Carbon monooxide
Bright red Hydrocyanic acid
Red brown Nitrites,Aniline,Potassiumchloride,HCO3
Dark Brown Phosphorus
Sign's of foetal/Intra uterine death:Stopped foetal movements-heart sound not heard on
auscultation-fundal height not as per gestational age-
Spalding sign - Overlapping of bones of skull-Hyperflexion of spine-
Gas in great vessels

Sea snake venom - Myotoxic

Viperine venom - Hemolytic
Elapidae venom (Cobra) - Neurotoxic + Cholinesterase
Colubrine venom(Rat snakes) - Neurotoxic

Crotalidae venom (Pit vipers,Rattle snakes)- Proteolytic

Poisoning Antidote
Theophylline Beta-Blockers
Heavy metal poisoning Chelators
OPC-Carbamates Atropine
Iron Deferoxamine
Methanol - Ethylene Glycol Fomepizol
Benzodiazepines Flumazenil
Carbon mono oxide,Cyanide Hyperbaric/100% O2 therapy
Methemoglobinemia Methylene Blue
Opioids Naloxone Hydrochloride
Paracetamol N-Acetylcystene
OPC-Insecticide Pralidoxime chloride
Heparin Protamine sulphate
Thallium Prussian Blue
Isoniazid,EthyleneGlycol Pyridoxine
Arsenic Dimercaptosuccinic acid

Sample preserved Poisonings

Heart Strychnine,Digitalis
Brain Alkaloids,OPC,Opioids,Strychnine,CO,Barbiturates
Spinal cord Strychnine
CSF Alcohol
Bile Narcotics,Cocaine,Methadone,Barbiturates
Vitreous humour Alcohol,Chloroform
Lung Gaseous poisons,Hydrocyanic acid,Alcohol,Chloroform
Skin Insulin,Morphine,Heroin,Cocaine
Bone Arsenic,Antimony,Thallium,Radium
Uterus Criminal abortions

Fat Pesticides,Insecticides
1) Juvenile age (boy or girl) less than 18yrs.
2) Conduct money is paid to expert witness with summons from - Civil court
3) Leading questions r permitted during - Cross examination
4) Time limit for cross examination - No time limit
5) Subpnoea is akind of - Document compelling attendance of witness in court
6) MCC of sudden death is - CAD
7) Suspended animation is not seen in - Throttling & seen in -
hypothermia,cerebral cocussion.
8) Immediate stiffness postmortem occurs in - cadaveric spasm
9) Cadaveric spasm - Occurs immediately after death
10) 1st sign of decomposition in dead body - Green discolouration skin over Lt iliac fossa
11) Casper's dictum is for evaluation of - Time since death.
12) Post mortem staining gets fixed after - 6-7hrs
13) Davidson body is useful in - sexing the individuals
14) Davidson's body is absent in males
15) Dactylography is (Thumb printing sign) - Surest sign of identification
16) Least common type of finger print is - Composite
17) Tattoo is useful in identifying a body which is - Dead
18) Preauricular sulcus is useful in determination of - Sex
(Narrow,shallow in males & Broad,deep in females)
19) Bestbone specimen for sex determination is - Pelvis
20) Time limit for ehumation of a dead body in india is - No Limit
21) EDH commonly occurs in - Temporo-parietal region
22) RTA - Graze & Impact injuries
23) Stellate wound is seen in - Contact wound
24) Teeth bite marks is an example of - Pressure abrasion
25) Abrasion collar is seen in - Bullet injury.
26) Arborescent burning is due to - Lightening

27) White lathery froth is seen in deaths due to - Drowning

28) Paltauf's haemorhages are seen in - Wet drowning
29) Horizontal ligature mark in neck is seen in - Ligature strangulation
30) Maximum congestion is seen in - Strangulation
31) Cutis anserine is seen in - Antemortem drowning
32) Hyoid fracture is most commonly found in - Throttling
33) Female can give consent to sex if she is above - 16yrs
34) Posthumous child - born after death of his father.
35) Superfoetation means - fertilization of 2nd ovum in an already pregnant woman
36) Spalding sign indicates - Dead borne child
37) Spalding sign occurs because of - Maceration
38) Antidote for cyanide - Hydroxyl cobalamine.
39) Arsenic poisoning is often confused with - Acute gastro enteritis.
40) Gastric lavage is contra indicated in - Corrosive acid poisoning
41) Cobra snake venom is - Neuro toxic
42) Antidote for Opiate poisoning - Naloxone
43) Site for collection of blood in alcohol poisoning - Femoral vein
44) Cholera like action is seen in poisoning with - Ricinus communis
45) Parasthesia of hands & feet,Mees lines in nails & raindrop pigmentation in hands,causative
toxin - Arsenic
46) Magnesium sulphate lavage is done in poisoning with - Phenol
47) Burtonian line is seen in chronic poisoning of - Lead
48) In Lead poisoning,diagnostic increase in levels of - Corproporphyrin
49) Sindoor used by ladies comprise of - Lead Tetraoxide.
50) Hypocalcaemia is seen in poisoning of - Oxalic acid
51) Leathery stomach is seen in poisoning of - Phenol
52) Garlic like smell can be detected in - Aluminium phosphide poisoning
53) Death in copper sulphate poisoning occurs due to - Renal failure
54) Metal fume fever can be seen in poisoning of -
but not in Arsenic poisoning

55) Poison resembling viper snake bite is - Abrin

56) Quoad is an individual who is - Impotent only for particular woman
57) Rokitansky's method is - Autopsy technique for infants
58) Sodium fluoride is a good in vitro preservative of glucose in blood samples as it inhibits
- Enolase.
59) Putrefaction is retarded by - Phenol
60) Maximum percent of suicidal cases of poisoning due to - Opium
61) Order of onset of rigor mortis is - Eyelids.thorax,Lowerlimb
62) Atropine is derived from - Atropa belladona
63) Criminal responsibility under IPC is not present if age is below - 7yrs
64) Minimum time required for adipocere formation if a dead body is of - 21days
65) Adipocere is likely to occur in - warm humid climate
66) Commitment of Rape is defined in IPC - 375
67) Punishment of Rape is defined in IPC - 376
68) Ischio-pubic index is significantly more in - Females
69) Glass blowers shakes are seen in poisoning due to - Hg ( Mercury)
70) Acrodynia is seen in which poisoning - Mercury
71) Run Amok is sometimes seen with - Cannabis
72) Apoplexy is the term used for - Cerebral congestion
73) Time limit for exhumation in india - No time limit
74) Exhumation is usually done in the - Early morning
75) Feminine form of impotence is - Frigidity
76) Dipsomania is usually used in context of - Alcohol
77) Ratio between blood ethyl alcohol to urine ethyl alcohol concentration is - 1:1.33
78) Cu sulphate poisoning manifests with - Acute hemolysis
79) Boxer's attitude is seen in person dying of - Burns
80) Disease causing modification of finger points - Leprosy
81) The Knot in judicial hanging is placed at - Side of the neck
82) Dilated pupils with high body temperature is seen in - Dhatura poisoning
83) Macro&microscopically won't be any change to heart in case of MI death upto - 8Hrs
84) Marbling is noticed by - 36hrs

85) Automatism is seen in poisoning with - Barbiturates

86) Rigor mortis is also known as - Death stiffening/cadaveric rigidity
87) Following will determine the species origin of blood - Precipitin test
88) Child after eating snacks develop dilated pupils,sweating,warm extremities,coma had -
Dhatura poisoning
89) Dum-Dum bullet is so called - Tip is chiselled off
90) Cyanides mainly affect the enzyme - Cytochrome oxidase
91) Chielotic line is - Line on hip bone for sex determination
92) Casper dictum is - identification of dead body
93) Pinpoint pupils r seen in - Morphine/Barbiturates/OPC
94) Dried semen stains on clothes are identified by - Ultraviolet rays
95) Most common organ affected in blast injury - Lungs
96) Damage caused by bullet depends upon - Velocity
97) Countercoupe injury of the brain is seen at - just opposite to the site of impact
98) Countercoupe injury is MC seen in - moving head colide i stationary object.
99) Onset of rigor mortis is delayed in - Polio/Pneumonia
100) Colour changes of putrefaction is 1st observed in - Iliac fossa
101) Death in police custody is investigated by - Magistrate
102) Res ipsa loquitur means - Evidence speaks for itself
103) Dying deposition is recorded by - Magistrate
104) Professional secrecy may be divulged - by demand of the court
105) Cephalic index helps in identification of - Race
106) To make a positive identification with help of partial finger print similarity
should be atleast - 16
107) Most common type of finger impression is - Loops
108) Per auricular sulcus is useful for - Identification of sex
109) Dactylography is a - Surest sign of identification
110) In which part of body a lesser impact causes maximum bruise - Face
111) Incisional wound on genital is seen in - Humicides
112) In india rigor mortis sets within - 1-2 hrs
113) Cutis anserina is seen in - Drowning

114) Post mortem staining is seen - only in depentdent parts

115) Pugilistic attitude is - due to heat stiffening
116) Pugilistic attitude is due to - Protein coagulation
117) Pugilistic attitude s most com'n n woman dying with - Ante & postmortem burns
118) No. of hrs since death is calculated by multiplying fall in rectal temp with - 0.67
119) Most specific & diagnostic feature of antemortem hanging is - Ligature mark
120) Paltauf's hemorhage is seen in - Drowning
121) Dirt's collar is seen in - Fire arm entry wound
122) Bevelling of skull is seen in - Broad end of entry point in bullet injury
123) Kunkel's test done to demonstrate presence of ----in blood - Carbon monoxide.
124) Spermin in semen is detected by - Barberio test
125) Laterally displaced fragment of # hybrid bone is seen in - Throttling
126) Strychnine mainly acts at - anterior horn cells
127) Nails & Hairs r preserved in - Chronic arsenic poisoning
128) High level of alcohol in blood should be - 0.15%
129) Mc Ewans sign is seen in - Alcoholism
130) Poison which can be detected in burnt bones - Arsenic
131) Stupefying poisons are - Cannabis/Belladona/Arsenic
132) Carbon monoxide poisoning - Chery red postmortem staining
133) Widmarks formula is used in poisoning of - Zinc
134) CSF is preserved in - Alcohol poisoning
135) In First sexual inter course,rupture of Hymen occurs at 5'o'clock position
136) Sign indicating death was Antemortem - Weed & Grass in the Hands
137) IPC 377 deals - Unnatural sexual effence
138) Ewing's postulates refer to - Accidents as a cause by birth
139) Tripod of life means - Circulation,respiration,&Brain function
140) Fatal dose of strychnine is about - 60-100mg
141) Lacerated wound resembles incised wound if it is present in - Forehead/Scalp
142) Which is a spinal poison - Strychnine
143) Fracture ala signature is - Depressed #
144) Burking is - always homicidal

145) Cafe coronary syndrome is - Accidental

146) Gutter fracture is due to - Oblique bullet wound
147) Sweating is not present in - Heat stroke
148) Finger print bureau was 1st established in - India
149) In Oath-taking the witness has to keep hand on a holy book,this does not aplly for
- A Medical Man
150) Leading questions are generally permitted in - Cross examination
151) Gastric wash is contraindicated in poisoning of - Sulphuric acid
152) Tail of the wound tells about - Direction of wound
153) Diwali poisoning is due to - Phosphorus
154) A method of sitting over chest & closing nostrils & mouth to cause asphyxial death
- Burking
155) Nux vomica contains brucine in - Strychnine
156) Among 2ry changes in tooth most useful 1 for age determing - Root transparency
157) Transplant of human organs,passed by govt of India in - 1994
158) Cu sulphate poisoning manifests with - Acute hemolysis
159) Normal conditions of Temp&atmosphere,rate of cooling of dead body - 1.5'F/hr.
160) Postmortem rigidity 1st starts in - Eyelids
161) Sex can be examined in hair root cells in presence of - Barr body
162) Telefono is - Beating of the ears
163) In autopsy preservative used for vitreous is - Fluoride
164) Hydrocution is - drowning in cold water
165) Post mortem wound best differs frm antemortem wound by
- Absence of erythema & cellular changes
166) Toxicity of methyl alcohol is due to - Formic acid
167) Alcohol-Ineberiant,Cannabis-Delirium,Aconite-Cardiac,Nux vomica-Spinal
168) What is Falanga - Beating on soles with blunt object
169) MCcharacteristic of heat rupture - Irregular margin
170) Chielotic line is - Line on hip bone for sex determination
171) Persons adult age is - 18yrs
172) Defloration means - Loss of virginity

173) EDTA is used in - Arsenic poisoning

174) Magnan's occurs in addiction of - Cocaine
175) Pond # is seen commonly in - Children
176) Depressed # of skull results frm - Heavy object striking small surface.
177) Tentative cut is a feature of - Suicidal attempt
178) Majority of finger prints among Indians are - Loops
179) Pearsons formula is used for - Stature
180) Disease which permanently alters the finger print is - Leprosy
181) Most reliable method of identification of a person is - Galton method
182) Best method of identification of a person is - Dactylography
183) Faint letter mark can be made visible by - Infrared photography
184) Best method to determine age upto 14 yrs is - Dentition
185) Second molar erupts at - 12yrs
186) Eruption of temporary teeth will be completed by - 2-2 1/2 yrs
187) First permanent tooth to appear is - First Molar
188) 10 yrs girl will have -- permanent & -- temporary tooth. - 16,8
189) Best bone to assess age between 20-50 yrs - Skull
190) Preauricular sulcus helps in detection of - Sex
191) Whiplash injury is caused due to - Acute hyperextension of spine
192) Best specimen of bone for sex determination is - Pelvis
193) Cephalic index of indian population is between - 70-75
194) Study of death in all its aspects is known as - Thanatology
195) Provisional callus forms in fracture of bone by - 7days
196) Motorcyclist's fracture - Hinge fracture of base of skull
197) Lucid interval may be seen in - Insanity
198) Slab wound - Depth is maximum
199) Penetrating injury to Neck is defined as - Violation of Platysma
200) Blue colour of the Bruise is due to - Deoxyhemoglobin
201) Primary impact injury is most common in - leg
202) Rule of Hasse is used to determine - The age of foetus
203) ABO antigens r found in - CSF

204) Test for detection of old Blood stain is - Benzidine test

205) Super imposition technique s used n - Skull
206) Cheiloscopy is d study of prints of - Lips
207) Study of finger printing s - Dactylography
208) Grevious hurt s punishable under section - IPC 320
209) Fall dispersion is seen in - Unchoked
210) The effective range of shot gun is - 30-40 yards
211) Killing range of military rifle is - 300 yards
212) Black gun powder made up of - Potassium nitrate/charcoal/sulphur
213) In firearm injury entry wound blackening is due to - Smoke
214) Burn haematoma is seen between - Skull & Dura
215) Suspended animation may be seen with - Electrocution.
216) Filigree burn occur in - Lightening
217) Stellate wound following bullet entry wound is seen in - Contact wound
218) Joule burn is seen with - Electrocution
219) Crocodile skin appearance is seen in - High voltage burns
220) Entire absence of fat throughout the body is suggests - T2DM/TB/starvation
221) Cafe coronary commonly occurs when a person is - Intoxicated
222) Le Facies sympathique is seen in - Hanging
223) Brush burn is due to - Graze abrasion
224) Patterned abrasion is a variety of - pressure abrasion
225) Lynching is - Hanging publically on a tree
226) Dermal nitrate test is done for - Gun powder
227) A person comes in contact with other called - Locard's principle
228) Sexual asphyxia is association with - Masochism
229) Burking consist of - Smothering & Traumatic asphyxia
230) Benzidine test detects - Haemoglobin
231) Florence test is used for - Semen
232) Medico-legal autopsy requires the permission of - Police
233) Corpus delicti means - Essence of crime
234) Atavism is resemblance of features to - Grand father

235) Adipocere = Saponification - sweetish smell,occurs due to gradual hydrolysis &

hydrogenation of fats
236) Minimum quantity of blood to be preserved for chemical analysis is - 10ml
237) CSF is required to be preserved in - Alcoholic poisoning
238) Lungs are preserved in - Alcohol/HCN/Carbonmonoxide poisoning
239) Ideal place to record body temperature in a dead body is - Rectum
240) Rigor mortis starts in - Heart
241) Rigor mortis occurs first in which voluntary muscles - Muscles of eyelids
242) Foamy liver is characteristic of - Putrefaction
243) Rigor mortis develops -- after death - 1-2hrs
244) Cadaveric spasm - immediate after death/affects voluntary muscles
245) Antidote for mercury poisoning - BAL
246) Mummification refers to - Dessication of a dead body
247) Honeycombing is seen in liver in case of - Putrefaction
248) Death sentence can be awarded by - Sessions court
249) Correct order of putrefaction - Brain,Heart,Uterus
250) Floatation of a body in water is due to - Presence of gases
251) Maggots in rainy day are seen within - 2-4 days
252) Maggots in a dead body do not appear before - 48 hrs
253) Medical certificate is - Documentary evidence
254) Mc Naughtens rule - Section 84
255) In case of hanging neck ligature marks are - Printed abrasion
256) Death of Judicial hanging is because of - # dislocation of upper cervical vertebra
257) Saliva dribbling frm mouth is characteristic of - Antemortem hanging
258) Priapism occurs in - cantharide poisoning
259) Viper snake venom is - Haematotoxic/Vasculotoxic
260) Venom of sea snake is mostly - Myotoxic
261) Krait & Cobra snakes are - Nerotoxic
262) Nux vomica is - Seed containig strychnine/used as cattle poison
263) DOC for Mushroom poisoning - Atropine
264) Strychnine poisoning - all muscles affect at same time

265) Cherry red colour of Blood is seen in poisoning with - Cyanide

266) Bright red hypostasis is seen in - cyanide/carbon monoxide poisoning
267) Salicylate poisoning treatment recomended is - Forced diuresis
268) Hemodialysis is indicated in - Methanol
269) Gastric lavage is contrasindicated in poisoning - kerosene
270) Activated charcoal is used in - Barbiturate
271) Following known as Thorn apple - Dhatura alba/Dhatura Niger
272) Antidote for acute iron poisoning - NA EDTA
273) Sparrow marks are seen in - Windshield glass injury
274) Sodium fluoride as preservative for - Alcohol
275) Specimen for toxicology study r preserved n - supersaturated sol of common salt
276) Urine is stored in - Thymol
277) Sewer gas is - H2S/CO2
278) Pin pointed pupils r seen in - OMPA/Opium
279) Plant penicillin is - Endrin
280) Opc poison-sweat/lacrimation/brady/pinpointpupil/miosis/resp.dep/asthma symp
281) Most common death by suicide is by - Insecticides
282) Dhatura poisoning is characterised by - Dilated pupil with facial flush
283) Lead poisoning - abdomen pain/Encephalopathy/Nephropathy
284) Arsenic poisoning presents with symptoms mimicking - Cholera
285) Poison that can be detected in Hair long after death is - Arsenic
286) Magnans symptom is - Formication
287) Sensation of creeping Bugs over the body s a feature of - Cocaine poisoning
288) Black tongue is seen in abuse of - Cocaine
289) Charas is - Resin exudate of cannabis indica
290) Ganja is obtained from - Flowering tops
291) Urine appears Liquid Gold in which poisoning - Barbiturates
292) Morbid jealosy is diagnostic of - Alcoholism
293) Arsenic causes - Rain drop pigmentation/palmar hyperkeratosis/Anaemia
294) Macewan sign is seen in - Alcoholic intoxication
295) Optic atrophy can be caused by - Methyl alcohol poisoning

296) In chronic alcoholism - Deliriumtremens/Wernicke's/Korsakoffs

297) Dry wine is - Chloral hydrate
298) Meaning of term Vitreolage - Vitriol throwing
299) Antidote for oxalic acid poisoning - Calcium gluconate
300) Green colour urine seen in poisoning of - Carbolic acid
301) Brown coloured urine is seen in - Nitric acid poisoning
302) Cause of death in cyanide poisoning - Histotoxic anoxia
303) Bitter almond smell found in - Hydrocyanic poisoning
304) Hatters shake is seen in - mercury poisoning
305) Erythrism occurs in - Hg
306) Blue line on the Gums - Lead
307) Marbling is noticed by - 36hrs
308) Marsh's test is used in detection of - Arsenic
309) Carbolic acid poisoning post mortem finding - Leathery stomach
310) Necrosis of proximal convoluted tubules is caused by - Phenol
311) Metal poisoning can be detected by analysing bone - Arsenic
312) Most important sign of defloration is - Rupture of Hymen
313) Lower end of the femur can help to determine - Age
314) Spalding sign diagnostic of - Foetal death
315) Average length of full term child will be about - 50cms
316) MTP act was introduced in - 1971
317) Legal age by which foetus is capable of independent exiatence - 210 days
318) Bestiality is - having intercourse with animal
319) Eonism - Desire to identify with opposite sex
320) Transvestism - wearing clothes of opposite sex
321) Shape of nulliparus cervical canal - transverse
322) In rupture of hymen of virgin,tear is in - Posterolateral
323) Statutory rape is - Rape of woman under 16 yrs
324) Golden hair & red velvety of gastric mucosa is seen in - Arsenic
325) Declaration of geneva is related with - Hippocratic Oath
326) Mental retardation is defined when I.Q is below - 70

327) For exhumation order should be passed by - Executive Magistrate

328) Post mortem autopsy is done for - Whole body
329) Common type of inquest in India - Police inquest
330) Dowry death punishment is - 7 yrs + rs.20000
331) MC type of traumatic intra cranial hemorhage - SAH
332) Thunder clap head ache is seen in - SAH
333) Duck diving9falling feet first) into water causes - Immersion syndrome
334) Site for looking for Diatoms in body post drowning-bone marrow of long bones
335) Coffee ground vomitus is seen in - Oxalic acid poisoning
336) Killing of childby its parents is - Filicide
337) Pinching causes pupils dilate with slow return in alcohol - McEwans sign
338) MC site of wound in suicidal bullet injuries - Temple
339) Child resembles grang parents,not his parents - Atavism
340) Post mortem cooling of body - Algor mortis
341) Individual cell death after death is seen in stage of - Rigor mortis
342) 1st muscle 2 stiffen in Rigor mortis- Myocardium
343) Last muscle to stiffen in Rigor mortis - Small muscle of fingers & toes
344) 1st organ to putrefy - Larynx & trachea
345) Decomposition of fatty tissues afterdeath - Adipocere formation
346) Intercourse of man with woman closely related to him by blood - Incest
347) Anal intercourse between 2 males - Sodomy/Buggery
348) Murder section - IPC 300
349) Minimum temp required for producing burn - 44'C exposure for 5-6 hrs
350) Garlic like odour post mortem is seen in - Aluminium phosphide poisoning
351) Road poison is - Datura fastuosa
352) Detection of old Blood stains - Spectroscopy
353) Mc symptom after snake bite - Fright
354) Pt i abd.pain,diarhea&garlic odour in breath - Arsenic poisoning
355) Tentative cuts r seen in - Suicidal wound
356) Haemodialysis is absolutely indicated in poisoning of - Methanol
357) Leading questions are asked in - Cross examination

358) Conduct money is - Travel expenses to expert witness in civil cases

359) Forcefully diuresis done in - Barbiturate poisoning
360) Myoglobinuria is seen in a patient after which mode of injury - Crush injury
361) Cobra venom is primarily - Nerotoxic
362) Corpus delicity means - essence of crime
363) Cafe coronary is due to - cardiac arrest
364) Sweating does not cause - Heat stroke
365) Female patient i loss of interest in sex is known as - Sterility


Macule: A flat, colored lesion, <2 cm in diameter, not raised above the surface of the surrounding
skin. A "freckle," or ephelid, is a prototype pigmented macule.
Patch: A large (>2 cm) flat lesion with a color different from the surrounding skin. This differs
from a macule only in size.
Papule: A small, solid lesion, <0.5 cm in diameter, raised above the surface of the surrounding skin
and, hence, palpable (e.g., a closed comedone, or whitehead, in acne).
Nodule: A larger (0.5–5.0 cm), firm lesion raised above the surface of the surrounding skin. This
differs from a papule only in size (e.g., a dermal nevomelanocytic nevus).
Tumor: A solid, raised growth >5 cm in diameter.
Plaque: A large (>1 cm), flat-topped, raised lesion; edges may either be distinct (e.g., in psoriasis)
or gradually blend with surrounding skin (e.g., in eczematous dermatitis).
Vesicle: A small, fluid-filled lesion, <0.5 cm in diameter, raised above the plane of surrounding
skin. Fluid is often visible, and the lesions are translucent [e.g., vesicles in allergic contact
dermatitis caused by Toxicodendron (poison ivy)].
Pustule: A vesicle filled with leukocytes. Note: The presence of pustules does not necessarily
signify the existence of an infection.
Bulla: A fluid-filled, raised, often translucent lesion >0.5 cm in diameter.
Wheal: A raised, erythematous, edematous papule or plaque, usually representing short-lived
vasodilatation and vasopermeability.
Telangiectasia: A dilated, superficial blood vessel.

Disorders of nail Disease condition responsible
Onycholysis Hyperthyroidism,psoriasis,fungal inf.
Koilonychia Iron def. Anemia,syphilis,IHD
Splinter hemorhages Trauma,nailpsoriasis,subacute bacterial endocarditis
Pterygium of nails Lichen planus,idiopathic
Half and half nails Chronic renal failure
Pitting of nails Psoriasis,alopecia ariata,hand eczema
Beau's lines Acute systemic illness
Terry's lines Cirhosis
Hippocratic nails Clubbing of nails
Mee's lines on nails Chronic arsenic poisoning,hypoalbunemia
Hyperpigments on nails Zidovudin,mephalan,daunorubicin,bleomycin
Blue nails Chloroquine,wilson disease,subungual hematoma
Yellow nail syndrome Pleural effusion,sinusitis,ankle oedema
Nail folding telengectasia Dermatomyositis
Epithelium Tissue
Simple squamous epith Blood vessels,Lymph vessels,mesothelium of body
cavities,kidney ascending thin limb
Simple cuboidal epith Thyroid follicles,respiratory bronchioles,ovaries,
rete testes,ependema,kidneys-pct,dct,collecting ducts
Simple columnar epith Fallopian tubules,cervix,endometrium,ejaculatory
duct,bulbourethral glands,stomach,small
intestine,large intestine,rectum,gall bladder
Pseudostratified epith Epididymis,vas deference,seminal
urethra,penile urethra
Keratinized stratified Tongue,hardpalate,oesophagus,oropharynx,larynx,
epithelium ectocervix,vagina,cornea,skin,anus

Transitional stratified Renal pelvis,ureter,bladder,prostatic urethra


Hints - Mouth lesions - Lichen planus
Facial lesions - Pityriasis alba
Elbow,Knee, - Psoriasis
Extremeties - Atopic dermatitis
Trunk - P.Rosea
Umblicated Nodule/Umblication - Molluscum Contagiosum
Herpes Zoster - Thorax
Herpes Simplex - Face

1. Butter fly rash is seen in - SLE

2. Icthyosis is associated with - AIDS,Hypothyroidism,Hodgkin's disease
3. Drug causing Acanthosis negricans - Nicotinic acid
4. Target/Iris lesions r seen in - Erythema multi forme
5. Causative agent of Chancroid - Hemophillus Ducrei
6. Important feature of psoriasis is - Silver scales
7. Most important in diagnosis of leprosy is - slit skin smears for AFB
8. As per WHO minimum duration of treatment for leprosy is - 12 months
9. Slit skin smear is negative in - Neuritic leprosy
10. Come dones are characteristic of - Acne vulgaris
11. Most common cause of pemphigus in India - Pemphigus vulgaris
12. Lesions of childhood atopic derma located in - Cubital & Popliteal fossa
13. Melanocytes No. r reduced except - Albinism(vitiligo,piebaldism,hypopigmentation)
14. Increased incidence of vitiligo is found in - T2DM
15. In a patch of vitiligo - Melanocytes r absent
16. Vitiligo - genetic predisposition/PUVA(best)/Coaltar/Topical steroids
17. Sev itching over webs of fingers,> at night,l/e burrows - Scabies
18. Molluscum contagiosum is caused by - Virus
19. Fungus affecting hair is - Trichophyton/Microsporum
20. Apple jelly nodules are seen in - Lupus vulgaris

21. Scabies oral drug - Ivermectin

22. Keroin is a form of - Fungal infection
23. Most common cause of cellulitis is streptococcus pyogenes
24. Flag sign in Hair is charecteristic of - PEM
25. H.Ducreyi causes - Soft chancre
26. Mycosis fungoides is a - T-cell lymphoma
27. Alopecia areata - spontaneous recovery will occur within 3-6 months in major pts.
28. Cradle cap in babies is - seborrheic dermatitis
29. Leprosy will affect all organs except - Uterus
30. Freis test is diagnostic of - Lymphogranuloma venerium
31. Which is known as Gift spots - Leuconychia
32. Causative organism for common warts - Human papilloma virus
33. Acanthosis nigricans is most common due to carcinoma of - Colon
34. Most specific test for Syphilis - FTA-ABS
35. Photochemotherapy is useful in - Psoriasis
36. Skin condition treated with PUVA therapy is - psoriasis
37. Munro's micro abscess are seen in - Psoriasis
38. Treatment of psoriasis - PUVA/Methotrexate
39. Auspitz sign is found in - Psoriasis
40. Auspitz sign is seen in - plaque type psoriasis
41. Auspitz sign is characteristically seen n - Plaque psoriasis
42. Recurrent painful oro genital ulcers with arthritis is due to - Reiter's syndrome
43. Commonest cutaeneous eruption in SLE is - Erythema of light exposed area
44. Pitting of nails can be seen in - Alopecia areata
45. Young female c/o of genital wart the agent implicated is - Human papilloma virus.
46. Commonest veneral disease in india - Gonorrhoea
47. Tines versicolor is caused by - Malasia Furfur
48. Helitrope rash is seen on face in - Dermatomyositis
49. Lesions of pityriasis rosea are distributed mostly on - Trunk
50. PUVA therapy is used for - psoriasis/vitiligo/Atopic dermatitis
51. 5yrs/m with hypopigmented scaly macule on cheek some of his classmates also has it

probable diagnosis - Pityriasis Alba

52. 10yr child- hypopigmented multiple scaly patch in face diagnosis - Pityriasis alba
53. 3yrchild-eczematous dermatitis on extensor surface mother-BA - Atopic dermatitis
54. Mouth lesions r seen n - Lichen planus
55. Nail changes in psoriasis - Oncholysis/pitting/subungual hyperkeratosis
56. Burrow is scabies in the - Stratum corneum
57. Itch is disease is true for - Atopic dermatitis
58. Drug producing erythema nodosum is - Sulphonamides
59. Tzank test is +ve in-Pemphigusfoliacious,P.vegetans,P.vulgaris,senear usher syndrom
60. Tzank cell is a - Keratinocyte
61. Acantholytic bullae are found in - Burns
62. Bulla spread sign is seen in - Pemphigus vulgaris
63. DOC for dermatitis herpatiformis - Dapsone
64. DOC in Gonorrhoea is - Procaine penicillin
65. DOC in Chancroid - Erythromycin
66. Drug of choice in systemic candidiasis is - Amphotericin-B
67. DOC in ENL is - Steroids
68. DOC for pustular psoriasis - methotrexate
69. DOC for pustular psoriasis in pregnant lady is - Prednisolone
70. DOC for Herpes Zoster - Acyclovir
71. DOC for Granuloma venerium - Erythromycin
72. DOC for Tinea Unguam - Griseofulvin
73. DOC for systemic candidiasis - Amphotericin B
74. Koebners phenonmenon is seen in - Lichen planus
75. Most common type of scarring alopecia is - Androgenic
76. Patch test is done to document - Delayed type hypersensitivity
77. Mucosal lesion is common in - Lichen planus
78. Recurrent plaques on glans which heal with residual hyperpigmentation is
-herpes gestationalis
79. Earliest sensation to be lost in Leprosy is - Thermal
80. Degeneration of Basal cells occurs in - Lichen planus

81. Sebaceous cyst r seen in - Gardeners syndrome

82. Abscess is not a primary skin lesion
83. Acne-on drug-presents withblue black pigmentation of nails cause-Tab.Minocycline
84. Most common side effect of retinoids - Skin rashes
85. Acne vulgaris is due to involvement of - Pilosebaceous glands
86. Apocrine gland - modified sweat gland,present in groin&axilla,
87. Rhinophyma (potato nose) is-Glandular form of acne rosacea/sebaceous gland hypertrophy
88. Anagen phase of the hair indicates - phase of activity & growth
89. Female with diffuse alopecia suffered frm typhoid 4 months back diagnosis
-Telogen effluvium
90. Correct sequence of cell cycle is - G0-G1-S-G2-M
91. Neither raised nor depressed is - Macule
92. Flat discoloration on skin as 1cm is called - Macule
93. Oil drop is seen in - psoriasis of nails
94. Felon is seen in - Nail bed
95. Tinea ungum affects - nail plate
96. Characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis - Pruritis
97. Secondary syphilis manifested by
- painless lymphadenopathy/mucosal erosion/asymptomatic rash
98. Hypopigmented patches r seen in - Naevus anemicus
99. Fir tree type distribution is seen in - pityriasis rosea
100.Air-borne contact dermatitis is diagnosed by - patch test
101.Alopecia areata is treated by - Minoxidil
102.School of fish appearance is shown by - Haemophilus ducreyi
103.Cicatricial alopecia-DLE/Lichen planus/SLE
104.Non cicatrical alopecia - Psoriasis/Alopecia areata
105.Rain drop pigmentation is seen in - chronic Arsenic poisoning
106.Patch test is done for - Allergic contact dermatitis
107.Fluid filled in epidermis and dermis is called - Vesicle
108.Commonest site of Atopic dermatitis is - Ante cubital fossa
109.Berloque dermatitis is due to contact with: - Cosmetics

110.Least common site involvement in psoriasis is - CNS involvement

111.Civatte bodies are found in - Lichen planus
112.A washer man presents with thickness erosion & discoloration of web spaces of toes
diagnosis is - Candidiasis
113.Dhobi’s itch is - Tinea cruris
114.Spongiosis is seen in - Acute Eczema
115.Coin shaped eczema - Nummular Eczema
116.Atopic dermatitis is diagnosed by - Clinical examination
117.Commonest metal causing skin hypersensitivity - Nickel
118.MCC of allergic contact dermatitis in Indian female - Detergents
119.Commonest cause of air borne contact dermatitis in India is - Parthenium grass
120.Pt gets recurrent urticaria while doing exercise & on exposure to sunlight cause is –
-Cholinergic urticaria
121.Annular herald patch is seen in - P.Rosea
122.Nummular ring is caused due to - Idiopathic
123.Darrier's sign is seen in - urticaria pigmentosa
124.Pt with recurrent swelling on face & lips due to emotional stress cause is
- CI esterase inhibitor deficiency
125.Quincke's disease is popularly known as - Angioneurotic oedema
126.Bleeding spots seen on removal of scales in psoriasis is called as - Auspitz sign
127.Ash leaf maculae is found in - Tuberous sclerosis
128.D important feature of psoriasis is - Scaling
129.Patch test is a type of - Delayed type hypersensitivity
130.Patch test is read after - 2 days
131.Morbilliform eruptions r seen in - Rubella/Measles
132.Koebner phenonmenon is present in - Psoriasis/Lichen planus/Warts
133.Which is pruritic - Lichen planus/sunburns/Pemphigoid/psoriasis
134.Characteristic feature of lichen planus is - Wickham striae
135.Lichen planus TOC - Systemic steroids
136.Psoralen-A is used in treatment of - Vitiligo
137.Row of Tomb stones appearance is seen in - Pemphigus

138.Commonest variety of Pemphigus - Pemphigus Vulgaris

139.Associated with Pemphigus - Thymoma/CLL/Myasthenia gravis/Atrophic gastritis
140.Blister formation in burn case is in - Subepidermal
141.Mucous lesions r seen n - Pemphigus
142.Intera cellular IgG deposition in epidermis s seen n - Pemphigus
143.Increased level of IgE is seen in - Atopy
144.Granular IgA deposits at dermal papilla r found n - Dermatitis herpetiformis
145.HLA associated with dermatitis herpatiformis - HLA B27
146.Pyoderma gangrenosum is seen in - Ulcerative colitis
147.Erythema nodosum is seen in- RA/PTB/Enteric fever/Leprosy
148.What can pt with gluten sensitive hypersensitivity consume as food -Rice,corn
149.Target or Iris lesion is seen in - Erythema multi forme
150.Causative organism of Molluscum contagiosum - Pox virus
151.Ballooning is characteristic of - Herpes Zoster
152.Acantholysis is characteristic of - Pemphigus vulgaris
153.Pt c/o abd pain i vomitting,psychiatric symt & visual hallucinations
- Intermittant porphyria
154.Porphyria cutanea tarda can be treated by - Phlebotomy
155.Non palpable purpura is seen in - Amyloid/ITP/Drug induced vasculitis
156.Palpable purpura is seen n - HSP/Sr.Sickness/Wegners granulamatosis
157.Treatment for kawasaki's disease - IVIg
158.Lish nodule is seen in - von reclinghausens disease
159.IgA deposits on skin biopsy - Henoch schonlein purpura
160.Triad of Reiters syndrome include - Conjunctivitis/Urethritis/Arthritis
161.Defective DNA repair is associated - Xeroderma pigmentosa
162.Pseudo bubo is seen in - Donovanosis
163.Satellite lesions are seen in - Borderline tuberculoid leprosy
164.Dermatitis & Alopecia are due to defeciency of - Zinc
165.Tuberculoid leprosy is characterised by - Non caseating granuloma in nerve
166.Crocadile skin or sauroderma is seen in - Icthyosis vulgaris
167.Casal's necklace is caused by - pellagra

168.Rash n Measles occurs first n - Post auricular region

169.Erythema marginatum is seen in - Rheumatic fever
170.Commonest nerve involved in Leprosy is - Ulnar
171.Lupus vulgaris - Skin & Mucosa TB/Apple jelly nodules at root of nose
172.Acrodermatitis enteropathica - decreased Zinc level/autosomal recessive
173.Rose spot are seen in - Typhoid fever
174.Slapped cheek appearance is seen in - Erythema infectiosum
175.Phrynoderma - deficiency of - vitamin A
176.Virchows cells are seen in - Leprosy
177.Lepromin test is used for - prognosis
178.Features of Lepromatous leprosy - Saddle nose/Gynaecomastia/Mydriasis
179.Commonest fungal infection in female genitalia in diabetes is - Candida
180.Most potent anti leprotic drug is - Rifampicin
181.Permethrin is used in treatment of - Scabies
182.Leprosy do not involve - CNS
183.Leprosy affects all organs except - Uterus
184.In leprosy nerves commonly involved are - High ulnar,low median
185.Skin hazards of swimming are - Verrucae/M.marinum infection
186.Most common type of leprosy in India - TT
187.Commonest skin infection in children is - Impetigo contagiosa
188.Characteristic lesions of scabies is - Burrow
189.Honey colour crusts are characteristics of - Impetigo
190.Most common organism causing Tinea capitis - Microsporum
191.Athelet's foot - 4th toe web is involved/hyperthyroidism(+)/caused by Trichophyton
192.Tinea incognito is seen with - Steroid treatment
193.Treatment of Acne - 13 cis-retionol/Minocycline/Erythromycin
194.Multi drug therapy is given for - Leprosy
195.Tinea versicolor is caused by - Malassezia Furfur
196.Griseofulvin is useful in - T.capitis,T.cruris,T.Pedis
197.Treatment for T.Versicolor - clotrimazole/sod thiosulphate/miconazole/selenium sulphide
198.Safety pin appearance is shown by - Donovanosis granulomatis

199.Black dot ring worm is caused by - Trichophyton

200.Washerman i thickness erosion & discolouration of web spaces & toes -Candidiasis
201.Medically most important form of UV - UV-B
202.Rangeof light which causes max damage to skin - 290-360nm
203.Griseofulvin is not used in - T.Versicolor & Candida
204.Dhobi's Itch is - T.Cruris
205.Incubation period of scabies - 4 wks
206.Antidote for T.warfarrin - vit-k
207.Circlre of Hebra is associated with - Scabies
208.Vagabond's disease is - Pediculosis corporis
209.Impetigo contagiosa most commonly due to - Staphylococcus
210.Condylomata acuminata is caused by - HPV
211.LGV is caused by - Chlamydia trochamatis
212.Genital elephantiasis is caused by - Lymphogranuloma venerum
213.Sign of groove is found in - LGV
214.Frie's test is done in - LGV
215.DOC for LGV - doxycycline
216.DOC for Herpes Zoster - Acyclovir
217.DOC in primary syphilis is - Benzathine penicilline
218.Pseudo-isomorphic phenonmenon is shown by - Warts
219.Most severe form of scabies - Norwegian scabies
220.Chancroid is caused by - Hemophilus ducreyi
221.Most frequent cause of recurrent genital ulceration in sexually active male is
- Herpes genitalis
222.Ivermectin is indicated in treatment of - Scabies
223.Sabre tibia is seen in - syphilis
224.Acanthosis nigricans is indicative of
- internal malig/endocrine dis/Blooms synd/pigmentation of face & neck
225.Langerhans cells in skin are - Antigen presenting cells
226.Shagreen patch may be seen in - Tuberous sclerosis
227.Rodent ulcer is a type of - basal cell ca

228.Hypervitaminosis A is associated i - hair loss/dry skin/hypopigmentation/# bones.

229.Blue line on Gums r seen in - Acute monocytic leukemia
230.Escharotomy is done for - circumferential scars.
231.Leprosy does not affect - Uterus & ovary
232.Erythema multiforme is caused by - Virus
233.Systemic treat ment of Scabies - Ivermectin
234.Wasserman test is done for - syphilis
235.Protective from ultra violet rays - Melanocytes
236.Child born i nasal discharge & rash all over the body - Congenital syphilis
237.25 yr GM i urticaria,recurrent skin infection,abd cramps & diarhea upon taking sea foods
- Atopic dermatitis
238.Male has painless ulcer 9 days after coitus i professional sex worker diag - Chancre
239.Multi bacillary leprosy is -12 months
240.Pauci bacillary leprosy is - 6 months
241.Silvery scaling is an important feature of - Psoriasis
242.Melasma is seen in - Face
243.Iron defeciency anemia - Koilonychias
244.Apple jelly nodules- lupus vulgaris
245.Butterfly rashes r seen n - SLE
246.Auspitz sign is seen n - Psoriasis
247.Row of Tomb stone appearance is seen in - Pemphigus
248.Kerion is a - Fungal infection
249.Anagen is the growth phase of - Hair
250.Ashleaf spots are seen in - Tuberous sclerosis


1. Ductus arteriosus closes at - Immediately after birth

2. Uterine artery is a branch of - Internal iliac artery
3. Ovarian artery is the branch of - Abdominal Aorta
4. Ovary is supplied by ovarian artery
5. Uterus is supplied by uterine artery
6. Clitorius is formed from which embryonic structure - Genital tubercle
7. OCP decreases the risk of - Ovarian cancer
8. COCP increases the risk of - Breast /cervical /liver cancer.
9. Screening test for Breast cancer - USG /Mammography /Palpation by the physician
10. Diagnostic test for Breast cancer - FNAC
11. Best/Gold standard investigation for Breast cancer - Excision Biopsy
12. First sign of pregnancy seen on a USG - Gestational ring
13. Mifepristone required for abortion is - 200mg
14. Most common cause of fetal blood loss - Abruptio placenta
15. Scar rupture of previous cesarian section during 2nd pregnancy is within
- 18 months of previous pregnancy
16. MC complication which can occur with next pregnancy when female had previous
cesarion section - Placenta previa
17. Post pregnancy uterus becomes a pelvic organ at - 10-12 days(2weeks)
18. Till what time of before pregnancy uterus remains a pelvic organ - 12 weeks
19. Vaginal fornix is near which anatomical structure - Ureter
20. MCC of peurperial sepsis - Streptococcus
21. MC site of peurperial infection - Placental site
22. Normal pressure of manual vaccum aspiration performed for MTP - 70-80mmhg
23. Cortisol released just before birth does - causes maturation of fetal lung
24. Just before birth which of the following responsible in baby for lung maturation - Cortisol.

25. Gas used in Laproscopic surgery - Co2

26. Gold standard test for tubal patency - Laproscopy - performed bet day 6 - day 11.
27. There is a visible growth in cervix,which test to be done - Punch
28. Failure of contraceptives is calculated by - Pearl index
29. OCP absolutely contraindicated in - Active liver disease
30. MC type of Fistula - Vesico - vaginal fistula-occurs in 7-10 days after delivery
31. Which contraceptive changing after 10 yrs - Cu-T 380 A
32. TOC of Asherman syndrome is - Cu-T insertion
33. MC symptom of endometriosis is - Dysmenorhea -common site - Ovary
34. AFP is increased in-IUD/polycystic kidney disease/congenital nephrotic syndrome
35. Down syndrome - Trisomy 21
36. Edward syndrome - Trisomy18
37. Patau syndrome - Trisomy 13
38. MCC of purulent vaginal discharge - Chlamydia
39. Level of which hormone increases in post menopausal women s - FSH
40. Cervical cancer vaccination should be given on which age - Puberty
41. Expressed breast milk can be preserved in refrigirator upto - 2 days
42. N case of hydatiform mole i age 40yrs & completed family TOC - Tot.Hysterectomy
43. Cluster of grapes /Honey coombed uterus/snow storm seen in - Hydatiform mole
44. MC complication i suction MTP - Uterine perforation
45. PH of vagina - 4.5
46. Root vaue of pudendal nerve - S2S3S4
47. Length of fallopian tube is - 10 cm
48. Total weight gained during pregnancy is - 11kg
49. Ovary is drained through - Pelvic nodes
50. Hegar's sign at 6-10 week - upper part of uterus feels firm/lower part empty.
51. Sonography gestation ring - 5th week/cardiac - 7th week/FHR by doppler-10th week.
52. Mechanism of normal labor –
flexion-int.rotation-crowning-extension-restitution-ext.rotation-lateral flexion
53. Peurperium is - 6 weeks
54. Anterior fontanelle closes at - 18months of age

55. Menstrual regulation is done upto 14 days of missed periods or 44days of LMP.
56. MC type of Episiotomy - Medio-lateral
57. Indication of LSCS-previous2LSCS/placenta previa/indication f transverse lie major
58. Commonest cause of Breach presentation - Prematurity
59. Commonest complication of Breach presentation - Asphyxia
60. MC chance of cord prolapse - Transverse Lie
61. Hb<11gm% - Anemia - WHO
62. Hb<10gm% -Anemia - India
63. Painless,causeless bleeding - Placenta previa
64. Contraception of choice in heart patient - Vasectomy (permanent sterilisation)
65. Anticonvulsant of choice in Eclampsia - MgSo4
66. Severe PIH - BP>160/110/proteinuria
67. Precocious puberty age less than - 8yrs
68. Precocious mensturation age less than - 10yrs
69. Imperforate hymen - Cryptomenorhea
70. Post coital bleeding - Suggestive of Ca Cervix
71. Menorhagia - menstural cycle,duration is not changed
72. Polymenorrhea - menstural cycle shortened
73. Natural contraceptive - Mucus method
74. Clomiphene citrate - treatment for anovulation.
75. Antidote for HELLP syndrome seen in severe PIH - Calcium gluconate
76. Antihypertensives in pregnancy - Methyldopa
77. Premature menopause - menopause occuring less than 40 yrs of age
78. Post menopausal bleeding,pyometria - suggestive of endometrial cancer
79. Best method for tubectomy - Pomoroy's technique
80. MC cause of PID - Gonococcal infection
81. Virilizing ovarian tumour - Arrhenoblastoma
82. Dilation & curettage is procedure of choice for- Incomplete abortion
83. Earliest sign of fetal death is - Gas in Aorta
84. MCC of PPH - Uterine atonicity
85. MC site of metastasis of choriocarcinoma - Lungs

86. Vascular mole in 40yrs female is treated by - Total hysterectomy

87. Absolute contraindication of OCP - CAD,migraine,epilepsy
88. MC site of genital TB - Fallopian tube
89. MC hormone deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia - 21hydroxylase
90. LH surge proceeds ovulation by - 24hrs
91. Feto maternal transfusion is demonstrated in the mother by - Kleihauser count
92. Maternal alpha-feta protein is increased in - Neural tube defects
93. Sure sign of uterine death IUD-Spalding sign(overlapping of skull bones)/Gas in Aorta
94. Characteristic of congenital anomalies in the fetus of diabetic women-Sacral agenesis
95. Clue cells r seen on a vaginal smear in - Haemophillus vaginalis
96. Strawberry vagina is seen in infection with - Trichomonus vaginalis
97. Anti D immunoglobulin must be given to a mother of O-ve group with a baby of O +ve
within - 72 hrs
98. Hela cell line is associated with - Ca cervix
99. Vaginal cytology for hormonal change are best taken from - Lateral wall
100.Most unfavourable presentation is - Mento posterior
101.Ectopic pregnancy is associated with - Salphingitis/IUCD/plastic procedure in tube
102.Absolute contraindication for OCP - CAD/Migraine/Epilepsy
103.Unruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy is best diagnosed by - USG
104.Polyhydramnios occurs in -
multiple pregnancy/DM/Anencephaly/toxemia/tracheoesophageal fistula
105.Ideal contraception in a woman i RHD - Barier contraception
106.Pt comes with gravida 4 live1 i 22 weeks of preg i carcinoma insitu TOC –
- allow the baby to born & then Hysterectomy
107.Commonest cause of pyometra - Ca endometrium
108.Post partum VVF is best repaired after - 6 weeks
109.Treatment for Ca cervix stage 1 - Wertheims hysterectomy
110.Virilising(masculinising) tumours of ovary-
leydig cell/Adrenal tumours of ovary/gynandroblastoma/arrhenoblastoma
111.Feminising tumours of ovary - Granulosa cell tumour/Theca cell tumour
112.Amount of amniotic fluid at 12 week of preg - 50ml

113.MC presentation in Anencephaly - Face

114.Chromosome number for Hydatidiform mole is - 46XX
115.Charecteristic of XO chromosomal defect is –
- short statur/webbed neck/infertility/widely spaced nipple
116.Vaginal PH in the new born - 7
117.Percentage of women who delivers on EDD - 4%
118.Shortest diameter of pelvic outlet is - posterior sagital diameter
119.Most important diameter of the pelvic inlet is - Diagonal conjugate
120.Contraindication of ergometrine is - Heart disease
121.Premalignant lesion of Vulva is - Leukoplakia
122.Commonest type of vertex presentation is - left occipito anterior
123.Sure sign of fetal distress is fetal ECG - Late deceleration
124.HCG disappears from the maternal urine after - 48hrs after delivery
125.Peak levels of HCG in the urine are seen after - 90 days of pregnancy
126.Total duration of pregnancy is - 280 days
127.Treatment of clostridial infection of the uterus post abortion - Hysterectomy
128.Quickening can be felt at - 16 weeks of pregnancy
129.Ultrasound detection of fetal heart movements can be done at - 8 weeks
130.Fetal scalp blood Ph is used to determine - Fetal hypoxia
131.Hegars sign can be elicited by - 8 weeks
132.Best parameter measured by ultrasound to assess fetal maturity - Crown rump length
133.Commonest site of endometriosis - Ovary
134.TOC for endometriosis at younger age - Gnrh analoges
135.Lymphatic drainage of Vulva is to - inguinal lymphnodes
136.Classical cesarian section is indicated in a patient with - Ca cervix
137.Ca cervix is caused by - Papova virus
138.Ca cervix is associated i - multiparity/herpes simplex virus/early coitus/DM
139.Trial of labour is contraindicated in - severe PET/elderly primi/major disproportion
140.Coagulation disorders r seen n- IUD/PPH/amniotic fluid embolism
141.Laparoscopic sterilisation is contraindicated in - gynacologic tumours
142.Signs of pelvic TB- infertility/amenorhea/foul smelling discharge

143.Commonest & largest of ovarian tumour- pseudo mucinous cyst adenoma

144.Source of HCG is - syncitiotrophoblast
145.Best method to confirm Ca cervix - Cervical biopsy
146.Best method to prevent post coital pregnancy - IUCD
147.OCP's prevent pregnancy by -inhibition of ovulation by inhibiting release of LH
148.OCP's r contraindicated in - HTN/Fibroid/thromboembolism
149.Deep transverse arrest occurs in - Android pelvis
150.Best investigation to identify tubal patency - laparoscopy & chromatubation
151.Earliest menopausal symptoms is - hot flushes
152.MC chronic symptom of PID is - Backache
153.Elderly women i recurrent swelling & pain in the vulva - Bartholin cyst
154.Treatment of acute hydramnois i respiratory depression - Amniocentessis
155.CCF is most likely in pregnancy at - 1st stage of labour
156.Red degeneration of fibroid is associated with - Pregnancy
157.Commonest cause of maternal mortality - Severe anemia
158.Implantation bleeding is called - Hartman's sign
159.MC type of female pelvis is - Gynecoid
160.MCC of post partum endometritis is - Streptococcus
161.MCC of acute cervicitis - Gonococcus
162.Longest diameter of fetal skull is - submento vertical
163.Fungal vuvitis is associated with - Diabetes
164.Call exener bodies are seen in - Granulosa cell tumours
165.Post abortal sepsis causing renal failure is likely to be due to - clostridium
166.MC malignancy metastasis to the placenta is - Melanoma
167.Average pressure of uterine contraction during 1st stage of labour - 30mmhg
168.Pt i stein leventhal syndrome is treated by - Clomiphen citrate
169.Most imp.structure preventing uterine prolapse - cardinal ligament
170.Corresponding vas in males which structure penetrates the inguinal ring in females -
- Round ligament
171.Commonest presenting complaints in a gynacology dept - Leukorrhea
172.Precosious puberty is puberty before - 8yrs

173.Commonest cause of PPH is - Uterine atony

174.Commonest cause predisposing to puerperial sepsis is- Poor nutrition
175.Best method to diagnose hydatid form mole is - USG
176.Treatment of Asherman syndrome - D&C i IUCD insertion
177.Most serious complication of clomiphen therapy for induction of ovulation is –
Hyperstimulation syndrome
178.Failure rate after tubal sterilisation i pomeroy's technique - 0.4%
179.Earliest symptom of Ca cervix - Bleeding Pv
180.Eclampsia is differentiated from pre-eclampsia by - Convulsions
181.Commonest type of presentation is - vertex
182.Commonest malignancy of the body of the uterus - Adenocarcinoma
183.Spontaneous abortions commonly occur during - 2nd month
184.Carunculae myriformis is diagnostic of - previous child birth
185.Commonest site of genital tuberculosis in women is - Tubes
186.Amount of blood loss during each menstural period is - 50cc
187.Vaginal bleeding in a neonate is commonly due to - Hormonal withdrawal
188.Chemotherapy of chorio carcinoma is by - Methotrexate
189.Commonest congenital anomaly of uterus is - uterus bicornis unicolis
190.Important post operative management of a case of VVF - CBD
191.Commonest manifestation of endometriosis - Pain
192.Clomiphen citrate is DOC for - Stein leventhal syndrome
193.Painless vaginal bleeding at 34 weeks is treated by - rest & sedation
194.HCG is secreted by - Synctio trophoblast
195.Lovset maneuvre is used to delivery - Arms
196.Commonest complication of Hydatidiform mole is - Sepsis
197.Deep transverse arrest occurs often in - sacro posterior position
198.Best contraceptive for a 20 yrs nulliparous - Pills
199.Endometriosis mostly occurs in - Nulliparous woman
200.Commonest organism causing PID - Gonococcus
201.Multiple births are commonest among - Negroes
202.Length of female urethra - 40mm

203.Commonest complication of pregnancy in India - Anemia

204.Cervical incompetence is treated by - Shirodkar/macdonald/wurm
205.Commonest cause of secondary amenorhea - Pregnancy
206.MTP is legal in pregnancy upto - 20 weeks
207.In Transverse lie,the presentation is - Shoulder
208.Maximum amount of amniotic fluid seen at - 36th week
209.Commonest presentation of a large cervical fibroid - retention of urine
210.Signet ring in an ovarian tumour is characteristic of krukenberg tumour
211.In multiple pregnancy most important complication is - PPH
212.Internal podalic version is done under - General anesthesia
213.1st trimester abortion - defective genesis
214.2nd trimester abortion - Incompetent cervix
215.Meigs syndrome - hydro thorax/ascites/fibroma of the ovary
216.Feature of vaginal trichomaniasis - yellowish green discharge i itching Rx-Metrogyl
217.Contraceptive pill with least failure rate is - combined pill(estrogen-progestin)
218.Which type of eclampsia has the worst prognosis - Ante partum
219.Treatment of neglected shoulder presentation is - Eviscreation
220.Commonest site of injury of the ureter in hysterectomy - crossing by uterine artery
221.VVF in India most commonly due to - Prolonged labour
222.Commonest cause for rupture uterus - Obstructed labour
223.MC feature of cervicitis - Leukorrhea
224.Commonest cause of retroverted uterus - Congenital
225.Antihypertensive drug which inhibits labour - Diazoxide
226.Sex determination in early pregnancy is done by - Amniocentesis
227.Most important cause of mortality in obstetrical anasthesia - Aspiration of vomitus
228.Peg cells are seen in - tubes
229.The disease which shows improvment with pregnancy - Myasthenia gravis
230.Definitive sign of pregnancy is - fetal skeleton in x-rays
231.Paracervical block is associated with danger of - Fetal bradycardia
232.Danazol is used in the treatment of -Endometriosis/DUB/Fibroid/precocious puberty
233.Cystocele is formed by - base of the bladder

234.TOC in a56yr old female i endometrial cancer - Pan hysterectomy

235.FSH is secreted by - Anterior pitutary
236.Ovulation coincides with - LH surge
237.Uterine relaxants - Isoxsuprine/alcohol/salbutamol/Diazoxide
238.Least common pelvis is - Platyploid
239.Organ which is affected least in IUGR - Brain
240.Commonest tumour of cervix - Squamous cell Ca
241.Ovarian tumours commonly arise from - Surface epithelium
242.Intra uterine copper T 200 ,200 refers - has 200 of copper
243.Maximum action of corpus luteum is at - 9 days after mensturation
244.The site of Tubal block can be determined by - Hysterosalpingograph
245.Most reliable method of proving fallopian tube patency - Hysterosalpingogram
246.Post pill amenorhea is treated by - Clomiphene
247.Chadwig's sign is - bluish discoloration of vagina
248.Episiotomy is best done by - Mediolaterally
249.Oligohydramnios is seen in - Renal agenesis
250.Commonest site of implantation occcurs in ectopic pregnancy is
- Ampulla(Fallopian tube)
251.In vitro fertilisation is done for - Tubal disease
252.Features of stein leventhal synd-hirsutism/amenorhea/B/L polycystic ovary/obesity
253.Cryptomenorhea is seen in - imperforate hymen
254.Commonest cause of breech presentation is - prematurity
255.Causes of retention of urine in obs gyne -
hemotocolps/retroversion/impacted ovarian tumour/cervical fibroid
256.Best method of localisation of placenta is - USG
257.First sign of puberty in female is - Thelarche
258.Maternal antibodies are present against - Mumps/measles/polio/tetanus
259.MC uterine anomaly - Bicornuate
260.Most reliable diagnosis of Hydatid form mole is - USG
261.Fetal abnormality in pregnancy with DM - Sacral agenesis
262.Size of ovum is - 0.133 mm

263.Length of Fallopian tube is - 10-12 cm

264.When is pregnancy terminated in hyper emesis gravidorum
-vomit>3 months/decreased urine output/increased urine acetone
265.Post coital test is used to assess - Cervical factor
266.100% cure rate for carcinoma cervix is seen in - Insitu carcinoma
267.Marker in chorio carcinoma - HCG
268.Anencephaly is best diagnosed at 12 weeks by - USG
269.Amniotic fluid alpha feto protein is raised by - open neural tube defect/IUD
270.Ideal contraceptive for newly married couple - OCP
271.Prolactin secretion is inhibited by - Dopamine
272.Cause of recurrent missed abortion at 10 weeks - chromosomal abnormality
273.TB Drug not safe in pregnancy - streptomycin
274.Amenorrhea due to high LH & FSH is due to - Ovarian failure
275.Causes of ectopic pregnancy
- IUCD/Tubal ciliary damage/late fertilisation/endometriosis
276.Vulvo vaginal candidiasis is common in - Diabetes
277.In a pregnant pt i RHD failure does not occur if she has - Hypothyroidism
278.Amniocentesis is best diagnostic if done in 16-18 weeks
279.Best evidence of ovulation is - Secretory type of endometrium
280.A broad flat pelvis is charecteristic of - platypelloid type
281.True pelvis refers to - Lower part of pelvis
282.In multiparous women,external Os is - Transverse
283.Least vascular part of uterus - Middle
284.Physiological amenorhea is present in - pregnancy/lactation/pre-puberty
285.Mycotic vulvo vaginitis is due to - candida
286.Commonest cause of recto vaginal fistula - improper repair of perineal tear
287.Earliest engagement is seen in - Frank breech
288.Shoulder dystocia is seen in predominantly - Anencephaly
289.Pap smear is taken from the - posterior fornix
290.Ovulatory period corresponds to - 14 days before mensturation

291.OCP is contraindicated in - DM/HTN/Fibroids

292.Asherman's syndrome is characterised by - Amenorhea
293.Study of fetal parts in 1st trimester with least radiation hazard - USG
294.Cause of Breech - Hydramnois/Septate uterus/Hydrocephalus
295.Urine is collected for examination in a pregnant female - Early morning urine sample
296.Endometrial biopsy for infertility is taken on - 23-26th day
297.DOC in PIH - Hydrallazine
298.Commonest complication of pregnancy after completing treatment for genital TB
- Ectopic pregnancy
299.Lymphatics of ovary drains into - para aortic lymph node
300.Failure of OCP is most commonly due to - Improper usage
301.DOC for Sheehan's syndrome - Cortisone
302.Shortest diameter of foetal skull - bitemporal
303.Commonest cause of death in Ca cervix - Renal failure
304.Primary amenorhea is when - mensturation doesn't occur even after 18 yrs
305.Copper T acts by - causing aseptic endometritis
306.Fetal scalp blood PH of less than - 7.2 is abnormal
307.Development of septic defects in heart occurs at - 5-8 wks
308.Germ cell tumour - dysgerminoma/teratoma/embryonal cell carcinoma
309.Which is not transmitted to baby at delivery - Toxoplasmosis
310.Nabothian follicle occurs in - Erosion of cervix
311.Internal rotation occurs at - Ischial spine
312.Confirmation of diagnosis of vescicular mole - USG
313.Immediate complication of evacuation of vescicular mole is - incomplete evacuation
314.Contraception of choice for a working women i irregular & profuse bleeding - OCP
315.Contraception of choice for a post partum village women i 1 child - Cu T
316.Unequivocal evidence of heart disease in pregnancy - diastolic thrill & murmur
317.Vaccine not indicated in pregnancy - Rubella
318.Vaccine indicated in pregnancy - Polio/Typhoid/TT
319.Commonest site for Fibroid - Intramural
320.Systemic metastasis is commonest in - Chorio carcinoma

321.Best method for inducing Mid Trimester abortions - Prostaglandins

322.Gestational trophoblastic tumours occur MC ly after - Spontaeneous abortion
323.Naegel's pelvis - Absence of one ala
324.Robert's pelvis - Absence of both ala
325.Method of sterilisation least suited for recanalisation is - Bipolar cauterisation
326.Post menopausal women has 4x4 cm ovarian mass TOC - surgical exploration
327.Best method for Ca cervix screening - Pap smear
328.Which heart disease has worst prognosis in pregnancy - MS
329.Which heart disease has highest mortality in pregnancy - pulmonary hypertension
330.TOC for Hydatidiform mole in 40yr old woman is - Hysterectomy
331.Gonadotrophin is a - Glycoprotein
332.Features of DUB - uterine size of 8-10 wks/menorhagia/proliferative endometrium
333.Bartholin's duct opens into - groove between labia minor & hymen
334.Partogram help in detection of - obstructed labour
335.Peptide hormone - oxytocin/prolactin/growth hormone
336.Effective pressure to be achieved in vaccum extraction - 0.6 kg/cm2
337.Pregnant lady on oral anticoagulants should switch over to heparin at - 12 wks
338.Surgery for MS during pregnancy is ideally done at - 14 wks
339.Fetal blood loss occurs in - vasa previa
340.Which ovarian cyst does not undergo malignancy - dermoid
341.TOC in a perimenopausal woman i bleeding PV due to multiple fibroids - TAH
342.Supports for uterus - uterosacral lig/mackenrods lig/transcervical lig.
343.Which part of the Hymen ruptures first - Posterolateral
344.In a pt i 3rd degree perineal tear presents aftr 1 wk,repair should be done-after 12 wks
345.Post term pregnancy is that which continues beyond - 42 weeks(294 days)
346.Ideal age for repair of vaginal agenesis is - 3 yrs
347.Congenital malformations i use of drug in 1st trimester is seen i - Steroids
348.Spasmodic dysmenorhea is seen in - Submucous fibroid
349.Incidence of ectopic pregnancy is highest i - Progestasert
350.Radiological investigations in a female of reproductive age should be restricted to
- 1st 10 days of menstural cycle

351.Tumour marker secreted in choriocarcinoma is - HCG

352.LH is required for - follicular growth
353.Contraction stress test is used to detect - Fetal hypoxia
354.Which anticoagulant is not contraindicated in pregnancy - Heparin
355.Microcephaly is common in mothers with - Alcohol addiction
356.ABO incompatability occurs when mothers blood group is - O
357.Vulval Ca metastazes to which lymph group - Inguinal nodes
358.MCC during vaginal delivery in DM pt - Shoulder dystocia
359.PPH is present when blood loss exceeds - 500cc
360.Symptoms of menopoause r best treated by - Oestrogen
361.Earliest & most reliable sign of pre-eclampsia - HTN
362.MC mode of spread of genital TB is - Hematogenous
363.Rate of amniotic fluid turn over - 300cc/hr
364.Type of pelvis in Negrroid races - Anthropoid
365.Single most effective drug in - eclampsia - MgSo4
366.Hypertrophied uterine vessels become obliterated by thrombosis
- immediately after delivery
367.Bonney's test is used to demonstrate - stress incontinence
368.There is steady fall in iron in which week of preg - 20th week
369.Post partum eclampsia develops after how many hours of delivery - 48-72 hrs
370.Sexual infantilism is associated with - ligation of uterine artery
371.Chocolate cyst of the ovaries arise - as a result of endometriosis
372.Duration of lochia rubra - 1st 3 days of peurperium
373.In DUB the deficient hormone is - Progesterone
374.Condition is said to improve i pregnancy - Sarcoidosis/Myasthenia gravis
375.Bladder should be empty within - 6-8 hrs of delivery
376.Main source of physiologic secretion found in vagina is the - cervix
377.TOC for badly infected episiotomy - Sitz bath
378.Symphisiotomy is indicated in - Contraction of outlet
379.Attacks of flushing & cyanosis occur in which type of ovarian tumours
- carcinoid tumours of ovary

380.MC early symptom of uterine rupture during labour - Pain

381.Narrowest part of fallopian tube is - Interstitial portion
382.TOC for single large fibroid in a 45 yrs old female - Hysterectomy
383.During uterine contraction of labour,the uterine blood flow - Decrease
384.Earliest sign of placental separation is - change in shape & consistency of uterus
385.Fibroids in pregnancy - should not be removed
386.Suction evacuation can be done upto - - 10 weeks of preg
387.Tubectomy in a heart pt who has recently delivered is best done after - 1 week
388.Basal body temp falls down as the time of ovulation
389.Normal foetal heart rate at 37-40 wks of pregnancy is - 120-160/mt
390.Per rectal palpation of uterus is done in - Virgins
391.Amniotic fluid at term contains - glucose/prostaglandins/oesteriol
392.Pt i Cu T but has conceived but does not want to continue conception TOC
- menstural regulation & sterilization
393.Ovarian tumour diagnosed after delivery should be removed -within 48 hrs of delivery
394.65 yrs fm i bleeding P/V o/e senile requires immediate-cytology & colposcopy
395.Best proof of ovulation is by - Endometrial biopsy
396.The pinnard manuoeuvres is seen in - Breech deliveries
397.To diagnose foetal well being most reliable method - USG
398.Best method of assessing foetal well being at term is by serial estimation of - Oestriol
399.In 2nd trimester,intramniotic injection of which can be done - 30%-50% glucose
400.Turners syndrome is associated i - 45 chromosomes & low FSH level
401.In a delivered lactating mother,oral pills of choice - Mini pill
402.Uterine blood flow at term is - 750ml/min
403.Red degeneration of fibroid is due to - thrombosis of vein
404.Incidence of stump carcinoma - 16%
405.Most deaths involving placenta previa results from - Haemorhage
406.Palm-leaf cervix pattern occurs - due to oestrogens
407.USG is useful in detecting - IUGR/placenta previa/foetus associated i ascites
408.Increased perinatal mortality in diabetic preg is due to
- congenital malformations/hypoglycemia/hyaline membrane disease

409.Normal PH of cervix is about - 11

410.Insulin is secreted by the foetal pancreas by - 12th week
411.In early pregnancy,level of HCG in plasma doubles every - 2 days
412.Foetal requirement of iron is - 400
413.Increased additional calories required during pregnancy - 300
414.Daily caloric needs in pregnancy is about - 2500 cal
415.Congenital erosion may reappear at - Puberty
416.How much iron a pt can tolerate at a time given IV - 2500
417.Commonest complication of twin pregnancy during delivery includes - PPH
418.Best contraceptive method to be suggested for 20yrs nulliparus women - OCP
419.Time taken for spermatogenesis is - 61 days
420.Greenish colour of meconium is due to - Bile pigment
421.Cervical dystocia is usually present at - level of external Os
422.Tuberculosis of female genital tract is commonest in which age group - 20-30yrs
423.Usual size of chocolate cyst of the ovary is about - 2 inch in diameter
424.Lipschutzulcer most commonly affects the - vagina
425.D & C is useful in the diagnosis of - genital TB/endometrial Ca/DUB
426.In fertile period - progesterone increases
427.Indication of classical ceaserian section is - Ca cervix
428.Best & simple method to diagnose ovulation is - endometrial biopsy
429.Shortest diameter of foetal skull - bitemporal
430.1st stage of labour is upto - full dilatation of cervix
431.Indication of classical caeserian section is - Ca cervix
432.In classical caeserian section more chances of rupture of uterus in - upper uterine seg.
433.TOC in eclampsia - MgSo4
434.Herpes genitalis causes - Ca cervix
435.DIC is seen in - IUD/abruption/retained placenta
436.TOC in vesicular mole - suction & evacuation
437.Best investigation to diagnose ectopic pregnancy - USG
438.Breast feeding should be started in normal delivery - after 2 hrs
439.Fetal hemopoesis 1st occurs in - yolk sac

440.Branches of internal iliac artery include-uterine art./middle rectal artery./obturator art

441.Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is associated i defeciency of - 21-hydroxylase
442.Medical treatment of ectopic gestation - prostaglandins/methotrexate/RU-486
443.In perimenopausal women i menorhagia we rule out - Ca uterus
444.Strongest stimulus of lactation is by - Suckling
445.Normal CRL at birth is - 60-72 cms
446.Absolute indication for caeserian section - previous rupture of uterus
447.Best investigation to diagnose foetal age - serial USG
448.Hydrocephalus in the foetus is diagnosed by
- large fontanell i widely separated sutures as felt on PV examination
449.Stress incontinence is common in - prolapse uterus
450.In a primi gravida head engages at - 36 weeks
451.Screening for Down's syndrome should be done in age group -35 in preg
452.Commonest complication of IUCD(CU T) - bleeding
453.Best contraception for heart disease patient - double barrier method
454.Definitive sign of pregnancy - Foetal heart sound
455.MC site involved in TB of genital organs - Tubes
456.Inhibin is secreted by - sertoli cells
457.Ph of vagina is lowest during - Pregnancy
458.Umblical artery pressure is - 60mmhg
459.Cervical lacerations are most common in the - 3-o-clock position
460.MC cause of death in Ca cervix is - Uraemia
461.Weight of normal placenta - 500 gm
462.Most appropriate time for chorionic villi sampling - 8-10 wks
463.Predictive test for PIH-rolling over test/urinary protein/gain in weight >2kg in 1 mon.
464.Post coital contraceptive - IUCD/high dose combination pill/RU 486
465.MC cause of ectopic pregnancy - previous tubal disease
466.Vulval candidiasis is associated i - T2DM
467.Essential investigation to be included in follow up of hydatid form mole
- serum levels of HCG
468.Polycystic ovaries are associated with - endometrial Ca

469.Best contraceptive for a young unmarried female - OCP

470.Vaginal delivery is not possible in - Mento posterior
471.In severe PIH BP will be - 160/110
472.Earliest fetal anomaly to be detected by USG - Anencephaly
473.Anencephaly can be best diagnosed at - 10-12 wks
474.Tube testing is done under - No anesthesia
475.During PPH internal iliac ligation done at - anterior division of internal iliac artery
476.Elderly primi is above - 35yrs
477.Definition PPH is blood loss of - 500ml
478.Millard's rule of Ten includes - 10kg/10months/10gm Hb
479.Amount of oesterogen in Mala D - 30 ug
480.Treatment of DUB in ayoung female - Hormones
481.In chlamydial cervicitis DOC - Tetracycline
482.Medical treatment for ectopic pregnancy - methotrexate
483.Safest contraception during diabetic crisis - barrier method
484.Maximum maternal mortality is with - Hepatitis E
485.Commonest type of ovarian tumour in 20yrs female - Germ cell
486.Implantation of fertilised ovum occurs - 3-4 days after entry into uterine cavity
487.Treatment for trichomonas vaginalis - Metrogyl
488.Peurperium is the period - 6 weeks following delivery
489.Nabothian follicle is due to - inflammation of cervical glands
490.Metropathic hemorhagica is best treated by - clomiphen
491.Premature rupture of membrane is rupture - before onset of labour
492.Increased acetyl cholinesterase in amniotic fluid is seen in - Neural tube defect
493.Best recanalisation after tubectomy is possible i - Isthmo-isthmic anastomosis
494.Commonest cause of Breech presentation - Prematurity
495.Chemical pregnancy means - +ve beta HCG &absent gestational sac
496.Determination of gestational age in 1st trimester by USG - CRL
497.Tumour marker of endodermal sinus tumour of ovary - alpha feto proteins
498.Induction of abortion is best by - PGE2 gel
499.MCC of ectopic pregnancy - Progestasert

500.Commonest tumour in pregnancy - mucinous cystadenoma

501.Acc to FIGO classification the investigation in Ca cervix - cystoscopy/cxr/IVP
502.DIC may present in - septic shock/amniotic fluid embolism/abruptio placenta
503.Earliest sign of pre eclampsia - HTN
504.Ovarian function after hysterectomy - decreases after 5 yrs
505.Commonest indication for in vitro fertilisation - tubal block
506.Risk factors for Ca endometrium - DM/HTN/Obesity
507.Earliest sign of pregnancy induced HTN - rapid gain in weght
508.OCP's increase the risk of which Ca - Ca cervix
509.Absolute contra indication for copper T - Pelvis TB
510.Anencephaly causes - postmaturity/hydramnios/face presentation
511.Earliest diagnostic test for pregnancy - Beta HCG
512.Saffron coloured meconium is seen in - Post maturity
513.Foetal Heart can be detected earliest i trans vaginal sonography at - 35 days
514.Commonest cause of death in Breech delivery - intracranial hemorhage
515.Most reversible form of infertility - Anovulation
516.Commonest type of DUB - Hyperplastic
517.TOC in Ca in situ cervix - Conisation
518.Not a tocolytic - Dexamethasone
519.Signs of fetal distress - Tachy/Brady/decreased scalp PH
520.Best modality for diagnosing unruptured tubal pregnancy - trans vaginal USG
521.GnRH analogues r useful in - Endometriosis/precocious puberty/menstural disturbances
522.Progestasert is effective for - 1 year
523.Clomiphene citrate is - Anti estrogen
524.Oral pill may prevent the development of - ovarian malignancy
525. In Nulliparus cervical canal is - Circular in shape
526.Congenital cyst - Gartner's cyst
527.Chlamydia trachomatis infection commonly causes - Infertility
528.Characteristic symptom for chronic pelvic inflammatory disease - Back ache
529.Red degeneration of uterine fibroid - Is aseptic infarction
530.LH surge precedes ovulation by - 24 hrs

531.Asthenospermia means - reduction in the motility of sperms

532.Commonest cause for ruptured uterus - prolonged labour
533.Risk of transmission of maternal infection to fetus is high during delivery in
-herpes simplex virus
534.Maternofetal transmission of toxoplasmosis occurs maximally in - 3rd trimester
535.Nanoxynol-9 is an - Barrier contraceptive
536.After vasectomy,aspermia will become evident in - 10-12 weeks
537.Weight of placenta is - 20% of foetus
538.100% protection against conception in a lactating mother is for about - 4 months
539.MCC of perinatal mortality in Twins - Prematurity
540.Tumour marker for chorio carcinoma - HCG
541.UTI by gram +ve organism in a young sexually active female - staph.saprophyticus
542.Peg cells are seen in - Fallopian tubes
543.IUD at 36 weeks TOC - wait for spontaeneous expulsion
544.Vitamin which is taken to prevent neural tube defect - Folic acid
545.AFP levels are highest in - fetal serum
546.Most rare cause of maternal mortality - Toxaemia
547.Bishop score includes - dilatation of cervix/station of the head/effacement of cervix
548.In MTP the suction pressure is - 600 - 700 mmhg
549.The test for detecting anti sperm antibodies - Post -coital test
550.Complications of shoulder presentation - fetal death/uterine rupture/obstructed labour
551.Cardiac activity of the fetus seen by USG by - 7 weeks
552.Gonadectomy is advised in - testicular feminising syndrome
553.Best contraceptive during lactation - Mini pills
554.Normal CRL at birth - 60-72cms
555.In PIH sudden loss of vision is due to - Retinal detachment
556.Lochia is seen for - 14-21 days
557.Oslanders sign means - pulsation in lateral vaginal fornix
558.Incidence of scar rupture in previous LSCS - 0.2
559.Pt comes i post dated pregnancy 1st thing todo -review d menstural history once more

560.Most specific finding in amniotic fluid to diagnose neural tube defect

- Acetyl choline esterase
561.Placenta i umblical cord attached to its margin is called - Battle dore placenta
562.Order of puberty - Telarchy-pubarchy-menarchy
563.Pt presents i shock & minimal spoting PV - likely diagnosis - Ruptured ectopic
564.DOC to treat endometriosis - Danazol
565.Contraceptive of choice for a commercial sex worker - Barrier method
566.Yuzpe method is a type of - post-coital hormonal contraception
567.Combined contraceptive pill contains - progesteron & ethinyl oestradiol
568.Eclampsia is mostly seen at - Antepartum
569.Kelly's suture is done in - Stress incontinence
570.In pregnancy which vaccine is not given - Polio
571.Peurperial pyrexia is fever for 24 hrs or more after child birth if temp > - 100.4
572.FIGO staging is used in - Ca cervix
573.Tablet contraindicated in TB with pregnancy - Streptomycin
574.Anencephaly is associated with - face presentation/Hydramnios/post maturity
575.22yrs lady presented with recent onset of Hirsutism & voice change,best test to be done
- Blood testosterone levels
576.Mullerian dysgenesis - absent vagina/absent uterus/46 XX karyotype
577.Chronic villous sampling is done at - 9-11 weeks
578.Living ligature of the uterus is - middle layer of myometrium
579.Clinical signs of hydramnios can be demonstrated when fluid collection is > - 4 lit
580.Foetal breathing movements is seen earliest at - 11 weeks
581.International accepted definition of abortion is the expulsion of the products of conception
- before 20th week of gestation or500gms weight of foetus
582.The dose of anti D gamma globulin given after term delivery for a Rh negative mother &
Rh positive baby is - 300 micro gram
583.Menopause is defined as cessation of mensturation for - 6 consecutive months
584.Ectopic pregnancy MC feature is - Abdominal pain
585.Danazole is a - Androgen derivative
586.Smoking in pregnancy causes - IUGR

587.6yr old girl with vaginal spotting,diagnosis is - Foreign body

588.MC radiosensitive ovarian tumour - Dysgerminoma
589.Safe period in rhythms method is - first & last 7days
590.Characteristic feature of cancer fallopian tube - watery discharge P/V
591.Half life of oxytocin - 3-4 min
592.HCG doubles every - 2 days
593.Protective bacterium in normal vagina is - Lactobacillus
594.Large placenta is seen in - syphillis
595.Primary amenorhea with anosmia is seen in - Kallman syndrome
596.Hot flushes in post menopausal women r best treated with - OC pills
597.Marker for ovarian cancer - Ca -125
598.Increased FSH level in azoospermic male indicates - Testicular atrophy
599.Antisperm antibodies usually present in the - Cervix
600.Ward mayo operation is done for - Abdominal hysterectomy
601.Best method for the diagnosis of endometriosis is - Laparoscopy
602.MC site of peurperial infection is - Episiotomy wound
603.Powder burn appearance on laparoscopy is characteritic of - Endometriosis
604.PH of amniotic fluid at later weeks of gestation - 7.2
605.RU 486 is - Anti progestrogen
606.Gonococci has affinity for - columnar epithelium
607.Commonest organism responsible for bartholin's abscess - Neiseria gonorhea
608.Hypoplastic uterus with streak gonads is a feature of - Turner's syndrome
609.Amniocentesis to detect chromosomal abnormalities - 14th week of gestation
610.Commonest organism responsible for Bartholins abscess - Neisseria gonorhea
611.Increased LH:FSH ratio is found in - Polycystic ovary syndrome
612.Complete perineal tear is common in - Face to pubes delivery
613.Which hormonal contraceptive cannot be used during lactation -Combined OCP
614.Pulse rate in puerperium - variable
615.Common cause of retained placenta is - Atonic uterus
616.Zygote reaches the uterine cavity as - 16 celled
617.Commonest cause of death in inversion of uterus - neurogenic shock

618.Pearl index is a measure of - Potency of contraceptives

619.Vaginal delivery is contraindicated in - central placenta previa
620.Multiple pregnancies occur most commonly with - Pulsatile GnRH therapy
621.Commonest tumour of ovary occuring in a young woman is - Yolk sac tumour
622.Villous pattern is lost in - Chorio carcinoma
623.Average age range of attaining menopause is - 45-55
624.Acc. To WHO criteria minimum normal sperm count is - 20 million
625.Drop in fetal heart rate that typically lasts less than 2 minutes & is usually with umblical
cord compression is called - Variable deceleration
626.Side effects of Tocolytic therapy - Tachycardia/Hypotension/Hyperglycemia
627.Earliest usg sign of pregnancy in transabdominal usg-Fundal endometrial thickening
628.Motile spermatozoa found on a wet mount of vaginal secretions are indicative of
intercourse within the past - 24hrs
629.IUCD of 10 yrs life - Cu T380 A
630.Size of graffin follicle is 3mm
631.Indicative for classical cesarian section - Ca cervix
632.Ovarian reserve tests are - FSH
633.Etiological agent in Ca cervix - HPV types -16,18
634.Rule of Hasse is used to determine - the age of foetus
635.Intr-abdominal pressure laparoscopy should be set between - 10-15 mmhg
636.Maximum permissible radiation dose in pregnancy - 0.5 rad
637.TOC for gardenella vaginalis in pregnancy - Clindamycin
638.Contraception contraindicated in AIDS - IUCD
639.Lochia rubra is seen upto - 5 days
640.Non stress test is contraindicated in - Rh incompatibility
641.To suppress lactation - cabergoline/pyridoxine/high dose estrogens
642.Therepeutic level of magnesium in serum for treatment of eclampsia is - 2-7 mEq/L
643.Rx for for endometriosis includes - GnRh analogues/Progesterone/Danazol
644.Centchroman is a -synthetic hormone
645.Cause for postpartum blues is - decreased estrogen & progesterone
646.Rx for cervical rippening during pregnancy - prostoglandin E2/oxytocin/misoprostol

647.RU 486 is effective for inducing abortion if d duration of pregnancy is < -63 days
648.Most sensitive method for detecting cervical chlamydia trachomatis infection
- polymerase chain reaction
649.Sertoli cells have receptors for - Follicle stimulating Hormone
650.Physiological chill in labour seen in - 4th stage of labour
651.Pseudomeig syndrome seen with - Adenomyosis
652.Meig syndrome is associated i - fibroma
653.Earliest USG finding in pregnancy - Fundal thickening
654.Thickened placenta is not seen in - Triplody
655.Urine formation in intra uterine life starts at - 3 months
656.MCC of placenta previa - Multi gravida
657.Lady comes with 8 weeks amenorhea,shock & past hytory of TB diagnosis
- Ruptured ectopic
658.Contraceptive of choice for a 22yrs non-smoker - OCP's
659.Contraceptive which is not interceptive - Norplant
660.Post ovulatory phase,appearance of endometrium of USG is - double line with halo
661.Nova T has - silver core
662.Galactokinesis means - Ejection of milk
663.Fetal stage starts at - 9 weeks
664.Decidual casts bleeding pv suggestive of - Tubal abortion
665.Emerg contraceptives post coital are effective if administered within period -120 hrs
666.Emergency contraceptives - Levonorgestrol/misoprostol/mifeprestone
667.Umblical cord stump of newborn most frequently sloughs off on
-10th day after delivery
668.Uniform in size,non tender & soft diagnosis is - montegomery's follicles
669.Complete failure of mullerian duct fusion will result in - uterus didelphys
670.Rx for red degeneration of pregnancy - Analgesics
671.Increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy seen with - Progestasert
672.DOC for Rx for bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy - Clindamycin
673.During pregnancy there is an increased respiratory sensitivity to carbon di oxide due to

higher circulating levels of - Progesterone

674.Double headed monster is known as - Dicephalus
675.Whiff test is used to detect - Bacterial vaginosis
676.Fern test is due to - presence of sodium chloride under estrogen effect
677.Maturation index during pregnancy - 0,95,5
678.Antihypertensives contra indicated in pregnancy - ACE Inhibitors
679.Antepartim hemorhage occurs after how many weeks - 28 weeks
680.Inhibin inhibits the secretion of which hormone - FSH
681.Primary oocyte remains in ovary in which stage - Prophase
682.Improvident mother is - mother with all children lost
683.Most appropriate drug for emergency contraception - Levonorgestrol
684.To avoid conception DMPA given - 3-monthly
685.Best treatment for cord prolapse - caeserian section
686.Abortifacient causing ototoxicity is - Quinine
687.Most malignant endometrial carcinoma is - Clear cell carcinoma
688.Commonest Tumour of ovary occuring in a young woman is - Yolk sac tumor
689.Hob nail cells are seen in - clear cell carcinoma
690.B-lynch suture is applied on - Uterus
691.Low dose progestational contraceptives primarily act on - Cervix
692.Use of COCP is associated with increased incidence of - chlamydial endocervicitis
693.Copper T is preferrably inserted postnatal,after - 8 weeks
694.Fetal hemopoiesis first occurs in - Yolk sac
695.In severe PIH the BP is - 160/110 mmHg
696.Intrauterine insemination is done with - washed spermatozoa
697.NOVA T is - 220 of copper with silver wire arround
698.Best time to do chorionic villous sampling is - between 9-11 weeks
699.Most important indication for surgical repair of a Bicornuate uterus is
- Habitual abortion
700.DOC in treatment of typhoid fever in pregnancy - Ceftriaxone
701.Sequence for Lochia - rubra-serosa-alba
702.Most commonest site of involvment in genital TB - Fallopiann tubes

703.MC complication after radical hysterectomy - Ureteral injury

704.Safest contraceptive for a woman with sickle cell anemia - condom or diaphragm
705.PH for amniotic fluid - 7.0-7.5
706.By which day after fertilization,is placental circulation established - 17th day
707.In pregnant lady TB flare up MC in - 2nd trimester
708.MCC of Tubal block in India is - TB
709.Vitamin defeciency in pregnant lady in tab.phenytoin is - Folic acid
710.Polar bodies are formed during - Oogenesis
711.Cystoglandular hyperplasia is associated with - theca cell tumour
712.Corkscrew shaped endometrial glands is seen in - Late secretory phase
713.PIH is HTN that develops after - 20 weks of pregnancy
714.3rd degree perineal tear which involves - Anal sphincter
715.Normal weight of Uterus is - 50-80 gm
716.Wgt of term uterus - 1000gm(1kg)
717.Narrowest part of uterus - Isthmus - 6mm.
718.Narrowest portion of fallopian tube is - Interstitial
719.Widest portion of fallopian tube is - ampulla
720.Length of fallopian tube is - 10 cm
721.Normal fertilization occurs in ampulla
722.MC site of ectopic pregnancy is in - ampulla
723.Ratio of uterus to cervix Before puberty-1:2 At puberty-2:1 Reproductive female-3:1
724.Total weight gain during pregnancy is - 11kg
725.Round ligament does not support to uterus
726.Supports of uterus - cardinal ligament/uterosacral lig/pubocervical lig
727.Rise during preg - Hb/RBC/WBC/plasma volume/total proteins
728.Decrease during pregnancy - PCV (Haematocrit)/plasma proteins
729.Cardiac output reaches at - 30-32 weeks of pregnancy
730.Total calcium requirement daily is 1 gm during preg
731.Oxytocin - milk ejection reflex/uterine contraction
732.Extra calories required during preg - 300 kilo cal
733.During lactation is 550 kilo calories

734.Total duration of preg - 280 days (40weeks)

735.Total duration of post term preg - 294 days (42weeks)
736.Quickening is felt at 18 weeks in Primi & 16 weeks in multi
737.Anomaly scan is at - 18-20 week pregnancy
738.Fetal breathing movement is seen in - 11 weeks
739.Largest diameter of fetal skull is mento vertical - 14cm
740.To find Gestational age in 1st trimester - CRL 2nd trimester - BPD 3rd - femur length
741.Sequence of normal labour -
decent-flexion-internal rot.-crowning-restitution-external rot.-lateral flexion
742.Puerperium is 6 weeks
743.Duration of lochia is - 3 weeks
744.Uterus become pelvic organ in - 2 weeks after delivery
745.DOC to suppress lactation is - Bromocriptin
746.Progress of labour chart - partogram
747.Placenta previa - implantation of placenta occur in lower uterine seg & bleeding after 38
weeks of preg
748.Minor degree PP - type 1,type 2 anterior - normal delivery
749.Major degree PP-type 2 posterior,type 3,type 4 - always LSCS
750.Profuse bleeding is seen in - placenta previa
751.Blood is of fetal origin - Vasa previa
752.Causes of DIC - abruptio placenta/sev.PIH/eclampsia/IUD/septic abortion/amniotic fluid
753.PIH,Eclampsia occurs after 20 weeks of preg.
754.BP in severe PIH - 160/110mmhg
755.Earliest feature of PIH - exessive weight gain during pregnancy
756.DOC in PIH - Methyldopa
757.Drugs contraindicated in PIH - ACE inhibitors
758.Causes of eclampsia is - cerebral anoxia
759.DOC in eclampsia - Mgso4
760.Antidote for Mgso4 toxicity is - calcium gluconate
761.Safe therapeutic level of mgso4 is - 4-7 meq/l

762.Contraindicated in eclampsia - I/V diazepam

763.DOC for epilepsy in pregnancy is - Phenobarbitone
764.In heart pt barrier method is contraceptive of choice
765.Permanent method of sterilization in heart pt is - Vasectomy
766.Screening test for diabetes in pregnancy - glucose challenge test
767.Test to predict congenital anomaly in diabetic mother - HbA1C - (6-8)
768.Earlies cong. anomaly can be diagnosed by-Trans vaginal scan-anencephaly-8-10wks
769.Most charecteristic cong. Anomaly in baby born to DM mother
-sacral agenesis or caudal regression syndrome.
770.MC cong.anomaly in baby born to DM mother is - Neural tube defect
771.MC problem seen in baby born to DM mother is - Hypoglycemia
772.Lung maturity is delayed in baby born to DM mother
773.Test for lung maturity in DM is - Phosphatidyl glycerol done after - 36 weeks
774.Rx for hyaline membrane disease is - surfactant therapy given by ET tube
775.MC problem associated in delivery of macrosomia baby is - shoulder dystocia
776.Level ii scan for cong.anomaly is done at - 18-20 weeks
777.MC anemia in pregnancy is - Iron defeciency anemia
778.Best marker for iron defeciency anemia - S.ferratin
779.Rate of rise of Hb after 1 unit of blood is - 1 gm
780.Commonest cause of Breech presentation - Prematurity
781.Commonest complication of breech vaginal delivery - asphyxia
782.Commonest bone # in difficult breech vaginal delivery - humerous
783.Rx for neglected shoulder presentation is - Decapitation
784.Face to pubis delivery is seen in - Anthropoid pelvis
785.Commonest maternal complication of twins is - PPH
786.Commonest fetal complication of twins is - prematurity
787.Polyhydramnios - Liquor more than - 2 litres
788.Polyhydramnios causes - anencephaly,open spina bifida,esophageal atresia,hydrops
fetalis,DM,twin preg
789.Oligohydramnios - liquor volume less than 100ml
790.Oligohydramnios causes -

- renal agenesis,IUGR,post maturity,sev.PIH,chr.HTN,Twins

791.Normal blood loss in vaginal delivery in PPH - 500ml
792.Blood loss in LSCS in PPH - 1 litre
793.3rd stg hemorrhage
-PPH occuring before placental separation,Rx-manual removal of placenta
794.Primary PPH - PPH occurs within 24 hrs of delivery
795.Secondary PPH - PPH occuring after 24 hrs of delivery within puerperium
796.MCC of PPH - Uterine atony
797.MC type of PPH - Primary PPH
798.MC maternal complication of twin vaginal delivery - Atonic PPH
799.MCC of secondary PPH is - retained placental bits
800.DOC for atonic PPH is - I/V methergin
801.MTP can be legaly done upto - 20 weeks of pregnancy
802.Best method for 1st trimester MTP - Suction evacuation
803.Procedure of choice for Hydatid form mole in young pt - suction evacuation
804.Suction pressure is 400-600mmhg
805.D & E (dilatation & evacuation) is procedure of choice for incomplete abortion
806.MCC of MTP is - Bleeding
807.Menstural regulation is not a procedure for MTP
808.Menstural regulation can be done within 44 days of LMP or 14 days of missed periods
809.Commonest cause of 1st trimester abortion is
- germplasm defect or chromosomal defect or ovofetal factors.
810.Commonest cause of 2nd trimester abortion is - cervical incompetence
811.Rx for cervical incompetence - encirclage operation
812.Toxoplasma transmission occurs at - 3rd trimester of pregnancy
813.DOC for toxoplasma in pregnancy - Spiramycin
814.CMV causes abortions
815.Herpes simplex get transmitted to baby during - delivery
816.Rubella transmission in 1st trimester cause - congenital anomalies
817.Rubella vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy
818.Syphillis get transmitted to baby after - 20 weeks

819.Recurrent abortion is caused by - Listeria

820.Death of fetus occuring after 28 weeks & retained inside the uterus
821.Earliest sign of fetal death - gas in chambers of heart - develops after 12 hrs of death
822.Sure sign of fetal death IUD - spalding sign(develops after 7 days of death)
823.Definitive sign of fetal death - absent fetal heart sound on doppler sound
824.X-ray abdomen for IUD shows - crowding of Ribs,hyperflexion of spine
825.Procedure of choice for incomplete abortion - D & C
826.MC type of episiotomy is - Mediolateral
827.Most common indication of forceps is - prolonged 2nd stg of labour
828.MC fetal complication of forceps application is - asphyxia
829.Buddha sign seen in - Hydrops fetalis
830.Dose of anti D 300mics after delivery of Rh positive baby within 72 hrs
831.Precocious puberty - development of secondary sexual characters before age of - 8yrs
832.Precocious mensturation - development of menses before age of - 10yrs
833.1ry amenorhea - no menses still at 16 yrs of age in presence of 2rysexual characters
834.2ry amenorhea - no menses for 6 months in previously mensturating female
835.Cryptomenorhea - imperforate hymen - features of mensturation i no bleed
836.Premature menopause - menopause occuring before age of 40yrs
837.Polycystic ovarian disease also called as - stein leventhal syndrome
838.Necklace pattern of ovaries are seen in - polycystic ovarian disease
839.DOC for infertility/PCOD - clomiphene citrate
840.DOC for Menstural disturbances - Progestins
841.DOC for Hirsuitism - Antiandrogen drugs
842.DOC for precocious mensturation - GnRh analogues
843.Dysmenorhea - painful
844.Menorhagia - menstural blood loss more than 80ml
845.DUB - dysfunctional uterine bleeding - hormonal - types - anovulatory-ovulatory
846.Polymenorhea - shortened cycle - 2-3 weeks (PID,ovarian)
847.Oligomenorhea - prolonged cycle 35 days(PCOD,TB,anemia,asherman synd)
848.Hypomenorhea - Scanty periods (anemia,PCOD,TB,OCP's)

849.Polymenorhagia - frequent heavy cycles

850.Menometrorhagia - irregular acyclical heavy bleeding
851.Process of spermatogenesis takes place - 64 days
852.Semen analysis - tot.vol - 3-5ml/tot.sperm.count - 60-120 million/mlmotility - 80%
853.WHO -semen analysis - sperm count - 20 mill/motility - 50%
854.Oligospermia - mild-10-20mill/moderate-5-10mill/severe -<5mill
855.MCC of infertility in India - PID
856.Fimbrial block is due to - Gonococci DOC for gonococci- ceftriaxone
857.Cornual block is due to - TB
858.IOC for tubal patency - Lap.chromotubation
859.MCC of tubal disease - PID - DOC for PID - Doxycycline
860.MCC of infertility is - Tubal factor
861.Most common presentation of Genital TB -infertility
862.Most common presentation of treated genital TB - ectopic pregnancy
863.MC site of ectopic preg - ampulla of fallopian tube
864.Triad of ectopic pregnancy - pain,amenorhea,vaginal bleeding
865.Rx for ruptured ectopic pregnancy - immediate laprotomy
866.Rx for unruptured ectopic preg - Methotrexate/RU486/hypertonic glucose/Kcl
867.Rx for unruptured ectopic preg in nulliparous female - linear salpingostomy
868.Arias stella raection is seen in ectopic pregnacy
869.Common cause for ectopic preg - progestasert/CU T
870.Earliest to rupture in ectopic preg - Isthmic
871.H.Mole -IOC - USG abdomen - snow-storm app.
872.MC site of meatstasis of choriocarcinoma - lung
873.Rx for H.Mole - suction evacuation
874.40yrs female Rx for H.Mole - Hysterectomy
875.DOC for choriocarcinoma - Methotrexate
876.Developed jaundice to Methotrexate next drug is - Actinomycin D
877.MC complication for H.Mole evacuation is - hemorhage due to incomplete evacu.
878.X-ray chest in choriocarcinoma shows - canon ball appearance
879.Cancer - MC cancer in female in India si- Ca cervix

880.MC cancer worldwide - Ca breast

881.Screening test for Ca cervix - Pap's smear
882.Confirmatory test for ca-cervix - colposcopic guided cervical biopsy
883.Commonest presentation of ca-cervix - post coital bleeding
884.MC ca-cervix is - squamous cell ca
885.MCC of death in ca-cervix is - renal failure
886.2nd most common cancer in India is - Ca endometrium
887.MC presentation of ca endometrium is - Post menopausal bleed
888.MC tumor marker for ovarian cancer - CA 125
889.Signet ring cells r seen n - Krukenberg tumor
890.Call exener bodies r seen n - granulosa cell tumour
891.Rx for fibroid uterus - TAH
892.Medical Rx for fibroid uterus - progesterone,danazol,RU-486,GnRH
893.Upto 4cm sized submucosal fibroid can be removed by - Hysteroscopy
894.Upto 10cm sized submucosal fibroid can be removed by - Laproscopy
895.PH of vagina in adult female - 4.5
896.Greenish frothy discharge PV is seen in - Trichomonias infection
897.Multiple strawberry spots in vagina is seen in - trichomonias
898.DOC in Trichomonias - Metronidazole
899.MC vaginal infection in T2dm - candidiasis
900.Curdy white discharge is seen in - candidiasis
901.DOC in candidiasis is - oral flucanozole+vaginal pessay cotrimazole
902.Fishy or musty odour discharge is seen in - Gardinella vaginalis
903.Clue cell r seen in - gardinella vaginalis
904.DOC in chlamidia infection - Doxycycline
905.Chlamydia causes infertility
906.Commonest site of endometrosis is - Ovary
907.Femshield is - female condom
908.Shortest acting IUCD - progestasert (1yr)
909.MOA of ocp's - prevents ovulation
910.MOA of IUCD is - aseptic endometritis or foreign body reaction

911.Longest acting - CU T380A - 10yrs

912.MC side effect of CUT is bleeding
913.MALA D - 30mics ethnyl estradiol + 0.3 mg d-norgestrol
914.MALA N - 30 mics ethnyl estradiol +0.3 mg norgestrol
915.Contraceptive of choice in newly marreid couple - OCP's
916.COC in heart disease - Barrier method
917.Post coital COC in unmaried female - OCP's
918.Post coital contraceptive of IUCD to be put - within 5 days
919.Intra abdominal pressure in laporoscopy is - 10-20 mm/hg
920.COC in unmarried female - ocp's + barrier
921.Minipill is - progesterone only
922.Imp. Support of uterus - cardinal ligament or trans cervical lig.
923.MCC of VVF in India is - obstructed labour - occurs in -7-10 days of delivery
924.VVF in obstructed labour develops due to - - pressure necrosis of bladder
925.VVF should be repaired - after 3 months - Methylene blue test to diagnose
926.Best time for chorionic villous sampling - 10 - 12 weeks of gestation
927.Best time for amniocentesis - 16-18 weeks
928.Prolonged labour - labour more than 18 hours
929.Amniotic fluid -
12 wk-50ml/38wks-1lit/40wks-800ml/42wks-480ml/43wks280ml/44wks-160ml
930.Causes of DIC - IUD abruptio placenta/amniotic fluid embolism/septic abortion/eclampsia
except fat embolism
931.Causes of raised alpha feto proteins - twins/diabetes/open neural tube
defects/polyhydramnios/ovarian cancer/hepatocellular ca except Down's syndrome
932.Fetal breathing movement is seen on USG - 11 weeks
933.Pressure in umblical artery - 60mm/hg
934.Colour of liquor - green - Meconium stained/golden colour - Rh incompatiblity/
safron - post maturity /dark red colour - abruptio placenta/ dark brown - IUD
935.Umblical cord - 2 arteries & 1 vein
936.Single umblical artery is seen in - diabetes
937.Fetal hematopoesis - first yolk sac by 14 days-liver is major site in 10 weeks

938.Fetal pancreas secrete insulin at - 12 weeks

939.Ratio of uterus to cervix - before puberty - 1:2 / puberty - 2:1 /reproductive age -3:1
940.Size of ovum - 0.133 mm
941.LH surge occurs 24-36 hrs before ovulation
942.Endometrial thickness in postmenopausal female - 4mm
943.Earliest menopausal symptom is - hot flushes
944.Inhibin is secreted by - sertoli cells
945.1st investigation to be done in post menopausal bleeding women - D&C
946.Ovulation occurs 14 days before next mensturation
947.Time taken for spermatogenesis - 61 days
948.Primordial germ cells develops from - yolk sac endoderm
949.Post term pregnancy in days - 294 days
950.Dose of anti D at term in Rh negative mother carrying Rh +ve baby is - 300 mics IM
within 72 hrs of delivery
951.Buddha sign is seen in - Rh negative preg
952.Earliest congenital anomaly to be diagnosed on USG - Anencephaly - 8-10wks
953.Streptomycin is contraindicated in - pregnancy
954.Cord compression - variable deceleration
955.Head compression - early deceleration
956.Chronic placental insufficiency - late deceleration
957.Intra uterine pressure in 1st stg of labour - 40-50 mmhg
958.Intra uterine pressure in 2nd stg of labour is - 100-120mmhg
959.Straussman operation is reunification of bicornuate uterus
960.Psammoma bodies are seen in - serum tumours
961.Vaccines that r absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy - MMR,chicken pox
962.Vaccines can be given in preg ladies - Hep B,rabies,cholera
963.MCC of 2nd ry amenorhea in India - endometrial TB
964.Absence of secondary sexual characters with 1ry amenorhea suggests - turner's syndrome
965.Neonates - from birth to < 28 days
966.Term baby - born bet 37 to 42 weeks
967.Preterm baby - < 37 weeks

968.Post term baby - > 42 weeks

969.Perinatal period - 22nd week of gestation to 7 days of birth
970.Low birth weight baby - < 2.5 kg
971.Very low birth weight - < 1.5 kg
972.ELBW - < 1.0 kg
973.Still birth - fetal death at a gestational age of 20 wks or weighing > 500gm

Structure male female

Genital fold ventral aspect of penis L.Minor
Genital swelling Scrotum L.Major
Genital Ridge Testis Ovary
Genital Tubercle Glans penis Clitoris


Screening tests Disease screened

Pap smear test Cervical cancer
Breast self examination Breast cancer
Mammography Breast cancer
Bimanual oral examination Oral cancer
Urine for sugar/random blood sugar T2DM
AFP Developmental anomalies in fetus
Digital rectal examination Prostate cancer
Prostate specific antigen Prostate cancer
fecal occult blood Colorectal cancer
Disease Exposure
Anthracosis Coal dust Vital event Registration to be done within

Asbestosis - Asbestos dust/ Birth 21 days

Base of lung Mesothilioma Death 21 days

Byssinosis Cotton fiber Marriage 30 days

Bagassosis Sugarcane Pregnancy No legislation yet

Berylliosis Beryllium Level of Intelligence IQ range

Farmer's lung Mouldy hay Idiot 0-24

Silicosis - TB Sand/Silica dust Imbecile 25-49

Upper lobe Xray-eggshell Moron 50-69

calcification Borderline 70-79
Siderosis Iron dust Low normal 80-89
Normal 90-109
Superior 110-119
Typhoid 1st week - Blood culture Very superior 120-139
2nd week - widal Near genius 140 & over

3rd week - Stool culture

4th week - Urine culture
Disease Causative organism Incubation period
Chicken pox Human herpes virus 3 14-16 days
Measles(rubeolla) RNA paramyxovirus 10-14 days
Rubella german measles RNA togavirus 14-21 days
Mumps RNA myxovirus 14-21 days
Influenza Orthomyxovirus 18-72 hrs
Diptheria Cornybacterium diptheria 2-6 days
Pertussis Bordetella pertusis
Yellow fever Flavivirus fibricus 2-6 days
Japanese encephalitis Group A Arbovirus
KFD Arbovirus
Rabies Lyssavirus type-1 3-8 weeks
Cholera Vibrio cholera 1-2 days
Lymphatic filariasis Wucheria bancrofti
Small pox Variola virus 7-17 days
Tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis Weeks-years
Polio myelitis Polio virus 7-14 days
Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi 10-14 days
Dengue Arbovirus 3-15 days
Malaria Plasmodium vivax 8-17 days
Malaria Plasmodium falciparum 9-14 days
Malaria PlasmodiumMalariae 18-40 days
Malaria Plasmodium ovale 16-18 days poisoning Staph aureus 1-6 hrs
Tetanus Clostridium tetani 6-10 days
HIV/AIDS HIV/HTLV-iii/LAV Months-10 yrs
Leishmaniasis L.donovani 1-4 months

Plague/pnemonic Yersinia pestis 2-7 days/1-3 days

Ascariasis Ascaris lumbricoides 2 months
Group discussion : People interacting face to face
Panel discussion : 4-8 persons talking in front of an audience.
Symposium : series of speeches on a selected subject by different persons in a single meet
Workshop : series of more than 4 meetings usually meant for a training.
Level of free residual chlorine : Drinking water -residual chlorine >0.5mg/litre
Swimming pool sanitation - >1.0 mg/liter
Drinking water to kill cyclops >2.0 mg/liter

Vectors Disease transmitted

House fly (musca domestica) Anthrax,Yaws,Trachoma
Sand fly (phlebotamus argentipes) Kala Azar,Oriental sore
Tse-Tse fly (glossina palpalis) Sleeping sickness of Africa
Reduvig bug (triatominae) Chagas disease
Black fly(simulum) Onchocerciasis(river blindness)
Soft tick KFD(outside India),Q fever,Relapsing fever
Hard tick KFD(in India),Indian tick typhus
Flea Plague,Murine typhus
Mite Scrub typhus,Ricketsial pox
Louse Epidemic typhus,trench fever,relapsing fever
Aedes mosquito Dengue,DHF,Yellow fever,chickuguniya
Anopheles mosquito Malaria,filaria
Horse fly Loa loa
Culex mosquito Bancroftian filariasis,jap.encephalitis,
west nile fever,viral arthritis

Under weight - <18.5

Normal BMI - 18.5-25
Pre-obese - 25-30

Obesity - >30
BMI = weight in Kg/Height2 in metre2
Period of communicability : Chicken pox - 2days -rash - 5 days
Measels - 4 days - rash - 5 days
H1N1 - 1 day - symptoms - 7 days
Influenza - 1 day - symptoms - 1 day
Diptheria - 14 - 28 days or Termination of carrier state
Scarlet fever - till termination of carrier state
Tetunus - None
HIV - Life long

Live vaccine -OPV -(Sabin) Killed vaccine - IPV-( Salk )

Mumps /Measels /Rubella/OPV Cholera /Plague / IPV(Polio)
Yellow fever /Typhoid /BCG Hepatitis A /Pertusis /Rabies
Chicken pox /Flu /Influenza Meningococcal /killed plague /
Plague /varicella / Epidemic typhus killedInfluenza /japanese encephalitis
Kyasanur forest disease
Toxoid : Diptheria toxoid /Tetanus toxoid
Combination vaccines : DPT/DT/MMR/TAB/DPTP

Triage - Rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of the severity of their injury & the
likelyhood of the surveillance
Triage RED - Immediate medical attention ( life or limb saving surgery)
Triage YELLOW - Medium priority ( can survive 4 - 6 hrs without medical attention )
Triage GREEN - Ambulatory patients ( Walking wounded)
Triage BLACK - Dead patients.
Epidemic - occurance of a disease clearly in excess of usual or expected frequency
Endemic - constant presence of a disease in a area
Pandemic - an epidemic usually occuring over a very large geographical area
Exotic - disease not present in a country & brought from outside
Important Days of Public health importance

30th jan - Anti leprosy day

2nd Wednesday of march - No Smoking day
8th March - International womens day
15th march - world disabled day
24th march - Anti TB day
7th April - World health day
8th May - World red cross day
31st May - No Tobacco day
5th June - World environment day
26th june - against drug abuse&illicit trafficking
1st july - Doctors day
11th july - World population day
8th september - world literacy day
1st october - for older persons/Voluntary Blood donation day
2nd Wednesday of October - world disaster reduction day
9th october - World sight day
10th october - world mental health day
24th october -UN day
10th November - Universal immunization day
25th november - elimination of violence against women
1st December - World AIDS day
3rd December - for disabled persons
10th december - Human rights day

Infant mortality rate = no.of infant deaths x 1000 - rate

No.of Live births

Maternal mortality rate = no.of maternal deaths x 100000 - Ratio

No.of Live births

Sex ratio = no.of females x 1000 - Ratio

No.of males

Incidence = no.of new cases x 1000 - Rate

Total population

Prevalence = no.of new+ old cases x 100 - Proportion

Total population
Case fatality rate = no.of deaths x 100 - Proportion
No.of cases

Relative risk = Incidence among exposed - Ratio

Incidence among non-exposed

1. Total iron requirement in pregnancy - 600mg

2. Increased requirement of calories in lactating mother - 500 - 600 cal/day
3. Most common cause of maternal mortality in India is - Haemorrhage
4. Egg protein quality is - 100% /Highest quality of protein - Egg
5. Highest quantity of protein - Soya bean 43%
6. Daily protein requirement - 0.83gms/kg/day

7. Most repeated value is known as - Mode

8. Sum of all values divided by no. Of values - Mean
9. Middle value or average of the 2 most middle values - Median
10. Age at which a person is considered as dependent is - Age below15 & above 65
11. Human development index includes-Literacy/life expectancy at Birth/income index
12. Incubation period of yellow fever is - 2-6 days
13. Disease notifiable to WHO is - Cholera / Plague / Yellow fever
14. Infective period of chicken pox is - 2 days prior & 5days after appearance of rash
15. Small pox was eradicated in - May 1980
16. Recently eliminated from India - Yaws 2007& leprosy 2005,guinea worm
17. Indicator of socio economic development - Infant mortality rate
18. Millenium development goals have to be achieved by - 2015
19. Sentinel surveilance is used to assess - Hidden/missing cases
20. Most Important function of sentinel surveilance is-find total amount of disease in a
21. Chronic carrier state is seen in - Typhoid/Hep.B/Dysentry/Meningitis/Malaria/Gonorhea e
22. Sullivan index provides - Life expectancy minus probable duration of bed disability &
inability to perform major activities
23. Severity of the disease best assessed by - case fatality rate
24. Sullivan index is the measure of - Disability rate
25. Killing power of a disease is - case fatality rate
26. Attack rate is - Incidense of the disease
27. Surveillance is - continuous scrutiny of factors affecting a disease
28. Physical quality of life index(PQLI)includes - IMR/literacy rate/life exp at age1 yr
29. MC Neonatal disorder to be screened is - Neonatal hypothyroidism
30. Person cannot perform daily life activities which is 2 b normal for his age- Disability
31. Impairement - Anatomical structural or functional loss
32. Handicap - Loss of social role suppose to play in society
33. Disease - any abnormal condition of an organism that impairs function
34. Correct sequence -disease-impairement-disability-handicap

35. Obesity is measured in terms of - BMI = weight in kg/height in metre2

36. BMI<18 - under wgt/18-24 normal/25-29 -pre obese/gr-1 -30-34/gr-2-35-39/gr-3>40
37. Silent epidemic of century - Alzheimers disease
38. Measels-Koplik spots-incubation period-10-14 days-RNA paramyxovirus.
39. MC complication of measles - Otitis media/least Complication-SSPE
40. Incubation period of measles - 10 days
41. Respirable dust,responsible for pneumoconiosis,has a size limit of - <5 microns
42. Pneumoconiosis - occupational lung dis -inhalation of dust particles <5 microns
causing fibrosis of lung tissue
43. MC pneumoconiosis in India - Silicosis
44. MC lung Ca in pneumoconiosis - Asbestosis
45. Mid day meals should provide - 1/3 calories & 1/2 proteins
46. Which of d following doesn't multiply but completes its developmental cycle in the host -
47. Amplifier host of Japanese encephalitis/KFD - Pigs
48. Host for chicken guniya - Man
49. Exclusive breast feeding recommended in India upto - 6 months
50. Disinfecting action of chlorine on water in mainly due to - Hypochlorus acid
51. Disease occuring before the age of 65 yrs - Pre senile.
52. Sensitivity is measured by - True positive
53. Specificity is measured by - True negative
54. Best method for prevention of infection by medical professional in a hospital setup
-Hand washing.
55. FAST questionare is used to diagnose - Alcoholic
56. Programme designed for the benefit for pregnant woman & infant - Janani suraksha yojna
57. Best indicator of socio economic development of a country is - IMR
58. MCC of Infant mortality rate(IMR) in India - Low birth weight & prematurity
59. Health assistant should visit to subcenters once in - every week
60. Who will prepare malarial parasite smear slide - Health assistant(male)
61. Chandler's index is used for - Hook worm - Ankylostoma duodenale - no.of hookworm
eggs per gram of stool - 250 eggs is dangerous

62. Socially attained behaviour is – Culture

63. For determination of socio economic status of urban population
- modified kuppusamy scale
64. Human developement index(HDI) - life expectancy at birth/
Value ranges bet 0-1 Income per capita/ Literacy rate
65. Prevention of risk factor development of CAD - primordial level of prevention
66. Pt is made to walk early after surgery,this is an example of -rehablitation
67. Endemic of a disease means - is constantly present in population
68. Most important function of sentinel surveilance - to find total amount of disease in a
69. Bhopal gas tragedy is - single exposure point source epidemic
70. Modified kuppusamy scale
- education status of head of family/occupation status of head of family/
income per capita per month.
71. Case fatality rate = total no.of deaths due to a disease x 100 cases due to a disease
72. Epidemiological triad are - Host/environmental factors/agent
73. When a child lost in hands & unable to do routine works called as - Impairment
74. Natural history of disease is studied by - Longitudinal study
75. Disease elimination means - preventing the transmission chain
76. Leprosy is considered a public health problem if the prevalence of leprosy
77. In India which disease is near to eradication - Polio
78. Which is primary prevention - Support
79. Iodine salt supplementation is - Specific protection
80. Water borne disease - Amoebiasis
81. Chemoprophylaxis is prevention of - Primary
82. Surveilance is - Scrutiny of factors
83. Morbidity is measured by - Active surveilance
84. PTB-drug-rifampicin225mg-pyranzinamide750mg-isoniazid150mg-ethambutol 400mg
85. Serial interval is - Time gap between primary & secondary case

86. Hypothesis is a - variable to be tested

87. Case fatality rate is a method measuring - Virulence
88. A graph shows uniform curve i no secondary curves - pointed epidemic
89. Rapid rise & fall in epidemic curve without any secondary waves is seen in
- point source epidemic
90. Case control study is a type of - Analytical study
91. Recall bias is most commonly associated i which study -case control study
92. Incidence rate is measured by - cohort study
93. Incidence rate is calculated by - prospective study
94. Incidence rate is defined as - No.of new cases of a disease in a community
95. Relative risk is -
incidense of disease among exposed/incidence of disease among non-exposed
96. Relative risk is calculated by - cohort studies
97. Prevalence is a - Proportion & calculated by -cross sectional study
98. Odd's ratio is calculated by - case control study
99. Odd's ratio is derived from /estimate of - relative risk
100.Study of alcohol intake for 10 yrs & occuring of hepatic disease type of study - cohort
101.Double blind study means
- both observer & person or group being observed is blind about the study
102.Hospital acquired infection of surgical wound is mostly by - Instruments
103.Serial interval means - difference between primary case & secondary cases
104.Hospital based study is - Cross over study
105.Herd immunity is seen in - polio/measles/diptheria/pertusis/mumps/rubella/smallpox.
106.Herd immunity is not seen in - Tetanus
107.Vaccine most commonly associated with allergic reaction & shock - DPT
108.All Live vaccines & meningococcal r contraindicated in pregnancy
109.BCG sholud be given - immediately after birth
110.Hepatitis B vaccine should be given as - 0,1,6 months
111.Total dose of vit A given under national immun. Shcedule - 9 lacIU
112.Post exposure Rabies vac schedule - 0-3-7-14-28-90
113.BCG/H.influenza/yellow fever is diluted i - NS

114.Measles/MMR vaccine is diluted with - Distilled water/sterile water

115.Vitamin A should be given at the age of - 6-9 months
116.Rabies vaccine is prepared from - Fixed virus
117.Antisera is obtained from - Horse
118.First immunization of the Baby - Colostrum
119.Administration of which vaccine can result in paralysis in children - Sabin polio vaccine
120.9 month old un-immunized child was brought to dispensary,vaccine should be given to this
baby first - OPV+BCG+DPT+Measles
121.Leprosy commonly spreads by - Milk
122.Yellow fever vaccination starts protection after how many days of injection - 10 days
123.Ring vaccination is - given around 100 yards of a case detected
124.A full course of immunization against tetanus with 3 doses of TT confers immunity for how
many years - 5 yrs
125.Vaccine administered as Nose drops - Influenza
126.Gap between two live vaccines - 4 weeks
127.BCG is given - Intra dermal
128.Best way to sterilise glass syringes is - Hot air
129.Cold sterilization is done by - Ionizing radiation
130.Surgical blades are best sterilised by - Autoclave
131.Fibre optic scopes are sterilised by - Glutaraldehyde
132.True positive rate of a screening test is - 1- false negative.
133.Test used for screening cases of tuberculosis in India - sputum smear examination
134.Sensitivity of a screening test is - true positive
135.Screening test preferred for T2DM in India - Fasting blood sugar
136.Confirmatory test for Tuberculosis in India - AFB in sputum
137.True negatives are detected by - specificity
138.High false positive cases signify that disease has - high incidence & low prevalence
139.False negative means - person has disease but shows negative test result
140.High false positive in a test is due to - high sensitivity
141.Positive predict value of a test depends upon - prevalence of disease
142.In GTT-glucose tolerance test DM is diagnosed if vein plasma glucose level is-200mg

143.Acc. To WHO blindness is inability to count fingers at a distance - 3 metres

144.Chinese letter arrangement of bacilli under microscope - cornybacterium diptheriae
145.Best specimen for diagnosis of rabies in living person-biopsy of skin follicles on neck
146.Koplik spots r seen in - Measles
147.Negri bodies/Hydrophobia is seen in - Rabies
148.Bull neck appearance is seen in - Diptheria
149.Subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis is a complication of - Measles
150.Kala azar is transmitted by - sand fly
151.Perinatal transmission of Hepatitis B is max in - 3rd trimester
152.For dengue diagnosis,no.of petechial spots per squarer inch in cubital fossa is - >20
153.MC oppurtunistic infection in AIDS is - pneumocystis carnii pneumonia
154.DOC for a pregnant lady with cerebral malaria - Quinine
155.Reservoir for chickun guinya - Primate
156.MC site for Hydatid cyst in human body is - right postero superior lobe of liver
157.DOC of LGV - Doxycycline
158.Best indicator of HIV progression in body is - CD4:CD8 ratio
159.Dose of rabies immunoglobulin is - 20 IU/kg body weight
160.Cyclops are found in the life cycle of - Dracunculiasis
161.Chandler's index is used for - Hook worm
162.Vector for dengue fever is - Aedes
163.Major side effect of streptomycin - Oto-toxicity
164.Major side effect of rifampicin - Hepatitis
165.Major side effect of ethambutol - colour blindness/optic neuritis
166.Vitamin A defeciency - Night blindness
167.Enteric fever is caused by - Salmonella typhi
168.MC cause of blindness in India - Cataract
169.DOC for cholera in Adults - Doxycycline
170.Typhoid ulcer perforates in - 3rd week
171.Virus causing rabies in man - street virus
172.Q-fever is caused by - coxiella burnetti
173.Tick transmits - Rocky mountain spotted fever

174.Poliomyelitis is transmitted by - Faecal oral route

175.MC cancer world wide is - Lung cancer
176.Certificate of yellow fever is valid for duration of - 10 yrs
177.SAFE - Surgery/Antibiotics/Face washing/Environmental improvment
178.Which of the following hepatitis is associated with higher mortality in pregnancy
- Hepatitis E
179.Reservoir for measles - Man / Incubation period - 10 days
180.Koplik spots appear in - Prodromal stage in measles
181.MC complication of Mumps in children - Aseptic meningitis
182.Diptheria carrier r diagnosed by - throat culture
183.Schick test indicates - carrier for - diptheria
184.Treatment for pertussis children - prophylactic antibiotic for 10 days
185.Child with pertussis should be isolated for 3-4 weeks
186.Chemoprophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis - Rifampicin
187.In TB a case is - sputum positive
188.Polio is due to - Virus
189.WHO -ORS - Na+-90mleq/lit/Glucose-111,kcl-1.5g,Nacl-3.5g,pot.cit-2.9g,
pot bicarb-2.5g,K+-20meq,Tot millimoles - 311
190.Typhoid oral vaccine is given - 1,3,5 days
191.DOC for cholera chemoprophylaxis - Tetracyclines
192.Guinea worm infestation is common in workers of - step wells
193.Highest level of Health care is - Tertiary care
194.Infective period of dengue fever - 10-20 days
195.Malaria s transmitted by - Female Anopheles stephensi(urban malaria),anopheles dirus
196.Malarial parasite in India are - vivax/falciparum/malariae
197.Anti malaria month - June
198.Causative organism of Malaria - Plasmodium
199.Vector for transmission of Bancroftian filaria - Culex fatigans
200.Clinical incubation period of Filariasis is - 8 - 16 months
201.In case of dog bite the biting animal should be observed for atleast - 10 days
202.In India Rabies free zone is - Lakshadweep

203.Vaccine of Yellow fever is - 17D

204.Yellow fever vaccination starts protection after how many days of injection - 10 days
205.Yellow fever vaccination is valid till - 10 years
206.Japanese encephalitis - Culex - Rice field - horse shoe symptom
207.KFD is transmitted by - Ticks
208.Max explosiveness of plague is determined by - Cheopsis index - is ave no of cheopsis per
209.Highly infectious clinical form of plague is - Pneumonic plague
210.Dose of Equine anti-rabies immunoglobin - 40IU per kg of body weight
211.Plague is caused by - Rat flea
212.Scrub typhus is transmitted by - Mite
213.Endemic typhus is transmitted by - Louse
214.Mode of transmission of Q fever - Aerosols
215.R.prowazekki is transmitted by - Louse
216.Rash starting peripherally is a feature of - Q-fever
217.Kala-azar - sandfly - man is the reservoir - aldehyde test is positive
218.Leprosy commonly spreads by - Droplet
219.MC nerve involved in leprosy - Ulnar nerve
220.In lepromatous leprosy the single drug Dapsone is continue for - 180 days
221.Lepromin test is valuable for - Prognosis of disease
222.Live attenuated yellow fever vaccine is - 17-D
223.Duration of MDT to resolve paucibacillary leprosy - 6 months
224.Duration of MDT to resolve Multi paucibacillary leprosy - 12 months
225.MTP in India can be carried out till - 20 weeks period of gestation
226.World AIDS day is on - 1st december
227.MC mode of HIV transmission in INdia is - Sexual transmission - Age group -30-44yrs
228.In HIV infected child which vaccine should not be given - OPV
229.First case of AIDS was reported in - 1984
230.MC mode of transmission from mother to child - Perinatal
231.Scabies is caused by - Sarcoptes Scabei
232.Incubation period of Chancroid - less than 7 days

233.Incubation period of Syphillis - 9-90 days

234.Window period for HIV infection is - 3-12w
235.Cluster testing used in the detection of - STD
236.Incubation period less than few hours - Food poisoning
237.Arboviruse disease - yellow fever,japanese encephalitis,dengue,chickungunya
238.SSPE subacute sclerosing pan-encephalitis is associated with - Measles
239.Keratomalacia is associated with - Measles & Diarhea
240.Animal to man transmission is seen in - Rabies,japanese encephalitis
241.Vector borne disease - epidemic typhus,KFD,japanese encephalitis
242.Viruses documented to cause fetal damage - parvovirus,varicella
243.Incubation period less than one week - cholera
244.Shortest incubation period is associated with - Influenza than cholera
245.Agent can be used in bioterrorism - Plague
246.Clinical features of Botulism - constipation,ocular nerve paralysis,blurring of vision
247.Pleomorphism is seen in - Chicken pox
248.Disease transmitted by water - Polio
249.Leptospira ictero haemorhagic infection is transmitted by - Rats
250.Cyclops is an intermediate host for Guinea worm
251.Isolation is not useful in - Polio
252.Tick-borne disease is - Tularemia
253.Incubation period in staphylococcal food poisoning - 1-6 hrs
254.Man is dead end for - Rabies , Tetanus,japanese encephalitis
255.Antigenic shift & drift occurs in - measles
256.Yaws caused by - treponesoma pertenue
257.Iceberg phenonmenon is seen in - HTN,Leprosy,Tuberculosis
258.Plague is - Meta-zoonosis
259.MC cancer among females - Cervical
260.MC cancer worldwide - Lung
261.Field carcinogenesis is seen in - Head & neck carcinoma
262.MC cancer affecting indian urban women - Breast ca
263.Which Ca can be prevented by screening - cervix/breast/prostate/colon

264.Obesity indices - Broca's/ponderal/quetelet/corpulence/lorentz

265.BMI is also known as - Quetelet index
266.Abdominal fat accumilation is assessed by waist to hip ratio
267.Commonest cause of blindness in India - cataract
268.WHO defines blindness if the visual acquity is less than - 3/60
269.MC cause of ocular morbidity in India - Refraction error
270.Least common cause of heart disease in India - Congenital
271.IHD is associated with - LDL
272.Glycosalated haemoglobin reflects the mean blood glucose level of previous - 3 months
273.ASHA - 1 per 1000 population-female aged 25-45yrs-min educated till 8th class-NRHM -
provides primary medical care for minor ailment
274.Single dose of Nevirapine therapy is used for prevention of mother to child transmission of
HIV - should be administered within - 72 hrs to child/onset of labour pain to mother
275.Vitamin-A prophylaxis is given to infants every - 6 months
276.Single massive dose of vit.A for preventing defeciency in preschool children aged 1-6yrs
for every 6 months - 200000 IU
277.Amount of glucose recomended by WHO standard oral glucose tolerance test - 75 grams
278.Glucose in ORS to increase - Na+ absorption
279.Acc to Indian blindness definition finger counting is done at distance of - 6 meters
280.Total carbohydrate amount provided in Mid day meal scheme is - 300grams
281.Pt on DOTS category 1 should visit for follow up at - 2,4,6 months
282.Trachoma single drug treatment - Azithromycin
283.According to registration of Births & Deaths act 1969, the birth & death are to be
registered,respectively in - 21days & 21 days
284.Anti-tubercular drug contraindicated during pregnancy - Streptomycin
285.Ethambutol is associated with - red,green colour blindness-not given to children<6yrs
286.Radio opaque material in copper-T - Barium sulphate
287.Pulse polio immunization covers - 0-5 yrs children
288.Daily dose of Folic acid for pregnant women - 400mg
289.Helpline for AIDS can be reached by dialling - 1097

290.P.vivax in pregnancy should be treated by – chloroquine

291.Malarial control programme single dose chloroquine 600mg is given after taking blood
292.Minimum level of Iodine in iodized salt - 15ppm
293.National health policy is based on - Primary health care
294.Licence to Blood banks is given by - Drugs controller general of India
295.Hundred day cough is - whooping cough - in Pertussis
296.Low birth weight is - <2.5kg
297.Progestacert release - 65mcg/day progesterone
298.MC complaint of IUD insertion is - Bleeding.
299.MC disorder to be screened in neonates - Neonatal Hypothyroidism
300.Juvenile age - <16yrs for male & <18yrs for female
301.Protein requirement 1gm/kg/day
302.Most important essential fatty acid - linoleic acid
303.Richest source of Vit .A/D - Halibut liver oil
304.Richest source of vit.c - Amla
305.Adult pregnant female are anemic if - Hb is less than 11gm%
306.Optimum level of fluorine intake is - 0.5-0.8ppm
307.IQ = mental age/chronological age x 100
308.Residual level of chlorine in water - 0.5mg
309.Water seal in sanitary latrine is - 2 cms
310.MC occupational cancer - Skin cancer
311.Census takes place every - 10 yrs
312.1 PHC is for a population of 30,000
313.8th day disease - Tetanus neonaturum
314.Milk is poor in - Vitamin C & iron
315.Pellagra - niacin defeciency
316.Anophles larva rest parallel to under surface of water
317.Aedes larvae breed in artificial collection of water
318.Multi purpose workers where introduced by - kartar singh commitee

319.Bhore commitee - 1946

320.Failure rate of condom - 2-14 per HWY
321.Sex ratio is calculated as - no.of females/no.of males x 1000
322.Crude death rate is - no.of deaths / total mid year population x 1000
323.Sex ratio of india is - 933
324.Growth rate of India (annual) is - 1.93%
325.Total fertility rate is - completed family size
326.Eligible couple is - married couple with wife in reproductive age group
327.WHO defines adolescenes as between - 10-19 yrs age
328.A disease occuring before the age 65 yrs is - Pre-senile
329.In which stage of the demographic cycle is India currently - Late expanding
330.Denominator in crude death & crude birth rate - Mid year population
331.Measured in pearl index is - No.of accidental gestations
332.Oligospermia,according to WHO is - < 20 million sperms per HPF
333.Example for conventional contraception - Condoms
334.Natural method of contraception include - rhythm method/coitus interuptus/ breast
feeding/calendar method/billing method/symptothermic method/basal body temperature
335.Absence of sperm is - Azoospermia
336.MC side effect of IUD insertion - Bleeding
337.Temporary contraceptive method of choice in 37yr well educated woman - Diaphragm
338.Conventional contraceptives are those which - require action at time of intercourse
339.OCP protect against - Fibroadenoma breast,iron deficiency anemia,ovarian ca.
340.Side effects of OCP - liver disease,breast cancer,thromboembolism
341.Pearl index is normally used for studying - effectiveness of contraceptive
342.Pearl index is used to evaluate - contraceptive methods
343.Natural method of contraception is most effective - Symptothermic method
344.Barrier methods - Diaphragm/Foam tablets/ vaginal sponge.
345.Spermicide used in the contraceptive - 9- nonoxynol
346.Copper - T is preferably inserted postnatal,after - 8 weeks
347.CU T 380 A IUCD should be replaced every 10 yrs
348.Nova T has - Silver core

349.Absolute contraindication of IUCD is - PID

350.Serious complication of oral contraceptives - Leg vein thrombosis
351.Mala - N - norethisterone - 1mg/ethinyl estradiol -30mcg
352.Side effect of Mini pill - irregular bleeding, depression
353.Mini pill contains - only progesterone in small quantity
354.Post coital contraceptives - OCP,RU-486,copper-T
355.Most cost effective contraceptive is - Vasectomy
356.Breast feeding must be initiated within after normal delivery - 1 hour,LSCS -4 hrs
357.Current recomendation for initiating breast feed - as early as possible
358.School health examination must be done every - 6 months
359.Recommended door&windows area in a class must be - 25%
360.According to protocol for uncomplicated pregnancy no.of minimum visits must be - 3
361.'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ideal visits must be - 13-14
362.Content of pediatric iron folic acid - iron-20mg,folic acid-100mcg
363.MCC of neonatal meningitis in India - Group B streptococcus
364.Low birth weight in India defined as - birth weight less than 2500 grams
365.Weight of new born triples at the age of - 1 yr
366.Assessment of malnutrition is done by - mid arm circumference,BMI,wgt for age
367.Nutritional status of a child is assessed by - Mid arm circumference
368.Post term pregnancy - >42 weeks period of gestation
369.Breast feeding is contraindicated in - Open TB
370.Height of newborn doubles at - 4 yrs
371.Which immunoglobulin is present in Breast milk - Ig A
372.MCC of neonatal mortality in India - Low birth weight & prematurity
373.MC Maternal mortality in India - Haemorhage
374.Normal requirement of Iron during pregnancy is - 38 mg/day
375.Guthrie test is done in neonates for mass screening of - Phenylketonuria
376.Amount of caloreis & proteins received by a preg woman frm anganwadi worker
- 500cals,25gm protein
377.After birth,care of eye of newborn is by - AgNo3 eye drop
378.Additional daily energy requirement during 1st 6 mon for a lactating woman is-550Kcal

379.Preterm babies - born before 37 weeks

380.Folic acid supplementation during lactation period - 150mcg
381.Elemental iron supplementation in Iron defeciency anemia - 100-150mg
382.Osteomalacia in pregnancy &lactation is best treated by - Vit D & calcium
383.Daily need of calories in pregnancy is - 2500 Kcal
384.Postnatal period extends for - 6 weeks
385.Perinatal mortality rate includes death in 28 weeks to 1st week after birth
386.Still birth - 1000grams baby weight
387.Denominator of maternal mortality rate - 1000 live birth
388.Commonest cause of perinatal mortality in iIndia - Prematurity
389.WHO referance growth chart lower curve - 3rd percentile
390.Upperline in growth chart is - 50th percentile
391.Best parameter for assessment for chronic malnutrition - Height for age
392.Mid arm circumference is constant during - 1-5 yrs
393.Population to anganwadi centre - 1000MTP is allowed upto 20 weeks
394.Pasteurization of milk is determined by - phosphatase test
395.Pellagra & casal's necklace is seen in - defeciency of Vit B3 niacin
396.Iron tablets should never be given along with - Milk
397.Dose of vitamin A prophylaxis required by a 9 month old child - 1,00,000 IU
398.Daily total requirement of iodine by an adult - 150 mcg
399.Anti oxidant vitamins include - vit A,C,E
400.Calories in 100 ml breast milk - 75 Kcal
401.Highest PUFA content is found in - Soyabean oil
402.Vitamin K is given to every child - At birth
403.IOC for iron deficiency anemia - serrum ferritin
404.Most essential fatty acid - linoleic acid
405.Fatty acid found exclusively in breast milk - Docosa hexanoic acid
406.Protein content of breast milk in 100ml - 1.1 gm
407.Vit D defeciency in children - rickets/in adults - osteomalacia
408.Recommended daily energy intake of an adult woman with heavy work is - 2900 Kcal
409.Burning sole syndrome is seen in defeciency of - pantothenic acid

410.Twin fortified salt contains - Iodine + iron

411.Shakir's tape is a useful method employed in the field to measure
- mid arm circumference
412.Nalgonda technique is used for - defluoridation of water
413.How much amount of energy is yielded by 1 ml of alcohol in the body - 7 cal
414.For adult indian male daily requirement of protein is expressed as - 1gm/kg body wgt.
415.Lysine is defecient in - Wheat
416.Limiting amino acid in wheat - Lysine
417.Maize is defecient in - Methionene
418.Earliest feature of vitamin A defeciency - dryness of conjunctiva
419.To prevent congenital neural tube defect - Folic acid
420.Daily requirement of vit D in children - 200IU
421.Vitamindefeciency disease occurs in maize eating population - Pellagra -niacin-vitB3
422.Daily requirement of Iodine for adults is placed - 150 microgram
423.Level of fluoride in drinking water - 0.5-0.8 mg / litre
424.Level of fluorine in drinking water associated with dental fluorosis - 2.0 mg/l
425.Micronutrient associated with rash & diarhea - Zinc
426.In Egg white contributes - 58%
427.Egg are reference protein because - increased biological value & NPU
428.Egg is defecient in - Carbohydrate
429.One egg yield about Kcal of energy- 70
430.Child is exclusively fed on cow's milk defeciency seen is - Iron
431.Compared with cow's milk,mothers milk has more - lactose
432.Tomatoes are rich in - Oxalic acid
433.Maximum calcium is seen in - Ragi
434.Para boiling of rice reduces - Beri-beri
435.Dates are rich source of - Iron
436.Highest calorie content is found in - Banana
437.Maximum calories per 100gm are in - Jaggery
438.Epidemic dropsy is caused by - Sanguinarine

439.Richest source of cholesterol is - Egg

440.Indian referance man is - 60 kg
441.Dental carries is due to defeciency of - Fluorine
442.Microcytic anemia - B12 defeciency
443.Socially attained behaviour is - Culture
444.Poverty line can be defined in terms of - daily calorie intake
445.Acculturation means - culture contact
446.Society is a - system of relation between individuals
447.Severe mental retardation children has IQ - 20-34
448.IQ=35-47 - profound mental retardation
449.IQ of 42 falls in - moderate mental retard
450.IQ with 62 will come under - Mild MR
451.Moderate mental retardation - IQ35-49
452.Tiger mosquito - aedes
453.Amount of bleaching powder required for disinfection of 1000 litre of water - 2.5 grams
454.Target for daily use of water in rural areas in India is - 40 litres per capita
455.Propogative type of biological transmission - plague
456.Cyclopropagative type of transmission - malaria
457.Cyclo developmental biological transmission - filariasis
458.Minimum recomended residual chlorine level in drinking water - 0.5 ppm - 1 hour
459.Chlorine required for Swimming pool sanitation - 1.0 mg/litre
460.Chlorine required for Drinking water to kill cyclops - 2.0 md per litre
461.Anti - adult mosquito insecticide - DDT
462.Rest parallel to under surface of water - Anopheles
463.Rest perpendicular to under surface of water - Culex
464.Rest in dark bottom corners - Aedes
465.Rest attached to rootlets of plants - Mansonia
466.Kata thermometer is used to assess - air cooling power
467.Nitrates in drinking water indicates - remote pollution
468.Maximum permissible dose of radiation exposure for human beings
- 5 rad per person per year

469.Temporary hardness of water is due to presence of - Ca+ & Mg Bicarbonates

470.Most reliable evidence of fecal contamination of water is provided by - Coliform bacteria
471.Most undesirable metal in drinking water is - Lead
472.DOC for scabies - 5% permethrin
473.Normal life span of mosquito is - 8-34 days
474.Solid waste from kitchen is called - Garbage
475.Purest water in nature is - Rain water
476.Ortho-toludine test is done to detect - free & combined chlorine in water
477.In fresh bleaching powder available chlorine is - 33%
478.One tablet of chlorine is effective to disinfect how much quantity of water - 20L
479.Criteria for safe drinking water - pH 6.5-8.5
480.Criteria for problem village - no water source in a distance of 1.6km from
community/water is more than depth of 15 metre/there is no excess of Na+,K+,F+.
481.Chlorine demand is measured by - Horrock's apparatus
482.Recommended hardness of water - 50-150
483.Number of air changes in one hour in a drawing room should be atleast - 2
484.Best parameter to measure air pollution - SO2
485.Indoor air pollution carbon monoxide is produced by
-stove/gas heater/combustion equipment
486.The decibels above which auditory fatigue occurs - 85db
487.Exposure to noise above which decibels cause permanent loss of hearing - 160 db
488.Acceptable noise level is - 85 dB
489.Pain in the ear occurs at - 140dB
490.Repeated exposure to which decibels cause permanent deafness - 100dB
491.Upper limit of exposure to noise upto which there is no damage to hearing - 100dB
492.Waste water without human excreta is called - sullage
493.The sewage ground water is disposed by - Activated sludge process
494.If land is available the ideal method of disposal is - Controlled tipping
495.Trickling filter is used in - secondary treatment of sewage
496.Sullage in rural area is disposed by - Gobar gas plant
497.Water not containing faeces - Sullage

498.Disease transmitted by louse - epidemic typhus/trench fever

499.Aedes egypti transmits - dengue/filaria/yellow fever
500.Vector borne disease - typhus/dengue/J.E
501.Viral infection transmitted by Tick - KFD/Babesiosis
502.Anopheles species found in coastal region - Anopheles stephensi
503.Insecticide least toxic to man & most toxic to insects - Malathion
504.DDT is - contact poisons - organo chlorine compound
505.Black fly causes - onchocerciasis
506.Culex mosquito transmits - japanese encephalitis
507.Paris green is used to eliminate the larva of - Anopheline
508.Which natural insecticide is used for space spray - Pyrethrum
509.Soft Tick transmits - Q fever
510.which is nuisance mosquito - Culex
511.Arrange d following - disaster impact-response-rehabilitation-mitigation
512.Post disaster commonly reported disease - gastroenteritis
513.Chernobyl nuclear explosion - 26th april 1986 - I131,CS134,CS137,Sr90
514.Nausea,vomit,bleu line in gums,wrist/foot drop,pallor poison due to - Inorganic lead
515.MC occupation cancer in India - Skin
516.Burtonian's line is seen in - Lead poisoning
517.Aniline dyes are associated with - Ca bladder
518.Bagassosis is caused by - sugarcane dust
519.Byssinosis is due to - cotton dust
520.White fingers may result from which occupational hazards- vibration
521.Respirable dust,responsible for pnemoconioses has size limit of - < 5 microns
522.Pnemoconiosis more prone to develop tuberculosis - Silicosis
523.Under ESI act sickness benefit is given for a period of - 91 days
524.Immersion foot syndrome are seen in - Trench foot
525.Safety officers has to be appointed in factories where no.of workers is more than - 1000
526.Extended sickness benefit is given for - 309 days
527.Useful screening test for lead is measurement of - coproprophyrine in Urine
528.Person working in hot environment who consumes more H2o without salt is likely to

develop - Heat cramps

529.Indian constitution has declared that children less than ----yrs should not be employed in
factories or mines - 14yrs
530.The extended sickness benefit is given for - 309 days
531.Employee's contribution of ESI fund is - 4.75%
532.Wrist drop may be caused as industrial hazard in - Battery industry
533.Monday fever associated with - Byssinosis
534.Silicosis affects - Upper lobes of lungs
535.Dust particle in a industry is a - chemical hazard
536.Amniocentesis to detect chromosomal abnormalities can be done as early as
- 14th week of gestation
537.MC abused agent in India - Tobacco
538.Maximum loss of DALY occurs in which psychiatric disorder - Depression
539.Best method of teaching an urban slum about ORS - Demonstration
540.Ivory towers of disease - Large hospitals
541.3-Million plan was proposed by - Bhore committee
542.PHC was introduced as result of report - Bhore committee
543.3 months training in PSM during internship is recommended by - Bhore committee
544.Each subcenter 1 male & 1 female health worker is recommended by-Kartar singh com
545.Correct sequence - planning-objective-goal-evaluation
546.Planning cycle - analysis of existing health situation-assessment of resource -
programming & implementation-monitoring & evaluation
547.Correct sequence for communicating process - Sender-message-channel-receiver-feedback
548.Multipurpose worker scheme in India was introduced by - Kartar singh committee
549.PERT is a technique for - Network analysis
550.First referral unit is - CHC
551.One PHC is for population - 30,000
552.Sub - centre is fro population- 5000
553.CHC is for population - 1,20,000
554.Anganwadi is for population - 1000

555.Health guide works at the level of - Village for population of - 1000

556.Trained birth attendant is for a population of - 1000
557.No.of beds in a community health center is - 30
558.Preparing slides for Malaria is performed only by - male MPW
559.Eligible couple regiter is maintained at - Subcentre
560.Population covered by PHCs in hilly(tribal) area - 20,000
561.Emporiatrics deals with the health of - Travellers
562.Rabies free country is - Australia
563.Which of the following is used to present qualitative data - Pie chart
564.Which of the following is used to present quantitative data - Histogram
565.Best way to study relationship between two variables - Scatter diagramcentile divides data
into - 100 equal parts
566.Mean,Median,mode are measures of central tendency

Bhore committee - Health survey & Development committee

Mudaliar committee - Health survey & Planning committee
Jungalwallah committee - Committee on integration of Health services
Kartar singh committee - Committee on MPWs under health & family planning
Srivastava committee - Group on Medical education & support manpower
Krishnan committee - Integration of PHCs

Triage Colour Priority Inclusion

Category coding
1 Red Highest Immediate resuscitation,Limb/life saving
surgeries on 0-6 hours
2 Blue/Yellow High Possible resuscitation,limb/life saving surgeries
on 6-24 hrs
3 Green Low Minor(non-life threatening) injuries
4 Black Least Dead persons,moribund persons
Vitamin Chemical name Deficiency Daily requirement
Vit A Retinol,retinoid, Xerophthalmia 600 mcg retinol
Vit B1 Thiamine Beri-beri,wernickes 0.5 mg per 1000kcal of
korasoff psychosis energy intake
Vit B2 Riboflavin Ariboflavinos 0.5 mg per 1000 kcal
Vit B3 Niacin,niacinamide Pellagra 6.6 mg per 1000kcal
Vit B5 Pantothenic acid Burning feet syndrome 10 mg
Vit B6 Pyridoxine, Anemia 2 mg
Vit B7 Biotin Dermatitis,enteritis
Vit B9 Folic acid Megaloblastic anemia, 100 mcg
neural tube defects
Vit B12 Cyanocobalamin Megaloblastic anemia 1 mcg
Vit C Ascorbic acid Scurvy
Vit D Ergocalciferol Rickets,osteomalacia 100IU(25mcg calciferol)
Vit E Tocopherols Hemolytic anemia in 0.8 mg per gram
Vit K Phylloquinone Hemorhagic disease of 0.03 mg per kg
Color BMW Type of wastes
coding category
Yellow 1,2,3,6 Placenta ,human body parts,blood & blood products
Microbiological waste,items saturated with blood
Red 3,6,7 Soiled cotton,dressing, Linens,diapers,swabs
Blue 4,7 Plastic bottles,disposable syringes,gloves,drains,aprons
Black 5,9,10 Discarded medicines,outdated medicines,chemical
waste,lab chemicals,disinfectants
Green Office waste,wrapping paper,food waste,card
boards,paper cups
White/Blue 4,7 Needles,blades,glass,broken bottles & ampules

Biomedical waste Treatment/disposal

Human anatomical waste Incineration / deep burial
Animal waste Incineration / deep burial
Microbiology/biotechnology waste Local autoclaving/microwave/incineration
Waste sharps Chemical treatment/autoclaving/
Discarded medicines&Cytotoxic drugs Incineration/destruction/secured landfills
Soiled waste Incineration/auto claving/microwave
Solid waste Chemical treatment/autoclaving/
Liquid waste Chemical treatment
Incineration Ash Sanitary landfill
Chemical waste Chemical treatment&secured landfill
Disease Exposure source Agent Cancer caused
Silicosis Silica dust Asbestos Mesothelioma
Anthracosis Coal dust Arsenic Skin,lung.liver
Asbestosis Asbestos dust Benzene Leukemia
Byssinosis Cotton fibre Benzidine Urinary bladder
Bagassosis Sugar cane Beryllium Lung
Berylliosis Beryllium Cadmium Lung
Farmer's lung Mouldy hay Chromium Nasal sinus,lung
Siderosis Iron dust Ethylene oxide Leukemia
Stannosis Tin dust Ionizing radiation Skin,thyroid,lung
Bird fancier's lung Avian/bird droppings Nickel Nasal sinus, lung
Compost lung compost Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Skin,scrotum,lung
Radon Lung
Silica Lung
Vinyl chloride Liver
Wood dust Nasal sinus

132 Page

The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human
frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~ Dr.K.Vivek.MD.,
Mixed MCQ's
❖ Injury to common peroneal nerve cause - Foot drop/loss of toe dorsiflexion
❖ Urethral crest is situated in - Prostatic urethra
❖ Pneumatic bones (bones cont air filled spaces )
❖ Which of the following vessels do not carry deoxygenated blood in fetal circulation
❖ umblical vein
❖ Primary action of Nitric oxide in the GI tract - GI smooth muscle relaxation
❖ Max. Water reabsorption in GI tract occurs in - Jejunum
❖ Small airways have laminar air flow because - extremely low velocity
❖ Orthopnea in heart failure develops due to - reservoir function of leg veins
❖ Basal metabolic rate depends most closely on - lean body mass
❖ Vit.K is involved in post translation of - Glutamate
❖ Thiamine defeciency causes decreased energy production because - it is a co-enzyme
for pyruvate dehydrogenase & alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase in tricarboxylic acid
❖ Urea(Krebs) cycle occurs in - Liver
❖ Cardio protective fatty acid - Omega 3 fatty acids.
❖ Agents associated with hyperthermia - Amphetamines/MAO inhib/Atropine
❖ Alcohol is associated i - Hypo thermia due to its action of vasodilatation
❖ Prolonged treatment i INH leads to defeciency of - Pyridoxine
❖ Amphotericin B treatment mandates monitoring of - Na & Mg
❖ Agent used in treating Thrombocytopenia 2 ry to myelosuppressive cancer therapy -
Oprelvekin (recombinant human IL-2)
❖ Anti hypertensive drugs that may precipitate Lithium toxicity - ACE
inhib/Diuretics/angiotensin receptor blockers
❖ Alkalinization of urine is done during administration of which chemotherapeutic drug -

❖ Mineralocorticoid receptors are found in -colon/hippocampus/kidney

❖ In diarrhoea which of the supplementation should be given - Zinc
❖ Southern blot is done for - DNA
❖ Northern blot is done for - RNA
❖ In wilson's disease copper accumulates in - Liver / Eye / Brain
❖ Thiamine defeciency leads to Beri beri / Lactic acidosis / wernicke's korsakoff
❖ Water soluble form of vitamin K is - Menadion
❖ Bence jones protein in urine are due to the presence of - light chain of monoclonal
❖ Major Hb present in RBC's in normal adult is - HbA
❖ In sickle cell anemia the genetic defect lies with amino acid residue at 6th position
replaced by - glutamine by valine in beta chain
❖ Niemann picks disease is due to deficiency of - vitamin B12
❖ Minerals involving in membrane function - sodium /potassium /magnesium
❖ Most effective anti oxidant is - Vitamin E
❖ In primary familial hypercholesterolemia there is defect in - LDL receptors
❖ Test which is useful to detect HIV in window period is - p-24 antigen capture assay
❖ Values of glycosalated hemoglobin reflect the mean blood glucose levels for the
duration of - 2-3 months
❖ Indirect coomb's test is adviced when - mother is Rh negative & father is positive
❖ Genetic inheritance of Hemophilia is - sex linked recessive
❖ Enzyme deficient in Tay-sach's disease is - Hexoaminidase A
❖ Sickle cell anemia is - Autosomal recessive
❖ Vitamin K - storage organ is Liver / cofactor of coagulation factors / defeciency leads
to hemorhagic disease of newborn
❖ Glutathione is composed of - glutamic acid / glycine / cysteine
❖ Procollagen to collagen conversion requires - vitamin C
❖ Storage form of iron in Body is - Ferritin
❖ Creatinine is synthesised from - Glycine/arginine/methionine
❖ In response to flight & fright which of the following decreases - Airway resistance

❖ Blood flow to brain is about - 800ml/minute

❖ Brunners gland secretes - Mucus
❖ Dopamine is inhibitor of - Prolactin
❖ Kupffer cells are seen in - Liver
❖ Renal blood flow to achieve desirable GFR is - 300-400ml/100gm/min
❖ Mean pulmonary artery pressure is - 15mmhg
❖ Somatostatin is produced by - Delta cells of pancrease
❖ Wide anion gap is seen in - DM
❖ Duchenne muscular dystrophy is inherited as - X-linked recessive
❖ Testosterone production is mainly contributed by - leydig cells
❖ Hormones which inhibit gluconeogenesis - Insulin
❖ Widened anion gap s seen n-methanol poisoning/lactic acidosis/DKA&not Diarrhea
❖ Hemiballismus occur due to damage to - subthalamic nucleus
❖ Weight of placenta at term is - 500gms
❖ Duration of normal puerperium is - 6weeks
❖ In Zollinger ellison syndrome the main manifestation is - peptic ulceration
❖ Cells responsible for secretion of HCL acid in stomach - parietal cells
❖ HCL secretion in stomach is stimulated by - gastrin/histamine/acetylcholine
❖ Tapping over facial nerve at the angle of jaw resulting in contraction of ipsilateral
facial muscle is - Chvostek's sign
❖ Normal anion gap is seen in - Diarrhea
❖ Hb starts appearing during which stg of erythropoesis - intermediate normoblast
❖ Lactogenesis occurs due to - Prolactin
❖ Insulin is essential for entry of glucose in - skeletal muscles
❖ Vasopressin is synthesized in - Hypothalamus
❖ MC site of hypertensive bleed is - Putamen
❖ Diabetes insipidus is related to defeciency of - Vasopressin
❖ Gower sign is present in - Duchenne muscular dystrophy
❖ Edema is 1st clinically detectable when the volume of interstitial fluid is - 11/2 times the
❖ Within d testicle,which cell type s responsible for testosterone production -Leydig cell

❖ Prolactin secretion is stimulated by - GnRh

❖ In our body plasma is responsible for - 5% of body weight
❖ Best initial screening test for thrombocytopenia - Bleeding time
❖ Osmolality of plasmas mainly maintained by - Na
❖ Major contribution to human seminal fluid is from - Seminal vesicles
❖ Fertilization of the ova occurs in - Ampulla
❖ Thyroid binding globulin increases in - Pregnancy
❖ Growth hormone is suppresed/secretion is decreased by - Glucose/hyperglycemia
❖ Products of protein digestion decreases gastric acid secretion
❖ Normal glomerular capillary pressure is - 45mmhg
❖ Ovulation coincides with - LH surge
❖ Normal PH of of the human blood is - 7.36-7.44
❖ All or none law refers to - Spike potential
❖ Major site of labile reserve protein is - Skeletal muscle
❖ Longest living WBC is - Lymphocyte
❖ Fixed splitting 2nd heart sound is n - ASD
❖ Adult polycystic ovarian disease is - Autosomal dominant
❖ Sign observed during REM sleep is - loss of skeletal muscle tone
❖ HCG peak during pregnancy is - 50-60 days post LMP
❖ Blood flow to brain per minute is - 750cc
❖ Cells involved in protein synthesis - increased rough endoplasmic reticulum
❖ Commonest position of appendix - Retrocaecal
❖ Anterior cruciate ligament prevents - ant.dislocation of tibia
❖ MC bone to be # during birth process - Clavicle
❖ Thirst centre is located in - preoptic nuckeus
❖ Pinna is not supplied by - glossopharyngeal nerve
❖ Bone without medullary cavity is - Clavicle
❖ MC congenital anomaly of face is - cleft lip & cleft palate
❖ Nerve involved in meralgia paraesthetica is - lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
❖ Fetus urinates around 11 weeks POG
❖ Pancreas is supplied by - common hepatic / splenic/superior mesentric

❖ Safety muscle of tongue is - Genioglossus

❖ Length of trachea - 10-12cm
❖ Brodmann area 17 in brain corresponds to - vision
❖ Small intestine peristalsis is controlled by - parasympathetic system
❖ Aortic opening in diaphragm is at - T12 vertebral level
❖ Floor of pelvic diaphragm is formed by -
❖ Deep inguinal ring is a defect in - transversus fascia
❖ Artery in anatomical snuff box is - Radial
❖ Left testicular vein drains into - left renal vein
❖ Zenker's diverticulum - results due to neuromuscular coordination / normal in pig /
food may get accumulated
❖ Left coronary artery supplies - SA node / left ventricle / apex of heart
❖ Anterior fontanelle is formed by - coronal suture / frontal bone / sagittal suture
❖ Broca's areas are situated in the - inferior frontal gyrus
❖ Weight of uterus is - 50 grams
❖ Weight of spleen is - 150-200 gms
❖ During intra uterine life,swallowing begins at - 11wks POG
❖ Foetal kidney start producing urine by - 10wks POG
❖ Length of male urethra is - 20cms
❖ Lower part of vagina develops from - sinovaginal bulb
❖ Ovarian artery is a branch of - Aorta
❖ Boundary of pelvic inlet is - promontory of sacrum / upper border of symphisis pubis /
pubic crest & not symphisis pubis
❖ Primary support of uterus - utero sacral ligament / pubo cervical ligament / transverse
cervical ligament
❖ Through rectal examination in males,one can feel - bulb of penis / membranous urethra
/ seminal vesicle & not apex of bladder
❖ Branches of arch of aorta - brachio cephalic trunk / left subclavian / left common
❖ Taste sensation from vallate papillae of tongue s carried by - glossopharyngeal nerve

❖ Middle meningeal artery is a branch of - Maxillary artery

❖ Hazards of incomplete descent of testis - sterility / torsion / trauma
❖ MC anatomical location of tongue cancer is - lateral margin
❖ Arch of aorta begins & ends at level - T4
❖ Physiological umblical hernia is reduced in which month of gestation - 4th
❖ Vagina is lined by - squamous epithelium
❖ Intrinsic muscle of larynx are supplied by - recurrent laryngeal nerve
❖ Umbilical cord consists of - allantois / vitello-intestinal duct/2 arteries &1vein
❖ Peyer's patches r present in - lleum
❖ Nerve likely to be injured while ligating superior thyroid artery - external laryngeal
❖ Order of struture in intercoastal space above downwards - vein,artery,nerve VAN
❖ Lymph vessels frm mammary gland drain into - ant.axillary lymph nodes / apical group
of nodes / parasternal nodes & not pretracheal nodes
❖ Eversion & inversion of the foot take place at - Subtalar joint
❖ Superior oblique muscle is supplied by - 4th cranial nerve
❖ Brunners glands are present in - Duodenum
❖ Circle of willis is formed by - anterior cerebral artery / posterior cerebral artery &
post.communicating artery & not middle cerebral artery
❖ Germ cells are derived from - Yolk sac endoderm
❖ MC site for ocular basal cell Ca - lower eyelid
❖ MC site of lip Ca - lower lip
❖ MC type of penile Ca - SCC
❖ Ipsilateral facial palsy i contralateral hemiplegia is seen in lesions of - pons
❖ Functions of sartorius muscle - flexion of hip / flexon of knee / abductor of thigh & not
adductor of thigh
❖ Extension at knee joint is caused by - quadriceps femoris
❖ Occulomotor & trochlear nerve pass through - superior orbital fissure
❖ Tzanck smear of a scraping from a vesicle i giant cell - herpes simplex virus 2
❖ Lymphoma which presents i cutaneous lesions - mycosis fungoides
❖ Mycosis fungoides refers to - cutaneous T cell lymphoma
❖ Ranula is extravasation cyst

❖ Chronic ulcer of old burn scars predisposing 2 squamous cell ca s-marjolin's ulcer
❖ Target lesions are characteristic of - Erythema multiforme
❖ Metal most likely to cause allergic dermatitis - nickel
❖ Leprosy affects - testes / eyes / nerves & not uterus
❖ Tinea versicolor is caused by - malassezia furfur
❖ DOC for dermatitis herpetiformis - Dapsone
❖ Number of melanocytes decrease in - peibaldism / waardenburg synd.
❖ Disciform keratitis is caused by - herpes simplex virus
❖ Commonest variety of basal cell Ca is - Nodulocystic
❖ Icthyyotic disorders are often ass i - Rickets
❖ Oral Rx of Acne - Doxycycline
❖ Features of lepromatous leprosy - Gynaecomastia / madarosis / saddle nose
❖ Dermatophytes causing infection of nails is - Tinea unguium
❖ Kerion is a form of - fungal infection
❖ DOC for severe cystic acne is - Isotretinoin
❖ Annular herald patch is seen in - P.rosea
❖ Keloid - appear mostly on sternum / may be familial / hyperkeratotic
❖ Nikolsky sign is seen in - herpes zoster / herpes simplex /pemphigus vulgaris
❖ Etiology of phemphigus vulgaris - auto immune
❖ Split-thickness graft includes - epidermis i part of dermis
❖ Soot particles in trachea r seen in cases of - antemortem dry flame burns
❖ In throttling,neck is compressed by - Human hand
❖ Features seen n drowning-frothing frm mouth/wet heavy lung/weeds n stomach&lung
❖ Specific antidote for benzodiazepine poisoning is - flumazenil
❖ Lucid interval is a feature of - SDH
❖ Penal code defines grievious hurt - section 320 IPC
❖ Acute subdural hematoma is becoz of - venous bleeding
❖ Hyoid fracture is most commonly found in - Throttling
❖ Pugilistic attitude of body seen in cases of burns is due to - coagulation of proteins
❖ In lacerated wound,margins are - irregular
❖ Rigidity of the muscles after death is - Rigor mortis

❖ Brain death means - loss of brain stem function

❖ MCC of intra cerebral bleed is - HTN
❖ Confirmatory test for establishing paternity is - DNA finger printing
❖ Not a punishable crime in India is - Incest
❖ In posterior dislocation of Hip - flexion,adduction,internal rotation
❖ In anterior superior dislocation of Hip - extension,abduction,external rotation
❖ In anterior inferior dislocation of Hip - flexion,abduction,external rotation
❖ CSF is required to be preserved in - Alcohol poisoning
❖ A brush burn is a - Grazed abrasion
❖ In simple hanging knot comes to rest at - Angle of mandible
❖ Pugilistic attitude in burns is seen in - both antemortem & post mortem burns
❖ Countre-coup injuries occur due to - moving head strike a stationary object
❖ Cause of death in Drowning is - Laryngospasm
❖ Acrodynia is seen in - Mercury poisoning
❖ Dowry death - IPC 304 B
❖ Cyanides mainly affect the enzyme - cytochrome oxidase
❖ MC used preservatives for viscera is - saturated solution of common salt
❖ Domestic violence is covered under sec IPC-498 A
❖ Inquest in dowry death is done by - Magistrate
❖ Teeth bite marks is an example of - pressure abrasion
❖ Recommended compression depth of the sternum for cpr in adults - 2inches
❖ In spinal anaesthesia,drug is deposited between - Pia & arachnoid
❖ Laughing gas is - Nitrous oxide
❖ Bone marrow depression is seen in - Nitrous oxide
❖ Ventilatory modes used for weaning off d pts - SIMV/ACV/PSV
❖ Local anasthetic not used for topical anasthesia - Bupivacaine
❖ Local anasthetics mechanism of action - block Na+ channels
❖ Mallampatti grading is for - inspection of oral cavity before intubation
❖ Drug which cause dissociatice anasthesia - Ketamine
❖ Sellicke's manoeuvre is used to prevent - aspiration of gastric content
❖ Colour of O2 cylinder - Black & white

❖ Safe inducing agent in malignant hyperpyrexia is - propofol

❖ GA in children,induction of choice is - sevoflurane
Allograft - Transplants that are recently performed between two subjects of the same species
Allografts can either be from a living or cadaveric source
Autograft - Organs and/or tissues that are transplanted within the same person's body
Isograft - a transplant from a genetically identical donor, such as an identical twin
Xenograft - a transplant from another species

Structure male female

Genital fold ventral aspect of penis L.Minor
Genital swelling Scrotum L.Major
Genital Ridge Testis Ovary
Genital Tubercle Glans penis Clitoris

Klienfelter's syndrome - 47XXY

Turner's syndrome - 45XO

General Medicine
Typhoid 1st week - Blood culture
2nd week - widal
3rd week - Stool culture
4th week - Urine culture
Key points :
Lung Ca
1. MC to produce hypercalcemia in lung ca - Squamous cell Ca
2. MC cavitating lung ca - Squamous cell ca
3. MC type of lung ca - Adeno ca
4. 2nd MC lung ca - Squamous cell ca
5. Lung ca i worst prognosis - small cell ca
6. Best prognosis among lung ca - Squamous cell ca
7. MC metastasizing to opposite lung - Adeno ca
8. Lung ca most responsive to chemo & radiotherapy - small cell ca
9. MC type in non-smokers - Adeno ca
10. MC in peripheral location lung ca - Adeno ca
11. MC in young pts - Adeno ca
12. MC in females - Adeno ca

Spots :
13. Koplik spots - Measles
14. Roth spots - SABE
15. Bitot's spots - vitamin A deficeincy
16. Herald spots - pityriasis rosea

Hyperkalemia :
17. Hyperkalemia is ass i - digitalis intoxication,Beta blockers,severe crush injury,acute
intravascular hemolysis,acute oliguric states,burns,adrenal insufficiency

18. Ecg changes in hyperkalemia - shortening of QT interval,prolonged PR,tall,peaked T

19. Rx for hyperkalemia - calcium gluconate,sodium bicarbonate,insulin,GI bolus
Hypomagnesemia :
20. Hypomagnesenia s ass i - Alcohol,inadequate intake,impairment of gut,renal
absorption,EMG studies - myopathic potentials
Hypocalcemia :
21. Hypocalcemia ECG changes - prolonged QT interval

Breathing :
22. Paradoxical breathing - diaphragmatic palsy
23. Amphoric breathing - pneumothorax
24. Cavernous breathing - cavity
25. Tubular breathing - consolidation

Respiratory failure :
26. Type 1 resp failure - parenchymal disease/ARDS/emphysema/pneumonia
27. Type 11 rsep failure - COPD/ flail chest

Bronchiectasis :
28. Cxr - tram track lines for bronchiectasis
29. MC site of bronchiectasis - left lower lobe
30. Clubbing is seen in bronchiectasis
31. IOC for bronchiectasis is - HRCT scan

Pleural effusion :
32. Exudative pleural effusionis seen in - RA/ bronchogenic Ca
33. Blood stained pl.effusion s seen n - pulmonary infarction/metastatic ca
34. Low glucose in pl.effusion - RA,empyema
35. Increased amylase in pleural fluid - pancreatitis/esophageal perforation
36. Cholesterol in pleural fluid - RA/TB/hypothyroidism
Mycoplasma pneumonia :
37. Causes atypical pneumonia in younger pts
38. Cxr - B/L consolidation
39. Rx – Erythromycin

Hypersensitive pneumonitis :
40. Farmers lung - caused by micropolyspora faeni
41. Farmers lung - Associated with moldy hay
42. Bagassossis - caused by - thermoactinomycetes sacchrii
43. Bagassossis - associated with - sugar cane dust
44. Ghon's focus is suggestive of - healed 1ry pulmonary TB
45. Post 1ry TB - popcorn calcification / hemorhagic pl. effusion /cavitation can occur
46. Pneumocystis carinii - fungus causing pneumonia in AIDS / interstitial pneumonitis
47. Pneumocystis carinii - Rx - co-trimaxozole
48. MC Ca causing superior vena caval syndrome - small cell Ca (oat cell ca)

Pulmonary embolism :
49. MC & earliest manifestation of pulmonary embolism - Dyspnea
50. ECG findings in pulmonary embolism - S1Q3T3
51. Signs seen on Cxr - hampton's sign / west mark sign
52. Plasma D-dimer ELISA level is elevated > 90%
53. IOC for pulmonary embolism - CT scan
54. Gold standard investigation for pulmonary embolism - pulmonary angiography
55. Ground glass appearance is seen in - ARDS
56. Water hammer pulse is seen in - Aortic regurgitation
57. Pulsus paradoxus is seen in - Asthma / pericarditis / cardiac tamponade
Heart sounds :
58. Soft S1 - mitral stenosis -long standing calcified
59. Loud S1 - mitral stenosis - prolonged flow through AV valve
60. Wide split S2 - ASD / pulmonary stenosis
61. Reverse splitting of S2 - left bundle branch block / aortic stenosis
62. S3 is heard in - children / hyperdynamic status /Athletes /LVF /cons.pericarditis
63. Causes of S4 - HTN / HOCM / MR
64. Wolff parkinson white syndrome - ecg changes - short PR / wide QRS complex
65. Rx for WPW syndrome - procainamide / amiadarone / radio frequency ablation
66. Features of Torsade de pointes is - prolonged QTc interval
67. Arrythmia MC ass with alcohol binge - Atrial fibrillation
68. Rx of digoxin over dose includes - potassium / lignocaine / phenytoin

Rheumatic heart disease :

69. Major criteria - subcutaneous nodules / erythema marginatum / syndenham's chorea /
carditis / migratory polyarthritis
70. Associated terms for RHD - Aschoff bodies / pancarditis / Mc callum patch
71. Mid diastolic murmur is heard in - MVP
72. Ejection systolic murmur can be heard in - HOCM

Infective endocarditis :
73. MC cause of sub acute endocarditis - streptococcus viridans
74. MC cause acute endocarditis - staphylococcus aureus
75. Oslers nodules - painful,peasized nodules in pulp of fingers
Atherosclerosis :
76. Risk factors - low HDL,raised apolipoprotein A,smoking etc.,
77. Amino acid ass i atherosclerosis - Homocysteine
78. Organism ass i coronary atherosclerosis - H.pylori / chlamydia
79. Sensitive marker for MI - Troponin T

80. CKMb - rises at 4-8hrs & peaks at 16-24hrs &returns to normal at 3-4 days
81. Trop T -begins to rise at 4-6hrs&peaks at12-24hrs&returns to normal at 7-10 days
Cardiac tamponade :
82. CXR - big globular heart
83. Beck's triad - Hypotension / silent heart / raised JVP
84. Kussmaul sign is seen in - constrictive pericarditis

Anemia :
82. Commonest cause of anemia in INdia is - iron deficiency anemia
85. Causes of iron deficiency anemia - Hookworms,celiac sprue,Ca colon
86. increased iron absorption is seen in- IDA,pregnancy,hypoxia,acidic PH of stomach,ferrous
iron salts
87. Most sensitive & specific test for diagnosing IDA - serrum ferritin levels
88. Megaloblastic anemia is caused by - liver disease,fish tapeworm infestation,Tab.phenytoin
89. Hematological finding for megaloblastic anemia - multisegmented
nuclei,anisocytosis(inc.variation in size of RBC)
Poikilocytosis (abnormal shaped RBC) , pancytopenia
90. Features for hemolytic anemia - inc. Reticulocyte count inc.LDH
91. Sickel cell anemia - replacement of glutamate by valine
92. MC symp. Of sickle cell - Bone pain
93. Fish mouth vertebra is seenn in - Sickle cell anemia
94. Hyperviscosity of blood is seen in - polycythemia rubra vera
95. MC inherited bleeding disorder is seen in - von willebrand disease
96. Reed sternberg cell is seen in - Hodgkin's lymphoma

97. Musculoskeletal findings - non erosive arthritis
98. Renal manifestations - papillary necrosis & wire loop lesions are seen in - SLE
99. MC cause of death in SLE is due to - Renal involvement
100.Specific antibody for SLE - Anti-ds DNA
Polymyositis :
101.Proximal limb muscles are involved in - polymyositis
102.Pharyngeal muscles are involved in - polymyositis
103.Raised CPK are seen in - polymyositis
104.Proximal muscle weekness is seen in - Myasthenia gravis
105.Symptoms of myasthenia gravis - dysphagia & dysarthria
106.Rx for myasthenia gravis - pyridostigmin & neostigmine

Ulcers :
107.MC site of cushings ulcer - distal duodenum
108.MC site of peptic ulcer - 1st part of duodenum
109.Stress ulcer after burns - curlings ulcer
110.MC complication of peptic ulcer - Hemorhage
111.Toxic megacolon is seen in - Ulcerative colitis
112.KF rings in cornea is seen in - wilsons disease
113.Urinary excretion of CU in most symptomatic >100 micro Cu/day - wilson disease
114.Characteristic histological feature of DM nephropathy is - kimmelstiel wilson nodule
115.Severe proteinuria is seen in - nephrotic syndrome
116.MC cause of paroxysmal HTN - pheochromocytoma
117.MC cause of dementia in elderly - Alzhiemers disease

Guillian barre syndrome :

118.Ascending type of motor paralysis is seen in - GBS
119.Rx for GBS - plasmapheresis & immunoglobulin
Meningitis :
120.MCC of neonatal meningitis - gram -ve bacilli / group B streptococci
121.MCC of meningitis in elderl adults - S.pneumonia
122.MCC of meningitis in young adults - Neisseria
123.In bacterial meningitis - purulent exudate i cloudy CSF & dec.glucose & inc.proteins are
124.MCC of viral meningitis - Enterovirus(80-90%)
125.Argyll robertson pupil is seen in - Neurosyphilis
126.MCC of neuropathic joint disease is - DM
127.MC joint affected by DM - tarsal joints

Brain Tumour :
128.MC brain tumour - Astrocytoma
129.MC glial tumour - Astrocytoma
130.MC intracranial tumour - Glioma
131.MC posterior fossa tumour - Astrocytoma

Quick review in Gen.Medicine

132.Radiosensitive lung carcinoma - small cell carcinoma
133.Koplik spots r seen in - Measles
134.Paradoxical breathing is seen in - Diaphragmatic palsy
135.Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is ass i - pancinar emphysema
136.IOC for bronchiectasis - HRCT
137.IOC for aortic dissection - MRI
138.Mc callum patch is seen in - RHD
139.IOC for Mitral stenosis - Echocardiography
140.Austin flint murmur is seen in - severe aotic regurgitation
141.pacemaker is indicated in - Ac.MI with AV block / Ac.MI with fasicular block / sick sinus

142.Pt presents with engorged neck veins,BP-80/50,HR-100 following blunt trauma to

chest,Diagnosis is - Cardiac tamponade
143.Coarcation of aorta is ass with - turner's synd / renal artery stenosis / bicuspid aortic
valve / atresia of aortic arch
144.In stable angina - Myoglobin is elevated
145.Cor pulmonale causes - right ventricular hypertrophy
146.Acute anginal attack can be terminated by - Nitroglycerin
147.DOC in acute pulmonary edema - furosemide
148.Becks triad is ass i - cardiac tamponade
149.MC type of hodgkins lymphoma is - Nodular sclerosis
150.MC type of hodgkin's lymphoma in India is - Mixed cellularity
151.MC presentation of Hodgkin's lymphoma - palpable lymphadenopathy
152.Wireloop lesions are seen n - SLE
153.Pseudohypertrophy of muscles is a feature of - Duchenne muscular dystrophy
154.Specific test for diagnosing whipple disease - biopsy
155.MC complication of peptic ulcer - Bleeding
156.Haemophilia A is low levels of factor 8
157.Most effective treatment of aplastic anemia - Bone marrow transplantation
158.Visual impairment is seen in which anti tubercular drug - Ethambutol
159.Deafness is seen in which anti tubercular drug - streptomycin
160.Most common form of shock is - Hypovolemic shock
161.Hemo dialysis will be helpful in poisoning of - barbiturate /methanol /salicylate
162.Fresh frozen plasma is used for - deficiency of coagulation factor
163.Diagnostic test for DIC - D-Dimer assay
164.MCC of death in pt on chronic hemodialysis - cardiovascular disease
165.Pulsatile liver & ascites is found in - tricuspid regurgitation
166.MC affected valve in RHD is - Mitral
167.Dresslers syndrome is due to - MI
168.Wide split fixed 2nd heart sound is heard in - ASD
169.Defeciency of niacin causes - pellagra
170.100 % oxygen is not effective in - Tetrology of fallot

171.ST segment elevation is seen in - MI/left ventricular aneurysm/acute pericarditis/prinz

metal angina
172.Swan Ganz catheter is used to measure - pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
173.MC feature of essential hypertension - Headache
174.LVH is caused by - CRF/ess.HTN/AS & not in chronic cor pulmonale
175.Acute anginal attack can be terminated by - Nitroglycerine
176.Most common arrythmia - atrial fibrillation
177.Indication for Aortic stenting is - Aortic dissection
178.One of the main disadvantage of stenting is - late stent thrombosis
179.Preferred biochemical markers in pts i MI - cardiac specific Troponins
180.Split 1st Heart sound is heard in - complete right bundle branch block
181.Austin flint murmur is a - Mid diastolic murmur
182.Dyspnea at rest is - Grade 4
183.Pericardial effusion is best diagnosed by - Echocardiography
184.MC valvular lesion after MI - MR
185.Pt i IWMI is in shock reason is - right ventricular infarction
186.Sudden death is preceeded by - Massive MI/ventricular fibrillation/massive pulmonary
emboli & not atrial flutter
187.Pulsus alternans is seen in - left ventricular failure
188.Kussmaul's sign is seen in - constrictive pericarditis / restrictive cardiomyopathy /
pericardial effusion / RV infarction / Rt.heart failure / cardiac tumours / tricuspid stenosis
189.Pulsus paradoxus is seen in - cardiac tamponade / pericarditis / chronic sleep apnea /
croup / Obstructive lung disease
190.Drugs used for prophylaxis of rheumatic heart disease - sulfadiazine / phenoxy methyl
penicillin / benzathine penicillin
191.Drug contraindicated in HOCM - Digoxin
192.Renal papillary necrosis is almost always ass i - T2DM
193.Metabolic complications in CRF includes - hyperkalemia / hypocacemia/hypokalemia
&not hypophosphatemia
194.Hematuria,RBC casts & proteinuria r suggestive of - Acute nephritic syndrome
195.In membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis the characteristic feature is - thickening &

splitting of capillary basement membrane

196.Chronic kidney disease is defined as GFR less than - 60
197.Microalbuminuria refers to urinary albumin excretion rate of - 30-300 mg/day
198.Syndrome characterised by proteinuria,hematuria & HTN - Acute nephritis
199.Oliguria - urine formation less than 500ml/day
200.MCC of death in a patient i CRF on dialysis - Cardiovascular disease
201.Renal artery stenosis is ass i - atherosclerosis,polyarteritis nodosa/takayasu arteritis &
not Marfan's syndrome
202.To diagnose diabetic nephropathy,earliest sensitive test is - microalbuminuria
203.In CRF seen is - hyperkalemia/metabolic acidosis/hypocalcemia & not hypophosphatemia
204.Renal vein thrombosis is ass i - trauma/nephrotic syndrome & dehydration & not i sickle
cell anemia
205.MCC of acute superior mesenteric arterial obstruction is - Embolism
206.Investigation of choice for amoebic liver abscess - serum entamoeba antibodies
207.Puddle sign is seen in - Ascites
208.Bence jones protein in urine is suggestive of - Multiple myeloma
209.Gold standard method of diagnosing celiac disease is - small bowel biopsy
210.Pt presents i tachycardia,BP of less than 100mm systolic & postural hypotension diagnosis
is - bleeding peptic ulcer
211.Typhoid ulcer - longitudinal/peyer's patches/perforation is common/ileum is d commonest
site/bleeding is common & stricture is rare
212.Budd chiari syndrome is - hepatic vein thrombosis
213.Most imp investigation for diagnosis of zollinger ellison syndrome is - secretin injection
214.Best marker to assess prognosis after surgery for colon carcinoma - CEA
215.Typhoid ulcer perforation mostly occurs in - 3-4 weeks
216.Features of carcinoid syndrome - wheezing / diarhea / flushing
217.Young man to casuality i hematemesis i mild spleenomegaly cause of bleeding is -
oesophageal varices
218.Pt i vomitting contents of food taken few days back i foul smelling breath & occasional
dysphagia to solid food diagnosis is - Zenker's diverticulum

219.Hepato spleenomegaly is not seen in - sickle cell disease

220.Chance that a health worker gets HIV from an accidental needle prick is - 0.3 %
221.Screening test for HIV infection n pt prior to development of antibodies(early diagnosis)
(in window period)-p24 antigen
222.Fecal-oral transmission occurs in - poliomyelitis
223.Spirochaetes can be identified by - dark field microscopy
224.MC CNS manifestation of HIV infection is - Dementia
225.Post exposure prophylaxis for HIV should be given for minimum period of - 4 weeks
226.Bacteria causing vomitting & diarrhea within 6 hrs of food intake is - staph aureus
Within 8-16 hrs - clostridium perfringens
More than 16 hrs - salmonella spp &vibrio cholerae
227.Drug used to treat crypto coccal meningitis is - Amphotericin B
228.Typhoid fever first week - blood culture
2nd week - widal test & 3rd week - urine culture
229.Drug given as a single dose to prevent mother to child HIV transmission - Nevirapine
230.Which infection is common after organ transplantation - cytomegalovirus
231.Most common malignancy in AIDS is - kaposi sarcoma
232.Average incubation period of AIDS is - 10 yrs
233.Pathognomic lesion in HIV is - oral leukoplakia
234.Acromegaly is ass i - nasal sinus enlargement/increased heel pad thickness/DM & not
muscle hypertrophy
235.Whipple's triad - symptom's of hypoglycemia/low blood glucose &symp. Improve after
glucose administration
236.MCC of spontaneous hypoglycemia in non diabetic individual - alcohol consumption
237.Dawn phenonmenon refers to - early morning hyperglycemia
238.Which nerve is most commonly affected in diabetic mononeuropathy - oculomotor
239.MCC of congenital hypothyroidism - Thyroid agenesis
240.Rx of childhood hypothyroidism - Levothyroxine
241.Features of hypothyroidism - carpal tunnel syndrome / cold intolerance / increased sleep /
TSH level increased
242.DOC for diabetes insipidus - Desmopressin

243.DOC for SIADH - Demeclocycline

244.Slow relaxation of tendon reflex may be manifestation of - Hypothyroidism
245.Complications in DM occurs around - 20 yrs of onset
246.Pheochromocytoma predominantly secretes which hormone - nor-epinephrine
247.Excessive insulin levels are ass with - pancreatic cancer
248.Seen in conn's syndrome - Hypernatremia
249.Features of hyperthyroidism - heat intolerance / wgt loss / inc.appetite / tachy / HTN
/tremor / muscle wasting / nervousness/gynecomastia / hypercalcemia / chronic diarrhea
250.Which plays an imp. Role in Rx of DKA - Insulin
251.MCC of hyper para thyroidism - Adenoma
252.Cushing's syndrome - wgt gain / HTN / hirsutism & not hypoglycemia
253.MCC of hypothyroidism in India - Iodine defeciency
254.IOC for primary hypothyroidism - elevated TSH
255.MC form of diabetic neuropathy is - sensorymotor polyneuropathy
256.Test of choice for diagnosing cushings syndrome - overnight low dose dexa suppression
257.Hypercalcemia is decreased by - etidronate / calcitonin / glucocorticoids & not with
258.ECG changes of hypomagnesemia is - increased QT interval
259.Chvostek sign is seen in - hypocalcemia
260.ECG findings in hypokalemia - increased U wave / increased PR interval with ST dep
261.Increased anion gap is seen in - starvation / salicylate poisoning / renal
failure/DKA/methanol &ethanol poisoning / lactic acid
262.Normal anion gap is seen in - diarhea
263.Neurological manifestation of water intoxication - headache / confusion / convulsion
264.Features of hyponatremia - nausea / vomitting / anorexia
265.ECG changes for few conditions -
Hypocalcemia - prolonged ST & QT interval
Hypercalcemia - shortened ST seg & widened T wave
Hypokalemia - ST depression,Flat or inverted T wave i prominent U wave
Hyperkalemia - Tall,peaked T wave,flat P wave,wide QRS comp,prolonged PR interval

Hypomagnesemia - Tall T waves with depressed ST segments

Hypermagnesemia - prolonged PR interval with widened QRS complex
266.Easily recognised sign for Zinc defeciency - white spots/bands or lines on finger nails
267.Pontine myelinosis occurs due to rapid correction of - Hyponatremia
268.Wernicke's encephalopathy - Thiamine defeciency
269.CSF findings in tubercular meningitis - raised protein,dec glucose,inc lymphocytes
270.B/L facial palsy is seen in - GBS
271.For status epilepticus Rx of choice is - Lorazepam
272.In Rabies,Negri bodies can be detected in - Neuron
273.Seen in parkinsonism - Rigidity / static tremors / Hypokinesia
274.Brain death is defined as loss of - Brainstem functions
275.Upper motor neuron lesion is characterised by - weakness & spasticity
276.Characteristic of GBS - Loss of limb reflex
277.Spike & dome pattern is seen in - petitmal (Abscence)seizures
278.Argyll-robertson pupil is seen in - Neurosyphillis
279.MCC of SAH - saccular aneurysm rupture
280.MCC of meningitis in Adults is - strept.pneumonia
281.Kernig's sign is seen in - pyogenic meningitis
282.MCC of intracranial bleed is - HTN
283.Cranial nerve commonly involved in GBS is - Facial
284.Proximal muscle weekness - myasthenia gravis - edrophonium test
285.MDR TB - resistant to INH & rifampicin
286.XDR TB - resistant to INH&rifampicin & any quinolones & 1 injectable 2nd line drug
287.Paradoxical breathing is seen in - diaphragmatic palsy
288.Kussmaul respiration is a feature of metabolic acidosis
289.Causes of clubbing - bronchogenic Ca / empyema / bronchiectasis
290.Drugs used in Rx of status asthmaticus - Mgso4 / corticosteroid / adrenaline
291.Lung Ca is MC ass with - Asbestosis
292.Features seen in ARDS - pulmonary edema / hypoxemia / stiff lung
293.Hypercapnia is seen in - severe asthma / anaphylaxis / inhalational burn injury
294.Silicosis is ass with - pulmonary fibrosis

295.Signs of cor pulmonale - elevated JVP / hepatomegaly / peripheral edema

296.MC occupational malignancy in India is - Skin
297.Positive End expiratory pressure is useful in - ARDS/pneumonia/pulmonary
298.ECG pattern seen in - pulmonary embolism is - S1Q3T3
299.MC ECG change in Pulmonary embolism - Sinus tachycardia
300.MC symptom of ILD is - Dyspnea
301.IOC for diagnosing lung sequestration is - Angiography
302.Hemoptysis is commonly seen in - pulmonary thromboembolism
303.Panacinar emphysema - alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
304.Treatment regimen for hodgkin's lymphoma -
305.Treatment regimen for multiple myeloma - VAD
306.Rx regimen for B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia - CHOP
307.Features seen in Tumorlysis syndrome- Hyperuricemia / hyperkalemia /
hyperphosphatemia / Hypocalcemia / ARF
308.Male presents with gynecomastia,galactorhea,&hypogonadism,likely diagnosis is -
309.Tumour lysis syndrome is ass with treatment of - Burkitt's lymphoma
310.Prognosis of lymphoma depends on - number of lymphnode sites / Tumour size & tumour
311.Rx for managing prolactinoma - Bromocriptin
312.Ascent to high altitude may cause - HACE-high altitude cerebral edema/HAPE/venous
313.Smoking predisposes - Ca larynx / Ca bladder / Ca esophagus
314.Immunoglobin that crosses placenta - IgG
315.Immunoglobin that found in mucus secretion - IgA
316.Immunoglobin involved in - Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction - IgE
317.Mechanism of action of thalidomide is - Immunomodulation
318.Edema is visible when the amount of fluid accumulated is - 5-6 litres
319.45yrs old man c/o back pain & multiple joint pain.x-ray shows b/l sacroilitis,diagnosis

coulod be - Ankylosing spondylitis

320.Pt c/o finger stiffness & dysphagia,probable diagnosis is - Scleroderma
321.Premalignant condition - leukoplakia / crohn's disease / ulcerative colitis & not retinitis
322.Hypercholesterolemia is commonly ass with - nephrotic syndrome / obstructive liver
disease / anorexia nervosa / cushing's synd / hypothyroidism / CRF / DM
323.Most specific antibody for SLE - Anti sm-antibodies
324.Bone age correspondce to chronological age in - familial short stature
325.Preobesity is defined as BMI of - 25-29.9
326.Obesity - BMI of - 30+
327.Under weight - BMI less than - 18.5 & normal weight - 18.5 - 24.9
328.Alkaline phosphatase is elevated in - MI / biliary cirhosis / pregnancy & not in -
pernicious anemia
329.Tourniquet test is positive if the petechiae are more than - 20 petechiae per square inch
330.MCC of short stature is - Constitutional
331.Most severe & persistant symptom for acute mountain sickness is - headache
332.Anti DNA antibodies are specific for - SLE
333.TOC for wegener's granulomatosis - Steroids
334.Endocarditis is most commonly seen in - MR
335.Infective endocarditis is most commonly seen in - VSD
336.Aschoff nodules are seen in - Rheumatic carditis
337.Diffuse axonal injury is best diagnosed by - MRI
338.Cluster head ache is characterised i - unilateral / onset 20-50yrs of life / ass i conjunctival
339.DOC for acute attack of migraine - sumatriptan
340.MCC of CVA - Embolism
341.Methods used to decrease ICP - frusemide / Mannitol / hyperventilation
342.Non-diabetic,non-hypertensive adult male develops sudden severe head ache i altered
sensorium,likely diagnosis is - SAH
343.MC location of HTN hemorhage - putamen / external capsule
344.Commonest cause of intra cerebral bleed is- HTN

345.SDH MC results from - injury to cortical bridging veins

346.Chromosomal anomaly ass i Alzheimer's dementia is - Trisomy 21
347.Alzheimers disease is ass i - Dementia
348.Triad of normal-pressure hydrocephalus includes - Gait disorder,urinary
349.Feature of wernicke encephalopathy - Alteration in mental function/opthalmoplegia /
350.Features of Parkinsonism - Tremors at rest /Akinesia / Rigidity
351.Painless burn in hand is a feature of - syringomyelia
352.Vit B12 defeciency can give rise to - Myelopathy / optic atrophy / peripheral neuropathy
353.Pyramidal tract involvement i absent ankle jerk is seen in - Fredricke's ataxia
354.Most sensitive test for diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis - positive edrophonium test
355.Dystrophic gene mutation leads to - Duchenne muscular dystrophy
356.CSF findings in TB meningitis - raised protein / low sugar / low chloride
357.Characteristic finding n CT in a TB case - Exudates seen in basal cistern
358.DOC for Herpes simplex encephalitis is - Acyclovir
359.Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a disease of - Sacrolemmal proteins
360.Gene for myotonic dystrophy is coded in chromosome number - 19
361.Characteristic feature of frontal lobe tumour is - Antisocial behaviour
362.Feat. of struge weber syndrome-Railtrack app./hemiatrophy of brain/convulsion
363.Pure motor paralysis is seen in - Polio
364.After minor head inj pt unable to close his left eye & had drooling of saliva from left angle
of mouth,probably he is suffering from - 7th nerve palsy
365.Earliest manifestation of increased ICP following head injury - ipsilateral papillary
366.Lewy bodies seen in - Parkinsonism
367.MC 1ry CNS tumours are - Astrocytoma
368.Psammomma bodies seen in - Meningioma
369.MC brain tumour in children is - Medulloblastoma
370.Cobweb formation in CSF seen in - Tuberculosis
371.MCC of SAH - rupture or vertebral artery aneurysm

372.Alzheimer's disease is ass with - Dementia

373.In TB meningitis,CSF finding is - Low sugar
374.Lithium used n pregnant woman,congenital anomaly in baby is -Ebstein anomaly
375.Prolactin secretion is inhibited by - Dopamine
376.DOC for epilepsy in pregnancy is - Phenobarbitone
377.Osteomalacia,gingival hyperplasia & facial hirsutism r side effects of - Phenytoin
378.Antipsychotic drug induced parkinsonism is treated by - Anticholinergics
379.MCC of cushing syndrome - Iatrogenic steroid
380.Clinical feature of cushing's syndrome - insulin resistance / violaceous striae / centripetal
obesity / HTN / frank psychosis / hypokalemia
381.MCC of adrenal insufficiency in India - Tuberculosis
382.Features of Addison's disease - Asthenia / Hyperpigmentation / Abdominal pain /
Hypotension / Hyperkalemia / hyponatremia / hypoglycemia
383.Conn's syndrome is ass with - HTN / muscle weakness / hypokalemia
384.HLA ass Diabetes - Type 1
385.Pt having fasting & postprandial sugar within limits but urine sugar is 3 + diagnosis is -
Renal Glycosuria
386.Dancing carotid is seen in - Thyrotoxicosis
387.Best marker to diagnose thyroid related disorder - TSH
388.MCC of Thyroiditis is - Hashimotos thyroiditis
389.MC presentation of endemic goiter is - Hypothyroid
390.Pheochromocytoma predominantly secretes - Norepinephrine
391.Zolinger ellison synd triad s - peptic ulcer,gastric hypersecretion,nonbeta cell tumour
392.Carcinoid tumour is most common in - Appendix
393.Treatment of Hypercalcemia includes - galium nitrate/plicamycin/Etidronate
394.Common cause of 1ry hyperparathyroidism is - solitary parathyroid adenomas
395.Subtle presentation of hyperparathyroidism is - Abdominal pain
396.Osteoporosis may be seen in- thyrotoxicosis / chronic heparin therapy / steroid therapy/RA
/ hyperparathyroidism
397.30yrs female presents with secondary amenorhea with galactorhea likely cause is -

398.SIADH is ass with - Small cell carcinoma lung

399.SIADH is charecterised by - hyponatremia & urine sodium excretion >20meq/l
400.Drug essential in Sheehan's syndrome - cortisone
401.Weight gain will not occur in - pheochromocytoma / T1DM / adrenal insuficiency
402.Weight gain is afeature of - cushing's syndrome/hypothyroidism/insulin secreting
403.In Barium study rat tail neck appearance suggestive of - CA esophagus
404.Preferred investigation for patient with malena is - Upper GI endoscopy
405.Foul breathing regurgitates 3 days before eaten food likely to be - Zenker's diverticulum
406.Cock screw esophagus is seen in - diffuse esophagus spasm
407.Hyperkeratosis of palm & sole is ass with - CA esophagus
408.Barret's esophagus is - Lower esophagus lined by columnar epithelium
409.Adenocarcinoma of esophagus is commonly found in Barret's esophagus
410.Best substitute of esophagus after esophagectomy is - stomach
411.Common site for cushing ulcer's is - stomach / esophagus / 1st part of duodenum
412.Commonest site for peptic ulcer is - 1st part of duodenum
413.Helicobacter pylori s ass i - gastric cancer / gastrointestinal lymphoma / peptic ulcer
414.H.pylori is known to cause - gastric ulcer / Duodenal ulcer / Gastric lymphoma
415.Diagnostic test of H.pylori includes-Ureabreath test/rapid urease test / gastric biopsy
416.Drug used in treatment for H.pylori - metrogyl / colloid bismuth / amoxicillin /
417.DOC in pts on NSAIDS induced gastritis- Misoprostol
418.Duodenal ulcer is preventable by the use of - H2 blocker as HS dose
419.Toxic megacolon is MC ass with - Ulcerative colitis
420.Gut hypomotility is feature of - Ulcerative colitis
421.MC CNS manifestation of whipple's disease is - Dementia
422.DOC for ulcerative colitis - Sulfasalazine
423.Massive bleeding per rectum in a 70 yr old male is due to - Diverticulosis
424.Causes of Acute pancreatitis - Gall stones / Alcohol / hypertriglyceridemia
425.Increased Amylase may be seen in - pancreatic pseudocyst / perforated peptic ulcer
/ruptured ectopic pregnancy

426.Cause of acute loss of vision in a patient of alcoholic pancreatitis - Purtscher's retinopathy

427.True of pseudo pancreatic cyst - common after acute pancreatitis / presents as an
abdominal mass / MC site is head of pancreas
428.Zollinger ellison syndrome Triad - peptic ulcer,gastric hypersecretion / non beta cell
429.DOC in Zollinger ellison syndrome - Omeprazole
430.Things involved in protection of stomach mucosa - prostaglandins / mucus / bicarbonate
431.MCC of lower GI bleed in children - Meckel's diverticulum
432.Pseudo polyps r seen on endoscopy in - Ulcerative colitis
433.PPI r most effective when they r given - shortly before meals
434.Gynaecomastia is an adverse effect of - Cimetidine
435.Drug inhibiting gastric acid secretion & increasing mucus & bicarbonate secretion is -
436.Concentration of Glucose in standard WHO ORS is - 111mmoles/L
437.DOC for ulcerative colitis - Sulfasalazine
438.Cereals should be avoided in pts i celiac disease - wheat / barley / rye
439.Best site for taking biopsy for viral esophagitis - edge of ulcer
440.Barett's esophagus - squamous to - columnar metaplasia
441.Leiomyoma is most common in - Stomach
442.Type of anemia caused by illeocaecal TB - Megaloblastic
443.Sister mary joseph nodules are found in - Gastric Ca
444.Passage of solid foods is easier than liquids in - Achalasia cardia
445.Typhoid ulcers features - hemorhage is common / occurs in lymphoid aggregation /
Longitudinal ulcers
446.Salt losing nephritis - Interstitial nephritis
447.Renal pappillary necrosis is almost ass i T2DM
448.Nephrotic syndrome features - Hypoproteinemia / edema / hyperlipidemia
449.Presenting manifestation of Alport syndrome - Haematuria
450.8yrs boy i diarrhea,decreased urine output & platlets of 90,000 diagnosis is - Hemolytic
uremic syndrome
451.10yrs boy hematuria after 2 days of diarhea blood film shows fragmented RBC i
thrombocytopenia & on USG shows marked enlarged both kidneys diagnosis is - renal
vein thrombosis
452.Polycystic kidney disease may have cysts in - Liver / pancreas / spleen
453.Nephritic syndrome - smoky urine / elevated BP / dysmorphic RBC
454.Microalbunminuria is seen in - DM nephropathy
455.Hypercholestrolemia & hypoproteinemia is sen in - Nephrotic syndrome
456.Major risk factor for Bladder Ca is - Aniline dye exposure
457.Sterile pyuria is seen in - TB/analgesic abuse / bladder Ca
458.MC medical cause of hematuria - AGN
459.Anemia seen in CRF is - normocytic normochromic
460.MC infection in renal transplant is - EBV
461.Drug useful in diabetic nephropathy is - Captopril
462.Diuretic that can cause gynaecomastia on long term use is - Spirinolactone
463.DOC for central diabetes insipidus is - Hydrochlorothiazide
464.K+ sparing diuretic is - spironolactone
465.Necrotising pappilitis may be seen n - sickle cell dis. / DM / analgesic nephropathy
466.Mercury affects which part of kidney - proximal convoluted tubule
467.Mesangial deposit f monoclonal kappa/lambda light chain s indicative f-Amyloidosis
468.Ass with Adult polycystic kidney disease is - berry aneurysms of circle of willis
469.Hepatitis viruse having significant perinatal transmission - Hepatitis B virus
470.MC route of spread in Hepatitis E is - Feco-oral route
471.Acute infection of Hepatitis B virus is diagnosed by - IgM antibody of HbcAg
472.Hepatitis most dangerous in pregnancy is - Hepatitis E
473.Enzyme assay useful to diagnose Alcoholism - SGOT
474.Normal portal venous pressure is - 10-15 cm saline
475.Budd chiari syndrome is most commonly due to - Hepatic vein obstruction
476.12yrs girl i tremors & emotional liability has a golden brown discoloration in descemet's
membrane,most likely diagnosis is - wilson's disease

477.Major route of transmission of hepatitis B to the baby from mother is - delivery / feding /
478.HBsAg positive mother gives birth to a baby,best course of action for the baby shall be -
give immunoglobulin & vaccine at 0,1,2 months
479.Spidernaevi can be seen in - RA , cirrhosis of liver / pregnancy
480.Anti-double stranded DNA is highly specific for - SLE
481.P-ANCA is characteristic feature for - microscopic polyangitis
482.C-ANCA is characteristic for - wegeners granulomatosis
483.30yr old lady i difficulty in climbing stairs &combing hair,o/e Gower sign is +ve &
investigation revealed Anti-jo-1 antibodies positive.diagnosis is - Dermatomyositis
484.Characteristic of henoch-schonlein purpura - blood in stool
485.B/L hilar lymphadenopathy,along i non cesating granulomas is a charecteristic feature of -
486.Most commonly involved in pts with sarcoidosis - 7th cranial nerve
487.Erosive arthritis is seen in - Gout / OA / old age
488.Primary idiopathic polymyositis does not involve - ocular muscles
489.Ankylosing spondylitis is ass with - HLA-B27
490.Type of anemia seen in rheumatoid arthritis - normocytic normochromic anemia
491.Spine affected in Rheumatoid arthritis - Cervical
492.35yr fm develops PIP,DIP & metacarpophalangeal joints,probable diagnosis is - RA
493.Specific test for GOUT - raised uric acid in synovial fluid of joint
494.Pt i DM,painless,swollen right ankle,x-ray shows destroyed joint i large loose bodies
probable diagnosis is - Charcot's joint
495.Clubbing s seen n-mesothelioma/bronchiectasis,cyanotic heart dis/1ry biliary cirhosis
496.Hypersensitivity pneumonitis - farmer lung
497.Features of Asbestosis - Pneumoconiosis,pleural calcification,bloody pleural fluid
498.Primary atypical pneumonia is caused by - Mycoplasma
499.Kartagener syndrome features - cystic fibrosis,dextrocardia,sinusitis
500.Paradoxical breathing is characteristic of - diaphragmatic paralysis
501.MCC of spontaneous pneumothorax - rupture of subpleural bleb
502.MC anterior mediastinal tumour is - Thymoma

503.Causes of ARDS - fat embolism,septicemia,multiple blood transfusions

504.MC oppurtunistic infection in a HIV pt i CD4 count of 200 - pneumocystis carinii
505.Monday chest tightness is characteristic of - Bysinosiss
506.Drug contraindicated in HIV coexistent i TB - Rifampicin
507.Tension pneumothorax relieved by-needle in 2nd intercoastal mid clavicular line
508.Bronchiectasis is most common in which lobe - left lower lobe
509.Alpha1 antitrypsin defeciency is ass i - panacinar-emphysema
510.Acute lung injury is caused by - aspiration,toxic gas inhalation,lung contusion
511.Features seen in ARDS - pulmonary edema,decreased tidal volume,dec.compliance
512.MC causative organism for lobar pneumonia is - strept.pneumonia
513.Commonest sign of aspiration pneumonitis is - Cyanosis
514.Rx of chlamydia pneumonia is - Erythromycin
515.Features of 1ry TB - pleural effusion, consolidation,lymphadenopathy
516.MCC of empyema is - bacterial pneumonia
517.MCC of amoebic lung abscess is - direct spread from liver
518.MC source of pulmonary embolism - large veins of leg
519.MCC of acute cor pulmonale - pulmonary thromboembolism
520.High amylase level in pleural fluid suggests a diagnosis of - Malignancy
521.While inserting CVC,pt develops respiratory ditress MLC - pneumothorax
522.MCC of mediastinitis - esophageal rupture
523.MC bronchogenic Ca is - Adenocarcinoma
524.In chronic smoker,highly malignant aggressive & metastatic lung Ca is -small cell ca
525.Commonest type of lung Ca in nonsmokers is - Adenocarcinoma
526.Bronchial adenoma commonly present as - recurrent hemoptysis
527.Cxr normal for 60yrs pt i hemoptysis next line - Bronchoscopy
528.Complication for blood transfusion - metabolic alkalosis,hyperkalemia,tetany
529.Features for sickle cell anemia - PAH / fish vertebra / increased size of heart
530.Most sensitive & specific test for diagnosis iron defeciency is - serum ferritin levels
531.Earliest sign of iron defeciency anemia is - decrease in serum ferritin level
532.Sickle cell trait - HbS HbF HbA HbA2
533.Sickle cell anemia - HbS HbF HbA2

534.Features of chronic case of sickle cell anemia - hepatomegaly / pulmonary

HTN/cardiomegaly & notseen is - splenomegaly
535.Acute presentation of sickle cell anemia is - splenomegaly
536.In Beta thalassemia, there is - decrease in beta chain,increase in alpha chain
537.Diagnosis of beta thalassemia is established by - Hb electrophoresis
538.Splenectomy is most useful in - Hereditary spherocytosis
539.Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is seen in- CLL
540.Condition ass with coomb's positive hemolytic anemia - SLE
541.Stem cell disorder affecting all the three cell lines platelets,RBC's & leucocytes is -
paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinemia
542.Cause of ITP is - antibody to platelets
543.20yrs adult presents i severe hypoplastic anemia most effective Rx is -bone marrow
544.Commonest mode of inheritance of von wille-brand disease - Autosomal dominant
545.Non-palpable purpura is seen in - ITP
546.MC type of Hodgkin's lymphoma is - Nodular sclerosis
547.MC type of Hodgkin's lymphoma in India is - Mixed cellularity
548.Best prognostic type of Hodgkin's lymphoma is - Lymphocytic predominant
549.In Burkitts lymphoma,translocation seen in chromosome - 8-14 translocation
550.Hairy cell leukemia is a neoplastic proliferation of B.cell
551.TOC in hairy cell leukemia is - Cladribine
552.Features for Multiple myeloma - visual disturbance/bleeding tendancy/proteinuria
553.Raised ESR i raised Creatinine - multiple myeloma
554.Features of polycythemia vera - increased GI bleed /Thrombosis/transient visual loss
555.Most relevant investigation to exclude polycythemia is - Erythropoetin levels
556.Urgent reversal of warfarin induced bleeding can be done by - FFP
557.Reversing the effect of Coumarine therapy - Vit K administration
558.Reversing of Heparin is by - Protamine sulphate
559.Anemia in CRF patient is corrected by - Erythropoetin
560.Good source of iron - liver / egg yolk / jaggery & not milk
561.MC adverse effect of oral iron therapy - vomitting

562.DOC for acute iron poisoning - desferrioxamine

563.Route of administration of vit B12 in pernicious anemia is - Subcutaeneous
564.Vitamin contra-indicated in G6PD is - Menadion
565.Prothrombin time is used to monitor the effect of warfarin
566.Anticoagulant of choice for heparin induced thrombocytopenia is - Lepirudin
567.Anticoagulant drugs are least effective in - Acute MI
568.Pt with post splenectomy status her blood peripheral smear study would show presence of
- Howell-jolly bodies
569.After several units of Blood transfusion complications might be - Metabolic alkalosis
570.Low Hb low platelets low WBC suggests - Myelofibrosis
571.O positive RBC & colloids/crystalloids can be given in emergency crisis without doing
ABO group,as his red cell group &plasma group do not match
572.MCC of seizures in newborn is - Hypoxia induced ischemic encephalopathy
573.Cyanosis at Birth indicates - TOF/transposition of great vessels/tricuspid atresia
574.Components of APGAR score is - heart rate/BP/Muscle tone
575.Physiological jaundice in a term baby lasts upto - 7 days
576.MCC of pathological jaundice on 1st day of life is - Rh incompatiblity
577.MCC of neonatal mortality in India is - prematurity
578.Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen in - gilbert synd/physiological jaundice/crigler
najjar synd
579.Nocturnal enuresis may be considered normal upto - 6yrs
580.Height of a newborn doubles at - 4yrs
581.Weight of a child triples at - 1yr
582.Very low birth weight is less than - 1500gm
583.Anterior fontanelle ossifies by - 18 months
584.Moro reflex disappear by - 3 months
585.Vitamin D deficiency is manifested as - Rickets
586.Specific sign of kwashiorkor is - pitting edema
587.Malnutrition is assessed clinicaly by - mid arm circumference / weight for age / BMI
588.Features of scurvy - hyperkeratosis / echimosis of lower limb / bleeding gums
589.9yrs child needed prophylaxis of vit A.dose & route is - 1,00,000 IU orally

590.Breast feeding should be initiated within 1/2 hour

591.Acute malnutrition in a child is clinically assessed by - weight for height
592.Chronic malnutrition in a child best assessed by - height for age
593.Fetal lung maturity is assessed by - lecithin;sphingomyelin ratio / foam stability index /
amniotic fluid phosphatidylcholine level
594.Features of down's syndrome - sensory hearing loss / VSD / duodenal atresia
595.Chest radiopathy in TOF - boot shaped heart / in 80% right sided arch of aorta / oligemic
lung fields
596.MCC of death in aortic stenosis pts is - IHD i VF
597.Commonest virus causing diarrhea in infants is - Rotavirus
598.Koplik's spots are seen in - Measles
599.MC tumour in children is - Leukemia
600.Increased fetal Hb is seen in - juvenile CML
601.Blood specimen for neonatal thyroid screening is obtained on - cord blood
602.For the prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV,the NACO's recommendation is
to give - Niverapine 200mg in active about to mother & syrup niverapine 2mg/kg body
weight to new born within 72 hrs of delivery
603.MC malignancy of the childhood – ALL
604.Obstetricians hand is - Hypocalcemia - Trousseau sign 94 %- latent tetany
605.Most common cause of hypothyroidism in India is - Iodine defeciency
606.Diabetic foot is caused due to - Peripheral neuropathy
607.Most common cause of stunting of height in India is - Constitutional delay
608.3 week old boy presented i constipation & vomitting diagnosis - Pyloric stenosis
609.Pitting Edema is seen in - Liver cirrhosis
610.Butterfly rash is seen in - SLE
611.Hyperbaric O2 therapy is not used in - Emphysema
612.Nocturnal cough is not usually seen in - Infection of the lung
613.Pulsatile Liver is seen in - Tricuspid regurgitation
614.Pt suffers from temporary blindness of the left eye for 20 mts.probable vessel blocked is -
Internal carotid artery
615.Pt presents with BP 90/50 & warm extremities diagnosis - Septic shock

616.Most common cause of stroke is - Embolism

617.Most commonly affected muscle in paralytic poliomyelitis - Pos.Tibialis
618.Most common nerve affected in GBS - Facial nerve
619.During treatment of alcohol intoxication,dosage of drug is decided by - HR & RR
620.Neck rigidity & kernig sign +ve is seen in - Meningitis
621.MCC of neonatal meningitis in India - E-Coli
622.Tremors seen in parkinson's disease are - Resting tremors
623.80 yr pt presents i history of long standing chest pain on lying down & relieved on sitting
up,diagnosis is - Chronic pericarditis
624.Earliest sign of puberty in males is - Increase in testicular & scrotal size
625.Earliest sign of puberty in FM is - Thelarchy(Breast development)
626.Homan's sign - affected deep tibial vein
627.Paget's sign is seen in - Lyposis
628.Spider leg deformity of calyces is seen in - Polycystic kidney disease
629.Allen's test is used to check patency of - Ulnar artery
630.Best diagnosis of pancreatitis is by - CT

General surgery

Tumour site Tumor markers

Med CA of Thyroid Calcitonin
Papillary CA of Thyroid Thyroglobulin
Breast CEA
Pancreas CA-19-9
Ovary CA 125,beta HCG
Testis AFP,beta HCG,LDH

1. Muscle which is primarily responsible for rectal continence - Puborectalis

2. Commonest complication of immunosuppression is - Infection
3. Highest chance of success,in renal transplant is seen when the donor is the - identical twin
4. Commonest type of cancer of the renal pelvis & upper ureter is - transitinal cell Ca
5. Commonest site of intestinal atresia is in the - Duodenum
6. Complications of meckel's diverticulam include - hemorhage,intussusception,strangulation
7. In Budd chiari syndrome the occlusion is at the - Hepatic vein
8. Features of hypovolemic shock - oliguria,low BP,acidosis,tacycardia
9. Ca stomach is ass. i blood group - A
10. Cock's peculiar tumour is - infected sebaceous cyst
11. Amoebic abscess ruptures most commonly into - Rt.lung cavity
12. Best diagnostic aid in blunt trauma abd. Is - peritoneal lavage
13. Best position for self palpation of breast in women is - lying down
14. Earliest sign of DVT is - rise in temperature
15. Hemoblia is characterised by - Jaundice,biliary colic,malena
16. Ectopic testis is found in - perineal,intra abdominal,inguinal
17. Rx of an open wound seen 12 hrs after the injury - debridement & suture

18. Toxic mega colon is seen in - ulcerative colitis

19. Complication of TPN include
- hyperglycemia,hypokalemia,hyperosmolar DH,azotemia
20. Commonest posterior mediastinal tumour is - Neurofibroma
21. Prognosis for Ca rectum is best assessed by - histological grading
22. Acute urinary retention in a male child may be due to - Meatal ulcer with scabbing
23. Rare complication of ulcerative colitis - Toxic dilatation
24. Commonest site of peptic ulcer perforation - ant. Aspect of 1st part of duodenum
25. Bronchogenic Ca which produce paraneoplastic syndrome - Oat cell ca
26. Rx of zollinger ellison syndrome - tot. Gastrectomy i removal of tumour
27. Lymphnode which is 1st to be involved in Ca breast - pectoral group
28. Warthins tumour is - gives a hot pertechnetate scan
29. Commonest site of amoebiasis in the gut - sigmoid colon
30. Earliest sympt. Of Ca rectum - Bleeding PR
31. Commonest site of Ca tongue - Lateral borders
32. Dentigerous cyst arises from - an unerupted tooth
33. Curlings ulcer is seen in - Burns patient
34. Commonest cause of A-V fistula - congenital
35. Treatment of sub galeal hematoma - conservative
36. Which sulphonamide is used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis - salazopyrin
37. Hashimotos thyroiditis - auto immune/hypothyroid state/plasma cell & lymphocytic
38. signs of cerebral compression
- bradycardia,papilloedema,vomiting,dec. Level of consciousness
39. Barium meal picture of Ca stomach is
-filling defect,loss of rugosity,small capacity of stomach,delayed emptying of barium
40. MC site for Ca stomach is - Prepyloric
41. Earliest symptom in acute appendicites - Pain
42. In acute diverticulitis of the colon,the sigmoidoscope can't be passed beyond 15cm
43. Features of Ca penis - surgery/circumcision soon after birth provides total

immunity/metastatic to inguinal nodes.

44. Spider leg appearance in IVP is suggestive of - Renal cyst,Renal Ca
45. Commonest type of gallstone is - Mixed
46. Percentage of gallstones which are radio opaque - 10%
47. Percentage of renal stones which are radio opaque - 90%
48. Staghorn calculus is made out of - Phosphate
49. Primary closure of incised wounds must be done within - 6hrs
50. Hypotension in a case of gasgangrene is best treated by - whole blood
51. Honey coomb liver is seen in - Actinomycosis
52. Commonest form of actinomycosis is - facio cervical.
53. Glomerular filtration stops when the systolic pressure falls below - 70mmhg
54. Highest concentration of potassium is in - Darroe's solution
55. Tuberculous lymphadenitis - in all age dgroup,H/o contact or drinking infected milk,mostly
56. Carbucle - inefctive gangrene of subcutaneous tissue/staphylococcus/diabetes r more
prone/ Rx-penicillin & excision of necrotised tissue
57. Maximum tourniquet time for the upper limb - 1 hr
58. Charcots joint seen in - T2DM,syringomyelia,tertiary syphillis
59. MC type of spina bifida - spina bifida oculta
60. Disc prolapse most commonly occurs at the level - L4/L5 level
61. Cleft lip is repaired - for cosmetic reason
62. Cleft palate is repaired around - after 1&half yrs
63. Mandible is commonly # - at the neck of the condyle
64. Parotid duct is known as - stenson's duct
65. Vincent's angina is caused by - borrelia vincentii & fusiformis fusiformis
66. Ca tongue less than 2 cm is treated by - Radiotherapy
67. Earliest tumour to appear after birth is - cystic hygroma
68. Therapy of choice for diffuse toxic goitre in a pt over 45 yrs - Radio iodine
69. MC site for thyroglossal cyst is - Subhyoid
70. Commonest symptom of Ca bronchus is - Cough
71. Sensitivity of casoni's test is 75%

72. MC type of diaphragmatic hernia is - Hiatus hernia

73. Saint's triad - gall stones/diverticuli coli/hiatus hernia
74. To diagnose hypertrophic pyloric stenosis - palpation of the hypertrophic pylorus
75. Most imp. Radiological sign of splenic rupture is - obliteration of splenic shadow
76. Normal portal venous pressure is - 6-12mmhg
77. Gall stone gets impacted MC in which part of common bile duct - supraduodenal
78. Commonest type of hernia is - Inguinal
79. Rx of annular pancrease is - duodeno dudenostomy
80. In cystic fibrosis,MC org which cause infection - staphylococcus
81. MCC of acute pancreatitis is - Biliary tract disease
82. Whipple's triad in Insulinoma includes
- hypoglycemia below 45mgdl / symp relieved by glucose / hypoglycemia n fasting stg
83. commonest site of intra peritoneal abscess - pelvic
84. Commonest position of the appendix - retrocecal
85. Commonest site of carcinoid tumours - Appendix
86. Surgery for carcinoid of the appendix - appendicectomy
87. Superior rectal artery arises from the - Inferior mesentric artery
88. Commonest type of anorectal abscess - perianal
89. Burst abdomen most commonly occurs on the - 7th day
90. Oliguria - excretion of less than 300ml in 24hrs
91. MC congenital anomaly of the upper renal tract is - duplication of renal pelvis
92. Normal capacity of the renal pelvis - 7ml
93. Earliest symptom of wilm's tumour - abdominal tumour
94. MCC for pulsion diverticulum of d urinary bladder s-contracture of the bladder neck
95. Commonest org. giving rise to UTI - E-coli
96. Most malignant carcinoma of the bladder is - Adenocarcinoma
97. Indications for surgery in BPH - prostatism,chronic retention,hemorrhage
98. Commonest type of hypospadiasis is - glandular
99. Narrowest part of the male urethra is - External meatus
100.Commonest indication for liver transplantation in Infant is - Biliary atresia
101.Thromboembolism after pelvic surgery is usually from the veins - Calf

102.Hemorage frm a bleeding duodenal ulcer s due 2 d erosion of -gastroduodenal artery

103.Common bile duct stones will manifest - jaundice,itching,gray coloured stools
104.Secondary deposites from Ca breast & Ca prostate is commonest in - Bone
105.Hypovolemic shock manifests when the percentage of blood loss exceeds - 25%
106.Commonest bladder tumour is - papilloma
107.TOC for stab injury caecum - ileo-transverse anastomosis
108.Bleeding per nipple is seen in - Duct papilloma
109.Commonest site of brain abscess - Temporal
110.Lymphnode metastasis commonest in - papillary Ca thyroid
111.Commonest testicular malignancy is - Seminoma
112.Commonest cause for hyperparathyroidism is - single adenoma
113.Acute onset of anuria in elderly man - obstructive urinary disease
114.TOC in nasopharyngeal Ca - Radiotherapy
115.Pt i H/o fall comes 1 wk later i headache & progressive neurological deterioration
diagnosis could be - chronic SDH
116.TOC in severe Flail chest - IPPV
117.TOC in duodenal atresia - duodenojejunostomy
118.Paeu 'd' orange is due to - subcutaeneous lymphatic involvement
119.Mucocele of the appendix is - retention cyst
120.Cause of blood in stools in children - Meckels divert,intususception,juvenile polyp
121.Nerve injured easily at PDA ligation - Recurrent laryngeal nerve
122.Commonest site of Ca breast - upper outer quadrant
123.MC congenital defect ass. I pulmonary stenosis - VSD
124.Highest frequency of coarcation of Aorta is seen in - Turner's syndrome
125.Highest frequency of VSD is seen in - Down's syndrome
126.Bronchogenic Ca commonly metastasises to which endocrine organ - Thyroid
127.Gynaecomazia may be seen in patients i
- cimetidine therapy,cirhosis of liver,klienfelter's syndrome
128.Symptoms of endemic goitre r - dysphagia,hoarseness,cold intolerance
129.Following resection of 2/3 of the liver, regeneration is complete within - 4-6 months
130.Transitional cell lining is seen in - ureter,bladder,urethra

131.During esophagoscopy,the area in the esophagus mostly perforated is

-crycopharyngeus muscle
132.Recurrent prolapse of the rectum in children is treated by - Thiersh wiring
133.Most malignant testicular tumour - choriocarcinoma
134.Rx of cystic hygroma is - surgical excision
135.Injury to superior laryngeal nerve causes - loss of timbre of voice
136.Rx in Hashimoto's disease - Thyroxine
137.Acute mastitis commonly occurs during - Lactation
138.MC complication post operatively in splenectomy is - left lower lobe atelectasis
139.TOC in Desmoid tumours is - wide excision
140.Pulmonary neoplasm ass. I smoking is - squamous cell Ca
141.% of small intestine which is removed i out much digestive disability - 70%
142.MC nodule found in the liver - Hemangioma
143.Commonest cause of esophageal perforation is - Instrumentation
144.% of pt's i perforated peptic ulcer who show free gas under d diaphragm - 75%
145.Definitive operation for transposition of great vessels - Mustard's procedure
146.Most reliable investigation for bladder rupture -0 Retrograde cystogram
147.MCC of death in pt's i Burger's disease is - MI
148.Principal cause of death in renal transplant pt's is - Infection
149.MCC of colonic obstruction is - Neoplasm
150.Thumb printing is characteristic of - Ischemic colitis
151.Ulcerative colitis always involves the - Rectum
152.Procedure of choice in ulcerative colitis i acute perforation - total colectomy & ileostomy
153.MC coagulopathy noted in surgical pt's - Thrombocytopenia
154.Golden period for Rx of open wounds is - 6 hrs
155.MCC of adrenal insufficiency is - diffuse atrophy due to steroid administration
156.Pain relief in chronic pancreatitis can be obtained by destruction of - celiac ganglia
157.Treatment of pouch of doughlas abscess is - Posterior colpotomy
158.Complications of therapy i radioactive iodine-hypothyroidism,leukemia,thyroid malig
159.Urinary incontinence results from - neurogenic bladder,VVF,ectopic ureter
160.Sr. Amylase usually becomes elevated in acute pancreatitis after - 4-6hrs

161.TOC for Ca lip less than 1 cm - Radiation

162.Predisposing factors for development of oral Ca - smoking,syphillis,alcohol
163.Ca of oropharynx is most commonly found in the - Tonsils
164.Nerve which lies in ass. To Wharton's duct is - Lingual
165.Spontaneous pneumothorax exceeding 25% of chest cavity have chest tube inserted
166.Pt i Mesothelioma - hypoglycemia,hemorhagic pleural effusion,ass. I asbestosis
167.Lung abscess secondary to aspiration is most often seen in - Apical lower lobe
168.MCC of hemoptysis is - Pulmonary TB
169.Most important step in cardiac resucitation - Ventilation
170.Intermittant claudication at the level of the Hip indicates - iliac artery occlusion
171.Commonest symptom ass. i thoracic outlet syndrome - pain in ulnar distribution
172.Most reliable investigation in the diiagnosis of pulmonary embolism is - angiography
173.Mallory weiss syndrome often occurs in - Hepatoma
174.Rate of growth of nerves after peripheral nerve suturing is - 1mm/day
175.Carcinoid syndrome occurs only if there is metastasis to - Liver
176.Tensile strength of wound reaches that of normal tissue by - 6 months
177.Bee venom can be neutralised by applying - Soda bicarbonate
178.Most dangerous injury is - human bite
179.Gas gangrene is caused by - cl.welchii/cl.edematiens/cl.septicum
180.Best site for IM injection - upper outer segment of buttacks
181.Worst position for scars is - Sternum
182.Commonest cause of cellulitis is - Streptococcus
183.Foaming liver is seen in - Gas gangrene
184.Erysepalas is caused by - strep pyogenes
185.Hyperbaric oxygen is useful in - gas gangrene,tetanus,frostbite
186.Commonest form of anthrax is - cutaeneous type
187.Malignant pustule occurs in - anthrax
188.Secondary amylodosis occurs in - chronic osteomyelitis,rheumatoid arthritis,leprosy
189.Most reliable investigation in amyloid disease - Rectal biopsy
190.Which of the parts of body is not affected by leprosy - Ovary
191.MC peripheral nerve affected in leprosy is - Ulnar

192.Moth eaten alopecia is seen i - Syphilis

193.Yaws - caused by treponema pertunae spread by direct contact,Rx is penicillin
194.Term universal tumour refers to - Lipoma
195.Hydrocele is atype of - Exudation cyst
196.Blood platelets is stored blood do not remain functional after - 24hrs
197.Half life of factor 8 is - 8hrs
198.Min. amount of urine required to excrete the end products of metabolism is - 400ml
199.Pitting edema indicates an excess of 4.5 litres of fluid in tissue spaces
200.Commonest site for rodent ulcer is - inner canthus
201.MC infection of the hand is - acute paronychia
202.Following TPN one expects weight gain after - 7 days
203.Treatment of post traumatic epilepsy is - Long term anticonvulsants
204.Features of raised ICT - convulsions/papilledema/altered sensorium
205.Pt presents with high fever,signs of raised ICT & past H/O chronic otitis media likely
diagnosis is - Pyogenic meningitis
206.Facial nerve palsy is seen in the following # - Middle cranial fossa
207.Disinfectant kills the following - pathogenic micro organisms
208.Common cause of ventillatory insufficiency is - Airway obstruction
209.Treatment of ventricular fibrillation - immediate electro cardioversion
210.Cracked nipple may be - fore runner of breast abscess
211.Left ventricular failure is indicated if pulmonary artery wedge pressure exceeds - 20mmhg
212.Reliable parameter of fluid deficiency in burns is - Hourly urine output
213.Following is a physiological solution for infusion in burns pt - ringer lactate
214.In staphylococcal infection the following antibiotics are recommended -
215.Pt has lacerated untidy wound of the leg & came to cauality after 2 hrs his wound should
be - debrided & sutured immediately
216.Multiple liver secondaries r most common in the following cancers - stomach
217.Commonest renal calculi - calcium oxalate
218.In a case of pelvic # i urethral injury most imp 1st step in management is - Rx shock &

219.Predisposing factor of Ca bladder - smoking/B-napthylamine/bilharziasis

220.UTI exists when bacterial count in 1ml of midstream specimen of urine s- 105 or over
221.Dupytrens contracture of the hand commonly starts in - Ring finger
222.Full thickness skin graft can be taken frm - elbow/back to neck/supra clavicular area
223.Full thickness loss of middle 1/3rd of upper lip is best reconstructed by -Abbey flap
224.Sjogren syndrome refers to disease of - Parotid glands
225.Rx of cancer cheek using single drug,d best results r obtained by-CIS platinum
226.40 yr old lady is found to have symptomatic Gall stones.the TOC - cholecystectomy
227.Commonest type of Breast cancer is - Ductal
228.Commonest orbital tumour causing exopthalmous is - Glioma
229.Prolonged use of antibiotics orally will result n
- diarrhoea/fungal infections/enterocolitis
230.Commonest site for colonic diverticula is - sigmoid colon
231.Ramsted's operation is done for - hypertrophic pyloric stenosis of infants
232.Diagntic of hirschsprungs disease is - rectal biopsy
233.Cancer of the anus is commonly - squamous cell Ca
234.Commonest symptom of pheochromocytoma is - Headache
235.Greenish discharge from the nipple is suggestive of - Fibroadenosis
236.Commonest malignancy in men over the age of 65 - Prostatic Ca
237.Complimentary operation done at the time of prostectomy is - Vasectomy
238.Bones most commonly involved in metastasis in Ca prostate is - Pelvis
239.Sistrunk's operation is used in - thyroglossal fistula
240.TOC for mixed parotid tumour is - superficial parotidectomy
241.Commonest pancreatic tumour is - ductal adenocarcinoma
242.Hiatus hernia is treated by - surgery when medical treatment is failed
243.Commonest site of Ca tongue is - Ant2/3 lateral aspect
244.In Ca prostate i metastasis which is raised - acid phosphatase
245.Intermittant claudication is caused by - arterial insufficiency
246.Renal tuberculosis is charecterised by - sterile acid pyuria
247.Vincent's angina affects - Pharynx
248.Fibroadenoma of breast are - Solitary mobile mass

249.Renal transplant pt's receive - Azathioprine

250.Common cancer of the oral cavity is - squamous cell Ca
251.Commonest site of esophageal Ca is - Middle 1/3rd
252.Acanthosis nigricans is seen i - colonic Ca/ Ca Breast
253.Gynacomazia is seen i - spirinolactone / digitalis / INH administration
254.Massive transfusion results in - DIC / hypothermia / thrombocytopenia
255.Ampicillin prophylaxis is given in - Rectal surgery
256.Burgers disease is seen in - male/age less than 40yrs / smoker
257.Commonest cause of recto vaginal fistula n India s - Ca cervix
258.Narrowest part of urethra is - External meatus
259.Triad of wilms tumour is - hematuria / mass abdomen / fever
260.Middle rectal artery is branch of - Internal pudendal artery
261.Commonest stomach tumour which bleeds - Leiomyosarcoma
262.Lacerated wound looks like an incised wound in the - Scalp
263.Budd chiari syndrome is due to thrombosis of - Hepatic veins
264.Budd chiari syndrome can be caused by - polycythemia / drinking herbal tea /
membranous webs of IVC / thrombosis of hepatic veins
265.Blood supply of the Jejunum is through the - superior mesenteric artery
266.Accidental small splenic rupture is treated i - catgut suturing i omental patch
267.Zollinger ellison syndrome is caused by - non alpha non beta cells
268.Rx of zollinger ellison syndrome is - Omeprazole
269.Components of saint's triad are - gall stones / hiatus hernia / diverticulosis
270.Commonest tumour occuring in undescended testis is - Seminoma
271.% of the cardiac output flows through the liver - 30%
272.In cholangitis the organism mostly responsible is - E.coli
273.Reseection of the terminal ileum results in
- vit B12 defeciency / inc.incidence of gall stones / steatorhea
274.Excision of the hyoid bone is done in - Thyroglossal cyst
275.Commonest cause of intestinal obstruction in children is - Intussusception
276.Complications of extracardiac massage - rib # / stomach rupture / liver rupture
277.Commonest thyroid malignancy is - pappilary Ca

278.Ulceration of peyer's patch occur in - Salmonella infection

279.Rx of spreading streptococcal cellulitis is - Penicillin
280.Massive spleenomegaly is seen in- Hairy cell leukemia / chronic myeloid leukemia
281.Commonest cause of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy - thyroidectomy
282.Ca breast is seen in- Nulliparity / positive family history / high socio economic status
283.Features of Horners syndrome - ptosis / myosis /anhydrosis
284.Gastrin levels r raised in - zollinger ellison synd./pernicious anemia / gastric ulcer
285.Appendicular artery is a branch of - ileo colic artery
286.Ideal Rx of Hashimoto's thyroiditis - Thyroxine
287.Spleen contains about - 1% of the total blood volume
288.Hereditary spherocytosis is transmitted as - Autosomal dominant
289.Commonest intra abdominal tumour below 2 yrs - neuroblastoma
290.Commonest intra abdominal tumour bet 2-5yrs - wilm's tumour
291.Commonest site of carcinoid tumour - Appendix
292.Commonest benign tumour of the esophagus - leiomyoma
293.Thumb printing sign is seen in - Ischemic colitis
294.Radio luscent renal stones r composed of - Uric acid / Xanthine
295.Commonest bladder stone is - triple phosphate
296.Polycystic kidneys can be ass. i - cysts in liver,lungs / coarcation of aorta / bery aneurysms
297.Commonest oresenting C/O medullary Ca thyroid - Diarrhoea
298.Commonest renal stone - Oxalate
299.Commonest site of 1ry krukenberg tumour is - Stomach
300. Inverse 3 sign on barium meal is seen in - Ca head of pancreas
301.Site of transplantation in Islet cell transplant for diabetes mellitus
- injected into the portal vein
302.Pt i alkaline urine which s cloudy i plenty of pus cell s suffering frm-proteus infection
303.Dumbell tumour is seen in - Neurofibroma
304.Pt c/o occasional vomiting of food particles eaten few days ago.with breath smells foul
most likely diagnosis is - Achalasia cardia
305.Commonest site of diverticulosis is - Sigmoid colon
306.In obstruction of the large gut,rupture occurs at the - cecum

307.Best prognosis in acute pancreatitis is seen i - gall stone pancreatitis

308.Preferred material for femoro popliteal bypass is - saphenous vein
309.Bony metastasis in children is commonest i - Neuroblastoma
310.Rx of uncomplicated hydatid cyst in lung is - Enucleation
311.Caudate lobe of liver is situated - IVC & ligamentum venosum
312.Calcification of adrenal is seen in- TB / addison's disease
313.Commonest cause of intussusception is - hypertrophy of submucous peyer's patches
314.White leg is due to - femoral vein thrombosis & lymphatic obstruction
315.Drug used for Achalasia cardia - Nifedipine
316.Typhoid perforation occurs in 3rd week
317.Best Rx in tension pneumothorax is - immediate letting out of air
318.Tenesmus occurs in lesions of - Sigmoid colon
319.Scalp hemorhage is best controlled by -0 Pressure
320.Burning epigastric pain is due to - Reflux esophagitis
321.Skin flap is used in - bone /tendon /pressure sores & not in - burns wound
322.Incubation period of gangrene is - 1-3 days
323.Graft from sister to brother is - Allograft
324.Raynaud's phenonmenon is seen in - atherosclerosis/scleroderma/buerger's disease
325.Sjogren syndrome is ass. i rheumatoid arthritis / SLE / scleroderma
326.Commonest congenital gastrointestinal anomaly in an infant is - congenital megacolon
327.Pt i diarhea,cramps, post prandially & has CVS finding probable diagnosis
- carcinoid syndrome
328.Chaga's dis. does not involve - pancreas & involves -duodenum / esophagus / colon
329.Rectal examination should not be done in - Anal fissure
330.Fournier's gangrene occurs in the - Scrotum
331.Coffee bean sign is seen in - Volvulus
332.Commonest cause of death in peptic ulcer pt is - hemorhage
333.Heller's operation is done in - Achalasia cardia
334.Radiolucent is - Uric acid
335.Antiseptic means - agent applied on skin to eradicate pathogenic microbes
336.Seen in DVT - swelling / discolouration / pain & not claudication

337.Commonest site of TAO - popliteal artery

338.Triad of jaundice,fever & chills occur in - CBD stones
339.Commonest cause of unilateral pedal edema in India is - Filariasis
340.Blood stained sputum may be the only synptom in - Adenobronchus
341.In philadelphia chromosome the defect is in - long arm os chromosome 22
342.Diarrhoea in zollinger ellison syndrome is due to - Gastrin
343.Clickin Jaw is due to - Lax temporomandibular joint
344.Sulfonamide useful in treating ulcerative colitis is - sulfasalazine
345.Commonest presentation of meckels diverticulum is - Bleeding
346.Potato tumour of the neck is also called - chemodectoma
347.B/L spider leg appearance of kidney in IVP is seen n -polycystic kidney /renal cell Ca
348.Timble bladder is seen in - Chronic TB
349.Bladder tumours mostly arise from - Mucosa
350.Testicular cancer is common in - undescended abdominal testis
351.Serum calcitonin level is raised in - Medullary Ca thyroid
352.Commonest parotid tumour is - pleomorphic adenoma
353.G- cells are present mostly in - Pyloric antrum
354.Mulyiple fistula in ano commonly occurs in - Tuberculosis
355.Dupytrens contracture results from - contraction of palmar aponeurosis
356.Best diagnostic tool in obstructive jaundice - USG
357.Thyroglossal fistula develops due to - incomplete removal of thyroglossal cyst
358.Acanthosis nigricans is commonly seen in- Ca stomach
359.Precancerous condition of the stomach is - atrophic gastritis
360.TOC in polycystic kidney is - Renal transplant
361.Tinnels sign indicates - regeneration of nerves
362.Healing is slow below the knee joint because of - poor vascularity
363.Most important clinical finding in a case of head injury - level of consciousness
364.DOC for carrier's of diptheria - Erythromycin
365.Calcification of the prostate is seen in - Alkaptonuria
366.Features of ARDS - pulmonary edema / stiff lung / hypoxia
367.Deep skin burns is treated i - full thickness graft

368.Normal acid level in stomach is - 15-20 meq

369.Commonest type of cleft lip is - Unilateral
370.Gasless abdomen in x-ray is a sign of - ulcerative colitis
371.Commonest cause of bleeding PR in a male bet 20-40yrs - internal hemorhoids
372.Highest risk for malignancy in colo is for - familial polyposis
373.Commonest presentation of B/L ureteric stones - Pain
374.TOC for pagets disease of nipple is - mastectomy
375.Commonest bladder tumour in children is - Rhabdomyosarcoma
376.Amputated digits are preserved in - plastic bag in ICE
377.Commonest type of pancreatic Ca is - ductal adenocarcinoma
378.SAH is commonly due to - rupture aneurysm
379.Best method for diagnosis of DVT is - Doppler examination
380.Commonest late complication of traumatic rupture of urethra is - stricture
381.Rx for EDH - immediate evacuation
382.Cleft lip is due to non fusion of - maxillary process i medial nasal process
383.MCC of acute intestinal obstruction in neonates is - duodenal atresia
384.MC site for intra abdominal abscess following laparotomy is - pelvic
385.Commonest complication following hemorhoidectomy is - urinary retention
386.GERD is best diagnosed by - endoscopy
387.Raised serum alkaline phosphatase is suggestive of - Pagets disease
388.In radical mastectomy,which is spared - supra clavicular lymphnodes
389.Hour glass stomach is seen in - Gastric ulcer
390.In pneumothorax due to blunt injury,TOC - Thoracotomy
391.MCC of generalised peritonitis in a 40yr male is - duodenal ulcer perforation
392.Vessels most commonly involved in TAO - anterior & posterior tibial
393.Skin graft for facial wounds is taken from - post auricular region
394.Pulsating varicose vein in a young adult is due to - arterio venous fistula
395.Gastric tetany is due to - decreased calcium absorption
396.Acute onset of cough stridor & dyspnoea in a child is mostly due to - foreign body
397.Axillary nerve injury at its origin leads to paralysis of - Deltoid & teres minor
398.MC benign tumour of the stomach is - Leiomyoma

399.Strangulation is most common with which hernia - Femoral

400.Winging of scapula is due to paralysis of - Serratus anterior
401.Wound healing is worst at - Sternum
402.Best skin graft for open wounds is - Autograft
403.Gastric acid secretion is inhibited by - somatostatin
404.2ndries in the neck i no obvious 1ry malignancy is most often due to - Ca.nasopharynx
405.Lumbar sympathectomy is done for - rest pain / skin ulcerations
406.TOC in fistula in ano - Fistulectomy
407.Barrets ulcer is due to - reflux esophagitis / ectopic gastric mucosa
408.Most frequent congenital anomaly of the GI tract is - Meckel's diverticulum
409.Presence of air in portal vein is suggestive of - necrotising enterocolitis
410.Strawberry gallbladder is seen in - cholesterolosis
411.Marker of hepatitis B in the window period is - Anti HBC
412.Pre-Bcells & B cells are produced in - Bone marrow
413.Pseudolymphoma is a common presentation of - Sjogren's syndrome
414.DOC in sarcoidosis - Prednisolone
415.Respiratory arrest due to respiratory alkalosis is rectified by - insufflation i CO2
416.Most specific antibody in the diagnosis of SLE is - anti-sm
417.In Burns heat loss is by - exposed area by evaporation
418.MC complication of varicose vein stripping is - Ecchymosis
419.Aspiration pneumonia is most commonly ocurs in - right lower lobe
420.For aortic graft the best material available is - Vein
421.Courvoisier's law is related to - Jaundice
422.Signs of hypocalcemia starts appearing when serum levels of ionized calcium falls below -
423.Multiple sclerosis may be diagnosed by - MRI
424.Internal sphincterotomy is the treatment of choice for - fissure in ano
425.Best method to estimate gastric acid secretion - pentagastrin test
426.Sterile needle test helps in differentiating - depth of burns
427.In intestine lipoma is commonest in - caecum
428.Cleft lip all the stitches r removed on - 4th day

429.Cold water Rx of burns has the disadvantage that it increase the chances of infection
430.TOC from inguinal hernia in infants is - Herniotomy
431.Most useful method to diagnose cause of upper GI bleed is - Endoscopy
432.Ca bladder constantly shows - persistent & recurrent UTI
433.Commonest bacteria detected from brain abscess 2ndory to ear infection - Proteus
434.Unilateral clefts r most common on left side
435.Primary factor in resuscitation of a pt of cardiac arrest - Adequate airway
436.Secondary deposits from prostatic Ca is commonest in - Bone
437.Commonest cause of aneurysm formation is - Atherosclerosis
438.Pus in burns form in - 2-3 days
439.Margins of squamous cell Ca is - Everted
440.TOC in duodenal atresia - duodenojejunostomy
441.Brain space occupying lesions causes death by - brain herniation
442.Cellulitis is infection of - subcutaeneous spaces
443.Arow headed finger on x-ray is suggestive of - Acromegaly
444.Common cause of hematemesis - chronic peptic ulcer /esophageal varices / Ca stomach
445.Frequent mechanism in perforation of appendix is - tension gangrene due to the
accumulating secretions
446.Best investigation of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction is - x-ray abdomen
447.Odourless peritoneal fluid is noticed in - perforated peptic ulcer
448.Hashimoto's disease is - an auto-immune thyroiditis
449.Sequence of symptoms in pulmonary embolism - dyspnoea,pain,haemoptysis
450.Haemostasis in scalp wound is best achieved by - direct pressure over the wound
451.Preoperative shaving is idealy done at - just before operation
452.Most important in assessing fertility potential is - sperm motility
453.Undescended testis usually develops - seminoma
454.Life of preserved semen for artificial insemination is - 5yrs
455.Renal TB originates in the - renal papilla
456.Cryoprecipitate is a rich source of - Factor 8
457.Seldinger needle is used for - arteriography
458.Intra lobar sequestration of lung is commonest in the - lateral basal segment of lower lobe

459.Most important complication of PDA in a child is cardiac failure

460.In semen banks, semen is preserved at low temperature using - liquid nitrogen
461.Marion's disease s due 2-muscular hypertrophy of int. sphincter of urinary bladder
462.Wilm's tumour is ass. With - Glaucoma
463.After surgical Rx of Ca esophagus,replacement of esophagus is done with - Stomach
464.Rx of a case of iliac artery embolism requires - Embolectomy
465.Immediate TOC in flail chest is - Positive pressure ventilation
466.Which nerve is easily injured at PDA ligation - recurrent laryngeal
467.Gall stones do not contain - Oxalate
468.Aaron's sign is seen in - Acute appendicites
469.Normal amount of pleural fluid is approximately - 15ml
470.Blood stained discharge from the nipple means that the patientmay have - duct papilloma
471.Rx of Thimble bladder is - lleocystoplasty
472.After an open injury,the optimum time for nerve suture is - when wound is free frm
473.An overdose of heparin is treated by - Protamine sulphate
474.Optimum time of splenectomy in a child i hereditary spherocytosis is - 3-4 yrs of age
475.Ca of pancreas attains greatest size when it is located in - Body & tail
476.TOC of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis of adults is - pyloroplasty
477.Salmon patch usually disappears by age - one year
478.Flower vase pattern of the pelvis in an IV urogram is seen in - Horse shoe kidney
479.Rhinoplasty is usually done at the age of - 16 yrs until d nose s fully grown
480.First muconium is said to be formed during the 4th month of foetal life
481.In children persistant priapism may result due to - Leukemia
482.In cleft lip operation all the stitches r removed on - 4th day
483.Hynes pharyngoplasty is used to improve a child's - speech
484.Painless ulcer of the tongue is due to - syphillis
485.Maximum life of a transfused RBC is - 50 days
486.Operation of choice in congenital pyloric stenosis is - pyloromyotomy
487.Pyrexia due to wound infection commonly occurs after - 5th post op day
488.B/L breast Ca occur commonly in - Lobular Ca

489.Catgut is prepared from submucosal layer of the intestine of - sheep

490.PDA needs surgery to prevent the development of - CHF
491.MC type of bronchgenic Ca is - Epidermoid
492.Clinodactyly most often involves - little finger
493.Horner's syndrome ass. With pain shoulder & arm is suggestive of - pancoast tumour
494.Morphine given for injury is primarily - an analgesic
495.Presenting symptom of Ca stomach - weight loss
496.A cricoid hook is used particularly - in tracheostomy
497.Kiss cancer of the urinary bladder is - Benign
498.Cullen's sign is seen in - acute hemorhagic pancreatitis
499.Ramsteds operation is for - congenital pyloric stenosis
500.Commonest site of carcinoma stomach is - pylorus
501.Rx of strangulated hernia is - immediate surgery
502.IOC in peptic ulcer is seen in syphilis/chancroid/granuloma inguinale
503.Rx for primary piles is - sclerotherapy
504.Best investigation to diagnose piles is - proctoscopy
505.Complication of ectopic testes is - seminoma/atrophy/torsion
506.Maximum dilatation of esophagus occurs in - achalasia cardia
507.Skin cancer which can occur due to exposure of light is - Melanoma
508.MC tumour of minor salivary glands is - mixed tumour
509.MCC of surgical wound infection - Staph aureus
510.Paralytic ileus is caused by - Peritonitis
511.Golf-hole ureter is seen in - tuberculosis of ureter
512.Earliest symptom of BPH - frequency
513.Diverticular disease is not common in- stomach
514.Hernia which often simulates a peptic ulcer is - fatty hernia of the linea alba
515.Commonest cause of metabolic alkalosis is - pyloric stenosis
516.Nephrocalcinosis - deposition of calcium within renal substance
517.High risk groups for transmission of HIV virus include -
homosexuals/haemophiliacs/children of HIV mothers
518.Emergency measure to be taken with caustic ingestion

- endoscopic assessment of degree of damage

519.Precociuos puberty is treated by administering - LHRH
520.Auto nephrectomy is seen in - sickle cell anemia
521.Most reliable indicator of carcinoma of prostate recurrence after surgery - PSA
522.To rule out azzospermia as a cause of infertility due to obstruction of seminal
vesicles,substance to be found in semen is - fructose
523.What is true about keloids - appears few days after surgery
524.Rx of contaminated wound in gas gangrene - debridement of wound
525.Commonest cause of metabolic alkalosis in surgical patient is - gastric outlet obstruction
526.Commonest cause of nosocomial infection - staphylococci
527.Punctuate yellow exudates in colon, found on endoscopic examination r indicative of
antibiotic colitis
528.Antibiotics should be given how long i surgery prophylaxis - 1 hour before
529.Immediate surgery is indicated in - extra dural
530.Skeletal metastasis is common in - cancer breast
531.Rx in # pelvis i rupture urethra is - supra pubic cystostomy
532.26yr old woman in the first trimester of pregnancy has been admitted i retching &
repeated vomitting i large hematemesis.her pulse rate is 126/mt & BP is 80 mmhg
systolic,diagnosis is - Mallory weiss syndrome
533.Male infertility occurs if the sperm count is less than - 20mill/ml
534.Pulp space infection can lead to - avascular necrosis of the terminal phalanx
535.A carbuncle is Rx by - antibiotics alone
536.During nutritional assessment of a surgical pt,the status of muscle protein is indicated by
- mid-arm circumference
537.Cock's peculiar tumour is - secondary to infectious sebaceous cyst
538.Best prognosis in pancreatitis - Gall stone pancreatitis
539.Acute mechanical large bowel obstruction should be operated early because
- early gangrene & perforation
540.Trans urethral resection syndrome is due to - hyponatremia
541.Keloid is best treated by - wide excision & grafting
542.Commonest site of metastasis of wilm's tumour is - Lungs

543.Toxic megacolon is a complication of - ulcerative colitis

544.Skip transmural lesions i tuberculoid granuloma seen in - crohn's
545.Commonest cause of solitary thyroid nodule - follicular adenoma
546.In penetrating injury commonly afected is - is - liver
547.In extraperitoneal bladder rupture urine escapes into - below urogenital diaphragm
548.Dentric ulcer commonly seen in - Herpes simplex
549.In a case of acute trauma best guidline for quick replacement of fluids is - PCV
550.Commonest cause of bleeding PR in India is - internal hemorrhoids
551.IOC in pulmonary embolism - angiography
552.Commonest tumour metastasis to heart is - Bronchogenic Ca
553.Paget's disease of nipple is treated by - biopsy & simple mastectomy
554.Horner's syndrome is produced due to pressure on - stellate ganglion
555.Pancoast tumour - causes radicular pain in upper limb
556.Commonest complication of cryotherapy is - persistant watery discharge
557.Commonest cause of abdominal aortic aneurysm - atherosclerosis
558.In hand inj.first to be repaired is - Bone
559.Commonest presentation of TB pericarditis - constrictive
560.Painless effusions in joints in congenital syphilis is called - clutton's joint
561.Manjolin's ulcer is - squamous cell Ca from scar
562.Commonest tumour in parotid gland is - pleomorphic adenoma
563.Neck swelling moves on swallowing - thyroid gland
564.Complication commonly occurs in ant. Dudenal ulcer - perforation
565.Commonest beningn tumour of heart is - myxoma
566.Boil can occur in - pinna/skin/scalp & not in palm
567.Acute appendicites is best diagnosed by - physical examination
568.In ankylosing spondylitis radiological changes first seen in - sacro iliac joint
569.Adult femlae c/o of fainting fits/dysphonia/amnesia/anorexia the most likely diagnosis is
- Hysteria
570.Pt i grossly contaminated wound presents 12 hr after an accident his wound should be
managed by - thorough cleaning i debridement of all dead & devitalised tissue without
primary closure

571.A cystic swelling at the root of the nose which increases in size on straining is likely to be
- meningocele
572.MC type of Oral Ca - Lip
573.Pt i renal stone developed pathological # along i abdomen pain & certain psychiatric
symptoms he should be investigated for - hyper parathyroidism
574.Spleenectomy is to be avoided in children becoz of - increase risk of infection
575.Symptoms of hyperthyroidism - vossiuos appetite/emotional disturbances/sleeplessness &
not cold intolerance
576.Old male Ca caecum operated(hemicolectomy) 4th POD pt develops fever & pain in the
leg most important clinical entity one should look for this - DVT
577.40yrs old male i painless cystic liver enlargement of 4 yrs duration without fever or
jaundice most likely diagnosis is - Hydatid cyst
578.20yr old foot ball player received a hard kick in epigastrium a large cystic swelling
appeared in the epigastrium 2 wks later mostly diagnosis s - pseudo pancreatic cyst
579.8yr old boy presented i progressive swelling around the knee joint i 2 month duration
following mild trauma localised examination reveals an irregular bony swelling over the
upper end of tibia i a rised local temperature & variable consistency & ill defined margin
the most likely diagnosis is - Ewing's sarcoma
580.Ewing's sarcoma is a malignant small, round, blue cell tumour. It is a rare disease in
which cancer cells are found in the bone or in soft tissue. The most common areas in
which it occurs are the pelvis, the femur, the humerus, the ribs and clavicle (collar
bone).occurs most frequently in teenagers and young adults,
581.5yr male i one testis in the scrotum the other felt in inguinal canal Rx is - orchiopexy
582.More than 3 units of blood transfusion must be supplemented by IV - calcium gluconate
583.Mc precancerous lesion for an oral Ca is - leukoplakia
584.Marker for seminoma testis is - HCG
585.MC indication for splenectomy is - trauma
586.Causes of gynecomastia - leprosy/cirhosis/klienfelters syndrome
587.MC cause of aneurysm of abdominal aorta is - atherosclerosis
588.Best indicator for monitoring response to fluid replacement in severe trauma is
- Urine output

589.Most common malignancy after cholecystectomy is of - Stomach

590.Most common cause of spleenic rupture is - Malaria
591.Cystic hygroma - may cause respiratory obstruction/ common in neck/present at birth
592.Treatment of primary retinoblastoma is - Enucleation
593.White pupillary reflex in a child is due to - retinoblastoma
594.Kaposi sarcoma is commonly seen in - Head & neck
595.Nerve repair in infected wound should be secondary
596.Bleeding in duodenal ulcer is from which artery - Gastroduodenal
597.Cause of gaseous distension of abdomen in acute intestinal obstruction is
- swallowed atmospheric air
598.Indication of TPN - post oper.ileus /enterocolic fistula/ enterocutaeneous fistula & not
acute pancreatitis
599.Lymphnode metastasis is commonly seen in - rhabdomyosarcoma
600.Broncholithiasis means - calcified lymphnodes eroding into bronchus
601.Example for radiation induced cancer is - papillary Ca thyroid
602.Breast malignancy commonly detected by - breast self examination
603.Massive blood transfusion is defined as - whole blood volume
604.Thyroid scan is most useful in diagnosing - toxic adenoma of thyroid
605.Organism causing destruction of skin grafts - streptococcus
606.Pt complains of periumblical pain & nausea particularly after taking food diagnosis is
- Meckel's diverticulam
607.MCC of painless bleeding PR in man is - Piles
608.Duration of heparin therapy in DVT is - 7-10 days
609.Tylosis is ass. With - esophageal Ca
610.1st thing to be done to patient i tension pneumothorax
- insertion of wide bore needle in the intercoastal space
611.Sitz bath - sits in a basin containing warm antiseptic lotion
612.Rectal stricture is a common manifestation of - lymphogranuloma inguinale
613.Flower vase pattern of the pelvis in an IV urogram is seen in - Horse shoe kidney
614.Accurate diagnostic aid in renal artery stenosis is - selective renal angiography
615.Earliest symptom of BPH - frequency

616.Lymphnode first involved in cancer of the skin of the scrotum - superficial inguinal
617.Commonest cause of urethral stricture in a young person is - Gonococcal
618.MCC of death in kaposi sarcoma is - massive pulmobary hemorhage
619.Bisgard Rx is for - venous ulcer
620.Trosier's sign is - lt.supra clavicular lymphnode enlargement
621.Migrating thrombophlebitis ass. With cancer of - Pancrease
622.On exertion urine steam increases in - Urethral stricture
623.MCC of liver abscess in south india is - Amoebic
624.Hernia which often stimulates a peptic ulcer is - Fatty hernia of the linea alba
625.Delayed wound healing is seen in - malignancy/diabetes/infection & not in - Hypertension
626.Periampullary carcinoma feature is - early jaundice
627.In contaminated punctured wound of the leg of a non immune child of 10 yrs -
active & passive immunisation along with antibiotics
628.Splenic vein thrombosis is best treated by - splenectomy
629.Rx of non functioning thyroid nodule in a 40yr old male should be -surgical excision
630.Boy presence i bilateral prominence of breast & wants to be removed ideal incision -
incision along the areolar margin
631.A mobile variegated large lump in the breast of a 20 yr old female is most likely to be due
to - cystosarcoma phylloides
632.Pt is admitted i severe pain in abdomen,nausea,vomitting & fever,tenderness & rigidity +
sr.amylase -1000 IU/litre - acute pancreatitis
633.Nasopharyngeal Ca originates in - Fossa of rosenmuller
634.Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects the - Cervical spine
635.In 40yrs male,thrombus in the common femoral artery is because of - Atheroma
636.IOC for an early gastric Ca - stained endoscopic biopsy
637.Commonest metastasis in renal cell Ca is to - Lung
638.Somatostatin is secreted by - D cells
639.Prognosis of breast cancer is best determined by - axillary node involvement
640.Rectal polyps usually present with - Bleeding
641.A boil is due to staphylococcal infection of - hair follicle
642.If a pt i a suspected # of pelvis has some bleeding from the urethra & unable to pass urine

- he sholud be prepared for surgery & catheterisation attempted in O.T

643.Retinoblastoma is - Unilateral 70%
644.12month child suddenly draws up his legs & screams i pain.repeated periodically through
out night interspersed i periods of quiet sleepwhen seen after 12 hrs child looks pale,has
just vomited & passed thin blood stained stool,there is a mass around umblicus MLD -
645.In a pt i polytrauma presence of hypotension i elevated cvp is suggestive of - cardio-
pulmonary problem
646.Commonest side effect of 5 flouro-uracil is - Bone marrow suppresion
647.Lymphatic metastasis of buccal Ca 1st involves - submandibular
648.IOC of case of obstructive jaundice - USG
649.Commonest Ca in men in tropical countries - Ca oral cavity
650.Serum amylase levels raised in - duodenal ulcer perforation /pancreatitis/small bowel
651.Liver biopsy is done through 8th midaxillary line to avoid - lung
652.Commonest cause for mediastinitis is - esophageal perforation
653.Trendelenbergs test is positive in to injury of - superior gluteal nerve
654.Most of the parotid tumour are managed by - superficial parotidectomy
655.Immediate management of a child i foreign body inhalation is - Bronchoscopy
656.Function of thick gastric mucosa is - protects epithelium
657.Tension pneumothorax due to # rib is treated by - tube drainage
658.Eemergency treatment of tension pnemothorax in the casuality dept is
- puncture by wide bore needle
659.In modified radical neck dissection,structure not preserved is - submandibular gland
660.Uncommon cause of upper GI bleed is - Ca stomach
661.Initial treatment in a management of trauma - Airway
662.TOC in choledochal cyst - excision of cyst i hepatojejunostomy
663.Pt i abdomen injury,# rib & bruise over left hypochondrium,probable diagnosis
- splenic rupture
664.Best way to diagnose lower intestinal obstruction - multiple air gas shadows on x-ray

665.60yr old man present i an ulcer on lateral margin of tongue,also complains of ear
pain,most probable diagnosis - carcinamatous ulcer
666.Disc prolapse is recognised by - CT/MRI/Myelography
667.During parotid surgery injury to the nerve which results in Frey's syndrome
- Auriculotemporal nerve
668.In a pt i aneurysmal bleed in the brain,deterioration of the mental state on the 7th day
indicates - spasm
669.For an open wound on leg i exposure of bone,treatment of choice - pedicle graft
670.Ventilation/perfusion ratio is highest in - apex of lung
671.Cause of death in blunt trauma chest is - tracheo bronchial rupture
672.Earliest symptom in Ca bladder is - hematuria
673.Procedure of choice for elective removal of CBD stones is
- endoscopic choledocholithotomy
674.TIPSS involves percutaneous creation of a shunt between - portal vein & hepatic vein
675.Orchidopexy for undescended testis is recommended at which age - 2yrs
676.Commonest type of VSD - perimembranous VSD
677.Thickened peripheral nerves r seen n -
amyloid polyneropathy/hansen's/refsum's disease
678.Sentinel node of gallbladder is - - lymphnode of lund
679.Positive kehrs sign is - haemoperitoneum
680.Chronic SDH refers to collection present for a period of - 21 days
681.Period of onset in tetanus refers to the time between - first symptom to spasm
682.Patchy meningitis hemorhagica interna is manifesteed by - SAH
683.Best test to differentiate between medicals & surgical jaundice is - USG
684.Causes for cholecystitis - estrogen/OCP/obesity
685.Elective cholecystectomy is - clean contaminated
686.Intestinal angina is a symptom complex of - postprandial abdominal pain,weight
loss,chronic mesenteric vessel occlusion
687.Organ secretes zinc in large amount in man - prostate
688.Significant loss of wgt i cough i blood streaked sputum,old PTB, drooping of left eyelid for
one month i ptosis of left eye & papillary miosis,CXR shows round opacification in left

upper apical lobe probable diagnosis - Squamous cell Ca

689.Predisposing causes for torsion of the testis - inversion of testis,between 10-25yrs of
age,separation of the epididymis
690.Biliary stricture developing after laparoscopic cholecystectomy usually occurs at which
part of the common bile duct - Upper
691.MCC of acquired Av fistula - Penetrating trauma
692.Procedure of choice for the evaluation of an aneurysm - MRI
693.MCC of gastric outlet obstruction in India is - peptic ulcer disease
694.Narrowest part of respiratory tract in children - subglottic area
695.Hyper-acute rejection is seen in - kidney
696.Bloodfractions is stored at 40'c - cryoprecipitate
697.Acute onset of pain n left testis for 16yr old boy Rx s-antibiotix & review after 1 week
698.Posterior urethra is best visualised by - voiding cystogram
699.MC location of intracranial neurocysticercosis - Brain parenchyma
700.MCC of perpheral limb ischemia in India is - Atherosclerosis
701.MC nerve in the neck from which schwanoma arises - vagus nerve
702.Term left sided appendicites as popularly called is nothing but - Diverticulitis
703.Pancreatitis that has good prognosis - post operative pancreatitis
704.Snow storm ascites is seen in - Meconium ileus
705.MC type of Ca gall bladder in a pt i gall stones - adenocarcinoma
706.Orthobaric oxygen is used in carbon monoxide poisoning
707.Insulinoma is most commonly located in which part of pancreas - equally distributed
708.Pt i hematuria for many days,found to have renal calculi,calcifications in the wall of
urinary bladder & small contracted bladder,most probable cause - schistosomiasis
709.Tennis elbow is characterised by - tendinitis of common extension origin
710.Compression of a nerve within the carpel tunnel produces inability to - oppose the thumb
711.In IV drug abuser whish artery is affected most - Brachial
712.TOC for medullary Ca of thyroid is - Total thyroidectomy
713.MC cancer,affecting both males & females of the world is - Lung cancer
714.MCC of morbidity & mortality in pts undergoing major vascular surgery is

- Thrombo embolic phenonmenon

715.TOC in malignant tracheo-esophageal fistula is - Metal stent
716.Tumour presenting with proptosis - Neuroblastoma
717.Tensile strength of the wound starts & increases after - 3-4 days
718.Amoebic liver abscess - occurs in right lobe/surgical drainage is indicated/extension of
abscess from liver to pericardium is the most dreaded complication
719.Methods to reduce intra cranial pressure in pts i head injury
- hyperventilation/admin of mannitol/hypothermia
720.Clinical manifestations of Bronchogenic Ca include - hoarseness of voice due to
involvement of left laryngeal nerve/horner's syndrome/diaphragmatic palsy due to
infiltration of phrenic nerve
721.Vitamin which has inhibitory effect on wound healing - Vit E
722.MC practised operative procedure for a perforated duodenal ulcer is
- Graham's omental patch repair
723.MC neurologic abnormality that occurs i head injury is - Altered consciousness
724.Favours postoperative wound dehiscence - jaundice/malignancy/hypoproteinemia
725.Testicular tumour most sensitive to radiation is - seminoma
726.Adenocarcinoma of esophagus is seen in - Barret's esophagus
727.Which tumour is treated by hormones - Ca prostate
728.IOC for reflux esophagitis - 24hrs acid output
729.Most accurate & non invasive method for diagnosing DVT - Plethesmography
730.Earliest method of diagnosing pitutary tumour - CT scan
731.Gastro-jejunostomy is an example of - clean,contaminated wound
732.MC site of aortic dissection - ascending aorta
733.Aortic disection is seen in - Marfan's syndrome
734.MC sarcoma in a child is - Rhabdomyosarcoma
735.MC site for venous thrombosis - Soleal vein
736.Keloid scars is made up of - Dense collagen
737.Highest concentration of hydroxy proline is seen in - Collagen
738.IOC in the early phase of renal transplant - USG
739.After surgery,a small left over stone in the CBD is best treated by - ERCP

740.Best investigation for Ca colon - colonic biopsy

741.Best way to treat street wounds - cleaning i saline & debridement
742.Dr.christian bernard performedthe 1st heart transplant in the year - 1967
743.Re-implantation time for lower limb is - 8hrs
744.Stump pain is relieved by - continuous tapping over the stump
745.Spring water cyst is another name for - pericardial cyst
746.Increased amylase in pleural fluid is seen in - Malignancy
747.Gold standard for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism - pulmonary angiography
748.Commonest site of ischemic colitis - splenic flexure
749.Lymphovenous anastamosis done in - filariasis
750.TOC for flail chest - strapping & internal fixation of ribs & IPPV
751.Regarding pes Excavatum
- cosmetic deformity/depression in chest/decrease in lung capacity
752.Diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease is confirmed by - lymphnode biopsy
753.Cystic hygroma is seen in - Turner's syndrome
754.CA-125 is atumour marker for - ovary
755.Hypercalcemia is seen in
- sarcoidosis/thyrotoxicosis/vit A intoxication & not in phenytoin therapy
756.SIADH is most commonly seen in - Oat cell Ca
757.DOC in actinomycosis is - penicillin
758.Renal artery stenosis in young female is caused due to - fibromuscular hypertrophy
759.Common site for esophageal perforation is - cervical esophageal
760.Hyperkeratosis of palms & soles is seen in - oesophageal ca
761.Commonest viral tumour - Warts
762.In anal Ca the TOC is - Radio + chemo
763.Foreign body aspiration most commonly enters - right main bronchus
764.Lisch nodules in neurofibromatosis are - hamartomas
765.Commonest cause of hematemesis & malena - esophageal varices
766.Commonest cause of death in sophisticated world - IHD
767.1st heart transplant was done by christian bernard in 1967
768.Procedure of choice in the case of a child who has inhaled a peanut

- immediate thoracotomy
769.Renal trauma is best treated by - observation & supportive measures
770.Cause of hydrocele in infants – infection
771.Old female i hard nodular,painless swelling in the thyroid region diagnosis in this case is
best established by - F.N.A.C
772.In a pt i head injury black eye ass i subconjunctival hemorhage occurs when there is
- # of floor & anterior cranial fossa
773.Felon is - terminal pulp space infection
774.Best investigation for air in peritoneal cavity is - X-ray abdomen-erect view
775.Rugger jersy sign is seen in - Ankylosing spondylitis
776.58 yrs male i acute onset of varicocele on left side most probable cause - Ca kidney
777.Hyoid bone is closely ass. To - thyroglossal cyst
778.Ureter is identified at surgery by - rhythmic peristalsis
779.Nosocomial pneumonia is most common due to - gram -ve bacilli
780.Regarding adenocarcinoma esophagus - caused by barrets esophagus
781.Human bite spreads - anaerobic streptococci
782.Single most prognostic factor in breast carcinoma - lymphnode status
783.In radical mastectomy which of the following is preserved - cephlic vein
784.5 day self subsiding pain is diagnostic of - thrombosed external hemorrhoids
785.Duodenal blowout is - complication of partial gastrectomy
786.Paget's disease of nipple is - Neoplasia
787.Irritation of diaphragm radiates to - C3-C4
788.Inguinal lymph node enlargement is seen in - malignant melanoma foot
789.In thyroglossal cyst carcinoma which arises is - Papillary
790.Ca of the right colon usually present i - massive bleeding
791.Commonest histological variety of bronchogenic Ca is - Squamous cell Ca
792.Commonest cause of A-V fistula - congenital
793.Keloid - local recurrence is common after excision
794.FNAC may not be diagnostic in which Ca of thyroid - follicular
795.Tension pneumothorax results in - decreased venous return
796.MC neoplasm of kidney is - Renal cell Ca

797.Tear drop bladder is found in - Pelvic hematoma

798.Sequestrated lung is supplied most commonly by - Descending aorta
799.Gas most suited for laproscopy is - Carbon di oxide
800.Gold standard investigation for stone in bile duct is - USG
801.Most diagnostic investigation in pulmonary embolism is - Angiography
802.Hyperacute graft rejection is caused by - preformed antibodies
803.Most common artery used for coronary artery bypass graft is - Inferior.mammary artery
804.Recovery of renal functions after renal transplant usually takes - 1 month
805.Hernia is prevented by - transversalis fascia
806.Infection in renal transplant patient is usually caused by - CMV
807.MC type of renal transplantation in India is - Allograft
808.Best method to confirm treatment of TB kidney - IUP
809.Trauma to diaphragm,true is - left side more common
810.Warfarin is stopped - 6-8 days prior to surgery
811.Most reliable urine specimen is obtained by - suprapubic aspiration
812.MC site of Berry aneurysm - anterior communication artery
813.Most useful investigation for profuse lower GI bleed is - colonoscopy
814.Old man i bout of prolonged vomitting i excessive hematamesis following alcohol
ingestion,likely to suffer from - Mallory weiss syndrome
815.Gas under diaphragm seen in - typhoid perforation/perforated duodenal ulcer/after
laporotomy & not in spontaneous rupture of esophagus
816.Best Rx in SDH in deteriorating pt - surgical evacuation
817.Excision of hyoid bone is commonly done us - thyroglossal cyst
818.Features of hypernephroma - persistant pyrexia/hematuria/polycythemia
819.Ca of colon develops in - jeuvenile polyps/inflammatory polyps/hamartomatous polypi &
not in - familial adenamatous polypi
820.Amyl nitrate inhalational test is used to detect - Ca esophagus
821.In triage green colour indicates - Ambulatory pts
822.Rotation of sigmoid volvulus ocurrs - anticlockwise
823.Rectal polyp most commonly presents as - Bleeding
824.Intestine gets strangulated Mc in - Omental bursa

825.Mild head injury is having GCS - 10/15

826.Most frequently used procedure for diagnosing palpable breast masses is - fine needle
827.Low & fixed specific gravity of urine is seen in - CRF
828.Painless lymphnode in cervical region,biopsy shows normal thyroid gland normal on
palpation also, most likely to be - papillary ca thyroid
829.In meckel's diverticulum,ectopic gastric tissue is diagnosed by - Radionuclide scan
830.Best guide to adequate tissue perforation in the fluid management of pt i burns is to ensure
a minimum hourly urine output of - 30-50ml
831.4 points of probe plcement in focused abdominal sonogram for trauma in blunt
thoracoabdominal trauma are - epigastrium,rt.hypochondrium,lt.lower
832.Catgut is preserved in - isopropyl alcohol
833.TOC for a mucocele of gall bladder is - Cholecystectomy
834.Length of a standard proctoscope is - 6 inches
835.MC rhythm disturbance during early postop period is - tachycardia
836.Sentinel lymph node biopsy is done in which malignancy - Breast
837.Double bubble appearance on x-ray is seen in - duodenal atresia/annular
pancraese/malrotation of gut
838.Seat belt causes injury to - Duodenum
839.Pt i one episode of spontaneous pneumothorax, which is adviced - stop diving/stop
smoking/stop flying
840.Rx for pyoderma gangrenosum is - surgery + antibiotics
841.Rare site for metastasis - forearm & legbones
842.C complication following hemorhoidectomy is - urinary retension
843.Neonatal kidney achieves concentrating ability equal 2 adult kidney by-1yr of age
844.Thickened mucosal walls in the stomach occur due to - Lymphoma
845.Hypoparathyroidism following thyroid surgery commonly occurs within - 2-5 days
846.1st permanent molar erupts between - 6-7yrs
847.Indications of circumcision are - chronic balanoposthitis/jew religion/paraphimosis & not

in Ca penis
848.Bedsore is example of - trophic ulcer
849.Neurosurgical Rx of epilepsy usually involves,removal of epileptic focus from which lobe -
temporal lobe
850.Initial therapy of documented DVT in a post op case is - IV heparin therapy
851.Complications of A-V fistula done for renal failure include - infection/thrombosis/high
output cardiac failure
852.When do we have to start antibiotics to prevent post op infections - 1hr before surgery &
continue after surgery
853.H.pylori infection causes Ca by which mechanism - Gastric metaplasia
854.Steroids are used in transplantation - to prevent graft rejection
855.Disinfect the bronchoscopy tube - 2% gluteraldehyde for 20 mts
856.Which nerve is repaired i good prognosis - Radial nerve
857.Commonest complication of meckel's diverticulum is - Bleeding
858.In a catheter sized 16F, 16F stands for - 1mm circumference
859.Battle sign is seen in # of - middle cranial fossa
860.Best cure rate in keloids is achieved by - excision & radiotherapy
861.Commonest tumour at inner canthus of eye - rodent ulcer
862.Veins avoided for IV infusion in Rx of abdominal trauma - long saphenous
863.Pt on anticoagulant therapy,the INR is maintained at - 2.5-3.5 times the normal
864.Biopsy of the opposite side breast is adviced for - lobular Ca
865.Most specific & sensitive method of screening in renovascular HTN - captopril renogram
866.Esophageal ulcer i a viral etiology is demonstrated by taking a biopsy from-surrounding
867.Local anaesthetic cannot be used at the site of infections because it cause - spread of
infection & lowered efficiency
868.Pseudo kidney is - thickened bowel loop on USG
869.Recurrence rate is highest i which modality of treatment for achalasia cardia - botulinum
toxin injection
870.Sentinel node biopsy is done in - Ca breast
871.Best site for intercostal drain in a case of pleural effusion-7th intercoastal space in mid

axillary line
872.Commonest site of ectopic salivary tumour - cheek
873.Asbestosis is ass. I pleural fibroma,bronchogenic Ca,mesothelioma &not i gastric Ca
874.Electrical pacemaker of stomach is situated in - Fundus
875.Female presents i finger stiffness & dysphagia,diagnosis is -scleroderma
876.Pointing index is seen in - acute appendicites
877.Least irritant fluid to peritoneum - blood
878.MC site of Ca pancreas - Head
879.Degloving injury is - Avulsion injury
880.Mayo's operation is done for - umblical hernia
881.Correct line of management in child who has swallowed a coin is - rigid endoscopy
882.Malignancies ass i HIV - gastric adenoCa,non hodgkin's lymphoma,kaposi's sarcoma
883.Arsenic is ass i increased risk of Basal cell Ca
884.Incubation period of gangrene is - 1-3 days
885.Cortisol level returns to normal - 3 days after hemorhage
886.Diffuse peritonitis following appendicites is usually seen - when appendicular perforation
occurs early(within24hrs)
887.Frost bite is treated by - slow rewarming
888.In marfan's aortic aneurysm occurs in - Ascending aorta
889.Best flap for esophagus repair - stomach
890.Hosp. aquired org. r-staphylococcus,accinobacter,pseudomonas&not streptococcus
891.2yr old child i intercostal retraction & increasing cyanosisi foreign body aspiration,life
saving emergency Rx - Heimlich's manoeuvre
892.Most common vein to get thrombosed is - Long saphenous
893.25yrs male who had sex recently presented i painful testes & pain was not relieved on
elevation of the testes,diagnosis could be - Torsion testis
894.12 hr old bullet injury to the left colon is ideally treated by - resection of affected segment i
upper segment colostomy & lower segment as a mucus fistula
895.Pt i head injury i rapidly increasing ICT without hematoma,DOC for initial Rx - 20%
896.Commonest site of perforation during colonoscopy is - Splenic flexure

897.In the healing of a clean wound the maximum immediate strength of the wound is reached
by - 4-7 days
898.Following TPN, weight loss is seen - upto 7 days
899.Premature infant born at 32 weeks of gestation developed respiratory distress after 4hrs of
birth.x-ray showed ground glass appearance with air bronchogram,the probable diagnosis
- meconium aspiration
900.Parenteral nutrition is best given through - subclavien vein
901.Diagnosis of lung sequestration is by - angiography
902.Unilateral hydronephrosis is due to - Ureterocele
903.Most severe pain in ureteric stone is seen in case of - oxalate stones
904.Commonest sign of intrabronchial foreign body in children is - Stridor
905.Hirschprung's disease is treated by - excision of aganglionic segment
906.Nerve sacrificed in parotid surgery - Facial
907.Best treatment to prevent gas gangrene - Thorough debridment
908.IOC in cerebral abscess is - MRI
909.Commonest site of aneurysm is - anterior communicating artery
910.MCC of SDH - rupture of superior cerebral vein
911.Normal CSF pressure is - 110-180 mmcsf
912.Commonest spinal tumour - ependynoma
913.Cystic hygroma - excision of cyst at an early age
914.Commonest peripheral aneurysm is - popliteal
915.Somatostatin inhibits release of - GH,gastrin,TSH
916.Urethral anomaly most common is - Hypospadiasis
917.AV fistula leads to - sinus tachy,increased preload,increased cardiac output
918.Thorocotomy is indicated in esophageal perforation,masive air leak,bleeding>200ml/hr
919.Death in blunt trauma chest is due to - tracheo bronchial injury
920.Infection of flexor tendon of index finger can spread to - thenar space
921.In whipple's operation removed are - CBD,head of pancrease,duodenum & not portal vein
922.Young female i proptosis,intolerance to heart i increased T3 & T4.diagnosis is -
Hashinoto's thyroiditis
923.DVT is caused by - lower limb trauma,hip & pelvic surgery,cushing's syndrome

924.Greenish discharge of nipple is seen in - Duct ectasia

925.MC route of infection/cause,for pyogenic liver abscess is - biliary sepsis
926.Stone at lower end of ureter removed by - Endoscopic removal
927.Mc source of bleeding in EDH - Middle meningeal artery
928.Type of bleeding in SDH is - Venous
929.MC type of Hypospadiasis - Glandular
930.Burn patients die in 24 hours because of - Sepsis
931.Iv Fluid of choice in burns patients is - Ringer lactate
932.MCC of bleeding from breast - Papilloma
933.Sudden onset of chest pain while in Air travell - DVT
934.Best time for treatment of undescended testis - 6 months of age
935.Best anticoagulant used in DVT - Low molecular weight heparin
936.Urinary stone get dislodged in - junction of ureter & renal pelvis
937.MC site for Hydatid cyst - Liver
938.Which test is done to differentiate between varicose vein & DVT - Perthe's test
939.First aid for external hemorhage - direct pressure
940.Bleed in epidural part of brain is due to rupture of - middle meningeal artery
941.Bleed in subdural part of brain is due to - torn of bridging veins
942.Bleed in subarachnoid part of brain is due to - aneurysm rupture
943.Intra cerebral bleed is due to - rupture of lenticulostriate artery


Negri bodies - Rabies Guarnian bodies - Smallpox Owl's eye - CMV

Handerson peterson - Molluscum contagiosum
Warthin Finkeldey bodies - Measels Torres body - Yellow fever
Test for Typhoid - - - - 1st week - Blood culture
2nd week - Antigen test ( Widal)
3rd week - Stool test
4th week - Urine test

❖ RNA Virus - Retro virus/Rota/Picorna

❖ Adenovirus is not a RNA virus
❖ Molluscum Contagiosum is a - Virus
❖ EBV causes - Hodgkins lymphoma/Burkitt's/Nasopharyngeal Ca
❖ EBV is associated i auto immune disease like - RA/SLE/dermatomyositis/sjogren
syndrome & Multiple sclerosis
❖ Diagnosis of bacterial infection in mid stream urine sample is done if there are
- 100000CFU/ml urine
❖ Diagnosis of UTI may be made if - > 5 pus cells/HPF
❖ True about candida is - Yeast
❖ Most infective stage of malarial parasite - Sporozoite
❖ MC type of malaria in India - Plasmodium vivax
❖ Definitive host in malaria - Female anopheles
❖ Intermediate host in malaria - man
❖ MCC of neonatal meningitis in India - E-Coli
❖ MCC of Gas gangrene - Clostridium Perfringens(Cl.Welchi)
❖ Pseudomembranous colitis is caused by - Cl.Difficle
❖ Causative organism of chagas disease - T.Cruzi
❖ Medium used for mycobacterium tuberculosis - LJ medium

❖ Confirmatory test for TB - AFB

❖ Most standard test for syphilis - VDRL
❖ Most specific,sensitive & Gold standard test for syphilis - FT-ABS
❖ Chinese letter pattern seen in - cornybacterium
❖ Furuncle is the infection of - Sebaceous gland
❖ EBV causes - pancreatic carcinoma
❖ Carrier for herpes simplex virus is - Man
❖ Q.fever is caused by - Coxiella burnetti
❖ Highly specific & sensitive test for kala azar - Immunoflorescent Ab test
❖ Swimming pool granuloma is caused by - Mycobacterium marinum
❖ Nosocomial organisms are - pseudomonus/proteus/klebsiella/staphylococcus
❖ Dengue fever vector is - Aedes
❖ Diagnosis of typhoid in the 1st week is by - Blood culture
❖ Disease which can be transmitted by milk - Q fever
❖ Actinomycetes is - gram positive bacteria
❖ Satellitism is seen in cultures of - Hemophilus
❖ Commonest cause of food poisoning - staphylococcal
❖ Causative organism for gas gangrene - clostridium welchi
❖ Hepatitis B is caused by - DNA virus
❖ Rabies virus has a Bullet shape
❖ Fried egg colony are seen in culture of - mycoplasma
❖ Schick's test is used to determine - susceptiblity of the patient to diptheria
❖ Bubo is seen in - LGV/plague
❖ Most specific diagnostic test for syphilis - TPI test
❖ Immunoglobulin which crosses the placenta - IgG
❖ Immunoglobulin which is produced first by the fetus in response to infection - IgM
❖ Type of immunologic response in transplant rejection - type-4
❖ Graves disease is an example of type-5 immunologic response
❖ Killer cells are associated with type 6 immunologic response
❖ Endoscopes are sterilised by - cidex solution
❖ Glass vessels & syringes are best sterilised by - Hot air oven

❖ Oil & grease are sterilised by - hot air oven

❖ In autoclaving temperature,pressure & time reached is-120 c at 14.5 lb/in for 15mts
❖ What is cidex - 2% gluteraldehyde
❖ Leprosy bacilli can be grown in - foot pad of nine banded armadilo
❖ Q fever is caused by - coxiella burneti
❖ Recurrent giardiasis is a feature of - primary acquired agamma globulinemia
❖ Negri bodies are commonly seen in - hippocampus
❖ Characteristic of primary chancre - pin-less punched out ulcer
❖ Parasitic intestinal infestation seen in immunosuppressed patient is - strongyloides
❖ Farmers lung is caused by - micromonospore faeni
❖ Ebstein barr causes - infective mononucleosis/burkitts lymphoma
❖ Most sensitive test for diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis - monospot test
❖ Japanese B encephalitis virus is transmitted by - culex tritaeniorhynchus
❖ Leprosy bacilli is transmitted from person to person by
- through intact skin/from open sore/discharge from nasal mucosa
❖ Visceral larva migrans is due to - toxocara canis
❖ Cutaeneous larva migrans is due to - ankylostoma brazillience
❖ Best laboratory method to diagnose AIDS infection - western blot test
❖ False positive for VDRL is seen - yaws/malaria/lepromatous leprosy
❖ Primary atypical pneumonia is caused by - mycoplasma
❖ Which does not cause pyogenic meningitis - cryptococcus
❖ Vaccines are sterilised by - seitz filtration
❖ Chlamydia trachomatis - gram negative
❖ Dark ground microscopy is used for detection of - spirochetes
❖ Skin test not diagnostic of an infection is - casoni
❖ Which does not have a viral etiology - lymphoma
❖ STD's - chancroid/herpes simplex 2/scabies & not coxiella
❖ Carrier's are found in - poliomyelitis/typhoid/cholera & not in measles
❖ Zoonotic disease - rabies/Q fever/anthrax
❖ Malarial parasites - man as intermediate host/4 imp species in man
❖ Dwarf tapeworm refers to - hymenolepsis nana

❖ Hookworm thrives on - plasma

❖ Spirochetes are stained by - levediti stain
❖ Portal entry of polio virus is mainly - GIT
❖ Naeglers reaction detects - lecithinase
❖ Paul bunnel test is done in - infectious mononucleosis
❖ Graft versus host reaction is caused by - T-lymphocytes
❖ Exotoxin is produced by - shigella dysentriae
❖ Flash pasteurisation of milk is done at what temperature - 125 c for few seconds
❖ Weil felix reaction is useful in diagnosis of - Rickettsial infection
❖ Leishmania is cultured in - NNN media
❖ Sleeping sickness is transmitted by - Tse-tse fly
❖ Culture media for fungus is - sabourads medium
❖ Transport medium for cholera - venkatraman-ramakrishnan medium
❖ Pneumococcus can be differentiated from streptococcus by - bile solubility
❖ Clostridium tetanii is - gram positive bacilli
❖ Culture of streptococcus viridans resemble - pneumococcus
❖ Yaws is caused by - T.pertunae
❖ Operation theaters are sterilised by - formaldehyde fumigation
❖ Bond shaped trophozoites are seen in- P.Malariae
❖ Weils disease is caused by - leptospira icterohemorhagica
❖ Organ of adhesion of bacteria is – fimbriae
❖ Arthralgia is seen in – coccidiodimycosis
❖ Diagnostic investigation for syphillis is - FTA B test
❖ Anopheles mosquito lays egg in - clear water
❖ Delayed tubercullin test response is due to - T lymphocytes
❖ Polio virus in OPV results in the production of - IgA
❖ Causes of diarhea in India - rotavirus,vibrio,giardia.
❖ Positive tuberculin test indicates - tuberculus infection
❖ Neurological complications r seen n which vaccines - Pertusis
❖ Zoonosis - rabies/KFD/japanese-B-encephalitis/anthrax/leptospirosis
❖ Disease transmitted by blood transfusion - syphillis/AIDS/malaria/Hep-B

❖ Commonest cause of diarrhea in children is - Rota virus

❖ Viruses belonging to herpes group - varicella/herpes zoster/CMV/infectious
❖ True about leptospirosis
- high fever i chills/seen in sewage workers/jaundice is present/ARF may occur
❖ Culture media for pertusis is - bordet gengu medium
❖ Sharp instruments are sterilised by - 20% Lysol
❖ Penicillin is DOC for - Scarlet fever
❖ Best anti rabies vaccine is - HDC vaccine
❖ Local lesion in BCG is maximum in - 28 days
❖ Interleukin 1 is produced by - Monocytes
❖ Staphylococcus does not cause - scarlet fever
❖ Furuncle is caused by - staphylococcal aureus
❖ Best method of sterilising disposable syringes is - Gamma rays
❖ Best method of skin disinfectant is - Tincture iodine
❖ True of kala azar
- persistant hypergammaglobulinemia/pancytopenia/cancrum oris may occur
❖ Enteropathogenic E.coli - causes AGE in infants
❖ Man is the only reservoir of - Measles
❖ Rubella vaccination is contra indicated in
- pt i immunosuppresant/girl i leukemia/pregnancy
❖ Transmitted by feco-oral route-ascaris/enterobius/giardiasis&not strongyloides
❖ Hepatitis A is transmitted by - feco-oral route
❖ True of pus - thick & cream coloured in staph aureus
❖ Transmitted by milk - TB/Brucellosis/Q fever
❖ Weil felix reaction i OXK antigen indicates infection i - R.tsusugamushi
❖ Carrier state does not exist for - Hepatitis A virus
❖ Diagnostic test for amoebic hepatitis is - indirect hemagglutination test
❖ Mite transmits - Scrub typhus
❖ KFD is transmitted by - Tick

❖ Important organism causing meningitis in immunocompromised patient is -

❖ Amoebic liver abscess can be diagnosed by demonstrating - trophozoites in pus
❖ Segmented RNA is seen in- influenza virus
❖ Single stranded DNA - parvo virus
❖ Herpes simplex viruse is - double stranded DNA
❖ Main reservoir of entameba histolytica - Man
❖ Pseudomembranous colitis is caused by - clostridium.difficle
❖ AGE in children is caused by - Rota viruse
❖ STD - candida albicans/Giardiasis/ dressing is best disposed
of - Incineration
❖ Fungal meningitis is caused by - Cryptococcus
❖ Human immuno defeciency virus is a - Retro virus
❖ Septicemia is - multiplication of bacteria & toxins in blood
❖ True of Corynebacterium diptheria - ernst babes granules seen/chinese letter
pattern/prevented by immunisation
❖ Niacin is required for the growth of - M.Tuberculosis
❖ T cells mature in - Thymus
❖ Herd immunity is not seen in - Tetanus
❖ Micro organism that does not obey Koch's postulates - M.leprae
❖ Pneumocystis carini is diagnosed by - silver nitrate staining
❖ Prototypr of type 2 hypersensitivity reaction is - auto immune hemolytic anemia
❖ Example of type 3 hypersensitivity - serum sickness
❖ Spores are disinfected by - Glutaraldehyde
❖ Phenol co-efficient indicates - efficacy of a disinfectant
❖ T4/T8 ratio reversal is seen in - AIDS
❖ Toxic shock syndrome is caused by - staph aureus
❖ Louis pasteur - discovery of rabies vaccine/introduction of complex
media/disproved spontaneous regression theory
❖ Leukotrienes are secreted by - macrophages/T4 cells/T8 cells
❖ True of syphillis - TPI is most specific/VDRL is non specific/IgM test is specific for

congenital syphillis/FTA ABS is for diagnostic test for syphillis

❖ C-reactive protein is - raised in acute inflammation
❖ Botulinum toxin acts on - parasympathetic system
❖ DOC for cutaeneous larva migrans - thiabendazole
❖ Double stranded RNA viruse - Reo virus
❖ Oncogenic viruse - EBV/retro viruse/HPV
❖ In syphillis semen is infective for - 4weeks
❖ Incubation period of gonorrhea is - 2-15 days
❖ True of rabies - infects only the brain
❖ Most probable cause of food poisoning in a child who has eaten ice cream 16-18hrs
earlier is - salmonella typhimurium
❖ Chlorination does not affect - polio virus
❖ Diphtheria toxin acts by - inhibiting protein synthesis
❖ Candidiasis is frequently associated with - OCP user/diabetes/pregnancy
❖ MC diagnostic test in LGV is - Frei's test
❖ Lepra bacilli are best cultivated in - mouse foot pad
❖ Helper cells belong to - T cells
❖ Type of receptor present on T cells are - CD4
❖ True of kyasanur forest disease
- transmitted by soft tick/incubation period is 3-8 days/killed vaccine available
❖ Sero conversion in HIV infection takes place in - 9weeks
❖ Double stranded RNA is seen in - Reo viruse
❖ Virus causing hemorhage - Adeno viruse
❖ Definitive host for guinea worm is - Man
❖ Least common site of calcified hydatid cyst is - Lung
❖ Negri bodies are located in - Neurons-hippocampus
❖ Which organism causes prosthetic valve endocarditis within 60 days of surgery
- staphylococcus epodermidis
❖ Endogenus in origin disease - candidiasis
❖ Most severely affected in kala-azar - Spleen
❖ Commonest cause of viral hepatitis in India - enterically transmitted NANB virus

❖ Blastomycosis is characterized by
- yeast like fungus/commonly involves lung & skin/dimorphic fungus
❖ Most definitive method for laboratory diagnosis of poliomyelitis
- serological diagnosis
❖ Most probable portal of entry of a Aspergillus - Lungs
❖ Vaccine contraindicated in immunocompromised pt - rubella/trivalent OPV
❖ Commonest site of extraintestinal amoebiasis - liver
❖ Dermatophytes are fungi infecting - nails/hair & skin
❖ Antigenic drift is commonly seen in - influenza virus
❖ DNA virus is - Adenovirus
❖ Cryptococcus neoformans has been found growing most often in
- soil containing pigeon feces
❖ Cerebral infarcts are most often seen in - aspergillosis
❖ Interferon is - protein in nature
❖ Citron bodies boat or leaf shaped pleomorphic organism in an exudate is
- clostr.septicum
❖ Organism which has a tendancy to infect patients receiving cephalosporins is
- pseudomonas
❖ Commonest cells found in bronchoalveolar washings are - macrophages
❖ Hair performation test is positive in infection with - Trichophyton
❖ Antisera is prepared from - rabbit
❖ Shigellosis is best diagnosed by - stool culture
❖ L-form phenomenon is most likely to occur in - proteus
❖ Charbon is a term used for - malignant pustule
❖ Interferon is stored at - 4'C
❖ Man is the terminal end for - tetanus
❖ Transplacental infection occurs with - echovirus/malaria/rubella/syphillis
❖ Congenital rubella syndrome - causes IUGR/causes cataracts
❖ Moist heat kills brucella/mycobacteria/salmonella/ & not coxiella burneti
❖ Chickenpox - may be severe in a newborn child infected by the mother in late
pregnancy/may cause pneumonitis/should be treated IV vidarabine when there is

evidence of hepatitis
❖ Pasteurisation is employed in surgery for the sterilisation of - cystoscope
❖ Naeglers reaction detects - lecithinase
❖ In AIDS kaposi sarcoma may respond to - alpha interferon
❖ Cat s an agent for tranmission of the following disease of man-toxoplasma gondi
❖ Seat worm is - enterobius
❖ Maltworkers lung is caused by - aspergillus clavatus
❖ Double rise of temperature in 24hrs is seen in case of - kala azar
❖ Handerson peterson bodies r seen n infection due to - molluscum contagiosum
❖ Rose bengal card test is used in - Brucellosis
❖ Seminal smell on culture is produced by - proteus
❖ Ganciclovir is most effective against which viral infection - CMV
❖ Best method of sterilising disposable syringes is - gamma rays
❖ Sporozoites of plasmodium falciparum are - banana shaped
❖ Best skin disinfectant is - Betadine
❖ Most important cause of death in septic shock is - respiratory failure
❖ Pt's on antacid therapy are more susceptible to infections i - salmonella
❖ Ivermectin is used in the treatment of - filariasis/strongyloidiasis
❖ TOC for gardenella vaginitis - metronidazole
❖ True of botulism - ascending paralysis/constipation/no fever
❖ Clostridial infection most common in cancer patients is - C.welchi
❖ Ulcer resembling Ca.Penis is seen i - Donovanosis
❖ Ratio of anaerobe to aerobes in stool is - 1000:1
❖ Dopamine in doses of 5-10 mics/kg/min acts on - Beta-1 receptors
❖ Type of diphtheria i highest mortality - Laryngeal
❖ DOC in listeriosis is - penicillin
❖ MC x-ray finding of pulmonary TB in AIDS - diffuse infiltrates
❖ Typhoid psychosis should be treated i - Steroids
❖ MC site of osteomyelitis in the adult is - Spine
❖ Kelly's medium is used in the isolation of - borrelia
❖ MC presentation of congenital CMV infection is - Hepatospleenomegally

❖ Vascular invasion is characteristic feature of - Mucormycosis

❖ Patients i organ transplants are most frequently infected i - CMV
❖ Virus i smallest genome is - parvovirus
❖ Orbital mucormycosis is a complication of - DKA
❖ DOC in treating amoebiasis in first trimester of pregnancy - Chloroquine
❖ In transmission of malaria,mosquito bite transfers - Sporozoite
❖ TOC in cryptococcal meningitis - Amphotericin-B
❖ Linear calcification of ascending aorta is a feature of - syphillis
❖ Transovarian transmission is a feature of - Scrub fever
❖ Only virus which has Double stranded RNA is - Reo virus
❖ Splenic rupture is most common in infection with - P.Vivax
❖ Average blood loss in ankylostomiasis per worm is - 0.2 ml/day
❖ Negri bodies are seen in - Rabies
❖ Ankylostoma enters by human body by - penetration of skin
❖ Dracunculosis infection occurs through - ingestion of water containing cyclops
❖ Smallest DNA virus - parvo virus
❖ AIDS virus is - Retro virus
❖ Vibrio cholera was discovered by - Koch
❖ Yaws is caused by - T.pertunue
❖ Q fever is caused by - C.Burnetti
❖ Habitat of hookworm is - jejunum
❖ Visceral larva migrans is caused by - toxocara canis
❖ Water borne disease - ascariasis/dracunculosis/trichuriasis
❖ Tste-tste fly transmits - trepanosoma bruzi
❖ Opsonisation is by - IgG
❖ Which of the following is most resistant to gonococcal infection - Testis
❖ Lepra cells found in lepromatous leprosy are - Macrophages
❖ One of the following staining method is an example of negative staining
- India ink preparation
❖ Tyndalisation is a method of - sterilisation
❖ Mosquito borne diseases are - japanese encephalitis/yellow fever/dengue fever

❖ Foam test is diagnostic for - bile salts

❖ Post exposure immunisation is done for - Rabies
❖ MC mode of transmission of nosocomial infections - contact i hospital person
❖ Leprosy spreads by - droplet spread
❖ Aedes aegypticus does not cause -
filariasis & causes dengue/yellow/chickungunya
❖ Causative organism of traveller's diarrohea is - E.coli
❖ Marker of HIV infection in blood - reverse transcriptase
❖ Rat flea transmits - plague/hymenolepis dimuntia/murine typhus
❖ Chlamydia causes - trachoma/non gonococcal urethritis/pneumonia
❖ Site to obtain swab in asymptomatic gonorhea is - Endocervix
❖ Satellitism is used to identify - H.Influenza
❖ ARV recommended by WHO as the most effective one is - HDCV
❖ VDRL is a - slide flocculation test
❖ Largest trematode infecting man is - F.Buski
❖ Example of an immediate hyper sensitivity reaction - Casoni test
❖ Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is associated i - Measles virus
❖ Secondary response is mediated by - IgG
❖ Prokaryotes are - unicellular
❖ Which viral infection always cause clinical disease in human beings - Rabies
❖ Most of the drug resistance occurs due to - conjugation
❖ Virus infected cell is killed by - macrophages
❖ Function of IgA is - acts as a mucosal barrier for infection
❖ Type of transmission involved in the case of plague in rat flea - Propagative
❖ Commonest mode of AIDS transmission in India is by - heterosexual promiscuity
❖ Commonly used screening test for HIV - Elisa test
❖ Kalaazar in India is caused by - P.argentipus
❖ Staphylococcal food poisoning includes - common with dairy products
❖ Cyclopropagative life cycle is seen in - Malaria
❖ Darting motility is shown by - Vibrio
❖ Highest incidence of anemia in the tropics is due to - Hookworm

❖ Kala azar not cured n full course of treatment next line of Rx s - Amphotericin B
❖ Not a dimorphic fungi - cryptococcus
❖ Dimorphic fungi is - histoplasma/coccidiodomycosis/blastomycosis
❖ Toxin which interferes i protein synthesis - pseudomonas toxin
❖ Immediate treatment for anaphylaxis is - Adrenaline
❖ IOC for detection of syphillis n a pt after 2 course of complete therapy - VDRL
❖ Tapeworm is found in - ileum & jejunum
❖ One virus particle prevents multiplication of 2nd virus this phenomenon is
- viral interference
❖ Most immunogenic in typhoid - H antigen
❖ Hantan virus - causes hemorhagic fever i renal involvement
❖ DOC for leptospirosis - Penicillin
❖ Killer cells & helper cells are part of - T cells
❖ Mucocutaeneous leishmaniasis is caused by - L.Braziliensis
❖ Food poisoning has occured due to ingestion of contaminated fried rice most likely
organism - Bacillus cereus
❖ True about cytokines is - it is always a polypeptide
❖ Stain used for Reyes syndrome is - Oil red O
❖ Mad cow disease is caused by - slow virus
❖ Toxaplasma gondi is carried by - Cats
❖ Crepitus in wound is produced by - clostridium welchi
❖ AIDS is not transmitted by - cryoprecipitate
❖ AIDS is transmitted by - blood transfusion/breast milk/ plasma
❖ Mechanism of action of clindamycin is inhibition of - protein synthesis
❖ N human diploid cells rabies vaccine d schedule of immunisation s
- 0,3,7,14,28,90
❖ Leprosy bacilli are cultured in - foot pads of mice
❖ Adhesin is usefull in - Bacterial attachment
❖ Man is both intermediate & definitive host for - T.Solium
❖ Transport medium for stools samples in cholera is - cary blair medium
❖ Urease negative is - E.coli

❖ Split genome is a feature of - Rota virus

❖ HIV affects - T helper cells & macrophages
❖ Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by - HZV
❖ Most important inflammatory mediator - TNF
❖ Tinea pedis is seen in - persons - wearing shoes & socks
❖ Granuloma with stellate abscess - Tularemia
❖ Milk ring test - Brucellosis
❖ Aspergilloma has - septate hyphae
❖ Thumb print appearance in culture film smear is seen - bordetella pertusis
❖ Interleukin 2 is secreted by - CD4 cells
❖ In cholera the highest case fatality s observed n case of - classical cholera vibrio
❖ Drumstick appearance is seen in - Cl.tetani/cl.tetanomorphum/cl.sphenoids
❖ Exaltation is - increased virulence
❖ Interleukin 7 is produced by - stromal cells
❖ Person having open wound in leg,comes in contact i sea water & develops,wound
infection,causative organism is - vibrio vulrificus
❖ Which one is used in hand washing - Chlorhexidine
❖ Coxsackie group A commonly causes - Aseptic meningitis
❖ Staph. aureus remains in the skin for longer period because of - Hyaluronidase
❖ Organism that has not been cultured successfully so far is - treponema pallidium
❖ Sulphur granules are composed of - organisms
❖ HIV is - single stranded RNA
❖ True about HIV - attacks CD4 cells/macrophages r the reservoirs/decrease CD4
counts in later stages
❖ Non culturable fungus - rhinosporidium
❖ First bacteria to have complete mapping of chromosomes - E coli
❖ One nanogram is equal to - 10-6
❖ Which worm is longest - T.saginata
❖ Which is enrichment media - selenite F broth
❖ Skin snip is used in the diagnosis of - onchocerciasis
❖ Dental carries is due to - S.Mutans

❖ Stain used for cryptococcus - negative india ink

❖ Spores are sterilised from a surface by - povidone iodine
❖ Rickettesia prowazeki is transmitted by - Louse
❖ Which is a form of cold sterilisation - Gamma rays
❖ MC CNS parasitic infection - Neurocysticercosis
❖ Methods used for diagnosis of HIV in a 2 month old child - DNA-pcr/viral
culture/p24 antigen assay
❖ Micro-organismsthat enterfreshly laid eggs are - Salmonella
❖ Parasite causing pulmonary eosinophillia syndrome - strongyloides
❖ MC oppurtunistic infection in AIDS in India - Toxoplasmosis
❖ In HIV, RNA to DNA transformation by - reverse transcriptase
❖ Fish intermediate host for - D latum/clonorchis sinensis
❖ Example for neutralisation reaction is - schick test
❖ Reservoir of kala azar in India - Man
❖ Toxins acts by inhibiting protein synthesis - Shiga toxin
❖ Inverted fir tree appearance is characteristic - bacillus anthrax
❖ Staphylococcus does not produce - Hyaluronidase
❖ Antenatal maternal HIV diagnosis is of importance in
- to prevent vertical transmission
❖ HIV primarily infects - CD4 cells
❖ Virus,which spreads by both hematogenous & neural route is - EBV
❖ Cultivable virus - entero virus/ECHO virus/coxsackie virus
❖ Segmented RNA is found in - influenza virus
❖ Not common in HIV pts - Aspergillocis
❖ Rota virus is detected by - antigen in stool
❖ Cafe-au-lait spot may be found n - nerofibramatosis/albright's dis./normal man
❖ Bacteria frequently used as an immuno modulator is - corynebacterium parvum
❖ Man is a definite host of which parasite - filaria
❖ Chances of acquiring HIV infection following needle prick is - 0-3%
❖ Amoeba's living in large intestine - E.gingivalis
❖ Bacterial skin infection - impetigo contagiosm/icthyma/bullous impetigo

❖ Feature of gardenella vaginalis - clue cells/fishy odour on KOH mount

❖ Causative agents for bronchiolitis - RSV,rhino virus,adenovirus
❖ Man is definite host in - Ascaris lumbricoides
❖ Carriers r not seen in - whooping cough,tetanus,plague
❖ Carriers r seen i - poliomyelitis
❖ Tinea pedis is caused by - E.floccosum
❖ Pasteur developed the vaccine for - anthrax/rabies/chicken cholera
❖ Organism that is strongly urease positive - helicobacter pylori
❖ Pt having HIV infection,oral ulcer is most commonly due to - candida
❖ Death in poliomyelitis is due to - resp. Paralysis
❖ Acalculous cholecystitis can be seen in - enteric fever/dengue
❖ Seal finger & whale finger are associated with - erysipelathrix
❖ Single most common cause of pyrexia of unknown originmycobacterium TB
❖ Incubation period of diptheria is - 2-6 days
❖ Calabar swelling is produced by - Loa loa
❖ EBV causes - burkitt's lymphoma/infectious mononucleosis/nasopharyngeal Ca
❖ AIDS is not transmitted by - cryoprecipitate
❖ AIDS is transmitted by - blood transfusion/breast milk/ plasma
❖ Mechanism of action of clindamycin is inhibition of - protein synthesis
❖ N human diploid cells rabies vaccine d schedule of immunisation s
- 0,3,7,14,28,90
❖ Leprosy bacilli are cultured in - foot pads of mice
❖ Adhesin is usefull in - Bacterial attachment
❖ Man is both intermediate & definitive host for - T.Solium
❖ Transport medium for stools samples in cholera is - cary blair medium
❖ Urease negative is - E.coli
❖ Split genome is a feature of - Rota virus
❖ HIV affects - T helper cells & macrophages
❖ Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by - HZV
❖ Most important inflammatory mediator - TNF

❖ Tinea pedis is seen in - persons - wearing shoes & socks

❖ Granuloma with stellate abscess - Tularemia
❖ Milk ring test - Brucellosis
❖ Aspergilloma has - septate hyphae
❖ Thumb print appearance in culture film smear is seen - bordetella pertusis
❖ Interleukin 2 is secreted by - CD4 cells
❖ In cholera the highest case fatality s observed n case of - classical cholera vibrio
❖ Drumstick appearance is seen in - Cl.tetani/cl.tetanomorphum/cl.sphenoids
❖ Exaltation is - increased virulence
❖ Interleukin 7 is produced by - stromal cells
❖ Person having open wound in leg,comes in contact i sea water & develops,wound
infection,causative organism is - vibrio vulrificus
❖ Which one is used in hand washing - Chlorhexidine
❖ Coxsackie group A commonly causes - Aseptic meningitis
❖ Staph. aureus remains in the skin for longer period because of - Hyaluronidase
❖ Organism that has not been cultured successfully so far is - treponema pallidium
❖ Sulphur granules are composed of - organisms
❖ HIV is - single stranded RNA
❖ True about HIV - attacks CD4 cells/macrophages r the reservoirs/decrease CD4
counts in later stages
❖ Non culturable fungus - rhinosporidium
❖ First bacteria to have complete mapping of chromosomes - E coli
❖ One nanogram is equal to - 10-6
❖ Which worm is longest - T.saginata
❖ Which is enrichment media - selenite F broth
❖ Skin snip is used in the diagnosis of - onchocerciasis
❖ Dental carries is due to - S.Mutans
❖ Stain used for cryptococcus - negative india ink
❖ Spores are sterilised from a surface by - povidone iodine
❖ Rickettesia prowazeki is transmitted by - Louse
❖ Which is a form of cold sterilisation - Gamma rays

❖ MC CNS parasitic infection – Neurocysticercosis

❖ Methods used for diagnosis of HIV in a 2 month old child - DNA-pcr/viral
culture/p24 antigen assay
❖ Micro-organismsthat enterfreshly laid eggs are - Salmonella
❖ Parasite causing pulmonary eosinophillia syndrome - strongyloides
❖ MC oppurtunistic infection in AIDS in India - Toxoplasmosis
❖ In HIV, RNA to DNA transformation by - reverse transcriptase
❖ Fish intermediate host for - D latum/clonorchis sinensis
❖ Example for neutralisation reaction is - schick test
❖ Reservoir of kala azar in India - Man
❖ Toxins acts by inhibiting protein synthesis - Shiga toxin
❖ Inverted fir tree appearance is characteristic - bacillus anthrax
❖ Staphylococcus does not produce - Hyaluronidase
❖ Antenatal maternal HIV diagnosis is of importance in
- to prevent vertical transmission
❖ HIV primarily infects - CD4 cells
❖ Virus,which spreads by both hematogenous & neural route is - EBV
❖ Cultivable virus - entero virus/ECHO virus/coxsackie virus
❖ Segmented RNA is found in - influenza virus
❖ Not common in HIV pts - Aspergillocis
❖ Rota virus is detected by - antigen in stool
❖ Cafe-au-lait spot may be found n - nerofibramatosis/albright's dis./normal man
❖ Bacteria frequently used as an immuno modulator is - corynebacterium parvum
❖ Man is a definite host of which parasite - filaria
❖ Chances of acquiring HIV infection following needle prick is - 0-3%
❖ Amoeba's living in large intestine - E.gingivalis
❖ Bacterial skin infection - impetigo contagiosm/icthyma/bullous impetigo
❖ Feature of gardenella vaginalis - clue cells/fishy odour on KOH mount
❖ Causative agents for bronchiolitis - RSV,rhino virus,adenovirus
❖ Man is definite host in - Ascaris lumbricoides

❖ Carriers r not seen in - whooping cough,tetanus,plague

❖ Carriers r seen i - poliomyelitis
❖ Tinea pedis is caused by - E.floccosum
❖ Pasteur developed the vaccine for - anthrax/rabies/chicken cholera
❖ Organism that is strongly urease positive - helicobacter pylori
❖ Pt having HIV infection,oral ulcer is most commonly due to - candida
❖ Death in poliomyelitis is due to - resp. Paralysis
❖ Acalculous cholecystitis can be seen in - enteric fever/dengue
❖ Seal finger & whale finger are associated with - erysipelathrix
❖ Single most common cause of pyrexia of unknown originmycobacterium TB
❖ Incubation period of diptheria is - 2-6 days


Fat Soluble :
Vitamin A - Retinol
Vitamin D - Cholecalciferol
Vitamin E - Tocopherol
Vitamin K
Water Soluble :
All Vitamin B & C - Ascorbic acid

Vitamin B1 - Thiamine
Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
Vitamin B3 - Niacin
Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine
Vitamin B7 - Biotin
Vitamin B9 - Folic acid
Vitamin B12 - Cobalamine

Actinomycin D-----DNA
HMP shunt ---------NADPH
Sickle cell ------point mutation
Codon------3 pairs
1. In starvation there is an - Increase in Pyruvatekinase
2. Musty odour urine is seen in - Phenyl ketanuria
3. Vitamin necessary for post transitional modification - Vit.K
4. Decarboxylation needs - Vit.B6
5. Power house of the cell - Mitochondria
6. Protein synthesis takes place in - Endoplasmic reticulum
7. Daily secretion of bile by liver is amount of - 500-1000ml
8. Haemorhagic disease of Newborn is seen due to deficiency of - Vit.K
9. Acrodermatitis enteropathica is due to - Zinc deficiency
10. Molybdenum is necessary for - XXanthine oxidase
11. Hartnup disease is due to deficiency of - Tryptophan
12. Alkaptonuria is due to deficiency of - homogentisic acid oxidase
13. In alkaptonuria,the deposition of substance - Homocysteine
14. Vitamin used to correct neurological symptoms is - Cynocobalamine B12
15. Wernicke-korsakoff psychosis /Beriberi caused by defeciency of - Thiamine B1
16. Pellagra is caused by defeciency of - Niacin B3
17. Burning foot syndrome is caused by defeciency of - Pantothenic
18. Megaloblastic anemia/Neural tube defect caused by defeciency of - Folic acid
19. Pernicious anemia caused by defeciency of - B12
20. Sebhoric dermatitis caused by defeciency of - Riboflavin B2
21. IHD is associated with which type of cholesterol - LDL
22. Seen in chronic starvation - insulin decreases/glucagon & growth hormone increases/free
fatty acids increases/glucose tolerance decreases.
23. Southern blot test is used to detect - DNA
24. Northern Blot test - RNA
25. Western Blot test - Protein
26. Respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants is due to inadequate secretion of -
Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline :part of surfactant/index of lung maturity/less than 2
indicates IRDS

27. Vitamin used for inhibiting lactation - B6

28. Wernicke's encephalopathy is caused by defeciency of - B1
29. Vitamin K dependant clotting factors are - fac.2,7,9,10
30. Enzyme defecient in marfan's syndrome is - Lysyl oxidase
31. Reactions takes place in Mitochondria
- krebs cycle,urea cycle,electron transfer,fatty acid cycle
32. Melatonin is synthesised from - Tryptophan
33. Amino acids excreted in the urine in cystinosis - cystine,ornithine,arginine,lysine
34. In maple syrup urine dis. the aminoacids excreted n urine r -leucine,isoleucine,valine
35. Sulphur containing amino acids r cysteine & methionine
36. Conjugated hyperbillirubinemia s seen n - Dubin jhonson synd.
37. In Hartnup's disease excreated in urine is - Tryptophan
38. Bile contains - cholic acid,chenodeoxycholic,deoxycholic,lithocolic acids
39. Cofactor for transamination is - Pyridoxine
40. Vitamin essential for transamination - B6
41. Phenyl pyruvic acid in the urine is detected by - Guthrie's test
42. In alkaptonuria the urine contains - Homogentisic acid
43. Insulin has - 51 amino acids
44. Von gierke's disease is due to defeciency of - galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
45. Essential fatty acids are - linoleic,linolenic & arachidonic acid
46. Iron is absorbed actively in the - Duodenum
47. vit.B12 is absorbed in the - Terminla ileum
48. Cardiac enzymes are - CPK,LDH,SGOT
49. Amount of proteins excreated in urine/24hrs - less than 150 mg
50. Highest content of triglycerides is seen in - Chylomicrons
51. Atherosclerosis is due to - Apo protein E defeciency
52. Triglyceride synthesis is increased by - Insulin
53. Which is an essential amino acid - phenylalanine,lysine,leucine
54. Insulin acts on which enzyme in glycolysis - Glucokinase
55. Present in cerebroside - Sphingosine,galactose
56. Melatonin is derived from - Tryptophan

57. Liver produces - albumin,fibrinogen,prothrombin & not gamma globulin

58. Bile acids are formed from - cholesterol
59. Heme in hemoglobin is in the - Hydrophobic pocket
60. 17-Alpha hydroxylase defeciency causes - decreased testosterone
61. Substance that does not cross blood brain barrier - Insulin
62. Anti infective vitamin is - vitamin A1
63. Tissue i highest glycogen content - Liver
64. Detoxification of drugs is controlled by - cytochrome P450
65. Anti atherosclerotic lipoprotein is - HDL
66. MC enzyme defeciency in man is - glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
67. Largest amounts of prostaglandins are seen in - Seminal fluids
68. Sulphonamides are conjugated by - Glucoronic acid
69. Which amino acid causes Hypoglycemia - Leucine
70. Vitamin present in co-enzyme A is - pantothenic acid
71. Insulin resistance is seen in - hypothyroidism,acromegaly
72. Fatty acid not synthesised in the body is - linoleic acid
73. Albinism results from defeciency of - Tyrosinase
74. Enzymes stored in muscle is- CPK
75. Secondary hyper parathyroidism is caused by - CRF
76. Abnormal Urinary constituents are - albumin,ketone,glucose
77. Urinary constituents - amino acids,urea,creatinine
78. Polyuria is seen in - DM,diabetes insipidus,recovery from acute nephritis
79. Polypeptide hormones are - insulin,angiotensin,growth hormones
80. Physiological constituents of urine - urea,creatinine
81. Major site of action of insulin - muscle,adipose tissue liver
82. Semi essential aminoacids are - Arginine,histidine
83. Ratio of adrenaline to noradrenaline - 85:15
84. Examples of monounsaturated fatty acids are - oleic acid
85. Acidic amino acids are - asparagine,glutamine
86. Basic amino acids are - arginine,lysine
87. Aromatic amino acids are - tryptophan,tyrosine,phenylalanine

88. Total body iodine stores are about - 50mg

89. vit.C is present in largest amount in the body in - Adrenal cortex
90. Tetany can be caused by - hypocalcemia,hypomagnesemia
91. Cerebroside contain which of the following - sphingosine
92. Ketone bodies are - Acetoacetate
93. Bile acids are derived from - cholesterol
94. Which is completely dependant on glucose as fuel - Retina
95. Immediate precursor of nor epinephrine is - Dopamine
96. Uric acid levels are increased in - pre-eclampsia,hodgkins lymphoma,leukemia
97. Metal in vit.B12 is - Cobalt
98. Ammonia in the brain is converted into - Glutamine
99. Dopamine synthesis in brain is increased by - Carbidopa
100.Calcium binding protein is - Troponin-C
101.Metabolite of epinephrine is - Metanephrine
102.End product of purine metabolism is - Uric acid
103.Vitamin A overdosage causes injury to - Lysosomes
104.Myocardium normally utilises - Fatty acid
105.Max. amount of serum cholesterol is found in - LDL
106.Vitamin that is useful in cancer is vitamin - A
107.Enzyme acetylcholine esterase is synthesised in - Liver
108.Urea in the Brain is derived from - Glutamine
109.Non-essential aminoacid is - Tyrosine
110.Enzyme primarily responsible for protein degradation in stomach - Pepsin
111.Increased anion gap is seen in - renal failure,lactic acidosis,DKA
112.Cholesterol from the liver is transported to the tissues mainly by the - VLDL
113.Precursor of steroid - cholesterol
114.Maple syrup urine disease is due to the defeciency of - Decarboxylation
115.Amino acid that can be converted into vitamin is - tryptophan
116.Main function of mitochondria is - electron transfer
117.Histamine is produced by - decarboxylation
118.Glutathione is a - tripeptide

119.Ketone body formation takes place in - liver

120.Xantheurenic acid is a product of metabolism of - Tryptophan
121.Neurotransmitter is - Glutamine
122.DNA double helix is bound by - Hydrogen bond
123.Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defeciency is seen in - vongierke's disease
124.Which is not seen in starvation - hypercholesterolemia
125.Muscle glycogen is mainly utilised for supplying energy to - heart
126.Enzyme marker of electron transport system is - cytochrome reductase
127.Major contribution towards gluconeogenesis is by - Alanine
128.Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin requires - factors-7,10,5 & Ca2+
129.Which does not inhibit platelet aggregation - Thromboxane A2
130.Conversion of proline to hydroxyproline is by - vit.C mediated hydroxylation
131.Ketone body which is maximum in DKA - Acetoacetic acid
132.Biotin is essential for - carboxylation
133.Ketoacidosis without glycosuria is seen in - prolonged starvation
134.Protein synthesis takes place in - Endoplasmic reticulam
135.NADPH is required in - lipogenesis
136.Dietary fibre is rich in - Pectin
137.Lipid which accumulates in fatty liver is - Triglycerides
138.Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver & Kidney
139.Which has highest cholesterol content - LDL
140.Germ oil has high content of vitamin - E
141.Melanin is synthesised from - phenylalanine
142.Obesity is associated with - decreased insulin response
143.Glycerol is converted to glucose in - Liver
144.vit.K plays an essential role in - biosynthesis of prothrombin & proconvertin
145.Preservative used in urine samples for chemical analysis is - Thymol
146.Heart muscle in comparison to skeletal muscle has - high carnosine
147.Oil rich in linoleic acid - sunflower oil
148.pH of normal sweat is - 4.5
149.Urea is mainly formed in liver & to small extent in - Brain

150.Pantothenic acid acts on - CoA

151.Fluoride ions act by inhibiting - Enolase
152.Protective factor for heart - high HDL
153.Defeciency of which vitamin is not known in newborn - E
154.Toad skin is seen in defeciency of vitamin - A
155.Resting membrane potential is close to the isoelectrical potential of - Cl
156.Infant's gastric juice pH is - 5.0
157.Enzyme diagnostic of MI in acase of hypothyroidism - CPK-MB
158.Transaminase an enzyme is most abundant in - Heart
159.White hair is due to - defeciency of melanin
160.Tyrosinase is - oxidase
161.Anticoagulant used for preserving blood for PT estimation is - sodium citrate
162.Chemically steroids are derivative of perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene
163.Biotin defeciency is characterised by - muscular pain,nausea,dermatitis
164.Zinc is a component of - carbonic anhydrase,insulin,carboxypeptidase
165.Respiratory quotient of fat,protein&carbohydrate are - 0.70-0.80-1.0
166.In glycolysis which of the ions is most important - Mg
167.Prostaglandins - are acyclic fatty acid derivatives
168.Thiouracil inhibits thyroid function by - inhibition of thyroxine synthesis
169.Cytochromes are - iron-porphyrin proteins
170.Vitamin acts as a respiratory catalyst - vit.C
171.Correct sequence of breakdown of hemoglobin - Hb-heme-biliverdin-bilirubin-
172.Histidine decarboxylase is present in - liver & kidney
173.Dietary changes are not required in - wilsons disease
174.Codon consists of - 3 consecutive nucleotide units
175.Coenzymes are - non-protein organic compounds
176.Hair is rich in amino acid - Cystine
177.Component of co-enzyme A - pantothenic acid,adenylic acid,sulphydryl group
178.Renin is present in - stomach
179.Methionine is important in - formation of choline

180.Actinomycin D interferes with enzyme induction by combining with - DNA

181.Ketone bodies are by products of metabolism of - Fats
182.Xeroderma pigmentosum,a rare skin disease is due to an autosomal recessive trait,which
causes a defeciency of - specific DNA endonuclease
183.Lactate dehydrogenase is - Isozyme
184.Ketone bodies are normally synthesised from - Acetyl-S-CoA
185.Creatinine is formed metabolically from - Arginine
186.Blood brain barrier is maximally permeable to - CO2
187.Which of the following vitamin is destroyed by heat - Biotin
188.Daily normal excretion of ketone bodies - 1.0mg
189.In mammals protein sequence takes place chiefly in - rough endoplasmic reticulam
190.Derived from protein - peptones
191.Hexokinase is a - Transferase
192.Which is the by product of the urea cycle - Funmarate
193.False positive reaction of glucose is seen with - Aspirin
194.Which of the following is not a trace element - Ca+
195.Chitin is a - Polysachride
196.Biuret test is mainly done for - Protein
197.In metabolic acidosis,true about urinary change is - increase in Ammonia
198.A codon consists of - 3 consecutive nucleotide units
199.Monoclonal electrophoresis is useful in the diagnosis of - Multiple myeloma
200.Basic structural unit from which fatty acids are derived - Acetyl Co A
201.Precursor of cholesterol synthesis is - Acetyl CoA
202.Whole wheat is an excellant source of - Thiamine
203.Siderophyllin is - transferrin
204.Which of the following is not a phospholipid - cerebroside
205.Triglycerides in serum are transported by - VLDL
206.1 molecule of glucose forms - 2 molecules of pyruvate
207.Which of the following is a initiating amino acid for protein synthesis - Methionine
208.In mammalian cells protein sequence takes place chiefly at the - nucleolus
209.Insulin resistance may be due to - Acromegaly

210.Cytochromes are - iron-porphyrin proteins

211.Which of the following s seen n obstructive jaundice - excess of bile salts in the urine
212.Which of the following cannot be metabolized in the body - sucrose
213.High threshold substance is - glucose
214.Million's test is used for detection of - Tyrosine
215.HMP shunt is of great importance in cellular metabolism because it produces - NADPH
216.Urea is produced by the enzyme - Arginase
217.Actinomycin D interferes i enzyme induction by combining i - DNA
218.A bi-lipid layer is most permeable to - Urea
219.The lactate dehydrogenase levels are increased in - Glycine
220.The most direct precursor of taurine is - Cysteine
221.Aromatic ring is present in - phenylalanine
222.A substance having affinity but no intrinsic activity is - Antagonist
223.Which of the following essential fatty acid contains maximum number of carbon atoms
- arachidonic acid
224.Ferritin -an inactive form of iron is stored in - liver
225.Cholesterol is synthesized from - Acetyl CoA
226.First product of glycogenolysis is - glucose-1-phosphate
227.C-AMP increases glycogenolysis by - contributing phosphate
228. Bohr effect is - effect of PCO2 on oxyhemoglobin dissociation
229.Tea and coffee contains - tannin
230.Specific dynamic action is- energy expended on consumption of foods
231.Ingestion of benzoic acid in man results in an increase in urinary- hippuric acid
232.An essential amino acid in man is- L- methionine
233.The mucopolysaccharide hyaluronic acid is found primarily in - vitreous humor of the eye
234. Ketosis is partly due to- overproduction of acetyl CoA
235.A substance having affinity and intrinsic activity is- partial agonist
236.The commonest enzyme deficiency is of- glucose -6-phosphatase
237.An amino acid not involved in urea synthesis is- histidine
238.The most abundant protein in the human body is - collagen
239.Sorbitol is- sugar alcohol

240.Dicumarol is an antimetabolite of- vit K

241.An essential for the conversion of glucose to glycogen in liver is -UTP
242.Inhibitors of DNA synthesis- actinomycin
243.Million test is positive in- thyrosinosis
244.Most important buffer in extracellular fluid is - H2CO2/HCO3
245.Inhibition of glycolysis by O2 is known as- Pasteur effect
246.In human body which of the following trace element in next to iron- Cu++
247.Which of the following is a dietary essential? - lin oleic acid
248.Patients with severe renal disease may not be able to use normal dietary sources of
vitamin- D
249.Winslow test is used to estimate serum or urinary- amylase
250.PH is maximum in- pancreatic secretion
251.Dawn phenomenon refers to -after breakfast hypoglycemia
252.Ehrlich's test done to detect- urobilinogen
253.Benzidine test is positive with the enzyme- peroxidase
254.Enzyme deficiency in alkaptonuria is homogentisic acid oxidase
255.Wernickes encephalopathy is due to deficiency of - thiamine
256.Creatinine is synthesized from -glycine, arginine and methionine
257.Cyanide is toxic because it- inhibits cytochrome oxidase
258.The substance essential for transfer fatty acids across mitochondrial membrane- carnitine
259.Which of the following organs can't use ketone bodies- liver
260.Lipid from tissues is carried to liver by - HDL
261.Unsaturated fatty acids are converted to - Prostaglandins
262.Vitamin necessary for CoA synthesis - Pantothenic acid
263.Lamin is present in - inner nuclear membrane
264.NADPH is used in - Fatty acid synthesis
265.Thiamine is essential for - pyruvate dehydrogenase
266.Mono cystinuria is due to abnormal metabolism of - Methionine
267.People eating only maize as staple diet develop niacin deficiency due to - high leucine
268.Thromboxane is mostly produced by - Platelet
269.Normal value of BUN is - 10-20 mg/dl

270.Alcohol-uric jaundice is caused by - hemolytic jaundice

271.Oxidation of fatty acids occur in - Mitochondria
272.Triple helix is seen i - collagen
273.Urinary protein is detected by - Barfoed test
274.Glutathione peroxidase contains - selenium
275.Cholesterol is a - steroid
276.Saturated fatty acid is present in high quality - coconut oil
277.Which is correct about intracellular fluid - amount more than ECF
278.Keratin is chemically - cystine
279.Untreated diabetes leads to - tissue use fatty acids as main fuel
280.Protein synthesis takes place mainly in - the ribosomes
281.MCC of lactic acidosis - Circulatory failure
282.Not a cause of metabolic acidosis - climbing to high altitudes
283.Vitamin also acting as hormone - Vit D
284.Proteins binding to DNA has - Zinc
285.One of the following is a scavenger of cholesterol from tissue & prevents atherosclerosis
286.DNA fragments are separated by - agarose gel electrophoresis
287.Ferritin stores are present in sites - intestine/liver/spleen but not in - bone
288.Osmolarity is - moles per liter of solvent
289.In Beri-Beri which enzyme activity is measured - Transketolase
290.An exclusive protein meal intake will cause - Hypoglycemia
291.Heart uses one of the following as energy source during starvation - Acetoacetate
292.In Maple syrup urine absence FeCl3 test with urine gives colour - Blue
293.Mousy or musty odor urine is seen in - Phenylketonuria
294.Carnitine is formed from - Lysine
295.Arthritis occur in - Alkaptonuria
296.Norepinephrine is converted to epinephrine by - N-methylation
297.Most important compensatory mechanism in metabolic acidosis - Hyperventilation
298.Translation occurs at - Ribosome
299.In cytochrome P450,P stands for - Pigment

300.The reaction inhibited in thiamine defeciency is - pyruvate to acetyl CoA

301.Skeletal muscle is deficient in - glucose -6-phosphate
302.Alcoholic group is found in - Galactoside
303.About glycolysis true is - complete breakdown of glucose
304.Familial hypercholesterolemia is - deficient of LDL receptors
305.Cholesterol maximally carried in - LDL
306.Most abundant collagen in body is - Type-1
307.Enzyme not present in muscle - glucose-6-phosphatase
308.What is the technique by which DNA can be amplified - polymerase chain reaction
309.Null mutation is - mutation which produces no functional gene product
310.Which one is non sense codon- UAG,UGA
311.Which of the following amino acid s assoc. i increased risk of MI - Homocysteine
312.Glutathione peroxidase contains - selenium
313.Which one of the following enzyme use NADP as co-enzyme - G6PD
314.Lung surfactant - dipalmitoyl lecithine
315.Fatty acids of cholesterol are mainly - palmitic & stearic acid
316.Shortest peptide is - encephalin
317.In Acute MI which amino acid level rise in blood - Homocysteine
318.FIGLU is a metabolite of - Histidine
319.Which is a fructosan - Inulin
320.Which fatty acid is not synthesized by Mna - stearic acid
321.Saponification means hydrolysis of fats by - Alkali
322.In pregnancy amount of glucose used in GTT - 100mg
323.Total number of genes in a human being is - 50,000
324.Naturally occuring amino acid - hydroxyproline
325.Northern blot is - amplification of mRNA
326.Source of ammonia in urine is - Glutaminase
327.Bilirubin is produced from - hemoglobin/myoglobin
328.Pyruvate utilisation in tissues is decreased in - Beri-Beri
329.Amino acid used in the synthesis of purines - Glycine
330.Selenium is an essential component of - Glutathione peroxidase

331.In porphyria cutanea tarda the type of porphyrin excreted in urine is

- type 1&3 uroporphyrins
332.Which one of the following is present intracellulary in muscle cells - corticosteroid
333.Early stg of trauma is characterised by - catabolism
334.Chromosomal nomenclature is based on - position of centromere
335.Not seen in - thiamine deficiency - cerebellar dysfunction
336.Warm auto antibodies are seen in - SLE
337.Biological value of protein is related to - essential aminoacid content
338.DNA selected for genetic information because - it is
stable/double stranded compared to RNA/two strands are complementary/scmireplicating
339.Abnormal gene removed and new inactivated gene inserted the process is known as -
340.Person on a fat free carbohydrate rich diet continues to grow obese,which of the following
lipoproteins is likely to be elevated in his blood - VLDL
341.Xeroderma pigmentosum is produced as a result of defect in - DNA ligase
342.Fatty acids does not produce glucose due to absence of -phosphoenolpyruvatekinase
343.Best indicator of iron deficiency - serum ferritin
344.Chylomicrons belong to group - Apo-B
345.In the fasting state glucose is obtained from - muscle glycogen
346.Steroid biosynthesis occur at - smooth endoplasmic retinaculam
347.At higher temperature most of the mammalian enzymes become inactive due to
- loss tertiary structure
348.Tocopherols are derivatives of - Tocol
349.Highest quantity of lipid & lowest concentration protein are found in- chylomicrons
350.Ketone bodies are formed in the - Liver
351.Enzyme glutathione peroxidase requires which trace elment - selenium
352.New DNA synthesis occurs in - interphase
353.Membrane phospholipid that does not contain glycerol is - Sphingomyelin
354.Antioxidants - vit A,C,E
355.Which of the following corticosteroid has maximum glucocorticoid activity
- Dexamethasone

356.End-product of the action of salivary amylase is – Maltose

357.RDS in premature infants is due to inadequate secretion of which one of the following
lipids - dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
358.Severe muscular exercise causes - Lactic acidosis
359.Vitamin A is stored mainly as retinol esters in - liver
360.Idiopathic nyctalopia is due to a hereditary - absence of rod function
361.Which of d following situation will lead 2 inc. viscosity of blood-multiple myeloma
362.Side effects of a drug arise due to the interactions of the drug to molecules other than the
target.these effects of a drug can be minimized by its high - specificity
363.Secretory proteins are synthesized in - first in Endoplasmic reticulum & then in cytoplasm
364.Consumption of raw egg may lead to deficiency of - Biotin
365.Amino acid which is associated i atherosclerosis is - Homocysteine
366.Which of the following inhibit complex 4 - Cyanide
367.Example of a reverse transcriptase - Telomerase

Cancer commonly associated i smoking r -
Test for Typhoid - - - - 1st week - Blood culture
2nd week - Antigen test ( Widal)
3rd week - Stool test
4th week - Urine test
X-Linked disorder : G6PD/colour blindness/hemophilia A&B/Duchenen muscular
dystrophy/Becker's muscular dystrophy/X-linked Icthyosis/agammaglobulinemia.

Tumour Marker
Alpha fetoprotein Germ cell tumour,Hepatocellular Ca
CA 15-3/CA 27-9 Breast Ca
CA 19-9 Pancreatic Ca,Colorectal Ca
CA 125 Ovarian Ca
CD 99 Ewing's Sarcoma
CD 117 Gastro intestinal stromal tumour
hCG Gestational trophoblastic,germ cell,chorio Ca
Immunoglobulin Lymphoma,Leukemia
Inhibin Se cord tumours
Neuron specific enolase Neuro endocrine tumour,smallcell,Ca of lungs
Placental alkaline phosphate seminoma/dysgerminoma
Prostate specific antigen Prostate Ca

IRON : is absorbed in Duodenum / Vit C helps in Iron absorption /S.Ferratin is storage form
of IRON & best test for diagnose / S.Transferratin is the transporter of IRON .

HYPOCHROMIC Anemia's : hypo(less) chromic(colourfull) pnemonic SITAL


Sideroblastic anemia / Iron defeciency /Thallesemia / Lead poisoning /Anemia of chronic

Leukopenia - decrease in WBC eg: recent infection like cold & influenza
Myelofibrosis /Aplastic anemia / HIV & Aids /Chemotherapy/Radiation therapy.
Leukocytosis - increase in WBC
Lymphocytosis - increase in number of proportion of lymphocytes.
Erythropoesis - production of RBC's
takes place in early foetus -mesodermal cells of yolk sac
3rd & 4th month - Spleen & Liver
7 months - Bone marrow.
LEAD intoxication:Lead lines/Encephalopathy/Anemia&Abdomen pain/wrist&foot drop.

1. Lepromin test is strongly positive in - Tuberculoid leprosy

2. Screening test for HIV - ELISA
3. Diagnostic test for HIV - Western Blot
4. Lish nodules r seen in - Neurofibromatosis
5. Chromosomal abnormalities can be diagnosed by - FISH/G banding/PCR
6. Immediate post traumatic massive blood loss leads to - Reticulocytosis
7. Platelets are stored in - Room temperature
8. MC type of Oesophageal Ca overall - Adenocarcinoma
9. MC type of oesophageal Ca in India - Squamous cell Ca
10. MC site of esophageal Ca - lower 1/3rd of esophagus
11. Chronic gastric reflux - Barrett's esophagus - Adenocarcinoma
12. Acute inflammation pain is mediated by - Bradykinin
13. Richest source of Histamine - Mast cells
14. Richest source of serotonin - Platelets
15. Cytokine responsible for inflammation is - Interleukin-1

16. First response to hemorrhage is - Tachycardia

17. Most affecting cell in case of HIV is - CD4 T cells
18. MC neoplastic disease in AIDS - Kaposi sarcoma
19. MC lung carcinoma in smoker - Squamous cell Ca
20. MC lung Ca in non smokers & Females - Adenocarcinoma
21. MC type of Emphysema - Centriacinar - occurs in upper lobe
22. Most specific antibody in SLE is - Anti double stranded DNA antibody
23. Anti smith Ab/anti nuclear Ab/anti ds DNA Ab r seen n - SLE
24. Phagocytosis enhanced by coating the surface of antigen is called - Opsonisation
25. Which is not Vitamin K dependant factor - Factor VIII
26. MC site for liquefactive necrosis - Brain
27. MC organ affected by fatty change – Liver
28. MC cause of fatty change is - Alcoholism
29. MC organ to be affected by hypoxia - Heart
30. Reye's syndrome is associated i - Salicylate poisoning
31. Perl's stain-Prussian blue reaction is used to demonstrate is - Hemosiderin
32. MCC of infective endocarditis - Streptococcus viridans
33. MC type of cardiomyopathy - dilated cardiomyopathy
34. Mccalum's patch is seen in - Left atrium
35. MC tumour in children heart - Rhabdomyosarcoma
36. MC congenital cardiac malformation - VSD
37. Least common cardiac congenital malformation - ASD
38. DOC to relieve pain in MI - Morphine
39. MC organism of lobar pnemonia - Streptococcus pnemonia
40. MCC of emphysema - Bacterial pneumonia
41. MC site of metastasis of Ca lung is – Liver
42. Small cell carcinoma - Oat cell carcinoma
43. Tumour of lung i best prognosis - Squamous cell carcinoma
44. Commonest cancer in which metastasis is seen in brain - Lung Ca
45. Metastasis to the heart commonly in - bronchogenic Ca
46. Metastasis of small cell carcinoma lung - Liver

47. Commonest site of metastasis - liver

48. Bony metastasis is not seen in - Testis Ca
49. Small cell cancer commonly metastases to - Liver
50. Metastasis to heart are mostly from - Breast
51. In smokers Ca lung is - small cell Ca
52. Small cell carcinoma - Oat cell carcinoma
53. MC cause of fatty change is - Alcoholism
54. MC organ to be affected by hypoxia - Heart
55. Tumour of lung i best prognosis - Squamous cell carcinoma
56. Mc callum's patch is seen in - rheumatic fever/left atrium
57. Papillary necrosis s seen n
-DM/analgesic nephropathy/sicklecell anemia/Ac. Pyelonephritis
58. Micronodular cirrhosis is seen in - alcoholic cirrhosis
59. Pathological change of liver cells in acute viral hepatitis - ballooning degeneration
60. Typhoid ulcer is - peyer'spatch/longitudinal/may perforate/stricture is rare
61. Direct coomb's is +ve in hemolytic anemia due to - paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
62. Russel bodies-multiple myeloma/intracellular accumulation of protein/hemogenous
eosinophillic deposits
63. Glomerulosclerosis is a feature of - DM/HTN
64. Characteristic pathologic features in malignant HTN - fibrinoid necrosis
65. Type of Ca breast occuring b/l - lobular Ca
66. Giant cell foreign body - Tb syphillis/leprosy/60-100 nuclei
67. MC type of salivary neoplasm - mixed cell parotid neoplasm
68. Bone tumour arises from epiphysis - osteoclastoma
69. Bone tumour arises from metaphysis - osteogenic sarcoma
70. Bone tumour which is hormone dependant - fibrous dysplasia
71. Microscopic pic. of seminoma testis-sheet of lymphocytes n homogenous background
72. Amyloid is best identified by - green perfringens viewed by polarising microscopy
73. Amyloidosis most commonly affects - Liver
74. 2ry amyloidosis is seen i - TB/leprosy/RA/osteomyelitis
75. Amyloid stroma is seen in - medullary Ca thyroid

76. Syphilitic aneurysm mostly involve - arch of aorta

77. True blood cells are - RBC
78. Commonest type of hodgkins lymphoma - nodular sclerosis
79. Type of hodgkins lymphoma i best prognosis - lymphocytic predominant
80. Auer rods are seen in - AML-M1 & M3
81. Philadelphia chromosome is - translocation from chromosome 22 to 9/seen in CML
82. Commonest type of bronchogenic carcinoma - Adenocarcinoma
83. Gandy gamma bodies are seen in - sickle cell anemia
84. Transudative ascites is seen in - nephrotic syndrome / CCF
85. Commonest type of nephrotic syndrome in children - Minimal change disease
86. Nephrotic syndrome is caused by - malaria/penicillamine/syphillis
87. AFP is increased in-IUD/polycystic kidney disease/congenital nephrotic syndrome
88. Nephrotic syndrome - massive proteinuria/hypoalbunemia/hypercholesterolemia
89. Commonest site of TB of intestine - Illeum
90. Granulomatous disease - TB/leprosy/sarcoid
91. Characteristic feature of amoebic ulcer - flask shaped
92. Gall stones in hemolytic anemia are - Pigment
93. A person is labelled as heoatitis carrier if HbsAg is +ve after - 6 months
94. Disseminated intravascular coagulation causes - snakebite/malaria/polycythemia
95. Beningn - chondroma/hemangioma/myxoma
96. Villous atrophy is seen in - celiac disease,giardiasis,tropical sprue
97. Test for thalassemia trait - HbA2
98. Chronic constrictive pericarditis usually due to - TB/empyema
99. Lung abscess is common following - staphylococcal pneumonia
100.Precancerous lesions in GIT
-ulcerative colitis/pigmentary cirrhosis/polyposis coli/villous adenomas
101.Commonest variety of Ca stomach - Adenocarcinoma
102.Platelet function can be assessed by - clotting time
103.Good pasture's syndrome is characterised by - necrotising hemorhagic interstitial
104.Lipoma becomes malignant commonly at which site - retro-peritoneal

105.Commonest Ca in elderly male - Ca prostate

106.Fat necrosis is common in - breast/omentum/retroperitoneal fat
107.Piece meal necrosis is seen in - chronic active hepatitis
108.Pheochromocytoma arises from-adrenal medulla/extra adrenal site/sympathetic chain
109.Reed sternberg cells r seen in
- infectious mononucleosis/hodgkinslymphoma/mycosis fungoides
110.Osteosarcomas spread by - embolism in vessels
111.Hamartomas - developmental malformations
112.Involucrum means - new living bone
113.Malignancies caused by viruses - nasopharyngeal ca/burkits/Ca cervix
114.Gauchers disease is due to - deposition & defeciency of glucoscerebroside
115.Bone marrow aspiration is done to confirm
- niemann pick dis./gauchers/mucopolysachridosis
116.Acute tubular necrosis is caused by - hemolysis/crush injury/shock
117.Renal papillary necrosis is seen in - DM/analgesic abuse/sickle cell anemia
118.Commonest cause of renal papillary necrosis - analgesic nephropathy
119.Unconjugated hyper billirubinemia is seen in - gilberts & criggler najar
120.Carcinogens - asbestos/alkylating agents/benzene cpds
121.Transitional cell Ca caused by - napthylamine/smoking/bilharziasis
122.Pseudopolyps are seen in - ulcerative colitis
123.Radiation can cause - acute leukemia/papillary Ca thyroid
124.Worm causing myocarditis - Trichinella
125.Malaria affects - brain -liver-spleen
126.Most characteristic histological finding in acute rheumatic carditis
- aschoff bodies in myocardium
127.MC complication of infective endocarditis - thromboembolism
128.In India acute hepatitis A mostly affects - children between 3-12 yrs
129.Fibrosis is seen in a thrombus after 1 week
130.Diabetic gangrene is due to - atherosclerosis
131.Urine findings in SLE - proteinuria
132.Hypersensitivity angitis is seen in - Henoch scholein purpura

133.Liquefactive necrosis occurs in - Brain

134.Basement membrane has type 4 collagen
135.Mallory hyaline found n-alcoholic cirhosis,indian childhood cirrhosis/wilson'sdisease
136.Commonest malignancy of small intestine - adeno carcinoma
137.Coagulation time is prolonged in - hemophilia/von willebrand/christmas disease & not in
138.Hepar lobatum is due to - syphillis
139.B/l contracted kidney occurs in
- DM/benign nephrosclerosis/chronic glomerulonephritis
140.Primary neurogenic tumour - neuroblastoma
141.Epithelium in the ureter is - Transitional
142.Commonest complication of TB meningitis - cerebral infarction
143.Labile cells - bone marrow cells/epidermal cells/living cells small intestine
144.Antiglomerular antibodies are present in - good pasture syndrome
145.Commonest cause of cerebral infarction - Embolism
146.Atherosclerosis commonly affects - left anterior descending artery
147.Eosinophillia is a feature of - Aspergillosis
148.Splenectomy is usefull in - spherocytosis
149.G6PD deficiency is inherited as - X-linked recessive
150.Testicular involvement i-outepididymitis is a feature of - syphilis
151.Predominant cell after 72 hrs of MI - Macrophages
152.Kwashiorkor - fatty liver/edema/bitot's spot
153.Addison's disease - Hypoglycemia
154.Pyogenic meningitis - inc.CSF protein,pleocytosis/dec.CSF glucose
155.Features of chronic alcoholic liver disease - fatty liver
156.Features of rheumatic heart disease - valvular involvement
157.Ostoeomalacia - normal osteoid & defective mineralization
158.Destruction of fat in acute pancreatitis is due to - lipase & trypsin
159.Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency occurs in - Emphysema
160.Cloudy swelling is due to - accumulation of water intracellularly
161.Hallmark of atherosclerosis histologically is - deposition of fat in intima

162.Chronic SDH is caused by - rupture of bridging veins

163.In thromboasthenia there is a defect in - platelet aggregation
164.Intracellular calcification begin in the - Mitochondria
165.MC islet tumour is - insulinoma
166.Rickets is due to - decreased absorption of calcium
167.Type of pericarditis in TB - Constrictive
168.MCC of aortic aneurysm - Trauma
169.Linear deposition of Ig4 on glomerular basement membrane is seen in
- good pasteur's syndrome
170.Benz jones proteins are - light chains
171.Tumour marker for Ca cervix - keratin
172.MC malignancy in AIDS - kaposi sarcoma
173.Commonest presentation of endemic Goitre - Lump in the Neck
174.Pre-existing antibodies in renal transplantation leads to - hyper acute rejection
175.Function of liposomes - store triglycerides
176.Cushings syndrome is most commonly seen in - Bronchogenic carcinoma
177.MC primary tumour of mediastinum - Thymoma
178.Potato nodes are characteristic features of - Sarcoidosis
179.One of the following is due to point mutation - Sickle cell anemia
180.Worst prognosis for renal cell Ca - Vascular invasion
181.Follicular ovarian cysts are seen in - Molar pregnancy
182.Gandy gamma bodies r seen n
- sickle cell anemia/cirrhosis i portal HTN/CML & not n thalassemia
183.Mallory hyaline bodies r seen - alcoholic cirrhosis/1ry biliary cirrhosis/indian childhood
cirrhosis & not n 2ry biliary cirrhosis
184.Late feature of multiple myeloma - renal failure
185.Locally malignant tumour - chordoma
186.Preservative used for storing blood for transfusion is - CPD-A
187.Pancreas secretes - elastase,ribonuclease,colipase & not aminopeptidase
188.Commonest cause of intra cerebral bleed is - HTN
189.Liquefactive necrosis is common in- brain

190.Phagocytosis of TB bacillus does not occur because of - cord factor

191.Tree bark like calcification in chest x-ray is seen in - syphilitic aneurysm
192.Blood stored in CPD-A is - 35 days
193.Gastric ulcer is caused due to - decreased mucosal resistance
194.Raised serrum ferritin is seen in - leukemia/CRF/RA
195.Auto immune hemolytic anemia is seen in - CLL
196.Most diagnostic test for SLE - antibodies against DNA
197.Lepra cells are - Histiocytes
198.Mycobacterium leprae divide every - 13 days
199.Orange colour of urine is associated i - urobilinogen
200.High dose radiotherapy causes pancreatic - Acinar defeciency
201.Polyarteritis nodosa is preceeded by a history of - Bronchial asthma
202.Wgt of normal adult adrenal gland is about - 5 gm
203.Mesothelioma is - mostly malignant
204.Plasma cells are increased in - RA
205.Massive proteinuria is most likely to occur in - constrictive pericarditis
206.Cords of billroth in the liver are - Sinuses
207.Commonest variety of acute inflammation is - catarrhal inflammation
208.Soft granuloma is typically found in - Tuberculosis
209.Confirmation of myelofibrosis is by - Bonemarrow biopsy
210.Large giant cells are found in - neonatal hepatitis
211.Greater risk of carcinoma of stomach is associated with - intestinal metaplasia
212.Common primary tumours of heart - Myxoma
213.Thyroglossal cyst may occasionaly give rise to - Papillary Ca
214.Adenomyomas of gall bladder are always located in - Fundus
215.Primary tumours of veins are commonest in - Inf.vena cava
216.Dangerous complication in the 2nd week of massive MI - Rupture of the heart
217.Tylectomy literally means - Excision of a lump
218.Tuberous xanthomas in tendons are caused by - hypercholesterolemia
219.Glioblastoma sites-cerebrum of adult/brain stem of child/spinal cord of adult
220.Carcinosarcoma may arise in - uterus

221.Warthin finkeldy giant cells are seen in - Measles

222.Nuclei of langerhan's giant cells-are arranged around the periphery
223.Hofbauer cells are associated with - erythroblastosis foetalis
224.Cell most sensitive to ischaemia - cortical neurone
225.Sex can be determined by - Epithelial cells
226.Sputum from an asthma patient shows - numerous esinophills/charcot crystals/spirals
227.Rewarmed blood may be kept prior to use for - 30mts
228.Hess test is done to assess - capillary fragility
229.Most usual mode of death in cancer patients is - Infections
230.Maximum deposits of lipofusin seen in - severe malnutrition
231.Oncocytes are seen in - pitutary/thyroid/pancreas
232.Findings of multiple myeloma in kidney are
-tubular casts/amyloidosis/renal tubular necrosis/hyperuricemia
233.Best indication of testicular biopsy - Azoospermia
234.Congo-red with amyloid produces - brilliant pink colour
235.Oedema is caused by fall in plasma proteins below - 50%
236.Ocular basement membrane is stained by - alcaine blue
237.B/L contracted scarred kidney is seen in - chronic pyelonephritis
238.Hemodialysis associated amyloid is deposited in - Knee joint
239.Commonest histological type of Ca testis - seminoma
240.Red infarction is seen in - small intestine
241.Cells most sensitive to hypoxia are - Neurones
242.Chediak higashi syndrome is due to - defective phagocytosis
243.Soft granuloma is typically found in - Tuberculosis
244.Largest number of bone marrow cells are - meta myelocytes
245.Syphillis affects most commonly - ascending aorta
246.Marker for ovarian tumours - CA-125
247.Flame cells are seen in - osteosarcoma
248.Calcification in necrotic tissue called - dystrophic calcification
249.Phagocytic cells are - macrophages
250.Aschoff cells are - neutrophills

251.MC germ cell tumour - Teratoma

252.Glucose is indispensible source of energy for - erythrocytes
253.Hyperglycemia of 2 weeks old best IOC - glycosalated hemoglobin
254.MC tumour due to radiation arises from - Breast
255.MC lung malformations - vascular anomalies
256.Earliest response to iron therapy is - reticulocytes
257.Single plaque with satellite lesions is - Lepromatous leprosy
258.Bronchogenic cysts occur commonly in - carina
259.In brain phagocytosis is done by - Microglia
260.Sequestred lobe of lung is commonly supplied by - descending aorta
261.Lines of zahn is seen in - coralline thrombus
262.FNAC is usefull in tumours of thyroid for - thyroiditis/papilary Ca/anaplastic Ca
263.Chorionic villous sampling is usefull in - taysac dis./beta thalassemia/down's synd.
264.Pale infarct is not seen in - lung
265.Pale infarct is seen in - heart/spleen/liver
266.Damage to nervous tissue is repaired by - neuroglia
267.MC structural red cell defect without Hb abnormality - spherocytosis
268.Flea bitten kidney is seen in - malignant HTN/PAN/infective endocarditis
269.Predisposing factors to gall stones - OCP's/IBD/IV hyperalimentation
270.Increased ESR is seen in - Multiple myeloma
271.MC site of MI - Anterior wall left ventricle
272.Gall stone formation is predisposed by - low lecithin to low cholestrol ratio
273.DIC is seen i - Ca pancreas/Leukemia/Snakebite
274.In polymyositis ocular muscle is not affected
275.Predisposed to develop osteosarcoma - Paget's disease of bone
276.Barret's oesophagus - not reversed by medical therapy
277.Commonest route of infection in acute pyogenic abscess of liver - hematogenous
278.MC type of cell death due to sudden occlusion of blood supply - coagulation necrosis
279.Acanthosis nigricans can occurs due to - keratinisation of epidermal cells
280.Glanzmans disease is - congenital defect of platelets
281.Apple jelly nodule in nasal septum is seen in - Lupus vulgaris

282.Lacunar cells are found in which type of hodgkins - Nodular sclerosis

283.Cytokeratin is a marker for Carcinoma
284.Most sensitive test for SLE - ANA
285.Grossly pigmented liver is seen in - Dubin jhonson syndrome
286.Lipid cast are seen in - Nephrotic syndrome
287.Cryoprecipitate is rich in factor - 8
288.Empysema pathologically involves beyond the - terminal bronchiole
289.Gingival biopsy is usefull in diagnosis of - amyloidosis
290.Coagulative necrosis is seen i - Gangrene
291.Infective endocarditis in drug abuse commonly affects - Tricuspid valve
292.Chronic ITP is due to - antibody production against platelets
293.CEA (carcino embryonic antigen) is elevated in - alcoholic cirrhosis/Ca-colon/ulcerative
294.Diagnostic feature of rheumatic heart disease in heart - Aschoff nodules in myocardium
295.Sevre MS is associated i - right ventricular hypertrophy
296.Most diagnostic special stain for Amyloid - congo-red in polarised light
297.B/l hilar lymphadenopathy i non caseous granuloma is suggestive of - sarcoidosis
298.Hyaline in hyaline membrane disease is - Fibrin
299.Commonest malformation n a baby born to diabetic mother - congenital heart disease
300.Antibasement membrane antibodies are seen in - Good pasture's
301.Salt loosing nephropathy is - Intestinal nephritis
302.Commonest Ca lung in non smoker - Adenocarcinoma
303.Medullary Ca of thyroid is associated i increase in - Calcitonin
304.First feature seen in iron defeciency anemia - low ferritin
305.Cause of renal damage in - septicemia - Acute tubular necrosis
306.Proximal convoluted tubule will be injured by - Arsenic
307.Epitheloid cell is a modified - Macrophage
308.Ulcerative colitis - pseudopolyps/rectum involvment/malabsorption
309.Characteristic of acute rheumatic fever - pancarditis
310.Asbestosis is usually related to - Mesothelioma
311.Marker for vascular tumour - Keratin

312.Thickness of basement of glomerulus s n-membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

313.Macrophages are seen in - Late inflamation
314.Granulation tissue appearance is dur to - budding ends of capillaries
315.Ghon's focus i hilar lymphadenopathy is equivalent to - tuberculoid leprosy
316.Tennis racket cells r seen in - sarcoma botryoides
317.Sarcoidosis - epithelioid cells i no caseation
318.Faeco-orally transmitted - Hepatitis A
319.Mycosis fungoides affects - T-cells
320.Russel bodies are seen in - Plasma cells
321.Mucin producing glands seen in - esophagus/cervix/duodenum
322.AIDS involves - T-helper cells
323.MCC of aneurysm - Atherosclerosis
324.Serum marker of rickets - alkaline phosphatase
325.Linear deposits along the glomerular basemnet membrane - goodpasteur's syndrome
326.Amyloidosis is associated i - 21P
327.Philadelphia chromosome is an example of - balanced translocation
328.Plasma alkaline phosphatase is highest in - biliary cirrhosis
329.Concentric hypertrophy is caused by - malignant HTN
330.Initial site of intra cellular calcification - mitochondria
331.Laminin is present in - basement membrane
332.Hairy cell leukemia affects - B cells
333.Content of myxoma is - mucopolysachride
334.Myxoma is seen in - left atrium
335.Myotonic dystrophy is inherited in chromosomes - 19
336.Lewy bodies are seen in - Parkinsonism
337.Type of carditid in RHD - pancarditis
338.Howell jolly bodies are seen after - Spleenectomy
339.AFP is increased in - endodermal sinus tumour
340.Clara cells are seen in - bronchioles
341.Glioma of optic nerve is usually - pilocytic
342.ANCA is pathognomonic of -wegner's granulomatosis

343.ANCA is sensitive &specific for the diagnosis of - idiopathic cresentric nephritis

344.Interstitial nephritis is caused by - Methicillin
345.Increased osmotic fragility is seen in - heriditary elliptocytosis
346.Decrease in osmotic fragility causes hemolysis in - alpha &beta thalasemia
347.Characteristic of SLE of kidney - wire loop lesion
348.Neurofibromatosis is associated i - pheochromocytoma
349.Porphyria is disorder of Heme synthesis
350.Duricks granuloma is seen in - Brain
351.Pautriers microabscess is seenn in - mycosis fungoides
352.H.pylori causes - chronic atrophic gastritis/gastric/duodenal ulcer/lymphoma
353.Heart failure cells are seen in - Lungs
354.Mast cells release interleukin - 2
355.Bronchiectasis means - inflammation/dilatation/cavitation
356.Aneurysms in polyarteritis nodosa usually spares - Periphery
357.Phagocytosis is not done by - Histiocytes
358.Following splenectomy which cell increase earliest - Neutrophills
359.Blood smear is best seen at pH of - 6.8
360.Causes for precocious puberty-craniopharyngioma/head injury/Mc cunealbright synd
361.Fragile X syndrome - large testes/large head/large ear
362.Nuchal fold thickness is used to diagnose - Down's syndrome
363.Commonest fungal infection in neutropenia - Candida
364.Condition associated i obesity - hypothyroidism/insulinoma/cushing's syndrome
365.Erosive arthritis occurs in - OA/Gout/psoariatic arthritis
366.Osteoporosis is caused by - Heparin/hypoparathyroidism/RA
367.Fuelgen reaction detects - DNA
368.Tam horse fall protein is produced in - Kidney
369.Size of micro filter used in blood transfusions sets - 170 micrometers
370.Schiller-duval bodies is seen in - endodermal sinus tumour
371.AIDS affects selectively - CD4T-cells
372.Jumping gene - Transposon
373.Organ failure seen in - Iron poisoning - Liver

374.Bradykinin is a cleavage product of - kininogen

375.Kaposi sarcoma arise from - vascular tissue
376.Kaposi sarcoma is caused by - HHV-8
377.Popcorn cells are seen in which type of lymphoma - lymphocytic predominant
378.Paget's disease involves - pelvis/vertebrae/skull
379.Crook's hyaline change occurs in - basophillic cell of pitutary in cushing's syndrome
380.Lesion in wernicke's encephalopathy occurs in - mamillary bodies
381.Burkitt's lymphoma chromosomal translocation between - 8&14
382.Marker for malignant melanoma - S100
383.Highest chance of transmission after needle stick injury is for - Hepatitis C
384.MC sarcoma in person receiving immunosuppressive treatment - kaposi sarcoma
385.Most sensitive &specific investigation for Ca breast - mammography
386.Early granulation tissue in acute MI is seen within - 1week
387.Colorectal carcinoma is associated with - low fibre & high fat intake
388.Ca 125 is used in diagnosis of ovarian cancer
389.Cancer cells derive energy from - Glycolysis
390.Granuloma is seen in - TB/Y.entrocolitis/Leprosy
391.Reid's index is used in diagnosis of - chronic bronchitis
392.Giant cells in measles are called as - warthin finkeldey cells
393.Prostatic growth in BPH is due to - dihydrotestosterone
394.Best stain to demonstrate sideroblast in bone marrow - perls stain
395.Smoking causes - chronic bronchitis/empysema/bronchogenic Ca histopathological
indicators of shock include - acute tubular necrosis/loss of lipid from adrenal cortex
396.Organs are stored in which solution for histopathological study
- saturated solution of common salt
397.Most imp.function of epithelioid cells in tuberculosis - phagocytosis
398.ESR is zero in - Afibrinogenemia
399.Commonest infantile testicular tumour - Yolk sac tumour
400.Yellowish exudates at multiple sites seen in colonoscopy indicates - Crohn's disease
401.Sago spleen is seen in - Amyloidosis
402.Atheromatous changes of blood vessels affects early in - Kidney

403.Iron defeciency more accurately shows in blood is - MCHC

404.In acute inflammationpain is mediated by - Bradykinin
405.MC extranodal site for non-hodgkins lymphoma is - Brain
406.Risk factors for DVT - duration of surgery >30mts/obesity/use of OCP's
407.Correct sequence of cell cycle - G0-G1-S-G2-M
408.Formation of radiolucent stones by- Xanthine/allopurinol/orotic acid&not by cysteine
409.Factors predisposing to pulmonary embolism
- protein S defeciency/malignancy/obesity
410.Warfarin induced skin necrosis occurs due to - Protein C defeciency
411.Neoplasm in AIDS pt are - kaposi/lymphoma/invasive cervical Ca
412.Viral origin tumours - kaposi/nasopharangeal Ca/lymphoma/laryngeal papilloma
413.Biphasic pattern on histology is seen in which tumour - synovial cell sarcoma
414.Most abundant glycoprotein present in basement membrane - Laminin
415.Spur cell is seen in - Uremia
416.In MI early light microscope change is - waviness of fibres seen in 1st 6hrs
417.Dementia in an old man i senile plagues caused by - Alzheimer's disease
418.Mesangial deposits of monoclonal kappa/lamda light chains is indicative of -amyloidosis
419.Choristoma is - Normal tissue in abnormal site
420.Virchow's triad includes - endothelial injury/stasis of blood flow/hypercoagulablity
421.Virchow's triad seen in - DVT/peripheral vascular disease
422.Chromosome defect in cystic fibrosis - chromosome 7
423.Myasthenia gravis antibodies are present against - nicotinic receptor proteins
424.Downey cell is seen in - infectious mononucleosis
425.Mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary arises from - surface colnic epithelium
426.Podocytes are seen in - bowman's capsule
427.Diascopy is used in diagnosis of - hemangioma/lupus vulgaris/sarcoidosis
428.Amyloidosis of kidney s seen n-ulcerative colitis/suppurative lung disease/hansen dis
429.Mesentric tumours are - usually cystic
430.Microspherocytosis in peripheral blood smear r seen n -
thalasemia/cong.spherocytosis/auto immune acquired hemolytic anemia
431.Causes of myocarditis - trichinosis/cornybacterium diptheria/SLE

432.Visceral leishmaniasis causes - mesangio-proliferative glomerulonephritis

433.Factors for acute pancreatitis - alcohol/gall stones/hypercalcemia of parathyroid origin
434.Malignancy assoc. i AIDS-kaposi sarc/non hodgkins lymph/gastric adenocarcinoma
435.Autopsy finding after 12 hrs in a case of death due to MI - coagulative necrosis
436.Characteristic of amyloidosis - beta pleated,fibrillary,congophillic
437.GI stromal malignancy arise from - smooth muscle
438.Complications after several units of blood transfusion - meatbolic alkalosis
439.Mismatched transfusion perioperatively is indicated by - excess bledding
440.Erythropoesis is promoted by - ACTH/thyroxine/prolactin
441.Conditions causing megaloblastic anemia
- fish tape worm/gastrectomy/dis,affects terminal ileum/anti convulsants
442.Risk factors for esophageal carcinoma - tylosis/achalasia/barrets esophagus
443.Lung to lung metastasis is seen in - adeno carcinoma of lung
444.Most common site of metastatic disease - liver
445.Chronic adrenal insufficiency is characterised by
- excess pigmentation/asthenia/hypoglycemic episodes
446.Tissue of origin of kaposi's sarcoma - vascular
447.MC type of pitutary adenoma - prolactinoma
448.Stain used for demonstrating Auer rods in blasts is - Myeloperoxidase
449.Least common site for Berry aneurysm - Vertebral artery
450.Sure sign of malignancy - Metastasis
451.Route of infection in tubercular pyelonephritis - hematogenous
452.Schistiocytes are - Broken RBC
453.Round cell tumour - neuroblastoma/ewing's sarcoma/non-hodgkins lymphoma
454.Which occurs 1st in wound healing - Neutrophils line in the wound edge
455.Drug induced lupus can be identified by - anti-histone antibodies
456.Renal artery stenosis may occur in - atherosclerosis/fibromuscular dysplasia/polyarteritis
457.Brain tumour highly vascularised in nature - Glioblastoma
458.Large intracytoplasmic glycogen storage is seen in Ewing's sarcoma
459.Opsonins is - carbohydrate binding proteins

460.MC cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults - membranous glomerulonephritis

461.Wear & tear pigment in the body refers to - Lipochrome

1. Best test for testing vestibular function - Caloric test

2. To detect threshold of hearing - Audiometry
3. In tuberculosis - central perforation is seen
4. In CSOM - Marginal perforation
5. In Atrophic rhinitis obstruction is caused by – Crusting
6. The only Abductor of vocal cords - posterior crico arytenoid
7. MCC of Deviated nasal septum - Birth trauma SOC - Septoplasty
8. MC Antrochoanal polyp in children - Maxillary sinus
9. Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies - Stylopharangeus muscle
10. Rhinoplasty done for - DNS
11. Vertigo is defined as - Subjective sense of imbalance
12. Sinuses open in middle meatus - Frontal/Anterior/Maxillary sinus
13. MC malignancy seen in which paranasal sinus – Maxillary
14. MCC of bacterial sinusitis in age less than 3 yrs-ethmoid sinusitis
15. MCC of bacterial sinusitis in age more than 3yrs - Maxillary sinusitis
16. MCC of unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge in child is - Foreign body in nose
17. Clear watery discharge i history of trauma - CSF rhinorhea
18. Clear nasal discharge - allergic rhinitis
19. Unilateral foul smelling nasal discharge - foreign body must be excluded
20. MC form of facial nerve palsy - Bells palsy
21. TOC for cholesteatoma - modified radical mastoidectomy
22. Potts puffy tumour of the nose is seen in - chronic frontal sinusitis
23. MC type of temporal bone fracture is - longitudinal
24. MCC of epistaxis in adult female - Nose picking
25. First & most common symptom of otomycosis - Pruritis
26. MCC of CSF rhinorhea is - Trauma
27. MC organism causing Ludwigs angina - streptococcus

28. Submucus fibrosis is an oral premalignant lesion caused by - chewing pan masala
29. Gold standard IOC for Menire's disease - Electrocochleography
30. Carhart's notch is seen in otosclerosis at - 2000Hz
31. Treatment of ethmoid polyposis - Topical steroids
32. MC complication of unsafe CSOM - Meningitis
33. Most vestibulo toxic drug is - Streptomycin
34. MC site of # mandible is - subcondylar region
35. MC site for laryngeal cysts - True vocal cord
36. Most common ossicle damaged in ear disease is - Incus
37. TOC in nose bleeds in your children is - nasal pinching
38. Noise induced hearing loss is seen at - 4000Hz
39. MC nerve injured in Thyroid surgeries - superior laryngeal nerve
40. Perichondritis of pinna - cauliflower ear,singapore ear,caused by - Pseudomonas
41. Type of maxillary Ca associated i soft wood workers - Squamous cell Ca
42. Laryngeal cancers r mostly - squamous cell carcinomacommonest symp. For
laryngeal ca - Hoarsness of voice
43. MC bone to undergo # in neck injuries - Hyoid bone
44. MCC of acquired sensoneural hearing loss - Meningitis
45. MC nerve injured in maxillary bone # is - Infraorbital nerve
46. Nose develops from - fronto nasal process
47. Swallowing of caustic agents is more dangerous as it causes - Liquifactive necrosis
48. MC site of foreign body esophagus - just below cricopharyngeus
49. Most predominant organism causing CSOM - Proteus
50. Earliest symptom of Ca larynx – Hoarseness
51. Epithelial lining of True vocal cords - Startified squamous epithelium
52. CSF Otorhea due to fracture of - petrous part of temporal
53. Immunoglobulins seen in nasal secretions - Ig A
54. Immunoglobulins cross the placenta - Ig G
55. Ototoxic drugs r - kanamycin/streptomycin/gentamycin/vincristine
56. Unilateral nasal obstruction in a child is most often due to - foreign body
57. Myringitis bullosa is caused by - virus

58. Life threatening complication is seen in - B/l complete choanal atresia

59. Hard elongated swelling n tonsilar fossa post tonsillectomy-elongated styloid process
60. Lump in throat not interfering i swallowing - globus hystericus
61. Myringotomy is done in the postero inferior quadrant of d tympanic membrane
62. Colour of tympanic membrane in otosclerosis is - pearly white
63. Cauliflower ear is due to - hematoma of the auricle
64. Cricothyroid is supplied by the - superior laryngeal nerve
65. TOC for otosclerosis - stapedectomy
66. Multiple perforations of the tympanic membrane is characteristic of
- tuberculous otitis media
67. Sinus not present at birth is - frontal
68. Commonest cause of suppurative otitis media is - Pneumococcus
69. Grommet tube is used in - Glue ear
70. Treatment of cholesteatoma - radical mastoidectomy
71. Maggots in the nose can be removed by - Instillation of chloroform
72. Recurrent epistaxis & unilateral nasal mass in young boys is seen i
- juvenile naso pharyngeal fibroma
73. Main blood supply of the tonsils is - facial artery
74. Ca presents i hoarseness early - Glottic
75. Rx of cholesteatoma of the middle ear in 6yr old - modified radical mastoidectomy
76. Acoustic neuroma commonly affects - 8th cranial nerve
77. Earliest symptom of acoustic neuroma is - deafness
78. Investigation of choice for 1cm of Acoustic neuroma - MRI scan
79. Commonest occurence of acoustic neuroma is in - superior vestibular nerve
80. In acoustic neuroma earliest ocular finding is - loss of corneal reflex
81. Acoustic neuroma commonly arise from - superior vestibular nerve
82. Maxillary sinus has a communication i d - middle meatus
83. Dangerous type of ear refers to - attic granulations
84. Tonsils develop embryologicaly from - second pharyngeal pouch
85. In gradenigo's triad there is a - abducent nerve palsy
86. Tonsillectomy is done after - 6weeks,-of an attack of quinsy

87. Paramount function of the larynx is - protection of lower respiratory tract

88. Otomycosis is commonly caused by - Aspergillus
89. Commonest site of epistaxis is - Little's area
90. Commonest organism causing quinsy is - streptococci
91. Otosclerosis mostly affects - stapes
92. Lancinating pain around the tonsills during eating is indicative of
- glossopharyngeal neuralgia
93. Commonest cause of laryngeal stenosis - high tracheostomy
94. Dysphagia for fluids but not for solids is seen in - achalasia cardia
95. Rat tail appearance of barium swallow is suggestive of - esophageal Ca
96. Secondary hemorhage after tonsilectomy commonly occurs after - 6days
97. Submucous resection done in deflected nasal septum
98. Polyp which has mulbery appearance & bleeding on touch is due to -rhinosporiodisis
99. Antrochoanal polyps originate in - maxillary sinus
100.Nerve supply for external auditory meatus - vagus/auriculotemporal nerve
101.Ramsay hunt syndrome is characterised by - herpes zoster of geniculate ganglion
102.Treatment of multiple papilloma of the larynx is - excision i cautery
103.Commonest post-op complication of tonsillectomy is - hemorhage
104.Control of hemorhage after adenoidectomy is by - post nasal pack
105.Live insect trapped in the auditory canal can be killed by - Ether
106.Commonest complication of mastoidectomy is - facial palsy
107.Commonest cause of deafness in childhood is - CSOM
108.Commonest complication of CSOM - conductive deafness
109.8yr old child i b/l conductive deafness,diagnosis is - Glue ear
110.MCC of b/l conductive loss in 8yrs child - otitis media i effusion
111.Defect MC ocuring in congenital rubella - deafness
112.High risk criteria for development of deafness in newborn
- birth asphyxia/bact.meningitis/congenital infections
113.MCC of unilateral deafness in children is - Measles
114.Triad of menier's disease - deafness,vertigo,tinnitus
115.Commonest cause of deafness in children under 12 yrs - secretory otitis media

116.Rhinne's test positive means the ear - sensory neural deafness

117.Sensori neural deafness postnatally is due to - noise/trauma to head
118.Trotter's triad is seen in - nasopharyngeal carcinoma
119.Persistant CSF rhinorhea is seen in - anterior cranial fossa #
120.Arnolds nerve is a branch of - vagus nerve
121.Le fort's # involves - zygoma/maxilla/nasal bones & not mandible
122.Which collagen disease most commonly affects the oesophagus - scleroderma
123.High tracheostomy is indicated in - Ca larynx
124.Unsafe otitismedia in child i fever,convulsions diagnosis-temporal lobe abscess
125.Peritonsillar absces is - Quinsy
126.Epistaxis in elderly pt is commonest in - Hypertension
127.Myringoplasty is plastic repair of - Tympanic membrane
128.Rhinosporidiosis is due to - Fungus
129.Vasodilator of the internal ear is - Nicotinic acid
130.Menierr's disease is associated i - cochlear deafness
131.Rhinosporidiosis is - fungal granuloma / surgery is Rx
132.Nasal allergy due to - pale edematous mucosa/DNS/eosinophills in discharge
133.Recurrent epistaxis in a 15yr/f common cause - hematopoetic disorder
134.Laryngeal mirror is warmed before use by placing - glass surface on the flame
135.Function of the nasal cavity is - warming,moistening,filtration
136.Trachea begins at the level of - lower border of cricoid
137.Rupture of ear drum may occur at the noise level above - 160db
138.CSF rhinorhea is due to # of - cribriform plate
139.CSF otorhea occurs in trauma of - petrous temporal bone
140.Black colour patch in the mouth is seen in - vincent's angina
141.Singers nodule is due to - voice abuse
142.Rhinolith - deposition of calcium around foreign body in nose
143.MC indication for tracheostomy is - foreign body aspiration
144.Young's operation is done for - atropic rhinitis
145.Rx of traumatic rupture of tympanic membrane-no active treatment/conservative
146.ASOM is treated using - Penicillin

147.Labyrinthine artery is a branch of - anterior inferior cerebellar artery

148.Stapedius is supplied by - facial nerve
149.Rhinne's test -ve is seen in - CSOM
150.Commonest organism causing Acute tonsillitis in children - streptococcus
151.Most immediate treatment in CSF rhinorhea is - prophylactic antibiotics & x-ray
152.Nasal mucosa is supplied by - mainly ext.carotid artery
153.Throat pain radiating to the ear post tonsillectomy is due to
- persistant infection/injury to 9th nerve
154.Bulla ethmoidalis is seen in - middle meatus
155.Most reliable landmark in otoscopy is - handle of malleus
156.Acute epiglotitis is due to - hemophilus
157.Tonsills reach their maximum size by - 5yrs
158.A crooked nose is due to - Deviated tip & septum
159.Cholesteatoma - erodes bone , bluish tympanic membrane
160.DOC for acute epiglotitis in children - ampicillin
161.Signet ring shape - cricoid cartilage
162.Apple jelly nodules on the nasal septum are found in cases of - Lupus vulgaris
163.Complications of sinus disease - cavernous sinus thrombosis
164.Commonest complication of pediatric tracheostomy is - pneumothorax
165.An U shaped audiogram suggests - congenital deafness
166.Attacks of vertigo in children over 6 yrs r often associated i - seizure disorders
167.Commonest benign intramural tumour of the oesophagus - Leiomyoma
168.TOC for pus in the middle ear,when under tension - Myringotomy
169.Submucosal resection is indicated in - DNS i obstruction
170.Local anaesthetic used for nasal surgery - cocaine paste & xylocaine
171.Cervical oesophagus receives it blood from - inferior thyroid artery
172.Absolute bone conduction test is shortened in - perceptive deafness
173.Father of micro surgery of the ear is - zollener
174.Laryngo fissure is - opening the larynx in midline
175.Valsalva manuere generates about - 20-40 mmhg of pressure
176.Endoscopy is contraindicated in - Aortic aneurysm

177.Organ of corti is arranged along the inner edge of - basilar membrane

178.Pain of migraine head ache is due to - dilatation of cranial arteries
179.Frequent symptom of cancer of nasopharynx is - mass in the neck
180.Cody tack operation is done for - Meniere's disease
181.Meniere's disease is characterised by - deafness,tinnitus,vertigo
182.Most frequent cause of respiratory allergy is - House dust
183.Destruction of right labyrinth causes nystagmus to - left side
184.Commonest cause of hoarseness of voice in elderly man more than 3 months duration
- Ca larynx
185.Common cold is caused primarily by - Viruses
186.Nasopharyngeal Ca presents as - Mass
187.Vestibule presents in - larynx,pharynx,nose
188.Kiss ulcer of larynx is due to - Tuberculosis
189.The only Abductor of vocal cords - posterior crico arytenoid
190.MC site for laryngeal cysts - True vocal cord
191.Lesion of vocal cord dangerous to life - b/l abductor paralysis
192.Mouse-nibbled appearance of vocal cord - TB
193.MC location of vocal nodule - anterior 1/3 & posterior 2/3 junction
194.MCC of vocal cord palsy - total thyroidectomy
195.Granuloma of vocal cords is mostly due to - vocal abuse
196.Epithelial lining of True vocal cords - Startified squamous epithelium
197.Precancerous lesions in the vocal cord is - Leukoplakia
198.Tensors of the vocal cord is - cricothyroid/internal portion of thyoarytenoid
199.Commonest cause of unilateral vocal cord palsy is - Trauma
200.Cause for contact ulcer in vocal cords is - vocal abuse
201.MCC of unilateral left vocal cord palsy - Ca thyroid
202.Reinke's edema is seen in - edges of vocal cords
203.Angiofibroma of nose is common in- young males
204.Thyroid carcinoma i neck nodes is seen in - papillary ca
205.Commonest lymph node to enlarge in acute tonsillitis is - Jugulo-digastric
206.Fungus causing otomycosis most commonly is - aspergillus fumigatus

207.Mastoid tip appears at the age of - 2yrs

208.A pt hears better in noise diagnosis is - Paracusis
209.Bony septal perforation occurs in - syphillis
210.Prolonged & repeated use of nasal decongestant leads to-Rhinitis medicamentosa
211.TOC of traumatic rupture of tympanic membrane - conservative
212.Common cause of eustachian tube disease is - Adenoids
213.Prolonged exposure to noise levels > following may impair hearing permanently
- 100decibals
214.MCC of acquired sensoneural hearing loss - Meningitis
215.Noise induced hearing loss is seen at - 4000Hz
216.Commonest cause of hearing loss in children is - chronic adhesiv otitis media
217.Malignant otitis externa is caused by - P.aeruginosa
218.MCC of bacterial sinusitis in age less than 3 yrs-ethmoid sinusitis
219.MCC of bacterial sinusitis in age more than 3yrs - Maxillary sinusitis
220.Potts puffy tumour of the nose is seen in - chronic frontal sinusitis
221.Sinusitis in children is commonest in - maxillary sinus
222.Periodic head ache is seen in - frontal sinusitis
223.Ethmoidal sinusitis is more common in - Wood workers
224.Most definitive diagnosis of sinusitis is - proof puncture
225.Stridor is caused by - hypocalcemia/epiglotitis/laryngeal tumour
226.Commonest cause of stridor in a newborn is - Laryngomalacia
227.Cause of stridor in newborn-cystic hygroma/a vascular ring/laryngo malacia
228.Laryngeal stridor in children is caused by - laryngomalacia & foreign body
229.3 mnth old infant i intermittant respiratory stridor since 10 days - laryngomalacia
230.Max. Stridor is seen in - b/l incomplete paralysis
231.Rx for Ca larynx i stridor - planned tracheostomy
232.Stridor in adults is most commonly caused by - malignancy
233.Ideal treatment for rhinosporidiosis - excision i cautery at base
234.IDDM pt presents i septal perforation of nose i brownish black discharge probable
diagnosis is - Mucor mycosis
235.TOC for anterochoanal polyp in a 10yr child - intranasal polypectomy

236.Child i otitis media not responding to tab.ampicillin comes i bulging membrane i dull look
TOC is - Myringotomy
237.Cone of light is formed by - handle of malleus
238.Facial nerve palsy due to trauma TOC is - Decompression
239.Threshold for bone conduction is decreased & that of air conduction is increased in disease
of - Middle ear
240.Commonest presentation of Nasopharyngeal Ca is - Cervical adenopathy
241.Schwartz operation is called - cortical mastoidectomy/simple mastoidectomy
242.Schwartz sign is seen in - otosclerosis
243.Narrowest part of middle ear - Mesotympanum
244.Material used in tympanoplasty - temporalis fascia
245.Inner ear is present in which bone - petrous part of temporal bone
246.Hyperaccusis - normal sounds are heard as loud & painfull
247.Cahart's notch is characteristically seen at - 2000Hz(2khz)
248.In blast injury MC organ affected - Eardrum
249.Pulsatile otorhea is seen in - ASOM
250.Commonest cause of deafness is - Wax
251.Mc evans triangle is the landmark for Mastoid antrum
252.Commonest site of ivory osteoma - fronto-ethmoidal region
253.Allodynia is - increased perception of painful stimulus
254.Atrophic rhinitis - females-50-60yrs of life-anosmia
255.Rhinosporidiosis - bleeding polyp-oral dapsone usefull-excision i knife is Rx
256.Bells palsy not responded to steroid,further Rx - surgical decompression
257.10yr old boy having sensory neural deafness,not benefited by hearing aids further Rx
- cochlear implant
258.40db compared to 20db is - 10times
259.Hiatus semilunaris is present in - Middle meatus
260.Tone decay test is done for - neural deafness
261.MC complication of acute otitis media in children is - deafness
262.Ground glass appearance on x-ray is seen in- septal angiofibroma
263.In pure tone audiogram,the symbol X is used to mark - Air conduction in left ear

264.Latest Rx in BPPV is - Intra labrynthine streptomycin

265.Choana is - posterior nares
266.Griesingers sign is seen in - lateral sinus thrombosis
267.Prussack's space is situated in - Epitympanum
268.FESS - Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
269.Direction of water jet while doing syringing of ear should be - posterio-inferior
270.Contraindications to tonsillectomy r - submucus fibrosis,bleeding disorders,polio
271.Larynx in neonate -funnel shaped,cricoid narrowest part,epiglottis omega shaped
272.FESS s indicated in - allergic polyps,frontoethmoidal mucocoele,maxillary polyp
273.Pneumatic bones - maxilla,ethmoid,mastoid
274.Collar stud abscess is seen in - TB lymphadenitis
275.Septoplasty s indicated n - DNS i nasal obstruction,OSA
276.Adenotonsillectomy contraindications - <3yrs/polio/hemophilia/URTI
277.Endoscopic nasal surgery indicated in - chronic sinusitis
278.Inferior turbinate is a - separate bone
279.Laryngo fissure is - opening the larynx in midline
280.Commonest site of origin of nasopharyngeal Ca - tonsillar bed
281.Ear is sensitive to which frequency of sound - 500-3500Hz
282.TB otitismedia-multiple perforations/pale granulations/thin odourless fluid
283.Palatal myoclonus is seen in - cerebellar infarction
284.Steeple sign is seen in - croup
285.Craniofacial dissociation is seen in - Le forts-3 #
286.Complication of Total thyroidectomy - hoarseness/airway obstruction/hemorhage
287.Ceruminous glands present in the ear are - modified apocrine glands
288.Maxilla achieves max.size at - 2ry dentition
289.Surface area of tympanic membrane - 70msquare
290.Cauliflower ear is - perichondritis in boxers.

Innervations : Lateral Rectus - cranial nerve 6(Abducens) X - LR6SO4R8

Superior Oblique -cranial nerve 4(Trochlear)
Medial rectus/inf.obl/inf.rec/sup.rec - cranial nerve 8 (occulomotor)

X - SINRAD : Superiors - Intorsion Inferiors - Extorsion

Rectus - Adduction Oblique - Abduction

Glaucoma - Arcuate scotoma/nasal step/Siedel's scotoma/Bjerrum's scotoma/paracentral

Causes of Central scotoma - Multiple sclerosis/Methyl alcohol/Trauma/
Retinitis pigmentosa/HTN/Stroke/Nutritional defeciency
AION - Anterior ischemic optic neropathy - Old age /optic disc swelling/giant cell
arteries/treated i steroids/SLE/HTN/DM/G6PD/Polyarteritis nodosa/Buergers
dis/Atherosclerosis/Polycythemia vera/Low tension Glaucoma
Features of Retinitis Pigmentosa :Night blindness(Nyctalopia)
Tunnel vision(Ring scotoma)
Peripheral vision(Central scotoma)
Poor colour differentiation
Lattice work vision/Increased dark,light adaptation time

Kappa Angle - angle between pupillary & visual axis

Alpha angle - angle between visual & optical axis
Gamma angle - angle between ptical & fixation axis

1. Tritanopia/Tritanomaly:Missing/malfunctioning S-cone (blue).

2. Deuteranopia/Deuteranomaly:Missing/malfunctioning M-cone (green).

3. Protanopia/Protanomaly:Missing/malfunctioning L-cone (red).

1. Strongest attachment of vitreous is - Base
2. Junction between retina & cornea is - Ora serrata
3. Levators of upper eyelid r - levator palpibra sup/Mullers/Frontalis
4. Muscles to close the Eyelid - Orbicularis
5. Celiary muscles constrict - Lens
6. Keratometry is - measurement of curvature of cornea
7. Pachymetry is to measure - thickness of the cornea
8. Refractometer is to measure - Retractive index of lens
9. Refractive error associated i divergent squint - Myopia
10. Cotton wool spots r seen in - T2DM/HTN
11. MC orbital tumour in children - Rhabdomyosarcoma
12. MC Brain tumour in children - Gliomas
13. MC cancer in children - Leukemia (ALL)
14. MC distant metastasis seen in retinoblastoma is - Bone.
15. In Rt.Homonomous hemianopia the MC site of lesion would be - Lt.optic tract
16. Pt has difficulty in walking downstairs probable muscle paralysed - Sup.Obl.
17. Hypopyon is due to - Fungal infection
18. Nummular keratitis is most commonly caused due to - Herpes zoster virus
19. Vossius ring r seen in - Trauma
20. Most potant antibiotic for trachoma treatment is - Azithromycin
21. Entropion is due to - Trachoma/Congenital/scarring/ageing/spasm.
22. Topical steroids cause - Glaucoma
23. Steroids r contraindicated in - herpetic corneal ulcer/chronic simple glaucoma
24. Pt with acute glaucoma the prophylactic Rx for other eye is - peripheral iridectomy
25. Subacute uveitis i glaucoma which drug should not be given - Pilocarpine
26. In a pt predisposed to glaucoma ,drug contraindicated is - atropine
27. Coloured halos r seen in - accomodation/narrow angle gaucoma/phakogenic glaucoma &
not seen in - steroid induced glaucoma
28. Large hemangioma of lid & cheek i glaucoma is seen in - sturge webers syndrome

29. Rx for malignant glaucoma - topical atropine / vitreous aspiration

30. Earliest change in glaucoma - Hazy cornea
31. Neovascular glaucoma is seen in - CRVO/diabetes
32. Coloured halos r found in - acute angle closure glaucoma/cataract/uveitis
33. Secondary glaucoma is seen in - IOL implantation/epidemic dropsy/CRVO
34. Medical treatment of Glaucoma is i - Pilocarpine
35. Rx for malignant glaucoma is - vitreous aspiration
36. Rx for subacute glaucoma - peripheral iridectomy
37. Pain in absolute glaucoma is best relieved by - retrobulbar injection of alcohol
38. Secondry glaucoma following corneal perforation is due to - anterior synechia formation
39. In acute congestive glaucoma,best prophylaxis for the other eye is - Laser iridectomy
40. Fincham's test is used to differentiate - acute congestive glaucoma & cataract
41. 100 day glaucoma is seen in - central vein oclusion (CRVO)
42. Complication of operation of malignant glaucoma - retinal detachment
43. TOC in angle closure glaucoma - pilocarpine
44. DOC in chronic simple glaucoma in a young myopic - Timolol
45. MC complication of iridocyclitis - 2ry glaucoma
46. TOC for the other eye in open angle glaucoma - laser trabeculoplasty
47. TOC for other eye in angle closure glaucoma - laser iridotomy
48. Pupils are mid dilated & fixed in - acute congestive glaucoma
49. Commonest complication of topical corticosteroids - Glaucoma
50. Shape of pupil in glaucoma is - vertically oval
51. Eximer laser is used in - Glaucoma & correcting refractory errors
52. DOC in angle closure glaucoma - pilocarpine
53. TOC for congenital glaucoma i corneal ulcer - Trabeculectomy
54. Pt i acute bronchial asthma after treatment of glaucoma ,drug may be - Timolol
55. In hypertensive pt i glaucoma which is not used - Beta blockers
56. Pain while sitting in cinema in eye is seen in - acute angle closure glaucoma
57. Acute painfull red eye is seen in - glaucoma/uveitis/herpetic keratitis & not in
58. Argon laser trabeculoplasty is used in - primary open glaucoma

59. Haab's sclera is seen in - Infantile glaucoma

60. Most important complicationof anterior chamber lenses - Glaucoma
61. DOC as tropical beta blocker in - open angle glaucoma
62. Congenital glaucoma is present as - photophobia
63. 6months old i large cornea,photophobia diagnosis is - congenital glaucoma
64. Ocular emergencies - CRAO,angle closure glaucoma,retinal detachment
65. Normal intra occular tension is - 15 to 22 mm/hg
66. Eye in the new born - Hypermetropic
67. Tears are produced in newborn after - 3 weeks
68. Sclerosis of bony orbit is seen in - Meningioma
69. Chorioretinitis is caused by - congenital toxoplasmosis
70. Ideal site for intra ocular lens implantation - in the lens capsule
71. Lens capsule is thinnest at - posterior
72. Unilateral aphakia can be corrected by - spectacles/contact lens/intra ocular implants
73. Candle wax spots in the retina is seen in - Sarcoidosis
74. Sudden visual loss is due to - central retinal vein & artery occlusion/papillitis
75. Herbet's pits is seen in - Trachoma
76. Chalcosis - reaction due to copper of foreign body in the cornea
77. Spectacles are prescribed to patient with aphakia after - 6 weeks
78. Hypopyon is seen in - pneumococcal infection/fungal & gonococcal
79. What is tylosis - hypertrophy & dropping of eyelid
80. Bupthalmous-boys>girls,B/L eyes involved,autosomal recessive,Rx-trabeculectomy
81. Lens derives its nutrition from the - Aqueous
82. Dendritic ulcer is due to - Herpes simplex
83. Horner trantas spots are seen in- vernal conjunctivitis
84. Satellite nodules in the cornea are caused by - Fungus
85. Supra temporal lental subluxation is seen in - Marfan's
86. Toxic amblyopia is produced by - ethambutol
87. Optic foramen is located between - lesser wing & body sphenoid
88. Opthalmic nodosa is seen in - caterpillar hair in the eye
89. Mydriatic used in 6yr old child i squint - Atropine

90. Corneal reflex is lost in disease of opthalmic nerve

91. Trachoma can cause - trichiasis,entropion,blindness
92. Roth's spots in the fundus r seen n - bacterial endocarditis
93. Commonest causative organism of corneal ulcer - Staphylococci
94. Presence of kayser-fleischer ring is pathognomonic of - Wilson's disease
95. Kayser - fleischer ring has - copper deposits
96. Cylindrical lenses are used in - Astigmatism
97. Arcus senile is composed of - lipid deposits
98. Astigmatism is considered to be an - spherical abberation
99. Retinal detachment is seen in - DM,high myopia,Malignant melanoma
100.Earliest change noticed in hypertensive retinopathy - arteriolar spasm
101.Salmon patch of cornea is seen in - Interstitial keratitis
102.Image in Indirect opthalmoscope is - inverted-real-magnified
103.Eyepads r contraindicated in - purulent conjunctivitis
104.Enucleation is not indicated in - panopthalmitis
105.Amaurotic cat's eye reflex is seen in - Retinoblastoma
106.Commonest intra ocular tumour in children is - Retinoblastoma
107.Bitot's spots r seen in - Vit A defeciency
108.Length of the intra-orbital optic nerve is - 25mm
109.Bitemporal hemianopia indicates the lesion is at - Optic chiasma
110.Corneal ulceration is caused by injury to the - 5th cranial nerve
111.Anterior uveitis is seen in - RA,HLA B27,ankylosing spondylytis,Juvenile RA
112.Acute hemorhagic conjunctivitis is seen i - pneumococcus
113.Vossious ring is seen in - Anterior capsule
114.In webers syndrome there is - 3rd nerve palsy
115.Corneal nerves r visible in - leprosy & keratoconus
116.Corneal receives its nutrition from - corneal vassels/atmosphere/aqeous humour
117.Astigmatism is corrected by - cylindrical lens
118.Lacrimal duct opens at - inferior meatus
119.Commonest cause of vitreous hemorhage - Trauma
120.Size of the eyeball in myopia - bigger

121.Intra occular pressure increased with - succinyl choline

122.Feature of diabetic retinopathy - hard exudate
123.Earliest change in diabetic retinopathy - micro aneurysm
124.Commonest fungal lesion of eyelid is - candida
125.Retinoblastoma - autosomal dominant/treatment is enucleation/radiotherapy
126.Disease affects eye-juv.RA/wilsons dis./sjogren synd.leprosy
127.Presbyopia is - loss of elasticity of lens capsule/weakness of ciliary muscles/weakness of
suspensary ligament
128.Elevation of disc margins seen in- papilloedema
129.Uncrossed diplopia is seen in - Esotropia
130.Retinitis pigmentosa - night blindness/constriction of visual fields
131.Timolol - cause bradycardia/cause asthma
132.Bitemporal hemianopia can be due to - meningioma of sella diaphragmatica
133.Vitreous opacities may be due to - post.uveitis/hyaloid asteroids/high myopia
134.Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis is caused by - staphylococcus/streptococcus
135.Drug causing Bulls eye macula - chloroquin
136.1ry deviation less than 2ry deviation seen in- paralytic squint
137.Painless sudden visual loss is seen in - retrobulbar neuritis/retinal detachment/CRAO
138.Keratoconus is best treated with - contact lens
139.Contact lens is best used in - high myopia
140.Feature of tobacco amblyopia
involvment/norm.fundus/ganglion cell degeneration
141.Field defect in tobacco amblyopia is - centro cecal
142.Centrocecal scotoma is seen in- Papillitis
143.Iris bombe occurs in - ring synechia
144.Sympathetic opthalmia is due to injury to - iris & ciliary body
145.Examination of vitreous is best done by - slit lamp with contact lens
146.Thickness of cornea is measured by - Pachymeter
147.Keratometry is used in the measurement of - Curvature of cornea
148.IOL is contraindicated in - young diabetes/one eyed/over corneal dystrophy

149.Treatment of concomittant squint is - surgery/exercise/spectacles

150.MC tumour of lacrimal gland is - Beningn mixed tumour
151.Cornea attains the size of adult cornea by which year - 1 yr
152.Retinal artery angiogram,the dye injected thru d - peripheral veins
153.Blue scelra is seen in - Osteogenesis imperfecta
154.Rubeosis iridis is most commonly seen in - Diabetes mellitus
155.Ropy discharge from eye is seen in - springh cataract
156.Metabolically active layer of cornea is - Endothelium
157.Interstitial keratitis is seen in - TB/leprosy/syphilis
158.Organism penetrates normal cornea is - Gonococcus
159.Ring scotoma is seen in - retinitis pigmentosa
160.Riders cataract is seen in- zonular cataract
161.Early feature of diabetic retinopathy is - micro aneurysm
162.Retinal detachment is preceeded by - floats & flash,high myopia,trauma
163.Lens develops from - ectoderm
164.Anisometropia - Refractive error
165.Visual loss is maximum in - Papillitis
166.Latest technique in cataract surgery is using - laser
167.Distance used in direct distant opthalmoscope is - 25cm
168.Aqeous flare is best demonstrated by - narrow beam of slit beam
169.Rx for uveitis & intra ocular tension - Atropine
170.Commonest type of congenital cataract - Zonular cataract
171.Earliest symptom of sympathetic opthalmitis - photophobia
172.Depth of anterior chamber of eye - 2-3mm
173.Angiography is IOC in - central serous retinopathy
174.Radial keratotomy is indicated in - Myopia
175.Yoke muscle for right superior rectus is - Left inferior oblique
176.Earliest symptom in corneal ulcer is - pain
177.Vortex vein drains to - uveal tract
178.Rx for aphakia is - posterior chamber IOL
179.MC type of Lid carcinoma is - Basal cell carcinoma

180.Constantly changing refractive error is seen in - Diabetic cataract

181.Ptosis with lid lag is seen in - myogenic ptosis
182.DOC for acute irdocyclitis - Atropine
183.Shortest acting Mydriatic - Tropicamide
184.Accomodative squint is corrected by - spectacles/contact lens/ocular excercise
185.Periphery of retina is best visualised with - indirect opthalmoscope
186.Zonular cataract associated - IUGR/rickets/dental abnorms
187.Pseudo convergent squint is seen i - broad epicanthus
188.Action of right superior oblique muscle is - dextro depression
189.Dacryocystorhinostomy drainage is into - middle meatus
190.Pilocarpine is not used in young adults as it causes - cystic blebs of iris
191.Enlargement of blind spot is indicative of - papilledema
192.Earliest affected in papilledema is - color sense
193.Most severe papilledema is caused by - posterior cranial fossa tumour
194.Papilledema - hyperemia of optic disc/enlargement of blind spot/pupillary reflex normal
195.Angry sun appearance in fundoscopy is a feature of - papilledema
196.D-shaped pupil is seen in - iridodialysis
197.Sudden increase in blood sugar in diabetes cause - Myopia
198.Albinism - nystagmus/photophobia/refractory error
199.Visible retinal artery palsation seen in - Raised IOT
200.Painfull eye movement is a feature of Pallitis
201.Which part of orbicularis oculi is known as Horner's muscle - Muller's muscle
202.Fasiculer ulcer is present in moorens ulcer
203.Hirschberg test is used to detect - Squint
204.Resucitation time of human retina following ischaemia is - 1 to 2 hrs
205.Saccadic eye movements - may be vertical/torsional/may occur during sleep
206.Campimetry is used to measure - field charting
207.Esophoria is common in - hypermetropia
208.Lens has respiratory quotient of - 1
209.Physiological tone of ciliary muscle is about - one diopre
210.Normal PH of tears is - 7.5

211.Burow's operation is done for - epibulbar dermoids

212.Sling surgery should be avoided in case of ptosis i - poor bells phenonmenon
213.Wheelers operation is done for - entropion
214.Commonest indication of intraocular implant is - unilateral cataract
215.YAG laser is used in the Rx of - after cataract
216.MC occular complication in renal transplant - cataract
217.Cataract in newborn is Zonular
218.Diabetic cataract is due to accumulation of - sorbitol
219.Steroid cataract is posterior subcapsular
220.Cataract caused by intake of steroids - posterior subcapsular
221.Polychromatic lusture is seen in - posterior subcapsular cataract
222.Treatment for congenital cataract - needling & aspiration
223.After cataract is treated by - Nd-YAG laser
224.Second sight phenonmenon is seen in - Nuclear cataract
225.Recovery in cataract surgery is fastest i - phacoemulsification
226.Commonest cause of cataract - age related
227.Pediatric cataract is treated by - Discission
228.Polychromatic luster is seen in - complicated cataract
229.Most important factor in the prevention of endophthalmitis in cataract surgery - pre op
preparation i povidone-iodine
230.Developmental cataract is seen in - rubella/galactossemia/mongolian idocy/cretinism
231.Snow flake cataract is seen in - Diabetes
232.Parenteral steroids cause - cataract
233.Rosette cataract seen due to - Trauma
234.Sunflower cataract is seen in - chalcosis
235.Follicles are not seen in - spring cataract
236.Vision is diminished in day light in which type of cataract - central
237.Cobblestone appearance of conjunctiva is seen i - springh cataract
238.Cataract is seen i - galactosemia,cong.rubella,toxoplasmosis
239.Intense itching is a feature of - springh cataract
240.Zonular cataract - B/L,stationary,autosomal dominant,hypocalcemia

241.Commonest type of cataract in children - Lamellar cataract

242.Commonest type of cataract in adult - cortical cataract
243.True diabetic cataract are - snowflake cataract
244.Cataract is associated with - myotonic dystrophy
245.Cataract is found in - hypoparathyroidism/IDDM/myotonic dystrophy
246.MCC of blindness in India - Cataract
247.Oil drop cataract is seen in - Galactosemia
248.Blaskowicz operation is done for - ptosis
249.Type of laser used for capsulotomy is- YAG
250.YAG laser wave is - colourless
251.Sago grain follicles r characteristic features of - Trachoma
252.Anomaloscope is used to detect - colour blindness
253.Short posterior ciliary arteries numbers in - 20
254.Average volume of the Orbits is - 30cc
255.Most serious danger to the vision is - fracture through the optic foramen
256.Orange skin cornea results due to - Mustard gas
257.Refractive index of cornea is about - 1.37
258.In uraemic amaurosis the pupils are - dilated but react to light
259.Blind spot of Marotte is - Optic disc
260.Landolt's broken ring test is used for - recording visual acquity
261.Berlin's edema results due to - trauma to eye
262.Lens dislocation occurs in - marfans syndrome/homocystinuria/trauma
263.Adenoviruse causes - diarhea/parotid enlargement/kerato conjunctivitis
264.Maximum refractory power is to the - anterior surface to the cornea.
265.Snellens chart is used to test - vision
266.Colour vision is by - cones
267.Night blindness is due to - Vit A defeciency/retinitis pigmentosa/high myopia
268.EDTA is used in treatment of band shaped keratopathy
269.MC adverse effect on eye due to OCP usage - optic neuritis
270.Vitreous hemorhage in young adult indicates - Eales disease
271.Laser therapy for retinal disease laser affects which layer of retina - pigment layer

272.Maximum refractive index is for - anterior surface of cornea

273.Distant direct opthalmoscopy is done at - 25cms
274.Rx of choice in amblyopis is - conventional occlusion
275.Photopthalmia is due to - UV rays
276.All visual reflexes are developed by - 1 year
277.Drooping of upper eyelid is called - Ptosis
278.Painful movement of eye is a feature of - retrobulbar neuritis
279.Vossiuous ring is seen in - lens concussion
280.Rx of choice in Aphakia is - IOL insertion
281.Most important cause of moderate visual loss in diabetic is - Maculopathy
282.Rx for photopthalmia is - patching & reassurance
283.DOC in CMV retinitis in AIDS pts is - Gancyclovir
284.Scintilating scotoma is seen in- Migraine
285.Panuveitis involves - Iris,ciliary body,choroid
286.Optic atrophy is caused by - Methyl alcohol
287.For transplantation cornea is preserved in - modified MK medium
288.Incidence of retained intraocular foreign bodies max i injuries due to-chisel&hammer
289.Vitreous hemorhage is seen in - SHT/T2DM/Eales disease/Trauma
290.Implantation of IOL is contraindicated in - corneal dystrophy
291.MC retinal change in AIDS - cotton wool spots
292.Common most type of colour blindness is - Deutanopes
293.Retinoscopy is used to visualise whole of - detecting errors of refraction
294.Rays of light from distant object are focussed in front of the retina in - Myopia
295.Photopthalmia is caused by - ultraviolet rays
296.Photopsia occurs in - choroiditis
297.Effective treatment in Trachoma - sulphanamides
298.Argon laser is used in - retinal detachment/retinal vein occlusion/eales disease
299.Photoretinitis is due to - Infrared rays
300.Magnification ofdirect opthalmoscope is - fifteen
301.Ptosis is due to involvment of - oculomotor.N
302.Total diopteric power of eye is - 58D

303.Ulcer serpens is caused by - pneumococcus

304.Paralysis of the 6th cranial nerve causes - uncrossed diplopia
305.TOC for photopthalmia - covering the eye
306.Black floaters in DM indicates - vitreous hemorhage
307.Moving floaters diagnosed by - Indirect opthalmoscope
308.Amslers grid is used in - Maculopathy
309.Berlin's edema is due to - Trauma
310.Binocular diplopia is seen n - Aphakia
311.TOC for high myopia is - contact lens
312.Aniseikonia is corrected with - contact lens
313.Cherry red spot is seen in - metachromatic leukodystrophy
314.Cherry red spot is due to - choroidal vascularity & pale retina
315.Enucleation - means removal of entire globe along with a portion of optic nerve
316.In mumps the most common lesion is - dacryoadenitis
317.Uveitis with raised IOT drug used is - 1% atropine
318.Pepper salt fundus is seen in - Rubella
319.Vossious ring is - circular pigment rim on the anterior capsule of the lens
320.Chloroquine in large doses causes - corneal deposits
321.Frills excission is done in - panopthalmitis
322.Uncrossed diplopia is seen in - esotropia
323.White pupillary reflex - retinoblastoma/retinal detachment/endopthalmitis
324.Near point of a 5 year old child is - 5 cms
325.Angle of anterior chamber is visualised by - gonioscopy
326.Not an error of refraction is - presbyopia
327.Ptosis i orbicularis oculi palsy is seen in - Myasthenia gravis
328.Distant direct opthalmoscopy is done from a distance of - 25cms
329.Recurrent corneal erosions seen in - corneal dystrophy
330.Lansoprost acts by - increased uveoscleral outflow
331.Most sensitive part of eye is - fovea centralis
332.Anterior uveitis is seen in - ankylosing spondylitis
333.Retinal change in dropsy is - soft exudate

334.squint causes - deviation,confusion,diplopia

335.Lattice degeneration is seen in - Myopia
336.Orange skin cornea is seen in - siderosis
337.Astigmatism,lens used to correct the defect is - Hard lens
338.Salmon patch is seen in - interstitial keratitis
339.Which laser is used for treatment of myopia - Excimer laser
340.Pt i painless sudden loss of vision,o/e cherry red spot in fundus i cardiac murmur,diagnosis
is - CRAO
341.3month old infant was brought i profuse lacrimation,on pressure pus exudes from the
puncta,best line of management - massaging of sac i antibiotics
342.Sudden unilateral loss of vision i ill-sustained reaction of pupil i slight head ache & pain in
orbit on looking upward diagnosis is - Retrobulbar neuritis
343.Pt i recent malarial illness presents i acute red eye cause could be - viral keratitis
344.Blunt trauma to eye i immediate loss of vision,o/e anterior chamber of eye is deep cause
could be - dislocation of lens
345.In retinoblastoma after enucleation which tissue needs critical evaluation for systemic
metastasis - optic nerve
346.All visual reflexes are developed by - 1 year
347.Traumatic dislocation of lens is diagnosed by - slit lamp examination
348.For a newborn baby i squint surgery should be done at - 3-4 yrs
349.MC occular problem is - Refractive error
350.Immediate restoration of vision is by- Phacoemulcification
351.Weakest wall of Human orbit is - Medial wall
352.Soft contact lens wearer developed pain&itching of eye i reticular pattern on corneal
epithelium cause could be - Acanthamoeba Rx - polyhexamethylene biguanide
353.Length of the eyeball is - 2.4cms
354.Pt i head injury presents 6 hrs after i mild proptosis & scleral hyperemia diagnosis
- retro orbital hematoma
355.Ideal drug for hypertensive having uveitis - atropine
356.Pseudopapillitis is seen in - hypermetropia
357.IOL is mostly implanted in - posterior chamber

358.Differential diagnosis for cotton wool spots - AIDS / diabetic retinopathy

359.Amsler's grid is used to diagnose - Macular function
360.Diameter of the optic disc is - 1.5mm
361.Best diagnosis for BEST disease - EOG
362.MC sign of retinoblastoma - Leukokoria
363.Art's line is seen in - trachoma
364.Enucleation cannot be done in - Vitreous hemorhage
365.In fancon's disease,deposits in cornea are due to - cystine
366.Twilight vision is due to - Rods
367.Astigmatism is due to - irregularity of curvature of cornea
368.Unit of light remitted from a surface is - Lambart
369.Thinning of cornea occurs in - Keratoconus
370.Tear film is composed of - 3 layers
371.Which continues to grow in the lifetime - Lens
372.Retinal detachment is seen in - highmyopia/aphakia/chorodoitis & not in hypermetropia
373.Fundal picture in - myopia is - cystoid degeneration
374.Photopsia is characteristic of - Retinal detachment
375.Macular sparing is seen in affection of - Occipital lobe
376.Cornea melts without inflammation in which condition - keratomalacia
377.Safe stratergy has been developed for the control of - Trachoma
378.Commonest cause of low vision in India is - uncorrected refractive errors
379.In a pt i AIDS chorioretinitis is typically caused by - CMV
380.Dificulty in reading newspaper i rt.eye post gun shot injury to lt.eye likely to be
- sympathetic opthalmia
381.Artificial eye is adviced after enucleation in how many days - 20 days
382.Optic nerve injury may result in - loss of vision/dilatation of pupil/loss of light reflex
383.Blow out # of orbit involve - floor & medial wall
384.Diabetic retinopathy is treated i - strict glycemic
385.Snow ball opacity in vitreous is seen in - sarcoidosis & pars planitis
386.Retinal detachment is investigated i

- indirect opthalmoscope/usg/gonioscope/triple mirror test

387.Substance used in IOL is - silicone & poly methyl metharcylate
388.Pt i orbital mass,anemia,hypergammaglobunemia,pt should be investigated to rule out
- multiple myeloma
389.Accomodation is maximum at the age of - 5yrs
390.Keratoconus - degenerative condition of cornea/sev.astigmatism,soft contact lens useful
391.Chalazion trreatment - incision & curettage,intra lesion steroid
392.Corneal epithelium is - startified squamous non keratinized
393.Thickness of cornea is measured by - pachymeter
394.Most adjuvant therapy in fungal corneal ulcer - atropine eye ointment
395.Aylt's line is seen in - Trachoma
396.Sub conjunctival hemorhage occurs in - trauma/pertusis/passive venous congestion
397.Commonest cause of loss of vision in non proliferative diabetic retinopathy
- macular edema
398.Avascular coat in eye is - cornea
399.Virus causing eye infection is - Adenovirus
400.Night blindness is seen in - high myopia/vit A def./retinitis pigmentosa & not in
- tobacco amblyopia
401.Superficial retinal hemorhages r situated in - nerve fibre layer
402.Depth of anterior chamber of eye is - 2.5mm
403.Uveitis is seen in - leprosy/ankylosing spondylosis,reiters syndrome
404.Anisometropia means -high difference of refractive errors between the two eyes
405.1st symptom of optic nerve damage is -afferent pupillary defect
406.Retinal blood vessels r developed from - paraxial mesoderm
407.Lid separation of fetus in intrauterine life occurs at which month - 7 month
408.Indirect opthalmoscope will project - real image
409.Extra ocular muscle supplied by sympathetic nerve is - muller's muscle
410.Most prominent glial cell of retina is - muller cell
411.MC retrobulbar orbital mass in adults is - Cavernous hemangioma
412.Smooth muscle of the IRIS is developed from - Mesoderm
413.Crystalline lens derives its nutritions from - Aqeous & vitreous

414.Band shaped keratopathy is caused by - calcium

415.Soft contact lens is used in - high myopia
416.Adhesion of margins of two eyelids is called - ankyloblepheron
417.LASIK is used in - Myopia
418.Dellen is - localized thinning of peripheral cornea


Technique of breast feeding :

Baby in ur arms so that its neck rests in the bend of ur elbow,it's back along ur forearm,it's
buttocks in ur hand.turn the baby on one side so as to face the breast.pull it close so as to wrap
its body against's head & neck should be straight in line with its body,not arched
backwards or turned side ways.once the child has opened it's mouth the nipple should be
directed towards the open mouth with as much as areola as possible.Lower areola must be
inside the babys mouth,the chin and the tip of the nose should be touching the breast,for
maximum sucking effect.the lips of the baby both upper & lower should be turned out
averted not inverted (Fish mouth)

In prone position :
Neonatal period - Lies in flexed attitude,turns head from side to side,head sags on ventral
1 month - legs more extended,holds chin up,turns head,head lifted momentarily to plane of
body on ventral suspension
2 months - raised head slightly further,head sustained in plane of body on ventral suspension
3 months - lifts head & chest i arms extended head above plane of body on ventral suspension
4 months - lifts head & chest,i head in approximately vertical axis,legs extended
7 months - rolls over,pivots,crawls or creeps.

The length of a child at birth is approximately 50cm.In the 1st yr it grows by 25cm.N d 2nd yr it
grows by 12.5cm.N d 3rd yr it grows by 7-8cm.Most kids will have double their birth height by
4 yrs.from 3rd yr to puberty there will be an average 5cm. Growth per year.puberty will cause
periods of rapid growth that r individual to each child.
Important land marks :

Social smile ----2 months

Grasps objects----3.5 months
Hand to hand object transfer----5.5 months
Monosyllabic babble --------6 months
Sits briefly with support-----7 months
Enjoys mirror-----------------7 months
Pincer grasp-------------------9 months
Bisyllabul words mama,dada---10 months
Sits up alone indefinitely without support-----10 months
Turns pages of book ------------12 months
Speaks first real words----------12 months
Walks with support--------------12 months
Scribbles--------------------------13 months
Runs-------------------------------16 months
Speaks 10-15 words-------------18 months
Speaks 2 words sentences------19 months
Runs well,walks up & down stairs---24 months
Open doors,jumps---------------2 yrs
Handles spoon well -------------2 yrs
Rides tricycle,stands on 1 foot----36 months
Uses scissors to cut out pictures----4 yrs
Draws circle - 3 yrs /Draws square - 4 yrs /Draws triangle - 5 yrs
Wgt at Birth-----average 3kg.
Wgt at 2 weeks----regains birth wgt & then gains 0.7 to0.9kg a month.
Wgt at 3 months----Gains about 500gms a month.
Wgt at 5 months-----has double the birth Wgt.
Wgt at 1 yr------------has triple the birth weight and gains at 200gms a month

Wgt at 2 yr------------has quadrupled birth wgt & gains between 1.8 - 2.5kg a yr.
Wgt at 9-10yr--------- Begins to gain wgt faster due to onset of puberty,approx 4.5kg/yr.
Gross Motor Language
Age Milestone Age Milestone
3 months Neck holding 1 month Turns head to sound
5 months Sitting i support 3 months Cooing
8 months Sitting without supp 6 months Monosyllables (ma-ba)
9 months Standing i supp 9 months Bisyllable(mama-baba)
10 months Walking i support 12 months 2 words i meaning
12 months Standing without supp 18 months 10 words i meaning
13 months Walking without supp 24 months Simple sentence
18 months Running
Fine motor Social
24 months Walking upstairs
36 months Riding tricycle Age Milestone
4 months Grasps a rattle or ring
Formula for calculating I.Q = mental age /
wen placed n hand
chronological age x 100
5 months Reaches out to an object
& holds it i both hands
7 months Palmar grasp
9 months Pincer grasp
Age Milestone
2 months Social smile
3 months Recognizing mother
6 months Smiles at mirror image
9 months Waves Bye-bye
12 months Plays a simple ball game
36 months Knows gender
1. 2 yr old child identifies its sex by - 2.5-3yrs
2. 28 day child brought to casualty i non-bilious vomiting & constipation.diag
-Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
3. Baby who developes fever after 4 days of delivery - Measles
4. Physiological jaundice peaks at - 5 days
5. MCC of jaundice in a new born within 1st 24 hrs - erythroblastosis fetalis
6. Neonatal jaundice persisting 2 weeks after birth is not seen in - breast milk jaundice
7. Jaundice in newborn after 48 hrs of birth i bilirubin not exceeding 5mg is
- physiological jaundice
8. Jaundice in newborn at birth or before 24 hrs is commonly due to - erythroblastosis
9. Sabre tibia s seen n - Congenital syphillis
10. Congenital heart disease which causes death in 1st week of life - hypoplastic left ventricle
11. Congestive cardiac failure is diagnosed in an infant by - liver enlargement
12. Subdural effusion is seen in meningitis due to - hemophilus
13. MCC of meningitis in neonates - E.coli
14. Commonest complication of mumps in children - aseptic meningitis
15. Bacterial meningitis in a 9 month child is commonly caused by - H influenza
16. Commonest complication following meningococcal meningitis
- waterhouse fredrickson syndrome
17. CSF glucose is markedly reduced in - pyogenic meningitis
18. Aseptic meningitis is mostly caused by - Entero virus
19. Complications of chicken pox - meningitis/pneumonia/reyes syndrome
20. Meningitis in pre school child is most often due to - hemophilus
21. Aseptic meningitis is mostly caused by - entero virus
22. Neck rigidity & kernig sign +ve is seen in - Meningitis
23. MCC of neonatal meningitis in India - E-Coli
24. MC complication of unsafe CSOM - Meningitis
25. Hyaline membrane seen in the lung is composed of - Albumin
26. Hyaline membrane in the lung is seen in - Respiratory distress syndrome

27. Scheduled universal prog of immunisation in a child begins at birth & end at - 5yrs
28. First permanent tooth to erupt is - 1st molar
29. Phenylketonuria is diagnosed by - Guthrie test
30. Not transmitted transplacentally - Herpes
31. IUGR can be caused by - nicotine,alcohol,propranolol
32. Feature of petitmal epilepsy in EEC is - spike & dome appearance
33. Early sign of rickets at six months is - cranio tabes
34. Leukamoid reaction is seen in - Acute infection
35. Malignancies of childhood infection - ALL/wilm's tumour/retinoblastoma
36. Rx for Bronchiolitis is - Humidified oxygen
37. MC complication of measles in children - ASOM
38. Rx for post measles broncho pneumonia - antibiotics & oxygen
39. Streptococcal vaginitis in a child is treated with - penicillin & estrogens
40. Phototherapy reduces unconjugated bilirubin to conjugated bilirubin by - E.isomerisation
41. Vaccine is available for which type of pnemococcus - type B & C
42. Acute osteomyelitis in infants is best diagnosed by - history & suspicion
43. Syphilis attack the fetus after the - 4th month
44. Excess of vitamin K in a new born causes - Hyperbilirubinemia
45. Infective org. For ASOM in 4 yr child - H.Influenza
46. DOC for juvenile chronic arthritis - salicylates
47. Steroids r usefull in - minimal change glomerulonephritis
48. Commonest intracranial neoplasm in children is - medulloblastoma
49. Fetal hypoxia is assessed by - scalp blood PH/fetal heart monitoring
50. Deficiency of growth hormone leads to - dwarfism
51. Dose of chloroquine in 4 yr - 300 mg
52. Purpura is seen in - congenital rubella/CMV infection
53. Organism in bronchiolitis - RSV
54. Commonest feature of hypothyroidism in children is - cold extremities
55. Unexplained ataxia in a child - lead poisoning is a possiblity
56. Kwarshiorkar - dermatitis/edema/flag sign
57. Reye's syndrome - metabolic acidosis/resp.alkalosis/inc.serum transaminases

58. Clinical sign in measles which appears last - rashes

59. Child with TOF uses - Squatting position
60. Which of the following is more frequently fractured at birth - Clavicle
61. Physiological icterus usually appears on the - 3rd day & regress by the - 7th day
62. Delayed dentition is most characteristic of - cretinism
63. Child with mental age of seven & chronological age of seven yrs has an I.Q of - 100
64. Large dose of vitamin k administered to a newborn may result in
- prolonged bilirubinemia
65. Average incubation period of Hepatitis - 25 days
66. Indication for tonsillectomy - perswistant carrier of diptheria bacilli
67. Common type of cerebral palsy - Spastic
68. 1st & most common symptom of intussusception is - pain
69. Breast feeding s contraindicated if mother receiving-Antithyroid drug/sulfonyl ureas
70. Continuous pharyngeal suction in an asphyxiated infant is not recomended,it may lead to
- Bradycardia
71. EBV is the etiological factor for - infective mononucleosis
72. Grunting respiration in the new born is sugggestive of - respiratory disease
73. Commonest complication following small pox vaccination - Encephalitis
74. Commonmest cause of anemia during child hood is - Iron defeciency
75. Hemoglobin to appear 1st in the fetus is - Hb Gowers
76. Recurrent abdominal pain in children is most often due to - Amoebiasis
77. Commonest intracranial tumour in childhood is - Medulloblastoma
78. Wide & fixed split second heart sound occurs in - Atrial septal defects
79. Paradoxically split second heart sound signifies severe - Aortic stenosis
80. Digitalis toxicity can be diagnosed if ECG shows - ventricular bigeminy
81. DOC for status epilepticus in children is - Diazepam
82. Treatment for giardiasis - Metronidazole
83. Celiac disease is due to sensitivity to - wheat
84. Ideally,children with thalasemia should be transfused with - packed RBC
85. Highest percentage of iron is absorbed from - Soyabean
86. Nutritional dwarfism - normal birth weight with subsequent retardation of growth

87. Nephrotic syndrome essential feature - Proteinuria

88. Commonest cause of neonatal death in INdia - prematurity
89. Low birth weight - wgt less than 2.5 kg
90. Recurrent respiratory infection is caused by - cystic fibrosis
91. Commonest cause of blindness in children is - vitamin A deficiency
92. DOC n petitmal epilepsy - ethosuxamide
93. Common cause of abdomen pain in children is - worm colic
94. Baby of DM mother - hyaline membrane dis./large baby/tremulous baby
95. Infant with down's syndrome - duodenal atresia/hirschprung's disease
96. Flag sign is seen in - kwashiorkar
97. In an infant with galactosemia - milk should be avoided
98. MCC of severe hematemesis in a child is - Portal hypertension
99. Commonest type of leukemia in children - ALL
100.Bronze baby syndrome is complication of - Phototherapy
101.90% of the milk is obtained by the breast feeding infant in - 4 minutes
102.Meconium is excreted by a newborn till - 4 days
103.Defect MC ocuring in congenital rubella - deafness
104.High risk criteria for development of deafness in newborn
- birth asphyxia/bact.meningitis/congenital infections
105.MCC of unilateral deafness in children is - Measles
106.In infants extra cardiac digitalis toxicity is manifested by - vomitting
107.In kernicterus which is increased - un conjugated bilirubin
108.Commonest virus causing diarrhea in infants is - Rota virus
109.Infective diarrhea in infancy is commonly due to - Rotavirus
110.Infantile diarrhea can be caused by - rota virus/adeno virus/calci virus
111.Diagnosis of rheumatic fever is best confirmed by - ASO titre
112.Mostly death in protein energy malnutrition PEM is-hypothermia/ccf/electrolyte imb
113.Earliest indicator of PEM is - underweight for age
114.Purpura is common feature of - congenital rubella
115.Gastric aspiration of more than 20ml in a child at birth suggests - duodenal atresia
116.Bone age less than chronological age is characteristic of - Toxoplasmosis

117.Ghon's focus is - primary complex

118.Commonest cause of pathological hyperbilirubinemia in India - Rh incompatibility
119.Energy requirment in an infant - 110-120 kcal/kg
120.Splenic rupture in children is best diagnosed by - Tc99 scan
121.Commonest cause of enlarged cardiac shadow in x-ray of a child - rheumatic carditis
122.Mother kissing her baby & findingher skin is salty diagnosis is - cystic fibrosis
123.Transmitted transplacentaly - syphillis/rubella/toxoplasma
124.Not transmitted transplacentaly - mumps
125.Perioral rash,pigmentation of skin creases & neuritis is seen in deficiency of - Zinc
126.Commonest cause of SHT in children is - acute glomerulo nephritis
127.Number of fontanells present in newborn - 6
128.Child i hoarseness of voice,croupy cough,asthmatic wheeze - foreign body larynx
129.Maximum development of brain occurs during - infancy
130.Rota virus immunity to children occur above - 2 yrs
131.Best position for examination of cardiac murmurs in child is - Recumbent
132.Commonest cause of heart failure in infants is - myocarditis
133.DOC in neonatal ITP is - platelet transfusion
134.Fetal respiratory movements occur earliest at - 11 wks
135.Iugr is not caused by - T2DM
136.Iugr is caused by - alcohol/smoking/CRF
137.Feature of dawn phenonmenon - early morning hypoglycemia
138.DOC in neonatal ITP - platelet transfusion
139.MCC of secondary hypertension in children is - Renal disease
140.Normal calorie requirement for a 5 yr old child is- 1500 calories
141.Deficiency of which vitamin is not seen in newborn - vit E
142.Dyspnea with unilateral translucency of hemithorax in a 1 day old infant is suggestive of
- Diaphragmatic hernia
143.Fatty acid necessary during 0-6 months of age - linolenic acid
144.Death in poliomyelitis is usually due to - respiratory paralysis
145.Suprasellar calcification in a child is indicative of - craniopharyngioma
146.Not a tumour of 1st decade of life - amyloblastoma

147.Tumour's in 1st decade of life - rhabdomyosarcoma/neuroblastoma/retinoblastoma

148.TOC in childhood thyrotoxicosis - carbimazole
149.Pincer grasp is seen at 36 weeks
150.Which enzymatic reaction is depressed in malnutrition - Conjugation
151.1 year child presents with abd.mass & calcification on x-rays is suggestive of
- neuroblastoma
152.In a child one should be worried if - social smile absent by 10 weeks
153.Dwarfism with disprportionate body proportions is seen in - hypothyroidism
154.Child with recurrent hypoglycemic attacks & hepatomegaly is likely to have
- von gierke's disease
155.Abstract thinking occur at the age of - 3 yrs
156.Harlequins skin change in the newborn is seen in - septicemia
157.vit.K defeciency occurs in - biliary obstruction/oral antibiotic therapy/malabsorption states
& not in - artificial milk feeds
158.MCC of obstructive hydrocephalus in a child is - aqueductal stenosis
159.Not a normal finding in the newborn - central cyanosis
160.MCC of intracerebral calcification in a child in India - Tuberculoma
161.In a child i exercise induced asthma which is done - prophylaxis i beta1 agonist
162.Hypsarythmia in a child is due to - myoclonic epilepsy
163.Calcium requirment of a growing school age child is about - 1 gm/day
164.Behaviour of an adolescent is probably best described as being - paradoxical
165.Commonest cause of stridor in a newborn is - Laryngomalacia
166.Dandy walker syndrome is due to obstruction of - foramne of magendie & luschka
167.Major site of active haemopoesis in a foetus of 5 months is - liver
168.Rheumatic fever is suggested by the presence of - ECG evidence of prolonged PR interval
169.99 % of the neonates void within - 24 hrs
170.Antibiotic of choice for pertusis - Erythromycin
171.Acute stg of polio myelitis lasts for - 1-5 days
172.Primary TOC for hepatoma in child hood is - Surgery
173.SVT arises from - sinus node/atrium/AV junction & not frm - AV node
174.Comatose child garlic like odour to the breath diagnosis is - Arsenic poisoning

175.Chances of developing kernicterus when un conjugated bilirubin rises to - 20mg %

176.Antidote for muscarine poisoning is - Atropine
177.Cause of stridor in newborn-cystic hygroma/a vascular ring/laryngo malacia
178.Croup syndrome is usually caused by - para influenza viruses
179.Typical feature of pericardial involvement on physical examination is - friction rub
180.Homosexual stg in early adolescence - considered to be normal phenonmenon
181.Acute hyponatremia in 8 month old infant may produce - convulsions/muscle cramps &
weekness/vascular collapse & not diarrhea
182.Childhood malignancies has highest cure rate - wilm's tumour
183.Lethargy in a 2 day old infant most strongly suggests - infection
184.Colic generally disappears by age - 4 months
185.Composition of breast milk per 100ml - 67cal,1.2g proteins,4g fat,7gm carbohydrate
186.Cephalhematoma usually disappears within - 5-7 weeks
187.Pure left sided failure may be seen with - PDA
188.Most frequent cause of neonatal thrombocytopenic purpura is - infection
189.Bone most frequently fractured during delivery is - clavicle
190.School age child is most apt to have fears about - Death or Injury
191.Rota virus immunity in children occur above - 2 yrs
192.Bone age is normal in - genetic short stature
193.Child with recurrent hypoglycemic attacks & hepatomegaly is likely to have
- von gierke's disease
194.Increase in length in 1st year of life is - 25 cms
195.Intestinal round worms in children are usually - asymptomatic
196.Cerebral oedema is asociated i - lead intoxication/vit A overdose/adrenal corticosteroid
therapy & not with craniostenosis
197.Excessive sweating in a young infant may be manifestation of - heart failure
198.Maximum development of brain occurs during - infancy
199.Neonatal period extends upto - 28 days of life
200.Ammoniacal urine may result in - meatal ulcers
201.Drug which is causing dyspnea in children - salicylates
202.DOC for an attack of familial periodic paralysis is - potassium chloride

203.MCC of painful pericarditis is - viral

204.MCC of hypertension in newborn - coarctation of aorta
205.Dose of Rifampicin in mg/kg body wgt/day for treatment of tuberculosis in a child
- 10mg/kg/day
206.Clinical sign of hyaline membrane disease generally 1st appears - in 1st 6 hrs of life
207.Newborn with goiter large enough 2 cause dyspnoea s best treated with-tracheostomy
208.TOC in haemophiliac i spontaeneous hematuria - prednisolone
209.Cause of liver cirhosis in childhood include - alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
210.MC aetiology of hepatic metastasis in children is - neuroblastoma
211.Primary symptom of Hiatus hernia during the newborn period is - vomiting
212.Average BP of 1 year old child - 75/50 mmhg
213.Rx for symptomatic sick sinus syndrome - pace maker implantation
214.Ovulation & ability for pregnancy usually follow menarche by about - 12-24 months
215.Characteristic clinical picture of maple syrup urine disease - decerebrate rigidity
216.Wakingup at night,screaming i fear,at 2.5 yrs age is - separation anxiety
217.Carey coombs murmur of rheumatic carditis is - an apical mid diastolic murmur
218.Normal reflex patterns at birth may include
- grasp reflex/moro's reflex/seeking&rooting reflex
219.Urine production begins at - 4 months gestation
220.Child smiles at familiar persons at the age of - 2 months
221.Average stool sodium content in newborn in breast feed - 19 meq/l
222.Megaloblastic anemia secondary to folate defeciency is best corrected by
- folate orally 2 mg daily
223.To avoid displacement of permanent teeth,finger sucking shld be terminated by - 5yrs
224.Infant i sev dehydration 2ry 2 diarhea suddenly presents i protein & blood in urine
suggests of - renal vein thrombosis
225.Abetalipoproteinemia is first manifested clinically by - steatorhea
226.Infantile hypercalcemia syndrome is most frequently associated i
- supravalvular aortic stenosis
227.Sudden flexion of body at the waist is called - Salam attack
228.Ectopic ureter may be frequently associated with - paradoxical incontinence

229.Earliest sign of rickets - craniotabes

230.Kwarshiorkar is due to - protein & energy defeciency
231.Isolation period for mumps is - until swelling subsides
232.Commonest hematological malignancy in children is - ALL
233.Batwing appearance in x-ray is seen in - pulmonary embolism
234.X-ray appearance in hyaline membrane disease is - homogenous ground glass app
235.TOC in severe dehydration is - Ringer lactate
236.Foetal lung maturity is assessed by - L/S ratio
237.MCC of respiratory distress after birth in 1st 24 hrs - meconium aspiration
238.Haemolytic uremic syndrome is caused by - shigella
239.Auto hemolysis test is positive in hereditary spherocytosis
240.Most indicative sign of pneumonia in 1 yr child i cough,fever is
- grunting & respiration rate >60
241.Treatment in 6months child i acutr watery diarhea without signs of dehydration - mothers
milk & house hold liquids
242.Fever stops & rash begins is diagnostic of - roseola infantum
243.Line of conjunctival inflammation on upper eyelid margin is diagnostic of - measles
244.Colour of diptheric membrane - grey
245.No. Of deciduous tooth is - 20
246.Reye's syndrome is caused by - RSV/adeno virus/influenza
247.Prophylaxis for house hold contacts of diptheria - erythromycin
248.Sustained,severe hypertension in children is commonly suggestive of
- renal parenchymal disease
249.Nephrotic syndrome - massive proteinuria/hypoalbunemia/hypercholesterolemia
250.Commonest type of renal lesion in children is - lipoid nephrosis
251.Micro nodular cirhosis is caused by - wilson's disease
252.Gaucher's disease thgere is accumulation of - cerebrosides
253.2 carpal bones are radiologicaly seen in wrist x-ray for children by the end of - 2 yrs
254.6 months baby on cow's milk brought i bleeding spots,anemia,feverisweling both
limbs,blood count was normal - Scurvy
255.In children atopic dermatitis is associated i increase in - Immunoglobulin E

256.Commonest cause of enuresis in children is - psychological stress

257.Active TB mother delivers baby advice to her - breast feeding - isoniazid admin
258.Absent stomach bubble in antenatal scan imp. For diagnosis of - oesophageal atresia
259.MCC of hemolytic uremic syndrome - E.coli
260.Mucoviscidosis is most commonly related to - fibrocystic disease of pancrease
261.MCC of hydrocephalus in children - complication of meningitis
262.Increased additional calories required during pregnancy - 300
263.Daily caloric needs in pregnancy is about - 2500 cal
264.Extra calories required during preg - 300 kilo cal
265.During lactation is 550 kilo calories
266.Normal calorie requirement for a 5 yr old child is- 1500 calories
267.Daily caloric needs in pregnancy is about - 2500 cal
268.Amount of calories required at 1 year of age - 1000kcal/day
269.Pleomorphic rash is a feature of - chicken pox
270.IQ-intelligence quotient of a child means - capablity of child to perform intelectual tasks in
relation to other children of same age
271.Shakir tape is used for - measuring mid arm circumference
272.Incubation period of Hepatitis A is - 2wks-2months
273.Sitting height is equal to - upper segment
274.Growth retardation,taste alteration,hepatospleenomegaly,loss of hair,hypogonadism-zinc
275.Child who bleeds from gums and has swollen knee probably due to - scurvy
276.Excessive crying is seen after which vaccine - DPT
277.Zero dose of OPV is given at - Birth
278.In a child caesation of breathing for 20 sec with bradycardia is - Apnea
279.Symptoms of minor brain damage - hyperactivity
280.Low birth weight baby is by definition - less than 10th percentile of expected weight
281.At birth the normal heart rate is - 110-150
282.Pulse rate of a neonate varies between - 120-140/minute
283.In a child commonest cause of respiratory infection i wheeze - RSV
284.3 month old infant i intermittant respiratory stridor since 10 days - laryngomalacia

285.High risk babies - working mother/wgt loss in 2 consecutive months/death of 2 siblings in

1st 2 yrs of life
286.Best prognostic cerebral tumour in children - astrocytoma
287.Commonest cause of cholestatic jaundice in a newborn - idiopathic infantile hepatitis
288.Vomiting on the 1st day in a newborn is due to - esophageal atresia
289.Height increases in children from 2-10 yrs per year is - 6 cms
290.Birth length doubles at - 4yrs of age
291.Exclusive milk ingestion can manifest as - Scurvy
292.TOC for neonatal seizures - Barbiturates
293.Incubation period of pertusis - 7-14 days
294.Newborns have transplacentally acquired immunity against
- measles/diptheria/poliomyelitis & not pertusis
295.Lactase deficiency in children is characterised by - abd.bloating/cramps & diarrhea
296.Commonest intrauterine infection of the foetus - CMV
297.Infant body weight doubled by 5-6 months, tripled by 11-12 months
298.Anthropometric assessment which does not show much change in 1-4 yrs
- mid arm circumference
299.Order of development of secondary sexual characters in male
- testicular development-pubic hair-axillary hair-beard
300.Function of glucose in ORS - increase Na+ absorption by co-transport
301.To prevent intra ventricular hemorhage when given antenatally
- vit K & phenobarbitone
302.DOC in a child for prophylaxis for febrile seizures - diazepam
303.DOC for neonatal convulsions - Phenobarbitone
304.Under pulse polio programme target age group is - under 5 yrs
305.10 yrs old 10 days fever i spleenomegaly - enteric fever
306.Abdomen pain,fat malabsorption & frothy stools suggests - enzyme deficiency
307.Transmission of HIV infection in newborn - during delivery / breast feeding
308.Concentration of potassium in microgram in ORS is - 20mcq
309.Cereal not harmful in case of gluten sensitive enteropathy - Maize
310.2yr old child without fever,develops bone pain,vomiting & increased ICP following

excessive medicines drug most likely to cause these - Vit A

311.Term baby c/o breathing difficulty,respiratory distress,breath sounds not audible on left
side chest heart sounds heard normal on right side abdomen soft no organomegaly likely
cause - diaphragmatic hernia
312.After birth the intra- abdominal portion of the umblical vein becomes
- ligamentum teres
313.Breast feeding is recommended atleast for - 4 months
314.Breast milk at room temp stored for - 8hrs
315.Death in diaphragmatic hernia is due to - Hypoplastic lungs
316.Febrile seizures - seen bet 9months to 5yrs/prognosis is good/does not last >10 min
317.Jaundice seen immediately after birth - Rh-incompatablity
318.Commonest cause of congenital hypothyroidism - Thyroid dysgenesis
319.7 days old i vomiting,DH,hyperpigmentation of nipple,Na-120meq,K-9meq likely to be
- cong.adrenal hyperplasia
320.Features of poliomyelitis-acute onset/intact sensation/febrile onset
321.9 month i 2 day fever,cough,breathlessness,URI,febrile,RR-80/min intercoastal &
subcoastal &extensive rhonchi on auscultation,cxr shows hyper inflated chest likely to be
- Bronchiolitis
322.Hyaline membrane disease - phosphatidyl glycerol estimation is a reliable method of
323.Human colostrum has higher concentration of - protein/IgA/sodium
324.Human milk has approximately - 15 calories/ounce
325.Causes for Precocious puberty in female - craniopharyngioma/head injury/Mc cune
Albright syndrome
326.Commonest pediatric malignancy - leukemic lymphoma
327.Pseudo pancreatic cyst in a child is commonly due to - Traumatic pancreatitis
328.Most probable site of opening of ectopic ureter will be - Prostatic urethra
329.Deficient mineralisation in epiphyseal growth cartilage is seen in - Rickets
330.Fragile X syndrome - large head/large ear/large testis
331.Porencephaly is seen in - dandy walker syndrome

332.Nuchal fold thickness can be used to diagnose - Down's syndrome

333.Hypothermia in early neonate - Bradycardia/sclerema/metabolic acidosis
334.Newborn of Hbs Ag +ve mother should be managed with - hepatitis B active and
passive(IgM) immunisation
335.Kwashiorkar - depigmented areas in skin/oedema/fatty liver/hypoalbunemia
336.Treatment of severe malnutrition,calories required per kg bodywgt- 200
337.Primary complex in children - consolidation present,fibrosis,mediastinal lymphadenopathy
338.2yrs female after successfull treatment of UTI next step - DMSA scan + USG
339.MC intra uterine infection - CMV
340.Diarrhea is caused by - adenovirus/calcivirus/enterovirus & not i Reo virus
341.Wind swept deformity is seen in - Rickets
342.Diaper spot bleeding frm urethral meatus in a new born likely to be - meatal stenosis
343.HIV in pediatric age group is manifested as - recurrent candidiosis
344.Small intestinal lesions in children i pathognomonic biopsy finding is
- Abetalipoproteinemia
345.Tetanus is characterised by - spasm of masseter occurs first
346.MCC of neonatal sepsis & meningitis - Enterococcus fecalis
347.Incubators for neonates transfer energy by - conduction
348.Fetal bradycardia is defined as - less than 120 beat/min for 15 minutes continuously
349.Fetal Hb equals at adult Hb at - 2 months
350.Taste perception of baby develops at - Birth
351.Infant i no social smile,no eyebrows,protruded tongue diagnosis - Cretinism
352.8 days old neonate i extensor posture - Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
353.Emergency treatment for TGV - Balloon septostomy
354.Infantile myocarditis & pericarditis is due to - Coxsackie B
355.Drug contraindicated in infants - ciprofloxacin
356.Child presents i scorpion sting i increased sweating best next step is - Lytic cocktail
357.Best used in diagnosis of congenital syphilis - IgM-FTA ABS
358.Atavism is when a child resembles his - Grand parents
359.Sphenoid wing dysplasia is seen in - Von hippel lindau's disease
360.Finding in neonatal necrotising enterocolitis - Gas in the intestinal wall

361.6yrs i bloating,diarrhea,DH episodes on consuming milk & icecream likely to b

- lactase deficiency
362.Scapocephaly is due to premature closure of the - saggital sutures
363.Childhood disorder improves i increase in age - Temper tantrum
364.Capacity of stomach of newborn - 30ml
365.Infant i diarrhea 5 days back has urea-200 & creatinine-5mg,platelet count is
90000,fragmented RBC's are found in the peripheral smear likely to be - HUS
366.Rickets radiological - pigeon chest/rickety rosary/elevation of lower border of ribs
367.Milk teeth is erupted at - 2yrs
368.Fetal growth is maximally affected by - Insulin
369.MC presentation of neonatal meningitis - poor feeding
370.Floppy baby denotes infection by - claustridium botulinum
371.Newborn child i cleft lip & palate,inter atrial septal defect,list of drugs taken by mother
during pregnancy is given which drug is likely to cause tha above - Isotretinoin
372.5days old i intractable seizures & rashes all over his body blood test result shows hyper
ammonemia & lactic acidosis likely to be - Organic aciduria
373.Child weaned from breast milk 5th day given sugarcane juice child develops hypoglycemia
& hepatomegaly,blood test shows hypophosphatemia & reducing substance in urine child
is suffering from which enzyme defeciency - Aldolase B
374.Water content in infant - 75-80 %
375.Gender of external genitalia of foetus becomes clearly visible in 10 weeks
376.When sev DH in a neonate occurs,amount of fluid replacement in 1st hr - 20-40ml/kg
377.Delayed puberty in children are associated i
- hypopitutrism/hypothyroidism/anorexia nervosa
378.4yr male child has febrile seizures best prophylaxis - paracetomol Q6th hrly
379.MCC of death in children < 5yrs age - Respiratory infection
380.Increase in height in 1st yr by - 50%
381.Child i frog position & resistence to move the limbs - Scurvy
382.Pseudo paralysis is seen in - Scurvy
383.Bag & mask ventilation in newborn resucitation is contraindicated in
- Diaphragmatic hernia

384.Tonsillectomy & IM injections should be avoided during polio epidemic because - risk of
paralytic poliomyelitis increases
385.Pain in pericarditis - pain increases during inspiration
386.Posterior fontanelles ossify at the age of - 3 months
387.Most important factor that limits the use of combination of
isoniazid,rifampicin&pyranzinamide in TB pts - Hepatotoxicity
388.Horse shoe kidney & low level kidney is seen in - potter's syndrome
389.Amenorhea is an important symptom in the diagnosis of pregnancy because degeneration
of the corpus luteum is prevented by - HCG
390.Most common oppurtunistic infection in patient i HIV - pnemocystic carnii
391.Diarrhea related hemolytic uremic syndrome is characterised by
- ARF/.thrombocytopenia/neutrophilic leukocytosis
392.Infant born to diabetic mother is at risk for
- polycythemia/hypoglycemia/congenital malformations
393.Early neonatal period - 7 days
394.Fanconi's anemia is a - constitutional anemia
395.Commonest childhood tumour - ALL
396.14 yrs girl peri umblical pain post prandialy passing blood in stools,fever,weight loss since
ten months likely to be - Chron's disease
397.Commonest cause of sporadic encephalitis is - Herpes simplex virus
398.Most suggestive of neonatal small bowel obstruction - bilious vomitting
399.Hepatitis virus perinatal transmission - Hepatitis B
400.19yr old female i short stature,wide spread nipples & 1ry amenorhea likely to have
karyotype - 45XO
401.Kenny packs were used in the treatment of - Poliomyelitis
402.Children born to mothers with SLE r likely to have - Complete Heart block
403.Enzyme replacement therapy is available for the treatment for - Gauchers disease
404.Zinc defeciency - gonodal atrophy/dysgesia/growth retardation
405.Neonatal RDS true is - RR - >60/mt & inter coastal retraction
406.Acquired extra-cranial infection that causes aqueductal stenosis is - Bacterial endocarditis
407.Conjugated vaccine - Pertusis

408.Neural tube defects - meningomyelocele/anencephaly/encephalocele

409.Hiv associated nephropathy is severe form of - focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
410.TOC for congestive failure i HTN is - ACE inhibitors
411.Gower sign is classical of - Duchenen muscular dystrophy
412.Indicator of moderate to severe malnutrition - Albumin 2.1 mg/dl
413.Breast milk is maximum at - 5-6 months
414.Most appropriate method for obtaining a urine specimen for culture in 8 month old girl
- clean catch void
415.Brain size achieves 90% of adult size by the age of - 2 yrs
416.Adrenal hyperplasia due to 21 hydroxylase defeciency is treated i low dose-cortisone
417.MCC of hydrocephalus in children - post inflammatory obstruction
418.Cherry red spots & cloudy cornea are seen in - lysosomal storage disease
419.In a patient of rheumatic carditis full dose of steroid is given for - 3 weeks
420.Roseola infantum can be caused by - herpes virus 6
421.Rett's syndrome occurs due to defeciency of - Biotin
422.Newborns have transplacentally acquired immunity against all except - Pertusis
423.Recognized signs & symptoms of raised ICT in 9month old infant - bulging
fontanelle,diplopia,increased in head size
424.4yr baby has large face,large jaw,large ear & macro orchidism is
- Fragile X syndrome
425.Diameter of endotracheal tube used in less than1kg wgt of child - 2.5cm
426.Iron requirment is determined from the equation4 x wgt in kg x Hb defecit gm/dl
427.Banana sign in the foetal brain suggests - Spina bifida
428.Age by which most of the normal babies know their gender is - 3yrs
429.Wide open anterior fontanelle is found in -rickets/cretinism/osteogenesis imperfecta
430.Vomiting on 1st day of baby's life may be due to
- oesophageal atresia/aerophagy/amniotic gastritis
431.Conditions in marasmus - muscle wasting/hepatomegaly/extreme weakness
432.Epiglottitis in 2 yr child occurs most commonly due to - infection i - hemophilus influenza
433.MC inherited malignancy - Retinoblastoma
434.Rx for kawasaki's disease - IV immunoglobulin

435.When does switch over from fetal to adult hemoglobin synthesis begin
- 14 weeks gestation
436.In a foetus the insulin secretion begins by - 3rd month
437.AFP in maternal serum & amniotic fluid is increased in - fetal neural tube
438.Total foeto placental blood volume ata term is estimated to be - 125ml/kg body wgt
439.New born with recurrent vomitting & .cyanosis after each feed is likely to be suffering
from - tracheo oesophageal fistula
440.Child had repeated vomitting & developed metabolic alkalosis Rx is-Iv NS & K+
441.Prognosis of rhabdomyosarcoma is to be poor if d site of tumour is - urinary bladder
442.Autism characters - repetitive behaviour/delayed language development/severe defecit in
social interaction
443.Pseudo paralysis in an infant is suggestive of - Vitamin C defeciency
444.Iron supplementation in a normal child should be started at age of - 6 wks
445.MC rodiographic signs in child i leukemia - metaphyseal translucencies
446.Enzyme replacement therapy is available for - Gauchers disease
447.MC manifestation of congenital toxoplasmosis - chorioretinitis
448.Hutchisons triad is seen in - congenital syphillis

1. posterior fontanelle generally closes 2-3 months after birth,

2. sphenoidal fontanelle is the next to close around 6 months after birth,
3. mastoid fontanelle closes next from 6-18 months after birth, and
4. the anterior fontanelle is generally the last to close between 1-3 years of age


1. Heart Wgt Females - 240-280gm/Males - 280-320gm

2. Atypical ribs - 1st 2nd 10th 11th 12th.
3. Typical ribs - 3rd - 9th
4. Floating ribs - 11th & 12th pair of ribs
5. False ribs - Last 5 ribs
6. Ansa nephroni is lined by - cuboidal & columnar epithelium.
7. Cranio facial angle is - 130 degrees
8. Axial artery of upper limb is derived from - 7th cervical intersegmental space.
9. Ossification centres in calcaneous & talus appears - 3rd & 6th month.
10. Through Superior orbital fissure - Occulomotor/trigeminal/trochlear nerves passes thru.
11. In embryo the inner cell mass forms the - embryonic disc.
12. Injury to the ulnar nerve at wrist causes paralysis to - Adduction of Thumb.
13. In cross section of thorax at T4 - Arch of Aorta.
14. Drainage of Glans penis is to - Deep inguinal nodes.
15. Toughest layer in oesophagous is - Muscularis.
16. Somites develop from - paraaxial mesoderm.
17. Structure archiving over hilum of right lung - Azygous vein.
18. Serratous anterior is supplied by - Long thoracic nerve.
19. Nerve supply of brachialis is from - Musculo cutaeneous nerve.
20. Splenic artery supplies - spleen/pancreas/stomach.
21. 2nd,4th,5th rib directly articulate with sternum.
22. Posterior interosseus nerve of upper limb is branch of - Radial nerve.
23. Posterior belly of digastric is supplied by - Facial nerve.
24. Trigeminal nerve supplies - Masseter/Ant.belly of digastric
25. Rt upper motor neuron lesion of facial nerve causes - Lt lower facial muscle paralysis
26. While flexing knee,femoral condyles r prevented frm rolling backwards by cruciate

27. Thoracic duct starts at - continuation of cysternachylli.

28. Manubrio sternal joint - syndesmosis

29. Example for ellipsoid joint - wrist

30. Sensory nerve supply of trachea - recurrent laryngeal nerve
31. Symptom of sudden onset of b/l vocal cord palsy - dyspnea & stridor
32. Great cardiac vein lies in - ant 4th groove
33. Lower border of scapular corresponds to - D7
34. Venous drainage of upper part of uterus & placenta is thru - uterine vein
35. Parietal peritoneum is lined by - simple squamous
36. Femoral vein lies medial to femoral artery
37. Saddle joint - carpo metacarpal joint of thumb
38. Brunner's glands are located in - duodenum
39. Reiter's syndrome triad - arthritis/urethritis/conjunctivitis
40. Most dependant part of lung in supine position - lower apical
41. Apoptosis - existing epithelial cells of skin replaced by new epithelial cells
42. Bundle of his is supplied by - Right coronary
43. Eternal nose is formed from 2 paired & 2 unpaired cartilage
44. Part of heart lying in front of oesophagus - left atrium
45. Nerve damage affecting movements of thumb - median nerve
46. Knee jerk is primarily served by - L3
47. PCT develops frm metanephric tubules inter condylar area
48. Anterior cruciate ligament is attached to medial part of anterior
49. Spontaeneous pelvic diasthesis is seen in squating
50. IV infusionis avoided in - long saphenous vein
51. Weight of the body is supported in sitting posture by Ischial tuberosity
52. True ribs are - 7th & 8th rib
53. Foetus born during 6th month of intra uterine will not survive due to - abscense or
insufficient amount of surfactant
54. Nerve supply to pronatar teres is - median nerve
55. Structure derived from right fourth aortic arch - right subclavian artery
56. Saftey muscle of tongue is - genioglossus
57. Superior cerebral veins drain into - superior sagittal sinus

58. Lacrimation occur when facial nerve supplies- lacrimal

59. Visual cortex is supplied by - posterior cerebral artery
60. Space of disse is seen in - liver
61. Deep inguinal ring contains - round ligament of uterus
62. Psterior relation of left atrium - oesophagus
63. No man's land in palm corresponds to - zone 2
64. Number of Barr bodies in super female - 2
65. Subcutaeneous muscle extending frm clavicle to mandible - platysma
66. Olfactory epithelium is - pseudo startified
67. Unpaired structure in brain - basilar artery
68. Nasolacrimal duct directed - down/lateral & backwards
69. Couper's gland open into - penile urethra
70. Chaissaignac tubercle is - carotid tubercle on c6 vertebrae
71. Complete sulcus is calcarine sulcus
72. Halocrine secretion is seen in - sebaceous gland
73. Transverse ligament of atlas is a part of - cruciate ligament
74. Blood supply to the uterus is by which artery- uterine/ovarian/vaginal
75. Foot plate of stapes is developed frm - reicherts cartilage
76. Blood supply of breast is from-inter costal artery/internal mammary artery/thoraco
acromial artery
77. Middle cranial fossa is supplied by - mandibular nerve
78. Opening of jaw is done by - lateral pterygoid
79. Endodermal origin - hepatocyte/alveolar lining cells
80. Mesodermal origin ciliary body/iris stroma/vitreous
81. Major function of gluteus medius&minimus at hipjoint - abduction
82. Nailbed of thumb is supplied by - median nerve
83. Tip of corocoid process of scapula gives attachment to - short head of biceps
84. Anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint prevents forward displacement of tibial condyle
85. Commonest cartilage to ossify - fibro elastic
86. Nerve supply to the skin around the umblicus - 10th thoracic ventral ramus

87. Stellate cells of vankuffer are seen in - spleen

88. Lower angle of scapula - T6
89. Iliac crest at level - L4
90. Sympathetic innervation of heart is - T2T6
91. Trendlenburgs sign is +ve with weakness of - Gluteus medius & minimus
92. Content of femoral sheath - artery/vein/lymphnode
93. Midline cleftlip is due to failure of fusion of - two medial nasal processes
94. Oligo dendrocytes are important in - myelin formation
95. Weight of upper limb is transmitted to avail skeleton by coraco clavicular ligament
96. True about gastrulation - process by which 3 germinal layers form
97. Intestinal epithelium is rich in - T-cells
98. Bypass grafting - great saphenous vein resected likely nerve to be injured - saphenous
99. Pt having external piles his pain is carried by - pudendal nerve
100.Notochord develops in 3rd week
101.Cranial nerve decussate within the brain - trochlear nerve
102.Bone not present at birth - petrous temporal
103.After herniotomy los of sensation of scrotum,root of penis is due to injury to - illioinguinal
104.Sensory nerve supply of pinna is - mandibular nerve
105.Posterior fontanelles are ossified at the age of - 3yrs
106.Umblical cord has - 2 arteries & 1 vein
107.Reduction of physiological hernia occurs at - 10th week
108.Testes descends into the scrotum - 9th month
109.1st bone to ossify in membrane - clavicle
110.Lymphatic drainage of umblicus - Axillary & inguinal nodes
111.Lymphatic drainage of anal canal - inguinal lymph nodes
112.Uterine artery is a branch of - internal iliac artery
113.Shortest part of colon - ascending colon
114.Lymph node of tonsills drains into - jugulo digastric node
115.Arterial supply of tonsils - facial artery

116.Middle meningeal artery branch of - maxillary artery

117.Foot drop results in injury to deep peroneal nerve
118.Pouch of douglas situated between - uterine & rectum
119.Oesophageal opening in diaphragm is at level of - T10
120.First teeth to appear in infant - lower central incissor
121.Cranial nerve with longest intra cranial course - Abducense
122.Superior oblique musle supplied by - Trochlear nerve
123.Which organ has no end arterial supply - Lung
124.Erb's point is - C5-C6
125.# surgical neck of humerus - Flat shoulder
126.Double barr body is seen in - Klienfelter's syndrome
127.In new born spinal cord ends at - L3
128.Testes descends inguinal canal in - 7th month
129.Longest vein in human body - Long saphenous vein
130.Ca-prostate commonly occurs in - posterior lobe
131.Total volume of CSF is - 150ml
132.Inferior oblique is supplied by - 3rd cranial nerve
133.Commonly used donor nerve for graft - sural nerve
134.Wrist drop - Radial nerve
135.Porter's tip deformity - Erb's paralysis
136.Musician's nerve - Ulnar nerve
137.Foot drop results from damage to - Ant.Tibial nerve
138.Policeman of the abdomen is - omentum
139.Labourer's nerve - median nerve
140.Housemaid's knee - prepatellar bursa
141.Boxer's muscle - serratus anterior
142.Toynbee's muscle - tensor tympani
143.Internal pudental artery is branch of - Ant.divisionof internal iliac
144.Bundle of HIS - Artery supply - Right coronary-Interventricular branch
145.Does not drain into coronary sinus - anterior cardiac vein
146.Kidney has 5 Lobes

147.Innervation of tensor tympani muscle is - mandibular nerve

148.Length of oesophagus - 25cm
149.Boundaries of Morison's pouch - Inferior surface of Liver/peritoneum over right
kidney/coronary ligament
150.Abduction & adduction of fore foot occurs at - Mid tarsal joint
151.Carpel tunnel syndrome - Median nerve compression
152.Spring ligament - synonymus with plantar calcaneo navicular ligament
153.Artery present in anatomical snuffbox - Radial
154.Machen rodt's ligament provides maximum support to uterus
155.Superior oblique muscle action - Abduction/intorsion/depression
156.Brocha's area is localised in - inferior frontal lobe
157.Placenta is developed from - Decidua basilis & Trophoblast
158.Tip of nose is supplied by - opthalmic nerve
159.Nerve supply to spleen is from - coeliac plexus
160.Hinge joint - Elbow
161.Clitorius develops from - Genital tubercle
162.Root of tooth contains - pulpchamber/dentine/cementum
163.Formation of primary ovary in female fetus takes place by - 8th wek
164.Motor area in cerebrum associated with - performing all voluntary movement
165.Lamina cribrosa is a modification of - Sclera
166.Germ cells in the ovary develops from - yolk sac
167.Major part of skin of pinna is supplied by - Great auricular nerve
168.Medial collateral ligament of elbow is related to - ulnar nerve
169.Muscles of hypothenar eminance is innervated by - ulnar nerve
170.Hofbauer cells are seen in placenta
171.Dentate nucleus is a part of - cerebellum
172.Automatic bladder is seen in lesions of higher centres
173.Example of syndesmosis joint - Inferior tibio fibular
174.Nerve responsible for the fine movements of hand - ulnar nerve
175.Broca's area is - 44 & 45
176.Oesophagus commences at the level - Lower end of cricoid

177.Muscles posterior to both kidney's - psoas major/quadratus lumbarum/transverse

178.Pancreatic bed includes - left kidney/left renal vein/left curves of diaphragm
179.Os trigonum is atavistic type of epiphysis
180.Posterior boundary of carotid triangle is - sternoclaido mastoid
181.Ossification centre of medial epicondyle appears - 7th year
182.Inability to oppose the thumb to the little finger - damage to median nerve
183.Highest inter coastal space used in liver biopsy is - 8th
184.Due to bony support most stable position of ankle joint - plantar flexion
185.Xiphisternal junction is at level of disc between T9 - T16
186.Fascia of gerota is - thoraco lumbar fascia
187.Adductors of the hand at wrist joint includes - flex&extensor carpi ulnaris
188.Sacral canal volume is - 25 to 35cc
189.Thoracic duct is also called - pecquet duct
190.Umblical vesicle attains full development in 4 weeks of develop of foetus
191.Incissor foramen in the mouth is foramen of - vesali
192.CSF is partlyabsorbed by lymphatics around 1,2,7,8cranial nerves
193.Number of ossification centres for hyoid bone is - 6
194.Mastoid process begins to develop in - 2nd year
195.Isthmus of the thyroid gland is across - 3rd to 5th tracheal rings
196.Right supra renal gland is related to IVC & right lobe of liver
197.Popliteal muscle forms the floor of popliteal fossa
198.Bronchial veins of right side opens into azygous vein
199.Smallest cranial nerve is - TROCHLEAR
200.During quiet breathing lower border of lung is found at -6th rib mid clavicular line/
8th rib mid aillary line
201.Retina is an out growth of - Diencephalon
202.Peroneal artery is a branch of - posterior tibial artery
203.Serratus anterior cause refraction of shoulder
204.Coraco brachialis assists in flexion of the arm
205.Posterior triangle of neck borders - superior border of clavicle/post.border of sternoclaido

mastoid/sup.border of Trapezius
206.Medial wall of axilla is formed by - serratus
207.Glenoid cavity of scapula is rotated by - Trapezius/serratus anterior
208.Central canal of the spinal cord is central in region - Lumbar
209.Lateral boundry of cubital fossa is formed by - Brachio radialis
210.Coronary sulcus is occipied in the coronary sinus
211.Juxta glomerular apparatus JG cells - smooth muscular cells of afferant arteriols
212.Thinnest portion of myocardial wall - right Atrium/left atrium
213.Axillary nerve rises from - posterior cord
214.Ducts of bellini are found in kidney
215.Skull consists of 22 bones
216.Melanoblasts are derived from - Neural crest cells
217.Posterior interventricular artery is a branch of - Right coronary artery
218.Cisterns of lateral sulcus contains - Middle cerebral artery
219.Internal thoracic veins are the tributaries of brachio cephalic
220.Epithelium of cornea is - startified squamous - non keratinised
221.Anterior interventricular artery is a branch of - left coronary artery
222.Left subclavian artery is a branch of arch of aorta
223.Buck's fascia is related to - Penis
224.Fascia cribrosa is related to - femoral canal
225.All prostatic arteries are branches of inferior vescicle
226.Urachal fistula results from - persistant allontois
227.Choroid fissure of eye permits entry of Hyaloid artery
228.By 3 cerebellar peduncles,cerebellum is attached to - medulla,pons,midbrain
229.Important structure involved in development of IVC is - Sub cardinal vein
230.Length of mature human spermatazoon is 50-60 microns
231.Premature closure of foramen ovale results in right ventricular hypertrophy
232.Urethra in female is shorter than in male
233.Derivative of mesoderm - ureter/uterus/epididymis
234.Structure passing thru foramen spinosum is mid.meningeal artery
235.In ca tongue pain is referred to ear through - glosso pharyngeal nerve

236.Coronary sinus opens into - right atrium

237.Thymus develops from - 3rd pouch
238.Brunners glands are seen in - Duodenum
239.Appendicular artery is a branch of - Descending branch of Ilio colic artery
240.Right testicular vein drains into - Inferior vena cava
241.Lens/Brain/Spinal cord developed from ectoderm
242.Bile duct opens into the 2nd part of duodenum
243.Functional unit of kidney is called - Nephron
244.Tip of tongue drains into - submental lymph node
245.Foreign body in the nose enters - Apical segment of right lower lobe
246.When median nerve is paralysed in carpal tunnel syndrome - loss of sensation of thenar
247.Bed of stomach is formed by - Pancrease/spleen/Lt.Kidney/lt.suprarenal
gland/diaphragm/transverse colon & its mesocolon
248.Sternal angle is related to - 2nd rib/arch of aorta/lower border of T4
249.Lens is formed from - Surface ectoderm
250.Ciliary muscles formed from - Neural crest
251.Iris muscle - Neuro ectoderm
252.Lacrymal gland - Surface ectoderm
253.Structures developing from all 3 germ layers - vagina/urethra/Tympanic membrane
254.Longest intra cranial nerve - Trochlear
255.Smallest cranial nerve - Olfactory
256.Thickest CN - Trigeminal
257.Thickest nerve - Sciatic nerve
258.Labourers nerve - Median nerve
259.Dentist's nerve - Inferior alveolar nerve
260.All from right border of the heart except -rt.Atrium/rt.ventricle/SVC
261.Implantation occurs on - 7th day
262.Tensor palate is supplied by - Mandibular nerve
263.Level of spleen - 10th Rib
264.Level of lower border of scapula - T7

265.Level of Floating Rib - T12

266.Azygous drain into - Superior venacava
267.Cricothyroid is supplied by - External laryngeal nerve
268.Lymph nodes from the Tonsil drain into the - Jugulo digastric node
269.Ligamentum arterriosum is derived from - Ductus arteriosus
270.Arch of Aorta develops from - lt.3rd aortic arch artery
271.Auricle of ear is made up of - elastic cartilage
272.Fate of notochord is nucleus pulposus
273.Trigone of urinary bladder develops from - Mesoderm
274.Tympanic membrane of ear has origin from all the 3 layers of germ layer
275.True diverticulum is - Meckel's diverticulum
276.Largest branch of femoral nerve is - saphenous nerve
277.Nerve supply to hypothenar muscle is from - Ulnar nerve
278.Nerve lying in the spiral groove of Humerus - Radial nerve
279.Structure passing deep to flexor retinaculum at wrist - Median nerve
280.Middle piece of spermatazoa is formed by - Mitochondria
281.Hassal's corpuscles r seen in - Thymus
282.Blood test barrier is formed by the - sertoli cells
283.No. Of parathyroid glands in humans - 4
284.Nasolacrimal duct opens in - Inf.meatus of nose
285.Motor supply to the muscles of the tongue is by - Hypoglossal nerve
286.Cadaver like position of vocal cords seen in - recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
287.Safety muscle of tongue is - genioglossus
288.Sensory nerve supply to angle of jaw is thru - Great auricular nerve
289.Musician's nerve - Ulnar nerve
290.Largest sesamoid bone of body is - Patella
291.1st teeth to appear in infant - Lower central incisor
292.1st bone to ossify in the body - Clavicle
293.Most sensitive part of the body is periosteum
294.Nerve supply to tip of the nose is - opthalmic division of Mandibular nerve
295.Deltoid muscle is innervated by - Auxillary nerve c5-c6

296.Root vaue of axillary nerve is - C5-C6

297.Root vaue of saphenous nerve is - L3-L4
298.Space of Kanavel is - Mid palmar space
299.Nerve involved in tarsal tunnel syndrome is - Posterior tibial
300.Order of nerovascular bundle in intercoastal space is - VAN frm top to down
301.Normal fluid level in pericardial cavity is - 50ml
302.Inhaled foreign body usually lodges in - Lower lobe of Rt.Lung
303.Bifurcation of trachea is at - T6-T7 vertebrae
304.Rt. Common carotid artery arises from - Brachio cephalic artery
305.Commonest location of diaphragmatic hernia in children - Posterior & left
306.Length of oesophagus in adult - 25cm
307.Base of heart is formed mainly by - left atrium
308.Arterial supply to SA node is by - Rt.coronary artery
309.Pouch of douglas is between - Rectum & Uterus
310.Left testicular vein drains into - Lt.renal vein
311.Artery supply to testis is - Testicular artery
312.Blood supply of the Uterus is by - Ovarian & Uterine artery
313.Trigone of urinary bladder develops frm - Mesonephric duct
314.Maximum representation in brain is - Thumb
315.Chief muscle of inspiration is - Diaphragm
316.Commonest position of appendix is - Retrocaecal
317.Level of thoracic aorta piercing diaphragm- T12
318.Level of oesophagus passive through diaphragm is - T10
319.Level of inferior vena cava piercing diaphragm - T8
320.Length of female urethra - 10-20cm
321.Length of ureter - 25cm
322.Vein used in Bypass surgery - Great saphenous vein
323.Cartilage which calcify most frequently is - Hyaline
324.Inversion & eversion occurs at - subtalor joint
325.Trendelenberg test is done to test - Gluteus medius
326.Space of disse is present in - Liver

327.Most complex & largest joint of body is - Knee joint

328.Ductus arteriosus closes at - Immediately after birth
329.Chorda tympani supplied by - Facial nerve
330.Ovarian artery is the branch of - Abdominal Aorta
331.Uterine artery is a branch of - Internal iliac artery
332.Clitorius is formed from which embryonic structure - Genital tubercle

Convection is when Heat is lost to free cool air
Conduction s when heat s lost by direct contact i other surface that s cooler than D body
Radiation s when heat s radiated by D body n d form of infrared radiation 2 a cooler
Evaporation or sweating is when body temp is lower than the environment

1. Plasma osmolality is - 270-310 mosm/kg

2. Half life of Abumin is - 21days

3. Most abundant intracellular Ions are - K+

4. Metabolic acidosis breathing advice to the patient - Deep & Slow
5. Metabolic alkalosis breathing advice to the patient - Breathing in a paper Bag
6. Patient has both his vagi cut his breathing will be - Slow & Deep
7. Tinel's test is used to evaluate - Nerve compression
8. With aging process which deterioration doesn't occur - Hematocrit
9. Spontaneous loss of breathing due to cut at - Lower border of Medulla
10. Which ion absorbed along with glucose in intestine - Na+
11. Which phase of the cardiac cycle the aortic valves remain closed - Isovolumetric contraction
12. Coronary blood flow is max during - Isovolumetric relaxation
13. Sperm becomes motile in - Epidedymis
14. While use of stethoscope possible change in BP - 10mmhg DP decreases
15. Which is seen in high altitude - Low Pao2

16. When a person at high altitude d O2 s maintained by - Increase ventilation


17. Testosterone is produced by - Leydig cells

18. Resting membrane potential is mainly due to - K+
19. The transporter of Fe in blood is - Transferin
20. Insulin does not cross placenta
21. In fetus insulin secretion begins at - 3 month
22. Insulin requires which mineral - Cr
23. Insulin is secreted by - beta cells of pancreas

❖ Myasthenia Gravis is due to - Ach inhibition
❖ Short acting Mydriatic - Tropicamide
❖ Pt brought to casualty i constricted pupils & increased
sweating,salivation,diarrhea,bradycardia.Diagnosis is - OPC poisoning
❖ DOC for Cardiogenic shock - Dobutamine
❖ DOC for HTN in Pregnancy - alpha Methyldopa &labetolol
❖ DOC in HTN crisis in pregnancy - Hydralazine
❖ Beta blocker contra indicated in Renal failure - Atenolol
❖ Drug necessary for good long term prognosis of MI - Aspirin
❖ 1st line of management in Acute severe Asthma - beta agonist nebuliser
❖ Lung Fibrosis is seen with - Busulfan
❖ Rx of primary syphillis - Oral Azithromycin single dose
❖ Prophylaxis of P.Vivax - Mefloquine
❖ Vitamin supplement given with Phenytoin is - Folic acid
❖ vitamin defeciency seen in Isoniazide - B6
❖ Pt i urethral discharge i pain during micturition Rx (chlamydia) - 2 doses Azithral
❖ Prophylactic dose in PTB is - Isoniazide 600mg bi weekly
❖ Narcotic associated with hallucinations - Morphine
❖ Physical dependance is not seen in - Cannabis
❖ Donepezil is used in treatment of - Alzheimers disease

❖ DOC for Bipolar mood disorder - Lithium

❖ DOC for epilepsy in pregnancy - Phenobarbitone
❖ DOC for febrile seizures - Diazepam
❖ DOC for partial seizures - Carbamazepine
❖ DOC for GTCS/absence/myoclonic/atonic seizures - Valproic acid
❖ DOC for absence seizures in children - Ethosuximide
❖ DOC for SVT - Adenosine
❖ DOC for anaphylactic shock - Adrenaline

❖ DOC for hypovolumic shock - IVF

❖ DOC for hypertension in pregnancy - Methyldopa
❖ DOC for hypertension emergencies in pregnancy - Labetolol/Htdralazine
❖ DOC for BPH - Prazosin
❖ DOC for angina - Glyceryl tri nitrate
❖ Antibiotics contraindicated in pregnancy - Quinolones
❖ ATT leads to colour blindness - Ethambutol
❖ ATT doesn't cross BBB - Streptomycin - Nephro toxic / Ototoxic
❖ ATT leads to optic neuritis/Gynecomastia/peripheral neropathy - Isoniazid
❖ Drug given along with INH - Pyridoxine
❖ Alkalinization of urine is done for - Salicylates
❖ Less likely to cause hypoglycemia - Metformin
❖ Drug that works without changing acid profile of stomach - Sucralfate

Tumor marker Associated tumor types
Alpha fetoprotein(AFP) germ cell tumor, hepatocellular carcinoma[6]
CA15-3 breast cancer[7]
CA27-29 breast cancer[8]
Mainly pancreatic cancer, but also colorectal cancer and other types of gastrointestinal
Mainly ovarian cancer,[10] but may also be elevated in for example endometrial cancer,
CA-125 fallopian tube cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and gastrointestinal cancer.[11] May also
increase in endometriosis.[12]
Calcitonin medullary thyroid carcinoma
mesothelioma, sex cord-gonadal stromal tumour, adrenocortical carcinoma, synovial
gastrointestinal cancer, cervix cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer,
Carcinoembryonic antigen
urinary tract cancer[6]
hemangiopericytoma/solitary fibrous tumor, pleomorphic lipoma, gastrointestinal
stromal tumor, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans[6]
Ewing sarcoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumor, hemangiopericytoma/solitary fibrous
tumor, synovial sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia, sex cord-gonadal stromal tumour[6]
CD117 gastrointestinal stromal tumor, mastocytosis, seminoma[6]
Chromogranin neuroendocrine tumor[6]
Chromosomes 3, 7, 17, and 9p21 bladder cancer[13]
Cytokeratin(various types) Many types of carcinoma, some types of sarcoma[6]
Desmin smooth muscle sarcoma, skeletal muscle sarcoma, endometrial stromal sarcoma[6]
Epithelial membrane protein(EMA) many types of carcinoma, meningioma, some types of sarcoma[6]
Factor VIII, CD31 FL1 vascular sarcoma[6]
Glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP) glioma(astrocytoma, ependymoma)[6]
Gross cystic disease fluid
breast cancer, ovarian cancer, salivary gland cancer[6]
melanoma, PEComa (for example angiomyolipoma), clear cell carcinoma,
adrenocortical carcinoma[6]
Human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) gestational trophoblastic disease, germ cell tumor, choriocarcinoma[6]
immunoglobulin lymphoma, leukemia[6]
inhibin sex cord-gonadal stromal tumour, adrenocortical carcinoma, hemangioblastoma[6]
keratin(various types) carcinoma, some types of sarcoma[6]
lymphocyte marker(various types lymphoma, leukemia[6]
MART-1(Melan-A) melanoma, steroid-producing tumors (adrenocortical carcinoma, gonadal tumor)[6]
Myo D1 rhabdomyosarcoma, small, round, blue cell tumour[6]
muscle-specific actin(MSA) myosarcoma(leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma)[6]
neurofilament neuroendocrine tumor, small-cell carcinoma of the lung[6]
neuron-specific enolase(NSE) neuroendocrine tumor, small-cell carcinoma of the lung, breast cancer[6]
placental alkaline phosphatase(PLAP) seminoma, dysgerminoma, embryonal carcinoma[6]
prostate-specific antigen prostate[6]
PTPRC(CD45) lymphoma, leukemia, histiocytic tumor[6]
melanoma, sarcoma (neurosarcoma, lipoma, chondrosarcoma), astrocytoma,
S100 protein gastrointestinal stromal tumor, salivary gland cancer, some types of adenocarcinoma,
histiocytic tumor (dendritic cell, macrophage)[6]
smooth muscle actin(SMA) gastrointestinal stromal tumor, leiomyosarcoma, PEComa[6]
synaptophysin neuroendocrine tumor[6]
thyroglobulin post-operative marker of thyroid cancer (but not in medullary thyroid cancer)[6]
thyroid transcription factor-1 all types of thyroid cancer, lung cancer[6]
colorectal cancer,[14] Breast cancer,[15][16] renal cell carcinoma[17][18] Lung cancer,[19][20]
Tumor M2-PK Pancreatic cancer,[21] Esophageal Cancer,[22] Stomach Cancer,[22]Cervical Cancer,[23]
Ovarian Cancer,[24]
sarcoma, renal cell carcinoma, endometrial cancer, lung carcinoma, lymphoma,
leukemia, melanoma[6]
Start by doing what is necessary,then do what is possible,and suddenly you are doing the

The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human
frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~ Dr.K.Vivek.MD.,

1) Leave all nonsense like financial probs, family related nd personal stuff..which kill lot of time
2) Get High Grip on CLASS NOTES of ( any coaching centre).. with Good Revision. DATS Enough
My advice regardin doing MCQ’s from famous books lik mudit khanna,pulse might be helpfull ,but only after getting full grip
on class notes. ( Do MCQ’s only one time for each topic, dat too after studyin class notes thoroughly ) and mark those imp
Mcq’s in ur class notes so that u can revise class notes with much effort concentrating on the imp topics u hav marked
it.Noneed to go thru of MCQ’s book second time .
3) Maintain a notes parallel to ur preparation writing all imp topics In bits manner ,subject wise..Study them by spending 1/2
hour to one hour daily on dat notes.carry 1st grade and patho books with u whenever u r in book when u r in
4)study medicine and surgery alternative days scheduled 1 nd half hour per day.
5) Make group discussion ( Asking Questions from wadever topic you are in grip ) .75 to 85 questions are from discussion i
hav made with my helps me really a lott
6) Revise, Revise,Revise Class Notes..Attend and Aim For good mark in exams conducted by coaching centres.Pay Attention
to topics which u r listening 2nd time also.Solve previous exams papers .since 20 bits were repeatin
7) .Here im Arranging Subjects in Grade Vice..
i) PSM, G&Obs. Opthal, IntMed, Surgery Ist Grade Subjects (25 to 35 marks each).sometimes One among 5 subjects,it goes
beyond 40
ii) Pharma, Patho, Biochem, Micro, 2nd Grade Subjects (18 -20 Marks.. Each) ( Among these pharma can be added to 1st
grade member at times)
iii) Radio, Anatomy, Derma, ENT, Ortho 3rd Grade (10 to 12 Marks each)
Psychi, FSM… 2 to 5 mark each..
One might think from first grade subject they were asking 125 question on we can gain 120 mark from 1st Grd,60
Mark from 2nd grade and 50 mark from 3rd 230 no need to study all 15 subj..ITS A BLUNDER .SO I
SUFFERED..Buddy things will happen different in exam.Since their main aim is not to let us in.
So put sincere efforts on these Three grade/15 subjects And aim for 230,eventhough Paper was asked TOUGH.ull reach 150 to
160..if asked easier ull reach 170 to 180.
Don’t leave even single small subject like psychi..I repeat U MUST READ HIGH ON THESE 3 Grade..
Leaving single subject among these grades Will leave u away another 6 months of hell.. it happened for me..when I attempt in
march ’11 they asked 13 questio from derma , 25 quest from PSM ( 10 from notes 15 away from notes ,not even there in
standard books like mudit) so i mark at dat time was 133.. js fr da sake of preparing only 12 subjects without
revision..wads the use of 5 months prep I FAILed..
But next time I studied another 3 subjects..I revise15 subjects total.. I passed..
So don’t leave single subject among those 15 .
Study Strictly 15 subjects with HARD revision ,complete it before one month from exam date.No new topics in last
month..instead of dat revise thoroughly wad u have studied up2 dat tym..
Divide last month into three sessions
First 15 days 15 subject ( Subj per day )
7 days 15 subject (2 per day )
7 days 15 sub (3 per day )
Put high pressure on coaching guys to complete syllabus faster atleast month before.
..) NEVER LOSE HOPE, EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE NOT UP TO MARK ..beaware of those who have much discouragin
words,afraid of exam..give him good support and maintain healthy friendship..

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