Oceanic Question Bank Year 4
Oceanic Question Bank Year 4
Oceanic Question Bank Year 4
Oceanic series
7/9/2021 – Cik Syurga, Derp, YoRHa, Aaron P, Agent K, N
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We hope our project will be continued by our juniors as a legacy for our time here. May our
efforts carry you towards excellence in the upcoming professional exam.
All rights are not reserved.
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8. A 57-year-old woman with history of left mastectomy 2 Mammography
year ago. She currently complained of pain at the right
breast. There was no swelling, no redness, and no fever
9. Madam Mariam, a 60-year-old woman was presented with Thyroid function
palpitation. She also recently lost weight about 2 kg test
despite her increased appetite. On examination, it was
found that she had atrial fibrillation.
10. A 24-year-old woman presented with vaginal bleeding. Cervical smear
She was on oral contraceptive pill for several years. On
examination, she had ectropion with no contact bleeding.
11. Woman worried of ovarian ca. Doctor advised not to do Ca-125
this screening test
12. A 35-year-old lady with history of multiple sexual partners Colposcopy
presented with intermittent vaginal bleeding. Her Pap
smear showed high squamous intraepithelial lesion.
13. A 50-year-old with irritable bowel disease wanted to screen Colonoscopy
for colon cancer. What test do the doctor suggest?
14. Asymptomatic 50-year-old woman, with average risk Faecal occult blood
requested for colorectal CA screening. Doctor
recommends grade A test from the US Preventive Task
Force (USPTF).
15. This tumour marker increases in colorectal cancer. Carcinoembryonic
However, it also increases the tumour of other organs antigen (CEA)
16. Tumour marker elevated 80% in epithelial ovarian cancer CA 125
17. 22 y/o female, having palpitations at night for 2 months. Holter ECG
Blood test and ECG was normal. what investigation would
you like to order for her?
18. During a visit by KK’s school health team, a standard 1 Tumbling E chart
student was found unable to read the writings of the
teachers due to blurred vision.
19. The boy with the same scenario above is found to be big Anthropometric
in size for his age. measurement
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20. The school health nurse was confirmed that Nazri was Referral
small. This would be the next step taken by the nurse
21. A 55-year-old lady was involved in a car accident 3 months Posttraumatic
ago. In that accident, she sustained head injury and her disorder
cousin died. Since then, she had been having recurrent
flashbacks and dreams about that accident. She had been
avoiding the street were the accident occurred. She had
also been feeling guilty and loss of interest. She had
become more irritable and was unable to sleep.
22. Mrs Y had recently loss her husband 4 months ago due to Abnormal grief
sudden death. Since then, she cried every day. She felt it reaction
was impossible to manage things without her husband.
23. Madam Maria presented with difficulty of using her right Multi-infarct
and stiffness of her left leg. She also complained of she is dementia
being forgetful, and her memory worsen over the past 2
months. She is currently on diabetes and hypertension
treatment for the past 30 years.
24. Mr Daud recently forgot his 70th birthday. He also Depression
complaints of listlessness most of the time and had
recently lose some weight. He is physically active but used
to smoke in his younger days. He stopped smoking when
his younger brother who had hypertension asked him to.
25. 35 y/o lady, fearful after her friends died of sudden heart Panic disorder
attack. She developed sudden shortness of breath,
palpitation, sweating and feels like collapsing.
26. 78 y/o man had difficulty takes care of himself. He was still Problem with daily
not clean after bathed himself. functioning.
27. Mrs A, 70 years old lady presence with progression Alzheimer
memory loss. She has difficulty finding her own bedroom
and forgets the names of her own children. No significant
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41. The medical students are asked to see the vaccine Vaccine handling &
monograph. use
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73. 20 years old male just came back from jungle trekking. He Eschar Typhus
has fever and headache. Examination revealed fever
74. 24 years old woman had throbbing headache. It was Migraine
associated with nausea, vomiting, and light flaring right
visual field on both eyes. Other examinations are normal.
75. A 60-year-old woman presented with bitemporal headache . Giant cell arteritis
and blurring of vision. She also had pain when combing
her hair. Investigation revealed raised erythrocyte
sedimentation rate
76. A 30-year-old obese woman presented with headache and Benign intracranial
diplopia. On eye examination, there is papilledema. hypertension
Physical examination revealed that she was alert with no
focal neurological symptoms and signs
77. She has 4 days of fever, hepatomegaly, came back from Dengue fever
78. Black colour stool, board like rigidity, on medication for perforated peptic
knee pain ulcer
79. 10 times diarrhoea, left iliac fossa pain ulcerative colitis
80. A 50-year-old obese businessman presented with cough Gastroesophageal
for past 3 months. He was given antihistamine, reflux disorder
bronchodilator, and corticosteroid but still the cough did not
improve. The cough was worst at early morning.
81. A 28-year-old man with history of diarrhoea alternating with Irritable bowel
constipation for four months. Abdominal examination syndrome
revealed no bleeding and no abnormalities.
82. A 60-year-old man presented with history of alternating Colon carcinoma
diarrhoea and constipation. He had loss of weight and loss
of appetite for the past months. He passed out stool with
mucus. He had history of diarrhoea when taking dairy
products in the past. On examination, he looked pale. His
abdominal examination and per rectal examination were
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86. Afebrile, pain on micturition Renal calculi
87. Abdominal pain, no DM, no fever, ballotable kidney. Polycystic kidney
Positive proteinuria & blood in urine, subside one week disease
88. A woman has got flu and fever. She did a urine Glomerulonephritis
examination because she used to have dark coloured
urine after a case of sore throat when she was a child.
Urinalysis revealed proteinuria, but it subsides a week
89. Fever, rigor, loin pain Pyelonephritis
90. Right side abdominal pain, go to groin. Severe Ureteric colic
91. A 56-year-old man complained of hesitancy and difficulty Urethral stricture
in maintaining smooth flow over the past three months. In
the past, he has been treated for gonorrhoea and
underwent endoscopy for painful haematuria. Per rectal
examination was normal
92. A 16-year-old boy had mild upper respiratory tract infection Glucose-6-
and was given cephalosporin. 3 days later, he came back phosphate
to the doctor and presented with dark coloured urine. On dehydrogenase
physical examination, he looked yellowish and had deficiency anaemia
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97. An alcoholic man fell asleep on couch with arm hanging Radial nerve
the arm rest. He cannot dorsiflex and loss of sensation at
the lateral 3 digits and dorsal part of hand
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100. 70-year-old man wanted to do PSA test after his best friend Grade D.
died of prostate Ca. He consulted you if he should do the Recommended
PSA test. According to the UPSTF, what should you against
recommend him?
101. 50 years old men, asymptomatic, came for colorectal Grade A
cancer screening because friend had colon cancer. He
reluctant to get scope into his gut. Dr suggest doing annual
faecal occult blood test. What is the grade of
recommendation by UPSTF?
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Edward, a 38-year-old salesman presented to his GP with discomfort passing urine for the
past few days, since returning from a conference in Vietnam. He had been married with his
wife for 5 years and was blessed with a son. (As discussed, time Role Play session)
1. List and explain how you want to manage this patient according to the steps of
1) Do investigation: urinalysis, urine culture and sensitivity
2) Prescribe analgesics, antibiotics
3) Ask to bring her spouse for screening as well.
2. You suggested Edward to bring his wife so that she could be treated, otherwise she might
suffer from long term harm. Edward insisted he did not want to tell his wife about the extra
marital sex he had in Vietnam. List two medical ethics you need to apply in this situation.
1) Confidentiality
2) Patient autonomy
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Mr Xavier aged 65 years was seen by one of the part time general practitioners (GPs) in the
Klinik ABC, Dr Zachary. He complained of a two-week history of productive cough with yellow
sputum. When he consults a GP, he was only given (could not remember which medication).
Mr Xavier was quite unsatisfied and meet another GP. At that time, he was given, another
medication (could not remember the name). After two to three days, Mr Xavier’s condition
becomes worse. He then went back to Klinik ABC and blaming the GP who treated him at the
first place.
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Madam Julia had successfully delivered her baby in Hospital XYZ. Upon examination, both of
her and her child was in good condition. The doctor then discharged her. After one week,
Madam Julia come back to meet the doctor with chief complaint of fever (39C) and lower
abdominal pain.
1) FBC
2) Ultrasound of transvaginal (detailed smaller part) / transabdominal (wider view)
3) High vaginal swab for culture
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Male patient aged 20-year-old came to the clinic with sore throat, dry cough, fever. Runny
nose whitish colour. Upon examination, pharynx a bit injected. Dr diagnosed him as having
1) MDI salbutamol
2) MDI corticosteroid (budesonide, beclomethasone)
One advice should give to him: wear face mask while working (avoid the triggering factor)
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56 y/o female, lawyer came for diabetic follow up, obese. BP 140/90 mmhg. FBS 4.5 mmol/L.
Medication she is currently on metformin tablet 500mg TDS. She had xanthelasma under her
both lower eyelids.
She is a busy person. Had to go meeting here & there. Eat a little during lunch. Sometimes
skip lunch. Give advice to her regarding:
Investigation Reason
Hba1c To find out if her blood sugar level is well controlled
Liver profile Since she has xanthelasma, so we need to find out if she has
Renal profile test To check the kidney function
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Female patient, 28 y/o, primigravida, came for her first booking. LMP 27th July 2018
b) Name of the method to calculate the EDD and 2 criteria to use it.
Method- Naegele’s rule
• Must confirm her LMP
• Regular cycle of 28 days
c) Other than full blood count, name 2 other investigation done during first booking and for
what disease
Investigation Disease
VDRL Syphilis
Hep B Hep B
Rhesus factor, ABO blood grouping, urine dipstick (check glucose and protein) also
d) From the ix, her Hb is 10.1 mmol/. Low so Dr prescribe her drug. Name of the drug
Tablet ferrous fumarate 300mg
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Mrs X, a 40-year-old woman just gave birth to her first child 6 weeks ago. The antenatal history
and delivery were uneventful. She had no past medical and surgical history. Her father had
hypertension. She is not smoking and non-alcoholic. She is currently breastfeeding the baby.
2. State 3 suitable histories that you want to elicit from this patient.
1) Past medical history (hypertension, venous thromboembolism, breast disease)
2) Allergy history (progesterone, latex, copper)
3) Menstrual history – any unexplained vaginal bleeding
4) Drug history (antibiotics –rifampicin; epilepsy drugs-carbamazepine, phenytoin,
phenobarbital; antiretrovirals)
3. State 3 other physical examinations that you would like to do and give a reason for each.
4. Mrs X would like an easy, free, painless, with no side effects yet effective method of
contraception. Give one such method and advise her on how to accomplish it.
Breastfeeding method (lactational amenorrhoea). Ask her to breastfeed the child
exclusively for 6 months.
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Mdm Sundari, a 28-year-old housewife, presented to your health clinic with complaint of
contraction since yesterday. She was currently 32 weeks into her first pregnancy. She was
sure of her dates. She had no significant past medical, surgical, and family history. She is a
non-alcoholic and non-smoker.
2. State 3 significant symptoms that you would like to ask her to help you to arrive to a
provisional diagnosis.
1) Is it intermittent regular contraction which increase in frequency and duration?
2) Presence of show (mucus + blood)
3) Presence of leaking liquid
4) Any fever?
3. No significant history was revealed. You then moved to physical examination. State 4
physical examinations that you would like to do and give a reason for each.
4. Her physical examination was unremarkable. There is no indication to refer her to hospital.
State the most likely diagnosis.
Braxton Hicks contractions
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Mrs Zara brought her 6-month-old child to health clinic for follow up and vaccination. She
missed her child last scheduled check-up but completed others prior to that.
1. State the age of her child when she missed the scheduled check-up. 5 months old
2. List the infections that can be prevented with the vaccine which her child missed.
a. Diphtheria
b. Tetanus
c. Acellular Pertussis
2) Polio (inactivated polio vaccine)
3) Haemophilus influenza type B
4) Hepatitis B
3. The child was found to be healthy with no contraindications for vaccination. So, the doctor
decided to give the child the missed vaccination in this session.
4. The child was also scheduled for another vaccination at her current age (6-month-old).
a) Name the vaccine that a 6-month-old should receive: Pneumococcal vaccine strain
10 and measles if in Sabah
b) State which dosage of the vaccine should be received. 2nd dosage
c) State the amount of dosage of the vaccine should be received by that child throughout
his life according to the schedule. 3 dosages (4th month, 6 months, 15 months)
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a) Describe how the doctor can give the vaccine above to the child with the missed
Give both at the same time at different locations or give it a month later to avoid
any reactions.
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MEQ 10
Mrs Christy was a 60-year-old retired teacher. She was referred to your Diabetic Clinic after
found to have diabetes mellitus in her previous check-up.
1. List 4 aspects in history that you would like to ask to look for any predisposing factors.
1) Lifestyle (sedentary: diet, exercise)
2) Drug history (hyperglycaemic drugs: steroid, hydrochlorothiazide)
3) Family history of diabetes mellitus
4) Weight history (obesity, overweight)
5) Obstetric history (gestational diabetes mellitus, macrosomia)
6) History of impaired fasting glucose/impaired glucose tolerance
2. Describe 3 systems that should you assess in physical examination for this patient.
a) General To calculate body mass index, waist circumference, and
examination check feet for non-healing wounds.
b) Eye examination
To look for diabetic retinopathy and cataract
To check blood pressure for hypertension, look for signs
c) Cardiovascular
of peripheral vascular diseases (diminished peripheral
pulses) and cardiomegaly
d) Nervous system
To assess peripheral neuropathy (loss of sensations)
3. She had a weight of 70 kg with height of 160 cm. Her blood investigations were done. Her
HbA1c level is 8% and her fasting blood sugar is 8 mmol/L. List 3 other investigations that you
would like to do for this patient with reason.
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4. State the drug you would give to this patient to control her diabetes mellitus and the target
level for her to achieve in fasting blood sugar.
Metformin. The target level is 4.4 to 6.1 mmol/L.
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MEQ 11
For 6 months, 76-year-old male, having slow movement and walking in smaller steps. He is
on hydrochlorothiazide for mild hypertension, simvastatin for hypercholesterolemia and
sedative to help for sleep. His BP is 150/70 mmHg, has slow tone speech but clear but noted
tremors during resting. He has rigidity on his lower limbs and slow upon standing.
(a) Based on history and physical examination, what other chronic medical condition he
suffered from?
Parkinson’s disease / multi-infarct dementia / multi-infarct syndrome
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MEQ 12
30 y/o teacher just delivered her baby 8 months ago. She wants contraception. She has no
medical illness and not smoking. Preferred contraception with no medication and not a device.
3) 2 contraindications of IUCD
1. Can cause allergic reaction for those who allergic to copper
2. Cannot be used for those having current STD/PID
4) Most common material used for IUCD in health care & time effective.
1. Mirena – 5 years
2. Copper – 5 and 10 years
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MEQ 13
55 y/o gentleman, 1st time coming to the clinic for hypertension follow up. No history of
dyslipidaemia and diabetes mellitus.
1) 4 details history.
1. Drug history
2. Family history – any DM/HTN/CVD
3. Social history – occupation?
4. Lifestyle history – diet, exercising
2) Comment on blood pressure 150/92, waist circumference 95cm, and BMI 30.
BP, BMI high
3) 3 management measures
1. Increase dose of hypertensive drug
2. Lifestyle modifications
3. Refer dietician
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MEQ 14
Mr Ahmad, 76 years old, brought by his daughter to clinic. He complained of dizziness for a
while on getting up from bed. Take Hydrochlorothiazide, simvastatin, aspirin and sleeping pills
for insomnia. Have stroke 3 months ago
Associated with postural Be careful and take more care from getting up of the
hypotension bed/chair
Hypokalaemia, Ensure adequate taking of potassium
hyponatremia (supplement/take vegetables high in K+)/ change to
(hydrochlorothiazide) another anti-hypertensive drug
Drowsiness- side effect Counsel for other way to sleep
from sleeping tablets
Side effect of aspirin- Change to another anti-platelet drugs
anemia (GI bleeding)
Stroke cause imbalance Physiotherapy-improve muscular strength /Use aid
(weak limb) when standing or walking/ slower pace at home
ii. Briefly describe 2 measures for his daughter for her own self-care (to cope with stress)
1) Learnt about her father illness – so that she will be more confident to do
2) Maintain her psychological wellbeing by talk to counsellor
3) Have regular break for herself
4) Get support from friends, relatives, and any NGO
5) Looking for herself well physically: exercise regularly and take nutrition
6) Maintain hobby for relaxation
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MEQ 15
Mrs Ain had her 1st baby (6weeks) uneventful pregnancy, not breastfeeding and wanted
contraception. She is non-smoker
2) Barrier
4) Implanon
• Keen to take oral contraceptives, last period 1 week ago. How to administer?
Miss OCP for 3days but doesn't have SI for 1 week. Preventive measures she should take
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MEQ 16
60 years old pensioner newly diagnosed as diabetes mellitus in public health clinic
v. Diabetic drug
Tablet Metformin 500 mg BD
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MEQ 17
ii. Details history from mother before giving immunization and why?
• Previous allergy reaction to any vaccine to avoid anaphylaxis
• Completed previous immunization- ensure no missed vaccine
• Any current illness-high fever so that postpone vaccination
• Adverse effect after any vaccine- example febrile fit
• Immunocompromised state (undergone any chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
steroids, active hiv) because it is a contraindication for live vaccine
• Drug hx – on steroid treatment / immunoglobulin
• Take any live vaccine pass 1 month? If yes do not give another live vaccine
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MEQ 18
2. Doctor decided to give vaccines: Pneumococcal vaccine 2nd dose and Measles 1st
dose if in Sabah
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MEQ 19
3 years old, 4 days fever, 37.4-degree Celsius, no rash.
1) Remove mosquito habitat (clear up old tyres, clean clogged drains, put
larvicides in unused water)
2) Fogging
3) Use mosquito netting
4) Wear protective clothing (long sleeve shirt & long trousers)
• How to take care of him?
1. Bed rest
2. Give Paracetamol (analgesic & antipyretic)
3. Give adequate water & fluid
4. If patient develop gum bleeding and/or epistaxis, come back to see
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MEQ 20
Mr Ahmad complaint of productive cough with white copious sputum, work in factory
2. Management
1. Ask him to change department that does not involve him with dusty
environment in the factory
2. Tell him that this is due to occupational causes (Pneumoconiosis).
3. Tell him not to worry as it can be cured if he avoids the trigger factors
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MEQ 21
Hypertension first appointment in your clinic. BP 150/100mmHg, height 170cm, weight 90kg,
smokes 5 sticks per day.
1. Aspect of history
a. Ask for other underlying comorbidities (Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperlipidaemia)
b. Family history of comorbidities
c. Assess target organ damage symptoms (Brain, Eye, Heart, Renal)
d. Assess prevention control (lifestyle, diet, BP machine at home)
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*GINA guidelines
** Uncontrolled asthma = ≥3 of partially controlled
c. What are the causes (triggering factors) for her asthma?
i. Pollution (Smoke, dust)
ii. Pollen
iii. Pets
iv. Cold weather
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MEQ 23
Madam Fauziah presented with Diabetes Mellitus and need to continue medications.
2. Mr Wong came from the Great Eastern Insurance called to inquire about Madam
Fauziah’s illness. What are the 2-medico legal or ethical issues involved?
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MEQ 24
Patient came with the complaint of throbbing headache, progressively worsening, exacerbated by
movements, has not enough sleep recently and feeling comfortable at dark room.
1) Provisional diagnosis
2) Differential diagnosis
1) Cluster headache
2) Tension headache
1) T. Sumatriptan 100mg
2) T. Aspirin x1/52
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1) Reassurance – Assure the patient whether the cholesterol reading is high or normal
2) Advice – Advice on low saturated fat and cholesterol diet, practice healthy lifestyle
like exercise for 150 mins/week
3) Prescription – T. Lovastatin 5mg ON x3/12
4) Investigation – ECG
5) Observation – Follow up after 3 months to assess cardiovascular risk & to recheck
cholesterol level
6) Prevention – Pap Smear, Mammogram (if elderly woman)
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MEQ 26
52 years old businessman, previously on follow up at Johor Bharu for hypertension for 10 years, came
to your GP for hypertensive medication. He was previously on 100mg of hydrochlorothiazide and B
blocker (atenolol)
On examination, blood pressure was 150/100 mmHg, obese, pulse rate is low, presence of nicotine
stain on the finger. He is having muscle weakness and shortness of breath on brisk walking but no
symptoms of chest pain
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c. Prescribe
i. Patient is already having bradycardia and muscle weakness due to
hydrochlorothiazide and atenolol
ii. Consider other types of antihypertensive medication
iii. Can replace with ACE Inhibitors since patient’s age is less than 55 years old
d. Referral
i. Refer to dietician
ii. Refer to quit smoking clinic
e. Investigation
i. Fasting lipid profile
ii. Fasting blood sugar
iii. Renal profile
iv. ECG
f. Observation
i. Follow up this patient 2 or 3 months once to monitor the blood pressure and
smoking status
g. Prevention
i. CVD risk factor screening
ii. Exercise
iii. Workplace = Wear PPE
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MEQ 27
A 35-year-old woman presented with right leg swelling for the past 3 days. She had a C-section done
5 years ago for her 2nd child
1) What are the further questions that you would like to ask this patient regarding her swelling?
1) Is there any pain?
2) Onset?
3) Progression?
4) Has the swelling increased in size?
5) Any history of insect bite?
6) Any history of walking without shoes or slippers on bare soil
7) History of trauma to the leg
8) Any medical illness?
1) DVT
2) Cellulitis
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MEQ 28
Mr Lee 63 years old treated with hypertension for 15 years ago. He was on Hydrochlorothiazide 25
mg OD. Blood pressure is not well control. His GP added Amlodipine 5mg OD but complaining bilateral
lower limb swelling for 3 months. He just returned from Japan but cannot tolerate to cold weather.
1) List 4 aspects in history that should be asked to determine the cause of the ankle swelling
1) Acquire symptoms for any symptoms of heart failure or heart disease (SOB,
orthopnoea, PND)
2) Symptoms (stigmata) of liver disease
3) Renal problems (including past medical history of it)
4) Any alcohol consumption
5) Drugs history such as Amlodipine (for side effect) – headache, flushing, feeling tired,
swollen ankles
2) Management
R → explain BP is high, not well controlled and he’s obese. Cause of swelling is due to drugs.
Reassure the swelling will resolve after stopping the drug
A → reduce weight. Regular exercise
P → Stop amlodipine. Start on ACEI (perindopril). Continue HCTZ.
R → Quit smoking clinic
I →Fasting lipid profile, FBG, ECG, TFT
O→ Follow up to reassess the BP, the ankle swelling, to review blood ix
P → colon ca screening
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MEQ 29
50 y/o men had HTN for 5 years came to KK with a chief complaint of leg swelling for 1 month. His BP
is 140/90 and PR 60 bpm. Today, his BP is 150/90 mmHg has pedal edema, BMI 30. He is on T.
amlodipine 10mg OD and T. simvastatin 20mg ON.
2. State 3 investigations for his pedal edema and give reasons each
1) Renal profile TRO renal impairment
2) Urinalysis – proteinuria (Nephrotic syndrome)
3) ECG – ischemic changes (ACS)
4) LFT – hypoalbuminemia
5) CXR – cardiomegaly
6) Doppler ultrasound- to exclude DVT
4. Give one antihypertensive drug for this patient and give reason
1) Diuretic – help in pedal edema (side effect of amlodipine)
2) ACEI – better in person age <55 years old
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MEQ 30
40 y/o mother delivered her third baby normally. No past medical and surgical history. She is not
breastfeeding her baby and she is a chronic smoker.
3. List 3 physical finding you aspect to see in this patient and give reasons
1) BMI increase - Obese
2) Breast lump – oestrogen can increase the size of breast lump
3) Calf tenderness – DVT (hypercoagulability common after delivery)
4) Decrease air entry – chronic smoker may cause obstructive lung disease.
4. This contraception is reversible, easy, painless, and effective for a few years.
1) Implanon
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MEQ 31
Mr A brought his 6-month-old child to KK to assess his development milestone. He come from a large
family. He is Chinese while his wife is Malay and maid Indonesian. They are spoken in multiple
languages at home.
1. List 4 major areas of development milestone and state DM in 1 year old child
The child can say no word other than papa and mama at 18 months old. He is cooing and babbling at
appropriate age. He has no medical illness.
3. What is the most likely reason for his lack of words at 16 month old.
Different multiple languages spoken in the house the baby need a longer time to interpret it
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MEQ 32
46-year-old woman had chest discomfort and palpitation. She is worried that she might have heart
problem. She is a full-time teacher, struggling to take care of her children as her maid is left and her
husband is going for outstation.
Her height is 150 cm and weight are 65 kg, BP 130/80 mmHg. Thyroid function test, FBS and lipid
profile was normal.
PAP SMEAR -> In Malaysia, women who are sexually active aged 20 to 65 years old
recommended to do pap smear. If first 2 consecutives test are negative, screening every 3
years are recommended.
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4. 4 immediate management
a) Morphine
b) Oxygen
c) IV Nitrite (GTN)
d) Aspirin 300 mg
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MEQ 34
Mr Nathan, 39 years old, presented to general practitioner because of his low back pain for two weeks.
He was a long-distance lorry driver. He often lifted heavy goods from the lorry. He watched television
mostly on his free time. He was a cigarette smoker. No previous illness.
2. Based on the history, Mr Nathan’s back pain has no radiation. State the location of the low back
Lumbosacral area
3. Three risk factors for the low back pain based on the history.
1) Sedentary lifestyle
2) Cigarette smoking
3) Lack of exercise
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MEQ 35
Mr Lim was brought to Dr Wong’s clinic by his daughter because of reduced oral intake for the past 2
weeks. Mr Lim was wheelchair bounded and had difficulty in speech for 2 years ago after he suffered
from a stroke. However, his cognitive function was normal and could communicate through writing
(Broca aphasia). On examination, his pulse was 90 bpm and blood pressure 110/160. He looked pale.
His abdomen was soft and no mass palpable. There was no melena. His HB was 6g/dl.
Dr Wong decided to admit Mr Lim for further investigation and blood transfusion. However, the
daughter refused admission as she claimed that her father disliked hospital admission.
a. State the ethical issue and the ethical principle involved in the scenario above? (2 marks)
1) Ethical issue: Mr Lim’s daughter refused for hospital admission on behalf of his father
2) Ethical principal: Patient’s autonomy
b. State 3 information that should be given to patient and his daughter to assist them in making
informed consent regarding the admission for blood transfusion. (3 marks)
1) Current condition and complication: Mr Lim has severe anaemia which can give rise to
potential complication like heart failure
2) Procedure: Explain about blood transfusion procedure
3) Benefits: compensate the blood circulation
After the counselling, Mr Lim and his daughter agreed for admission. His daughter requested for a MC
for herself as she could not return to her workplace to resume her work.
c. Would Mr Lim’s daughter eligible for a MC? State your reason. (2 marks)
No, because she is not sick.
55 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 37
Pain in urination, yellow & cloudy urine. Come back from Bangkok. Early morning stiffness.
1. Relevant history?
• Sexual history – unprotected sexual history, promiscuity.
• Any medical illness?
56 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
56 years old male. Working with machine. Currently on metformin 250mg TDS.
Symptomatic – polyuria. Missed tablet. A smoker. Not exercise.
BP: 130/90
BMI: 28
FBS: 8.6
HbA1c: 9.12
1. DM controlled?
• Uncontrolled DM
2. How to reassure?
• Comfort him; tell him that his DM can still be controlled with lifestyle modification
& drug compliance.
3. Advice?
• Need to be compliant to drug. Stop smoking. Exercise regularly. Reduce weight.
4. Prescription?
• Reduce frequency + increase dose.
• Tablet Metformin 500mg BD.
5. Refer?
• Stop smoking clinic.
• Dietician.
57 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
7. Prevention?
1) Faecal occult blood test (FOBT) – for colon cancer
2) CVS risk factors (weight management, smoking, sedentary lifestyle)
3) Prevention of injury (wear boots-PPE, wear ear plug)
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A) 36 years old, right ankle sprain at work (industrial accident). He didn’t go to work for the past 3
weeks. Ask for mc for 3 weeks.
59 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 40
• Calculi
• Cystitis
• Urethritis
c. What diagnostic test in (GP setting) would you order to confirm your diagnosis
• Urine dipstick or UFEME
• Urine culture & sensitivity
60 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 41
42 years old man presented with history of cough and high fever for 2 days. He denies of having sore
throat. No significant history and social history other than he are a smoker, he used to smoke 20
cigarettes per day since he was 15 years old.
On physical examination, his temperature is 39 degrees Celsius, pulse rate 100 per minute, blood
pressure 130/70 mmHg, respiratory rate 30 breath per minute, on chest expansion it is symmetrical
on both sides but shallow (indicate that patient is having pleuritic chest pain as deep breath can make
the chest pain worse), the trachea is at the centre.
61 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
62 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 42
20 years old, male, a known case of bronchial asthma for 5 years. He was on: MDI Beclomethasone
200mg BD, MDI Salbutamol 200mg prn. For the last few days/weeks, he had used his MDI Salbutamol
for 3 times. He was also unable to join his favourite mountain biking activities. PEFR? 70%. Upon
presentation, he was well. No significant finding in physical examination.
2) 3 Possible reasons:
1) Drugs: Poor compliance, wrong inhaler technique
2) Triggers: Exposure to allergens
3) Smoking
4) Infection: Any associated symptoms such as fever and haemoptysis. To rule out TB
and Pneumonia
3) No remarkable findings in the history and physical exam. What is the most possible reason of his
condition? Ans: Drugs were not enough --> need to step up
63 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 43
A 28-year-old lady come to a Public Primary Care Clinic for pap smear. Her last pap smear done 1
year ago, and the result was negative and was asked to repeat pap smear 3 yearly. She has 1 child
and has been taking OCP since last 3 years. She was told by her friend that taking OCP can increase
risk of getting cervical cancer. There is no FMH of cervical cancer.
Question 1: She insisted to repeat the pap smear. What is your respond to the patient? Explain to the
Answer: It is true that the patient on OCP can increase the risk of getting Cervical Ca by 3x,
but the main cause of Cervical Ca is Human Papilloma Virus.
Question 2: List down the aspects of Fundamental Ethics and the details
Answer: JITA-CB
1. Justice (equity) - need to treat equally regardless of race, ethnic or religion.
2. Autonomy
3. Informed consent
4. Truth telling
5. Confidentiality
6. Beneficence - do good, do no harm
Question 3: If the doctor does the cervical smear as being requested by the patient, what are the
benefits doctor and patient get?
Doctor - gain trust
Patient - less worry, help patient to detect cervical cancer early
1. For doctor: inappropriate use of source
2. For patient: patient is subjected to unnecessary discomfort
64 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Patient mention about tumour markers (Ca 125) and request to do it, but willing to pay by herself.
Question 4: How do you response to the patient request? Name the fundamental issue.
Truth telling - tumour marker test is not a screening or diagnostic test. It is performed to
monitor the progression of the disease. So, it is not recommended for the patient to do it.
MEQ 44
55 years old, complain of acute chest pain 40 min. Just came back from mecca 2 days ago, well, and
healthy. No comorbid, pulse normal. BP 140/95. Total cholesterol high. LDL is high also.
On ECG - ST elevation lead ii,iii and AVF with st depression lead 1 ,AVL ,v5 ,v6
3. Immediate management:
1. Set iv drip
2. Nitrite – Sublingual/ iv GTN
3. Iv morphine
4. Oxygen
5. Fibrinolytic – Tenecteplase, streptokinase
6. Primary percutaneous intervention
65 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 45
Patient on diabetic follow up. Medication Tablet Metformin 1 g. FBS 4.5, BP 140/80 mmhg, height 150
cm, weight 65 kg, on examination patient have xanthelasma.
2. Always skip lunch because of busy schedule. She admitted to have shaking ,tremor of hand Give
reason and cause of her symptoms – hypoglycaemia due to low glucose in body
1) Compliance to medication
2) Eat healthily – good portion and on time
66 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 46
54 years old man come for follow up for hypertension. Continue to take antihypertensive drugs and
satisfied with the drugs.
1) Give TWO target organs affected with hypertension and ONE Symptom that you would like to elicit
for each organ.
• Kidney – dysuria
• Heart – chest pain
Pregnant woman, at 28 weeks (this is her third pregnancy) was found to have a trace of glucose in
her urine.
1. 3 Differential diagnosis.
1) History
• Any polyuria?
• Any polydipsia?
• Thirsty more than usual?
• Any fever?
• Any abdominal pain?
• Urinalysis
Finding normal for the ix above.
5. Colour code
• Green
68 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 48
A 42-year-old diabetic man was admitted to the ED for worsening scrotal and perineal pain for over
three days. He also had nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting.
69 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
a) Describe how the doctor can give the vaccine above to the child with the missed vaccination.
Give both at the same time at different locations or give it a month later to avoid any
70 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 36-year-old lady presented with fever and chill during postnatal check-up. She just delivered her
baby 3 days ago. She was allowed to go home after delivery.
1) Mastitis
2) Endometriosis
(b) Apart from perineal exam, what other systems to be examined and its finding.
2) Breast examination
71 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 50
36 years old, right ankle sprain at work (industrial accident). He didn’t go to work for the past 3
weeks. Asking for mc for 3 weeks.
72 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 51
Mrs. Kim 52-year-old teacher, referred to GP because she was found anemic during checkup for
blood donation. She had history palpitations and breathlessness on exertion. She thought it was due
to anxiety due to her stress at work. She also complained she had indigestion on and off and taking
antacids in nearby pharmacist.
2. History to elicit
1) Fatigue?
2) Loss of consciousness?
3) Any medical illness?
4) Any family history of Thalassemia?
5) More details history of drug
3. Differential diagnosis
4. Relevant investigations
1) Serum ferritin
2) Hb electrophoresis
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MEQ 52
Patient was on Amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide. All examinations are normal. Bp 140/90 except
creatinine 108 to 140.
74 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 53
18-year-old girl complaints of episodes of recurrent headaches for past 1 year. The headache was
unilateral, temporal region and described as "hammer-banging her head". She had nausea and
photophobia. She noticed these symptoms appear when she is sleep-derived, hungry, and stressed
out. These symptoms were disabling till she cannot go to class and had to "sleep it off". She had
these symptoms most frequent nearing her SPM examination.
She has these episodes 2-3 times per month. After her SPM examination, she still had recurrent
headaches. Her mother also has headaches. She looked well and physical examinations were
unremarkable. She had frequent abdominal discomfort during childhood but resolved on its own.
She consulted you if it’s a sinister cause. She wanted to do a brain scan.
1. Chronic migraine
2. Unilateral headache associated with photophobia (typical presentation migraine)
3. Relieved by rest in a dark room
4. Family history of migraine (mother)
1. Loss of consciousness
2. Projectile vomiting
3. Personality changes
4. Neurological symptoms or deficits such as parasthesia or paralysis
5. Aggravated by movement
6. Presence of fever (meningitis)
7. Seizures
8. Post-trauma injury
75 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
R- Explain patient its migraine, common condition, not likely brain Ca or something serious.
no need brain scan
A- Rest in dark quiet room. Stress management. Time management. Get enough sleep. Avoid
triggering factor, such as bright light, strong odors.
R- no need now
I- No need now
MEQ 54
Low back pain, after lifted a cement pack, moderate pain, sharp in nature, radiate to back of his legs,
aggravated by movements, relieved by rest
76 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 55
70 years, dizziness upon getting up from bed in the morning (on/off) for the past 3 days after a bout of
diarrhea episode. She described the symptoms as near black out.
• Near black out, think of possible system involve CNS: Transient Ischemic Attack, CVS: MI,
Cardiac arrythmia
No Spinning sensation (vertigo), from position changes (ask history of vision problems etc). She has
U/L HTN and currently on Hydrochlorothiazide. BP examination today is 140/90 mmHg. Investigation
normal. She lives alone, all children are abroad.
1. Probable dx
Orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension) secondary to dehydration
2. 2 Differential Dx
Transient ischemic attack, Myocardial infarction, Cardiac arrythmia
77 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 56
3. Diagnosis
Non bullous Impetigo
4. Name 2 causes
Streptococcus Pyogenes, Staph Aureus
6. Prevention of recurrence
Finish antibiotics, treat condition properly, wash hands with antibiotics, cut nails, treat
the source of infections, practice hygiene (cut nails, hand clean, wash with soap,
identify and treat source of infection, treat carrier site)
78 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
7. Prevention of transmission
Stay away from schools 24hrs until crust is dried, cover wet towel, regular hand
washing, wash your towel regularly
MEQ 57
A 35-year-old man came to clinic complaining of Upper Abdominal Pain for two days and loss of
appetite. Last night he vomited food particles once. He could only tolerate small number of fluids. He
had several similar symptoms last 3 years since he started to work as a salesman. He also has
frequent headaches, and he smokes 10 cigarettes per day.
1. 2 Probability Dx
Acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, AGE, food poisoning
2. 2 Red flag
Acute appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis
3. 2 Often missed
Depression, anemia, Anxiety
5. Management
79 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 58
A 32 y/o man had travelled to Vietnam, had an affair. He had sexual intercourse with his wife. Went
to the GP and was diagnosed with gonorrhoea. Dr advice to bring his wife to test for gonorrhoea but
he refused to tell his wife about his affair.
A) Ethical principle for the patient regarding not telling the wife about the affair.
B) Ethical principle for not telling the truth to his wife.
The husband said his wife was due for her medical check-up follow-up, so he asked the doctor to
diagnose his wife as urinary tract infection but give gonorrhoea treatment.
C) Based on this situation, give 2 ethical principles and details on the GP action.
1) Truth telling, you need to tell the truth with no lies.
2) Autonomy/Consent, need to get consent to do investigation and treatment.
The patient did not come for follow up for nine months. Later, the patient came in with a depressed
face as his recent HIV test came out positive. He did not tell his wife regarding the gonorrhoea as his
wife is asymptomatic. Currently, his wife is 4 months pregnant with their first child.
E) List four aspects the GP should discuss with the patient after HIV counselling.
1) Report to medical teams.
2) Advice the patient to tell his wife within 2 days.
3) Practice a protective sex like using condoms.
4) Refer him to HIV clinic
80 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 59
A 46-year-old male has been attending follow up for the past 18 months for elevated blood pressure.
His blood pressure fluctuates between 130/90 mmhg- 160/110mmhg. He is asymptomatic.
Recently, he was promoted to regional sales manager in a pharmaceutical shop. His wife is a
homemaker. He has two children who are college students. He smoked 20 cigarettes per day but
didn't drink alcohol.
The blood pressure for the current visit is 150/85mmhg, height: 150cm, weight:72kg.
Lipid profile finding:
• Total cholesterol: high
• HDL: normal
• LDL: high
• Triglyceride: normal
2. State 2 different target organ damage due to hypertension with manifestation of the complications.
• Heart
• Kidney
3. State two relevant investigations to check for the target organ damages.
• Renal function test
4.State two non-pharmacological interventions relevant to the scenario. Be specific where appropriate.
• Stop smoking
• Stress management
5. State the treatments with the starting dose you want to initiate.
Tablet Perindopril 2 mg OD
81 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 60
A 19-year-old female came to the health clinic with fever and chills for 3 days. She also developed
rashes and backache which is not relieved by paracetamol.
Examination was done. Her temperature was 37.8. pulse 88. bp 110/80. NS-1 antigen was positive.
you also noticed there is petechiae at the cubital fossa. state your management
• R: explain to the patient that she had been infected with dengue. Reassure that it can
be treated with medication
• A: drink plenty of water and have a good rest at home
• P: tab paracetamol 1 gm qid x 5/7 (NSAIDs are contraindicated in dengue!!)
• R: no referral needed. Must notify pejabat kesihatan daerah
• I: fbc, coagulation study,
• O: daily monitoring of symptoms
• P: wear long sleeve shirt whenever going out
82 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 61
10-year-old boy come to the public clinic because of his diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. He has mild
dehydration and treated as out-patient.
1. Fill in the table on the difference between mild and moderate dehydration according to given
indicators (refer Murtagh page 498)
2. Name 2 responsible organisms and the typical food they are usually associated with, in causing
food poisoning (refer Murtagh 491)
a. Staphylococcus aureus – custards and cream
b. Salmonella species – chicken/meat
3. Management: RAPRIOP
83 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 62
An 18-year-old veterinary student presented with wheezing and cough with whitish sputum for the past
2 months. He has history of childhood eczema, and her mother has asthma. Two months ago, she
started her industrial training in a chicken farm. Dr diagnose him with bronchial asthma.
3. State one diagnostic test which can be done in primary care setting and state its expected
a. Test: spirometry
b. Finding: FEV1/FVC post bronchodilator >12 %
4. Management – RAPRIOP
84 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
85 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
87 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A child was brought in by his mother with fever for 2 days and had refuse food since yesterday
evening. He takes only sips of milk. This morning his mother notices a rash on both ofhis hands.
The child was not toxic, has ulcers in his mouth and both his feet.
6 weeks 12 weeks
During the maneuver Head lag present Slight head lag present
After maneuver Heads occasionally bobs
Holds head up momentarily in
same plane as body
• Milestones: Head
and trunk control
• Developmental area:
Gross motor
89 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Follow the instruction from Doctor’s sheet for clinical skill labs
Take note:
a. Check the equipment (look, show and tell the examiner each equipment)
b. Label the slide
c. Explain the patient’s position CLEARLY and tell the patient to undress from waist
d. Choose the right size of speculum
e. Choose the right part of wooden spatula for the patient
Mrs Linda, 56 years old come to your clinic with itchiness on her left eye, her husband had
the same symptoms1 week ago. She has normal eyesight and is not a contact lens user.
1. Eye pain
2. Eye discharge
3. Eye redness
List 2 possible differential diagnosis that you would like to refer her to the ophthalmologist
90 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
List 4 clinical features (normal or abnormal) that you would like to include
Acute eye condition that makes you would like to refer her to ophthalmologist based on her
Final diagnosis
91 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
You recently consulted a 16-year-old girl and gave her OCP pills. She also has a boyfriend.
Based on your judgement she was matured enough to receive the pills (Gillicks competency)
. Today the mother of the girl gave you her visit and was demanding you to tell her regarding
her daughter’s OCP pills which she found with your name on it as the prescriber
• Do not ever reveal anything about the daughter or her personal information as well
as her medical notes. DO NOT reveal why she had was given an OCP.
• Even though the daughter was underage, you had given the OCP as you judged her
to be matured enough so you must respect and maintain confidentiality as how you
would treat an adult patient.
• Advise the mother to sit down with her family and discuss the issue with the daughter
• If that is not possible you can arrange a meeting for both to come and discuss this
matter with you.
• You can’t deny that you didn't give OCP to her daughter because of the OCP in your
clinic package and your name was there. This one was not considered break the
• If you told anything other than point above, you fail = (6/20)
• Benda2 yg buat kita fail.
o Bagitau dia dtg dgn siapa.
o Past record hx UTI and AGE acute
o She understands contraindications of OCP smua ni.
• Introducing yourself and addressing patient by name
• Nonverbal & verbal communication skill
• Appropriate use of language non-medical Jargon.
• Exploring patient reason for attendance about finding the OCP, wanting to know why
the Dr prescribed OCP to her daughter
• Able to respond the patient anger.
• Show willingness to talk and listen
• Allow pt. to ventilate her anger
• Respond appropriately to pt. consent and expectation, clarify pt. consent and
• Express willingness to help but maintain ethical principle and confidentiality
• Explore family, friend, and social relationships
• Show empathy and understanding pt. feel
• Ask for further queries or need any more clarification
92 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Summarized.
• Safety net.
• How to end this
• From my understanding the reason why you come today because you found the
OCP that was prescribed by me. I hear your frustration and I understand your
consent as well. But unfortunately, I must follow my ethical principle I cannot reveal
anything about the consultation I had with your daughter. I’m sorry about that. You
should try to approach your daughter again to ask her to come with you or if you
are willing, I can try to ask her if she okey to discuss this with you or she just come
in with you to discuss this together but unless I get a consent unfortunately, I were
not able to say anything else about the consultation. Do you anything else to ask?
Thank you
93 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
94 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
15. Recap the outer cap and removed together with the needle into the sharp bin or steel
16. How to store the insulin pen?
Not in the too cool or dry: fridge. Ok to keep in cupboard or drawer. Regarding the insulin
which has not been used yet, you may have to store them in the fridge.
17. “Can you understand?”
18. “Can you demonstrate to me based on what you understand?”
19. “Is there anything you would like to ask”
20. Explain about hypoglycaemia
o It is a condition when the glucose level in your blood is low.
o Signs and symptoms: sweating, lethargy, intense hunger, headache, confusion.
o What to do? = bring sweets / candy in your pocket
21. Suggest for home glucose monitoring
22. Thank you
• The statement was “I am here to teach you on how to use insulin Pen because oral
medication isn’t enough to control your DM”. No need to go through the history and
oral antidiabetic agent.
• Don’t say insulin PENSIL.
• See the name of the medication properly. Now, there was insulin Rapid, Insulin
Combo and Insulin Basal. (What we need at that time was Insulin Basal)
• If the insulin is cloudy, roll until UNIFORM, not until CLEAR.
• If roll horizontally, make sure the position is flat. If invert, invert it for 180 degrees.
• Swab @ tip of insulin cartridge, not at the outside/beyond
• Mention to do priming for 2 units.
• If you want to recap the outer cap, make sure to hold the cap at the lateral side.
• Explain to the patient to have a proper disposable puncture proof such as milo or
biscuit tin at home.
• If have time, explain about storage, hypoglycemic, blood glucose monito
• Fail if: Recap with small cap, not disposing sharp needle properly
95 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
96 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
97 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Otoscopy findings
1. Symptoms
a. Fever
b. Otalgia
c. Otorrhea (discharge)
d. Rabbling of ear
d. Pus accumulation
3. Commonest cause
4. Complications
a. Speech difficulty
b. Learning difficulty
c. Loss of hearing
6. Management
a. Painkiller: Paracetamol
b. Regular analgesia
98 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Mrs L, 56 years old come to your clinic with redness of her left eye, her
husband had the same symptoms 1 week ago. She has normal eyesight
and she is not a contact lens user.
1. Other symptoms
a. Eye discharges
b. Itchiness
c. Lacrimation
d. Swelling
a. Generalized
b. Clear cornea
5. Eye condition (red flag) / Acute eye condition that makes you would like
to refer her to ophthalmologist based on her history
99 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
7. Management
b. Proper hygiene
100 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
∙ 2 +ve:
o Injected uvula
o Uvula oedema
∙ 2 –ve:
o No tonsillar enlargement
d. Provisional diagnosis?
Acute viral pharyngitis. (If u left out acute, u only get half the marks)
101 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
e. 4 management measures
102 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
2. Explain about the session: “ I am going to guide you on how to use the glucometer in order
to determine the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood”
3. Equipment:
1) Glucometer
2) Test strips
3) Lancet holding device
4) Lancets
5) Alcohol swabs
6) Dry swabs
7) Yellow bin for disposal of sharps
8) Nonsterile gloves
5. “Can you understand?” “Can you demonstrate to me based on what you understand?” “is
there anything you would like to ask”
6. Thank you
103 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Indication to do PEFR:
1. Uncontrolled asthma
2. Based on asthma action plan
3. Based on Asthma diary
• Personal best is 400
• Highest PEFR = 350
• Percentage is 350/400 x 100 = 87.5 %
• Severity of asthma: mild bronchial asthma
• When can be use: every morning when you wake up
• Classification of asthma: mild, moderate, severe
104 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
What is his PEFR? Take the highest from the 3 readings given
Determine predicted value of his PEFR from chart given according to his height and age.
4 possible causes for his uncontrolled asthma?
1) Exposure to dusty environment
2) Improper inhaler technique
3) Non-compliance
4) Occupational factor
5) Wrong dosage
105 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
4. Before you use the device, always check it inside and out to make
sure that it is clean. You don’t want any dirt, dust, or fluff in the
5. If this is a new device, of if you haven’t used it for a week or more,
you’ll need to test it. To do this, shake it well.
6. Hold it away from you; press the top of the canister once to release
one puff into the air. It should produce a fine mist like this. If it
doesn’t, check that there’s nothing blocking the mouthpiece. If it is still
doesn’t work, you should speak to your pharmacist.
7. This is how to use the device. It may take a few goes before you get
the hang out of it. Just relax and don’t rush yourself. At first, you might
find it useful to use the device in front of a mirror. The aim is to inhale
the fine mist into your lungs.
8. Begin by shaking the device well
9. Then, hold it upright like this with your thumb on the base below
the mouthpiece.
10. Breathe out as far as you can without it feeling uncomfortable.
11. Then, place the mouthpiece in your mouth between your teeth. Close
your lips around the mouthpiece, but don’t bite it.
12. Start to breathe in as slowly as possible through your mouth. Just as
you do this, press down on the top of the canister to release a puff
while still breathing in steadily and deeply. Then, hold your breath
13. If you see mist coming from the top of the device or… from the
sides of your mouth, you’re doing it wrong, and you should start
14. Still holding your breath, take the device out of your mouth and your
finger away from the top of the canister. Continue holding your breath
106 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
for a few seconds more, or for as long as you can without it feeling
15. If you are meant to take another puff, shake the device again, and
repeat the whole process
16. When you are finished, always replace the mouthpiece cover by
snapping it back on.
17. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Spit out the water, do
not swallow.
18. If you have any problems using the device, please speak to your
pharmacist, nurse or doctor. Thank you.
EMQ ....................................................................................................................................... 108
MEQ ....................................................................................................................................... 110
MEQ 1 Intubation...................................................................................................................... 110
MEQ 2 Oxygenation ................................................................................................................. 112
MEQ 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 114
108 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
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3. An athlete was touching and rubbing his ankle with both Modulation of
hands to get relief from the ankle sprain, stimulating the spinal dorsal horn
A beta fibre which are larger than A delta fibre and C fibre ganglion
4. Bier’s block was done on upper limb with a tourniquet for Venous
a short surgery administration
5. Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthesia (EMLA) was given Covering the skin
to a child before inserting an IV line
6. Face to face with patient. Hard palate, soft palate, uvula, Mallampati Class II
fauces can be seen. Pillars not visible.
7. Epiglottis, posterior half of voice cord are visible Cormark-Lehane
Grade II
8. Moribund patient with road traffic accident needs urgent ASA V
9. Patient with mild hypertension come for facial surgery ASA II
10. Percentage of oxygen via Mouth to mouth 16%
11. Mild hypertension, prepared for emergency surgery of ASA IIE
ruptured appendicitis
12. Brain death emergency organ donation ASA IVE
13. Oxygen percentage given during preoxygenation. 88 – 90 %
14. On auscultation, air entry into left lung noticed, but absent Left Main Bronchus
in the right lung. No gurgling sound or other sound in Intubation
15. A lady planned for elective plastic surgery and had mild ASA II
DM under metformin. What is her ASA classification?
16. Dorsum of the hand is numb to give iv cannulation EMLA
17. Remove Foreign Body from eye Instillation
18. Percentage of oxygenated Hb with pvo2 75%
19. volume of exhale normal quietly 500ml
20. Total body water of a 70 kg man 42 L
21. Volume of third space 11L
22. This is the site where spinal cord ends. Between L1 and L2
23. The level of depression of nervous system is monitored in BIS monitor
general anesthesia
24. Monitor CO and peripheral resistance sphygmomanometer
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MEQ 1 Intubation
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MEQ 2 Oxygenation
Patient was sent for a surgery, and a general anaesthesia was performed.
1. Pre-oxygenation for this patient?
• Percentage
• Circuit
General anaesthesia circuit
• Duration
3 to 5 minutes
• Reason:
To wash out Nitrogen and for super-saturation of Oxygen in the lung, allowing
if prolong intubation needed.
4. State
• When is the time to inflate the cuff?
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A 65-year-old man need spinal anaesthesia for elective transurethral resection of prostate.
Blood pressure was 140/85mmHg, heart rate of 80 beats/min. On auscultation, there is
bilateral rhonchi heard. ECG showed mild ischemic heart disease. However, he is not keen to
do spinal anaesthesia.
ASA 3, Patient is currently having hypertension which has escalated to Chronic heart
failure being the presence of bilateral rhonchi heard
115 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Yes, patient has a severe systemic disease, hence preventing any exacerbation due to
After getting additional information about the spinal anaesthesia, you get consent from him to
do the procedure. After 25 minutes of operation, blood pressure dropped to 80/65mmHg, and
pulse rate was 100.
f) How many percentage of oxygen delivered through the bag valve mask?
116 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
You are the medical officer in a hospital. A man suddenly fell down 10 meters away from you
in your ward.
a) Based on National Committee of Resuscitation Training (NCORT), state first 2 steps that
you would need to do?
b) After you completed the steps above, state next 3 steps and how to do it?
117 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. State how this drug blocked neuromuscular junction and mention its duration of action
with standard dose.
Intubation was done successfully within 3 minutes and breathing returns after 2 minutes
2. Name the enzyme that metabolized suxamethonium and the reason it was possible.
Long-acting muscle relaxants were used during the operation. At the end of operation, the
anaesthetist used peripheral nerve stimulator to check residual action of relaxants.
Anaesthetists find that residual muscle relaxant action was still present. 2 drugs were used
to reverse it.
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Spinal anesthesia given to a patient. The heavy Marcaine blocked the transmission of
impulses in the mixed spinal nerves. Both the lower limbs became numb. Then, the
analgesia level rose to the umbilical level and the surgery for right inguinal hernia was
1. Mention the 3 types of fibers in the mixed spinal nerves blocked by the marcaine and the
119 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
As the time went on the level pain blockage was rising gradually. The BP was going down
2. Mention the effect of spinal anesthetic upon the systemic peripheral resistance, why it
3. Mention the effect of spinal anesthetic upon the capacity (size) of vascular compartment,
4. Mention reason of that inability, the effect upon the BP and the reason for that effect.
Finally, the level of analgesia rose to the nipple line. The BP fell more.
5. Mention the reason for the hypotension, how it occurred and how would you combat it.
120 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Ability of the heart to change its force of contraction and increases in length until a
1. The duration of compression (in minutes) which must be accomplished before changing
= 2 minutes
= 2 ventilations
= B fibers
4. These nerves crosses to the opposite side of the spinal cord and passes up to the
thalamus in the spinothalamic tract to the thalamus.
1. Mention the first step, to prevent your forearms from crossings each other.
2. Mention the second step regarding the facemask and why you do it.
121 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5. After gripping the mask and jaw with CE technique, mention the next important step you
would do.
= 1 SEC
122 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
ABCDEFG Auscultation at five areas, Breathing out fogs the tube, Chest expands
with inspiration, Direct visualization while intubating, Esophageal detector, F, Graph
of carbon dioxide, Had an X ray, TEE,
Oesophageal intubation
Right main bronchus intubation
Then either
123 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. Spontaneous respiration or
2. Controlled respiration by manual (bag squeezing) or mechanical ( ventilator)
About Mallampati
124 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
4. Using the index finger in the center and the thumb and the middle fingers stabilizing
the trachea.
5. Quite similar to the BURP procedure on the larynx.
6. the correct position and the cuff inflated.
1. Ensure airway patency
2. Protect airway from aspiration
Drugs in intubation
Asleep, Analgesic and Muscle relaxation
Depolarizing block, wear off by itself, Pseudo choline esterase, congenital absence,
Cormack Lehane
1. Grade I: full view of the cords
2. Grade II: partial view of the cords
3. Grade III: view of the epiglottis
4. Grade IV: No view of the cords or epiglottis
1. Where will you put the tip of the blade of the laryngoscope finally?
2. First at Oral opening, Right or left side? Why?
125 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
a. Cardiopulmonary Arrest
b. Patient in deep coma or unresponsive
c. Shallow or slow respirations (less than 8 per minute)
d. Progressive cyanosis
e. Gastric lavage / gavage
f. Surgical patients where body positioning or facial contours preclude the use of a mask
g. To prevent loss of airway at a later time, i.e. a burn patient who inhales hot gases may be
intubated initially to prevent his airway from swelling shut
1. Ensure airway patency
126 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Prolonged operations
Difficult access to airway
Excessive movement of head and neck
Difficulty achieving clear airway with laryngeal mask airway
Situations, major intraoperative complication (haemorrhage, malignant
3. Protect airway from aspiration
Risk of regurgitation
Extensive bleeding
1. Decreased consciousness and loss of airway reflexes
1. Failure to protect airway against aspiration - Decreased consciousness that
leads to regurgitation of vomit, secretions, or blood
2. Failure to maintain airway tone
1. Swelling of upper airway as in anaphylaxis or infection
2. Facial or neck trauma with oropharyngeal bleeding or hematoma
3. Failure to ventilate
1. End result of failure to maintain and protect airway
2. Prolonged respiratory effort that results in fatigue or failure, as in status
asthmaticus or severe COPD
4. Failure to oxygenate (ie, transport oxygen to pulmonary capillary blood)
1. End result of failure to maintain and protect airway or failure to ventilate
2. Diffuse pulmonary edema
3. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
4. Large pneumonia or air-space disease
5. Pulmonary embolism
6. Cyanide toxicity, carbon monoxide toxicity, methemoglobinemia
5. Anticipated clinical course or deterioration (eg, need for situation control, tests,
1. Uncooperative trauma patient with life-threatening injuries who needs procedures
(eg, chest tube) or immediate CT scanning
2. Stab wound to neck with expanding hematoma
3. Septic shock with high minute-ventilation and poor peripheral perfusion
4. Intracranial hemorrhage with altered mental status and need for close blood
pressure control
5. Cervical spine fracture with concern for edema and loss of airway patency
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9. When a straight blade is used, the tip of the blade is inserted under the epiglottis
10. Slide the laryngoscope blade to the Vallecula
11. Lift the laryngoscope blade in an upward motion 45 degree Along the handle
12. The handle must not be used with prying motion, upper teeth must not be used as
13. Visualize the vocal cord
14. Using the right hand, insert the endotracheal tube until you see the cuff pass through
the vocal cords. Advance the tube an additional ½ to 1 inch for proper placement.
15. Remove the laryngoscope carefully from the patients mouth
16. Remove the stylet from the endotracheal tube
17. Ventilate the patient with two breaths
18. Check for proper placement with these first two ventilation’s by:
a. Observing the chest rise and fall with each ventilation
b. Listen apex base axilla (Epigastrium)
c. Look Capnograph
d. Look Pulse oximeter
19. Inflate the endotracheal tube’s cuff with 10 cc’s of air:
a. Holds tube in place
b. Acts as a barrier and prevents fluids from entering the lungs
20. Ventilate the patient with two breaths
21. Insert oropharyngeal airway
22. Ventilate the patient with two breaths
23. Tape endotracheal tube securely in place Anchor
24. Continue to ventilate patient (1 breath every 5 seconds) and suction as necessary
a. NOTE: The insertion of the endotracheal tube should be no longer than 30 seconds
from the time you stop ventilating the patient until the time you remove the stylet. If you are
unable to place the endotracheal tube within 30 seconds, withdraw the endotracheal tube
and laryngoscope, ventilate the patient and start again
Extubation steps
1. Determine that endotracheal intubation is no longer required
2. Patient begins spontaneous respiration’s
3. Medical Officer orders removal of endotracheal tube
4. Remove tape from endotracheal tube
5. Remove oropharyngeal airway from patient’s mouth
6. Suction endotracheal tube, patient’s mouth, and patient’s posterior pharyngeal area
7. Deflate the endotracheal tube’s cuff
8. Withdraw the endotracheal tube with one smooth motion
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How to intubate
Check equipment
Prior to positioning the patient:
1. Make sure that your laryngoscope is locked into position and that the incandescent
light on the blade tip functions. Also make sure that you have several alternate
blades available in case the one you have chosen does not allow for visualization of
the cords.
2. Examine the endotracheal tube. Make sure that the cuff inflates by using a 10-mL
syringe to inflate the cuff and then detach the syringe to ensure that the cuff pressure
is maintained. Be sure to deflate deflate the cuff after testing it.
3. Attach the connector to the proximal end of the tube. Push it in as far as possible to
lessen the likelihood of disconnection.
4. If you are going to use a stylet, it should be inserted into the ET tube and bent to
resemble a hockey stick to facilitate intubation of an anteriorly positioned
larynx. Even if you do not plan on using a stylet, one should be within easy access in
case the intubation proves to be more difficult than anticipated.
5. Ensure a functioning suction unit to clear the airway in case of unexpected blood,
emesis or secretions.
6. Ensure that you have tape within your reach to secure the tube once it is in place.
Proper patient positioning can be the difference between a successful and failed intubation.
1. The patient’s head should be level with the physician’s xiphoid process.
2. To achieve the sniff position (which allows for optimal visualization of the glottic
opening), elevate the patient’s head and extend the atlanto-occipital joint. This can
134 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
be achieved by sliding your free hand (right hand if you are right handed, left hand if
you are left handed) beneath the patient’s head and gently lifting it up and towards
you. Or, you can gently position the chin up and mouth open before attemting
3. The "scissor technique" can also be used to further open the patients mouth. Cross
your right forefinger and thumb and insert into the right side of the patient's
mouth. Apply pressure to the upper teeth with your forefinger and the lower teeth
with your thumb to open the mouth. Be sure to position your hands so as NOT to
obstruct your view.
Mask Ventilation is often used in the operating room after induction, prior to intubation. If
you are able to achieve signs of ventilation using this technique, you are afforded the
knowledge that, if intubation fails, you are able to achieve ventilation using the bag-mask-
valve device. Further, it allows for pre-oxygenation. Preparation for induction and
intubation in the operating room also involves pre-oxygenation with several (eight) deep
breaths of 100% oxygen. Preoxygenation provides an extra margin of safety in case the
patient is not easily ventilated after induction.
After preoxygenating the patient and positioning the patient in the Sniff position, with the
patient’s mouth widely open, carefully introduce the blade, held in your LEFT HAND, into the
right side of the mouth. Regardless of which blade is used, IT MUST NEVER PRESS
AGAINST THE TEETH or dental trauma will result. The tongue is then swept to the left and
up into the floor of the pharynx by the blade’s flange.
The curved Macintosh blade is inserted past the tongue into the vallecula (at the base of the
tongue). Providing sufficient lifting force in parallel with the handle, yet avoiding posterior
rotation that causes the blade to press against the teeth, pressure is applied deep in the
vallecular space by the tip of the blade immediately anterior to the epiglottis, which flips out
of the visual field to expose the laryngeal opening.
The straight Miller blade is inserted deep into the oropharynx, PAST the epiglottis. Providing
sufficient lifting force in parallel with the handle, yet avoiding posterior rotation that causes
the blade to press against the teeth, under direct vision, the blade is slowly withdrawn. It will
slip over the anterior larynx and come to a position at which it holds the epiglottis flat against
the tongue and anterior pharynx, exposing a view of the larynx.
With either blade, the handle is raised up and away from the patient in a plane perpendicular
to the patient’s mandible. Avoid trapping a lip between the teeth and the blade and AVOID
using the teeth as leverage and avoid posterior rotation of the blade.
Once a view of the larynx is obtained via laryngoscopy, the ETT is introduced with the
RIGHT HAND through the right side often mouth. Directly observe the tip of the tube
passing into the larynx, between the abducted cords. Pass the tube 1 cm through the
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cords. The ETT should lie in the upper trachea but beyond the larynx (3 to 4 cm proximal to
the carina). If the patient is going to be repositioned, the cuff should be closer to 2 cm
beyond the cords.
Remove the laryngoscope, careful not to displace the ET tube and not to cause trauma to
the teeth, lips or mucosa.
Inflate the cuff with the least amount of air necessary to create a seal during positive
pressure ventilation (usually 4-8 mL of air).
Remove the mask from the bag-valve device and attach the 15 mm connector on the
proximal end of the ET tube to the bag-valve device (into which oxygen is flowing and to
which the carbon dioxide detector is attached). Provide positive pressure and immediately
(and quickly):
• ausculatate the chest for breath sounds
• check the capnoraphic tracing on the monitor to ensure end tidal CO2
• check the connector for fog
• look at the chest for expansion with each breath
If there is any question as to whether the tube is in the esophagus or trachea, remove the
tube, ventilate with a mask and try again, this time attempting to adjust anything that may
have interfered with your first attempt. You might reposition the patient, use a different
blade, decrease tube size, or add a stylet.
If you are sure that your intubation is successful, turn on the mechanical
ventilator. Continuously provide positive-pressure ventilation at a volume of 350-700 ML per
70 kg (5-10 mL/Kg) and at a sufficient rate to maintain normal end tidal CO2 (8-12
respirations per minute).
Proceed to tape or tie the tube to secure its position. Do not tape or tie the cuff. To prevent
the patient from biting and occluding the ETT during emergence from anesthesia, a roll of
gauze can be placed between the teeth or an OPA can be inserted.
Document the view of the larynx obtained during laryngoscopy using the following criteria:
• Grade I: full view of the cords
• Grade II: partial view of the cords
• Grade III: view of the epiglottis
• Grade IV: No view of the cords or epiglottis
Nasotracheal Intubation: Nasal intubation is similar to oral intubation except that the ETT is
advanced through the nose into the oropharynx before laryngoscopy. If the patient is awake,
local anesthetic drops and nerve blocks can be used. A lubricated ETT is introduced along
the floor of the nose, below the inferior nasal turbinate, perpendicular to the face. Often, a
nasopharyngeal airway can be used. The tube is advanced until it can be visualized in the
136 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
oropharynx. Via laryngoscopy, the tube is then advanced in between the abducted vocal
Nasal instrumentation (with ETTs, NPOs, or nasal catheters) is contraindicated in all patients
with severe midfacial trauma.
Bougie: The Bougie is a straight, semi-rigid stylette-like device with a bent tip that can be
used when intubation is (or is predicted to be) difficult – often helpful when the tracheal
opening is anterior to the visual field. During laryngoscopy, the bougie is carefully advanced
into the larynx and through the cords until the tip enters a mainstem broncus. While
maintaining the laryngoscope and Bougie in position, an assistant threads an ETT over the
end of the bougie, into the larynx. Once the ETT is in place, the bougie is removed.
Light Wand: Lightwands, when inserted into an endotracheal tube, may be useful for blind
intubations of the trachea (when the laryngeal opening cannot be visualized). The end of
the ET tube is at the entrance of the trachea when light is well transilluminated through the
neck (the jack o’lantern effect). The tube can then be threaded off the light wand and into
the trachea in a blind fashion.
Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy: Laryngoscopy may be contraindicated in a patient who
requires intubation and mechanical ventilation. This is often the case in trauma patients who
may have an unstable cervical spine or in patients with poor range of motion of the temporo-
mandibular joint. In such patients, flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy allows for indirect
visualization of the larynx. The endoscope is introduced through the mouth or nose. Once
anatomic structures are recognized, and the larynx or trachea are entered under direct
Complications of laryngoscopy and intubation are most frequently secondary to airway
trauma, tube malpositioning, tube malfunction or physiologic responses to airway
instrumentation. Trauma such as tooth damage, lip/tongue/mucosal laceration, sore throat,
dislocated mandible, retropharyngeal dissection can occur during laryngoscopy and
intubation. Mucosal inflammation and ulceration and excoriation of nose can occur while the
tube is in place. Laryngeal malfunction and aspiration, glottic, subglottic or tracheal edema
and stenosis, vocal cord granuloma or paralysis during extubation.
Malpositioning of the endotracheal tube can result in esophageal intubation and
unintentional extubation.
Physiologic responses to intubation include hypertension, tachycardia, intracranial
hypertension, and laryngospasm. Laryngospasm, which occurs during induction and
recovery from anesthesia or, rarely, in an awake patient, is a forceful involuntary spasm of
the laryngeal musculature caused by sensory stimulation of the superior laryngeal
137 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
nerve. Treatment includes positive pressure ventilation via a bag-mask device using 100%
oxygen or administration of IV lidocaine.
Knowing when to extubate is also an important knowledge set. In general, it is best to
extubate when a patient is still deeply anesthetized (but with adequate spontaneous
respirations) or when the patient is awake and responsive with stable vital signs, good grip
and sustained head lift. Adequate reversal of neuromuscular blockade must be
established. A patient must also demonstrate adequate spontaneous respiratory function
with a vital capacity of greater than 15 mL/kg and a negative inspiratory force of greater than
20 mm Hg. Extubation while the patient is in a light plane of anesthesia or still emerging
from anesthesia is avoided because of an increased risk of laryngospasm, the most dreaded
complication of extubation.
Regardless of whether a patient is extubated while deeply anesthetized or awake, begin by
thoroughly suctioning the patient’s pharynx and mouth in order to decrease the risk of
aspiration or laryngospasm. Also, “preoxygenate” the patient with 100% oxygen in case it
becomes difficult to establish an airway after the ETT is removed. Untape the ETT and
deflate its cuff. Apply a small degree of positive pressure on the air bag to help blow out any
secretions you may have missed on first suctioning and suction again. Withdraw the tube
on end-inspiration or end-expiration in a single, smooth motion. Apply a face mask to
deliver 100% oxygen.
Intubation is easy by Dr Aung Myat Thwin 30-11-10
Yes, it is easy. Like every other things, if you know the basics you can do it. I will try to tell
them all, one by one.
So, are you ready to intubate? Do you know that intubation means Endotracheal Intubation?
Yes it is. So now you got the word. Let us go into detail. Endo means inside. Tracheal
means the trachea. Intubation means putting in the tube. So, now we know that
endotracheal intubation is just putting in a tube into the trachea.
We need something to help us in putting in the tube. To put in the tube, you must be able to
see the open end of the tube. The trachea is connected to the larynx at its upper end and
there is an opening in the larynx known as the laryngeal aperture or the glottis. If someone
wants to put in a tube into the trachea, he must be able see the larynx and to view the larynx
we need an instrument known as Laryngoscope or a viewer of the larynx. We need to know
138 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
something about it. Then we also need to know a bit about a suitable tube to be introduced
into the trachea.
For someone to be able to see the laryngeal inlet from the mouth opening, we need to align
the axes of the oral cavity, pharyngeal tube and the larynx into a straight line. We must
position the head and neck of the patient to be able to do this.
So we now know that before intubating the patient we need to know
b. The Laryngo tracheal anatomy.
c. The positioning of head and neck of the patient,
d. The Laryngoscope and finally
e. The Endotracheal tube.
The Larynx and its associates
You can feel the larynx in front of your neck. It is also known as the Adam’s apple to the
laymen. The larynx has got three pained and three unpaired cartilages. The three unpaired
ones are the laryngeal, the cricoid and the epiglottis. The three paired cartilages are the
arytenoid, corniculate and the cunieform. Please look at the pictures below to get a little bit
of idea. The epiglottis originates from the back of the thyroid cartilage. The epiglottis and the
posterior end of the tongue meet at the valleculla. This is an important point.
At the inlet of the larynx, we can see the two vocal cords like an inverted V, just behind the
centrally lying epiglottis through which you can sometimes see the tracheal rings.
You must be able to feel the hyoid above, thyroid middle and the cricoid below in your own
Remember the side view of the epiglottis above, larynx middle and the cricoid below.
Flexion at the neck attenuates the tracheal axis towards the pharyngeal axis.
Extension of the head at the atlanto occipital joint attenuates the oral axis towards the
laryngeal axis.
Just remember the flexion of the neck and extension of the head at the atlanto occipital joint.
The Laryngoscope
Plastic, curved, bevelled, cuffed and marked PVC disposable tube.
The laryngeal aperture
The view of the laryngeal inlet is important.
The tip of the blade is in the vallecula.
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- 5-6cm deep
- Minimum interruption
Epidural needle
6. What are the other types of needles that can pass through the arachnoid layer?
Spinal needle
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Oceanic Question Bank 1 Edition
144 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. 35years old lady presented with recurrent crop of itchy vesicles Dyshidrotic
on both hands for 6 months. She works as account clerk, and Eczema
she was not known to have any allergy
2. A 63 years old lady presented with itchy scaling on face, neck, Photodermatitis
and extensor of both forearms for 3 weeks. She was just started
on Tab Hydrochlorothiazide by her GP for her hypertension two
months ago
3. 35 year old woman complained of multiple painful non blanching Cutaneous
papules over both lower limbs for 1 week. She had history of Vasculitis
taking Bactrim for URTI for a week
4. 60 year old lady underlying OA on analgesics complains of Fixed Drug
painful hyperpigmented patches over the forearm and back for Eruption
the past 6 months. She recalled of having similar 3 episodes of
the lesion at the same site in the past 6 months
5. 28-year-old woman presented with multiple painful erythematous Erythema
nodules on both shins for a week associated with fever and Nodosum
6. 16 year old boy with intellectual disability and epileptic presented Adenoma
with asymptomatic skin coloured papules and nodules on his Sebaceum
face since his childhood
7. 50 y/o woman which is osteoarthritic and on analgesic Fixed Drug
complains of painful hyperpigmented skin lesion on forearm and Eruption
back, similar lesion at the same location have occurred 3 times
in the past 6 months
8. 33 year old man with underlying epilepsy presented with fever Drug
and generalised itchy skin rash on his body, face and limbs for Hypersensitivity
one week. Started on carbamazepine 2 months ago. On Syndrome
examination, he was febrile with generalised erythematous rash
involving 60% of body surface area No blisters or erosion on his
skin. Oral mucosa, eyes n genitalia were spared. Investigation
showed leucocytosis with eosinophilia, acute renal failure n
raised liver enzymes
145 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
146 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
24. Swelling at the right cheek, well demarcated margin, tender & Erysipelas
warm on palpation
25. 10 years old boy with a hairless patch. He has 3 cats at home. Tinea Capitis
26. 6 months old girl, presented with erythematous skin at perineal Candidiasis
region with multiple tiny vesicles. The beefy like lesion scattered (Diaper’s Rash)
along the line of the perineum
27. 50 y/o have face, neck and extensor rash after taking medication Photodermatitis
28. 69 years lady, itchy skin lesion on face, neck & extensors of both Photodermatitis
forearms. Recently started on hypertension medication.
29. 38 years old lady presented with multiple painful erythematous Erythema
nodules on shin of both legs. Associated with fever and cough Nodosum
for 1 week.
30. A 16 year old boy w intellectual disabilities and epilepsy. Ash Macule
Presented w asymptomatic well defined hypo pigmented lesion Leaf
on his back since childhood.
31. A man with multiple pigmented plaque on face. The plaque is Seborrheic
verrucous and has stuck on appearance. Keratosis
32. 60 years old man, develop non healing ulcer in his left cheek, Squamous Cell
gradually progressive for 9 month. Irregular everted border. Carcinoma
33. 33y/o Indonesian man comes with asymptomatic patch. Leprosy
Examination finds annular erythematous patch with reduce skin
prick sensation
34. Man with painful ulcer at penis. Notice vesicular erosion at penis Genital herpes
35. 25 years old homosexual presented with generalized skin Secondary
erythematous rash at body, limbs, palms and sole for 1 week. syphilis
Has history of shallow ulcer on glans penis 2 months ago
36. A 11 months old baby with yellow greasy lesion on the head. Seborrheic
The lesion is not itchy. Otherwise, the baby is normal Dermatitis
37. 8 years old boy presented with eczematous skin rash just below Allergic Eczema
umbilicus. Response to steroids but recurred after stopping
steroids. The child likes to wear jeans
38. 7 years old presented with skin coloured papules, have central Mollucium
umbilication Contangiosum
39. Athlete presented with well demarcated hypopigmentation of Pityriasis
skin. On wood lamp, yellow green fluorescence Versicolor
147 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 1 psoriasis
1. 50 y/o gentleman with underlying DM and HPT, came to skin clinic with non-pruritus rash
over the trunk and legs.
a. Describe the lesion in the legs
Multiple erythematous, silvery scale plaque with well-defined margin, symmetrical
on both lower limbs
b. Describe 2 lesion of the nails
Nail pitting, onycholysis, subungual hyperkeratotic, total dystrophy
c. State the diagnosis
Plaque psoriasis
d. Give 1 example of potent topical steroid
Betamethasone valerate, mometasone furoate, fluticasone propionate
e. State 2 side effects of steroid
Acne, striae, skin thinning
f. State 2 other topical treatment
Emollient, tar preparation, dithranol in Vaseline, vitamin D 3 analogue
148 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 2 psoriasis
2. 40 y/o gentleman, presented with multiple non itchy, scaly lesions on scalp and trunk,
associated with nail pitting for 2 months.
149 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 3 eczema
4. Child with skin lesion over the scalp, upper and lower extremities, and popliteal fossa for
2 years.
a. State 2 history you want to ask
History of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis
Family history of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic eczema
Triggering factor
b. Describe lesion (4 marks)
150 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5. Mariam, 11 year old, hx of itchiness at the neck for 12 months. Use glucocorticoid itchiness
recover but recur after that. Been wearing tudung for the past 9 months. No other skin
disease or atopy disease.
151 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Pityriasis Alba: first characterized by red, scaly patches. These patches resolve
leaving areas of scaling hypopigmentation, or lighter coloration.
Skin scraping
d. After taking the sample and stained it, what appearance that you would expect to
152 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
8. The scenario is about dermatomyositis
Figure 1
Figure 2
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155 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
102. 72-years-old woman presented with left-sided ear pain, Herpes Zoster
followed by weakness of face including eye closure. Oticus (Ramsay
Vesicles are evident on pinna. Diagnosis? Hunt syndrome
104. 20 years old man presented with 3 days worsening of sore Peritonsillar
throat and fever. He complained of otalgia, difficulty opening abscess
mouth and change in speech. On examination, he has
trismus, tonsil swelling and soft palate inflammation on the
right side. The uvula is deviated to the left. Diagnosis?
105. 50 years old man having dysphagia and hoarseness of Squamous cell
voice. He smokes cigarette 20 sticks per day. Diagnosis? carcinoma of
106. Theme: Treatment of Otological Sepsis Mastoidectomy
Atticoantral perforation and cholesteatoma. What is the
definitive treatment?
107. Theme: Treatment of Otological Sepsis Analgesic with
12 years old boy presented with pyrexia, systemic upset systemic
and painful ear by frequent pulling ear pinna. Treatment? antibiotic
108. 50-year-old man presented with nasal blockage 2 month Inferior turbinate
associated with nasal discharge and itchiness in both nasal hypertrophy
cavities. On nasoscopy, there was boggy oedematous red
swelling. Patient is sensitive to nasal probing on these
swelling. Most likely diagnosis of this case?
109. 40 years old man, right sided nasal blockage and discharge. Inverted
On examination, he was noted to have irregular friable papilloma
mass. Diagnosis?
110. Theme: Treatment of Otological Sepsis Analgesics with
6-year-old boy presented with ear pain, pyrexia, systemic systemic
upset and a red ear drum. Treatment? antibiotic
156 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
157 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
158 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
159 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
160 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
144. 30 y/o man presents with a 2-day history of severe right Acute otitis
sided earache after a recent holiday abroad. On externa
examination, there is marked tragal tenderness. The ear
canal is swollen and filled with debris
145. 5 y/o boy with an URTI had a 24-hour history of severe pain Acute
in his right ear followed by a pus like discharge with suppurative otitis
resolution of pain media
146. 75 y/o woman presents with a 3-month history of increasing Hypopharyngeal
dysphagia to solids, pain on swallowing and weight loss carcinoma
147. 70 y/o man present with a 5-week history of right sided sore Squamous cell
throat and worsening pain on swallowing. He has carcinoma of
associated otalgia. He smokes 20 cigarettes every day and tongue
is known to be a heavy drinker
148. 3 y/o boy presents to outpatient clinic with a history of Hearing test and
delayed speech development. Examination reveals a tympanoplasty
lustreless tympanic membrane with several visible
“bubbles”. Management?
149. 29 y/o man post radical mastoidectomy presents with a Microsuction and
three-month history of discharge from ear. Examination topical
reveals a chronic perforation, although his original surgery antibiotics
preserved the tympanic membrane.
150. 75 y/o woman presents with a 3-month history of increasing Hypopharyngeal
dysphagia to solids, pain on swallowing and weight loss carcinoma
151. 30 y/o man presents with a 2-day history of severe right Acute otitis
sided earache after a recent holiday abroad. On externa
examination, there is marked tragal tenderness. The ear
canal is swollen and filled with debris
152. 5 y/o boy with an URTI had a 24-hour history of severe pain Acute
in his right ear followed by a pus like discharge with suppurative otitis
resolution of pain media
153. A 20-year-old man presents with a 3-day history of a Peritonsillar
worsening sore throat and raised temperature. He is abscess
complaining of right otalgia, difficulty opening his mouth
161 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
162 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
164. All the following are causes of a conductive hearing loss Meniere’s
EXCEPT disease
165. Commonest site of impaction of FB in the ear is At the junction of
cartilaginous part
and the bony part
of EAM.
166. Easiest method of removal FB from EAM is Irrigation by
167. Which FB does not need urgent removal? Plastic bead.
168. The ethmoid sinuses drain into Middle meatus
and superior
169. All the following arteries share in Keisselbach's plexus Posterior
except ethmoidal artery
170. The following paranasal sinuses drain into the ostiomeatal Posterior
complex except ethmoidal
171. The nasolacrimal duct opens into Inferior meatus
172. The teeth related to the floor of the maxillary sinus are Second premolar
and first and
second molar
173. The sphenoid sinus drains into Spheno-
ethmoidal recess
174. The visible structures by anterior rhinoscopy are the Cribriform plate
following except of ethmoid
175. A 4-year-old child presented with left offensive nasal Foreign body
discharge. You should suspect impaction
176. Which of the following nasal foreign body irritating and Bean
cause inflammatory reaction
177. Of the nasal foreign bodies one of the following may cause Calculator
nasal septal perforation battery
163 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
178. A patient presented with bilateral nasal obstruction after Septal abscess
nasal trauma. The patient temperature is 38. There is
throbbing nasal pain. Your diagnosis is
179. 25 y/o patient with fever, mucopurulent nasal discharge and Acute maxillary
pain over the cheeks is suffering from sinusitis
180. 40 y/o male presented with left nasal obstruction and fleshy Inverted
reddish nasal mass. There is a history of recurrence after papilloma
previous surgery 2 years ago. Diagnosis?
181. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is characterized by Affects only
the following except females
182. The following are causes of unilateral offensive nasal Nasal allergy
discharge except
183. Keisselbach's plexus accounts for the following percentage 90%
of epistaxis
184. A patient with epistaxis showing a bleeding point in Little's Cautery
area is best managed by
185. In a teenager male with recurrent severe left epistaxis, Nasopharyngeal
pallor and conductive deafness of the left ear, you should angiofibroma
186. Which of the following structures does not pass through the Chorda tympani
internal auditory meatus nerve
187. Retracted ear drum is characterized by all the following Central ear drum
except perforation
188. The cricothyroid muscles has its nerve supply from External
laryngeal nerve
189. The commonest site of laryngeal carcinoma is Glottis
190. Hoarseness is an early symptom in Glottis
191. Dyspnea is an early symptom in Subglottic
164 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 25-year-old man comes to accident and emergency department (A&E), with complaints of
severe left sided ear pain for five days duration and reduced hearing on the left side.
Upon further questioning, he had habit of using cotton bud for ear cleaning and complaints of
left pinna tenderness whenever he accidentally touches his left ear.
Name of procedure-Otoscopy
165 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
6. Possible complications:
• Ear toileting/ frequent canal cleaning: Dry mopping, irrigation, ear suction
• Topical antibiotics (control oedema, infection)
• Anaelgesics (relieve pain)
• Prevention by health education (don’t la too frequent use ear cotton bud!)
166 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Nora is a 6-year-old girl who was brought to the audiology clinic because she has been having
academic trouble in school. According to her classroom teacher, Nora has difficulty in following
instructions. She appears to stare blankly when the teacher is speaking to the class and never
answers questions. She had previous history of frequent attacks of URTI.
Note: common presentation of otitis media effusion: school going age, blockage sensation in
ears, poor school performance, reduce hearing, ear pain, ear discharge, tinnitus, vertigo, fever,
h/o of URTI (important), h/o of allergic rhinitis (important).
5. Investigations:
167 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Right/ left (kalau tak mention in scenario, takyah tulis), Acute (<6 weeks) / chronic (>12
weeks) (kalau tak mention in scenario, takyah tulis) Otitis Media Effusion
7. Possible complications:
168 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 30-year-old gentleman presented with history of discharge from right ear with hearing loss for
five years.
5. Investigation:
6. Treatment:
• Ear toileting/ frequent canal cleaning: Dry mopping, irrigation, ear suction
• Topical antibiotics +/- corticosteroid
• Analgesics (if needed)
• Prevention by health education
169 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 25-year-old man presents with right sided foul smelling ear discharge for 3 years duration
associated with severe headache, neck rigidity and vomiting of 4 days duration.
5. Investigation:
6. Possible complications:
170 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
7. Treatment:
• Ear toileting/ frequent canal cleaning: Dry mopping, irrigation, ear suction
• Topical antibiotics +/- corticosteroid
• Anaelgesics (if needed)
• Prevention by health education
171 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 50-year-old male patient came to hospital with gradual bilateral nasal blockage for 3 weeks
and history of sneezing nasal discharge for 12 years. On examination, pale swellings were
found in both nasal cavities.
Note: nasal polyp pathophysiology: chronic sinusitis/ allergic rhinitis/ asthma→ chronic
inflammation→ fluid builds up in mucosal cells→ over time, gravity pulls on fluid filled cells→
forming Nasal Polyps!!
Inspection: normal.
Anterior Rhinoscopy:
• Nasal Endoscopy
• Coronal CT scan
172 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
6. Definitive Treatment:
173 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 50-year-old Chinese gentleman came to hospital with right sided blood-stained nasal
discharge, painless enlarged lymph node on his right neck and pain in right ear off and on for
two months.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
4. Differential diagnoses:
174 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5. Mention two specific investigations with one finding each to establish diagnosis:
175 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 25-year-old woman came to clinic with history of frequent attacks of bilateral nasal blockage,
nasal congestion, itchiness, and watery eyes whenever she goes to dusty and crowded area.
• Nasal Polyps
4. Investigations:
Allergic Rhinitis
176 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Antihistamine
• Corticosteroid (oral/ topical)
• Anticholinergic (Intranasal spray)
• Mast cell stabilizers (sodium cromoglycate)
• Leukotriene receptor antagonist (Montelukast/ Zafirlukast)
Principles of treatment:
177 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 54-year-old obese office staff presents with noisy and difficulty in breathing while sleeping at
night and easily falling asleep during the day for past six months.
Nocturnal symptoms:
178 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
3. Risk Factors:
7. Treatment:
Non-pharmacological Pharmacological
179 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 3-year-old boy presented with a history of discharge from right ear for 3 weeks. On
presentation he has profuse mucopurulent discharge and tenderness behind right ear
• Hearing loss
• Hx of ear problems (acute otitis media)
• URTI problems
• Fever
2. State four clinical sign you would find in this patient
Acute mastoiditis
180 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Labyrinthitis
• Meningitis
• Brain abscess
6. State two treatment for this patient
181 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 36-year-old lady came to ENT clinic with complaints of pus discharge from both nasal cavities
for 6 month duration. She also complained of bilateral facial pain and right periorbital swelling
for 3 days.
• Nasal obstruction
• Postnasal drip
• Fever
• History of atopy
• Family history
• Any pets at home
2. List four physical sign you can find in this patient
• Sinusitis
• Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
182 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Meningitis
• Periorbital cellulitis
• Brain abcess
7. Name one surgical procedure that can be done in this patient
183 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 65-year-old man came to ENT outpatient clinic with a complaint of persistent ulcer on right
lateral border of tongue for 3 months without any improvement by medical treatment. He also
has history of tongue pain, loss of appetite and loss of weight.
• Smoking
• Chewing betel nuts
• Alcohol consumption
• Family history
3. List four physical findings in this patient
184 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Tongue ulcer
• Glossitis
5. State two investigation to confirm your diagnosis
• Tissue biopsy
• Radiology (ct scan of head and neck)
6. State your final diagnosis
7. List two treatment option you can offer for this patient
• Surgical resection
• Radiotherapy, chemotherapy
185 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 6-year-old boy come to ENT clinic with complaints of right sided reduced hearing for six
months duration associated with poor academic performance. Upon further questioning, he also
has a history of frequent attacks of upper respiratory tract infection.
• Tympanometry
• Audiometry
The otoscopic findings for this patient are provided.
186 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Treat URTI
• Ear toileting- dry mopping, clean suction
187 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 25-year-old man presented to ENT clinic with bleeding from left nasal cavity.
• Trauma
• Malignancy
• Medical condition (blood disorder/HPT)
• Consumption of drugs (NSAID/ anticoagulant)
2. Enumerate 2 important physical findings you must look for.
188 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 56-years-old obese office staff presented with noisy breathing while sleeping at night and
easily falling asleep during the day for the past six months.
• Snoring • Gasping
• Choking • Nocturia
2. Mention 4 physical findings you would expect.
The test reveals total events of Apnea and Hypopnea is 240 during six hours of sleep.
5. State the final diagnosis and severity based on the sleep test.
189 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 12-year-old girl was brought to the clinic by her mother with complaints of foul-smelling left ear
discharge with left facial muscle weakness, reduced hearing in left ear for the past few weeks.
The girl has past medical history of scanty foul-smelling left ear discharge for three years.
1. List four other complaints you would ask to help for your diagnosis. (2 marks)
2. List three other important findings from her otoscopic examination. (3 marks)
190 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
191 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 50-year-old male patient came to hospital with gradual bilateral nasal blockage for three
months with history of sneezing and nasal discharge for 12 years. On examination, pale
swellings were found in both nasal cavities.
• Persistent cold.
• Postnasal discharge.
• Dull headaches.
• Hyposmia or anosmia.
• Mouth breathing / snoring / H/O inhalant allergies.
• H/O bronchial asthma / H/O aspirin sensitivity.
2. List four clinical signs you would elicit to help in diagnosis. (2 marks)
192 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Steroid Therapy
193 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 24-year-old woman presented with three-day history of an increasing throat pain with general
1. Mention four complaints you would ask to reach the diagnosis. (2 marks)
Acute tonsilitis
194 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
7 years old boy come with a complaint of right sided reduced hearing for 6 months duration. It is
associated with poor studying performance. Upon further questioning, his father complaint that
his son has frequent onset of URTI.
2. Physical findings
3. 2 differential diagnoses
Otitis media with effusion/ Eustachian tube dysfunction/ Acute otitis media
• Tympanometry
• Pure tone audiogram
5. Final diagnosis
6. Potential complication
7. Principal of management
• Treat URTI
• Myringotomy + Grommet insertion
195 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
46 years old man come to ED with very severe sore throat and fever for 2 days duration. History
of accidental ingestion of chicken bone a week ago. No obvious neck swelling is seen.
• Epiglottis
• Laryngitis
• Pharyngitis
• Pharyngeal abscess
• Retropharyngeal abscess
196 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Retropharyngeal abscess
6. Possible complications
7. Principal of management
• Admit to hospital
• IV antibiotic
• IV fluid
• Incision and recession
1. What additional information you would want to take from the history?
• Presence of mass
• Occupy at right glottis level
• Extend to surrounding structure
• Mass partially block the airway
197 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Direct laryngoscopy
• CT Scan
• MRI Scan
• Otoscopy
• Examination under miscroscope
• Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
2. State the clinical diagnosis.
198 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Meningitis
• Encephalitis
• Facial nerve palsy
199 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Oceanic Question Bank 1 Edition
200 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5. 10 years old boy with history of dental caries, has Preseptal cellulitis
periorbital redness and swelling, discomfort of right eye.
Visual acuity is 6/9 and extra ocular movement full for
both eyes.
7. 50 years old male with acromegaly and visual field Bilateral temporal
changes hemianopia
201 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
202 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
30. 20 y/o has a history of MVA and develop secondary Angle recession
cataract. After a few years, presenting with visual glaucoma
34. 8 years old son with bilateral pink eye, frequent rubbing Allergic
eye conjunctivitis
35. 3 microaneurysms Mild non-
proliferative diabetic
203 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
40. Paddy leaves hit the eye of a farmer. Develop whitish Fungal
eye and sticky eye discharge conjunctivitis
41. Sudden onset of loss of vision at 6pm, nausea and Acute angle closure
vomiting, anterior shallow chamber, left eye pupil glaucoma
42. 8 years old son with bilateral pink eye, frequent rubbing Allergic
eye conjunctivitis
E Psoriatic arthritis
204 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
9 y/o girl presenting with bilateral joint pain of both Juvenile rheumatoid
hands associated with uveitis. arthritis
205 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
53. 2. Loss of vision of left eye. Has nausea n vomiting. Primary close angle
Right pupil constricted with light but left pupil was glaucoma or
semidilated. Shallow anterior chamber Primary angle
closure suspect
54. Thyrotoxicosis feel foreign body sensation superior limbic
55. 5 year old, periorbital edema is purple bluish Verneal
discoloration, rapd negative conjunctivitis(xsure)
56. woman with RA have red eyes for 2 weeks, relieved by episcleritis
57. Long standing hypertension & hyperlipidemia. Hypertensive
Funduscopy: Flamed-shaped haemorrhage RAPD retinopathy (not
negative sure) boleh jadi
58. Undelying DM found retinal thickening 1 disc diameter clinically significant
from fovea macular edema ( not
59. 56 years old woman, complain of poor vision right eye. Vitreous
Known diabetic for 6 years with poor compliance hemorrhage
medication and follow up. Visual acuity achievable is
counting finger one metre right eye, 6/18 left eye.
Ocular media is clear, but fundoscopy have absence
red reflex.
60. 6 months old kid. Mom realised abnormality at one of
her son’s eye. White patchy at left eye. Absent of light
61. 10 years old boy with history of dental caries, has Preseptal cellulitis
periorbital redness and swelling, discomfort of right eye.
Visual acuity is 6/9 and extra ocular movement full for
both eyes
206 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
62. 65y/o paddy planters with hypopyon, lesion with Fungal infection
irregular fudging edges at macula area
63. 50 years old male with acromegaly and visual field Bilateral temporal
changes hemianopia
64. Upon fundoscopy, there was inferior pole scarring on Right altitudinal
her right eye superior/inferior
65. Old age, disciform scar, drusen at posterior pole of eye. Central scotoma
66. 50 year old man with left optic tract traction due to mva Right homonymous
67. Funduscopy presence of flame hemorrhage, exudates, Superior altitudinal
cotton wool spots at the inferior half of the left retina of left eye
68. 60 year old woman complained of pain and reduced endophthalmitis
vision in left eye for 2 days, went for left extracapsuler
extraction 4 days ago, cornea was hazy, presence of
hypopyon and viritis
69. 8 years old presented with periorbital redness, eye periorbital cellulitis
discomfort and slight ptosis. VA and EOM movement
are normal
70. Contact lens wearer complained of pain, vision loss for Bacterial keratitis
1 week. On slip lamp examination, there’s 2 corneal
infiltration and hypopyon
71. 70 year old man with sudden visual loss, papillary reflex Central retinal artery
is dilated. On fundoscopy, there is homogenous retinal occlusion
whitening with fovea cherry red spots
72. 50 years old Chinese lady complained of sudden left Primary (acute)
eye visual loss associated with conjunctiva hyperemia. Angle closure
On ocular examination the right eye was normal but left glaucoma
eye has fixed dilated pupil and non reactive. Both of the
anterior chambers were shallow
73. 50 yo woman bilateral progressive loss vision. Right left
Optic disc ratio 0.7 n 0.8. Iop right left 38 n 28. Angle
graded as III-IV 360 degree
207 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
74. 50 y/o chinese lady with sudden left eye visual loss
assoc with headache and nausea. On ocular
examination the right wye was normal but left eye was
partially dilated and non reactive. Both of the anterior
chamber were shallow
76. pt had thyrotoxisosis with bilateral eyes redness & superior limbic
foreign body sensation - superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
78. Protrusion of eye, lid retracted , tachycardia, red eye -Superior limbic
and sensation of foreign body keratoconjunctivitis
(in thyroid eye
79. Child presented with bluish purple swelling of eye, -Preseptal cellulitis
RAPD negative
If RAPD+ orbital
80. A blacksmith, iron piece get into the stroma of his intraocular foreign
anterior chamber body (toxic)
208 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
82. Nail trauma causing injury to the eye, fluorescence corneal abrasion
staining in cornea and siedel test negative
86. MVA recently. Decrease in vision but everything okay Traumatic optic
87. 36 years old male teacher trying to hang a photo frame, corneal laceration
when the nail recoils and hit his left eye. He complained
red eye. Seidel’s test positive
88. 58 years old lady with underlying 18 years of history of Diabetic retinopathy
diabetic come for medical check up due to right eye
vision problem. Normal bilateral IOP, right eye 6/60, left
89. Mother complained her 2 months old child has white congenital cataract
patch in right eyes. Past history revealed the baby was
delivered via forceps delivery. Red reflex was abnormal
90. A man has uveitis and stiffness of the back and lower ankylosing
back pain spondylitis
91. 9 years old with chronic joint pain and having uveitis Juvenile RA
209 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
93. 54 years old gentleman with type 2 DM for 15 years 2 to 4 months check
duration went to routine eye check up. up
Mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy seen
94. A man has uveitis and stiffness of the back and lower Ankylosing
back pain spondylitis
95. A 9-year old girl came down with uveitis. She also has Juvenile rheumatoid
joint pain in her hands. arthritis
96. 8 years old was presented with periorbital redness, eye Periorbital cellulitis
discomfort and slight ptosis. VA and EOM movement
are normal
99. 5 years old girl was referred by her optometrist for Anisometric
suspected decreased vision in her left eye. On further amblyopia
examination, there was a difference in refractive error
between both eyes.
210 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
101. Vitreous
A 56-year-old female is examined at the Eye
Department, following the complaint of poor vision in
her right eye for the last one month. She is a known
diabetic patient for six years with poor compliance for
follow up and medications. Her best corrected vision is
right eye counting finger at one metre, left eye 6/18.
On right eye examination, ocular medias are clear
except the fundus, giving rise to an absence of red
reflex on funduscopy.
102. Posterior
A 30-year-old woman complaining of progressive
blurring of vision in both eyes. Her visual acuity is 6/12
and 6/60 for right and left eye respectively, not
improving with pinhole test. She is under medical
follow-up for her multiple joint pain and swelling and on
regular oral therapy. Slit lamp examination shows lens
103. Oil droplet cataract
An infant presented with failure to thrive, lethargy,
vomiting and diarrhoea. Systemic examination
revealed hepatosplenomegaly, anaemia and deafness.
The baby was also referred to ophthalmologist for full
ocular assessment. Examination showed presence of
bilateral lens abnormalities.
104. Relax
A 42-year-old woman is reading a book. She is
complaining of difficulty to read small prints for the
past one year. Otherwise, she is healthy. State the
condition of her lens zonules when she is reading her
105. To kill ischemic
A 40-year-old man with type-1 diabetes presents to
eye clinic complaining of decreased vision in his both
eyes. He has not seen any eye doctor in years. On
211 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
212 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
213 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 1 Retinoblastoma
60-year-old man, presented with decrease vision (progressive). VA also reduced. When using
pinhole, no effect.
1. 3 diff dx
AMD, cataract, glaucoma
2. Type of cataract
-neuritic sclerotic
3. Full dx
214 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
4. 2 preop investigation
-A scan to measure the size of cornea
-keratometer to measure the cornea power
215 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
20 years old man came to the eye clinic with the complaint of progressive blurry vision on both
eyes. He had the history of diabetes mellitus since teenage. He also complained of unable to
read in near distance.
1. 3 risk factors
Long duration of having DM, poor diabetic control, nephropathy, hypertension, smoking,
Intramural pericyte damage due to sorbitol, outpouching of capillary wall, loss of vascular
smooth muscle, proliferation of endothelial cells, vessel leakage, neovascularization
1. Mother brought 6mo child with excessive crying since birth. During examination child showed
irritability when examined with torch light and bilateral contracted eyelids
4. Diagnosis
216 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5. Aetiology
6. Management
Amblyopia *could not remember much as Doctor discuss without shows the question
Hx to elicit
RF of amblyopia
Causes of amblyopia
How to dx amblyopia
How to treat amblyopia (cover the bad eye, force the good eye to become amblyopic)
54 years old woman, works as labour worker, presents with history of severe left eye pain and
tearing for five days, after plucking tea at plantation. Visual acuity for left eye 6/18, right eye was
normal. On examination, hypopyon was seen with circum cornea injection.
1. Get 2 more information from history that will help in management of this patient.
75 years old Chinese lady presented with sudden severe pain and loss of vision of the righ eye
associated with nausea and vomiting. On examination, her left visual acuity was 6/12 with
evidence of cataract. Her right visual acuity was counting fingers and presented
with hyperemia of the conjuctiva. Both of the anterior chamber are shallow. Right eye was
217 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
oval, semidilated and non-reactive to the light while left eye was normal. The intraocular
pressure was 55mmHg in the right eye and 25mmHg in the left eye.
i. Age: The average age of relative pupillary block is about 62 years at presentation. Non-
pupillary block forms of primary angle closure tend to occur at a younger age. (*formation
of pupillary block involved in the pathogenesis of angle closure glaucoma)
ii. Refraction: Eyes with ‘pure’ pupillary block are usually hypermetropic. Non-
pupillary block mechanism can occasionally occur in myopic eyes.
iii. Axial length: Short eyes tend to have a shallow AC secondary to a relatively
anterior lens position. Eyes with nanophthalmos (axial length less than 20 mm) have a
very short eye and are at particular risk.
3. State on IV drug that can be used to reduce the intraocular pressure in this patient and explain
the mechanism of action.
Acetazolamide 500 mg is given intravenously if IOP >50 mmHg and orally (not slow-
release) if IOP is <50 mmHg.
4. List two topical drugs that can be used and state the indication for each drugs.
i. Pilocarpine 2% four times daily to the affected eye and 1% four times daily to the fellow
ii. Topical steroid (prednisolone 1% or dexamethasone 0.1%) four times daily if the eye is
acutely inflamed
218 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
iii. Biometry
Ocular examination was done when the cornea was clear, angle right eye 0-I and left eye I-
II 6. State two structure that normally can be visualised in this examination.
i. Trabecular meshwork
ii. Schwalbe’s line
A 60 year old man presented with painless blurring of vision in both eyes for six months
1. Mention 4 details in the history you would like to ask to help with diagnosis
• (Ask risk factors)
• Hypertension
• DM, well controlled or not
• Hx of trauma / surgery
• Progressive?
• Onset
On further questioning, the patient complaint of polyuria and nocturia for the past
three years. You performed systemic and fundus examination and noted there was
219 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
evidence of dot-blot haemorrhages, cotton wool spots (CWS), hard exudates (HE) and
flame shaped haemorrhages in the both eyes. There was also present of one
intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMAs) in the left eye.
2. State the definition of the
lesions. CWS : Infarction of
nerve fibers
HE : leakage of plasma
IRMA : collateral, abnormal branching, sinuous shunt vessels that typically develop adjacent
to areas of capillary nonperfusion or cotton wool spots.
Moderate NPDR
Severe NPDR
5. State the most likely ocular diagnosis/stage for the left eye.
Severe NPDR
This patient complained of sudden loss of vision in the left eye after about 6 months
of the initial presentation.
State the most likely cause of this sudden loss of vision and its management.pars planar
220 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
40-year-old women came to OPD, presented with sudden onset of painless loss of vision
in the left eye 3 month ago. Visual acuity (VA) of the affected eye was hand movement with
positive RAPD. VA of the right eye was 6/9. An ocular examination using a handheld
• Advanced glaucoma
• Retinal detachment
• Vitreous hemorrhage
• History of smoking
• During swinging light test, there is dilatation of the pupil when the light is
shone to the eye due to the retinal afferent nerve abnormality or due to
221 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
retinal disease.
222 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. How to use fundoscopy, visual acuity in 3M osce room
2. Central retinal vein occlusion
65 y/o man with hx of HPT came to emergency for sudden blurry vision for 3 days
3. Toxoplasmosis
223 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Q3 diagnosis
Q4 definitive host
Q5 Diagnostic test
4. Diabetic retinopathy
5. Anatomy of fundoscopy
224 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
225 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
8. u/l dm, sudden loss of vision of left eye. RAPD+, right eye visual acuity 6/6
Q1 finding from the fundus image – flame shape hemorrhages, dot blot
Q2 hx/ symptoms to support the diagnosis hx of headache, HPT
Q3 diagnosis CRVO
Q4 list 2 investigation – Fundus, fluroscene angiography, goniotomy
226 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
No CDR ratio
Malignant hypertension
227 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Q5 what is management?
OSCE 1 – Coronal view of CT Scan of right sided blow out orbital fracture
10 years old kid with orbital trauma during playing sport, associated with periorbital swelling.
You palpate the affected eyelids and there is crepitations under the skin.
- List three other signs (outside eyeball) you will assess for this patient. (3 marks)
Restricted eye movement, enophthalmos, subcutaneous emphysema, fracture at
the roof (other than orbit)
228 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
- State the X-ray view that you will order when instructing the radiographer, for a
plain X-ray. (1 mark)
Occipitomental view (Water’s view)
1. state 3 abnormalities
Chemosis, conjunctival swelling, redness, watery eyes, sclera show, thyroid stare, periorbital
2. 3 ocular signs
Lid lag sign, Kocher sign, EOM restricted, visual field changes
4. Provisional diagnosis
229 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Q2 clinical manifestation
Q3 treatment
Q2 3 findings
230 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 25 year old lady presented with history of decreased right eye vision for 5 days. On
examination, her right visual acuity is counting fingers. The exhibit shows the anterior segment
photo of her right eye.
231 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 61 years old male presented with loss of vision in his left eye that began yesterday morning
and has progressively worsen
232 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
233 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
234 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
b. List three questions you would like to ask to help in your diagnosis.
how about her kid’s vision (expect has poor vision/ irritability)?
does the kid has any other medical condition (non ocular tumor- osteosarcoma,
Investigation was done. This picture illustrates its finding.
B-scan / Ultrasound
b. State another important imaging modality for this condition and its reason.
congenital cataract
congenital glaucoma
235 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
clinical presentations
painful red eye
iris nodule
secondary glaucoma
poor vision
orbital invasion
The baby was treated successfully through medical and surgical means. However at
the age of 16 years old, he has a right thigh progressive swelling for six months.
f. State the most probable cause of this swelling.
236 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
This is the fundal picture of a 30-year-old lady who had blurring of vision associated
with pain on ocular movement in the left eye for one week. The right eye was normal.
(in this case, it is optic neuritis not papilledema because it’s unilateral meanwhile
papilledema tend to be bilateral)
b. List any 4 ocular examinations (other than mentioned answer in (a)) you would like to
perform and its expected findings.
237 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
This patient was admitted to Ophthalmology Ward and was given regular intravenous
medication for three days and was monitored for the side effects.
c. Name the most appropriate drug given to her.
treat the causes (sebab usually pt typical yang kena ni ada MS jugak)
IV Methylprednisolone (iv steroid)
interferon therapy for MS
weight gain
She defaulted follow up for a year and came back with hand movement vision. The
left optic disc noted to be pale.
e. List any 2 possible causes of pale optic disc.
CRVO/CRAO/Advanced glaucoma
arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
238 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 41-year-old male presented with a chief complaint of blurring of vision, redness and
floaters in his left eye that had persisted for 3 weeks. His medical history was remarkable for
type 2 diabetes, which was controlled with oral medication. His best corrected visual acuity
was 20/200 for left eye. IOP for right and left eye was 12 mmHg and 24 mmHg respectively.
Anterior chamber of the left eye was deep with cells seen. Fundus photography was taken.
List 2 information in the history you would like to ask to determine the cause.
• ada demam tak
• ada bela kucing tak
• control diabetes tak
Giemsa stain
Ocular toxoplasmosis
Feline (cats)
Uveitis causing trabeculitis and block pores, thus obstructing aqueous flow
239 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. immunocompromised
Name one first line treatment you would prescribe to the patient.
This is the optic nerve head picture of a 30-year-old lady who had blurring of vision
associated with pain on ocular movement in the left eye for one week. The right eye was
normal. (In this case, it is optic neuritis not papilledema because it’s unilateral meanwhile
papilledema tend to be bilateral) (malignant hypertension and SOL don’t have blurring of
Optic disc is swollen / loss of cup-disc ratio / Blurred optic disc margin
b) List any 4 ocular examinations (other than mentioned answer in (a) you would like to
240 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
This patient was admitted to Ophthalmology Ward and was given regular intravenous
medication for three days and was monitored for the side effects.
IV Methylprednisolone
Weight gain
Facial puffiness
Skin acne
She defaulted follow up for a year and came back with hand movement vision. The left
Advanced glaucoma
241 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Oceanic Question Bank 1 Edition
242 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. 23-year-old Newly enrolled college student was anxious Separation anxiety
about living in the campus, as this was his first time away
from his parents.
2. A 38-year-old single woman presented with breast H. Risperidone
abscess. Prior to that she has a full breast engorgement
for the past one month.
3. A 30-year-old man with schizophrenia complaint of sore E. Clozapine
throat with fever for one
week. His white blood count was 3000/mm³.
4. Medical students narrated: “What happened today that Open-ended
brought you to the hospital? questioning
What else have you experienced?”.
5. Medical students narrated: “Oh you lost your job about 3 Linking
months ago which led you
to your money problem. Since then, you became
distressed and started to worry
about your future”.
6. A 53 years old woman complaint of dyspareunia after her Lubricant - KY Jelly
menopause. She had no
other menopausal symptoms
7. A 38 years old man was feeling down with a loss of libido C. CBT
after he had lost his job
following the COVID-19 pandemic.
8. An 11 years old girl was abused by her stepfather on Child Protection
several occasions. Both of her Procedure
parents were taken under custody by the police. She was
then placed temporarily at
a welfare home.
9. A 14 years old girl was molested by her maternal uncle. Interim Protection
The uncle was taken into police Order
243 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
244 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
19. 9y/o girl with mild mental retardation. Presented to clinic PICA
with abdominal colic anaemia.
Microscopic result shows numerous ova of roundworms.
20. A 30 years old schizophrenic man was found guilty for a
murder. He was found unguilty
because of unsound mind. He was found unguilty
because of insanity.
21. 10. 70-year-old woman received property from deceased Power of attorney
husband. She is aware of that and
ask family lawyer to manage.
22. A 40-year-old unemployed man brought to psychiatric schizo is associated
clinic for the first time. which of the social with high
statement is incorrect socioeconomic status
23. A person with mental illness usually experiences A person experiences
psychological phenomenon. Which of depersonalization
the phenomenon is incorrect believes that he/ she
is physically detached
from the outside
24. Female with depression has underlying SLE - Depressive due to
Depressive due to medical condition. medical condition
26. A 40 years old businessman was apprehensive and can’t Generalized Anxiety
do his work. He felt giddiness and abdominal discomfort Disorder (GAD)
at all time.
245 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
28. 40 years old female , irritable and anxious with unknown Hyperthyroidism
reason and cant comb his hair.
29. Students been offered tablets by her friends for study Amphetamine
week for upcoming examination.
31. 8 years old boy with slow learning, IQ 80. L.Wechsler for
Children / Norm-
referenced test
33. 40 years old teacher presented with depression after Bereavement therapy
death of her husband 6 months ago. She was given anti
depression and her mood become alleviated.
34. Child with pica comes with her parents. Through mirror Family therapy
observation by the psychiatrist, the parents were
36. 20 years old lady, anxious on her wedding night, was Vaginismus
tensed when husband tried to make love to her.
246 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
37. 13 years old boy, always arguing with his parents Conduct disorder
,disobey his parents' instructions and always involved in
misdemeanour at school
38. 8 years old girl complains of abdominal discomfort every School refusal
time she goes to school and will be very distress about
it. She always throw a tantrum.
42. 20 year old man smells odd smells and act abnormally. Temporal lobe
44. A 30 year old man presented with rhinorrhoea and body Opioid withdrawal
ache. On examination, his blood pressure is 140/90
mmHg and pulse is 100/min.
247 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
46. A 30 year old man smoked cigarette for 15 years decided Nicotine
to quit cigarette and start vaping. He was able to quit
cigarette without withdrawal effects
47. A 15 year old student scored poorly in his academic Aptitude test
standing. He was noted to have difficulty in learning
Science and Mathematics but skilful in handyworks.
48. A 20 year old man was reported to behave abnormally Direct observation
for one week. He is not forthcoming during the interview test
50. A 35 year old lady presented with acute anxiety in the Behavioral
place where the Halloween celebration was on. She felt modification
distressed with the crowd and subsequently she was
afraid to go out at night.
248 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
56. A 25 years old man, handcuffed, was agitated towards Aggressive risk
the policemen. He appeared hostile towards the staffs at behaviour
the clinic.
57. This is the drug of choice for treatment of anxiety with Lorazepam
depressive features.
249 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
64. Patient has depressed mood and suicidal ideation Opioid induced mood
65. A 26 year old medical student wants to have high mental Caffeine
alertness. He takes high amount of this substance. Then
he experienced headache, palpitation, heartburn
66. A 30 year old man started to feel energetic and active Kratom/ketum
after taking this substance
67. A 15years old student was scored poorly throughout his Achievement Test
academic year. His intelligent quotient was within normal
68. A 25 years old man undergo personality test and the Eysenck test
result shows psychotism, extrovernism, and narcoticism
69. Her mother passed away 12 months ago, patient been Bereavement Therapy
having depressed symptoms for 8 months. What is the
suitable therapy.
70. A 28 year old woman break up with her boyfriend for 8 Interpersonal therapy
months and she does not want to fall in love again
71. 20 years old man feeling dysphoric since adolescent. He Transgenderism
does not like his gender. He dresses like a girl
72. 18y/o girl has intimate feeling towards an older woman Lesbianism
who is her physical instructor
73. A 5 year old boy presented with acute abdominal pain in Pica
emergency room. Abdominal x ray shows a large opaque
image in stomach
74. 13 year old girl who refused to listen to her teacher and Conduct Disorder
verbally aggressive towards her (If oppositional , age <
75. A 30 year old schizophrenic had episodes of verbal Aggressive risk
aggressive in the ward. He threatened to physically assessment
assault anyone who come close to him.
76. 25 year old patient who is angry and shouting to other Calm the behaviour
patient that disturbed his belonging
77. Drug of choice for anxiety with depression Lorazepam
250 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
79. Young girl, weak proximal hip muscle, have anxiety Hyperthyroidism
85. Molested by cousin, after returning home mother noticed Acute stress disorder
crying, change in behaviour
86. A 26 year-old single female teacher feels insecure and Dependent
not able to make her own decision. She requires constant Personality
reassurance for all her undertakings
87. 25 year-old lady had always been a timid person. She Avoidant Personality
had the fear of being criticized by public and afraid to
socialized because she feels herself inadequate
88. 70 year-old man presented with bradykinesia, resting Parkinson’s Disease
tremor, rigidity and problem with gait; that progressively Dementia
251 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
91. Mr. Tan was regularly given his medication at 8 am. Memory deficit
During morning ward round, he complained to his doctor
nurses did not give him medication and foods at all
92. 27y/o man fall from tree due to him seeing angel on the Mania
top of tree and want to meet him there. Engage with
many activities but failed to finish any task. Treated for
similar symptoms before
93. 23y/o soldier says he has hearing loss. On ENT Malingering
examination here was no finding. His condition
drastically improved after his posting to war was
94. A novel antipsychotic was given to a college student. The Olanzapine
medication was stop because he later developed weight
gain and diabetes mellitus
95. A 25 years-old man newly diagnosed with schizophrenia Haloperidol
was given rapid neuroleptization for his aggressive
behavior. The next day he developed muscle rigidity,
high fever and confusion.
96. A previously healthy 50 year-old bank manager Frontal lobe tumour
developed personality changes which include apathy,
lack of motivation and spontaneity. The laboratory
investigations of urine and blood were normal.
252 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
100. This drug should be stopped at least two days before Lithium carbonate
giving Alectroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) as it may cause
‘toxic delirium’
101. This drug has long half-life and it should be avoided Diazepam
during Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) as it may
increase the seizure threshold.
102. A 42 years old man was reported to behave abnormally Bipolar Mood
for last 10 days. He slept only for 1- 2 hours at night. He
had been painting a lot in 1 week, no remarkable award
103. Post Traumatic Stress
A 28 years old soldier just returned from his services Disorder
war at Afghanistan 3 months ago. He presented with
agitation. He had intrusive thought and recollect back
memory from the war. He was unable to sleep and
became withdrawn from his family.
253 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
106. 19 years old student had just started university. She wasSocial anxiety
a shy person and rarely went out with friends and rather disorder
prefer to spend time alone at home. She had to drink
alcohol whenever she has to go out with friends
107. This disorder present with symptoms of anxiety in crowd Agoraphobia
108. A 32 years old man was highly anxious and his hands Pheochromocytoma
feel shaky. He thought he was having a heart attack. He
was sweating and felt pins and needles in his extremities.
He has tachycardia and hypertension.
109. 52 years old housewife complaint of frequent episodes of Hypoglycaemia
palpitation, tremor, sweating. She became irritable at
110. 29 years old woman with a history of childhood abuse Personality disorder
presented with multiple old scars on her left forearm.
Recently, she cut her hand using a razor after her
boyfriend decided to break up with her.
111. A 42 years old man presented to emergency department Substance induced
with recent scars on his arm. He had no past psychiatric psychosis
history. He felt like sensation of bugs crawling in the skin
which he then tried to remove with the knife.
112. A 68 years old woman with breast cancer metastasize to Give naloxone
bone. She was prescribed with paracetamol, oral
morphine, and gabapentin. She was brought to ED with
pinpoint pupils, respiratory distress and palpitation.
113. A 27-year-old woman left a suicide note. She was found Involuntary
at a train station trying to jump in front of an oncoming admission
train. During interview, she seems depressed and tearful.
Her parents refused hospitalization
114. 27 years old man have no remorse for his old action. Antisocial personality
Psychotherapies are not effective in this personality
254 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
255 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
125. 40 years old man was given increase dose of Acute dystonia
fluphenazine. He developed sudden onset of neck
extension, jaw clamped and eyes forced upward
126. 30 years old man cannot focused at work. He has Voyeuristic disorder
thought of having sexual with his female collegues. He
feels shameful about it.
127. Presented with shortness of breath and palpitation. Has Panic disorder
family history of myocardial
128. Hand shaking when trying to do things. This resolved Benign essential
when she jogging. tremor
129. 64 years old man has increase shaking of the hand. His Parkinson Disease
right hand seems worse than his
left. Mumble and rarely smile.
256 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
140. Teacher report that a child usually makes noise, but Tourette syndrome
polite at school.
141. A child with repetitive behaviour and lack of social Autism spectrum
interaction. disorder
142. 32 years old singer feeling hyperactive, sweating and fast Methamphetamine
breathing. Feels great about himself and high sexual
143. 18 years old lady restricted taking food and taking Anorexia nervosa
laxatives. Weight 33kg and height 1.53m
144. 40 years old lady depression due tu joint pain and SLE
swelling for 2 months. Pale, Raynauld's syndrome
145. 30 years old lady with history of rape a year ago. Develop PTSD
fears and avoid the place
146. 25 years old man presented with arching of the back after Acute dystonia
ingesting medication
147. 30 years old man developed hyperpyrexia & muscle Neuroleptic Malignant
rigidity after been given parenteral antipsychotic. Syndrome)
148. 13 years old given a series of cards and asked to Roschach Test
interpret the meaning
149. Man adds many unnecessary details when asked about Circumstantiality
his address
150. Student is presenting his thesis suddenly stopped and Thought block
cannot continue
257 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
160. this disorder commonly seen with abuse of laxatives Anorexia nervosa
(purging type)
161. Withdrawal causes delirium Alcohol
163. 50 y/o had developed headache d/t the fall. Hx of right Post-stroke
sided leg weakness before. Currently presentèd with Depression
258 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
164. 5 y/o male, noticed to have a sudden blank stare while Petit mal epilepsy
talking to his friends. He claimed of feeling strange before
becoming unaware of the surrounding
165. 21 y/o student did psychological test and was identified MMPI
with hypochondriasis tendency
166. 50-year-old distracted, unable to concentrate during direct observation
interview test/ MMSE
172. 22 years old boy with history of depression for 3 months. Bipolar depression
During his late teens, he has history of involve in reckless phase
behaviour and increase self-esteem.
173. 21 years old female stopped working feel extremely Agoraphobia
anxious when going to supermarket and taking public
174. 25 years old. Feared of being in a company with Social anxiety
unfamiliar people. Fear of being ridiculed by others. disorder
175. 45 years old lady with episodes of irritability for 1 month. Hyperthyroid
Complaint of lose weight, poor sleep and easily anxious
without apparent reason. Has difficulty in comb hair.
259 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
176. A 60 years old guy experience change of personality. He Frontal lobe tumour
was being ill mannered at eating table and talk
demeaneringly of his wife. And he complains of frequent
177. 25 years old medical student always go to club, and Amphetamine
always use substance to stay awake to study
178. Abrupt cessation of this substance will cause delirium Alcohol
179. 12 years old boy was noted to be slow in learning. His Achievement Test
intelligent quotient (IQ) was found to be 80.
180. 30 years old man with deliberate self-harm. Minnesota
Personality Inventory
181. A 40 years old teacher presented with depression, 4 Bereavement therapy
months ago husband passed away. She was given anti-
depression and her depressed mood become alleviated.
182. A 5 years old referred for nocturnal enuresis. Both Family therapy
parents present for interview. On observation through
one-way mirror, doctor realized father is verbally abusive
towards wife who appeared fearful.
183. 13 years old teenage boy always against his parents. He Conduct disorder
constantly disobey instructions at school.
184. 40 years old woman come to ED with stupor and refuse ECT
to eat. She was given IV fluid. Physical and blood
investigation was normal. What to do?
185. 60 years old man presented with loss of memory. He was Admit to emergency
found wandering in the street. He could not answer the ward, do investigation
questions during the interview session. His general
physical examination is normal.
186. Next day I took control.... oh no! I put bleach on my hair loss of association
260 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
189. Went out with colleague but afraid they might not like her avoidant personality
195. A boy who has slurred speech after taking this sniffing glue
197. SSRI that have long half life hence least likely to cause Fluoxatine
discontinuation withdrawal
261 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 40 years old male have irritable mood the for the past week. He buys a lot of birds stuff.
Complaint the shop keeper charges unreasonable. He set fire to the shop that night.
• Distractibility
• Indiscretion
• Grandisosity
• Flight of ideas
• Activity
• Sleep decrease
• Talkative
262 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
His family request to discharge him early. He was given Lithium 600 mg and later developed
vomiting, tremors, confusion, coma
Lithium toxicity
5. Biological investigation need to be done based on above situation
Renal fx test
Serum Lithium level
6. Other 2 drugs that can prevent relapse
Sodium valproate
263 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 38 year old housewife presented with history of loss appetite, low energy and tearful, waking
early in morning and neglecting her children. She developed symptoms for the last 6 months
since learning her husband’s infidelity
i. Antidepressants
ii. Investigations
The patient had no significant improvement after oral antidepressant therapy for 2 weeks, rather
264 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
7. List 4 other psychological interventions you would offer for this patient
i. Psychoeducation
ii. Marital counselling
iii. Cognitive behavioural therapy
iv. Supportive therapy
265 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 25 year old housewife came in with recurrent blasphemous thoughts in her mind that are
intrusive and impaired in her daily activities. She was then convinced that God angry at her and
increased her religious activities but unable to overcome her problem.
266 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
After that evaluation, the patient complained of being stressed and then she became depressed.
She had persistent low mood, poor appetite and sleep disturbance.
i. Depression
ii. Working problem
iii. Reduced level of functioning
i. SSRI - Fluoxetine
ii. TCA - Clomipramine
6. The patient did not respond well after 2 weeks of pharmacotherapy. Give 6 reasons for
why this patient are not responding to pharmacotherapy.
i. Poor compliance
ii. Poor insight
iii. Inadequate dose
iv. Wrong medication
v. Misdiagnosis
vi. Side effect of medication
267 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
40 /o, hostile, restlessness for x2/52. Believes he’s the savior of the human kind
i. Manic
ii. Brief psychotic disorder (short duration)
A 32 years old housewife was referred due to anxiety and fearful of contamination with
germs.She was reportedly spent hours in each day cleaning her kitchen wash basin and toilet
with strong detergent. You were asked to take a detail history from her to make a diagnosis.
268 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 40 year old male bank officer was brought to the emergency department by his wife for
overdose of paracetamol and pain killer. On upon questioning, his wife reported that he was not
able to function well in bank and take many medical leaves since beginning of the year. His wife
also reported that he took alcohol excessively to combat depression. He is suspected to have
i. Persistent low mood for the past two weeks worse in morning and better in
ii. Anhedonia ( loss of interest in pleasurable activities)
269 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
i. Appetite/ weight (kalau jwb utk weight kene precise loss>5% in one month)
ii. GIT features
iii. Sleep
iv. Libido/menstrual disturbances
v. Energy
G. non-pharmacological management
i. crisis intervention
ii. CBT
iii. IPP
iv. supportive therapy/social support
270 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 32 years-old housewife was referred due to anxiety and fearful of contamination with germs.
She was reportedly spent hours in each day cleaning her kitchen, wash basin and toilet which
strong detergent. You were ask to take a detailed history from her to arrive at a dignosis.
271 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
40 years old woman complained of palpitations for one month. She was also easily irritated and
easily irritable towards her friends. Since then she worry about her health. There is no history of
heart disease, supplement or prescribed medications.
• Hyperthyroidism
• Generalized Anxiety DIsorder (GAD)
• Panic Disorder (markah kesian)
• Physiological
a. Palpitation
b. Rapid breathing (Choking sensation)
c. Muscle tension and aches
272 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
d. Abdominal discomfort
e. Nausea
f. Diarrhea
• Psychological
g. Fear
h. Anger
i. Irritability
j. Poor concentration
k. Worries
l. Negative thoughts
3. 2 laboratory investigations
• Beta blockers
• Drug for thyroid (name)
• Psychoeducation
• Benzodiazepine
273 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A woman was under birth control one year after her third child delivery. Two weeks after, she
developed severe headache
• Hormonal history
• How long has she been on OCP
• Irritabilty
• Apathy(loss of interest)
• Long hours of sleeping
• History hypertenson
• Fever
• Loss of weight
Recently, she had been moody and easily irritable. She cannot take care of her children.
• Appetite change
• Dysphoric mood
• Anhedonia
• Fatigue
274 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Concentration impaired
• Esteem low
• Medication-induced
• Stop medication
• Start anti-depressants (SSRI)
• Psychoeducation
• Psychosocial intervention (family planning issue)
• Refer to psychiatrist if not responding to meds
MEQ 10
23 years old student brought by parents to a&e, d/t disturbed behavior & become
argumentative. Family noticed he spent a lot of money in past one week
• Distractibility
• Indescretion(inhibtion loss)
• Grandisoity
• Flight of ideas
• Activity increase
• Sleep deficiency
• Talkativeness
275 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Sleepy pattern
• Appetite
• Dysphonia
• Anhedonia
• Fatigue
• Agitiation
• Concentration decrease
• Self esteem decrease
Admitted to ward, becomes talkative and aggressive, claim himself as owner of hospital
• Violent
• Substance abuse
• Unemployment
• Mental disorder
• Schizophrenia -
Anti -psychotic(agranulocytosis)
Anti- convulsant
Mood stabilizers
276 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 11
52 years old male. brought by family to A&E behave abnormally in public, confused, speech
1. 2 probable diagnosis
- Schizophrenia (relapse)
- Substance-induced Psychosis
2. 4 lab investigations
- Urine toxicology
- Anti-psychotic (Haloperidol)
277 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Contact family. History of multiple admission to psychiatric ward, non drug compliance for many
4. 2 choices of management
- Hospitalize
- Medication
- Psychoeducation
- Rehabilitation therapy
278 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 12
35 years old man was brought to emergency department. His wife tell that he suddenly
became aggressive and has disinhibited behaviour as he walking naked from bathroom for the
past 3 days. He also has mood swings. His wife describe him as’ totally change’ person.
Substance induced
CT scan of brain
Urine toxicology
He noted to be confused and slept on the other patient’s bed. His wife told that he complaint of
constant headache and fever for the past 1 week.
279 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
d) 2 immediate management
He then was tranferred to ICU. He became agitated and has vivid hallucination. He see
IV drips as snake.
Haloperidol IV
280 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 13
65 years old woman brought by her daughter to clinic due to change of behaviour for past
3 months. Recently lost her husband 6 months ago due to MI. Feels sad, keep forgetting
things and unable to perform daily activities. She presented with frequent constipation
and abdominal distress.
a) 2 differential diagnosis
Adjustment disorder
Major depression
MSE : tearful. Feels guilty and belive herself to be a burden to her son. Believe that
her stomach is rotting and it is incurable disease. Thinks she is gonna die. She was
convinced she has serious disease.
Reasons : appear tearful and feel sad , has delusion of guilt and nihilistic
c) 2 psychometric assesment
281 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
e) 2 psychological intervention
282 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 14
15 years old female is mentally subnormal due to epilepsy and has abnormal behaviour for
the past 1 week.
Birth trauma
Head injury
c) Epilepsy well controlled and fits develop once over a month. Name one medication to be
d) She was treat as outpatient. What is the advice for her parents ?
She has high risk for sexual abuse (need to take extra
283 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 15
MEQ 16
Scenario: A woman has been having low mood since upper high school.
2 weeks ago, she had been seen talking to herself and wanted to do suicide.
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MEQ 17
Scenario: A 60 years old woman came to ED with irrational speech and pacing for 2 days. BP
was 160/90 mmHg. Lab investigations were normal.
Patient was referred to medical ward for management. BP was stabilized but she developed
labile mood and often seen tearful and happy.
285 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 18
Interactive session
Suzana, 40 years old women been warded to the medical ward due to overdose of
antidepressant. She wants to go back home. All blood and other investigations are normal.
S Sex (Male)
D Depression
E Ethanol abuse
286 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
* Regardless of the score obtained , overall clinical assessment is still paramount and
the primary care physician should err on the side of caution.
MEQ 19
A man arrested due to drug possession. After a day in lock up he developed headache,
abdominal discomfort and diarrhea. a) elicit 4 other signs and symptom for diagnosis
• nausea or vomiting
• muscle aches
• lacrimation or rhinorrhea
• pupillar dilation
• piloerection
• diarrhea
287 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• yawning
• fever
• Insomnia
• Dysphoric mood
b) noted there's puncture mark on his arms state the diagnosis and 1 reason
• Antidiarrheal
• Antiemetic
• rehab center
288 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 20
Scenario 2 Seorg wanita berusia 30an. Dtg dgn aduan dia berasa nervous dan masalah tidak
selesa perut. Dia dh jmpa byk Dr. dh. Dia sendiri juga tidak mengetahui punca utama yg buat
dia rasa mcm ni.
Ans: • fatigue
• restless
• muscle tension
• irritability
• impaired concentration
• sleep disturbances
Mak beliau juga menghdpi bnda yg sama seperti dirinya. Beliau sbnrnye sakit sama seperti ini
sejak berumur 25 thun.
• Cognitive therapy
• Group therapy
289 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• Exercise (relaxation)
• Psycho education
MEQ 21
Ans: Bipolar Mood Disorder in Manic Phase; reason – explain manic phase
d) 2 medications + investigation
Ans: • ECT
290 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 22
b) ddx
Ans: schizophrenia
c) pharmacotherapy
Ans: • Antipsychotic
Ans: • Psychoeducation
291 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 23
21 years old man involved in an accident 1 year ago, had cerebral concussion, however his
father who was riding motorcycle, died due to severe head injury. Has irritability, sleep
disturbances with nightmare and poor concentration.
Depressed mood.
Disorganised speech
Disorganised behaviour
PET scan was done. He has no psychotic symptoms. Provisional diagnosis with reason.
292 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
His symptoms improved, however he still cannot concentrate to his study. List two non-
pharmacological treatment you would like to offer.
Relaxation Therapy.
MEQ 24
60 years old man, missing from home for 1 day. Found by the road side as his car doesn’t have
fuel. He was very tired. Cannot remember home address. Police brought him back to family.
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Alcoholic Delirium
Full blood count. To rule out infection (underlying infection cause delirium)
293 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Grocery shopping
Paying bills
Preparing a meal
Using telephone
Scored 22/30 on MMSE. Geriatric Depression Scale 4/10. Diagnosis and 2 reasons
Alzheimer’s Dementia.
No comorbidities.
MOA: Blocks Acetylcholine at the synapse, thereby increase Ach at synaptic cleft and
improve the memory
294 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 25
45 years old woman diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2, one month ago and become sad
and anxious since then. She demands counsel on treatment.
Major Depressive Disorder. Because she felt sad (low mood) since one month ago.
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood. The stressor present and duration less than
one month (not more than 3 months).
Acute stress disorder. Sudden onset of serious illness and the duration is less than one
Depression disorder due to medical condition. Having low mood one month ago
secondary to breast cancer.
295 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Social therapy: Find the family support, develop the social network
Psychoeducation: Educate patient and families about medical condition, about the
MEQ 26
27 years old man, stuporous and have food refusal for past 2 days. He also feel suspicious
towards his wife’s loyalty for the past few months. No similar episode from the past. Brought to
emergency by his wife.
Physical examination: Conscious, but not respond to command, afebrile and rigidity of limbs.
List two differential diagnosis and reason for each.
List 2 investigation for the patients and give the reason for each.
Renal function test/ liver function test: Detect any organ failure
296 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
All investigation found to be normal. The patient refuse to eat and become stupor in the ward.
What is your immediate treatment for the patient and give the immediate complication.
MEQ 27
Mr A irritable at office, always disturb his friend. His wife complains of him
having abnormal behavior. He has poor sleep. He started to do artistry painting and
convinced that he would win an art competition despite having no artistry inclination.
Duration : 1 month
2) Ni tak silap dia tambah ciri belanja spree and had history of bipolar depression state,
-Sodium valproate
297 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
4) Patient then develop tremor and excessive thirsty after receiving treatment
- Serum lithium
- Thyroid fx test
298 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 28
-multiple awakening
Feeling sad most time. Worst in morning. Husband lost job 2months ago.
-loss of appetite
-loss of interest
-impaired concentration
Husband had found a low pay job 2 weeks ago. She is very worried about her 3 daughters
299 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
4) 2 Class of Medication
5) Nonpharmaco therapy
-Support therapy
300 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 36 years old lady want to strangulate her daughters whenever she sees them. So, she feel
She keeps going out to avoid her daughter. She denied having any hallucinations.
2) Provisional diagnosis
- Orderliness
- Feeling anxious
301 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
4) Pharmacotherapy
-SSRI – Fluoxetine
-TCA – Amitriptylin
5) She need more than pharmacotherapy. Give two elements of behavioural therapies
she need.
-Flooding therapy
-Systematic desensitization
32 years old man brought to the A&E by the police. On examination, he looked agitated, had
2) 2 other signs
- Rhinorrhea
- Lacrimation
- Puncture scars
3) He was restless and wants to run away. 4 symptomatic drugs that should be given.
302 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
303 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 31
4.30 yo with excessive worry about her health cause her friend was diagnosed with breast
• Palpitation
• Dry mouth
• Muscle tense
• Sleep disturbance
• Hypochondriasis
4) Medication?
304 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
o substance-induced psychosis
o acute stress disorder with psychosis
o schizotypal disorder
4. Definitive diagnosis
30 years old high functional career woman experienced anxiety attack with palpitations,
restlessness, tingling sensation for the past 3 months. She even difficult to go to grocery shop.
Husband noticed she was agitated, irritable, increase appetite but no loss of weight.
305 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 36
A 40 – year old man become anxious after the COVID – 19 virus outbreaks in his neighborhood.
His mind was preoccupied with the possibility of contracting the infections. He developed flu –
like symptoms one week ago and was tested for the infection. He heard voices discussing about
his well – being and was unable to sleep since then.
His screening test was reported to be negative. His flu like symptoms was not relieved despite
of medications. His housing area was placed under complete lockdown. He strongly believed
that he had contracted the infection. He become over sensitive to any news related to the
B. Give TWO most probable differential with reasons you would consider now. (2 marks)
Diagnosis Reason
The following week his condition worsened, and he became agitated. He was worried about his
upcoming repeat test.
306 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Medications Reason
The repeat test for COVID 19 infection was negative. The psychological symptoms were fully
resolved in the fourth week from the onset of symptoms.
D. Give TWO important decisions with regard to medication and your reason. (2 marks)
However, during the following months he continued to avoid going out of his house as he was
afraid of contracting the virus.
307 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 37
A 23 – year – old schoolteacher had a normal delivery of her first baby two weeks ago. She was
overly worried about supporting her baby. She was not able to sleep because the baby was
constantly crying. She developed these immediately after her delivery.
A. List FOUR causative factors that can lead to the above symptoms. (2 marks)
Her husband lost his job about a month ago before her delivery due to the COVID – 19
B. Give TWO probable diagnoses and your reason for it. (2 marks)
The following week she continued to have feelings of incompetency as a mother and regretted
giving birth to the baby. She was struggling with breast feeding and house chores. She felt tired
taking care of the baby and looked distressed and tearful.
C. List TWO important questions that you would ask to prevent serious events. (1 mark)
Her husband was worried about her condition and wanted to know about her diagnosis.
D. State the most probable diagnosis and give THREE reasons. (2 marks)
308 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Her husband was not keen on hospitalization; hence she was given out – patient treatment.
Her family was keen on breastfeeding but worried about the medication that she was
F. Give TWO advice that you would give her on breast feeding with regards to medication.
(1 mark)
MEQ 38
A 30 – year – old housewife with episodes of palpitations and inability to do her usual house
chores since her mother was admitted with Corona virus infection two weeks ago. Her family
was screened and quarantined at home.
A. Give FOUR group of symptoms that you would like to elicit in history of presenting
illness. (2 marks)
309 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Fortunately, all the other members in the household were not infected. After two weeks, her
palpitation worsened when her mother was admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for severe
acute respiratory syndrome.
B. Give TWO differential diagnosis and your reason for considering them. (2 marks)
Subsequently, her mother died after ten days in the ICU. She was devastated after being
informed by the hospital authority. The family was not able to attend to the funeral.
C. Give TWO psychological intervention strategies you recommend and its reason for each.
(2 mark)
Intervention Reasons
She had frequent crying spells blaming herself for her mother’s death even after two months.
Her sleep was interrupted with infrequent dreams of her late mother.
D. Give TWO differential diagnoses you would consider and give your reasons. (2 marks)
Diagnosis Reasons
Her family brought her to a psychiatrist and plan of management was discussed.
310 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
E. Give TWO specific plan of management for her with your reasons. (2 marks)
MEQ 39:
A 30 – year – old single man was brought by the police to the Emergency Room (ER) for
causing grievous hurt to his house mate. He was restless and paranoid towards people around
him for the past two weeks.
A. List TWO group of symptoms that you would elicit in the history of presenting with TWO
examples each. (2 marks)
He was caught for stealing on several occasions and was abusing ‘Syabu’ for many years.
B. List FOUR questions you would ask about his issues related with drug abuse. (2 marks)
He preferred to be alone and never had any close relationship in the past.
311 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
He was agitated at the ER and was eventually sedated. The Hospital Director was not willing to
accept the case due to the seriousness of the problem.
D. Give TWO most appropriate decisions that you would consider and the reason for it. (2
He became mentally stable after one month of treatment and was fit to go for his trial in the
court. The court ordered for a medical report.
State FOUR important points to be mentioned by the psychiatrist in the medical report. (2
A 22 female, an active college representative, failed her exam and became socially withdrawn
for 1 year where she refused to eat and talk to her parents.
312 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
d)During follow up after a month, she sang loudly in the clinic and became very talkative.
What is the diagnosis now?
f) Social therapy
313 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 27 years old male was referred to psychiatry department after episode of fighting of his co-
worker, saying that everyone is conspiring against him and try to do bad thing to him.
Additionally, he also felt unsafe in his working environment since 2 years ago as he always feel
like his co-workers try to harm him.
While in ward, getting aggressive, saying things like the medical attendants try to harm him.
What medication to give?
314 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 67 years old female came with the complaint of always forgetting about mundane things in
daily life and self-neglecting herself. Recently said that she feels like there were people
watching her but there was no one there. She sometimes forget her own children and having
inappropriate behaviour.
This patient was admitted to the ward whilst waiting for her cognitive assessment results. While
in ward, she feels depressed and cannot sleep.
The cognitive results came out as deterioration in her cognitive function (basically, mmse results
decrease). What is your final diagnosis with 3 reasons?
Final dx:
Reasons :
315 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 35 year old man, came with chief complaint of always staring into spaces without him
knowing. Furthermore, he always feels like things around him had happened before, but may or
may not be happening (deja vu). Came to the ED.
d. There was some abnormalities in his neurological investigation. What class of medication to
prescribe with 3 examples?
Class of medication :
3 examples :
(Note: in temporal lobe epilepsy, the patient will come in with absence seizure and feeling of
deja vu)
27 years old man, stupors and have food refusal for past 2 days. No similar episode from the
past. Brought to emergency by his wife.
316 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. Hallucination
2. Mood
Physical examination: conscious but not respond to command, afebrile and rigidity of limbs.
C. List 2 investigation for the patients and give the reason for each
All investigation found to be normal. The patient reduces to eat and become stupor in the ward.
pharmacotherapy was not effective. Parents want to bring patient to home
D. What is your immediate treatment for the patient and give indication
1. No progression in ward
317 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
MEQ 44
A 30 years old lady came to clinic because she felt nervous, had palpitation and shortness of
breath. She worries she might lose control in the public hence she would avoid going to
crowded place. Her husband always need to always accompany to go to groceries. She had
seen many doctors. She did not know why she had been experiencing that way.
1. Chest pain
2. Fear of dying
3. Choking sensation
4. Derealization / depersonalization
318 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
This patient has been referred to the psychiatric clinic for alcoholic drinking. Assess this patient for his
drinking habit. Take history with particular reference to alcohol dependence and problem drinking.
a) Greetings
b) Introduce yourself and ask patient’s name and age.
c) Explain your purposes
d) Reassure patient about this session and confidentiality.
1. Introduction e) Ask consent
f) Ask chief complaint
a) Type of alcohol
b) Duration
2. Pattern of use c) Quantity
d) Frequency of use
e) Amount spent
3. Tolerance Over time, do you find that you have to drink more to get the
same effect?
319 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5. Maladaptive pattern of Do you spend a lot of time and money to obtain alcohol
use every day?
6. Craving for drink Do you crave/keep thinking about having a drink when at
320 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Mr David visits his GP to consult about his emotional problems that had affected his work
performances. Mr David complained to his GP that he is unable to relax for a long time.
1. List 4 symptoms of clinical significance that brought him to see his doctor
i. Fear of dying
ii. Believes that he is having heart attack
iii. Experiences symptoms of heart attack
iv. Wouldn’t go for a long walk
v. Needs someone to be with him when he goes out
321 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
i. Panic disorder
i. Depression
ii. Agoraphobia
iii. Functional decline
iv. Drinking alcohol excessively
6. List 2 drugs that you would prescribe him and mention the frequency of each drug.
322 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Interactive station
Static station
Mrs Jones, 65 years old woman has sudden change of behaviour. She has underlying
Alzheimer’s disease.
c. 2 psychological features
Visual hallucination
Auditory hallucination
Paranoid delusion
323 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Video Station
Visual Halucination
Olfactory hallucination
Tactile hallucination
Thought echo
Delusion of reference
324 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
(Emotional blunting is usually for Parkinson disease, if flat the worse affect
when patient does not want to talk to you and no expression at all)
e. Comment on abstract
Good as patient talk about function rather than concrete
f. Example of abstract
g. Patient’s insight
325 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Video station:
Alcohol dependence
(Hyperactive Delirium)
3.Final Diagnosis
326 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
4. Final Diagnosis.
5. Management?
Panic Disorder
1.What is the reason given by the patient for her current visit?
5.Provisional Diagnosis.
327 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Interactive station
Middle aged woman attempted suicide. She was under psychiatric follow up for past 8 months
for her depression.
1. Access the suicidal risk of the patient and state whether the patient need to hospitalizaton ?
2.I ADL (Instrumental activity of daily Living)- Access the IADL from the caretaker
Station 1 (video)
c) 3 biological symptoms
Loss of
Poor sleep
328 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
d) 5 phychological symptoms
Low mood
Crying most of the
Fear of dying due to breast
f) 3 plan of management
Breast examination (with/ without
Start anti
Anxiolytic agent
Cognitive behavioural
329 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Station 3 (video)
a) 2 main complaints :
Fear /mindful
Difficulty to get out of
e) 3 management plan
Anti depressant –
330 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Station 5 (video)
A elderly man presented with low mood and history of manic phase in the
331 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Station 6
Poor insight – take medication only for sleep and can handle his
f) 3 physical appearance
Tremor , restless,
332 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. Dementia
1) List 3 attitudes shown by patient
2) List 3 clinical features of patient with reason
3) List reasons why patient’s condition worsen in the evening
4) List 3 reason why patient experienced visual hallucination
5) Your diagnosis
6) Treatment and management
2. OCD
1) List 4 rapport building skills that a doctor must have
2) List 6 attitude shown by the patient
3) List 4 aspect of patient's obsessions
5) List compulsion activity done by patient
6) Your diagnosis
7) Treatment and management
333 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
b) I am (your name), 4th year medical student. May I know your name and age please?
c) I am here today to ask you a few questions so that we can explore with regards to the
problems that you are facing.
d) I can assure you that whatever we have discussed will be private and kept confidential. Are
you comfortable/okay with that?
f) Before ending the interview question, don’t forget to summarize every symptoms that the
patient complained (safety net).
g) We’ve almost completed our interview, so I would like to summarize. Based on the interview,
I understand that you are having (mention all the symptoms that the patient is having) and is
there anything else that you’d like to tell me?
334 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. Voices that:
2. Thought insertion
3. Thought withdrawal
4. Thought broadcast
6. Delusional perception – have you experienced that you suddenly understood what you
are seeing/hearing had a special meaning?
Have you ever had a period of a week or so in which you felt so happy and energetic that
people around you told you that you are behaving strangely or talking too fast?
1. Distractibility
2. Irritable mood
3. Grandiose
4. Flight of ideas
335 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5. Activity (goal directed activity / activity increase) spending spree many things to
do plan
7. Talkativeness
Station 2 (video)
c) Treatment
336 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Patient was diagnosed severe depression. She had no response to antidepressant. Consultant
suggested for ECT. You are asked to explain about ECT and get consent from the patient.
Ans: -
337 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
1. Chief complaint.
• Depressive disorder
• Antidepressants
• Behavior therapy
• Cognitive therapy
• Group therapy
338 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
• side effect
2) asess insight
1. Four hallucination
339 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB28gfSmz1Y
Came to see GP due to excessive hand washing. She went to see dermatologist due to afraid of
Take a history for her symptoms and make a diagnosis to her complaint
340 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA-fqvC02oM&t=63s
(Interactive-Panic Disorder)
1. Intro (2m)
-any discomfort
341 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
3. Symptoms
4. During attack
-any choking?
-fear of dying?
-shaking or trembling?
-teach pt, before symptoms comes, do de breathing : can reduce intensity of panic
342 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
(Video: Dementia)
1. what did the wife tell the doctor about Mac symptoms? Give 4.
-lose temper
-over confident
-personality change
3. 5 MMSE component:
- Orientation
- Registration
- Attention
- Recall
- Naming
343 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
6. Differential diagnosis
- Frontotemporal Dementia
Watch the video attentively and answer all the questions. You can pause at any section that is
necessary to get the answers.
A. Give TWO items that we missed out in the assessment of “Time Orientation” (2 marks)
B. Give TWO errors made by the interviewer regarding the test items on “Memory
Registration” (2 marks)
344 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
5 – minutes recall:
D. Name the test item that was missed out between “Memory Registration” and “5 –
minutes Recall” and give any TWO test options that can be used (3 marks)
Test item missed:
Test Options:
E. State your score on the test item “Obey the command” (1 mark)
“Obey the command” score:
F. State your score on the test item “Copy the design” and give TWO reasons (3 marks)
“Copy the design” score:
G. State your score on “Clock drawing test” and give FOUR reasons (5 marks)
“Clock drawing test” score:
H. State your score on “Write a complete sentence” and give ONE reason (2 marks)
“Write a complete sentence” score:
345 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
The doctor is breaking the bad news about the results of breast lump biopsy to her patient,
A. List FOUR positive attributes shown by the doctor during the introduction phase. (4
B. List FOUR reactions observed in the patient on hearing the bad news. (4 marks)
C. List FOUR errors made by the doctor before breaking the bad news. (4 marks)
D. List FIVE good gestures made by the doctor while giving information. (5 marks)
E. List THREE relevant information given by the doctor about the management of the
condition. (3 marks)
346 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
John presented to the General Practitioner Dr. Betty with symptoms suggestive of major mental
347 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
C. List TWO John’s appearance and behavior observed during the interview (4 marks)
No. Appearance Behavior
0 Overfriendly
o Bad attitude towards Dr
o He is not cooperative
o He disrespect
o He use vulgar words
o He wore colorful shirt
o Uncombed hair
o Distracted
o Making jokes with the Dr
o disinhibitant
D. Give THREE signs observed in his speech (3 marks)
o Pressure of speech
o Irrelevant speech
o Flight of ideas
o Circumstantiality
o Talkative
E. Give THREE examples of thought disturbance expressed by John (3 marks)
F. State your diagnosis in full and give THREE reasons (4 marks)
Bipolar Disorder Type II in Manic Phase
elated mood, high energy, hyperactive, goal directed,
grandiose, distractibility
348 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Emma presented with some psychological problems that is affecting her life. The General
Practitioner is interviewing her in order to make a diagnosis.
Watch the video carefully and answer ALL the questions. You are allowed to replay the video if
you wish to view again.
Emma has some psychological problems that is distressing her. She seeks help from a General
A. List FOUR distressing physical and psychological symptoms stated by Emma (4 marks)
No. Physical Symptoms Psychological Symptoms
B. State TWO differential diagnoses and give ONE reasons each (4 marks)
No. Diagnosis Reason
349 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
350 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Mrs Jones, 65 years old woman has sudden change of behaviour. She has underlying
Alzheimer’s disease
1. Psychological features
• Irritable
• Shouting
• Confusion
• Visual hallucination
• Auditory hallucination
• Paranoid delusion
2. 3 physical features
• Ecchymosis around the eyes
• Shuffling gait
• Unkempt appearance
351 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder and need to start treatment but reluctant to
take medication
352 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
Alex, 22 years old has schizophrenia. He was prescribed with olanzapine 10 mg. You need to
give information regarding the benefit, side effect, and how does the medication work to his
First part
Second part
353 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
354 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
a. 0.5-0.9 %
b. 1.0-1.5%
c. 1.6-2.0%
d. 2.1-2.5%
e. 2.6-3.0%
355 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 30 years old man was brought to the emergency room by the police for being
aggressive and picking fight in the public. Identify the INCORRECT SIGN OF AN
c. Motor restlessness
d. Sweating profusely
A 25 years old man with schizophrenia was interviewed in a psychiatric clinic. State
a. Word salad
b. Thought block
c. Perseveration
d. Circumstantiality
e. Mutism
356 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 56 years old lady was presented to the memory clinic with impaired ability to carry
out IADL for the past one year. Choose the INCORRECT statement regarding the
synaptic cleft.
A 45 years old man with acute encephalitis became restless and disorientated. Select
a. The term delirium and acute confusional state are the same.
357 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
a. OCD is usually an acute condition with recovering over weeks to a few months.
Many physical diseases are commonly associated with anxiety symptoms. Choose the
a. Hyperthyroidism
b. Hypothyroidism
c. Pheochromocytoma
e. Myocardial Infarction
358 Oceanic Series End of Posting Compilation
A 30 years old ICU nurse witnessed several COVID-19 victims dying of severe
b. Childhood abuse
A 20 years old man with a history of learning disabilities was recommended to get an
OKU card by a medical social worker. Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding