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Jack The Ripper

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Jack the Ripper

Well, one of my favorites topics of all the times are serial killers, its really
intriguing for me; how the mind of a serial killer works? how they are
created? why do they kill ? and the way they kill, those are the questons that
I always make my self when a see a case or when I investigate about them.
So, for my essay I decided to make it about Jack the ripper one of the most
interesting serial killer in my opinion, Im̈ gonna talk about his modus
operandi, and his victims,

First of all we have to

get in context about
when and where the
homicides happened.
Whitechapel district of
London in 1888. the
industrial revolution
has just pass, and the
area was overcrowded
and littered with crime,
living and sanitation
conditions were horrendous.
Whitechapel’s roads, alleyways and courtyards were only lit by a single gas
lamp making the streets incredibly dark, different animals were often
herded through the streets, leaving trails of excrement behind them. Not
only that, residents would often throw their drain water into the streets, so
the smells of the area would have been insufferable.
Many of the local residents were foreign immigrants with little or no
money and education, and would often work for hours and hardworking
for a low pay.
Around 15,000 of
Whitechapel’s residents
were homeless and
unemployed, and the little
money they had often went
to drowning themselves in
alcohol in differents pubs.
The district was too so
overcrowded in its poorer
Areas, up to two or three entire families would often be into a small room
just because they couldn’t afford to pay rent anywhere else.
And these families must have considered lucky, cause there were other
places in the neighbourhood filled with 80 persons for about 4 pence a bed,
and for a tuppence you could lean yourself up against a ropejust so you
could sleep with a roof over your head.
Althoug getting a job was hard for men, for women was even worse to find
employment by the late 1800s, many had no choice but to resort to
prostitution just to make ends meet.
During the Victorian ages, around 1,200 prostitutes were working in
Whitechapel (although some experts predict that the numbers could have
been much higher.)
Women, they would often sell themselves for as little as three pence or just a
stale loaf of bread. The large majority of them were alcoholics, and could
often be found hanging around pubs even when they weren’t working. And
whenever a prostitute was murdered, it was rarely reported or discussed
about, which led to these women being subjected to physical attacks by
their customers, and also one of the reasons of why Jack The Ripper got
away with murder for so many months before officials finally started to take
Mow that we have an idea of how whas Whitechapel lets move on to the list
of victims named as "The cannonical five"
Just here a little warning, because in the next
pages I'm gonna be describring the homicides of
the cannonicals and Iḿ gonna add some images
of the bodies. knowing that lets continue.
Aroun the area there where 11 homicides, but only
five were recognized as Victims of The Ripper.
Lets start with Mary Ann "Polly" Nichols (26 August
1845 – 31 August 1888) was the first canonical
victim of the serial killer. The night of her death Nichols was last seen alive by
Emily Holland, walking alone down Osborn Street at 2:30 a.m. (approximately
one hour before her death). Holland said that Nichols was notably drunk,
falling against the wall of a grocer's shop. Holland attempted to persuade
Nichols to return to her Thrawl Street lodging-house, Mary declined and told
Emily that she was going to try to make the money for a bed at the lodging
house, saying "I have had my lodging money three times today, and I have spent
it". At 3:40 a.m., a carman named Charles Allen Cross discovered what he
initially believed to be a tarp lying on the ground in front of a gated stable
entrance in Buck's Row.
The body was found both sides of her
face had been bruised by either a fist or
the pressure of a thumb before her
throat wounds had been inflicted from
left to right. One of these two wounds
measured eight inches and the other
four inches in length; both reached
back to her vertebral column.Her
vagina had been stabbed twice, and her
abdomen had been mutilated with one
deep. Several incisions had also been
made across her abdomen and three or
four similar cuts ran down the right
side of her body.
Annie Chapman (25 September 1840 – 8 September 1888) was the
second canonical victim of the unidentified serial killer.
The day of her death the last pearson to saw alive was Mrs Elizabeth Long,
who testified into Chapman's murder that she observed Chapman talking
with a man at 5:30 a.m. The two stood at the back yard of 29 Hanbury
Street. The witness described this man as being over 40 years old, a little
bit taller than Chapman, with dark hair, and of a foreign, appearance,
according to Long, he was wearing a brown low-crowned felt hat and
possibly a dark coat, and that the man asked Chapman the question,
"Will you?" to which Chapman replied, "Yes."
Annie Chapman's mutilated
body was discovered before
6:00 a.m. by an elderly man
named John Davis.
The body was found with
the next signs: her throat
wounds had been inflicted
from left to right, reaching
her vertebral column.Her
vagina had been stabbed
twice, and her abdomen
had been mutilated, same
as Nicols, and it must have
been made with a similar
blade, thats why the found
really fast a realation
between this two events.

The third cannonical was Elizabeth Stride (27 November 1843 – 30 September
1888) .
Between 12:35 a.m. and 12:45 a.m., James Brown saw a woman he believed to
be Stride standing with her back against a wall at the corner of Berner Street
speaking with a man of average build in a long black coat and hat. Brown
heard Stride say, "No. Not tonight. Some other night." body was discovered at
approximately 1:00 a.m. on Sunday 30 September 1888 by Louis Diemschutz,
the steward of the International Working Men's Educational Club (the club
near were James saw her talking to the man and also William Smith saw her
aerlier talking to the same man)
The doctor who arrived was the same who examinated Annieś Chapman's
Stride's body was lying on the near side, with the face turned toward the
wall, the head up the yard and the feet toward the street. The left arm was
extended and there was a packet

Of hard candies for the throat in the left hand. ... The right arm was over
the belly; the back of the hand and wrist had on it clotted blood. The legs
were drawn up with the feet close to the wall. And again in the autopsy,
there was the same cut in the neck from left to right, at the sames
vertabreas, and the same inches in lenght
Catherine Eddowes (14 April 1842 – 30 September 1888) is the fourth of
the canonical.
Last perason seeing her alive was Lawende who testified seeing Eddowes
wearing a black bonnet and jacket, she standing talking with a man of
medium build with a fair moustache at the entrance to Church Passage,.
She was facing the man, with one hand on his chest, although not in a
manner to suggest to Lawende she was resisting him. Only Lawende had
give a clear description of the man, whom he described as approximately
thirty, about 1.70 metres in height and wearing a loose-fitting "pepper
and salt colour loose jacket", a grey peaked cloth cap and a "reddish"
neckerchief. To Lawende, this individual conveyed the overall
appearance of a sailor.
At 1:44 a.m., Eddowes's mutilated and
eviscerated body was found lying on her
back, with her head resting on a coal
hole. thsi in my opinion was the most
autrosios homicide that Jack the ripper
commited, the way he esposed her body,
taking away her kidney, for then just
sending a part of it in his famosu letter
"From Hell". The throat cut. Across below
the throat was a neckerchief. The
intestines were drawn out and placed
over the right shoulder. A piece of about
two feet was placed between the body
and the left arm, apparently by design.
The lobe and auricle of the right ear
were cut obliquely through. There was a
quantity of clotted blood on the
pavement on the left side of the neck
round the shoulder and upper part of
the arm, and fluid blood-coloured serum
which had flowed under the neck to the
right shoulder, the pavement sloping in
that direction.
Now the last cannonical was Mary Jane Kelly (1863 – 9 November 1888).
Elizabeth Prater, who resided in the room directly above Kelly's and who
had been awoken by her kitten walking over her neck, and Sarah Lewis,
who had slept at number 2 Miller's Court on 8–9 November, both
reported hearing a faint cry of "Murder!" between 3:30 a.m. and 4 a.m.,
he mutilation of Kelly's corpse was by far the most extensive of any of the
Whitechapel murders, likely because the murderer had more time to
commit his atrocities in a private room, without fear of discovery over an
extensive period of time, as opposed to in public areas. The autopsy of
Kelly's body took two-and-a-half-hours to complete.
The body was lying naked in the middle of the bed, the shoulders flat but
the axis of the body inclined to the left side of the bed. The head was
turned on the left cheek. The left arm was close to the body with the
forearm flexed at a right angle and lying across the abdomen. The right
arm was slightly abducted from the body and rested on the mattress. The
elbow was bent, the forearm supine with the fingers clenched. The legs
were wide apart, the left thigh at right angles to the trunk and the right
forming an obtuse angle with the pubis.
The whole of the surface of the abdomen and thighs was removed and the
abdominal cavity emptied of its viscera. The breasts were cut off, the
arms mutilated by several jagged wounds and the face hacked beyond
recognition of the features. The tissues of the neck were severed all round
down to the bone.
The viscera were found in various
parts viz: the uterus and kidneys
with one breast under the head,
the other breast by the right foot,
the liver between the feet, the
intestines by the right side and the
spleen by the left side of the body.
The flaps removed from the
abdomen and thighs were on a
table. And for last there was a
really clear line of blood in the
middle of everything else in a side
of the bed beacuse of her neck

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