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Module III Session II

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Module 3

Session 2
TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Standard Protocol Architectures
 Two approaches (standard)
 OSI Reference model
 never used widely
 but well known

 TCP/IP protocol suite

 Most widely used
 Another approach (proprietary)
 IBM’s Systems Network Architecture (SNA)
OSI Reference Model
 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
 Reference model
 provides a general framework for standardization
 defines a set of layers and services provided by each layer
 one or more protocols can be developed for each layer

 Developed by the International Organization for

Standardization (ISO)
 alsopublished by ITU-T (International Telecommunications
OSI Reference Model
 A layered model
 Sevenlayers – seven has been presented as the optimal
number of layer
 Delivered too late (published in 1984)!
 by that time TCP/IP started to become the de facto standard
 Although no OSI-based protocol survived, the model is
still valid (in the textbooks)
 For Data Link Layer (that we will see later) OSI protocols are
still valid
OSI - The Layer Model
 Each layer performs a subset of the required
communication functions
 Each layer relies on the next lower layer to perform
more primitive functions
 Each layer provides services to the next higher layer
 Changes in one layer should not require changes in other
OSI as Framework for Standardization

layer functionalities are

described by ISO; different
standards can be
developed based on these
Layer Specific Standards
Elements of Standardization
 Protocol specification
 Operates between the same layer on two systems
 May involve different platforms
 Protocol specification must be precise
 Format of data units
 Semantics of all fields

 Service definition
 Functional description of what is provided to the next upper
 Addressing
 Referenced by SAPs
The OSI Environment
OSI Layers (1)
 Physical
 Physicalinterface between devices
 Characteristics
 Mechanical - interface specs
 Electrical - voltage levels for bits, transmission rate, coding,
 Data Link
 Basic services: error detection and control, flow control
at the link level (point to point)
 Higher layers may assume error free transmission
 Later a sublayer is added to Data Link Layer
 MAC (Medium Access Control) sublayer
 to deal with broadcast networks
OSI Layers (2)
 Network
 Transfer of information through communication network
 network related issues
 Network nodes (relays/routers) should perform switching and
routing functions
 QoS (Quality of Service) and congestion control are also
addressed in this layer
 Several other internetworking issues
 e.g. differences in addressing, max. data length, etc.
 Higher layers do not need to know about underlying networking
 Not needed on direct links
Use of a Relay/Router
OSI Layers (3)
 Transport
 End to end exchange of data
 In sequence, no losses, no duplicates

 If needed, upper layer data are split into smaller units

 Session
 Control of dialogues
 whose turn to talk?
 Dialogue discipline (full-duplex, half-duplex)

 Checkpointing and recovery

OSI Layers (4)
 Presentation
 Data formats
 Data compression

 Encryption

 Application
 Support for various applications
Overview OSI Model
Data Format at Each layer
IETF Modified-OSI Six Layers Architecture
for IOT/M2M
• Data stack receives at the device end (layer 1) and to an Application, Service or
Process end (Layer 6)
• Data stack processes during the communication between the physical and
application layers
• Layer 1: smart sensing and data-link circuit with each streetlight for transferring
the sensed data to the layer 2
• Layer 2: Data Adaptation the group controller receives data of each group
through Bluetooth or ZigBee, then aggregates and compacts the data for
communication to Internet,
• Layer 3: Network stream on the Internet to next layer
• Layer 4: Transport layer for device identity management, identity registry and
data routing to next layer
• Layer 5: Application support by data managing, acquiring, organising and
• Layer 6: Application a remotely stored service program which issues the
commands or programs the firmware at the service controllers
IETF Modified-OSI Six Layers Architecture
TCP/IP Protocol Suite

• The TCP/IP protocol stack is at the heart of the Internet. The top
three layers are grouped together, which simplifies the model.
• Most widely used interoperable network protocol architecture
Specified and extensively used before OSI
• OSI was slow to take place in the market
• Funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
(DARPA) for its packet switched network (ARPANET)
• DoD (Department of Defense) automatically created an enormous
market for TCP/IP
• Used by the Internet and WWW
TCP/IP Protocol Suite

 TCP/IP does not have an official layer structure

 But protocols imply one
 Application layer
 Transport (host to host / end to end) layer
 Internet layer
 Network access layer
 Physical layer

 Actually TCP/IP reference model has been built on its protocols

 That is why that reference model is only for TCP/IP protocol suite
 and this is why it is not so important to assign roles to each layer in
TCP/IP; understanding TCP, IP and the application protocols would be



Network Access and Physical Layers
 TCP/IP reference model does not discuss these layers too
 the node should connect to the network with a protocol such
that it can send IP packets
 this protocol is not defined by TCP/IP

 mostly in hardware

 a well known example is Ethernet

Internet Layer

 Connectionless, point to point internetworking

protocol (uses the datagram approach)
 takescare of routing across multiple networks
 each packet travels in the network independently of
each other
 they may not arrive (if there is a problem in the network)
 they may arrive out of order
a design decision enforced by DoD to make the system
more flexible and responsive to loss of some subnet
 Implemented in end systems and routers as the
Internet Protocol (IP)
Network Layer
 Function:
 Routepackets end-to-end on a
network, through multiple hops
Presentation  Key challenge:
Session  How to represent addresses
Transport  How to route packets
 Scalability
 Convergence
Data Link
 How to connect multiple
 LANs may be
 Ethernet, Wifi, etc…
 Connected networks
form an internetwork
 The Internet is the best
known example
Structure of the Internet
Network 3
Network 1

Network 4
Network 2

 Ad-hoc interconnection of networks

 No organized topology
 Vastly different technologies, link capacities
 Packets travel end-to-end by hopping through networks
 Routers “peer” (connect) different networks
 Different packets may take different routes
Internetworking Issues
 Naming / Addressing
 How do you designate hosts?
 Routing
 Must be scalable (i.e. a switched Internet won’t work)
 Service Model
 What gets sent?
 How fast will it go?

 What happens if there are failures?

 Must deal with heterogeneity

 Remember, every network is different
IP (Internet Protocol)
 The core of the TCP/IP protocol suite
 Two versions co-exist
 v4 – the widely used IP protocol
 v6 – has been standardized in 1996, but still not widely deployed
 IP (v4) header minimum 20 octets (160 bits)
 IPv6
 Enhancements over IPv4 for modern high speed networks
 Support for multimedia data streams

 But the driving force behind v6 was to increase address

 128-bit as compared to 32-bit of v4
 Not backward compatible
 all equipment and software must change
Transport Protocols
 Provide logical communication between
application processes running on application
different hosts transport
data link network
 Run on end hosts physical
data link
data link
 Sender: breaks application physical

messages into segments, data link

physical network
data link
and passes to network layer physical


 Receiver: reassembles segments data link


into messages, passes to application

application layer network
data link
 Multiple transport protocol available to
 Internet: TCP and UDP
Internet Transport Protocols
 Datagram messaging service (UDP)
 No-frillsextension of “best-effort” IP
 connectionless service
 delivery is not guaranteed

 Reliable, in-order delivery (TCP)

 connection oriented
 reliable delivery of data
 ordering of delivery

 Other services not available

 Delayguarantees
 Bandwidth guarantees
TCP basics
 Why invented ?
 Repair packet losses
 Save application from doing it.
 What does TCP do ?
 TCP guarantees that all data is delivered in sequence and without loss, unless the
connection is broken;
 TCP should work for all applications that transfer data, either in small or large
 TCP does not work with multicast IP addresses, UDP does.
 TCP also does flow control
 TCP also does congestion control (not seen in this module)
 How does TCP work ?
 first, a connection (=synchronization of sequence numbers) is opened between two
 then TCP implements ARQ (for error recovery) and credits (for flow control)
 in the end, the connection is closed
 Transmission Control Protocol
 end to end protocol
 Reliable connection = provides flow and error control

 In TCP terms, a connection is a temporary association

between entities in different systems
 Called “TCP segment”
 Includes source and destination port
 Identifyrespective users (applications)
 pair of ports (together with the IP addresses) uniquely identify
a connection; such an identification is necessary in order TCP to
track segments between entities.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

 Connection oriented
 Explicit set-up and tear-down of TCP session
 Stream-of-bytes service
 Sends and receives a stream of bytes, not messages
 Reliable, in-order delivery
 Checksums to detect corrupted data
 Acknowledgments & retransmissions for reliable delivery
 Sequence numbers to detect losses and reorder data
 Flow control
 Prevent overflow of the receiver’s buffer space
 Congestion control
 Adapt to network congestion for the greater good 34
TCP Header
The UDP service
 UDP service interface
 one message, up to 8K
 destination address, destination port, source address, source port

 UDP service is message oriented

 delivers exactly the message or nothing
 several messages may be delivered in disorder

 Message may be lost, application must implement loss recovery.

 If a UDP message is larger than (Maximum Transferable unit)

MTU, then fragmentation occurs at the IP layer
 User Datagram Protocol
 Alternative to TCP
 end-to-end protocol
 Not guaranteed delivery
 No preservation of sequence
 No protection against duplication
 Minimum overhead
Why Would Anyone Use UDP?
 Finer control over what data is sent and when
 Assoon as an application process writes into the socket
 … UDP will package the data and send the packet

 No delay for connection establishment

 UDPjust blasts away without any formal preliminaries
 … which avoids introducing any unnecessary delays

 No connection state
 Noallocation of buffers, parameters, sequence #s, etc.
 … making it easier to handle many active clients at once

 Small packet header overhead

 UDP header is only eight-bytes long 38
Popular Applications That Use UDP
 Multimedia streaming
 Retransmitting lost/corrupted packets is not worthwhile
 By the time the packet is retransmitted, it’s too late

 E.g., telephone calls, video conferencing, gaming

 Simple query protocols like Domain Name System

 Overhead of connection establishment is overkill
 Easier to have application retransmit if needed
“Address for”


Dest. Port
Sequence number

Dest. Address
Source address

Dest. Network Address

Priority info
Operation of TCP and IP
Some Protocols in TCP/IP Suite
TCP Support for Reliable Delivery
 Checksum
 Usedto detect corrupted data at the receiver
 …leading the receiver to drop the packet

 Sequence numbers
 Used to detect missing data
 ... and for putting the data back in order

 Retransmission
 Sender retransmits lost or corrupted data
 Timeout based on estimates of round-trip time
 Fast retransmit algorithm for rapid retransmission
Application Layer
 Support for user applications
 A separate module for each different application
 e.g. HTTP, SMTP, telnet

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