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People vs. Ritter
G.R. No. 88582. March 5, 1991.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.

HEINRICH S. RITTER, accused-appellant.

Criminal Law; Statutory Rape; Evidence; The evidence on

record consisting of the victimÊs baptismal certificate which shows
that she was more than 12 years old at the time of the alleged rape,
is more convincing and worthy of belief, than the oral declarations of
witnesses establishing the victimÊs age to be less than 12 years old.·
All the evidence presented by the prosecution showing that Rosario
Baluyot was less than 12 years old at the time of the alleged
incident are not adequate to establish the exact date of birth, much
less offset a documentary record showing a different date. The
defense presented Rosario BaluyotÊs baptismal certificate which the
trial court rejected as being hearsay and of no value. As against the
oral declarations made by interested witnesses establishing
RosarioÊs age to be less than 12 years old, the evidence on record is
more convincing and worthy of belief. (See Filinvest Land, Inc. v.
Court of Appeals, 183 SCRA 664, 673 [1990]).
Same; Same; Same; Same; Where the victim was not established
to have been under 12 years of age at the time of the alleged sexual
violation, the usual elements of rape must be proved.·Since Rosario
was not established to have been under 12 years of age at the time
of the alleged sexual violation, it was necessary to prove that the
usual elements of rape were present; i.e. that there was force or
intimidation or that she was deprived of reason or otherwise
unconscious in accordance with Article 335 of the Revised Penal
Code. We agree with the defense that there was no proof of such
facts. On the contrary, the evidence shows that Rosario submitted
herself to the sexual advances of the appellant. In fact, she appears Page 1 of 42

to have consented to the act as she was paid P300.00 the next
morning while her companion, Jessie Ramirez was paid P200.00
(T.S.N. p. 50, January 6, 1988). The environmental circumstances
coupled with the testimonies and evidence presented in court
clearly give the impression that Rosario Baluyot, a poor street child,
was a prostitute inspite of her tender age. Circumstances in life
may have forced her to submit to sex at such a young age but the
circumstances do not come under the purview of force or
intimidation needed to convict for rape.




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People vs. Ritter

Same; Same; Same; Same; Circumstantial Evidence; Before

conviction can be had upon circumstantial evidence, the
circumstances proved should constitute an unbroken chain which
leads to one fair and reasonable conclusion pointing to the
defendant, to the exclusion of all others, as the author of the crime.·
The evidence for the accused may be numerically less as against the
number of witnesses and preponderance of evidence presented by
the prosecution but there is no direct and convincing proof that the
accused was responsible for the vibrator left inside the victimÊs
vagina which caused her death seven (7) months after its insertion.
What the prosecution managed to establish were mere
circumstances which were not sufficient to overcome the
constitutional presumption of innocence. While circumstantial
evidence may suffice to support a conviction it is imperative,
though, that the following requisites should concur: (a) There is
more than one circumstance; (b) The facts from which the
inferences are derived are proven; and (c) The combination of all the
circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable
doubt. (Rule 133, Sec. 4 Revised Rules of Court) For the well-
entrenched rule in evidence is that „before conviction can be had
upon circumstantial evidence, the circumstances proved should Page 2 of 42

constitute an unbroken chain which leads to one fair and

reasonable conclusion pointing to the defendant, to the exclusion of
all others, as the author of the crime (People v. Subano, 73 Phil. 692
[1942]; Italics supplied). It must fairly exclude every reasonable
hypothesis of innocence (Dorado v. Court of Appeals, 153 SCRA 420,
433 [1987]). In this case the circumstantial evidence presented by
the prosecution does not conclusively point to the liability of the
appellant for the crime charged. (People vs. Tolentino, supra)
Same; Same; Same; Same; Suspicions and possibilities are not
evidence, and therefore should not be taken against the accused.·
The established facts do not entirely rule out the possibility that the
appellant could have inserted a foreign object inside RosarioÊs
vagina. This object may have caused her death. It is possible that
the appellant could be the guilty person. However, the Court cannot
base an affirmance of conviction upon mere possibilities. Suspicions
and possibilities are not evidence and therefore should not be taken
against the accused. (People v. Tolentino, supra) Well-established is
the rule that every circumstance favorable to the accused should be
duly taken into account. This rule applies even to hardened
criminals or those whose bizarre behaviour violates the mores of
civilized society. The evidence against the accused must survive the
test of reason. The strongest suspicion must not be allowed to sway
judgment. (See Sacay v. Sandiganbayan, 142 SCRA 593 [1986]). As
stated in the case of People v. Ng,



People vs. Ritter

(142 SCRA 615 [1986]): „x x x [F]rom the earliest years of this

Court, it has emphasized the rule that reasonable doubt in criminal
cases must be resolved in favor of the accused. The requirement of
proof beyond reasonable doubt calls for moral certainty of guilt. It
has been defined as meaning such proof Âto the satisfaction of the
court, keeping in mind the presumption of innocence, as precludes
every reasonable hypothesis except that which it is given to
support. It is not sufficient for the proof to establish a probability,
even though strong, that the fact charged is more likely to be true Page 3 of 42

than the contrary. It must establish the truth of the fact to a

reasonable and moral certainty___a certainty that convinces and
satisfies the reason and the conscience of those who are to act upon
it.Ê (Moreno, Philippine Law Dictionary, 1972 Edition, p. 379, citing
U.S. v. Reyes, 3 Phil. 3). x x x‰ In the instant case, since there are
circumstances which prevent our being morally certain of the guilt
of the appellant, he is, therefore, entitled to an acquittal.
Same; Same; Damages; Moral and exemplary damages
awarded to the victimÊs heirs despite acquittal of accused on grounds
of reasonable doubt.·Furthermore, it does not necessarily follow
that the appellant is also free from civil liability which is impliedly
instituted with the criminal action. (Rule III, Section 1) The well-
settled doctrine is that a person while not criminally liable, may
still be civilly liable. We reiterate what has been stated in Urbano v.
IAC, supra. „x x x While the guilt of the accused in a criminal
prosecution must be established beyond reasonable doubt, only a
preponderance of evidence is required in a civil action for damages.
(Article 29, Civil Code). The judgment of acquittal extinguishes the
civil liability of the accused only when it includes a declaration that
the facts from which the civil liability might arise did not exist.
(Padilla v. Court of Appeals, 129 SCRA 559). x x x Rosario Baluyot
is a street child who ran away from her grandmotherÊs house.
Circumstances forced her to succumb and enter this unfortunate
profession. Nonetheless, she has left behind heirs who have
certainly suffered mental anguish, anxiety and moral shock by her
sudden and incredulous death as reflected in the records of the case.
Though we are acquitting the appellant for the crime of rape with
homicide, we emphasize that we are not ruling that he is innocent
or blameless. It is only the constitutional presumption of innocence
and the failure of the prosecution to build an airtight case for
conviction which saved him, not that the facts of unlawful conduct
do not exist. As earlier stated, there is the likelihood that he did
insert the vibrator whose end was left inside RosarioÊs vaginal canal
and that the vibrator may have caused her death. True, we cannot
convict on probabilities or possibilities but civil liability does not
require proof


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People vs. Ritter

beyond reasonable doubt. The Court can order the payment of

indemnity on the facts found in the records of this case.

APPEAL from the judgment of the Regional Trial Court of

Olongapo City, Br. 73.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
Esteban B. Bautista for accused-appellant.


The appellant challenges his conviction of the crime

involving a young girl of about 12 years old who had been
allegedly raped and who later died because of a foreign
object left inside her vaginal canal.
Heinrich Stefan Ritter was charged with the crime of
rape with homicide under an information which reads:

„That on or about the tenth (10th) day of October, 1986 in the City
of Olongapo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused with lewd design and
with intent to kill one Rosario Baluyot, a woman under twelve (12)
years of age, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously
have carnal knowledge of said Rosario Baluyot and inserted a
foreign object into the vaginal canal of said Rosario Baluyot which
caused her death shortly thereafter, to the damage and prejudice of
her relatives.‰ (66)

When arraigned, the accused pleaded „Not Guilty‰.

Thereafter, the case was set for trial on the merits.
To prove the guilt of the accused, the prosecutor
presented the following witnesses, namely: (1) Jessie
Ramirez, (2) Maria Burgos y Turla, (3) P/Cpl. Mariano
Victoria, (4) Policarpio Baluyot, (5) Dr. Reino Rosete, (6)
Sumulong Daniel, (7) Jessica Herrera, (8) Sister Eva
Palencia, (9) Conrado Salonga, (10) Dr. Devonne Loop, (11)
Dr. Leo Cruz, (12) Paul Maclor, (13) Aida Sarmiento, (14)
Patricia Prollamanta, (15) Mel Santos, (16) Lorna Limos,
(17) Eduard Lee Bungarner, (18) Ronaldo Marquez, (19)
Tom Bonte, (20) 2nd Asst. City Fiscal Nini Alcala, (21) 1st Page 5 of 42

Asst. City Fiscal Dorentino Z. Floresta, (22) Corazon Caber,

(23) Rodolfo Mercurio and (24) Fe Israel.
On the other hand, the defense offered in evidence



People vs. Ritter

„1‰ to „24‰ and the testimonies of (1) Heinrich S. Ritter, (2)

Father Roque Villanueva, (3) Angelita Amulong, (4) Gaspar
Alcantara, (5) Dr. Val Barcinal and (6) Dr. Pedro C. Solis.
The facts of the case upon which the lower court based
its finding of guilt beyond reasonable doubt are
summarized in its decision, as follows:

„The peopleÊs evidence show that on October 10, 1986 about

midnight, accused Heinrich Stefan Ritter brought a boy and girl
namely: Jessie Ramirez and Rosario Baluyot inside his hotel room
at MGM Hotel along Magsaysay Drive, Olongapo City. These two
(2) children were chosen from among a bunch of street children.
Once inside the hotel room accused told them to take a bath. Jessie
Ramirez, alias ÂEganÊ, was the first to take a bath and when he
came out Rosario Baluyot went to the bathroom to do the same.
While Rosario Baluyot was inside the bathroom, accused Ritter took
out some pictures depicting dressed up young boys, and put them on
top of the table. Other things which were taken out and placed on
top of a table were three (3) other objects which he described as like
that of a vicks inhaler. One of these objects the accused played with
his hands and placed it on his palms. The color of which is grayish
blue which turned out later to be the foreign object which was
inserted inside the vagina of Rosario Baluyot. The other objects
were later established to be anti-nasal inhalers against pollution
purchased by the accused in Bangkok when he went there as a
tourist. While Rosario was in the bathroom, accused told Ramirez to
lay down on bed, and so did the accused. He then started
masturbating the young boy and also guided the boyÊs hand for him
to be masturbated, so that they masturbated each other, while they
were both naked, and he gave Jessie Ramirez an erection. When
Rosario Baluyot came out of the bathroom, she was told to remove
her clothes by accused and to join him in bed. The accused then Page 6 of 42

placed himself between the two (2) children and accused started
fingering Rosario.
At this time, Ramirez was already sleepy, but Rosario touched
him to call his attention. He looked, and he saw accused placing his
penis against the vagina of Rosario and that he was trying to
penetrate the vagina but it would not fit. After what he saw,
Ramirez did not anymore bother to look because he was sleepy and
fell asleep.
The following morning, the accused, whom the juveniles
described as an ÂAmerican, paid Ramirez alias ÂEganÊ P200.00 and
Rosario P300.00. He then left them in the hotel. After the American
left, they went downstairs, and Rosario told Egan that the
American inserted something in her vagina. But they could not do
anything anymore,


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because the American had already left, and neither did they report
the matter to the police. Sometime the following day, Jessie saw
Rosario and he asked her whether the object was already removed
from her body and Rosario said ÂYesÊ. However, Jessie Ramirez
claimed that on the evening of that same date, he saw Rosario and
she was complaining of pain in her vagina and when Egan asked
her, she said that the foreign object was not yet removed. Then
there was another occasion wherein Jessie was summoned and
when he came he saw Rosario writhing in pain and when he tried to
talk to Rosario she scolded him with defamatory remarks.
Thereafter, he did not see Rosario anymore because he already went
home to his auntÊs house who resided at Barrio Barretto and
resumed his studies in the primary grades.
On May 14, 1987, Gaspar Alcantara, a defense witness, while
garbage scavenging at Lot 21, near the gate of the U.S. Naval Base
saw Rosario at Magsaysay Drive near the Happy Bake Shop near
Lot 21, being ogled by people because RosarioÊs skirt was bloodied
and she was unconscious and foul smelling. Since nobody helped
Rosario, he took pity on her condition and brought her to the
Olongapo City General Hospital in an unconscious condition, via
jeepney. He went to the Information desk and he was the one who
gave the personal circumstances of Rosario as to her name, age, her Page 7 of 42

residence as Nagbakulaw, Lower Kalaklan, and Gaspar Alcantara

signed as ÂguardianÊ of Rosario, while Rosario was already in the
emergency room. Although Gaspar Alcantara denied that he did not
know the name of Rosario Baluyot when he brought her to the
hospital, this is belied by the testimony of the Information clerk
Lorna Limos, who was then on duty. Limos testified that it was
Alcantara who supplied the personal circumstances of Rosario. The
Court gives more credence to the testimony of Miss Limos as
against Gaspar Alcantara who became a defense witness, for the
reason that through his own testimony, Gaspar Alcantara claimed
that even prior to May 14, 1987, he had already known Rosario
Baluyot for more than one (1) year, because he has seen the said girl
go to the house of his twin brother, Melchor Alcantara, who is his
immediate neighbor. Rosario used to visit a girl by the name of
ÂNoraÊ who was then in the custody of his brother. His brother
Melchor was also living with their mother, brother and sister-in-law
and their two (2) children in his house. Rosario as per GasparÊs
testimony even stays for one week or a few days at his brotherÊs
house when she visits Nora. So the Court can safely assume that of
all the more than one (1) year that he had regularly seen Rosario at
his brotherÊs house, he must have already did come to know the
name of Rosario Baluyot including her age. In his testimony in
Court he stated that he even asked Rosario for movie and softdrinks
money which can safely be concluded that he knows her very well.
It is against normal



People vs. Ritter

behavior especially to a Filipino who have a characteristic of

curiosity not to have found out the real name of the girl he claims to
know only as ÂTomboyÊ.
While Rosario Baluyot was confined at the Olongapo City
General Hospital, nobody was attending to her since she is a street
child, having stowed away from the custody of her grandmother.
Three (3) good samaritans who belong to religious and civic
organizations, in the persons of Jessica Herrera, Fe Israel and Sr.
Eva Palencia, in one of their missions in the hospital chanced upon
Rosario Baluyot who was all alone with no relatives attending to
her and after finding out that she was only 12 years old decided to Page 8 of 42

help her. After a short interview with Rosario, regarding her name
and age only because she clamped up about her residence and her
relatives, they decided to help her by providing her the medicine
she needed during her confinement in readiness for an operation. It
was Fe Israel who was able to get the name and age of Rosario
Baluyot from Rosario Baluyot herself when she saw her for the first
time. For Fe Israel, the age of Rosario Baluyot was an important
factor because their program assisted only indigent patients from
infants up to 13 years old.
RosarioÊs first ailment at the Olongapo City General Hospital
was loose bowel movement and vomiting, which was first suspected
as gastro-enteritis, but which came out later as symptoms of
peritonitis due to a massive infection in the abdominal cavity.
Subsequently, on May 17, 1987, after she was examined by the
physicians at the hospital, it was found out that there was a foreign
object lodged in her vaginal canal and she had vaginal discharge
tinged with blood and foul smelling odor emanating from her body.
One of the doctors who attended to her was Dr. Barcinal, an OB-
GYNE. Dr. Barcinal tried to extract the foreign object by means of a
forceps, but several attempts proved futile because said object was
deeply embedded in the vaginal canal and was covered by tissues.
Her abdomen was enlarged, tender and distended, symptoms of
peritonitis. The patient was feverish and incoherent when she was
scheduled for operation on May 19, 1987, after the first attempt for
an operation on May 17 was aborted allegedly because the consent
of Dr. Reino Rosete, the hospital director was not obtained. The
surgeon who operated on her was Dr. Rosete himself. He testified
that Rosario had to be operated even in that condition in order to
save her life. Her condition was guarded. This was corroborated by
Dr. Leo Cruz, the anesthesiologist during RosarioÊs operation. It was
in the evening of May 19 at about 7:00 p.m. when Dr. Rosete opened
her abdomen by making a 5 inch incision on her stomach. He found
out that the fallopian tubes were congested with pus, and so with
the peritonieum, and the pelvic cavity, and patches of pus in the
liver, although the gallbladder and kidney


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appeared to have septicemia, poisoning of the blood. The peritonitis Page 9 of 42

and septicemia were traced to have been caused through infection

by the foreign object which has been lodged in the intra-vaginal
canal of Rosario. The foreign object which was already agreed upon
by both parties that it is a portion of a sexual vibrator was extracted
from the vagina of Rosario while under anesthesia. Said object was
coated with tissues, pus and blood. Dr. Rosete gave it to the
assisting surgical nurse for safekeeping and gave instructions to
release it to the authorized person. This object was shown by the
nurse to Dr. Leo Cruz. Dr. Rosete considered the operation
successful and the patient was alive when he left her under Dr.
Cruz. Dr. Cruz stayed with said patient in the ward for about 30
minutes and thereafter he left. The following day, Rosario got
serious and it was Dr. Leo Cruz who pronounced her death at 2:00
to 2:15 in the afternoon of May 20, 1987.
Thereafter, a death certificate was prepared under the direction
of Dr. Cruz which was indicated therein that the cause of death was
cardio-respiratory arrest, secondary to septicemia caused by the
foreign object lodged in the intra uteral vaginal canal of Rosario
The foreign object was washed by nurse Obedina, then placed it
in a transparent small jar and labelled „Rosario Baluyot‰. Jessica
Herrera asked the nurse for the foreign object, and it was given to
her under proper receipt. Herrera then showed the same to the
persons who helped financially RosarioÊs case, and afterwards she
gave it to Sister Eva Palencia. Sis. Palencia was in custody of the
said object until Mr. Salonga came and asked her for the object.
After Rosario Baluyot died, Sis. Palencia and a companion went
to Gaspar Alcantara to ask him in locating the relatives of Rosario.
They were able to trace RosarioÊs grandmother, Mrs. Maria Burgos
Turla, and informed her that her granddaughter was already dead
and lying in state at St. Martin Funeral Parlor. Mrs. Turla went
there with her son, who shouldered all the burial expenses for
Subsequently, Sis. Palencia, Fr. Cullens and Mr. Salonga came to
her residence at Sta. Rita and asked her if she was interested in
filing a case against the person who caused the death of her
granddaughter. Of course she agreed. Hence, she was brought to the
FiscalÊs (City) Office to file the same.
After the case was filed against the herein accused, Atty.
Edmundo Legaspi with his messenger came to her house and told
her that the accused was willing to settle the case, but that accused
Ritter had only P15,000.00. The old woman did not accept it Page 10 of 42

because she knows that the accused is liable to pay damages

anyway. After that, she received a letter from Atty. Legaspi telling
her to get a lawyer for her case. By this time, Mrs. Turla, who
wanted to have the case settled once and for all giving the reason
that she can no longer bear the situation, sent her



People vs. Ritter

nephew, Conrado Marcelo to Atty. Legaspi. Her nephew obliged and

told her that she will be paid at the office of Atty. Legaspi. On a
date not clear in the records, she went with her nephew Conrado
Marcelo, and Roberto Sundiam, an assistant barangay tanod of Sta.
Rita, and while they were there, she saw Ritter arrive at the law
office. Ritter and Atty. Legaspi talked at the office near the
bathroom, and thereafter Ritter left. After he left, Atty. Legaspi told
RosarioÊs grandmother that they are willing to settle for P20,000.00,
but that Ritter left only P15,000.00, so she received the money with
the understanding that there was a balance of P5,000.00 yet. She
was made to sign a statement, and she was asked to change the age
of her granddaughter Rosario. With the document prepared, she
and the lawyerÊs messenger went to the FiscalÊs office to have it
subscribed, and was subscribed before an assistant city fiscal. But
the balance of P5,000.00 was not paid, because later on Atty.
Legaspi became the OIC of Olongapo City and he could no longer
attend to it. Atty. Legaspi, during one of the hearings before the
Court even apologized to her.
As to the case, P/Cpl Marino Victoria, as criminal investigator of
Station „A‰, was directed by Col. Daos, Station Commander of the
Olongapo Police Department to make a follow up of the case of
Rosario Baluyot. On the other hand, since the suspect who inserted
the foreign object inside RosarioÊs vagina was said to be an
American, the NISRA, Subic Naval Base also conducted its
investigation headed by criminal investigator Agent Conrado
Salonga. Coordinating with the local police and with Sister Eva
Palencia, since Rosario was a street child at Magsaysay Drive, they
rounded up about 43 street children and from some of them they
learned that Rosario Baluyot was with Jessie Ramirez with an
American at the MGM Hotel when the foreign object was inserted
in her vagina. After finding Jessie Ramirez, they asked him about Page 11 of 42

Rosario Baluyot. They found out that indeed he was with Rosario
Baluyot sometime before Christmas of 1986 with an American, who
brought them to the said hotel. Jessie Ramirez was taken inside the
U.S. Naval Base, Olongapo City and took his statement. Then he
was brought to Mr. Edward Lee Bungarner, a cartographer, and out
of the description supplied by Ramirez, a composite drawing was
photocopied and copies thereof were distributed to the local police
and to the sentries at the gate of the U.S. Naval Base. Some
American servicemen who had resemblance to the composite
drawing were photographed and these were shown to Jessie
Ramirez, but the result was negative. Aside from the physical
description by Ramirez about the appearance of the suspect, he also
described him as having the mannerisms of a homo-sexual.
After obtaining information that foreign homo-sexuals
frequented Ermita, Manila, and thinking that the so-called
American may be


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European or Australian national, the team composed of Agent

Salonga, Mr. Heinsell, P/Cpl Marino Victoria and P/Cpl Andres
Montaon, Jessie Ramirez and Michael Johnson, another juvenile,
proceeded to Manila. They first went to the Manila NISRA Office,
and thereafter checked in a hotel. That was on September 23, 1987.
On the first night, they went to Luneta Park where foreign homo-
sexuals were said to be frequenting, but the result was negative.
Then on September 25, at about 11:00 p.m., while they were
standing at the corner of A. Mabini and M.H. del Pilar Street, a
male caucasian who looked like a homo-sexual stopped by
admiringly infront of the two (2) juveniles, Ramirez and Johnson.
Jessie Ramirez then reported to Mr. Salonga that this foreigner had
a similarity with the American suspect, so the two minors were
instructed to follow the foreigner and to strike a conversation. They
did, and when they returned, Jessie Ramirez told them that indeed
the said foreigner was the one who brought him and Rosario
Baluyot to the MGM Hotel. Bobby Salonga told Ramirez that this
foreigner had no beard while the one previously described by
Ramirez had a beard. Jessie Ramirez told them that maybe he have
just shaved it off. The said caucasian then entered a bar, and after Page 12 of 42

several minutes he came out, and Jessie Ramirez upon his signal
with his thumbs up, as a signal to confirm that the said foreigner is
the suspect, arrested Ritter and brought him to the Manila Western
Police District. It could be mentioned at this stage that in this
operation they were accompanied by two (2) policemen from the
Western Police District. The foreigner was hand cuffed and was told
that he was a suspect for Rape with Homicide. After the arrest, they
first went to the pension house of the suspect in Ermita, Manila to
get his shoulder bag which contained his personal belongings, and
from there they brought him to the Western Police Department. At
the said police headquarters, they were allowed a permissive search
by the foreigner of his clutch bag and his small shoulder bag and
confiscated his passport, I.D., 3 inhalers, money in the form of
dollars and travellers checks amounting about $1,500.00 and about
P100.00, all duly receipted for. From the passport they learned that
the suspectÊs name was Heinrich Stefan Ritter, an Austrian
national. During the questioning of Ritter, Salonga and his team
already left the headquarters and went to their hotel, because at
this time Jessie Ramirez was already shaking with fear after he
identified the accused.
The following day, they brought the accused to Olongapo and was
detained at the Olongapo City Jail. The case for Rape with
Homicide was filed against him at the City Fiscal of Olongapo. At
the preliminary investigation, accused was assisted by his own
counsel. The private complainant was Maria Burgos Turla because
it was she who



People vs. Ritter

had custody of Rosario Baluyot after her mother Anita Burgos died
on January 12, 1982, and their father Policarpio Baluyot had left
them under her custody. When this case was filed, the fatherÊs
whereabouts was unknown, and he only appeared when the trial of
this case before the Court was already in progress. And upon his
(Policarpio Baluyot) own admission, he only learned about the
death of his daughter Rosario Baluyot from the newspaper, long
after Rosario was already gone.
The defense tried to dislodge the case by claiming that there
could be no crime of Rape with Homicide because the suspect was Page 13 of 42

described as an American while Ritter is an Austrian. Also

advanced by the defense is that, it is a case of mistaken identity.
That Rosario Baluyot was at the time of the commission of the
offense, already more than 13 years old, she having been born on
December 26, 1973 as per baptismal certificate, wherein it appears
that Rosario Baluyot was baptized on December 25, 1974 and was
born on December 26, 1973 as testified to by Fr. Roque Villanueva
of St. James Parish Church who issued the Baptismal Certificate,
having custody and possession of the book of baptism for the year
1975, but admitted that he had no personal knowledge about the
matters or entries entered therein. Likewise, the defenseÊs stand is
that the accused cannot be liable for Homicide because a vibrator is
not a weapon of death but it is a thing for the purpose of giving
sexual pleasure, and that the death of Rosario Baluyot was due to
the incompetence of Dr. Rosete, the surgeon and Director of the
Olongapo City General Hospital, who operated on her.‰ (Rollo, pp.

On March 29, 1989, the trial court rendered its decision.

The dispositive portion of the decision reads as follows:


holds, that the prosecution has established the GUILT of the
accused beyond reasonable doubt for the crime of Rape with
Homicide as defined and penalized in Art. 335 No. 3 of the Revised
Penal Code, and hereby sentences HEINRICH STEFAN RITTER to
a penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA, to indemnify the heirs of
the deceased in the sum of SIXTY THOUSAND PESOS
(P60,000.00) Philippine Currency, and TEN THOUSAND PESOS
(P10,000.00) by way of attorneyÊs fees to the private prosecutors and
to pay the costs.‰ (Rollo, p. 126)

The accused now comes to this Court on the following

assigned errors allegedly committed by the court:


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People vs. Ritter










Inasmuch as it is the bounden duty of this Court to affirm a

judgment of conviction only if the guilt of the accused has
been proved beyond reasonable doubt, it behooves us to
exert the most painstaking effort to examine the records in
the light of the arguments of both parties if only to satisfy
judicial conscience that the appellant indeed committed the
criminal act (See People v. Villapaña,161 SCRA 73 [1988]).
The appellant was convicted by the trial court of the
crime of rape with homicide of a young girl who died after
the rape because of a foreign object, believed to be a sexual
vibrator, left inside her vagina.
As stated by the trial court one crucial issue in this case
is the age of the victim·whether or not Rosario Baluyot
was less than twelve (12) years old at the time the alleged
incident happened on October 10, 1986. The age is
important in determining whether or not there was
statutory rape. Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code
defines the third type of rape as having carnal knowledge
of a woman under 12 years of age, in which case force,
intimidation, deprivation of reason or unconscious state do
not have to be present.

702 Page 15 of 42


People vs. Ritter

The trial court found that Rosario was below 12 years old
when she was sexually abused by the accused and,
therefore, rape was committed inspite of the absence of
force or intimidation.
In resolving the issue, the trial court put great weight on
the testimonies of the victimÊs grandmother and father who
testified that she was born on December 22, 1975. These
oral declarations were admitted pursuant to then Rule 130,
Section 33 of the Rules of Court where, in the absence of a
birth certificate, the act or declaration about pedigree may
be received in evidence on any notable fact in the life of a
member of the family. Since birth is a matter of pedigree
within the rule which permits the admission of hearsay
evidence, oral declarations are therefore admissible as
proof of birth (Decision, p. 54).
The grandmother, Maria Burgos Turla, testified that she
remembered RosarioÊs birth date because her brother died
in Pampanga and her daughter, Anita (RosarioÊs mother)
was the only one who failed to attend the funeral because
the latter has just given birth allegedly to Rosario (T.S.N.
p. 8, Jan. 13, 1988).
The father likewise testified that as far as he could
remember, Rosario was born on December 22, 1975 (T.S.N.,
p. 4, Jan. 27, 1988) and he was certain that Rosario was
more than one (1) year old when she was baptized (T.S.N.,
p. 45, Jan. 27, 1988). The trial court further added that
their testimony is supported by the clinical record and the
death certificate indicating that she was 12 years old when
she was admitted at the Olongapo City General Hospital
for treatment. The age was supplied by RosarioÊs alleged
guardian, Gaspar Alcantara to the hospitalÊs clinical record
clerk, Lorna Limos. Fe Israel, a social worker who
interviewed Rosario Baluyot also testified that she was told
by Rosario that she was 12 years old. The trial court
accepted this as adequate evidence of the truth. Moreover,
Jessie Ramirez, the principal witness in this case declared
that he was born on September 5, 1973 and that he was
older than Rosario Baluyot. Therefore, since he was 13
years old in 1986, Rosario must have been less than 12 Page 16 of 42

yeas old in 1986. (Decision, p. 55)

The trial court concluded that the oral declarations of
the grandmother and father supported by other
independent evidence such as the clinical record, death
certificate and the


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People vs. Ritter

testimonies of Fe Israel and Jessie Ramirez, rendered the

baptismal certificate presented by the defense without any
probative or evidentiary value. (Decision, p. 55)
The findings of the trial court with respect to Rosario
BaluyotÊs age cannot stand the application of evidentiary
The trial court relied on Section 33, Rule 130 (now
Section 40 of Rule 130 of the 1989 Revised Rules of Court).
For oral evidence to be admissible under this Rule, the
requisites are:

(1) That the declarant must be dead or outside of the

Philippines or unable to testify;
(2) That pedigree is in issue;
(3) That the person whose pedigree is in question must
be related to the declarant by birth or marriage;
(4) That the declaration must be made before the
controversy occurred or ante litem motam; and
(5) That the relationship between the declarant and
the person whose pedigree is in question must as a
general rule be shown by evidence other than such
act or declaration.‰

These requirements were not satisfied by the evidence for

the prosecution nor do the declarations fall within the
purview of the rule.
The victimÊs grandmother and father whose declarations
regarding RosarioÊs age were admitted by the trial court
are both alive, in the Philippines and able to testify as they
both did testify in court. Their declarations were made at Page 17 of 42

the trial which is certainly not before the controversy arose.

The other witnesses who testified on RosarioÊs age are not
members of the victimÊs family. The testimonies of RosarioÊs
relatives must be weighed according to their own personal
knowledge of what happened and not as hearsay evidence
on matters of family history.
At this point, we find the evidence regarding RosarioÊs
age of doubtful value.
The trial court justified the admissibility of the
grandmotherÊs testimony pursuant to the ruling laid down
in U.S. v. Bergantino, (3 Phil., 118 [1903]) where the Court
accepted the testimony of the mother that her daughter
was 14 years old and 4 months old. The mother stated that
she knew the age because



People vs. Ritter

the child was born about the time of the cholera epidemic of
1889. This was not hearsay, but came from one who had
direct knowledge of the childÊs birth.
It is however, equally true that human memory on dates
or days is frail and unless the day is an extraordinary or
unusual one for the witness, there is no reasonable
assurance of its correctness. (People v. Dasig, 93 Phil. 618,
632 [1953])
With respect to the grandmotherÊs testimony, the date of
the brotherÊs death or funeral was never established, which
indicates that the day was rather insignificant to be
remembered. The fatherÊs declaration is likewise not
entirely reliable. His testimony in court does not at all
show that he had direct knowledge of his daughterÊs birth.
He was certain though that she was more than one (1) year
old at the time she was baptized.
The other witnesses are not at all competent to testify
on the victimÊs age, nor was there any basis shown to
establish their competence for the purpose. The clinical
records were based on Gaspar AlcantaraÊs incompetent
information given when he brought the victim to the
hospital. Alcantara came to know her only about a year Page 18 of 42

before her death. He had absolutely no knowledge about

the circumstances of RosarioÊs birth. The death certificate
relied upon by the trial court was merely based on the
clinical records. It is even less reliable as a record of birth.
All the evidence presented by the prosecution showing
that Rosario Baluyot was less than 12 years old at the time
of the alleged incident are not adequate to establish the
exact date of birth, much less offset a documentary record
showing a different date.
The defense presented Rosario BaluyotÊs baptismal
certificate which the trial court rejected as being hearsay
and of no value. As against the oral declarations made by
interested witnesses establishing RosarioÊs age to be less
than 12 years old, the evidence on record is more
convincing and worthy of belief. (See Filinvest Land, Inc. v.
Court of Appeals, 183 SCRA 664, 673 [1990]).
By virtue of a subpoena duces tecum and ad
testificandum, issued by the lower court to the St. James
Parish Church, Subic, Zambales, Fr. Roque Villanueva a
Roman Catholic priest testified and stated that he is the
head of said parish. He brought with him Baptismal
Register No. 9 entitled „Liber Baptisno-


VOL. 194, MARCH 5, 1991 705

People vs. Ritter

rum‰, a latin term for baptismal book or record. On page

151, No. 3 of the said Registry Book, there appears the
name of Rosario Baluyot who was baptized on December
25, 1974, and born on December 26, 1973. Parents are
Policarpio Baluyot and Anita Burgos, residents of Subic,
Zambales. Edita R. Milan appears as the only sponsor with
Olongapo City as her address.
In the case of Macadangdang v. Court of Appeals (100
SCRA 73 [1980]), we held that:

xxx xxx xxx

„In our jurisprudence, this Court has been more definite in its
pronouncements on the value of baptismal certificates. It thus ruled
that while baptismal and marriage certificates may be considered Page 19 of 42

public documents, they are evidence only to prove the

administration of the sacraments on the dates therein specified·
but not the veracity of the status or declarations made therein with
respect to his kinsfolk and/or citizenship (Paa v. Chan, L-25945,
Oct. 31, 1967). Again, in the case of Fortus v. Novero (L-22378, 23
SCRA 1331 [1968]), this Court held that a baptismal certificate is
conclusive proof only of the baptism administered, in conformity
with the rites of the Catholic Church by the priest who baptized the
child, but it does not prove the veracity of the declarations and
statements contained in the certificate that concern the relationship
of the person baptized. Such declarations and statements, in order
that their truth may be admitted, must indispensably be shown by
proof recognized by law.‰ (At pp. 84-85)

In the same light, the entries made in the Registry Book

may be considered as entries made in the course of
business under Section 43 of Rule 130, which is an
exception to the hearsay rule. The baptisms administered
by the church are one of its transactions in the exercise of
ecclesiastical duties and recorded in a book of the church
during the course of its business. (U.S. v. de Vera, 28 Phil.
105 [1914] Hence, the certificate (Exhibit „22‰) presented
by the defense that Rosario Baluyot was baptized on
December 25, 1974 may be admitted in evidence as proof of
baptism. Policarpio Baluyot, the victimÊs father testified
that he had in his possession a baptismal certificate
different from the one presented in court. However, no
other baptismal record was ever presented to prove a date
different from that brought by the official custodian. Since
the baptismal certificate states that Rosario was baptized
on December 25, 1974, it is therefore



People vs. Ritter

highly improbable that Rosario could have been born on

December 22, 1975. She could not have been baptized
before she was born. Exhibit „22‰ may be proof only of
baptism but it puts a lie to the declaration that Rosario was
born in 1975. With the fatherÊs assertion that Rosario was Page 20 of 42

more than one (1) year old when she was baptized, we are
then more inclined to agree that Rosario was born in 1973
as stated in the Baptismal Registry. In the case of People v.
Rebancos (172 SCRA 425 [1989]), the Court stated:

xxx xxx xxx

„x x x Although no birth certificate was presented because her
birth had allegedly not been registered, her baptismal certificate,
coupled by her motherÊs testimony, was sufficient to establish that
Mary Rose was below twelve years old when she was violated by
Rebancos.‰ (At. p. 426)

Unfortunately, in the instant case, nobody could

corroborate the date on a more reliable document as to
RosarioÊs birth which could serve as sufficient proof that
she was born on December 26, 1973. Therefore, she was
more than 12 years old at the time of the alleged incident
on October 10, 1986.
Moreover, it is not incumbent upon the defense to prove
RosarioÊs age. The burden of proof lies on the prosecution to
prove that Rosario was less than 12 years old at the time of
the alleged incident in a charge of statutory rape. The
prosecution failed in this respect.
Since Rosario was not established to have been under 12
years of age at the time of the alleged sexual violation, it
was necessary to prove that the usual elements of rape
were present; i.e. that there was force of intimidation or
that she was deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious
in accordance with Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code.
We agree with the defense that there was no proof of
such facts. On the contrary, the evidence shows that
Rosario submitted herself to the sexual advances of the
appellant. In fact, she appears to have consented to the act
as she was paid P300.00 the next morning while her
companion, Jessie Ramirez was paid P200.00 (T.S.N. p. 50,
January 6, 1988). The environmental circumstances
coupled with the testimonies and evidence presented in
court clearly give the impression that Ro-


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sario Baluyot, a poor street child, was a prostitute inspite

of her tender age. Circumstances in life may have forced
her to submit to sex at such a young age but the
circumstances do not come under the purview of force or
intimidation needed to convict for rape.
In view of these clear facts which the prosecution failed
to refute, no rape was committed. But was Ritter guilty of
The trial court justified its ruling by saying that the
death of the victim was a consequence of the insertion of
the foreign object into the victimÊs vagina by the appellant.
We now ask „Was the appellant responsible for the
sexual vibrator left inside RosarioÊs vagina which led to her
The trial court convicted the accused based on
circumstantial evidence. Unfortunately, the circumstances
are capable of varying interpretations and are not enough
to justify conviction.
Jessie Ramirez, the principal witness did not actually
see the object inserted in RosarioÊs vagina. Neither could he
identify the object (Exhibit „C-2‰) taken from Rosario as the
same object which the appellant was holding at that time of
the alleged incident.
In his sworn statement given to the police investigator
on September 4, 1987, he answered that:

xxx xxx xxx

„T Habang kayo ay nasa loob ng kuwarto ng otel,
mayroon ka bang napansin na inilabas ng kano sa
kanyang dala- dalahan kung mayroon man?
S Ang Amerikano ay may dala-dalang shoulder bag na
kulay itim, at napansin ko na may inilabas siya sa
kanyang bag na parang vicks inhaler, na kanyang
inamoy-amoy habang nasa otel kami at pagkatapos
niya ay inilapag niya sa lamiseta.
T Ilarawan mo nga sa akin ang bagay na nakita mong
inilabas ng Amerikano?
S Ito ay may habang tatlong pulgada at ang takip nito
ay may habang dalawang pulgada. Iyong takip ay bilog Page 22 of 42

na patulis at may tabang mga kalahating pulgada.

Hindi ko napansin ang hugis ng dulo ng bagay na may
takip dahil natatakpan ng kamay at ilong ng
T Ipinakikita ko sa iyo ang isang larawan. Tignan mong



People vs. Ritter

mabuti ang larawang ito at sabihin mo nga sa akin

kung makikilala mo ang mga bagay na nasa larawang
ito, na may kinalaman sa nakita mong kinuha ng
Amerikano sa kanyang bag?
S Napansin ko na ang kulay asul na bagay sa larawan ay
katulad na katulad noong takip ng bagay na inilabas ng
Amerikano sa kanyang bag. Kaya lang ay bakit naging
kulay asul gayong ng makita ko ito ay kulay puti?
(Exhibit„A‰, p. 2; Italics Supplied)

Presumably, what Jessie Ramirez saw was merely the

Vicks inhaler which the appellant does not deny having
possessed at that time. He was certain that the object was
white. (T.S.N. p. 91, January 6, 1988)
Later, Ramirez retracted and corrected himself. He said
that it was grayish in color with color blue (Medyo kulay
abo na may kulay na parang blue). (T.S.N. p. 92, January 6,
1988) The inconsistency of the witnessÊ testimony casts
doubt as to the veracity of the statements made especially
when he answered on additional cross-examination that
the reason why he concluded that Exhibit „C-2‰ was the
same object being held by Ritter was because it was the
only one shown to him by the prosecution (T.S.N. pp. 109-
110, January 6, 1988). Jessie Ramirez was not all certain
about the sexual vibrator because he did not actually see it
in the possession of the appellant.
What he merely remembers is the revelation made by
Rosario the next morning that the foreigner inserted
something inside her vagina. The trial court admitted such
statement as part of the res gestae. In a strained effort to Page 23 of 42

accept such statement as part of res gestae, the trial court

focused the test of admissibility on the lapse of time
between the event and the utterance. For the average 13
years old, the insertion of a mechanical device or anything
for that matter into the vagina of a young girl is
undoubtedly startling. For Rosario and Jessie, however,
there must be more evidence to show that the statement,
given after a nightÊs sleep had intervened, was given
instinctively because the event was so startling. Res gestae
does not apply. (Section 42, Rule 130, Rules of Court)
Even if it were established that the appellant did insert
something inside RosarioÊs vagina, the evidence is still not
adequate to impute the death of Rosario to the appellantÊs
alleged act.


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Jessie Ramirez testified that Rosario was able to remove

the object inserted in her vagina. We quote:

„Q Now, you also stated on direct examination that later

on Rosario even categorically admitted to you that she
wasalready able to remove the object allegedly
inserted inside her vagina, is that correct?
A Yes, sir.
xxx xxx xxx
Q Will you kindly tell to this Honorable Court the exact
words used by Rosario Baluyot later on when you met
her when you asked her and when she told you that
she wasalready able to remove that object from her
A „Oy, Jessie, natanggal na, „she told me that. I asked
her, „Was it already removed?‰ And she answered,
ÂYes, it was removed.Ê But the same night, she again
complained of pain of her stomach. She sent one of her
friends to call for me. And as a matter of fact, Tomboy
was uttering defama- tory words against me as she Page 24 of 42

was groaning in pain.‰ (TSN, Jan. 6, 1988, pp. 72-73)

This encounter happened on the night of the day following

the day after both children were invited by the foreigner to
the hotel. (T.S.N. p. 73, January 6, 1988). Rosario was said
to be groaning in pain so we can just imagine the distress
she was undergoing at this point in time. If the device
inserted by the appellant caused the pain, it is highly
inconceivable how she was able to endure the pain and
discomfort until May, 1987, seven (7) months after the
alleged incident. Evidence must not only proceed from the
mouth of a credible witness but it must be credible in itself
such as the common experience and observation of
mankind can approve as probable under the circumstances.
(People vs. Patog, 144 SCRA 429 [1986]).
At this juncture, we find Dr. Pedro SolisÊ testimony
rather significant. Dr. Pedro Solis, a witness for the defense
is considered an expert witness. (A Doctor of Medicine and
a graduate of the State University in 1940, a degree of
Bachelor of Laws and member of the Bar 1949, and a
graduate of the Institute of Criminology University. He was
awarded Post Graduate Diploma in Criminology in 1963,
and also a graduate of United



People vs. Ritter

Nations Asia and Far East Asia Institute on the Prevention

of Crimes in Tokyo Japan 1965. He was appointed Medico
Legal Officer of the National Bureau of Investigation in
1940 until 1944. He became Chief Medico Legal Officer in
1970 and became the Deputy Director of the NBI up to
1984. He is at present a Professorial Lecturer on Legal
Medicine at the UP, FEU, UE, and Fatima College of
Medicine; a Medico Legal Consultant of the PGH Medical
Center, Makati Medical Center, UERM Medical Center,
MCU Medical Center. He has been with the NBI for 43
years. He has attended no less than 13 conferences abroad.
He is the author of the textbooks entitled „Legal Medicine‰ Page 25 of 42

and „Medical Jurisprudence‰.) With his impressive legal

and medical background, his testimony is too authoritative
to ignore. We quote the pertinent portions of his testimony:

Q Now Dr. Solis, would you kindly go over this object

marked as Exh. ÂC-2Ê which object was described as a
part of a sexual vibrator battery operated. Now, given
this kind of object, would you kindly tell us what would
be the proba ble effect upon a 12 years old girl when it
is inserted into her vagina?
A Well, this vibrator must be considered a foreign body
placed into a human being and as such be considered a
foreign object. As a foreign object, the tendency of the
body may be: No. 1·expel the foreign body·No. 2.·
The tendency of thebody is to react to that foreign body.
One of the reactions that maybe manifested by the
person wherein such foreign body is concerned is to
cover the foreign body with human tissue, in a way to
avoid its further injury to the body.
Now, the second reaction is irritation thereby producing
certain manifest symptoms and changes in the area where
theforeign body is located.
In severe cases, the symptoms manifestation might not
only be localized but may be felt all over the body, we call
it systemic reaction. Now, considering the fact that this
fore ign body as shown to me is already not complete, this
shows exposure of its different parts for the body to react.
If there is mechanism to cause the foreign body to vibrate,
there must be some sort of power from within and
thatpower must be a dry cell battery. [The] composition of
the battery are, manganese dioxide ammonium, salts,


VOL. 194, MARCH 5, 1991 711

People vs. Ritter

and any substance that will cause current flow. All of

these substances are irritants including areas of the
container and as such, the primary reaction of the body
is to cause irritation on the tissues, thereby Page 26 of 42

inflammatory changes develop and in all likelihood,

aside from those inflammatory changes would be a
supervening infection in a way that the whole
generative organ of the woman will suffer from
diseased process causing her the systemic reaction like
fever, swelling of the area, and other systemic
symptoms. x x x. (TSN., pp. 13-15, October 19, 1988)
xxx xxx xxx
Q Now, given this object, how long would it take, Doctor
before any reaction such as an infection would set in,
how many days after the insertion of this object in the
vagina of a 12 year old girl?
A In the example given to me, considering that one of the
ends is exposed, in a way that vaginal secretion has
more chance to get in, well, liberation of this irritant
chemicals would be enhanced and therefore in a shorter
period of time, there being this vaginal reaction.
Q How many days or weeks would you say would that
follow after the insertion?
A As I said, with my experience at the NBI, insertion of
any foreign body in the vaginal canal usually developed
within a period of two (2) weeks xxx.
xxx xxx xxx
Q x x x [T]he subject in this case was allegedly raped, and
a sexual vibrator was inserted in her vagina on October
10, 1986 and she was operated on, on May 19, 1987 the
following year, so it took more than 7 months before
this was extracted, would you say that it will take that
long before any adverse infection could set-in inside the
A Infection and inflamatory changes will develop in a
shorter time. (TSN., Oct. 19, 1988, p. 18)
xxx xxx xxx
Q When you said shorter, how long would that be, Doctor?
A As I said, in my personal experience, hair pins,
cottonballs and even this lipstick of women usually,
there are only about two (2) weeks time that the patient
suffer some abnormal symptoms.
Q Now, considering that this is a bigger object to the object
that you mentioned, this object has a shorter time? Page 27 of 42

A Yes, Sir shorter time.‰ (TSN., Oct. 19, 1988, p. 20)



People vs. Ritter

The trial court, however, ruled that „there is no hard and

fast rule as to the time frame wherein infection sets in
upon insertion of a foreign body in the vagina canal. For
Dr. Solis, the time frame is not more than 10 months, and
this case is still within the said time frame.‰
A more generous time interval may be allowed in non-
criminal cases. But where an accused is facing a penalty of
reclusion perpetua, the evidence against him cannot be
based on probabilities which are less likely than those
probabilities which favor him.
It should be clarified that the time frame depends upon
the kind of foreign body lodged inside the body. An
examination of the object gave the following results:

(1) Color: Blue

Size: (a) Circumference·3.031
inches (b) Length·approximately
2.179 inches.
Composition: Showed the general
characteristics of a styrene-butadiene plastic.
(2) The specimen can be electrically operated by means of a
battery as per certification dated 01 June 1988, signed by Mr.
Rodolfo D. Mercurio, Shipboard Electrical Systems Mechanics,
Foreman II, SRF Shop 51, Subic (see attached certification).
(3) No comparative examination was made on specimen #1 and
vibrator depicted in the catalog because no actual physical
dimensions and/or mechanical characteristics were shown in the
catalog.‰ (Exhibit „LL‰)

The vibrator end was further subjected to a macro-

photographic examination on the open end portion which
revealed the following:

„Result of Examination Page 28 of 42

Macro-photographic examination on the open end portion of

specimen #1 shows the following inscription:

From the above results, the subject object is certainly not

considered as inert and based on Dr. SolisÊ testimony, it is
more likely that infection should set in much earlier.


VOL. 194, MARCH 5, 1991 713

People vs. Ritter

also that the object was inserted inside the vagina which is
part of the generative organ of a woman, an organ which is
lined with a very thin layer of membrane with plenty of
blood supply, this part of the body is more susceptible to
infection. (T.S.N. p. 34, October 19, 1988)
The truth of Dr. SolisÊ testimony is more probable under
the circumstances of the case. We see no reason why his
opinions qualified by training and experience should not be
controlling and binding upon the Court in the
determination of guilt beyond reasonable doubt. (People v.
Tolentino, 166 SCRA 469 [1988]).
Dr. Barcinal, another witness for the defense also
testified that he examined Rosario Baluyot on May 17,
1986 as a referral patient from the Department of Surgery
to give an OB-GYN clearance to the patient prior to
operation. (T.S.N. p. 6, September 28, 1988)

Q And how many times did you examine this patient

Rosario Baluyot on that day?
A I examined her twice on that day.
Q The first time that you examined her, what is the result
of your findings, if any?
A My first examination, I examined the patient inside the
delivery room. The patient was brought to the delivery
room wheel-chaired then from the wheel chair, the
patient was ambigatory (sic). She was able to walk from
the door to the examining table. On examination, the Page 29 of 42

patient is cons cious, she was fairly nourished, fairly

developed, she had fever, she was uncooperative at that
time and examination deals more on the abdomen
which shows slightly distended abdomen with muscle
guarding with tenderness all over, with maximum
tenderness over the hypogastric area. (T.S.N. p. 5,
September 28, 1988)
xxx xxx xxx
Q What about your second examination to the patient,
what was your findings, if any?
A In my second examination, I repeated the internal
examin ation wherein I placed my index finger and
middle finger inside the vagina of the patient and was
able to palpate a hard object. After which, I made a
speculum examination wherein I was able to visualize
the inner portion of the vaginal canal, there I saw
purulent foul smelling, blood



People vs. Ritter

tints, discharge in the vaginal canal and a foreign body

invaded on the posterior part of the vaginal canal.
xxx xxx xxx
A I referred back to Dr. Fernandez about my findings and
he asked me to try to remove the said foreign object by
the use of forceps which I tried to do so also but I failed
to extract the same.
Q All this time that you were examining the patient
Rosario Baluyot both in the first and second instance,
Rosario Baluyot was conscious and were you able to
talk to her when you were examining her?
A Yes, sir.
Q And did you ask her why there is a foreign object lodge
inside her vagina?
A Yes, Sir I asked her.
Q And what did she tell you, if any? Page 30 of 42

A She said in her own words that „GINAMIT AKO NG

Q Did she also tell you when, this Negro who used her
and who inserted and placed the foreign object on her
A Yes, Sir I asked her and she said he used me three (3)
months ago from the time I examined her.
Q Now, you said that you referred the patient to the ward,
what happened next with your patient?
A To my knowledge, the patient is already scheduled on
operation on that date.
Q Meaning, May 17, 1987?
A Yes, Sir I was presuming that the patient would
undergo surgery after that?‰
(TSN, Sept. 28, 1988, pp. 8-9; Emphasis supplied)

The trial court debunked Dr. BarcinalÊs testimony

considering RosarioÊs condition at that time. It ruled that it
is inconceivable that she would be striking a normal
conversation with the doctors and would be sitting on the
examination table since Gaspar Alcantara stated that
when he brought Rosario Baluyot to the hospital, she was
unconscious and writhing in pain.
It was not improbable for Rosario Baluyot to still be
conscious and ambulant at that time because there were
several instances testified to by different witnesses that
she was still able to talk prior to her operation:
(1) Fe Israel, a witness for the prosecution and a
member of


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the Olongapo Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement

testified that as a member of this group she visits indigent
children in the hospital every Saturday and after office
hours on working days. Page 31 of 42

On the Saturday prior to RosarioÊs death which was May

17, she was still able to talk to Rosario Baluyot. In fact, one
of her groupmates helped Rosario go to the comfort room to
urinate. (T.S.N., pp. 16-19, May 25, 1988)
(2) Angelita Amulong, a witness for the defense is
another para social worker who worked at Pope John 23rd
Community Center under Sister Eva Palencia. In one of
her hospital visits, she encountered Rosario Baluyot in the
month of May, 1987. She actually saw a child who
happened to be Rosario Baluyot seated on the cement floor
and when she asked why she was seated there, she was
told that it was too hot in the bed. She saw Rosario Baluyot
for about 2 or 3 days successively. (T.S.N. pp. 10-13,
September 7, 1988)
(3) Gaspar Alcantara, the person who brought Rosario to
the hospital actually testified that she was conscious
(T.S.N. p. 36, September 14, 1988) but writhing in pain. He
took pity on her so he brought her to the hospital (T.S.N. p.
12, September 14, 1988)
From the above testimonies, it is clear that Rosario was
still conscious and could still answer questions asked of her
although she was complaining of stomach pains.
Unfortunately, the medical attention given to her failed to
halt the aggravation of her condition. The operation on
May 19 was too late.
Rosario died because of septicemia, which in laymanÊs
language is blood poisoning, and peritonitis, which is
massive infection, in the abdominal cavity caused by the
foreign object or the cut sexual vibrator lodged in the
vagina of the victim. This led to the infection from the
uterus to the fallopian tubes and into the peritoneum and
the abdominal cavity.
The trial court convicted the accused citing the rationale
of Article 4 of the RPC.

„He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil caused.‰

But before the conviction is affirmed, we must first follow

the rule as stated in the case of Urbano vs. Intermediate

716 Page 32 of 42


People vs. Ritter

Court (157 SCRA 1 [1988]) to wit:

„The rule is that the death of the victim must be the direct, natural
and logical consequence of the wounds inflicted upon him by the
accused. And since we are dealing with a criminal conviction, the
proof that the accused caused the victimÊs death must convince a
rational mind beyond reasonable doubt.‰ (Italics supplied)

In People v. Tempongko, Jr., (144 SCRA 583, 592 [1986]), we

explained that:

xxx xxx xxx

„The basic principle in every criminal prosecution is that
accusation is not synonymous with guilt. The accused is presumed
innocent until the contrary is proved by the prosecution. If the
prosecution fails, it fails utterly, even if the defense is weak or,
indeed, even if there is no defense at all. The defendant faces the
full panoply of state authority with all „The People of the
Philippines‰ arrayed against him. In a manner of speaking, he goes
to bat with all the bases loaded. The odds are heavily against him.
It is important, therefore, to equalize the positions of the
prosecution and the defense by presuming the innocence of the
accused until the state is able to refute the presumption by proof of
guilt beyond reasonable doubt.‰ (At. p. 592)

The evidence for the accused maybe numerically less as

against the number of witnesses and preponderance of
evidence presented by the prosecution but there is no direct
and convincing proof that the accused was responsible for
the vibrator left inside the victimÊs vagina which caused
her death seven (7) months after its insertion. What the
prosecution managed to establish were mere circumstances
which were not sufficient to overcome the constitutional
presumption of innocence. While circumstantial evidence
may suffice to support a conviction it is imperative, though,
that the following requisites should concur:

(a) There is more than one circumstance;

(b) The facts from which the inferences are derived are
proven; and Page 33 of 42

(c) The combination of all the circumstances is such as

to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt.
(Rule 133, Sec. 4 Revised Rules of Court)

For the well-entrenched rule in evidence is that „before



VOL. 194, MARCH 5, 1991 717

People vs. Ritter

viction can be had upon circumstantial evidence, the

circumstances proved should constitute an unbroken chain
which leads to one fair and reasonable conclusion pointing
to the defendant, to the exclusion of all others, as the
author of the crime (People v. Subano, 73 Phil. 692 [1942];
Italics supplied). It must fairly exclude every reasonable
hypothesis of innocence (Dorado v. Court of Appeals, 153
SCRA 420, 433 [1987]). In this case the circumstantial
evidence presented by the prosecution does not conclusively
point to the liability of the appellant for the crime charged.
(People v. Tolentino, supra)
We are aware of the wide publicity given to the plight of
Rosario Baluyot and how her death exemplified starkly the
daily terrors that most street children encounter as they
sell their bodies in order to survive. At an age when
innocence and youthful joys should preponderate in their
lives, they experience life in its most heartless and
inhuman form. Instead of nothing more than gentle
disappointments occupying their young minds, they daily
cope with tragedies that even adults should never be made
to carry.
It is with distressing reluctance that we have to
seemingly set back the efforts of Government to dramatize
the death of Rosario Baluyot as a means of galvanizing the
nation to care for its street children. It would have meant a
lot to social workers and prosecutors alike if one pedophile-
killer could be brought to justice so that his example would
arouse public concern, sufficient for the formulation and
implementation of meaningful remedies. However, we
cannot convict on anything less than proof beyond Page 34 of 42

reasonable doubt. The protections of the Bill of Rights and

our criminal justice system are as much, if not more so, for
the perverts and outcasts of society as they are for normal,
decent, and law-abiding people.
The requirement of proof which produces in an
unprejudiced mind moral certainty or conviction that the
accused did commit the offense has not been satisfied.
By way of emphasis, we reiterate some of the factors
arousing reasonable doubt:

1. The evidence on Rosario BaluyotÊs baptism creates

reasonable doubt about her being less than 12 years
old when the carnal knowledge took place. If the
evidence for the prosecution is to be believed, she
was not yet born on the date she was



People vs. Ritter

2. Since the proof of RosarioÊs being under 12 years of
age is not satisfactory, the prosecution has to prove
force, intimidation, or deprivation of reason in order
to convict for rape. There is no such proof. In fact,
the evidence shows a willingness to submit to the
sexual act for monetary considerations.
3. The only witness to the fact of RitterÊs placing a
vibrator inside the vagina of Rosario was Jessie
Ramirez. This witness did not see Ritter insert the
vibrator. The morning after the insertion, he was
only told by Rosario about it. Two days later, he
allegedly met Rosario who informed him that she
was able to remove the object. And yet, Ramirez
testified that on the night of that second encounter,
he saw Rosario groaning because of pain in her
stomach. She was even hurling invectives. RamirezÊ
testimony is not only hearsay, it is also
4. It was improbable, according to expert medical Page 35 of 42

testimony, for a foreign object with active properties

to cause pain, discomfort, and serious infection only
after seven months inside a young girlÊs vaginal
canal. Infection would have set in much earlier.
Jessie Ramirez recalled that the incident happened
in December of 1986. (TSN., January 6, 1988, pp.
15-17) The evidence, however shows that the
appellant was not here in the Philippines that
December. As per the Commission on Immigration
Arrival and Departure Report, Heinrich Ritter
arrived in the Philippines on October 7, 1986 and
left on October 12, 1986. He never returned until
September 23, 1987 (Exhibits „DD‰ and „EE‰). The
incident could have happened only in October, but
then it would have been highly improbable for the
sexual vibrator to stay inside the vagina for seven
(7) months with the kind of serious complications it
5. The gynecologist who attended to Rosario during
her hospital confinement testified that she told him
„Ginamit ako ng Negro at siya ang naglagay nito.‰
The accused is not a black.

Noteworthy is the fact that nothing was mentioned about

RosarioÊs activities after the hotel incident. Considering Dr.
BarcinalÊs testimony indicating that she was „used‰ by a
„Negro‰ three (3) months prior to admission in the hospital
and RosarioÊs unfortunate profession, there is always the
possibility that she could have allowed herself to be
violated by this perverse kind of sexual behavior where a
vibrator or vibrators


VOL. 194, MARCH 5, 1991 719

People vs. Ritter

were inserted into her vagina between October, 1986 and

May, 1987.
Moreover, the long delay of seven (7) months after the
incident in reporting the alleged crime renders the Page 36 of 42

evidence for the prosecution insufficient to establish

appellantÊs guilty connection with the requisite moral
certainty. (See People v. Mula Cruz, 129 SCRA 156 [1984]).
The established facts do not entirely rule out the
possibility that the appellant could have inserted a foreign
object inside RosarioÊs vagina. This object may have caused
her death. It is possible that the appellant could be the
guilty person. However, the Court cannot base an
affirmance of conviction upon mere possibilities. Suspicions
and possibilities are not evidence and therefore should not
be taken against the accused. (People v. Tolentino, supra)
Well-established is the rule that every circumstance
favorable to the accused should be duly taken into account.
This rule applies even to hardened criminals or those
whose bizarre behaviour violates the mores of civilized
society. The evidence against the accused must survive the
test of reason. The strongest suspicion must not be allowed
to sway judgment. (See Sacay v. Sandiganbayan, 142 SCRA
593 [1986]). As stated in the case of People v. Ng, (142
SCRA 615 [1986]):

„x x x [F]rom the earliest years of this Court, it has emphasized the

rule that reasonable doubt in criminal cases must be resolved in
favor of the accused. The requirement of proof beyond reasonable
doubt calls for moral certainty of guilt. It has been defined as
meaning such proof Âto the satisfaction of the court, keeping in mind
the presumption of innocence, as precludes every reasonable
hypothesis except that which it is given to support. It is not
sufficient for the proof to establish a probability, even though
strong, that the fact charged is more likely to be true than the
contrary. It must establish the truth of the fact to a reasonable and
moral certainty·a certainty that convinces and satisfies the reason
and the conscience of those who are to act upon it.‰ (Moreno,
Philippine Law Dictionary, 1972 Edition, p. 379, citing U.S. v.
Reyes, 3 Phil. 3). x x x‰

In the instant case, since there are circumstances which

prevent our being morally certain of the guilt of the
appellant, he is, therefore, entitled to an acquittal.



People vs. Ritter

This notwithstanding, the Court can not ignore the acts of

the appellant on the children, Jessie Ramirez and Rosario
Baluyot in October, 1986 at the MGM Hotel. Inspite of his
flat denials, we are convinced that he comes to this country
not to look at historical sights, enrich his intellect or
indulge in legitimate pleasures but in order to satisfy the
urgings of a sick mind.
With the positive identification and testimony by Jessie
Ramirez that it was the appellant who picked him and
Rosario from among the children and invited them to the
hotel; and that in the hotel he was shown pictures of young
boys like him and the two masturbated each other, such
actuations clearly show that the appellant is a pedophile.
When apprehended in Ermita, he was sizing up young
children. Dr. Solis defined pedophilia in his book entitled
Legal Medicine, 1987 edition, as follows:

„Pedophilia·A form of sexual perversion wherein a person has the

compulsive desire to have sexual intercourse with a child of either
sex. Children of various ages participate in sexual activities, like
fellatio, cunnilingus, fondling with sex organs, or anal sexual
intercourse. Usually committed by a homosexual between a man
and a boy the latter being a passive partner.‰

Ritter was prosecuted for rape with homicide and not

pedophilia, assuming this is a crime by itself. Pedophilia is
clearly a behavior offensive to public morals and violative
of the declared policy of the state to promote and protect
the physical, moral, spiritual and social well-being of our
youth. (Article II, Section 13, 1987 Constitution) (Harvey v.
Defensor Santiago, 162 SCRA 840, 848 [1989]). Pedophiles,
especially thrill seeking aliens have no place in our country.
In this case, there is reasonable ground to believe that
the appellant committed acts injurious not only to Rosario
Baluyot but also to the public good and domestic
tranquility of the people. The state has expressly
committed itself to defend the right of children to
assistance and special protection from all forms of neglect,
abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial
to their development. (Art. XV, Section 3 [2] x x x (Harvey v.
Santiago, supra). The appellant has abused Filipino Page 38 of 42

children, enticing them with money. The appellant


VOL. 194, MARCH 5, 1991 721

People vs. Ritter

should be expelled from the country. Furthermore, it does

not necessarily follow that the appellant is also free from
civil liability which is impliedly instituted with the
criminal action. (Rule III, Section 1) The well-settled
doctrine is that a person while not criminally liable, may
still be civilly liable. We reiterate what has been stated in
Urbano v. IAC, supra.

„x x x While the guilt of the accused in a criminal prosecution must

be established beyond reasonable doubt, only a preponderance of
evidence is required in a civil action for damages. (Article 29, Civil
Code). The judgment of acquittal extinguishes the civil liability of
the accused only when it includes a declaration that the facts from
which the civil liability might arise did not exist. (Padilla v. Court of
Appeals, 129 SCRA 559).
The reason for the provisions of Article 29 of the Civil Code,
which provides that the acquittal of the accused on the ground that
his guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt does not
necessarily exempt him from civil liability for the same act or
omission, has been explained by the Code Commission as follows:

„ ÂThe old rule that the acquittal of the accused in a criminal case also
releases him from civil liability is one of the most serious flaws in the
Philippine legal system. It has given rise to numberless instances of
miscarriage of justice, where the acquittal was due to a reasonable doubt
in the mind of the court as to the guilt of the accused. The reasoning
followed is that inasmuch as the civil responsibility is derived from the
criminal offense, when the latter is not proved, civil liability cannot be
This is one of those causes where confused thinking leads to
unfortunate and deplorable consequences. Such reasoning fails to draw a
clear line of demarcation between criminal liability and civil
responsibility, and to determine the logical result of the distinction. The
two liabilities are separate and distinct from each other. One affects the
social order and the other, private rights. One is for the punishment or Page 39 of 42

correction of the offender while the other is for the reparation of damages
suffered by the aggrieved party. The two responsibilities are so different
from each other that article 1813 of the present (Spanish) Civil Code
reads thus: ÂThere may be a compromise upon the civil action arising
from a crime; but the public action for the imposition of the legal penalty
shall not thereby be extinguished.Ê It is just and proper that, for the
purposes of the imprisonment of or fine



People vs. Ritter

upon the accused, the offense should be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
But for the purpose of indemnifying the complaining party, why should
the offense also be proved beyond reasonable doubt? Is not the invasion
or violation of every private right to be proved only by a preponderance of
evidence? Is the right of the aggrieved person any less private because
the wrongful act is also punishable by the criminal law?
For these reasons, the Commission recommends the adoption of the
reform under discussion. It will correct a serious defect in our law. It will
close up an inexhaustible source of injustice·a cause for disillusionment
on the part of the innumerable persons injured or wronged.Ê ‰

Rosario Baluyot is a street child who ran away from her

grandmotherÊs house. Circumstances forced her to succumb
and enter this unfortunate profession. Nonetheless, she has
left behind heirs who have certainly suffered mental
anguish, anxiety and moral shock by her sudden and
incredulous death as reflected in the records of the case.
Though we are acquitting the appellant for the crime of
rape with homicide, we emphasize that we are not ruling
that he is innocent or blameless. It is only the
constitutional presumption of innocence and the failure of
the prosecution to build an airtight case for conviction
which saved him, not that the facts of unlawful conduct do
not exist. As earlier stated, there is the likelihood that he
did insert the vibrator whose end was left inside RosarioÊs
vaginal canal and that the vibrator may have caused her
death. True, we cannot convict on probabilities or
possibilities but civil liability does not require proof beyond
reasonable doubt. The Court can order the payment of Page 40 of 42

indemnity on the facts found in the records of this case.

The appellant certainly committed acts contrary to
morals, good customs, public order or public policy (see
Article 21 Civil Code). As earlier mentioned, the appellant
has abused Filipino children, enticing them with money.
We can not overstress the responsibility for proper behavior
of all adults in the Philippines, including the appellant
towards young children. The sexual exploitation committed
by the appellant should not and can not be condoned. Thus,
considering the circumstances of the case, we are awarding
damages to the heirs of Rosario Baluyot in the amount of


VOL. 194, MARCH 5, 1991 723

People vs. Ritter

And finally, the Court deplores the lack of criminal laws

which will adequately protect street children from
exploitation by pedophiles, pimps, and, perhaps, their own
parents or guardians who profit from the sale of young
bodies. The provisions on statutory rape and other related
offenses were never intended for the relatively recent influx
of pedophiles taking advantage of rampant poverty among
the forgotten segments of our society. Newspaper and
magazine articles, media exposes, college dissertations, and
other studies deal at length with this serious social
problem but pedophiles like the appellant will continue to
enter the Philippines and foreign publications catering to
them will continue to advertise the availability of Filipino
street children unless the Government acts and acts soon.
We have to acquit the appellant because the Bill of Rights
commands us to do so. We, however, express the CourtÊs
concern about the problem of street children and the evils
committed against them. Something must be done about it.
WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment is REVERSED
is ACQUITTED on grounds of reasonable doubt. The
appellant is ordered to pay the amount of P30,000.00 by
way of moral and exemplary damages to the heirs of
Rosario Baluyot. The Commissioner of Immigration and Page 41 of 42

Deportation is hereby directed to institute proper

deportation proceedings against the appellant and to
immediately expel him thereafter with prejudice to reentry
into the country.

Fernan (C.J., Chairman), Feliciano, Bidin and

Davide, Jr., JJ, concur.

Judgment reversed and set aside.

Note.·The force employed by appellant on 12-year old

complainant was sufficient to instill fear in her to submit to
his lustful desires. (People vs. Alamo, 130 SCRA 46.)



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