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November 1976
Presented to Parliament
by the Minister for Defence
the Hon. D. J. Killen

No.ember 1976

I' •

Austnllian Government Pllbliahinl,xrvi«

Canberra 1976

Page Nos Page Nos
Air Defence 24 Chapter Nine: Defence Management 55
Strategic Mobility 25
Organisation for Defence Management and Operations 55
Oceanography, Hydrography and Land Survey

Oceanography and Trials
Equipment Acquisition
Services' Logistic Support
Land Survey 26 Data Storage and Manipulation
Communications 26 Chapter Ten: The Outlay on Defence 1976-81 58
Electronic Warfare 26 Trends in the Equipment Program 59
Summary of Major Equipment Decisions 26 Defence Facilities 59
Manpower Expenditure 59
Chapter Five: Defence Manpower 30
Summary of Resource Allocations 59
The Manpower Resource 30
Manpower Levels 30
Service Regular Manpower 31
Reserve Manpower
Civilian Manpower ................
Conditions of Service for Military Personnel
Defence Force Ombudsman 36
Training and Education 37
Chapter Six: Activities of the Defence Force 39
Operational Readiness 40
Training and Exercises 40
Defence Co-operation Programs 41
United Nations Contributions 41
Natural Disasters Organisation 41
Chapter Seven: Defence Facilities 43
The General Perspective 43
Operational Capabilities 44
Darwin 45
Support Facilities 45
Educational and Training Facilities 45
Accommodation for Servicemen 46
Reserve Force Facilities 46
Importance of the Civil Infrastructure 46
Chapter Eight: Defence Science, Technology and Industry 48
Science and Advanced Technology 48
Introduction 48
Science in the Australian Defence Region 48
New Topics of Special Interest to Australia 49
Science and Major Defence Equipment 49
Science in Support of Service Operations 49
Analytical Studies 50
Science and Defence 50
Defence Industry 50
Industry Policy Principles 51
Industry Capabilities 51
Stocking Policies 51
The Industry Support 52
Industry Studies 52
Defence Expenditure in Industry 52
Industry Development and Rationalisation 53

lv V

The first responsibility of government is to provide the nation with security from
armed attack and from the constraints on independent national decisions imposed by
the threat of such attack. This White Paper sets out the Government's position in this
respect. It states the Government's estimates of the circumstances that uphold or that
could jeopardise Australia's security. It gives the Government's views about future
prospects. It describes the Government's policies for supporting those circumstances
favourable to Australia, and the practical defence measures planned to provide the
nation with insurance against any unfavourable change. It describes the Five Year
Defence Program, within which projects will continue to be developed for later final
financial decision in accordance with the normal processes of Government
2. The national defence effort is expensive, and it accounts for a substantial pro-
portion of the Government's annual expenditure. Notwithstanding the priority given
by the Government to its efforts to reduce inflation and revive the national economy,
it has undertaken to increase the Defence Vote over the next five years, the period the
Defence Department uses for its forward programming. It is proper that the nation
should be informed of the reasons for this and of the manner in which its money is
being spent. Public discussion of defence policy is sought by the Government. The
aim of this paper is to promote discussion and to help mould a national understanding
and consensus that will support our defence effort and the security that it affords.


For most of its history, Australia was protected by Britain's imperial might. Even after
the Second World War, when Australia had perforce turned to the United States,
close Australian defence co-operation with Britain was sustained by that country's
continued responsibilities in Malaya (later Malaysia), and by its membership of the
South East Asian Treaty Organisation.

2. In the past decade, Britain has been turning increasingly to Europe and the
North Atlantic, where its primary strategic interests lie. Australia acknowledges the
British contribution to the secure establishment of the nation-states that succeeded to
its imperial rule. Australia must also acknowledge that Britain can no longer be
expected to accept significant military involvement in areas of concern to Australia
east of Suez.
3. Change in strategic status has been experienced by most of the other 'Great
Powers' that dominated world affairs thirty-five years ago. France, Germany and
Japan, while principal powers in their own regions, and commanding influence and
respect in many matters of world-wide concern (Japan is a world economic power),
cannot compare in global status and military might with the two Super Powers of the
contemporary era, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist

4. The withdrawal of former imperial powers and the proliferation of sovereign

nation-states in numbers unprecedented in history have established a new world
order. Australia's external political environment has been radically transformed by
these changes—changes we were able to support in Indonesia a generation ago, to
help defend later in Malaysia, and to assist in Papua New Guinea.

5. Changes have occurred also in the communist world. While possessing massive
military power, the USSR has long ceased to command the undisputed political pre-
eminence and leadership it enjoyed in earlier years. The communist movement is still
a potent international force; but it is not the monolith that so concerned western
leaders in the earlier post-war era.

6. In particular there has been a major re-assessment of China. China's earlier

isolation has been much modified and it has entered into widespread relationships
with other governments. It plays an important role in world affairs. We welcome the
opportunity to develop our relations with China; but we recognise the important
differences in our political attitudes.

7. In South East Asia, a region of abiding importance to Australia, the nations

forming the Association of South East Asian Nations', have made notable progress in
the tasks of nation-building. They continue to face difficult problems of economic and
social development.

'Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.

8. Vietnam has been unified under the Government of the Socialist Republic of CHAPTER 2
Vietnam. Communist Governments have likewise been established in Laos and Kam-
puchea. Tentative steps have been taken towards the establishment of relationships
with the ASEAN Governments, but, given the basic political differences, many uncer- PROSPECTS AND
tainties persist about future developments.
9. The United States has now disengaged militarily from the mainland of South
East Asia. There must be large questions about the circumstances that could move the
US Administration and Congress to agree to become militarily involved there again,
particularly with ground forces.
10. With the withdrawal of the colonial powers, a new political situation is The global powers of the modem era, the US and the USSR, maintain strategic nu-
developing in the South West Pacific. Most of the new states are small and with only clear forces at a level of destructive capability unprecedented in history. Their rela-
limited resources. tions directly affect the security of all nations. Military conflict between them would
risk widespread devastation by nuclear weapons.
11. A most significant event has been the massive build-up undertaken by the
USSR in both its nuclear and conventional armaments. The USSR has achieved 2. The threat of mutual destruction has led the two Super Powers to seek ways of
essential nuclear strategic equivalence with the US and competes with the US as a relaxing tension and avoiding military conflict. They have a variety of arrangements
global power. for monitoring and controlling strategic capabilities, such as the Strategic Arms Limi-
tation Talks, and they show understanding of the need to avoid confrontations that
12. Allowance must be made for the USSR's perceptions of its requirements for could face them with a critical choice between military conflict or strategic concession.
defence. Nevertheless, the size of the Soviet military build-up and the scale of stra- The two powers and their allies have also increased their political contacts and econ-
tegic weapons still leave questions about Soviet motivation unanswered. The USSR
omic and technological exchanges.
demonstrated in Angola both motivation and capability to project military power into
a distant region. 3. Given the enormous risks from military conflict, on all rational calculations the
restraints on use of force between the two powers, and the framework of their co-
13. The changes mentioned above, and others to be mentioned later in this Paper,
constitute a fundamental transformation of the strategic circumstances that governed operation should endure.
Australia's security throughout most of its history, and even throughout the post-war 4. All nations' interests, including Australia's, are served by relations between the
decades. Australia is now in a new strategic situation, and one that is still evolving, US and the USSR which offer mutual advantage and in which neither exploits the
globally and regionally. other's difficulties. This relationship does not express a fundamental resolution of
14. Change does not necessarily mean insecurity. Despite the major changes in their political opposition, or dismantling of their strategic competition. While leagued
Australia's circumstances in the last thirty years, we have been free from threat of in efforts to reduce tensions and risk, the two Super Powers remain adversaries. If
military attack since the end of World War II. Use of military force is not a course their co-operation in avoidance of conflict can be expected to endure, so also can pol-
adopted lightly by one nation against another. Military action must appear to offer itical and strategic competition.
worthwhile rewards; there must be substantial political hostility or ambition for
conquest or adventurism to induce one nation to organise and sustain military attack 5. The three key areas of strategic significance are the nuclear relationship, and
the theatres of Central Europe and North East Asia. In these theatres there are mass-
upon the sovereignty and independence of another; and there would need to be ap- ive concentrations of population, industry and military might. Rival polities confront
parently favourable strategic circumstances. The conjunction of such conditions is one another. Weakness of either the US or the USSR in these theatres, or in the nu-
infrequent among the nations of the world and takes time to develop. clear relationship, would risk its basic national interests, and its status as a global
15. As a not insubstantial local power, Australia is able to influence develop- power.
ments. Remote from Europe, we now have one significant alliance—the ANZUS
Treaty, with New Zealand and the US. Both countries are important to us; but it is Imbalances in the Key Areas
prudent to remind ourselves that the US has many diverse interests and obligations. 6. Continuing large scale Soviet military development is a cause for concern. If it
Australia has local and regional associates with whom we enjoy close and co- cannot be slowed down or stabilised it must be countered, lest imbalances grow in
operative relations. We must continue to work constructively with them to support important areas of the strategic relationship between the two Super Powers, particu-
stability and security in the general strategic situation; and by our own policy and larly in the relative military strengths of the NATO and Warsaw Pact in the Central
effort we can insure against the uncertainties that continuing change will sustain and European theatre.
that could produce situations with which we may well have to deal on our own.
7. The current US Defence Administration, with strong Congressional support,
16. The following Chapter summarily reviews our contemporary strategic situ- and the NATO countries, are developing defence programs to prevent these potential
ation and future prospects preparatory to discussion of the implications for imbalances. Given the political will, these powers possess the economic, technological
Australia's defence posture and capability. and general military capacity to compete effectively with the USSR
8. In North East Asia, the primary confrontation is between the USSR and China, Western Europe's oil imports cross parts of the Indian Ocean; approximately seven-
but there are also critical issues regarding Korea and the territory of Taiwan. US ty-five per cent of Japan's and eighty per cent of Australia's oil imports (and about
involvement is related principally to Japan and the Republic of South Korea. Hostili- one-third of our total oil requirements) transit the Ocean. Soviet facilities also locate
ties between China and the USSR, or hostilities in Korea or regarding Taiwan could the USSR favourably for involvement further afield into the east Indian Ocean,
disrupt the equilibrium between the US, the USSR and China, and stimulate changes should opportunity offer and it calculate the effort and risk to be worthwhile.
in the defence policy of Japan.
9. At this time, any accommodation between the USSR and China appears likely 15. Littoral states on the Indian Ocean have varying relationships with the Super
Powers. These are a function of national strategic situtations and are a matter for
to be limited and not substantially to affect their military postures. At the same time, national discretion. Significant extension of Super Power activity, however, can exer-
they are likely to want to limit and localise any hostilities that might occur between cise a powerful influence on the strategic circumstances of nations in a region. Arms
them. Renewed war in Korea would carry serious risk of escalation and nuclear con- supply and other support can heighten regional confrontation and destabilise the
flict. All powers involved in the region have major interests in avoidance of this. military balance; it can attract competition and confrontation from the other Super
China is at present pursuing its claim to Taiwan by political means. As made clear in Power; regional states can be drawn into these rivalries. Short of such major develop-
its recent Defence White Paper, Japan appears most unlikely to change its long- ments, the USSR could seek and gain local access for its military deployments, en-
standing policy of limiting its military development. We expect this policy to continue, abling it to exert direct pressure on local political developments.
so long, at least, as regional developments do not risk Japan's security, and the secur-
ity alliance with the US continues to command Japan's confidence and support. 16. The Australian interest is that these developments be avoided in the Indian
Ocean littoral. The ability of the US to match the USSR and establish a restraining
Prospects for Stability influence is important. For this reason, we support the present US program for mod-
est development of the facilities at Diego Garcia, which will enhance the operational
10. Australian assessments note many uncertainties. They also note the capability of the US Navy. But we would wish to see the Super Powers exercise res-
requirement for realism and sustained effort if strategic deterrence is to be effectively taint in their activities so that their deployments may be maintained at the lowest
maintained, and if the pursuit of policies for the relaxation of tension and avoidance
practicable level.
of conflict is not to induce a false sense of security and be exploited for unilateral
advantage. Taking full account of these uncertainties and of this requirement, present
Australian assessments see prospects for the maintenance of basic stability in the THE REGIONAL POWERS
Super Powers' strategic relationship in respect both of their mutual nuclear deter-
rence and the situations in Central Europe and North East Asia. 17. The discussion so far has been related to the Super Powers because they alone
in the contemporary era are able to project military power on a significant scale into
11. However, this does not rule out lesser situations developing in a manner ad- regions distant from their homelands and relevant to Australia's strategic circum-
verse to the interests of smaller powers. The Super Powers' relationship must be stances.
expected to fluctuate from time to time. Restraint will be necessary if crisis is to be
avoided. 18. In the Indo-Pacific area the major powers are India, China and Japan.
Australia seeks friendly relations with all of them. Australia, as a major source of food
Competition Elsewhere and resources, is well placed to play a constructive international role.
12. The US and the USSR each has substantial, though in important respects
19. These countries all have their own local strategic preoccupations, and radical
different, global interests, not only in strategic competition but in trade, aid, resource change in these circumstances and in their national policies could not be expected to
exploitation, political status and many other matters. But their basic postures clash. be quick. No more than the former Great Powers of Europe can we expect these
The US is basically interested in a peaceful and stable 'world order'. While having powers individually to play a large military role in strategic developments directly
important interests in general international stability, the USSR has an ideology that affecting Australian security in the foreseeable future.
can induce disruptive political change.
13. Although the USSR has relatively less need than the US for forces or major
bases overseas, it is interested in access to facilities where this is militarily or politically
useful. It appears ready to use its increasing global military reach for political pur- 20. Distant regional conflicts are not to be seen as necessarily directly affecting
poses. At the present time, the USSR appears capable, following its action in Angola, Australia's security interests and calling for heightened defence preparedness by us.
of exploiting the developing situation in Southern Africa to further its political and
strategic influence. It is already directly involved in the Horn of Africa. 21. This is not to say that our national policies would be indifferent. Military con-
flict, particularly with arms supplied by external powers, might be intense and cause
The Indian Ocean much suffering and damage. Changes in a regional distribution of power or in general
14. The primary area of Soviet strategic concern in the Indian Ocean is likely to strategic circumstances could have implications for Australia's security.
remain the north-west sector. We do not know the USSR's motives, but the fact is that 22. But in evaluating our defence policies and level of preparedness, we can note
increased Soviet deployments there, backed by the USSR's military installations in the fact that regional conflicts, as in the Middle East, have been successfully localised,
Somalia, place it in a position in any time of international crisis to threaten critical and that it is in the Super Powers' interest to work together to confine such conflicts.
lines of oil supply to Western Europe, Japan and Australia. Some seventy per cent of While that mutuality of interest may not be assured in all circumstances, and in any
case policies of restraint may fail, outbreak of regional conflict need not be seen as a 30. The various domestic insurgencies continue, but appear unlikely to be able to
preface to the collapse of international stability and the first stage of a new world war. organise major challenge as in the past. They would face a response from govern-
ments who, in general, are more strongly placed to deal with any such challenge.
23. This has implications for Australia's defence policy. Our military resources
are limited and the first call upon them must always be in respect of our own national 31. It remains true that external powers have ample resources directly to support
security tasks. We could not sustain significant operations in two theatres concur- insurgent groups did they choose to adopt such a policy, and continuing political ten-
rently. We cannot contribute military forces that would be significant to the strategic sions in the region could provide them with opportunity. Bad times, or weak govern-
balance in Europe or North East Asia, nor to the western nuclear deterrent. Events in ment, could produce serious instabilities.
distant areas such as Africa, the Middle East and North East Asia (assuming there
were internatonal sanction for Australia's involvement) are beyond the reach of effec- 32. Domestic instabilities in the region and even a level of political discord be-
tive defence activity by Australia. We can and do, however, contribute to UN peace- tween the states would not of themselves jeopardise Australia's security; and we must
keeping operations. accept there will be political change in the region, including that brought about by
domestic violence. But in such circumstances, there could be risks of external interven-
tion; regional rivalry and confrontation betwen external powers could develop. Pro-
AREAS OF AUSTRALIA'S PRIMARY STRATEGIC longed regional tension could lead the regional states to develop capability for con-
CONCERN ventional military operations on a regional scale.

24. For practical purposes, the requirements and scope for Australian defence 33. None of these developments is at present in prospect. Reference to them,
however, can help to clarify the basis for our abiding concern regarding prospects in
activity are limited essentially to the areas closer to home—areas in which the deploy-
South East Asia. As already mentioned. defence policy is concerned with contingen-
ment of military capabilities by a power potentially unfriendly to Australia could per-
mit that power to attack or harass Australia and its territories, maritime resources cies and not simply demonstrable threats.
zone and near lines of comiiuthcation. These are our adjacent maritime areas; the 34. Our policy will be to support as best we may the present relatively favourable
South West Pacific countries and territories; Papua New Guinea; Indonesia; and the prospect in South East Asia. We cannot succeed to Britain's earlier role, nor would
South East Asian region. this be acceptable either to us or to the regional states to-day. However, most of the
regional countries appear to value some association with Australia in defence matters.
25. Australia's defence interest is not confined to the presence or absence of mili-
tary threat itself. We are concerned with developments that could directly or 35. We intend therefore to continue our defence connections with them, by such
indirectly support Australia's security from military threat, or favour the development means as defence co-operation programs, occasional military exercising, consul-
of threat sooner or later. Unfavourable developments in mainland South East Asia tations and visits. We shall continue to co-operate under the Five Power arrangement,
would not necessarily mean of themselves that threat of direct attack upon Australia which embraces Australia, Britain, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore. While
was developing, but they could introduce uncertainties into our strategic prospects. acceptable to the Government of Singapore, we shall continue to operate RAN ships
from there, and we are due at the end of this year to hold discussions again with the
South East Asia Governments of Malaysia and Singapore concerning the deployment there of our two
26. In the earlier post-war period, Australian strategic policy was strongly RAAF Mirage Squadrons.
influenced by anxiety about the ability of the nascent nation-states of South East Asia
to withstand domestic dissidence and external pressures. 36. We shall keep under review the adequacy of our present activities, in consul-
tation with regional governments; but we do not expect that any significant change
27. The situation has changed in important respects. Our assessments, still necess- will be called for to support our important common interests and to maintain our
arily short-term, depict a regional situation with reasonable prospects of stability, valuable co-operation with them.
although with many imponderables and uncertainties.
28. On the favourable side, many regional states appear now to have better 37. Friendly relations between Australia and its major neighbour Indonesia have
prospects than earlier expected of peaceful co-existence and of security from major prevailed for thirty years and have successfully weathered occasional sharp
extra-regional pressures. Basic political differences between the communist and differences. The substantial considerations sustaining basic accord between the two
ASEAN Governments are at present not proving a barrier to inter-governmental con- countries have long been understood and acknowledged in Australian policy.
tacts. The prospect of large external powers acquiring major strategic influence in the
region has very substantially receded. Their interests would not be served, now or 38. The Indonesian archipelago, together with Papua New Guinea, would be an
foreseeably, by destabilisation of the region. important factor in any offensive military strategy against Australia. This consider-
ation alone gives Australia an enduring interest in the security and integrity of the
29. For a variety of reasons much will depend on how China, the closest of the Indonesian Republic from external influence. For its part, there would appear to be
external powers, decides to pursue its interests. It maintains its contact with the substantial advantages for Indonesia in having to its south a friendly neighbour, shar-
Maoists, and some support for dissident parties in the region, although currently at a ing its basic strategic interests and able to make a significant military contribution to
subdued level. Chinese support for insurgencies in South East Asia appears now to be the deterrence or containment of any threat that might possibly develop at some
at a lower level than for many years. future time.
39. Indonesia is a large country with many pressing national problems. Effective New Zealand
military forces are an important element in national resilience; Australian co-
operation, though necessarily limited, can help to maintain and develop skills and ca- 48. Our long historical association with New Zealand and the many common
pacity in support of this. interests that sustain our co-operation as neighbours, partners and allies, need no
elaboration here. Defence co-operation with New Zealand is fundamental to our
40. Indonesia and Australia maintain a program for defence co-operation, ini- interests and policy, and covers a very wide range. It includes bilateral consultation,
tiated by the Liberal Country Party Government in 1972 and continued by the Labor maritime surveillance, combined exercises and training programs, exchanges of tech-
Administration in 1972-1975. This includes co-operation in such projects as the map- nical and operational information, and co-operation in intelligence, defence science
ping of parts of Indonesia; the development of Indonesia's capability for maritime and supply. We will devote continuing effort to sustain and further develop these
surveillance; training of Indonesian Servicemen; occasional combined exercising, and programs.
regular consultations about strategic developments and defence matters of common
interest. Antarctica
49. The provisions of the Antarctic Treaty prohibit military use of the territory.
Papua New Guinea Both the US and the USSR appear satisfied with these provisions. Political, as distinct
41. The long association between Papua New Guinea and Australia supports a from military, solutions to any disputes are to be expected.
continued close relationship. Effective co-operation in defence matters is an important
element in this. Although neither country seeks formal undertakings, it will be impor- NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION
tant that they maintain close consultations regarding any developments that could
affect their security. At the present time, any external threat to Papua New Guinea 50. Following renewed international efforts, including those by the two Super
appears improbable and remote in time. Powers, present prospects for slowing and curbing nuclear proliferation appear some-
what more favourable than previously. Any further proliferation appears likely to be
42. At the present time, Australian defence co-operation with Papua New Guinea essentially regional in its motivation and strategic significance, although there would
includes the attachment of Australian Servicemen to the Papua New Guinea Defence be complex implications for central global relationships were proliferation to become
Force; supply support arrangements; a defence co-operation program for training extensive or lead to actual use of nuclear weapons.
and project aid; occasional operational assistance with transport, logistic and techni- 51. There are no signs of significant movement towards acquisition of nuclear
cal services; and defence consultations. It is intended to formalise these arrangements weapons in the regions of Australia's primary concern. Australia is a member of the
in appropriate governmental exchanges in the near future. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which forbids manufacture or transfer of nuclear
43. The common defence interests of Papua New Guinea and Australia extend weapons.
beyond their bilateral contacts. Both countries share important interests with
Indonesia regarding general strategic developments relevant to the security of the LAW OF THE SEA
common neighbourhood. Australia and Papua New Guinea also share important
interests regarding the South West Pacific, and it will be important that we consult 52. A large reduction of the traditional high seas and an expansion of maritime
and work closely together regarding developments there. areas under varying degrees of national jurisdiction appear certain consequent upon
international negotiations for new Law of the Sea.
The South West Pacific 53. Our defence interests are affected. There will be an increase in requirements
44. In the South West Pacific there are many newly independent and soon to be for the surveillance, patrol and policing of our national waters and maritime resources
independent states. Australia enjoys friendly relations with all governments in the zone, and for demonstration of our sovereignty in conjunction with civil agencies. The
region. Australia seeks to co-operate with and assist these countries in their develop- conferring of a 200-mile exclusive resources zone would, for example, add some
ment in conditions of stability and security. Important lines of communication with 2 500 000 square miles to the tasks of our protective services. We shall be closely
Australia's major trading partner, Japan, and with its major ally, the US, run through interested in any developments affecting passage through the seas and straits of the
this region. archipelagic regions to our north.
45. The ANZUS Council at its recent meeting noted the increase in external 54. There are likely to be internationally agreed arrangements for the political or
awareness of this region. judicial settlement of disputes; but such disputes will have a contingent military
46. There is scope for co-operation should regional governments desire this, in
55. Implications for the structure of the Australian Defence Force are receiving
the organisation and development of security forces, in training, in selective projects close study, and provision has already been made for some increase in our surveil-
and in other ways. Worthwhile contact has already been established with Fiji, and we lance and patrol capability.
intend to explore requirements and scope for co-operation with other interested
regional governments.
47. We intend to maintain and develop Australia's military capability to demon-
strate its interest in the region.
CHAPTER 3 help support stability and security in its own neighbourhood, should this requirement
AUSTRALIA'S DEFENCE 9. This self-reliant posture derives essentially from our own national interests and
responsibilities. It also accords with our status as an ally of the US, for by accepting
REQUIREMENTS our local responsibilities we can contribute to the alliance relationship and to the US
global effort.
10. Furthermore, Australian self-reliance would enable us to contribute effec-
tively to any future combined operations with the US, for it would significantly reduce
I. The summary statement in the preceding Chapter indicated the main factors
and trends that affect Australia's security. our demands upon US operational and logistic support.
2. Where there is political instability, tension or military confrontation, a detailed 11. Our stance also takes into account our co-operation with our regional friends
course of events can be difficult to predict with reasonable confidence beyond a few and we are mindful of our natural associations with the western strategic community,
years, or even less. Few of the findings described in this Paper would have indefinite and of our obligations in these respects.
validity and for some the range of vision is short; but there is much continuity in the
determinants of Australia's strategic circumstances. Major threats (requiring both RELATIONS WITH THE US
military capability and political motivation) are unlikely to develop without preced-
ing and perceptible indicators. The final emergence of a major military threat to 12. Many important practical advantages flow to Australia from its defence rela-
Australia would be a late stage in a series of developments. tions with the United States. These include assistance to Australia—unique in
3. Strategic pressure or direct military threat against Australia, its territories, comprehensiveness and quality—in intelligence, defence science and technology, mili-
tary staff contacts regarding tactical doctrine and operational procedures, and mili-
maritime resources zone, or lines of communication are at present not estimated as
tary exercising with forces using high technology which is not otherwise available. All
probable. But important changes have been noted that give rise to significant uncer-
tainties in some respects. this involves the sharing of military information of very high value to Australia.
4. Along with the essentially external factors that have been indicated, certain 13. These arrangements greatly assist Australia's defence capability. Moreover,
features of Australia's geographic situation also support our security. they display to the world Australia's close defence association with the US.
Australia's defence activities can, and do, support the US directly and indirectly in a
5. Closely and expertly though we may assess developments, prudent defence number of areas. Our co-operation, which includes the joint maintenance of defence-
policy must insure against uncertainties and the risk that they might resolve related facilities on Australian soil, is also, despite the disparate strength and
unfavourably to our interests. How we go about this is described later in this Chapter. resources of the two countries, of value to the US.

SELF RELIANCE 14. The large US transfer to Australia of weapons technology, research informa-
tion, tactical doctrine and intelligence could not be expected by a country that failed
6. A primary requirement emerging from our findings is for increased self itself to maintain high standards in the professional employment of forces using mod-
reliance. In our contemporary circumstances we no longer base our policy on the ex- em technology, or that failed to evidence determination to contribute in a meaningful
pectation that Australia's Navy or Army or Air Force will be sent abroad to fight as way to the development of defence technology, research and intelligence.
part of some other nation's force, supported by it. We do not rule out an Australian
contribution to operations elsewhere if the requirement arose and we felt that our
presence would be effective, and if our forces could be spared from their national RELATIONS WITH EUROPE
tasks. But we believe that any operations are much more likely to be in our own neigh- 15. Although our West European associates, including Britain, are not in a pos-
bourhood than in some distant or forward theatre, and that our Armed Services ition to provide significant combat support to us in any defence emergency, they—and
would be conducting joint operations together as the Australian Defence Force. particularly Britain—still offer important defence connections.
7. Our alliance with the US gives substantial grounds for confidence that in the
event of a fundamental threat to Australia's security, US military support would be 16. Britain is an important source of intelligence and assessment, of military doc-
trine, defence science and technology, and advanced weaponry and equipment.
forthcoming. However, even though our security may be ultimately dependent upon
European support in fields other than military could be valuable in a defence emerg-
US support, we owe it to ourselves to be able to mount a national defence effort that ency. They are sources of defence supply, thus enabling us to spread our supply risks.
would maximise the risks and costs of any aggression.
Such considerations support our deliberate policy to maintain and cultivate defence
8. Short of this major, and improbable, situation, we could face a range of other relations with the NATO powers.
situations that we should expect to handle more independently. It is not our policy,
nor would it be prudent, to rely upon US combat help in all circumstances. Indeed it is
possible to envisage a range of situations in which the threshold of direct US combat AUSTRALIA'S MILITARY STATUS
involvement could be quite high. This is as it should be. An alliance does not free a 17. Insofar as we can directly influence developments shaping our strategic
nation from the responsibility to make adequate provision for its own security, or to prospects, this will often be by the political rather than the military arm of policy. Our
10 11
military capability is, however, directly relevant in some circumstances, and it can in CURRENT REQUIREMENTS FOR DEFENCE
others provide important support for political policy.
18. For this reason, and because of our obligations to others, and against the 27. The guidance derived from our present assessments and from our consider-
possibility that we may have to rely upon military force to deter a threat to our ation of the likely requirement and scope for practical military measures may be sum-
interests, it is important that we be seen as a nation that takes defence matters marised as follows:
seriously and that our military capabilities and competence should command respect. • the force-in-being should be capable of performing current and foreseeable
tasks and dealing with selected shorter-term contingencies—for example,
19. As indicated earlier, our forces and associated capabilities should be able to maintenance and expansion of the training base; sea control in areas of
operate with substantial independence in our own environment. We should avoid Australia's maritime jurisdiction; quick detection of and response to any mari-
development of defence capabilities that are not relevant to our own requirements. time or coastal harassment; aid to the civil power in counter-terrorist oper-
ations, as requested and appropriately authorised; exercising with allies and
regional defence associates; maritime surveillance and display in areas of Aus-
INSURANCE AGAINST UNCERTAINTY tralian interest; support for defence co-operation programs; and contributing to
UN peace-keeping;
20. Insurance against uncertainty was mentioned early in this Chapter as a basic
principle of our defence planning. This has a number of elements. • the force should be of a size and versatility and possess or have under develop-
ment or acquisition the structure, equipments and professional skills adequate
for timely expansion against a range of contingencies of various types and tim-
21. The first is the maintenance of a substantial force-in-being, which is also ings, as indicated by the strategic guidance from time to time and having regard
capable of timely expansion to deal with any unfavourable developments. to the long lead times of certain equipments and skills;
• the force-in-being and planned should have a substantial capability for
22. Secondly, there must be continuous review of assessments by an expert
independent operations;
intelligence organisation to ensure prompt detection of any significant change in the
developing strategic situation. • the force should at all times demonstrate Australia's serious attitude to defence
matters, military competence and capacity to absorb and operate high-
23. This relates, thirdly, to the requirement for maximum warning time or any technology equipments;
requirement for expansion of the Defence Force. Constant and close watch must be • the capacity to operate effectively with the US should be maintained to the
maintained on whether this warning time is likely to fall short of the lead times— extent relevant to likely commitments.
sometimes many years—necessary for expansion, including development and trainiiig
of the force, organisation of the defence infrastructure, acquisition of equipments, 28. Our assessments of the international situation have not revealed any present
securing supply lines and other external support. Requirements in these respects will, likelihood of our being called upon to provide any direct military assistance to our
of course, differ according to the nature of the possible threat that is perceived. allies or other defence associates. Were this sort of situation to arise in future, in cer-
tain circumstances we would be able usefully to support local forces by making avail-
able equipments or skills in which they were deficient. Subject to our own national
24. Fourthly, defence preparations could not be delayed until a definite threat
priorities we should expect that such contributions could be provided from our force-
finally emerged. Particularly in the case of more substantial situations, we should in-being at the time.
need to act well in advance. Our planning and preparations must be responsive to any
change perceived as having potential for harming our interests. Preparatory planning 29. In addition to our strategic prospects, Australia's physical environment pro-
and practical measures taken in advance and based upon a capable and versatile vides further important guidance regarding the specific characteristics that we need in
force-in-being would substantially reduce the time necessary to organise an effective the Defence Force.
defence response.

25. Such measures assume that the Government and Parliament of the day would ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS
be willing to respond to changes from time to time in the indicators for defence 30. Factors such as geography, population size and distribution, infrastructure,
development. industrial capacity and resources distribution combine to create enduring features in
our physical environment.
26. The fifth element in insurance against uncertainty is the examination of con-
tingencies—that is situations that, while possible, are not considered likely to occur but 31. Our country is an island continent, with an extensive maritime resource area.
that appear typical of the sort of situation that could arise or are important enough to We have no land frontiers. Except in the Torres Strait area, any approach to our con-
warrant policy attention. As in other countries, our defence planners use contingency tinent would involve a transit of the open ocean, by sea or air. Any confrontation or
studies as a means of systematically exploring future uncertainties and of developing conflict would be, initially at least, maritime in character. The population is relatively
judgments on possible requirements for defence preparedness, in such matters as the small and is largely urban, coastal and concentrated in the south-east. Defence infra-
force structure, military concepts and command arrangements. structure or relevant civilian infrastructure are still limited in the north and west.

12 13
32. The physical environment of Australia suggests that the characteristics of our CHAPTER 4
force structure should include:
• a good capability for external intelligence; MILITARY CAPABILITIES
• capacity for the regular surveillance and patrol of our ocean approaches and
maritime resources zone; PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE
• naval and air strike components to deter potential adversaries;
• readily transportable and mobile land forces, with adequate capability for
reconnaissance, to meet hostile incursions at remote localities;
• mobile air defence elements; INTRODUCTION
• elements for the protection of shipping from attack or other interference in This Chapter examines the present capabilities of the Defence Force and in broad
Australia's focal areas and port approaches; terms it describes the types of capabilities the Government proposes, subject to any
• a capability for sustained operations at long ranges from bases and in areas change that future circumstances require, to create or have in sight by 1981.
remote from sources of logistic support.
2. In determining the resources to be allocated to defence, account has been
taken, as already described, of our strategic circumstances, physical environment,
THE TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL military technology and the basic concepts pertaining to the development of the
33. Australia's forces should use suitably high technology in Australia's weapons Force. Within this context, the Government has examined broad policy choices avail-
systems, equipment, training and support. Because Australia has close affiliations able for the kind and size of forces that should be provided. To compose a program, it
with the United States and Western Europe, and sufficiently developed technology to has examined different levels of total expenditure and different rates of annual growth
make use of those links, a wide choice is available. Our military technology should be in expenditure. Through this process, the Government has approved a financial plan-
compatible with, but not necessarily equal in technical advancement with, relevant ning ceiling of some $12 000m (in January 1976 prices) for the five-year period
weapons systems of larger allies. To acquire high-level technology in weapons and 1976-77 to 1980-81.
equipment now throughout our forces may give us advantages in effectiveness, but it 3. The Five Year Defence Program (FYDP) represents the best present assess-
would be very expensive. Advanced technology should be favoured where it offers ment of the ways in which the capabilities of our forces should be varied or enhanced.
compensating advantages, for example, in simplicity of operation and support, or That assessment has to be looked at again each year, or earlier if there is a significant
avoidance of early obsolescence, or sufficient savings in additional equipment, man- change in strategic outlook. The FYDP is a planning and programming framework.
power and life-cycle costings or is otherwise particularly suited to Australia's assessed
strategic situation. Australia should aim to maintain its present relatively favourable 4. The Program must not be looked upon as static and unchangeable. The year of
position, and be prepared to increase selectively the technological level of its forces if acquisition, the number of equipments, and the manning and training of the Force
this should be called for. must be capable of variation as changes occur—be it in our strategic situation, in tech-
nology, or in the operational concepts and doctrines that may evolve. Other program
changes may be imposed by such influences as production realities, cost changes, the
availability of needed manpower, or the general level of Australia's economic and
industrial activity.
5. It follows that only annually (at the time of the Budget) are firm Government
decisions made and commitments entered into, covering all the different acquisitions
and activities planned for the Program in the first of the five years. Plans and projects
which are to be put to decision in later years through the normal processes of Govern-
ment consideration achieve a progressive firming of detail (e.g. quantity, weapon fit,
source) as they approach their planned year of decision.
6. This Chapter outlines existing and planned operational and support capabili-
ties of the three Services in terms of maritime warfare, land warfare, air warfare and
their components. Attention is primarily given to major weapons and equipments.
Paragraph 108 below sets out the decisions that have been included in the 1976-77
7. The weapons and equipment form but a part of the defence capability. The
Defence Force depends also for its effectiveness on manpower, on logistic support, on
its facilities and supporting infrastructure, and on its scientific, technological, indus-
trial and other forms of civilian support. These matters will be treated in later
INTELLIGENCE and some improvements will be made there to the technical support and airfield fa-
cilities. Some aircraft will be deployed on a rotational or, with quick response-time, on
8. The strategic assessment made by the Government affirms the need for a a short-term basis to various RAAF bases, notably those at Pearce, Learmonth, Dar-
highly effective intelligence system. Defence policy depends critically on a high level win and Townsville.
of performance of intelligence monitoring and assessment of international events so
as to discern changes in adequate time. As well as the need for basic assessment of the 17. The new aircraft will have greater speed, range and endurance, and better
existing and potential military capabilities, deployments and strategic motivation of sensor capability than the Neptune aircraft. An Orion aircraft has a radius of action of
other countries, intelligence has the responsibility for monitoring developments which over 2000 miles. It can, in one sortie, sweep an ocean area of 300 000 square miles
could produce pressures or threats against Australia's interests to which a defence and in so doing detect all surface targets of about 2000 tonnes or greater. For a task
response may be needed. 500 miles from its deployment airfield, it can be on station within two hours and
9. Our capabilities and arrangements for meeting these requirements are good. remain on task for about eight hours.
Beyond our immediate environment, we draw considerable benefit from arrange-
ments developed over many years with co-operating countries. 18. For detection and localisation of quiet submarines, the new aircraft are plan-
ned to be fitted with the Australian-designed and developed Barra directional sono-
10. Intelligence assessment in support of defence planning and policy is based on buoys, and with processing equipment developed in Britain.
the work of professionally qualified staff, both civil and military, with competence in
strategic, military, political, economic, scientific and technological fields. This com- 19. Patrol craft provide a capability for patrol, apprehension, intelligence, coast-
petent national intelligence capability is an accepted and recognised component of watching, sovereignty visits, survey, and support of law enforcement by civil authori-
the structure of modern government. ties (such as Customs, Fisheries, and Health). They are also used for search and res-
cue, fleet support, hydrography and Naval Reserve training. At present seven of the
11. The program allows for the continuing investment of resources to keep pace twelve patrol boats are based on Cairns and Darwin for defence and civil surveillance
technologically with modern defence intelligence-gathering methods; and to develop and patrol.
skilled and experienced staff. Attention is also being directed to a greater coordination
of the various components of the Australian intelligence effort. Whether any changes 20. The Government has decided to acquire some fifteen new patrol craft with
are needed in intelligence practice and organisation for defence purposes in respect of speed, range and seakeeping qualities superior to those of the Attack Class now in ser-
external intelligence is a matter that the Government will consider when it has vice. These new craft will enter service in the period 1979 to 1984. The first one or two
received the reports of the Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security. will be built overseas and the remainder in Australia. The Attack Class is expected to
retire from service from about 1982.
MARITIME SURVEILLANCE, 21. Patrol craft can best be used in conjunction with aircraft. Having regard to the
RECONNAISSANCE, probable substantial increases in the resources zone and consequent protective
responsibilities, the Government has directed that consideration be given to acquiring
AND OFFSHORE PATROL short to medium range patrol aircraft, optimised for those various defence and
12. The physical environment of Australia emphasises the importance of mari- national tasks not requiring the comprehensive and expensive capabilities of RAAF
time surveillance, reconnaissance and offshore patrol, including affirmation of our Orions or Navy Tracker aircraft.
sovereignty in Australian waters and maritime resources zone. The increasing de-
22. These and current measures to obtain effective use of our existing patrol craft,
mand for civil surveillance and patrol, especially following the probable large
augmented by co-operating aircraft and other ships, should provide a sufficient capa-
increase in the resources zone area, is likely to continue.
bility for surveillance and patrol of selected areas. Increasing use will be made of
13. The Defence Force has a variety of elements able to carry out these roles. other sources of information—particularly from the Australian fishing fleet—in
Some will be strengthened and their capacity will be enhanced during the program improving the efficiency of locating illegal military and civil incursions into our
period. The forces involved will continue to be trained in defence roles, but will pro- waters.
vide an increasing contribution for civil purposes.
23. The Program allows for continuing research on over-the-horizon radar, dis-
14. Largely because of Australia's geographic environment, Long Rang Mari- cussed in a later chapter. An operational system could not be acquired until beyond
time Patrol (LRMP) aircraft will be required at an early stage of the perception of the program period. Knowledge of new techniques applicable to conventional radar
any potential threat, to undertake increased surveillance and intelligence gathering. is being maintained. Technologies of sensors and systems operating at visual and
infra-red wavelengths are being examined.
15. The present LRMP force consists of ten P311 Orion aircraft based at Edin-
burgh and twelve Neptune aircraft based at Townsville. The Neptune aircraft will be 24. Many other vehicles and systems contribute substantially to surveillance.
phased out by 1978 when deliveries of the new P3C Orion commence. They include ships, aircraft, submarines, direction finding and sonar detection sys-
tems. In addition, through co-operative arrangements with allies, Australia has access
16. The Government has decided to increase the current order for eight P3C to the skills, technology and product of advanced methods for surveillance and infor-
Orion aircraft to ten. Edinburgh will become the home base for the total LRMP force, mation gathering.
16 17
25. Australia's strategic and geographic circumstances call for strike forces that 37. The naval general purpose forces undertake peacetime and operational tasks
can deter attack. The Australian environment also calls for emphasis on strike against ranging from sovereignty control to maritime defence, throughout the neighbour-
maritime targets at sea. hood and the region.

26. The land-based strategic strike capability resides principally in twenty-four 38. The main naval general purpose warfare element consists of eleven des-
Fl 1 I aircraft. These provide a core whose effectiveness can be markedly enhanced troyers—two Daring Class destroyers (DD), six River Class destroyer escorts (DE)
by improvements to weapons and sensor systems as the technology becomes and three Charles F. Adams Class guided-missile destroyers (DDG).
available. 39. The two Daring Class destroyers are planned to retire in 1982-83, by which
time the two new guided-missile frigates (FFGs) will be in service. Each of the FFGs
27. The Government has decided to fit by 1980 sensors to four of the Fl 1 1C air- will carry two helicopters, which will add a new dimension to the operations of the
craft, to provide an all-weather, long-range reconnaissance capability. destroyer force. The helicopter provides reconnaissance and attack capability, and
should permit the ship to make full use of its own weapon systems.
28. Various precision-guided munitions now under development are being con-
sidered. These include electro-optical guided missiles and bombs, missiles that can be 40. The operational lives and effectiveness of the four older River Class des-
air-launched at long ranges from the target, and other weapons that would markedly troyers are being extended by a modernisation program for three, and a half-life refit
increase aircraft effectiveness and improve their chances of survival. of the fourth. The work on these ships should be complete before 1981. It is then plan-
ned to modernise the two newer River Class destroyer escorts in the period 1981 to
29. Weapons effectivenness can also be enhanced by aircraft systems for identify- 1983.
ing targets in poor weather conditions, and for providing homing signals to guide
weapons accurately to their target. Aircraft survivability can also depend on the use of 41. An extensive refit program is being undertaken for the three guided missile
electronic countermeasures systems. destroyers. Improvement and modernisation of guns and electronic equipment, and
the fitting of a new surface-to-air missile system 'Standard', are underway. New data-
30. The Government has decided on the progressive acquisition of such capabili- handling systems are also being installed which can rapidly evaluate and display a
ties for the F 111 C force. Experience in the use of these advanced technological sys- threat and compute effective firing conditions. These three guided-missile destroyers
tems can begin to be gained by the early 1980s. are expected to remain operational until the 1990s.

31. The Program plans the acquisition of a training capability in air-to-air 42. Looking to the early 1980s, provision has been made for the destroyer force to
be increased from eleven to twelve. The possibility of acquiring a third FFG is being
refuelling. Air-to-air refuelling would give the strike aircraft, and also the planned
considered. With a force of twelve destroyers, allowing for peacetime scheduling of
new tactical fighter aircraft, additional range, and would permit increased weapon
loads, greater flexibility in the use of airfields, and improved recoverability in bad refits, some eight to nine destroyers would be available at any one time.
weather conditions. 43. To maintain the strength of the destroyer force from 1987 onwards, when the
first of the destroyer escorts is due to retire, the Government has commenced inves-
32. The potential for strengthening maritime strike has been greatly increased by tigations into the concepts, characteristics and cost of follow-on destroyers, preferably
overseas developments in anti-shipping missiles, which are a cost effective means of for construction in Australia.
deterrence. Such missiles include the French Exocet, the Italian Otomat and US
Harpoon. 44. These investigations will be in conjunction with those of missile-armed patrol
boats. The number of destroyers to be acquired will also depend on the decision
33. Harpoon is part of the weapon fit of the two new guided-missile frigates whether to replace the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne in the longer term.
(FFGs) ordered earlier this year. This sea-skimming missile has an over-the-horizon
capability and delays radar detection by approaching its target at very low altitude. 45. For training junior naval officers at sea, it is planned to purchase or construct
a new training ship to enter service in the early 1980s. The ship would be much sim-
34. A further limited acquisition of anti-shipping missiles for destroyers, submar- pler and more effective in the training role than the present training ship, HMAS
ines and P3C aircraft is being considered. Timing of the acquisition will be dependent Duchess.
on satisfactory progress into production overseas.
35. The current sea-based strike capability rests primarily with the aircraft carrier 46. The carrier HMAS Melbourne and its selected mix of fleet aircraft provide a
HMAS Melbourne. Its Skyhawk aircraft can operate either from the carrier or from naval strike capability against maritime forces or land targets. HMAS Melbourne and
airfields. her aircraft also provide air defence at sea, reconnaissance and surveillance, anti-sub-
marine warfare and facilities for command and control of the Fleet.
36. Additional strike capability is provided by submarines and destroyers. As
well, the Army Special Air Service Regiment and commando units can be moved by 47. The Fleet Air Arm is equipped with sixteen A4G and TA4G Skyhawk aircraft
either air, sea or submarine to carry out strike and reconnaissance tasks. for strike, air defence and ground attack; thirteen S2E Tracker aircraft for maritime

18 19
reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare; and nine Sea King anti-submarine heli- 56. The principal elements in our anti-submarine forces are the ten P3B Orion
copters. An additional six S2E used Tracker aircraft are to be purchased. Other naval and twelve Neptune Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft (to be replaced as
aircraft, including Macchi trainers, Wessex helicopters and HS748 aircraft, are also described), the thirteen S2E Trackers (to be increased as described), the nine Sea
used in general support. King helicopters, the eleven destroyers and the Oberon Class submarines.
48. Investigations have shown that the life of HMAS Melbourne can be extended 57. Tracker aircraft and Sea King helicopters can be operated in either a sea- or
to 1985, and that it can provide a cost-effective contribution to a variety of our land-based role. Studies are being undertaken into the possibility of increasing the
capabilities into the 1980s. The life-of-type of the carrier's aircraft extends beyond capability of Sea King helicopters in the 1980s b y the fitting of processing equipment
1985. for use with Barra and other sonobuoy systems.
49. The contribution and the form of capability appropriate in the future once
HMAS Melbourne retires are force structure questions having major operational AFLOAT SUPPORT
financial and manpower implications. These are, and have been, the subject of inten-
sive examination in the Defence organisation. It is not a matter requiring decision at 58. A modern underway replenishment ship can supply fuel, ammunition and
this time. A series of operational and analytical studies of naval air power, of the de- other stores at sea so that destroyers, for example, may be deployed on task for longer
fence of sea lines of communication, and of other kinds of naval air warfare, is con- periods and at greater ranges.
tinuing. Alternative capabilities are being investigated which involve ships and air-
craft. The aircraft might be either sea-based or land-based although a combination of 59. The Program includes the acquisition of an underway replenishment ship to
both may prove desirable. In choosing among the various options, account must be enter service by 1980, when the fleet oiler HMAS Supply is due to retire. Consider-
taken of the availability and vulnerability of major force units, and the opportunities ation is also being given to the later acquisition of a second ship to provide added ca-
for exploiting technology which has implications for naval warfare in the future. pacity for deployment, and to permit operations in both the eastern and western
ocean areas. A second ship would ensure the availability of one at all times, including
50. The ultimate decision will have far-reaching implications for the shape and refit periods.
size of the Navy. The Government proposes to institute funded project development
at an appropriate time. 60. Repair and maintenance support to naval forces in remote areas can be pro-
vided, until the late 1980s. b y the workshop facilities aboard the destroyer tender
HMAS Stalwart.
51. Submarines are a potent deterrent with important functions in anti-shipping 61. The mine countermeasures (MCM) force consists of two minehunters and
and anti-submarine warfare, covert reconnaissance/ surveillance and patrol, clan- one minesweeper, all of the Ton Class. Navy is examining a new concept in MCM
destine operations, and mine warfare. They provide the only means of sustained vessels which should provide a more flexible and effective minehunting capability.
interdiction in areas where local air superiority cannot be established. This envisages an Australian-designed and developed glass-reinforced plastic craft
52. The force has four conventional quiet diesel-electric attack submarines of the fitted with modern mine hunting and mine disposal equipment.
Oberon Class, and a further two submarines under construction should become oper-
62. The Government has decided to proceed with the initial prototype design and
ational by 1978. acquisition of long lead items for two prototype vessels. The objective is to have new
53. The submarines' capabilities are being improved. New fire-control and com- operational minehunting craft entering service during the first half of the 1980s.
bat data-processing systems will be fitted from 1977 onwards, and the Government
has decided to fit an improved attack /intercept sonar, and anti-submarine torpedoes 63. A small number of practice mines of several types are used for submarine
mine-laying and countermeasures exercises. The potential for air-drop mining exists
with longer range and higher capability. The possibility of acquiring an underwater
in the Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft and in naval fixed wing aircraft. Inves-
launched long-range anti-ship cruise missile is being considered within the Program.
tigations are proceeding of the merits of mines of various types and when they might
54. After 1978, two of the six Oberon Class submarines will be in dockyard hands be acquired.
at any one time undergoing scheduled refits. From 1979, submarines will be based at
Cockburn Sound.
Anti-Submarine Warfare 64. The physical characteristics of Australia emphasise that our ground forces
55. The effectiveness of submarines, and the complexities of the medium in which may need to be sustained over long distances; we return to this subject in paragraph
they operate pose very difficult problems for the defender and impose a dispro- 95 below. The ground forces need to be highly mobile, have an adequate capability
portionately high strain on his resources. Emphasis has been given to indigenous for reconnaissance, and possess or have available air and other combat and improved
development of a variety of new and more effective systems for anti-submarine war- logistic support. They must contain the necessary levels and skills for developing and
fare, and to the collection of data on the acoustic properties of the oceans surrounding testing tactics and techniques relevant to operations in Australia, while retaining the
Australia. capability to operate overseas in areas relevant to our defence.

20 21
65. The Australian Army consists of two principal components, the Field Force 75. Substantial improvements are planned in the program period in mortar- and
and the Support Organisation. Both include Regular and Army Reserve units. The gun-locating equipments, night observation equipment, surveillance radars and navi-
Regular Army element of the Field Force is based on a divisional structure and has gation equipment, and sensors available to the Field Force.
organic to it combat units (armour, artillery, engineers, signals, infantry and aviation)
and logistic units (such as supply, transport and electrical and mechanical engineers). 76. The tactical reconnaissance capability of the Mirage has shortcomings which
The support Organisation provides additional logistic and maintenance support for will be taken into account in the selection of a replacement fighter aircraft.
the Field Force, and includes main base facilities and training establishments.
Battlefield Air Defence
Ground Combat 77. A capability for low- and very low-level air defence over the battlefield is
required to complement the air defence capability provided by fighter aircraft.
66. The conduct of the land battle requires coordinated action by the fighting
arms, which are supported by the logistic services. To facilitate command and control, 78. By 1980 there will be a capability to train in the techniques of low-level air de-
the Regular Army division is at present grouped into three restricted task forces, each fence with the introduction into Army of the Rapier surface-to-air missile system.
of two infantry battalions with supporting arms and logistic units. Sufficient elements of the system will be provided to enable a limited operational de-
ployment. The Government has decided to proceed now with the acquisition of
67. Firepower additional to that developed by infantry-manned weapons is pro- specialised radar equipments which will give Rapier an all-weather performance.
vided principally by supporting armoured and artillery units, by close air support and,
in some circumstances, by naval gunfire. Close air support can be provided by tactical 79. Army is equipped with the Redeye missile for very low-level air defence. New
fighters of the RAAF and by Navy Skyhawk aircraft. and improved equipments are expected to be available by the early 1980s, and
studies in progress are examining various alternatives to the Redeye system, including
Armour and Anti-armour a mix of missiles and guns.
68. Major equipments of armoured units are tanks, fire support vehicles, light
reconnaissance vehicles and armoured personnel carriers.
Tactical Mobility and Logistic Support
80. It has been said that our ground forces need to be highly mobile. This mobility
69. In addition to reconnaissance, the roles of armoured units include the pro- is primarily conferred by organic vehicles and equipments, by sea and air transport
vision of armoured mobility, close fire support for the infantry and long-range support from the Navy and RAAF, and by an appropriate logistic support capability.
defence against enemy armour.
81. Armoured units are able to make use of their inherent mobility in most parts
70. The Government will buy a further fourteen Leopard tanks to add to the of Australia. An armoured personnel carrier squadron, for example, can lift an infan-
eighty-seven tanks already ordered. This will then provide sufficient tanks to allow try battalion. Army has at present some 750 armoured vehicls of the Ml 13 family of
training by a full armoured regiment, while at the same time maintaining equipments carriers in various configurations.
in the training organisation and repair pools. This total order of 101 provides for gun
82. A new light general service truck (Landrover) is entering service this year,
tanks, recovery vehicles, bridge layers, bulldozer tanks and mine clearers. The pro- and the introduction of a new medium general service truck is planned. But tactical
curement of further specialist armoured vehicles is under examination. mobility in the field depends also on the ability to construct roads, tracks and small
71. Investigations are in hand to select suitable short, medium and long range airfields, to lay and breach minefields, and to cross gaps. The acquisition of a wide
variety of construction equipment is being considered and new air-transportable
anti-armour weapons. The investigations should lead to later specific procurement
medium girder bridges will improve gap crossing capability. The mobility of the
proposals from Army, and new equipments will begin to enter service from 1981
onwards. Army should be considerably improved during and beyond the program period.
83. RAAF aircraft for employment in a short range tactical air lift role include
Artillery twenty-two Caribou Short Take-off and Landing (STOL) aircraft, forty-seven
72. Regular Army elements of the Field Force are equipped with 105 mm howit- Iroquois utility helicopters, and twelve Chinook medium lift helicopters, six of which
zers and 5.5 inch medium guns. are not in operational service.

73. Developments overseas have proceeded to the stage where the Army is now 84. An operational Iroquois squadron supporting the Army can carry a single
conducting trials in Australia of new 105 mm howitzers and 155 mm medium guns. A company group in one lift, and the Chinooks, if all were brought into service, could
decision should be taken on the acquisition of these types of guns in time for introduc- transport a field artillery battery and its supporting ammunition in one lift. These air-
tion into service by the early 1980s. craft are considered to provide an adequate capability within the force-in-being.
85. In the longer term, the Caribou will need to be replaced and the Government
Surveillance and Reconnaissance has initiated a project development, including an industry feasibility study. Responses
74. Surveillance and reconnaissance of the battlefield entails the use of armoured will be sought from manufacturers and users interested in collaborating with
reconnaissance vehicles, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, combat surveillance equip- Australia in the development of an existing or a new aircraft type to satisfy Australia's
ment and dismounted patrols. need for a new tactical fixed-wing short range transport aircraft in the mid-I 980s.

22 23
86. The Government intends to improve the logistic support available in the Ser- STRATEGIC MOBILITY
vices in order to increase their capacity for action independent of allies when necess-
ary. The nature of the Australian physical environment renders this difficult, because 95. The distances involved in our physical environment demand that long-range
of the comprehensive nature of logistics. Logistic support embraces the acquisition, mobility by land, sea and air should be available to the force from the Defence inven-
movement, distribution, maintenance, repair, evacuation and disposition of materiel, tory, complemented by civil aircraft, merchant shipping and other transportation
personnel, facilities and services. facilities as may be available. Within Australia, restraints could be imposed on
mobility by the locations and limitations of existing ports, airfields, roads and rail-
96. The recent decision to acquire an amphibious heavy lift ship (HMAS Tobruk)
87. There are at present three squadrons of Mirage 111-0 fighters, and fourteen will provide, independently of established port facilities, a capability for the sea
Mirage dual seat trainers. Two of the squadrons are deployed to Malaysia and the movement of heavy military cargoes such as the vehicles, weapons and equipment of
third is based at Williamtown, NSW. The Mirage squadrons will be progressively armour, engineer, terminal and airfield construction units, as well as up to about 500
phased out during the early 1980s when new tactical fighters and associated weapons troops. The ship will also have the ability to work with helicopters, including Sea King
are planned to be introduced. and Chinook. The six heavy landing craft in service will complement this heavy lift
88. The Government has decided to proceed now with project development for ship. Both types of vessel will provide a useful capability for civil emergency and dis-
aster relief.
the acquisition of the new tactical fighters. It is expected that, subject to all of the
necessary evidence being accessible, a decision on the generic type of aircraft will be 97. The Government decided earlier this year to proceed with the order for
made in this financial year after the examinations described below. twelve Cl 30H Hercules transport aircraft which will enter service by 1978 and which
89. Tactical fighters and their associated weapons have been developed to such a will replace the twelve C 30A aircraft currently in use. These new aircraft, together
stage of diversity that it is probably no longer practicable for pilots to be operationally with the twelve existing C 30E Hercules, should meet peacetime requirements of all
efficient in the whole range of skills required in air-to-air and air-to-surface roles. three Services. This capability may be supplemented in the longer term, subject to
availability, by the airlift capability of the air-to-air refuelling aircraft already
90. In the interest of flexibility, there could be a case for acquiring a multirole air- mentioned.
craft and for training pilots in one role but with the potential to convert rapidly to
another. Alternatively, there are specialised surface attack aircraft that may prove to
be more cost-effective in the ground-attack and maritime-attack roles. For these OCEANOGRAPHY, HYDROGRAPHY AND LAND
reasons, the case for acquisition of multirole or specialised aircraft, or a combination SURVEY
of both, is under investigation.
Oceanography and trials
91. Detailed investigations will continue on the type or types of aircraft to be 98. Extensive oceanographic data is required to permit effective submarine and
acquired, and the priority for the air-to-air or the air-to-surface components. In order
anti-submarine operations. Oceanographic research is also an important requirement
to evaluate competing aircraft, information is being accumulated on such matters as for national development.
performance, cost, delivery schedules, programs for development and for reduction
of technical risk, and on opportunities for Australian industrial involvement. 99. A new oceanographic ship (HMAS Cook) is being constructed to replace the
limited capability of HMAS Diamantina which is of World War II vintage. A new
92. To complement the tactical fighter force, and to provide for the exercise of an
trials and research ship to replace HMAS Kimbla and to enter service by the early
integrated air defence system, consideration is being given to the acquisition of 1980s is also contemplated.
medium-range surface-to-air missiles.
93. Obsolescent air traffic control radars and precision approach radars at the Hydrography
RAAF and RAN bases are being replaced. Tactical radars capable of being carried 100. HMA Ships Moresby and Flinders have the capacity to carry out only the
by a Cl 30 aircraft are planned to enter service by 1979. The radars of the two Hubcap minimum surveys essential to national development. Work has concentrated on the
air defence systems are also being replaced. An air defence radar system provides a opening up of new ports, particularly in the north of Australia, and the charting of
vital service in air defence operations by detecting and identifying hostile aircraft, and safe passageways for ships of increasing draught. Much work remains to be done.
by effecting tactical control of intercepting fighter aircraft. In the longer term, over-
the-horizon radar (if proven and economically viable) could make a significant con- 101. In view of this, the program provides for the construction of a further two
tribution to Australian early warning capability. ships and six large survey launches to perform additional hydrographic tasks in the
1980s. The first of these ships would be locally constructed and would probably be of
94. Advanced jet training is carried out in Macchi aircraft, which are expected to a design similar to that of HMAS Flinders.
reach life of type during the first half of the 1980s. The government has initiated
investigations on a replacement aircraft, and manufacturers are to be invited to sub- 102. The possibility of introducing laser and photographic techniques for shallow
mit proposals. Early consideration of this requirement will widen the opportunity for water survey is being examined. It could, if proven, considerably enhance the capa-
a collaborative program involving Australian industry. bility for data collection at a small increase in cost.

24 25
Land Survey
103. Continuing effort is planned for both Army and Air Force units in carrying Estimated
Total Project Cost
out land survey, mapping and aeronautical charting of Australia. Under co-operation (January 1976 Prices)
programs with the governments of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, parts of those
countries are also being covered. The life-of-type, and possible replacement, of Can- $
berra aircraft used for survey photography are being investigated. All-Weather Radars—Rapier 20m
4 Fl 1 I Reconnaissance Pallets 19M
Submarine Attack/ Intercept Sonars 14m
COMMUNICATIONS 14 Leopard Tanks 13m
Minehunters (Long Lead Items) 13m
104. To exercise effective command and control there is a need for rapid, flexible Anti-submarine torpedoes . 9m
and secure strategic and tactical communications. A new Australia-wide fixed De- 4 Water/Fuel Lighters . . 7m
fence communications network is planned to be introduced progressively through the Barra Sonobuoys ...... 6m
1980s. It will replace existing single Service networks. Other major communication Jindivik Target Aircraft . 4m
equipments planned are directed to improving the Services tactical and long range Cl 30H Simulator ...... 4m
communications, and their security. 6 S2E Tracker Aircraft . . lm

109. The Government has also decided to proceed with project development
ELECTRONIC WARFARE (planned for later acquisition) of the following items:
105. There have been rapid technological developments overseas in all aspects of New Tactical Fighter (TFF)
electronic warfare. This form of warfare takes advantage of the fact that communi- Tactical Transport
cations systems, radars and various weapon systems rely on radiated energy for their Jet Trainer
effective operation. This energy is often susceptible to deliberate interference by an Follow-On Destroyers
adversary, unless suitable electronic countermeasures are developed.
106. The modernisation of electronic warfare equipment in all three Services is
planned. For training in electronic warfare, the two Navy HS748 aircraft are being
fitted with equipment to simulate some of the electronic environment which can be
expected in combat situations. The setting up of a ground-based facility for air elec-
tronic warfare training is being investigated.
107. In the Australian scientific field attention is being given to devising counters
to electronic warfare threats, especially in naval warfare, air defence, tactical air sup-
port, strike and reconnaissance.


108. The Government has decided in the 1976-77 Budget to acquire the follow-
ing major equipment items. The estimated total project costs provide for the purchase
of prime equipment, associated support items including training, and for the cost of
capital works, contract administration and Australian industry participation, where
these are applicable. Final equipment selections will be based on achieving the best
overall result in terms of operational performance, delivery timetables, cost, product
support and Australian industry participation. Also all acquisitions are subject to
reaching satisfactory financial and contractual terms and conditions with the supplier.

Total Project Cost
(January 1976 Prices)

15 Patrol Craft 115m
2 Orion P3C Aircraft (LRMP) 25m













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CHAPTER 5 9. A guide to the categories in which full-time Service and civilian personnel are
employed is given in Table 1. This allocation is based on a particular set of program-
DEFENCE MANPOWER ming attributions of duties; different assumptions might lead to somewhat different
numbers in each category.
(As at 30 June 1976)
Service Civilian Total
Experienced and skilled men and women are obviously key elements of the Defence
Force. Manpower is a primary resource and an essential component of Defence capa- Combat Forces 23 600 .. 23 600
bility. The costs associated with recruiting, training, retraining, accommodating and Direct Logistic Support to Combat Forces 6 400 900 7 300
then providing properly for the retirement of personnel make them major capital Specialist Support (eg. Medical Services, Communications,
assets. Hydrographic, Survey, etc) 5300 1000 6300
Stores and Supply 3200 5000 8200
2. This is especially true of a force of limited numbers designed to be capable of Workshops and Repair Facilities 2 900 900 3 800
timely expansion as is the case in Australia. This concept demands that all the necess- Quality Assurance Inspection 100 1 300 1 400
ary skills be at hand or capable of timely development as the need is foreseen. Naval Dockyards—Construction and refit program 100 5300 5400
Training Staff, Direct Support and Servicemen in Training 17700 1800 19500
3. Many of the skills required in the Defence Force and in the civilian support Support to Reserves and Cadets 1 600 100 1 700
Research and Development 400 5 700 6 100
staff are either not available in the civilian community, or require retraining to render Central and Departmental Functions and Specialist Administrat-
them applicable to defence. Some skills take years to develop. ive Services 2300 3700 6000
Defence Regional Offices—provide financial, audit civil personnel
4. The effectiveness of defence activity is largely dependent on achieving the and management support to the Services and the Department in
proper balance of expenditure on capital investment, manpower and operating costs. all States 1900 1900
Service Command and District HQs and Administrative Units—
5. Because manpower is a costly resource, close attention must be given to its provide administrative support to Service Units and Establish-
efficient use. This requires the continuing improvement of organisation and of man- ments in all States 5200 2900 8100
agement practice in the Services, and in the various civilian activities under the con-
trol of the Department of Defence. Efficient use of manpower also calls for continuous 68 800 30 500 99 300
review of the essentiality of present Service and civilian activities, and the ways in
Note: (a) Above figures have been rounded.
which we can achieve savings in the use of manpower. This must be done without (b) Civilian figures exclude 1300 locally engaged civilians in support of military deployments
compromising the retention of a force which contains all the elements that are needed overseas, 900 persons on extended leave and 400 part-time staff.
to provide an adequate basis for effective expansion, should strategic circumstances
call for greater defence readiness. Service Regular Manpower
10. The manpower levels and range of skills within the RAN and the RAAF are
6. In recent years manpower has come to absorb too large a portion of the
primarily determined by the number and types of equipments in service and planned
Defence Vote. The Program plans to reverse this trend by its emphasis on capital to enter service, and the levels of operational activity to be maintained by our ships
expenditure, and some contribution to this is sought from further economies in man- and aircraft. Considerable emphasis is being given to the design or acquisition of
power use.
ships, equipments and systems which economise in the use of manpower.
11. Concurrently with the increases decided by the Government in the acquisition
MANPOWER LEVELS of stores and equipment and in training and exercise activities, Navy and Air Force
manpower ceilings are planned to increase modestly in 1976-77. Naval manpower
7. Defence manpower presently comes from three sources:
ceilings will rise by about 100 to about 16 215. Air Force manpower is also planned to
• the volunteer permanent forces which total approximately 69 000; increase by about 100, to about 21 650. These increases are the first for a number of
years. Further manpower increases are planned to occur in later years, but their size
• the reserve forces totalling approximately 40 000; and and timing will depend on timing of equipment acquisitions, and on the extent of any
• some 33 000 civilians in various specialist and support functions. manpower savings that may be thrown up by continuing reviews.
12. In the case of Army manpower, strengths must be at a level which permits
8. The balance among and within these components requires careful consider-
development, within the concept of a force capable of expansion as elsewhere
ation, taking account of the wide spectrum of activities; of the contribution of each of described, of the necessary range of military skills, tactics, command and control and
these activities to the defence effort in peace and in a mobilisation situation; and hav- operational procedures, and which permits the manning of weapons and equipment
ing regard to the comparative costs per unit of manpower employed in each category. in service and to be acquired.

13. With these factors in mind, the Government has decided to increase the size
of the Army. The Regular Army will increase from 31 500 to 34 000 and it is planned Navy Army Air Total
that the Reserve element will rise from 20 500 to a minimum of 25 500 by the end of
the program period on 30 June 1981. In 1976-77 the increases will be some 300 and Female —Officers ......... . 51 153 126 330
Warrant Officers and Senior NCOs 62 107 69 238
1000 respectively. Junior Ranks ....... . 738 1 288 945 2971
14. No change is planned in the number of Regular battalions, but there will be a Total ........... 851 1548 1140 3539
strengthening of Regular Field Force units and improvements in logistic support. This
will enhance the ability of the Regular Army to sustain operations of increased dur- Total strength ....... . 15993 31430 21 351 68774
ation and intensity.
(a) Citizens Forces and Reserves on full-time duty are included in the appropriate category.
15. The Government intends that women in the Services should now have greater
job opportunities and closer equality with men in training and conditions of service. It • Reserve Manpower
has also been accepted that women would be permitted to serve in areas where hos-
tilities were in progress, but they would not be employed as combatants or at sea. 18. The reorganisation of the Army Reserve, which is now entering its final
phase, and increases in its strength should permit more effective training and employ-
16. An historical perspective of full-time Defence Force personnel is given in ment than hitherto has been possible.
Table 2.
19. The Government's aim is to consolidate the concept of one army in two con-
TABLE 2: PERSONNEL STRENGTHS OF THE DEFENCE FORCE 1966-1976 stituent parts—Regular and Reserve—and to provide a greater sense of purpose and
(As at June each year) immediacy for those who sacrifice leisure to join the Reserve forces. Greater peace-
time use of Reserves is under close consideration in accordance with the 'Total Force'
Army policy.
Army National Army Air
Year Navy volunteer Service total Force Total 20. There is, at any one time, a margin of preparedness and operational efficiency
between the Regular and Reserve elements. The margin cannot, for obvious reasons,
be eliminated in peacetime. However, Parliament may well wish to consider whether
1966 14633 24 583 8119 32 702 19358 66 693
the purpose of better training and better sense of participation would justify pro-
1967 15 764 25 721 15 671 41 392 20 130 77 286
visions authorising compulsory call-up of Citizen Reserves for limited periods in in-
1968 16294 27 152 15 688 42 840 21 564 80 698
1969 16 758 28 044 15 871 43 915 22 712 83 385 ternational situations proclaimed as requiring augmentation of the forces, but not
proclaimed as a state of war or time of defence emergency; or for short-term assist-
1970 17 089 28 305 16208 44 513 22 642 84 244
ance to the civil authorities during a natural disaster. Such a change would require the
1971 16997 28 107 15662 43 769 22 539 83 305
amendment of the relevant law; before such legislation is considered, the Govern-
1972 16 890 29 326 11947 41 273 22 720 80 883
ment would wish to hear the views, not only of members of the Reserve, but of em-
1973 17215 31151 2 839 33 990 22 712 73 917
ployers and other interested parties, and of the community at large.
1974 16 141 30 197 38 30 235 21119 67 496

1975 16094 31514 31514 21 546 69 154 21. A breakdown of strengths of Service Reserves is given in Table 4.

1976 15 993 31430 31 430 21 351 68 774
17. The composition of the Defence Force at June 1976 is shown in Table 3. The With Without
distribution between the different ranks reflects the responsibilities in the activities of Training Training
the Services as they are discharged in present circumstances. At the same time, the
Service Obligations Obligations Total
proportion of officers and warrant and senior non-commissioned officers to junior

ranks increases the capability for expansion, should this be necessary. 1020 4100 5 120
Army 21180 7980 29 160
(Strengths as at 30 June 1976)

Total 22660 18020 40680
Navy Army Air Total

Male - Officers 1 778 4009 3 345 9 132 Civilian Manpower

Warrant and Senior NCOs . 3 454 6 320 4 113 13 887
Junior Ranks 8 671 18 253 12 120 39044 22. Civilian personnel, in a wide range of skills and activities, are required to con-
Cadets 293 481 310 1 084 tribute to the total defence effort. A variety of professional skills is needed in defence
Apprentices 363 819 323 1 505 planning, assessment and analysis areas and in management, including industrial
Junior Recruits 583 583 management. Some are needed for the highly professional research, design and
Total 15 142 29 882 20211 65 235 development work associated with new or modified equipment. Others are needed to

32 33
provide financial and negotiating experience in the policy deliberations and nego- CONDITIONS OF SERVICE FOR MILITARY
tiations governing the very large financial commitments involved in obtaining
weapons systems for the Defence Force. A substantial number are employed in the PERSONNEL
dockyards for production, maintenance, repair and refit of warships. Others perform 28. The quality and motivation of personnel are major determinants in the effec-
such necessary tasks as storemen, cleaners, clerks and groundsmen. Defence outlay tiveness of the defence effort. A volunteer force has to be attracted to service and
carries a commitment for civilian manpower supervising the operations of govern- encouraged to remain; good morale is essential. There are many considerations. One
ment-owned factories which produce munitions or other defence material. is that there need to be satisfactory financial and non-financial conditions of service. It
23. The employment of civilians on appropriate tasks, not demanding deploy- is a fundamental Government policy that members of the Defence Force and their
ment in war, avoids certain costs associated with the special terms of employment of families should share in rising community standards.
Service personnel. Furthermore, the placement of civilians including specialists in
support area positions, which do not require military knowledge or skills, frees Ser- 29. The Defence Force is a large, distinct and important area of Crown employ-
vicemen for duty in operational units. ment. Financial conditions of service, whilst in principle based on Public Service
provisions, are determined with regard to the requirements and circumstances of the
24. Table 5 shows the organisational distribution of civilian manpower. Defence Force; and the special nature of particular areas of performance of duty, or
of the duty itself, involves the determination of some financial conditions that are
30. Pay and financial conditions of service are approved by the Minister for De-
In direct support (in Australia and overseas) and under the control of the Chiefs of fence on behalf of the Government after a process of advice which is designed to
satisfy wage-fixing principles and equity. The Minister is advised through machinery
Chief of Naval Staff ..................... 4 850 which brings Defence Department expert analysis on industrial matters before De-
Chief of General Staff ..................... 6 350 partmental officers, the Service Chiefs of Personnel and a senior Treasury officer.
Chief of Air Staff ...................... 4 450
31. Complementing the Departmental advisory machinery is an independent
15 650
body, reporting direct to the Minister and external to the Defence and Service
administrations—the Committee of Reference for Defence Force Pay. This body has
Dockyards 5 300
an important part to play in an area of employment where there are no contending
Defence Central Divisions and Specialised and Servicing Organisations to the De- parties, and where the opportunity for independent counsel would otherwise not exist.
fence Force 3 300
Administrative, Financial, Personnel and other Support for the Defence Force in
the States 1900 32. The Committee through its Chairman, who is a Deputy President of the Con-
Defence Science and Technology 5 650 ciliation and Arbitration Commission, and through one of its two members who is a
Commissioner of that Commission, provides a significant link with the civilian indus-
31 800 trial relations system for determining just conditions. The third member is a retired
senior Service officer.
Note: Strengths exclude 900 persons on extended leave and 400 part-time staff. Figures have been rounded.
33. Improvements have been made in satisfying statutory requirements more
25. Almost two-thirds of the civilian staff are employed in and under the control quickly, so that financial entitlements of Service members may be more promptly
of the Service Commands and in the naval dockyards. About half the remainder are met, especially when adjustments of pay or other conditions of service are frequent.
engaged in work associated with Defence science and technology.
34. Finally, there is a range of termination benefits to assist in the resettlement of
26. Total civilian employment levels are to be reduced during 1976-77 in line
Servicemen and women in civilian life. They include resettlement training and
with the Government's general economic policy. After doing all that is possible to retirement benefits geared to Defence Force conditions of engagement and service.
improve productivity in performing existing functions within these reduced ceilings, it
is expected that there will be a need for some reductions of activities carried out by
civilians. In addition, there will be some redistribution of manpower as a result of 35. The new Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefit Scheme enables mem-
foreseeable policy changes. For example, there will be a reduction in the activities and bers of the Regular Forces to qualify for a pension after 20 years' service and to exer-
facilities required by the two Governments in the joint U.K./Australia project at cise career options without suffering undue retirement benefit penalties. In compari-
Woomera and the Weapons Research Establishment at Salisbury, resulting in a son with the separation patterns of male officers prior to the introduction of the new
reduction in manpower. To achieve Navy's repair, refit and construction programs, scheme, it appears that fewer officers now leave early in service before becoming eli-
allowance has been made to increase Defence dockyard employment in 1976-77. gible for a pension. At the same time, the trend is towards fewer officers remaining
until full retirement age; instead they may retire at a slightly earlier age, being eligible
27. Modest increases in manpower will be necessary over the later program for a pension under the new scheme. Table 6 provides some details of male officers
period in areas associated with the new major equipment acquisitions for the Services. separations over the last four years.

34 35

Nature of Separation 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76

41. The efficient operational use of national resources devoted to defence, and the
Age Retirements 132 156 116 66 management of these resources, call for a large continuing commitment to training

Resignation with Pension 399 349 417 and education programs.
Resignation without Pension 198 183 164
42. Training commences with the induction of recruits. Between 8000 and 9000
Completion of Short Service Commission 92 213 113 60 replacement enlistments—some 13 per cent of the Regular Force—receive training
Other reason (medical, death, termination, completion each year in up to 340 different employment categories.
of full-time duty by Reserves) 136 67 38 33
43. Particular importance is attached to acquiring and maintaining in the Services
Total Separations 543 1033 799 740 the technical skills requiring long training times. For example, the Services have ex-
Separations as Percentage of Average Yearly Officer cellent apprentice training schemes and are leaders in the field of adult apprentice-
Strength 5.6 10.5 8.7 8.1 ships.
44. Most training programs are manpower intensive, requiring high
36. Of the 740 officers who separated from the Defence Force during 1975-76, instructor/ student ratios and extensive sub-professional and domestic supporting
417 (56 per cent) resigned their commission after having qualified for a pension but staffs. Whilst every opportunity is taken to use suitable civilian institutions, in-service
before reaching maximum retirement age and 164 (22 per cent) resigned before serv- training and education account for almost 20 per cent of Defence Force manpower,
ing long enough to receive a pension entitlement (ie, normally 20 years). spread across all ranks.
37. Premature retirement by officers represents, in some cases, an undesired loss 45. Professional development of officers includes a series of courses planned at
of skill and experience acquired at considerable cost. The extent of such retirements appropriate stages in their career. These range from the provision of full tertiary edu-
has in the past attracted Parliamentary discussion and it is believed that both sides of cation for a proportion of those entering Service cadet colleges and academies,
Parliament would hope that the loss of officers would stabilise at an acceptable level. through professional training of selected officers at single Service and Joint Service
The statistics available suggest that this may be happening. Staff Colleges, to higher studies, usually overseas, for particular senior
Colonel/Brigadier-level officers.
38. The number of male other ranks who, on completion of their term of engage-
ment, re-engaged for a further term, has improved significantly in recent years. Table 46. Because of Australia's size as a nation, there is special value in officers receiv-
7 shows the percentage of re-engagements of men in this category for the past five ing training and having service in Britain and the United States. In this way they have
years. access to the knowledge and practical experience of military doctrine, management
and techniques of a major military and industrial nation, which can afford training
TABLE 7: MALE OTHER RANKS PERCENTAGE RE-ENGAGEMENTS institutions and other specialist facilities which it would not be economic to maintain
in Australia. Officers and senior NCOs are sent on exchange postings to other coun-
FY Navy* Army Air Force
tries including the United States, Britain, Canada and New Zealand.

1971-72 44 69 66
47. Considerable overseas technical training is required of Service personnel, and
1972-73 58 73 70 some civilian specialists, for the particular purpose of enabling new equipments to be

1973-74 61 72 75 introduced into service and maintained with safety, operational effectiveness and

1974-75 70 74 82 economy. This is a fundamental part of the investment in modern, expensive

1975-76 67 73 81 weapons, and the ships and aircraft and other vehicles that carry them.

* The Navy's initial engagement period is longer than for the other two Services. 48. Altogether it is planned that some 700 personnel proceed overseas for these
varying types of training—independently of operational exercises—during FY
39. The average length of service of female other ranks is generally much lower 1976-77 and the number may grow during the Five Year Program.
than that of males. 49. The Government has agreed in principle to the concept of establishing a De-
fence Force Academy in Canberra to replace the degree-education currently provided
DEFENCE FORCE OMBUDSMAN in association with Universities at the three separate Service Colleges at Jervis Bay,
Duntroon and Point Cook. This will enable the advantages of scale to be exploited.
40. A Defence Force Ombudsman has been appointed to investigate any There will be advantages in the range of degree courses that can be offered; in the cal-
individual grievance arising from the administration of an Act, Regulation, Order or ibre of staff that can be attracted; in the recognition that can be gained for degrees
Instruction which wholly, or in part, affects the rights of a member or ex-member of conferred; and in the economic use of resources.
the Defence Force, or eligible dependants. Legislation to cover the appointment is
being prepared and will be introduced into Parliament as soon as practicable. Com- 50. An investigation is also being made into the feasibility of collocating the
plaints related to rights of persons as citizens are not investigated. single Service Staff Colleges with the Joint Service Staff College, to be wings of an
Australian Services Staff College.
51. These projects are designed to improve the undergraduate education and CHAPTER 6
post-graduate professional development of career officers, and to further mutual
understanding between the Services. ACTIVITIES OF
52. Courses for the civilian elements of Defence manpower include induction
training for new entrants, apprentice training, technical training at the sub- THE DEFENCE FORCE
professional level, tertiary education, training to improve old and provide new
administrative and management skills, and courses designed for the further develop-
ment of higher executives.
53. In summary the major program decisions concerning Defence manpower are: Factors which are sometimes not entirely reconcileable influence Defence Force
activities in peacetime. The activities which the Government has approved represent
• In 1976-77 the ceilings for the permanent Navy, Army and Air Force are to be
balances between immediate capability and provision of a basis for expansion in a
raised by 100, 300 and 100 respectively;
threat situation; between development and consolidation; and between training and
• In 1976-77Army Reserve strengths are to rise by about 1000; peacetime operational use.
• In 19 76- 77 overall civilian strengths are to be reduced, but dockyard employ-
ment is to be increased to cope with Navy's repair, refit and construction 2. The costs of immediate capability and operational readiness are high in respect
programs; of manpower, and logistic and technical support. They have to be balanced against
• Over the five years of the Defence Program, the ceiling strength of the Regular other necessary activities of the Force.
Army is to rise by 2500 to 34 000 and the permanent Navy and Air Force ceil-
ings to be increased as necessary to man new equipments and undertake 3. As described in earlier Chapters, there has been a shift in the country's strategic
increased activities; circumstances, leading to a need to develop the capability to operate more indepen-
• Over the five years of the Program, the strength of the Army Reserve is to be dently of allies and in a wide range of environmental conditions.
increased by about 5000;
• Over the five years of the Program, modest increases in civilian strengths are 4. In past operational circumstances, Australia has, for reasons of economy or be-
planned to provide support for the Services. cause of deficiencies, relied on allies for some logistic and other support. We have not
had the full range of logistic units and equipment necessary for independent

5. For example, in Vietnam the Australian Force relied on United States' logistic
support for items such as food, some ammunition and bombs, and some spare parts.
We necessarily relied on the US Forces for medium-lift helicopter support which we
did not then possess; and we relied on the US for aerial reconnaissance, medium ar-
tillery and close air support, for some air transport and for certain hospital facilities,
which we did not have in-theatre.

6. The Government's policy of greater operational self-reliance requires

increased emphasis on our logistic support capacity; much has already been done and
further effort is to be directed to that end.

7. Improvements are planned in our capacity to operate in areas remote from our
bases, and to develop our infrastructure and bases, especially in the north and north-
west of Australia.

8. Modern high-technology weapons place heavy demands on training. They

make demands on skilled manpower for repair and maintenance in effective service
under Australian conditions, which sometimes differ from those of the country where
the equipment was designed.

9. The Defence Force is developing its own doctrine, tactics and procedures suit-
able for operations by the Australian Services jointly, rather than continuing to rely
on British and US concepts. While developing its own concepts, the importance of still
being able to operate with our major allies and our regional friends is not being

38 39
OPERATIONAL READINESS 19. There are a number of international Army exchanges up to Company Group
size (150 personnel) which serve to broaden knowledge and experience and to bring
10. It is present policy that ships not undergoing refit are always at least within a personnel into contact with the latest developments in equipment and tactical doc-
day's notice for sea, and are ready for operational service at this same notice. A task trine. These include exchanges between Australia and Britain, the United States,
force of two infantry battalions with armoured, artillery and other combat and logistic Canada, New Zealand and the Gurkha element of the British Army from Hong
support is available for operational tasks at relatively short notice, whilst all RAAF Kong.
front line squadrons are maintained at a state of operational readiness enabling them
to deploy to advanced bases at similar notice. Readiness for some specific tasks could 20. Exercises in the more immediate neighbourhood are conducted with New
involve some limited additional training and administrative arrangements above Zealand and Indonesia, e.g. AUCKEX/LONGEX with RAN and RAAF partici-
those normally maintained. pation, and TNI-AL/RAN exercises with the Indonesian Navy.
11. An important peacetime role of the Defence Force is to provide assistance to
civil authorities and organisations. The tasks generated by this role usually require DEFENCE CO-OPERATION PROGRAMS
quick reaction and thus a high state of readiness of various elements of the force.
Examples are patrols for the protection of fisheries and other off-shore resources; 21. There has been reference in Chapters 2 and 3 to our important defence co-
search and rescue, both on land and sea; medical evacuation; relief from the effects of operation programs with regional defence associates.
natural disasters, such as floods, bushfires or cyclones.
22. Over the years the programs have moved away from the provision of miscel-
12. The Defence Force reacted quickly to such requests after Cyclone Tracy and laneous equipments and military supplies. The emphasis now is on combined projects
more recently the Bali earthquake. which develop or increase a particular capability or element in the defence infrastruc-
ture of the country concerned, often with valuable 'spin-off' into the civil area. To
these projects Australia contributes technical advice and assistance, training in
TRAINING AND EXERCISES Australia and the more complex equipment. Notable examples include the maritime
13. There will be an increase in those Service activities designed to enhance mili- patrol project in Indonesia, the Armed Forces manufacturing workshop in Malaysia,
tary skills essential in the development of the force, and for training with the equip- and the survey and mapping projects in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
ment in the inventory.
23. Australia has substantial programs of defence co-operation with Papua New
14. There will be increased Fleet steaming time and greater flying hours for all Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Training assistance is also provided for
three Services. In this way training activities will be stepped up, permitting higher members of the armed forces of a number of other countries, including Thailand, the
standards to be achieved and the techniques of combat, command and control, and Philippines and increasingly Fiji, where both training and specialist advisory assist-
logistic support to be further developed and practised. ance is given.
15. Joint training activities will be aimed at developing our surveillance capabili-
ties; our ability to deploy and maintain readily transportable forces in remote areas; UNITED NATIONS CONTRIBUTIONS
to protect external lines of communication; and to conduct joint operations related to
the defence of Australia and its interests. 24. Defence Force assistance is provided to United Nations peace-keeping oper-
ations. Army and Air Force provide limited support to the UN Military Observers
16. Necessary specialised equipment and associated simulators and apparatus Group, India and Pakistan, to the UN Truce Supervision Organisation in the Golan
which will be provided in the Five Year Defence Program will enhance the effec- Heights and to the UN Emergency Force in the Sinai area.
tiveness of training directed towards these ends. But it is vital that training be carried
'beyond the classroom'. To this end, the Services will be constantly engaging in exer-
cises of an individual and joint Service nature in many areas of Australia and neigh- NATURAL DISASTERS ORGANISATION
bourhood waters.
25. The Natural Disasters Organisation and the State and Territory Emergency
17. Of particular value are the regular exercises conducted with allied and neigh- Service Organisations comprising more than 30 000 ative members constitute the
bouring countries. Such exercises serve not only to maintain operational skills, but core civil defence structure for Australia. The main preoccupation in peacetime is in
also to evaluate techniques and compare performance. mitigating the effects of natural disasters, but the primary role is to ensure that civil
defence requirements in the organisation, especially those related to training and
18. The Kangaroo series of exercises in and off Queensland include participation equipment, have the dual capability for meeting both the civil defence and natural
by Australian, United States and New Zealand forces. The RIMPAC series, off disasters requirements.
Hawaii, sees Australian naval and air elements exercising with those from the United
States, Canada and New Zealand. Examples of smaller, but significant, exercises are 26. The Natural Disasters Organisation will continue to develop counter-disaster
TASMANEX with naval and air elements of Australia, the United States, Britain and plans in conjunction with State and Territory authorities, and to operate the National
New Zealand, and the Integrated Air Defence System exercises in Malaysia and Sin- Emergency Operations Centre which co-ordinates Australian Government physical
gapore involving the Royal Malaysian Air Force, the Republic of Singapore Air assistance to the States and Territories in the event of a disaster. It will continue to
Force, the RAAF, the RAN and the RNZAF. maintain a number of supporting programs from Commonwealth funds including
40 41
public education and information; training at the National Emergency Services Col- CHAPTER 7
lege; emergency equipment; emergency broadcasting facilities; a fallout shelter sur-
vey service; reimbursement of salaries for State professional organisers at regional DEFENCE FACILITIES
level; and subsidies on a dollar for dollar basis for accommodation for State Emerg-
ency Service units and for firebreaks. A Disaster Earmark Store is being established to
expedite the supply of items to meet initial disaster relief requirements.


1. The perspective in which the Government intends to develop and acquire de-
fence facilities—buildings, airfields, docks and fixed installations of all kinds—reflects
present emphasis on the defence of Australia within the broader context of our neigh-
bourhood and region.
2. Much work remains to be done before we have a comprehensive infrastructure
capable of supporting a self-reliant Australian defence posture. Substantial progress
is planned in the next five years in producing facilities for the Defence Force. Where
new construction or improvements are planned, due consideration is given to environ-
mental factors.
3. More emphasis is now being given to operational facilities specifically required
by maritime forces and mobile land forces. The need to develop airfields and patrol
craft bases in the more remote areas of Australia, particularly in the north, ranks high
in infrastructure development plans.
4. At the same time, the Government is planning improvements to support facili-
ties through the replacement of obsolescent and dilapidated buildings. Development
of the major naval bases and modernisation of existing dockyards is planned as part
of this program. Extensive development of the task force bases at Holsworthy, Enog-
gera and Townsville is envisaged.
5. As stated elsewhere, there is a need to provide for adequate community life for
the Serviceman and his family. Their environmental needs are similar to the rest of
the Australian community and hence they would prefer to live in locations similar to
the rest of the Australian population. This influence tends towards location of defence
facilities near to centres of population. Also pushing us in this same direction is the
need for many facilities, particularly dockyards, to employ large specialist civilian
6. Much of Defence property consists of wartime structures intended to be tem-
porary. Such buildings are not of good quality, and often are not suitably located for
efficient use of resources. Poor distribution of buildings increases manpower costs.
Maintenance expense of these temporary structures is high. It is planned to close
down inappropriate facilities and progressively provide replacements.
7. The facilities the Government plans to create or have under construction by
1981 involve expenditure of about $600m (in January 1976 prices). Additionally,
present plans suggest S170m (in January 1976 prices) will be needed to be spent on
the construction, acquisition or improvement of housing for servicemen.
8. The Government believes that the facilities which are discussed in the follow-
ing paragraphs will permit current peacetime operations to be efficiently performed
and will provide an infrastructure enabling timely expansion if the need arises.
9. The amount planned to be expended and committed over the next five years is
allocated by function in the following proportions:

42 43
- -

Percentage and that there are insufficient runways in areas of strategic interest in the north and
north-west of Australia. Thus, allowance has been made in the Program for the
Planned Planned New development and extension of RAAF airfields to permit greater use by tactical fighter
and maritime aircraft.
Function Expenditure Commitment
17. In addition, as already mentioned, works at RAAF Base Edinburgh, SA, will
Naval Base Development 6 5
Army Base Development ............. 7 10 permit the collocation of the two maritime reconnaissance squadrons, with conse-
Air Base Development 23 21 quential enhanced technical support.
Educational and Training Facility Improvement ..... 8 20
Dockyard Development 9 10
Scientific Facility Improvement

Support Facility Improvement 24 18 18. Darwin will remain a place of substantial significance for defence activity in
Housing 22 15 our northern maritime area. Development of defence facilities in the Darwin area will
be necessary.

OPERATIONAL CAPABILITIES 19. Following Cyclone Tracy, action has been taken to restore damaged working
facilities, communications and accommodation within the constraints imposed by
10. Planned increases in expenditure on defence facilities will substantially limitations on resources. It is planned during the next five years to restore substan-
improve operational capabilities. tially the defence facilities in Darwin to pre-cyclone levels, and to commence develop-
ment of an enhanced capability.
11. The Government has already decided to accelerate works at Cockburn
Sound, WA, to enable that base to be commissioned as HMAS Stirling in 1978.
Berthing is already available, and the additional facilities the Government plans to SUPPORT FACILITIES
provide include an armament wharf and an armament depot. When these works are
completed, the establishment will be able to provide for the deployment of four 20. At Williamstown Dockyard, Victoria, work is underway to produce a hull-
destroyers and three submarines, and give support to visiting RAN task groups and building facility for modern warships. A start is planned during the next five years to
allied ships. provide complementary outfitting and refitting facilities. Refitting of RAN ships and
submarines is also undertaken at Garden Island and Cockatoo Island Dockyards in
12. The Government intends that the major naval base at Garden Island, NSW, Sydney.
should remain, but be modernised and developed in a way which pays careful atten-
tion to environmental considerations and improved aesthetics. Efficiency of the fleet 21. Much of the planned modern submarine refitting facility is already in exist-
as well as of the dockyard is presently hampered by the poor condition of the wharves ence at Cockatoo Island Dockyard. This facility will be completed in the next few
and other facilities. A start will be made in the coming years to refurbish the wharves years. In addition, it is planned to replace some of that yard's cranes and wharves.
and to commence modernising the facilities. 22. The development of an integrated Naval Supply Centre at Zetland, NSW,
13. The further developments of the two major naval bases at Garden Island, has commenced and the establishment of an Army Support Complex at Randwick is
NSW and Cockburn Sound, WA will allow more satisfactory deployments and more planned; it will permit further vacation of land occupied by Army at South Head.
efficient use of units—particularly destroyers and submarines—to the east and west of Two modern maintenance hangars are under construction at Amberley, Qld, and a
Australia simultaneously. new RAAF stores building is nearing completion at Regents Park, NSW.
14. It is also planned to develop the existing interim patrol boat bases at Cairns 23. Demolition of unsightly Defence offices in Albert Park in Melbourne is pro-
and Darwin and to establish patrol boat facilities on the north-west coast of Australia, ceeding, and will be completed when the various logistic and support units are finally
to cover the gap between Darwin and Cockburn Sound. housed in the St Kilda Road Defence complex.
15. Allowance has been made in the Program for extensive development of the 24. New laboratories are planned for the Defence Science and Technology
task force bases at Holsworthy, Enoggera and Townsville and for development of a organisation including replacement facilities at the Materials Research Laboratory,
divisional headquarters at Enoggera. At present the lack of working accommodation Maribyrnong, Victoria, and a new materials laboratory at Fishermen's Bend,
causes the wide dispersion of some divisional and task force units, thus hampering Victoria.
efficiency. Further, store and workshop accommodation is needed for units which are
planned to be raised in order to enhance the capability of task forces for rapid EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING FACILITIES
25. More institutions will be needed. As mentioned in an earlier Chapter an Aus-
16. Provision for increased fuel storage at RAAF airfields is being made, tralian Defence Force Academy is planned, and consideration is being given to a co-
especially at Amberley and Learmonth. Extensions to airfields and improved weapon located Australian Services Staff College. The rebuilding of one of the largest and
handling areas at Air Force bases are planned. The Government recognises that some most successful apprentice training institutions in Australia—the Army Apprentices
existing airfields are too short to permit all RAAF aircraft to operate to full capability, School—is planned.

44 45
26. Urban pressures are increasingly encroaching on Defence training areas, and • Explosives Wharf at the West Australian Naval Support Facility, Cockburn
whilst the Government recognises these pressures, they must be weighed against the Sound;
essentiality of maintaining suitable training areas for the Services—whether these be • Additional fuel storage at Amberley, Qld;
Army manoeuvre and firing areas, airfields or air and naval bombardment ranges.
Consideration is being given to the use of the prohibited area at Woomera as a de- • Weapons handling facility at Learmonth, WA;
fence training area. • Wardroom Mess HMAS Albatross, Nowra, NSW;
• Airmen's living accommodation, Edinburgh RAAF Base, SA;
27. In making known Government plans to interested parties, Environmental
Impact Statements have been published in respect of a proposal to increase the train- • Army working accommodation, Enoggera, Qld;
ing area at Puckapunyal, Victoria, and to develop a joint training area at Yampi in • Airmen's living accommodation, RAAF Base, Point Cook, Vic.;
north-west Australia. • Naval Supply Centre, Zetland, NSW;
• Refurbishing Wharves, Cockatoo Island, NSW.
ACCOMMODATION FOR SERVICEMEN 34. Other major projects under development and for which provision has been
28. Although there is sufficient single accommodation for members of the De- made in this Budget include:
fence Force in most locations, the Government recognises that much of the accommo- • Additional fuel storage at Nowra, NSW;
dation requires replacement or extensive rehabilitation. Action has therefore been ini- • Extensions to existing wharf at Garden Island, NSW;
tiated to improve working and living accommodation.
Army stores facility at Penfield, SA.
29. There is a shortage of adequate married quarters in most areas. The Govern- 35. These, with other smaller facilities, will involve an expenditure of some $89m.
ment plans to obtain a further 3200 houses for married Servicemen by the early 1980s
towards meeting this shortage; and it also plans to continue to upgrade many existing
houses that are below current standards. Financial allowance has been made in the
Program for all these purposes.


30. At present there are numerous Reserve training depots located throughout
the country. In the main, these consist of working accommodation, stores and indoor
training facilities. Some buildings are purpose-designed and are of good quality, but
many are sub-standard. In the longer term, the Government plans that some Reserve
facilities will be relocated or rebuilt.


31. Civilian facilities in the south-eastern part of Australia are, with some excep-
tions, capable of satisfying defence requirements in foreseeable strategic circum-
stances. Transport systems are less developed particularly in the north, north-west
and centre of the continent. There is no all-weather overland route to the north of the
continent. Most sizable communities have airstrips capable of accepting RAAF
transport aircraft. Most coastal communities can provide fuel and provisions to naval
ships, but ports are limited in number.
32. In present and prospective strategic circumstances, increased attention will be
paid to influencing developments in civil infrastructure that may be relevant. This
comprehends roads, railways, ports, airfields, communications, water acquisition and
storage, and power sources. A more organised system is needed for bringing defence
interests to the notice of the relevant authorities, with the objective of bringing the
location of facilities of this kind more clearly into line with the strategic requirements
for the defence of Australia.
33. New construction projects already approved by the Government and for
which provision has been made in the 1976-77 Defence Budget include:

46 47
CHAPTER 8 8. A major research area (Project Jindalee) is the investigation of the possibility
of long-range over-the-horizon detection of aircraft by radar beam reflected from the
ionosphere. In parallel with this work, the military effectiveness of continental air de-
DEFENCE SCIENCE fence systems using this type of radar is being analysed by scientists working closely
with the Services.
9. The effectiveness of sonar equipment in the detection of ships and submarines
AND INDUSTRY depends upon the propagation of sound in the complex ocean medium. This propa-
gation varies from place to place, so that it is necessary for Defence scientists to carry
out oceanographic research in waters near Australia and to participate in Navy trials.

1. The emphasis given in earlier Chapters to the development of a more indepen- New Topics of Special Interest to Australia
dent capability requires corresponding improvements in our ability to assess
Australia's equipment and technical needs, to undertake some independent research 10. The calculating capacity and speed of modern computers can be harnessed
and development, and to enlarge the kind and scale of our industrial and logistic with advanced mathematical techniques to distinguish very weak electronic signals
support. from strong electronic 'noise'. These new methods are being studied in Australia and
applied to obtain greatly enhanced performance from many types of military equip-
ments—radars, acoustic sensor systems, infra-red systems are examples.
11. Advances in the guidance of weapons offer prospects of precise direction from
Introduction far off at modest cost. Using this ability to attack crucial targets selectively, it is poss-
2. Few would contest that Australia's defence should exploit the capabilities of ible to increase military power but decrease unnecessary destruction.
advanced military equipment rather than rely on masses of men. This choice fits the
scale and nature of the continent, and the orientation of our economy. 12. Of particular interest to Australian scientists is the breadth of evolving tech-
nologies in propulsion, in new forms of microelectronics, in materials, in warheads, in
3. Advanced equipment incorporates high technology, and is the product of guidance and in sensors to seek out and identify targets in adverse conditions. These
scientists and engineers developing and applying new knowledge and innovative new technologies may transform the nature of warfare and it is important that Aus-
ideas. tralian scientists can both absorb them and exercise careful selection of areas within
our resources.
4. Being small, but having enduring close relationships with large and advanced
countries, Australia is able to avoid the crippling cost of developing most of its own 13. We are looking into the capabilities that sophisticated and highly accurate
military equipment. However, we must be in a position to select and employ equip- missiles or 'smart weapons', including lasers, will confer.
ment with skill, and we need to sustain its efficiency once in service with minimum de-
pendence on overseas sources. Decisions on what should be developed independently
of overseas sources are difficult to make, but where there are special environmental Science and Major Defence Equipment
considerations there is a case for local development. 14. Defence scientists are closely involved when major defence equipment—for
example, the Ikara anti-submarine weapon—is developed in Australia. Among
5. We have a substantial interest in securing early knowledge of new defence present examples is Mulloka, an active sonar system; a prototype has been fitted to
technology as it emerges in leading countries. We need also to absorb the scientific HMAS Yarra for operational trials and assessment of detection performance.
basis for the practical technologies in sufficient depth and breadth to support
Australia's defence decision-making, the military forces and defence industry. Per- 15. The development of the Barra sonobuoy, following an extensive Australian
sonal access is maintained, and is essential, to the world defence science community. research program, continues in industry in conjunction with the development of the
6. For these reasons we devote a component (currently about 3½ per cent) of de- airborne processing equipment in Britain. Together, these should produce an ad-
fence expenditure to defence scientific establishments. The scientists and engineers in vanced submarine detection system in 1978. It is expected to have a better detection
range than other systems which might become available before that time.
these establishments maintain a technology base, through processes of information-
gathering, co-operative research with their equivalents in overseas countries, and by
local research on topics of special importance to Australian defence. At the same time Science in Support of Service Operations
they apply their skills to the solution of real problems constantly arising in peacetime, 16. A sizable defence science effort is directed towards maintenance in service of
and they lead the development of some items of defence equipment. existing equipments, and provision of scientific supporting service to industry .—
Science in the Australian Defence Region particularly the munitions factories—engaged in the production of defence materiel.
The resolution of local manufacturing problems on fuses for the 81mm mortar
7. As stated elsewhere, research is directed at understanding our marine and at- bombs, the local filling of warheads for the Matra missile and manufacture of ammu-
mospheric environment and at methods of monitoring movements of ships (including nition for the Mirage guns are typical examples of such support. This is vital work
submarines) and aircraft. which must continue.

48 49
17. The Australian Services tend to keep expensive major equipment longer than 25. Consequently, Australia will continue to rely on overseas sources for the
do the countries which build it. Defence science support is often required to assess the design and construction of most of the larger and more complex weapons systems. On
practicability of extending the operational life of equipment, and sometimes the other hand, much is being done using local industrial resources to reduce our
implement a program to achieve it. For example, aeronautical researchers have dependence on overseas sources for the continued maintenance of this equipment.
introduced into the RAAF advanced inspection techniques and reliability analysis to
achieve maximum utilisation of the Macchijet trainer. Industry Policy Principles
18. Methods have been found to arrest the spread of cracks in aircraft structures. 26. The central objective of Defence industrial policy is thus to ensure that the
Materiels research and investigation by scientists and RAAF Servicemen indicate that Defence Force can be supported and maintained in Australia, utilising for the pro-
fuel problems associated with the Fl 1 1C could be overcome by the use of additives to vision of equipment and materiel, a combination of local industry, selective
the fuel to raise its lubricating qualities. We will keep abreast of expanding tech- stockholding and reliable overseas sources of supply. A further objective is the pro-
nologies in the materiels and aeronautical sciences to maintain the operational readi- gressive development of a range of basic technologies and capacities which would fa-
cilitate an intensification and diversification of present activities to match force expan-
ness of Defence Force equipment.
sion, should the need arise.
19. New weapon systems coming into service—such as the Rapier surface-to-air
weapon and the Leopard tank—require intensive efforts by scientists and engineers 27. In keeping with the circumstances outlined earlier in this paper, priority for
assisting the Force to establish a satisfactory capability for in-theatre and infrastruc- expenditure of available funds and selective placement of orders in Australian indus-
ture support. They also call for extensive trials which must be analysed and assessed. try will continue to be directed towards emphasising those activities which provide a
capability to support the force in being in the execution of its current and likely tasks,
Similar analysis and assessment is required for trials of ships after refit, for weapon
while contributing to the longer term objectives.
practices, for sonar and radar trials. Future equipment with more advanced tech-
nology will require even more support of this kind. Industry Capabilities
Analytical Studies 28. Industry activities thus generated include the establishment and maintenance
of the capability to repair, maintain, modify and adapt to the Australian environment
20. Defence scientists, working closely with Servicemen and other analysts, carry
a wide range of equipment and weapons systems of the forces, and to manufacture
out military analytical studies in the development of Defence Force capabilities.
high volume consumable and minor equipment items such as spare parts, ammu-
Some 4 per cent of the defence science resources are used to carry out broad studies of
nition, clothing, and personal and field communications equipment.
overall defence interest in the fields of force structure, strategy and major equipment
selection. 29. Also included are the manufacture of many general equipment items, such as
military vehicles and engineering plant, the sustaining of the capability to construct
21. Two of the more significant studies are the evaluation of methods of broad
and modernise selected naval vessels, and the sustaining of an aircraft industry able to
area surveillance relevant to the defence of Australia, and a study of naval air capa-
provide support and selective manufacturing capability.
bility particularly in the context of maritime protection.
30. Implicit in these activities is a basic design and development capability which
Science and Defence will permit selective local design and development of equipment, modifications and
22. At any time there are several hundred scientific tasks in progress; ranging very adaptations to overseas designs, as well as production.
widely in scale, application and scientific discipline. Within the physical limits of
resources and the intellectual limits of foresight, defence science is directed so as to 31. The establishment and maintenance of large scale production facilities appro-
balance between meeting the ever-present day to day needs of industry and the Ser- priate only to major expansions of present requirements take a lower priority in
expenditure of available funds because of the absence of an identified or predicted
vices, and absorbing the high technology we are likely to need in the future.
requirement, their high cost, and the lack of continuing peacetime workload to exer-
cise and maintain skills once capability is established. 'Peaking' in defence orders on
DEFENCE INDUSTRY Australian industry has occurred before and creates problems for management and
work force. It creates pressures for orders out of phase with priority requirements, or
23. Few countries are technologically equipped for, or are able to afford, the in excess of them.
option of meeting all defence equipment and materiel requirements from their own
industry. Even during World War II with total mobilisation of national resources, Stocking Policies
Australia was not able to approach a position where supply for its forces came solely
32. Policies on the levels of stockholdings of materiel which should be maintained
from within.
must be viewed in the context of the likely nature, level and duration of Service ac-
24. While in the period since World War II our industrial base has been growing tivity to be supported, the ability of Australian industry to provide the items con-
impressively both in size and technology, the technical complexity and the cerned or to provide substitutes for overseas supply should this be denied to us—as
requirements for sophisticated techniques of modern weapon systems have increased well as the cost of establishing and maintaining the stocks. Estimating the scale and
at an even greater rate. Current strategic circumstances would not support diversion duration of war in which Australia may be involved—the determinants of demand on
of sufficient resources from other national priorities to overcome this technological stock and on production—is one of the most speculative aspects of defence planning.
gap, even if it were feasible and the higher cost of the small number of equipment Stockholding policies are constantly under review and at the time of introduction of
items required could be justified. new equipment particular attention is paid to how best to provide it. The program

50 51
allows for a modest buildup of operating stocks to support the increases planned in b. by funding separately, feasibility and project definition studies and the estab-
activities of the Services already described. lishment costs of local production and/or support facilities;
c. by facilitating the obtaining of offset work, on a competitive basis, in similar
The Industry Support technologies through the insistence on such provisions in procurement arrange-
33. Specialised industrial support for the Defence Force within Australia is pro- ments; and
vided from Government factories and dockyards, private industry concentrating on
d. through local development of equipment and systems either in industry or in
defence work, and Service facilities. At the same time, production facilities in private
Defence establishments with subsequent production in industry or government
industry, established and maintained for commercial reasons, provide the bulk of de-
fence requirements of a less complex nature and can be expected to continue to do so.
34. Defence expenditure on industry facilities for production of equipment and 39. Where equipment and materiel have to be purchased overseas, efforts will
materiel, and for support of locally manufactured and imported items, is concentrated continue to obtain Australian industry participation whether in the form of collabora-
on specific facilities and technologies not required or not economically viable for com- tive development and for part manufacture of the equipment, manufacture of less
mercial reasons. The majority of this expenditure is in the aircraft, munitions, naval complex items, production of sub-systems, provision of high usage spares, or offset
ship modernisation, refit and construction, and electronics industries. work in similar technologies. This policy will continue to be directed towards those
activities supporting the longer term defence industry policy objectives.
Industry Studies
35. Structural changes are taking place within industry as a result of tariff and
Industry Development and Rationalisation
economic changes. These changes, which are being closely monitored, could result in 40. The Government has announced approval of expenditure on rationalisation
the disappearance of skills important to defence which were previously maintained proposals for the aircraft industry to reduce unused capacity and cost of operations.
by commercial activity. These plans will be implemented progressively over the next three years to bring the
industry into a better and more efficient structure to provide local involvement in new
36. Two major studies of defence industry are at present in progress. These are aircraft projects such as the Tactical Fighter Force, jet trainer replacement and tacti-
being undertaken by the Defence (Industrial) Committee, chaired by Sir Ian cal transport aircraft which have been mentioned earlier.
McLennan and recently augmented by the appointment of six additional leading
industrialists, and Sub-Committee C of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on 41. Considerable upgrading of industry capabilities should result. Attention is
Foreign Affairs and Defence covering Industrial Support for Defence Needs and being given to providing opportunities for development of long-term involvement in
Allied Matters, chaired by Mr D. J. Hamer, MP. The results of these studies should the production of the aircraft chosen, e.g. by collaborative production with overseas
provide a basis for further adjustment to defence industry policy to cope with the firms.
structural changes described above.
42. Munitions factories rationalisation has been under study for some time with a
Defence Expenditure in Industry view to consolidating essential capabilities at a smaller number of sites with a smaller
37. While Defence is a major spender in Australian industry, its contribution to and better utilised workforce. Progressive implementation of these proposals is
expected later in the five year Program. Some upgrading will be needed to produce
the total manufacturing industry product is a relatively small proportion. It is also
the more modern munitions and ammunition items planned for introduction in
relevant that over the past five years some 60-70 per cent of Defence expenditure on
the aggregate of votes covering new and replacement equipment, purchase of stores
and repairs and overhaul of equipment, has been placed in Australian industry. This 43. The naval dockyards provide an essential shipbuilding and ship repair capa-
amounted to $252m in 1975-76. Additional expenditures in industry result from bility. Their capacity will be enhanced by the modernisation proposals. Planned
R&D projects such as Barra and Mulloka, and the direct expenditure on Defence fa- workload through much of the program period will be provided by projects already
cilities and maintenance of production capacity in Government factories and aircraft approved. Increased manpower will be provided in the production, planning and
industry firms. The 1976-81 Program envisages considerable real growth in this local quality control areas at Williamstown and Garden Island naval dockyards to under-
expenditure. While it can be used to develop and maintain capabilities of special sig- take and prepare for the modernisation of the destroyer escorts and DDGs, new con-
nificance, this expenditure is not adequate for the shaping or support of the totality of struction work and normal refits and repairs.
Australian manufacturing industry which may be used by Defence.
44. Defence requirements of the commercial shipbuilding industry are generally
38. Where there are specialised segments of private industry which are of major for non-combatant or smaller combatant vessels. Tenders are being invited for con-
importance to the support or production of Service equipment, or the maintenance of struction of an Amphibious Heavy Lift Ship. The current project definition contracts
essential capabilities to support Service activities, the Department of Defence con- on patrol craft will lead to proposals for construction of all but the lead craft in Aus-
tinues to be prepared to consider selective assistance to keep the capacity alive in tralian commercial yards. Potential opportunities for these yards exist later in the Pro-
industry. The means available for the fostering of defence industrial capability are gram in relation to mine counter-measures vessels.
45. Defence requirements of the electronics industry are spread over a number of
a. through selectively directing Defence procurement in whole or in part into firms. Ways are being sought to assist the industry to maintain specific capabilities of
Australian industry and accepting any higher costs and delays that may be importance by orders and other means. The industry is currently involved in the
legitimately incurred;
engineering development of the Barra system and the Mulloka sonar already men- CHAPTER 9
tioned, and will undertake the production phase on successful completion of develop-
ment. The capability of industry and Service establishments to modify and develop DEFENCE MANAGEMENT
software and systems integration techniques to apply local tactical doctrine, particu-
larly in new ships and aircraft, will be developed through projects such as the integra-
tion of the Barra system to the Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft and the DDG
modernisation. The management of the Defence Force and the Department of Defence is concerned
46. Other sectors of industry providing support to Defence, such as the automo- with making decisions about the protection of the nation and the attainment of an
tive and general engineering industries, generally have adequate capacity for Defence efficient and well equipped Defence Force. In so doing, defence policy and programs
needs. The Government has already announced the progressive purchase, commenc- must conform to general Government policy, be integrated with foreign and fiscal
ing this year, of 2100 light trucks with high local content. High local content is also policy, and reflect the weight of competing demands on resources at the disposal of
planned in the new medium truck proposed for later in the Program. Government.

2. In the derivation of the new organisational arrangements for the Department

of Defence and the administrative concepts and framework which have been
adopted, considerable attention has been paid to the management processes required
to facilitate decision-making and the attainment of defence goals. The task is one of
considerable magnitude involving in 1976-77 some $2200m, 69000 Servicemen and
over 30 000 civilians.


3. The Department of Defence is organised on a functional basis to carry out its
responsibilities relating to defence, including civil defence, and to provide support for
the three Services. Legislation relating to the reorganisation of the higher manage-
ment of the Department and the Defence Force was passed by the Commonwealth
Parliament in September 1975. The main provisions took effect on 9 February 1976.

4. Under the Defence Act, the Minister for Defence has the general control and
administration of the Defence Force. The Secretary, Department of Defence is the
principal civilian adviser to the Minister and is responsible to him for advice on pol-
icy, resources and organisation. He exercises the powers of a Permanent Head under
the Public Service Act, the Audit Act and Treasury Regulations. The Chief of Defence
Force Staff(CDFS) is the principal military adviser to the Minister. Under the Minis-
ter he has command of the Defence Force and exercises overall direction of oper-
ations. The Secretary and the CDFS jointly are responsible for the administration of
the Defence Force, except for matters falling within command responsibilities.

5. Each Chief of Staff commands his arm of the Defence Force under the CDFS.
His responsibilities include the conduct of single Service operations, the training, wel-
fare, morale and discipline of his Service, all within allocated resources and in accord-
ance with approved policies.

6. A Council of Defence was constituted on 9 February 1976 to consider and dis-

cuss matters referred to the Council by the Minister for Defence, relating to the con-
trol and administration of the Defence Force and the respective arms of the Defence
Force. The Council, which meets monthly, comprises the Minister for Defence
(Chairman), the Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence, the Secretary to the De-
partment of Defence, the Chief of Defence Force Staff and the three Service Chiefs of

54 55

7. Great stress is laid on the management of equipment and mate riel acquisitions. 14. The management processes and administrative concepts adopted by the De-
The Department must obtain the best possible overall result in terms of operational partment and the Services cannot be carried on, or developed, in the ways required
performance, cost, delivery time scale, product support and Australian defence indus- without major computing support. This offers the only feasible basis for handling the
try involvement in its weapon system acquisition. Careful management and co- data storage and manipulation tasks that are involved, and for bringing economy and
ordination of the disparate operational, departmental and industrial factors involved uniformity of practice to their treatment.
are required.
15. Computer methods are used in the control of and in provisioning the Services'
stores inventory. Complementary processing arrangements have been developed and
8. Each large equipment program requires an acquisition strategy to guide its
development through the acquisition process. The acquisition strategies are for- established with other countries, which permit the rapid introduction into Australian
mulated in one division of the Department, in close consultation with the Service con- defence catalogues and inventories, and their subsequent replenishment, of the large
ranges of new items that arise from major equipment purchases from overseas.
cerned and other relevant functional divisions.
16. The majority of the Defence Force: is paid using computer methods.
9. Each Service has established for each of the more significant equipment Computer techniques are assisting in job evaluation of occupational categories in the
programs, project managers or project management offices, whose function is to co- Services.
ordinate project activities both within the particular Services and beyond the Service 17. New computing systems are replacing existing equipment installed in the
boundary. Generally, these are created for the duration of the project. mid- 1 960s. Mini-computers linked to two large central computers are being installed
in Service bases and other Defence establishments. They will provide direct and im-
10. The definition of the source of procurement is the responsibility of a Standing mediate access to the large volume of existing statistical information and enable it to
Committee, and follows the completion of Service evaluations. The Committee, com- be used constructively in the forward planning and management of Defence
prising Service and civilian experts in force development, operational and technical activities.
requirements, logistics support, procurement, finance, contracts and contract law,
industry and materiel matters, is drawn both from within the Department of Defence
and from other departments. Its purpose is to ensure the comprehensiveness and ob-
jectivity of the Department's contractual activities with industry.

11. The Defence (Industrial) Committee, mentioned previously in this paper,

also advises the Department on management methods and techniques used in indus-
try through involvement in particular studies of defence production programs.


12. The variety of equipment in use with the Services requires considerable
back-up supply support. The inventory of the three Services and associated agencies
contains nearly 1.25 million items. Control of the level of stockholding involved, the
replenishment of stocks, and the management of the overall investment are tasks of
considerable magnitude which are facilitated by the extensive use of computers. The
new Departmental organisation recognises the importance of these activities and
provides improved arrangements for central supply policy formulation and for co-
ordination of supply activities for the three Services through the establishment of a
Chief of Supply. As a particular example, the various stockholding policies among the
Services are under review.

13. The procurement of support materiel continues to be the responsibility of

each of the three Services supply authorities. whenever possible or reasonable, use is
made of the logistics systems operated by the Armed Services of other governments
for spares support and training. Where local procurement is involved, contracts are
arranged and orders are placed through such avenues as the Purchasing Office of the
Department of Administrative Services which conducts its activities under established
government purchasing procedures.

56 57
CHAPTER 10 14. These broad provisional allocations are subject to review and adjustment
according to actual timing of project developments, Budget considerations and the
THE OUTLAY ON DEFENCE 1976-81 circumstances prevailing at the time that major decisions need to be taken. Moreover,
in nine months' time the financial basis for a program for 1977-82 will be decided by
Government. By this annual process—the rolling program—the dimensions of the Pro-
gram will be adjusted up or down according to the prospective international circum-
stances as then assessed and the progress achieved to date in bringing defence up to
1. Previous Chapters have described the direction in which the Government plans the levels required. The table reflects what has been described in previous Chapters.
to develop Australian defence capabilities. The levels of Service activity, manpower The aggregated results depict, in quantified financial form, certain policy objectives
and planned capital equipment and facilities acquisitions (and the expenditure on which the Government will pursue.
previous orders still being paid for) are the essence of the Program. The task of the
financial programmer is to reconcile timing and volume of expenditure with the
defence requirement on the one hand, and the financial constraints on the other. The TRENDS IN THE EQUIPMENT PROGRAM
defence requirement embraces a complex matrix of policy objectives.
15. The Program reflects the priority accorded to equipment in present circum-
2. Analysis by its Service and civilian advisers led the Government to announce stances. It provides for the continued acquisition of a wide range of basic items. It
on 25 May 1976 that a program of some $12 000m (in January 1976 prices) over a plans the introduction, in modest numbers, of a variety of advanced equipments
five year period was required to strengthen defence and correct existing shortcomings which will enhance capability as discussed in Chapter 4 and enable the Services to
and imbalances. gain experience in their operation and support.
3. The Program as already described will be achievable within an expenditure of 16. In the program period it is planned that the proportion of total expenditure on
about $12 000m in 1976-81 with the addition of commitments of some $2500m fall- new equipment will be progressively raised to over 22 per cent in 1980-8 1. This will
ing due for payment over a number of subsequent years. mean new commitments of some $3500m, and an expenditure on equipment ap-
proaching $2500m over the program period.
4. Broad indications of provisional allocations in the program, on an annual basis
and as between the major categories, are shown in the table below: 17. Expenditure in the early years of the Program will not be as large as that occur-
ring in the later years. This is brought about by the long lead times associated with the
procurement of major items of equipment on which the heavier expenditures occur
Broad Planning Allocations some two to three years and later, after placement of the order.
(January 1976 Prices)

76-77 77-78 78-79 79-80 80-81 Total
18. Financial provision has been made for a sustained effort to improve our de-
$m $m $m $m $m $m fence facilities in the short and longer term, as described in Chapter 7.
Ships, Aircraft, Armour and Other
Equipment and Plant 300 380 450 540 650 2320 19. The proportion of defence expenditure on facilities is planned to increase pro-
Works, Housing and Acquisition of gressively from the 6.2 per cent achieved in 1975-76 to over 7 per cent in 1980-81. In
Sites and Buildings 130 130 150 170 190 770 absolute terms this is a substantial increment.
Pay and Allowances of Service and
civilian men and women and pay-
ments for Service
death benefits 1170 1180 1210 1230 1250 6040
Defence co-operation and assistance 20. The financial provisions allow for the growth of the Regular Army to 34000
to other countries ....... 20 20 30 30 40 140 and the increase in the Army Reserve of about 5000. Navy and Air Force manpower
Service activities, operating and sup- will be adjusted, mainly as determined by the increasing equipment levels and the
port costs (including administration) 500 530 560 590 610 2790 giowth in Service activities. At the same time, restraints and effective management
Maintenance of Government Factor- will continue to be applied to overall manpower growth to ensure that resources are
ies and Defence Industry . 70 60 70 70 70 340 freed for capital investment and higher levels of Service activities. In the course of this
restructuring the expenditure trend on manpower will be reversed; the object is that
Total expenditure 2190 2300 2470 2630 2810 12400 by the end of the Program only some 45 per cent of Defence expenditure will be di-
Less: receipts from rent, charges rected to this area, compared with some 57.6 per cent in 1975-76.
made for rations and quarters,
disposal sales and recoveries from
other administrations -70 -70 -80 -80 -80 -380 SUMMARY OF RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS
21. In summary, of some $12 000m (in January 1976 prices), which provides an
Total outlay on defence function 2 120 2 230 2 390 2 550 2 730 12 020
annual average increase in real terms of more than 5 per cent:

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