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Evaluating The Effectiveness of Snyder's Theory-Based Group Hope Therapy To Improve Self - Efficacy of University Students in Finance

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NeuroQuantology | June 2018 | Volume 16 | Issue 6 | Page 118-124 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.6.

Wang N., Evaluating the Effectiveness of Snyder's Theory-Based Group Hope Therapy to Improve Self-Efficacy of University Students in Finance

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Snyder's Theory-

Based Group Hope Therapy to Improve Self-
Efficacy of University Students in Finance
Manwen Tian1, Shurong Yan1, Ning Wang2*
Self-efficacy as a motivating factor leads to increased academic performance and stress reduction. Therefore,
training to improve academic self-efficacy can have a significant effect on students' academic achievement and
progress of educational system. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the Snyder's theory-based
group hope therapy on academic self-efficacy beliefs and hope in freshman students. In total, 45 freshman students
were recruited and randomly assigned to two groups: intervention group and control group. Academic self-efficacy
belief was measured with the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, and hope was assessed with the Snyder Hope Scale
(SHS). Measurements were assessed before intervention, end of intervention, and at a 2-month follow-up. The
sample showed an academic self-efficacy beliefs score of 23.9% at baseline. Freshman students in the intervention
group showed significant improvements in their academic self-efficacy beliefs and hope at end of intervention and
follow-up, but no in the control group. Students with low self-efficacy benefitted from the intervention. The results
of our intervention indicate a significant positive effect on academic self-efficacy beliefs and hope in freshman
students, who benefitted from the Snyder's theory-based group hope therapy. Early self-efficacy detection is
therefore crucial in the treatment and care of freshman students, and hope approaches can help to achieve 118
academic achievement during the university period.

Key Words: Group Hope Therapy, Self-Efficacy, Snyder's Theory, University Students
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.6.1314 NeuroQuantology 2018; 16(6): 118-124

Introduction belief in self-efficacy is a major part of self-

The concept of self-efficacy has been adapted from awareness, therefore, there are four important
the social recognition theory of Albert Bandura, a sources for creating and changing the self-efficacy
famous psychologist, who refers to the role of beliefs system, including successful experience,
individual beliefs and judgments in ability to successor experience, verbal or social persuasion,
perform his duties (Altun et al., 2017; Hajare and and emotional-physiological situations (Duan et al.,
More, 2017; Hamad et al., 2018; Kevrekidis et al., 2018; Gao et al., 2017; Liu, 2018, 2017; Wang et al.,
2018; Khan et al., 2018; Taheri et al., 2017). Many 2018; Zong et al., 2018). Some authors believe
of human behaviors are self-excited and controlled there is a close relationship between self-efficacy
by effective mechanisms, which belief in personal and individual's performance in delivering
self-efficacy is more important and more assigned duties. Self-efficacy is also an
comprehensive than the rest (Bandura, 1997). On intermediary between knowledge and practice. In
the other hand, self-efficacy, like a cognitive- education, researchers concluded that self-efficacy
motivational factor, plays a major role in creating plays an important role in utilizing knowledge and
individual and gender differences within the scope professional skills (Zimmerman, 2000).
of academic performance (Bandura, 2001). The

Corresponding author: Ning Wang

Address: 1 Research Institute of Intellectual Finance, Yango University, Fuzhou, 350015, China; 2School of Business, Zhengzhou University,
Zhengzhou, 450001, China
e-mail 
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial
or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 15 March 2018; Accepted: 10 June 2018

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | June 2018 | Volume 16 | Issue 6 | Page 118-124 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.6.1314
Wang N., Evaluating the Effectiveness of Snyder's Theory-Based Group Hope Therapy to Improve Self-Efficacy of University Students in Finance

Self-efficacy gives people motivation and self- seeking research in recent decades belongs to
confidence so they can effectively solve problems. Snyder and Seligman (2006).
Nowadasy everyone knows the importance of
problem-solving skills (Alrowais and Alyousefi, Study aims and hypotheses
2017; Al-Shaebi et al., 2018; Dilli et al., 2017; The aim of our study is to investigate the effects of
Hussain et al., 2018; Maltese et al., 2017; Shaikh Snyder's theory-based group hope therapy on the
and Guo, 2017). Learners must independently self-efficacy of university students. As previous
acquire their learning skills and problem solving study has shown that self-efficacy belief may have
by approaching higher learning levels, especially a positive effect on academic achievement,
higher education, to reduce their dependence on Snyder's theory-based group hope therapy is
teachers (Boekaerts, 1997). The problem-solving hypothesized to improve academic self-efficacy
skill of individuals, with their focus on the beliefs. In the present study, the effectiveness of
problem, is a cognitive activity, so improving Snyder's theory-based group hope therapy was
problem-solving skills through education should tested over time and the association between
be a worthwhile goal (Seminara, 1997). Success is hope, confidence in ability to do homework in
not just a skill, but the promotion of proper skills classroom, confidence in ability to do homework
and the use of it is an important factor in the in outside classroom, confidence in ability to
success of individuals. One of the variables that interact with others in university, and confidence
seems to affect students' self-efficacy is hope in ability to manage work, family and university
(Davidson et al., 2012; Atanasov et al., 2013; was investigated (Aliverti et al., 2017; Bich et al.,
Feldman and Kubota, 2015; Ben-Naim et al., 2017; Elsadek et al., 2017; Oskay et al., 2017;
2017). Salahudeen and Nishtala, 2017; Ujwala and Babu,
Snyder's research on mental illness and 2017).
some physical illnesses such as cancer and
physical inferiority has shown that many mental Methods
illnesses and some physical illness occur in Sample and study design
response to loss of hope, and hope therapy can A sample of 79 freshman students aged 20-30 119
improve mental health and quality of life for the years was recruited in two colleges in southern
patients (Snyder et al., 1991). Hope therapy is a China, from January to November 2014. We
healthcare program based on Snyder's hope recruited participants studying in the colleges via
therapy designed to enhance hopeful thinking and postal addresses; we send an envelope containing
strengthening activities related to pursuit of goal, information about our study process and goals
which is derived from cognitive-behavioral and a Snyder's hope scale. We received the
therapies, solution-based treatments and fictional information those who were interested to
and narrative treatment (Snyder and Peterson, participate in the study. In total 75 freshman
2000). In this treatment, participants first get students were contacted in the colleges. Of 58
acquainted with the principles of the theory of (77.3%) students responded to the hope scale, 45
hope therapy and then they are taught how to (60%) were included in the study. Participants
apply these principles in their lives (Da Silva randomly assigned to an intervention group (n =
Soares et al., 2018; Danby et al., 2018; Eglitis and 24) and a control group (n = 21).
Popov, 2018; Iyit, 2018; Kmita et al., 2018;
Moreno-Fernandez et al., 2018; Taki et al., 2018). Data collection
Participants learn how to determine important, We gave all the freshman students participated in
achievable, and measurable goals, set multiple this study a self-report questionnaire on hope and
paths to move toward these goals, identify the academic self-efficacy beliefs. Participants filled
motivational resources and interactions of each out the questionnaire at before and after the
obstacle to its motivation, review progress intervention, and at an 8-week follow-up. We also
towards the goal, and adjust the targets and received the informed consent to participate.
passages as needed (Ahamed et al., 2017; Ethical approval was given by the ethics
Khosravi et al., 2018; Martinez Macias et al., 2017; committee of Hunan University and the
Singh et al., 2018). This intervention is carried out Psychology Chamber of Changsha.
in a group because Snyder's theory assumes that Participants in the intervention group
hopeful thinking reflects a transactional process received an 8-session Snyder's theory-based
(Snyder et al., 1997). The largest volume of hope-

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | June 2018 | Volume 16 | Issue 6 | Page 118-124 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.6.1314
Wang N., Evaluating the Effectiveness of Snyder's Theory-Based Group Hope Therapy to Improve Self-Efficacy of University Students in Finance

group hope therapy. The treatment protocol is Table 2, the gender distribution was 19 male and
presented in Table 1. 26 female freshman students aged between 20
and 30 years, with a mean age of 24.18 (1.33).
Results Most students were female (57.8%) and single
Descriptions (68.9%).
From the recruited 79 freshman students, 45
students took part in the study. According to

Table 1. Sessions summary of the treatment protocol

Session Goals Content
expression of Familiarity of members with each other, setting goals and rules of the group, introducing
1 goals, and structure of sessions and the objectives of the program, and a definition of hope based on
structure of Snyder's theory.
Reviewing the contents of the previous session, explaining the main concepts of the hope theory
Necessity of that includes purpose determination, thinking of an agent or will, route thinking or planning and 90
having hope detecting obstacles, and explaining and discussing how to grow hope and its necessity and its minutes
impact on self-efficacy.
Reviewing the contents of the previous session, requesting from participants to define their life
Definition of own 90
3 story on the core of the hope theory, namely, goals, participation of the members in identifying
life story minutes
the life story of other members, and summarization and conclusion of contents.
Reviewing the contents of the previous session, explaining stories based on three main
Explaining the components of Snyder's hope theory: Goal, agent, and passageways. Work on increasing agent 90
story thinking using positive thinking and repeating positive words, and summarization and minutes
conclusion of contents.
Reviewing the contents of the previous session, familiarity with planning thinking, addressing
the planning list, addressing the list of identifying appropriate paths for achieving goals,
Providing a list of 90
5 requesting members to provide a list of current events and different dimensions of their lives
current events minutes
and to determine their importance and satisfaction from each of them, and summarization and
conclusion of contents.
Reviewing the contents of the previous session, Propagating the Properties of the proper
objectives based on Snyder's theory and then persuade people to set goals in each of the areas 120
Suggesting right 90
6 of life. Understanding how to deal with obstacles and challenges, identifying self-owning
goals minutes
thoughts for changing ineffective attitudes, learning to deal with obstacles by creating alternate
passages using creativity, and summarization and conclusion of contents.
Reviewing the contents of the previous session, introducing appropriate passage features and
requesting from members to find appropriate solutions to achieve goals set, learn how to break
Suggesting passes into a series of small steps and determine succession passes to the group members, 90
suitable trains teaching strategies for creativity by enhancing rider's thinking using gradual planning and will minutes
using the techniques imaginary, mental imagery, imitation / modeling and positive sayings, and
summarization and conclusion of contents.
Reviewing the contents of the previous session, introducing strategies for creating and
maintaining agent, training to members of group to be a hope therapist and to use hopeful
thinking on a daily basis (so that they can determine their goals and obstacles, create and
Conclusion and 90
8 maintain the factor necessary to achieve them within themselves and identify the necessary
finalization minutes
passages), talking about slipping and ways to overcome slipping when dealing with obstacles,
applying hopeful thinking in everyday life, briefing and summarizing the contents, post-test,
thanks for the group members and goodbye.

Table 2. Sociodemographic features of the freshman students for before and after the intervention
Pre-intervention (N = 45) Post-intervention(N = 41)
N % N %
Age, M, SD 24.16 1.32 24.21 1.19
Male 19 42.2 17 41.5
Female 26 57.8 24 58.5
Single 31 68.9 26 63.4
Married 9 20 10 24.4
Family status
Divorced 4 8.9 5 12.2
Widowed 1 2.2 0 0
Medical 13 28.9 12 29.2
Psychology 12 26.7 13 31.7
Field of study
Nursing 10 22.2 9 22
other 10 22.2 7 17.1

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | June 2018 | Volume 16 | Issue 6 | Page 118-124 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.6.1314
Wang N., Evaluating the Effectiveness of Snyder's Theory-Based Group Hope Therapy to Improve Self-Efficacy of University Students in Finance

Table 3. Summary of confidence for academic self-efficacy beliefs and hope scores for intervention and control groups
Intervention group (n = 24) Control group (n = 21)
Variables Pre- End of Follow- Pre- End of Follow- Fa , ρ
intervention intervention up intervention intervention up
Confidence in ability to do homework in 15.34 23.18 28.39 15.26 16.46 15.21 4.57,
classroom (3.28) (3.16) (3.48) (3.22) (3.46) (3.11) 0.029
Confidence in ability to do homework in 10.23 16.28 25.33 10.35 10.84 9.77 5.13,
outside classroom (2.42) (2.51) (2.22) (2.36) (2.11) (2.44) 0.002
Confidence in ability to interact with 11.18 15.44 21.25 10.98 11.33 10.56 6.26,
others in university (3.29) (3.24) (3.35) (3.33) (3.47) (3.05) 0.001
Confidence in ability to manage work, 9.39 16.78 22.05 9.27 10.21 10.04 5.64,
family and university (4.23) (4.36) (4.47) (4.09) (4.55) (4.31) 0.002
7.37 10.19 12.33 7.54 7.84 7.29 4.55,
(2.23) (2.08) (2.72) (2.38) (2.54) (2.49) 0.023
a df = (1, 43)

Table 3 shows that there were no In general, hope can be considered as a

significant differences on the mean scores of the complex cognitive structure, which enables the
variables confidence in ability to do homework in intuitive processing of information, attention to
classroom, confidence in ability to do homework goals and the ability to transfer attention. In
in outside classroom, confidence in ability to other words, hope is an important source that
interact with others in university, confidence in enables individuals to maintain their confidence
ability to manage work, family and university, in facing barriers and problems (Santilli et al.,
and hope between the intervention group and the 2014) and a thinking that confronts negative
control group at baseline. Students in the expectations and makes positive affection
intervention group reported significantly greater (Steffen & Smith, 2013). In this context it is noted
increases in the variables between pretest and that Happiness in ways of thinking strengthens
post-test than those in the control group. feelings, actions and conflicts with specific goals
Furthermore, students in the intervention group (Lyubomirsky et al., 2005).
showed a significant greater increase the average Bandura (1997) believes that self-efficacy
duration of increases in confidence in ability to is one of the cognitive processes that makes up 121
do homework in classroom, confidence in ability many social behaviors and personal
to do homework in outside classroom, confidence characteristics. Self-efficacy is related to the
in ability to interact with others in university, beliefs that learners have assignment problems
confidence in ability to manage work, family and and the consequences of doing it. Thus, views on
university, and hope over the 2-month follow-up. education recognize self-efficacy as the beliefs of
students in predicting their ability to succeed in
Discussion learning and study activities (Di Giunta et al.,
This study investigated the effects of the Snyder's 2013). According to the Bandura's (1993)
theory-based group hope therapy on academic opinion, if one believes that he has the ability to
self-efficacy beliefs and hope in Chinese students. succeed and progress, he has achieved a self-
The score of academic self-efficacy beliefs was efficacy. It has now become clear that self-efficacy
23.9% at baseline, at which most students were levels are low for students who are not prepared
categorized as lack of belief in academic self- to cope with academic challenges (Zimmerman &
efficacy, and they had low levels of hope. The Schunk, 2001).
findings showed that therapy-hope in the post- As can be seen, hope can provide self-
test stage has led to increased self-efficacy and efficacy fields for students because students
hope. This result support empirical evidences in hoping to achieve academic success have a goal.
this field (Sherwin et al., 1992; McBride, 2012; They know the ways to reach the goal, show
Feldman et al., 2016; Ben-Naim et al., 2017). greater perseverance against educational
Studies have shown that hope is related to the obstacles, maintain their positive affection for the
structures of academic success (Snyder et al., academic future, are happy about their quest for
2002), problem-solving ability (Steffen & Smith, education, and a bright future with them. Because
2013), social support (Hagen et al., 2005), of this, if they fail, they will start their efforts
positive affection (Rego et al., 2014; Steffen & again, believe their abilities, and aware that wins
Smith, 2013), and self-construal (Du & King, the challenges ahead. So we can say that hopeful
2013). students are self-efficacy.

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | June 2018 | Volume 16 | Issue 6 | Page 118-124 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.6.1314
Wang N., Evaluating the Effectiveness of Snyder's Theory-Based Group Hope Therapy to Improve Self-Efficacy of University Students in Finance

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