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The Effectiveness of Strength-Based Cognitive Behavior Approach in Psychoeducation To Improve College Students' Psychological Capital

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The document discusses the challenges college students face and the importance of developing their psychological capital. It also explores using a strength-based cognitive behavioral approach in psychoeducation.

College students face various academic and non-academic demands that can cause psychological issues. They must develop autonomy, manage their emotions, build relationships and identities during this stage.

Psychological capital consists of hope, self-efficacy, resilience and optimism. It is correlated with better mental health, engagement and motivation for students. Developing these qualities in students is important for their psychological growth and well-being.

Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Effectiveness of Strength-based Cognitive

Behavior Approach in Psychoeducation to Improve
College Students’ Psychological Capital
A. Setyandari Mungin Eddy Wibowo
Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Semarang
Sanata Dharma University, Semarang, Indonesia
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Edy Purwanto
Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract:- College Students are individuals who face relationships, developing intellectual, manual and emotional
challenges related to various academic and non-academic competencies, build personal integrity and self-identity. The
demands. The development of psychological capacities is unpreparedness of students to deal with situations and demands
thus important to help them overcome these challenges. during their college life can be the basis for the emergence of
Psychoeducation is one of the efforts to develop the positive various kinds of problems related to psychological disorders
capacity of students psychologically and needs to be done and mental health (Selvaraj, 2015).
with an effective approach. The purpose of this study was
to examine the effectiveness of the strength-based cognitive Many studies on mental health in students have been
behavior approach to develop psychological capital in carried out and have raised awareness about the importance of
students. This study is a quasi-experimental method using efforts to improve student mental health. Salimi (2021)
a pretest-posttest comparison group design. Due to the stated that mental health problems in students are issues that
pandemic situation, psychoeducation in this study was need attention. The development of students' psychological
carried out online. Pre-test, post-test and follow-up scores capacities is one of the many efforts made to support
of psychological capital were measured and compared psychological growth and support mental health.
between experimental group and control group. Data was
analyzed using mixed-design analysis of variance. The One of the constructs that has been widely researched
results showed that psychoeducation using a strength- and has predictive value on mental health is the psychological
based cognitive behavior approach did not significantly capital construct developed by Luthans (2002). This construct
increase the psychological capital of college students. The includes four components, namely Hope, Self-efficacy,
implications for the development of student psychological Resilience and Optimism. The construct of psychological
capital, the limitations of the study and suggestions for capital has been widely studied in the academic field. Research
further research are discussed. conducted by Riolli (2012) states that psychological capital
serves as a factor that strengthens students in dealing with
Keywords—Psychoeducation; Strength-Based Cognitive stress. Psychological capital is also correlated with college
Behavior Approach; Psychological Capital; College Students. students’ psychological well-being (Selvaraj, 2015).
Psychological capital has a correlation with academic
I. INTRODUCTION engagement and intrinsic motivation (Siu, Bakker, Jiang,
2014; Martinez, 2019) and mental health (Selvaraj &
College students are faced with various challenges related Bhat, 2018 ; Javaheri, 2017). Selvaraj (2015) recommends the
to academic and non-academic demands. Viewed from the the need for learning opportunities that focus on increasing the
stage of development, college students are in the early adult positive qualities of individuals in higher education. This is
stage. Chikering (1993) states that there are seven also in line with Javaheri's research (2017) which states that
developmental tasks that must be mastered by individuals in introductions and interventions to increase psychological
early adulthood, including building autonomy and capital for students can help students to have more effective
interdependence, managing emotions, establishing and problem-solving strategies. Previously, Luthans (2006)
clarifying goals to be achieved, building mature interpersonal have developed a brief intervention that is proven to increase

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
psychological capital called the PsyCap Intervention (PCI). shows persistence to achieve goals and the ability to set
Luthans, et al. (2008) also conducted a web-based intervention direction to achieve goals. Resilience shows the capacity and
to develop psychological capital in the workplace. PCI has ability to return to normal situations. These four components
also been tested in the academic field and has been shown to when combined together will have a better synergistic effect to
increase psychological capital in students (Russo & Stoykova, predict performance compared to each component separately
2015; O'Reilly, 2016). (Luthans,, 2007). Psychological capital has state-like
characteristic, which means that psychological capital is open
Psychoeducation is a form of activity that can be carried and can be developed through intervention.
out individually or in groups aimed at developing effective
attitudes and behavior in individuals. Psychoeducation focuses B. Psychoeducation
on structured activities and the application of certain skills and Psychoeducation is not only used in the field of
not only on the accumulation of knowledge (Drossel, 2008). counseling, but is also used in various settings, such as in the
Although not all students experience psychological fields of health, industry, and education. Psychoeducation can
consequences caused by the various challenges they face, most be done in one meeting or several meetings and can be done
students can benefit from psychoeducational activities individually or in groups. Gladding (Brown, 2004) defines
designed to teach life skills, problem-solving strategies, and group psychoeducation as a group where the main goal is
self-understanding (Rageliene, 2014). education about a psychological concept or topic. Brown
(2004) also mentions that psychoeducation has two important
In this study, the cognitive-behavioral approach was components, namely educational component and counseling
combined with a strength-based approach that was oriented to component. The educational component can be seen from the
individual strengths through group psychoeducation which instructional principles applied, the material being delivered,
aimed to increase the psychological capital of students. The and the role of the leader as an instructor. The educational
integration of cognitive behavior and strength-based component also includes information about strategies that
approaches was recommended in a study conducted by participants need to know about certain topics so that
Suranata (2017) who have compared the use of cognitive individuals can use them as references in managing their life
behavior and strength-based approaches to increase resilience. experiences. In educational component, the cognitive aspect is
The combination of a strength-based and cognitive behavioral emphasized more than the affective aspect. The counseling
approach is expected to produce an effective approach in component can be seen from activities such as group
psychoeducation to increase psychological capital in students counseling, namely the interaction between group members in
through developing an optimistic perspective and avoiding the form of group dynamics and group processes, and the
thoughts that cause negative emotions (Riolli, 2012) and leader's function as a facilitator. Compared to group
focusing on individual strengths (Javaheri, 2017). The counseling, group psychoeducation has a lower level of
combination of strength-based and cognitive-behavioral ambiguity regarding the material and expected learning
approaches is expected to produce an effective approach in outcomes (Brown, 2004). Psychoeducation primarily has a
psychoeducation to increase psychological capital in students. goal of preventing the onset of psychological disorders
(Gladding, 1995 in Brown 2004). Brown (2004) also mentions
II. LITERATURE REVIEW that psychoeducational groups can be in the form of discussion
groups or self-help groups. Brown mentions that one form of
A. Psychological Capital psychoeducational groups is educational/guidance groups. The
Psychological capital construct was developed by aim of this group is to increase the knowledge of group
Luthans (2002). Psychological capital is related to "who you members on topics related to development so that group
are" and "who you are becoming" which shows the members can overcome problems and crises encountered
developmental perspective of psychological capital (Luthans during development., 2007). Although initially widely used in the industrial
field, the psychological capital construct was also developed in C. Strength-based Cognitive Behavior Approach in
the academic field. Luthans, et al (2007) define psychological Psychoeducation
capital as: Stength-based Cognitive Behavior approach in
psychoeducation is based on the principles of CBT with an
“The condition of positive individual development which emphasis on individual strengths. The strength-based approach
is characterized by the following characteristics: (1) the aims to understand and develop strengths, potentials, resources
presence of confidence (self-efficacy) in making efforts to and protective factors that can positively change an
complete the tasks or challenges faced; (2) have a positive individual's life (Hammond & Zimmerman, 2012). Jones-
(optimistic) attribution to the current success; (3) not easily Smith (2014) describes that the essence of strength-based
give up in achieving goals and have hope (hope); (4) able to therapy is a mindset that is oriented to the strengths of the
survive in adversity (resilience) and bounce back to achieve individual and not to his weaknesses. The cognitive behavior
success.” therapy approach, on the other hand, usually focuses on what
needs to be improved. Bannink (2017, in Sugay 2020).
Psychological capital contains 4 dimensions, namely
efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience. Efficacy is defined as Strength-based approach is growing along with the
confidence to be able to complete challenging tasks. Optimism development of science in the field of positive psychology,
shows a positive attribution to the success achieved. Hope which is followed by research on human strength and factors

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
related to mental health and wellbeing (DelleFave & Fava, in sessions with a strength-based cognitive behavior approach
Marrero, 2016). Strength is defined as something that each with a duration of 50 minutes, while the control group
helps individuals to overcome challenges in life or something did not receive any treatment.
that makes life more satisfying for themselves and for others
(Jones-Smith, 2014). The recognition and development of There were 29 subjects participated in the experimental
individual strengths occurs through a process of internal group and 25 subjects in the control group. Psychological
dialogue. This internal dialogue process occurs through a capital is measured using the psychological capital scale
process of self-monitoring and self-assessing/judging and compiled by Luthans (2012) which has been adapted into
leading to the recognition or neglection of the strengths. Bahasa Indonesia (Setyandari,, 2019). Psychological
Individual strengths are not fixed traits but grow from a capital scores for each group were measured on pre-test, post-
dynamic process. The strengths-based approach has the test and follow-up. The collected data was then analyzed using
advantages of focusing on strengths rather than problems, mixed-design analysis of variance using SPSS (Software
helping individuals to have a mindset that they have control Statistical Package for The Social Sciences) program.
over certain situations and do not place themselves as victims
of the situation (Jones-smith, 2014). IV. RESULT

Cognitive behavior approaches have been widely used in Data analysis was conducted using repeated measures anova.
psychoeducation, including those related to resilience, Test of normality was first performed on the data that had been
irrational belief, and well-being (Sahin & Turk, 2021), mental collected. Data analysis showed the Shapiro-Wilk significance
health (Fathiyah, 2020), and body image in adolescents value was obtained with a p value > 0.05 (Sig = 0.290) for
(Mauludina et. al, 2012). The cognitive behavioral approach is measurements in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up in the
widely used to help individuals understand maladaptive experimental and control groups. This means that the data for
thoughts which often become the source of problems (Sugay each group in this study is normally distributed and meets the
2020). In this study, the principles of the cognitive behavioral requirements for normality. Furthermore, the assumption test
approach are used in the internal dialogue process carried out of Mauchyl's test of sphericity showed the p value .> 0.05 (Sig
on individuals to identify their strengths and resources, = 0.559) and thus the Mauchly's test of sphericity is fulfilled.
especially to develop psychological capital. Jones (in Stoerkel,
2020) emphasizes that although the main focus is on Result of the data analysis showed the value of F =
individual strengths, this does not mean that weaknesses are 0.847 (p> 0.05) as shown in Table 1. This means that there is
ignored, but they need to be managed. no differences of psychological capital scores before, after and
two weeks after attending sessions of psychoeducation. Thus
III. METHOD the research hypothesis which states that there is an effect of
time of measurement on increasing psychological capital is
This study used a quasi-experimental method using a rejected. In other words, psychoeducation with strength-based
pretest-posttest comparison group design. This study used two cognitive behavior approach in this study did not increase
groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. students’ psychological capital significantly.
The experimental group received five psychoeducation

Table 1. Test of Within Subjects

Source df Mean Square F Sig.
Sphericity Assumed 2 18.185 .166 .847
Greenhouse-Geisser 1.956 18.595 .166 .842
Huynh-Feldt 2.000 18.185 .166 .847
Lower-bound 1.000 36.370 .166 .685
Sphericity Assumed 2 26.444 .242 786
Greenhouse-Geisser 1.956 27.041 .242 .781
time * group
Huynh-Feldt 2.000 26.444 .242 .786
Lower-bound 1.000 52.888 .242 .625
Sphericity Assumed 104 109.355
Greenhouse-Geisser 101.705 111.822
Huynh-Feldt 104.000 109.355
Lower-bound 52.000 218.709

The result of the study also indicated that test results of strength-based cognitive behavior approach in
between-subjects effects showed the value of F=1.6 (p> 0.05) psychoeducation is effective to increase students’
as shown in Table 2. It means that there is no differences of psychological capital is rejected in this study. Some factors
psychological capital between the experimental group and the that may have impact on this result were discussed.
control group. Thus the research hypothesis which states that

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 2. Test of Between Subjects Effects
Measure: psycap
Source df Mean Square F Sig.
Intercept 1 1943785.594 7811.735 .000
grup 1 398.927 1.603 .211
Error 52 248.829

V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION used and has been able to improve students’ understanding,
motivation, and a number of student skills (Overton, 2016).
Cognitive behavior approach is combined with strengths However, in this study, the purpose of giving worksheets and
approach which aims to increase students’ psychological reflection sheets as independent assignments did not seem to
capital. Strength-based approach to cognitive behavior in have been achieved. Individual tasks that must be done
psychoeducation uses the basic principles in the cognitive- independently requires the ability of self-regulated learning
behavioral approach by emphasizing individual’s strengths. among the participants. If students lack of this ability, then it
In this study, it was found that the use of the strength-based will be difficult to process the information they learned
cognitive behavior approach was not proven to be effective in independently and to be able to reflect on their learning
increasing students’ psychological capital. Several factors that experiences. Students' self-regulated learning abilities are
influence the results of the study are discussed as followed. In needed to achieve success despite various challenges they face
this study, the identification of the individual strengths was in the online learning process (Dewi, 2020).
only done through filling out questionnaires in a relatively
short time, and was not explored in depth. It was also not In this study, the delivery of psychoeducational material
followed by an emphasis on how these strengths are used by on psychological capital was delivered using the lecture
individuals. In this case, Wood (2010) mentions that research method and followed by question and answer session. During
on the topic of individuals’ strengths often only stops at these process, many students did not showed high
identification, and is not followed by how to use these participation. This situation might relate to the use of the
strengths. lecture method as the method delivery. This is in accordance
with Pugsley's (2003) research which states that compared to
The sessions of psychoeducation in this study were the lecture method, students show more positive attitudes
carried out online using synchronous mode, due to the towards the use of experiential learning methods in lectures.
pandemic situation. One of the difficulty in online sessions of This is also supported by research from Priharsanti
psychoeducation experienced in this study was to create a (2020) which proves that the use of story telling media in
cohesive atmosphere in the group and to build participant psychoeducation can increase psychological capital for first
activity. Weinberg (2020) mentions that in online group year students.
interventions, it is important to build participants’ involvement
in the group. It is also important to increase activities that can VI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
help self-disclosure to compensate for the absence of physical
interaction. In short, the difficulty of establishing interaction In this study, the strength-based cognitive behavior
with participants in psychoeducational sessions became a approach in psychoeducation was not proven to be effective in
challenge in this study. Limitations in building interactions in increasing psychological capital in college students. However,
psychoeducational groups are very likely to have an impact on several factors in this study may have impact on the results of
the achievement of activity goals. Regarding group the study. The first factor is that psychoeducation in this study
intervention conducted online, Weinberg (2020) also stated was carried out online due to the pandemic situation, so that
that online group intervention is a new thing for now and interaction and atmosphere in the group were less cohesive
therefore not many studies have been conducted to test its than if it was done face-to-face. In addition, the use of the
effectiveness. Weinberg added that one of the challenges that lecture method to deliver educational material on
emerged in online groups was to build cohesiveness and psychological capital did not seem to be able to increase
alliances within the group. In this study, one of the efforts students’ motivation to involve actively in each
made to increase participants' involvement in psychoeducation psychoeducation sessions given. The use of Worksheets and
was through Worksheets and Reflection Sheets which were Reflection Sheets, which were expected to increase students’
given as independent assignments. Through Worksheets and involvement in psychoeducational activities, has not worked
Reflection Sheets, it is hoped that it will help participants to optimally. Other thing is that the use of strength-based
find the right context and meaning for themselves. Giving approach should not only reached at the identification of
context is needed so that there is a connection between the strengths and need to be explored to how individuals can use
information obtained in psychoeducation and that individual them in their contexts especially to strengthen psychological
can apply what they have learned creatively, practically and capital. Future research on this topic may give more focus on
critically in everyday life (Sabramowicz, 2016). the delivery method of psychoeducation using the same
approach and to explore more on how to use individual
The worksheets used in this psychoeducation include the strengths related to psychological capital according to their
presentation of a problem that needs to be solved by the respective contexts.
participants. The use of problems as a learning tool is widely

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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