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Science10 q1 slk3 Plate-Tectonics v1 PDF

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Mandaue City Division

Plaridel St., Reclamation Area, Mandaue City

Science 10
First Grading – Module 3 Week 3
PLATE TECTONICS: Distribution of
volcanoes and mountain ranges

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Content Standard: The relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake
epicentres, and mountain ranges.

Learning Competency: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes,

earthquake epicentres, and major mountain belts to Plate Tectonics.


The Philippines is one of the famous tourists’ destinations

around the world. This is because our country offers a variety of
natural wonders in both land and water. An example of this is
the presence of volcanoes in our country. Mount Mayon is
admired for its symmetry and classic cone. Taal volcano is
exceptionally unique because it is a complex volcano in the
middle of Taal Lake. It is often called an island within a lake.

Volcanoes are mostly found along plate boundaries. This

is also the site where most earthquakes occur. A volcano is
described as an opening in the Earth's surface that can allow
gasses, magma, and ash to escape. The presence of a volcano in
an area has both advantages and disadvantages.

This Self-Learning Kit allows you to explore the

distribution of volcanoes around the world and its relationship
to other geological features such as earthquake epicentres and
mountain ranges. Activities are provided for you so that you can
attain the objectives set for this week.

At the end of this week, you are expected to attain the following objectives:
A. Describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicentres and
mountain ranges of the world.
B. Compare the locations of earthquake epicentres, active volcanoes, and
mountain ranges of the world.
C. Relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicentres and
mountain ranges to the Plate Tectonics Theory.

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A. Identification. Choose the word/s inside the box that fit/s the
description of the statements below. Use your answer sheet in answering.

Volcano Himalayas

Mountain belt Andes

Ring of Fire Plate tectonics

Mt. Mayon Hot spot

Plates Volcanic Island arc

1. It is an opening in the Earth's surface that can allow gasses, magma, and ash
to escape.
2. It is a concentration of heat in the mantle capable of creating magma.
3. These are pieces of the Earth’s surface that fit together just like a jigsaw puzzle.
4. A chain of volcanoes that develop parallel to a trench.
5. It is a series of mountain of hills ranged in a line connected by high ground.

B. True or False. On your answer sheet write the word TRUE if the statement
is correct and FALSE if the statement is not correct.

1. Volcanoes are often found at meeting points of “tectonic plates”.

2. The places on Earth where most of the earthquakes originated or some
mountains and volcanoes were formed mark the boundaries of each
lithospheric plate.
3. The Philippines has a lot of volcanoes because it has many islands.
4. The earthquake that devastated Bohol and Cebu last October 15, 2013 was
volcanic in origin.
5. Mountains play a significant role in providing water and food supply to the
millions of people in the world.

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Last week, your lesson was about the distribution of
earthquake epicenters. You learned that earthquake
mostly occurs along plate boundaries. You also
learned that it is important to identify earthquake
prone areas so that precautionary measures can be
done and to ensure the safety of everyone.

This week, our focus is on the distribution of

active volcanoes and mountain ranges of the world.

Activity 1

Find Me!


a. Identify the most active volcanoes in the Philippines and their locations.
b. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of having a volcano in one’s locality.


Philippine Map

Paper, pen


Read and understand the paragraphs below:

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The Philippines is one of the countries
situated in the circum - Pacific belt or the Pacific
“Ring of Fire”. This is the reason why our country is
a host of many geologic features like the presence of
volcanoes. There are about 24 active volcanoes in
our country and the most active are Mayon in
Albay, Taal in Batangas, Kanlaon in Negros Island,
Bulusan in Sorsogon.

On January 12, 2020 Taal erupted and that eruption has caused
severe damage to the agricultural and aquatic resources. About 3.06 billion
pesos was lost due to that natural event. Almost 50,000 families are
affected and the results were devastating.
The presence of volcanoes has both advantages and disadvantages.
That is why millions of people are still living in areas where volcanoes are
found. Some of the advantages are: volcanic materials ultimately break
down and weather to form some of the most fertile soil on Earth, another is
the internal heat associated with young volcanic systems has harnessed to
produce geothermal energy. Also, volcanoes produce spectacular scenery
like Taal and Mt. Mayon. This spectacular scenery attracts tourists and as
a result it gives livelihood to the locals. Volcanoes also produce precious
stones and some materials are now processed to produce beauty products.
On the other hand, volcanoes can be very dangerous. Violent
reactions could lead to tremendous hazards like suffocation, floods,
mudslide, power outages, drinking water contamination, and air travel
disruption among others. People should be vigilant enough especially
though who are living near a volcano.

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Figure 1- Map of the Philippines

Q1. What are the active volcanoes in the Philippines?

Q2. Where are these volcanoes located?
Q3. What volcano recently erupted?
Q4. What are the dangers of volcanic eruption?

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Q5. What is the importance of volcanoes to humans?

Our country, Philippines is situated at the boundaries of two tectonic

plates; the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. There are many
volcanoes in the Philippines and some of them are active. Examples of active
volcanoes are Taal in Batangas, Mt. Mayon in Albay, Mt. Kanlaon in Negros
Island, and Mt. Bulusan in Sorsogon.

Taal volcano erupted on January 12, 2020, 43 years after

its previous eruption in 1977. That eruption caused massive
destruction to the different sectors in the area.
Some of the hazards brought about by a volcanic eruption
are suffocation, floods, mudslides, power interruption, potable
water contamination, and air travel disruption. On the other
hand, volcanoes have a lot of benefits to humans. It can be a
source of geothermal energy, precious stones and other
products. It can also be a tourist attraction because of its
beautiful scenery. Materials from volcanoes can provide
nutrients to the surrounding soil and some are processed to
produce beauty products.

Activity 2
Mark the Boundaries


a. Describe the distribution of active volcanoes around the world.

b. Compare the location of earthquake epicentres and active volcanoes
around the world.

Map of earthquake distribution
Map of active volcanoes of the world
1 piece plastic sheet with the traces of earthquake epicentres
1 piece plastic sheet used for book cover, same size as book pagE

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Study the two maps. Observe their similarities.

Figure 1- Map of earthquake distribution Figure 2- Map of active volcanoes

1. Look at Figure 2-Map of active volcanoes. Observe the colored areas because it
represents the presence of volcanoes,
2. On the plastic sheet, sketch the approximate locations of several volcanoes
using a marking pen.
3. Place the earthquake plastic sheet over the volcano plastic sheet.

1. What similarities have you noticed between the two maps?

2. How are volcanoes distributed based on the map?
3. Where the volcanoes are specifically located?
4. How will you compare the location of majority of earthquake epicentres with the
location of volcanoes around the world? Refer to your plastic sheets.

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Activity 3
Top of the World


A. Describe the distribution of mountain belts around the world.

B. Explain the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake
epicentres, and mountain ranges.

Map of mountain ranges in the world

1 plastic sheet with the traces of earthquake distribution
1 plastic sheet with the traces of active volcanoes of the world
Paper, pen


1. Study Figure 1-Map of Mountain Ranges of the World.

Figure 1- Mountain ranges of the world

2. Look at the colored areas and observe the distribution of mountain ranges.

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3. Using the two plastic sheets (earthquake distribution and active volcanoes),
compare the locations of earthquake epicentres, active volcanoes, and
mountain ranges of the world.


Q1. How will you relate the distribution of mountain ranges with the
distribution of earthquake epicentres and volcanoes?
Q2. Where can we find earthquake epicentres, active volcanoes, and mountain
ranges of the world?
Q3. What theory governs the mechanisms of geologic activities which lead to
the formation of active volcanoes and mountain ranges?
Q4. What is Plate Tectonics Theory?

Mountain ranges are found in places where
volcanoes and earthquake epicentres are also located.
They are not randomly distributed and majority of them
are found in narrow zones, and along the edges of some
continents. The presence of volcanoes, earthquake
epicentres, and mountain ranges mark the boundaries
of tectonic plates.

Geologic features are brought by the theory of

Plate Tectonics. According to this theory, the Earth’s
lithosphere is separated into plates that move over the
asthenosphere, the molten upper part of the mantle.
This theory serves as foundation upon which we
understand the geologic processes that shape the

GENERALIZATION Plates are large pieces of the upper few hundred

kilometres of Earth that move as a single unit as it floats
above the mantle.

The plates are in constant motion. As they interact

along their margins, important geological processes take
place, such as the formation of mountain belts,
earthquakes, and volcanoes.

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How can you contribute to the government efforts in reducing damage due to
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions?


1. What is a volcano?
A. A large cloud that generates rain and lightning.
B. A violent shaking of the ground when two tectonic plates bump into each
C. An opening of the Earth’s crust where magma erupts to the surface.
D. A subducting plate boundary.
2. Earthquakes generally occur at plate boundaries when__________________.
A. Magnetic pull is strong
B. Most rocks are found
C. Stress on rocks is at its greatest
D. Stress on rocks is at its lowest
3. A break in the rock of the crust where rock surfaces slip past each other is
A. fault B. epicentre C. focus D. fold
4. The area in the mantle from which heat rises in the form of a thermal plume
from deep within the Earth is called___________________.
A. caldera B. hot spot C. hot plate D. plate boundary
5. What do earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building have in common?
A. They result from plate motion.
B. They cause major destruction.
C. They can be measured by seismograph.
D. They can occur simultaneously.
6. What is the point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s focus?
A. earthquake center C. fault
B. epicenter D. focus
7. Waves created by earthquakes that travel through Earth’s interior and along
Earth’s surface is called _____.
A. sound waves. C. light waves.
B. energy waves. D. seismic waves.
8. Places where plates meet are called __________.
A. rifts C. earthquakes
B. boundaries D. volcanoes
9. Which of the following is a wave of water caused by an earthquake under the
A. primary wave C. surface wave
B. secondary wave D. tsunami

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10.What is the tallest mountain in the world?
A. Mt. Apo C. Mt. Fuji
B. Mt. Everest D. Mt. Kilimanjaro


Using a long bond paper, illustrate an emergency kit. Include all the
necessary materials needed for the whole family. Explain why you include
those items, among others.

Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material
Grade 10 Science Teacher’s Guide
usgs. Gov./faqs

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I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to my family
and friends for their encouragement and overwhelming
support from the start until the end.

To my evaluator, Mr. Gayfred Comiros, for his time and

effort extended to improve the self- learning kit.

To our Education Program Supervisor in Science, Dr. Rufino

T. Tudlasan for his encouragement and guidance.

Most of all, to our Almighty God, for giving His endless

blessings, wisdom, and strength to make this self -learning
kit possible.

This self -learning kit will help you explore and understand the
natural processes and events around us. It will enhance your
understanding about the occurrence of earthquakes, volcanoes,
and mountain ranges around the world.

This kit is divided into different components and you are

encouraged to read and understand each component carefully.

First is the introduction that lays out what will be covered in

the entire lesson. Then, you will answer the pretest to evaluate
your prior knowledge about the topic. A series of activities will
follow which allow you to use and maximize your skills and
apply critical thinking in answering the questions after each
activity. Key concepts are provided after each activity to clarify
your doubts and confusion. After all the activities, summarized
key concepts are given to deepen your understanding about the
topic. Lastly, you will answer a post evaluation to assess your
learning about the entire lesson.

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Schools Division Superintendent


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS


Education Program Supervisor – Science



The writer, Fatima R. Juban, is presently a Junior High School

Science teacher of Canduman National High School. She
graduated Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in General
Science at Cebu Normal University.

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