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Science Week 1-2

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Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

This hybrid module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the hybrid module.

For the learner:

This hybrid module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be helped to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this hybrid module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the hybrid
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.

2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included in
the hybrid module.

3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your answers.

5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.

6. Return this hybrid module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn

We live in a modern world where the throb of alternating current generates electromagnetic
waves – from the television, the blender, the computer, the light bulbs, the wires in the wall.
We enjoy seeing things around us because of the presence of electromagnetic waves. Some
important breakthroughs in technology such as mobile communications, radar, television,
microwave ovens and many more are made possible because of electromagnetic waves.
We enjoy life because of electromagnetic waves.

As you sit and read this module, you are surrounded by electromagnetic waves you cannot
see or hear. Thus, part of our everyday undertaking is the exposure to the different forms of
electromagnetic radiations.

After going through this hybrid module, you are expected to:

Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic waves. (S10-FE-

1. Trace the development of electromagnetic waves.
2. Define electromagnetic waves.
3. Describe the transmission and propagation of electromagnetic waves.
4. Solve problems involving wavelength, frequency, and energy of an EM waves.
5. Compare the relative wavelengths, frequencies, and energies of the different regions of
EM waves.

Let’s Try
Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Scientists that contributed to developing equations that showed the relationship of
electricity and magnetism.
a. Hans Christian Oersted
b. Michael Faraday
c. Heinrich Hertz
d. James Clerk Maxwell

2. The person behind the formulation of the principle of electromagnetic induction.

a. Hans Christian Oersted
b. Michael Faraday
c. Heinrich Hertz
d. James Clerk Maxwell
3. Which of the following is not an electromagnetic wave?
a. gamma rays b. infrared c. X-ray d. sound
4. A common property of all waves is the relationship between the speed (v), the
wavelength (λ), and the frequency of the wave (f). The correct equation for this
relationship is which of the following?
a. v = f λ b. v = f/ λ c. f = v λ d. λ = vf

5. What is the disturbance that transfers energy?

a. data b. interference c. signal d. wave

The diagram below shows an electromagnetic spectrum:

6. The electromagnetic spectrum shows the complete range of frequencies of

electromagnetic waves from the lowest to the highest, including, in order, radio, infrared,
visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma ray waves. Which of the following statements
explains how the electromagnetic waves are produced?

A. Electromagnetic waves are produced when energy moves a substance, a

material, or a “thing” within a medium that will conduct the mechanical energy of motion
away from the source.

B. Electromagnetic waves are longitudinal waves that are produced when the
motion of the individual particles of the medium is in a direction that is parallel to the direction
of energy transport.

C. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that can be created by

accelerating charges, moving charges back and forth that produce oscillating electric and
magnetic fields, and this travel at the speed of light.

D. Electromagnetic waves are produced whenever two waves of identical

frequency interfere with one another while traveling opposite directions along the same

7. What can electromagnetic waves travel through that mechanical waves cannot travel
a. air b. vacuum c. water d. wood

8. A certain radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 675 kHz. What is the wavelength of
the radio waves?
a. 280m b. 324m c. 400m d. 444m

For item no.9 refer to the illustration below, right side (inside the box).

9. Which description is true about the radio waves in

the electromagnetic

a. It has the shortest wavelength

and highest frequency.

b. It has the longest wavelength

and lowest frequency.
c. It has the longest wavelength
and higher frequency.

d. It has the wavelength and

lower frequency.

10. How do the wavelength, frequency and speed of ultraviolet rays in vacuum compare with
those visible light?
Wavelength Frequency Speed
A Longer Higher Slower
B Longer Lower Same
C Same Lower Slower
D Shorter Higher Same

11. Which two waves lie at the end of the visible spectrum?

a. infrared and Ultra-violet rays

b. Radio waves and Microwaves
c. Radio and X-rays
d. X-rays and Gamma rays

12. In the visible spectrum, which color has the longest wavelength?
a. Blue b. Green c. Red d. Violet

13. What type of electromagnetic waves have the most energy?

a. gamma rays b. radio waves c. ultraviolet d. X-ray

14. For visible light, which property of visible electromagnetic waves changes with color?
a. frequency and wavelength
b. amplitude and frequency
c. amplitude and light
d. wavelength and sound

15. Which of the following colors has the shortest wavelength?

a. red b. green c. yellow d. orange

Alternatively, please answer these questions above online!
Use the link on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop:
You will see the score after completing the test.
Write your score on the given circle.

Relative Wavelengths of
1 Electromagnetic Waves
Did you send text messages to somebody today? Or have you ever tried cooking in a
microwave oven? Did you know that these previously mentioned human activities make use
of microwaves? Microwaves carry energy, and so with the other kinds of electromagnetic
waves. But what are electromagnetic waves? How can these waves become useful to us?

Let’s Recall

Complete the K and W part in the given KWL CHART below. Write the things that
you already know in the previous lesson in the K part and what do you want to know more
about the present lesson in the W part.
Table 1: K-W-L Chart
What I Know What I Want to Know What I have Learned
(K) (W) (L)

Let’s Explore

The Electromagnetic Wave Theory

For a start, let us learn how the study of the electromagnetic waves came to
Do a research to find out who were the proponents on the formulation of
electromagnetic theory. You may use print and non-print references to gather your

information. You may limit it to 5 significant scientists. Be sure to indicate your

sources/references for proper acknowledgment.
The research work enabled you to gain information about the scientists who
made great contribution to the development of the electromagnetic theory. Your
gathered information will be useful in accomplishing the first activity

Activity 1
How it came about…

The Electromagnetic Wave Theory

(Adapted from APEX Physics LP Chapter 3 Lesson 3: Student Activity 3a: The
Electromagnetic Theory)


• Match the scientists with their contributions to the development of

the electromagnetic theory
• Make comic strips of the scientists’ contributions.


• 1 white cartolina
• 1 marker pen
• 1 pencil with eraser
• coloring materials (optional)


I. Match the scientists given below with their contributions.


_____ 1. Ampere a. Contributed to developing equations that

showed the relationship of electricity and
_____ 2. Faraday b. Showed experimental evidence of
electromagnetic waves and their link to light
c. Demonstrated the magnetic effect based on the
_____ 3. Hertz the direction of current
d. Formulated the principle behind electro-
magnetic induction.
_____ 4. Maxwell e. Showed how a current carrying wire behaves
like a magnet

_____ 5. Oersted

II. Using the information that you are going to research about the scientists who
made great contribution to the development of the electromagnetic theory, make
a concept web/comic strips of the contributions of the following scientists.

A. Ampere
B. Faraday C. Hertz
D. Maxwell
E. Oersted


1. What new insights/learning did you get about our natural world? How did
it changes your view about light?

Let’s Elaborate

The Electric and Magnetic Fields Together

Accelerating electrons produce electromagnetic waves. These waves are a
combination of electric and magnetic fields. A changing magnetic field produces an
electric field and a changing electric field produces a magnetic field. As accelerated
electrons produce an electric field of wave, the varying electric field oscillate
perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the propagating wave.

Electromagnetic Wave

Please watch and learn this topic online!

Click the given link below on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop

All electromagnetic waves can travel through a medium but unlike other
types of waves, they can also travel in a vacuum. They travel in vacuum at a speed
of 3X108 m/s and denoted as c, the speed of light. The wave speed, frequency, and
wavelength are related by the following equation:

v = = λf

where v is the wave speed, or c (speed of light) expressed in meters per second, the
frequency f is expressed in Hertz and the wavelength λ is expressed in meters.

Since all the EM waves have the same speed and that is equal to the speed of
light, as wavelength decreases, the frequency of the wave increases.

Through the years, the advancement on the knowledge about

electromagnetic waves led us to the modern technological world.

Sample Problem:

(Assume that the waves propagates in a vacuum.)

1. What is the frequency of radio waves with wavelength of 20 m?

Given: v = 3 x 108 m/s
λ = 20 m

Formula: v = c = λf
f = v/ λ

f = 3 x 108 m/s
20 m

f = 1.5 x 10 7

2. What is the wavelength of light waves with the frequency of 5 x 10-7 m?

Given: v = 3 x 108 m/s
f = 5 x 10-7 Hz

Formula: v = c = λf
λ = v/ f

λ = 3 x 108 m/s
5 x 10-7 Hz

λ = 6.10 x 10 14

Check your understanding!

Are these statements true? If not, correct them.
1. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through vacuum.
2. A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy.
3. Most EM waves are invisible and undetectable.

(Assume that the waves propagate in a vacuum.)

1. What is the frequency of microwaves with wavelength of 35 m?

2. What is the frequency of infrared with wavelength of 7.5 x 10 -9 m?

3. A radio wave has a frequency of 1 x 106 Hz. What is its wavelength?

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum covers a broad range of EM waves which are
arranged according to wavelength, frequency, and energy. It includes radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays. Figure
below shows the electromagnetic spectrum and its various regions. EM waves with

longer wavelengths are located on the left side of the spectrum, while EM waves
with shorter wavelengths are on the right side. The narrow region within the
spectrum is the visible light.

Please watch and learn this topic online!

Click the given link below on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop
Table shows the relative wavelength, frequency, and the energy of each of the
different types of electromagnetic waves.

The electromagnetic waves’ wavelengths, frequencies, and energies

Let’s Dig In

Activity 2: Compare Me!

Compare the relative wavelengths, frequencies and energies of the different
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Compare the following EM Waves Description (lower, higher
, longer, shorter)

1. Radio wave is ________ in wavelength than the

gamma ray.

2. Microwave is ___________ in energy than


3. Visible light is ____________ in frequency than


4. Radio wave is __________ in energy than


5. Infrared is __________ in wavelength than UV

6. Visible light is ______________ in frequency than

Radio wave.

Which of the EM wave has the following characteristics?
7. highest energy? _______________________
8. lowest energy? _______________________
9. longest wavelength? _______________________
10. shortest wavelength? _______________________
11. lowest frequency? _______________________
12. highest frequency _______________________

Let’s Remember

Complete the L part in the given KWL CHART below. Write the things that you have
LEARNED from the lesson.
K-W-L Chart
What I Know What I Want to Know What I have Learned
(K) (W) (L)
Let’s Apply

Activity 3: Electromagnetic Diary

Directions: Record your interactions with electromagnetic waves for at least 1 day.
Remember cell phones, sunlight, heat (ovens, heaters), microwaves, radios, remote
controls, wireless modems etc. Some example entries are given on the next page:

05:30 PM Switched on the lights at home. Visible Light Light bulbs

06:30 PM Checked email on my laptop using a Radio Wave Wireless router

wireless network

Time Activity Type of EM wave Produced by

Guide Questions:
1. What type of EM waves recorded most?
2. Are you agree that EM waves are essential to humans in our everyday lives?
Why? Why not?

Let’s Evaluate

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Scientists that contributed to developing equations that showed the
relationship of electricity and magnetism.
a. Hans Christian Oersted
b. Michael Faraday
c. Heinrich Hertz
d. James Clerk Maxwell

2. The person behind the formulation of the principle of electromagnetic

a. Hans Christian Oersted
b. Michael Faraday
c. Heinrich Hertz
d. James Clerk Maxwell

3. Which electromagnetic wave carries more energy than the others?

a. microwaves c. UV radiation

b. radio waves d. visible light

4. Waves that consist of both electric and magnetic fields moving together
periodically in space.

a. Electromagnetic waves c. Seismic waves

b. Longitudinal wave d. Tidal waves

5. Arrangement of electromagnetic waves according to photon energy, wave

frequency, and wavelength.

a. Electromagnetic radiation c. Electromagnetic wheel

b. Electromagnetic wave d. Electromagnetic spectrum

6. The electromagnetic spectrum shows the complete range of frequencies of

electromagnetic waves from the lowest to the highest, including, in order, radio,
infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma ray waves. Which of the
following statements explains how the electromagnetic waves are produced?

a. Electromagnetic waves are produced when energy moves a
substance, a material, or a “thing” within a medium that will conduct the
mechanical energy of motion away from the source.
b. Electromagnetic waves are longitudinal waves that are
produced when the motion of the individual particles of the medium is in a
direction that is parallel to the direction of energy transport.
c. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that can be
created by accelerating charges; moving charges back and forth will produce
oscillating electric and magnetic fields, and this travel at the speed of light.
D. Electromagnetic waves are produced whenever two waves of identical
frequency interfere with one another while traveling opposite directions along the
same medium.
7. What is the frequency of a wave that has a wavelength of 50m and a speed of
2500 m/s?

a. 500 Hz b. 50 Hz c. 5 Hz d. 5000 Hz
8. A certain radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 7.2 x 10 -8 Hz. What is the

wavelength of the radio waves? Assume that the waves propagate in a vacuum.

a. 1.12 x 10-16m b. 1.11 x 10-16 m c. 1.12 x 1016 m d.

1.11 x 1016m

9. What is the frequency range of UV radiation?

a. 3.5 x 109 - 3 x 1011 Hz

b. 3.5 x 1011 – 3 x 10114 Hz

c. 7 – 3 x 1016 Hz

d. 7.5 x 1016 – 3 x 1019 Hz

10. In the visible spectrum, which color has the longest wavelength?

a. Blue b. Green c. red d. Violet

11. What two waves lie at both ends of the visible spectrum?

a. Infrared and Ultra-violet rays

b. Radio waves and Microwaves

c. Radio waves and X-rays

d. X-rays and Gamma rays

12. Which electromagnetic waves have the shortest wavelengths and highest

a. Gamma Rays c. X-rays

b. Radio waves d. Ultraviolet rays

13. Electromagnetic waves that you can see are called:

a. Infrared c. X-rays

b. Microwaves d. Visible light

14. What is visible light composed of?

a. Gamma rays c. Red, orange, yellow, green. blue

and violet light

b. Radio waves d. Radar

15. What type of waves are used to transmit cellular telephone messages?

a. Gamma rays c. Microwaves

b. Radio waves d. Visible light

Alternatively, please answer these questions above online!

Use the link on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop:
You will see the score after completing the test.
Write your score on the given circle.

Let’s Extend

Directions: Read the article on the given link about electromagnetic waves and
visible spectra. This will give you more idea on how the electromagnetic waves are
produced. Be sure to make an outline of the important facts you get from reading
the given article.

Guide Questions:

1. How are electromagnetic waves produced?

2. How fast does an electromagnetic wave travel? How does it travel?

3. Discuss the importance of frequency, wavelength, and energy in the study of
electromagnetic wave? Would this determine how safe are electromagnetic
waves? Explain.

Please perform another activity online!

Click the given link below on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop.

Printed Materials:

Allen A. Espinosa et. Al, Discover Science 10, Philippine Copyright 2015 by DIWA

Science Learner’s Materials 10, First Edition 2015 DepEd Bureau of Secondary
Education Curriculum Development Division, pp. 143- 165

Learning Science Module 10, Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC),

GASTPE Program of the Department of Education, pp. 6-63

Electronic Sources:


Development Team of the Module


Content Evaluator: Mary Ann T. Ares – MT1 (SVNHS)

Reviewers: Avelyn R. Argente – MT1 (BNHS)
Merlin R. Favila – T-III (PNHS)
Jayar E. Longasa – MT1 (WBNHS)


DR. REA MILANA-CRUZ – (School Principal IV-WBNHS)

Management Team:
DR. MARGARITO B. MATERUM - Schools Division Superintendent
DR. MARIVIC T. ALMO - Education Program Supervisor- Science
DR. DAISY L. MATAAC - Education Program Supervisor- LRMS/ALS

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and PaterosUpper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

Email Address:

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