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Universiti Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Chemical & Bioengineering Technology

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Assignment (CLO3)
CBB 30503



The following criteria is used as the basis for evaluation of the report on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) according to the rubrics in the
table below.
Score Ranking
Item Assessed Unacceptable Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Score
Introduction No clear introduction The introduction is The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction clearly and
Definition of the main topic partly clear and clearly and and convincingly convincingly discussed and
Brief Introduction on states the main topic adequately discussed discussed. grabs the reader’s attention.
the topic the main topic
Content Some missing Some missing Most of the All of the informations are All of the informations are
 Present and informations. informations. informations are available. Information is available. Information is
future of Information may not Information is available. Information relevant and accurate. relevant and accurate.
biopharmaceutical be relevant. Not generally relevant but is generally relevant Statements are clearly Statement are clearly
clearly explained. not clearly explained. and clearly explained. explained and generally explained and well supported X5
 Potential Cause
 Other relevant supported with diagrams. with diagrams.

Conclusions No conclusion is made A conclusion is made Some conclusions Some conclusions are Some conclusions are
are reached but not reached and accurate reached, accurate and well
that accurate presented.
Organization and Not follow format. Not Partially follow Follow format of Follow format of writing; Follow format of writing; all
format well organized. format. Contents writing; all needed all needed sections needed sections present.
Contents show lack of show enough of sections present. present. Well organized Excellent organized and easily
knowledge. knowledge but still a Well organized. and easily followed. followed. Contents show full
few concept and Contents show Contents show full excellent knowledge of
ideas are loosely enough knowledge of knowledge of subject. subject.
connected. subject.
References No citation in text Some citations in text A few citations in text All citations in text are All citations in text are
are not available in are not available in available in list of available in list of reference
list of reference. list of reference. reference and follow the format

TOTAL (50 marks)

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