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Rapid Technology in Dental Biomechanics Vrtanoski Gligorce, Andonovic Vladan

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Vrtanoski Gligorce1, Andonovic Vladan2

Summary: The main purpose of the article is overview the advantages of rapid
technology in dental biomechanics, introduction and implementation in medical and
dental field and finally to view current and future status. In this field of science, complex
geometrical forms are ever presented and 3D data have to be processed where main
problem is how to collect data and how to design images. Rapid technology in dental
application such as restorative dentistry, implant dentistry and orthodontics will be
described as basic way in every process of additive manufacturing. However, dental
CAD/CAM systems are very important from the beginning of the process particular with
their graphical visualization and simulation. Some other details from this point of view
will be explained and general process introduction will be provided. Worldwide known
applicative software used in everyday rapid technology practice will be of great interest
offering state of the art overview in the mentioned area. Finally, an example will be
presented, with tendency to show the process for best understanding of above given
theoretically steps.
Key words: rapid technology, dental medicine, CAD/CAM technology, computer

Rapid Prototyping (RP) is new technology, mostly developing in the design and
manufacturing industry. This technology provides an great opportunity to receive
physical details and the model without machining and tooling or molding manufacture,
by transforming data from CAD-system. Rapid prototyping is the automatic
construction of physical objects using additive manufacturing technology [1,2]. The first
techniques for rapid prototyping became available in the late 1980s and were used to
produce models and prototype parts, in the mechanical engineering field, in order to
evaluate the ease of assembly and manufacture of designed products ahead of actual
production. Today, they are used for a much wider range of applications and are even
used to manufacture production-quality parts in relatively small numbers. Building a
prototype is usually based on solid models from CAD-systems or models with closed

PhD, Vrtanoski Gligorce, Skopje – R. Macedonia, University of Skopje - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
PhD student, Andonovic Vladan, Stip – R. Macedonia, University of Stip - Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, (

Vrtanoski Gligorce, Andonovic Vladan

surface contours. This model is divided into thin layers in cross section with a special
software, and the thickness of each layer is equal to the resolution of the equipment on
perpendicular coordinate [2,3]. Today, there are numerous terms for rapid prototyping,
including: freeform fabrication, solid freeform fabrication, autofab, automated freeform
fabrication, digital fabrication, 3D printing, laser prototyping, layer based
manufacturing, additive manufacturing, near net-shape form freeform fabrication,
layered manufacturing, solid imaging [5]. As overview of rapid prototyping technology,
it can be mentioned following: the manufacturing of the model is taking place layer by
layer from the bottom upwards which is based on the solid CAD file, production of
highly customised products is with no need of tooling, manufacturing of real models is
using directly solid 3D CAD files, and rapid manufacturing methods can result in time
reduction compared with the conventional manufacturing methods. Prototyping is a
mandatory step in the development of any new product creating a quality prototype,
similar to the future product. The device of rapid prototyping builds a model material by
layers sequentially, one after another, until getting the complete three-dimensional
model. Thus, the time of production the model does not depend on the complexity of
the geometry, but is determined only by the size of the prototype. This is one of the
major advantages of rapid prototyping systems compared with traditional technologies
such as such as machining or casting [6]. It is also necessary to note that for the
production model from RP it is not required expensive equipment, for casting, or
building programs for CNC machine tools in CAM systems, as occurs in machining.
These advantages are especially important in the manufacture of prototypes, when it is
made single products, but not a big series [6]. Unlike traditional technologies, such as
machining or molding, all the RP systems are set for the layer additive synthesis of the
models. The beginning of every RP system is a three-dimensional solid-state computer
model of the product, created in any 3D CAD program stored in the standard STL file
format. The process of RP can be shown on figure 1 as follows:

Fig. 1 RP process as a whole [2]

Rapid technology in dental biomechanics

A large number of competing RP technologies are available in the marketplace,

such as:
ƒ STL – Stereolithography,
ƒ SGC – Solid Ground Curing,
ƒ FDM – Fused Deposition Modeling,
ƒ BPM – Ballistic Particle Manufacturing,
ƒ SLS – Selective Laser Sintering,
ƒ LOM – Laminated Object Modeling,
ƒ MJM – Multi Jet Modeling, etc.
As all mentioned belong to additive technologies, their main differences are
found in the way layers are built to create parts. Some are melting or softening material
to produce the layers (SLS, FDM) where others are laying liquid materials thermosets
that are cured with different technologies. In the case of lamination systems, thin layers
are cut to shape and joined together [6].


Since each process may use different materials and different techniques for
building the layers of a part, each process employs the same basic steps, even in
dental medicine, listed below [7].
ƒ Create CAD model - for all additive processes, the designer must first use
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to create a 3-D model of the part.
ƒ Convert CAD model into STL model - Each form of CAD software saves the
geometric data representing the 3-D model in different ways. However, the
STL format (initially developed for Stereolithography) has become the
standard file format for additive processes. Therefore, CAD files must be
converted to this file format. The STL format represents the surfaces of the
3-D model as a set of triangles, storing the coordinates for the vertices and
normal directions for each triangle.
ƒ Slice STL model into layers - Using specialized software, the user prepares
the STL file to be built, first designating the location and orientation of the
part in the machine. Part orientation impacts several parameters, including
build time, part strength, and accuracy. The software then slices the STL
model into very thin layers along the X-Y plane. Each layer will be built upon
the previous layer, moving upward in the perpendicular direction to X-Y
ƒ Build part one layer at a time - The machine builds the part from the STL
model by sequentially forming layers of material on top of previously formed
layers. The technique used to build each layer differs greatly amongst the
additive process, as does the material being used. Additive processes can
use paper, polymers, powdered metals, or metal composites, depending
upon the process.
ƒ Post-processing of part - After being built, the part and any supports are
removed from the machine. If the part was fabricated from a photosensitive
material, it must be cured to attain full strength. Minor cleaning and surface
finishing, such as sanding, coating, or painting, can be performed to
improve the part's appearance and durability.

Vrtanoski Gligorce, Andonovic Vladan


Rapid prototyping technology is also useful in dental medicine for producing
medical models to assist diagnosis and simulate surgery [7]. In dental biomechanics,
rapid prototyping is a technology used to create models of any complexity directly from
digital data such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR).
Complex 2D images are converted into 3D models that can be easily manipulated for a
complete understanding of the anatomy and pathology [1]. Roadmap of rapid
prototyping with every step from start to finish used in dental medicine is given by
figure 2.

Fig. 2 Roadmap of rapid prototyping [1]

Complex 2D images are converted into 3D models that can be easily

manipulated for a complete understanding of the anatomy and pathologies [2,7]. This
process is shown on figure 3. This method consists of the following two steps:
ƒ Step 1: virtual modelling, see figure 3; this consists of using imaging
processing tools to create a virtual 3D model from DICOM made by
computer tomography (CT) or magnet resonace imaging (MRI) files.

Rapid technology in dental biomechanics

ƒ Step 2: physical modelling, see figure 3; the virtual prototype created

previously is built layer by layer through deposition of plaster powder.

Fig. 3 Plane images are converted into 3D [2]

When we talk about RP in dental medicine, the process can be shown in three
phases on figure 4, as follows.

Phase I: Digital geometry processing

Phase II: 3D digitalization

Phase III: 3D RP model

Fig. 4 Dental implants - the process in phases [2]

As a result of above mentioned steps in RP process, on figure 5 is shown end

products of that which are of great interests in dental medicine.

Vrtanoski Gligorce, Andonovic Vladan

Fig. 5 Possible end products of RP technology [2]

This paper is supposed to show actual state in rapid prototyping technology
used in denatal biomechanics. Doubtless, the last years, modeling by computer is
widely used day-to-day practices increasing application in medicine especially in dental
biomechanics. However, as already mentioned all along in this paper, the main issue
concerns additive technology with all phases of the rapid prototyping process in dental
medicine. In conclusion, it can be said that rapid prototyping technology is very usefull
in oral and maxillo facial surgery. Every future step in RP developing will be of great
interest for dental medicine.

[1] Daskalaki, A. (2009). Dental Computing and Applications. Max Planck Institute for
Molecular Genetics Germany.
[2] Andonovic, V.,Vrtanoski, G. (2009). New way of rapid technology used in dental
medicine. International Congress – Machines, Technologies, Materials. Paper
No.50, Sofia.
[3] Bernard, G. T., Karunakaran, K.P. (2009). Evolutions of rapid product development
with rapid manufacturing: concepts and applications. International Journal Rapid
Manufacturing, vol. 1. Issue 1, p. 3-18.
[4] Elghany, K.A. (2005). Rapid prototyping and Additive Manufacturing in Egypt.
Proceedings of Egyptian Association for Additive Manufacturing – EAAM. pp. 1-8.
[5] Bourell, D.L. (2009). Roadmap for additive manufacturing: Identifying the future of
freeform processing. The University of Texas Austin.
[6] Cohen, A. (2008). Vacuum Forming Applications Using Rapid Prototyping
Technology. White Paper, Objet Geometries.
[7] Chow, B.K.C. (2009). Applications of office-based three-dimensional technologies
including cone-beam computed tomography and rapid prototyping in the
management of maxillofacial trauma—literature review and a case report. Hong
Kong Dental Journal. vol. 6. p. 93-7.


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