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Module 1 Additive Manufacturing

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Additive Manufacturing

(Course Code:15ME82)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore-560060

1. Chua Chee Kai, Leong Kah Fai, “Rapid Prototyping: Principles & Applications”,
World Scientific, 2003.


1. Wohler's Report 2000 - Terry Wohlers - Wohler's Association -2000

2. Additive Manufacturing Technologies Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital
Manufacturing - I. Gibson l D. W. Rosen l B. Stucker
Course Outcomes

 At the end of the course, students will be able to,

1. Understand the different process of Additive Manufacturing using Polymer, Powder

and Nano materials manufacturing.

2. Analyze the different characterization techniques.

3. Describe the various NC, CNC machine programing and Automation techniques.
Module 1

Introduction to Additive Manufacturing: Introduction to AM, AM evolution, Distinction between AM

& CNC machining, Advantages of AM.

AM process chain: Conceptualization, CAD, conversion to STL, Transfer to AM, STL file

manipulation, Machine setup, build , removal and clean up, post processing.

Classification of AM processes: Liquid polymer system, Discrete particle system, Molten material

systems and Solid sheet system.

Post processing of AM parts: Support material removal, surface texture improvement, accuracy

improvement, aesthetic improvement, preparation for use as a pattern, property enhancements

using non-thermal and thermal techniques.

Module 1

Guidelines for process selection: Introduction, selection methods for a part, challenges of


AM Applications: Functional models, Pattern for investment and vacuum casting, Medical

models, art models, Engineering analysis models, Rapid tooling, new materials development, Bi-

metallic parts, Re-manufacturing. Application examples for Aerospace, defence, automobile, Bio-

medical and general engineering industries

Additive Manufacturing

MODULE 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

What is Additive Manufacturing?

• The term Rapid Prototyping (or RP) is used to describe a process for rapidly
creating a system or part representation before final release or commercialization.

• A recently formed Technical Committee within ASTM International agreed that new
terminology should be adopted & as per ASTM consensus standards now use the
term Additive Manufacturing.

• The basic principle of this technology is that a model, initially generated using a
3D CAD system, can be fabricated directly without the need for process planning.
Prototype fundamentals

Definition of a Prototype

A prototype is the first or original example of something that has been or will be

copied or developed; it is a model or preliminary version;

e.g.: A prototype supersonic aircraft.

Prototype fundamentals

Types of Prototype

The general definition of the prototype contains three aspects of interests:

(1) Implementation of the prototype; from the entire product itself to its sub-assemblies

and components,

(2) Form of the prototype; from a virtual prototype to a physical prototype

(3) Degree of the approximation of the prototype; from a very rough representation to

an exact replication of the product.

Additive Manufacturing – Layer Manufacturing

Often used terms:

Additive Additive Manufacturing (AM)
Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM)
Additive Digital Manufacturing (DM)

Layer Layer Based Manufacturing

Layer Oriented Manufacturing
Layer Manufacturing

Rapid Rapid Technology, Rapid Prototyping Rapid Tooling, Rapid Manufacturing

Digital Digital Fabrication, Digital Mock-Up

• 3D Printing, 3D Modeling

• Direct Manufacturing, Direct Tooling

Additive Manufacturing – Layer Manufacturing

“Additive Manufacturing” (AM) is a layer-based automated fabrication process for

making scaled 3D physical objects directly from 3D-CAD data without using part-
depending tools.

It was originally called “3D Printing”.

Additive manufacturing also refers to technologies that create objects, layer by layer
or sequential layering.

Additive Manufacturing – Layer Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, rapid prototyping or freeform

fabrication, is ‘the process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data,
usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies’
such as machining.

CAD image of a teacup with further images showing the effects of building using different layer
The Generic AM Process

Generic process of CAD to part, showing all 8 stages

Additive Manufacturing Evolution
Distinction between AM & CNC machining
Subtractive vs Additive Manufacturing
Distinction between AM & CNC machining

• Materials
• Speed
• Ease of use
• Accuracy, Size limitations & Geometric Complexity
• Programming
• Cost
• Environmentally Friendly
Advantages of AM Introduction

• Elimination of design constraints

• Allow parts to be produced with complex geometry with no additional costs related
to complexity
• Build speed; reduction of lead time
• Flexibility in design
• No expensive tooling requirements
• Dimensional accuracy
• Wide range of materials (polymers, metals, ceramics)
• Well suited to the manufacture of high value replacement and repair parts
• Green manufacturing, clean, minimal waste
Limitations of AM

• Part size
• Production series: Generally suitable for unitary or small series and is not relevant
for mass production.
• For small sized parts, series up to 25000 parts/year are already possible.
Limitations of AM

Material choice: Non weldable metals cannot be processed by additive manufacturing

and difficult-to-weld alloys require specific approaches.

Material properties: Parts made by additive manufacturing tend to show anisotropy in

the Z axis (construction direction).

• The densities of 99.9% can be reached, there can be some residual internal

• Mechanical properties are usually superior to cast parts but in general inferior to
wrought parts.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture

1. Conceptualization and CAD

2. Conversion to STL
3. Transfer and manipulation of STL file on AM machine
4. Machine setup
5. Build
6. Part removal and clean-up
7. Post-processing of part
8. Application
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture

Step 1: Conceptualization and CAD

• The generic AM process start with 3D CAD information.

• There may be a many of ways as to how the 3D source data can be created.
• The model description could be generated by a computer.
• Most 3D CAD systems are solid modeling systems with some surface modeling
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture

Step 2: Conversion to STL

• The term STL was derived from STereoLithograhy.

• STL is a simple way of describing a CAD model in terms of its geometry alone.
• It works by removing any construction data, modeling history, etc., and
approximating the surfaces of the model with a series of triangular facets.
• The minimum size of these triangles can be set within most CAD software and
the objective is to ensure the models created do not show any obvious triangles
on the surface.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture

Step 2: Conversion to STL

• The process of converting to STL is automatic within most CAD systems.

• STL file repair software is used when there are problems with the file generated by
the CAD system that may prevent the part from being built correctly.
• With complex geometries, it may be difficult to detect such problems while
inspecting the CAD or the subsequently generated STL data.
• If the errors are small then they may even go unnoticed until after the part has
been built.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture

Step 2: Conversion to STL

• STL is essentially a surface description, the corresponding triangles in the files

must be pointing in the correct direction; (in other words, the surface normal vector
associated with the triangle must indicate which side of the triangle is outside vs.
inside the part).
• While most errors can be detected and rectified automatically, there may also be a
requirement for manual intervention.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture

Step 3: Transfer to AM Machine and STL File Manipulation

• Once the STL file has been created, it can be sent directly to the target AM
• Ideally, it should be possible to press a “print” button and the machine should build
• the part straight away.
• However there may be a number of actions required prior to building the part.
• The first task would be to verify that the part is correct.
• AM system software normally has a visualization tool that allows the user to view
and manipulate the part.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture

Step 3: Transfer to AM Machine and STL File Manipulation

• The user may wish to reposition the part or even change the orientation to allow it
to be built at a specific location within the machine.
• It is quite common to build more than one part in an AM machine at a time.
• This may be multiples of the same part (thus requiring a copy function) or
completely different STL files.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture
Step 4: Machine Setup

• All AM machines will have at least some setup parameters that are specific to
that machine or process.
• Some machines are only designed to run perhaps one or two different
materials and with no variation in layer thickness or other build parameters.
• In the more complex cases to have default settings or save files from
previously defined setups to help speed up the machine setup process and to
prevent mistakes.
• Normally, an incorrect setup procedure will still result in a part being built.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture
Step 5: Build Setup

• The first few stages of the AM process are semi-automated tasks that may
require considerable manual control, interaction, and decision making.
• Once these steps are completed, the process switches to the computer-
controlled building phase.
• All AM machines will have a similar sequence of layer control, using a height
adjustable platform, material deposition, and layer cross-section formation.
• All machines will repeat the process until either the build is complete or there is
no source material remaining.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture
Step 6: Removal and Cleanup

• The output from the AM machine should be ready for use.

• More often the parts still require a significant amount of manual finishing before
they are ready for use.

• The part must be either separated from a build platform on which the part was
produced or removed from excess build material surrounding the part.

• Some AM processes use additional material other than that used to make the
part itself (secondary support materials).
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture
Step 7: Post Process

• Post-processing refers to the (usually manual) stages of finishing the parts for
application purposes.
• This may involve abrasive finishing, like polishing and sandpapering, or
application of coatings.
Additive Manufacturing Process chain
The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacture
Step 8: Application

• Following post-processing, parts are ready for use.

• Although parts may be made from similar materials to those available from other
manufacturing processes (like molding and casting), parts may not behave
according to standard material specifications.
• Some AM processes create parts with small voids or bubbles trapped inside
them, which could be the source for part failure under mechanical stress.
• Some processes may cause the material to degrade during build or for materials
not to bond, link, or crystallize in an optimum way.
Classification of AM processes
Classification of AM processes
Classification of AM processes

Layered Manufacturing (LM) processes as classified by Pham

Classification of AM processes

• Liquid polymer system

• Discrete particle system

• Molten material systems

• Solid sheet system

Classification of AM processes
Liquid polymer system

• Liquid-based RP systems have the initial form of its material in liquid state.
• The liquid is converted into the solid state.
• The first commercial system was the 3D Systems Stereolithography process
based on liquid photopolymers.
Classification of AM processes
Liquid polymer system

• The following RP systems fall into this category:

• Aaroflex
• 3D Systems’ Stereolithographic Apparatus (SLA)
• Rapid Freeze
• Cubital’s Solid Ground Curing (SGC)
• Two Laser Beams
• Sony’s Solid Creation System (SCS)
• Microfabrication
• CMET’s Solid Object Ultraviolet-Laser Printer (SOUP)
• Fockele & Schwarze’s LMS
• Autostrade’s E-Darts
• Light Sculpting
• Teijin Seiki’s Soliform System
• Denken’s SLP
• Meiko’s Rapid Prototyping System for the Jewelery Industry
• Mitsui’s COLAMM
Classification of AM processes
Discrete Particle Systems

• Discrete particles are normally powders that are graded into a uniform size and
shape and narrow distribution.
• The finer the particles the better, but there will be problems if the dimensions get
too small in terms of controlling the distribution and dispersion.
• The conventional 1D channel approach uses a laser to produce thermal energy in
a controlled manner to raise the temperature sufficiently to melt the powder.
• Polymer powders must therefore exhibit thermoplastic behavior so that they can
be melted and re-melted to permit bonding of one layer to another.
Classification of AM processes
Discrete Particle Systems

The two main polymer-based systems commercially available are the;

• Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) technology marketed by 3D Systems.

• The EOSint processes developed by the German company EOS.

Classification of AM processes
Discrete Particle Systems

Powder is by-and-large in the solid state. The following RP systems fall into this

• 3D Systems’s Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) • Aeromet Corporation’s Lasform Technology

• EOS’s EOSINT Systems • Precision Optical Manufacturing’s Direct
• Z Corporation’s Three-Dimensional Printing (3DP) Metal Deposition (DMDTM)
• Optomec’s Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) • Generis’ RP Systems (GS)
• Soligen’s Direct Shell Production Casting (DSPC) • Therics Inc.’s Theriform Technology
• Fraunhofer’s Multiphase Jet Solidification (MJS) • Extrude Hone’s PrometalTM 3D Printing
• Acram’s Electron Beam Melting (EBM) Process
Classification of AM processes
Molten Material Systems

• Molten material systems are characterized by a pre-heating chamber that raises

the material temperature to melting point so that it can flow through a delivery

• The most well-known method is the Fused Deposition Modeling system (FDM)
developed by the US company Stratasys.

• This approach uses an extrusion technique to deliver the material through a

nozzle in a controlled manner.

• Two extrusion heads are often used so that support structures can be fabricated
from a different material to facilitate part cleanup and removal.
Classification of AM processes
Molten Material Systems

• The 1D channel approach is very slow in comparison with other methods.

• The Thermojet from 3D Systems also deposits a wax material through droplet
based printing heads.
• The Thermojet approach, however, is not widely used because wax materials are
difficult and fragile when handled.
• Thermojet machines are no longer being made, although existing machines are
commonly used for investment casting patterns.
Classification of AM processes
Solid Sheet Systems

• One of the earliest AM technologies was the Laminated Object Manufacturing

(LOM) system from Helisys, USA.
• This technology used a laser to cut out profiles from sheet paper, supplied from a
continuous roll, which formed the layers of the final part.
• Layers were bonded together using a heat-activated resin that was coated on one
surface of the paper.
• Once all the layers were bonded together the result was very like a wooden block.
• A hatch pattern cut into the excess material allowed the user to separate away
waste material and reveal the part.
Classification of AM processes
Solid Sheet Systems

Solid form can include the shape in the form of a wire, a roll, laminates and pellets.
The following RP systems fall into this definition:

• Cubic Technologies’ Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) • CAM-LEM’s CL 100

• Stratasys’ Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) • Ennex Corporation’s Offset Fabbers
• Kira Corporation’s Paper Lamination Technology (PLT)
• 3D Systems’ Multi-Jet Modeling System (MJM)
• Solidscape’s ModelMaker and PatternMaster
• Beijing Yinhua’s Slicing Solid Manufacturing (SSM), Melted
• Extrusion Modeling (MEM) and Multi-Functional RPM Systems
• (M-RPM)
Liquid polymer system
Liquid polymer system

Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) Process

• 3D Systems was founded in 1986 by inventor Charles W. Hull and entrepreneur

Raymond S. Freed and its first commercial system marketed in 1988.

• It has been awarded more than 40 United States patents and 20 international
patents, with additional patents filed or pending internationally.
Liquid polymer system
Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) Process


The SLA process is based on the following principles

• Parts are built from a photo-curable liquid resin that cures when exposed to a laser
beam (photopolymerization process) which scans across the surface of the resin.

• The building is done layer by layer, each layer being scanned by the optical
scanning system and controlled by an elevation mechanism which lowers at the
completion of each layer.
Liquid polymer system
Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) Process

Schematic of SLA process

Liquid polymer system
Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) Process

• Stereolithography process creates 3D plastic objects directly from CAD data.

• The process begins with the vat filled with the photo-curable liquid resin and the elevator

table set just below the surface of the liquid resin.

• 3D CAD solid model file is loaded into the system by the operator.

• Supports are designed to stabilize the part during building.

• The translator converts the CAD data into a STL file.

• The control unit slices the model and support into a series of cross sections from 0.025

to 0.5 mm thick.
Liquid polymer system
Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) Process

• The optical scanning system directs and focuses the laser beam to solidify a 2D cross-
section corresponding to the slice on the surface of the photo-curable liquid resin.
• The elevator table drops enough to cover the solid polymer with another layer of the
liquid resin.
• A levelling wiper or vacuum blade moves across the surfaces to recoat the next layer of
resin on the surface.
• The laser then draws the next layer.
• The process continues building the part from bottom up, until the system completes the
• The part is then raised out of the vat and cleaned of excess polymer.
Liquid polymer system
Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) Process


• Models for conceptualization, packaging and presentation.

• Prototypes for design, analysis, verification and functional testing.

• Parts for prototype tooling and low volume production tooling.

• Patterns for investment casting, sand casting and molding.

• Tools for fixture and tooling design, and production tooling.

Liquid polymer system

• Parts are built, layer by layer, from a liquid photopolymer resin that solidifies when
exposed to UV light.

• Multiple parts may be processed and built in parallel by grouping them into
batches (runs) using Cubital’s proprietary software.

• Each layer of a multiple layer run contains cross-sectional slices of one or many

• The process is self-supporting and does not require the addition of external
support structures to emerging parts since continuous structural support for the
parts is provided by the use of wax, acting as a solid support material.
Liquid polymer system

Liquid polymer system

The Solid Ground Curing (SGC) System is produced by Cubital Ltd.

The Cubital’s Solid Ground Curing process includes three main steps:
• Data preparation
• Mask generation
• Model making
Liquid polymer system

Data Preparation

• The CAD model of the job to be prototyped is prepared and the cross-sections are
generated digitally and transferred to the mask generator.

• Cubital’s Solider DFE (Data Front End) software, is a motif-based special-purpose

CAD application package that processes solid model.
• DFE can search and correct flaws in the CAD files and render files on-screen for
visualization purposes.

• Solider DFE accepts CAD files in the STL format and other widely used formats.
Liquid polymer system

Mask Generation
Model Making

• A thin layer of photopolymer resin is spread on the work surface (2).

• The photo mask from the mask generator is placed in close proximity above the workpiece, and
aligned under a collimated UV lamp (3).
• The UV light is turned on for a few seconds (4).
• The part of the resin layer which is exposed to the UV light through the photo mask is hardened, the
unsolidified resin is then collected from the workpiece (5).
• The melted wax is spread into the cavities created after collecting the liquid resin (6).
• The wax in the cavities is cooled to produce a solid layer.
• The layer is milled to exact thickness, producing a flat solid surface ready to receive the next layer (7).
• SGC 5600, an additional step (8) is provided for final curing of the layer whereby the workpiece
travels under a powerful longitudinal UV lamp.
• The cycle repeats itself until the final layer is completed.
Liquid polymer system

General applications:Conceptual design presentation, design proofing, engineering testing,
functional analysis, exhibitions and pre-production sales, market
Tooling and casting applications: Investment casting, sand casting, and rapid, tool-free
Mold and tooling: Silicon rubber tooling, epoxy tooling, spray metal tooling, acrylic tooling,
and plaster mold casting.
Medical imaging: Diagnostic, surgical, operation and reconstruction planning and custom
prosthesis design.
Liquid polymer system

• The SOUP system is based on the laser lithography technology.

• The SOUP system has the option for XY plotter, which is easier to control and has

less optic problems than the galvanometer mirror system.

• The main trade-off is in scanning speed and the building speed.

• Parameters which influence performance and functionality are galvanometer

mirror precision for the galvanometer mirror machine, laser spot diameter, slicing

thickness and resin properties.

Liquid polymer system

Schematic of SOUP® system (Adapted from CMET brochure)

Liquid polymer system


The SOUP process contains the following three main steps:

1. Creating a 3D model with a CAD system: The 3D model of the part is created with a commercial
CAD system.
2. Processing the data with the SOUPware: Using SOUPware, can edit CAD data, repair its defects,
like gaps, overlaps, etc., slice the model into cross-sections and finally, SOUPware generates the
SOUP machine data.
3. Making the model with the SOUP units: The laser scans the resin, solidifying it according to the
cross-sectional data from SOUPware. The elevator lowers and the liquid covers the top layer of
the part which is recoated and prepared for the next layer.
4. This is repeated until the whole part is created.
Liquid polymer system

• Concept models
• Working models for form fitting and simple functional tests.
• Master models and patterns for silicon molding, lostwax, investment casting,
and sand casting.
• Medical purposes: Creating close to exact physical models of a patient’s
anatomy from CT and MRI scans.
Solid Sheet Systems

• Parts are built, layer-by-layer, by laminating each layer of paper or other sheet-form
materials and the contour of the part on that layer is cut by a CO2 laser.
• Each layer of the building process contains the cross-sections of one or many parts.
• The next layer is then laminated and built directly on top of the laser-cut layer.
• The Z-control is activated by an elevation platform, which lowers when each layer is
completed, and the next layer is then laminated and ready for cutting.
• No additional support structures are necessary as the “excess” material, which are
cross-hatched for later removal, act as the support.
Solid Sheet Systems


The process consists of three phases:

• Pre-processing
• Building
• Post-processing
Solid Sheet Systems


• Generating an image from a CAD-derived STL file of the part to be manufactured,
sorting input data, and creating secondary data structures.
• The LOM system software, calculates and controls the slicing functions.
• Orienting and merging the part on the LOM system are done manually.
• LOMSlice, provides a menu-driven interface to perform transformations (e.g.,
translation, scaling, and mirroring) as well as merges.
Solid Sheet Systems


(1) LOMSlice creates a cross-section of the 3D model measuring the exact height of the model and
slices the horizontal plane accordingly.
(2) The software then images crosshatches which define the outer perimeter and convert these
excess materials into a support structure.
(3) The computer generates precise calculations, which guide the focused laser beam to cut the
cross-sectional outline, the crosshatches, and the model’s perimeter.
(4) The laser beam cuts the thickness of one layer of material at a time.
Solid Sheet Systems

(5) After the perimeter is burned, the model’s boundary is “freed” from the remaining sheet.
(6) The platform with the stack of previously formed layers descends and a new section of material
(7) The platform ascends and the heated roller laminates the material to the stack with a single
reciprocal motion, thereby bonding it to the previous layer.
(8) The vertical encoder measures the height of the stack and relays the new height to LOMSlice.

This sequence continues until all the layers are built.

Solid Sheet Systems


LOM building process (Courtesy Cubic Technologies Inc.)

Solid Sheet Systems


Post-processing, includes separating the part from its support material and finishing it. The
separation sequence is as follows;

• The metal platform, home to the newly created part, is removed from the LOM machine.
• A hammer and a putty knife are all that is required to separate the LOM block from the platform.
• The surrounding wall frame is lifted off the block to expose the crosshatched pieces of the excess
• Crosshatched pieces may then be separated from the part using wood carving tools
Solid Sheet Systems


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) The laminated stack is removed from the machine’s elevator plate.
(b) The surrounding wall is lifted off the object to expose cubes of excess material.
(c) Cubes are easily separated from the object’s surface.
(d) The object’s surface can then be sanded, polished or painted, as desired.
Solid Sheet Systems


• Visualization
• Form, fit and function: LOM parts lend themselves well for design verification and
performance evaluation
• Manufacturing
• Rapid tooling
Molten Material Systems


• The principle of the FDM is based on surface chemistry, thermal energy, and layer
manufacturing technology.
• The material in filament (spool) form is melted in a specially designed head, which
extrudes on the model.
• As it is extruded, it is cooled and thus solidifies to form the model.
• The model is built layer by layer, like the other RP systems.
Molten Material Systems

Molten Material Systems
• A geometric model of a conceptual design is created on a CAD software which uses IGES or
STL formatted files.
• It is then imported into the workstation where it is processed through the QuickSlice and
SupportWork propriety software.
• Within this software, the CAD file is sliced into horizontal layers after the part is oriented for
the optimum build position, and any necessary support structures are automatically detected
and generated.
• The slice thickness can be set manually to anywhere between 0.172 to 0.356 mm depending
on the needs of the models. Tool paths of the build process are then generated which are
downloaded to the FDM machine.
Molten Material Systems


• The modeling material is in spools — very much like a fishing line.

• The filament on the spools is fed into an extrusion head and heated to a semi-liquid state.
• The semi-liquid material is extruded through the head and then deposited in ultra thin layers
from the FDM head, one layer at a time.
• The air surrounding the head is maintained at a temperature below the materials’ melting
point, the exiting material quickly solidifies.
• Moving on the X–Y plane, the head follows the tool path generated by QuickSlice generating
the desired layer.
Molten Material Systems


• When the layer is completed, the head moves on to create the next layer.
• The horizontal width of the extruded material can vary between 0.250 to 0.965 mm depending
on model.
• This feature, called “road width”, can vary from slice to slice.
• Two modeler materials are dispensed through a dual tip mechanism in the FDM machine.
• A primary modeler material is used to produce the model geometry and a secondary material,
or release material, is used to produce the support structures.
• The release material forms a bond with the primary modeler material and can be washed
away upon completion of the 3D models.
Molten Material Systems


• Models for conceptualization and presentation

• Prototypes for design, analysis and functional testing
• Patterns and masters for tooling.
Discrete Particle Systems


• Parts are built by sintering when a CO2 laser beam hits a thin layer of powdered material.
• The interaction of the laser beam with the powder raises the temperature to the point of
melting, resulting in particle bonding, fusing the particles to themselves and the previous
layer to form a solid.
• The building of the part is done layer by layer.
• Each layer of the building process contains the cross-sections of one or many parts.
• The next layer is then built directly on top of the sintered layer after an additional layer of
powder is deposited via a roller mechanism on top of the previously formed layer.
Discrete Particle Systems


• The SLS process creates three-dimensional objects, layer by layer, from CAD-
data generated in a CAD software using powdered materials with heat
generated by a CO2 laser.
• CAD data files in the STL file format are first transferred to the system where
they are sliced.
• SLS process starts and operates as follows:
Discrete Particle Systems

Discrete Particle Systems


1. A thin layer of heat-fusible powder is deposited onto the part building chamber.
2. The bottom-most cross-sectional slice of the CAD part under fabrication is selectively
“drawn” (or scanned) on the layer of powder by a heat-generating CO 2 laser.
3. The interaction of the laser beam with the powder elevates the temperature to the
point of melting, fusing the powder particles to form a solid mass.
4. The intensity of the laser beam is modulated to melt the powder only in areas defined
by the part’s geometry.
5. Surrounding powder remain loose compact and serve as supports.
Discrete Particle Systems


6. When the cross-section is completely drawn, an additional layer of powder is

deposited via a roller mechanism on top of the previously scanned layer.
7. This prepares the next layer for scanning.
8. Steps 2 and 6 are repeated, with each layer fusing to the layer below it.
9. Successive layers of powder are deposited and the process is repeated until the
part is completed.
Post processing of AM parts
Post processing of AM parts

Post processing techniques used to enhance components or overcome AM limitations.

These include:
1. Support Material Removal
2. Surface Texture Improvements
3. Accuracy Improvements
4. Aesthetic Improvements
5. Preparation for use as a Pattern
6. Property Enhancements using Non-Thermal Techniques
7. Property Enhancements using Thermal Techniques
Post processing of AM parts

Support Material Removal

Support material can be broadly classified into two categories:

• Material which surrounds the part as a naturally-occurring by-product of the build
process (natural supports)
• Rigid structures which are designed and built to support, restrain or attach the part
being built to a build platform (synthetic supports).

• Natural Support Post-Processing

• Synthetic Support Removal
• Supports Made from the Build Material
• Supports Made from Secondary Materials
Post processing of AM parts

Support Material Removal

Automated powder removal using vibratory and vacuum assist in a ZCorp 450 machine.
(Courtesy Z Corporation)
Post processing of AM parts

Support Material Removal

Flat FDM-produced aerospace part. White build material is ABS Breakaway support removal for (a) an FDM part (courtesy of Jim
plastic and black material is the water-soluble support material. Flowers) and (b) an SLA part.
(Courtesy of Shapeways. Design by Nathan Yo Han Wheatley.) (Courtesy Worldwide Guide to Rapid Prototyping web-site.
Post processing of AM parts

Surface Texture Improvements

• AM parts have common surface-texture features that may need to be modified for
• aesthetic or performance reasons.
• Common surface textures are: stair-steps; powder adhesion; fill patterns from
extrusion or beam-based systems; and witness marks from support material
• The post-processing utilized for surface texture improvements is dependent upon
the desired surface finish outcome.
• If a matte surface finish is desired, a simple bead blasting of the surface can help.
Post processing of AM parts

Surface Texture Improvements

• If a smooth or polished finish is desired, then wet or dry sanding and hand-
polishing are performed.

• It is desirable to paint the surface (e.g., with cyanoacrylate, or a sealant) prior to

sanding or polishing.
• Painting the surface has the dual benefit of sealing porosity and, by viscous forces,
smoothing the stair-step effect; thus making sanding and polishing easier and
more effective.
Post processing of AM parts

Accuracy Improvements

• There is a wide range of accuracy capabilities in AM.

• Some processes are capable of sub-micron tolerances, whereas others have
accuracies around 1 mm.
• Typically, the larger the build volume and the faster the build speed the worse the
accuracy for a particular process.
Post processing of AM parts

Accuracy Improvements

• There is a wide range of accuracy capabilities in AM.

• Some processes are capable of sub-micron tolerances, whereas others have
accuracies around 1 mm.
• Typically, the larger the build volume and the faster the build speed the worse the
accuracy for a particular process.
Post processing of AM parts
Preparation for use as a Pattern Often

• The parts made using AM are intended as patterns for investment casting, sand
casting, room temperature vulcanization (RTV) molding, spray metal deposition or
other pattern replication processes.
• The accuracy and surface finish of an AM pattern will directly influence the final part
accuracy and surface finish.
• As a result, special care must be taken to ensure the pattern has the accuracy and
surface finish desired in the final part.
• In addition, the pattern must be scaled to compensate for any shrinkage that takes
place in the pattern replication steps.
Post processing of AM parts

Aesthetic Improvements

• Aesthetics of the part is of critical

importance for its end application.
• A difference in surface texture between one
region and another may be desired (this is
often the case in jewelry).
• Finishing of selected surfaces only is
• In cases, where the color of the AM part is
not of sufficient quality, several methods
can be used to improve the part aesthetics.
• Another aesthetic enhancement (which also
strengthens the part and improves wear SLA part (a) before and (b) after chrome plating.
(Courtesy of Artcraft Plating)
resistance) is chrome plating.
Post processing of AM parts
Preparation for use as a Pattern Often

Rings for investment casting, made using a ProJet1 CPX 3D Printer (Courtesy
Post processing of AM parts
Property Enhancements using Non-thermal Techniques

• Powder-based and extrusion-based processes often create porous structures.

• The porosity can be infiltrated by a higher-strength material, such as
cyanoacrylate (Super Glue). Newer, proprietary methods and materials have
also been developed to strengthen various AM parts.
• One of the best known is the RP Tempering process (PAR3 Technology, USA).
• RP Tempering is a collection of materials and treatment operations used to
increase the strength, ductility, heat deflection, flammability resistance, EMI
shielding or other properties of AM parts
• using nano-composite reinforcements.
Post processing of AM parts
Property Enhancements using Thermal Techniques

• Many parts are thermally processed to enhance their properties.

• In beam deposition and PBF techniques for metals, this thermal processing is
primarily heat treatment to form the desired microstructures and/or to relieve
residual stresses.
• Traditional heat treatment developed for the specific metal alloy being employed
are commonly used.
• In some cases, special heat treatment methods have been developed to retain
the fine-grained microstructure within the AM part while still providing some
stress relief and ductility enhancement.
Guidelines for process selection
Guidelines for process selection

According to Wohler's and Associates, parts from AM machines are used for a
number of purposes, including:
• Visual aids
• Presentation models
• Functional models
• Fit and assembly
• Patterns for prototype tooling
• Patterns for metal castings
• Tooling components
• Direct digital/rapid manufacturing
Guidelines for process selection

Selection Methods for a Part

Decision Theory
There are three elements of any decision
• Options – the items from which the decision maker is selecting.
• Expectations – of possible outcomes for each option.
• Preferences – how the decision maker values each outcome.
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Methods for a Part

Approaches to Determining Feasibility

• Identifying suitable materials and AM machines to fabricate a part is complex.
• For each application, one should consider the suitability of available materials,
fabrication cost and time, surface finish and accuracy requirements, part size,
feature sizes, mechanical properties, resistance to chemicals, and other
application-specific considerations.
• In order to solve AM machine and process chain selection problems, one must
navigate the wide variety of materials and machines, comparing one’s needs to
their capabilities, while ensuring that the most up-to-date information is
Guidelines for process selection
Approaches to Selection

Most aid the selection in a qualitative manner.

Several methods have been developed in academia are based on the large
literature on decision theory.
The standard Selection Decision Support Problem (s-DSP) has been applied to
many engineering problems and has recently been applied to AM selection.
The word formulation of the standard s-DSP as shown below;
•Given: Set of AM processes/machines and materials (alternatives).
•Identify: Set of evaluation attributes. Create scales and determine importance.
•Rate: Each alternative relative to each attribute.
•Rank: AM methods from most to least promising.
Guidelines for process selection

Selection Example

An example of a capital investment decision related to the application of metal AM

processes to the production manufacture of steel caster wheels


• The caster wheel manufacturer is attempting to select an AM machine that can

be used for production of its small custom orders (steel caster wheels).
• It is infeasible to stock all the combinations of wheels that they want to offer,
thus they need to produce these quickly, while keeping the price down for the
Guidelines for process selection

Selection Example

An example of a capital investment decision related to the application of metal AM

processes to the production manufacture of steel caster wheels


The technologies under consideration are Direct Metal Deposition, Direct Metal
Laser Sintering, Electron Beam Melting, Laser Engineered Net Shaping,
Selective Laser Melting, and Selective Laser Sintering.

Readily available stainless steel material is used for this example.

Guidelines for process selection

Selection Example

An example of a capital investment decision related to the application of metal AM

processes to the production manufacture of steel caster wheels


• Before beginning the selection process, the uncertainty involved in the

customization process was considered.
• Since these caster wheels will be customized, there is a degree of geometric
uncertainty involved.
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example


Model of steel caster wheel

Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

• In this example, it is decided to allow customization of certain features.

• Only standard 12 mm diameter x 100 mm length bolts will be used for the inner
bore, therefore, these dimensions will be constrained.
• Customers will be allowed to customize all other features of the caster wheel
within allowable ranges for this model wheel, as displayed in the table below.

Caster wheel dimensions

Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

The alternative AM technologies will be evaluated based on 7 attributes that span

a typical range of requirements, as shown in the following section

Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS): UTS is the maximum stress reached before a material
fractures. Ratio scale [MPa].
Rockwell Hardness C (Hard): Hardness is commonly defined as the resistance of a
material to indentation. Ratio scale [HRc].
Density (Dens.): The density refers to the final density of the part after all processing
steps. This density is proportional to the amount of voids found at the
surface. These voids cause a rough surface finish. Ratio scale [%].
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

The alternative AM technologies will be evaluated based on 7 attributes that span

a typical range of requirements, as shown in the following section

Detail Capability (DC): The detail capability is the smallest feature size the
technology can make. Ratio scale [mm].
Geometric Complexity (GC): The geometric complexity is the ability of the
technology to build complex parts. It is used to refer to the ability to produce
overhangs. Interval scale (1–10).
Build Time (Time): The build time refers to the time required to fabricate a part, not
including post processing steps. Ratio scale [h].
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

The alternative AM technologies will be evaluated based on 7 attributes that span

a typical range of requirements, as shown in the following section

Part Cost (Cost): The part cost is the cost it takes to build one part with all costs
included. These costs include manufacturing cost, material cost, machine cost,
operation cost, etc. Ratio scale [$].
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

In this example, we examine two weighting scenarios (relative importance ratings).

Scenario 1
• Geometric complexity was most heavily weighted because of the significant
overhangs present in the build orientation of the casters.
• Build time and part cost were also heavily weighted because of their importance
to the business structure surrounding customization of caster wheels.
• Because of the environment of use of the caster wheels, UTS was also given a
high weighting.
• Detail capability was weighted least because of the lack of small, detailed
features in the geometry of the caster wheels.
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

In this example, we examine two weighting scenarios (relative importance ratings).

Scenario 2
All selection attributes were equally weighted.
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example
• Table shows the results of the evaluation of the alternatives with respect to the
• Weights for the two scenarios, called Relative Importance, are included under the
attribute names.
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

• On the basis of these ratings, the overall merit for each alternative can be
• Merit values for each scenario are shown in the Table along with rankings.
• Slightly different rankings are evident from the different scenarios.
• This indicates the importance of accurately capturing decision maker preferences.
• Process 4 is the top ranking process in both scenarios.
• Second choice could be Process 2, 3, or 6, depending upon preferences.
Guidelines for process selection
Selection Example

Table: Merit values and rankings

Guidelines for process selection
Challenges in Selection

• The complex relationships among attributes, and the variations that can arise
when building a wide range of parts make it difficult to decouple decision
attributes and develop structured decision problems.
• With a proper understanding of technologies and attributes, and how to relate
them together, meaningful information can be gained.
Guidelines for process selection
Challenges in Selection

When looking for advice about suitable selection methods or systems, it is useful to
consider the following points.

• The information in the system should be unbiased wherever possible.

• The method/system should provide support and advice rather than just a
quantified result.
• The method/system should provide an introduction to AM to equip the user with
background knowledge as well as advice on different AM technologies.
• A range of options should be given to the user in order to adjust requirements and
show how changes in requirements may affect the decision.
Guidelines for process selection
Challenges in Selection

When looking for advice about suitable selection methods or systems, it is useful to
consider the following points.

• The system should be linked to a comprehensive and up-to-date database of AM

• Once the search process has completed, the system should give guidance on
where to look next for additional information.
AM Applications
AM Applications
• Functional models
• Pattern for investment and vacuum casting
• Medical models
• Art models
• Engineering analysis models
• Rapid tooling
• New materials development
• Bi-metallic parts
• Re-manufacturing.
• Application examples for Aerospace, defence, automobile, Bio-medical and
general engineering industries
AM Applications
The Use of AM to Support Medical Applications

A CT (Computerized Tomography) scanner with sliced images and a 3D image created using this technology
AM Applications
The Use of AM to Support Medical Applications
• Surgical and diagnostic aids: Human models
• Prosthetics development
• Manufacturing of medically related products
• Tissue Engineering

Objet Connex process showing

3DP used to make a skull with vascular
A bone tumour highlighted using ABS vascularity inside a human organ
tracks in a darker colour
AM Applications
The Use of AM to Support Medical Applications

• Surgical and diagnostic aids: Human models

• Prosthetics development
• Manufacturing of medically related products: hearing aids
• Tissue Engineering: The ultimate in fabrication of medical implants would be the direct
fabrication of replacement body parts
AM Applications

Cast metal (left) and RP pattern for

Perfume bottles with different capacity Investment casting of fan impeller from
sand casting (Courtesy of Helysis Inc.)
RP pattern

SLA model of a patient’s facial details Polycarbonate investment-casting pattern (right) and the steel air inlet
housing (right) for a jet turbine engine (Courtesy DTM Corporation)
End of Module

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