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Heated Tool Butt Welding of Polyethylen Pipes: Run Þev Dobre, Gligor Þe Vrtanoski, Ljup Þo Trpkovski

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Runþev Dobre1, Gligorþe Vrtanoski2, Ljupþo Trpkovski3

Summary: The paper shows a part of the investigation results of the heated tool butt
welding of PE100 pipes, with a diameter Ø160 mm and with thickness of 8.00 mm.
Wildings were performed on several tests, during which a part of the parameters of the
welding regime were changed. Changes were made over the time of heating of the
tool, time of affection and intensity of pressure of the pipes over the tool - plate.
Serial of examinations for establishing the quality of the welded joint were performed
over the tests. A visual control and test of resistance to internal pressure was
performed. Test specimens were made from the welded pipes and a tensile and
bending test was performed.
Key words: polyethylene pipes, PE 100, butt welding, heated tool - plat

The use of pipe installations of plastic, polymer materials: pipes, knees,
pockets etc have been more and more implemented. For production of pipes and pipe
elements the most used polymer materials are: the polyethylene (PE) and
polyvinylchloride (PVC), also polyamide (PA) polypropylene (PP). [1.2]
The joining in production and installation of polymer elements is usually
performed by welding. According to DIN 1910 part 3, depending on the heat source
welding of polymers can be performed by: heated tool, heated gas, light beam,
ultrasonic, friction and high frequency heating. [3]
Welding of polymers is performed by combinations of heat and pressure, with
or without use of a filler material, depending on the shape of the joint and the thickness
of the basic material.
The development of the polymer welding begins in the year of 1935 with the
discover of polyvinylchloride (PVC). On 180 C PVC is in thermoplastic condition and
by use of pressure homogeneous joint is achieved. In 1938 welding by heated gas was
patented. In the second half of the fifties begin the intensive development and
implementation of the automatic polymer welding. [4.5]

Prof. PhD, Dobre Runþev, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Prof. PhD, Gligorþe Vrtanoski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, (
MSc. Ljupþo Trpkovski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

Dobre Runþev, Gligorþe Vrtanoski, Ljupþo Trpkovski

The last ten years the research of polymer welding has become more
intensive, because of the wider use of the polymer materials in the production of
important elements, as well as development of new kinds of polymer materials and
new technologies for their welding, like laser welding or hybrid polymer welding by
simultaneous perform of the laser beam and other heat source. [6.7]
Confirmation of the increased interest for research in this welding field is the
fact that from the beginning of 2007 DVS has begun with editing of a special scientific -
professional journal under title Joining plastics (Fügen von Kunststoffen), where the
latest scientific achievements are being presented. Few years before that, from 2004 to
2010 were issued more expert books about polymers and their joining. [6.9]


This procedure is used for welding of polymers in shape of plates or pipes. In
the case of plate the joining is performed by heated tool butt welding or by overlapped
welding, and in the case of pipe joining it is performed by heated tool butt welding or
by overlapped welding so called telescopic weld.
The surfaces that are joining are being heated until soften, with the help of the
heated tool, which can have different shape: plate, ring etc. The tool is heated most
frequently by electrical resistance.
Depending on the shape and the dimensions of the welded elements, this
procedure can be performed manually, mechanically or automatically with a special
welding device.
The welding processes it self is performed in several phases, shown on Fig. 1.

a. b. c.

d. e f.
Fig. 1 Phases of heated tool plate shaped butt welding

At the beginning the pipes are being put in two part bends clamps for accepting

Heated tool butt welding of polyethylen pipes

(a), after that it moves and makes alignment of jointing surfaces (b). In the next phase
the pipes are being separated and between them we position fitting with a milling cutter
which simultaneously makes alignment of both of the pipes, which are at the same
time pressured with a constant strength of the tool. After the planned heating time is
passed, the plate is released and the heated and softened jointing surfaces again are
pressured one to another, with certain pressure in certain time (e), after what the pipes
are being released from the bends clamps and that means that the welding is finished
(f). The process of welding is performed in time measured from several seconds to
several minutes; it depends on the type of the polymer, the shape and the dimensions
of the welded pipes.


Heated plate tool butt welding was performed on polyethylene pipes of PE 100,
with external diameter Ø 160 mm and thickness of the wall of 8.00 mm.
The welding was performed according to the regime defined in DVS 2207-1,
[9], having in mind the recommendations of the welding equipment producer. The
welding regime is chosen depending on the type of the polymer, the shape and the
dimensions of the welded samples, the area of the cross section that is being welded.
Fig.2. shows a graphic representation of the welding regime, with all the
welding phases and the changes of the temperature and the pressure during time.

T [ C]

p1 p5
p [N/mm


t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t [s]

Fig. 2 Regime of heated tool plate shaped butt welding

The welding regime is consisted of the following parameters:
T [ C] – heating temperature of the tool - plate,
p1 [N/mm2] – jointing surfaces pressure on the heated tool during the
p2 [N/mm2] – jointing pressure on the heating element,
p5 [N/mm2] – pressure between the jointing surfaces during cooling time,
t1 [s] – alignment of jointing surfaces,

Dobre Runþev, Gligorþe Vrtanoski, Ljupþo Trpkovski

t2 [s] – time of preheating of the jointing surfaces,

t3 [s] – time of the removal of the heating plate,
t4 [s] – time to achieve jointing pressure,
t5 [s] – cooling time of the pieces to be welded at jointing pressure,
t6= t4 + t5 [s] – welding time.
t7= t1 + t2 + t3 + t6 – total welding time.
Larger number of samples was welded, some of the parameters were with
constant value, and others were changed in different levels.
Constant parameters were:
T = 210oC – heating temperature of the tool – plate,
p1 = 0.15 [N/mm2] – jointing surfaces pressure on the heated tool during the
p2 = 0.38 [N/mm2] – jointing pressure on the heating element,
t1max = 8 [s] – alignment of jointing surfaces,
t3max = 8 [s] – time of the removal of the heating plate,
t5 = 18 [min] = 1080 [s] – cooling time of the pieces to be welded at jointing
pressure variable parameters:
p5 = 1.9 – 2.3 [N/mm2] – pressure between the jointing surfaces during cooling
t2 = 112 - 124 [s] – time of preheating of the jointing surfaces,
t4 = 7 - 9 [s] – time to achieve jointing pressure.
Welding of the samples was performed by combination of the variable welding
parameters given in table 1.

Table 1 Samples welding regime

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
t2 [s] 112 124 112 124 112 124 112 124 118
t4 [s] 7 7 9 9 7 7 9 9 8
p [N/mm2] 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.1


More examinations were made upon the welded samples for establishing the
quality of the butt weld. A visual control of the weld was performed upon all of the
samples, according to DVS 2202-1.
The mechanical examinations of share strength and bending were performed
on a standard specimen made from each welded sample. The examination of share
strength was performed according to DVS 2207 part 5 and DIN 53455, the examination
by bending was performed according to DIN 53452.
An examination of impermeability by inner pressure according to ISO 1167 was
performed upon special welded samples, combining the parameters like: S1, S8 and


By visual control of the welded samples and the control of the longitudinal cut
samples, from in and outside, flash shapes were noticed at the jointing, fig. 1e and 1f.

Heated tool butt welding of polyethylen pipes

No mistakes were established at the weld and its surrounding, according to

DVS 2202-1.
During the examinations by share strength all the samples broke at the basic
material far from the welded jointing, Fig 3.

Fig. 3 Share strength examined samples

The maximal hardness of the tested samples is in the interval Rm = 21.25 -

22.24 N/mm2, which are the standard values for this type of material. Capacity of the
welded joint is bigger than the capacity of the basic material and the welding does not
change the capacity of the basic material.
During the examination of bending 22 of total 27 welded samples, were bended
without breaking to angle of 160o, which is in the interval of standard values for this
type of material. Three samples showed a crack in the welded joint at angle of 120o,
and 2 samples showed a crack in the welded joint at the beginning at angle smaller the
10o, Fig.4.

Fig. 4 Samples examined by bending

Three separately examined samples, according to ISO 1167, were examined

on water impermeability by internal pressure on 20 oC temperature. All of the three
samples were prepared by the necessary supports and cups and than were sunk in

Dobre Runþev, Gligorþe Vrtanoski, Ljupþo Trpkovski

water pool. The test was finished with a resistance on internal pressure of 2.177 to
2.194 MPa during 60 minutes. All the samples resisted the test in determined time
without showing of permanent deformations, which confirmed the impermeability of the
weld and the basic material.
After the standard test, all the samples were tested on the maximal pressure of
the testing installation of 5.00 MPa. Permanent deformations were noticed at the basic
material, but a break – explosion did not occur, which confirmed the impermeability of
the welded samples, Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 The samples before and after the examinations on impermeability

Butt welded joint of polyethylene pipes performed by heated plate perform a
high quality. By use of optimal parameters in the welding regime we get a welded joint
without mistakes, with hardness higher than the hardness of the basic material, and
flexibility like the basic material, impermeability like the basic material.
Considering the high quality of the welded joint and the high mechanical
characteristics, the polymer pipe installations heated tool butt welded can be used as
elements in installations under high working pressure.

[1] Kienle, U. (1998). Schweißen von Kunstoffrohrmaterial, Jahrbuch Schweißtechnik
’99, DVS Verlag, p. 125-134.
[2] Renneebrg, H., Schneider,W. (1998). Kunststoffe im Anlagebau (Werkstoffe,
Konstruktion, Schweißprozesse, Qualitätssicherung), DVS Verlag.
[3] DIN 1910 Teil 3:1977, Schweißen von Kunststoffen – Verfahren.
[4] Hessel. J., Land, W., Schwarz, O. (1996). Schweißen von Kunstoffen, Jahrbuch
Schweißtechnik ’97, DVS Verlag, p. 235-246.
[5] Haberstroh, E., Wolters,L., Stagmaier, M. (2000) Kunststoffeschweißen – Teil 1,
Handwerkliche Verfahren, Schweissen & Schneiden, Heft 4, p. 214-224.
[6] Potente, H. (2004). Fügen von Kunststoffe (Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anwendung),
Karl Hanser Verlag München Wien.
[7] Wilhelm, G. (2004). Handbuch Kunststoff - Verbindungstechnik, Karl Hanser
Verlag München Wien.
[8] Franck, A. (2006). Kunststoff - Kompendium, Karl Hanser Verlag München Wien.
[9] N, N. (2006). Taschenbuch DVS-Merkblätter und – Richtlinien Fügen von
Kunststoffen, DVS Verlag.


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