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Dual-Polarized Multi-Resonance Antennas With Broad Bandwidths and Compact Sizes For Base Station Applications

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Received 20 September 2019; revised 18 November 2019; accepted 2 December 2019.

Date of publication 6 December 2019; date of current version 2 January 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/OJAP.2019.2958070

Dual-Polarized Multi-Resonance Antennas With

Broad Bandwidths and Compact Sizes for
Base Station Applications
HAI-HAN SUN (Student Member, IEEE), CAN DING (Member, IEEE),
HE ZHU (Member, IEEE), AND Y. JAY GUO (Fellow, IEEE)
Global Big Data Technologies Centre, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
This work was supported by the Australia Research Council (ARC) through DECRA under Grant DE200101347.

ABSTRACT In this paper, a novel design method for dual-polarized multi-resonance antennas is presented
for base station applications. The radiator of the antenna is configured as cross-dipoles with four thin
metal strips connected to the adjacent dipole arms. The attached strips create multiple current paths
and introduce additional resonant points. As a result, the bandwidth of the antennas is broadened while
maintaining a very compact size. Based on this working mechanism, two multi-resonance antennas are
designed, fabricated, and tested. The antennas achieve bandwidths of 46.7% and 66.7% respectively, with
excellent matching capabilities. The antennas also exhibit high port isolation levels and stable radiation
performances. The promising wideband performances with compact physical sizes make the antennas
highly suitable for the base station applications.

INDEX TERMS Bandwidth enhancement, dual-polarized antennas, multi-resonance antennas, compact


I. INTRODUCTION recently [2]–[15], it is still a challenge to meet all these

ELLULAR base station antennas (BSAs) are critical
C components in wireless mobile communication systems.
As the communication system evolves rapidly to the fifth
specifications simultaneously.
The cross-dipole antennas have been widely used in indus-
try due to its straightforward structure and robust radiation
generation (5G), antennas which can simultaneously support performance. The radiator consists of a pair of dipoles ori-
different standards and have high data capacity are in great ented perpendicular to each other and backed by a reflector.
demands. Multi-band antenna arrays with antenna elements Primitive cross-dipoles have the two sub-dipoles “isolated”
at different bands closely interleaved with each other are one from each other [2], [3]. The bandwidths they achieve are
of the development trends for BSAs. This, however, placed limited (less than 25%). To improve the bandwidth, tightly-
stringent requirements on single antenna elements. For coupled cross-dipoles (TCCDs) are developed [4]–[8]. The
3G/4G BSA elements, the industrial specifications include sub-dipoles are closely spaced to introduce strong mutual
the ±45◦ dual-polarized radiation, wide bandwidth with good coupling and bring another resonance [4]–[6]. The resul-
matching, high port isolation, and consistent radiation per- tant bandwidth could be enhanced to more than 45%. To
formances. In addition, practical considerations of reducing further broaden the bandwidth, parasitic elements such as
BSA’s weight, wind load, and fabrication cost require the strips, disks, or loops are introduced on different layers near
antenna element to have simple and robust antenna structures the radiators [9], [10]. The bandwidth can be enhanced to
with compact sizes [1]. The small size of antenna ele- more than 60%, but at the expense of the antenna sizes and
ments also reduces the mutual coupling and cross-band fabrication complexity.
interferences when applied in antenna arrays. Although there The square-dipole-array antennas are another popular
have been increasing research activities on BSA elements choice in base station applications [11]–[14]. The radiator
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see

VOLUME 1, 2020 11

FIGURE 1. Perspective view of the multi-resonance antenna.

consists of four end-to-end dipoles forming a square loop.

The four dipoles are excited simultaneously for each polar-
FIGURE 2. Configuration of the multi-resonance radiator.
ization. Wide bandwidth with stable radiation performances
have been achieved, but the antennas usually occupy a large
space, which limits their applications in antenna arrays.
The challenging industrial requirement of the wide band-
width and small antenna size remains an urgent issue to be
addressed for BSAs. In this paper, we present a novel con-
figuration of multi-resonance antennas to achieve a broad
bandwidth with a very compact size. The radiator is formed
by cross-dipoles with four thin metal strips connected to the
adjacent dipole arms. The presence of metal strips brings in
multiple current paths at different frequencies when the radi-
ator is excited, thus introducing additional resonant points.
By carefully optimizing the strips’ dimensions, the additional
resonant points can be tuned in the targeted band, resulting in
a broadened bandwidth with good matching capability. The
introduced strips do not increase the physical dimensions of
the antenna, therefore, a compact antenna configuration can
be guaranteed. Two dual-polarized multi-resonance antennas
are designed and tested. The experimental results demon-
strate that the antennas have wide operating bandwidths, high
port isolations, stable radiation performances, and compact
sizes, thus being highly suitable for base station applications.


Fig. 1 gives the perspective view of the dual-polarized
multi-resonance antenna. The antenna consists of the multi-
resonance radiator, two baluns for balanced feeding and FIGURE 3. Current distributions at the multi-resonance radiator at (a) 1.8 GHz
impedance matching, and a reflector for directional radiation. and (b) 2.3 GHz.

Two coaxial cables are connected to two baluns to feed the

antenna, with the outer conductors attached to the ground, perpendicularly positioned with each other, and four thin
and the inner conductors soldered on the transmission lines metal strips connected to adjacent dipole arms. By exciting
of baluns. The radiator is mounted above the reflector with each pair of dipole arms, +45◦ or −45◦ -polarized radiation
a distance of 32 mm. The substrate used has a dielectric can be obtained. The excitation for −45◦ -polarized radiation
constant of 4.4, a loss tangent of 0.0025, and a thickness of is shown in Fig. 2 as a demonstration.
1.0 mm. The antenna is designed to cover 4G LTE bands To illustrate its working mechanism, the current dis-
from 1.71 GHz to 2.69 GHz. tributions at 1.8 GHz and 2.3 GHz are shown in
Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) respectively. At 1.8 GHz, there are
A. WORKING MECHANISM OF THE MULTI-RESONANCE three dominate current paths for −45◦ -polarized radiation.
RADIATOR One path is along the driven arms, and two are along
A detailed view of the multi-resonance radiator is shown in the connecting strips. The current distribution indicates that
Fig. 2. The radiator consists of two pairs of dipole arms the radiator resembles an irregular-shaped three-arm folded

12 VOLUME 1, 2020
dipole. At 2.3 GHz, the currents are accumulated along the
four connecting strips, with some extending to the side of
dipole arms. The current distribution on each strip resem-
bles the short dipole case, and the −45◦ -polarized radiation
is achieved by the co-radiation of four current paths. The
current distributions in Fig. 3 show that there are different
dominant current paths at different frequencies on the same
radiator’s aperture, which helps to achieve multiple resonant
points across a wideband with a compact configuration.
For the presented radiator, two parameters are directly
related with the length of current paths, which are the
length of dipole LD, and the length of the connecting strip
LS. Therefore, these two parameters will have dominating
impacts on the resonant points and the input impedances
of the radiator. The input reactance and resistance with dif-
ferent LD and LS values are shown in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b).
Obviously, there are two resonant points (reactance = 0) at
all reactance curves, suggesting the radiator exhibits intrinsic
dual-resonant property. As shown in Fig. 4(a), LD mainly
influences the first resonant frequency at a lower band.
Increasing LD moves the first resonant point to a lower
frequency. As shown in Fig. 4(b), LS dominates the second
resonant frequency at a higher band. Increasing LS decreases
the second resonant frequency. These findings agree with
the current distribution in Fig. 3 that LD and LS determine
the length of current paths in the lower and higher bands,
It is also noted from Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) that the radi-
ator has a relatively large resistance level, and that larger
LD or smaller LS increase the resistance across the band.
Therefore, appropriate values should be selected to make the
radiator have desired resonance frequencies and reasonable
resistance level for impedance matching. Other parameters
of the radiator shown in Fig. 2 also have certain effects on
the input impedance, and they are optimized in the design
process as well. The optimized dimensions of the radia-
tor are LD = 27.5 mm, WD = 12 mm, LS = 29.7 mm,
WS = 0.8 mm and G = 11 mm. The input impedance is
shown in Fig. 4(c). Across the targeted band from 1.7 GHz
to 2.7 GHz, the radiator has two resonant frequencies at FIGURE 4. The influence of (a) dipole length LD, and (b) strip length LS on the input
1.85 GHz and 2.22 GHz with impedance varies from 125  reactance and resistance of the multi-resonance radiator. (c) The input impedance of
the radiator with optimized dimensions.
to 260 . Later on, baluns are designed to match the radiator,
which will be explained in the next section.

B. IMPEDANCE MATCHING OF THE MULTI-RESONANCE to avoid overlapping with each other. The optimized dimen-
ANTENNA sions are marked in the figures. As the working mechanism
To provide balanced feeds to the multi-resonance dipole radi- and implementation of baluns have been thoroughly carried
ators and transform the input impedance for matching, two out in [14]–[16], we here only briefly describe the matching
baluns are designed following the guidelines in [14]–[16]. process of this multi-resonance antenna.
The circuit model of the balun are shown in Fig. 5(a). It As shown in Fig. 5(a), the input impedance of the radiator
consists of two line-transformers TL1 and TL2 and a series is firstly connected with the series resonator, then trans-
resonator formed by open circuit line (OCL) and short circuit formed by two line-transformers and fed by a 50  port.
line (SCL). The optimized values of the circuit compo- The transformed input reactance and resistance at different
nents are listed in Table 1. The balun is implemented with matching stages are plotted in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b) respec-
microstrip structures, as shown in Fig. 5(b). The feed lines tively. According to Fig. 6(a), the radiator has two resonant
for the two baluns are arranged at slightly different heights frequencies at 1.85 GHz and 2.22 GHz. The series resonator

VOLUME 1, 2020 13

FIGURE 6. (a) Input reactance and (b) input resistance of the antenna at different
FIGURE 5. (a) Circuit model, and (b) microstrip realization of the baluns. stages.

TABLE 1. Optimized values for circuit components in baluns.

introduces another resonant point at 2.46 GHz and allevi-

ates the fluctuation of reactance across the band. The series FIGURE 7. Matching results of the antenna with circuit balun and microstrip balun.
resonator has little effects on first two resonant points. The
line-transformers bring the fourth resonant point at 2.67 GHz,
and move the first three points to 1.72 GHz, 2.04 GHz,
and 2.41 GHz respectively. The variation of reactance is
further smoothed with the line transformers, and the final
reactance fluctuates around 0 across the targeted band. As
shown in Fig. 6(b), the radiator alone has a quite high
resistance within the designed band. The series resonator
reduces the resistance at the high band from 2.2 GHz to
2.7 GHz. The line transformers as the key components
transform the resistance to around 50 . With the help
of the baluns, the designed antenna achieves four resonant FIGURE 8. Fabricated prototype of the dual-polarized multi-resonance antenna.
points and nearly 50  resistance across the band from
1.7 GHz to 2.7 GHz. The matching results of the circuit
model and realized microstrip model are shown in Fig. 7. C. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
The two results agree well with each other, and both are well The dual-polarized multi-resonance antenna has been fab-
matched to reflection coefficient < −15 dB from 1.69 GHz ricated and tested. The fabricated prototype is shown in
to 2.7 GHz. Fig. 8. The S-parameters of the antenna are shown in Fig. 9.

14 VOLUME 1, 2020
FIGURE 11. Simulated and measured HPBW and realized gain of the dual-polarized
FIGURE 9. Simulated and measured S-parameters of the dual-polarized multi-resonance antenna.
multi-resonance antenna.


As introducing strong mutual coupling between dipole
arms can bring in another resonance [4]–[8], in this sec-
tion, we present a tightly-coupled multi-resonance (TCMR)
antenna to further broaden bandwidth of the dual-polarized
The configuration of the TCMR antenna is shown in
Fig. 12. Same with the antenna I, this antenna con-
sists of the radiator, two baluns, and a flat reflector. The
radiator is mounted above the reflector with a distance
of 34 mm.


The detailed view of TCMR radiator is shown in Fig. 12(b).
Fan-shaped dipoles are used as radiators and a strong
mutual coupling is introduced by compactly arranging the
antenna arms. Four metal strips are attached to the dipole
FIGURE 10. Horizontal radiation patterns of +45◦ -polarized radiation of arms to introduce additional current paths. The fan-shaped
dual-polarized multi-resonance antenna at (a) 1.7 GHz, (b) 2.2 GHz, and (c) 2.7 GHz. arm is composed of a triangular patch and a semi-circular
patch. The relationship of the parameters L1, A, and R is
L1 = R × (1 + 1/tan(A/2)). In this configuration, the four
The simulated and measured results are in good agreement. connecting strips are printed on the bottom layer of the sub-
The results demonstrate that the antenna has a bandwidth strate and connected to the dipole arms on the top layer
of 46.7% from 1.69 GHz to 2.72 GHz with reflection using vias at the four corners. This double-layer arrange-
coefficients less than −15 dB. Across the band, the measured ment is made because the TCCD arms are very fat, and if
|S21 | is less than −35 dB, which guarantees a very high iso- the connecting strips and the antenna arm are placed on the
lation level between the two ports. The radiation patterns same layer, the connecting strip is too short to operate in
in the horizontal plane (xz-plane) are shown in Fig. 10. The the target frequency band.
measured results agree well with the simulated ones, and the The arm length L1 , the strip length L2 , and the
patterns are symmetrical and stable across the wide band. angle A have large influences on the input impedance.
For the cross-polarization discrimination (XPD), the simu- The input impedance with different parameters are plotted
lated results are > 22.5 dB at boresight, and > 9 dB within in Figs. 13(a)-13(c). It can be noted that all the reac-
±60◦ coverage, whereas the measured results are >19 dB tance curves have three resonant points, which indicates that
at boresight, and > 10 dB within ±60◦ coverage. The sim- the radiator has an inherent three-resonance characteristic.
ulated and measured half-power beamwidth (HPBW) and Figs. 13(a) and 13(b) show that the dipole length L1 and
gain results are shown in Fig. 11. With a flat metal reflector, the strip length L2 mainly affects the first and the second
the antenna has very stable radiation patterns with horizon- resonant points, respectively. A larger L1 results in a lower
tal HPBW of 68.7◦ ± 2.5◦ for the two polarizations. The first resonant frequency, and a larger L2 leads to a lower
realized gain is 8.6 ± 0.9 dBi. second resonant frequency. Fig. 13(c) shows that the first

VOLUME 1, 2020 15

FIGURE 12. (a) Perspective view of the RCMR antenna. (b) Detailed view of the
TCMR radiator. (c) Detailed views of the two baluns.

resonant point is insensitive to angle A, but the positions

of the second and third resonant points vary greatly with
different A values. Increase A increases the mutual coupling
between dipoles, which moves the second and third resonant
points to a lower frequency. Based on the analysis above, FIGURE 13. The input resistance and reactance of the TCMR radiator with different
it can be concluded that the first resonance is generated by values of (a) L1, (b) L2, (c) A, and (d) optimized dimensions. The transformed
impedance of the antenna with the optimized balun is also shown in (d).
the dipole arms; the second resonance is produced by the
combined effects of connecting strips and the mutual cou- Figs. 13(a)-13(c) also shows the influences of the three
pling between arms; the third resonance is introduced by the parameters on the input resistance. Among them, the param-
mutual coupling between dipole arms. eter A has the greatest influence. As shown in Fig. 13 (c),
16 VOLUME 1, 2020
FIGURE 14. Fabricated prototype of the dual-polarized tightly-coupled
multi-resonance antenna.
FIGURE 15. S-parameters of the dual-polarized tightly-coupled multi-resonance
TABLE 2. Optimized values for circuit components in baluns for TCMR antenna. antenna.

larger A dramatically reduces the resistance and alleviates

the variation across the band, making the radiator easier
to match.
The optimized dimensions of the radiator are L1 =
30.5 mm, A = 83.6◦ , L2 = 28 mm, W = 0.8 mm, and
G = 0.56 mm. The substrate has a dielectric constant of 3.48,
a loss tangent of 0.0037, and a thickness of 0.76 mm. The
input impedance of the radiator with the optimized parame-
ters is shown in Fig. 13(d). Three resonant points appear at
1.78 GHz, 2.28 GHz, and 2.85 GHz. The resistance varies
from 60  to 140  from 1.7 GHz to 3.3 GHz. The three
resonant points and the smooth resistance variation of the
radiator make it possible to achieve broadband matching with FIGURE 16. Radiation patterns of the dual-polarized tightly-coupled
a simple feeding structure. multi-resonance antenna at (a) 1.7 GHz, (b) 2.2 GHz, (c) 2.7 GHz, and (d) 3.2 GHz.

The feeding structure for the TCMR radiator is the same

with the Antenna I, as shown in Fig. 5(a). The parameters antenna is shown in Fig. 15. The antenna has a measured
of the circuit components are optimized for this case, and bandwidth of 66.7% from 1.65 GHz to 3.30 GHz with reflec-
are listed in Table 2. Similar to the matching process of the tion coefficients for the two ports less than −15 dB. Across
Antenna I, the optimized feeding structure adds another res- the band, the port isolation is above 28 dB. The simulated
onant point, and transforms the resistance to around 50  and measured radiation patterns are shown in Fig. 16. The
across the target band. The final input impedance of the patterns are very symmetrical and stable. The measured XPD
TCMR antenna is shown as the dash lines in Fig. 13 (d). is > 17 dB at boresight. The HPBW and gain results are
There are four resonant points at 1.77 GHz, 2.13 GHz, shown in Fig. 17. The simulated and measured HPBWs of
2.56 GHz, and 3.04 GHz and the resistance varies around the radiation patterns vary within 78.0◦ ± 6.5◦ , and 76.0◦ ±
50  across the band from 1.7 GHz to 3.3 GHz. The 8.5◦ respectively for the two polarized radiation across the
antenna is well-matched across the band. The detailed con- operating band. The realized gain is 7.9 ± 1.0 dBi.
figurations of the realized microstrip baluns are shown in
The two designed antennas are compared with state-of-the-
B. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF THE TCMR ANTENNA art BSAs, as listed in Table 3. The antennas are sorted by
The antenna is also fabricated and tested, as shown in Fig. 14. the bandwidth. The antenna size here is defined as the sizes
The antenna has a very compact size of 0.43×0.43×0.28λ30 . of the radiators and the heights of the radiators above the
λ0 is the wavelength at the middle operating frequency reflectors. The size of the reflector is not considered as
2.47 GHz. The simulated and measured S-parameters of the the elements are usually applied in arrays with a common

VOLUME 1, 2020 17

four thin metal strips, different dominating current paths

are created at different frequencies, and additional resonant
points are introduced without increasing the physical size of
the radiator. As a result, the antenna can achieve a broader
bandwidth with a very compact and simplified configura-
tion. As a demonstration, two dual-resonance antennas are
presented. The realized two antennas have bandwidths of
46.7% and 66.7% respectively with very compact sizes. The
isolation between two polarized ports are not affected, main-
taining a high level above 28 dB. Experimental results show
that radiation performances of the two antennas are stable
across entire operating bands. The wideband coverage, con-
sistent radiation performances, together with the compact and
FIGURE 17. HPBW and gain of the dual-polarized tightly-coupled multi-resonance
antenna. simple configurations make the two antennas highly suitable
to be used in base station applications.
TABLE 3. Comparison of antennas’ performances.

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18 VOLUME 1, 2020
HAI-HAN SUN received the bachelor’s Y. JAY GUO (F’14) received the bachelor’s
degree in electronic information engineer- and master’s degrees from Xidian University,
ing from the Beijing University of Posts and China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and
Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 2015, the Ph.D. degree from Xian Jiaotong University,
and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from the China, in 1987.
University of Technology Sydney, Australia, in He held various senior technology leader-
2019. She is currently a Research Fellow with the ship positions with Fujitsu, Siemens, and NEC,
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, U.K. In 2014, he served as the Director of
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. CSIRO over nine years. He is a Distinguished
Her research interests include the base station Professor and the Founding Director of the Global
antennas and the ground penetrating radar. Big Data Technologies Centre, University of
Technology Sydney, Australia. He has published over 460 research papers
including 250 journal papers, and holds 26 patents in antennas and wire-
less systems. His research interest includes antennas, mm-wave and THz
communications, and sensing systems as well as big data technologies.
CAN DING received the bachelor’s degree in micro- Dr. Guo has won a number of most prestigious Australian Engineering
electronics from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, Excellence Awards in 2007 and 2012, and the CSIRO Chairman’s Medal
in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree from Macquarie in 2007 and 2012, and was named one of the most influential engineers
University, Sydney, Australia, in 2015. in Australia in 2014 and 2015. He has chaired numerous international
From 2012 to 2015, he was under the cotutelle conferences and served as guest editor for a number of IEEE pub-
agreement between Macquarie University and lications. He is the Chair Elect of International Steering Committee
Xidian University. During this same period, he and International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. He was the
was also with Commonwealth Scientific and International Advisory Committee Chair of IEEE VTC2017, the General
Industrial Research Organisation DPaS Flagship, Chair of ISAP2015, iWAT2014, and WPMC2014, and the TPC Chair
Marsfield, Australia. From 2015 to 2017, he was of IEEE WCNC in 2010, and IEEE ISCIT in 2012 and 2007. He
an industrial-sponsored Post-Doctoral Research served as the Guest Editor of special issues on “Antennas for Satellite
Fellow with the Global Big Data Technologies Centre, University of Communications” and “Antennas and Propagation Aspects of 60-90
Technology Sydney, where he is currently a Lecturer. His research interest is GHz Wireless Communications,” both in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
in the area of base station antennas, reconfigurable antennas, phase shifters, ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, the Special Issue on “Communications
and fibres for wireless communication and sensing. Challenges and Dynamics for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles,” in the
Dr. Ding is a recipient of the Australia Research Council Distinguish IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, and the
Early Career Researcher Award Fellow in 2020. Special Issue on “5G for Mission Critical Machine Communications,” in
the IEEE Network Magazine. He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of
Engineering and Technology and IET, and he was a member of the College
of Experts of Australian Research Council from 2016 to 2018.

HE ZHU received the B.Sc. and M.Eng. degrees

from the South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou, China, and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
trical engineering from the School of ITEE,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
He is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
with the Global Big Data Technologies Centre,
University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
His research interests include development of
passive and tunable microwave and mm-wave
devices, radio frequency integrated circuits and
systems, and beam-forming networks for antenna arrays.

VOLUME 1, 2020 19

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