Ultrawideband Band-Notched Folded Strip Monopole Antenna: Tzyh-Ghuang Ma, Member, IEEE, and Sung-Jung Wu
Ultrawideband Band-Notched Folded Strip Monopole Antenna: Tzyh-Ghuang Ma, Member, IEEE, and Sung-Jung Wu
Ultrawideband Band-Notched Folded Strip Monopole Antenna: Tzyh-Ghuang Ma, Member, IEEE, and Sung-Jung Wu
Abstract—We propose a new band-notched folded strip low-noise amplifier (LNA) with respect to its noise, linearity,
monopole antenna for ultrawideband applications. This antenna and group delay variation [5]. The antenna in an UWB radio
is composed of a forked-shape radiator and a 50
Fig. 3. Measured radiation patterns at 4 and 8 GHz. (a) xy -plane. (b) xz -plane.
In this paper a new UWB microstrip-fed folded strip
where is the carrier frequency, is a normalized constant, monopole antenna has been proposed and discussed. This
and is the pulse duration parameter. The constants and antenna demonstrates ultra-wide impedance bandwidth along
are equal to 0.7 and 0.95 ns, respectively, for low band with a rejection band at the WLAN frequencies. The antenna
DS-UWB operation, and the carrier frequency is equal to 4.1 performance has been carefully investigated, and an equivalent
GHz. As for the pulse in high band DS-UWB, the parameters circuit model based on the resonance phenomenon of the folded
are equal to 2, and 0.375 ns, and 8.3 GHz, respectively. The strips has been proposed and verified. The antenna radiation
pulse spectrum, although not shown here for simplicity, fully characteristics and their associated transient responses have
comply with the FCC emission regulation. The power density also been examined in detail in terms of the normalized an-
spectrum of the pulse in (14) is obtained using a Fourier trans- tenna transfer functions of an individual antenna as well as
form, and then multiplied by the calculated transmission re- the transmission responses of a transceiving antenna system. It
sponses in (13). An inverse Fourier transform is then has been shown that the proposed antenna possesses consistent
performed to achieve the required transient response. The output radiation properties over the whole frequency band of interest.
waveform at the receiving antenna terminal can therefore be ex- Accordingly, this antenna is expected to find applications in
pressed by various UWB systems.
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