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Legacy of Wisdom Academy Dasmariñas Inc.: First Monthly Examination-Grade 12 Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

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Legacy of Wisdom Academy Dasmariñas Inc.

Golden City, Salawag, Dasmariñas City


Read each questions carefully. Select the best answer on the choices provided.

1. It is the study of relationships among people. 13. It refers to a system by which a society ranks
A. Anthropology C. Archaeology categories of people in a hierarchy.
B. Sociology D. Etymology A. Social Climber C. Social Change
2. It is the system by which a state or community is B. Social Science D. Social Stratification
controlled as to put order. 14. It is known as the holistic “science of man”, a
A. Political C. Government science of the totality of human existence.
B. Constituents D. System A. Anthropology C. Archaeology
3. It deals with the systems of government and the B. Sociology D. Etymology
analysis of political activity and political behavior. 15. A system that traces descent through the women
A. Public Policy C. International Relation of the clan.
B. Political Theory D. Political Science A. Matrilineal descent
4. The conceptions or ideas people have about what B. Patrilineal descent
is true in the environment around them like what is C. Bilateral descent
life, how to value it, and how one’s belief on the D. Unilineal descent
value of life relate with his or her interaction with 16. It is a kinship system in which an individual’s
others and the world. kin group, or clan membership, is traced through
A. Beliefs C. Language men.
B. Values D. Norms A. Matrilineal descent
5. It describes what is appropriate or inappropriate B. Bilateral descent
in a given society or what ought to be. C. Patrilineal descent
A. Beliefs C. Language D. Unilineal descent
B. Values D. Norms 17. The following are significance of studying
6. It is a shared set of spoken and written symbols. society except:
A. Beliefs C. Language A. Gives meaning to the importance of the self in
B. Values D. Norms relation to others.
7. It refers to specific rules/standards to guide B. Gives us with full understanding of how social
appropriate behavior. groups affect our thinking and behavior.
A. Beliefs C. Language C. Acknowledges the social constitutions shape
B. Values D. Norms and affect how we live our life.
8. Also known as customs, these are norms for D. Broadens our perspectives on how we value
everyday behavior that people follow for the sake of our own and other’s culture.
tradition or convenience 18. Eliza used to tease her newly transferred
A. Mores C. Taboos Mangyan classmate because of his kinky hair and
B. Law D. Folkways tanned skin. Which kind of cultural view has?
9. It is an organized political community living A. cultural relativism
under a single system of government B. ethnocentrism
C. culture
A. State C. Government
D. society
B. Society D. Culture
19. It encompasses all social aspects including our
10. A group of people involved in persistent
language, custom, values, norms, mores, education
interpersonal relationships, or a large social and others.
grouping sharing the same geographical or social A. society C. politics
territory, typically subject to the same political B. culture D.political science
authority and dominant cultural expectations. 20. The study of relationships among people.
A. State C. Government A. anthropology C. archaeology
B. Society D. Culture B. sociology D. etymology
21. It is the process by which an individual adopts
11. A person or practitioner who studies
the behavior patterns of the culture in which a
person is immersed.
A. Sociologist C. Anthropologist
A. socialization C. diffusion
B. Psychologist D. Archaeologist
B. enculturation D. invention
12. It refers to an alteration in the social order of a
22. How does anthropology differ from other social
sciences such as economics and sociology?
A. Social Science C. Social Change
B. Social Climber D. Social Stratification
A. Anthropology is holistic and integrative in its A. To prepare people for active and responsible
approach. civic engagement.
B. The other social sciences are holistic and B. To make people ethnocentric.
integrative in their approach. C. To change the way people view the world.
C. Anthropology is more important than the D. To provide people avenues for self-expression.
other social science. 31. Why is the study of anthropology important in
D. Anthropology tends ro specialize in the understanding culture and society?
workings of specific systems. A. It provides people opportunities to learn
23. Which of the following was not identified as a practical measures on how to live a productive
defining feature of culture. life.
A. Culture is shared. B. It makes people appreciate the sacrifices made
B. Culture is dynamic. by our national and local heroes.
C. Culture is plain. C. It gives people an avenue to know who they
D. Culture is transmitted. are as social beings and understands why they
24. Language is usually considered to be behave the way they do.
A. Systems of symbols that individuals utilize to D. It makes people aware of their stories of their
communicate. origin and whereabouts.
B. Medium of exchange. 32.What is the relationship between the sharing of
C. Illustrations used to represent a particular culture and its flexibility?
meaning. A. The sharing of culture with other people helps
D. Desirable and trans situational goals.
us understand the culture of others.
25. Cultural change can also occur through_______.
A. language and symbols B. We should choose who we share our culture
B. physical attributes with because they can easily adapt it.
C. transnationalism C. The flexibility of our culture depends on who
D. discovery we interact with.
26.The process that enables a culture to maintain D. The more we share our culture with other
equilibrium despite fluctuations in their culture is people, the more it becomes flexible and
known as _______.
A. ethnocentrism
B. cultural integration 33. As students, what can you do to help preserve
C. egocentrism our culture and traditions?
D. Apartheid A. I will copy the culture of others like what
27. Political dynasty is a process of making decision those Korean artists do.
applying to all members of each group. B. I will continue to learn more about our
A. True, because the decision of few people culture and continue to practice it and influence
others to do the same.
B. False, because political dynasty does not exist.
C. True, because political dynasty affects all the C. I don’t care at all; culture does not matter to
members of the group. me.
D. False, because it only focuses on oneself. D. I can’t do anything about it. I have lots of
28. This can be anything that carries a meaning and things to do.
represents something else. 34.Who is the primary agent of socialization?
A. Value C. Symbol A. barkada C. family
B. Law D. Culture B. teacher D. priest
29. Bella is a member of Rizalista while her friend, 35. What is socialization?
Delia, is a Catholic. Sometimes while doing their A. studying other culture
task in Delia’s house, Bella makes fun that B. sharing different cultures
Catholics have images of saints in their houses. C. learning and acquiring culture
What should Delia do about this problem? D. adapting and rejecting different cultures
A. Delia should stop being friends with Bella. 36. What is the function and importance of language
B. Delia should talk to Bella to explain their in our culture?
religious differences A. Language is an essential part of our culture
C. Delia should retaliate by making fun of because it is a tool that we can use to preserve or
Bella’s religion. transfer our culture.
D. Do nothing. Anne will eventually stop B. Language is a fundamental element of a social
laughing about it. being: therefore, it is a tool that we can use to
30. What is the benefit of having knowledge on the communicate with other people.
study of society, culture, and politics? C. It is used to express our emotions.
D. Is a medium of instructions: it can be specific number of years. Why are these
expressed verbally or non-verbally. prerequisites important?
37. When Carlo visited a secluded area in A. To have good knowledge of the country’s
Mindanao, he was surprised to witness animal current situation and challenges.
sacrifices of the natives. He, however, saw and B. To have good understanding of the people’s
analyzed the ritual as unique to their culture and
needs, including their history and culture.
was done to appease their god. What was
manifested through the act of Carlo? C. To have considerable knowledge of the
A. xenocentrism C. bias officials in different departments, bureaus, and
B. ethnocentrism D.cultural relativism agencies.
38. It is the tendency to use one’s culture as a D. both a and b.
standard against which to judge other people’s 48. What is the idea that one’s own culture is above
cultures. or superior to all others?
A. ethnocentrism C. bias A. xenocentrism C. ethnocentrism
B. xenocentrism D. cultural relativism
B. bias D. cultural relativism
49. What helps us understands politics, political
39.What refers to social, cultural, and psychological
characteristics or traits related to males and females institutions and behavior, public policy, and
based on certain social contexts? philosophical concepts, such as justice, equality,
A. gender C. gender roles fairness, and liberty?
B. sex D. sex roles A. history C. political science
40. What is the set of behaviors that the society B. sociology D. anthropology
expects from a person based on his/her sex? 50. What is society according to sociological
A. gender roles C. biological norms
B. sex roles D. behaviorism
A. It is a shared beliefs and values of residents in
41. Women are capable of child bearing based on
a certain territory.
what concept?
A. sexuality C. biology B. It is the community of individuals building
B. sex D. gender architecture and creating work of arts.
42. Amy wants to be an engineer when she grows C. It is the people interacting with one another to
up. When she was younger, she used to play with create a culture.
her brother’s toy robots and cars. Her mother, D. It is a group of people working on attaining
however, told her that she can only play with dolls one’s personal desires.
because she is a girl. Which among the following
51. Why should people avoid ethnocentric
concepts apply in this situation?
A. gender role C. social roles behavior?
B. sex role D. sex discrimination A. to make the world more peaceful
43. what is the movement of people or families B. to involve people in the affairs of the state
within or between levels in the society? C. to make society function as catalyst of change
A. social class C. social stratification D. to make people of the society recognize and
B. social mobility D. social status respect differences.
44. What is the category of people with shared 52. The total assimilation of culture as manifested
cultural attributes? by change of worldviews, attitudes, behaviors, and
A. gender C. culture perspectives of looking change.
B. race D. ethnicity A. diffusion C. integration
45.What do you call the person’s instinctive B. enculturation D. acculturation
membership to a specific nation? 53. The spread of culture traits from one group to
A. race C. citizenship another.
B. ethnicity D. nationality A. diffusion C. integration
46. This emphasizes a particular group of people. A B. enculturation D. acculturation
large aggregate of people united by common 55. It pertains to the alteration in the organization of
descent, history, culture, language, and economic
the society.
A. nation C. citizenship A. cultural change
B. nationality D. country B. social change
47. Politicians running for national positions in the C. political change
Philippines should be Filipino citizens. The law also D. biological change
requires them to be residents of the country for 56. This is the differences that takes many forms
among societies, one of which is religion.
A. cultural integration
B. cultural variation
C. societal diversity
D. societal integration

7.Which statement is true?a. Women were

relegated to doing household chores in the
pre-colonial period.b.Women were not
allowed to study and hold important positions
in society duringthe pre-colonial period.c.
Women enjoyed equal rights and status as
men in the pre-colonial period.d. Women
enjoyed equal rights and status as men in the
colonial period.________8.Andrea wants to be
an engineer when she grows up. When she
wasyounger, she used to play with her
brother’s toy robots and cars. Her
mother,however, told her that she can only
play with dolls because she is a girl.Which
among the following concepts apply in this
situation?a. gender roleb. sex rolec. sex
discriminationd. social
roles________9.Patrick is being bullied in
school for being more feminine than other
boyshis age. His classmates tell him that boys
should not act like girls because it is what
isexpected by society.What is shown in this
situation?a. Society dictates how one should
act based on their sexual preference.b. Gender
roles are followed by everyone in society.c.
Gender roles do not dictate who a person is.d.
Society dictates how a person should act based
on being male or female.________10.Why is
gender discrimination a problem in society?a.
because members of other genders believe
they are superior to othersb. because members
of other genders are given the same
opportunities as othersc. because men should
always be the leaders of societyd. because
women should always be the leaders of

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